#psychological geocentrism
Pre-modern people weren't just blithering idiots making stuff up. They were drawing logical inferences from observable phenomena, just like scientists do today! We can say, "Ha ha, people in the past thought the earth was the center of the universe!" and feel very smug, but we still use the old geocentric conception of the universe every time we talk about the sun "coming up" and "going down." Sunrises and sunsets are not lies; they are real phenomena that can mislead those without a more advanced way of observing them. "We can no longer dismiss the change of [cosmological] Models as a simple progression from error to truth. No Model is a catalogue of ultimate realities, and none is a mere fantasy. Each is a serious attempt to get in all the phenomena known at any given period, and each succeeds at getting in a great many. But also, no less surely, each reflects the prevalent psychology of an age almost as much as it reflects the state of that age's knowledge. Hardly any battery of new facts could have persuaded a Greek that the universe had an attribute as repugnant to him as infinity; hardly any such battery could persuade a modern that it is hierarchical." - CS Lewis, The Discarded Image
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eldritch-araneae · 1 year
Got reminded again how psychology horribly lacks behind compared to other fields. It's like we still believe that solar system is geocentric. Really sucks bc you need help, but help is either unavailable ( or don't even exist as a concept in some countries) or its such low quality it's NOT worth paying money for.
Like ADHD - no only it still have this stupid name which is like calling Flu as "coughs and fever disorder" so no one takes it seriously, but the field's only solution are stimulants which are illegal in many place again and there are no alternatives or WORKING (aka stop with CBT, DBT and other crappy "you must convince yourself to feel different" shit pls holy fuck) techniques to manage our horribly malfunctioning lives.
Sure building a system around ADHD does work (that how I rarely forget keys, bc they're always in my pocked of current clothing I wear), but ffs how to build it?? Gimme a template or something bc I have NO spoons to build such enormous thing from scratch.
Do those guys in field really just expect us to kill ourselves or die of substance abuse and alcoholism bc that's what untreated adhd leads to? Feels like it, yeah.
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thinkabled · 22 days
Understand the Psychological Blocks Holding You Back: Imposter Syndrome, Abilene Paradox, and How to Beat Them
Ever had a great idea but felt paralyzed before taking the first step? You’re not alone. 
Psychological blocks like fear of failure, Imposter Syndrome, the Curse of Knowledge, and the Abilene Paradox often hold us back from turning our ideas into reality.
Psychologist and author Adam Grant in his book Originals cites some examples from history where in some of the greatest change makers were initially held by these psychological blocks.
Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome is that feeling of inadequacy despite possessing the necessary skills and knowledge.
For Eg: Legendary Civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr was apprehensive about leading the Civil Right Movement.
“It had happened so quickly that I did not even have time to think it through. It is probable that if I had, I would have declined the nomination,” King reflected.
When he was elected to lead the boycott and subsequently faced with giving a speech to the community that evening, he remarked: “I became possessed by fear”
This feeling of inadequacy and self doubt despite possessing the necessary skills and knowledge is something many people struggle with.
Curse of Knowledge
Similarly when it comes to knowledge work, another phenomenon that holds back people from publishing original ideas is “ Curse of Knowledge”. It refers to a cognitive bias in which we over estimate how likely others are to know and understand the same things as us.
Copernicus did not publish his work for almost 30 years. It’s possible that Copernicus experienced the curse of knowledge when he was developing and sharing his theory of heliocentrism.
As an expert in astronomy and mathematics, he may have found it challenging to explain his revolutionary ideas to others who did not share his level of expertise.
Copernicus’ theory of heliocentrism challenged the long-held geocentric belief that the Earth was at the center of the universe, and this made it a difficult idea for many people to accept.
The Abilene Paradox
The Abilene paradox, is a strange phenomenon where a group of people all end up doing what none of them actually want to do, because everyone is too afraid to openly question the status quo. 
This is what happened with the NASA Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986. 
Managers were desperate to launch the shuttle, so they ignored warnings from engineers about the risks of launching in cold weather. 
The shuttle broke apart 73 seconds after launch, with millions of viewers watching on TV.
10% Edge
How do we overcome these obstacles? 
Author Amy Porterfield suggests a powerful way to overcome these psychological barriers in her book “Two Week’s Notice”. She calls it the “10% Edge”.
This concept is all about getting a slight advantage in any area that you want to pursue and then start building over it. 
You don’t need a revolutionary new idea to start a business. 
You just need to find your 10-percent edge.
Finding your 10-percent edge simply means finding a topic in which you have 10 percent more knowledge and ability than the average person.
By committing to getting a 10% edge, you gradually build momentum and make significant progress in overcoming psychological barriers.
Porterfield’s approach is based on the idea that small wins can lead to big gains. Instead of trying to make drastic changes all at once, it’s often more effective to focus on making small improvements and building momentum over time.
💬Quote of the Week
Claiming that you need to “learn more” or “get all of your ducks in a row” can often be a crutch that prevents you from moving forward on the stuff that actually matters ~ James Clear
🧭Weekly Compass
The Abilene paradox: When not rocking the boat may sink the boat: This beautiful article by Ness Labs explains the concept of Abilene Paradox in detail.
🧠Food for Thought
What is one thing you can learn today to get the 10% edge?
📖Read & Rise
📧 Newsletter: Read the past issues Cerebrate Weekly:
Your attention Shapes Your Reality
Preparation is the game.
Read! In the name of your Lord
🛠Tools for Thought 
Readwise: Do you want to better retain what you read? Check out Readwise, an app that can help you grow wiser and remember books more effectively. Readwise consolidates highlights from all your favorite reading platforms into one place, making it fun and easy to revisit them.
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stary-night · 25 days
ISAT starting Act 3 Theories/Reactions:
Spoilers for In Stars and Time Act 1 and 2 and the first 10-15 minutes of Act 3
- I was looking at the run time I had of like 9 hours when starting the King fight and people saying this game is 20 hours long and was like hm.... Either I'm missing half the content or something else is going on - anyway Siffron 😭
-Also it makes more sense thematically; Siffron spends so much of the game being like "Weird things keep happening and I'm sad all of my friends are leaving but it's fine!!!! I'm fine and now I can save everyone and never tell anyone how I feel ever!" meanwhile all of the other characters are like "change and doing what is scary is part of life, you have to accept your emotions".
I'm also not sure how much the Handmaiden could really do considering she was frozen right after the Kings attack but like maybe you have to save her beforehand to stop the loop.
-The ending was so sweet tho! Seeing the final things each character would do was sweet.
-I read the content warnings before this game started and it's like "oh this is where the psychological horror starts"
-Siffron I am begging you to talk to your friends
- The picture of him in the combat screen is visibly more sad now. Poor guy.
-This game is that one text post that's like "concern through recognition of the other. He's doing bad, don't ask me why I know".
- I wonder why Loop went from "you could tell your friends" to "better start pretending nothing is wrong :)". What is your agenda, what are you doing?
-What was going on with the loops?!? Is Loop causing it - like is he a god of some sort or representative of the Universe? The king appears to be a metaphor for depression but he brings up that he wants to save stuff in their prime before the universe tears it apart. I'm wondering if the Universe is actually the heat death of the universe, and so like the inevitability of nothingness is fighting against entropy/the tendency of life to grow an evolve.
-Also wondering about; there's dialogue fairly early on that implies that the circles of Change only go out to the Earth. But themes of the boarder universe exist, as do stars. So my guess is that ISAT universe is geocentric confirmed.
