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unsafescapewolf · 2 years ago
Commission piece from Twitter
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rebuiltproject · 4 months ago
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Nível Adulto / Seijukuki / Champion  Atributo Vacina  Tipo Anjo  Campo Destruidores de Vírus (VB)  Significado do Nome Agnus, Cordeiro em Latim. 
Agnusmon é a forma evoluída de Croixmon que surge quando seu treinamento chega ao fim e o Poder da Destruição é completamente dominado. 
Agora, com uma versão aprimorada da armadura em seu braço esquerdo, essa Digimon tornou-se capaz de conter todo tipo de ameaça ao parear a energia negativa do alvo com seu Poder, selando-o com correntes de luz que se estendem de seu Anel Sagrado. Tal habilidade é usada na captura de Digimons que servirão como familiares, pois antes eles eram levados ao Kernel depois de uma batalha árdua que, algumas vezes, custava a vida de alguns anjos, mas com Agnusmon o processo passou a ser muito mais seguro, tanto para os anjos quanto para o familiar, mesmo que ela ainda precise da ajuda de seus superiores quando o Digimon é muito poderoso. 
Contudo, a função de Pastora a ela incumbida é o que mais lhe traz felicidade, pois sempre foi muito zelosa com seus pares e protegidos, então era o mais correto deixá-la responsável pelo “rebanho” de familiares. Mesmo aqueles que são mais rebeldes ou arredios acabam cedendo à simpatia de Agnusmon, que faz de tudo para que estes Digimons se sintam acolhidos, sempre sendo respeitosa, paciente e muito amorosa. 
Essa postura tão carinhosa e compreensiva faz com que todos eles criem um vínculo fortíssimo com ela, colocando-a numa posição tão crucial que alguns anjos chegam a temer a possibilidade de um dia ela se rebelar, pois todos os familiares a seguiriam sem hesitar. 
Destructio (Destruição) Concentra muita energia em seu braço esquerdo e desfere um soco diretamente no inimigo, causando uma violenta explosão capaz de atravessar armaduras e couraças como se fossem de vidro. 
Pugnus Sacrum (Punho Sagrado) Dispara projéteis de luz incandescente pelos punhos. 
Manuaria Caelestia (Correntes Celestiais) Faz as correntes de seu Anel Sagrado se estenderem para prender o adversário e impedir que ele continue lutando. 
Ungula (Cascos) Avança em direção ao oponente e o atinge com os dois pés.  
Benedictio (Bênção) Bate com seu cajado no chão, liberando uma onda de energia sagrada que cura os aliados próximos. 
Linha Evolutiva 
Pré-Evoluções  Croixmon 
Artista Jonas Carlota  Digidex Empírea 
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tinyreviews · 9 months ago
Tiny Curiosity: Etymology of Poignant
Late 14th century, poinaunt, "painful to physical or mental feeling" (of sauce, spice, wine as well as things that affect the feelings).
From Old French "poignant" meaning "sharp, pointed."
From Latin "pungere," meaning "to prick, pierce, sting."
From Proto-Indian-European root *peuk- "to prick"
Originally meant "painful to physical or mental feeling."
Applied to things that affect the feelings, such as sauce, spice, or wine.
Can also mean "sharp to the taste," though this sense is now obsolete.
Etymological insight:
Latin "pungere" is related to Latin "pugnus," meaning "fist."
The word "poignant" contains an etymological double-reverse:
Latin "pungere" represents a metathesis of -n- and -g- that was reversed in French.
Related words from *peuk-:
appoint; bung; expunge; point; pounce; pugilism; pugilist; pugnacious; punch; punctual; punctuate; punctuation; puncture; pungent; Pygmy; repugnant.
This is part of my Tiny Curiosity series. I publish worldbuilding tidbits, trivia, etymology to this blog.
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rafaconecta · 1 month ago
¿De dónde viene el nombre “Pug”? 🐾 | Curiosidades con Rafa GarcíaOrigen 
🤔 ¿Sabías que el nombre “Pug” tiene un origen muy curioso? Esta raza tan amada debe su nombre a la palabra latina “pugnus”, que significa “puño”, debido a que su rostro arrugado se parece a uno cerrado. ¡Es solo una de las muchas razones por las que estos pequeños son tan especiales!
✨ Descubre más curiosidades sobre los Pugs, su historia y cuidados esenciales en el episodio completo de La Voz de tu Mascota.
