#put all the mlp tags there cause this IS an MLP name
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your-average-art-dealer · 1 year ago
Since the general consensus on Edward's pony name being PinePike (Thinking of changing it to PikePine cause that rolls off the tongue better? idk I'm stiff Iffy) and Max still doesn't have a set name yet between any of the options- we are doing a Poll for Max's name.
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gaddaboutgriffon · 22 days ago
Went almost two months without doing art, and listening to my choir director’s 5 year daughter talk about her My Little Pony toys got the spark going for a bit. Then again I was a gen 1 and gen 4 fan. We’ll see how far this goes. Maybe I’ll make a custom coloring book for her.
Anyway to the art.
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Now to explain the names. Well not the pony’s names but the species.
I always thought that calling the regular ones earth ponies was unimaginative and even a little disrespectful. So I changed the design to make them the biggest, gave them gem hooves, rock and earth powers, and Named them Claysdales.
Yeah same situation with Bat ponies. But the name was harder. Can’t call them thestrals cause I am pretty sure that is copyrighted. I was stumped until I put two random bits of information together. 1 Pegasus was originally the name of one individual winged horse and became a species name over time. 2 cavalum is the name of a bat winged horse in Portuguese mythology. If it worked once it works here. So now I named my batty ponies of the night Cavalum, and gave them sonar, night vision, the ability to control shadows and even travel through them, and dream walking.
Pegasi don’t change too much other then the mane and tail now being made of feathers. They of course walk on clouds and have wind and air magic and are very fast.
Unicorns I changed to be smaller and slimmer, almost deer like compared with the other pony species. And gave them the classic lion or ox tail seen in medieval art. Males will have a beard. Their powers include levitation, teleportation, and general magic which lets them mimic other creatures powers but at a lower strength level. Basically if it isn’t the first two they are a Jack of all trades and master of none.
The Chitiny
. Ok they are a mix of the flutter ponies in gen 1 and the changelings in gen 4 design wise, But still really different in the lore I am developing. The name comes from the words Chitin (what bug exoskeletons are made of) and Tiny, cause they are the smallest type of pony, standing at about a foot tall (fyi the claysdales range about five to six feet tall at the shoulder
. Yes I’m American). The antennas let them communicate with other Chitiny and people they have built a bond with telepathically. They can lift several times their weight (like ants and bees) they can make silk, honey, wax, royal jelly, and a sticky slime. Of and cling/crawl on walls. Yes they live in hives. Rosy Maple is from the Lepidop hive ruled by queen Luna and king Atlas.
Zebras I never understood why they weren’t used more in MLP. Anyway I wanted to give them a wild nature theme and am giving them powers to make plants grow faster and even move, and if you don’t think that is impressive let me just point out when the trees woke up in Narnia Prince Caspian. I will never get the image of tree roots dragging that one guy underground out of my head. Oh they can also understand animals.
Ok tagging people who I think will enjoy this. @artstaeus3600 @bianca-hooks123 @confusedshades @emacrow @hubedihubbe @kizzer55555 @pinkiemachine @tigertaurus22
Ooops quick edit. This isn’t all the pony species I thought up but was what I had time to draw. We still have the Kirin, the Kelpies, the alicorns and one I made up called the Najor. And about 11 other non-pony species that make up this world’s inhabitants. So there will be updates.
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chipmunkweirdo · 8 months ago
hii, idk if u take requests but if u do, what are ur chipmunks (just Alvin Simon and Theodore) headcanons??
I do take requests! You’re in luck! Thank you for messaging me!
Oooh boy, I have SOOOO many headcanons for them. Let me copy and paste the list I made that used to be on my Twitter.
Simon secretly loves going on adventures, but as “the responsible one” he’s expected to be the killjoy. Sometimes, he’ll let Alvin go through with a scheme and tag along on the adventure without telling an authority figure. You only live once.
He tends to be crazy prepared for any situation that could possibly be thrown at him. This includes government spies. He even built an underground tunnel system underneath his house and his family uses it to hide out when the situation calls for it.
His memory is incredible and allows him to memorize lists of facts and statistics.
Because of his good memory, he holds grudges for a long time. He will make you pay for that time that you wronged him even if you forgot what you did or said and have since moved on.
The power of his mind is so important to him that he tends to forget it’s not the only thing that defines his character. He fears Alvin becoming smarter than him.
Simon wants to protect people and keep them safe. As a result, he often violates their rights to privacy in the name of safety. Good examples would be putting tracking devices on every bike in the neighborhood and putting a tracking device in Alvin’s cap.
He can’t figure out how to make anything he cooks taste good. This irritates him because he strives to learn all the useful skills he can and this one is no exception. He really doesn’t appreciate all Alvin’s jokes about his meals causing “Simon-ella” poisoning.
(Then the show implied Simon was a god tier cook better than Theo in season 5. I didn’t love that episode.)
He enjoys watching The Big Bang Theory and feels like he can relate to Leonard. He also deals with an annoying egotistical roommate. (Alvin) Now that Alvin is 2.0, he sees even more of Alvin in Sheldon. He teases Alvin sometimes by calling him “Shelvin.”
Although he has a soft spot for sitcoms and sci fi, he prefers non-fiction to fiction.
His favorite non-fiction shows are anything on the science network or the discovery channel. His favorite non-fiction books are encyclopedias and anything science related.
When Dave tells him an invention or experiment is too dangerous, he does it anyway. He disobeys Dave in his pursuit of knowledge and Alvin disobeys Dave in his pursuit of a fun time. However, Simon believes that he’s in the right and Alvin is in the wrong.
He’s a hypocrite.
It irks him that he can no longer be snide or passive aggressive without Alvin 2.0 eventually realizing it.
He’s so farsighted that he’s basically blind without his glasses. He finds glasses to be a nuisance sometimes, but is accustomed to wearing them and prefers them to contacts. Besides, they are a big part of his casual look.
Simon is a closeted brony. He watched My Little Pony with Jeanette once and became a Twilight Sparkle fan. He is deeply embarrassed by his love for the show because he thinks no one will take a scientist who loves MLP seriously.
Simon does not possess a lot of lower body strength. His strength is the opposite of Alvin’s, concentrated mostly in his upper body. He’s gotten pretty strong from lifting power drills, chainsaws, heavy metal robot parts, and stuff.
He can beat Alvin 2.0 in an arm wrestle.
Simon enjoys basketball and plays it quite frequently in his spare time. He joined the basketball team once, but then he couldn’t handle the peer pressure and switched to a basketball club instead.
Theodore eats more whenever he’s feeling stressed, but if he’s really feeling angry or depressed, he won’t eat as much....if at all. If he says “I’m not hungry.” You know he’s in a bad place.
He’s gotten over his fear of one clown. However, he still has nightmares about being chased by a pack of clowns sometimes. He also has nightmares about disappointing Dave and being stuck in a box.
He loves to cook for people. He enjoys helping Eleanor most, but he will still cook by himself, provided Dave allows him to use the kitchen.
He likes to be the one to make refreshments for school events. This can get overwhelming, but Eleanor helps him cope with the stress.
His naive and young demeanor helps to shield him from Alvin and Simon’s fighting.
Talking Teddy is his favorite show because it’s a distraction from all the pain and suffering in the world. He lives in a figurative little bubble and he chooses what he lets in and out.
Although he hates dealing with real drama, fake drama on TV is a-okay in his book. He enjoys watching Spanish soap operas and uses them to practice his Spanish.
Theodore is a part of the school drama club as well. He likes showing off his range as an actor.
Alvin’s change hasn’t affected him as much as it affected Simon. Unfortunately, Alvin has gotten really wordy and hard to understand. Theodore is occasionally forced to look up words in the dictionary if he wishes to have any idea what Alvin and Simon are talking about.
When Brittany needs someone to help her finish all the extra duties for the principal, Theodore steps in to help. His need to stretch himself and help as many people as possible sometimes causes him to burn out. He needs to learn that sometimes it’s okay to say “I’m busy.”
To prove how he’s matured since the events of the Alvinnn pilot, Theodore now has access to the keyboard Simon tricked out for Talking Teddy. He frequently types in responses and pretends Teddy is talking to him, even though he knows he’s just talking to himself. It doesn’t hurt to pretend if it’s a coping mechanism.
His love for Talking Teddy boarders on obsession at times. He’s gone to the live show, owns the videogame, has a huge DVD collection, has seen all 4 movies, and owns more than one Talking Teddy doll. Teddy, backup Teddy, and mini Teddy the backpack clip, to name a few.
More mature Theodore does have a bit more of a backbone than his alternate universe counterparts. He gets second and even third opinions before agreeing to certain things. He’s even started developing an ability to sense if a situation is “fishy” or legit.
He’s extremely proud of his musical skills and especially his drumming skills. He’s always begging Dave to add drum solos to songs so he can show off his skills. Alvin and Simon get their guitar and bass solos. He wants his time to shine too.
He knows a large number of dances and he’s even invented his own dance moves. He likes freestyling the best. When the boys took ballet, he picked up on the skill faster than Simon and Alvin. It helped that Eleanor encouraged him in a nicer way than she did the other boys.
Sometimes Theodore pushes the limits of what his cuteness can do, such as scoring free candy by making puppy dog eyes. In addition, Alvin uses him as a secret weapon to bring out the inner goodness in people.
Theodore hates being thought of as stupid and naive. He doesn’t want to be a “genius” like his brothers though. He’d like to be thought of as a person with average intelligence. And he especially wants to prove to Officer Dangus that he’s not dumb.
Theodore’s habit of sensing things more strongly than other people is one of the reasons that he almost always notices Eleanor.
His five senses are very in tune with the world around him, especially his senses of smell of taste. Sight’s better than his brothers’ obviously. Both of them wear glasses and he doesn’t need glasses.
Alvin was a closeted nerd, but as Alvin 2.0 he’s connected more with that side of himself. He’s still getting used to the way it’s changed how people react to him.
He’s an excellent artist, even though he failed art class 3 times for not following directions. He drew comics and did his own projects instead of actually doing the assignments. “What? I’m making art, right? And this is art class....so I should get an A.”
Alvin is a tetrachromat, meaning he possesses 4 different types of vision cones for processing color. He can tell apart even the most subtle color variations. This is why he gets so picky about describing colors.
He is ambidextrous. He can do things equally well with both his right and left hands. He was originally right handed, but he broke his arm and had to learn how to function with his left. When his arm healed, he started using both and has continued the trend ever since.
He’s very absent-minded and puts sticky note reminders all over to help him remember important things. He also has a bunch of reminders programmed into his phone.
When he really needs to focus, he leaves his phone and his videogames in another room, so they won’t distract him.
He’s physically weak in his upper body and most of his strength is concentrated in his lower body. His legs can move faster than all of the other Chipmunks’ and Chipettes’. He excels in any sport or activity that requires running quickly.
He likes academic subjects, but that doesn’t mean he’s thrilled with the idea of school. He’d rather learn the subjects on his own. Teachers have ridiculously high expectations of him and there’s students who bully him. It’s tough.
He has ONE teacher who understands him and makes school tolerable. It’s that very same teacher that helped him discover his interest in physics. He takes an advanced placement class for no reason other than to be able to see this amazing teacher named Dr. Wilson almost every day.
He’s an honorary member of the Mathletes. He sometimes attends meetings if he isn’t busy. His codename is “Al-gebrainiac.” (This will make more sense if you’ve see the season 2 episode called Members Only)
He likes meeting new people and is very sociable. The change didn’t affect his extroverted tendencies. Sometimes his sociableness gets him in trouble.
He has a tendency to get involved in dangerous and risky situations when his curiosity kicks in.
Beneath all his new traits, he’s still got a wild side. He will always try to justify his rebellious actions with a logical reason, but it’s kind of obvious the actual reason is “he wanted to have fun.”
Ever since his transition, he hasn’t been keeping up his looks as much. (Though he is still somewhat vain and sometimes concerned with his appearance) He stops putting gel in his hair on occasion, which causes it to do whatever it wants. His messy unkempt and appropriately named “Einstein hair” gives him a sort of absent minded professor vibe.
He both loves and fears meeting new Alvins from the multiverse. He’s interested to meet them and make conversation, but he fears they won’t see past his nerdy exterior and big vocabulary.
Due to his tendency to talk a lot for long periods of time barely stopping to breathe, Alvin suffers from severe dry mouth. This may also be why his speaking voice has a noticeable raspier and older sound to it than the voices of his alternate counterparts.
And there you have it! My headcanons for the boys!
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appleblocks · 5 months ago
My good friend Fantom made me realize that like,,, yall probably have no idea what is going on in my au at all
And I apologize for that! I get so involved in my own mind that I forget to actually make informational posts
So below I'm writing some info about my au and the characters in them!! :D Focusing on the 'main cast' which are the protags of my fic Fresh Life!
and also I will touch upon the recent shiping ive been doing of the characters
As for my other au, it kinda stems from that first one, but it is a Next Generation AU. I'm currently writing a fic for it, and the premise of the au as a whole is quite simple: the (mostly) cannonical kids of the hermits and lifers grown up and having their own adventures! <3 I'm a sucker for Next Gen aus, and this adoration started back in my MLP days lmao The au follows Hermes (Empires 2), Tiny Tom (Empires 2), Grumbot (HC 7), Jrumbot (HC7), and Jeremy Jr. (SOS smp) in their lives as young adults, exploring their friendships and their familial relationships, and my fic Fresh Life (name derived from the term Fresh Meat) follows them experiencing their first Life Series together, with the return of the Boogeyman and a new Canary :3 I'm currently writing Chapter 1 and I'm writing it in 'Sessions', so each chapter will be the span of 1 mc session, roughly. I have multiple tags for this but the main ones are #next gen au and #project fresh life!
Description from a previous ask ^^^
This au and fic (and future Empires based fic) follows the many fictional kids of the lifers, hermits, and emperors of the MCYT sphere I watch and fin entertaining, but I've adapted them so much to what I wanted that they very much like ocs to me ;w; but it feels weird to make them fully ocs because of how connected to the original world and characters they are in my mind and it makes me really sad to let go of all that to make them ocs of some kind.
I didn't inicially intend to ship any of them, cause I thought people would think I'm weird, and some probably do think that. But I'm doing it in the sense of character exploration, and imagining how they would act and feel in deeper connections and relationships (non romantic term)
Hermes and Grumbot to me are genuinely good friends, even best friends. Of course Hermes and Tom also are best friends, but that stems from the fact that they're siblings through Joel.