-I think another metaphor could be on the repetitiveness of mental health. Like, you finally get out of a depressive/dissociative episode. But then it gets bad again due to the nature of mental health. And you kinda have to find a way to accept the good and the bad and acknowledge your emotions in order to truly have change. And also talk to people about it.
-The game also really does feel it's about trauma based on the way the memory issues are presented and how Siffrion reacts to touch, thinks about them self, and people pleases.
-Okay so there's like random stuff people aren't able to remember. The one person can't remember the name of a country, there's various parts of books people can't remember. It kinda reminds of the static in TAZ Balance, so I was wondering if stuff was purposely erased? The King doesn't seem to be in on it because he also wants to remember something. Also I think the door you can't open has something to do with that.
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cosmographically where is the historical biological geographical cosmological psychological evolutionary library book of the pragmatic invention of the sociolexical item of the bitch the hoe the slut the whore the hooker the sex slave they have just as much to do with the war the economy the policy of the laws the geocentrism of the nations what's the quantum physics theory on the chemical element there why is that just the bill of rights how is that the constitution when does the declaration of independence from the prostitute occur who is that bad for the environment huh? 🧪
microcosmic batteries
your the european agriculture growing down there in europe you're not taking care of business its a different history
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tomorrowusa · 3 years
Dr. Neil deGresse Tyson made the best recent comment about UFOs:
“Just cuz you don’t know what it is doesn’t mean you then know what it is.”
Too many people forget that the U in UFO stands for Unidentified.
We’re still discovering phenomena and learning about our surroundings. Assuming that something is automatically an extraterrestrial spacecraft simply because currently available explanations don’t account for it is unscientific as well as just plain dumb.
A lot of the obsession with alien extraterrestrials visiting Earth has to do with many people assuming that we are so interesting or important that intelligent beings from other star systems would want to visit Earth. That’s a form of planetary narcissism. In some ways it’s psychological geocentricism.
I suspect that there are intelligent civilizations elsewhere in the galaxy but they are few and far between. And they are probably at different stages of scientific, cultural, and sociological development than we are.
In Star Trek terms, Homo sapiens sapiens would probably come across as a cross between the Ferengi and the Klingons to extraterrestrials. What sort of impression would extraterrestrials get of a planetary civilization ruled by militaristic, greedy, self-important crackpots like Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Narendra Modi, Rodrigo Duterte, Xi Jinping, and Jair Bolsonaro?
We have been producing radio signals in a major way for only about a century. Given that we’re in the exurbs of the Milky Way Galaxy, the odds are against anybody else knowing that we’re even here.
While it’s fun to speculate about extraterrestrial life, there is no genuine scientific evidence that any of those folks have been here. Area 51 conspiracy theories are just as idiotic as QAnon conspiracy theories.
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1111jenx · 3 years
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Some degrees are more significant than others in astrology. Some degrees are considered major because they are considered fixed constellations. In astrology, a planet, asteroid, or house cusp can form a star when it falls at a specific degree in a specific sign. These stars are significant for a reason, and they can reveal hidden blessings and karma in your birth chart. This is when a specific degree in certain signs is designated as a distinct point with its own unique meaning in Western Astrology. Fixed stars ≠ planets. They do not move.
In Western tropical astrology, we have 360°degrees of the zodiac. Though there are roughly 88 defined constellations projecting towards us the apparent celestial sphere around our geocentric (earth-based) vantage point in space/time, we use the 12 constellations (sidereal astrology) and their 12 associated signs (tropical astrology; 30° divisions of 360°) because the Sun moves through these particular 12 (called the ecliptic, path of the Sun). The zodiac constellations and the zodiac signs don’t “align” as they did 2,000 years ago, due to a phenomena called precession of the equinoxes. In Western astrology today, we give primacy to the signs, though many astrologers interpret the underlying constellation “meta-messages” via planetary, house or nodal conjunctions with major fixed stars.
— The key observation is that each fixed star has its own "idea of completeness," which means that the energetic balance of any given star will differ from that of the Sun, our own star.
And, because fixed stars are point-like objects on the celestial sphere when viewed from Earth, their influences are very precise and focused, similar to a laser beam of light. The fixed stars predominantly work through their aspects with the planets. A star can greatly magnify and modify a planet it’s conjunct with. And this is something that may throw an astrologer completely off balance: the client’s psychological profile doesn’t quite match their natal chart. It may be a good hint to look at the influence of the fixed stars!
When it comes to analysing the influence of the fixed stars on the planets, there are two primary factors to look for in a chart:
conjunction or parallel
Other significant factors, in the order of influence:
opposition & square
Aspects like trine and sextile are of very minor influence, and it’s up to an astrologer to investigate if there is some kind of resonance happening due to those aspects. Check your birthchart to see if you have these fixed constellations 🌌 (allow 1-2° orb)
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1° Aries - Kerb: Danger of being jilted by a lover. Neutral; Mars/ Mercury
2° Aries - Difda (Deneb Kaitos): Laziness, self destruction, nervousness, illness, inhibitions, loss. Unfortunate; Saturn
9° Aries - Algenib: Ambition, vanity, intuition, enthusiasm, bad judgment. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
12° Aries - Alderamin: Gravity, sternness, judgement, severe trials, poetry, drama. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
14° Aries - Alpheratz: Grace, popularity, independence, honours. Fortunate; Venus
21°Aries - Baten Kaitos: Isolation, depression, accidents, emigration, shipwrecks. Unfortunate; Saturn
23°Aries - Acamar: Success in public office, ecclesiastical success. Fortunate; Jupiter
29°Aries - Alrisha: Unifying influence with groups. Fortunate; Mars/ Mercury
0° Taurus - Mirach: Good fortune through marriage, beauty, love talent. Fortunate; Venus
3°Taurus - Sharatan: Violence, defeat, accidents, injury, danger, honours. Neutral; Mars/ Saturn
7°Taurus - Hamal: Violence, cruelty, brutality, also the "Healer". Unfortunate; Mars/ Saturn
7°Taurus - Schedir: Astrology, mysticism, writing. Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
14°15 Taurus - Almach: Success in Venusian occupations, artistic ability, popularity. Fortunate; Venus
14°19 Taurus - Menkar: Disease, throat trouble, disgrace, ruin, injury from beasts, unjustified enmities; sudden emergence of deep unconscious issues. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
20° Taurus - Rana: Love of knowledge, science, much travel, many changes, position of authority, accidents at sea, drowning. Fortunate; Saturn (part of "The River", a constellation traversing several Signs)
23° Taurus - Zaurak: Melancholy, fear of death and suicidal tendencies. Unfortunate; Saturn
24° Taurus - Capulus: Primitive male sexual energy; penetrating; ruthless; adventurous; dishonesty; mass effects, esp. meteorological. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
