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mightyflamethrower · 5 months
The Madness Continues: Chinese Scientists Create Mutant Ebola Virus
The following content is sponsored by The Wellness Company.
Apparently, the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic haven’t been learned. Dangerous biolab experiments continue – humanity be damned.
Photo: Depositphotos
According to the Daily Mail:
Chinese scientists have engineered a virus with parts of Ebola in a lab that killed a group of hamsters. A team of researchers at Hebei Medical University used a contagious disease of livestock and added a protein found in Ebola, which allows the virus to infect cells and spread throughout the human body. The group of hamsters that received the lethal injection ‘developed severe systemic diseases similar to those observed in human Ebola patients,’ including multi-organ failure,’ the study shared.
The results of this study were predictably horrific:
One particularly horrific symptom saw the infected hamsters develop secretions in their eyes, which impaired their vision and scabbed over the surface of the eyeballs.
According to the National Institutes of Health, a decade ago, Ebola ravaged parts of Africa. Ebola has an average fatality rate of 50 percent:
Ebola virus disease, once known by, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is defined by the iconic hemorrhagic fever, but more common symptoms are non-specific such as fever, malaise, headache, diarrhea, or vomiting. The disease can quickly progress to multi-organ system failure leading to shock followed by death. The case-fatality rate ranges from 25% to 90%; the average case fatality rate is about 50%.
The obvious concern with any of these dangerous biolab experiments is the threat of a lab leak, according to the Daily Mail:
But lab leaks happen, and these incidents could lead to the spread of to those outside of the lab. Experts have confirmed that respiratory viruses – which are [spread] via coughing and sneezing – are more likely to spread widely through a population. Data released this March revealed that lab leak incidents occur every year and included the release of controlled pathogens like tuberculosis and anthrax. There are anywhere from 70 to 100 releases were recorded every year.
Be Prepared
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Don’t be caught unprepared for whatever 2024 sends your way!
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kyolosa-blog · 6 years
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dknc3 · 7 years
Well, grad party weekend is almost over and I appear to have survived. It was a close thing for awhile there, though! 
Long text post under the cut summarizing the weekend’s adventures. (And giving a pretty good illustration as to WHY I’ve been a tumblr absentee of late, LOL!!)
About 30 hours prior to party time, I received a call from #2 telling me he felt like death and had been unable to rise from his bed except to stumble to the bathroom for nearly 24 hours! Why he hadn’t felt it necessary to tell me this when texting with me the night before about coming home from school for his brother’s party, who knows? Anyway, he NEVER complains about being sick even when he is and he sounded like death and answered “no” to questions about having Advil, water, or cough medicine in his dorm room or any way to get them or any capability of driving his car around the block much less home.
So, I embarked on a 3 hour round trip to fetch my sickly second son, guiltily leaving my husband with an insanely long party prep “to do” list in my absence. One of us at least had to work on preparing both the deck and yard (where we WANTED the party to be) and the big ugly unfinished basement (where we feared a lot of the party might have to be because the weather forecast was getting shittier by the moment.) I had to be the parent who took the road trip because A–I am willing to drive much faster than my law abiding husband and therefore could accomplish the rescue mission more quickly, and B–MAMA is the parent best at caring for our ill babies, regardless of age.
When I got #2 into the car, he was burning up with fever, hacking like someone with tuberculosis, and complaining that EVERYTHING hurt! I gave him Advil and water and apple juice which I brought along and told him if it wasn’t May I’d swear he had the flu. Those words proved prophetic when I took him straight to the doctor’s office once we got back into town and he tested positive for INFLUENZA A!!! Seriously? Who comes down with the freaking flu in late May?!? Apparently, MY KID. On the eve of his brother’s grad party.
So I got him a prescription for tamiflu, a bunch of decongestant and cough meds, and tucked him into his bed before launching back into full force party prep.