Hermes and Grumbot, to me, have a lot more possibility for a deeper connection than Jrumbot and Tom, because honestly Jrumbot and Tom know each other more because their brothers are friends than anything else, and so I started gravitating towards Hermes and Grumbot's friendship and relationship a lot more.
They are all friends and hang out whenever, along with the other characters that I haven't posted much about yet like Hillary, Jonn, Mandy Mane, etc. (but I will post about those more eventually)
They all care very much about each other, but to me Grumbot and Hermes in this AU are a lot closer than others. Hermes doesn't expect anything from Grumbot in the way that others might, so Grumbot is able to feel a lot less stress and relax a lot more around him. ( <- this is derived from the fact he was made with a purpose and then stored away when his efforts failed ) And Grumbot is very protective, in his own way, even if he's mean and murdery in the Life Series context he could and would drop everything to protect Hermes and the people he cares about.
I'm mostly just defending my character exploration now but yeah TwT it's late and idk what to do but I wanted to maybe clear some things up and provide some more insight into things
Also, for those that remember me saying Grumbot is aroace, that still applies!!!! I'm very much putting my own experience of aroaceness onto him and his deeper connection with Hermes does not negate that! I'm in a relationship too rn and I still identify as aroace, it's a spectrum, so i hope thats okay ;w;
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krowlitheking · 10 months ago
For Anyone Who Is Using/Want to Use Bluesky (or Just Want to View My Post)
Heddo Everyone! I have finally posted to this blog after being away for oh so long. Did ya miss me? *crickets* 
 Yeah I missed you guys too
But anyways, I wanted to have a post for my hashtags, tips and tricks and how to grow on Bluesky and shit. I don’t know, I thought it would be good at the time so I was like, why not. Yes this will be edited as needed over time cause BlueSky is always changing and I usually TRY to keep up to date but I have some information from sites and videos that I watched that could help.
I’m also might post my other notes that I have with other social media here. If you like that, let me know here:
But, anyways. ON TO THE SHOW.
H A S H T A G S:
Here are a list of hashtags from highly used to least. I won’t put all of them cause there is a shit ton of tags. So if you want to see them all, here. Just be careful cause it tends to freeze up Safari if you open the link. I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max (weird flex) and it still can’t properly open and see all the hashtags. So what I did, I tapped the ( . . . ) on the website as fast as I can when I see it and download the text file of the Hashtags list.
Why is the website loading slow? It’s cause this website generates ALL the HASHTAGS each and every 30 minutes in the past 30 days. So it’s really chugging. But if you want to view on your computer, tablet, or on Firefox or Chrome (I haven’t tried the Chrome app but I’m sure it will work too) it will be a lot easier than viewing on Safari.
Link: GitHub
P.S: When you download the link you might want to download Documents to view it. Or any other Document services that opens .JSON files. I find Documents work perfectly for me. So I don’t know about others . . .
This is from the top of the list to where they have at least 100 Posts on the subject.
System it’s In:
Hashtag Name - How Many Posts Does It Have
(Having a difficulty on colorizing this part so forgive me =o=.. )
"#art": 31687,
"#furryart": 21517,
"#furry": 20375,
"#nsfw": 12831,
"#1": 4572,
"#ListenToBlackVoices": 4341,
"#fursuit": 3950,
"#FogosPT": 3921,
"#ttrpg": 3378,
"#digitalart": 3361,
"#writingcommunity": 2994,
"#FursuitFriday": 2993,
"#RedSox": 2579,
"#oc": 2571,
"#2": 2419,
"#photography": 2176,
"#fanart": 2126,
"#dnd": 2119,
"#vtuber": 2001,
"#illustration": 1916,
"#COYBIG": 1831,
"#comics": 1773,
"#furconai": 1743,
"#history": 1740,
"#authors": 1570,
"#bluesky": 1547,
"#FFXIV": 1488,
"#pokemon": 1461,
"#skylog": 1436,
"#generative": 1431,
"#ProceduralArt": 1430,
"#fiction": 1426,
"#author": 1402,
"#music": 1382,
"#memes": 1365,
"#romancelandia": 1354,
"#poetry": 1348,
"#followme": 1344,
"#NowPlaying": 1339,
"#artist": 1332,
"#aiart": 1312,
"#Anime": 1311,
"#gamedev": 1306,
"#twitch": 1282,
"#fact": 1277,
"#anthro": 1268,
"#3": 1267,
"#beliveitornot": 1254,
"#pixiv": 1210,
"#commsopen": 1204,
"#haiku": 1203,
"#furryfandom": 1177,
"#fantasy": 1175,
"#furryartist": 1169,
"#wip": 1154,
"#F1": 1143,
"#MLB": 1142,
"#BaldursGate3": 1132,
"#pixelart": 1129,
"#Ukraine": 1124,
"#commission": 1088,
"#mlp": 1074,
"#sketch": 1054,
"#writing": 1020,
"#amwriting": 1008,
"#books": 976,
"#FIFAWWC": 961,
"#dragon": 948,
"#horror": 921,
"#COVID19": 918,
"#birds": 912,
"#n575": 882,
"#drawing": 880,
"#WarriorNun": 865,
"#nsfwart": 845,
"#originalcharacter": 842,
"#comic": 827,
"#Aiwanger": 811,
"#furrylive": 808,
"#CovidIsNotOver": 798,
"#Israel": 794,
"#AI": 788,
"#4": 783,
"#WarriorNunSaved": 769,
"#StarTrek": 760,
"#BB25": 755,
"#myart": 750,
"#InverteFest": 748,
"#cats": 732,
"#fursona": 732,
"#Starfield": 726,
"#NowWatching": 719,
"#Ahsoka": 707,
"#filmsky": 701,
"#bg3": 699,
"#MeinSongDesTages": 699,
"#StarWars": 698,
"#artwork": 696,
"#WWC": 687,
"#sfw": 684,
"#gay": 673,
"#furrynsfw": 670,
"#FF": 664,
"#french": 649,
"#birdbot": 647,
"#Russia": 641,
"#FF14": 628,
"#auspol": 625,
"#vrchat": 623,
"#CFC": 623,
"#ufo": 621,
"#EduSky": 620,
"#ENVtuber": 604,
"#CPTM": 604,
"#RPGaDay2023": 600,
"#5": 595,
"#transfur": 595,
"#gaming": 594,
"#supportartists": 592,
"#kleineKunstklasse": 592,
"#MetroSP": 591,
"#Caturday": 587,
"#AEWAllIn": 584,
"#Sports": 583,
"#midjourney": 579,
"#cat": 573,
"#BREAKING": 571,
"#furries": 570,
"#webcomic": 567,
"#Astros": 566,
"#podcast": 559,
"#MVP": 550,
"#2005": 547,
"#helluvaboss": 546,
"#MusicChallenge": 542,
"#scifi": 541,
"#crypto": 532,
"#kidlit": 527,
"#LongCovid": 527,
"#AEW": 523,
"#kidlitchat": 523,
"#ViaMobilidade": 514,
"#SonicTheHedgehog": 511,
"#photo": 505,
"#AdamDriver": 501,
"#AcademicSky": 497,
"#furryartwork": 490,
"#reylo": 488,
"#Iran": 481,
"#amediting": 481,
"#ocart": 472,
"#UPDATE": 464,
"#MinCup23": 462,
"#SecondLife": 455,
"#indiedev": 455,
"#nature": 454,
"#commissions": 452,
"#Covid": 451,
"#murrsuit": 448,
"#commissionsopen": 444,
"#SciArt": 443,
"#RetirezMoiPhotoshop": 438,
"#dungeonsanddragons": 432,
"#characterdesign": 428,
"#writers": 426,
"#MECFS": 424,
"#Marvel": 423,
"#transformers": 423,
"#trans": 422,
"#bkdk": 420,
"#scriptsky": 419,
"#goodfirstissue": 418,
"#OnePiece": 413,
"#MilkTeaAlliance": 412,
"#driveinmob": 412,
"#adsb": 407,
"#healthnews": 406,
"#GWT": 406,
"#EDXW": 406,
"#fcf": 405,
"#cartoon": 404,
"#latex": 403,
"#painting": 401,
"#Transformation": 399,
"#CovidIsAirborne": 396,
"#vss365": 396,
"#cuteart": 391,
"#AddGardener": 389,
"#furrycommunity": 387,
"#F1jp": 387,
"#procreate": 384,
"#boardgames": 384,
"#indiegame": 384,
"#hazbinhotel": 382,
"#Twitter": 380,
"#femboy": 380,
"#bara": 380,
"#twitchpartner": 379,
"#USOpen": 376,
"#traditionalart": 375,
"#GoodOmens": 374,
"#witchsky": 368,
"#webcomics": 364,
"#ofmd": 363,
"#rpg": 361,
"#maprotation": 360,
"#goinglive": 360,
"#YouTube": 359,
"#ViaQuatro": 358,
"#watercolor": 358,
"#tfeveryday": 356,
"#food": 355,
"#partner": 355,
"#metazooa": 355,
"#6": 354,
"#microbiology": 353,
"#OTD": 352,
"#Yankees": 352,
"#travel": 351,
"#dndart": 350,
"#sff": 349,
"#blockchain": 348,
"#LateNightWrite": 348,
"#fantasyart": 347,
"#Nationals": 346,
"#dnd5e": 344,
"#lgbtq": 344,
"#manga": 343,
"#writer": 339,
"#swordtember": 339,
"#yiff": 337,
"#GOPDebate": 337,
"#indie": 336,
"#pupplay": 332,
"#cosplay": 330,
"#fursuiter": 329,
"#WarriorNunTrilogy": 325,
"#reading": 324,
"#vore": 322,
"#JavaScript": 321,
"#cute": 319,
"#scicomm": 319,
"#web3": 317,
"#disability": 316,
"#AEWDynamite": 313,
"#retrogaming": 310,
"#dog": 309,
"#tbt": 306,
"#fursuitmaker": 303,
"#destiny2": 302,
"#hotosm": 302,
"#FuruhashiLab": 302,
"#anthroart": 301,
"#DRONEBIRD": 301,
"#abdl": 300,
"#3D": 300,
"#stablediffusion": 299,
"#ViolencesPolicieres": 299,
"#bnha": 296,
"#fox": 296,
"#whistpr": 294,
"#ad": 292,
"#TFTuesday": 291,
"#cybersecurity": 290,
"#musique": 287,
"#philsky": 286,
"#science": 286,
"#dorakokonow": 286,
"#werewolf": 284,
"#design": 283,
"#kidlitart": 282,
"#destiny2art": 282,
"#blueLZ": 282,
"#Trump": 281,
"#mtg": 280,
"#7": 279,
"#nba": 279,
"#TeamVorsicht": 279,
"#digimon": 278,
"#ocs": 278,
"#cfb": 277,
"#Dodgers": 276,
"#snx": 275,
"#AuGhost": 274,
"#Swarm_to_Bluesky": 274,
"#Worldle": 273,
"#bblf": 272,
"#mha": 271,
"#bird": 271,
"#Royals": 268,
"#rpilocatorPI4": 267,
"#genshinimpact": 267,
"#Apple": 267,
"#FoodSky": 267,
"#Oregon": 265,
"#FantasyHockey": 264,
"#MutualAid": 263,
"#YouthMappersAGU": 263,
"#mylittlepony": 262,
"#SimHockey": 262,
"#FakeHockey": 262,
"#SimulatedHockey": 262,
"#doodle": 261,
"#WarhammerCommunity": 261,
"#reyloart": 261,
"#XBox": 260,
"#defi": 259,
"#news": 259,
"#NintendoSwitch": 259,
"#ych": 258,
"#WynonnaEarp": 257,
"#DoctorWho": 256,
"#ufosky": 256,
"#comicbooks": 256,
"#HamOnt": 255,
"#LicensePlate": 254,
"#FontBracket": 254,
"#flash": 252,
"#wolf": 251,
"#VanityPlate": 250,
"#OregonPlates": 250,
"#CustomPlate": 250,
"#videogames": 249,
"#vinyl": 248,
"#mastodon": 247,
"#Pathfinder2e": 246,
"#catsofbluesky": 246,
"#CrisisMappersJAPAN": 246,
"#8": 245,
"#neuroscience": 245,
"#PsychSciSky": 244,
"#live": 244,
"#totp": 244,
"#amreading": 243,
"#dogs": 242,
"#halloween": 242,
"#evolution": 242,
"#NCBD": 241,
"#UAP": 241,
"#saude": 241,
"#reylofic": 240,
"#AuGhost2023": 239,
"#meme": 239,
"#invertebrates": 239,
"#hashtags": 239,
"#China": 239,
"#digital": 238,
"#Hannibal": 236,
"#UkrainianView": 236,
"#Barbie": 234,
"#Tradle": 234,
"#MaskUp": 233,
"#film": 232,
"#SARSCoV2": 232,
"#NFL": 231,
"#EF27": 230,
"#DutchGP": 230,
"#Linux": 229,
"#Japan": 229,
"#bvm": 228,
"#poem": 228,
"#LesFatalsPicsart": 228,
"#DrunkPete": 226,
"#UFOs": 226,
"#movies": 225,
"#tvseries": 225,
"#mentalhealth": 225,
"#warcraft": 225,
"#WGAStrong": 224,
"#Wordle": 224,
"#sonic": 224,
"#Tennis": 224,
"#note": 223,
"#SoundCloud": 223,
"#Eurofurence": 223,
"#nintendo": 222,
"#monster": 222,
"#100HorrorMoviesin92Days": 221,
"#rubberfur": 221,
"#climatechange": 220,
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"#DFHL": 220,
"#gayart": 219,
"#warhammer": 219,
"#fe3h": 219,
"#artshop": 219,
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"#France": 218,
"#portrait": 217,
"#mpotd": 217,
"#space": 216,
"#criticalrole": 216,
"#cdrama": 216,
"#UFObluesky": 216,
"#EndUAPsecrecy": 214,
"#paws": 213,
"#RPGaDay": 213,
"#cardsky": 213,
"#HorrorWritersChat": 212,
"#blessed": 212,
"#UAPtransparency": 212,
"#Paris": 211,
"#urbanism": 210,
"#MAX": 210,
"#dccomics": 210,
"#digitalpainting": 210,
"#Disney": 210,
"#animation": 209,
"#PunBard": 209,
"#amazonpsas": 209,
"#kickstarter": 208,
"#Earthquake": 207,
"#conceptart": 206,
"#np": 206,
"#Fallout76": 205,
"#twitchstreamer": 205,
"#9": 204,
"#digitalartist": 204,
"#sketchbook": 203,
"#ADHD": 203,
"#DragonCon": 202,
"#blender": 201,
"#streamer": 201,
"#Fallout": 199,
"#10": 199,
"#philsci": 197,
"#ukrart": 197,
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"#fnaf": 196,
"#Tuftpostbot": 196,
"#genealogy": 195,
"#kawaiiart": 194,
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"#dtv": 194,
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"#VtuberEN": 191,
"#fursale": 191,
"#ThrowbackThursday": 191,
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"#langsky": 190,
"#BlueBeetle": 190,
"#criticalrolefanart": 189,
"#MiddleGrade": 189,
"#AFPSports": 188,
"#doggust": 187,
