#push da button
invisible-pink-toast · 4 months
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shug avery making sure everybody knows how important celie is to her no matter the adaptation
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Sincerely have not gotten this off my mind since I first saw it.
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julie-su · 9 months
Somebody draw Julie-Su in a wheelchair (self propelled, not push) I'm going back to sleep
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ghostsinthecellar · 9 months
ha fuck you brain I did the thing
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cvakviigmohns · 11 months
ugh my dash is so weird what are they cooking up in those tumblr labs (expired meth, it's likely expired meth)
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employee052 · 2 months
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nulltune · 2 years
oh we’re kabedonning now? *kabedons hakuno* now you have nowhere to go. - aether probably (yoakenouta)
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she~ ‎ is~ ‎so~ ‎smug~! ‎ ‎unexpected from such an innocent maiden, ‎but it couldn't be denied that hakuno kishinami had a more playful ‎ ( teasing ) ‎side ‎ — ‎ one that came out in specific situations, ‎the girl deriving a sort of twisted amusement from seeing whatever cute reaction her victim choice of target had in response. ‎perhaps she even had some peculiar brand of confidence in being able to act so boldly, ‎but one thing's for sure— ‎ never would she imagine herself receiving a taste of her own medicine.
( ...maybe she should've known to expect the unexpected with this peculiar traveler though. )
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“ ‎ ‎——...?! ‎ ‎” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ hazel eyes blink, ‎widening as they'd met with the outlander's gold. ‎mouth parts open as the situation sinks in ‎— ‎ the wall her back is pressed to, the other's hand caging her within ‎— ‎ a kabedon, ‎clearly. ‎not a scenario she's unfamiliar with, ‎ being on the giving end of it mere moments ago. ‎but to have the script flipped on her like this was...!! ‎ ‎hakuno's mouth closes, ‎ lips pressed into a thin line; ‎ tries to feign utter disinterest. for if it's a reaction he wants, then it's a reaction he's not getting !
so she told herself, ‎but she nearly sputters at the words he so casually says. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ “ ‎ ‎ you are not ! ‎ ‎ ” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ not allowed to, ‎anyway !! ‎ ‎brows furrowing and lips pursing in an indignant protest, ‎ as if to emphasize her diapproval. ‎though the squeak that her voice had come out worked against her, ‎and was just... ‎ terrible. ‎ terrible, ‎terrible ! ‎ ‎ohh, ‎stupid, smooth aether—!! ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎“ ‎ ‎ that doesn't even sound remotely charismatic...?! ‎ ‎ just— ‎ ‎ ” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎with a huff, ‎both of hands would raise to firmly press over his eyes. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎“ ‎ ‎ i'm saving you from any further embarrassment, ‎ ‎so you can kindly shut up—! ‎ ‎” ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎she was the embarrassed one here though ?? ‎ ‎ and if that was the case, ‎then she covered up the wrong thing !
unprompted, ‎always accepting ! ‎ ‎ ‎@yoakenouta ‎♡
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ladyelissarose · 10 months
——————— ☠️
“Oh Sergeant- been looking for yo- oof! hey- HEY!!”
Simon stood shocked with his arms out at what he just witnessed and encountered, you running away with your face in your hand while the other pulled over the hoodie you wore. You didn’t even spare him a glance and basically ignored his words as you dashed by him and locked yourself in your little room after aggressively slamming the door.
Soap peeked out of his room that was across yours and frowned when he saw Simon by your door,
“Whatcha do to piss off da lass eh?”
Simon turned into Ghost quickly at the false accusation and grunted,
“I did nothing. Now piss off Soap.”
Soap frowned harder as he muttered while closing his door, not having the balls to press further as Ghost looked displeased.
“Gee sorry Lt.”
After what felt like hours to get through your door without breaking it down, Simon had finally walked in after threatening to toss away your candy stash from his office. And now he stood before you with his arms crossed, looking down at your seated figure holding yourself tightly.
He could tell you were beyond upset, maybe even angry, as you had refused to speak to him fully and didn’t look at him as you usually did. But Simon’s concern for you had him pushing your buttons, unrelenting as he asked for the fifth time.
“What happened Sergeant?”
Silence filled the room for a bit before you
finally replied, still holding a tone of hesitation,
“they... they messed my hair up.”
Placing his hands on his hips Simon kindly insisted, hoping to get more out of you now that you had decided to talk,
“Alrigh’... let me see your face please when you speak, can’t hear ya behind your hands.”
Of course he could hear you clearly, but he wanted to see your face, let you know that you could trust him, even in your most vulnerable state. Seeing you didn’t move he pressed on, growing a bit inpatient now,
“C’mon Sergeant... don’t have all day. That or I’ll-“
Huffing and using your hands to pull down the hood you then dropped them to your lap with a tantrum like behavior as you cried,
“Ok look!! There it is-“
Lifting a ‘threatening’ finger at you Simon warned as he stared you in the eye,
“Hey! Watch your tone with me Sergeant.”
Yes he knew he had been putting pressure on that grenade of yours, but he had trained you hard to conceal the anger in order to not bust at the wrong person and time. But maybe right now wasn’t the right time to exercise such, as you sunk into your chair.
And hearing that tone coming from your Lieutenant was enough to let your eyes tear up again and that bottom lip of yours jut out and tremble slightly, maybe you deserved to be called out, but damn you weren’t feeling up to taking it right now.
Simon felt upset as he saw your saddened state, so he let brown orbs leave your sad ones as he finally took in your ‘haircut’ or more like a ‘hair massacre’, growing even more upset as he found the cause of your state.
He could tell it was no little mistake that they had done, like a slip up or perhaps it was a bit uneven- Nope... they really had the audacity to shave off the left side and chop off the right to the top, and the bottom part was just a mess of tangles and chunks cut off. Who ever did it was an asshole 100%.
Simon face palmed as he thought of many ways he could abolish the fuck out of those shit eating assholes, but hearing your soft sniffle snapped him back to you.
You came first.
He then walked closer to you and sighed, reaching for the top of your head and with his pointing finger he moved it a bit to examine it.
“What happened to your hair Sergeant?”
You hiccuped a sob while caressing what was left of your hair, wiping away some tears with your other hand.
“I-I told the girls to help me with a trim, and *sniff*.. they chopped it off and ruined it. Saying it was about time I had a change.”
Looking back into the tiny mirror you had there, you pouted at the sight of your hair all messed up and disastrous. One pride and joy you had was your hair, you had really liked taking care of it and making sure it was braided nicely and all.. and now? What about now that it’s all gone?
Simon knew about your pride in your hair and braids, or the neatly done buns you had up for missions. It was what made you, you... and he understood that. Simon knew what it was like to have something of him ripped away, like they stole a part of his identity, so of course... he could only imagine your pain.
But all he could do now was sorta fix it and assure you it’s all be fine soon.. soon once he fuckin’ breaks those assholes’ hands- hangs them from their hands- burns them- ties them and- ok.. yeah, let’s just say they won’t ever do it again.
Simon nodded slowly and hummed, rocking on his heels slowly as he dreaded what came next.
“Hmmhmm... ok, bring me my razor so you can cut it.”
Your eyes widened a bit but you replied nonetheless,
You knew it had to be done in order to let your hair grow back to normal, so sadly you went to a personal cabinet to look for the razor Simon preferred to use, it gave him the sharpest and cleanest cut, the shortest one too. You were a tad bit surprised he’d let you use his- but if he was going to supervise maybe that’s why.
Walking back to him you held it up close to his face, for reassurance that it was the right one. Simon glanced at it once and his eyes spoke for you, calm and affirming, it was the right one.
Like a defeated child you looked around your room for the nearest outlet, tears and your pout growing as the moment came closer.
Finally you had it connected and set, looking around confused wondering if you were missing anything, and thinking you weren’t, you were about to start until Simon held your wrist gently, causing you to halt for a second as you listened,
“Allow me?”
Looking up at him you saw the sincerity in his eyes, matching his tone. It was something so rare to see behind eyes that had seen death and hell, darkness and hurt.. but it made you feel somewhat better as you handed it to him,
“sure.. thanks.”
Taking it carefully he mumbled softly,
“don’t mention it Sergeant, now sit back and wait.”
Sitting back in your chair you played with your fingers as you waited patiently, while he prepped the area after discarding his gloves, grabbing a couple more items he needed quietly and gently. It was so different to see Simon like this, taking things slowly and being ever so gentle, unlike his rough tactics on field or his constant loud huffs he let out due to frustration.
He actually looked peaceful.
What was also very nice to see and feel during such a time was him mumbling softly at you everytime he was going to grab your head and move it, letting out a pleased sigh when you complied immediately and moved at his command.
“‘m gonna hold ya right here m’k?”
“Hold righhh- that’s perfect Sarge, don’t move.”
“I’m going behind ya ears, stay still... atta girl.”
“How’re we doin’ Sarge?”
“Hmm Hmm... almos’ there.”
Simon’s soothing Manchester voice could’ve put you too sleep, making you forget your nightmare of a day, and his gentle warm hands holding your head was making the memories and headache disappear bit by bit.
Who would’ve thought that such red hands were actually the hands of an angel? The voice behind the one that screamed at death was indeed soft and rumbling warm like a perfect motor on a winter night drive?
What shook you awake was when you heard out of the blue that click along with some proud proclamation,
“Aha! Look at ya Sergeant.. sporting my look. It suits you well- take a look.”
