#punches the air hell yeah lets goooo
toririvas · 2 years
Part three! We're finishing the listen today. I feel it.
Lake trip, simple truth or dare. Angela has some sort of sun reliant power? Eh?
Back to Mary .. sticky note man? An animator? Neat! Agatha.
That siren made everyone too chill and Nick is paranoid about it until he can't be anymore. Alice is SO down bad.
She's lost in the woods, somewhere in South Cali and she's never gonna make it to LA-- lmao.
"I have you trapped here and you're gonna *talk*." They're so dysfunctionally cute. Nick is trying to lie his way out of Alice's brain. Gaslight gatekeep girlboss, king.
"You had to invent a whole new me to be attracted to me!" Nick you like her back oh my god. THEY'RE MAKING OUT IN THE WOODS. i fucking knew it.
"that kiss was for the /real/ you." AAAAUGH
Vince got jumped by Sasha ! Lmao.
Stella v Roy, this is maybe the funniest mid-fight dialogue. He's just a down home classic southern gentleman, I get it lmao. I knew that would end like that with fuckin what's her names pheromones in the air.
Back to school. Lmao, somebody glaciered (Michael). Alice is putting on the fucking moves.
Vince gets extra training, neat. Sparks close up, fire long range. Fun!
Ethics of being a hero. Fuuuun!
Finals prep. Okay, makes sense to have the week off. Can't imagine how poor Chad is coping. He must miss it. Nick has an eidetic memory question mark? Or just a very good one. That's pretty neat. Threat evaluation is solid stuff.
Roy v Stella again! They're buddies in battle! And Violet is there too, she weakens people iirc?
Chad is so weirdly eloquent. Like it's so ... He's so robotic. Poor thing. Feels wrong. Stop using big words, nerdass.
"What do we do?" "We could play DnD?" "Mm, n-" "Movies?" "DnD it is!" LMAOOO
Carnival time. Aw, Alice
Sasha asked the question and Vince can't fuckin lie! Oh god!
They're reconvening. Who's this? Agatha. Okay, she's a good egg. Nice girl.
It was the coaches, or someone who looks like them. Huh !
"they took our fucking kids!" Goddddd!!!! Vince has a paladin instinct. Nick is trying to dip, Alice punched his glasses off. Fucking queen.
"I did what I had to!" Rip into him, Alice, kill him with WORDS!!
He's so paranoid. My god. Okay they wanted Mary, Herschel is collateral. I'm anticipating a Roy appearance soon solely because George called Hersch useless.
Nick is going to leave, or so he claims. Vince is walking into a fire- where'd transport take him, fucking Centralia?
Okay. Nick is in, decidedly not an incompetent asshole by his own word. All of the people from The Company are named like those books. Insanity but very funny. Mr. Move, Ms. Tracker?
"Roy isn't the only son of Titan!" That seems like an important guy.
IS THAT? A WHISKEY COVERED BULLET? YOU ABSOLUTE MADMAN NICK! SHIT! Alice has her friend leader moment, and oh yeah let's go heavy hitter! Paladin nova Vince goooo!
Mary got free, nabbed George, and Vince fucking drained him. Avatar style. Well, that was a hell of a battle. But who were the coaches working for? I figured there had to be a draw for sequels SOMEWHERE.
They don't have to take finals? Pog.
Mary and Alice together, Nick alone. And of course, Mrs. Daniels has decided Vince is her son now! I'm happy about it. Hersch gets another brother! Nice!
Persephone is working with some people trying to, I'm assuming, stop Powereds from infiltrating the ranks of Supers. And Vince's father- his biological one, obviously, - is one of them. Inchresting... I wonder who of the Big Five or whatever he is.
And that's a wrap! A full review will come later today.
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hamdashi · 3 years
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“ polaroid photos looking like a movie scene  /   thank you for the memories, i don't know what it means ” - drive safe by rich brian
i have zero impulse control.  ( @reshieldedintro )
character name: tadashi hamada age: 25 faceclaim: suda masaki voiceclaim: daniel henney (movie!tadashi is somethin else ok) skill set: robotics major skills, rides a moped, maintains said moped when he still had it, unrelenting spirit, that big brother energy affiliations: unaffliated, big hero six (aka his brother and his friends!!!) family: hiro hamada, aunt cass, his friends count (and so did callahan but we all know what happened to that) zodiac: january 29 / aquarius  wiki link: here
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? lol no he didnt he uh was not here. um .. [kicks rocks] tadashi was ded. 
where are they living? are they living with anyone? an apartment that he shares with other people (wanted connection actually so we’re gonna dive into that!!) tadashi would love to travel back to his hometown however !! he has zero money at the moment and is just trying to get by.
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with? tadashi is not affiliated with either s.h.i.e.l.d. or s.w.o.r.d. solely because he is just not interested. but he is wondering how he is, come se dice, resurrected. as a nerd though and once he actually gets his degree (we dont know when that will be unforch), maybe he’ll give them another glance. or if he doesn’t get a job soon, who knows?
who are their major friends, allies, and foes? tadashi’s friend circle consists of gogo, wasabi, honey lemon, and fred! his family is aunt cass and his lil brobro hiro <3 way back when he would consider robert callahan to be an ally, a mentor even! but once he gets his hands on a laptop or even an archive full of newspapers from [insert death year here], he will surely lose his mind and i, for one, cannot wait :]
whose hands do they believe the country should be in? tadashi has opinions!! he believes in a system, it’s just that the people in that system need to be good. rules are good, just that there should be more freedom to explore things within those rules. idk im rambling at this point. point is, whatever system is in place, it has to have the people’s interests at heart. 
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state? tadashi doing good physically. he’s as strong and capable as he was before he went into that fire with a lion heart that matches! mentally he is .. adjusting .. .... :] 
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someone1348 · 3 years
Another one *mind blown!*
Haha anyways enough of me being werid here is a small fic because i feel soft today and its been a good day! Let's goooo!
People in this: Ler!Techno and Lee!Tommy
Plot: Baby Tommyint was left alone for Techno to babysit while phil and will went out to the store, what could go wrong
Tw: None this is so soft and adorable i can't
With that being said enjoyyyy :]
It felt like a normal afternoon, wasting the day in his room, punching things, ploting ideas on how to over throw the government. You know the normal Techno things when,
"Tech! Im going out to the grocery store and im taking Will with me! You're in charge of Tommy while we're out! No killing him, hurting him, handing him dangrous objects or burning down the house while we're gone! K'?!"
No! This can't be happening! Technoblade jumped out of his bed rushing down the stairs to confront his dad and slightly younger brother.
"Woahwoahwoahwoah! You can't do this to me! You know how i am with kids! Me and children do not mix! Why can't you take him with you? Or Will stays and watches him while i go with you"
"Sorry Tech my mind is made up, we are leaving, now be nice and no murder got it"
"Ughhhhh fine! Fine! I wont punt the kid"
"Good, let's go will"
"Coming!" Will smirked at techo sticking out his tongue
Techno glared at him before waving the two off turning around to see the younger who had already reached out to touch Techno's long hair before retracting his hand back.
"No touch"
"Lame" the tiny blonde went to his room getting a cheese stick while techno rolled his eyes going to his own room down the hall
'This is going to be a long night'
Its not that Techno hated kids he just didn't know how to take care of them and that didn't sit well with him there was just something about em' he couldn't ever figure it out.
Not even two minutes later a small knock was placed on his door.
He sighed "yesssss"
"You're supposed to take care of me"
"And?" Techno said opening up the door
"And im bored so fix it, play with me!" the young one said staring up at the pink haired male
"Yeah no, fix it yourself bud im not playing with you"
Tommy rolled his eyes going downstairs hoisting himself with all his might onto the big couch rolling over onto one of the cushions just barley making it, catching his breath before turning on the tv to some cartoon he liked.
Tommy groaned annoyed from boredom and a bit sad that his big brother didn't wanna play with him.
Soon enough he began to cry a bit quickly whiping them away, he's a big man afterall he doesn't cry! But he just wants to play with his big brother.
Light footsteps approached the kid
"You cryin'?"
"N-no! I dont cry! Im a big man!"
"Mhm, come here" Techno sat next to the blonde pulling him into a hug
Techno didn't understand what was happening or what he just did but something in him was different, Tommy was family and no way in hell was he gonna let him cry.
He lightly sighed turning off the Tv "What do you wanna play butthead"
The pinkette couldn't stop the growing smile on his face and he let this new found playful attitude take over him
'Ah what the hell what did he have to lose'
"Arggggg!" Techno said with his deep/raspy voice "prepare to walk the plank matey!"
"Argg no! Its you who walks the plank!" Tommy stood up pointing a pencil at techo
"Ah ha but that's were you're wrong see i also have defense!" He grabbed another pencil from the nearby coffee table pointing it eraser end at the kid as to not harm him with the sharp side
"Uhh whats the word? I dont know how to say it"
"On gaurd!"
"Yeahh!! Ha!" Baby Tommy said taking a swing at his older brother as the two slapped there pencils together like swords
"Boop! I win!!" Tommy said as he poked the pencil into Techno's chest
"Ahh nooo you got me!" Techno flopped down on his back snatching Tommy up in the process lifting him in the air and back down as he giggled up a storm.
Techno safely put the pencils back, drawing his attention back to his younger brother.
