leguin · 2 years
"armand is a cautionary tale about turning someone immortal when they have no stable sense of self" oh this is so incredibly succinct i will think about it forever
thank you! yeah i've been thinking about it a lot lately - i haven't read tva or qotd yet, but that's been my main takeaway about armand in iwtv and tvl, especially the latter. marius kind of explains away armand's Issues as being a product of his youth, and while that's clearly part of what's going on (who among us had a stable sense of self at 14/15?), you really can't separate that out from the trauma of his past and the way he was defined and continues to define himself through his relationship to other people/cults. marius could've waited another two decades and i don't think the situation would've actually been much better...
anyway, hate to give props to lestat, but he probably did say it best: "It was as if he had no real substance. Only will kept him robust and beautiful. And when the flow of his will was interrupted, he melted like a wax doll.“
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blueiight · 2 years
🔥 the vc books
the racist tropes in them is my #1 biggest issue & the most poorly wrote aspects of them all.. unresolved plot threads, freudian creepy incestuous undertones is part & parcel for the genre. and anne rice’s absurdity is almost enjoyable / self aware at times. & i think the incestuous / gendered dynamics r actually handled w a bit more nuance than any of wdf this series posits on race. i am slogging thru a reread bc hearing about how lestat “didnt trust human slaves” & lewis pontificating on the nature of black ppl in captivity he declares his property v. free black ppl makes me want to gouge my eyes out. by the time i get to poor benji i will self immolate and this blog will no longer exist. + the pseudohistorical interest in the roman empire& egyptology 101 knowledge off 99 cent bookstores is cutenall but placed in the wider context of this fangirling over the antebellum period it becomes troubling…seriously need a close study on rice’s obsession w ‘bloods’ of races or w/e ‘mixing’ and the ‘african’ being ‘cleansed’ by euro/other ‘admixture’ it gets weird + tiring to read. the fandom’s greater refusal to even acknowledge, much less subvert these racialist aspects [in fact, even reinforcing them in the fanon perception of armand’s backstory] before during & even after the amc series by n large is why i could never bring myself to engage w them until the show came out, not sorry. n its not cuz i think u can be a ‘good’ owner i want a vc rewrite where the european investor in slavery creates the american slave owner + theyre parasites to black flesh. cuz being this regressive about race even in the 70s knowing all the advances around the world at the time w race is just inexcusable. im forever grateful for the modern show adaptation for being unafraid to tackle this tho.
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viciousland · 1 year
Gracias a @puentera y sus fics no puedo evitar pensar en las hijas de oldmaniel y como Kyoto de Phoebe Bridgers es básicamente la canción de ese trío.
Extraño a esa complicada pero hermosa relación. Realmente espero que en ese universo, las chicas encuentren felicidad y paz.
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claudia-kishi · 1 year
fire emoji superstore ?
HNGGASLKDFJALKSDJFLKASJDF amyjonah is actually perfect. except for the way they got together. i remember when the goddamn sex tape thing happened and i feel like fandom was freaking the fuck out. i was not. i was just disgusted bc that was so ooc and it was kinda fucked to hear the showrunner (i think it was him) be like yeah we want amy to be miserable and for shit to happen to her basically it was odddddd!!!!!!!!! very odd!!!!!!!!
but besides that i think they are 1 of the very very very few couples that worked after they got together. but fuck man that was so bad it was like they didn't know how to actually get them together so they said oh let's have them stream a sex tape that'd be hilarious ha ha ha!!!!!!! (it's not)
send me 🔥 and a topic for an unpopular opinion lulz
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deanmarywinchester · 2 years
HUGE win for the me community !!!!
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jennaflare · 2 years
the first season of batwoman is practically unwatchable because ruby rose cannot carry a scene, but after she leaves, javicia leslie steps in as ryan wilder and the show becomes not just enjoyable, but sometimes it even manages to be good!
with javicia as the lead, the cast becomes a round-up of very charismatic actors who all have great screen chemistry, and the actions scenes tend to be very good. the interpersonal dynamics are pretty well-done as well! also it's just fun to watch a show in which all the romantic drama is about lesbians.
i did suffer through the first season because i wanted to see meagan tandy, but you can totally skip it and read the episode summaries when in doubt.
