#purely for when i travel
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hayaku14 · 5 months ago
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m23 was really just a whole kaishin date
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hydrangeyes · 6 months ago
Brushing up on my writing through pit diving publicly into COTL:
- I have this AU (a solid one) called Death's Shepherd. I wanted to play with the idea that the Lamb has always had an affinity to death (as I have ideas on worldbuilding) even before the massacre/genocide.
- a pinch of death and violence (war), however, in this life, they have gone down the road of death. Obviously.
- This whole Au was going to be very picky with what was taken from canon, for example:
- was going to have it where the one who waits originally wasn't going to kill the lamb. That while it very much was a chance/option, I wanted to play into the info that he /was/ tampering with life and was planning to do a switch a roo of sorts. This still would have required the sacrifice of the lamb's followers, but the one who waits figures it was a price worth paying. The lamb.... not so much.
- speaking of the one who waits and a crown on two heads. After the one who waits is defeated, it is quickly noted (by some) that Narinders' soul is tainted due to his past research/experiments. As Death should have never brought life into the world.
- which is what I'm playing with. Resurrection is one thing (especially if the body and soul are still attached) but bring whole new lives, new souls into existence? Reconstructing spuls and willing them back into their past bodies? Mmmmmm yeah that has its reprocussions.
- I also wanted to play with the crown. Where whole yes, the lamb is the new death deity, the crown is the essence of death itself, like *trying to find the words* they just are. Idk how to explain it lol but yeah.
- everything else is fairly the same, tho I am cooking up having the goat be more involved main story wise.
- the goat becoming the new war deity (goats not as wiped out but damn are those numbers low, as when the hunt for lambs first started, alot of goats were either mistaken as lambs or were protecting them).
- anyway, this was based on an idea of the lamb having to navigate their new ascension; the nature of being a deity/what it means to be one; who can and can't be: of course, typical shipping mess (i guess, they'reboth a mess but like a puzzle piece and all that); the actual damage that happens when wiping out whole as DEITIES with no back up; and wanting to see how funny it would be if Narinder was force to be the Life deity rather than death (I have a whole thing about this)
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- still tinkering with Nari's design and the Lamb's Names (They will have 2)
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drvwing · 5 months ago
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omfg they killed him
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ratthumbsup · 3 months ago
still thinking about that moment where victor says he and eloise were playing hide and seek, and she was always so good at hiding he could never find her. hannah and i immediately looked at each other and went "oh so she's still alive." victor only ever found pieces of what COULD have been her. we don't know where she went that night. victor survived this long.
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please-picturemeintheweeds · 3 months ago
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lyss-butterscotch · 1 year ago
How did the bond between Moon and Pebbles change before and after the big incident?
Before the incident, they never truly got to be siblings. Moon would be estatic to have Pebbles as a sibling and at this point feared messing up their relationship. 'I have someone to be my sibling now, someone i could talk to, i'm no longer alone in this life anymore'. So she's way too lenient and fussy over him, she overly worries about his feelings, doesn't correct him when he's acting out, and offered to do work if he thinks its too hard. Pebbles being on his stubborn phase would think Moon is too constraining with her attempts to bond and... underestimating him for not giving him adequate work. Which leads to him being distant, and their relationship remains professional despite Moon's attempts to bond.
After the collapse, Pebbles got ALOT of time to think about Moon's intentions. Sig confronting him helped him realize 'look how much she cares, shes not perfect, but you never gave her a chance' to add to the 'i caused her collapse' guilt. So the first thing in his mind when she wakes up again is 'make it up to her make it up to her make it up to her'. Moon on the other hand is freed from her can, she feels less constricted. Both in a 'im no longer stuck there' and 'i no longer feel alone since i can go meet new friends out here' way. Now its Pebbles' turn to be the fussy one out of obligation to repay his sin and fear of losing one of the only people who cares for him, even if it means getting subjected to her fussing. And along the way even if it took a while, they'd come to an understanding, set boundaries, and maybe Moon's liveliness rubbed off on Pebbles too and they can start building a more genuine sibling relationship.