👉 Mira el video completo aquí: [https://youtube.com/shorts/YC5X2FbSXtc?feature=share]
🐾 ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal y únete a la comunidad de amantes de los Pugs! 🐾
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chnuru · 9 months ago
Continue reading 立花理香さん、PUGNUS→EARLY WINGに移動
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fremosura · 1 year ago
#6 Lussarian word of the day
Meaning: fist
Etymology: Latin pugnus, meaning fist.
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deportedecontacto · 2 years ago
BOXEO Historia del Boxeo El boxeo, deporte, amateur y profesional, consiste en atacar y defender con los puños. Los boxeadores generalmente usan guantes acolchados y generalmente siguen el código establecido en las Reglas de Queensberry. Con el mismo peso y habilidad, los boxeadores intentan asestar golpes potentes y, a menudo, con los puños, cada uno tratando de evitar los golpes del oponente. Un boxeador gana un combate sobreviviendo al oponente (los puntos se pueden contar de varias maneras) o haciendo que el oponente no pueda continuar la pelea. Las peleas varían de 3 a 12 rondas, cada ronda suele durar tres minutos. Los términos boxeo y pugilismo en el uso moderno son prácticamente sinónimos de boxeo, aunque el primero indica los orígenes antiguos del deporte en su derivación del latín pugil, "un boxeador", que se relaciona con el latín pugnus, "puño", y deriva de . también del griego pyx, "con el puño cerrado". El término boxeo enfatiza la búsqueda de ganancias financieras del deporte, que comenzó en Inglaterra en el siglo XVII. El boxeo es uno de los deportes más antiguos que se conocen en la actualidad, con representaciones de 2000 años de antigüedad en las paredes de las tumbas de Egipto y tallas de piedra que muestran que los sumerios, que vivían en lo que ahora es Irak, boxeaban hace al menos 5000 años. El boxeo comenzó como un espectáculo agotador y brutal. En la antigua Grecia, dos hombres se sentaban uno frente al otro con las muñecas bien envueltas en una correa de cuero rígido. Luego se golpearán entre sí hasta que uno de ellos caiga al suelo inconsciente o, peor aún, muerto. Los luchadores o gladiadores romanos, por otro lado, luchaban con la intención principal de matar a sus oponentes, usando correas de cuero alrededor de sus puños con incrustaciones de metal. Sin embargo, el boxeo pronto se abolió alrededor del año 393 dC porque se consideraba demasiado brutal. El boxeo realmente no tuvo un resurgimiento hasta principios del siglo XVI en Londres. Verá, la aristocracia inglesa desarrolló un gran interés en revivir el conocimiento y las tradiciones del pasado, por lo que el boxeo se convirtió en un medio para lidiar con las disputas entre los ricos. Los visitantes adinerados apoyaron a sus luchadores e hicieron grandes apuestas en sus peleas. De hecho, aquí es donde se acuñó el término 'ganador del premio'. Jack Broughton, campeón de 1734 a 1758, fue el primero en introducir la escuela de boxeo. También ayudó a formular el primer conjunto de reglas del boxeo y fue el inventor del silenciador, el precursor del guante de boxeo moderno. Broughton invitó a los caballeros de la alta sociedad a pasar de patrocinar luchadores a convertirse en luchadores. Cuando el boxeo viajó a través del océano a principios del siglo XIX a Estados Unidos, no era muy popular, es decir, hasta que Theodore Roosevelt se convirtió en un defensor. Cuando Roosevelt era Comisionado de Policía, instó a sus oficiales a entrenarse en el arte del ars pugandi. Él cree que el boxeo es la mejor manera de "desatar el espíritu animal humano". Y eso tampoco cambió cuando se convirtió en presidente. Roosevelt solía boxear casi todos los días como una forma de mantenerse activo y en forma. A partir de ahí, el boxeo siguió creciendo en popularidad con pautas y reglas para proteger a los boxeadores, convirtiéndolo en el deporte que todos conocemos y amamos en la actualidad. WORLD BOXING ASSOCIATION La Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Muaythai (IFMA) comenzó como una pequeña federación con unos pocos países entusiastas, hace más de dos décadas. Después de impactar las primeras etapas de su vida y al comienzo de un nuevo siglo emocionante, IFMA ha crecido a 130 estados miembros en todo el mundo con 5 federaciones continentales, unidas bajo un órgano de gobierno unificado. IFMA acepta y reconoce la misión y el papel del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI). IFMA siempre se adherirá y respetará la Carta Olímpica, adoptará el código de ética basado en los principios del C
OI. - Publicidad -
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ohagi-ono · 6 years ago
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あれ?増えてる? #japan #dog #puppy #pugnus #pug #pugstagram #dogstagram #犬 #仔犬 #子犬 #パグ #パグスタグラム #ドッグスタグラム #はなぺちゃ #フォーン #フォーンパグ #パグの横顔 #いびきをかく犬 #鼾をかく王様 #鼾犬 #覇歌 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAz4JJl-F5/?igshid=xiyo9jkk2bc1
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ertrunkenerwassergeist · 5 years ago
Hi! I love your fan kings of yore and would love to know more - any specific thoughts behind certain names, titles, etc?
