#pulp fusion
hully-gully-gee · 1 year
Africa Funk - The Original Sound of 70´s ( Full Album ) 2000 I’m super tired today at work, but this is helping to get me through it. I freaking love this!
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nebulousboops · 2 years
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Assorted Circuits! Recently found @z-t00n's Pompom comics and I'm absolutely in love with them, specifically this robotic fella right here.
Silly Persona 5 crossover thing-y under the cut
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krinsbez · 4 months
A Poll, about a Project, involving BattleTech and Pulp Heroes
Trying something a bit different here, for starters, posting first the poll, and THEN the rambling explanation. Also a slightly different format than I usually do with the choices, being a bit more limited, let me know what you think.
(admission of ulterior motive, hoping to gets some fandom cross-pollination happening)
Somewhat rambling explanation below.
So even though I have two BattleTech Crossover projects ongoing on this platform that are are basically completely stalled, I have decided to start a third, while also doing it on Spacebattles.com, because I'm ridiculous. Although, this one is kinda different, being as much a game as a proper Worldbuilding/Storybuilding project. Anyways, because I like making polls, would prefer to have some sort of evidence that I am not merely howling into the void, and also because I have somehow convinced myself, despite no evidence whatsoever, that this is a good way of drumming up interest,
Anyways, those of you who are familiar with my blog have probably picked up that I am a big fan of Pulp Heroes (although my definition is eccentric and a bit broader than some). Those of you who are not familiar with my blog, welcome, I hope this sparks joy. (are we still saying that?) Anyways, I have decided to see if a long-time hyperfixation and a newer interest can be smushed together.
So. The idea is that I will periodically throw out the name or names, and some descriptive text/wiki links/etc. of a Pulp Hero or group of Pulp Heroes or a Pulp hero and their supporting cast, or several unrelated Pulp Heroes, whatever. And y'all will (hopefully) Reblog or Reply with your thoughts on how best to (to quote SBer Starfox5) "catch the "spirit/essence" of the characters, translated into a Battletech Mercenary context." Ideally, we'd fully BattleTech-ifiy 'em but I will settle for "what 'Mech would they use?"
(I am not ruling out the possibility, if this project goes well and bears fruit, of expanding this into a proper Worldbuilding/Storybuilding thingummy. But let's not get carried away)
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ephemeralfuture · 6 months
It'd be mildly slice of life, but mostly angsty and maybe involve Buck getting angsty h0rny feelings about Eddie, because he's in love with him but also he's perpetually hungry. Lots of grief about being a ghoul, also optional sad bit: Eddie becomes apart of the LAPD Ghoul Elimination Squad.
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
High Pulp - Days In The Desert - Seatlle jazz(ish) group has scored some great guest artists for their new album
Written, Recorded, and Produced by High Pulp: Bobby Granfelt Rob Homan Antoine Martel Andrew Morrill Victory Nguyen Scott Rixon Featured Artists: James Brandon Lewis - Tenor Saxophone (2) Brandee Younger - Harp (3) MonoNeon - Bass (4) Jeff Parker - Guitar (6) Daedelus - Electronics & Synthesizers (8) Kurt Rosenwinkel - Guitar (9) Telemakus - Keyboards & Synthesizers (9) Brandee Younger appears courtesy of Impulse! Records Kurt Rosenwinkel appears courtesy of Heartcore Records Additional Personnel: Isaac Poole - Trombone (1)(2)(8)(10) Gehrig Uhles - Guitar (1)(2)(6) Artwork by Robert Beatty
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mrxfatxbuu · 2 years
"Yo, yo! Majin Buu, I got candy." Gotenks spoke to his round bellied Majin friend. (@fusionxkidxgotenks)
Majin Buu was asleep on the ground after having to play with Bee and Tommy, but then starts to awaken when hearing Gotenks has candy and gets up.
"Gotenks, you have candy for Buu?" Majin Buu asked.
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year
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leaf...girl...your sprite looks murderous
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a-998h · 2 months
Hi! can you write the Crystal Gems with a DIO-like gem! Reader? Except Reader's not evil, just crazy and overly dramatic lol
How the Crystal Gems met Reader: Reader was found by Steven and the Gems as a gemstone(kinda like Lapis) in an abandoned mansion, or was it?
