comiiical · 1 year
@atoningmistakes 40 (Bryce)
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Deciding that the office's bathroom was just as good as any other place, Bryce's lips melt with those of the younger, ripping away clothes that he planned on fixing as they left the office, or make everyone think he hadn't lost them, whichever view amused him the most. Rough hands guided him to turn around, and invading his insides with his long thick cock, he made sure to be treated like he deserved: like Mike's stud.
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zombutt · 6 years
I just realized - once you enter the Red Forest in SoC (before turning off the brain-scorcher) your detection range goes up the moment the apparitions begin to appear
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kplparadise · 7 years
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Psychic Force auction haul part 4. The last of the stuff I ordered! Thank god.  Here’s this week’s list, in picture order: 1-3: Psychic Force OVA clearfiles- These are bigger than the other clearfile I bought separately. It’s not a surprise as to which one is my favourite lol 4: RED HOT ROCKS doujin by Akiba Denki & MACHINE GUN HELL fan anthology- from the description that I could read w/my (poor) Japanese, I thought that the both of these were Burn/Keith doujin, boy was I wrong. RED HOT ROCKS seems to be a collection of Akiba Denki’s psyforce comics they did (I recognise a few from one or two official anthologies I own) while MACHINE GUN HELL is a fanmade anthology, mostly gag ft. Akiba Denki. Overal, both are in nice condition & I like the artwork. That’s it!! I’m poor. 
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comiiical · 1 year
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Bryce Alfred Myles
Omega level telepathy (mind reader, mind manipulation, memory manipulation, mind sedation, paralysis, pain induction, overload, psychic connection, illusion casting, power sensing, power manipulation,...), telekiensis, psychic energy projection.
The son of a neoyorkian businessman that came up through the ranks too fast too illegally for Bryce's own comfort. His own desire to combat his father's corruption lead him to a path of corrupted vengeance that made him go against his own father eventually destroying his company while managing to retain the money that came his way and had always been his. He owns a successful variety bar on a Brooklyn corner and doesn't hesistate about using his powers against people to get what he wants.
Albeit not a hero and acting more like an antihero, he does support the Defenders and heroes of New York. Without hesitation. Using the nickname Psyforce
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kplparadise · 7 years
So recently I went on a bidding frenzy for Psychic Force merch & one of the things I won was this commemorative entrance card to the Psychic Junkie Fair event back in ‘98–!! Suuuper stoked to own this gay ass card. This is only part one to the psyforce merch haul I got but I felt like this deserved it’s own post. More to come.
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