Mr. DKNC, quite proud of himself, had purchased two nice canopies which he set up on the deck. They would do beautifully to shade folks should the sun shine and protect well enough from potential pop-up showers without bad wind, but at least overnight, potential thunderstorms with heavy winds were predicted. I mentioned we might want to take the canopies down until closer to party time, but this suggestion was met with “It’ll be fine.”
A few hours later as I was rethinking whether or not I had enough food in the house and ready for pick-up the following morning (after receiving a gleeful call from #1 that several more of his friends had just let him know they’d be able to come after all and three text messages from family friends letting me know their entire families were coming), the severe thunderstorms showed up, and at a rather ominous sound from out on the deck, Mr. DKNC raced out back and shouted, “Dammit! I didn’t know there was going to be a fucking hurricane!”
So the two of us set to work dismantling the canopies before they were torn apart by the wind. In a torrential downpour. While he swore and complained the way he only does when he feels he should have more control over situations which are completely out of his control. Sigh.
He’d done a ridiculous amount of work all day long–the house and yard truly did look amazing, and we’d actually begged, borrowed, and stolen enough tables and chairs that we had outdoor seating for nearly fifty people at a time–over half of that at tables. The house, after 3 days of cleaning, was about as spotless as it gets, and I’d figured out a plan to set up the musicians in the basement rather than on the deck and move a bunch of chairs in there if we really had to–while praying we didn’t have to.
Son #1 came home from dinner out with his girlfriend (he had cleaned the barn earlier in the day), and I sent him right back out to pick up our only non-driver–Son #3–from his job at the hardware store. (I cannot WAIT until May 31st when that kid can get his license!)
I made Ramen noodles for flu boy and ordered pizza for everyone else and decided to call it a night.
Party day dawned grey and rainy, and Mr. DKNC (aka my personal Lord of Winterfell) got all “Winter is Coming” on me with various dire weather disaster predictions. I made him take #3 to work (yes, the kid worked evening shift the day before and opening shift on party day so he could get off early enough in the afternoon not to miss much of the party) just so #1 and I didn’t have to listen to him. #2 got out of bed, showered, dressed, said he felt a bit better, sat up and talked with me while I began setting up the buffet area in the kitchen, then began to feel crappy again–because FLU–and went dejectedly back to bed.
Mr. DKNC had come home after dropping #3 at work and picking up a few things I’d realized we’d forgotten about and put on a list for him. The rain had slowed to intermittent drizzle with only very brief spotty showers so I crossed my fingers and assigned him and #1 to put the canopies back up while I went out and picked up all the sandwiches and barbecue and fruit and vegetable trays and pasta and potato salad, etc. I’d ordered from the grocery and our local meat market. Then I headed to the bakery to pick up the great big cake.
Got home and just had time to say hi to the musicians who’d arrived and we’re setting up and then get all the food actually ready to serve and all the drinks (which Mr. DKNC had gone out and bought using my shopping list my road trip to rescue #2, calling me at least fifteen times from the store because apparently my directions weren’t always clear, LOL!) iced down and the balloons hung at the end of our road (because it’s easy to miss if you don’t know the way) when the first guests arrived, rushing onto the screened in porch with umbrellas up to protect them from the sudden downpour.
That rain lasted 30 minutes and then disappeared did not return for 6 hours. Seventy people ended up at the party and no one went inside except to get food, use the bathroom, play pool, or take a brief AC break because the temperature soared into the mid-eighties. The guests ranged in age from 2 to 84, and both the youngest and the oldest danced to the music which was fabulous. Our musician friends played for 5 hours straight, only stopping when the rain started to threaten again close to 9pm. Most of the older people and the families with small kids left around 9, but at least thirty people were here until after midnight, playing pool, sitting on the screened in porch watching the storm, snacking, drinking, laughing, and generally having a great time. The last of the guests above college age left around 1am, and Mr. DKNC and I decided it was time for bed. No idea what time the last of #1’s friends left or availed themselves of various sofas here to sleep on.