Unfortunately, a burglar was also in the mansion and he tries to grab the gemstone from Steven. Said gemstone, aka Reader, regenerates and beats up the poor burglar to a pulp rather quickly before the Gems do.
(basically, Reader saved Steven without realizing it lol)
You were a bloodstone, a type of quartz so your purpose was to fight. Your didn't like the class separation between gems. So, you joined the rebellion. During the war you were a formidable force on the battle field with a sharp mind But you were poofed and were added to a piece of pottery that was handed down in a noble family. The Crystal Gems heard word of a haunted mansion and wanted to see if it was gem related.
Steven had gotten separated from the others, lost and confused he wandered around the mansion. When Steven finds the vase with you in it, he tries to find a way to get you out. He didn't know a burglar was also there. Grabbing the vase from Steven the brief game of tug of war was ended when the vase broke. The burglar grabbed you gem before Steven could, then it started to glow. Next thing Steven knew, you hand punched the burglar. Standing tall in you heart headband, a jacket with a tight tank-top underneath, as well as chaps, heart knee pads, and green lipstick. Looking around, you see the small thing in front of you.
Steven "Hi, I'm Steven. What's your name?" Reader *dramatic voice* "I am the one, the only, Reader!" Pearl *worried mom voice* "Steven, are you ok? We heard a crash." Steven "Yeah, I found a gem"
When the Crystal gems run into the room, they puase when they see you. Garnet and Pearl remember you, and Rose told Amethyst about you. They stare in shock at seeing you, during the war You looked so different, during the war, you had worn an ornate dual-colored shirt and matching breeches, a large pair of boots, vambraces, a purple scarf around your neck, and two suspenders attached to a band around the waist. You looked different, it's clear that time wasn't kind to you. The Crystal Gems look at you in shock, they never knew what happened to you.
Pearl *tearing up* "Do... Do you remember us?" Reader *dramatic flare* "Of course I do! How could I forget my favorite pearl and my favorite fusion!"
You rush over and hug them, scooping up Steven and Amethyst. Steven has to let you know you're squeezing him to hard. When you let go Amethyst is confused by who you are. With a dramatic arm wave you introduce yourself to the smaller gem. Looking around the room, you ask where Rose is. If Garnet and Pearl are here, then Rose must be. That causes everyone to go silent, Pearl has to explain that Rose is gone, and never coming back. You're confused, but when Steven shows you his gemstone, you seem to get it.
Steven "So, do you want to come with us?" Reader "Sure! Hundreds of years alone can sure drive a gem mad" *Depressed crazy laughter*
Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst *Looking concerned for your mental state*
When you all wrap back to Beach City, you quickly moved into the crystal temple. Now, you live in the house with them and it causes chaos.
Your dramtic nature is a hit with Amethyst and Steven. You three get into all sorts of chaos together. The two teach you about humans and human stuff, I mean you were trapped in a jar. Steven shows you that he's Rose's son, and that he's Steven and not Rose. Is the most worried about your mental health. Wishes violence wasn't your first option when it comes to seeing someone new.
Steven *explaining how a toaster works* Reader *nodding along while not understanding a damn thing*
They love your dramtic flare, but there is a time and a place for it. When you say Greg for the first time, you had to be kept from attacking him. Once it's explained that Greg is not a threat, you two get along over music. You like exploring Beach City, but you don't like the seagulls. Amethyst introduces you to Beach City Pizza, the fry shop, and Vidalia. You get shown Chaps and horror movies by Steven and Sadie. Whenever you start only following orders, she has to remind you to follow yourself.
Amethyst "Reader, you don't need to only listen to Garnet." Reader "But Garnet is the leader." Amethyst "You can make your own choices!"
Pearl fills you in on what happened with the Gem War, and what happened to Rose. She fills you in on the parts you were missing after the war. She tries to help you heal mentally. Worries about the effects of being lonely helped you become more dramatic and crazy. Tries to keep you on track, and get you to chill out when it comes to fighting corrupted gems. She comments on your new form, asking what prompted these choices. Tries to help you be more soical with others.
Pearl "Why did you pick this form?" Reader "I thought it was cool, and I remember seeing things from human books." Pearl "I see..."
Garnet knows you're dramatic, but sometimes it bothers her. She is the main one redirecting you, telling you to be more serious on missions. Grabs you by the shoulders to give you the honest truth when you need it. She makes sure you know Ruby and Sapphire are ok. Helps you cope with your mental health, by reminding you that you're no longer alone.
