#psyops sona thoughts
tearsoftime0086 · 11 months
Saw your post in the League tag. If you ever post some of those fics I'd love to see them!! Even WIPs/snippets, really (especially the Nasus & Renekton one; I will die and kill for brother content)
Anon first off thank you so much for the kind words a;dlkghsk;a
I saw this ask come in out of nowhere and was like!!! a fellow league lore enthusiast!!! It makes me so happy that you'd be interested in my little WIPs, it made my DAY! Gosh I'm still trembling typing this.
Hmm some of those fics are really small so maybe what I'll do here is post them all below the cut (for links to posts for the bigger ones, text itself for the smaller ones), along with some "writer's commentary" to explain what they're about. Feel free to read/ignore whatever you choose!
Also if there's an idea that intrigues you (or if you have a writing suggestion outright) definitely let me know, it'd be my honor to work on it :) Or if you ever just want a fellow league person to chat lore/ideas with! No pressure tho - I know that would potentially require coming off of anon!
Thank you thank you again~
Nasus and Renekton fluff is on AO3 as Shuriman Nights (I'm gonna respond to your other ask right after haha)
Sett/Aphelios heartsteel drabble is posted on Tumblr here! Just a small scene of Aphelios and Sett as they work on their upcoming concept album.
Jayce/Viktor Arcane Mr. Freeze AU is posted on Tumblr here! It takes place right after the Arcane season 1 ending and Viktor decides to cryofreeze Jayce. I have a LOT more notes on this one if you're interested - this was supposed to be a sprawling multi-chapter fic I committed to but I never came back to it.
Zed/Karma darkstar/odyssey AU is posted on Tumblr here! This one's a sprawling one too, including Odyssey Zed and Karma, Dark Star Karma, Dark Cosmic Jhin, and Cosmic Queen Ashe (at some point - all I have are quick scenes). Depicts the fall of Zed as he becomes consumed by the Ora - High Templar Karma decides to do whatever it takes to stop him... even if that means using the power of a Dark Star.
Sona and Ezreal psyops drabble is posted on Tumblr here! I love the Psyops skinline so much, so a small scene between two weapons who have made their own way in the world.
Pulsefire Ezreal is posted here! The prequel to number 5 - Ezreal was the first to escape Viktor's Psyops and has a hard time with the existential dread that entails... until a peppy, Pulsefire clone appears on his doorstep. The scene is just their first encounter.
I couldn't find my Diana and Aphelios interlude... but essentially this was Aphelios going on a search for Diana and being ambushed by Solari, causing his connection with Alune to be severed. When he wakes up, he finds Diana. He has to decide whether to bring Diana in to the Lunari by force or work with her to reconnect with Alune. It's a shame, I loved planning this one out.
Kayn and Yone dawnbringer/nightbringer drabble: As Yone fights to find his place in the struggle between gods and mortals, he encounters Kayn, who's facing the same dilemma a very different way. Here Kayn has just Umbral Trespassed into his mind, much to Yone's ire:
Kayn is unamused. "Huh. You lived."
His expression doesn't change when he's forced against the wall. Yone's eyes simmer black with anger as he presses the demon blade against the demigod's neck.
"How dare you trespass-"
"And for a moment I thought we could have a useful partnership. You're nothing but a man with a lingering brother complex."
"ENOUGH!" The blade slips against Kayn's throat, and golden ichor beads from the wound.
Gold blood, dripping from Yasuo's arm...
While he drowns in red.
Yone staggers back, hollow eyes looking far into the distance. Kayn scans his frame, scoffing as he sees Yone's fingers tremble. The demon sword clangs onto the ground and vanishes in a flash of dark smoke.
"I believe our meeting is over," Kayn says, wiping a rough palm across his throat. As the wound begins to close, the scythe in his hand glows an eerie white. "I'll at least wish you well in your endeavor, hopeless as it may be."
Kayn's eyes glaze over as his entire body turns ethereal, casting unholy shadows against the crumbling walls. "Farewell, mortal fool," he scoffs, and then he is gone, slipping under the shadows of the setting sun.