26° Taurus - Algol (The Gorgon's Head): Primitive female sexuality; strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe, the "Evil One", the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical. Saturn/ Jupiter
29° Taurus - Pleiades (The Seven Sisters): Accidents, blindness, violence, feminine power. Unfortunate; Constellation of 7 stars (refer Alcyone)
0°00 Gemini - *Alcyone (Central star of the Pleiades): Ambition, honour and glory. Trouble with opposite sex. Neutral; Moon/ Jupiter
02°Gemini - Mirfak (Alpha Perseus): Indicative of events effecting large numbers of people, especially those caused by major meteorological phenomena. Bold, adventurous, somewhat dishonest. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Saturn
5°Gemini - *Hyades: Scandal, violence, disgrace, imprisonment. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
9°Gemini - *Aldebaran (Bull's North Eye): A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation. Unfortunate; Mars
15°Gemini - Cursa: Currents of Fate, fluctuating emotions, irreversible changes to rhythm of life, sense of oblivion. Fortunate; Saturn
16°Gemini - *Rigel (Orion's Foot): Technical and artistic ability, inventiveness, humour, honours, riches, happiness. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars
21°28 Gemini - *Bellatrix (Orion's Left Shoulder): Loquaciousness, accidents, sudden dishonour. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
21°51 Gemini - Capella: Inquisitiveness, open mindedness, powerful friends. Fortunate; Mars/ Mercury
22°16 Gemini - Phact: Talent in art or science. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury/ Uranus
22°26 Gemini - El Nath: Luck, fortune, success, quarrels, headstrong. Fortunate; Mars
23°Gemini - *Alnilam: Brief fame, quick temper, scandal. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Saturn
24°Gemini - *Al Hecka: Honours, wealth, power, greed, aggression. Fortunate; Mars
28°34 Gemini - Polaris * (The Pole Star): Sickness, trouble, loss, affliction, spiritual powers. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
28°45 Gemini - Betelgeuse * (Orion's Right Shoulder): Calamities, danger, violence. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
3° Cancer - Propus: Overconfidence, pride, shamelessness, violence. Unfortunate; Saturn
7°11 Cancer - Mirzam: Good qualities, charitable, faithful; dangerous passions; "The Roarer", announcing the rising of Sirius; "The Announcer", with Gomeisa. Fortunate; Venus
9° Cancer - Alhena (Almeisan, the shining one): Acute sensitivity, creative imagination, artistic skills, writing, injuries to feet. Fortunate; Mercury/ Venus/ Jupiter
11° Cancer - Alzirr: Hunting, besieging towns, the revenge of princes, trouble, disgrace, sickness, loss of fortune, affliction, danger to knees. Unfortunate; Mercury/ Venus/ Jupiter
13° Cancer - Dziban (The Two Jackals): Artistic, emotional but sombre; penetrating, analytical mind, much travel, many friends; danger of robbery and accidental poisoning. Craft, ingenuity, valour. A binary star in Draco, the Dragon. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars
14°05 Cancer - *Sirius (the Dog Star; the Sun of the Sun; the prime Sun of our Galaxy): Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars
14°51 Cancer - *Canopus (Ship of the Desert): Voyages, journeys, creativity; scandal, violence; great glory, fame, wealth; changes evil to good; the Rishi (Hindu sage) Agasthya; star of St Catharine; helmsman of the Argo. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
18° Cancer - Wasat: Chemicals, poisons, gas; violence, malevolence, destructiveness as a first principal; pessimism; clear, authoritative speech; prominence in public affairs. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars
20° Cancer - *Castor: Sudden fame or loss, distinction, keen mind, violence, mischief; "The Mortal Twin". Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars/ Venus
22°Cancer - Gomeisa: "The Weeping One"; frivolity; love of dogs; dogbite; death by drowning. Unfortunate; Mercury/ Mars
23°Cancer - *Pollux (Caput Hercules): Contemplative speculation, audacity, astrology, ruin, disgrace, death, calamity; the "Immortal Twin"; the "Heartless Judge". Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon/ Uranus
25°Cancer - *Procyon: Violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
2°48 Leo - Talitha: Quiet, prudent, suspicious, mistrustful, self-controlled, great anger when roused. Neutral; Saturn/ Mars
Nebulous Cluster in 1st decan of Leo - The Aselli (The ***** ): Death by fever, fire, hanging, beheading, or violent catastrophe, ruin, disgrace, wounds, hurts to face, eye trouble, blindness, imprisonment, great changes in society. Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon 7°12 Leo -
*Praesaepe: Inner drive, reclusive, blindness, murder, tragedy, fires. Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon 7°24 Leo -
*North Asellus (Asellus Borealis): Patience, beneficence and courage, heroic and defiant leader. Fortunate; Sun/ Mars 8°35 Leo -
*South Asellus (Asellus Australis): Military preferment, blindness, eye trouble, shipwreck, mass murder, horrors, self-willed, uncooperative. Unfortunate; Sun/ Mars
10°20 Leo - Giansar: Penetrating and analytical mind, travel and many friends, craft, ingenuity, and valour, but danger of robbery and accidental poisoning. Neutral; Saturn/ Mars
13°35 Leo - Acubens: Astrology, writing, perseverance, domestic problems, poison, liars. Fortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
15°00 Leo - Dubhe (The Bear): Astrology, arrogance, psychic power, destruction; aka Krathu, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) in Ursa Major; Bast Isis, the Egyptian goddess; "The Eye"; "Heaven's Pivot". Fortunate; Venus/Mercury/Mars
19°06 Leo - Merak: Prudent, restrained, mistrustful, self-controlled (but angry when roused), love of command, power to achieve, good with animals; Pulaha, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major. Fortunate; Saturn/ Mercury/ Mars
20°42 Leo - Ras Elased Aust (Algenubi): Cruel, heartless, bold, bombastic, brutish, destructive, artistic appreciation. power of expression, spiritual gifts, leadership. Neutral; Saturn/ Mars
22°00 Leo - "Own Worst Enemy": An unfortunate degree. No freedom to act on one's own behalf. Unfortunate
24°15 Leo - Subra: Strength; plunder; swagger; yet simple and without guile. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars
27°08 Leo - *Alphard: Gives wisdom, musical and artistic appreciation, knowledge of human nature, strong passions, lack of self control, immorality. Sudden death by poison or drowning. Problems with law, love affairs, drugs. Fortunate; Saturn/Venus
27°34 Leo - Adhafera: Crime, lying and stealing, suicide. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
27°41 Leo - *Al Jabhah: Wealth, sound judgement, cleverness, prone to violence, self-seeking, danger, loss, mutiny. Neutral; Saturn/ Mercury
29°53 Leo - *Regulus (Lion's Heart): The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Fortunate; Mars/ Jupiter/ Uranus
0°29 Virgo - Phecda: Civilising influence, tamer of beasts, transmission of divine knowledge; Pulasthya, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of the Great Bear, Ursa Major; bloodbaths, assassinations, riots, sexual perversion. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Venus
0°53 Virgo - Præcipua: Generous, noble, peaceful, fearless nature, with the ability to undertake prominent and responsible positions. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars
1°04 Virgo - Megrez: Spiritual sight; creativity; violence; Atri, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages), the ruling star of the Great Bear, Ursa Major. Fortunate; Mars
7°27 Virgo - Thuban: Prospectors of gold and silver or those who are ministers of money; burning to death in own house. Fortunate; Saturn/ Mars
8°56 Virgo - Alioth (The Black Horse): Suicide among women; danger in pregnancy; Angirasa, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) in Ursa Major. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
11°16 Virgo - Zosma: Keen intellect, depression, fearful, unhappy, feels restricted, loss in childhood; egotism; prophetic ability (with Coxa: "Kua, the Oracle"). Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
13°25 Virgo - Coxa: Good for voyages, gain by merchandise, redemption of captives; prophetic ability (with Zosma: "Kua, the Oracle"). Strength. Wisdom. Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