Garnet "Reader, look at me." Reader *Looks at Garnet* Garnet "You do not need to choice violence as the first option." Reader "Why?" Garnet *Explains why violence shouldn't be the first option*
You're a dramatic, yet welcome addition to the Crystal Gems. Your mental health is still a mess, but now you don't have to go through it alone with only the thoughts bouncing around insdie your own head.
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mariacallous · 7 months
Guava rugelach are an edible testament to Jews embracing the new ingredients and cooking techniques that they encountered in the Diaspora. They are also a testament to my mom, a culinary magician who wielded guava like a wand, infusing its sweet tones into our meals.
Brought to Latin America by Eastern European Jews in the early 20th century, cities such as Buenos Aires, Mexico City and Caracas have embraced rugelach. While many versions of the pastry still proudly bear the traditional Ashkenazi flavors of cinnamon, raisins and nuts, that’s far from the whole tale. Rugelach in Buenos Aires or Caracas might contain dulce de leche or cabello de ángel (pumpkin jam), while a stroll into a bakery in Mexico City might reveal rugelach filled with luscious chocolate ganache and aromatic Mexican vanilla.
This rugelach dough is enriched with sour cream, and results in a soft, flakey pastry. The pièce de résistance, though, is the guava filling. 
Originating from Central and South America, “guava” translates to “fruit” in Arawak, the language spoken by the native communities of the Caribbean, where this fruit, similar in size to a passion fruit, grows in abundance. The guava’s tender skin encases a creamy white or orange pulp filled with numerous tiny black seeds. 
As guava is a seasonal fruit and isn’t as widespread as mangoes or papaya, I call for guava paste, due to its unique sour-sweet taste profile. Often referred to as “goiabada,” this paste generally has a lower quotient of added sugars and presents a superior texture for baked products. Unlike runny jams and marmalades, guava paste is sculpted into a dense, sticky block yet remains soft enough to be sliced. 
Growing up, my mom used the vibrant, naturally sweet guava as her secret ingredient, a touch of the tropics that hinted at Caribbean culinary tradition in Venezuela. It turned the simplest family recipe into an exotic treat. This recipe draws inspiration from her traditional guava bread, where history, heritage and affection were kneaded into dough and baked to perfection.
Her guava-infused creations echo loudly in my present, shaping the culinary adventurer in me and reminding me of the vital link between taste and memory. Guava rugelach are not merely a pastry but a narrative of the age-old Jewish practice of reinventing ourselves in the face of new environments. The story of my lineage in the Diaspora, one many fellow Jews can relate to, is etched in the buttery dough and sweet, aromatic filling. Each bite is a reminder of who I am: A fusion of cultures, histories and flavors.
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phr3ia · 3 months
Before It Ends (Jiyan x Fem!Reader) [Chapter 6 - Misunderstood]
"How the fuck did someone as clever and resourceful as you keep coming back looking like you got jumped in an alley by a group of Tacet Discords in the middle of the night?!"
Mortefi tried his best to remain professional with you, but he just couldn't handle it anymore. He stared in aggravation as he took in the bruises and cuts on your face, marring your cheeks as you grinned at him guiltily.
"Y/N. This is the seventhtime in a week, you have come to my lab looking like you got dragged through the nearest Tacet Field and then drowned in the waters outside the Academy!" he growled, as he walked towards you and grabbed your wrist firmly - not gently, because Mortefi had enough of you.
Mortefi pulled you towards the small area he'd made specifically to treat you. "Did you forget that you're supposed to heal the Rangers, not fight the TDs and let them beatyou into a pulp?"
Mortefi doesn't even bother letting you respond, his hand rising to cover your mouth. "No. Shut up. I've heard the arguments three times already." he grumbled, starting to painstakingly clean up your wounds before doing an Overclocking Diagnostic Report on you. "I swear to the Sentinels, it's like you purposefully go hurling yourself into every dangerous situation you can get into! Not even Chixia gets into this much trouble, and we both know how reckless she can get!"
Mortefi can feel the familiar burn of his mounting frustration, his scales warming against his chest as he grit his teeth and started to place bandages and patches over your bruises and cuts. "I swear to Jué, you're damn lucky I care about you, or I'd leave your dumbass to bleed on the Academy steps until Baizhi takes pity on you..."
