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stochastique-blog · 4 days ago
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When you are stress-free, aware, and accepting of things as they are, able to see the possibilities available to you, and you have processes for making decision both on long- and short-term bases, you’ll be able to make conscious choices based on the best information available to you. ⁠ ⁠ Being confident and willing to make choices is an important skill. It can change your life in dramatic ways. A person who believes in themselves without relying on others will be able to take bold decisions.⁠ ⁠ There are several steps in which we can reach the state of being confident: awareness gives you access to see reality by determining facts vs your reactions to facts; acceptance let you stay in an objective way to accept the facts and accepting your reaction to them; Making a conscious choice gives you the ability to discern the facts without judging them which lead to future actions. ⁠ ⁠ When it comes to fearlessly making bold decisions are you making these out of love and curiosity or are you making these out of fear and judgments? ⁠ ⁠ Whenever we make a decision out of fear, the outcome and results are generally not sustainable. ⁠ ⁠ @elevatelifecoach⁠ ⁠ #communicationskills #lifecoachingtips #publicspeakingclass #lifecoachinghappiness #publicspeakingtraining #publicspeakingcoach #lifecoaching101 #publicspeakingtips #publicspeakingskills #publicspeakingsurabaya #publicspeakingschool #lifecoachingworks #trainingpublicspeaking #publicspeakingbandung #rachelhollisxlifecoaching #publicspeakingworkshop #lifecoachingformen #publicspeakingcourse #kursuspublicspeaking #thistooshallpass #inglesfluente #lifecoachingforwomen #pelatihanpublicspeaking #spirituallifecoaching #christianlifecoaching #trainerpublicspeaking #publicspeakingskill https://www.instagram.com/p/CIlvLYbFpf9/?igshid=1gg1xo6728c2k
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pelatihanpublicspeaking · 7 months ago
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Latar Belakang Pelatihan Public Speaking, TIPS Indonesia, 0858-5549-4440
https://wa.me/6285855494440, Pelatihan Public Speaking Bali, Pelatihan Public Speaking Bersertifikat, Pelatihan Public Speaking Bekasi, Pelatihan Public Speaking Bogor
Definisi public speaking
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Dasar-dasar public speaking
Keterampilan public speaking yang baik
Gambar public speaking
Topik public speaking untuk mahasiswa
Pengantar public speaking
Materi public speaking untuk pemula
informasi :
0858-5549-4440 (Ibu Arin)
0858-4027-8033 (Ibu Olla)
0878-3615-2078 (Ibu Dini)
0857-5505-9965 (Bapak Zidan)
0895-1481-0211 (Bapak Muchtar)
0858-5269-1077 (Ibu Mita)
Kami Juga Melayani:
1. Training Motivasi
2. Outbound
3. Leadership
4. Service Excellent
5. 8 Habit
6. Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
7. ESQ / Spiritual Motivation
8. NLP
9. Pelatihan Security
10. Dll
Public Speaking TIPS Indonesia
- Jl. Rawamangun Muka Raya, No. 5. Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur
- Griya Bintaro Indah Blok BB 3 No 2. Bekasi Barat 17134
- Jl. Nginden Semolo No. 2,sukolilo, Surabaya
- Perumahan Taman Landungsari Indah, No. N1, Malang
Media sosial :
○ www.outboundindonesia.com
○ www.songa-rafting.com
• www.rafting-pacet.com
○ https://www.instagram.com/trainingleadershipmalang/
○ https://www.instagram.com/coachingmalang/
○ https://www.youtube.com/@pusattrainingkaryawan
○ https://www.youtube.com/@jasaoutboundtrawas
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@tips.indonesia
○ https://www.tiktok.com/@provideroutboundbatu
#publicspeakingschool #publicspeakingskill
#publicspeakingsurabaya #publicspeakingsemarang           
#publicspeakingtrainer #publicspeakingtip
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public-speaking-blogs · 3 years ago
5 Reasons To Master The Art Of Public Speaking
Public speaking is a broad category that includes formal public speeches in front of large audiences—like a keynote address at a conference—and more informal speeches in front of smaller audiences—like a toast at a dinner party.
Good public speaking skills can benefit both your personal and professional life, and they are worth developing for a number of reasons:
To boost your confidence: 
Overcoming the fear of public speaking gives you poise and makes you less nervous in social situations.
To facilitate career advancement: 
Whether they help you perform better in job interviews or ace a big presentation, effective public speaking skills are essential for anyone who wants to be in a leadership position in the workplace. You can follow me on Instagram for more premium tips
To become a better communicator:
 Learning public speaking skills will make you reflect on and improve your overall communication skills. This helps you drop bad speaking habits and become a better communicator in your everyday life.