"You know stabbing me was not cool Tommy" Techno joked with the kid as Tommy's smile turned into a frown
"Sorry! I- i didn't-"
"You need to be careful who you mess with Tom's because they might come back to bite you!"
He swiftly picked up the kid again, as he squeaked, digging into his stomach soft enough to not hurt him of course but definitely enough to tickle alot
"EE! NAHAHAHAHA TEHEHEHE" the kid tried to say his name but couldn't which to that Techno smirked and continued his tickle attack.
"This is what happens when you mess with the wrong person kid" He lightly giggled and tickled the boys sides
"Eee! HAHAaha tehehechnoho! Stahahap!"
"Hmmmm nope! Tickletickletickletickle"
He teased the boy switching between his sides and stomach occasionally dipping quickly into his bellybutton to watch him squeak every so often.
"nahahAHAhahAH! tehe-HEHEheHEY!"
"Im gonna getcha'!"
The older squeezed his knee earning a quick kick before using the end of his long braided pink hair to tickle his neck
"Pfft ehehew get awahahay"
Techno laughed and wiggled the pink hair all over his face to keep him giggling
"Ehehewww it got in my mouth! Haha"
"Thats what you get punk" He ruffled the blonde's hair and sat him up straight.
"You want ice cream?"
The boy's eyes lit up and he nodded rapidly
"Okay okahay let's go" he carried the boy with one hand to the kitchen making a small bowl of ice cream with whipped cream and a cherry.
"Thank you Technooo!"
"Anytime Munchkin, but you can't tell Phil or Will about this Okay?"
The boy nodded shoving a spoonful into his mouth.
As the boy finished techno put the bowl in the sink filling it with water.
The door opened
"We're home!!"
"DAD! WILL!!" the youngest ran out to greet his family hugging their legs tightly
"Welcome back"
"How was it?"
"Really good actually"
"Yeahh!" The kid agreed jumping up and down.
"Good im glad that's great news, maybe i should leave you two alone more often"
"Sounds good to me"
"Im shocked" Will said laughing a bit
"Ha ha you're hilarious" Techno said in his usual sarcastic tone
"Tech Tech can we play again pleaseeeeeee"
"Its getting late we will play tomorrow yeah?"
"Ughhh willlll can we please play piano gameee pleaseee"
"You heard the man it's getting late go to bed Champ"
"Okayyyyy G'night Techno! G'night Dadza! G'night Willl!"
"Goodnight Munchkin'" Techno ruffled the boy's hair before pushing him lightly making him giggle and ran to his room.
"Munchkin?" Phil said smirking
"Oh shut your mouth old man"
"You wanna go tech"
"Uhhhhh ha ha ill be in my room it was nice! Goodnight everyone ha ha ha-ZOOM!" he ran out and nervously laughed as Phil laughed and and smiled
"You'll get him one day dadza"
"Oh i plan on it as soon as the fucker wakes up"
"You're not safe either will" he smirked at him as will booked it to his room too
Phil smiled and walked to his room leaving on the bathroom light for Tommy.
"Goodnight boys!"
"Night dad!!"
Please! This was so adorable to make im definitely making a part two! I hope y'all enjoyed :]
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Teenage Dirtbag (K.S.)
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While I’m not exactly who you hoped would be writing these requests for you, I hope they are what you were looking for @nonchalantflower and anon 💛 I had so much fun writing for Kyle and would DEFINITELY be interested in writing more parts for this if you guys are interested! Enjoy, my thirsty friends 😘
(arguments, slight physical roughness, smut)
“Don’t forget your lime, sweets!”
You smiled and raised your cup in silent thanks to the girl pouring drinks behind the kitchen counter. It was far too loud to do much else. Music blared as people drunkenly sang karaoke in the living room and the rest were either singing along or trying to yell over the sound trying to hold conversation. You had not been much of a party-goer before Kyle, and you weren’t much of one after either. You sighed, looking into the cup for a moment before shooting back the contents. You briefly wondered why you were even there until a pair of arms wrapped around your middle.
“Y/N!!! Come dance with me pleeeeaaasseeeeee!” That’s right. You’d promised your best friend, Missy, that you’d escort her to this specific party to make sure she didn’t get herself into too much trouble. You knew it was just a lame excuse to get you out of the house, but you figured it couldn’t hurt anything. You allowed her to pull you into the backyard where the band was going strong and hot bodies danced freely in the night air. There was something about it that made you relax a bit. Your body slowly succumbed to the alcohol and began to rock to the music along with everyone else in the crowd. “That’s my girl! Get it babe!” Missy cheered, dancing and laughing easily with you. You let yourself laugh too, feeling yourself untense for what felt like the first time in months. It felt good. The longer you danced, the more you lost track of your surroundings. You closed your eyes and slipped under the music and intoxication.
You were abruptly pulled from this euphoria, however, as the music came to a close and Missy began tugging you back toward the house. “There’s a group starting Seven Minutes in Heaven!” she squealed. You briefly realized this was exactly the trouble you were supposed to be keeping her out of, but she was so excited that you couldn’t find it in your mildly inebriated self to tell her no. You and her brushed past multiple couples making out and someone definitely revisiting their dinner in the bathroom to find a large circle of people gathered in the library upstairs. A tall, blonde jock walked around collecting bits and bobs from each individual in his sweaty hat. You watched Missy pull her earring from her ear excitedly, ready to add it to his collection.
“God, this is so bad,” you giggled, shaking your head. “Just keep it in your pants, that’s all I ask.” She elbowed you sharply in the ribs before placing the earring in.
“You gonna play, toots?” the blonde asked, eyeing you up and down.
You shivered in mild disgust, quickly shaking your head. You were about to make a snide remark when Missy pulled the clip holding your hair up from your head. “Ow! What the hell?”
“You’re playing, and that’s final,” she said, adding your clip to the hat. You huffed, submitting easily. You definitely couldn’t deny that you needed some action.
“Alright, gents! Who’s up first?” the blonde called over the group.
“This guy over here! Total closet monster!” A group of guys started cheering and shouting from the corner of the room. You couldn’t quite see who was the object of their jeering quite yet. “Everyone knows bassists get HELLA pussy! Let’s goooo!!”
That was the first in a series of events that quickly filled your stomach with dread. No. Fucking. Chance. Suddenly, the unfortunate boy was pushed out from the group of shouting teens, confirming your worst fears. You swallowed, looking down and praying he didn’t see you.
“Shit,” Missy whispered in shock, turning to look at you. You grimaced, suddenly feeling a bit ill.
Chants of “Kyle! Kyle! Kyle!” rose from the whole room as the lanky boy you knew every inch of rolled his eyes and reached into the hat. You shivered, praying silently that fate could not possibly be cruel enough to lock you in a closet with your
ex-boyfriend for seven minutes of pure hell.
Fate laughed darkly in your face.
The minute he pulled the clip out, his intoxicated smile fell from his face slightly. He recognized it. Even now.
“That’s the little miss right over there!” The jock pointed to you and his exclamation was followed by a series of cheers and “oh shit”s from people who recognized the situation. You suddenly found yourself pushed to the middle of the room next to him, Missy shouting your name behind you as strangers' hands forced you forward.
“That’s his ex!” someone shouted, making you visibly cringe. The group collectively fell to hushed whispers and quiet laughter.
“Shit.” You finally forced yourself to raise your head, looking over at the boy who’d uttered the syllable and that you were once convinced you were in love with. He was still looking at the clip in his hands, but quickly felt your eyes on him and looked up. He was smirking softly.
Rage ran through you from head to toe in half a second. Who the fuck did he think he was?
“Well, lovers, the closet awaits! No one denies the destiny of the hat!” The more times this blonde opened his mouth, the more you wanted to punch him in the throat.
“The destiny of the hat,” Kyle repeated, clearly amused by the unevolved thought processes of the people around him. Pretentious asshole. He straightened his shoulders and strode over to the closet, seemingly unaffected. You watched in shock and anger, unable to understand how he could possibly think you were going to go through with this. He simply stood inside the doors, looking at you expectantly along with everyone else in the room.
“Oh, for fucks sake,” you muttered, stomping after him. The crowd erupted into cheers and hollers of crude things you’d hate to imagine your mother hearing. Wearing that damned smirk, he pulled the closet doors closed behind you and sealed you both in darkness.
“Seven minutes starting now. Remember kids: make love not war!”
You scoffed, your arms over your chest. “Okay. What the actual fuck are you
trying to prove?”
Kyle shook his head, looking at you in earnest. “What is it, Y/N? Don’t believe in the destiny of the hat?”
“You are a child,” you spat, fury bubbling in your veins. The blissful feeling of the alcohol in your system was long gone, replaced with anxiety and frustration. “Why are you doing this? This isn’t you.”
Now he scoffed. “You never knew who I was, Y/N. You just saw what you wanted to see and were disappointed. Join my little anti-fan club!” He threw his hands in the air, laughing bitterly.
“You’re so full of shit! You’re so busy hating the world and everything in it that you refuse to let people into your life.”
“Yeah, life really dealt me such a stellar hand, don’t you think?”
You fell quiet, so frustrated you couldn’t find words. Tears burned in your eyes and your fists clenched at your sides. You stepped forward, pressing a finger into his chest. “You had me, you asshole. But you pushed me out when you felt yourself start to need someone.”