15°42 Virgo - Mizar: Connected with fires of a catastrophic extent and mass calamities; Vasishta, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
21°38 Virgo - *Denebola: Criticism, perseverance, control, lack of imagination, honours, undesirable associates, mental illness, happiness turns to despair, disease, natural disasters, catastrophes. Neutral; Saturn/ Venus
23°48 Virgo - *Coma Berenices: Eye problems; suave manner, with great personal charm; idle and dissipated, dramatic; a constellation rather than a star, with the main star being Diadem. Fortunate; Moon/ Venus
26°38 Virgo - Labrum: Honours, riches, ambition, psychic, chronic illness, dishonest income. Fortunate; Mercury/ Venus
26°56 Virgo - Alkaid (Benetnash): Associated with death and mourning, war, natural catastrophes; Marichi, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of Ursa Major. Unfortunate; Moon/ Mercury/ Saturn
28°54 Virgo - Markeb: Voyages, educational work, broad knowledge, piety. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
8°57 Libra - Diadem: Suave, well-bred; personal charm; dissipation. Dramatic ability. The "Wreath of Jewels" in Berenice's hair (the constellation Coma Berenices). Fortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
9°56 Libra - Vindemiatrix: Falsity, folly, disgrace, stealing, widowhood, depression, witch-hunts, mysticism & the occult. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
13°27 Libra - Algorab: Scavenging, destructiveness, repulsiveness, malevolence, fiendishness and lying, suicide, greed, injuries. Unfortunate; Mars/ Saturn
15°27 Libra - Merga: Guardians, ministers of state, custodians, treasurers, force behind the scenes, hidden masters, economists, architects, designers, "The Sickle". Fortunate; Mercury/ Saturn
17°39 Libra - *Seginus: Business, astrology, law, loss through friends, deceitful, shameless. Fortunate; Mercury/ Saturn/ Venus
19°20 Libra - Mufrid: Prosperity from work, planning, strong desires, a tendency to excess, a fondness for rural pursuits, occultism. Fortunate; Mercury/ Saturn
22°09 Libra - Foramen: Prosperity, leadership; divine teacher, creative power; ear and eye trouble, indecision, shipwreck. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
23°50 Libra - *Spica: Wealth, fame, honour, glamour, the "Fortunate One". Very Fortunate; Venus/ Mars
24°14 Libra - *Arcturus: Inspiration, riches, fame, honour, popularity, benefits through travel, success through work. Very Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars
3°09 Scorpio - *Princeps: Ability to research keen, studious and profound mind, business, government, law, science, arts, lies. Fortunate; Mercury/ Saturn
6°57 Scorpio - Khambalia: Deep research of any kind, police investigation, espionage and esoteric subjects. Fortunate; Mercury/ Mars
11°52 Scorpio - Acrux: Interest in astrology and spirituality, metaphysics, sacrifice. Occult; Jupiter
12°16 Scorpio - *Alphecca: Honour, dignity, literate, brilliant, poetic, scandals, betrayal in love, sorrow through children. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
12°18 Scorpio - Menken: Wisdom, astronomy, divination, medicine, botany and music. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
15°04 Scorpio - *South Scale (Zuben Algenubi): Loss, theft, betrayal, abuse, venereal disease, poisoning, drowning, anguish, revenge, criminality. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars
19°00 Scorpio - Serpentis (the "Accursed Degree"): A malefic degree, tragedy, misfortune, the "Accursed Degree". This degree does not precess; Unfortunate; Mars/ Saturn
19°23 Scorpio - *North Scale (Zuben Alschemali): Honours, wealth, distinction, brilliant mind, success in sports, politics, war, religion, writing, tragedy, violence, melancholy. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mercury/ Mars
22°04 Scorpio - *Alpha Serpentis (Unukalhai): Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars
23°48 Scorpio - Agena: Good health, high morals, disillusion through love, success with the masses. Fortunate; Venus/ Jupiter
29°36 Scorpio - Toliman (Bungula): Occult and philosophical learning, self analysis, honours, stubborn, cruel. Fortunate; Venus/ Jupiter
1°05 Sagittarius - Kornephoros: Fixity of purpose, strength of character, ardent nature and dangerous passions. Neutral; Mercury
2°18 Sagittarius - *Yed Prior: Success in astrology & 9th house matters, shrewd. Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
5°36 Sagittarius - Marfik: Passionate, blindly good-hearted, easily seduced, healer with herbs. Neutral; Saturn/ Venus
9°46 Sagittarius - *Antares (Heart of the Scorpion): A Royal Star. The Archangel Oriel, the Watcher of the West. Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages. Fortunate; Mars/Jupiter/ Mercury
11°58 Sagittarius - *Rastaban: Impulsive, honourable, good for astrology, government, writing, sports, finance, the arts, accidents, wounds, blindness, criminality. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Mars/ Jupiter
17°58 Sagittarius - Sabik: Wastefulness and lost energy, perverted moral, success in evil deeds. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Venus
20°54 Sagittarius - Atria: Just, truthful, righteous and benevolent, interest in architecture and freemasonry. Very Fortunate; Mercury/ Jupiter
22°27 Sagittarius - Ras Alhague: Trouble with women, drugs, poisoning, hallucination, medicines, infections, mystical healing. Fortunate; Saturn/Venus
24°01 Sagittarius - Lesath (Scorpion's Sting - with Shaula): Danger, desperation, immorality and malevolence, connected with acid poisons, accidents, catastrophes, operations. Unfortunate; Mercury/ Mars
24°35 Sagittarius - Shaula (Mulam: the Root): Danger, desperation, immorality and malevolence, connected with acid poisons, aids victory in sieges, destruction of seafarers and captives, exorcism, mesmerism, spiritual pressure towards enlightenment. Unfortunate; Mercury/ Mars
26°52 Sagittarius - Galactic Centre: A vast Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy, discovered 1932; source of energy, motivation, aspiration; alien consciousness; crisis of faith; travel; education; philosophy; spiritual urges; single-minded dedication. Fortunate; Jupiter
27°58 Sagittarius - Etamin: Liking solitude, good concentration, dishonour, downfall and loss of prestige, esoteric and philosophical studies. Neutral; Mars/ Moon
1°04 Capricorn - Spiculum: Eye trouble, blindness, depression, hopelessly doomed, morbid religious outlook, no concern for human life. Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon
1°16 Capricorn - Alnasl: Eye trouble, blindness (or bad eyesight). Unfortunate; Mars/ Moon
3°13 Capricorn - Polis: Martial desires, high ambitions, domination, keen perception, success.. Very Fortunate; Jupiter/ Mars
6°19 Capricorn - Kaus Borealis: Promoters of idealistic and humane ideas, promoters of mental stimuli, enterprise and a sense of justice. Fortunate; Mercury/ Mars
8°16 Capricorn - Facies: Blindness, violent death, sickness, accidents; leadership, war, coldness, detachment, perfectionism; earthquakes; pure combative energies; risk-taking, glamour; seeks fulfilment through charitable works. Very Unfortunate; Sun/ Mars
15°19 Capricorn - *Vega: Luck in politics, artistic talent, fleeting fame, double dealing, generosity, practicality. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
18°53 Capricorn - Sheliak: Artistic talent, sexual adventures, disgrace, gaudiness, independent thought, trouble with authority, death by violence. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
19°48 Capricorn - Dheneb: Martial Arts, ability to command, liberality, beneficence. Very Fortunate; Mars/ Jupiter
23°49 Capricorn - Peacock: Vanity and love of display, together with a long life and sometimes fame. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury/ Saturn
25°51 Capricorn - Terebellum: Strength and power, rise in life, riches, cunning, disgrace. Fortunate; Venus/ Saturn
0°56 Aquarius - Tarazed (The Plundering Falcon): Spoil and plunder, imagination, strong passions, will, clairvoyance, fame, powerful mind. Fortunate; Mars/ Jupiter
1°04 Aquarius - Sham: Combative, opinionated, jealousy, danger of death in battle. Unfortunate; Mars/ Venus
