nochiquinn · 2 years
first episode of the psychonauts documentary is really just hammering home the fact that any video game ever hitting the market is a complete miracle
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nochi-quinn · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Proving I'm still working on Never Limited and Never Complete even with Fallout's vice-grip on my soul
Frazie trailed behind Lizzie down the hallway, flexing her hands at her sides and trying to control her breathing. She’d already been wound up over the Wall, and then Norma showed up. She’d at least refrained from insulting her family this time, but seemed to have replaced it with being a know-it-all.
Unless the book was a jab in and of itself. Our family followed us when yours won’t. She knew Lizzie hadn’t knowingly poked the exposed nerve that was her family, but that hadn’t stopped it from hurting. Everything about this place seemed determined to stomp right on it, bringing up her brother or grandmother every time she introduced herself, or plastering her name on their breeding registry – after Lizzie’s explanation it was difficult to think of it as anything else – before she’d even moved in properly.
She was pulled between two worlds, one that revered her family for being psychic and the other trying to pretend they weren’t, and it was fucking exhausting.
But that wasn’t Lizzie’s fault. She shouldn’t be mad at her for having a supportive family just because hers was complicated and difficult. So she took a deep breath, closed her fists to stop her fingers twitching, and breathed out her frustration in a long, slow sigh. “Hey,” she called ahead, taking a couple of long strides to catch up with Lizzie. “Sorry.”
“I’m sorry,” Lizzie said. “I should have thought before opening my fat mouth.”
“Your mouth’s not fat,” Frazie said. “None of my shit is your fault, don’t feel bad about it.”
“I feel bad for you,” Lizzie said, and Frazie just looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “Not like, in a pity party way,” she added quickly. “Just like. You don’t deserve that.” She shoved her hands deep into her pockets. “No one does.”
Frazie had just opened her mouth to respond when they approached a set of double-doors. “Look, the gym!” Lizzie announced with what could only be described as relief.
Frazie pressed her lips together tightly. She didn’t know Lizzie well enough to argue with her, which was a small shock to realize. They’d spent so much of the past two days and Lizzie knew so much about her, but she knew relatively little about Lizzie in return.
Only time would rectify that, as much as it grated on her nerves. So she followed after Lizzie with her fingers back to flexing at her sides, continuing the tour of what was apparently her new home, at least for a while.
Her irritation was shoved to the back of her mind when they passed the double doors (and Thinkerprint scan) into the gym. It was huge, at least as big as the library, but much more open. Tumbling mats and parallel bars and an honest-to-god trapeze, with actual cables like her father had always wanted to replace their ropes with.
“Go on,” Lizzie said, and when Frazie looked over she had a fond smile on her face. “You know you wanna.”
“What, did my brother start cartwheeling all over the place?”
“I dunno.” Lizzie shrugged. “But you look like a kid in a candy store.”
Why that made her flush Frazie didn’t know, but she redirected it by slipping out of her shoes and heading for the tumbling mat. The shirt wasn’t the best for acrobatics, but at least she’d worn leggings instead of jeans. She picked up speed as she approached the mat, turning a cartwheel as soon as she reached the edge. She stumbled on the landing, not used to the give of a mat versus hard-packed earth, but managed a second flip regardless.
Lizzie applauded behind her, and she grinned as she turned and took a bow. “Surely that’s not the first cartwheel you’ve ever seen,” she laughed.
“First professional cartwheel,” Lizzie responded. “I mean yeah, your brother, but that’s usually in training or whatever. And usually off a lev ball.” Her eyes lit up. “Oh shit, you’re gonna be unstoppable with a lev ball.”
Frazie paused, caught between two reactions. The thought of being able to launch herself higher and with more control made a dozen possible routines jump to mind...followed swiftly by the fact that her mother would never allow any of them to use their abilities on the stage.
“Hey.” Lizzie’s voice shook her out of her thoughts, and she gave a quick, unconvincing smile.
“I’m fine,” she said, and went into a backbend to avoid seeing Lizzie’s reaction.