9. And last but not least but the Shaco backstory! Very short - I didn't write the sad part when Shaco becomes corrupted lol
~ Once upon a time, there was a clown....
Now, even people back then hated clowns. They were eerie folks, who dressed up in garish robes and baggy, dirty pants. And some of them weren't even human. So when Shaco was created, he became the immediate source of gossip amongst the nobles. What was the king thinking, giving something so crude and sinister to his ailing child? As Shaco wandered the palace halls, a permanently smiling face painted on his wooden frame, all he received in return were scowls and furtive glances. There were numerous times when he was stolen straight from the prince's hands. A bad luck charm, they said. The prince's final escort to the underworld, they said. But Shaco did not care. He had his friend. And if his friend would laugh for him, that was enough.
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notoriouslydevious · 4 years
My Thoughts on PsyOps Sona
As an M7 Sona, I was really looking forward to a new potential Star Guardian Sona skin or even Elderwood Sona, but then Riot dropped PsyOps Sona. 
It's an OKAY skin, but that's it, it's JUST okay. There's nothing special about it, like, VFX are okay, but the skin itself is just so bland and boring. Def gives me vibes of a more humanized Praetorian skin.  When she gets her ult the skin looks kinda okay, but before then she’s all bound up. Also like, in her taunts/ jokes, she’s being asked questions by the machine she’s attached to and she gets them wrong and the machine zaps her. Kinda weird bdsm thing going on there, Rito. (My BF pointed out that she looks like a Praetorian version of Lotus from Warframe, which ngl, she really does lol.) 
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She also looks extremely alike Irelia in Irelia’s IG skin. 
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It also reminds me of the whole, "performing at a talent show after [insert Famous Singer here]" thing since it’s coming after the Spirit Blossom event. Spirit Blossom has been AMAZING: the skins (AMAZING), the aesthetic (I’m a HUGE weeb, so im all fucking for this skin line ♥), the spirit bonds (who didn’t like Simp Simulator?), the nexus blitz map (big uwu), just amazing content EVERYWHERE (these are the type of events I’ll pay for, Rito). The excitement I had when Spirit Blossom was leaked just isn’t there for the psyops skins. To be fair, I was never really into the Program, Praetorian or Project skins. I’ve always liked skins like Star Guardian, Elderwood, Coven, Pool Party, the soft, feathery, fantasy, flashy, pastel, magical girl/witch skins over the techy skins. When Nami got Program Nami two years ago I was SO bummed (the splash art is gorgeous but the rest of the skin is big MEH. I honestly prefer Deep Sea over it bc I know a lot of Nami mains HATE Deep Sea.), but then she got Splendid Staff and I never bought a skin so fast. That skin is literally EVERYTHING for me, still my favorite Nami skin to this day. It’s situation is giving me flashbacks to Pulsefire Thresh (Spirit Blossom Thresh did him justice, thank you LORD!). I thought that skin was hot garbage because to me, it didn’t look like Thresh (his head looks like a weird ass bird or a turnip), but people liked the skin and bought it. I know there are people out there that probably really like PsyOp Sona; I’m honestly curious to hear her new voice lines, but I’m probably not gonna buy it. So far with Sona skins Dj Sona is still the best.  Maybe one day we’ll get the Star Guardian Sona skin we deserve. :’c 
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ladybuvelle · 4 years
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yi-dashi · 4 years
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kda-chat · 4 years
Is Irelia secretly a HM fan and what would Sonas reaction be if Irelia asks her to dress up as her for one of their saucy nights.
Irelia: I thought I already said that I don't like HM.
Akali, going through Irelia's stuff: WE SHALL SEE IF THAT'S THE TRUTH!
Akali: Why do you have so much PsyOp stuff?
Irelia: GET OUT!