"Here we go again, a complete change of attitude when no one else is around inside the Academy during nightime.. I prefer the morning Mortefi. He was much more level-headed." you said, trying to provoke him further. "And for your information, we were swarmed by Tacet Discords the whole day while distributing medical supplies in the Port City of Guixu. I had no other choice but to fight." you added, trying to explain your side.
Mortefi stared at you, stunned for barely a moment. Then the anger flared up quickly, causing the fire inside him to ignite and lick at his scales.
"'No other choice? You had plenty of choices, you just kept making the worst of them, every time. Plenty of opportunities to stay back and not get hurt." he growled, swiping your bandaged hand away from him to emphasize his words. "You're one of the best at what you do, you don't need to be proving yourself! And remember, we don't want you overexerting yourself and risking overclocking. Didn't the General remind you about that?"
"Yeah." you replied, with a slight pout on your face.
"For all the times I tell you to be safe, you keep doubling  down on reckless behavior!" He stood, taking a step away. "And yes, I was probably calmer in the morning, when your reckless ass wasn't bleeding all over my laboratory, and I wasn't given cause to worry about you for another goddamn day, yes?"
His voice rose, palpable anger bubbling under the surface of his words as he addressed you. "You may think you're helping, but here you are looking like this! Then you come in, grin on your face and act like you've done something grand when all you've managed to do is nearly get yourself killed!" He took a deep breath, trying to bring his anger back under control. As a Fusion Mutant Resonator, Mortefi's overexertion of his emotions could lead to him Overclocking. The last thing the Academy needed was for their head of the Branch of Tacetite Weaponry to lose control of his abilities.
"Jeez! Relax!" you said, patting his head. This reminded you of the incident where Mortefi overclocked in Desorock Highland, resulting in a major fire.
Mortefi stiffened as you reached up to pat his head. ""I'm not a child, and I certainly am not a puppy that you can pat on the head." He snapped, voice still thick with anger as he stared at you.
"Just...please, next time, try to remain a little bit smarter, a little bit more cautious. For me."
Mortefi couldn't look you in the eyes. Instead, he looked at your bandages, at the remnants of blood that clung to them. "Now stop antagonizing me, get on the table so I can begin examining you. I'll send word to the General and the others on your team about your condition, so no more fieldwork for a few days, got it?"
"These are just minor injuries. It's not like I'm in a life-or-death situation." you remarked, rolling your eyes at him.
"Mother entrusted you to my care. So please, Y/N, just listen to me this once." Mortefi's voice softened.
"Okay..." you sighed in defeat. Mortefi had always been tough on you, but you understood it was for your own good.
Both of you are from the New Federation. You are Mortefi's younger step-sister. His biological mother passed away when he was young, and his father remarried, making your mother his new wife.
You and Mortefi came from a noble family in the New Federation. His biological mother passed away when he was young, and his father remarried, bringing your mother into the family as his new wife. At first, Mortefi was not fond of having you as his younger step-sister, but he eventually grew to care for you. He was always protective of you, constantly watching out for your well-being.
You never had an issue growing up in the New Federation. However, you were disheartened by the way the nation handled the discrimination between Resonators and Non-Resonators. Your strong sense of justice was deeply troubled by living in a nation that was unjust to its citizens. The New Federation also takes pride in Science and Technology, to the extent that the experiments conducted were deemed immoral, a reality that Mortefi found intolerable.
This pushed you and Mortefi to leave the Nation over a decade ago and embark on a journey to Huanglong, where you could effectively utilize your knowledge and skills for the betterment of society. And the people here are unaware of your relationship with each other, except for the Magistrate. But it wasn't a secret worth keeping. Both of you were simply waiting for someone to ask about it.
"You're going to be out of commission for a few days. You'll need to bare with me. It's for your own good, and I'm the only one who knows how to do it right." Mortefi folded his arms, locking his gaze with yours, making sure you understood  his intentions.
"Now that you're evolving, we need to be cautious about everything. You are someone valuable, Doctor." Mortefi emphasized.
He looked at you with his piercing red eyes, slowly removing your clothing from your wounded areas. "If anything happened to you in the field, I'd never forgive myself. If you really want to make a difference, why not do it from a more stable position? This isn't just about staying safe, it's about being more effective in our goals." He spoke with care and concern, his voice gentle as he reprimanded you, easing the tension that had been between you.