He exhaled sharply, making you realize how close you had gotten. “Yeah, you’re right,” he replied, his voice suddenly lower and quieter, but still sharper than a double-edged blade. “It’s my fault I needed space to grieve my dying father- my apologies.” His breath hit your face as he over-punctuated every consonant, his hand finding itself holding your chin.
Your eyes went wide as he laid his hands on you, your breath caught in your throat. He noticed instantly, his predatory eyes glancing down at your mouth for a flicker of a moment. You both knew it was all over.
He pushed you roughly back to the other side of the tight closet, his mouth on yours with ravenous intensity. You gasped, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and pushing him away. Your wild eyes met his, searching for something to make this make sense. Unable to find it, you tugged him back down to your lips. He growled lowly, his hands sliding under your shirt and firmly holding onto your sides while your hands tangled into his mop of dark curls; old habits die hard. His insatiable lips traveled down your neck to the spot he knew made your knees weak.
“Fuck, Kyle,’ you squeaked, hating how easily you’d given into him. But he had kissed you first. Perhaps the shoe was finally on the other foot. You were pulled from the moment by the sounds of cheering coming from outside the thin closet doors. You’d nearly forgotten you were being listened to by a room full of horny teenagers.
“Plebeians,” Kyle muttered hotly against your skin, unhindered by their antics. His hands slipped in opposite directions, one approaching the waistband of your jeans and the other reaching for the underside of your breast. Your hand quickly grasped his wrist, halting his movements.
His eyes flashed, meeting yours. Despite the darkness, you could see the lust in them. “What is it, princess? Forget what it’s like to be touched by a creature with an IQ higher than 6?”
You locked your jaw, glaring at him while you fought to catch your breath.
“There’s my stubborn girl,” he breathed hotly against your ear as you slowly released your grip on his wrist.
“I’m not your girl,’ you gasped, feeling his cold hand slip into your panties.
“Maybe not. But no one gets you wet like this.” He groaned softly, feeling your slick coat his fingers as he drug his fingertips through your folds. “Isn’t that right, Y/N?”
“Mm, and I’m sure you aren’t turned on at all, right?” you jabbed breathlessly, you hand slipping up his shirt to rest against his hot skin.
He visibly shuddered, leaning forward to catch your earlobe between his teeth. “Tease.” His long fingers made slow, tortuous circles on your clit, making you let out a soft cry into the dark closet. “Why don't you find out for yourself?”
His filth made you tremble, fisting his hair and tugging just hard enough to get him to let out a grunt of pleasure. His fingers quickened their pace, the forearm of his opposite side pressed against the wall next to your head as he pressed your bodies together. You reached down to feel his lust pressing adamantly against his fly and could confirm that he wasn’t lying. “Goddamnit.. I’m close,” you confessed, feeling your body betray you. You so desperately didn’t want to give him what he wanted, but his fingers were too persistent and he knew your tells far too well.
A harsh knock on the door struck like a cold splash of water. Kyle quickly pulled his hand from your pants,his damp fingers splayed against your bare stomach. “Alright, kids. Couples counseling is up in 30 seconds. Put on your clothes and get decent… or don’t.” Fucking idiot.
Kyle stepped back, seeming to suddenly come back to himself. Still breathless, you straightened and grabbed hold of his angled jaw. “You are going to finish what you started, or, so help me-“
He grabbed your hand and pressed it against the still-very-present bulge in his jeans. The muscles of his jaw contracted beneath your fingers. “Trust me, pretty girl. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.”
The door flew open and you quickly pulled your hand from his. Applause greeted you along with momentary blindness from the brightness of the room. Kyle’s hand was around your wrist and pulling you out of the room before you could even fully regain your bearings.
(To be continued?)
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vintagedolan · 4 years
alone (egd)
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it’s not very often that you and ethan get the house to yourselves... and you’ll be damned if you don’t make the most of it
word count: 8k (holy shit haha)
warnings/tags: smutty smutty smut lets goooo, christening the house hehe,  ITS A WILD RIDE 
feel free to send in requests! and check out my masterlist if you wanna :)
It was almost like watching a scene in a sappy romance movie, but instead of the typical girl in the sundress with the handsome man, it was two handsome 6 foot tall men standing outside the airport, staring at each other uncomfortably.
“Just make sure you text me when you land. You got your charger and everything?”
“Yeah E, I’ve got it. I’m gonna miss my plane man, I gotta go,” Grayson said, but he wasn’t moving, obviously unsure of what exactly to do.
“Bye Gray, have fun and be safe,” you decided to step in, giving him a goodbye hug. He squeezed you back, swaying a little bit back and forth.
“Keep him alive and fed for me, will yah?” Gray teased, ruffling your hair like he always did before letting you go.
“I think I can manage that for four days,” you teased, stepping back. There was an odd awkwardness in the air - the twins weren’t very experienced in saying goodbye.
You stood to the side, watching them hug. It was a genuine one, with just a hint of unease in it - the boys hadn’t spent this much time away from each other since they did their one week without each other video. 
When they were done, the two of you waved at Grayson until he was out of sight inside the terminal. And then you climbed back into the tesla, you in the passenger seat like usual.
And it was time for the real fun to begin.
Riding in the car with Ethan was one of your favorite little parts of your relationship. It was such a simple thing, to sit next to him in the passenger seat with the music playing. And his hand was always on you somehow - fingers intertwined, pressing kisses to the back of your hand. But it wasn’t often that you didn’t have Grayson in the back seat. This time was different.
As soon as he was merged back onto the highway, his hand was on your thigh, thumb rubbing over the bare skin left by your shorts. It was innocent enough to start, but his fingers trailed higher and higher with each mile he drove, and when you looked over he was chewing on his lip - one of his tells.
“Mind on the road,” you teased, but you opened your legs just barely anyways.
“Baby I drive a tesla. My mind can be anywhere,” he reminded you, a bit of his ego popping through.
“We’re five minutes from home,” you breathed as his hand moved further up, brushing over the zipper of your shorts. There was a nervous energy filling the car, and it reminded you of how you felt before you slept together for the first time. You felt giddy at the thought of having Ethan all to yourself, and the house empty except for the two of you, for four whole days. 
“Wanna make sure you’re ready,” he said, voice low and gruff. It sent chills across every inch of your skin. 
“Oh trust me, I am,” you sighed, squirming just barely as he rubbed over your skin. He knew exactly how to press your buttons and get you worked up in a matter of minutes.
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, squeezing your thigh. He edged the speedometer up, wheels flying over payment in a desperate bid to get home even a few minutes earlier. 
“Hey, we can’t fuck if you crash before we get home,” you reminded him, messing with your nails. When you looked over at him, his pupils were blown wide, incredulous. The easiest way to get him worked up was with your words, and you used it sparingly, knowing if you always said all the dirty things in your mind that it wouldn’t hold the same effect when you decided to use it. It was the only way you could even the playing field - Ethan could have you in a puddle with one touch. 
He slowed down, but only a fraction, and you were itching to get home just as much as he was, maybe more. The gates at the end of the driveway felt like they took an eternity to open when Ethan punched in the code, and you had already undone your seatbelt before he even had smooth cat in park. 
You both jumped out of the car, giddy like unsupervised teenagers. He took your hand, lacing his fingers with yours as he started towards the house. To your surprise, he didn’t open the door immediately. Instead, he turned to you, catching your hips with his hands.
“I have a proposition.” 
“Oh do you now.”
“New house. All to ourselves for four days.” 
“Mhmmm.” Not sure why we’re not acting on that right about now, you wanted to say, but you held your tongue. 
“Christening.” The word hung in the night air for a moment, slowly disappearing into the song the crickets were making. Images flashed through your mind of all the furniture, the floor plan, the layout. Fuck.
“You bought a very large house, with a lot of rooms,” you started. His face fell just a fraction, and his lips parted as he started his rebuttal. You stopped him with a finger. 
“We better get started.” 
night one, 11pm, living room two
You’d never realized just how soft the purple sectional was; probably because this was the first time you were naked on it. Ethan had made quick work of everything you had on as he lead you in the door, past the small living room, through the kitchen and dining room, and into the small sunken living room two, as they called it.
“Odd first choice,” you mused, not really caring where you were. All you were worried about was the fact that Ethan was still fully clothed, which was wildly unfair in your opinion. 
“Well, we’ve already done our room and bathroom, so no need for repeats. Not gonna do Grayson’s room or bathroom, cause that’s just weird. Figured we could work our way across the house. Living room two, dining room, kitchen, living room one. Come back and get the office, guest bathroom, laundry room.” He listed off the rooms like he was reading from the floor plan as he shed his shirt and started to work on his belt.
“You’ve really got this planned out huh. Been daydreaming about having sex with me all over the house?” The smirk on your face was playful, and he just laughed, shaking his head as he shoved his Louis V pants down his legs along with his boxer briefs and stepped out of them.
“I’m always thinking about having sex with you. Duh.” He crawled over top of you, coaxing you to lay down flat on the couch. One of your favorite things about sex with Ethan was that it was always versatile, and not just in positions. You’d had every mood of sex in the book - playful, funny, dirty, kinky, angry. You were so comfortable around each other it wasn’t even funny.
So you weren’t surprised in the slightest that he nudged your hip with his knee and muttered ‘scootch’ so he could get himself comfortable above you. And you also weren’t surprised when you both realized that there was no way in hell that this position was going to work in any way, shape or form on that narrow ass couch.
“Floor?” He asked.