Sona: :3
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essence-flux-primed · 3 years
“ Alone on a Sunday night? Pathetic. “ hs!jinx ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
⋆ — “Unless you’re offering something, this conversation is gonna be really short.” He’s alone in the PsyOps HQ’s living room and he’s two cans deep into a really great evening, thank you very much. After they rescued Sona, the team thought it’d be best for them to talk with her and help her get acquainted with her new home. And ‘apparently’ Ezreal being there is ‘stressful’ and ‘liable to make her crush the whole building with them inside it’ so he should just go have a nice evening somewhere else. So he’s having a nice evening except for the fact that the TV is barely audible and that he’s not  nearly drunk enough to not feel so damn lonely.
     Ezreal pushes his hair out of his face, then lets his head roll onto the back of  the couch, focusing his bleary eyes on her. He stretches an arm out along it, hopeful for a moment before his lips twist and he turns his eyes back to the TV. “Well? Are you gonna join me or not? This cushion isn’t gonna warm itself.” And he could use the company, though he’ll never admit it. “You’ve gotta be quiet though, or the place is gonna spontaneously combust.”
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symphoniquest · 4 years
@heraldofzaun liked for a psyops starter
“I don’t believe you. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you apart,” the woman thought, her eyes blazing with fury. Seeing him again made Sona’s head spin, but not enough to stop her from giving Viktor what he deserved.
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withperfecttempo · 4 years
@sahraim asked:  ❝ your presence here is disrespectful ❞ (PsyOps)
[ Prompt list here ]
‘Not fond of me being in your head? That’s too bad.’
Glaring eyes follow the mercenary whenever she leaps. As if trying to dazzle her with her flair, she could see that Samira, too, never pulled her gaze from Sona despite the frequent and rapid movements. Everywhere she lands, Sona would launch an orb, leaving craters where she once stands. The air about them is woven with the mercenary’s taunts, guffaws, and hurled debris. Had the battle been spectated from afar, one could call it a dance as Sona and Samira’s movements and offenses synchronize and cancel in tandem. 
Samira turns a heel into another leap, this time her hand reaches for the hilt of her cleaver. The blade hisses from its restraints as she pulls it out and shifts her position to drive it into the ground. As one foot pushes against the stable blade, she uses another hand to unhook her pistol and shoot. Upon seeing her reach for the gun again, Sona focuses an orb on her hand only for her to divert her thoughts to disperse the sphere that joins into a wider field to create a barrier before her. 
‘Is that all?’
The chase was thrilling for a time, to watch the mercenary do her best to maintain an unbothered disposition despite both knowing that one slip she could lose a limb. Honing attacks, though direct, appears to be just as easily avoided. She quietly considers having to vary her offenses instead. Gathering a boulder, Sona lifts it above the mercenary as a decoy act to crush her overhead. However, as it plummets, it throws more rubble between them as well as Samira kicks upward to avert yet another attempt. She briefly recalls the Ripper, Shadow, and Righteous, how they all met with their appropriate fates. This one would be no different. 
‘All style, no loyalty. You are nonsensical.’
She watches until the mercenary lands and takes a moment to flash her another grin before gathering her energies onto her leg. It is as if time slows for them to witness the unfolding of the battle’s turning point. A wicked smile pulls at her lips. 
‘But...I am stronger.’
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fatebreaking-a · 4 years
Help correct me if I don’t know my proportions but, I think psyops sona’s proportions are super wild:
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Usually it’s supposed to be 1 (head) - 3 (torso) - 4 (legs) ( and the rest is from the foot tilting )? For this model, it’s 1-2-4, so her torso is a full head shorter? Did I get that right? Ma’am, your legs are super long / your torso is super short.
Let me know if I’m wrong, or if she’s just all leg. Not a criticism of the model, if she’s all leg that’s fine, but I don’t want to say she’s all leg if she’s not all leg! So please do confirm my train of thought!
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virtuosin · 4 years
👀 psyops
👀 - is your muse prone to jealousy?