Simon pat your head and shook off any remaining hairs as you swallowed the lump in your throat and opened your eyes when you got the mirror from him. But shock was read across your face- not from seeing your new haircut- but the man behind you.
“Hm hmm..”
You turned around in your chair so fast you could’ve knocked the air out of you, but what actually took your breath away was the face now before you, the face behind Ghost.
There he stood in his glory, owning a few scars on his face, but they made him who he was, tiny freckles adorned his crooked nose and cheeks, his brown eyes appeared more bright without the dark masked shadowing over them, and his eyebrows matched his white lashes as so did his buzz cut hair. His lips shaped into a faint smirk as he gestured his head towards the mirror,
“Take a look at my work.. ‘is nice innit?”
Coming back to the moment you nodded dumbly and now looked in the mirror, smiling softly at your buzz cut. It was definitely new and extremely different to you, but the fact that Simon did it for you and it was like his haircut... that made you feel so much better, stronger even.
Raising a hand to feel the prickly feeling over your palm as you ran your fingers through your short hair, you chuckled lightly,
“It’s very nice Lieutenant.. thanks.”
Turning back to see him had your smiling fading a bit, as he had his mask back on already, concealing his Adonis sculpted face, but your smile lifted again when you heard a low chuckle escape his lips,
“Now we match Sergeant.”
“We do Lieutenant... but-“
“If anyone says a word about it they’ll hear from me, but I expect you to stand up for yourself first.. then I’ll knock their ass. Hear me?”
Standing up in front of his broad stature you promised, hoping to convince yourself that you would.
“I-I will Ghost.”
A gentle grip met your shoulder as he warned,
“I’ll find out if you don’t.. but I hope I don’t catch that... because I know you’re strong and better than that Sergeant.”
His reassuring words gave you a boost, like a cool ice cream after a long hot day, a comforting hug to ease the ache.
Spreading kindness wasn’t Simon’s best trait, his life made him a hard man, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t any good left in him at all, and whatever he did have left he made sure to let it out once in a while, so he could remind others and mostly himself, that he was human.
“Appreciate it Ghost..”
Simon gave you a short nod, his eyes twinkled a tad bit, as he leaned forward and planted a kiss on your head through his mask, letting you know he gifted a smile behind his mask. He then pulled back and gestured towards the door,
“Onward you go, and I’ll be keeping an eye on ya.. don’t back down.”
Heading towards the door walking backwards you saluted him,
“Affirmative sir!”
Let’s just say, a few days later an odd occurrence happened? Some of the ladies had a lice infestation all of a sudden, and were ordered by the Lieutenant to shave their heads immediately in order to stop the spread amongst themselves. (Who in the hell knows how that happened..☠️
Also, you walked into your space one evening, and found a small box by your bed, containing the best hair growth products from England, with a lock and key so no one could get to it but you. And lastly a little note on top with a simple message.
‘If you ever need a trim, come find me’
(You didn’t have to guess who it was...☠️)
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simonrillleyyysss · 8 months
Ignore this if you want, but what about~
dom!könig x innocent!reader. Where he gets so sick of all the teddies in the way he decided to make her hump her favorite teddy!
cw: mean!kö,gentle slapping,petnames,controlled orgasm, teddy fucking, orgasm denial, afab reader, reader is called princess,minors dni
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always annoying, the teddies.
trying to cuddle? big bear wedged between könig and you—causing him to huff and try to yank it away; earning a sharp cry from you as you protested and sat on it.
he’d pleaded and begged many times for them to move—No.
‘please, prinzessin.. i do not see why you need so many of them.. it’s simply one i want to move.’
‘i can’t! they’ll feel left out, it’s not fair.’
‘..they cannot feel emotion,Ist dir das klar?’
könig confirmed, furrowing his brows in question, twirling your hair around his finger.
‘i know, but it’s the idea of it.’
he usually just nodded and accepted the fact they wouldn’t move, secretly shifting them in the middle of your powernaps or floortime, starfished on the fluffy pink carpet—unaware he was shoving your teddies over.
always annoying.
your hands desperately trying to unloop his belt, huffing as he slapped your cheek softly as a warning, pushing you back and manhandling you to lay on your stomach, arching your hips up.
he shifted—sinking onto a teddy with a grumble.
‘i’ve had enough, schatz.’
‘knees, now.’
the large figure commanded, watching you scramble to your knees, watching him lift the bunny plushie—hands groping at your panties as he slid them off, placing the stuffie between your thighs.
‘kö..? please.’
‘you asked for this.’
‘not me.’
‘i had asked you to move them various times, did i not?’
with a hum, he placed his large hands on your hips, slowly guiding you back and forth along the soft fur of the bunny.
‘no-oh!nono..not minnie..’
you pleaded, hands digging into the headboard infront of you, listening to it creak with every thrust of your hips, sensitive button of your clit grinding against it with soft mews falling from your lips.
‘that’s it, hure.’
‘kökö..feels so—so good!’
you blubbered, biting your bottom lip tentatively as your hips increased in speed, his own hands moving away as he watched you fuck yourself on the teddy, palming himself through his cargos.
‘please—please touch me..’
you cried out as he refused, shaking your head as you quickly continued to hump minnie, mouth agape as you babbled and begged, not sure what for. hands sliding down to grasp at its head, rocking it back and forth along your slick cunny.
‘can i cum?’
with a broken string of moans, your hand moved to grope at your breasts, thumbs running over the soft buds as the bed creaked beneath your weight and power of your thrusts.
“pleaseletmecum..need to..needtocumpleasepleasepleeAasee!’
with a gentle slap to your ass, he watched your eyes flutter back—hips trembling as the knot in the stomach began to snap, quickly yanking the plushie away.
‘no-no! please! könig!’
‘you’ll cum when i let you cum.’
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pawfrill · 5 months
Okay but like imagine trying to visit father figure bf! Nanami while also trying to avoid seeing your dad o__o like Nanami’s probably all like never come see me at work or whatever & you just can’t help surprising him in his office or something n’ he just gives a slight scowl & a big ole kiss or something idk I’m in love
hweo littl anonie ! ur brain is so magical nd im obsessed wif it! here is a treat for waitin patiently for your request ! 𐂯 ! ⊹
to give everyone a break frm all da smut nd wht not here is a tiny but might drabble abt visiting your dad’s boss at work
( for more context read dis / / also !! i love private school uniforms so i gave this au a uniform for college! )
— pls dnt mind da spelling errors . . is almost 3 am nd im fully of energy
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ding! you stepped off the elevator, thick mary janes clack against the marble floor as you reach two big spotless floor to ceiling crystal glass doors with a sign that read Jujitsu Law Firm.
you had just gotten out of school, you had no other plans for the day so you decided to stop by your boyfriend’s workplace and surprise him right after school.
the only issue is you’d forgot to pack a change of clothes in your bag for school so you have to wear your uniform. not that it matters but you’d have like to show up to your big time boyfriends job in more of a presentable manner than this but oh well!
pushing the door open, you are met with a big reception desk and classical music playing in the background with the ambient light accompanying. you look around taking everything in before being interrupted.
a women no older than twenty-eight, speaks. “uh, may i help you?” you look down at her desk, you spot a name plate; ‘Mako.’ you read.
“yes! hello, i’m here for Nanami Kento, please.” you give her a smile.
she stares back at you with a raised brow, looking you up and down, taking in your appearance. still sporting your schools outfit, you are dressed in a white button up polo, a red, white and gold neck tie, a oversized navy blue cardigan paired with a black skirt and leg warms.
“do you have an appointment with Mr.Kento.” she all but rudely says. An appointment? why would you need an appointment to see your own boyfriend.
“ uh no. could you please tell him that- “ she cuts you off before you could even finish. “sorry kid, but you can’t see him without an appointment.” her tone irritated with the interaction between you two.
kid? did you really look that young? you’re only twenty-three. before you could spit out a remark on her horrible communication skills, your dotting boyfriend appears from around the corner.
“ ♡ ? “ you turn around, seeing your boyfriend standing there with a surprised look on his face.
“surprise!” you said adorably, walking over and reaching up on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck, his assistant long forgotten. he pulls away taking in your attire, cute as ever he thinks.
“what are you doing here, princess?” still surprised you came and visited him despite voicing your worries about your father being at the office nonetheless finding out about you two, but you put your worries aside and came anyways. kento’s sweet, sweet, girl.
“well i wanted to surprise you, plus . . i missed you.” you shyly stated at the end, looking down and kicking the imaginary dust off your shoes. kento thinks about how soft spoken and gentle you are..always wanting attention, he finds it cute; finds you cute.
“well considered me surprised baby” he almost can feel the heat radiating off your cheeks from how embarrassed you are, his heart almost gives out. “are you hungry puppy?” there he goes again, using that nickname that always leaves you wanting more. “have you ate?” he asks again. As if on queue your stomach growls, answering for you.
now in his office, stomach full and plate of food forgotten, you watch kento as he is working at his desk and you are sat on the opposite side. “staring is impolite you know?” he says assumingly.