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relic-seeker · 8 months ago
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well then. the council has spoken; i drew a bunch of it just to get my ideas formed. here's my vessel oc duke's backstory simplified
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they wandered off with said spider (oh it's a shame the wastes have made them forget his name) towards a land of the sun, moon & stars -- then residing in the moon queendom of shirigrove :-) with their two partners now.
nothing terrible will happen to them at all, of course not /sarcasm (they are tragic yuri sorry)
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ccaptain · 4 months ago
   ' ━Ah, so that's your brand new hiding place. '
   A pair of familiar, inadvisable shoes seemingly materializes out of thin air. There's a grin on the man's face as he bends down to eye level, red hues exploring the hiding space his stray snuck in and slowly turning on the side of incredulous concern.
   ' How in the hell did ya managed to get in here? You're taller than me, and almost as bulk, too! Only someone like Brother Hanu could get cramped in here, and even he... '
   They both know how. the Enigma doesn't answer him, limiting himself into quietly staring at his adoptive father as the playfulness in his voice disappears.
   ' One of these days, huh? ' A sigh. ' Come on- scoot over, 'm coming in. '
   There's a long pause. Kaeya doesn't move- but he resumes speaking, a tad on the side of incredulous.
   ' Dad... It's too big for both of us, We'll both be stuck if you come in. '
   ' That so? ' The man named Gallagher sighs with relief, chuckling in the same breath. ' Right. Would have been worth a shot, though- look who's speaking again. '
   It rips a chuckle out of him, for the way it always works- his dad is never afraid to do something scandalously funny to shock him out of overthinking. This includes trying to reach for him in a small, battered metal closet.
   Sometimes, it's just a thing that needs to be done.
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   There's a can of something similiar to SoulGlad in violet-hued fingers, the comfortable silence, and his father's leg pressed against his as they sit with their backs on the wall. 
   A drop of condensation comes in contact with his thumb, unfelt. This is where Enigma breaks the silence.
   ' Dad... '
   He hesitates, a million questions in his mind. He picks the closest one, reels the others in.
   ' This feeling of emptiness... when will it stop? I thought it was going to go away on his own, but it never did. Never does. '
   There's an awry sound coming from his side. ' Hard to say, ' he starts, the movement that turns his face into a small grimace of sympathy. ' 'm kinda afraid that you put yourself into a bad situation, kid. '
   ' I did? '
   ' Yup. This... ' He gestures at Kaeya entirely, careful, ' avatar that you took, the one you told me belongs to your friend... you're really not supposed to do that. Take his looks, I mean- it just makes everything more complicated than it needs to be. Adds a whole lot of weight where there shouldn't be. Kinda jumbles everything that should be simple... ' 
   His dad trails off, irises taking on the looks of his stray without the irony shining in his eyes.
   ' You still haven't told me why ya picked him, out of all traits you could have taken. Of the amalgamate you coulda been. '
   No- no, he has not. The reason only makes sense in his brain, only tie together when Kaeya Alberich has been in the life of someone for a while. And Kaeya Alberich never got to know his father at all.
   His mouth opens, words lost. Impostor closes it, opens it again, shakes his head almost helplessly, the faint buzz of confusion starting behind his eyes before a warm hand ruffles his hair, stays in place over mussled cobalt locks.
   ' Don't sweat it, ' the man that is his father tells him, a lopsided grin on his face. ' As long as it makes sense to you, it's alright. You gotta solve this emptiness thing yourself- I can't help you much, here. '
   A few pats on his dusty behind, and his dad is up and going again. Kaeya shakes his head at the hand being offered to him, signaling that he'd like to be alone and in here a little longer.
   ' You gotta be glad we have a lotta time to think about stuff, no? 'is the last thing he tells Kaeya before he's out, leaving a wink and the bark of a laughter behind.
   and a cold can of soda, untouched.
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   The hut is empty. There's nobody else but him, and the unheartly silence of the abandoned planet hs picked as his residence.
   Kaeya's digits follow the jagged edges of his newest wound, a gaping hole where pale diamond should be. The skin has been broken like porcelaine, long cobalt strands trying to hide the lack of eye and the emptiness where skull and human gore should be.
   Gray materia floats around his head, trying to recompose him and shoo his fingers, foreign, cold objects, away from the problem. But the wound is fresh, terribly big, and the effort requires an addictional component to speed up the healing factor. 
   The surviving eye is as faulty as the one he took from Kaeya Alberich: all he sees are shadows dancing out of his reach, the blurry, darkened form of the table, the chairs, the kitchenette and the items he so loves to decorate having become hostile obstacles he has to avoid.