1°15 Aquarius - Albireo: Contemplative, cultured, artistic, congenial appearance and disposition. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
1°47 Aquarius - *Altair (The Eagle): Sudden but ephemeral fortune, impulsiveness, courage, accidents, astrology, writing. Neutral; Mars/ Jupiter
3°46 Aquarius - *Algedi (Giedi Prima): Beneficence, peculiar events, love affairs, great good fortune. Neutral; Venus/ Mars
5°34 Aquarius - Bos: Keen intellect, good for business, military, analysis. Fortunate; Saturn/ Venus
11°43 Aquarius - Albali: Danger, persecution and even death, but also said to give good fortune. Neutral; Mars/ Mercury
13°51 Aquarius - Dorsum: The Wheel of Fortune; bites from venomous creatures (with Sun or Mars). Unfortunate; Saturn/Jupiter
15°54 Aquarius - Alnair: Retiring, active, proud, watchful, kind, idealistic, devoted, liking for astronomy, "the Bright One". Fortunate; Mercury/Jupiter
20°12 Aquarius - Castra: Destructiveness, uncontrollable temper, malevolence. Unfortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
21°47 Aquarius - *Nashira: Writing, government, religion, overcomes evil. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
23°07 Aquarius - Kitalpha: Gives friendship and sagacity but frivolity and love of pleasure. Neutral; Mercury/ Venus
23°46 Aquarius - *Sadalsuud: Fortuna Fortunarum, great fortune; astrology, occult, government, business, psychic, visionary, originality; personal charm; temperance; aviation. Fortunate; Saturn/ Mercury
23°50 Aquarius - Deneb Algedi: A wise leader; finding the joy inherent in sorrow – and vice versa; glory and fame if death is avoided; betrayal, loss of position if associated with Sun or Moon. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
24°50 Aquarius - Sador: Glittering wings, figured by stars. Part of the Christian Cross. Words of command, gathering of wealth; a hidden god; love of water, swimming, the arts; communication with birds; aviation. Fortunate; Jupiter/ Saturn
27°45 Aquarius - Gienah: Soar to great heights, potential of sudden downfall. Neutral; Venus/ Mercury
5°16 Pisces - *Deneb Adige (Alpha Cygnus): Intelligent, creative, original, naive, astrology, writing, the public, dog bites. Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
6°43 Pisces - Sadalachbia: Success in ventures, personal charm, movement to rich pastures, aviation, discovery of lost items, "the Star of Hidden Things". Fortunate; Venus/ Mercury
8°52 Pisces - Skat: Good fortune, personal charm, lasting happiness, psychic interests, sensitivity, occult interests, many friends. Fortunate; Saturn/ Jupiter
15°19 Pisces - Achernar: Sudden success in public office, religious benefits, access to another realm. Fortunate; Jupiter ("the mouth of the River" a constellation extending over several Signs. NOTE: stars in this constellation (Eridanus) are ruled by Saturn, with the exception of Achernar, the brightest)
23°29 Pisces - *Markab: Violence, honours and riches, "Star of Sorrow", literary, legal problems, accidents. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury/ Venus
29°22 Pisces - *Scheat: Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Unfortunate; Mars/ Mercury
Here are some of the collected meanings of the fixed stars!! Please let me know if you guys do have any questions:) I'll link additional resources for you guys to read💕Have fun learning this aside the degree theory boo!!
saint jenx🪐
external sources: one two three
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What's your opinion on astrology?
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Complete nonsense. For the same reasons we know prayer doesn't work: because nobody can define how it works, and because when we test it, the results are no better than random chance.
Otherwise, whichever is the "true" religion would exhibit greater professional and academic success, better health, longer life, etc, etc. The same for the astrologists who get it "right."
That is, it isn't just that it's not been demonstrated to work, it's been demonstrated not to work.
The interesting thing about astrology isn't the astrology itself, it's the human psychology that powers it. Pattern seeking, magical thinking, confirmation bias, appeals to mystery and ignorance, desire for control - that something is in control, and that you can take control by aligning your activities with the "predictions" for the day.
The Forer experiment is particularly interesting. James Randi conducts the same experiment in the video below. It's been consistently replicated.
Part of the reason it's so interesting is how applicable the technique is, not just in the nonsense of astrology, but also in advertising, social media, and of course, religion and politics, and particularly identity politics.
I've got an astrology tag, but this post in particular probably covers it:
Of course, when you look at what is actually required for it to function, it's pretty much a tacit form of geocentric flat Earth.
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santoschristos · 3 years
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Holographic Dreamtime https://www.dreamyoga.com/what-is-dream-yoga/psychological-geocentrism/?fbclid=IwAR3C7ckFftpGpXVys-PopzSvDhdfgsPssbV7xcobi7bvvu-RPaUrCrMLENk
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luxe-pauvre · 3 years
Freud bashing is a popular intellectual pastime these days (although he still has his fans in New York and London). But, as we have seen in this chapter, he did have some valuable insights into the human condition, and, when talking about psychological defences, he was right on target, although he had no idea what they evoked or what neural mechanisms might mediate them. A less well known, but equally interesting idea put forward by Freud was his claim that he had discerned the single common denominator of all great scientific revolutions: Rather surprisingly, all of them humiliate or dethrone "man" as the central figure in the cosmos. The first of these, he said, was the Copernican revolution, in which a geocentric or earth-entered view of the universe was replaced with the idea that earth is just a speck of dust in the cosmos. The second was the Darwinian revolution, which holds that we are puny, hairless neotenous apes that accidentally evolved certain characteristics that have made us successful, at least temporarily. The third great scientific revolution, he claimed (modestly), was his own discovery of the unconscious and the corollary notion that the human sense of "being in charge" is illusory. He claimed that everything we do in life is governed by a cauldron of unconscious emotions, drives and motives and that what we call consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg, an elaborate post hoc rationalisation of all our actions. I believe Freud correctly identified the common denominator of great scientific revolutions. But he doesn't explain why this is so - why would human beings actually enjoy being "humiliated" or dethroned? What do they get in return for accepting the new worldview that belittles humankind? Here we can turn things around and provide a Freudian interpretation of why cosmology, evolution and brain science are so appealing, not just to specialists but to everyone. Unlike other animals, humans are acutely aware of their own mortality and are terrified of death. But the study of cosmology gives us a sense of timelessness, of being part of something much larger. The fact that your own personal life is finite is less frightening when you know you are part of an evolving universe - an ever-unfolding drama. This is probably the closest a scientist can come to having a religious experience. The same goes for the study of evolution, for it gives you a sense of time and place, allowing you to see yourself as part of a great journey. And likewise for the brain sciences. In this revolution, we have given up the idea that there is a soul separate from our minds and bodies. Far from being terrifying, this idea is very liberating. If you think you're something special in this world, engaging in a lofty inspection of the cosmos from a unique vantage point, your annihilation becomes unacceptable. But if you're really part of the great cosmic dance of Shiva, rather than a mere spectator, then your inevitable death should be seen as a joyous reunion with nature rather than as a tragedy.