“Floor,” you confirmed, following him as he rolled off you and onto his back on the rug. Now you were hovering over him, straddled over his abs. His hands found the back of your thighs, pushing lightly.
“Come up here,” he grinned, and you knew exactly what he was asking for. You maneuvered your way up until you were hovering above his face. 
“Let the christening... begin,” he said in his most dramatic voice, smile wide on his face as his hands came up onto your thighs to pull you down closer to him.
“That’s the cheesiest shit you’ve eve- oh.”
“Mmmm, what was that?” He asked, pulled away from where he’d just been.
“Nothing! Nothing,” you squeaked, suddenly desperate for him to put his mouth back on you. He obliged, starting to work you over slowly. You shifted your weight onto your knees so you could get closer to him, hands going to his hair, which was finally getting just long enough for you to get a grip on. 
It didn’t take long for him to set a rhythm with his tongue that has your hips grinding, thighs shaking just barely at the tension of you holding yourself at just the right height. He’s always been so damn good with his mouth, even since the first time you slept together.
But it wasn’t until you bit down on your fist as you came that you hear him groan, and he’s tapping on your thigh, signaling you to dismount. You climbed off, catching your breath and relaxing your muscles, coming down. 
“What’d you bite your fist for?” He asked, sitting up and moving towards you like he had on the couch, coaxing you down onto your back again, his fingers ghosting over you.
“Didn’t do it on purpose.” You were still a bit breathless as he ducked down to kiss you.
“Well for once we don’t have to be quiet. Wanna hear you babe, while we can,” he said, more of a request than a demand. You nodded in response as he lifted up slightly, lining himself up. You let your legs fall open to the sides, giving him more room as he dipped down, grazing over your folds. 
You let out the breath you’d been holding as he pushed in, moving slow and easy. He held himself up on his hands, which were splayed on the floor above your shoulders to hold you in place. You bit down on your lip, a force of habit.
He grunted above you, moving down to his forearms, rolling his hips as he shifted his weight to one side so he could bring a thumb up, guiding your lip out from under your teeth.
“What’d I just say,” he groaned, a hint of dominance creeping into his tone. You just nodded, overwhelmed as he continued to stretch you out.
“Fuck E,” you moaned, hands coming up onto the skin of his back, nails dragging down. A tiny part of your brain realized it felt weird to be so loud, but the pleasure took over that as you felt everything start to tighten, an overwhelming feeling that you’d become familiar with.
“God, I can feel that,” Ethan breathed, speeding up the roll of his hips, somehow getting even deeper than he already was. “Shit baby, you feel so good.” 
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” you whined, pulling him as close as you could, lifting your hips up just barely to meet him. The new angle was electric, just the tiny shift making all the difference, and suddenly your thighs were shaking and you could feel him release, filling you up before he collapsed on top of you. 
“Holy shit,” he breathed, rolling off you smoothly. You were only on your back for a second before his arm wrapped around your shoulder, rolling you over onto him. 
“We’re gonna have to pace ourselves if we’re gonna make it through every room in the house,” you laughed, trying to catch your breath. He ran his fingers over your back, feather light over your spine. 
“Fuckin’ hell, you’re gonna wear me out,” he laughed with you, reaching his other hand up to run through his hair.
“Your fault, you bought a big ass house,” you grinned, squishing your cheek against him, smiling when you heard the rumble of his laughter in his chest.
Eventually, he somehow mustered the energy to get the two of you to your feet and back towards your room, the unspoken agreement that you were done for the night. 
“We should shower,” you mumbled.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Ethan answered, crawling onto the sheets.
“E! We’re gross!” 
“Totally disgusting,” he agreed, curling up further into the bed. You thought for a moment about trying to drag him to the shower, but it was no use. If he didn’t wanna move, you couldn’t make him - you’d learned that lesson many times.
Instead, you gave in and crawled over to him, peppering kisses on his bare back. “You’re washing the sheets tomorrow.”
“Deal,” he sighed, twisting to wrap you up in his arms before you both fell asleep.
morning one, 9:42am, kitchen
As you did every morning, you headed into the kitchen alone. The wood was cold against your bare feet, sending goosebumps up your legs. You’d thrown on one of E’s shirts out of habit, but skipped the shorts when you remembered that the house was empty aside from a quietly snoring Ethan. 
You made yourself a cup of coffee and turned on the speakers, just loud enough that they might wake Ethan up. The playlist that was just a massive dump of every song the three of you liked started to roll through, and you danced along to it, deciding to make a more complicated breakfast than normal. If there was one thing you could cook, it was breakfast. 
The boys had started to branch out and find more vegan substitutes, so you were happy to find all the ingredients you needed to make vegan breakfast bagels - an egg substitute, vegan cheese, even veggie sausage that would work great. While everything cooked away, you cut up some fruit and sipped at your coffee, getting more and more into the music as it played, especially when your favorite Cudi song came on - the boys had gotten you hooked as soon as you moved in, said it was a ‘house rule’ that you stan Cudi.
Lost in your own little world as you scrambled the ‘eggs’, the poke to your hip made you squeal and almost drop the spatula. You turned and saw E, a goofy close lipped smile on his face.
“What’d you poke me for?” You grinned, getting up on your tiptoes to kiss him good morning. He answered by poking your cheek again, then squeezing it gently between his thumb and his index finger.
“Just makin’ sure you’re real, and that I’m not dreamin’,” he sighed, brushing some hair back from your face, proud of the blush he brought to your cheeks.
“You’re such a simp.” You turned back to the ‘eggs’, cutting off the burner, happy they were done so you could give him your full attention for a few minutes.
“Am not.”
“Are too,” you countered. “Okay maybe not a simp, but definitely a sap. Over here poking me to make sure I’m not a dream,” you teased, but you loved every second of it.
“But you are a dream,” he said in his most dramatic voice, hands going to your waist to guide you away from the stove. With one swift move he spun you around and lifted you up so you were suddenly sitting on the island, now just a hair taller than him.
“I wake up to you, cooking a damn good vegan breakfast in my kitchen, with Cudi on the speakers, in my shirt-” he reached for the hem, moving it slightly up from where it sat on your thighs, obviously expecting shorts. He groaned when he didn’t find any.
Immediately, his hand was coming around to the back of your head, fingers curling in your hair as he pulled you down towards him, lips on yours. Usually his kisses were a bit lazy in the morning, but right now he was more than awake, and you could tell. 
It wasn’t another minute before he was guiding you backwards and you were laying on the counter, cold marble setting all your nerve endings on fire as his fingers hooked into your panties and pulled them down in one swift motion.
He pressed kisses to your thighs, morning scruff tickling your skin as he made his way up, coaxing your legs to open for him. It was on odd sensation being out in the open like this, but you didn’t have the energy to care once his mouth was on you.
“Fucking shit,” you groaned, the sensitivity left from last night elevating things immediately. 
“All good?” He murmured, looking up to you for reassurance. He knew your body almost as well as you did by now, knew you’d be sensitive.
“Yeah, yeah keep going.” You were practically begging for it already and it had only been a few seconds. He started with long, flat tongue licks that he knew would have you squirming, even if he didn’t add a finger like he did.
“Jesus E, fuck,” you whimpered, fingers grasping at the smooth counter, desperate to find something to hold onto as he worked you over. He just hummed against you, satisfied that you were being vocal and adding to the sensation all at the same time. 
His tongue moved up to your clit and you gasped, sitting up slightly and grabbing at his head, fingers trying to find purchase in his short hair. It didn’t faze him in the slightest and he continued his work, knowing you were close.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck,” you squeaked, body tensing up and then relaxing all at once, causing you to collapse back onto the counter. You barely had enough left in you to make sure that your head didn’t hit the marble. 
“Well, kitchen can get checked off,” he breathed, pressing kisses to your skin as you tried to settle back down. After a few moments he helped you sit up, leaving you to relax while he picked up where you left off with breakfast as if nothing had just happened. That was one of your favorite things about Ethan - he was a giver, through and through, and he never did anything to get something in return.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to repay the favor.
“You are getting the best head of your life later, so prepare yourself.” You tried to stay serious, but your voice was still a bit breathless as you came up beside him. 
“Like I said. Absolute. Dream. My fuckin’ girl,” he smiled, reaching a hand around to cup your ass and pull you up against his side as he continued to cook. 
evening one, 6:33pm, the laundry room
You watched him put the blue liquid into the washer, filling up the little cap and putting it into the little container on the right side. You weren’t sure why, but watching Ethan do domestic shit was one of the hottest things to you. 
“Did you just put fabric softener in with the sheets?”
“Of course I did,” he responded with a smirk. 
“Absolute. Dream. My fuckin’ guy.” You quoted him from earlier with a smug grin, moving from where you were watching in the doorway to right beside him. The washer started to hum, filling up with water as you spun him around so his back was against it.
“Oh?” He quirked an eyebrow, looking at you in surprise - you weren’t usually the one to initiate things, not because you didn’t want to, but because Ethan usually beat you to the punch.
You didn’t answer. Instead, you pulled on the waistband of his shorts and briefs, reaching down to find his cock, which was already rising to your attention.
“Laundry huh? That’s what does it for you?” Ethan said, trying to seem unaffected, but his breath was already catching in his throat. He always got very overwhelmed when you took care of him like this - he was so used to being the giver, sometimes he wasn’t exactly sure what to do as the receiver. 