But it WAS a really good day–family from 3 hours away, friends we hadn’t seen in years–we really felt blessed by all the folks who came out to celebrate with our son. And while my husband and I both felt we never got to talk to anyone over 5 minutes most of the day as we kept trying to talk to EVERYONE (and keep food hot and drinks cold all day long), we had fun. More importantly #1 had fun. And I’ve got the video of him singing Johnny Cash with the band!!
The only person who didn’t have much fun was #2 who spent most of the day in his bedroom with Netflix and Advil. He did rally enough on two occasions to put in brief appearances to at least talk to relatives who hadn’t seen him in a long time–but he wasn’t allowed to touch anyone, I had to fix his plate as he wasn’t allowed NEAR the food, and he wrote BIOHAZARD all over his cup so no one would accidentally drink after him! And he still only spent maybe an hour total out of his room, poor guy.
This morning I woke early to take #3 to work (yes, again–this kid needs a driver’s license), Mr. DKNC went to church, but I stayed home because #1 (who as far as I know slept almost none at all) went out to breakfast at 10 with his girlfriend and two couples from her college who had come down for his party and I didn’t want to leave #2 (who didn’t have fever this morning–YAY!–but was still pretty achy) on his own.
I discovered the college kids had attempted to clean up a bit as there were several garbage bags filled and left out on the screened-in porch. Unfortunately, these must have been city kids who don’t realize why all of our outdoor garbage cans have lockable latches on them. So … Our local trash pandas had their own party on the porch some time in the wee hours. Their nasty, muddy little foot prints were all over everything, all bags were ripped open, and trash was strewn everywhere! No offense to my dear @thefairfleming, but trash pandas are evil incarnate!!
So … that was an hour of my life I won’t get back. I rewarded myself for doing that thankless job by eating cake for breakfast. Hey, the little bit of cake left was too big for the plastic storage container I had by only a couple inches!! I had to solve that problem!!
I’ve now cleaned the rest of the house. I don’t even want to know how cake crumbs and empty beer cans found their way to some of the places I found them! I’m almost afraid to check the barn as there was a veritable parade of folks going down to visit the horses yesterday.
But the only task left for today is another road trip to get #2 back to school. He isn’t well, but he is better, and he has only TWO days left. This time I’m taking Mr. DKNC with me. As long as we have to make the trip, we’ll take most of his stuff home with us so he can just leave on his own when he’s officially finished. I’ve got his drugs packed up and clean linens to put on his bed there, and that’s the best I can do for him at this point. I seriously hate taking him back still sick, but he has to finish the term.
And then, Mr. DKNC and I will come home and finally get to rest and relax. Just kidding!! We’ll sleep for a few hours and then I’ll go to work and he’ll fly off on a trip tomorrow! And as we realized as we got in bed last night, we’ll now be expected to do this crazy thing at least twice more!!! We both lay there and laughed hysterically when that thought hit us because really … no other reaction was possible!
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
There’s a little-known pharmacy that serves the most powerful people in Congress, and some of the prescriptions ‘are for some pretty serious health problems’
WASHINGTON — If House Speaker Paul Ryan comes down with the flu this winter, he and his security detail won't be screeching off toward the closest CVS for his Tamiflu.
Instead, he can just walk downstairs and pick up the pills, part of a little-known perk open to every member of Congress, from Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell down to the newest freshman Democrat.
Nearly every day for at least two decades pharmaceutical drugs have been brought by the carload to the Capitol — an arrangement so under the radar that even pharmacy lobbyists who regularly pitch Congress on their industry aren't aware of it.
The deliveries arrive at the secretive Office of the Attending Physician, an elaborate medical clinic where Navy doctors triage medical emergencies and provide basic health care for lawmakers who pay an annual fee of just over $600. Every one comes from Washington's oldest community pharmacy, Grubb's.