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pyrokenes1s · 3 years
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Well, since I can't animate, here's an AU to compensate. I've had this idea for a while. Its an AU where Raz loses control of his emotions when Ford tells him about hiding Lucy amongst his family. His 3-day acquired trauma (which he hasn't had time to process because he's 10) and his anger only push him further to become hateful of the Psychonauts and furthermore, his family. He seperates and isolates himself. Instead, his father stands up to and defeats Maligula. A few months afterwords, his family (including Dion) is worried about now, about where Raz is. Frazie, while exploring the forest beyond the camp grounds, finds Raz.... But he's different. Angry. Fearful. But on the inside he's just a scared traumatized boy who thinks everyone hates him for backing down when things were too much. Frazie knows this. She thinks she is able to help Raz, if she could just get into his mind somehow...
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wildwechselmagazin · 5 years
Stadt Marburg begrüßt Erstsemester mit Fest auf dem Marktplatz
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Bürgermeister Wieland Stötzel (rechts) im Gespräch mit den Organisatoren Johannes Maaser (Mitte) und Christian Ackermann (links) vom Fachdienst Gefahrenabwehr der Stadt Marburg. | Foto: Stefanie Profus, Stadt Marburg  Seit Montag sind sie in der Marburg: die neuen Studierenden der Philipps-Universität. Auch die Stadt hat die Erstsemester mit einem Willkommensfest begrüßt und die Neuzugänge zum aktiven Teilhaben und Mitwirken an Marburgs Vielfalt, Kultur und ehrenamtlichen Engagement eingeladen. Bürgermeister Wieland Stötzel begrüßte die jungen Frauen und Männer auf dem Marktplatz. „Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich als Erstsemester der Philipps-Universität Marburg für unsere schöne Stadt zum Studieren entschieden haben und begrüßen Sie ganz herzlich“, sagte Bürgermeister Wieland Stötzel auf dem Marktplatz. „Sie werden sehen, dass Ihr Studienstandort einiges zu bieten hat“, so der Bürgermeister weiter: „Wer sich an Entwicklungsprozessen beteiligen und ehrenamtlich engagieren möchte, ist in Marburg genau richtig. Bei unserem Fest können Sie sich einen Eindruck von Marburgs Vielfalt, Kultur und Engagement verschaffen!“ Rund 40 Vereine, Initiativen sowie Ortsbeiräte der Marburger Stadtteile stellten ihre Aktivitäten vor. Auch die Stadt selbst war vertreten mit AquaMar, Ausländerbehörde, Bürger*innenbeteiligung, Fachdienst Altenplanung, Fachdienst Migration und Flüchtlingshilfe, Fachdienst Umwelt- und Naturschutz, Fairer Handel und Abfallwirtschaft, Gleichstellungsreferat, Jugendförderung, Marburg Stadt und Land Tourismus GmbH, dem Stadtbüro und der Feuerwehr. Auch die Polizei war mit einem Stand vertreten. Das Begrüßungsfest für alle Studierenden und die Stadtgesellschaft von Jung bis Alt stieß auf positiven Zuspruch. Johannes Maaser vom Fachdienst Gefahrenabwehr freute sich besonders mit seinem Team und den Initiativen, dass dieser Markt der Möglichkeiten den neuen Studierenden im zweiten Jahr in Folge den Austausch mit zivilgesellschaftlichen Vereinen und Organisationen eröffnet. „Hier nutzen Studierende die direkte Möglichkeit, sich zu informieren, und die beteiligten Initiativen haben die Möglichkeit, neue motivierte Ehrenamtliche zu gewinnen und über ihre individuellen Angebote zu informieren“, so Maaser.