Unfortunately, she can be. It’s rather dependent. Sona was forced into a lot while with the BRG. Lots of graphic, unethical testing and experimentation that went beyond the limits of what a normal human can endure. Due to her innate psychic abilities along with the altering done to her body and mind, Sona has...seen a lot. And it changed her. I think before she was taken, Sona was more mild mannered, not too different from mainverse Sona save for an extra helping of cautiousness. But afterwards--after having to gaze into the maw of the multiverse and embrace the sensory overload of information/thoughts/feelings--she’s a bit more cynical and hesitant. She has a hard time trusting after what she endured, and even if the other Psyops assisted in her escape, Sona struggles to acclimate back into a ‘team-friendly’ environment after so many years in the dark abyss. I think for those reasons alone, she leans more towards jealous. Chances are that she’ll struggle with her feelings for a while post-rescue, essentially becoming emotionally stunted after her capture. If she does show an interest in something and feels as though it’s being ‘threatened’ in any capacity, she’ll close up and become detached, falling back on old coping mechanisms from when she was enslaved, though she might lash out if prodded enough about it.
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ladybuvelle · 3 years
PsyOps Sona, for all her omniscience, cannot help but struggle with self-identity.
Having been basically abducted at a very young age and immediately set to training routines and (basically) torture, honing her mind for very specific purposes, she never had the chance to properly develop as a young girl into a young woman. There was no space for figuring out her body’s changes through puberty. She wasn’t socialized with anyone beyond scientists and guards, who she only came to resent and never gave her opportunities to express herself or process her emotions for any personal growth.
Anything she was allowed to experience was all a means to an end. If she was given a “toy”, it was likely for problem solving or just to see what she could do with it at all. If she was talked to it was for conditioning. Conversations in general quickly became a moot point as her psychic abilities became more and more powerful.
She knew everything. Even with highly specialized equipment to keep her restrained, Sona could still mentally reach out through the space around her. Very, very little could be kept secret from her, and that just meant more and more sensory deprivation to try and contain her.
By the time PsyOps freed her - or more accurately, when she freed herself during their raid on the BRG facility - Sona was more weapon than person. More god than human.
And now she’s so incredibly lost. Beyond a burning purpose to rip Viktor apart molecule by molecule and see BRG ended for good, of course. Beyond that anger she doesn’t really know what to do with herself.
Her personality is sporadic, sometimes delving straight into mania. If she’s not using her abilities to focus on combat or to solve some greater problem, Sona completely lacks direction as to how she should act. What complicates things is she knows how she could act for optimal results. Being able to read people’s thoughts and emotions around her, being able to play through the thousands of possibly scenarios to find the ones that would work for her, she could easily manipulate any given situation to suit her.
But that’s boring. And kind of exhausting. And the least stimulating thing she could ever do. And it just... doesn’t feel right. It feels robotic and hollow.
And she does it anyway sometimes because people expect some kind of response out of her. It’s easiest to be sassy and mean. She finds people bother her less that way.
All the same, she’s just as likely to go from being aggressive and hissing to laying down on the floor contented to sit in silence. Left to her own devices you just never know what you’re going to get from her. You’d just better hope she decides she likes you.
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ladybuvelle · 4 years
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Anywhere’s good to start I guess, so I started with Sona. Obviously. (And also, I know myself and I needed a warmup. So Sona’s took the longest and looks the worst as a result pfft)
But here are my notes:
Sona (All Wild Rift Models) - All of Sona’s models are basically the same as far as her face, her skin, etc. Her anatomy/texture isn’t drastically altered, in HIGH contrast at League models... as you can see in PsyOps below it. But anyway. Sona’s eyes in WR are kind of unique in her history of design because they went full droopy eye. Her outer corners sink down both on the top and bottom lash lines, for a very soft-eyed, gentle character effect. That’s typically what this sort of design is meant to convey in short-hand for anime/manga design (there will always be exceptions), but it’s also worth noting that this sort of “look” also seems to be very popular for Chinese beauty standard stuff. More on that later.
Sona (PsyOps) - And HERE we see the stark contrast. PsyOps Sona doesn’t exist in WR (yet) so I’m curious what will happen when or if she ever gets put there, because these eyes convey a lot for the type of character she is in this AU. Instead of being droopy, they are upturned and sharp. The lower lash line is thicker at the slope going up. Very heavy eyes. Very shrewd. It wouldn’t work for this skin if she had the same droopy eyes as WR.