“i- what, i- wasn’t staring at you.” you rushed out, flustered. kento laughs. his laugh is from deep in his chest, the one that warms your heart and makes you smile. “whatever.” you grumble out.
having enough of his teasing, you stand up from your seat and make your way around the desk, pulling his office chair out to make room for you to squeeze onto his lap.
you place your legs in between the arm holes of the chair that way you are blocking his view from the computer screen, “princess, i can’t see.” you loop your arms around his neck, “that’s the point, gimme kiss.” you whine, kento rolls his eyes playfully and chuckles “so needy..always kento i want , kento gimme, but you never say your please’s or thank you’s.”
he pinches your side, never breaking eye contact. “whoever is teaching you your manners needs to do better. you’re a spoiled brat.” he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, leaning in, kissing your cheek.
you huff, frustrated at not getting your way, “kento just gimme a kiss already-.” you hiss at the conact of a firm smack against your thigh, “so got damn bossy.” he leans in pecking your lips, two times before giving in.
slotting his tongue into your mouth. when kento kisses you like this, it’s like he is trying to take your soul and breath away, you whine trying to pull him closer you grip at his collar and rock your hips, you deepen the kiss by moving your tongue against his; its so messy, it makes your dizzy.
“please, please more gimme” you pant, trying to pull him even closer if that’s possible. his hands has a firm grip on your waist that youre sure will leave a bruise but you couldn’t care less, not when he feels this good.
kento could tell that you are getting desperate. he knows that you are probably teary eyed, sometimes you get to needy and desperate that you don’t think anymore.
“hold on pup, let’s take a breath, yeah?” you whine when he tries to pull away from you. kento is correct, your big doe eyes are teary and you look a wreck. your school uniform is disheveled, skirt is twisted; along with your cardigan that’s halfway off your shoulders.
before either you and kento could continue a knock comes from the door.
“Mr.Kento, Have you seen my daughter? i heard she came to stop by!” your father.
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dark-and-kawaii · 7 months
༺ 𝐀 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 & 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐮𝐩 ༻
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Self-indulgent Oneshot: You were desperate at this point, your body moving on its own searching for sweet release, but only a release a certain Devil you know could give.
Pairings: Raphael x Tav/Reader
NSFW | You’re On Top Fucking Raphael
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Raphael stood at the edge of his bed, observing as you approach him with a determine gleam in your eyes. As you reach the devil, your nails dig into his top, forcefully tearing it open from the front, the buttons of his top falling to the floor. He can't help but chuckle at your audacity.
He’s about to speak, but you have no time for words so instead you interrupt him, pushing him onto his luxurious bed. How could a devil look so appetizing, his shirt undone, exposing his chest solely for your visual pleasure. He laughs, amused by your eagerness. "Such an eager little pup," he exclaims. You crawl on top of him, your lust for him overpowering any rational thoughts. Yes, he is a devil, someone you should never trust, but in this moment, all that matters is him.
Straddling Raphael, you lean forward, your tongue descending upon his chest, a wet tail moving up towards his neck, playfully nipping at it. His moans resonate like sweet music in your ears. Your hands glide through his silky, chocolate-colored hair, its softness exceeding your expectations. His hips subtly arch at your touch, you know he has Haarlep but it leads you to wonder if he's starved for actual physical contact. The thought only fuels your desire to continue ravishing him.
Before the night draws to a close, you reduce him to a disheveled mess, pinning his hands above his head. Biting your lip, your pussy burning with ache, the wetness trickling down your thighs as you eagerly ride his rigid cock.
Raphael's fists clench above his head, trapped in your grip. Your body moves with unrelenting fervor, bouncing up and down on his throbbing cock, your mouth agape with pleasure each time it hits your sweetest spot. Your mouth hangs open, gasping for air as each forceful bounce hits your sweetest spot, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your entire being.
With his eyes closed, Raphael savors every sensation, fully immersed in the pleasure of your body and the vice-like grip of your tight cunt. Keep this up and he’ll have no other choice but to chain you and keep you as his dear little pup for all eternity. A vision of you on your knees with your head resting on his lap has his teeth clenching.
Sweat cascades down your bodies, both of you drenched in pure lechery. His cock pulsates and throbs inside you, as you surrender to the intoxicating feel of his body. You can feel your climax building, a tidal wave of ecstasy ready to crash upon you both.
With a low growl, Raphael forced his wrists out of your hold and pulls you close, your bodies melding together, his strong chest providing a safe haven for your pleasure-addled mind. The intensity swells within you, reaching its breaking point, as his devilish seed surges deep into your drenched and insatiably hungry pussy. You can't contain it any longer, and with a scream that echoes through the room, you call out his name, your body convulsing with the force of the third orgasm that ripples through you, leaving you utterly spent and completely satisfied.
As you catch your breath, you gaze at the devil known as Raphael. His mouth hangs open, his harsh breaths attempting to regain composure. It dawns on you that he allowed you to have your way because you lavished his body with the attention it craved. You lick your lips, captivated by his delectable appearance in this vulnerable state. It makes you never want to leave his side, and it hits you- fuck... Have you fallen in love with the devil?
The realization hits you like a fireball, causing goosebumps to run down your arms. Love for a devil? It defies all reason and logic, but the intensity of your feelings cannot be denied. You find yourself captivated by Raphael, drawn to his dark allure and intoxicating presence. The way he submits to your desires, the pleasure he bestows upon you.
You lean your head against his chest, your breath mingling with his as you whisper, "Raphael, I think I'm falling for you." His eyes meet yours, a mix of surprise and satisfaction dancing within them. A wicked smile tugs at the corners of his lips, revealing his delight in your confession.
"Ah, my sweet pup," he murmurs, his voice laced with a seductive purr. "Love is a dangerous game, especially when played with a devil. But if you're willing to surrender yourself to me completely, I shall make you mine in every sense of the word."
And he meant it, he’d make you his… Body and soul.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Could I request a reader who is an adult probably scavenging some parts or an ex maintenance worker who rescues Cassie with the help of roxie and Monty who was fixed by the reader.
As the young girl came to her senses, she could only groan in pain, although it was violently cut short when she began coughing due to the surrounding dust.
She then felt a warm liquid trickling down the side of her head, eventually landing on her bottom lip where she tasted iron.
Spitting it out in disgust, she could see it was crimson red.
'What happened to me...?'
Cassie tried to move, but quickly found that her leg was pinned underneath rubble, and above that was a slab of concrete that would be impossible for her to lift up on her own. She still tried to free herself, only to stop when she felt pain.
Her eyes eventually found the smashed maintenance elevator she was thrown out of, her memories becoming clearer. 'That's right...the elevator..'
Soon her gaze fell upon the shattered Roxy-Talkie device that was once her only connection with the outside world.
Her only connection with Gregory.
Or...at least who she thought was Gregory, only for it to be a lie.
And just as the real one managed to contact her and save her from that evil endoskeleton who was mimicking him, he betrayed her by dropping the damn elevator.
"Th-That jerk...!" She coughed. "He-"
'Cassie! Is that you?!"
"Cassie! If you can hear us, hang on!"
Blinking, she turned her head to see a familiar wolf coming to her rescue, alongside an adult who looked like one of the Fazbear technicians.
"Cassie! Thank goodness. We thought you were a goner.." Relieved, Roxy began shoving aside whatever she could to reach Cassie. From pipes to rocks to metal sheets.
"I-I thought you were, too." The girl shuddered, feeling her tugging on her arms.
But she remained stuck and cried out in pain when Roxy tried pulling her out, to which she immediately let go. "What's wrong? I-Is your leg broken?"
"No. She's just trapped under a giant concrete slab..you're not gonna be able to lift that, Roxy. That means you're up, big guy."
"Leave it to me, boss."
Cassie felt her blood run cold upon hearing the other familiar voice...one that she wishes she didn't hear.
Within seconds, the slab was lifted, and she was free to look up at whoever saved her.
It was Monty, his upper body now affixed to a glamrock endo's lower half. He loomed over her, teeth gnashed together as he stared back down, looking annoyed. "I can't hold this all da-"
"AHH!! G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" With a scream, she scrambled to her feet despite being in immense pain, determined to get as far away from the monstrous gator that stalked her all night.
She couldn't let him catch her.
Not again.
And so she ran-
Until she crashed into you, nearly knocking you over.
"Cassie! It's alright!" You kneeled down, holding her closely as her panicked breathings kept getting worse--to the point of hyperventilation. "It's okay. He's not gonna hurt you, shhh."
"B-But he's...h-he's...he's....!!!" She struggled to finish.
"Cassie, it's okay. Monty's on our side now. Look."
Hearing the comforting voice of her favorite animatronic, she slowly calmed down enough to look back, seeing Roxy standing there beside Monty, who had dropped the slab.
She blinked several times, confused at why he was so calm now and wasn't trying to chase her. "How did he...? He was in the water, and...I fried him-"
"It seems like you pushed the factory reset button on him," you spoke up. "Whatever you did worked pretty well. He's got his old personality back, although I don't think he remembers what exactly happened.."
Cassie gazed at you. "I-I'm sorry..who are you?"
"[Y/n]." Smiling, you set your hands on her shoulders. "I used to work with your dad, and-"
However, you fell silent when she began sniffling, eyes watering up as her lips trembled, clearly trying to stifle her sobs. You frowned and hugged her closely. "Oh, honey.."
That was all she needed to burst into tears, burying her face into your jacket as the stress of her journey finally came crashing down on her--in the emotional sense, this time.
She had no words to described how hurt and betrayed she felt; all she could do was sob and sob as she clung to you.
Roxy almost ran to comfort her on instinct, but Monty held her back by the arm and shook his head, assuring her that you both needed the space. The last thing she needed was two dangerous-looking animatronics hovering around her.
He knew that very well.
She reluctantly listened, watching as you picked up Cassie and allowed her to hug you around the neck.
"I-I wanna go home.." She hated how pathetic she sounded, though it was the truth.
She was so very tired.