"I never thought I would develop such skills. It's overwhelming and I feel frustrated that my body struggles to keep up. It just shows how weak I am." you commented, feeling disappointed in yourself.
"No, Y/N. You're not weak. It's normal to have trouble with adapting to new changes. you just need some guidance and practice. And you have that here in Huanglong. You have the General, Me and the others. You don't need self-depreciating thoughts, but self-improvement through practice and hard work. You are a mutant, your abilities are linked to your emotions and experiences. Your Tacet Mark is a powerful testament to the strength within you." He touched your Tacet Mark gently, his fingers tracing over the sensitive flesh. "You are, and always will have been, strong. Now, let's get this taken care of so you can prove it to me and the rest of the world." Mortefi squeezed your hand reassuringly.
After an hour of examination, he finally permitted you to leave. "Don't be too stubborn, alright?" he advised, raising an eyebrow. "Got it, Professor!" you replied, giving him a tight hug.
"Oh, sorry." Jiyan blurted out as he caught sight of you hugging Mortefi in the hallway.
"Jiyan?" you exclaimed, turning your head to face him as you released yourself from the embrace.
"General." Mortefi nodded to acknowledge his presence. "I didn't mean to interrupt you both." the General stated, gripping the hilt of his blade tightly, his hand trembled as if he had witnessed something that shattered him.
"It's okay!" you reassured Jiyan with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow." you told Mortefi as you dragged Jiyan out of the Academy.
"What are you doing here? You were supposed to be at the Rearguard's Base." you asked, curious to know why he's here. "Is everything alright?" you inquired, noticing the General's unreadable expression.
A shaky breath escaped before his lips. "There was an emergency mission at a nearby village. But I took care of the situation before it got out of control." Jiyan's voice held an underlying tension as he tried to put on a brave face. 
"Thank goodness." Your worried frown smoothed out, returning to your usual, radiant smile. You hooked your arm through Jiyan's, giving him a squeeze.
"How did you know I was here?"
"I asked Xin Ye, and she informed me about what happened. I'm glad you're okay. I can see that Mortefi has been taking good care of you." Jiyan replied, though a hint of jealousy seemed to linger behind his words.
"Yeah, he does. My Overclock Diagnostic Report was normal, and he also helped me with my wounds." you said, touching the tacet mark on your chest.
Jiyan knew that every time Mortefi needed to diagnose you, your tacet mark had to be exposed, making him wonder how many times Mortefi had seen you without your shirt on. This realization left him feeling somewhat irritated.
"Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit off." Jiyan's demeanor shifted as if he were in a bad mood.
"I'm fine." he insisted, but he was no longer meeting your gaze, instead, his eyes focused on the ground. As he felt your grip on his arm tightening, it prompted Jiyan to look at you once more.
"Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you something?" Jiyan paused in his tracks to question you.
"Sure. What is it?"
"Do you like Mortefi? Are you guys dating?" he asked.
"What?" you replied with a snort, attempting to stifle your laughter, but you failed.
"What are you laughing at?" he asked, furrowing his brows.
"Dating?! Mortefi is my step-brother, you silly!" you replied with a grin, playfully slapping Jiyan's back.
"I thought he-..." Jiyan admitted to his error, his face heating up. He looked down, feeling embarrassed that he'd made such a mistake.
"Haha. No, he's my brother. Step-brother! We've been through a lot together since we were young."
For a brief moment, the silence settled between the two of you before Jiyan spoke again, sounding somewhat relieved. "So, you're not seeing anyone?"
"No, I'm not." you assured him.
And your response managed to bring a smile to the General's face.
End of Chapter 6 🥀...
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joltyflare · 6 months
(Sun and Moon Show Theory # 1: Ruin Still Does Have Another AI Inside His Body)
I've done a few rants now...time for my first theory post!!
So, Ruin is one of the most mysterious characters in the entire series. When he first appeared, he was a maniac who just wanted to torture and kill everyone in sadistic ways.
Or so he seemed.
It was then revealed that the Creator of his universe inflicted all the animatronics with a virus that made them all evil and sadistic and that Ruin was one of these many animatronics.
Or so he seemed.
When he banished Sun and Moon to Ruin's dimension, they managed to get a cure, return to their home, inject Ruin with it, and possibly cure him.
Ahem... Or so it seemed...