To expand your social and professional networks: 
The more engaging and captivating you are when speaking, the more others will want to interact with you. I have made free public speaking training for you, do have a look at it.
The confidence you build by honing your public speaking skills also makes you more likely to approach and converse with potential new friends and business partners.
To build your influence: 
Public speaking is an amazing tool for spreading your point of view. Whether your goal is to advocate for an important political cause or simply tell a funny story to a group of friends, improving your public speaking skills makes it easier to influence the reaction of your audience.
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indianmusk · 4 years ago
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It's Most simple Dale Carnegie rule -" If you are wrong then admit it" ⠀ .⠀ Because most people won't.⠀ .⠀ Would you please share you view via comment ?⠀ .⠀ ..⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #publicspeaking #publicspeakingtraining #publicspeakingclass #publicspeakingcoach #publicspeakingcourse #publicspeakingtips #publicspeakingskills #newyork #publicspeakingschool #publicspeakingbanjarbaru #PublicSpeakingBandung #publicspeakingandbusiness #publicspeakingclasses #publicspeakingtrainer #PublicSpeakingSkill #Publicspeakingsecrets #publicspeakingmastery #PublicSpeakingWorkshop #publicspeakingjogja #publicspeakingcourses #publicspeakingbali #publicspeakingmasterclass #publicspeakingmedan #publicspeakingNY #publicspeakingManhattan #publicspeakingsemarang #PublicSpeakingSeminar #PublicSpeakingJakarta #publicspeakingtasikmalaya #publicspeakingchallange https://www.instagram.com/p/CLHfxF2MKvU/?igshid=1bcd3ub0myc8i
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digitalempowercoach · 5 years ago
अगर आप अपनी पब्लिक स्पीकिंग स्किल सुधारना चाहते है तो इस विडीओ को देखे और शुरू करे इन फ़्री क्लब में सुधरे अपनी स्पीकिंग. . . . . . . . #publicspeaking #publicspeakingtraining #publicspeakingclass #publicspeakingcoach #publicspeakingcourse #publicspeakingtips #publicspeakingskills #publicspeaking101 #publicspeakingschool #publicspeakingbanjarbaru #PublicSpeakingBandung #publicspeakingandbusiness #publicspeakingclasses #publicspeakingtrainer #PublicSpeakingSkill #Publicspeakingsecrets #publicspeakingmastery #PublicSpeakingWorkshop #publicspeakingjogja #publicspeakingcourses #publicspeakingbali #publicspeakingmasterclass #publicspeakingmedan #publicspeakingNY #publicspeakingManhattan #publicspeakingsemarang #PublicSpeakingSeminar #PublicSpeakingJakarta #publicspeakingtasikmalaya #publicspeakingchallange https://www.instagram.com/p/B90mXQNlBif/?igshid=134m5bcqmin3y
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Hallo Pak @arrywidodo semoga semakin sukses yaa.. Terima kasih sudah mau belajar bersama di Ganesha Public Speaking. Beliau ini seorang dosen juga dan kemarin membawakan materi seputar kuda. Ayo mau belajar berkuda? Hubungi beliau ya.. Salam, www.GPSSbandung.com Call center : 0858-6000-0020 #GaneshaPublicSpeaking #PublicSpeaking #PublicSpeakingTraining #PublicSpeakingClass #PublicSpeakingTips #PublicSpeakingBandung #PublicSpeakingWorkshop #PublicSpeakingSchool #SekolahPublicSpeaking #SekolahPublicSpeakingBandung #KursusPublicSpeaking #TrainerPublicSpeaking #TipsPublicSpeaking #PresentationSkill #PublicSpeakingSkill #Bandung #BandungJuara #InfoSeminarBandung #InfoPelatihanBandung (di Ganesha Public Speaking)
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LANGSUNG SIMULASI, (WA/SMS/LINE) +62 812 1000 3396, Pelatihan Public Speaking
TRAINER BERPENGALAMAN, Cara Public Speaking, Belajar Public Speaking, Training Public Speaking Jakarta, Pelatihan Public Speaking, Tips Public Speaking
Pelatihan ini dirancang bagi para profesional yang harus berbicara di depan khalayak tertentu. Pelatihan ini juga cocok untuk pembicara baru yang mencari ide dan strategi baru sebelum mereka mulai membuat presentasi.
Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara di depan umum dengan mempelajari beberapa teknik baru yang akan menambahkan sisi persuasif dalam presentasi, serta memetakan pertanyaan sulit atau menyajikan informasi yang sangat terperinci.
Tujuan Pelatihan :
-                Memahami definisi berbicara di depan umum dan faktor-faktornya
-                (perencanaan, presentasi, dll.)
