puckpocketed · 8 hours
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80% hydration
added 5g of sugar to dough
6hrs room temp ferment, 6 hrs fridge
2x letter folds, 1x roll, 1x stitch
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puckpocketed · 14 days
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BOULE! happy addison pto to all that celebrate :)
Baked at 190°C, middle rack
scored pre-bake -> 5 min second score
water tray on bottom rack + brushed with water
35 mins bake -> remove water tray + let out steam -> 10 min bake
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puckpocketed · 1 day
sourdough propaganda is lying to u dont listen to them
hey. hey. do not throw away the discard of your sourdough. it is free bread. just put it in your mixing vessel of choice and add flour until that thirsty runny starter has eaten it all up (also a pinch of salt), until you got a ball of dough that is combined and smooth and doesn't stick to your hands too much when you touch it. rest it for 10 mins while you clean up a little and prep your toppings. choose some fancy eggs. maybe get some cheese. idk. whatever you have on toast usually. roll out the dough, you can use a pin or a wine bottle or the heel of your palm. u will have enough for one big disk or two thinner disks, whatever suits!
here is where the fun starts!! you can bake it. air fry it. i like to pan fry mine: go heat up your frying pan to medium-high. your choice of neutral oil, fry the dough on both sides. it will be easy to flip because its not a runny ass pancake. you now have flatbread. breakfast pizza. it will have a bit of complex flavour from the starter.
today i had mine with 3 small eggs, smothered in balsamic glaze and za'atar and sriracha. with a side of kimchi. and some english breakfast tea. tomorrow i might have it cut into strips and grilled with cheese and dipped into jammy boiled eggs. the next day i might do nutella and banana. the next day i might do maple sourcream and blueberries. life is so beautiful do NOT listen to sourdough discard propaganda!!!!!!!!!!!
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puckpocketed · 15 days
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Fed for 4 days every morning with 50g unbleached AP flour + 50ml warm water.
"Discarded" 100g every day [1]
Left unrefrigerated for all 4 days - daytime temps 7~20 degrees. nighttime temps 0~10 degrees [2]
Day 5 (today) starter doubled in volume
Ferment started ~9:30
100g starter, 375ml lukewarm water, 575g unbleached AP flour [3]
Mixed until just combined, left unrefrigerated between 10:00~22:30 -> ~12hrs
Folds and shaping -> 4x cardinal stretches, 2x letter folds with 2x rolls between them, 1x stitch. [4]
Left overnight in fridge at 0~1 degrees, seam side UP
[1] Discard was used to make flatbread for breakfast instead of thrown away.
75g flour and a generous pinch of salt mixed into the discard. Dough kneaded for 3~5 mins until smooth, then 1x stitch, then left seam side DOWN to rest for 10. After, dough was rolled out to ~4mm thick disc and fried on a lightly oiled pan (high) on both sides until desired browning was achieved.
Can be served with: compound butter (cumin, cayenne, paprika, minced garlic, chives), pesto (almonds), za'atar (store bought) + eggs, kimchi (store bought).
[2] These are approximations, room temperature not monitored throughout the day or night. It is currently the end of winter/beginning of spring. Bowl left out of direct sunlight, away from stove, covered with cling wrap <- will look into beeswax wrap instead SOON.
[3] Flour protein content ~10%. Sticking to plain for now for financial reasons </3
[4] Folds explained:
a) "Cardinal stretches" is a personal phrase I use, and refers to a set of stretches and tucks I use to help shape the dough + develop gluten.
Dough is first formed into a rough ball.
One side of the dough ball is taken in hand and stretched out - this is "North".
The stretched dough is then folded over the top of the dough ball "South" and tucked under itself.
Turn the bowl and repeat with East-West, South-North, West-East folds.
b) "Letter folds" like the ones used to laminate croissant layers! and "rolls" are simply rolling the dough up into a coil
Dough is stretched out into a rough square/rectangle shape.
Then it gets folded like a letter, resulting in a long rectangle of dough.
This is then rolled into a coil, like a big cinnamon scroll <3
c) "Stitch" is the process of pinching the dough into itself, from the outside into the centre, creating a "seal" of sorts. The pinches alternate left to right, like a zig-zag sewing stitch.
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puckpocketed · 3 days
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rookie faceoff loaf !! happy musty hatty to all that celebrate :3
85% hydration yielded a slightly flatter boule than usual… might be a shaping issue though? bit closer to ciabbatta in surface texture.
2hrs ferment at room temp, 10hrs ferment in fridge. only 1 set of folds performed 1 hr into warm ferment.
minimal shaping. 1x letter fold and roll, and stitching.
open crumb makes a great vessel for thicker spreads, sauces, soups (it is COLD!!!!) perhaps time to make more pesto……
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puckpocketed · 4 days
tomorrow is rookie faceoff loaf day… i think i score 13 into the boule in honour of musty’s hatty .
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puckpocketed · 1 month
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80% hydration
+3g salt
17hr slow + cold ferment @ ~2°C
1 set of folds approximately halfway through
1 set of folds + stitch before final rise
40 mins rise
tray of boiling water on bottom rack.
baked 3 racks from the top
brushed with water pre-bake
5 min -> second score
15 mins -> turn and move baking tray to the right
15 mins -> take water tray and let steam out
5 mins for crust browning
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puckpocketed · 2 months
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off-season loaf…!
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puckpocketed · 4 days
trying an 85% hydration dough for tomorrow.. 2hr warm + 10hr cold ferment at 0-2°C
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