After this, he was always a little suspicious but he at least seemed different from his former maniac self. He was no longer seeking out others to play insane "games" that were very sadistic in nature and usually involved some sort of physical suffering. He seemed meek and shy as well as terribly clumsy as well as a little eccentric and, let's face it...not the brightest.
But there always was still that doubt that he wasn't fully cured and that he was behind the return of the infamous Eclipse. Or, if he was cured, still had some plans going on in the background. After all, not much was known about Eclipse other than that he was the fusion of his Sun and Moon and that he came from a dimension destroyed by the Creator there. It would make sense for him to still have motives that would cause him to do strange things. He was also proven to be a good actor more than once. The fandom was split in half on the decision of whether or not to believe that he was innocent but it has been proven that he was indeed NOT innocent.
Yet the common consensus was that he was faking not being cured or that he was cured and was just pretending he didn't bring Eclipse back and wasn't doing anything wrong. Nobody really thought about the possibility that he had also been pretending to have the virus all along and never really had it! Yet he claims that was the case and that he had simply been a carrier, stating that his whole manic behaviour was all an act to get rid of Sun and Moon so that he could use their home to start prepping his plans to get rid of the Creator Council.
So, it seems that Ruin is a very, very good actor. Most of what he has done has been an act. His manic, sadistic, chaos-loving "virus self" and his shy, clumsy, frankly adorable self were simply personas.
But one thing that has remained consistent is the prospect of him having another entity trapped within his body, one that he's possibly blocking from having control somehow. We've seen this happen quite a few times with characters in this series at this point so it's obviously possible.
There have been a few hints to this being the case, such as when he rescued Foxy (before beating him to a pulp lol), was interrogated the first time, and after Moon and Solar went through his memories. The second instance could quite easily be an act and it would make sense if it was. However...why would he have done so when rescuing Foxy or when waking up after having had his mind scrubbed? These instances also take place in both his virus persona and innocent persona phases.
When he saved Foxy in that one MGAFS episode and beat him up (which I may make a post on itself), another personality seemed to interrupt him beating up Foxy and apologized profusely for what was going on. There was the implication that this personality was his good side and was trapped in his body and couldn't control it, with Ruin somehow suppressing it. Everyone assumed this was his non-virus-afflicted self but in recent episodes, he said he was just actin like he had a virus. Still, this scene is very odd. He seemed to genuinely be losing control and, yes, he is a VERY GOOD ACTOR and all but why would he have done that? Was it because he himself felt bad and he felt so guilty he wanted to act out that second personality apologizing? Was it because he wanted to really hammer in the story that he was under the influence of a virus to the point where he'd pretend his non-virus self came out at that moment to convince Foxy too?
It just struck me as odd, you know? This personality didn't have the accent (though I assumed this could be a retcon at first and it still could be even if my theory is correct). I'm not sure why but I just feel like this was a genuine moment.
But what really made me think someone else is being suppressed in Ruin's mind is when Moon scrubbed his mind and Ruin woke up and said "our head is spinning." When Moon questioned his use of the word "our", Ruin seemed to get quite defensive. For all he acting that he does, I don't think he would incriminate himself by saying something like this on purpose. I believe this was a genuine slip-up on his behalf like there was someone else there he was referring to. After all, he was doing his best to make it so that Moon was not suspicious of him in any way. As far as Ruin was concerned, his innocent persona had no secret side. There would have been no benefit for him to have pretended it did have another personality in it.
He also seemed to be muttering something to himself about someone being free soon during that episode where he reveals himself to Sun and waits for Moon to show up. Sure, he could have been referring to the dimensions that are being saved by the Creator Council's downfall being freed from their grasp, but it's still an odd word choice if that is the case.
It's the mind-scrubbing episode mixed with the Foxy episode that does it for me though. My theory is that there is someone else stuck in his head who doesn't agree with the methods Ruin has for ending the Creator Council. Someone who is a lot more peaceful than he is and who doesn't like that others have to suffer for this goal to be achieved. I think Ruin is suppressing this side of himself but I think he interacts with him from time to time. We know that this is something that can happen.
