swimmiey · 8 years
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So tomorrow I'll finally meet some of the amazing people I've been talking to online. They all are fellow IIH sufferers and I don't know what to do without them. It's so nice to talk to someone who knows what it's like to have IIH. I'm really looking forward to meeting them in real life. We are having an iih lunch tomorrow. ************************************************* I don't have much to update on for now. I'm still very disappointed about my new neurosurgeon being out of office for an undefined period. The little light at the end of the tunnel that was starting to get brighter and brighter just disappeared completely after finding out, because I don't know how long this will take now. I don't know when I will have the surgery I need to ease this pressure and pain. Friday I'll be having an ultrasound done to check where they want to place my port. They prefer to do it on the left side again, because of my arm thrombosis and shunt being on the right, but it might not be possible because of scare tissue. He said there's a chance he needs to place a port in my arm instead of my chest and the ultrasound is to look for what's the best place to have my port. But he said there's a chance he will only find out during surgery the place he has in mind isn't possible and he need to switch places. That's one of the reasons I'll be on general anesthesia instead of local like they most of the times do. Also the scar tissue is one of the reasons for general, he said because of that it probably remains painful when it's done with local. Wishing you all a nice weekend. ************************************************* #chronicillness #invisibleillness #intracranialhypertension #iihsucks #pseudotumorcerebri #spoonieproblems #portacath #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #bravedutchies #iihlunch #ptcbuddies #electrolyteimbalance #surgery #shuntlife #spoonielife #shuntproblems #shuntrevision #vpshunt #lpshunt #ultrasound #myheadhurts #headachefromhell #butyoudontlooksick #sickandtiredofbeingsickandtired #sickbutstrong #totiredtofunction #ineedanap #ineedacure #icantdothisanymore
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