Mike Kim, the reserved pharmacist-turned-owner of the pharmacy, said he has gotten used to knowing the most sensitive details about some of the most famous people in Washington.
"At first it's cool, and then you realize, I'm filling some drugs that are for some pretty serious health problems as well. And these are the people that are running the country," Kim said, listing treatments for conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer's.
"It makes you kind of sit back and say, 'Wow, they're making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.'"
Kim's tiny pharmacy — which, at its busiest, sends as many as 100 prescriptions to members in a day — is nestled among Capitol Hill's stateliest row houses, less than four blocks from the Capitol building itself. Founded in 1867 and named for a previous owner, the pharmacy predates penicillin, the American health insurance system, and even the Lincoln Memorial.
The two-story shop, with its bay windows and wood counters, harkens back to that history, though the computer systems and supplements inside aren't far removed from your typical Walgreens counter — if all of Walgreens's inventory was shoved into the nooks and crannies of three small aisles and labeled with individual stickers. At Grubb's, staff will even scoop Hershey's ice cream into cones out of a small counter in the corner, a modern-day nod to the marble-topped soda fountain once popular with the neighborhood kids.
The pharmacy mostly serves the staffers, lobbyists, and families who make their home in the quiet, leafy neighborhood just to the east of the Capitol building, though Grubb's five drivers will deliver prescriptions across the entire city. Some 800 prescriptions leave its doors every day, filled by some three dozen pharmacists, technicians, and support staff.
The relationship between Grubb's and the Capitol has gone nearly unchanged for decades, even as congressional leaders have pushed again and again to overhaul the nation's broader health care system.
For the most part, lawmakers get the same prescription delivery service that any other customer of Grubb's does. The pharmacy still bills each lawmaker's insurance plan, whether it's Obamacare, Medicare, or a local plan back in their district. Grubb's keeps credit card information on file for copays and other purchases. There aren't any discounts, Kim said. No special treatment.
Members of Congress do, however, sometimes get to skip the lines that other Grubb's customers face — simply because of who they are.
"The Capitol kind of takes somewhat of a precedence just because of who we're servicing," Kim said, glancing toward the stately building from the front window of his shop. "The member might be calling to say, 'Hey, I'm about to leave in five minutes, where's my drug? So [the clinicians at the Capitol] get into panic mode as well. I wouldn't say they've ever gotten frustrated with us, but it's more of a concern like, 'Oh my gosh, the member just called us, we need to know where the drug is.'"
Those busy moments are much more prevalent in winter, when lawmakers have been in session for a while and when they might be facing more late-night vote series, Kim said. During August recess, the Capitol pharmacy business — like much of the rest of Washington's economy — slows considerably.
Most lawmakers know far more about the Office of the Attending Physician than about Grubb's or its arrangement with Congress. In a STAT survey of some two dozen House and Senate members from both parties, only one knew about the single pharmacy that delivers all their drugs: Congress's only pharmacist, Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.).
C-Span, screenshot
"It's a great opportunity for us as pharmacists, also, to showcase what we do, because that's exactly what we do is take care of patients," Carter told STAT. "This is another example of how we go above and beyond our call of duty to help people in health care."
Others were quick to praise the Navy doctors and nurses in the Office of the Attending Physician, which counts at least one pharmacist and several technicians on its staff, too.
"If you have a vote and you can't get home to your personal physician, you need to see somebody, and I'll run over between votes and be able to keep my personal responsibilities going," said Sen. Bill Cassidy, a Louisiana Republican. "It's a convenience that definitely allows us to be more productive."
"They're good people, they're always courteous. It's a very difficult job they had, never had anything but the utmost cooperation from them — but don't tell them that! They've injured me on several occasions," Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) joked recently to STAT.
Lawmakers describe the Office of the Attending Physician as a modern space much like a regular doctor's office — though the $3.7 million budget it enjoyed for 2016 suggests a relatively well-furnished space. It's strictly off-limits to reporters; staff there declined repeated requests for comment, and a spokesman for the House Administration Committee that helps oversee OAP declined multiple follow-up inquiries.