"We'll get you home, I promise." You reassured her. "We found a way out."
"B-But..what about that endo?" Sniffling, she raised her head to look at you, wiping at her smudged makeup. "I-It's still here..what if it gets out, too-?"
"Oh, it ain't going nowhere anytime soon."
Confused, Cassie glanced back at Monty, her eyes widening upon seeing the head of the Mimic in his claws. "My trophy." He grinned from ear-to-ear, before attaching it to his hip.
You chuckled. "He tore that thing up in two seconds flat. It didn't even stand a chance."
"We both kinda ganged up on it." Roxy nudged her bandmate's elbow. "Nobody messes with the Glamrocks..especially us."
"Haha. Got that right!"
"That's good.." Cassie muttered, finally calming down as she realized he was indeed back to his old self, relieved the Mimic was no longer a threat. "But..what about the elevator?"
"It's not our only way up. If I know one thing about this place, it's that we got too many damn stairwells." You huffed. "Fortunately Monty cleared a path to one that was hidden. That's how we got down here and found you."
"Yeah, I did that." The gator boasted. "You guys should be thanking me!"
"We will after we get out of this dump." Roxy reminded him, rolling her nonexistent eyes. "I need to find Gregory so I can....." She paused, feeling as though you're staring at her, before she changed her wording carefully. "....tell him what a bad "friend" he is."
"I'll tell him that myself, too.." Cassie grumbled, resting her head against your shoulder. "Can we go now?"
"Yeah." Nodding, you took out your flashlight. "Let's not stay here any longer than we need to."
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berberriescorner · 8 months
Hello! Stoping by to tell you I love your Husband/Father!Rio mini series. I know you don't take request, but was just wondering if you plan on giving us anymore glimpses of this cute little family? I love the way you write them. Hope you're doing okay and feeling better.
I'm doing okay, love. Good days and bad days, but I'm pushing through. Thanks for asking💜! I hope you're doing okay as well!
You're in luck, love bug! I cooked something up for them just the other day. The idea came to me, and I just had to get it out😆. I had planned to post it the other day, but I just didn't have the energy.
When I tell y'all this was the most frustrating mood board I've ever worked on🙄. I had it exactly to my liking and went to save...nothing happened. I tried everything before giving in and hitting the refresh button. Lost all my progress and had to start from scratch. That being said, enjoy, comment, and stop being scary with that reblog button😆🧡!
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Inspired By💜🧡:
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“It Be Your Own Blood”
Snickers filled the room, making way for the side eye your husband gave his two eldest daughters. His eyes moved at a snail’s pace before landing on you. Rio kissed his teeth as he watched your shoulders bounce up and down in silent giggles. You did everything to hold the laughter in, but his reaction made it difficult.
“Ain't a damn thing funny about any of this, mama,” he rasped.
Rio groaned as a tiny hand collided with his thigh. Sucking in a frustrated breath, he looked down, eyes settling on your third and youngest daughter.
“Daddy! You said a bad word. You’re not getting any dessert tonight. Gon’ miss out on all da candies,” she scolded, finger wagging in his direction.
“Alright, little miss thing. You're about to lose candy privileges as well. Are you supposed to be putting your hands on other people,” you reprimanded.
Her head tilted to the side, confusion written on her face. Big amber-colored eyes stretched with realization. “Sorry, Daddy,” she offered in a sweet baby voice.
“It's all good, baby girl. Daddy ain't mean to say a bad word.”
Rio noticed you and the two oldest rolling your eyes, hands flying in the air.
“Now, what I do?”
“These babies got you wrapped around their fingers.”
Just as Rio was about to argue your point, baby boy piped up, reminding him why he was irritated in the first place. The agitated toddler yanked at his pant leg. They eyed one another as his cute, chubby little hands stretched toward your husband. 
“Bae! Up!”
Laughter filled the room once more. You locked eyes with your husband. He side-eyed you as he picked the bossy toddler up.
Your husband nodded towards the chubby tot, “This is what I’m talkin’ about. These little goons talkin’ to me crazy.”
Rio’s brown orbs stared into identical eyes. “Aye, listen, little dude. You’re my mans and all, but you gon’ stop with this bae mess. Can you say Daddy?” Rio pointed at himself and enunciated slowly, “Daddy.”
The little tyrant giggled, shook his head no, and shouted, “Bae!”’
“Listen, little man, we ain't about to be roaming this neighborhood, decked out in the finest of costumes, with you hollering bae at me every five minutes.”
His little feet kicked as he bounced in his father’s arms.
“Baebaebae,” he retorted, doing a little jig.
“How old was little mama when we finally got her to switch back to daddy from bae?”
“Christopher, baby. He's in his terrible twos. Baby boy’s going to do what he wants. Don't fight it, bae-.”
“You do realize you're the problem. That's why I like it when you call me da-.”
Your hand connected with the back of his head softly. “Christopher!”
“I’m just saying, sweetheart. You got my boy over here thinking that’s my name. Put Daddy on repeat, and maybe he’ll get it right. Use my other nickname more often. Papa–that I can rock with.”
“You do realize the more you fight it—he’ll continue to say it, right?”
“All these kids are petty like their momma. It be your own blood, for real. I thought you was the homie, son,” he teased the babbling toddler.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. At least people will know not to try them,” you sassed.
Rio’s face lit up at that. “You right, mama. Come, kiss Daddy,” he demanded.
“That’s opp behavior, son. Do better,” he chuckled as he rubbed his hand across your growing bump.
He kissed, leaving a playful bite on your bottom lip as his free hand grabbed a handful of your round, plump derrière. “I love this green dress on you, mama. I’m feeling this—what are the ladies callin’ them these days? Bust down middle parts,” he quoted. Rio stared at you lustfully, “That honey blonde lookin’ good on you, darlin’. He leaned closer and whispered in your ear, “Wear it to bed tonight.”
“Calm yourself, husband. The children are present.”
Rio bit his lip, nodding his head in appreciation. “Who are you dressed as this year,” he questioned, stealing another kiss.
“Pregnant Beyoncé, duh! You know this is giving very much Queen Bey. Don’t play with your girl. You ain’t gotta worry, b-Papa.” You twirled strands around a finger, biting your lip, “This is an install. You have plenty of time to enjoy her in private.”  Leaning closer, finishing in a mumble, “Can’t wait for you to come up with a name for this alter ego.”
“You need to bust out the red joint again. I’m anticipating a visit from Red Ryder soon,” he insisted.
Clearing her throat, the eldest child brought you two back to more important matters. You chuckled, “Sorry, loves. Let’s revert to more important topics such as these beauties.” Pointing at each child, oldest to youngest, you explained their costume. “Please believe if I’m going as momma Bey, you gotta have Blue and Rumi. Then we have the beautiful Little Mermaid—Halle Bailey’s version, of course, and last, but most certainly not least—Sir Carter.”
“Mama, is this why you got me dressed in black tie? Let me guess—.”
“Yep! You Billionaire Hov. You’re not a businessman. You’re a business, man!” you boasted, popping your tongue. “Minus the cheating, of course. You know not to play with me. Sorry, Bey! Shade but no shade.”
“Let’s go before this little menace says it again,” Rio sighed. “Everybody got their Halloween buckets?”
He looked toward the oldest, and she took the words out of his mouth, “Make sure you hold your sister’s hands. I know, Daddy.”
Rio continued, “Remember-.”
“Always say Trick or Treat, be polite, and don’t hustle anybody for extra candy. Daddy, we got this, chill,” she finished once more.
His head tilted to the side as he mumbled, “Got a response for everything. Stop laughing, mama. She’s not that funny. Everybody, come on. We out.”
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Did you cackle? I hope so😜! Rio, wifey, and children are such a trip😆. Please be sure to show your girl love, my sweet babies💜🧡.
Divider Credit: @firefly-graphics
Tagging some lovelies💜🧡:
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @starrynite7114
@nightlywords7 @fineanddandy @rio-reid-whoreee
@novaniskye @that-one-anxious-mango @1andonlytashae
@blkbutterfly816 @lovedlover @vanityinvenus @librarian1002
@banana123pudding @fezcosonlylove @sunshine-flower
@invisiblegiurl @astoldbychae @percosim @amorestevens
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dragonsareawesome123 · 6 months
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Push da button!
The Color Purple (2023) dir. Blitz Bazawule
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mariacrow · 11 months
Hi love, Let me start off with saying that I adore your writing! I was wondering if you could do some cute fluffy relationship head cannons with TFP Optimus, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee with a human female S/O please?
Totally okay if you ignore this one, just wanted to throw something out there. Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you, love 🥰 I planned on doing TFP Autobots relationship headcanons so here are your boys amongst everyone else ;)
This one is EVEN LONGER 💀 (that’s what she said pt. 2)
For Decepticon headcanons click here! 💜
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TFP Autobots x reader
❀ relationship headcanons ❀
2nd person
female reader
how you’d get together, confession
how you’d function together, PDA
intimacy, preferences (NSFW)
how long would it last
excluding Arcee because I mainly do male characters
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It would take a looooong time for you two to click. He would treat you equally like he does everyone else and not give you any signals, not even mixed, so you would think it’s impossible to take it to another level with him.
As time would pass though, you two would isolate yourselves more and more when you’d have a chance. He’d take you on long relaxing rides.
Most of the time he would let you blabber while he’d stay silent and listen. He can listen to your beautiful voice all day.
After a couple of romantic rides he’d finally confess to you, asking if it’s even possible for a creature like him to love a creature like you. He’d ask you to be his one and only, to conjux.