"#Heardle": 187,
"#trigun": 187,
"#bakudeku": 186,
"#Netflix": 185,
"#pathfinder": 185,
"#transgender": 185,
"#ban": 185,
"#denfur": 185,
"#TummyTuesday": 185,
"#neuroskyence": 184,
"#MasterChefBR": 184,
"#HHN": 184,
"#Pseudomonas": 184,
"#gardening": 183,
"#FO76": 182,
"#chibi": 182,
"#streetphotography": 182,
"#sizesky": 182,
"#Splatoon3": 182,
"#ItalianGP": 182,
"#Swordtember2023": 182,
"#TTRPGs": 181,
"#AfD": 181,
"#FilmPhotography": 178,
"#sdxl": 177,
"#splatoon": 177,
"#NoAfD": 177,
"#grogsquad": 177,
"#splatnet3": 176,
"#retro": 176,
"#darkart": 176,
"#brunopowrozniklives": 176,
"#ActuallyAutistic": 175,
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"#G20India": 175,
"#actualplay": 174,
"#Idalia": 174,
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"#11": 173,
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"#RIP": 172,
"#ink": 172,
"#DogsOfBlueSky": 172,
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"#SaudiArabia": 171,
"#Gamescom": 171,
"#unban": 170,
"#LFC": 169,
"#OnThisDay": 169,
"#queer": 169,
"#BestOfNewskies": 169,
"#macro": 168,
"#dragons": 168,
"#artistsupport": 168,
"#fatfur": 168,
"#COYS": 168,
"#LaborDay": 168,
"#ffxivart": 167,
"#b3d": 167,
"#review": 167,
"#infosec": 166,
"#blogpost": 166,
"#love": 166,
"#believeinfilm": 166,
"#wrestling": 165,
"#X": 165,
"#naturephotography": 165,
"#artfight": 165,
"#TheFilmCrowd": 165,
"#TRNews": 164,
"#TF": 164,
"#NoLimite": 164,
"#musicnews": 163,
"#3dart": 163,
"#MarvelComics": 163,
"#cyberpunk": 163,
"#kemono": 163,
"#booksky": 162,
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"#fatcockfriday": 162,
"#ReformeDesRetraites": 162,
"#rubber": 161,
"#Tigers": 161,
"#coffee": 161,
"#characterart": 160,
"#VR": 160,
"#Canada": 160,
"#bookreview": 160,
"#furrycommission": 160,
"#xmen": 160,
"#free": 159,
"#adopt": 159,
"#London": 159,
"#VTuberUprising": 158,
"#irl": 158,
"#genshin": 158,
"#SpiderMan": 158,
"#MarsHillBlog": 158,
"#Splatterday": 158,
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"#Matildas": 157,
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"#animeart": 156,
"#FinalFantasyXIV": 155,
"#bondage": 155,
"#CollegeFootball": 155,
"#Berlin": 154,
"#3dprinting": 154,
"#Soccer": 154,
"#blender3d": 153,
"#TheWheelOfTime": 153,
"#fursuiting": 153,
"#ClimateCrisis": 153,
"#feral": 153,
"#bdsm": 153,
"#scalie": 153,
"#Xinjiang": 153,
"#India": 153,
"#GLOBALink": 153,
"#fmarinos": 153,
"#accessibility": 152,
"#12": 152,
"#Go": 151,
"#sciencefiction": 151,
"#gameart": 151,
"#Rays": 151,
"#denfur2023": 151,
"#GuessTheGame": 150,
"#rstats": 150,
"#ChatGPT": 150,
"#artists": 150,
"#gaypup": 149,
"#funny": 149,
"#demon": 149,
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"#nsfwfurry": 148,
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"#artshare": 148,
"#COYGIG": 148,
"#AMR": 148,
"#artcommissions": 147,
"#UglyDogs": 147,
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"#30": 147,
"#AugustAttitude": 146,
"#LGBTQIA": 146,
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"#wirsindmehr": 145,
"#HaliSky": 145,
"#humor": 145,
"#nijijourney": 145,
"#WomenInSTEM": 145,
"#HelluvaBossFanart": 145,
"#cysticfibrosis": 145,
"#dax18": 144,
"#OSINT": 144,
"#AmityMusicApp": 144,
"#addBirder": 143,
"#ITeachPhysics": 143,
"#USA": 143,
"#latexfur": 143,
"#earlymodern": 143,
"#Politics": 143,
"#Prigozhin": 143,
"#blog": 142,
"#AllIn": 142,
"#Lego": 142,
"#originalcharacters": 142,
"#shorts": 141,
"#climate": 141,
"#virtualphotography": 141,
"#mood": 141,
"#overwatch": 141,
"#MEAwarenessHour": 141,
"#FotoVorschlag": 141,
"#comicart": 140,
"#Astarion": 140,
"#Uyghur": 140,
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"#BRICS": 138,
"#SeptemberShopping": 138,
"#Hawaii": 137,
"#cinema": 137,
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"#goals": 137,
"#minecraft": 137,
"#sunset": 137,
"#moon": 137,
"#14": 136,
"#gamer": 136,
"#paleoart": 136,
"#hentai": 136,
"#BringWynonnaHome": 136,
"#musiciansky": 135,
"#BandcampFriday": 135,
"#bear": 134,
"#wx": 134,
"#AIGC": 134,
"#neuhier": 134,
"#SciArtSeptember": 134,
"#StrangeNewWorlds": 133,
"#flowers": 133,
"#gposers": 133,
"#scriptskychat": 133,
"#EqNZ": 133,
"#pngtuber": 132,
"#totk": 132,
"#Batman": 132,
"#animalcrossing": 132,
"#AgoraPT": 132,
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"#Daily": 131,
"#movie": 131,
"#sapphfic": 131,
"#STEM": 130,
"#tarotsky": 130,
"#dinosaur": 129,
"#furrydelphia": 129,
"#AUSENG": 129,
"#FCSP": 129,
"#streetart": 128,
"#humanpup": 128,
"#dalle2": 128,
"#writerslife": 128,
"#cdnnews": 128,
"#WGAStrike": 127,
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"#gpose": 127,
"#ThirstyThursday": 127,
"#punk": 126,
"#NW": 126,
"#muscle": 126,
"#amquerying": 126,
"#MeToo": 126,
"#pride": 126,
"#NFT": 125,
"#Eureka": 124,
"#game": 124,
"#firstban": 124,
"#LaiMeiYun": 124,
"#TearsOfTheKingdom": 124,
"#LectureSFFF": 124,
"#PoliticsHub": 124,
"#miniatures": 123,
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"#WIPWednesday": 120,
"#UnitedStates": 120,
"#pinup": 120,
"#MotoGP_jp": 120,
"#onpoli": 119,
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"#cdnpoli": 118,
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"#Turkey": 117,
"#bsky": 117,
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"#webdev": 117,
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"#Google": 117,
"#15": 117,
"#Chandrayaan3": 117,
"#highlight": 117,
"#52Projekt": 117,
"#Mario": 116,
"#newmusic": 116,
"#hyper": 116,
"#SAGAFTRAStrong": 116,
"#Hannigram": 116,
"#sapphic": 116,
"#WITDChat": 116,
"#InternationalDogDay": 116,
"#AEWAllOut": 116,
"#Niger": 115,
"#13": 115,
"#GoVegan": 115,
"#male": 115,
"#fursuits": 114,
"#TikTok": 114,
"#tabletop": 114,
"#oldart": 114,
"#aiimages": 114,
"#KidLitArtPostcard": 114,
"#dadjokes": 113,
"#benbvolliefde": 113,
"#notjustsad": 113,
"#fireemblem": 113,
"#cooking": 113,
"#RocketGirls": 113,
"#RocketGirlsForever": 113,
"#invertebrate": 113,
"#LegendofZelda": 113,
"#HumpDay": 112,
"#linguistics": 112,
"#privacy": 112,
"#nijiart": 112,
"#Archaeology": 111,
"#avianaugust2023": 111,
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"#cloud": 111,
"#Corona": 111,
"#infection": 111,
"#EIDF2023": 111,
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"#D": 110,
"#healthpolicy": 110,
"#TheSealeyChallenge": 110,
"#architecture": 110,
"#Blueskyphoto": 110,
"#teamlocked": 110,
"#Hilary": 110,
"#IchBinArmutsbetroffen": 110,
"#catember": 110,
"#generativeart": 109,
"#hellcheer": 109,
"#maccadam": 109,
"#tech": 109,
"#pony": 109,
"#MotoGP": 109,
"#nude": 108,
"#artistsonbluesky": 108,
"#EFACON2023": 108,
"#introduction": 107,
"#ElonMusk": 107,
"#UK": 107,
"#deku": 107,
"#lesfic": 107,
"#ENG": 107,
"#IRPonteDaBarca": 107,
"#Insignificant": 107,
"#comedy": 106,
"#tezosart": 106,
"#HonkaiStarRail": 106,
"#lewd": 106,
"#toRep": 106,
"#Comms": 106,
"#TMNT": 106,
"#fotografie": 106,
"#BeyondGreatness": 106,
"#pup": 106,
"#Hotelflure": 106,
"#DerApotheker": 106,
"#jcampubs": 106,
"#adviff": 106,
"#ass": 105,
"#ttrpgcommunity": 105,
"#graphicdesign": 105,
"#horrorsky": 105,
"#mdzs": 105,
"#snapshot": 105,
"#chubby": 105,
"#Miyako": 105,
"#Threads": 104,
"#GoodOmens2": 104,
"#3GoodThings": 104,
"#blackandwhitephotography": 104,
"#BTC": 104,
"#27": 104,
"#magic": 104,
"#python": 104,
"#draw": 104,
"#boardgame": 104,
"#MutualAidRequest": 104,
"#new": 103,
"#worldbuilding": 103,
"#blackandwhite": 103,
"#18thc": 103,
"#readingcommunity": 103,
"#jjk": 103,
"#sex": 103,
"#GermanBookSky": 103,
"#NationalDogDay": 103,
"#dotnet": 102,
"#88": 102,
"#Antisemitism": 102,
"#cartography": 102,
"#Foundation": 102,
"#sepdumxyz": 102,
"#originalart": 102,
"#rock": 102,
"#illustrator": 102,
"#alternative": 102,
"#URGENT": 102,
"#Dostoevsky23": 102,
"#Reylo30for30": 102,
"#myheroacademia": 101,
"#HigherEd": 101,
"#Russian": 101,
"#original": 101,
"#murrsuiter": 100,
"#PokemonGO": 100,
"#16": 100,
"#beer": 100,
"#twlz": 100,
L I N K S:
For those who are VTubers or use or make Vtubing Avatars. I have a link to the popular hashtags to be used on BlueSky.
It’s basically a little document made by the wonderful Aiyoku Nakasu.
Vtuber Hashtags: Google Doc
I found another link that I COMPLETELY forget what is does
 My Bad. I usuallly put bookmarks on my home screen to use them for later but I completely forgot what this one does cause it doesn’t have a FAQ or anything. But I believe this link helps you block certain words or certain users from your feed. I think I may be right about it, I’ll test it out eventually. But it’s safe, I promise. For those who are suspicious here the picture to the link.
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( I’m not giving out links to give you guys harmful viruses I know some people like to do that but trust me, I hate it too. A similar event happen to me and mom when I accidentally put her card on a site that wasn’t the true website and I SWEAR BY IT that it looks just like the actual website. But sadly, it wasn’t. And yes, we got our money back but I learned to look closer to see if the link is fake or not. And not to put our card information just ANYWHERE. That’s one the reason why I wanted to get a Cash Card, so I’m able to lock my card if anything suspicious happens. I got the card but that’s my story. So don’t worry okay? )
Oh! Right Here is the Link: Blockenhiemer
Okay! I have this link for people who want to make a thread to make it easier on themselves. It also puts the number on posts linked to the thread. (Ex: 1/2 , 1/5 and so on. Depends on how many posts you have linked together.) I thought it was neat to have. I like to make threads since I like to ramble and post things I like. Or I might post a chapter for my crappy fanfiction on there and link it to Tumblr or somewhere to read the full thing. I don’t know. I had inspiration from Elle Cross on BlueSky/YouTube to post Fanfictions there so it’s easier for me. XD I want to post more on there anyways.
Link: BlueThreads
I have this banner making website. It helps you make a banner for BlueSky (and possible Twitter if you want to). Just upload your photo and it helps you center the way you want to photo to view, how much to zoom in, if you want to repeat the image and also padding color in case you want to cover the sides that the Image doesn’t fill in. It’s very useful for customizing your profile.
Link: Bannerize
Okay. This is a simple one. It’s just a link to see if the BlueSky website is down or up. Simple right?
Link: BlueSky Status
Now, if you want to find a feed or something your are interested to see more of. I have just the link for it! It’s called BlueSky Feeds. From Furries, Artwork, tot he dark side where you have Gore and Dark Humor! It has everything and always growing each and everyday! Maybe not as fast but it’s there. XD So if you want to follow a feed or look more into a certain topic and see more of it later.
Link: BlueSky Feed
Here is another Thread Maker. There is a little instruction on what it is and how to use it. Just have to click the ( i ) button.
Link: Blue Thread
And another Feed Finder for those who want more of a variety of Feeds that are one BlueSky and stuff. I should really organize these links so they are in each category. But that’s a mission for future me. (I’m an masochist to myself sometimes =^=)
Link: Good Feeds
Now, if you want to get the best out of BlueSky. This is the best website I can find for it. It’s called Deck.Blue, and you just have to play around with it. You can make your own Feeds (I believe, I didn’t touch it much just looked at it) and even, get this, BOOKMARK. Yes! You can bookmark! Isn’t that amazing?! *more crickets* =^= Well at least I’m happy about it since the Original BlueSky doesn’t have Bookmarks or anything or that sort. Which will I will talk about in the next link!