   In the corner of the main room, there are two big tanks of the liquid coming from the Misty Sea- it's what he needs to fix the missing side of his head.
   It's what he needs. A few steps ahead, and he'll close his digits around the neck of one. Feel around the tab in the bathub, plug it in, and pour.
   Simple actions to restore himself.
   But he thinks. And thinks. And he can't do this.
   He can't do this.
   He just can't do this.
   He can't move. 
   But he has to.
   The next minutes, perhaps hours, perhaps days, are a blur. All he knows is that, when he comes to some sort of consciousness again, his fingers are still tight around the plastic neck of a much lighter tank, the smell of the restoring liquid is right under his nose. His location seems to have changed.
   Kaeya doesn't remember doing all this. All that he knows is that the ceramic of the bathub is so wonderfully cold and grounding against his warm, cracked skin, and he doesn't want to move. He has no will to, but something in his body has reacted to try and make him fix himself.
   But he can't do it. His legs feel like lead, like cement.
   He can't do it.
   He wants to.
   But he just can't do it.
   Triumph and progress feeds people with some sort of frenzy, an injection of adrenaline putting them on top of the world, wanting to shout to look at them! They can accomplish ANYTHING!
   But he isn't a person. It makes sense that the little energy he had after completing his mission has oozed out of him from the gaping wound.
   An injury won't kill him- simply slow him down. His dad and mentor said that he has all the time in the world to do what he needs and wants to do, figure out when the emptiness ends.
   Today, it doesn't. It presses him against the cold surface, and he's happy to allow his heavy body to surrender, letting his warmth disperse over it.
   He can stay like this for a bit. He did what he had to do, and now it's time for him to give in to exhaustion. Just for a little bit of time, just for a small nap.
   With the part of his forehead that can still feel, Kaeya curls against the side of cold marble, and lets his eyelid fall shut over the mocking of shadows dancing just out of his reach.
   Maybe the emptiness never goes away. But I can rest for a bit... just for a little bit... and then I'll be good to go.
   Just for a little bit...
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americankimchi · 27 days ago
wait there are NO bran stark-centric fics on ao3?? are we being so fr
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invisiblesketches · 4 months ago
Update on me playing genshin: I'm at the Caribert quest thing and omg I dislike Eide so much
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existentialcrisis-24-7 · 3 months ago
Godddddd it’s such a pain to be hyperfixating on your own ocs. It’s a fucking nightmare. I just want these guys to do their thing and tell people their stories but nOOooOoOooo I have to write it first! But that’s not the medium I want to tell it through so I have to learn how to make comics! Or animate! Liek anfucking idirot
#rant in tags#UGH#I love them. my ocs.#hyperfixation#has anyone here seen the movie Crash? where it’s a bunch of people with wildly different lives and stories somehow being all connected in#the end through their actions and inactions and just pure coincidence#that’s the kind of story I’d LOVE to make. they’re all different characters all going through their stories in the only ways they know how#but every now and again worlds collide. and the result is chaos. but eventually everyone gets back onto their own path#until they meet up with ANOTHER group of characters stuck in a story#an award-winning broom racer gets in a bad accident and her career is over. she has to move in with her sister who’s moved into a rural town#full or werewolves.#there’s a former witch granted unimaginable magical power by a fairy who uses that magic to protect and comfort the people he meets on his#travels. he even takes a few of them in when they need a home and a family.#there’s a middle-aged journalist going through the world’s messiest divorce and trying to prove herself at a job where no one will pay her#any mind. who finally gets her big break when she can sneaks into a powerful crime lords’s party and talks to the boss. they have a f#Cinderella evening until she has to leave and with the information she’s gathered she finally makes a name for herself and everything starts#going her way until the crime Lord tracks where down#there’s a sorcerer trying to recover from her past and moving forward after terrible circumstances whos just trying to find her family from#the orphanage she grew up in.#there’s a teenage mermaid who moved on land for college and realises that she’s Super out of her depth#UGHHHHHHHH#AND THIS IS ALL ONE WORLD#THIS ISNT EVEN TO START IN THE WHAT?? THREE OTHERS??
