purebodyextra · 2 years
How do I use Pure Body Extra?
Pure Body Extra's nanosized natural zeolite is delivered in a convenient, easy-to-use spray. To provide a continuous detox to a cellular level, simply take 4 sprays, 3 times per day in the mouth, then swallow. Pure Body Extra can be taken with or without food. While taking the product, increase water intake to support detoxification. When not in use, you can store Pure Body Extra in a cool, dry place. No refrigeration is necessary.
For more - https://purebodyextra.com/
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purebodyextra · 2 years
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purebodyextra · 2 years
How do I use Pure Body Extra?
Pure Body Extra's nanosized natural zeolite is delivered in a convenient, easy-to-use spray. To provide a continuous detox to a cellular level, simply take 4 sprays, 3 times per day in the mouth, then swallow. Pure Body Extra can be taken with or without food. While taking the product, increase water intake to support detoxification. When not in use, you can store Pure Body Extra in a cool, dry place. No refrigeration is necessary.
For more - https://purebodyextra.com/
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purebodyextra · 2 years
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purebodyextra · 2 years
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purebodyextra · 2 years
Toxins Are Everywhere
Exposure to toxins starts even before we’re born. From the womb onwards we’re surrounded by chemicals, over 80,000 by most counts. This toxic overload continues throughout our lives with toxins in food, water and even the air we breathe. Pure Body Extra to the rescue.
For more - https://purebodyextra.com/
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purebodyextra · 2 years
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purebodyextra · 2 years
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Benefits Of Pure Body Extra
It starts before we’re born, and despite our body’s best efforts to remove toxins, we continue to accumulate heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic and others, simply because they are everywhere.
Powdered zeolites and most detox programs only cleanse the colon. But that’s not where the majority of toxins accumulate. They’re in your cells. Pure Body Extra's zeolite uses advanced nanotechnology to reach to a cellular level for a whole-body detox. Even In Small Amounts, Toxins Can: Store in your fat cells, making it hard to lose weight Mess with your memory, clarity and focus Interfere with your immune system Disrupt your endocrine system, affecting your energy Make it hard to fall asleep, or cause poor sleep quality Pure Body Extra is a natural way to clean out the environmental toxins our cells fight every day. “Detoxification is the cornerstone of anti-aging medicine and a preventive measure to chronic medical challenges for all ages. I recommend Pure Body as a safe, natural and non-invasive way to systemically detoxify heavy metals.” —Maria Sulindro, M.D. ADAAM, Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine
Every serving of Pure Body Extra works to: Help the body remove heavy metals and toxins* Support a healthy immune system* Help balance the body’s pH, considered essential for good health* Support natural energy processes*
For more - https://purebodyextra.com/
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purebodyextra · 2 years
Benefits Of Pure Body Extra
It starts before we’re born, and despite our body’s best efforts to remove toxins, we continue to accumulate heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic and others, simply because they are everywhere.
Powdered zeolites and most detox programs only cleanse the colon. But that’s not where the majority of toxins accumulate. They’re in your cells. Pure Body Extra's zeolite uses advanced nanotechnology to reach to a cellular level for a whole-body detox. Even In Small Amounts, Toxins Can: Store in your fat cells, making it hard to lose weight Mess with your memory, clarity and focus Interfere with your immune system Disrupt your endocrine system, affecting your energy Make it hard to fall asleep, or cause poor sleep quality Pure Body Extra is a natural way to clean out the environmental toxins our cells fight every day. “Detoxification is the cornerstone of anti-aging medicine and a preventive measure to chronic medical challenges for all ages. I recommend Pure Body as a safe, natural and non-invasive way to systemically detoxify heavy metals.” —Maria Sulindro, M.D. ADAAM, Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine
Every serving of Pure Body Extra works to: Help the body remove heavy metals and toxins* Support a healthy immune system* Help balance the body’s pH, considered essential for good health* Support natural energy processes*
For more - https://purebodyextra.com/
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purebodyextra · 2 years
What are the health benefits of zeolite?
Pure body extra- As heavy metals and toxins are removed, the body can function at an optimal level. By supporting the immune system, trapping free radicals, and helping to balance the body’s pH, you may find you have improved energy levels, a more restful sleep, improved focus and clarity, and an overall sense of well-being.*
As a natural mineral, zeolites are not drugs. As a dietary supplement, Pure Body Extra is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
for more - https://purebodyextra.com/
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purebodyxtra · 8 months
The Butterfly Effect in Your Belly: Can Gut Health Really Fly Away with Your Mood?
We've all felt the butterflies in our stomachs, those nervous flutters that seem to tango with our emotions. But what if the connection between gut and mood went beyond metaphor? Recent research suggests it's not just our minds messing with our bellies, but also our bellies influencing our brains in fascinating ways.
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The Gut-Brain Axis: A Highway of Microbes and Messages
Imagine a bustling highway connecting your gut and brain. Tiny messengers called neurotransmitters zip back and forth, carrying information about digestion, inflammation, and yes, even our mood. The gut, teeming with trillions of microbes, plays a crucial role in producing these neurotransmitters, with a healthy microbiome fostering the feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine.
Gut Imbalance, Mood Mayhem?
When the microbial community in our gut gets out of whack, it can disrupt this neurotransmitter production. An imbalance, known as dysbiosis, can lead to decreased serotonin and dopamine, potentially contributing to conditions like anxiety and depression. Studies have shown connections between gut issues like irritable bowel syndrome and increased risk of mental health concerns.
Food for Thought: Nourishing Gut and Mind
The good news is, we can influence this gut-brain highway through our diet. Certain foods, like probiotic-rich yogurt and fermented foods, can promote a healthy microbiome. Fiber-packed fruits, vegetables, and whole grains feed the good bacteria, while limiting processed foods and sugar can help keep the bad ones in check.
Beyond the Bite: Building a Holistic Approach
Remember, gut health is just one piece of the mental well-being puzzle. Exercise, stress management techniques like meditation, and sufficient sleep also play crucial roles in regulating mood and promoting overall mental health.
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So, can gut health affect mental well-being and mood? The answer is a resounding yes, but it's not a simple cause-and-effect relationship. It's a complex dance between our microbiome, diet, lifestyle, and overall health. By nurturing our gut with good food and habits, we can pave the way for a happier, healthier mind.
What are your thoughts on the gut-brain connection? Share your experiences and questions in the comments below!
Remember, this is just the beginning of the conversation. Let's keep exploring the fascinating world of gut health and its impact on our mental well-being, one delicious bite (and mindful breath) at a time!
Stay tuned for future blog posts where we'll delve deeper into specific gut-friendly foods, stress-busting techniques, and other tips for nurturing a happy gut and a thriving mind.
Embark on a holistic journey towards a healthier, toxin-free life by exploring the wealth of detox resources available at Purebodyextra. Whether you're seeking rejuvenating recipes, expert insights, or practical tips on cleansing your body, this comprehensive detox category has it all. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your well-being—click the link now and immerse yourself in a wealth of information to kickstart your detox journey. Your path to a revitalized and healthier you begins here—empower yourself with the knowledge to embrace a detoxified lifestyle today!
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