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Bürgermeister Wieland Stötzel besuchte auch den Stand des Deutsch-Schwedischen Freundschaftsvereins, welcher sich am Willkommensfest beteiligte. | Foto Stefanie Profus, Stadt Marburg
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Am Stand des Gleichberechtigungsreferats lädt ein Ratespiel Studierende zum Nachdenken über Fragen der Gleichstellung ein. | Foto Stefanie Profus, Stadt Marburg
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Studierende kommen am Stand der Ausländerbehörde über die Tätigkeiten des Fachdienstes gemeinsam ins Gespräch. | Foto Stefanie Profus, Stadt Marburg Das Fest soll außerdem zu einem positiven Miteinander zwischen Studierenden und Stadtgesellschaft beitragen. Zu den jeweiligen Studieneinführungswochen, die jedes Semester stattfinden, gehört die sogenannte OE-Woche (Orientierungswoche) mit Stadtrallye, die von Außenstehenden – vor allem wegen Lärm und zurückgelassenen Müll – häufig kritisch wahrgenommen wird. Daher haben im vergangenen Jahr die Philipps-Universität, die Universitätsstadt Marburg und das Studentenwerk eine Erklärung zum rücksichtsvollen Verhalten verabschiedet. Eine gemeinsame Aktion für Rücksichtnahme und Zusammenarbeit stellt das Müllsammeln dar. Die Müllsammelaktion wird als Zeichen der praktischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Studierenden und Stadtverwaltung veranstaltet. Dafür wird ein Abschnitt der Lahnwiesen während der ganzen OE-Woche nicht gereinigt. Sieben Fachschaften beteiligen sich an der Aktion. Die Einführung für Studierende der Philipps-Universität ab dem Wintersemester 2019/20 findet dann auch ihren Abschluss am Freitag in der Preisverleihung zur Müllsammelaktion mit Bürgermeister Wieland Stötzel und Uni-Vizepräsidentin Prof. Dr. Evelyn Korn. Weitere Events in Marburg:
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Freitag 11. Oktober 2019 Innenstadtkirmes • Toolboxx - Die Tanzband 15:00 Marburg Elisabeth-Blochmann-Platz  Typ: Kirmes
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Freitag 11. Oktober 2019 Fast Normal - Next to Normal • Waggonhalle Produktion #34 20:00 Marburg Waggonhalle Kulturzentrum e.V.  Typ: Musical
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Freitag 11. Oktober 2019 ULTHA 20:30 Marburg KFZ  Typ: Konzert » Black Metal
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Freitag 11. Oktober 2019 Freitag ist Psytag VI 21:00 Marburg Knubbel  Typ: Party
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Freitag 11. Oktober 2019 Antoinette & Holzmann • Asphaltbohème Tour 21:00 Marburg Q Marburg  Typ: Konzert » filigraner Fingerstyle u,  Pop-Poesie
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Samstag 12. Oktober 2019 Innenstadtkirmes • The Boptown Cats, Schulband Nachtaktiv 11:00 Marburg Elisabeth-Blochmann-Platz  Typ: Kirmes
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Samstag 12. Oktober 2019 KleiderTauschParty 11:00 Marburg KFZ  Typ: Diverses
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Samstag 12. Oktober 2019 Tauschen statt Kaufen • Kleider-Tausch-Party 11:00 Marburg KFZ  Typ: Diverses
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Samstag 12. Oktober 2019 Elisabethmarkt 11:00 Marburg Innenstadt Marburg  Typ: Markt
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Samstag 12. Oktober 2019 Marburger Oktett wird 30 18:00 Marburg Lutherische Pfarrkirche  Typ: Konzert Read the full article
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goa-festival-blog · 7 years
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nochi-quinn · 2 years
Never Limited and Never Complete: Chapter Six: Ever-Increasing Questions Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Frazie Aquato/Lizzie, Dion Aquato/Gisu, Sasha Nein/Milla Vodello Additional Tags: Original Characters - Freeform, Aftermath of Torture, Norma Redemption Arc, Memory Loss, Memory Alteration, Trauma, exploration of trauma, Emotionally Repressed Sasha Nein, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Post-Canon, POV Multiple, no beta we die like men, Canon-adjacent, Amnesia Summary: Ten missing psychics that no one remembers, and that remember no one. The mystery of their existence and their connection to events both past and current sweeps the Psychonauts, while the students are just trying to figure out life in general and psychic life specifically.