V. S. Ramachandran & Sandra Blakeslee, Phantoms in the Brain
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howtofightwrite · 5 years
Q&A: Amnesia
re: concussion types: you mentioned global amnesia being incredibly rare as a side effect of head trauma, so i was wondering, how bad would the trauma have to be to induce “i can’t remember anything” amnesia? most info i found relates to memory loss around the time of the trauma, not on total memory loss which really speaks to uncommon it is, but if you have any insight i would love to know! (also from what i gather, you’d lose not only memories but physical skills as well, reading, walking etc)
So, the correct term for what we’re talking about is Retrograde Amnesia. This is the loss of previously created memories. There’s a lot of potential causes, but as with concussions, it’s not about how hard you’re hit, it’s what your brain is doing.
In a lot of cases, it’s not even about an injury; simply, something in your brain doesn’t work right. Your brain stores and recovers a lot of information on a regular bases, and whenever something goes wrong, whether that’s due injury, illness, chemicals, electroshock “therapy,” or psychological factors, it’s amnesia.
The term itself, is a bit misleading, because it’s describing a wide range of similar symptoms under a single header. The term itself is basically just, “can’t remember.” So, technically, if you forgot where you left your keys, and wanted to be overly dramatic, you could call that amnesia. No one else would be likely to agree, but you wouldn’t be completely wrong.
Complete Retrograde Amnesia is incredibly rare. I don’t have a number for this, the rate of incidence is that low. It’s a bit confused, because things like dementia are forms of retrograde amnesia. So, this can become a question of severity.
The one I do have numbers for is Transient Global Amnesia. I’ve actually had the privilege of watching an entire TGA event from start to finish. The rate of incidence there is about 5:100,000, and events usually last for less than a day.
TGA is complete anterograde amnesia, with mild retrograde amnesia. In this case, the patient was unable to form new long term memories for about six to eight hours, and while the event persisted they were unable to recall events in the previous nine months to a year. This lead to some remarkably repetitive conversations. After the event completed they were unable to recall events from roughly six hours before the event started until after it’s conclusion, and my understanding is they never recovered those memories.
During initial onset, the immediate fear was that the patient was experiencing a stroke. Given the symptoms, that was a reasonable concern.
Lit says that the patient should be able to remember, roughly, the last five minutes during the event. That sounds consistent with what I saw, but I didn’t time it.
So, there’s a term up there, “anterograde.” Let’s describe these. Retrograde simply means, “moving backwards.” Outside of amnesia, you’ll most often encounter this regarding the movement of celestial bodies. Under the geocentric model of the solar system, planets which appeared to reverse course were a serious puzzle, and the phenomena was described as, “retrograde motion.” When you add the fact that planets orbit around the sun, and not the earth, it makes perfect sense. They’re not reversing course, it’s simply a function of the planets’ orbits creating the illusion of reverse motion. Planets are still described as being “in retrograde,” to indicate that their apparent motion has reversed from the perspective of earth, even though we now understand why this happens.
Similarly, anterograde simply means “moving forward.” (Worth knowing that, while retrograde derives from Latin, and has been around since, at least, Middle English, anterograde is a modern word.) When dealing with amnesia, anterograde is the inability to form new memories. IE: “Without memories moving forward.”
As with any other form, anterograde amnesia can be there result of a number of different causes, including some illnesses, chemical reactions, brain tumors, injuries, and stroke.
Anterograde amnesia can also be experienced as a result of being put under general anesthesia. This means, I’ve probably experienced this first hand, but have no recollection of it.
A concussion can result in either anterograde, retrograde, or a combination of both forms of amnesia. Usually associated with damage to the medial temporal lobe. Note: this part of your brain does a bit more than just store memories. It’s also responsible for spacial cognition. If I remember correctly, but I can’d find reference to verify right now, damage to the medial temporal lobe also result in epileptic seizures, and loss (or at least impairment) of emotional control.
Since we’re talking about neural structure, and way out of my depth already, let’s talk a little more about memory. You have at least two distinct types of memories. Episodic memories are things you experience. If you stop and think back to something that happened, that’s an Episodic memory. Semantic memories are skills, and abstract knowledge. While knowledge derives from episodic experiences, you actually store this stuff differently. (I’m not clear on the exact, chemical or biological distinction here.) This is important to understand when talking about amnesia, because what you have seen and what you know are different kinds of memories. So, the idea that someone can’t remember who they are, but still has all their knowledge and skills, isn’t that far fetched. Except for the part where they can’t remember anything about who they are.
I’m going to stick a note in here: You asked about walking, that’s not a memory. Your brain is pretty well hardwired to do that. There’s actually a number of basic actions and functions of fine motor control, that have nothing to do with memory. Some of this stuff will atrophy if you don’t use it, but you’re not going to forget it. One of the more interesting ones is swimming, as infants are born with a reflexive ability to (attempt to) swim. This atrophies pretty quickly, but, it’s interesting.
One form of amnesia we’ve all experienced is infantile amnesia. This just discusses the phenomena where people do not (generally) remember the first three to five years of their lives. (There are exceptions, but those are rare.) This is simply a function of neural development, and may be tied to development of language skills.
There is one last variety you should familiarize yourself with: Dissociative amnesia. This a psychologically derived. It includes things like repressed memories and fugue states. The patient decides (at a sub-conscious level) not to remember something. This can be because the event is so traumatic they refuse to acknowledged it, or any number of other factors. In some extreme cases, the patient rejects themselves. They forget everything. Technically the memories are still intact, it’s not they put their brain on a bulk eraser and nuked it. They simply will not interface with those memories. In some ways can be pretty, “laser guided,” because the patient is trying to protect themselves, and are the best suited to know if something’s going to cause problems.
As a therapist, there a fairly decent argument not to probe someone with dissociative amnesia too deeply, unless they really are asking you to. We don’t talk about this much, but when it comes to psychology and the Hippocratic oath, if the patient is not being harmed by their issues, or harming others, you don’t mess with them. A patient with a dissociative amnesia who is happy with who they are, is not someone who “needs to be dragged back to face themselves.” Chances are, there were really good reasons their mind went, “nope,” duct taped the whole thing in a box, and chucked in the back of a closet. If the patient comes to you distressed because they can’t remember who they were, that’s different. If the patient simply can’t remember who they were, but is fine who they are, do no harm.
Okay, that’s amnesia, let’s talk about why you should never use this stuff in your writing.
The amnesiac point of view character is a very, very, useful trope. It’s too useful. This is why it has become cliche.
When you create a new world, you as the writer, know the rules, you know players, you know all the moving pieces. Your audience knows nothing. At this point, you have to decide how to introduce your audience to your world. What better way than picking a PoV character who remembers nothing and needs to be spoon fed the backstory as they go along? The audience, and the character, will acquire information at the same rate as they progress through the story.
Amnesiac characters can also justify a lot of exposition. If they know nothing, then they’ll have to have all of this explained to them. But, you might have just noticed a problem, that’s not how amnesia works (in most cases.)
Someone might not remember that the person they’re talking to killed their sister, but they are going to remember the factions and other political considerations that govern the other character’s motivations. Some details will be missing, but the abstract knowledge should be intact.
