#ptah kghtfnagh kailash
mostspecialgirl · 4 months
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recent relicverse doodles
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mostspecialgirl · 4 months
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the dead-ones initial design conception
hello everyone reading my 0 notes post and welcome back to another quick oc rambling session. since i’ve mentioned them in the script for the upcoming video i thought i should probably get some designs down.
the dead-ones are the relicverse’s equivalent to the night-gaunts. if you’re unaware, the relicverse’s GENESIS EARTH serves as an extreme alternate history of lovecraftian mythos (essentially just so i can have an excuse to use a bunch of cool names and ideas and run down completely different paths with them).
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screenshot from obsidian
One of the key changes in the Relicverse is the fact the Dreamlands don’t exist, and the presence of The Ancients. The Night-gaunts however, still exist within Voidgulf (as do many other creatures throughout the plane in general on a variety of different planets) but due to Nodens not existing (the closest manifestation being Relic Earth’s 'Father') they’re instead brought together by Ptah Kghtfnagh Kailash, who through the usage of the Red Book restructured their physiology to 'improve' into another species entirely, that being the Dead-Ones.
Serving as Ptah’s workforce, they’re near constantly always constantly at his side when not at work, his eternal species of laborer’s whose managed to essentially create his own personal group of Ancients for himself, albeit with much less individuality. it’s truly no wonder why Minette wants him dead. The relationship between Ptah and the Dead-Ones is give and take however, their loyalty to him well earned, and Ptah never forcing them to do anything they don’t want to. After all, Ptah’s the kind who isn’t satisfied unless he’s the one getting his hands dirty. It’s honestly a little funny, seeing as Ptah uses them to senselessly kill and take lives in his name without showing a hint of remorse, but cares for his Dead-Ones in earnest. Obviously, it’s because they have become his 'art' through the Red Book.
dead-ones aside, i’m going to see if i can design guan liang tonight so i can finish up some preliminary work for the video. i’d like to get most of my voice lines sent in before I really set out to finish it.
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mostspecialgirl · 4 months
another oc video on the way (though, it’s not like anyone really cares) final thing should be about 4-5 minutes long? maybe a lil more? it’ll depend on how the final audio track shapes out when i get the rest of my voice lines in
little bit of oc rambling below as usual
this video is MAYBE the first mention of the 'high calamity' title i’ve made outside of unavailable resources?? when would i have the time to mention this?? so i just wanted to ramble about that a little bit.
the planeswalker association assigns threat levels to all planeswalkers they have on record, as well as those who are not ACTIVELY planeswalking but hold the capability to. (which is a system that the council within alejandro uses as well!!! read alejandro!!!) the highest ranking being mercedonius, the 'most wanted' of the planeswalker association if you will (though, rankings aren’t exclusive to criminals).
mercedonius is a bit of a 'catch-all' ranking, with those in decembrain (the rank below, and the OFFICIAL 'highest threat level' known on public record) consisting of individuals who pose REALISTIC amounts of potential threat despite their power already being pretty absurd. (including beings like dana sinai, enstorm savant, and minette kailash) mercedonius, on the other hand, is reserved for those whose powers defy understanding, beings beyond 'the rules' of the sea of stars, outliers to reality’s established rules.
the highest mercedonius level threats specifically, those who actively pose the most present danger to the planeswalker association, planeswalking as a whole and the stability of the sea of stars itself are branded as High Calamities, a status kept buried under the highest clearances at the Planeswalker Association. A title reserved for beings actively being monitored as they struggle to put together any possibly contingency plans in the event of these calamities turn openly hostile, or begin to change the balance of The Rim.
i post about some of the high calamities a fair bit already, even on tumblr some of them already have their own tags, so maybe you’ll recognize them. here’s a list of them
HC-00 “Founder” Ging
HC-01 “Vizier” Trinajm
HC-02 “Capo” Ptah (Kghtfnagh Kailash)
HC-03 “King” Father
HC-04 “Queen” Miwa (Nayra Medulosk)
HC-05 “Sultan” Azrael Thoth Astur
HC-07 “Heir” Alejandro Steamship Nihilo (Calamity Status Cancelled)
HC-07 “President” Yama Materia (Qiyama Dreadnaught Nihilo)
HC-08 ???
HX-09 ???
HC-10 “Lord” Demiurge
eventually, i’d like to have ten (or eleven, rather) squeezed into the lore but as of right now, those positions remain unwritten, so we’re at 8. i’ve certainly got some ideas, though.
thanks for reading this nonsense
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