Raz finally gets a breadcrumb to follow. The rescuees are placed into the bureaucratic machine. Sasha goes searching for answers and finds something much worse.
This is the last chapter of this part of the series! It's only 6 chapters but it's a little over 42k words so it balances out. The next bit is being plotted out and chipped away at, and I'll of course post WIPs/updates/bitching about the writing process here. Thanks for coming along on this frankly unreasonably long journey with me!
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nochi-quinn · 2 years
Never Limited and Never Complete: Chapter Five: Skipping Out
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Fandom: Psychonauts 2 Relationships: Frazie Aquato/Lizzie, Dion Aquato/Gisu, Sasha Nein/Milla Vodello Additional Tags: Original Characters - Freeform, Aftermath of Torture, Norma Redemption Arc, Memory Loss, Memory Alteration, Trauma, exploration of trauma, Emotionally Repressed Sasha Nein, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Post-Canon, POV Multiple, no beta we die like men, Canon-adjacent Summary: Ten missing psychics that no one remembers, and that remember no one. The mystery of their existence and their connection to events both past and current sweeps the Psychonauts, while the students are just trying to figure out life in general and psychic life specifically.
Raz looks for advice. Frazie gets a tour. Gisu also looks for advice. Sasha has a meeting.
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nochi-quinn · 10 months
I direct people here for updates on Never Limited and Never Complete, so I guess I should give an update on Never Limited and Never Complete.
It's still in progress. I intended to do an unofficial NaNoWriMo to buckle down on it, but my November exploded and I wasn't able to give it the attention I wanted to. I posted about it on my website, if you want to know the big scary thing, and also here for the other thing that has been partially dealt with but I haven't had the bandwidth to post that particular update.
I haven't forgot about them. I've loved these nerds for 20 years now, I'm not giving up on them that easily. I'm thinking about doing a full replay of the series (well, maybe not RoR) for mental health reasons and also to get me back in that brainspace. (Also possibly a reread of the Sasha Nein LJ since I take a lot of inspiration from there.)
Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Thank you for your interest and your patience.
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nochiquinn · 2 years
Never Limited and Never Complete Chapter 4: Dreams
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Psychonauts (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Frazie Aquato/Lizzie, Dion Aquato/Gisu, Sasha Nein/Milla Vodello Characters: Sasha Nein, Razputin "Raz" Aquato, Frazie Aquato, Gisu (Psychonauts), Dion Aquato, Lizzie (Psychonauts), Norma (Psychonauts), Milla Vodello Additional Tags: Original Characters - Freeform, Aftermath of Torture, Norma Redemption Arc, Memory Loss, Memory Alteration, Trauma, exploration of trauma, Emotionally Repressed Sasha Nein, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Post-Canon, POV Multiple, no beta we die like men, Canon-adjacent Summary: Ten missing psychics that no one remembers, and that remember no one. The mystery of their existence and their connection to events both past and current sweeps the Psychonauts, while the students are just trying to figure out life in general and psychic life specifically.
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nochiquinn · 3 years
fuck it [unburies your gays]
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nochiquinn · 3 years
watching lovm and then writing psychonauts fanfiction means having to drastically alter how you hear the word “darling” in your head
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nochiquinn · 2 years
what if I just........
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nochiquinn · 3 years
the zanottos are famous for their GARDENS and truman basically named his daughter LILY
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pyrokenes1s · 3 years
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thanks to my boyfriend for screenshotting this while i was getting collectables i missed
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nochiquinn · 3 years
My two favorite lines in the game are at such wildly different ends of the spectrum it's hilarious.
Goofy: Mote of Light, seeing a trapeeze: "What's that? Can you eat it?" Raz: "Only if you're not careful."
Serious: "Mad later. Mission first."
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nochiquinn · 3 years
I’m not 100% getting my hopes up but the fact that - unlike the first game - there is the opportunity for dlc has me 👀
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