-                Mempelajari kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, memahami profil khalayak, dan memahami bahasa tubuh
-                Beberapa tips untuk membangun situasi nyaman dalam percakapan dengan orang lain
-                Memahami prinsip pendengar yang baik, merumuskan struktur gagasan, dan merancang proses untuk mengatur gagasan
-                Mengontrol kegugupan, situasi tak terduga selama presentasi berbicara di depan umum
-                Merumuskan pembukaan dan penutup yang baik dalam public speaking
Target Peserta :
Setiap profesional di berbagai level yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara di depan umum yang akan menguntungkan kehidupan pribadi dan profesional mereka.
Durasi Program:
2 hari – Latihan langsung
Professional Development Specialist
HEXA Edu. (Authorized Associate Marketer)
CP. Riri A. (WA/SMS/Line) +62 812 1000 3396
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elevatelifecoach · 4 years ago
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When you are stress-free, aware, and accepting of things as they are, able to see the possibilities available to you, and you have processes for making decision both on long- and short-term bases, you’ll be able to make conscious choices based on the best information available to you. ⁠ ⁠ Being confident and willing to make choices is an important skill. It can change your life in dramatic ways. A person who believes in themselves without relying on others will be able to take bold decisions.⁠ ⁠ There are several steps in which we can reach the state of being confident: awareness gives you access to see reality by determining facts vs your reactions to facts; acceptance let you stay in an objective way to accept the facts and accepting your reaction to them; Making a conscious choice gives you the ability to discern the facts without judging them which lead to future actions. ⁠ ⁠ When it comes to fearlessly making bold decisions are you making these out of love and curiosity or are you making these out of fear and judgments? ⁠ ⁠ Whenever we make a decision out of fear, the outcome and results are generally not sustainable. ⁠ ⁠ @elevatelifecoach⁠ ⁠ #communicationskills #lifecoachingtips #publicspeakingclass #lifecoachinghappiness #publicspeakingtraining #publicspeakingcoach #lifecoaching101 #publicspeakingtips #publicspeakingskills #publicspeakingsurabaya #publicspeakingschool #lifecoachingworks #trainingpublicspeaking #publicspeakingbandung #rachelhollisxlifecoaching #publicspeakingworkshop #lifecoachingformen #publicspeakingcourse #kursuspublicspeaking #thistooshallpass #inglesfluente #lifecoachingforwomen #pelatihanpublicspeaking #spirituallifecoaching #christianlifecoaching #trainerpublicspeaking #publicspeakingskill https://www.instagram.com/p/CIlvLYbFpf9/?igshid=1gg1xo6728c2k
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oratoriamoderna-blog · 7 years ago
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¡3 cupos disponibles! #Caracas ¡INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTAS! SÁBADO 18 Y DOMINGO 19 DE #NOVIEMBRE #Caracas #Curso de #Oratoria ® y #Presentaciones Eficaces. #OratoriaCaracas #OratoriaModerna #OratoriaCcs #OratoriaTV #ORATORIAVENEZUELA #PublicSpeaking #HablarEnPúblico #Cellamare #Comunicación #Creativa #publicspeakingskills #publicspeakingschool #publicspeakingacademy #CursoDeOratoria #spanishlanguage #FELICITACIONES #mikecellamare #director #publicspeaker Visita www.cursodeoratoria.com / [email protected] 0414-5995467
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public-speaking-blogs · 3 years ago
5 Easy Steps To Becoming a Great Public Speaker
If the idea of delivering a speech to an audience makes your palms sweat, hopefully, you can find some reassurance in the fact that you’re not the only one who has this reaction.  Research indicates that one in five people experience public speaking anxiety, making it one of the most common types of anxiety today.
Today I am sharing 5 easy steps that can help you to become a great public speaker. Also, Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for my premium public speaking content.
#1: Breath
When you’re nervous, your heart rate speeds up, you begin to sweat, and—if you’re not careful—you can easily work yourself into an anxiety attack. To help control all of these responses, take a few minutes before delivering your speech to close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths.
#2: Admit Your Nervousness
Even the most seasoned public speaker can feel nervous on stage. The harder you try to conceal this nervousness, the easier it will likely show through. Yet, admitting that speaking makes you anxious can actually help put both you and your audience at ease. 
#3: Become Comfortable with “The Pause”
One of the biggest distractions as an audience member is a speaker who constantly says “uh” or “um.” These fillers are typically used as a way to say something, anything, while you’re thinking of your next point. But you can attend my free training and learn all these skills.