Link: Deck.Blue
Okay, for the final and last link to help your BlueSky journey. If you want to make your own feeds cause there isn’t any or you just want a feed for yourself and yourself only (it will still be public sadly). You might want a feed for only Anime Merch, or a certain TV Show you enjoy! Just make a feed for that and you can also separate certain tags or words that you don’t want to see from that feed. Isn’t it great? I’m going to use it to make bookmarks for certain things so I can get to it later or quote it with my own shit. ^^
Links: Sky Feed
Also here is a link for those who need more help with making the feed to your likings. It’s from Elle Cross, the person I mentioned before. They have other videos so you can click on their profile to get more information about BlueSky if you want.
Video Link: SkyFeed Tutorial
0 notes
saccharinemeat · 2 years ago
Hot take but people shouldn’t be drawing 18+ art of kid’s media and posting it, I mean remember all of the 18+ art of MLP that could be easily found just by looking up a character’s name? If you want to draw that stuff, just keep it to yourself or keep in a group of people that you can 100% trust that stuff not leaking out
Hot take but children shouldn't be in 18+ spaces they shouldn't be in. Anyone can draw anything, as long as it's properly tagged and age restricted, for example, twitter. You can age restrict your media and there IS a safe mode. A child out of safe mode or a child lying about their age so they have access to 18+ media is akin to a child getting into a bar. We remove the kid, we don't shut down every bar in existence.
As for google and MLP, well, theres four major factors
1 - unsupervised children using google search with safe mode off before being at least 16
2 - Massive amounts of explicit n5fw art being shared untagged and unrestricted (by careless adults who should've known better)
3 - "safe" kink art (vore, inflation,etc) which was untagged,or tagged improperly, and then got shared by others/put in safe searches in google (again,this is because the art was untagged, and it SHOULD have been tagged)
and lastly,but very importantly
4 - Morbid curiosity. Plain and simple, children and particularly young teens looove to be morbidly curious and 'jokingly' look up something in r34, when they learn about its existance or if by hearsay (or,more common now, antis on tiktok having rage rant videos on the EeEevil nsfw art) they will be curious and *actively seek it out*
think of the bar example, but add that there are rumors that in the bar theres a super weird creepy monster.
result? more kids try to sneak into the bar.
I refuse to put nsfw work in this blog cause im aware im followed by teens
I refuse to pur nsfw or titillating stuff on tiktok (even though it would do wonders for clout) because i dont want to advertise my nsfw art to minors.
I refuse to stop drawing whatever i want
78 notes · View notes
theblindfoldedprince · 2 years ago
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I posted 238 times in 2022
That's 225 more posts than 2021!
74 posts created (31%)
164 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 230 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 159 posts
#mlpfim - 88 posts
#mlpaskoc - 73 posts
#mlpoc - 73 posts
#mlpaskblog - 72 posts
#mlp - 68 posts
#mlpfimoc - 46 posts
#vantas - 41 posts
#lucas vantas - 40 posts
#lucas - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 40 characters
#let's put rich + chaos + rebels together
My Top Posts in 2022:
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[Aqua] "Hello There!!! My name is Aqua Drop! I've seen you around once or twice and I just wanted to say your so stunning and pretty and--"
...and the musician proceeds to rant.
[Princely] Doodle turned Fanart??? IDK- I really like Sunrise leave me aloNe
@eve-of-halloween @askmotherlyluna
51 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
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[Aqua]: “It’s all my spare change from a kind stranger who gifted me these golden coins!... Though technically it’s my allowance? Ah- Just take it! You are quite pretty after all!”
[Send a Ask?]
- Aqua Drop (Traveling Water Musician)
Thank you @asksweepslick for the ask!
66 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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A Game of Chance
 - Mini Event hosted by Lucas Vantas
The Six Sides is a mini event where during the duration of December Vantas will be dropping "Dice" to unsuspecting askblogs... Giving them an opportunity to participate in his game; basically a small prompt of creativity! Completely optional; and completely creative!
Prompt Details
If you so happen to receive a peculiar submission/ask from [Vantas] then you have been chosen to try it out! What your character gets as context for the dice is completely random and written by me (and will be provided in the ask that is sent). If you desire a specific interaction or have more questions feel free to DM me and we can discuss more!
Optional Details!
If you want something fun to add; you can make your character dress in the spirit of the game while they play- which will be CASINO. Think playing cards, dice, darts, drinks and chips!
See the full post
67 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
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[Vantas]: “It’s nice to meet another face too~ Would you perhaps want to see my Mask collection?”
[Send a Ask?]
- Lucas Vantas (The Host)
Thank you @ask-summer-epos for the ask!
71 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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[Princely]: “Two boyfriends, sitting next to each other and kissing because they ARE gay.”
I wanted to doodle Azure and @ask-peach-kisses ok? Cause it will be canon in the actual blog eventually.
74 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
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danthediamondminecart · 4 years ago
This is a theory that Kindness (The netherite sword James found) is an evil artefact that is trying to take over the server! CWs for Roleplay and Mind Control, full theory under the cut!
Alrighty, let’s go! So, to recap what I said before, but in a bit more detail. Basically, the netherite sword (Kindness) is actually a cursed entity, trying to take over the server. The way it does this is by controlling their mind and causing them to cause anarchy. This is what I established before. Let’s look at this in more detail.
So, how exactly does the sword get control of it’s owners? Magic, obviously. The sword is cursed, and has the ability to just
control the mind, I guess? It can only control those who wield it, obviously. This means Squid is already controlled. (And possibly James, but I’ll get into that later.) Now we could always go for straight up control but I don’t think that’s the case. Rather, I think it’s making it’s ‘minions’ per se think that this is what they want to do. You want to cause anarchy, you want to attack your friends, etc. All under the guise of kindness and fun and games, of course! And, the sword wants to spread it’s abilities, so you’ll want to give the sword to even more people, so that they will be infected too! What fun. Oh, and design wise, the non-infected would be able to tell who’s infected by purple eyes, and later netherite growths.
So, who’s infected? Squid is an obvious one. He’s managed to cause anarchy already with four players, betraying both Dan and Justin. He is also planning on auctioning off the sword (Source: Shady Oaks Updates, thank you to whoever’s running that, you’re a godsend!), hence spreading the infection further. He’s definitely the catalyst to all of this. James really shouldn’t have given him the sword.
Speaking of James...is HE infected? It’s debatable, and this depends on how quickly the sword works. If he was infected, then the sword, rather than going straight to arson, has decided to pretend to be him, thereby passing the sword off unsuspiciously (see: James giving the sword to Squid). I doubt this is the case, because James really didn’t hold the sword long. Instead, I think he felt the sword was off so he went ‘hey, I should give this to the head admin!’. Woo baby, he screwed up. But the sword was possibly there, still affecting his thoughts...I’ll expand on that eventually.
Who else may get infected? This all depends on the future of the story, but honestly, so early, anyone’s game. I’ll explain how each person (Dan, Justin and the New Member:tm:) could possibly get infected in a second.
So, what’s for the future with the sword? The auction, obviously. With the sword trying to get Squid (the OWNER by the way, Kindness already has a one up on everyone else) to get it off, anyone’s game. Who’s most likely? Well, there’s no guesses, but I’ll go and theorise. First, Thinknoodles. I can’t see the sword doing much with him other than using his vengeance during the trial he was not told about. 
The New Member. Their confusion would be easy for the sword to take hold of, and then the sword can work it’s way up the ranks and down the ranks (in the sense of, Owner, Admin, Player). 
James. If the sword didn’t get a hold on James, it would want to finish off what it started, right? Plus, with James’s...chaos, it could be incredibly useful and feasible to the others. If James was infected, this wouldn’t be the case.
Finally, Dan. Dan is the one hosting the auction, and it’s known he wants to become a Keralis kinnie and scam people. What if he rigs the auction so he gets the sword? That would be falling right into it’s trap. And not only that, Dan is smart, the sword would use that to it’s knowledge. If James is infected, one of the other 2 admins will become the ‘protagonist’ of the series (Likely Justin). If James is not infected, he likely will be the protagonist instead.
Let’s finally talk about the far far future. Squid has confirmed that more lore-esque artefacts will pop up. There’s a few ways this could be brought into fruition, I’ll mention 3. Firstly, what I like to call The Hatchetfield Gang. This is a reference to the dolls from Black Friday and Nightmare Time, a musical and a web series made by Team Starkid. Basically, each artefact wants to take over the server, but they’ll do it in a different way. Kindness, a netherite sword is working via mindcontrol and subtle anarchy, and likely poses the biggest threat. What if there was a diamond sword which pushes it’s holders to kill each other? A golden sword which pushes it’s holders to steal from each other? The possibilities are endless. 
There’s also the second possibility, what I like to call The Elements Of Disharmony. That’s an MLP reference. This is saying that there will be multiple netherite swords each named after a different quality, but they have the same aim, which is to use mind control to take over the server. This would lead to multiple swords being passed around, causing the hive mind to spread further.
And thirdly, the final possibility I’ll put out, The Destructors. Don’t be fooled by the name, this one’s actually kinda boring. Basically, Kindness is an evil overlord and the other artefacts are what’s needed to stop it. For the likelihood, the  third one is more likely because Shady Oaks will be less dark than other ones, though I could see the first happening too.
Of course, this is all a theory! A MINECRAFT THEORY!
Leave your theories in the tags, reblogs or send me asks >:))) I crave interaction 
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incorrect-sdv-quotes · 4 years ago
Okay so I know this is a SDV Incorrect quote blog but I really wanted to show off my SDV headcanon’s so you may ignore this post if you wish (I’ll go back to the normal posts after this, I have like 13 quotes queue’d up right now) 
Headcanon’s under the cut:
1.Alex’s real first name is Alexander he just prefers to go by Alex
2.Alex is a trans male so he was born female but transitioned to male at age 13
3.The bachelors ages are (listed youngest to oldest):
 Alex: 19 
Sebastian: 19 (one month older then Alex)
Sam: 20
Harvey: 25-30
Elliott: 36
Shane: 38
4.Despite Sam being older then him Alex is taller (if you put them side by side Sam looks taller but that’s only cause of his hair if you flattened it you could see Alex was taller)
5.Sebastian is secretly a vampire (He does look like one anyway)
6. Haley and Alex kind of have a Hazel and Xander from Bunk’d relationship where they’re kinda friends but one of them *cough cough* Haley *cough* has a huge crush on the other to where it’s at yandere point- Haley is not QUITE as crazy about Alex that Hazel is about Xander and unlike Hazel Haley can hide the craziness she does have around people but when it’s just her and Alex she’s all crazy and clingy- 
Like, she’ll call him pet names like “My jock prince” or “Alex-zandy-” or “My knight in shining armor” Etc. etc- or hug him and never let go until someone LITERALLY prys her off- Talk about nutty nutty nut-so-
7. My headcanon voices for the bachelors are: (Well some of them, if a name is in strike through that means I don’t have one for that one- yet)
Alex: Shining Armor from MLP
Sam: Rottmnt Leo/2020 Sonic the Hedgehog/Dewy from Ducktails (this one might change)
Harvey: Fozzie Bear (Harvey: WaKa WaKa (I’m sorry))
Elliott: Gunther from Shake It Up
8.Shane is basically the god of chickens he’s such a good caretaker of chickens that he could summon an army of chickens to peck the eyes out of everyone in town with one “Babock” CHICKEN ARMY!!
If you decided to read this post and you liked my headcanons then this is it for now more might be added later as I play the game and scroll through the SDV tags on Tumblr more 
EDIT 1: More headcanons!:
9: Elliott is an amazing actor but a horrid horror-movie actor (It’s just his screams are unrealistic he will literally just say “Aaaah” otherwise it’s the same as the rest of his acting) (This scream-glitch is an easy fix if you yell “Ghost” more on that in 10)
10: Elliott is TERRIFIED of ghosts even those cute and/or clearly fake ghosts (Why else do you think Spirits Eve/Halloween has Skeletons every year and not ghosts? No one wants to scare anyone Too bad.) Actually Alex dared Elliott to watch the Disney Junior show Vampirina which went fine until Demi came on screen- Elliott literally wet himself and screamed for 3 whole hours- (Poor Alex who had to listen to that the whole time-)
11: Elliott treats his pocket crab as his ACTUAL son, not as his pet but as his actual biological son (it’s actually really cute)
12: The portraits in this video for a portraits mod is how the characters actually look to me (Excluding Elliott Sam and Sebastian they still live in my brain with their cannon looks): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmBW8BzSZpU&list=WL&index=1&t=5s
13: Krobus is Sebastian’s father (yeah you THINK it would not make sense along with Hc numb.5 but if you think about it if his father is a monster and his mother is human he’s gonna be born as a human-looking monster! Which is a Vampire!)
EDIT 2: Damnit. I was scrolling through this and I realized I missed a Hc and it slipped through the original post and the EDIT 1!
14: Alex has Dyslexia (this bugger Hc belonged in the original post but it slipped through both edits)
15: Both Abigail and Sebastian used to have hair to match their parents (Abby’s was brown (Like said in game) and Sebastian’s was Ginger) but due to their “Unusual” parents (Abigail: Wizard Sebastian: Krobus) their hair changed color when they got older and their mothers just pretended they died their hair so both the towns people and Abigail and Sebastian themselves would not freak out 
16: Sebastian has snake bite piercing's but he only wears them when he’s alone (he got them in the first place cause 1: Sam dared him and 2: he decided it would be a fun way to rebel against dead to Sebastian Demetrius, he didn’t have to keep them but he ended up liking the look) 
17: Sebastian owns a giant frog plush, it’s twice the size of him, is really soft and is incredibly fat (it’s to the point it’s just a circle that has stubby legs) he loves it more then anything Excluding Alex but he does not want anyone finding out he loves it let alone owns it so he stuffs it under his bed when people are in and/or near his room
18: Sebastian’s first word was literally “Froggy”
Robin: Can you say “mama”?
Baby!Sebastian: ...Froggy!
Robin: Out of all words your first word is “Froggy”? Really?
19: The shortest to tallest Bachelors are:
Sam (If you take his hair and go *Squishes flat*)
Sam (If you count the added height from his Mullet)
Elliott (Tall stinky sea dude)
20: Sam got Sebastian to scream “Bubbles” for 5 hours straight 
Details on that:
Sam: It’s impossible to say “Bubbles” threateningly
Five munities later:
Robin: Uhhhh Sam? Why is my son on the roof screaming “BUBBLES”?