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sing-me-under · 8 months ago
Sometimes I like to think up scenarios where Bruce dies either shortly before or shortly after meeting Tim, and the entire focus is on years into the future (like present day comics) where the world just keeps going except Bruce Wayne is dead.
There’s still an earthquake. There is an entire city wrecked with grief that’s never quite stopped grieving. There’s no uber wealthy and influential Bruce Wayne, but there’s still an entire JL and many influential people who loved Bruce willing to help Gotham in his name at least. Life goes on.
Like, Jason still resurrected. He probably already resurrected and was just wandering Gotham or in a hospital by the time Bruce died. He comes back to Gotham fully aware that his dad is dead and just sticks to the underground, never interacting with the Gotham hero community.
Speaking of the Gotham hero community, it’s more disconnected without the bats. There’s still the Birds of Prey, of course there is, but the heroes who rose up inspired by Batman and Robin just never get that spark of surety and passion. Gotham itself just feels a bit more lifeless, a bit more hopeless, without a Batman and a Robin.
Maybe there is a Batman actually, but it’s usually someone else in the suit. Maybe it’s Nightwing trying to be Batman in that initial grief but giving up at the behest of his friends. Maybe he never returned to Gotham at all, absolutely refused to. This cursed city is the gravesite of four family members. Maybe it’s Superman in the bat suit once every few months or even one a year, making himself seen just enough to keep the urban legend alive. Maybe it’s someone else entirely. A different vigilante using the name but everyone knows they’re not really Batman.
But there’s definitely no more Robins. No one thinks of the second Robin and aspires to his fate. Maybe Tim temporarily takes on the Robin mantle, but the weight is too heavy and he makes a different name for himself. Maybe he tried to reach Dick and bring him back to Gotham, but he never succeeded in convincing anyone. Maybe he went straight to Bruce a la fanon and tried to help, but he couldn’t.
I had this one idea where Bruce saw this scrawny boarding school kid with a whole lot of spark and the exact same vision for Gotham’s future, and instead of letting him be Robin at Alfred’s behest and with Dick’s acknowledgement, he instead decided “when this kid is old enough, I want him to be my successor.” and he starts teaching Tim the basics. He already failed Dick and Jason, so he resolved to not let Tim be an active vigilante until he’s 18. He fucking dies anyway but leaves a will and instructions for Tim to basically learn from the same teachers when he’s of age, but Tim’s mom dies and his dad is comatose so Tim goes “Fuck It. Gotham needs me now” and drops out and speedruns his world tour way earlier than Bruce would have wanted.
There’s still Damian, somewhere. Maybe Talia drops him off with Dick when it’s apparent she can’t protect Damian in the League, not from its cruelties and certainly not from her father. Nightwing is unobtrusive to the grand scheme of the LoA. Talia may not like Dick, may have been frequently at odds with him during his Robin days when a family with Bruce seemed like it was in the palm of her hand, but she trusts him, unfortunately. He was loyal to Bruce, at least, despite all their disagreements and domestic hostilities. Dick looks at Damian and thinks “I’m the same age Bruce was when he took me in. Damian is the same age I was. I can’t do this, but damn it all if I don’t try” and the regret fills him and he’s doing everything not to drown in it.
But there’s still Cass somewhere, probably with Barbara. There’s still Helena and Stephanie and Duke and the kids who became Robins in another timeline but choose a different name to rally under here, if they take up arms at all.
At least without Batman, there’s no Joker. He went down in that helicopter over the Atlantic Ocean and never showed his face again.
Regardless, this world is just a little more worse for wear, a little more tired and weary. This is a world where Batman dies, not with a bang but with a sizzle, and he doesn’t come back. No one is sure if he’d even want to.
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torgawl · 1 year ago
it's been like 3 hours and i can't stop thinking about xiao and aether. you guys don't get it. it's the way the heart in qixing is likely referring to aether. it's because aether dedicated his poem and his dreams to xiao. it's because xiao smiled when he heard it. it's the way he's always looking out for aether. it's because even though everything was okay xiao made the effort to be vocal about how worried he was when aether pretended to drown. it's because aether is the only person capapable of persuading xiao, to the point others are aware he would do anything for him only and use it to convince him every chance they get. it's because aether is the only person capable of relieving the pain of xiao's karmic debt, not because of his powers but solely by being a part of xiao's life. it's because during the lantern rite instead of looking at the sky xiao looks at aether. it's because everytime they're together everyone else always comments about how close and fond of each other they are. it's because xiao is the only character aether is able to have alone time with without paimon. it's because as long as aether says his name xiao will always answer his call.