“Shhh, just relax. I told you to prepare for this, remember?” You teased, getting up on your tip toes to kiss him while you pushed his shorts and briefs down. They pooled around his feet and you followed them, sinking to your knees.
“Fucking shit.” He breathed it out, barely audible over the machinery behind him that he started to brace on as you took him in your mouth. 
You just hummed as you worked him over, knowing exactly where to get him weak in the knees. He liked slow, long strokes at first, but you surprised him by coming up to cup his balls, rolling them in your hand.
“Oh fuckkkk,” he whined, thigh twitching and hand coming down to your hair. His fingers tangled in it and you didn’t ease up at all, knowing you were about to get him right where you wanted him. 
You backed off for just a second, just to see his reaction as you looked up at him. His eyes had been closed for a bit, knuckles white as he gripped onto the washer. But with the loss of contact they flew open, just as you wanted them to.
With his eyes on you, you grabbed onto his hips, opening wide and taking him as far down your throat as you could. You fought the urge to gag, grinning a bit when his hips stuttered and his breath hitched. He even bent over slightly, body unsure of how to handle feeling so good. 
He wasn’t even forming words anymore when you started to suck again, paying special attention to the vein that ran along the side as he practically came undone.
When your hand came back up to his balls, he was done for. He came quickly, and you let it slide down your throat, leaving him in your mouth until he guided you off. 
You stood up proudly, wiping the corner of your mouth with your shirt while you waited for him to catch his breath. 
“You are incredible,” were the words he chose, boosting your ego and making you blush all at the same time. 
But you didn’t get a chance to respond, because suddenly he was bending down, your hips colliding with his shoulder as he scooped you up, grabbing onto your legs as he stood up.
“Ethan!” You squealed, bracing your hands on his lower back to hold yourself up. “Your ass is literally in my face.”
“You love it,” he teased, reaching up to give an easy slap to yours, making you  squeak as he headed to the next room.
evening one, 7:07pm, guest bathroom
He didn’t even sit you down - he just waltzed right into the shower, opening the glass door and turning on the water. 
“Cold, cold cold cold!” You gasped as the water ran over your back, hitting your shirt and soaking the fabric through. 
He didn’t react to the water - he only squatted down so he could put you on your feet, hands immediately going to your waist to push you up against the wall. The water was starting to warm up, but the tile was so cold that it still took your breath. 
It wasn’t helping that Ethan’s touch was making you feel like your skin was on fire, flushed and warm as he bent down slightly to catch your nipple in his mouth through your shirt. You moaned at that, back arching off the tiles when he nipped at it with his teeth. 
“Not supposed to shower with clothes on,” you whimpered, already overwhelmed by just his hands on you.
“Not gonna shower, don’t even have soap in here. Christening, remember?” He whispered it, barely audible over the sound of the water hitting the floor. You didn’t have to ask his plans - he showed you, one hand moving to cup your core. He groaned when he felt a different kind of wet.
“All this, just from sucking my cock huh? Don’t deserve you, truly,” he grinned, hand coming up to the waist of your panties and yanking. The fabric tore, making you gasp.
Somehow, Ethan was already impossibly hard again, ready for another round. He pinned your hips back against the wall, foot pushing your legs just a little wider so he could line himself up. He pushed up in one swift stroke, stretching you out yet again. Somehow, it was even better than the day before, and you were so lost in the bliss you barely felt him pull your shirt over your head, leaving you completely naked.
“Fuck E, feels so good,” you moaned, arms going around his neck as he started his rhythm, deliciously slow yet fast enough at the same time. Only he could fuck you like this, you were sure.
“Tell me how good baby, tell me how I make you feel,” he urged, hands moving to the tiles behind your head as he thrust into you, grunts and groans falling from his lips with every move.
“So good E, so fuckin’ good baby, you’re so deep, fuck,” you let the words tumble out, not thinking twice about them. When he leaned in to kiss you it made you clench all over and he hissed against your lips at the feeling.
“So tight for me baby girl, fuck, my fuckin’ pussy.” The mixture of his groans and the filth coming out of his mouth was enough for you to get yourself right to the edge.
He felt it, felt you lift up on your tiptoes, felt your walls tighten and start to flutter. He reached between you, fingers finding your clit just in time. He rubbed quickly, causing you to stop breathing as every muscle in your body tensed and then you were shaking, so hard your teeth chattered. If his dick wasn’t still inside you you probably would have sunk to the ground. 
He pulled out of you as soon as you were done, leaving you feeling entirely empty. You watched with hazy eyes as he turned off the water. 
He came back over to you, strong arms wrapping you up and lifting you with ease, even with your skin slick from the water. You let him do whatever he wanted, just relaxing into his shoulder as he carried you out of the shower with your legs wrapped around his waist.
“We’re gonna make a mess on the floor,” you mumbled, watching the water fall off his body and drip onto the wood.
“Shhh, it’s fine,” he reassured you, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he started to walk towards your room. You couldn’t help but feel that he was still hard, practically throbbing below your entrance as he carried you. 
“Where we goin’?” You asked quietly, sitting up. 
“Our room.”
“No repeats, remember?” you mumbled. “Put me down.” 
He did as you asked, but there was already concern written all over his face. He kept a hand on you as you wobbled slightly, knees still a bit weak.
“Baby, you don’t have to-”
You just took his hand.
night two, 7:30pm, living room one
“Sit down,” you instructed him, pulling him towards the couch. He plopped down on the gray fabric - you knew there would be a wet patch there when you all were done, but you didn’t care. 
Before you could say anything else, he reached out, hand on your thigh, thumb rubbing over the skin.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay if you’re not up for it. Really, I mean it. The whole christening thing is just for fun.” His voice was so soft - he was obviously worried that you were overdoing it. After all, you did have a history of being too sensitive for so many rounds in a row; Ethan always took it as a compliment. 
But now, you were somehow still horny, and you knew he was painfully hard, especially since it was his second go round. So, you decided to prove to him that you were perfectly fine, leaning over, hands going to his thighs as you got in his face.
“Are you trying to convince me not to sit on your dick right now?” You said it slowly, drawing out your words. “Do you not want me to ride you?”
You actually watched him swallow, and he shook his head like a school boy being scolded. 
“That’s what I thought,” you grinned, climbing onto his lap.
You wasted no time, bracing yourself on his shoulder so you could lift up and sink down onto him. There was barely a stretch this time, and you were glad, because you could immediately start up the pace you wanted. You went to your knees so he’d stay deep inside as you started to roll your hips like you knew he loved.
“Shit,” he choked out, hands moving to your ass, squeezing the flesh there as you leaned forward, adding a bit of a bounce to your movements - having your tits in his face was just a bonus.
“Not gonna last, fuck baby, just like that.” The words disappeared into your skin as he buried his face in your neck while you kept moving. Wanting to see his face, you tugged on his hair until his head came back up and you could kiss him.
His hands were desperate, wandering all over your skin as he tried to keep it together, lips rough against yours. It took so much focus for you to keep your pace as your own orgasm started to build, especially when you felt Ethan rising up to meet you, trying to get impossibly deeper.
“C’mon baby, cum for me.” You didn’t care that it had only been a few minutes - you knew he was so close, you could feel it.
He groaned at your words, and you gasped as his hands came to your hips, actually lifting you slightly just so he could pound into you harder. And just that slight shift of angle was enough to build you up in just a few strokes, and suddenly you were cumming with him, seeing stars as your body tried to process the third major orgasm of the day.
“Holy shit,” was all Ethan could say once he caught his breath. You were still speechless, body totally spent as you just sat there, exhausted. “Three in one day, that’s a lot for you,” he praised, pressing kisses to your temple. “My pretty girl is all fucked out huh?”
“Mmmm,” was your only response, and even you didn’t know what it was supposed to mean. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said, moving so he could stand up. He shifted inside you, making you whimper until he was able to lift you off of him. He mumbled an apology, hands coming around to your ass to hold you up. You rested your cheek on his shoulder as he carried you back to your room. 
Ten minutes later and the bathtub was full with hot water, waiting for you as you rinsed off in the shower first, deciding your hair desperately needed washing. Ethan watched you through the glass door as he waited in the water for you, soft smile spreading across his face when you finished up and headed to join him, limbs heavy.
He sat up to help you step into the massive white tub, immediately wrapping his arms around you as you settled back against his chest.
“You remember how you said we needed to pace ourselves?” He murmured in your ear. “Well, we only have two rooms left. We’re beasts.”
“What’s gonna happen when we have our own house? We could do this every weekend,” You teased, twisting around so you could rest your cheek on his shoulder, pressing a few kisses to his neck and collarbone.
“Do you want our own place?” 
You thought on it for a moment, as much as your blissed out haze would let you. “Not for a while. I like living with Gray.”
“Wait. If we didn’t live with Gray, would you just walk around with no pants on all the time?” The seriousness of his tone made you giggle.
“Probably,” you shrugged.
“That’s it, we’re moving, I’m getting on Zillow right now-” he sat up slightly as if he was going to get out of the tub, making you laugh and cling onto him.
“Stop, you know you love living with your brother. You miss him already and it’s only been like a day.”
He sighed, chest rising below you. “You’ve kept me plenty distracted.” But you both knew that you were right.
morning three, 10am, office
Your second whole day at home alone was so... soft. There was no other way to put it. You’d woken up on your own time, thrown on some comfy clothes and went together to your favorite vegan bakery, getting lattes and the best banana bread.