Ok ok Ruby Rose was basically why I hadn't watched so im glad to hear she's out of there! I'll definitely have to check it out
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nightlyponder · 1 year
top five short stories? uwu
gotta think real hard on all the short story collections and anthologies i've read
the jaunt by stephen king - a cosmic horror type short story but not in terms of monsters but in spacetime travel
the star by arthur c clarke - a religious scifi story
andwanikadjigan from the anthology Love After the End: An Anthology of Two-Spirit & Indigiqueer Speculative Fiction, by Joshua Whitehead - while i cant remember what it's about, i rated it 5/5 on my storygraph so yea
the lottery by shirley jackson - absolute classic, had to create an art project for it in high school and it was one of my favorite assignments
the ones who stay and fight from the short story collection How Long Til Black Future Month by nk jemisin - her response to ursula k lein's short story The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
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tofixtheshadows · 2 years
4 6 and 11?
You said that rock and roll is dead. But is that just because it has not been Resurrected in your image?
I tried to warn you when you were a child I told you not to get lost in the wild I sent omens and all kinds of signs I taught you melodies, poems, and rhymes
In the wild wild wailing of wind, he's a house 'neath a soft yellow moon So blue, blue caravan, won't you carry me down to him soon?
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caminadrummer · 2 years
y 22 :)
graciassss ♥
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
oh god i barely left my house the whole year lmfao ummmm sorry i've literally been staring at this text box for a million years and i can't think of anything fjadkjflasdkfjasdf gotta fix that this year jesus christ
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antigorite · 2 years
17, 33, 84?
Oooh multiple ones! Thank you! #17 is Shepard of Fire by Avenged Sevenfold which is umm from the perspective of the devil trying to appeal to the listener and I'll go with the first line:
'Let's take a moment to break the ice, so my intentions are known'
bc whooow you introduce yourself as 'shepard of fire' and then you start off by breaking the ice?? Religious symbolism and meaningful imagery involving elements?? Yes please
Number 33 is Winter by Oceans of Slumber which is a love/heartbreak song and I'll take the line:
'The autumn wind it seems has passed me by, the winter's cold has trapped my soul beneath the ice'
(NOT the point but I very much do miss autumn already)
Number 84 is Stone Wings by Swallow the Sun and man the whole song is so poetic but I really like the line:
'the river flows deep, through my heart and through my eyes'
Send me a number from 1-100 and I’ll reply with my fave lyrics from the corresponding song on my wrapped playlist!
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libraryleopard · 2 years
re ur tags yes :) that was chip
okay yeah that absolutely checks out
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blueiight · 1 year
oooh i was in class earlier but i saw you got vane in the black sails poll and he's the character who quotes "get on with it motherfucker" on screen! bit of a mess of a character in reality but some parts of his arc are excellent and but the version of him that exists in my mind is so good
get on w/ it mf is def a yani turn of phrase. i think ive heard from ppl his arc would read better if he was a black man/man of color v. being white& idk how true or false that is but its definitely an interesting thought! thanks for explaining the result :)🤎
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breha · 1 year
there's a great interview clip with eric bogosian where the way he sums up daniel's whole deal in dubai is that daniel is terrified and he sublimates his fear into anger, so the more scared he is, the more angry he gets. and like. kicking at what grabbed you in the dark is not a famously rational or complex way to attack someone. sometimes daniel is reacting incisively and constructively to the narrative and sometimes he is just grabbing whatever is at hand that might put louis on the defensive or give himself a leg up and chucking it, and louis knows this, and he does things to throw daniel off balance on purpose all the time– there's another interview clip where jacob anderson says that he thinks a lot about like, ok, what percentage of what i'm doing right now is just to fuck with this guy? the web of power between them is so complicated and they're both living in glass houses full of bullshit and each of them is determined to WIN whatever the hell this interaction is, which daniel certainly feels like he's doing at the end of episode 7, and to paraphrase the immortal words of tumblr user puentera louis should put him in a blender
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crazykuroneko · 1 year
IWTV Fanfiction Recommendations 🫶
I think I have read enough IWTV fics now, so I will list the ones I've bookmarked. All Loustat unless stated otherwise. And since I limit the number of on-going fics I read, you will find mostly completed, one shots, or serialized one-shot fics here. ❤️ means personal favorite. (Also, I don't always remember the author's Tumblr username, so if you know the ones I didn't link, please tell me)
AMC IWTV-verse fics
on brûlera toutes les deux en enfer, mon ange by Tash_ka ❤️
An Episode 5 divergent AU where Lestat's protective side kicked in when he looked at Claudia when she came back. Perfect serotonin and great resolution. Read the sequel as well
outcast of all this night by @puentera
Armand/Daniel, after Daniel came home from Dubai. A must read for Devil's Minion enthusiasts imo. Love the travelling and Daniel's daughters. Check other titles under the series as well.
fear death by water (what the thunder said) by @lgbtiwtv
In which Louis decided not to go with Claudia after Ep 7 and tended to Lestat instead. Or "Louis Phantom Thread-ing Lestat" as I affectionately call it. Love the language and Louis' internal conflict.