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nonuggetshere · 2 years ago
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So they didn't become void, they were "born" that way
In FaaF there are different species and kinds of higher beings (still a MASSIVE work in progress tbh, trying to figure out how these cunts work, but for now I'm thinking they're extremely rare species with far greater abilities and lifespans than a normal bug's that have a chance to ascend to true godhood (but even if they don't ascend that doesn't stop mortals from worshipping them as they're already very god-like from a normal bug's perspective)), "pale beings" being one of these kinds/mutations.
Well, there was also a different kind once, "void beings", but they all went extinct a very long time ago by the beginning of the story. Shade Lord was one, and last, of them and it lost its life in a fight with Radiance - the same fight that drove her to make her permanent residence in the dream realm out of her new-found fear of death (which backfired spectacularly ngl). Its body was buried in the Abyss, where it broke apart and decayed, or decayed as much as a non-living thing can, before it was unearthed many ages later by the pale wyrm.
Not much is known about them since they've been gone for so long, and the vessels are the only void beings remaining, but since they're not "pure" void beings it'd be foolish of anyone to assume that the ancient extinct species behaved the same way as these ones do. But they were generally greatly feared thanks to the void's freaky, dangerous properties, which partly lead to their extinction as some of the other higher beings purposefully attacked and killed them whenever they stumbled across one out of fear. Now the only thing remaining of them are the rare void sources, where their former bodies still refuse to fully die.
Shade Lord does get accidentally resurrected in the story bc of all the tomfoolery happening with its body before almost immediately getting killed again by Ghost who inherits its title and reign. Don't ask me how that works, haven't figured that out yet. Magic god shit or something idk LMAO
#thylacines can talk#faaf au#I read somewhere once that if we close mammoths they wouldn't be true mammoths but more like a mammoth elephant hybrid? Idk how accurate#that is but that's essentially what the vessels are. A hybrid species that behaves and looks a lot like the extinct one yet the differences#are significial enough that they're technically not the same thing. And since nobody knows how void beings were like its anyone's guess#which of their traits originated from Shade Lord. You know they could have probably asked it if it didn't want to violently take over#and kill all other gods in rage filled revenge. And then tried to kill its so called children when they didn't want to participate in that.#PK 🤝 SL 🤝 WL parent of the year award#The vessels can't have even ONE good parent sorry#Well SL is less of a parent and more of a...DNA donor? Its kidneys got stolen and turned into babies#Currently in FaaF Norel and PK we're the only ones who studied void so a lot of its properties and origins are a huge mystery. And PK#slowly stopped after the vessel plan began. After Flower/Pure Vessel was taken into the palace the extent of his studies revolved around#them and their health. He only created new moulds when the old ones got destroyed. Guilt played a big part in his reasons for that.#Norel would know a bit more simply because PK's source sample was limited while Norel travelled across wasteland looking for void and#experimented with different sources. And he was considerably more...unethical about them. So he probably knows what void does to a mortal's#body while PK doesn't know much about that bc he was careful to not give any of his citizens and staff void poisoning after he realised it#was dangerous. Also thinking about Norel once having a mole in the White Palace which is how he found out about Floeer and the origins of#vessels. And maybe said mole broke into PK's workshop and wrote down some things before leaving Hallownest 👀 Bc it does feel a little#weird for Norel to know more than PK just like that. And he's a little snake who WOULD steal other people's work.#Like I mentioned previously Norel makes his own constructs which is something I wanted dabble in. Maybe he stole that idea from PK? His#ones are far worse and fewer than PK's but they serve their purpose and he's just starting dabbling in that. By the time he shows his ugly#mug again to terrorise Flower's kids and grandkid he'd probably be MUCH better at that 👀#I love my fucked up little moth#My one true talent is getting wildly off topic whenever sh asks me about my as#Aus*
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remyfire · 1 year ago
Me: I have taken a normal amount of caps of this episode
My folder: You took 153
Me: 🤡
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sarcasticmudkip · 2 years ago
Back on my mission to make Hikari (currently lv 51) the Most Guy Every (while procrastinating his chapter 2), He has Full Power (instant LP at the start), Summon Strength (+50 phys. Attack), Deal More Damage (can go up to 99,999 max), and last but not least, A Step Ahead. Now why A Step Ahead? If i have him defend during this, it ups his BP to 2 BP, so when its his turn-he can 2 Boost Shadow's Hold his Sougetsusen (Unleash a polearm and sword attack on all enemies).