E had driven you up to a lookout and you’d had breakfast together watching the waves crash on the coast. And when you got home, you spent the whole day just moseying around the house, dancing around to the music on the speakers, playing cards, cuddling on the couch and watching movies. 
“Can’t wait till this is us in our house with a few little mini you’s running around,” Ethan had said, pulling you closer to him on the couch.
“Mini me’s? Why not mini you’s?” 
“Oh god, I wouldn’t wish a mini me on anybody, just ask Li,” he’d teased back. And the night had devolved into the two of you talking about what you thought your lives would look like in the future - living either in Jersey or LA, but definitely with Grayson as a neighbor. Two or three kids running around, not too far apart in age. You could picture it all in your head so clearly, and it had even seeped into your dreams later that night when you fell asleep on Ethan’s chest.
So when you woke up on the third morning, you pouted a bit when you didn’t find Ethan beside you in bed. You climbed out from under the covers, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and going in search of him - you wanted to tell him about the little mini-him’s you’d dreamed about, and how cute they were. You checked each room as you went along, finally hearing his voice and peeking into the office. 
He was spinning slightly in the office chair, cell phone pressed to his ear.
“Yeah, I think that’s fine. If we restock in July, then we should have enough time to get enough surplus built up before the holidays.” He caught sight of you then, face lighting up. He waved you in, wanting you to join him. 
You could hear the voice on the other side of the line as you got closer, and recognized it as Nathan, one of the main product managers for Wakeheart. He’d made sure not to plan any meetings for the days you had the house to yourself, giving himself a ‘mini-vacation’, but you knew he couldn’t stay away from work that long. You didn’t mind - his ambition was one of your favorite things about him.
So you simply headed over to settle onto his lap, nuzzling up into his neck as you straddled one of his thighs and cuddled up. 
He pulled the phone away from his ear for just a moment, turning his head to kiss you good morning.
“Do you think we should make a holiday line? Grayson and I were talking about it, or we could just run some specific packaging deals, with mini’s or something.” He kept talking, spinning about 45 degrees in the chair and then back again, using his foot to move him.
What he didn’t realize was that just that movement was making your core shift on his wide thigh, and your thin panties weren’t doing anything to help the situation.
You still had a bit of residual sensitivity, but it didn’t hurt - now it just made it that much easier to get turned on. You tried to ignore it for a minute - Ethan always took his work so seriously, and you really didn’t want to interrupt. 
But soon it was too obvious - you knew that if he didn’t already feel the wetness on his skin, he was going to soon. Almost against your own will your hips started to move just slightly, desperate for any type of friction across your throbbing core. 
And of course, Ethan noticed. You sat up, trying to get a new angle and his eyes were blown wide, mouth actually hanging open slightly because holy shit, you were actually riding his thigh while he was on a business call. 
With a devious grin, he bounced his leg once, and you squeaked so loud that you had no doubt that Nathan heard it. Your hands immediately went up to cover your mouth, cheeks bright red in embarrassment. 
“Just my floor, sorry. What’d you say?” He played it off, pressing a finger to your lips and still smirking at you as you started to grind again, one hand going to his shoulder, the other bracing against his right thigh to give you leverage. 
“Yeah, we could do two separate mini bundles, with one set for enterlight and the other with the signatures, maybe spruce it up with some festive packaging.” His voice was devilishly calm, and somehow that only turned you on more. The fact that he could be so unaffected by you literally getting off just using his leg had your skin flushed and hot, a mixture of embarrassment and want. 
“We’ll have to run it past Gray once he’s back. Right now it’s just me and my girl at the house, Sterling isn’t even here, so it’s just us.” His eyes were on you, but you didn’t realize how intensely he was watching you until he brought his other hand up to grab your jaw, tilting your head back until you had no option but to stare directly at him. 
You bit down on your lip hard, fighting with yourself to stay quiet as you worked yourself up, moving fast, the chair starting to creak just barely with your movements. A few whimpers still slipped past your lips and you could actually see his pupils blow wide at the sound. 
“Yeah, uh, actually Nathan I think Y/N needs me for... something. Can we finish this up later?” There was a slight gruff to his voice now, the first real sign that any of this was getting to him. “Alright, talk soon. Bye.”
His phone hit the desk hard as he practically dropped it, both hands moving to your hips as his mood turned on a dime.
“God you drive me insane baby. Don’t know what’s gotten into you lately but I love it,” he groaned, gripping onto your hips as you continued to move, so lost in the feeling that you barely even heard his words.
“Fuck Ethan, I’m close, I’m so fuckin close,” you breathed, digging your nails into his shoulder hard enough to make him suck in a breath through his teeth.
“There you go baby girl, c’mon, get yourself off on my leg, c’mon, you’re almost there,” he encouraged you, starting to barely bounce his leg to give you that extra little bit of friction you needed.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fu-” your breath caught in your throat, cutting off your words as your whole body tensed up, thighs closing together to squeeze around his as your toes came off the ground and every muscle in your legs started to shake. It rolled through you in waves, keeping you tensed up for almost 30 seconds before you were finally able to breathe. You gulped down the air you’d been missing, collapsing forward onto Ethan’s chest as his arms wove around you. 
“Woah. That was a good one huh?” His voice is soft as he rubs up and down your back as you caught your breath. “If you needed me, all you had to do was ask.”  
“Was just comin’ to tell you about my dream,” you stood up, moving to close your legs and sit on his lap sideways instead, too sensitive to stay like you had been. 
“Oh yeah? And what did my girl dream about, hmm?”
You launched into the story, talking about how the two of you had a daughter and son, both with dark curls like Ethan’s that bounced around while they played in the treehouse that Grayson had built for their kids to share. 
“It really sent the baby fever into overdrive,” you sighed, tracing over his collarbone tattoo as you finished.
“You know,” he leaned down, getting closer to your ear. “If you want a baby, you gotta at least give me a chance to get my dick in you.” 
“Stopppp,” you blushed, burying your face in his neck. He just laughed.
“Oh so now you’re gonna get bashful on me huh? Just came in here and rode my thigh into oblivion while I was on a business call, but me mentioning putting a baby in you, oh no, that crosses the line.” 
You sat up and pouted at his teasing, but he just kissed it right off your lips with a laugh. “You know I love it, don’t be embarrassed.” 
afternoon four, 3:32pm, dining room
“Babe, c’mon, if we’re late Gray’s gonna be pissed,” you called out, grabbing Grayson’s water bottle from the counter and filling it up - you were always thirsty after a long flight, and you figured he’d appreciate the gesture.
Ethan came around the corner then, taking one look at you and immediately turning around with a groan, heading back to your room.
“You’re wearing that? You don’t even have a shred of mercy for me, do you?” He was exasperated as soon as he came back into the kitchen.
You looked down at yourself - you just had on a sundress, it was no big deal.
“What do you mean?!”
“I’m already trying to get over the fact that you’re gonna start wearing pants again all the time and you’re out here looking all... all tempty,” he pouted, and you couldn’t hold back your laugh.
“Tempty? That’s a new one. And hey, technically I still don’t have on pants,” you offered, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Is that supposed to be helpful right now?” He asked, making you realize that pointing out the fact that your were in a dress probably wasn’t helping the already growing bulge in his pants.
With devious eyes, he glanced over at the clock. You had a few minutes to spare before you absolutely had to leave to avoid being late, and he knew it too.
“Ethan... no. No,” you cautioned as he started to walk towards you, but you were laughing at the fact he looked like a cat on the prowl.
“C’mon, we never finished our christening! All we have left is the dining room! You know I hate giving up.” He was pouting again, even sticking his bottom lip out as he kept walking and you backed up until you bumped into the wooden table. 
“We’re gonna be late,” was your last possible defense, and even that was half assed. You were already wet god dammit, all he had to do was look at you.
“Please baby? We’ll be quick, I promise.” 
You answer by turning around, bending over and reaching back to flick your dress up over your ass. His knees almost give out at the sight.
“Absolute.” He leaned down and presses a kiss to your left asscheek. “Dream.” He kissed the other, making you laugh.
“Thought we were gonna be quick,” you teased, secretly loving all the attention. As excited as you were to see Grayson, you sure as hell were gonna miss this.
“So greedy,” he chuckled, moving up to catch your thong with his fingers and pull it down to your knees. You heard the rustle of him getting his shorts down, and a gentle tap at your slit with his tip was your only warning before he pushed himself in.
“Fuckin’ shit baby,” you croaked, hands balling into fists at the sensation. You weren’t sure how it felt so good to be stretched out so nicely - surely you’d get used to it eventually, but you secretly hoped you never did. 
“Hmm, feels nice huh? You feel so good every damn time,” he praised, hands squeezing at your ass as he pulled out to the tip before thrusting back in. “Always so soft for me.” He was lazily rolling his hips, giving you just enough to get you worked up but not enough to get you there.
“Fast Ethan. We’re going for fast,” you reminded him, a bit of sass creeping into your tone. You didn’t want to deal with a cranky post-travel Grayson if you were late.
He stilled his movement entirely, leaning forward to nip at your ear. 
“You asked for it.” 
And then he was moving, pulling your hips so he could slam into you fully, only letting go to reach around and rub at your clit, making your whole body tense up at the sudden change in pace.