Hello friend! :)
Since you didn’t ask for anyone specific, I’m just going to pick a few off the list, if you don’t mind. *pulls out notes*
Let’s start with Mendax. He is Somnus’ eldest son and he was around three when Ardyn was declared Adagium. I headcanon that Somnus is around 8 years younger than Ardyn and so he was 25 when that happened.
So he has the half-formed impression that there was a person with red hair once, looking after him from time to time, but he doesn’t remember Ardyn. Doesn’t remember that he has an uncle who loves him. Somnus forbid his children from ever knowing that he had a brother and the people follow that law in fear and shame.
In Latin his name means “lie” (or rather the adjective thereof), but I headcanon that it is an old Solheimr name that means something like “the Enlightened”. His title “the True” was chosen by Bahamut (since I headcanon that it is usually him that decides on the individual titles) to make clear that Mendax is really, really, really the true heir to the throne. And nothing fishy is going on, no not at all.
The Conqueror I named Pugnus, which means “fist”. I wanted something that implies violence, but isn’t that obvious.
The Wanderer is Penas, which means “revenge”, “punishment�� or “retribution”. He wandered all over Eos in search for retribution for the death of his children. Only one survived and became his heir. It was an assassination and Penas spent years hunting down the perpetrators. He chose the name Penas as a reminder and a warning to his enemies. His birth name is Virtus.
Fabricas is the Architect. Her name means “workshop” or “design”. She is the one who planned and started the building process of the physical outer wall surrounding Insomnia. It wasn’t completed in her lifetime. Or in that of her son. (Who doesn’t have a name or a title yet, so he isn’t on the list for now). She started the project because piracy was becoming a Very Big Thing and the city needed protection. And she wanted to give the city room to grow and be more or less self sufficient. Everybody thought it was an idiotic idea to build a wall that big. She did it anyway.
Now, I’m sure you noticed all those people named Lucius, Lucianus or Lucia? All of their names are based on the Latin word for “light”, which is “lux”. It was a generational trend at the time to name your child either something very patriotic or after light. You can see which one the Lucis Caelums chose. For all those Kings (Lucia the only woman in that group) this era is called “the light years”.
The first Lucius was titled the Teacher because he founded public schools all over Lucis where the poor could learn to read. After his death the initiative died pretty quickly because his son, titled the Preserver, wanted to preserve how things were. No new thinking nonsense.
For the Late, think Walder Frey and you have a pretty good idea why that is his title.
Lucianus developed a method for black mages to craft potions and ethers. That’s why he’s called the Witcher. People who crafted them without being black mages were called witches. Most of them had at least some affinty towards green magic.
The last Lucius is called the Coward. He did everything in his power to avoid fighting, including running away and leaving people behind to die. He was a very unpopular King and assassinated by his daughter Lucia.
She is called the Scholar because she pushed the sciences forward. Especially astronomy, geology, mathematics and ethics.
I’m going to stop here for now. Ideas and suggestions are always welcome.
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zaneromaevemybeloved · 4 years ago
Time to bs Katelyn a last name
Katelyn Fist
Katelyn Fists
Her last name being her title is ridiculous just like Abbey's last name being 'Golden Heart' is ridiculous. Fire Fist in latin is Ignis Pugnus. Katelyn's full name is now Katelyn Ignignus going by that.
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nepalgo · 4 years ago
Postpositions: Temporal
Time flies like an arrow, and fruit flies like a banana. Time and time again we hear more about time, but is it time to time our actions so they go according to time? Time is temporary; the words “temporary” and “temporal” (time) both come from the Latin temporalis, which means “time”.
From a physics perspective, time is also relative. In fact, time is linked with space. Space-time transcends our perspective. Maybe this is why so many postpositions that describe “space” (position) can also be used to describe time. Thus, we arrive, through our imppecable reasoning that space and time are related, to our mainpoint: temporal postpositions.
Temporal postpositions are postpositions that deal with information regarding time. For example, the word made bold is what a temporal postposition is: I will do the work until tomorrow.
Let’s have a look at temporal positions, and you will find them to be quite similar to local positions. It’s all connected!