Master Yi (Eternal/Possibly base?) - This was tricky for me. I’m still learning to draw Asian eyes, and in particular I struggle conveying the fullness of the lower lid. Such is the case for Yi, as he has lovely lower lids, but I’m shit at conveying them properly. Instead I focused on the eye shape itself, which was also a bit tricky. The WR model goes extra hard, I feel, on making him aesthetically Chinese (in the sense of the wuxia sort of pretty man ideal). Which makes sense! His eyes are roundest at the top, in the middle, with sharp almond corners. Simple but elegant and uncomplicated.
Master Yi (PsyOps) - Now things get complicated. Remembering PsyOps Yi’s face stuck in my head as so DRASTICALLY different (and the only other skin, except Project if you count that, where we even see his face at all) I had to look it up and cross-ref with other media. Mainly concept art. It’s interesting how... anime? I guess? The design goes. His eyes here are immediately harsher, bigger, wider. The bags hang heavy underneath, and yet there’s this weird youthfulness to his eyes. I think they really should have tried to make him look older, but that’s, like, my opinion maaaan. I should also not that despite this design being more “anime”, the design itself combined with how he looks overall in this skin strikes me as very oddly “American”. His eye bags, the weight of his brows above his eyes (which I convey at the corners), such strong and prominent features just kinda tag me that way I guess.
Additional thoughts:
We all know by now that Wild Rift was created very specifically for the Chinese mobile game market, which is apparently booming. I’m not Chinese, or even Asian for that matter, but I think it’s easy even as an outsider, and maybe especially as someone with an artist’s eye, to see that there are design choices at play specifically meant to appeal to a Chinese/Asian audience. Censorship is one place to start, sure. But as I briefly touched on before with Sona’s eyes and her overall “look” in Wild Rift compared to her other League media, there are many Asian-centric aesthetic choices being made here.
And that’s not to say a “westerner” can’t enjoy the style or imply anything like that. It’s just worth pointing out, perhaps for anyone who’s unaware of it, that things tend to be marketed very differently for “eastern” and “western” consumers. Particularly in the world of video games.
You may often see things in interviews saying how a particular character was meant to appeal to a sort of demographic. It’s nothing new, but these aesthetic appeals haven’t really changed much, if at all, in probably over a decade.
So to make a long story short, it’s pretty interesting to me to observe Wild Rift’s aesthetic changes to appeal to a Chinese audience, and see the same tropes being followed as usual. Base Sona/Yi vs PsyOps Sona/Yi are pretty excellent examples of contrast. PsyOps, from a pure design standpoint, feels to me to be very “western” appealing. Examples: the characters are aggressive and gritty, there’s a lack of color overall, strong grays and a military motif, there’s guns and bullets. Do you see what I mean?
The “western” appeal tends to focus more on grit, violence, sharp lines and edges, darker colors. Is this universal? No, of course not. And honestly I’m hardly qualified to talk into any deeper a depth on the subject. It’s just interesting to think about while looking at vastly different designs, and how these designs are being changed, and why they are being changed. There is always a plan behind these things, especially when it’s art made for a purpose (i.e. making money for a vidya game).
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ladybuvelle · 4 years
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Look at you - no thoughts, head empty!
(My attempt at PsyOps Sona’s makeup look - though obviously I don’t have the same facial structure, not do I have beauty lighting and a good camera... There’s a lot of colors it’s not picking up, which is a shame because I really tried my best to contour to get the model texture’s effect. Even my eyes look less intense than they do IRL.)
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yi-dashi · 4 years
nithhaiahh said:
maybe his dash and sword not only cut through flesh but also with some psyq. power? Besides the fact he moves so fast he can leave this realm, or something like that...
//Oh yeah, definitely. All the Wuju stuff has a psionic connotation in this AU, and is a power way beyond any mildly psychic person. In brief I’ll say, because I’ll write an essay about it otherwise:
Double Strike is probably still a learned physical ability like in canon
Alpha Strike is mostly the same, a blink across dimensions. Maybe instead of being anchored to a person’s soul, it is anchored to anything with conscious thought.