I think that this is the side of him that has the "sweet Sun voice", as others have called it in the past when wondering why it had an accent and "cured Ruin" doesn't. But just who is it? According to what Ruin said in his backstory episode, his Sun and Moon merged and ended up as him. They weren't separate and became one entity, right? But, with the way the episode ends, he doesn't exactly say much about how the process went or what happened after. Did something go wrong? Did another entity get involved and, perhaps, Moon got merged with them by accident instead of with Sun? (I say Moon due to the non-British voice I mentioned being Sun, meaning it would've had to have been Moon to have been merged or lost had something gone wrong) Could something have gone wrong later down the line, perhaps when the Creator made Ruin into a carrier of the virus? Had he experimented on Ruin and tampered with him, causing something to occur and possibly create a new personality entirely in the process?
I feel like it's really possible that the Creator could have done something that created Ruin as we know it, introducing another new personality to the singular body. Ruin hates the Creators, all of them, with a passion. He clearly has something personal against them on top of the knowledge they will destroy as many universes as they can with their antics.
When telling Moon he should go mourn the loss of Solar with the rest of the family, Ruin also mentions that he knows what it's like to grieve with others. Ruin has obviously gone through a lot... I mean, yes, we knew he went through a lot after what his dimension went through and all but there's a lot more he isn't telling us. I want to know everything about Ruin!
My theory is something tragic caused Ruin to become the way we know him as today and that he does indeed have another personality within him. While I don't think Ruin himself is evil or anything, I do believe whoever's inside his head is a lot more peaceful and doesn't agree with the way he's going about things. I'd assume if there's someone else within him then he is pretty traumatized from the things he's seen Ruin do at this point. We don't know the details of what happened after Sun and Moon merged. Ruin was very vague. For all I know, it's possible the Moon half of him got destroyed entirely at some point.
Hopefully, we learn more about him soon. He is really, really good at hiding things from everyone but it seems like he's willing to reveal everything soon. I just think he's sharing a body with someone. I don't think he hates this other being but I do think he suppresses him because he doesn't want whoever it is getting in his way of stopping the Creators.
Anyway, I doubt he'll die soon. He mystery plot armour!
I wouldn't say I articulated my thoughts the greatest here and I mostly rambled but I'll post it anyway.
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pikahlua · 1 year
Pika I’m sobbing all might is so precious. Using his students as inspiration for his moves?? They’re really his heroes huh
The emotional evolution of All Might as we have progressed through this story is so beautiful. He’s up there with katsuki as one of my favorite characters.
Also, I am SO fucking excited for this fight and also screaming at the way his suit still has is little bunny hairs. What are your thoughts on this chap pika? I must knowwwww
All Might using an armored power suit fitted with a synergistic load-out of all of his student's quirks?
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Fusion theory became too real too fast.
I would like to say that what I will write next is just me being an obnoxious Katsuki fan and that you should go read the takes of those most engaged by All Might's story, the biggest All Might fans in the fandom, but you know what? I'm taking a stand here.
I lived this chapter vicariously through my soft, precious son boy, and I think that's an entirely valid way to receive this chapter!
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I'm beyond meta at this point. I'm just here to tell you all how the final two pages of chapter 396 SMASHED MY HEART INTO A BLOODY PULP.
"I have never once fought with the intention of losing!!!"
It's the exact same feeling I got when Katsuki rejected the League of Villains and asserted his identity.
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All Might, right now, is being the hero Katsuki admired!!!
HOW WOULD I NOT BE PUMPED ABOUT THAT? Both for the sake of seeing All Might kick ass AND because, well, that's a really good lead-in for Katsuki to return to the story, especially since he died in the face of ShigAFO's dismissal of Katsuki's admiration of All Might.
I'm just sayin'.
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krinsbez · 2 months
Conan of the Periphery: A BattleTech/Pulp Fusion World/Storybuilding Project
Well, y'all voted for this, so here it goes.
For reasons I don't quite understand, we mostly ended up discussing King Conan, and realized that we can't quite make the Canon version work, since there's no way for Conan to end up running a Successor State. So we decided on him making a new state in the Periphery. Which led to someone suggesting:
I'd suggest Star's End over the Marians anyways, because you have something that really matters (a JumpShip yard), and an environment that plays to the strengths of a Conan-style character; not so much civilized, but personal prowess is very important fighting across a thousand tiny fields of battle. Plus you get to have Susie Morgaine-Ryan draping herself across Conan's lap during the invasion, and she's absolutely a Conan character with her combination of vamping and stabbity.
So, this image, of Conan fighting the Clans with Susie Morgraine-Ryan draped across his lap became a centerpiece, and from there we decided on Aquilonia being formed from some combo of Star's End, the Barony of Strang, the Oberon Confederation, and and least some of the Chainelane Isles.