Equipping him with Starsplitter for his sword ( +296 phys. Attack with +91 Crit), Matching Trident (+114 Phys. Attack with +35 Crit) , Victory Ring (more attack), and Finisher's Claws ( more damage when Crit).
Not to mention he's in Merchant Class so Hired Help is <3<3<3. If i have another class (such as Hunter use Take Aim (Raise Crit. Rate and Accuracy) or Inventor use Crit Scope (All damage delt to a foe becomes Crit. damage)) I can become God
Oho? We're bragging about our Hikaris now, are we? Well, while I can't say my guy is at your level at the moment...I assure you I only mean that in the sense that my catboy Hunter Hikari is only Level 45. In every other aspect I dub him superior! Call yourself a god all you want, but I am a believer in only one true power and that is of homosexuality!
See, my personal Hikari strategies center around one man: Inventor Partitio, who himself is equipped with the A Step Ahead support skill. Now, why Partitio instead of Hikari? Well, My Hikari is set up with
Boost Start - Starts the battle with 2 BP
Full Power - Instant full latent power gauge
Deal More Damage - Increases max damage to 99,999
Salt in Wound - 50% to act twice when breaking a foe
In addition, Catboy Hikari sports increased Phys Atk, Accuracy, and Critical with the Hunter secondary job, as well as a Rosary of Redemption, which provides a -60 Crit and -60 Phys Atk. Now, why a negative stat? It's because I've also come across the accessory piece of Blessing in Disguise, which turns all stat negative values into positive values! In addition, while I currently only have him fixed up with a +112 Little Crow, I recently fixed him up with the Fire Dragon's Glaive, which has +318 Phys Atk which is helpful for Twin Serpents (Polearm attack on all foes twice) and Sougetsusen (Sword and polearm on all foes)
With all that set up with my guys, the strategy is this:
Partitio is guaranteed to go first with his extra turn with the A Step Ahead support skill. He also has Boost Start, so by the time the actual battle round starts, he will already have 3 BP.
Therefore, Partitio uses this turn to use Critical Scope to guarantee critical hits on the baddies for Hikari to cut down in the next turn.
Then, during the first actual round of battle, when it is Hikari's turn, he is able to max boost Hienka since he has Boost Start, and the extra round with Partitio gives Hikari his third BP. Hineka then allows him to attack twice, and then act again at the end of the round.
In addition, if the initial attack of Hienka breaks the enemy, he has a 50% chance to act again thanks to Salt in Wound, in which I could set up Abide to increase his physical attack further if I haven't dont that with Castti's weed already.
After the initial attack of Hienka, Partitio's turn then comes in and gives the maximum amount of BP to Hikari, which he has since Partitio has the 3 BP thanks to the A Step Up. Additionally, if I set up this attack a little later in the round, Partitio is still able to give the maximum BP to Hikari because of his latent ability (He's also equipped with Full Power) to summon back all his Boost Points whenever he needs it. So max boost "I'm investin' in ya!"
Finally at the end of the round, the Hineka attack gives Hikari his second turn (Third, if it's with Salt in Wound) and he is then able to max boost again, with Brand's Blade.
This has mainly been my strategy for minibosses and going to places that are a bit out of my level, but it's very satisfying to just stack turns on Hikari. In addition, the same condensed strategy works out with clearing mobs, similar to your Hikari, where I have Partitio's Crit Scope/A Step Ahead set up, then he can max boost on Changeable Catapult (He has Frontier Axe +219 Phys Atk so I usually just go with the AOE Axe attack) if he goes first, or Hikari just max boosts Sougetsusen (with his +318 Fire Dragon Glaive) or even max boost the AOE Bow skill I had him pick up since he has the Protector's Bow now, (+310 Phys Atk)
I'm coming for you! My southern hat man and my gay catboy will beat the shit out of your Merchant lad!! God or no!
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