That's perhaps because the office is not without controversy. Its services — and the relatively low fees that members must pay for access — were thrust into a harsh spotlight in 2009, as Congress began to debate the Affordable Care Act and as reporters began to ask how lawmakers' own care might color their perspectives on policy. The central issue is the cost: In 2016, lawmakers paid $611 for annual membership — a fee that, unlike most health care prices, has risen much slower than inflation. In 1992, the first year the office charged a fee, it was $520.
The Office of the Attending Physician itself was formed in 1928, after three members of Congress died in their offices within months of one another — more than 50 years after Grubb's first opened its doors.
Thomson Reuters
But the pharmacy services at the Capitol may go back even further — a 1911 text on senatorial privileges describes an "assortment of drugs and viands, tonics and recuperatives" on hand and "readily accessible" for lawmakers. Back then, reportedly, senators took tablet after tablet and vial after vial of quinine, pepsin, and calomel, "endless supplies of cough drops," and something described as "dandruff cure."
It's not clear how long Congress has contracted with Grubb's to provide private prescriptions, but a 1992 review of the OAP — hastened after one senator threatened to make his colleagues pay market prices for the free care they got at OAP — decreed that prescription pharmaceuticals for lawmakers should be obtained through private pharmacies and paid for by the lawmakers themselves, according to a memo shared with STAT by the Senate historian.
It's not clear, either, just how many drugs the OAP keeps on hand, whether for members or emergencies. But Dr. Lee Mandel, a retired Navy physician who spent several years working for OAP in the 1980s, remembers a well-stocked pharmacy just off the main corridor under the speaker's office.
"We provided some pretty comprehensive service, to keep the members doing their jobs so they didn't have to go look for a doctor," he told STAT. "As far as all medications, I don't know — maybe the more exotic ones we didn't — but probably we did stock [most drugs] on their behalf."
Kim, 47, knows only that the OAP's relationship with Grubb's has existed since at least 1997, when he joined the staff part-time as he finished his training at Howard University.
Not much has changed since then, though enhanced security protocols after 9/11 ended the pharmacy's practice of driving each prescription to an individual member's office and collecting cash in-person. Now, the drivers — all of whom have undergone a Capitol Police background check — head straight to OAP.
After 20 years at Grubb's, Kim himself isn't nearly so starstruck by the lawmakers. Even when they stop by the shop in-person, he said they're just like any other customer.
"I still remember John Kerry — it was literally like the day after he lost [the 2004 presidential election], he came in and he was just standing in line with everybody else," Kim recalled. "I just remember seeing him standing in line and almost feeling sorry for him — one day he's a superstar, he's got his entourage and security detail, and the next day he's just by himself, he's picking up his prescription."
Though Kim himself is active in the National Community Pharmacists Association that lobbies on behalf of the industry, he said he usually doesn't push lawmakers to talk shop when they're in line as customers.
"You know, they gently push it aside and say, 'Well, let's set up a meeting,'" he said. "Unless they're involved in one of the topics in pharmacy, they probably don't know what's going on. But they don't want to say they don't know, so they say, 'Oh, I don't have time right now.'"
Although he isn't lobbying Congress, Kim is still working to improve his relationship with OAP. He desperately wants the office to use an electronic system to route prescriptions to the pharmacy, rather than having their physicians call them in every time.
The "back to back" calls are slowing down the rest of his business, and he thinks it's important to have a clearer record of what prescriptions are ordered than a phone call can provide.
Those frustrations aside, however, Kim is proud of the work he does for the powerful figures who dominate Washington's attention.
"It's definitely a special arrangement that no other pharmacy in the country can say that they have," he said. "In other states, [a community pharmacy] may fill prescriptions for maybe one or two members. But this location, you're getting like every member from all across the country. It's very cool."
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