21: Sebastian owns a biker jacket but he only wears it when riding his motorcycle cause the jacket makes him look way more goth then emo and he prefers the emo look over goth look despite he acts more like a goth
22: One Feast of The Winter Star Sebastian got everyone an empty box and when they opened it Seb said: “It’s a void of nothingness. Just like life.” He did not get in trouble or nothing cause your allowed to give what you want but he did not do that again
23: Sebastian requires glasses to read, he can see perfectly but when it comes to reading on a computer or on paper he needs glasses
24: Sam does a perfect Darth Vader voice and Darth Vader breathing noises
25: Sebastian has vampire powers (cause he is a vampire (Hc 5)), he knows about them and is chill about it but he does not use them unless necessary cause he just does not feel the need to use them otherwise (His powers include, immortality (he also can’t be killed cause on my take on Vampires the stuff that “Traditionally” harms/kills them is just a mith and actually does nothing to them), super strength, increased speed, fast self-healing, telekinesis (I know this is not “Traditionally” a vampire power but Seb does have it) and the ability to change into a bat)
26: Both Sebastian and Elliott are actually pretty jacked (Not Alex level jacked but still) you just can’t see it unless they’re shirt-less (but in Seb’s case at least loose the hoodie)
27: Harvey’s doctor’s mallet weapon is just as heavy and as big as himself so he rarely goes into combat cause he has trouble welding his own weapon- 
Harvey: Time to explore the mines! *grabs his giant doctors mallet*
Harvey: Nope going down. *falls backward with a thud*
28: Elliott carries at least one very sharp pencil with him at all times so if he sees a very annoying person or a slime that escaped the mines he’ll grab it and go *StAb*
29: Everyone else makes Hermit jokes around Elliott which he finds funny and annoying at the same time (They used to do the jokes about Sebastian as well but they stopped cause when they did Seb strangled them Darth Vader style) Ex of the hermit jokes:
*singing* Someone’s on the beach with a hermit! There’s a hermit on the beach I know I know! Someone’s on the beach with a hermiiiit! And the hermit’s name is Elliott!
30: If you think Elliott’s cannon SDV schedule is anti-social you should see how anti-social he gets when writing a book-
EDIT 4: Surprise, there’s more
31: Elliott is a mermaid merman (he’s a human by day half human half fish by night but he’ll change forms sooner if you dump water on him- found that out by Haley throwing water on him in hopes he’ll melt-)
32: When in ‘fish’ form Elliott’s tail is incredibly strong (if you get hit by it you’ll go flying 900 feet in the air in 5 seconds at full strength)
33:Elliott only lets Harvey call him “Elly” if anyone else does so expect Elliott to dump water on himself then hit you with his fish tail)
34:Vincent will sing The Little Mermaid song “Under the sea” around Elliott and Sebastian (Sebastian cause think about it and Elliott cause he’s an IRL Mermaid)
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jessefandomunited · 4 years ago
This day is going to be perfect part 1
~When the reader , who’s had a long time crush on Spencer, finds out Cat Adams is getting out of Prison on parole and wanting to talk to Spencer, she can’t help but be a bit suspicious.~
This fic was inspired by the song “ This day is going to be perfect” - MLP. enjoy
tag list: @raggabashie​
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It had been about two years since I started working at the BAU and i’ve loved all of it, even the sad and stressful parts. It makes me feel like I am making an impact on the world around me . Also my coworkers being a second family is great too.  We don’t get along all the time , I mean who does, but in the end we know we still love each other and have each others back and that’s the most important thing. Now while I do enjoy the company of all my coworkers one does stand out and his name is Spencer Reid. He’s kind, considerate , and goes above and beyond to try and figure out what each of us like and how we communicate best and he uses that to become closer friends with us. I think i’ve been falling for him since I met him. We’ve hung out a lot with others and by ourselves. I find it easy to talk to him and I love to just listen to him ramble on and on about any subject. I’ve fallen asleep next to him on the plane , I’ve cried in front of him and with him on many occasions. He’s my best friend, and I think that’s why I have been hesitant on telling him my feelings. I knew his rough past with girls and I wasn’t sure if he himself was ready for a new relationship. I could ask him , but then what if our relationship changed and he didn’t want to hang out as much. I just want to make him happy and I think right now the best thing I could do was be his friend, or at least that was what I thought.
I walked into the office a bit late. I worked along side Penelope almost as a second pair of hands when the request got too intense. In my down time I was often filling out paperwork and filing , pretty much anything no one else wanted to do. Still, I enjoyed it. “ I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE HERE YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED,” Penelope babbled pulling me over to the meeting room. “ What is it,” I asked confused. “ Cat Adams,” Penelope said and my fist instinctively clenched, Cat Adams not only targeted Penelope and was trying to kill her , but she had this weird flirtationship with Spencer while he was trying to lock her up. After a lot of trouble she was put in prison but apparently something happened with that. “ What about her,” I almost spat out. “ She’s being released on parole,” Penelope said nervously . “ WHAT NO,” I yelled as we entered in. “ She’s apparently been a model prisoner, helping any chance she gets and even gave the names of some notorious murderers. she’s asking for something though,” Hotch explained looking up as we sat down, “ Shes wanting to talk to Spencer.” I looked over at him scared, “ You’re not going to go are you?” He sighed and shrugged , “ she just wanted to talk and there are going to be guards there , I’ll be safe.” “No no way in hell i’m going too,” I offered but Spencer shook his head, “ listen I can do this, this will be done and over with a lot quicker if I just face her myself.” Everyone exchanged a nervous glance but agreed.
I was pacing around the file room jamming files in a bit more aggressively than normally I should have just gone , maybe secretly gone , I just don’t trust that Cat has become this fantastic model prisoner with all she has done. I kicked one of the files and clenched my fist tightly, then immediately sat down and began breathing deeply. I had some problems with anger in the past, it would boil over and cause all sorts of problems but with some therapy, that I never told anyone about, I was able to work past it and find some techniques that would help me calm down when I was getting overwhelmed.  I imaged a wave slowly flowing down my body , relaxing every muscle. “ Maybe she has changed,” I told myself, “ and nothing will come of this anyways , Spencer is much too focused on his work and too smart to fall for any of her tricks.” My shoulders relaxed and I slowly stood up, everything would be just fine, everything would go right back to the way it was, I knew it. “ Hey
.you okay,”a tentative voice asked making me jump, it was Penelope. “ Yeah i’m just
.thinking,” I didn’t know how to even begin to explain how worried I was. “ Yeah...me too,” She said beginning to rub her hand. “He’s smart,” I said relaying my inner thoughts to her, “ he’s smarter than her.” She nodded , “yeah I know but still I just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something is wrong here. “ Me too,” I sighed leaning against one of the files, “ but there really isn’t much she can do, I mean, there are guards there and if she is found doing anything remotely bad shes thrown right back in prison.” Penelope nodded more decidedly,” yes we have nothing to worry about.” I nodded halfheartedly and repeated, “ nothing to worry about.
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years ago
Beyond the Dragon’s Eyes (part three)
[The plot continues to thicken...]
[part one] - [part two]
[Part 3: All the Sphinx Could Know]
“How is she?”
Catherine gives a tired smile. “She won’t be drumming for a while, not with those broken bones, but she’s gonna be fine.”
Everyone lets out a collective sigh at that, but Katherine trembles and they all remember that the same cannot be said for Jane. 
“Excuse me, are you all here from the fire?”
The group slowly turns towards the doorway, where a tall, grey-haired man stands next to a shorter woman, both dressed smartly and looking severe.
“Yes,” Cathy finally puts in, “can we help you?”
“My name is Wallace Nelson, and this is my partner, Danielle Morrison. We’re with the police, and we’re investigating the cause of the fire.”
“You think we did it?” Aragon demands.
“Not at all,” Danielle says. “We just want to find out what happened, that’s all.”
“This probably isn’t the best place to do it,” Cathy says. “There’s too much going on.”
Danielle moves to the nurse’s desk and quietly explains the situation, and all of them are brought to a small library sort of room, and, they must admit, it feels great to sit down. 
“Start wherever you want,” Wallace prompts, pulling out a small notebook and flipping to a new page. “Tell us what you remember.”
Fragments of story are spilled by all seated in the crowded room. Maggie starts, as she had been first to mention feeling warm, and then Anna mentions feeling it too. Then Cathy describes the first sight of the fire, followed by Aragon talking about the backdrop of the stage in flames.
After that, it’s a little hazy as they had all scrambled to get out, but Maggie shakily says how she noticed they were missing Maria. Joan pipes in that the fire squad thought they wouldn’t be able to get her out, and Katherine, in the smallest, most broken voice, tells the two officers about Jane kissing her forehead and running inside.
Finally, Aragon describes her fruitless conversation with the fire chief, and Bessie, devastated and near silent, tells them simply that, “the theater crumbled after that.”
“Did any of you see anyone suspicious during the time before this all happened?”
Everyone says no, and the officers sigh.
“Why?” Joan asks.
“We think maybe this fire wasn’t an accident,” Wallace says regretfully.
“But we can’t know for sure without a suspect,” Danielle adds on.
“Do you have any leads?” Anne asks.
“Not at the moment, but later we’re going back to the scene to search for any more evidence that could tell us whether or not this was an accident,” Wallace says.
“What do you think it was?”
The question, asked so frightfully, comes from Katherine, curled up under Anna’s arm and trembling like a leaf.
“Honestly?” Danielle asks, and Katherine nods, just barely. “We think someone set it.”
“Who would do such a thing?” Cathy asks, half-rhetorically.
Wallace and Danielle stand. “We’re going to go try and find out,” Wallace says, looking to his partner, who nods. 
They leave a moment later.
None of them can relax. Not that they could before, with all of the concern and worrying about Jane, but now

Did someone really try to burn down their theater? In broad daylight?
It doesn’t seem possible.
Who on Earth would do that?
Jane can’t breathe.
It’s the first thing she realizes as she comes to.
Of course, as one naturally would when they realize they can’t breathe, she begins to panic. 
She has no idea where she is, what’s going on, or how she got here. All she knows, even as she opens her eyes and begins to struggle to breathe, is a face and a name. 
One specific face. One specific name.
Where she had seen them, she isn’t quite sure. 
But she had seen it.
“Miss Seymour, we need you to calm down.”
Who is Seymour? Is that her?
“You need to calm down,” the voice repeats. “There’s a tube in your throat helping you breathe, it’s okay. You can calm down now.”
Jane tries to focus on the voice, calming and smooth, and soon the lights hanging above her come into focus. 
She wants to ask a thousand questions, but the tube in her throat keep her from speaking.
The name and face, she sees them again. 
The nurse (is she a nurse?) has a pen hanging around her neck. Jane blindly grabs for it. 
“This?” The nurse offers. Jane nods, and the nurse removes it. She presses it into Jane’s hand, guiding her to the tiny notepad she had produced. 
With a shaking hand and half-complete letters, Jane writes her message. As soon as she’s done, the pen drops from her weak hand and she lays back against the pillow to close her eyes. The monitors she’s hooked up to even out again as she falls back asleep.
The nurse stares at the obscure message on the paper. The only people who might understand it are waiting in the library, so she may as well bring it.
She tucks the notepad back in her pocket and heads to the library, and one familiar face is waiting for her there.
Aragon looks up and gasps.
“If you’re here
 that was Jane,” she breathes, “that’s
 are you all okay?”
“We’re alright,” Catherine tells her. “They already said Maria is going to get better. What about Jane?”
“Still touch and go at the moment, but she just woke up in a panic.” Caroline rummages through her pocket and produces the notepad. “This is what she wrote. Seemed urgent.”
Aragon takes it and swears.
Awkwardly and shakily written across the small yellow paper is a single name. One all too familiar.
tag list: @spookabeth @kats-seymour @qualquercoisa945 @jane-fucking-seymour @a-slightly-cracked-egg @justqueentingz @annabanana2401 @wolfies-chew-toy @broad-way-13 @tvandmusicals @lailaliquorice @aimieallenatkinson @sweet-child-why03 @gaylinda-of-the-upper-uplands @funky-lesbians @thinkaboutitmaybe @haniawritesthings @messanaa @rigatoni-ravioli @prick-up-ur-ears @theartoflazy @justqueentwo @brother-orion @paleshadowofadragon @lafemmestars @beautifulashes17 @jarneiarichardnxel @idkimbadwithusernamesandstuff @philopeanut @mixer1323 @boleynssixthfinger @aimieallen @elphiesdance @boleynthebunny @krystalhuntress @lupin-loves-chocolate @bellacardoza16 @bluify @katherines-choker @why-only-have-one-fandom @missmarvelmixer @le-mlp-nerd @0-hufflepuffle-0 @drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces @lesbabe6 @wicked-books-101 @insertmusicaltheatrepunhere @toomanyfamdom @zoalis @rainbowmoose01 @broadwayqueer
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ask-de-writer · 6 years ago
CARAMEL TREAT’S SWEETS : Part 3 of 4 : MLP Fan Fiction
Return to the Master Story Index Return to MLP Fan Fiction                                                                          Return to Caramel Treat, werewolf
Caramel Treat’s Sweets
Part 3 of 4
by De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
18671 words
© 2019 by Glen Ten-Eyck Writing begun 02/21/16
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author. ////////////// Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged. ///////////////////////
For those wishing to read the whole story, this link leads to the entire tale.
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Caramel nodded her head, framed by her shaggy black ruff.  “That is what they agreed to do, Your Ladyship.  It was the assistance given to a friend and neighbor.
“If any of you have knife or sword, it would be good to free my mother Brightmane and Nurse Fields.  They were  bound by the criminals.”
Baron Dran Dale, a tan unicorn in the garb of the Far Northern Dales stepped in through the broken door, a big dirk floating in the firm grip of his magic.  In a trice, the ropes were cut by his razor sharp blade.
Heather Bloom examined the broken door and pronounced, “It is unsafe that this be.  Ye shall all three come up to the Hall o Red Hoof and there abide until yer home be proper repaired.”
The green pony curled a lip and sneered, “Afraid of the deadly wolves, aren't you?”
Brightmane answered him, “Not at all.  The Stone Ridge Pack have been excellent neighbors.  With the door broken so badly, it is more rotten ponies like you that we want to avoid.  You are not the first, though you are by far the worst.”
Shortly, the party was joined by Daphne Crager in her livery as a carlene of Red Hoof!  She was panting as she led her father, Constable Crager, to the house.