Many amnesiac PoV characters aren’t really amnesiac, they’re simply audience proxies who are unfamiliar with the backstory, blundering around, as the world is gradually filled in.
Now, having just picked at this a bit, it works very well. Especially if you, (as the writer) are not yet comfortable with the setting. The problem, and the reason I said, “don’t use this,” is because it has become cliche, due to overuse. You can’t pick a fantasy novel off the shelf without accidentally knocking over eighteen more about edgy amnesiac heroes wandering around someone’s home brew D&D campaign. It gets worse when you get into other media.
There are some other good uses. One is an amnesiac character investigating themselves. There’s a lot of this in the thriller genre. Much like the case above, this is a bit cliche, but is also a situation with some unique options. Robert Ludlum’s The Bourne Identity comes to mind as an interesting variant of this. Though the amnesiac spy has been done to death since.
Amnesia is a very useful, very potent, tool for a writer. It’s one you do not want to abuse, because, when misused, it will deprive your story of its uniqueness. If you have to chose between an amnesiac PoV, or committing to a PoV character that’s up to speed, pick the latter. It may not seem as easy, but it gives you more control than your realize.
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Q&A: Amnesia was originally published on How to Fight Write.
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darkscienceacademia · 4 years
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The small, tidy Ptolemaic universe may have been psychologically comforting, but the universe is under no obligation to make us comfortable.
- Fundamentals of Astrophysics, by B. Ryden and B. Peterson (a lot of stuff like this that I post is from this book, sorry I haven't been citing it)
Because stellar parallax is so freaking small because the distances are so freaking huge, many astronomers, including Tycho Brahe and Ptolemy, thought both that the world was geocentric and that the universe was much smaller than it really is. But our nearest stellar neighbors are more than 270,000 astronomical units away. Such a distance, the thought of such a vast, unthinkable amount of space, may well have driven them mad.
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rabidfirefoxfan · 4 years
This video explores some interesting ways some groups of people use psychology to try and persuade you.
Or how Geocentrism try to use the medium of a documentary to try and convince you to ignore science and listen to their faith.
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Philosophy and Hot Chocolate
And look who’s back with some more dumb fanfiction rambles
ha, yeah, that would be
this bastard.
@just-perhaps wanted to see the braincell boys debate, so I bring you all this. You’re welcome.
Characters: Logan, Deceit (sympathetic), Roman, Patton, Virgil.
Pairings: None. Just platonic all around here.
Warnings: Alcohol mention, and Idk of anything else? Let me know if you’d like something added tho.
It was getting late in the diner. For Logan, that was nothing new. He just sat quietly at his booth by himself like he always did, absentmindedly stirring a cup of black coffee with a spoon and ignoring the creamer that was in a tiny metal bucket near his mug. Few customers remained as per usual at this hour, which meant that the place was finally, relatively quiet.��
For a cutesy diner, things got interesting here after about 10pm. All the nice pictures crowding the walls became dark with shadow after the sun went down and the lights dimmed, and the little knick knacks began to look like haunted artifacts from their perches around various shelves in the main room. 
Logan liked that about this place. When the night got old everyone else was gone, but the diner still remained open like it always did, dutifully serving its customers clear into the next morning. The night shift had started a few hours ago now; but one lonely staff member standing behind the bar with a few of the usual drunks. They’d be leaving soon enough when they got too rowdy to stay, and then finally he could have his silence.
Then the door opened. 
Logan looked up as a strangely-dressed character entered the diner, a bowler hat topping off his honey-colored hair, tanned skin, and sharp green eyes. A thin scar ran up from the left side of his mouth to the base of his ear; a mouth that was currently twisted into something that looked like a smirk as he slowly sauntered past the empty tables, then slid into the booth across from Logan. 
“You look bored,” he said. 
“I’m not.” Logan glanced across the table at the stranger, who was wearing a yellow shirt and black jacket over top. He looked like a hornet. “Interesting clothing choice,” he commented.
“I might say the same about you.”
Logan glanced down at the black shirt and tie he currently wore, then raised an eyebrow. 
“Fair enough.”
“Hey Logan, can I get something for your friend here?” Both turned as a new character approached, this one with curly hair that hung over round glasses and a light blue apron. His name tag read Patton. 
“You’re a regular here,” the other man said. 
“And you’re not.” Logan looked over at Patton. “Can we get a basket of fries?”
“Of course!” Patton smiled at him, then turned to the hornet man. “Can I get you anything, sir?”
“Iced tea. Unsweetened.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” Patton flashed them a smile and left, humming something to himself as he disappeared into the back room. The stranger raised an eyebrow at Logan.
“Fries?” he asked.
“I don’t see why not.” 
“It’s almost midnight.” 
“Says the one ordering iced tea.”
“That’s not the same.” Logan only shrugged, automatically reaching up to adjust his glasses.
“Maybe for you it isn’t.” He yawned, turning as Patton returned to the table with a small red basket of fries, offering the waiter a nod as it was set down in front of him. 
“Thank you, Patton.” 
“Sure thing! You guys just let me know if you need anything else, okay?”
The stranger reached across the table as Patton returned to his station by the bar, grabbed a fry, and took a bite. 
“I like these,” he decided after a moment, and reached for another one. 
“Do I get a name?” Logan asked. 
“Very well, Diogenes.” The other man sipped at his iced tea. 
“A famous cynical philosopher. Touché.” He smiled a bit behind his drink as Logan reached for a fry. “My name’s Dorian.”
“Logan, as I believe you’ve already heard.” Dorian nodded to him, then took another fry. 
“I was correct in my guess that you were educated.”
“The only people who frequent these places at this hour are either genius, drunk, or mad. Because you clearly aren’t drunk and you don’t speak like a churchish pig, genius is the only category I’m left with to define you by.”
“You forgot a category,” Logan stated, sipping at his coffee. He took a fry, looked at his drink, and dipped it in his coffee before trying it. Too bitter. He made a face and sipped at his coffee again, trying to wash out the weird taste in his mouth.
“What would that category be?” Dorian asked, looking amused at Logan’s unsuccessful flavor combination. 
“Desperate. And perhaps...adventurous, though those show up rarely. Even they sleep.”
“Desperate falls under the category of mad, I believe. Adventurous certainly does.”
“How so?”
“Mad with desperation, for example. That is a thing, you know.” Dorian took another fry. Someone in a far booth gave them an odd look. He looked drunk, though he had no beer in front of him and hadn’t been to the bar all evening.
“I am aware of that phrase. However, it all depends on your definition of mad, and your definition of desperation,” Logan countered. Dorian smirked. 
“Tell me more.” 
Logan tilted his head, then shrugged and adjusted his glasses again. This wasn’t the strangest thing that had happened to him by far, and he saw no harm in rolling along with the visit of this strange “Dorian” character as long as he remained civil. Which, so far, he had. 
A waltz started to play quietly in the diner. 
“For starters,” Logan said, pulling on his ‘teaching voice’ as he began, “the phrase ‘mad with desperation,’ as you put it, hinges on the definition of both words, not just the one or the other. Madness can mean anything from insanity and psychosis according to some, to mental illness, to mere eccentricity, which by psychological definition is not mad, but merely different from the norm. Desperation, on the other hand, can mean several different things as well. Someone desperate to use the restroom, for example, may come here to relieve themselves. Or on the other end of the spectrum, someone fleeing a toxic or abusive situation may wish to seek temporary shelter here. You would not call them mad, would you?”