The Unreleased Interviews of Louis de Pointe du Lac by @fablesdelightme
Aka "extra" interviews Louis did to accompany his interview in the show. Personally, it's hard for me to read first person POV, but author captures Louis' voice well. Nice to challenge your interpretation of the show. My personal favorite of the series is Light of My Life, or The Lullaby ❤️. I love the romanticism in the words. But overall, a very beautiful series. Not all is Loustat, so mind the tags.
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same (modern loustat series) by @thefairylights ❤️
The modern rock star!Lestat AU we all need where Loustat (finally) see a therapist! A mix between show and book-verse' canon. A fun light read with the perfect amount of fluff and angst. My personal favorites from the series are There is an indentation in the shape of you, made your mark on me, a golden tattoo and Here lies a heart that feels touched by fire, howling at the moon for you.
The Right Regrets by @dreamofme9 ❤️
You want to cry while reading the longest most romantic sex scene ever? This is it. I mean, fr the internal conflict Louis is having and all the love he feels for both Lestat and Claudia is 🤌
Basically, all fics written by @amc-iwtv
She has my favorite "voice" for both Louis and Lestat it's insane. My favorites are Valentine Medley ❤️, Bed Death (Loumand, with Loustat in the shadow), Familiar Taste of Poison (this fic is basically half canon for me idc), Written In The Stars Above (a very hot '80s rock star Lestat AU) ❤️, God Complex (Crazy In Love) (that Ep 6 scene from Lestat's POV).
Is It Too Much? by @thatgothicgay ❤️
aka what if Louis didn't say yes at the church and Loustat somehow found a way to communicate better. Love how the series handle the show's conflicts. Has a lot of de Pointe du Lacs feels. The sequel is on-going and worth the wait.
My Companion Heart by @mythicaltzu ❤️
Vampiric modern AU with satisfying murder mystery. Love the ending and Louis' characterization here.
Let the Tale Seduce You by (again) @mythicaltzu
Very different and intriguing take on the "unreliable narrator".
All the Ashes in My Wake by jeremystollemyheart
In the spirit of erasing Talbot from the show 🫡, what if it's Louis who's there with Lestat during the TOTBT suicide attempt? Short, but beautiful
Whispers in my mind by @nalyra-dreaming
It's written for me but idc lol. Beautiful fic of Louis' internal conflict in trying to free himself from Lestat's shadow post-Rue Royale until he realizes everything crumbling down again
These devils of yours, they need love too by (again) @thefairylights
In which Louis finally asked Lestat to kill Antoinette for him when Claudia was still away but somehow found it didn't change anything for him. The angst towards the end 🤌
your mouth and madness by @brightfelon ❤️
A non-vampiric modern AU of four-way Lestat/Louis/Armand/Daniel polycule aka Thee Polycule fic. Idk how to describe it except (insert that Lady Gaga's talented, incredible, amazing etc etc gif here). I think we should pitch this fic to Rolin so he would produce a spin-off series based on this fr. Light read, fun, right amount of angst, yet still tackling the conflicts the characters face in the show
Book-verse fics
Begin Again by @licncourt
My first loustat fic I read. Good for show-audience who haven't read the books but want to know loustat's relationship in the book-verse. Set after QotD (3rd book)
Experimental Methods by @zisurru
Loustat experimenting with Fareed's invention and everything that comes with it 😏
A Collected History of The Vampire Lestat (1968-1978) by @mutantmouse
it's rare for me to read epistolary fic, but I enjoyed this. very unique, and Loustat is all over the place. A glam rock and non-vampiric, but not really human either AU
Questions at Midnight by @sofipitch
A canon compliant AU from Prince Lestat era. I have to admit I like the idea of Rose, and this explores that in relation to Loustat.
L' Interversion by @calipsan
An AU where Louis went to Paris after being turned into vampire by other, found Lestat, and turned him instead. You don't really need to know the book canon for this.
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jennaflare · 2 years
👀 👀 👀
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Part of a photoset I have yet to complete!
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nightlyponder · 2 years
81, 7, 38?
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Someone asked for 81 already but I'll list it again. This is the band - not this specific song - that finally gave me the push to start learning how to play the guitar. Very slow progress so far but I adore this Australia metalcore band.
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Another Australian metalcore band! This is the only song I listen to from them, haven't gone to listen to more yet. This song has one of my favorite breakdowns though.
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More metal! This time a French band. The leading riff is commonly used for sound checks before metal concerts since it's so simple and honestly so iconic. Gojira has a lot of bangers.
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