He’d totally understand if you’d reject him but of course you wouldn’t reject him, IT’S OPTIMUS PRIME, WHO WOULD REJECT OPTIMUS PRIME??? (lmao)
He’s okay with PDA but he’d still kinda avoid it, he prefers when you two have proper privacy. He’s often too busy throughout the day anyway.
But when you do get some alone time, he always makes sure it’s the best you’ll ever get.
His sex drive isn’t high but at times he would get intimate with you and make you feel special.
He’s quite romantic actually, vanilla yet very sensual. He would do anything to give you maximal pleasure.
He likes to take it slow and passionate, take his time with you but sometimes, just sometimes, when he has too much pent up stress, he’d take it a bit rougher than usual to relieve himself.
He’s not that vocal, definitely a groaning and grunting type. He’d praise you though, tell you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you.
Definitely calls you “little one”.
Prefers missionary or you riding while facing him so he can look at the complete soft beauty in front of him. Sometimes you push his size kink button which makes him tightly grab onto something, sometimes even damage it.
After he’d feel kinda bad, he’d make sure he didn’t hurt you or bring you any kind of displeasure. He’s the king of aftercare though, that’s for sure.
Da hell u mean how long would it last??? FOREVER OFC. IT’S OPTIMUS PRIME!!! 🤸‍♀️
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Grumpy doc. (MY FAV!!!!!!!!!)
He’d pretend you annoy him the most just to deny his feelings.
As time would pass and as you’d grow on him more you’d catch him getting distracted by you. He’d just keep staring at you with a poker face, secretly admiring you. When you’d catch him he’d shake it off and continue his work.
Slowly he’d get overprotective, wanting to become your guardian probably. He’d also talk with you more often, perhaps even flirt a little with his old doc jokes, make you giggle and admire your blushy face.
He’d take advantage of some alone time with you in the base to confess. He’d let you sit on his shoulder for the first time while he works and talk quietly to you.
Finally he’d spill his spark for you, apologize for being too rough on you at times and asking for a chance to change that.
He’s actually a very good kisser, you could smooch him all day. But NEVER in front of the others. PDA is a nono, especially when you get him flustered which you tend to because he cannot absorb so much beauty at once.
Four walls and a locked door is the best for him. He can admire you properly and have his way with you. He might seem vanilla but he can get kinky.
He’s a control freak in bed too. Considering his age, his pace isn’t the best. He’d always complain about his hips and back but his strength is definitely something to cherish. He’s actually quite experienced so he doesn’t need a quick pace to give pleasure to both of you.
He’s girthy and it’s definitely something he’s proud of. He can get quite cocky and throw a couple of dirty talks. He can get very loud too, likes when you’re loud as well so he can shush you for fun.
He kinda has a breeding kink too (perhaps even doctor & nurse/assistant or patient kink), loves filling you up and seeing your tummy bulge, not letting it leak out.
He isn’t an exhibitionist but he’d love to do it on the control panel with you or in the med bay. As time would pass and as he’d remember how good IT feels, he’d want to do it anywhere and at any time, whenever you’d tickle his wild side with a provocative comment or a provocative look.
One thing that’s hilarious is that he can almost immediately fall asleep after nutting (excuse my language). He tries his best not to but he’s an old tired doc after all, you can’t be mad at him.
He’d pray it lasts because deep down he knows he got too attached. Even when you two would argue, when he’d yell at you for a stupid thing for example, later he’d do anything to make it up to you.
He loves you very dearly.
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He would confess to someone by secretly researching customs about Earth and he would be nervous at first.
You two would bond with some common interests he did research on previously. He’d buy you gifts and take you anywhere you want but at the same time he’d worry about your safety.
He gets flustered very easily so you’d get the memo that he likes you from the start.
It would take him a long time to confess which would result in him being a pure blushing mess. The moment you’d kiss him he’d probably almost faint.
He’s ok with PDA, he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. When he’s with you he’s in another dimension.
He’s a big snuggly wuggly teddy bear. Cuddling has become one of his fav things in the world because of you.
He would also need a lot of time to allow himself to get intimate with you hence he’s so huge. He’s scared he could hurt you.
Hence he needs a lot of words of affirmation, communication is key with him.
He’s a soft dom but can also be a switch if that’s what pleases you. He likes when you tug at his chin. He also loves when his digits are tangled in your hair, it’s his favorite part of your body.
He isn’t really a kinky type or at least his fear of bringing you any harm is suppressing anything that can come out onto the surface. That’s why he might be an experimentalist.
He would not stop until you’re fully pleased. You need to talk to him a lot during sex if you want him to be maximally confident with you.
He’s probably the best at aftercare. Would wrap you up in a blanket and bring you food or anything you ask for really.
He only prefers long term relationships and he’d hope you’re his precious little human forever.
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Precious Bee is so clingy that it’s SO obvious that he’s into you.
He wouldn’t leave your side almost. He’d be all happy and bubbly and win you with his optimism.
Don’t let that bubbliness full you though, he’s a hot head and would do anything to protect you. He’s protective in the right amount though.
He’d always snuggle into your hair and press his muzzle against your cheek, as if he’s kissing you. He’d ask you to kiss him back by tapping his cheek and muzzle.
When you’d kiss his muzzle it would be over for him. You’d officially become his partner. He’d probably find a tiny gear to put on your wedding finger.
Totally into PDA! Especially when it annoys Smokescreen and makes him jealous.
Cuddles and any kind physical touch are his absolute FAV. He’s so spoiled when it comes to nuzzling which he does all the time (is obsessed with your softness).
He’s actually very quick to get intimate. You could say his sex drive is high due to his youth.
He’d take it nicely and passionately, especially with his servos. He has a specific kink with digit play. Loves touching you absolutely everywhere and almost every time he overstimulates your private parts with them before he actually penetrates you with his spike.
His stamina is crazy and he always takes advantage of it. His pace is very quick all the time but if you ask him to be slow he will. Your pleasure is also very important to him.
He has a thing for beauty marks, he’d kiss every single one of them every time. You’re the only one he puts his muzzle down for. But not gonna lie he loves when you tug on it.
Perhaps he’d be into leashes and chokers and stuff if you really asked him.
He’s a very soft lover after all so expect epic wholesome aftercare.
Considering he’s a hot head there might be some minor arguments with him but that won’t stop you from having a long term relationship.
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He’d flirt the hell out of you. He’d flirt and flirt and flirt, make you blush and get flustered all over again until he makes you fall for him. He’d tease you with calling you “sunshine” or “kid” or “doll” or “baby girl”.
He’s a player, likes it casual but when he knows you’re the one, he doesn’t give up. He’s extremely stubborn.
You’re probably the only reason he’d stay in the base.
He’d take you out and if he notices you’re a romantic soul, he’d be the most romantic man out there even though, in reality, he isn’t romantic at all.
Doesn’t mind PDA, loves showing off how he’s the best boyfriend in the world (or at least he thinks so lmao).
You know he’s a HUGE hot head. Would kill for you.
The moment of confession would probably be the night you get intimate. We could say the best way he can express his love for you is through sex so expect some extreme overstimulation.
He’s into lingerie, especially black and red. Loves making you stain your panties good too.
He INVENTED dirty talking. Also very into oral, eating you out like the tastiest snack. He also loves eye contact, he’d make you look at him or else he’d stop.
He can combine all sorts of paces and positions and roughness, he has his own magic tactics. He loves making you scream while he’s praising you. Doesn’t matter if the base is full or not, he’s a risk taker and it really turns him on.
Sometimes he’d even grab you with one servo and slide you up and down his spike like a pocket pussy. Backshots and reverse cowgirl must be his fav positions.
One his fav places to cum is onto your face, definitely. Or into your mouth. He likes it gushy and messy. His stamina is crazy too.
Would shower you with kisses and praising afterwards, make sure you’re alright.
As I said, he’s into casual stuff but you’re probably the only one who would make him take relationships seriously and enjoy the long term.
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He’d be so cringe at first. He’s an act first then think after type of mech.
He would flirt SO MUCH with you to the point he’d start annoying you.
He’d notice though. He may seem confident but in truth he’s nervous underneath all that cockiness. He tends to overthink.
He’d ask others for advice, research, anything that could make you his.
At first he would view you as just another one of his dolls he plays with but when he’d realize he actually has serious feelings for you, he’d get serious.
The confession would be spontaneous as he’d probably make out with you like the horny teenager he is. He’d promise to be loyal though and he’d keep that promise.
He’s into PDA, loves showing off how you’re his.
He has a weird kink in making you jealous and vice versa. You’d play a flirting game with anyone you know just to get each other jealous which would result in “who’s gonna give up first and frag the other”.
Loves giving you pet names but also loves when you give him pet names too and refer to him as “baby boy” hence he’s a switch. Also into exhibitionism.
Has a thing for breasts and thighs. He can whimper at times too and when you’d bring it up later he’d deny it and be like “WHAT!? NU-UH!”
Loves when you ride him or his face but is also into backshots even though he prefers when you face him. Perhaps he has a tiny sex tape kink too.
Surprisingly he’d make you cum every time which he would brag about later. His cockiness is always present nonetheless.
As I said, even though he can be an immature horny teenage boy, he can get serious when you put him in his place.
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UH OH 💀💀💀
If you choose to fall in love with this man expect to be heart broken twelve times until you get together (if that’s even possible).
Kidding, it’s possible. But still very difficult. Prepare for a long one, he’s a very complicated mech 💀.