Heather Bloom turned her head to speak to her.  “There ye be, Daph.  We did wonder wha ha became o ye.  Got yer father to carry out the arrest.  That be fine thinking. Wha led ye to do it wi'oot orders?”
Daphne pointed to Caramel, still in wolf form.  “As soon as I heard her emergency howl, your Ladyship, I knew that something bad was happening here.  Dad was the closest constable who could deal with whatever the problem is.”
Duchess Heather Bloom quickly filled in Constable Crager on the happenings of the night.
He efficiently manacled the green pony and they all left.  Heather Bloom detailed one of her House's Guard to watch the cottage and another was left to protect the scene where Stort had been killed.
The green pony looked on, face set with anger and sorrow.  “Aren't you afraid that the wolves will pull you down too?”
The guard shrugged, “Not really.  I would be more worried if you and your brother were on the loose armed with toothpicks.  Ever since Caramel was born, we have lived as neighbors to the Stone Ridge wolf pack.  They have turned out to be pretty good neighbors.”
The next day, as Caramel was watching and assisting the work on her new shop where she could, Sawnax came barging up waving the latest edition of the Ponyville Prancer and carrying a broadax!
He was loudly demanding, “The Monster has gone too far!  An innocent pony has been murdered and she did it!  It is right here on the front page of the Prancer!  I have brought an ax to take the head of rampaging beast!”
Houser, seeing Caramel pull her Magic Net mirror from her saddlebag, returned, “Some rampage!  She is helping us to set foundation stones for this project!
“Are you sure that you can read at all?  The story says nothing about Caramel killing anypony.”
Sawnax waved the paper dramatically, exclaiming, “He was killed by a wolf in the Everfree, right on the path to the Murdering Monster's Lair!
“We must destroy her before any more fall victim to her bloodthirsty rampage of murder!”
Houser snatched the flailing paper from Sawnax's hooves!  He read out loud for all to hear, “Stort Greene, the victim of the wolf attack, was fleeing the scene of a failed attempt at MASS MURDER FOR PERSONAL GAIN.  He appears to have been killed by the joint attack of least three Everfree Ridgeback wolves.
“All witnesses agree that Caramel Treat was in her well known wolf form and INSIDE the cabin of Brightmane Treat when the killing happened.
“It is worthy of note that Caramel Treat, in wolf form, not only captured one of the attempted killers without inflicting any actual injury to him, she rescued her mother, Brightmane Treat and the family's long time companion, Nurse Fields.”
Sawnax tapped his temple as he replied, “She done the killing by using her mind to control the attacking wolves!”
A police pony, who had approached while Houser was reading the paper, said, “Sawnax, you are under arrest.  The charges are violation of the protective order of Judge Coldheart, violation of the Edict of Equality, and while carrying a weapon, threatening to murder a Citizen of Equestria.”
Caramel, speaking into her Magic Net mirror, said, “Thank you, Emergency Services, the officer is now here!”  Smiling grimly, she put the mirror away in her saddlebag.
As Sawnax was led away, protesting bitterly, Caramel told Houser, “It looks as though I will be going to the courthouse sooner than I had planned!”
She turned at the sound of a new voice.  “Perhaps I can help.  My name is Grumpeter.  Grumpy for short.”  
A black, brown and white piebald goat with full curl horns stood there.  He smiled and offered, “I know that my kind are not popular but one place where we are listened to is the courtroom.  Edict of Equality and all of that.
“I not only saw and heard this whole thing, I saw Sawnax come out of a conference in Hortimer's Rectory, next to their detestable church.  He went straight to his lumber yard and got that ax.  Then he came here.  The rest, you know.”
Houser eyed the goat askance and asked, “How did you happen to see all this?”
The goat nodded, making his ears flop comically, as he agreed, “Fair question.  The Celestian Church fronts on a park down on the other side of the Town Hall.  I live about three blocks from the park, luckily, on the side AWAY from those jerks.
“I was taking the air in the park and, I admit, snacking on a bush or two.  Broke student and all that.  Had a clear view of the rectory.  
“Being a curious sort, I tagged along after Sawnax because HE is an Earth pony and they are Unicorn Supremacists.  I wondered what was up.  When he got here, I found out.”
Caramel looked thoughtfully at the goat for a few moments and offered, “If you are willing to go and give Judge Coldheart a sworn statement on this, come back after my restaurant is open.
“I will give you special low prices or even free if you need it.  I am a werewolf.  I know what it is like to have nutcases after me.  Has to be bad for you, too.  
“Broke student?  Let me get my place started and maybe I can find a way to help you out.”
The goat flipped his tail happily.  “I am on my way!  It is great to meet somepony besides Reverend Smallflower who is nice to goats!”
Grumpy trotted away down Mane St. toward the town hall.
Houser and his crew returned to work.  Caramel went back to assisting where she could.  It was not long before the foundation was all laid and the cut for the outside loading ramp into the basement was well underway.
It was time for lunch!
The workers all looked expectantly at Caramel.
She patted a fat saddle bag, grinned and offered, “Clover burgers and fries with Rom black tea to wash it down?”
There was a near stampede for the shady park tables!
As Caramel was starting to pass out the wrapped sandwiches and open the package of fries with dipping sauce, several of the work crew turned their backs and snapped, “Get out of here, Goat!  This is for decent ponies!”
Caramel quietly closed the fries package and retrieved most of the wrapped burgers.  She left the table and chose a vacant one.  She invited, “Want some lunch, Grumpy?  I seem to have plenty.  How did the deposition go?”
The piebald goat looked troubled.  “Miss Caramel, I did not mean to cause you any trouble. I just wanted to tell you that my deposition has been copied and added to both your Celestian Church case and to your Sawnax case. Because of it, they have been linked.”
Caramel patted the bench.  “Go ahead and have a seat, Grumpy.  That was a huge favor that you did for me.
“Here, have some tea.  That is a clover burger with onions, lettuce, tomato, and sauteed mushrooms. The big box has fries and dipping sauce.”
Having seen to Grumpy, she returned to the table with the work crew.  “Lunch is over there.” She pointed.
“A lot of ponies don't like him because he is a goat.  That is something that he can't do anything about.  A lot of ponies, including Sawnax, this morning, don't like me because I am a werewolf.  That is something that I can't do anything about, either.
“Share a table with us, the social outcasts and eat for free, or go BUY your lunch somewhere else.”
She turned her back on the crew and went back to sit by Grumpy.  Shortly Houser came over and sat with them.  Caramel smiled and hoofed him a burger, tea and a portion of fries.
The workers saw their boss at the table with the goat.  More importantly, he was eating his sandwich with gusto!  One by one, they joined in.  
To their surprise, the goat turned out to actually be pleasant company and had a great sense of humor.  When one of them thoughtlessly told a goat joke, he laughed right along with the rest of them.
One of the workers paused in mid laugh to ask, “Didn't that bother you, Mister Goat?”
Grumpy's floppy ears lifted a bit and he smiled.  “Yes, it did a bit.  It was also a classical situation that would have been funny regardless of who it was told about.  I have found that it is easier to laugh than try telling off every pony in Equestria.”
Caramel asked him, “What are you studying and where?  Ponyville does not have any school but Miss Cherrilee's that I know of.”
Grumpy smiled as he answered, “Non Equine University is open to all, regardless of kind. Princess Luna is the Chancellor and all classes are by mail at the student's own pace.  We even get our textbooks by mail. Unfortunately, it isn't free!  Hence, me being a broke student!”
The whole table laughed at that.
Soon, lunch was over.  The crew went back to work.  By the end of the day the timber framing was started.
Houser told her, “If nothing happens, we should be ready to begin installing the kitchens and pantries the day after tomorrow.
The next morning, Caramel showed up early.  The Ponyville Fire Department was there first.
Concerned, Caramel picked her way past the hoses from the pumper wagon to ask, “What happened, Battalion Chief?  My place seems to be standing.”
The Battalion Chief pushed back her helmet to wipe sweat from her brow as she replied, “It is, thanks to an early tip.  You have one timber that got fairly badly scorched.  It was attempted arson.
“Between the tipster and forensic magic, we already have APB out on a suspect.”  She chuckled.  “He did everything without using any magic.  Soaked the timber in lamp oil, laid a wick, and put a candle on it for a timer, so that he could be far away when the fire started.”
Now very interested, Caramel inquired, “How did forensic magic trip him up if he didn't use any magic?”
The chief's face lit with a grin.  “He tried to use matches but he was not used to using them. Unicorns like to use their magic for candle lighting.  He broke all of the matches!  Between the broken matches and his finally lighting the candle by magic, we got a really good signature on him.
“He has been in trouble with the law before this, so the station had a copy of his magic signature on file!  His name is Pect.  Disre Pect.  The beat cops have been notified already.”
Houser and his work crew showed up.  The Battalion Chief quickly filled in Houser on the problem.  
He looked over the damage and pronounced, “Still sound.  We will need to do a little cosmetic work to the timber.  Nothing major.
“Not really surprised that Pect did this.  He used to be a pretty good worker.  Got tied up with that Celestian Church that Celestia herself dislikes so much.  Went bad real quick.  He pushed the other workers around.  Called them Lesser Sorts.  I had to fire him after I caught him stealing from work sites.”  
Caramel asked, “Are any of the things that Disre handled still here, Battalion Chief?  I would like to get his scent.”
The Chief pointed.  “Don't know if they will do you much good, Caramel.  Those broken matches got pretty well soaked while stopping the fire.”
Caramel shifted, the change running down her body from nose to tail.  The caramel color of her pony form turning to the gray of the wolf.  It looked like she got bigger, but that was actually just the change from fuller barreled pony to the leaner body and proportionately longer legs, of the wolf. Her tail changed from the long flowing hair of a pony to the wolf's brush-like gray with a black tip.  Her mane changed to a black ruff framing her head and protecting her neck.  From ruff to tail a ridge of stiff black hair stood up.  Her ears became the black tufted cones of the wolf.  Her snout and jaw grew longer and filled with huge razor sharp fangs.
She turned her head to the chief and asked, “Have you got my Fire Helmet and Department ID badge, Chief?”
“I do, Caramel.  Why?”
“Because I want to underline a point and make any action that I take part of an official investigation.  I already have his scent from the scene, here.  I am pretty sure that he is in that crowd of spectators, just over there in the park.”
With a grin, the Chief hoofed over Caramel's famous Volunteer Fire Fighter and Hazmat Team badge on its fireproof sash.  As soon as it was settled, she donned her helmet, securing it into place.
She turned at once and trotted over to the spectators in the park.  Several unicorns among them moved to block her way but she simply sat.
In her disarmingly innocent filly voice, she addressed the group.  “I am assisting in the investigation of the small fire over there.  Do any of you happen to have a Magic Net mirror?”
Several chuckled, “We ain't doing anything for you, werewolf!”
Sullenly an indigo unicorn among them replied, “I do.  What do you want it for?”
Caramel smiled a wolf's smile full of fangs.  “We want to check the current listing of Wants and Warrants.  Would you please open that posting for us?”
Curling a lip in irritation, he pulled out his mirror and tapped the codes.  His eyes widened at what he saw.  Eyes barely flicking back to see, he snapped, “Not helping you, Wolf!”
His magic gathered about his horn and lashed out!
Disre Pect, near the back of the crowd, fell heavily!  His feet were yanked out from under him by the indigo unicorn's magic!
The indigo unicorn crowed, “Easiest five hundred bits I ever made!”
Shouldering through the rest, Caramel reached the fallen Disre Pect and gave two quick jabs at his forehead.  She informed him, “Mister Pect, you must not use your magic, or you will die.  I have given you a temporary horn tangle.
“You are under arrest for attempted arson by the authority of the Ponyville Fire Department and the Ponyville Police.”
She sat on his neck to keep him down.  She told the indigo unicorn, “Sir, for your assistance in this arrest, you will be paid one hundred and fifty bits at the police department when the suspect is booked.  You will get the remaining three hundred and fifty bits of the reward after his first hearing.
“I see the police arriving now.  Shall we accompany them to assure your reward?”
Just to remind ponies of the part that she already played in the Fire Department, Caramel, in wolf form, trotted back from the police department to the construction site, wearing her badge and fire helmet.
There, she was in time to assist with stowing the fire equipment back into the pumper cart and return her helmet and badge to the Chief.
Houser, watching her careful work setting the stone masonry in the half timbered front of the building, commented, “I wish that all of my help was as quick and careful as you are.”
Seeing that some of his workers had overheard the remark, Caramel replied, “Being a werewolf helps a lot.  I have faster reflexes and am stronger than most.  Your workers showed me not only how to do it, but what made for the best work.  They are a fine crew.”  They overheard her reply too, just as Caramel meant for them to.
Caramel found a calm satisfaction in setting and mortaring the stones into place.  The others of the crew were doing mostly carpentry on the interior spaces, side and back walls.  Two were putting the finishing touches on the back stairs to the basement.
They were sitting to lunch in the park and talking over how fast the work was going, ”We will be ready for the interior finish work and plastering in only another day if the roofers get their work done on time!”
Houser nodded, reaching for one of the covered boxes that Caramel had set out, “They will be.  It is all set up.  They should arrive this afternoon.”
Glancing over to the park's bushes, Houser noticed the piebald goat from the other day.  Rather than wait for Caramel's OK, Houser gestured welcomingly, “Come on over, Grumpy!  I see that Caramel either planned on you or she miscounted boxes!”
Caramel grinned, “I didn't! How do you like Sea Grass Puffs and Alfalfa patties, Grumpy?  I have three different dipping sauces for the puffs!”
There was a goat at the table that fast!  “Sea Grass puffs? Really?  I only had Sea Grass at the Fair before this!”
The whole crew laughed, but also agreed, “It is pretty unusual, all right!  We never see it in the markets here in Ponyville.  Did you try the sweet/sour sorrel sauce?”
The roofers arrived before lunch was over, actually.
The shingles were going on rapidly.  A pile of shingles started to slip on the pitched roof.  A roofer, trying to stop it began to slide for the edge of the roof!
The whole crew watched aghast as the potentially fatal accident developed.  Caramel bunched and started her spring as a pony.  It was the huge wolf who landed in the path of the sliding pony!
Wide braced, she caught him!  As his mass hit her, she started to slide, herself!  Sliding shingles cascading from the roof made regular footing impossible!  She slammed a forepaw right through the new shingle work and used the grip that created to stop them both!
The last of the shingles clattered to the stone patio below.
Concerned, she asked the roofer, “Are you OK?  Did I hurt you?”