Meditate is effectively unchanged. Can use his brain to speed up a healing factor, or has some tech on his person to do it for him.
Wuju Style / Metal empowerment is still the same. Maybe a little more threatening in a world made of metal, and maybe with some technology manipulation thrown in there. Sub being able to cut at magic for being able to cut at.... thoughts? Other psychic protections?
Highlander is the ‘use 100% of your brain power’ move, so basically the same. Maybe Yi’s real special ability in this verse is that he has an ultra fast thought process.
 But that’s also to say every other champ has their kit converted to a PsyOps based one. So if the base level of power is ‘League Champ’ then how does he go on that scale? Out of combat, I want to say he doesn’t have much more going for him.
  If Sona is a god, and Ezreal is a raw protege, Yi had to work really hard in order to develop his powers to the point they’re at now. Not that the rest didn’t have to work at it, but yeah.
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symphoniquest · 4 years
@edwardember liked for a psyops starter
“Are you going to give that back or are we going to have a problem?” Sona thought to the thief, holding out her hand expectantly. “That weapon is much more trouble than it’s worth, I assure you.”
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symphoniquest · 5 years
Classic Verse:
Sona’s earliest memories are of the Ionian monastery where she was raised, in the province of Galrin. The monks, along with kindhearted volunteers from the local villages, took in any orphans or foundlings left at the front gates, and made sure that they would want for nothing. As a young girl, Sona was considered shy and quiet, until it became apparent that she couldn’t speak at all. But she was unusually thoughtful and attentive, and the other children tended to seek her out whenever they needed comfort, their playful smiles quickly restored.
And Sona discovered other ways to express herself. Unlike her playmates, she had one possession when she was first found—a curiously strung instrument, packed into a plain wooden case. None of the visiting musicians or teachers knew what it was… though that did not stop several of them from attempting to procure it for themselves, one way or another. Instead, Sona taught herself how to play it, and her simple, beautiful melodies moved even the most skeptical listener to tears of joy.
However, dark times were approaching. The foreign empire of Noxus had begun landing troops in the northern provinces, and the monks decided to evacuate their young charges to safety before the invasion reached Galrin. After their caretakers struck a deal with a Demacian trader, Sona and a handful of her friends found themselves bundled onto one of the last ships to escape before the Noxian blockade of Ionia’s western coast. She looked back in anguish, knowing that she would not be able to return for many years, if at all.
After months at sea, they arrived in Demacia—a strange, dour land where magic was widely distrusted. Their monks were called “Illuminators”, and they worshipped no gods or spirits, yet still placed great value on showing kindness to strangers and the needy.
So it was that Sona was taken in by the Buvelle family. Lord Barrett and his wife, Lestara, were prominent supporters of the Illuminator order, and renowned patrons of the arts in the Great City. Sona became like a sister to their daughter, Kahina, and Lestara in particular grew very attached to her. The Demacian language was often difficult to learn, but the Buvelles developed a personalized sign language that enabled Sona to communicate easily with her new family, and their friends.
Yet she yearned to express so much more. To show her appreciation to her adopted countrymen, she decided to use her gift to delight and soothe them, and returned to her music with renewed passion. Soon, word spread of her virtuoso talents. Her performances captivated audiences, bringing them from sorrow to bliss, from righteous martial pride to almost exquisite peace… and Lestara became intrigued by the mysterious instrument that made this possible.
Delving deep into the libraries of the Illuminators, she came to believe it was one of the fabled etwahls—wondrous artifacts dating back thousands of years before Demacia’s founding, and now exceedingly rare in the world. If that were true, then this was an object of magic, and Sona’s preternatural connection to it was a dangerous gift indeed. Lestara urged her to keep it secret, to avoid bringing unwanted attention from the Demacian mageseekers. Sona obeyed, though she wondered how something that brought people peace could be seen as a threat.