He would not even notice you. At first he’d just call you a native or a soldier but once he starts calling you by your actual name that would be the signal that he views you as someone who he has a positive opinion on.
You’d have to be REALLY pushy on him, be as clingy as possible, annoy the hell out of him so he’d actually set his guard down.
You’d develop your relationship with him scolding you like a parent, telling you what to do and what not to do while you’d disobey him. Sometimes you’d even bring a TIIINY smirk on his face because you’re just too cute, he can’t be mad at you forever.
With that, he’d get overprotective and follow you around all the time, not letting you out of his sight.
Would always correct you that you should refer to him as “sir” or “lieutenant” or even “commander”. He loves it when you do it in bed especially, it REALLY gets him going. Also has a brat taming kink.
This would go on for a loooong time until you actually conjux. He’s definitely a type of mech to keep you in handcuffs in a relationship.
PDA? What’s that? Sometimes it would seem he’s keeping you a secret.
When it comes to intimacy you’d probably think this mech’s sex drive is ZERO. But oh. He’d grope you and touch you everywhere, ex vent into your ear, giving you a sign at the most unexpected time that he wants you then and there.
He has a LOT of pent up stress so you’d be his stress outlet. His foreplay is a bit dry to be honest but he’d learn his way with you.
Even though his roughness can result in not caring about your pleasure at all, he’d still make your eyes roll in the back of your head.
Soon he’d realize how good you actually make him feel as he’d lean and kiss you (your lips, torso or back/neck, depends on the position which don’t matter to him as long as he’s on top).
Would definitely mark you all over with his servos because he tends to grope HARD. He also loves seeing the outline of his spike on your stomach as he couldn’t help but press onto it and feel it move in and out of you.
His aftercare is very poor too. At first you’d get intimate as if it’s a one night stand. He’d leave almost immediately or the next morning without even saying anything.
He’d isolate himself as first, making you feel as if he’s using you as a toy but in the end everything would come together and he’d give himself to you.
He’d still keep his formality at times. Getting intimate with him would probably be the only time he’d express his emotions as much as possible even though it really isn’t much.
This could go on either forever or fall apart after some time… Depends on you.
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Dividers belong to @baexywth and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more 🍓
@k----a27s helped me with Bulk, Bee and Smokey! ❤️
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narrycherries · 1 year
✰ baby honey ✰ #1 (dom!harry)
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Harry’s favorite thing to do is to take care of you and give you as many orgasms as you can take, even if you’re being a brat.. dom!Harry concepts
a/n: this pairing does not have a set/strict plot, but there will be many different situations/writings for them! Lots of smut! ;) some may carry over multiple parts!
masterlist / part 2 — join the tag list!
word count: 5.3k
warnings/tags: dom!harry, daddy kink, praise kink, soft-sub reader, oral f receiving, Harry x reader, smut, mature situations, punishment, mean!dom, some fluff :) pet names
Your mind was dizzy as you slowly walked down the grand staircase while sliding your hand down the cool railing. Soft hums were coming from your throat, and your stomach was filled with butterflies. Carefully, you stepped your sock clad feet on the hardwood floor and turned to go in the direction of the office. There wasn’t a worry in your mind or a slight bit of fear in your chest as you made your way to the big wooden door.
You run your fingertips over the cold knob before turning it and pushing the heavy door open. The room that was just filled with mixed voices becomes silent. Your eyes were cloudy, but they immediately focused on the thing you were looking for. A smile spread over your pink lips as you locked your sight on his pretty emerald eyes. Harry was so beautiful, so perfect.
He sighed heavily as he gave you a hard stare. It made your stomach churn, but you ignored it. You wanted him - needed to feel his touch and hear his voice. Before you could even get two feet inside the room, he was standing from the big wood desk and walking towards you. He wasn’t paying the three men sitting in the chairs any mind, you were his main focus. Per usual.
His big, heavy hands landed on your waist and he guided you out of the room and away from the door. He moved you against the wall and immediately grabbed your chin.
“What have I told you about interrupting my meetings?” His voice was low and deep.
“Shut up.” He snapped, his grip on your chin got tighter. “You’re acting bad. You know I don’t like it when you’re bad.”
“I need you.” You whined softly, hands fisting into his white button down.
“You’re gonna wrinkle my fuckin’ shirt.” He said through gritted teeth as he ripped your hands away.
“No, please! Just wanna touch you!” Tears were building in your eyes as you saw the anger come over his face.
“You were told to stay in the bedroom. You’ve disobeyed me.” Harry put his hand on your throat, but he didn’t squeeze you. He was gentle, for now. “You’re being a bad kitten.. and bad kittens get punished.”
You began to shake your head from side to side, tears streaming down your face. You coiled your hand around his wrist and dug your nails deep in his skin. Upsetting him was always your biggest fear. It was your intention to always be good for him, always be on your best behavior. Despite not doing anything wrong, you feel horrible.
“You’re gonna get my hand on your ass, and my cock’s gonna destroy that little hole of yours, missy.” He was harsh and cold, and that made things worse for you. “Not gonna let you cum. Gonna make those spanks hurt and you cry those pretty eyes out. I’ll make sure you remember the rules.”
“Not tryna be a b-bad kitten!” You cried out, eyes burning holes through his. “I need you, Daddy, need to touch you, please.”
As soon as he heard the word come out of your mouth he softened completely. His hand slid to the small of your back and the other gently covered your warm cheek. His thumb messed with the corner of your mouth as you spoke in broken sobs.
“M’not.. not a bad girl.. promise I.. I just needed.. needed something.. Da-daddy.. I.. I can’t stop it.. y’know I can’t..”
He felt terrible for treating you so bad, his heart was aching as he watched all the tears fall. “Hey, shh. Kitten, calm down.”
Despite his efforts, you were still breaking down. Worry filled your mind as you thought about all the consequences. You were so afraid that you were doing something wrong, that you had upset him. It was making you feel nauseous and like you were running out of air.
“Feel so-so little, Daddy.. wanna be.. be safe with you.. s’all.. just wanna see you..”
He shushed you again, and this time let his thumb cover your lips to stop you from rambling. “Relax for me, angel baby.”
You nodded softly and carefully placed your hands on his torso. His defined muscles felt comforting, even through the fabric of his shirt. You didn’t care about wrinkling it, so you closed your hands into fists again - holding as tight as you could.
“Now.. shhh..” he softly pecked your forehead before leaning back to look into your puffy eyes. “Tell Daddy what you need.. so I can help my girl.”
Your lips quivered as you tried to say something, but no words were coming out. He noticed the struggle and the pout on your lips. His hand moved down to your hip and he tilted your head further back to get a good look at you.
“Tell me, kitten, tell Daddy what’s got you all soft.” He made sure to give you a gentle smile. He knew you appreciated it when he was kind and caring, especially during these times. “Why’s my girl feeling little?”
Answering him was your intention, but you said the wrong words. You replied with what was on your mind, what was worrying you so much.
“I’m a bad girl.. I.. I didn’t listen to Daddy.. m’a bad kitty.”
“Tsk tsk, stop it, darling.” He gave you a stern lift of his brows. “You’re not a bad girl. Daddy isn’t mad, sugar plum.”
“But you said.. said I was being bad.” You sucked in your bottom lip as you looked at him through your lashes. Your eyes were hardly opened, the crying wore you out.
“That was before I knew you were feeling little, my angel.” He swiped your hair away from your face and held onto the back of your neck. “You’re Daddy’s good girl.. such a sweet kitten.”
“M’sorry I.. came in the office.” The words you whispered were barely audible.
He sighed and moved his hand down to your waist. “Daddy’s the one who should be saying sorry. I saw how happy you were to see me, kitten, how big your pretty lips smiled.. and I was so mean to you, wasn’t I? Didn’t give my girl any loves.. that’s all my baby wanted, yeah? Wanted Daddy’s attention for a minute.”
You nod lightly, arms snaking around him. He pulled you into his chest and you gladly hid your face in his shirt. He petted the back of your head, running his fingers through your long hair. His comforting words made you feel relieved and relaxed. He wasn’t mad at you anymore, and he just misunderstood the situation. Being in his arms made you feel safe and secure.
“Do y’wanna sit in the office with me, baby love? Daddy can pull up a chair for you.”
You sucked up the snot in your throat, the idea making you feel tingly. “Can I be by you, Daddy? Wanna be close.”
“Right beside me, my love. Just have to behave and be quiet for me, alright? Let Daddy finish his meeting and then I’ll make you feel better, baby.” He kissed the top of your head and squeezed you so tight.
You smiled against his shirt. “Wan’ loves and cuddles and kisses.”
He let out a soft chuckle. “All the loves and cuddles and kisses you want, kitten. Whatever you want Daddy to do.. my girl, always so sweet for me.”
“Woke up from m’ nap.. felt really little.. felt soft and scared, Daddy.”
He grunted as he leaned back, hands gently moving you so he could see you properly. “M’sorry i wasn't there for you, baby girl.”
“Here now.. don’t wanna leave you.”
“You don’t have to, honey bun. Daddy’s right here.”
You splayed your hands on his back, feeling his muscles tense as he gently rocked you from side to side. His hands held your hips so tight, so safely.
“Need t’ feel full.. Daddy can you.. fill me after your meeting?”
“Does my girl wan’ her Daddy’s cock, hm? Wan’ Daddy to fill you up with his thick cum?”
The filthy words caused ripples down your spine. You whimpered at the thought of being full. It was too hard to try to speak, so you nodded once again for him.