He replied, “No, Ma'am!  You did not hurt me!  That is a stone patio down there.  I would likely have at least broken bones when I hit it.  Maybe could have died.  I can sure see why the Fire Department values you so high.”
Chuckling with relief, he joked, “You put a big leak in the roof, though!  Gonna have to charge extra for fixing that!”
Caramel made sure that he was OK and that he had his footing as she retorted, “Some ponies will do anything to get a few extra bits!”  She bounded lightly down from the roof and gave the heap of fallen shingles a long sniff.
She waived Houser and his workers away from the shingles and ordered, “Houser!  Call the Police!  We need a forensic magic expert to get a signature off these shingles!  This was no accident!  Some pony has tried to murder your worker!”
That brought everything to an instant stand-still!  They all looked at each other in worry. Caramel added, “It was nopony on this crew.  See?  The bundle tie is still up on the roof.  We know that it was tied securely when it was put up there.  Charl still has the half bundle that he was working on and it is still up there.  It did not slip, even though he was working with it.
“My nose verified that nopony has handled the fallen shingle bundle except those of our crew who had proper business handling it.  The answer is magic.  Unicorn magic, specifically.
“That is why we need the forensic magic expert.  He or she can sort out the magical signature of whoever did this and it can be compared to those of known criminals.  There is a good chance that the signature is already on file.”
Soon two uniformed police arrived, the iron shod wheels of the Forensic Investigation cart making a clatter on the street cobbles as they pulled up.  One of them was opening lockers on the cart while the other began to speak to Houser.  
They carefully gathered their evidence, including the shingle tie and several of the shingles themselves.  The expert, who was an Earth pony, ran his tests, using Non-Equine magic to avoid contamination of the magical traces left on the tie and shingles.
He turned to his partner, face grave.  “Confirmed, Jeral.  Got a weak but really clear signature. Worse, we have a match.  Those three recent industrial accident cases?  Four injuries and one death?  Same unicorn.  Call it in and put out an All Points.  This is another attempted murder charge on this individual.
Caramel looked over to the park, brows furrowed in puzzlement.  Then she glanced down the street, where the piebald black, brown and white goat was trotting up, announcing his presence with clip clopping hooves.
He politely spoke to the officers, “Sirs, my name is Grumpeter.  I know how it looks like I came here.  I was in the park.  I sneaked out of the park and down two blocks to come back and give you my information.  I did that to mislead your suspect.
“He is the gray unicorn with dirty pink mane and tail, right over there in the park.  His cutie mark is a broken ruler.
“I came here because Caramel Treat had a lunch for me, which I ate along with the work crew.  I stayed in the park afterwards.  The gray and a buddy ran me off, so I hid in the bushes and watched.
“The gray pulled up his magic, really thin like.  Near invisible to a pony.  Goats, and you can check this, see unicorn magic more clearly than ponies do.  He sneaked it across to the roof work that was going on.  I could not see what he did, but I saw the result.  When the shingles started to slide, Charl tried to stop them.  He lost his footing.  He almost went off the roof but Caramel leaped up and stopped his slide by slamming a hole in the roof for a grip.”
The Earth pony forensic expert took careful notes and asked Grumpeter for his address and other basic information.
Across the street, in the park, the two unicorns started to quietly sneak away.
The other member of the forensic team noticed them trying to leave!  He blew his whistle and yelled, “You two in the park!  Halt in the name of the Law!”
They broke into a flat out run! Caramel changed as she charged!  By the time that she had crossed the street, the two were being pursued by a giant of an Everfree Ridgeback Wolf!
Ignoring the other one, she homed in on the gray unicorn with the broken ruler cutie mark!  An educated, low, nearly flat, leap caused her shoulder to slam his right hind leg at the hip while her massive paw and foreleg tangled his lower leg!  They fell in a wild tumble of wolf and pony!
Rolling free, Caramel struck the unicorn's forehead just at the base of the horn, on both sides.  As she did, she demanded, “Do not try to use your magic!  You can feel the horn tangle!”
She followed by simply putting her full weight on his neck to keep him from rising!  The officer arrived on the scene and efficiently horn capped and manacled the prisoner.
Caramel changed back to her normal pony self, slowly, so that she would not alarm any watchers.  
The forensic expert watched her change and asked, “Do you have a magical profile in our files, Miss Treat?”
She nodded, “When I was inducted into the Fire Department's Hazmat team.  They took one then. They did say that it was really distinctive.”
That was when the police department's open tumbrel arrived to transport the prisoner.  He was informed, “Sir, you are under arrest.  The charges are vandalism of a work site, four cases of injury great enough to require Horspital treatment, two counts of attempted murder and one count of murder.”
Police unicorns lifted him into the tumbrel for the “free ride” through town to the jail.
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6 notes · View notes
lynxadventure21 · 7 years ago
Fore-shadowing in RotG for Jack’s Center is crazy!
Ok so I was re-watching Rise of the Gaurdians and it has crazy good fore-shadowing for Jack’s center being fun.
1) when he first found out he had magic his immidate reaction was to start playing.  While this isn’t one of the better examples of fore-shadowing it is still there because there are many ways people would react to suddenly having powers, expecially if right before that you were feeling scared.  (as seen in the blurry pictures below) he started adding frost to the ice running around and smiling.
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2) he froze the kids tounge to a water fountain.  While this coud be seen as a cruel trick you need to keep in mind that when he was written (during the script writting faze/the very first step of making any movie) he was planned to be a 14 year old immortal boy.  So to him he probably sees it as nothing more than a harmless, mischevious, prank.  Something that many (except the victim) would consider fun, and this is proved when not only Jack laughed but so did the kid’s friends.  And he continues to freeze things such as another child’s gold fish bowl and frost buildings continuing to laugh thinking of it as nothing but harmless pranks.
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3) directly after all that, still laughing he says “now that, that was fun”  while this is not the most subtle fore-shadowing it should still be taken note of.  Directly after this he calls out for the wind to take him home and lets out a hearty “woooooohoooooooooo!”  as the wind carries him he seems to be spinning almost out of control and laughing the entire time, kind of like a thrill seeker doing sky diving.  But as you continue to watch the scene like how he does a jumping position over the clouds it appears that he has control over how the wind carries him and merely chooses to fly in a way that Woody from Toy Story would describe as ‘falling with style’ simply because he finds it more fun then flying in a more stream lined position.   Jack continues to flip and do a sort of flying parkour while freezing everything he touches not once did he stop laughing.
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4) Jack has been stuck as a 14 year old boy with no memory of anything before Jack Frost for 300 years. 300.  300 years of no one seeing him, and pretty much no one talking to him.  The guardians seem to have heard of him but other than Bunny it dosen’t appear that any of them had offically met before hand.  Let’s do a head count.
Tooth: We see Tooth swooning over his teeth which are SAID to ‘sparkle like freshley fallen snow’ and she said “I’ve heard so much about you so clearly she never met him.
Sandy: While North was doing the introductions he introduced Sand Man.  And when Sand Man tried to explain what was going on Jack had no idea what he was saying therefore Jack has only ever played with Sandy’s sand but never interacted with Sandy himself
North: Other then knowing that Jack holds the record of being on the naughty list he defintly dosen’t know anything about him.  He didn’t even know that Jack had tried many times to break into his toy factroy.
Bunny: Clearly the 2 have a history due to him freezing Easter Sunday in the blizzard of ‘68.  When North was doing the introductions he said “you know Bunny, obviouly” with Jack responds to with “obviously” however any and all of their interactions seem to have been in a bad nature
so in short any contact he’s ever had in 300 years was to show exreme dislike or possibly hatred, but deffinitly anger.  300 years and he has somehow remained complely sane.
So Jamies mother reminds Jamie to wear a hat and says “Jamie, hat.  We don’t want Jack Frost nipping at your nose.”  and when Jamie asks who Jack Frost is she tells him that he dosen’t exist and that it’s just an expression.  Granted Jack did retiliate by yelling “HEY!” but other then that he did nothing.  We all know had his mother said that Jack was the one who brought winter Jamie would have beleived it in a heart beat but instead she said he didn’t exist.  Jack has not been seen for 300 years, and lets be honest, he’s pratically desperate for someone to see him.  Out of spite he could have easily done something like freeze a patch of ice under her feet and file it under another harmless prank, after all he has made people slip on his ice before and was fine with it, but he dosen’t.  Instead he starts a snow ball fight with the kids.  300 years and he gets a chance to be seen only for the hope to be ripped out from under his feet and instead of retiliating cruelly he decided to have a little fun instead.
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5)  He makes a snowball then blows on it causing it to glow a bright blue.  Jack then throws the ball at Jamie.  We see glitter appear in front of Jamie’s eyes then he grins from ear to ear and starts laughing.  Jamie soon starts throwing snowballs at his friends.  
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6) During the snowball fight one of Jamie’s friends accidentally hits Cupcake.  Cupcake clearly upset and angry in a threatening manor bears her teeth and growls.  The other kids are visibly scared.  Jack throws another one of his special snowballs and glitter appears before Cupcakes eyes.  Soon she starts laughing then starts playing with the other kids having fun.  He turned Cupcake’s anger into joy.
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7) Despite just have a very sad one sided conversation with M.I.M when Sandy’s dream sand appears he giggles and smiles.  He even plays with the dream sand.
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8) His immidiate reaction after getting out of the sack was to laugh and respond with sarcasm.  Almost like he was talking to a bunch of old friends doing a stupid prank.  I litterally said the exact same think to one of my closest friends when she litteraly lassoed me.  Considering pretty much everyone in that room is a stranger and the only one he actually knows has a strong dislike for him he dosen’t act like most people would: weary, angry, upset.  Basically just negative emotions, while he wasn’t exactly happy about it his immidate reaction was to try and have a bit of fun with it.
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9) another obvious one, while he was trying to convince the guardians (mainly North) that he wasn’t guardian material he said “Look, this is all very flattering, but ah... you don’t want me.  You’re all hard work and deadlines, and I’m snowballs and fun times.  I’m not a guardian.”
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10) yeah all his sarcasm and stuff is a personality trait, but when you think about it that’s kind of his center to.  The center is kinda like what they all revolve around, everything that makes up who they are one way or another it connects to their center.  (I like to think of it as a similar thing to MLP cutie marks)  During his argument with Bunny his immidiate reaction is to make fun of him, call him a name.  In a way kind of even crack a joke.
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11) His reaction to the sleigh.  He was surpirised, intrigued and probably thinking ‘cool’.  Sure you can put that down as what North says “everyone loves the sleigh” but come on, we all know that’s not true.  Bunny absolutly HATES it.  To me it seems like a roller coaster.  You either love em or you hate em no in between.  When he sees Bunny clearly freaking out on the sleigh he chuckles.  The entire scene when they are sleiging through the ice tunnels to gain momentum he is smiling from ear to ear, tbh honest that smile was big enough to be worthy of the Joker.  Not to mention how he also played a trick on Bunny by pretending to fall off the sleigh only to be lying on the feet.  And his face when North gave Jack the reins to the sleigh, need I say more?
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12) When they go to collect the teeth Jack immidiatly goes into competition mode.  Not only did he Bunny start taling smack about racing but they also competed with the amount of teeth they gained.  Even using certain tricks such as making ice for Bunny to slip on.  In all honesty can any of you tell me that this isn’t just like a fun competition between friends?
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13)  He’s a lil prankster.  Which I did mention earlier.  When Jamie’s greyhound starts growling at Bunny he decideds to start messing around.  “But that’s a um, that’s a greyhound.  Do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?”  While Bunny is distracted going on a rant on how he can take the dog down Jack taps the alarm clock with his staff causing the alarm to go off.  Scarring the greyhound and causing it to chase Bunny all around the room.  Because of this Sandy’s dream sand hit pretty much everyone but who it was intended for.  First putting Tooth to sleep soon followed by Bunny, they the greyhound, the North, folowed by Jamie.  While watching the result of his chaos Jack laughed and said “Oh I wish I had a camera right now.”
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14) Jack vs Pitch.  During the first real fight (at least on screen that we’ve seen after all it was loosley implied that there was a battle in the dark ages) Jack won.  Some people may say this is because fun, Jack’s center, is the oposite of fear, Pitch’s center.  This is both right and wrong at the same time.  Like bravery, fun and fear go hand in hand.  Many things that we call fun wouldn’t be fun without just a touch of fear.  Rollercoasters for example have quite the touch of fear to them but we are able to let go of the fear therefore allowing us to have fun.  When we play tag or hide-and-seek we fear getting caught/tagged yet we are able to let go of that fear and have fun.  Jack isn’t the opposite of Pitch he’s more like the better side to him.  In all honesty if Pitch weren’t evil they’d make quite the dynamic duo but I’ll get more into that in another post.  Anywho he was able to beat Pitch in the battle by ‘letting go’ of fear.  He litterally exploded the nightmare sand.  And at the end of the battle when Pitch is in his lair he declairs “finally someone who knows how to have a little fun”
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15) Despite never being seen he understood how to play with children better thant the guardians.  The guardians who can be seen by kids since the end of the dark ages. Because they are, as North said “we are very busy brining joy to children we don’t have time, for children”  Despite Bunny probably being his least favorite guardian he used his magic on Bunny to help him play with Sophie.  Using a snowflake much like he did with his snowballs glitter appeared in front of Bunny’s eyes and he smiles.  Then he starts playing and interacting with Sophie without any more mess ups; having fun. (looking at you Tooth, blood and gums, gross!)
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16) Can you honestly tell me that that’s not a mischevious smile that says “I did something that I found completly hilarious and others will too and when you figure out what I did it’s going to completly mess up your day”
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17) Since this is technically before he realized that his center is fun I’m going to count it.  His memories.  In it he was entertaining his little sister and her friends hanging upside down in a tree, goofing off with antlers against his head, and of course the ice skating one.:  
“I know, I know.  But your going to be alright.  You’re not going to fall in.  Uh, we’re gonna have a little fun instead.”
“No we’re not!”
“Would I trick you?”
“Yes! You always play tricks!”
“Well, alright.  Well, not, not, this time.  I promise.  I promise, you’re gonna be... you’re gonna be fine.  You have to beleive in me.  You wanna play a game?  We’re gonna play hopscotch!  Like we play every day!  It’s as easy as, one, whoa, two, three!  Alright, now it’s your turn.  One.  That’s it, that’s it.  Two, three.”  He saved his sister by having a little fun.  And this further shows what I said earlier about letting go of the fear.  If you watch his sister you can see that she is afraid, and rightfully so.  But as she plays hopscotch with Jack you can see her let go of some of her fear and have a little fun.  Like when he made her laugh by ‘almost’ falling.