“Fuck yes Ethan, fuck just like that, yes, yes yes yes,” you whimpered, a hand even coming to smack at the wood on the table as you tried to process all the sensation happening so quickly. 
“Already tightening up, look at you.” His breathing was already labored as he continued pounding into you, grunting with the force of it. Neither of you were going to last long, it felt too good. “C’mon baby, wanna feel it. Cum for me, I know you’re close.”
You brought one hand down over his, guiding him to just the right spot over your clit, the callouses on his finger giving you just the right friction that had you tumbling over the edge. 
You collapsed onto the table with the force of the orgasm, smiling when you felt Ethan chasing his own high and spilling into you only a few moment later, only your name falling from his lips. 
It took a few minutes for you to calm down, and then you were waddling off to the bathroom to clean yourself up quickly before pulling your panties back up. Ethan watched you with a smug smirk as you tried to walk normally, his ego bursting.
“Shut it,” you threatened, pointing a finger at him. “This is your fault.”
“I said nothing.” But his smirk was enough. “Better get that figured out before we get Grayson, or he’ll never let us live it down,” he grinned, offering you his arm as you rearranged your dress and let him lead you out to the car. 
40 minutes later and you were climbing out of the car, legs not giving too much away as you watched Ethan run around the car and engulf his twin in the biggest hug, both of them more than ecstatic to see each other.
“Missed you bro,” Grayson smiled, looking over at you. “Missed you too munch,” he said, throwing out the nickname that only he was allowed to call you. Once Ethan let him go he moved over to you, giving you the biggest bear hug and spinning you around. Ethan reacted before you did, reaching a hand out to keep your dress down in the wind.
“Woah, easy, that’s only for my eyes,” Ethan huffed, pulling you to his side once you were back on your feet.
“Righttt, I forgot. But hey, I’m home now, so you’re gonna have to start wearing pants around the house again. Sorry to ruin the no-pants party,” Grayson smirked, watching the blush spread across your cheeks as you whirled on Ethan.
“You told him?” You squeaked, embarrassment running through you from head to toe.
“Thanks bro, real fuckin’ nice,” Ethan said over your head before looking at you. “That’s the only thing I told him, I swear.” 
“You’re so dead,” you narrowed your eyes at him, and he knew he was in for it later.
“Ahh, so nice to be home,” Grayson grinned, wrapping you both up in a hug as he laughed.
SORRY this took so long guys. also if u love me u should message me which room was your favorite just for fun haha thank you for reading, ily guys!
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lynxgriffin · 6 years
Led Zeppelin was right all along
It’s my FINAL PIECE of KH3 commentary! That’s right, I’ve finished the game! Commentary for me finishing it is under the cut!
Okay guys, this is it
It’s time to finish this sucker
It’s time for all of my feelings to get curbstomped and then cracked in half over a knee
Turns out I’ve caught a cold so this might be tougher to do
But I’m still going to do it
And after beating this gummi boss again…
Ahhh there he is at last
The old fart
…So weird that it’s not Leonard Nimoy though
Xehanort: Let’s just try out this whole apocalypse thing and see how it goes
It’s rainin’ Heartless, hallelujah
LMAO there isn’t even an enemy counter, it’s just:
And I just blew up ten million Heartless with a train, THIS IS THE SHINIEST APOCALYPSE EVER
Ohh, once again, hate that tunnel
At least Aqua didn’t fall for that
Oh dang he’s got No Name there
Oh well now that’s cheating
Donald’s fukkin pissed
Did Donald just Megaflare this bitch
ArE yoU kiDDinG mE
Oh great, one of you again
Aqua: Never mind, that is way damn too many Heartless
Well that was five different layers of OH SHIT
Oh hey back at that chess metaphor HI AGAIN YOUNG ERAQUS
Wait the hell kind of chess move was that
Chirithy: So yeah you’ve kinda died a couple times previously just by being unconscious a lot
Sora: YEAH WELL time to get back to life
Ohhhh no the sparkly stars are KHUX Keykids, aren’t they :(((
Ugh it’s the little star soul stories that are getting to me :(
Sora bein’ a pal even to all the souls in heaven, gosh darn
OMG this soul is longing for his kismesis, what a nerd
“What a weird place” YEAH NO SHIT
Well it’s nice to see THESE Soras are having a great time
Perhaps this game was taking the idea of Sorabits a tad too literally
Also actually two quick questions here:
1) Why is Chirithy in heaven?
2) Sora were you instagramming from heaven??
Sora: So heaven’s been a trip and all but I’ve still got endgame to do, STAY COOL FUZZY FRIEND
Wait a bloop it sent him back in time too??
Insert 2001 Space Odyssey reference here
Oh now we’re in DIFFERENT heaven??
Okay yeah now I have no clue where we’re going from here
Man here I was expecting to fight all the Norts and instead it’s…Heartless…Grim Reaper
I’m starting to suspect this is not the real Jiminy
This is kind of a weird callback to KH1, innit
Yeah I was just wondering that myself
Oh hey Youngnort
See? Grim Reaper Heartless, I knew it
I gotta say that after Sora dying and going to KH heaven this is…kinda weirder coming afterwards
I’m kind of worried about where this is going
This is like Three Days of the Condor, I TRUST NO ONE
Guys, let’s…let’s not do this again
You ever get a sense of deja vu
Terra: I’ll kick every ass! I’ll kick your ass! I’LL KICK MY OWN ASS
Gad damn the bullshit never stops around here, does it
We’ve done this before but I DUN CARE since this is my favorite boss battle music
Meanwhile the Unreal Engine’s just huffing and puffing trying to keep up
And all the dead Keykids came to help!
Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy goooooooooooosh
Congrats Keykids, U ARE ATTACKS
That’s…that’s really sweet actually
That’s a whole lot of Unicornis and Vulpes in there
OMG I was so busy watching those names I didn’t even realize I was supposed to avoid dying
I dunno Lea that was already a pretty big bad
Aw darn they Norted Repliku
Or wait no Pastku?
Pastku you’re such a little shit
Lea: That wasn’t blundering! That was failing, WITH STYLE
Unreal Engine: Please…help…I’m dying Squirtle
Oh hey FINALLY super powerful magic users like Yen Sid get involved!
And Moses parted the Heartless Sea
And hey finally got Starlight!
Well ain’t this a familiar setup
I miss Leonard Nimoy :(
Well I’m glad we get to save and shop before we all die horribly!
….Wait haven’t we all already died horribly??
FINALLY We get to fight some Norts!!
Took out Xigbar first
Yeah Xigbar I’m really not sure all that hoohah was worth it
Are we gonna do this for each one or do we have to pick and choose?
Oh well that takes care of Pastku so maybe not
Oh that’s creepy actually
OH NO! Repliku :(((
Sora…you just gonna leave that…okay
So now we got some Neophytes to deal with
Well I was gonna go after Mar first but I guess Luxord is our opponent now
AW DAMN I hated this part from before!
Oh wait that wasn’t hard at all you just look behind those stupid cards
Luxord: Well it’s been fun, time to die
Why does everyone’s teeth look blue??
Really liking all these remixes of the old boss themes tho
Aaaaand down goes Mar
And what’s nice is partners have mostly worn down the last Nort present!
Larx is an asshole to the very end
Door puzzles ohhhh nooooooo
Well thank goodness we worked out that nonsense
Who to help first? REDHEAD SQUAD
If that’s Xion I’m going to be SO UPSET
At least we get to fight WITH Kairi even if not as her
Oh well that ain’t good
Absolutely not, Xemnas!!
*throws hands in the air* OHHHHHHHH
Oh fuck you Xemnas HDU
Ohhhhh sheeeeeeet
Called out by Roxas daaaayum
Gah dammit not again! STOP DOING KAIRI DIRTY
Hot damn but it’s satisfying to beat the crap out of Saix with Sora, Roxas and Xion all at once while The Other Promise just blasts in the background
Lea: I’m not mad I’m just disappointed
Awww maaaaaan
Now to the Wayfinder family! Took out Vanyeetas first!
Sora: Hey WTF that’s my face you got
Yeah I gotta agree I don’t know which part of that was okay honestly
WHELP no time to think on it gotta take out Terranort
Since we got back Roxas and Xion can we finally get Terra back??
That was metal as all hell
Ohhhh gooooosh
Everyone’s together and I’m full of rainbows
MAN so we got…three Norts left, don’t we
Guess the only way out of this is up
What we’ve just been cloning No Name the whole time??
Okay, FOUR left, we gotta deal with Ansem, Xemnas and Youngnort first
Oh sheesh that was Youngnort dying, thought it was me for a second
Youngnort: Just one last piece of cryptic bullshit to leave you with! BYYYYEEEE
Aaaand that’s Ansem down
Ansem: Must…pontificate more…before…I die
Haha took out Xemnas with flying rocket punch nanobots
Xemnas: Regrets…I’ve had a few…
But then again, too few to mention?
Sora: Life is pain, Xemnas! Anyone who says otherwise is Norting you
Oh boy oh boy, all we have left now is…the old fart…
Oh this is gonna piss me off good, ain’t it
Nomura do we need to sit you down as a group and learn you some things about NOT DOING THAT
That was…kind of a cool moment I guess?? BUT I’M STILL MAD
Oh shitcakes
The world to come is death from above I guess
Donald and Goofy just coming in like “Hey…what’d we miss?”