पुग्नु (pugnu) = (here) 1. To reach | 2. To be enough सकाइहाल्नु (sakāihālnu) = To finish a task (as soon as possible) सकिनु (sakinu) = To be finished पर्सि (parsi) = Day after tomorrow
भित्र (bhitra) has the meanings of "within”. It can also mean “by”. The general feeling of the word is to point towards an even that must occur within a specified timeframe. For example: हामी ४ बजेभित्��� पुग्नुपर्छ  (hāmī cār baje-bhitra pugnuparcha) = We must reach (there) by 4 o’ clock [we + four + o’ clock (+) bhitra-postposition + verb]
काम सात मिनटभित्र सकाइहाल्  (kām sāt minaṭ-bhitra sakāihāl) = Finish (the) work within seven minute(s) [work + seven + minute(s) (+) bhitra-postposition + verb]
अगाडि (agāḍi) has the meaning of "before”. It can also be “ago”. This is used to indicate a period in time before the one mentioned. For example: सात मिनटअगाडि के भयो? (sāt minaṭ-agāḍi ke bhayo) = What happened seven minute(s) before? [seven + minute(s) (+) agāḍi-postposition + what + copula]
काम सात मिनटअगाडि सक्यो (kām sāt minaṭ-agāḍi sakyo) = Work finished seven minute(s) ago [work + seven + minute(s) (+) agāḍi-postposition + verb]
अगाडि (agāḍi) can also be replaced by अघि (aghi) to mean the same thing: काम सात मिनटअघि सक्यो (kām sāt minaṭ-aghi sakyo) = Work finished seven minute(s) ago [work + seven + minute(s) (+) aghi-postposition + verb]
पछाडि (pachāḍi) has the meanings of "after”. The general feeling of the word is to describe actions after a given period of time. For example: सात मिनटपछाडि के भयो ? (sāt minaṭ-pachāḍi ke bhayo) = What happened seven minute(s) after? [seven + minute(s) (+) pachāḍi-postposition + what + copula]
काम सात मिनटपछाडि सक्यो (kām sāt minaṭ-pachāḍi sakyo) = Work finished after seven minute(s) [work + seven + minute(s) (+) pachāḍi-postposition + verb]
After my brilliant time-saving examples, पछाडि (pachāḍi) can also be replaced by पछि (pachi) to mean the same thing. The difference is that “pachi” is faster to say: सोमबारपछि मात्रै आउन मिल्छ रे ! (somab��r-pachi mātrai āuna milcha re) = (We’re) allowed to come only after Monday, it is! [Monday (+) pachi-postposition + only + to come + allowed + particle]
सम्म (samma) has the meanings of "until” or “till”. The general feeling of the word is to indicate an upper range, or threshold. For example: पार्टी ७ बजेसम्म छ (pārṭī sāt baje-samma cha) = (The) party is until 7 o’ clock [party + seven + o’ clock (+) samma-postposition + copula]
हिजोसम्म काम सकिएको थिएन (hijo-samma kām sakieko thiena) = (The) work hadn’t finished till yesterday [yesterday (+) samma-postposition + work + verb]
तिर (tira) has the meaning of “around”. It gives an approximate feeling of time, to indicate that the time period is moving towards it. This is quite an important postposition in case of telling the time, as it allows you approximate time. You can’t use तर्फ (tarpha) to substitute tira, however. For example: ११ बजेतिर के भयो ? (eghāra baje-tira ke bhayo) = What happened around 11 o’ clock? [eleven + o’ clock (+) tira-postposition + what + copula]
ऊ पर्सितिर मात्रै आउँछ रे ! (ū parsi-tira mātrai āum̐cha re) = He (will) come only around day after tommorrow, he said! [he + day after tomorrow (+) tira-postposition + only + come + he said]
You will note that this is an approximate time. It’s not an exact time, so he may arrive day after tomorrow, or maybe tomorrow, or maybe never. It’s not very certain. This also has the effect that removing the “tira” makes the sentence still grammatically correct, with the exception that time will then be exact: ऊ पर्सि मात्रै आउँछ रे ! (ū parsi mātrai āum̐cha re) = He (will) only come (on the) day after tommorrow, he said! [he + day after tomorrow + only + come + he said]
Note that in the above sentence, it is certain that he will only arrive day after tomorrow. The time is exact when you forgo the use of tira.
Temporal postpositions are postpositions that deal with information regarding time.
भित्र (bhitra) has the meanings of "within”. It can also mean “by”.
अगाडि (agāḍi) has the meaning of "before”. It can also be “ago”.
पछाडि (pachāḍi) has the meanings of "after”.