What we settled on is that Conan leaves Cimmeria, a marginal planet in the Periphery and begins a career as a wandering MechWarrior in the Inner Sphere in the 2950s, earning substantial fame and renown, etc. before settling down after semi-inadvertently carving out a kingdom for himself in the Coreward Periphery in the 2980s.
When the Third Succession War officially ends in 3025, he decides to retire, abdicating the throne in favor of his son Conan II (henceforth, Conn) and going exploring. Subsequently, Conn very much gives the FedCom a kick in the teeth after they decided Aquilonia becoming a bit to strong for their comfort. Nothing to major just a small raid that goes very wrong and the peace talks after have Conn cement themselves as a grand Statemen and a Ruler of the nation that demands as much respect as the other Major periphery nations do.
Meanwhile, Conan gets stuck in the California nebula and encounters something that slows, stops, or reverses his aging, and then somehow manages to contrive to escape with a Royal SLDF 'Mech that's been tricked out with weird CalNeb tech, and shows up just as the Clan Invasion gets started.
Aaand that's where we hit a wall.
So, ideally, I'd like to do two things:
-Backfill Conan's history.
-Figure out how the history of the Inner Sphere unfolds differently from the Clan Invasion onwards.
Any thoughts?
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funkyness · 1 year
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Pastissets de moniato (sweet pastries stuffed with sweet potato). A traditional Christmas dessert from the Valencian Country.
Arabic in origin, they are usually made as small pastries and, therefore, are often referred to in the plural, pastissets. The fusion of flavours between the cinnamon and the sweet potato, with a hint of cassalla aniseed liqueur, is a true celebration for the senses.
Ingredients for 6 people:
For the dough:
1/2 glass of high-alcohol cassalla (aniseed spirit)
1/2 glass of olive oil
1/2 kg. sugar
3/4 kg. flour
1 egg
For the filling:
3/4 kg. white sweet potato
1/4 kg. sugar
For the filling, boil the sweet potatoes with their skins on.
Peel, and scoop the pulp out while still hot and mix with the sugar and a pinch of cinnamon until a thick paste is formed.
To make the dough, mix the aniseed spirit and the olive oil together with the sugar in a pot over a low heat. Take care that the high-alcohol spirit does not catch fire. Cover with the lid for a few seconds if it does.
When part of the alcohol has evaporated and the sugar has dissolved, add the flour. Mix well to form a paste. This process should last about 20 minutes in all.
To make the pastries, the dough should be worked while hot. Spread them out in round portions (using a glass as a mould) on a smooth oiled surface. Fill with the sweet potato paste and close. Seal the ends by crimping with a fork.
Brushed over with a beaten egg to achieve a shiny gloss when baked.
Place in a pre-heated oven and bake for 25 minutes at 220º.
Recipe source: Comunitat Valenciana.
Photo sources: Benimatell and De rechupete.
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Pulp Jazz: Twenty-First Century Groove Music (A Mixtape)
If you've been over on Aquarium Drunkard in 2024, you've probably noticed that Brent Sirota is currently killing it — with expertly curated mixes especially. Astral loitering, secret hemispheres, new age trips, Fourth World explorations, spacey fusion and beyond. And now — Pulp Jazz! I love this one.
Brent says: I called it pulp jazz a couple of times, not because it was cheap or disposable, but because it was so immediately gratifying. It draws on long-traduced, sometimes crassly commercial, musical forms—jazz-funk, exotica, new age, sci-fi schlock, lounge music and library—and channels it all into deeply funky, low-key psychedelic groove music. More than that, like the best pulp, it somehow comes out sexy as hell, slinky and dangerous.
A very cool collection of unearthly sounds — made even cooler by the fact that my own band Prairiewolf shows up in the mix! What a treat. There's a lot brewing for the 'wolf in the upcoming months, since you asked — a re-press of our debut LP, a brand-new LP in the works ... and gigs! Glorious gigs! Next month we'll be joining the cosmic traveling family band Tengger at Glob in Denver for what is sure to be a very heady night. And then, a few nights later, we're opening up for Rosali and Color Green at Globe Hall. Glob + Globe!? You better believe it. If you're in the area, advance tix are recommended! Tengger sold out the last time they were in town and — I'm calling it here — Rosali's new album is going to be HUGE.
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