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18) When he goes to get Jamie to keep believing he does it by having fun.  Sure some of you may think that since he can’t see Jack Frost there was no other way to do it.  If Jack can draw an easter egg and a bunny in his frost then surely he can write “the easter bunny is real” in it.  But instead he frosted the windows and drew an easter egg in it then a rabbit.  He made the rabbit sort of come to life (idk how else to describe it) then it exploded making it snow in Jamie’s room.  Jamie laughs and smiles while the ice rabbit hops around in his room.  Having fun.  Which ultimetly lead to his first believer, having fun, using his center, he finally got a believer.
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And that concludes all of the fore-shadowing for Jack’s center that I could find.
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andy-squirrel-the-adventurer · 7 years ago
Get to know me
Rules: I’m not really sure, since this is the first time I’ve done something like this.
Tagged by: @sad-speedlxng
Name: Andrea
Nickname: Andy
Height: About 5 foot 6 inches? I’m not sure.
Nationality: American
Favorite Fruit: Red Delicious Apples. I love how sweet they are and the crunch when you bite into it.
Favorite Season: Fall. The colors of the leaves changing, the cooler days what’s not to love?
Favorite Smell: Lavender. Every time I smell Lavender nearby, it always puts me in a calm state of mind.
Favorite Color(s): Purple is my favorite color. Like smelling Lavender, it helps to calm me down.
Favorite Animal: Definitely birds. Everytime I see them, they remind me of true freedom and I say to myself ‘I’m proud of my freedom’.
Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa: Depends on my mood. Mainly it’s Coffee for me, but if it’s during the winter and I want to warm up, I drink a nice cocoa. But if I want to enjoy something while reading I’ll drink Tea. Peppermint Tea to be exact.
Average Hours of Sleep: I try to shoot for at least seven hours a night. Six on weekends.
Dogs or Cats: Well I grew up with dogs most of my life, so yeah dogs.
Dream Trip: My dream trip is to one day visit London. The sophistication, the people. But most of all, Big Ben.
When my blog was created: Oh jeez. I don’t remember when I first made this blog. But I know I’ve been on here for about six or so years.
# of Followers: Last time I checked I had about 589 followers.
Random Fact: Sometimes when I’m bored I’ll do one of three things. 1. I’ll make random faces in a random direction. 2. Make random noises to no one in particular. Or 3. Quote and act my favorite lines from my favorite movies or shows without warning.
Favorite Food: Chili dogs. No reason. Just they are the best thing.
Favorite TV show: I have two that on going right now. Walking Dead and My Little Pony.
Favorite Movie: ‘An American Werewolf In London’. It was my first horror movie I’ve ever watched. It got me into the horror genre when I was like 12 years old.
Favorite Vine: Never have I used Vine, but I will say who my favorite Viner is. It’s @thatsthat24 . Thomas Sanders.
Sexuality: Straight.
Gender: Female
Favorite Book Series: Harry Potter all the way.
Favorite Video Game(s): I have played lots of video games, but I will have to say, Grand Theft Auto 5 and Minecraft.
Favorite Subject: It was math. And even though I don’t go to school anymore, I asked my grandma to buy me an algebra text book off Amazon.
Favorite Fandom(s): MLP, Sonic and Harry Potter.
Favorite Superhero: Batman. For some reason people are surprised when I tell them this. Probably because if I were asked this question about a year ago, I probably would have said, ‘I’m not really into superheroes.’
Guys or Girls: Either way is fine by me. :) I respect all, and judge none.
Celebrity crush: Well I don’t have any hollywood crushes, so I’ll go with my internet celebrity crush, cause in my mind it still counts. Markiplier. <3
Last time I cried: As far as I remember, last week. I was thinking about my deceased step father, who was a better father to me than my actual father.
Hair Color: Dark brown.
Eye Color: Brown
What Should I Be Doing: As far as chores go, nothing. But for my blogs, I’m going to be making rp icons for my new sideblogs @wrongriderpunchbag and @smellydeputy 
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marvelandponder · 7 years ago
OC Tag Game
I was tagged by one of my fav fabulous dorks @starbutterfly-diaz to talk about one of my OCs, but you know what? I’m gonna talk about two because I love these two together (plus I just really like talking about my ocs and don’t get a lot of chances too).
For the record, these two are from an Equestria Girls/MLP next gen, and I’ll start with the adopted AppleDash princess.
Name: Gale Primrose Apple (Formally, Gale Force in her first adopted family, and originally... Cream Puff because I just find that hilarious)
Nickname: She goes by Gale. Her girlfriend and later wife, Betty, calls her Rosie. She also answers to G, princess (her moms’ nickname for her from when she was smol), and Big Buff, Rough n’ Tough Cream Puff (well, doesn’t answer to that...).
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius 
Height: Pfft, like 6â€Č2. She’s buff as heck despite being a girly girl.
Sexual Orientation: Gay. Too gay to cope.
Hogwarts House: I could absolutely see her in Gryffindor. She pulls crazy stunts that put her own neck on the line if it’s for the right cause (like, say, doing a triple backflip off the top of a cheerleading pyramid to win over a girl and flip off her teachers).
Nationality: Well, even if this wasn’t set in the Equestria Girls universe, she’d be American. Southern princess.
Favorite Fruit: Hm. If she said anything but apples, would she get disowned? (... probably pears)
Favorite Flower: Primrose. That’s what Applejack and Rainbow Dash brought her the day they came to meet her and take her home for the first time, and well, while they were changing her name anyway... 
Favorite Season: Knowing how much she loves Thanksgiving, probably fall. 
Favorite Scent: It’s either some ultra-specific makeup brand (she’s a makeup artist) or the way her moms’ mac and cheese smells when it’s being cooked.
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa?: Coffee. Something’s gotta get her up for morning workouts.
Average Hours of Sleep: 9ish, and she snores through all of them.
Dogs or Cats?: Dogs. Definitely dogs. 
Favorite Fictional Character: Oo, that’s tough... I’m leaning towards someone like Kim Possible. Someone who manages to be a normal, fabulous teenage girl despite being in what would normally be a guy’s role. Being as big and muscly as she is, Gale would appreciate that. 
A better answer would be someone from a romcom but I don’t watch enough to know actual characters... can I just say all of the Disney princesses?
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 2 or 3 for maximum coziness.
Dream Trip: When she’s in her late teens, it’s to go to L.A., but she ends up living there so I don’t know what to tell you. Aside from that, she’d go anywhere if she got to take her wife. She used to think Vegas with her besties would be fun but... well, I’ll just say she doesn’t leave with fond memories.
Random Fact: Although it takes her quite some time to realize it, Gale’s polyamorous. She’s not the type to like an open relationship, but she can fall in love and be in a committed closed relationship with multiple partners at once. 
Coming out as poly was so much harder than coming out as gay (mostly because she was raised by a gay couple, but polyamorous relationships are still so... out of the public eye, let’s say).
Name: Battaglia Philharmonica
Nickname: Betty (Although Gale has quite a few nicknames for her, including Betsy and Babydoll; her adoptive mom, Octavia, also calls her Lia)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 5â€Č5. Decently average, but smol compared to her wife Gale.
Sexual Orientation: Gayyyy. Really gay. Like, can’t-talk-to-girls gay what a mess gay.
Hogwarts House: I think Hufflepuff. She’s confident in herself, but a huge sweetie and well, kind of lets people take advantage of her if she’s not careful. 
Nationality: Equestria Girls land? Aside from that, I’m really not sure, actually. Half-Italian, half... something. It’s hard to say because her father was never in the picture (and considering how Betty happened, that’s probably a good thing).
Favorite Fruit: Strawberries, if there’s whipped cream involved.
Favorite Flower: Forget Me Nots (why yes, she was a hopeless romantic as a child...)
Favorite Season: Spring, maybe.
Favorite Scent: Aside from her wife? Who am I kidding, it’s Gale. That’s the most comforting smell to her.
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa?: Tea, but she won’t say no to hot cocoa.
Average Hours of Sleep: 7-8. Well. When she’s healthy. 
Dogs or Cats?: DOGS. For their first anniversary, Gale gets her a puppy Betty names Princess (whoops, Princess is a boy... ah well, Princess it is) and that dog is her world. And her therapy dog for her anxiety when she’s overwhelmed.
Favorite Fictional Character: Anyone Marilyn Monroe played. She has a thing for old movies because that’s all they had on in the hospital room when she was sick for a while as a kid (unidentified autoimmune disease, was stuck in Sick Kids for 2 years of her life). This inspired her acting career, at least.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 3 or 4. She hogs one from Gale, always.
Dream Trip: If not L.A., which, again, they eventually live in, either New York or London. What a sap.
Random Fact: If she was going to have a voice actress, it’d be Kristen Bell (Anna from Frozen, among others). Which means this is her solo song during the same story arc where Gale realizes she’s poly.
I tag pretty much everyone who wants to do this?
@adgerelli, @umbraamethyst, @apricalico, @digikate813, and plenty of people who I’ve seen tagged already
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princess-of-the-corner · 7 years ago
 I heard about new mlp episodes and I have several questions. 
First off, did we really just get a bunch of new characters dumped in? We just ended the last series with dumping in several new characters. Not to mention they made the Movie Canon(but not EQG for some reason!), which also has a ton of new characters. Okay, I guess the celebrity voice cast isn’t a maintainable option, but they could do something. I know Hasbro has to get it’s toy sales, but come on guys. I think you have plenty you can work with, in both toys and characters to make stories for. 
Continuing on, is this new set going to be new main characters? You can’t just introduce a new, large group like this and have them tag along on every episode. Either it’ll go back to the original cast and everyone goes ‘uh, what about the new guys?’, or you focus on the new ones and let the old ones fade back into the secondary cast. Which, I mean, at that point why not do some kind of full reboot or even just a timeskip?
I also have several problems with the story in general. It’s been a problem for a while now, but this episode made it pretty blatant of “all the non-ponies don’t know about Friendship! None of them have friends, so they’re all jackasses!”. Which is, to be blatant, pretty fucking impossible. They don’t have friends? Not even just ‘oh, our inter-species relationships are bad’, but legit they don’t have friends even within their home country? 
How- How do they function as a society? You can’t love without some kind of friendship, you can’t have a healthy family without some form of friendship. What I’m saying is that, as presented, the population of these countries should be the most fucked up assholes possible, if they hadn’t already killed eachother off!
I don’t even get what they’re trying to do there? You can introduce characters, and even have them be going through a Friendship Problem, without saying ‘they know nothing about friendship at all’. You even could’ve had this episode without that plot point! I mean, if Ponies, who ‘already know about friendship, unlike everyone else’, can still go to Friendship School, why not other creatures know Friendship but strive to learn more about it?
That said, if you’re going to dump characters on us, can we have a Crystal Pony character? You have an entire Empire of them, yet they’re only backup background Ponies. Do any of them have names we heard on-screen and not from looking in the credits/merchandising? Also more Zebras! We still haven’t seen any other than Zecora! Or Diamond Dogs! Or Buffalo! Or the Cats and Parrots from the movie! Or Minotaurs! Or other Sirens! Holy fuck I just realized how many sapient races they shoved in this show. My point still stands though. Y’all should’ve developed any of these before you tossed in Yaks. 
Side note, ‘Everycreature’? Look, ‘Everypony’ was already pointless since everyone/everybody works just fine. Why not just switch to those words? 
However, I feel like the biggest problem is the original cast in this episode. 
The other five usually would’ve been more assertive when they saw how downhill it was going. And, like, when Twilight was all depressed, they were converted to their most basic of character traits to try and cheer her up, even though they all know better! Rainbow: “get the fuck up!”, AJ: “Eating apples makes me feel better!”, Fluttershy: “Here, hug a bunny!”, Rarity: “I bet a pretty dress would cheer you up!”, Pinkie: “Party Time!”. Again, these characters know better by now, and have been legitimately helpful and comforting, and also call each other out on things! 
Instead, we get Starlight doing the ‘tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear’ bit. Which, okay, I like Starlight well enough. I kind of want to rewrite her first villain episodes(I have a long rant on how the first ones went far to make her a villain, but had her turn around in a mater of seconds), but she’s been doing good and progressing well enough. Even so, Starlight is not the one who should’ve done this for several reasons. Partly because the rest of the cast should’ve done that. 
And then we have Celestia. Like... okay. Celestia’s ‘uselessness’ in major situations before were explainable. It used to be that she was disconnected from the Elements of Harmony, so she couldn’t use them to save the day. Then it was the dangers either overpowering her or getting the jump on her(Sometimes both.). The second excuse was weak, but hey, if you want Twilight and crew to beat the villain, you need to have them take out the sort-of-goddess so she doesn’t go in guns, er, horn blazing. 
But this episode could’ve showed Celestia off as a Leader, as Princess! When everything goes sideways and all the other leaders are bickering all to hell, she could’ve been the one to smack some sense into them! That is literally part of her job description! Diplomacy! Just have her go “Okay guys, I know you’re pissed. How about we put aside the fight to find the missing students? Then you can talk it out with them.”. But no, she just sits back and tells Twilight to do it. Fucking hell! Who thought old ass memes of characterization would come true!
Also, back to new characters, I have concerns over that villain pony. I forgot his name, but I’m calling him “Dr. Dracula Strange”. My concern isn’t over his potential villainy in the future. Oh no. However, remember that thing I said about Starlight’s time as a villain? How they spent their time making her the worst, most irredeemable pony and then shoved a ‘tragic backstory’ in and had her change her mind in three seconds? I’m scared that they’re going to pull that with this racist fuck. Partly because of story, but also partly because the racism angle hits a bit closer to reality compared to “Unicorn accidentally starts a cult, and then causes timeline fuckery”, so I say let’s just toss the guy in a cell with Tirek and not go the redemption arc route with this one. And that’s coming from me, who loves redemption arcs! You need to give a character redeemable traits if you want them to become a good guy. 
Another thing! It’s not really a complaint but, seriously? “Not even a princess can do whatever she likes when it comes to shaping young pony minds.”. Er, I hate to break it to y’all, but that’s kind of the definition of what she can do! Celestia is the Immortal leader of the country and the one making the laws. If she wanted to, she could make laws on anything. Of course, you do need to draw the line before going full tyrant, but still. Tia’s got a bit more power in this situation. 
TBH, I’m very glad that I already decided that my universe/fanart/fanfics are officially Canon Divergent as of a while ago. 
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