पछाडि (pachāḍi) can also be replaced by पछि (pachi) to mean the same thing.
तिर (tira) has the meaning of “around”.
You can’t use तर्फ (tarpha) to substitute tira, however. 
तिर (tira) gives the feeling of an approximate time, so removing the “tira” results in the time given to be be exact.
--will do these later--
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rebuiltproject · 3 years ago
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Nível Criança Atributo Vacina Tipo Pequeno Anjo Campo Destruidores de Vírus (VB) Significado do Nome Croix, Cruz em Francês. 
Croixmon é a evolução de Nanamon ao despertar seu potencial após iniciar um árduo treinamento sob a tutela de Goddramon.
Ao ser aceita como discípula de Goddramon, ela recebeu o Poder da Destruição em seu braço esquerdo, só que como ainda não é capaz de controlá-lo, seu mestre lhe presenteou com uma armadura selada por um Anel Sagrado, esta que é capaz de impedir que o poder saia de controle e ajuda Croixmon em seu desenvolvimento como guerreira celeste.
Durante o período em que foi Nanamon ela acumulou muita energia, pois praticamente só dormia, então ela se tornou super agitada, correndo atrás de algo pra se fazer o tempo inteiro, dedicando-se intensamente nos treinamento e missões que realiza para o Kernel, o que a faz parecer incansável, mas um bom descanso é necessário e vê-la cochilar junto de alguns bebês é bastante comum.
Ter Goddramon como mestre a fez desenvolver uma grande força física, esta que usa principalmente quando precisa proteger algum pequeno Digimon do perigo e, nesses casos, ela até consegue nocautear algumas ameaças maiores em tamanho, algo impressionante para seu estágio de evolução, mas existem situações em que lutar não surte efeito, então ela usa sua força pra carregar o Digimon indefeso para bem longe através da boa e velha tática da Retirada Estratégica. Fugir é algo que a deixa muito frustrada, devido à sempre querer demonstrar força e confiança, sendo às vezes bem rígida consigo mesma, mas ela aos poucos compreende que ainda está aprendendo e que às vezes as falhas são o degrau necessário para poder melhorar.
O desejo de ser cada vez mais forte como uma Guardiã é o que faz de Croixmon alguém tão dedicada, não poupando esforços para ajudar os pequenos Digimons a superarem suas aflições e auxiliando nas missões de seus amigos Anjos, principalmente PetiAngemon e Ouranimon, que compartilham o mesmo status de Anjos da Guarda.
Obex (Barreira) Projeta uma barreira de energia sagrada que pode ser usada tanto para proteger Croixmon e seus aliados quanto para aprisionar um oponente durante um tempo.
Crux (Cruz) A cruz em seu tronco brilha intensamente e lança uma rajada de energia ardente, extremamente eficaz em Digimons das Trevas.
Pugnus (Punho) Usando seu Punho Direito, Croixmon golpeia seu oponente com um poderoso soco envolto em energia sagrada. Quando executado com o Punho Esquerdo, uma baixíssima porcentagem do Poder de Destruição é liberada, causando uma explosão avassaladora.
Linha Evolutiva
Pré-Evoluções Nanamon
Evoluções Agnusmon
Artista Jonas Carlota Digidex Empírea
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imasallstars · 4 years ago
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On the 5th of October, Ricca Tachibana (the voice provider for Sae Kobayakawa) has divulged that she will be taking a break from seiyuu activities to undergo medical treatment for tonsillitis.
We wish her the speediest of recoveries, and hope she’ll be able to return to work soon
official company statement : [ PUGNUS ]
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leonthecardboardunicorn · 4 years ago
The Oracle Prince, Chapter 1
Pairing: Liz/Viggo
Summary: We’ve found the gems of the Dragonkin, but now Hawkeye has their eye on the treasures of the noble families. The Foundation Day royal ball seems like the perfect time. Luckily, we have the help of the crown prince- Viggo?!
It’s finally here! Sorry this took so long!
Warning, spoilers for all routes and for the Ruined King!
Since it’s been a while, here’s a recap of Felix’s route:
Hawkeye’s goal is to find the six elemental gems: 3 given to the Dragonkin, 3 given to noble families. With all six gems, they’ll be able to awaken the Dragon of Time.
The squad, with the help of the Reciters, sets out to find them first. They complete the first ruin and find one of the noble gems, held by Albert Auburne.
 Viggo gives Liz a strange warning: ‘Don’t go to Queensblade’. She and Felix end up in Queensblade by accident. While there, she meets with a nobleman, Daniel Oxford, the prince’s guardian. Unfortunately, Daniel is working with a member of Hawkeye, Cordelia; they attack Liz and steal the gems.