He smirked gently and kissed your swollen lips. “Daddy will give you what you want soon, kitten. Give you all my cum.. make sure your pretty pussy is filled to the brim.. wanna watch it drip out of you, baby love. Gonna fill my girl up.. make her feel so good, yeah?”
“Wanna have it all, Daddy, please..” Your whisper made his crotch twitch.
“No more talking about it, sweetheart, don’t wanna get Daddy hard just yet.”
The thought made your eyes sparkle, and it didn’t go unnoticed. He smiled sweetly and kissed you for a long moment before finally grabbing your hand and leading you to the office.
When you walked in together, the three men turned their heads to watch Harry walk through the room. Nobody said anything at first, so he broke the ice himself.
“Sorry about that, gentlemen. My fiancé isn’t feeling the best.”
“S’alright. Understandable.” One of them replied with a fake smile.
Harry glanced around but realized that the only other available chair in the room was his big leather one. He sighed and gestured to the chair.
“Just sit there, honey. We’re almost finished anyways.”
You hesitated, but eventually sat down in the chair. Harry sat one leg on the edge of the desk, eyes on the men as he picked up wherever he left off. They weren’t bothered by her presence, but that didn’t mean you didn’t feel embarrassed. You were sure the tear streams were still evident and you could feel the warmth of her skin. You probably looked like a mess.
The business talk didn’t interest you at all. You kept your eyes on Harry’s shiny black shoes. The longer you looked at them, the more you noticed his trousers. They fit him well and hugged his thighs. The dark grey color matched the blazer that was draped over the back of the chair. He looked so professional and handsome. His hair was perfectly sculpted. Even the expensive watch on his wrist was in a perfect spot. You were still annoyed by the men being here. Normally, meetings took place at his real office, not at your home. Apparently things happen at times, that’s what he told you at least, and arrangements have to be made.
You were growing impatient with each minute. All you wanted was him, and you wanted him all to yourself. Having to share his attention with these men was driving you mad. You tapped your fingertips against the arm of the chair as you stared at the floor.
Before you even realized it, Harry got off the desk and escorted the men to the front entrance. He was only gone for a minute. When he came back through the door you jumped up from his chair and began to rock on your heels. He chuckled as he reached you and took hold of your waist.
“Thank you for being patient, baby.”
“You’re all mine now, right?” You batted your thick lashes at him and he gladly squeezed each side of your butt.
“All yours, kitten.”
He sat down in the chair and gently grabbed your wrist. He pulled you onto his lap, greedily holding your waist. You smiled as you wrapped an arm around his head and began to softly peck your lips along his hairline. He chuckled as he slipped both hands under your shirt.
“You seem upset, Daddy.. don’t like it when you’re upset.”
He grunted, hating that you noticed things so easily. “Just stress from business, baby love, s’all.”
“Do you want me to make it go away?” Your words made his crotch tingle.
“No, baby. S’all about you right now. You still want Daddy to make you full?”
“Yes, please.. wan’ you to fill me, Daddy.”
When you leaned back to look at him, your tongue came out and swiped over your lips. A smirk covered his mouth as he slid a hand into your leggings, groping your butt cheek.
“No panties?” He lifted a brow. “Someone’s being a little tease.”
You giggled softly and started kissing his forehead. “Just wanna make it easier.”
“Hm.. m’sure you do.” He patted your thigh, a silent indication for you to stand up.
You didn’t want to move away with him, but you knew you had to. You stood in front of him, waiting patiently for him to do something. He stood up, too, and walked around you. When you hear papers shuffling, you spin around and grab his elbow gently.
“Let me clear the desk, kitten.”
“Daddy..” you were curious as to why he was doing that. “Are you gonna take me on your desk?”
He chuckled a few times before looking over at you. “M’gonna put you on the desk so I can eat up your little pussy, baby doll. Daddy will take you to the bedroom after.”
You groaned and squeezed his elbow. “Wan’ you to take me here.”
He watched your other hand reach to tap the desk. He smirked and gave you a quick nod. “Alright.”
Harry made sure everything was pushed to the edges of the wood, and out of your way. He adjusted the monitor so it was also out of your way. The desk was big, so it was easy to make adjustments. When he dropped the final stack of papers into the bottom drawer, you smiled happily and grabbed his shirt where it was tucked in on the side.
“Patience, my baby.” He pulled away from you with a smile, but grabbed you instead. “Let Daddy take care of you, kitten.”
Out of nervousness, you popped your index finger into your mouth. You didn’t want to upset him, so you kept quiet as you waited. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of your leggings on either hip and he yanked them down. He kneeled as he did so, making sure to get a good look at your womanhood.
“Mm, baby girl. Daddy missed you so much.” He pressed a kiss to your pubic mound, savoring the feeling of your soft, bare skin. “Can’t wait to have this pretty pussy all in my mouth.”
“Daddy.. please.. need you.” You whined while you curled your fingers in his scalp.
Harry gripped your thick hips and gave your butt a slap before standing up. You smirked softly, still shocked that he loved your body so much. It was something you struggled with - but he adored you, every inch and every pound. Your full ass and perky breasts, he could never get enough. It bothered you that your breasts weren’t big, but he loved them anyways. That’s all that really mattered.. that he loves you.
“Daddy.” You mumbled softly as he picked you up and sat you on the desk.
“What is it, angel?” He pressed his palm against your warm cheek, forcing your eyes to stay on his.
“Wan’ you so bad, please.”
“Honey, be a little patient. Daddy’s gonna give you everything you want.” He kissed you for a moment. “Now.. shh.”
He didn’t hesitate to drop down between your legs and push them apart. His tongue immediately swiped up your slit.
“Daddy.” You gasped as he did it over and over.
He made sure you were wet from his spit and your own natural release before he began to suck on your clit. He hallowed his cheeks, applying a hard pressure on your little nub.
“Wan’ a finger.” You muttered as you closed your eyes and held your breath.
Harry pulled away from your clit to spit on his finger. He watched your hole as he carefully wiggled his finger inside of you. Once he was sure you were comfortable, he began to move it in and out slowly. His tongue returned to your nub and he didn’t let up again. Normally he wouldn’t give you a finger until he’s made you orgasm, but he promised he’d do whatever you wanted. He doesn’t break his promises to you.
“More.” You mumbled while raking your fingers through his scalp. He liked it when you touched him, so you didn’t hesitate to tug at his roots. “M’gonna cum.”
He grunted against your clit, his tongue working in quick motions. You were so sensitive from being needy, so the orgasm rushed on you before you even realized. A heavy groan came from you as your thighs shook a little and your eyes fell back into your head.
Harry did his best to hold your hips down, but you were thrashing a tad as he kept sucking through the orgasm. You whined suddenly and pushed his head away. He let up, just to make sure you were okay.
“Kitten.. S’alright, baby.” He whispered as he stood up and took hold of your face.
When you opened your eyes you saw his, and a wave of comfort came over you. “Daddy.. felt so good.”
He chuckled softly, thumbs rubbing your lips. “Felt good, baby doll? Did Daddy make you cum?”
You smiled sweetly. “Came really hard for you.”
“Mhm, sure did, kitten.” He gave you a kiss and you couldn’t help but taste yourself on his mouth. “Got so wet for me.”
A gentle giggle fell from your lips. You wrapped your arms around his torso and pulled yourself forward. He dropped a hand to your waist to steady you, but made sure to keep a warm palm against your jaw.
“Feel better, baby love?” His voice was soft, it made you feel safe.
“Daddy loves to make you feel good, babe. Love to make my girl cum.. always tastes so good.. got such a sweet little cunt, don’t you?” You nodded. “All for you, Daddy.”
“Hm, I know.” He kissed you for a couple of seconds. “All mine.”
He furrowed his brows at the tone of your voice. You seemed sad all of a sudden and he didn’t like that.
“What’s the matter, baby?”
You shook your head, trying to ignore what you wanted to tell him. Of course he didn’t let that slide. He huffed and gave you that look.
“Tell me, sugar plum.”
“Just..” You paused, feeling suddenly nauseous.
He didn’t rush you into talking, he knew sometimes it took you a few minutes to gain some courage. Your eyes fell from his and you stared at the undone top button of his shirt. You felt the need to touch him, so you began to undo the rest of the buttons. He watched you carefully, trying to figure out what was going on. Your fingertips skimmed his skin, making goosebumps rose on his.
“You don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything, y/n.”
When he said your name, you shot your eyes at him for just one second. He rarely said your name, only when he was serious or if he was introducing you to someone. You rarely heard him say it. That never bothered you that he didn’t say it, but it did grab your attention.
“M’just..” you sighed heavily. “.. I changed my mind.”
His brows dropped even further. “About what, darling?”
Finally, the shirt was opened in the front and you could see his body. You reached up and grabbed either side of the shirt, pulling it down his arms as best as you could. He took over and yanked the shirt off. He was about to drop it on the ground when you grabbed onto the expensive material. Harry let you take it, and he watched as you brought it to your chest to clutch it.
You locked your legs around his hips. “I.. want something different.”
“Don’t want me to fill you, baby?”
A grunt left your throat and you grabbed his elbows. “I do.”
“Then what do you want differently, angel?”
You didn’t answer him right away. Your hands moved to his chest and you took your time as you touched all over his front. He was warm and his muscles were hard - yet, his skin so soft.
“Baby girl, you have to tell me.” He wasn’t getting frustrated or anything, he was just very concerned.