I’m honestly really glad they’re here tho, TRINITY ALLLLL THE WAY
The whole gang here together again IRONING OUT THE PLOT POINTS
Trophy here???
A town of nothing but Norts
OH I forgot THESE WEIRDOS were in trailers somehow
The hell is happening anymore
An Organization so nice we fought ‘em twice!
The scary music is playing but I have no clue where to goooo
Well it took me five minutes just to find the dang guys before Thundaga finished them off
Oh really now!
SHEESH that was a nutty battle that took awhile
Well I think I won THAT battle anyway
Is this gonna be a THAT WASN’T EVEN MY FINAL FORM or what
More callbacks!
This is the fight that never eeeeends, yes it goes on and on my frieeeends
OH that was fuckin weird but COOL
Yaaay my favorite terrible dad
That look from Eraqus OMG
Babbeh Eraqus so cute
Now YOU get the goofy apocalypse weapon, Sora!
More dad reconciliations sob
Oh gosh I’m so glad we get this before we end
ohhhh noooo
Oh no you know shit’s serious when you enter a blocked scene
Man everything’s just so shiny now
Also dang sing us out Utada
*points and points* THAT? FINAL SHOT???
What did you do to my son Nomura
Also just interjecting here but damn that endgame was so long IT FELT LIKE A WHOLE ‘NOTHER GAME
And now the pretty march music with the Super Longer Credits—I CAN’T BELIEVE DRAKE BELL WAS YOUNG ERAQUS
Well if nothing else gonna get me a kickass OST out of this
HERE we go, post credits stuff
Here’s the Furry Squad!
What fresh bullshit is thiiiiiiis
Hey where is Ava
Oh fuuuuuck yoooou Luxugbar
*throws hands in the air* I GOT NOTHIN FOLKS
Nomura I am in fact going to die and go to your house and haunt it and push all of your things off shelves like a cat
Okay so overall I did really enjoy the game but also I’m just ????
Like my reaction is pretty much just
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I think I’m gonna go lie down now
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ivybucky · 6 years
accidents happen (b.b.)
A/N: College Bucky?? i live for it Also this is based exactly on my University and what I call the Liberal Arts Field i’m in texas lmao figure out my college lets goooo. I had to start form scratch with this fic cause i had no idea where i was going with it but now i got it lol
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Title: accidents happen (or do they lol)
Words: 1402, ayyy
Song I’m Listening to: uhhh tbh I’m listening to Down Under by Men at Work?? its a bop, not just a meme
The field by the Liberal Arts and Humanity building was one of the best found gems of the university. The field was surrounded by 4 main buildings all with their own personality, all of them beautiful in their own way. And while the field was far from any major roads or areas of traffic, anyone on the field could still hear the horn of the train or the intense howls of the wind straining against the taller, more modern Oceanography building.
The field itself currently housed a small amount of students scattered across the plot of land. Towards the center of the field, one of the girls intramural soccer teams had just started their daily practice, their shouts echoing in the makeshift plaza. Off to the right, one of the squadrents were going through drills, their grunts and incantations also ricocheted off the buildings. There was a group of guys playing a game of frisbee near the Architecture building. Aside from those two main groups, there were pairs and lone students on blankets scattered around the edges.
Y/N sat between the edge and the center of the field drawing in her sketchbook, her blanket of old t-shirts was barely enough to allow her to lay out in all possible positions. Her music was kind of loud, but with the mixed yells across the field, she didn’t think people would mind. In her sketchbook were multiple doodles of the land around her. A silhouette of a robin and cartoon grass leaves dotted her pages. Even in an open space like this, she felt secluded in a comfortable way, like she wasn’t there for the world to see. She sang along with the song that was currently flooding her phone speakers when she was hit in the head with a frisbee.
Bucky didn’t mean for her to get hit on the head but it’s his fault for asking Steve to throw it in her direction.
Bucky Barnes was entranced by her. For the past couple of weeks whenever he and Steve decided to take a break from studying and go outside, you would be found somewhere on the field doing the same thing. She’d be sitting on her blanket with a book open and she laid down singing along to whatever music she was playing that day. He found Y/N adorable. The way she knew every lyric to every song that came on, and her voice was the most wonderful thing he had heard in a long time. He adored the way she bit her lip and scrunched her nose when she concentrated on her book.
Bucky Barnes was desperate to talk to her. Every time he convinced himself to talk to her, he chickened. Somehow, she had broken the smooth resolve he had when it came to girls.
Steve had noticed his best friend was distracted. Bucky had always been more physically able than he, so when Bucky had started missing his frisbee throws, he knew something was off. He had caught his friend staring off into the space behind him on the field and that’s when he noticed her. Steve threw the frisbee to his best friend, aiming for his gut, with a knowing smirk. Bucky clutched his stomach in shock.
“What the hell, punk,” Bucky mumbled. “Is your aim really that bad?” he mused.
“You woulda caught that if you had been paying attention, jerk,” he teased. “Why don’t you just go talk to her?” Bucky shuffled, throwing the disk back towards his best friend, trying to stay concentrated on the task at hand.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Steve scoffed.
“You’ve missed more passes in the past couple weeks than our wide receiver,” he poked. “Don’t act like you haven’t been distracted by her over there.”
Bucky looked back over at her, watching her feet tap in the air to the song she was playing. He smiled, looking down at ground. He could practically hear the smirk on Steve’s face.
“Just shut up and throw the damn thing already.”
The next day when he and Steve went to the field. She was nowhere in sight. His face dropped in disappointment, sad he would be missing her voice that day. His game with Steve started off normal, finally able to catch the frisbee, but it wasn’t enjoyable. He just kept thinking about her whereabouts.
In the middle of a pass to Steve, she walked onto the field, huffing in frustration when the wind kicked up her blanket. Bucky smiled widely, unashamed of his excitement since she had shown up. That’s when an idea struck his mind.
“Hey Stevie,” he called to his friend, breaking him out of his concentration as he was about to throw the disk. He eyes, flickered up to Bucky. “Would you mind switchin’ places with me, pal?” Steve quirked his eyebrow up at his friend but agreed nonetheless.
“Hey Stevie,” Bucky called again, causing Steve to give him a look. “Why don’t you aim a little further behind me?” Bucky inquired, smiling wide.
Steve paused his actions, moving to look behind his friend in confusion. He noticed her sitting up on her blanket, intently focused on the book in her lap. Steve looked back at Bucky, eyebrows raised. If this was how he was finally going to talk to her, he was glad to help.
Steve took his stance aiming to throw the disk in your direction, hoping for it to land in front of her. He hurled the frisbee, Bucky moving out of the way to allow his plan to work out. But as the disk flew, both of the boys took note of its speed, mumbling curses on impact.
“What the fuck,” she groaned, hands flying to her forehead. She heard the crunch of grass as two sets of feet ran up to her.
“Holy shit, are you okay?” a rough voice asked rushed. She looked up to find a pair of steel blue eyes pouring in to hers and the owner of the voice crouched down on her blanket.
“I’m fine, it just hurts like hell,” she laughed, not able to stay mad at such a concerned face. She watched as the man who spoke to her turned back to punch the man who stood behind him in the shoulder. “Nice going, Steve. You trying to give the poor thing a concussion, punk?”
“I’m so sorry ma’am,” Steve said to her in embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to be such a clutz.”
Y/N giggled at the pair, finding their banter humorous. “Steve?” he nodded. “It’s fine, really. Look, accidents happen all the time. This was just one of them.” She smiled at the blonde. She stood,missing the knowing look shared between the two boys, brushing herself off and picked up the frisbee, a “JBB” written neatly in the middle. “I believe this is yours.”
The one with blue eyes like ice took it and stuck out his hand for her to shake. He smiled widely when she took his metal hand in hers. She smiled widely back to him. “I’m Bucky Barnes.”
“I’m Y/N,” she giggled. “I gotta say Bucky, you guys are throwing that thing around every day, never missing a beat, I’m surprised you guys dropped the ball today,” she teased. Steve scoffed from behind Bucky and mumbled “yeah me too.”
Bucky shoved a laughing Steve and he ran back to where they were, calling back a “Nice to meet you, Y/N.” You waved. Bucky looked back at you smiling widely.
“Look, Y/N, I feel really bad about what happened,” he started.
“Bucky, it’s honestly fine, it was just an accident,” you interrupted.
“I know, but I wanna make up for my friend’s mistake,” he looked at you with a smirk. “Let me buy you dinner. Please?” Your face flushed, looking down.
“Really?” you asked, shyly. He nodded. “Okay.” His break broke out again into that wide smile.
“I’ll pick you up at seven?” he asked. You nodded and exchanged information.
“I’ll see you later, doll,” he called walking away back to where Steve was waiting.
“Bye, Bucky,” you waved.
The both of you turned away from each other with wide grins, anticipating for the evening to come.
Bucky reached Steve, clapping his hand on his shoulder as they left the field. “Come on, punk,” he teased. “You incredible aim got me a date tonight.”
Oh shit I liked this fic a lot lmaooo
Tag List:  @srgntbarnes  @i-like-tubs, @shamvictoria11, @blaackpanthr, @avengers-do-it-better, @fab-notfat, @with-a-hint-of-pesto-aiolii, @captainrogerss @sebbies @seabassbarness @4narniand4aslan @captain-brns @hdthdthdt @heliosparadox
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