Eventually, Liz and Felix are able to claim two of the Dragonkin gems, and Albert’s gem.
That night, Amelia and I were walking home together from the village. The moonlight lit up the path ahead of us, casting everything in a bright glow.
"Thanks again for helping me out tonight," I said, shifting the box under my arms, full of supplies for the semester's end.
"No problem. It was good to see everyone again!" She giggled. "I thought Felix was never going to let you leave. He even offered to carry everything for you!”
"He's just worried about me. It's understandable; I mean, Hawkeye is still out there."
My stomach churned as the ancient worry started up again. Hawkeye. Their goal was to find the six gems of Gedonelune, said to have been passed down from the first king. With the six gems, they would be able to awaken the Dragon of Time.
Though we clashed numerous times over the last few weeks, we'd been able to save three of the gems. The gems of Darkness and Light, now resting with Felix and Lacan- and the Gem of Fire, which Albert had entrusted to me. Only one, the gem of earth, still rested in Hawkeye's grasp.
'But it's only a matter of time before they come after me again.'
"You're worrying again," Amelia said, waving her hand. "I've got just the thing. Why don't you think about tomorrow's big announcement?"
The crown prince. They said that he was a great astronomer, that he had visions of the future. However, nobody knew who he was. But that was soon to change. It was said the House of Oxford, who guarded the prince, would reveal his identity to the public the next morning.
"Don't tell me you're going to stay up all night to find out?" I asked.
"I can't help it, it's so exciting!" She was practically bouncing as she walked. Shu chirped behind her. "I heard that he could even be a student at the academy. Wouldn't it be amazing to have a prince here, and we had no idea?"
"Like that could really happen.”
“..What are you talking about?” I jumped at the voice behind me.
"Eek!" Amelia grabbed onto my arm, hiding behind me. In the moonlight, the figure became clear.
Viggo. The biggest troublemaker and mystery of the Night Class. He had been in detention and the rehabilitation chamber more times than anyone.
I steadied myself. “Shouldn't you be in class?"
"Leave me alone," he said harshly. "I'm going out."
"Going where?"
"To the city."
To the city! Even for Viggo, that was a bit much at this time of night. "Viggo, you know that if
you're caught, you're going to get in trouble! Do you want to be in the detention chamber all of winter break?"
He turned to me, and something in his expression stopped me. It held none of his usual anger. It almost seemed like.. desperation. But it was gone as quick as it came when he smirked at me. "Then come with me."
He shrugged. "I'm going anyway, but I won't get in trouble if a Prefect is with me, will I?"
"Don't go with him, Liz," Amelia said. "This is probably some trick."
Knowing Viggo, he would cause a lot of trouble. But if I went with him, I might be able to pull him back a bit. Well.. one little night in the town couldn't hurt anything, could it?
"Fine, I'll go with you."
“Come on, this way.”
“Wait a minute!” Viggo slipped easily past the gates, but I found myself stumbling past the gate. “I'll be there-”
“Here.” In one smooth move, Viggo grabbed my waist, picking me up and helping me over the gate.
“W-wait a minute!” The sudden movement caught me off guard, but Viggo set me down gently.
“Come on.” Viggo turned away, as cool as ice.
'Was he always that strong?'
"Where are we headed? Are you going to go meet up with someone?"
"Just out. This is my last chance to go out without getting bothered."
My stomach churned. "What are you talking about? Are you in some kind of trouble?"
He stopped abruptly. "Here we are."
Somehow, we had ended up at the harbor. The night sky was so clear; the stars seemed to shine down upon us. It had been a long time since I had seen a sky like that.
I glanced over at Viggo, and my breath caught in my throat. The moonlight streamed through his hair, casting him in a warm glow. Staring up at the sky, his expression looked soft, a far cry from the rough guy I usually knew.
'Did he always look like that?'
"Do you like stargazing?"
He caught himself, turning away. "What if I do?" Ah, I had been so close.
"The stars are really pretty from here,” I said gently. “They remind me of back home.”
He relaxed a hair. He casually spun his pipe, but, this time, it turned into a telescope. "The stars are easier to see from the observatory," he said, "but it's got to be crawling with guards tonight."
"You've been to the observatory?" I'd heard about it, but I'd only managed a few peeks at it since I'd been in Gedonelune.
"I used to go there all the time with my dad." A wistful look crossed his face. "He said it would help with-" He suddenly stopped, glancing over his shoulder.