Some years later, Lord Barrett Buvelle was slain fighting Noxus at the Gates of Mourning. When Kahina took up her father’s blade and military commission, the heartbroken Lestara decided the time had come for Sona to return to Ionia, and the two of them withdrew from all courtly engagements to make the journey together. In the war’s aftermath, a great “restoration” was underway across the First Lands, but the people were much changed by what they had endured, and Sona realized there was no longer any place for her there. Saying farewell to Ionia once again, she went back to Demacia with Lestara. Even so, her chosen homeland is not without its own problems. In the wake of King Jarvan III’s assassination, the mageseekers have gained significant power, and many innocent citizens are persecuted for any supposed connection to magic.
As a child of two wildly different cultures, Sona increasingly finds herself at odds with her family’s political allegiances. With etwahl in hand, her melodies now serve not only to provide comfort, but also to defend what she knows is right and just.
Cross-Over Version:
As an infant, Sona was found at an orphanage with only a stringed instrument in her possession. As she grew into a young child, it became clear she was unable to speak. Sona was shy and quiet, but also unusually thoughtful and attentive, always helping out fellow children whenever they needed. The girl taught herself how to play her instrument, discovering a talent for bringing people joy with her music.
As war descended upon the lands, Sona and her friends were shipped off to a safer place, far way from their home. She was taken in by Barrett and Lestara Buvelle and found a sister in their daughter, Kahina.
To show her appreciation to the people of her new home, she played her music for them. Word spread of her talents and Lestara, intrigued by the instrument, discovered it was called an etwhal, a rare artifact filled with magical power. She urged Sona to keep this magic a secret, lest she be put in danger.
Tragedy struck when Barrett was killed in battle. Kahina followed in his stead by joining the military while Lestara and Sona journeyed back to Sona’s home lands. The war had ended and the restoration had begun, but Sona no longer felt there was a place for her there, so they returned home, where Sona vowed to protect her people with her music.
Odyssey Verse:
One of the mysterious Templars, Sona has a curious affinity with ora—the divine, golden lifeblood of all civilization. She was the most gifted child born to her order in a generation, with the rare ability to commune directly with the ora-producing megafauna that drift peacefully through the cold depths of space. Warned by them in strange, apocalyptic visions, Sona traveled with two other Templars and their followers to the edgeworld of Ionan. An ageless creature not of this universe waited there for the day it could free itself, and begin its dark work…
Unfortunately, they were pursued by slingtroopers from the Demaxian Empire, and Sona only survived the ensuing firefight by hiding among her disheveled militia fighters as they were taken prisoner. Ordinal Shieda Kayn, clearly under the influence of the insidious creature Rhaast, ordered them to be taken to the Locus Armada for questioning. Sona was able to escape his clutches, but at great cost—the man who helped her escape, Yone, was murdered by Kayn himself. With nowhere else to turn, she sought out Yone’s troubled younger brother Yasuo, and joined his ragtag crew aboard the Morning Star, hoping to avert the as-yet unknown disaster that will apparently destroy all of creation. After watching Jinx’s recruitment video, she’s still at least, like, 85% sure that saving the universe is actually the right decision.
Sona is able to commune with ora and, in so doing, use it as a weapon, shield, and personal confidant. It tells her secrets (probably), gossips about all the latest Templar drama (possibly), and sometimes the two of them cut giant robots in half with liquid, golden energy. More importantly, Sona does not utilize ora the same way most sentient beings do. She doesn’t have to implant herselt with augments or undergo expensive body modifications with potentially hazardous technology—she just asks her little, shiny ball for favors, and it performs them. It’s a miracle of modern… well, not science. Something like science, but better.
Cross-Over Version: 
PsyOps Verse:
An immensely powerful psychic, Sona has spent the past several years locked in darkness, subjected to harrowing experiments to further the Black Rose Group's aims of manufacturing the perfect human bioweapon. Freeing herself during the assault on the BRG's research facility, she discovers her power has grown to near-omnipotence, making her less a human than a psychic god.
Cross-Over Version: 
Modern Verse (Pentakill & DJ):
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