“Daddy.. I..” You were still in a small mindset, and he knew that.
���Baby, listen to Daddy.” He moved your head up so your eyes were locked with his again. “Daddy wants to make you feel good.. and make you feel safe. You’re feeling little still, baby doll, and Daddy knows you need t’ feel safe.”
“Wan’ you, Daddy.” You mumbled gently.
His eyes were so soft and full of concern. “Then what’s the matter, my love?”
You finally huffed and caved in. “Don’t wan’ you to take me in here.. wanna be comfy.”
He smiled. “Want Daddy to take you in the bed, baby? Wanna be on the soft sheets?”
You nod a few times. “Please..”
“Anything you want, baby.”
You kept hold of his shirt as you hopped off the desk and grabbed his hand. He guided you out of the office and toward the staircase. You were quiet the whole way up, only because you were thinking about him. You wanted him so badly, wanted him to sink his length into you and never pull it out. You couldn’t wait to feel his weight on top of you, to experience the feeling of your nipples pressed against his skin as he took you nice and slow.
When you reached the bedroom, your heart started to race. He pulled your shirt off and unhooked your bra, then gestured for you to lie down.
“No.” You groaned as she sat on the foot of the bed. “Wanna touch you.”
“S’not about me, honey.” He chuckled as you grabbed his belt and undone it.
“Just wanna see you, then.” You shrugged, smiling as you pulled down his zipper.
The bulge was extremely visible, and that made your core tingle with excitement. Soon, his pants were pooled around his feet and he kicked them away. He smirked as he watched you stick your hand into his boxers and pull his member out.
“So big.” You whispered as his hard length stood proudly in front of you. “Wan’ it, Daddy, please.”
“You always get what you want, don’t you kitten?” He chuckled as you crawled up the bed and laid down on your back. “Want it this way, babe?”
Harry spread your legs opened and kneeled between them. You thought for a moment as he squeezed the backs of your knees. It was intriguing to think about another position, so you decided you might as well try something else. It wasn’t like he’d never do it that way again.
“Wanna turn over.” You smiled.
He made a weird face at you. “What? My kitten doesn’t want me this way? Her Daddy?”
You giggled at him as you pulled your legs free and turned over onto your stomach. You shoved your arms under your chest and arched your ass up. He gave you a playful smack before leaning over your back. His hands fell into the mattress, keeping his body flush with yours.
“Wanna feel you this way, Daddy. Promise m’still your kitten.” You didn’t want him to think your head had cleared up, because it hadn’t. “Please.”
“Okay, baby girl. Daddy’s gonna give you exactly what you want.”
He started by pressing open mouthed kisses across the top of your back. He swept your hair over one shoulder so he could have access to the side of your neck. He grunted as his teeth sunk into your soft skin.
“Please.. wanna feel you deep.” You muttered as you reached behind you and grabbed his forearm.
He chuckled. “Patience, kitten. Daddy likes to love on his baby, y’know that.”
“Daddy doesn’t bite me.. Harry bites me.”
You felt his smile press against your skin. “M’sorry.. just missed you, baby love.”
“Harry can have me later.. I want my Daddy now.”
The pout on your lips made him smirk. He kissed it as you turned your head to look at him. It made you giggle and the pout turned into a smile.
“Daddy’s girl.” His voice was like a rumble of thunder. “Always my good girl.”
A weighted moan fell from your lips as he rubbed spit onto your entrance and slowly pushed his tip in. He let his length go once it was secure, and pressed a hand to your hip. Harry leaned back down, his front brushing your back as he began to move.
“S’good, baby doll? Don’t let me hurt you.” He took a deep breath as he went in about half way, then pulled out to check on you.
“Good, Daddy.. gimme more, please.”
He smirked at your eagerness. “Daddy’s gonna give you his cock, baby, just how you want it.”
You sighed in relief as he pushed back in, his elbow falling into the mattress beside your shoulder to support his weight.
“Tell Daddy how you want it, sweetheart.” He moved his hand to your throat and you gladly wrapped yours around his wrist to keep it there.
“Want you deep.. hard and fast, Daddy.”
His tongue swiped over your shoulder. “Want Daddy’s cock deep in your tight pussy, my angel? Want Daddy to fill you?”
“Mhm.” You moaned with your lips shut, eyes doing the same as the pleasure rushed through you. “Please.”
He didn’t say anything else as he began to fully insert himself - balls deep in you. Your mixed groans and breathes were intimate and it made you feel good - made your chest warm. Each snap of his hips got harder than the previous.
“Uh, Daddy, more.”
He chuckled softly and picked up his pace, his weight pinning you to the mattress while he fucked his length deep inside of you. You could feel the thick veins that ran along the length of his cock rubbing against your walls. You clenched around him every now and then, pulling deep moans from his throat.
“Baby love, squeezing Daddy’s cock so good, hm? Wanna feel Daddy’s cum in your tummy, baby? Wan’ me to fill you up?”
“Yes, Daddy. Wan’ it all. Please give me your cum, Daddy.”
His eyes rolled back in pure pleasure as the filthy words filled his ears. He began to fuck you harder and quicker, the sloshing sounds of your wet pussy made his balls swell. He needed to put his seed in you, plant it deep in your body.
“Oh, baby girl, takin’ m’cock so fuckin’ good.” He groaned into your shoulder as he reached down to grasp your hips tight, fingers burning your skin from the pressure. “Such a tight little cunt.”
Your back arched into the mattress, your ass pushing up against his pelvis. He grunted as he gave your hip a hard smack. You whimpered at the sudden and unexpected pain. Daddy never hit you hard - he barely would oblige if you begged him to.
“Too hard.” You choked out, tears pricking your eyes. “Da-Daddy.. hit me too hard.”
He huffed at himself and started to rub and massage the area he unknowingly left a red hand print on. “Sorry, baby, m’sorry.” He attacked your neck with his lips, hoping the affection would make up for his mistake. “Didn’t mean to hit you, doll. Daddy got.. distracted, m’sorry.”
You nodded a little, your hand reaching back to wrap around his wrist. He was still rubbing deep circles into your bruised skin, wishing he could erase the pain.
“Can.. can I cum.. please? Daddy can I cum on your cock?” Drool was slipping down your chin as our mouth hung open - the pleasure causing you to become numb.
“You can, baby, cum for Daddy.. cum on my cock, baby love. Let Daddy feel your wet pussy spill on him.”
He’s pounding you hard and fast, carrying you closer to the edge as the seconds fly by. You were moaning his name and digging your nails into his wrist, your walls squeezing him so tight.
“C’mon, cum for me. So close, yeah? Daddy can feel that tight pussy, babe. So tight for me.”
His filthy words made your eyes roll back and your lips fell apart - a loud moan full of strings of his name filled the air. He groaned heavily, verbally encouraging you to cum hard. You did jsut that, your pussy suffocating his cock as it held on to it hard - milking him of his warm, thick cum.
“Baby, fuck, yes. Take Daddy’s cum in your tummy. Such a good thing you are. My baby.” He praised you as you kept gushing out your release. He slowed his motions, keeping his cock buried in your hole. “Takin’ Daddy so good.”
“So warm.. so full.” You uttered as the side of your face hit the pillow.
He gave you a chuckle as he softly pecked your cheek over and over. “Daddy’s pretty girl, yeah? Full of my cum. So, so full and warm.”
“Daddy.. so good.. feels so good.” Your eyes shut and you release a deep breath, tiredness washing over you.
Harry noticed your behavior, and he assumed he would tire you out anyways, so he kissed your temple and slowly pulled out of you. He moved onto his knees after nudging your legs apart. He grabbed your ass on either side and pulled your cheeks further apart, just playing with the thickness as he watched his cum drip out of your hole.
“You’re such a pretty thing.. so full of Daddy’s cum.” He squeezed each cheek before let them go, hands sliding down to your thighs. “Do you want to be cleaned up, baby?”
You shook your head. “No.. wan’ it in.”
He smirked to himself as he climbed over you to get off the bed. You didn’t have to worry or question about where he was going - he was getting a fresh pair of panties for you. As you laid there patiently, your stomach was full of butterflies. The sticky cum rolling out of your cunt covered your clit, making you shiver. You could still feel him inside of you, the fullness hadn’t disappeared yet.
“Alright, roll over, princess.”
You did as he asked and fell into your back. He smiled sweetly as your sleepy eyes looked his way. He saw your eyelids falling as you struggled to keep them open.
“Oh, baby.” He huffed as he slid the panties up your legs. He stopped before he covered your hips. “M’so, so sorry. Daddy didn’t mean to hit you.”
“S’okay.. feels okay now.” You mumbled back, reaching over to touch his wrist.
He let you take his hand for a moment and you squeezed it. “You should be mad at me.. should be, babe, but you’re such a sweetheart, yeah? My sweet baby doll.”
His lips smeared on yours for a long moment before he leaned up, dropping your hand to pull the panties up. Once he knew his cum was secured in place where you wanted it stay, he nudged you and rolled on to your side. He got behind you, arms snaking around your limp body to drag you closer. You hum, satisfied as you feel his now covered and softened cock against your butt. It didn’t matter if it was hard, you just liked to feel it there.
“Take a nap, m’love.” He kissed your ear softly, whispering his words carefully.
You nodded, pulling one of his hands up your body. You forced it to rest under your boob and he gave you a small chuckle.
“Cuddle bunny.” He uttered. “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
He smirked to himself. “I dunno about that, baby love.”
(Part 2..)
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