"We're being followed." He suddenly grabbed my hand, and I heard footsteps behind us. "Come on!”
We wove through the streets, down pathways that I didn't even know existed.  After running for a few minutes, we stopped, practically collapsing against a nearby wall.
Looking around, I saw that we had slipped into a hidden street. Shops lined the street, glowing in the night.
"Where are we?"
"A place hidden away from the rest of the world. Even they won't be able to follow us here.”
“Who's they?” I asked. “Viggo, if you're in some kind of trouble, I can help you-”
"No more questions," he said briskly. "You'll find out soon enough anyway."
There was something in his voice that stopped me- frustration, but.. it didn't seem like it was with me. 'I.. don't think I can intervene here,' I thought. 'I'll have to wait until he trusts me enough to tell me.'
Despite myself, my tension eased as we walked through the streets. Even this late, the shops were shining with colors and sounds, each little shop catching my eye.
“Oh, let's go in there!” Stepping into the shop, a beautiful necklace caught my eye.
"That'll be 600 lune."
"What? That's a ripoff!" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Viggo twirling his pipe- and suddenly, it didn't seem worth it. "Nevermind, here!" I practically tossed the money at the shopkeeper, grabbing Viggo's hand and hurrying out.
"Why'd you stop me? That man's always ripping people off!"
“You can't-” I sighed in frustration. “You can't just go fighting people for no reason!"
"Hey, give that back!" Voices split the air, bellowing from down the alley. Viggo bolted that way.  
A group of men clad in knightly armor were surrounding a man and a woman. The people were clamoring for something in the knight's hands.
"Perhaps we should teach you a lesson about respecting your betters.” The knight threw the man into a wall!
"Hey, pick on someone your own size!” Viggo bellowed, and all eyes fell on him.
Before they could get their words out, Viggo was already spinning his pipe. “Pugnus Tempestus!” A mist poured out of Viggo's pipe, quickly turning into the shape of a fist. With one strike, it tossed the knights aside. “Huh, easy.”
"Why you..! We oughta teach you a lesson!"
'I have to help them!' I whipped out my own wand.
“Saggita Lumen!”
Viggo didn't stop, sending another attack after the guards, sending them crashing against the walls.
“Tch. This isn't worth it. Let's get out of here!” The knights scrambled away.
The couple ran up to us. “Thank you so much!” they cried. "I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't helped us."
"Hmm, it was nothing.” Viggo turned away. “You should get out of here before you run into more trouble.”
As they ran away, I was struck by a sense of nostalgia. 'Didn't Viggo once save me, in a place just like this?'
"You fought well," I said. "You saved the two of them."
He smirked. "What was that about picking fights for no reason?"
I felt sheepish. I had jumped into the fight without thinking. "Well.. Maybe sometimes it's worth it."
Just then, my thoughts were broken by the growling of my stomach. Viggo asked, "Are you hungry?"
"..Yeah, it's kind of late. Probably past dinner by now.”
"Come on, I know a place." He took my hand, like the earlier argument had rolled right off. He led me to a little stall, tucked away in the street, and casually placed his own order.
"Ah.." I realized I had used the last of my lune to buy the necklace.
"Don't worry about it." He handed over the lune for both of us without batting an eye.
"Thank you." I glanced at his order. "I didn't know you liked spicy foods."
"Got a problem with it?" he asked, popping his food in his mouth.
"Not at all. It suits you." Fitting that the bad boy would even like to eat dangerously.
"What about you?"
"I'd say I have more of a sweet tooth. Though a little spice now and then never hurt anyone."
We must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. The night grew darker, and I could no longer feel Viggo's presence beside me. "Viggo?"
"There you are." My blood ran cold as I heard the all too familiar voice.
I froze as he stepped out of the shadows. Daniel Oxford, second son of the house of Oxford. Last time we met, he had lured me into Hawkeye's trap- and left me for dead.
I stepped back, reaching for my wand. "Leave me alone." 11 hours
"You don't seem nearly as tough without your Dragonkin guard now to protect you.”
"Get away from her." A hand pulled me back, and I was pulled against a strong chest. I knew without looking who it was.
'Viggo.' And strangely, I felt safer knowing that he was here.
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But, to my surprise, Daniel was suddenly all smiles. "Oh, Your Highness,” he said pleasantly, “what brings out here this late?"
"Y-your Highness?" I looked to Viggo, but his glare was focused on Daniel alone. “What is he talking about?”
“Oh, you didn't know?” He laughed. “Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you-”
"Shut up," Viggo snarled. "Shut up!"
