#pub craw meme
herohikara-wol · 4 months
Pub Crawl: Hero Shadeseer
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(Picture taken before disaster-bun was allowed to poison his system)
Bold the choice that applies the most for each pub.
Italic other likely possibilities
Pub 1
Huddles in a corner staring wide-eyed at the group and wonders how they got there in the first place | Sits off to the side, sipping something non-alcoholic and watches the antics | Cheerfully sits with the group and drinks their first round | Calls for a round of shots to get the party started | Hangs our near the center of things, telling stories and cracking jokes 
Pub 2
Finds a new corner to huddle in, growing increasingly concerned as the drinks flow | Relents and orders a glass of wine to nurse through the next ice age | Laughs and chats with the group, drinking the drinks and enjoying the camaraderie | Is off flirting and chatting with someone. | Has made friends with the pub’s musician and is on stage singing and/or dancing a jig 
Pub 3
Has been kidnapped by a roving gang of pirates (ironically also on a pub crawl of their own) | Goes on an impromptu pirate hunt because fuck those pirate! | On a third glass of wine and starting to let flow all sorts of interesting self details | Has managed to spontaneously get half the bar to sing a drinking song | Has hooked up, proposed, and split up at least twice thus far and is working on their rebound third | Disappeared into a back alley with a shady looking character leaving assurances of picking something up to “liven things up a little” 
Pub 4
After astonishing the pirates with fancy swordplay, is now being ferried around by the them on a makeshift palanquin as their “Pirate Lord”  | Beyond wine drunk and keeps losing layers because it’s “too hot” | Is engaging in some cross group friendly rivalry in the ages old combination of booze and hurling sharp objects at a target | Passed out in the gutter halfway to the fourth pub | Whether it is incendiaries or herding the entire crew onto an impromptu dragon flight, whatever surprise is planned will be memorable 
Tagged by: @fair-fae who did not know that Hero is a lightweight but does know that Hero is always down to party!
Tagging: @beetlebrownleaf, @ishgard, @nozomikei, @tcfactory, and anyone else who's interested! Don't be shy!
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