#4: Be Aware of Your Hand Gestures
Have you ever talked to someone who is all worked up and noticed that their hands are flailing wildly? Some people naturally speak with their hands. When they’re nervous, this type of gesturing can ramp up. While some hand movement is a great way to emphasize certain points, it’s also important to not let these movements distract from what you’re trying to say.
#5: Record Yourself Speaking
This final public speaking tip is intended to help you recognize how you may come across to an audience. When you record yourself speaking and watch it back, you may notice that you do things that you didn’t even realize. This provides the opportunity to correct these issues before being in front of a live audience.
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indianmusk · 4 years ago
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Hi there, -- What do you think about it ? {Would you please comment down below your valuable suggestion } . Q. Why Would you read books with me at @harsh_since2020? Ans * Then , read the books in no time here in my feed @harsh_since2020 *Get most out of a book *Learn -Apply and Share ( motto of books sharing) . thanks @harsh_since2020 . . . . . . . . #publicspeaking #publicspeakingtraining #publicspeakingclass #publicspeakingcoach #publicspeakingcourse #publicspeakingtips #publicspeakingskills #publicspeaking101 #publicspeakingschool #publicspeakingbanjarbaru #PublicSpeakingBandung #publicspeakingandbusiness #publicspeakingclasses #publicspeakingtrainer #PublicSpeakingSkill #Publicspeakingsecrets #publicspeakingmastery #PublicSpeakingWorkshop #publicspeakingjogja #publicspeakingcourses #publicspeakingbali #publicspeakingmasterclass #publicspeakingmedan #publicspeakingNY #publicspeakingManhattan #publicspeakingsemarang #PublicSpeakingSeminar #PublicSpeakingJakarta #publicspeakingtasikmalaya #publicspeakingchallange (at Jaipur, Rajasthan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwB1XtJshN/?igshid=1lu05ratl81w7
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bliteworld · 7 years ago
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Push it to the limit!!! #karyaanakbangsa #publicspeakingschool #outbond (at Karya Anak Bangsa BATAM)
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Selamat atas kelulusan para peserta #AdvancedPublicSpeaking batch 160 yaa.. Semangat terus berlatih. Semoga semakin sukses dan terbantu setiap kariernya salah satunya dengan bekal Public Speaking skill. Sukses untuk semuanya.. Salam, www.GPSSbandung.com 0858-6000-0020 #GaneshaPublicSpeaking #PublicSpeaking #PublicSpeakingTraining #PublicSpeakingClass #PublicSpeakingTips #PublicSpeakingBandung #PublicSpeakingWorkshop #PublicSpeakingSchool #SekolahPublicSpeaking #SekolahPublicSpeakingBandung #KursusPublicSpeaking #TrainerPublicSpeaking #TipsPublicSpeaking #PresentationSkill #PublicSpeakingSkill #Bandung #BandungJuara #InfoSeminarBandung #InfoPelatihanBandung (di Ganesha Public Speaking)
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Free dyslexia / public speaking live chat show, anyone? Register now!❤ https://mailchi.mp/trevorhenderson.co.uk/chatshow Date: 23 February 2020 Time: 9pm UK time Happening via Zoom Cloud Meetings app (download via App store or Google Playstore) #dyslexickids #dyslexicstrengths #dyslexiapower #dyslexiaawarenessmonth #dyslexiaisagift #dyslexi #dyslexiateacher #dyslexia #dyslexiclife #dyslexic #dyslexie #dyslexicthinking #dyslexiatherapy #dyslexiasupport #publicspeakingskill #publicspeakingskills #publicspeakingclass #publicspeakingtraining #publicspeakingtips #publicspeaking #publicspeakingcoach #publicspeakingschool #publicspeakers #publicspeaker #dyslexiaawareness #decodingdyslexia #dyslexicandproud #dyslexicandproud #dyslexiaeducation #dyslexics https://www.instagram.com/p/B84KoMiBgx9/?igshid=ry0u0f8wwf0z
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oratoriamoderna-blog · 7 years ago
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¡3 cupos disponibles! #Caracas ¡INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTAS! SÁBADO 18 Y DOMINGO 19 DE #NOVIEMBRE #Caracas #Curso de #Oratoria ® y #Presentaciones Eficaces. #OratoriaCaracas #OratoriaModerna #OratoriaCcs #OratoriaTV #ORATORIAVENEZUELA #PublicSpeaking #HablarEnPúblico #Cellamare #Comunicación #Creativa #publicspeakingskills #publicspeakingschool #publicspeakingacademy #CursoDeOratoria #spanishlanguage #FELICITACIONES #mikecellamare #director #publicspeaker Visita www.cursodeoratoria.com / [email protected] 0414-5995467
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abdelkrimamrani-blog · 7 years ago
Social Media Public Speaking in Classroom
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