"She's going to know soon enough, Your Highness.” Daniel stepped closer to us, his voice sweet as poison.  "By morning light the whole kingdom, the whole world, will know the truth- the story of crown prince Viggo of Gedonelune."
Zeus: You're telling me that Viggo is the prince? To think that the prince was.. a little punk!
Gray: Wait, you didn't know that?
Zeus: What, you already knew that? How?
Gray: I'm the keeper of the Tower of Memories! Besides, I knew the first king personally! It's not like I'd tell anyone though.
Zeus: Oh, I forgot that you're as old as dirt.
Gray: I beg your pardon?
Zeus: Nevermind, nevermind, let's just get to the next chapter. I want to see how everyone reacts to this news.
Gray: Next time, Prince of Gedonelune.
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poop4u · 5 years ago
The post Pug by Dogster HQ appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Pug. Photography by Kayla Bertagnolli, as captured at the 2018 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
Quick Facts
Weight: 14 – 20 pounds (6.35 – 9.07 kg)
Height: 12 – 14 inches (30.48 – 35.56 cm)
The Look of a Pug
You definitely know a Pug when you see one. Pugs have a short, stocky, “cobby” frame, a round head with a flat muzzle and round, dark, bulging eyes. Their wrinkled brows give them a kind of concerned expression, and they have velvety dark ears that fold down. They have straight, long limbs, giving them a sprightly step, plus a single- or double-curled tail at the end. Pugs have a smooth, soft coat that comes in black, silver, fawn and apricot.
Photography by Kayla Bertagnolli, as captured at the 2018 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
Short stature
Stocky build
Black muzzle and curly tail
Perky and fun
Great with kids
Tends to snore and snort
Ideal Human Companion
Playful people
What They Are Like to Live With
Biggie the Pug won the Toy Group at Westminster in 2018. Photography by Kayla Bertagnolli.
Pugs once jaunted around the palaces and lounged on the laps of ancient Chinese royals. And this is exactly what they’ll do—with relish—in your home. If you happen to be relaxing on the couch, your Pug will rest happily join you. But they are far from lazy. Pugs are alert and attentive, following their owners from room to room and always ready to play.
Pugs seem to get along with anybody—especially those that give them lots of attention. They love being cuddled and petted so much that they can get jealous or troubled when your affections are devoted to someone else. Most Pugs get along with children well, being patient and always ready to play games. Either way, they love being around people and would rather have your company than be left alone. On that note, they are curious and intelligent enough to get into mischief around the house or yard.
Good watchdogs with a healthy bark—not yappy—Pugs also happen to be very charming hosts. They will greet usually your guests with a prompt and perky welcome.
Things You Should Know
Because they have a flat muzzle and are a brachycephalic breed, Pugs tend to snort, snore and wheeze when fluid gets caught under their palate. These situations usually sort themselves out. Their wrinkles need to be cleaned regularly, since they gather debris.
Pugs like an ambient temperature. In cold weather, they can quickly catch colds. In hot weather, they can overheat and die. Air-conditioning is recommended.
They will do perfectly fine in an apartment, not needing a yard or lots of room to be happy. Make sure to ration their food and give them plenty of exercise or they will become obese, causing a shorter lifespan and other health problems.
Pugs are dignified animals and expect to be treated that way. Angry words or severe training could hurt their feelings.
Pug History
Pugs have murky and mysterious origins. While everyone agrees that this is one of the world’s oldest breeds, no one is sure exactly how old. Some claim that Pugs were shorthaired version of Pekingese and fixtures among royals in the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 B.C.), while others say they’re actually a small kind of French Mastiff or Bulldog. Today, most authorities agree that the Pug originated in China as early as 400 B.C. The name “Pug” is also mysterious. It could either come from a pet name for marmoset monkeys or from the Latin pugnus, or “fist.” Many Pugs were brought to Europe after the British invaded China in 1860. They received AKC status in 1885 and have been popular dogs in America ever since.
Read more about Pugs on Dogster.com: 
Get to Know the Pug: A Lot of Dog in a Little Space!
The post Pug by Dogster HQ appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Dogster HQ, Khareem Sudlow
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yesicaherrera · 3 years ago
The pugs
Pug is of Chinese origin 
After a Pug saved the crown prince's life, the breed became the official dog of the House of Orange in Holland. The dog appears in the effigy of the monarch on his tomb. There are many theories about the origin of the name "Pug". One story says that it is due to the dog's facial expression, which is similar to that of the marmoset monkey. Another theory suggests that the Pug's name is based on the Latin word "pugnus," meaning "fist," because the dog's face resembles a clenched fist.
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