Dorian leaned back, sipping at his iced tea. 
“I suppose I would not,” he conceded at last. “You intrigue me, Oh-One-With-The-Glasses.” 
Logan hummed his reply, then looked aside. “Ah, more visitors. I thought he’d come over here eventually.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare...” The man who had been watching them earlier now spoke up, standing behind Dorian with a partially apprehensive, partially embarrassed expression. A red and white varsity jacket hung from his shoulders, which were slumped with what Logan guessed to be exhaustion. “Ah...does your table have room for one more?” Dorian and Logan exchanged glances. 
“I suppose so. Who would you like to accompany for this fine conversation, Logan or myself?” Dorian asked. The new character looked between the two, then sat next to Dorian, who obligingly scooted over to make room. 
“I’m Roman,” he said as he sat down, his face blushing a delicate shade of red. “You guys... uh...you seemed interesting, I-I guess.”
“We met less than ten minutes ago,” Logan stated bluntly. 
“Ah, but that’s the fun part!” Dorian grinned at last, looking between Logan and the new visitor. “See, the reason that drunks, geniuses, and madmen all visit this place at this time is because the line between each is so thin, it may as well not exist at all.”
“I don’t drink,” Logan said. 
“For some of us, anyhow.” Dorian looked over at Roman. “And where do you fall in this category?”
“You two are insane.” Roman shook his head, reaching for a fry. “But...I couldn’t get to sleep, for some reason. Figured I might as well go somewhere rather than toss and turn all night.”
“Madman,” Dorian said with a nod, chuckling at Roman’s half-tired, half-outraged expression.
“Ha,” he said. “I guess you’re not wrong.”
“You’re sleep deprived,” Logan said. 
“Eh,” Dorian waved his hand, which had a yellow glove on it that Logan hadn’t noticed before. “Same difference, right Roman?”
“Falsehood. Just because the majority of a population believes in a fact or observation does not make said fact or observation correct. For example, the geocentric theory was believed by the majority in some places for hundreds of years, until science proved them wrong.” Logan crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “Therefore, your statement is invalid.”
“I’m not following,” Roman mumbled. 
“Don’t worry about it.” Dorian locked eyes with Logan and grinned again. “This has been much more invigorating than I had expected...I like you,” he announced. 
“Just like that?” another voice asked. 
“Patton!” Logan spun around, and the waiter tilted his head at him. “You...you startled me.”
“Oh, sorry!” Patton held up his hands, still smiling cheerfully (how did he do that at this hour, anyways?). “It’s just me! My other customers left, so you guys are the only ones still in here.”
“You’re bored,” Dorian stated, and Patton nodded. 
“Welcome to the table.”
“What is it with you and inviting people to a table that’s not yours?” Logan asked as he scooted aside for Patton to take a seat next to him. “Some people would consider that to be bad manners, you know.”
“You’re not ‘some people,’ however, so that statement is redundant.”
“...Fair point.”
“You guys are insane,” Roman said again. 
“Everything is insane depending on how you look at it.” Dorian looked at his empty iced tea, then shrugged and grabbed another fry. 
“Do you want a refill?” Patton asked. 
“I’d like that.”
“Can I have hot chocolate?” Roman looked up from where he’d been staring at Dorian’s gloves, tilting his head slightly. 
“Sure!” Patton got up and quickly disappeared into the back room, returning a few minutes later with the ordered items. Roman sipped at his hot chocolate and nodded. 
“This is good,” he announced loudly as he set his mug down. “Good hot chocolate.”
“A real philosopher, are you?” Dorian asked with an amused look. 
“No philosophy, only chocolate.” Roman hugged his mug close to him and began whispering something at it. Logan raised an eyebrow. 
“So...you wish to debate?” he asked slowly, locking eyes with Dorian. 
“Pick a topic,” Dorian answered, leaning back against the booth. “Whatever you want.” 
“Oooh, this is gonna be fun!” Patton grinned, reaching for a fry and munching on it while he watched. Logan leaned back in his seat as well; looking at Dorian; considering his offer. 
“Human morality,” he said at last. “Tell me your opinion.”
“You choose a fascinating topic. Kudos to you.” Dorian sipped at his new glass of iced tea. 
“It’s useless and we’re all gonna die,” said a new voice. 
“Did I advertise a party over here?” Logan looked over at the new voice, who belonged to a grumpy-looking character with purple-dyed hair and eyeshadow-smudged cheeks.
"Hey Virgil!" Patton said cheerfully. "What brings you here from the back?"
"Boredom," was the answer. Virgil pointed at Roman. "And that idiot's shouting."
"You just don't understand chocolate," Roman declared, looking up from his mug. Virgil rolled his eyes and adjusted the patch jacket around his shoulders. 
"Scoot," he said to Patton, who obligingly moved over so he could sit. Logan made a face as he retreated to the corner of his booth to make room, but didn't object.
What a night this was turning out to be.
"As I was saying," Dorian said, waving a gloved hand in the air as he spoke. “Morality. That certainly has a fascinating role in society, does it not? After all, without it we wouldn’t have a society.”
“And we’d all be dead,” Virgil added. Dorian glared at him. 
“Not my point.”
“You believe that morality is necessary to form a society?” Logan asked. 
“I believe it is necessary to form a society such as the ones we humans live in, yes.” 
“Fascinating.” Logan leaned back against his booth, automatically reaching up a hand to fidget with his tie. 
“Mmmm...chocolate,” Roman murmured into his mug. 
“I mean, think about it,” Dorian continued, glancing at Roman but ignoring his dramatic proclamation. “Without morality, we would have no system of justice, which can only logically produce anarchy. The system of ‘strongest wins all’ would be the only system, larger governments couldn’t possibly form, and so on and so forth. Morality is necessary for the existence of society, and also beneficial to those who know how to exploit it.”
“Which is why it is not the groundwork of society, but a mere addition,” Logan cut in. “After all, society cannot exist without structure, no matter how advanced the morals of its citizens are. Logically, people will naturally come together for the benefit of the group, and a system of justice would arise by itself in order to preserve the good of the many. Therefore, morality isn’t necessary for justice at all; rather, it can actually hinder it due to the actions of those with morals that are considered to be ‘bad.’” He leaned forward and took a sip from his tea with a smirk, watching Dorian for a reaction. The other man grinned at him for the third time that night. 
“Well done, Logan,” he said. “I applaud you.” He raised an eyebrow. “So, you believe morals are unnecessary?” 
“They are for me.” At last, Logan himself grinned, sliding the bill over to Dorian and standing up. 
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adorable-elsanna · 5 years
I don't mean to be rude, and I apologize in advance if I am!! But why do you ship this nd WHY does this ship exist? Aren't Elsa and Anna sisters? And blood related at that. I don't want to hate on ships, you can ship washer you want as long as you aren't hurting anybody!! It's just that ships like these with incest startle me a bit. Maybe I'm just confused since I really shipped Kistof and Anna so I'm missing out on this? Ahhh sorry if this is annoying!! -confused anon
 Hi Confused Anon ( aren’t we all? ;) ),
Thanks for your polite ask, lol finally I get to dust off this blog’s ask box! :)) I’d love to respond with a whole essay xDD but I don’t really have time :’( so maybe I’ll just give a quick rundown for now. 
I might not be the most representative person to pose this question to lol because I am an outlier in general, meaning due to my life experiences, my development, my major in college, my deep meditation practice, and more, I do not abide by normative, dominant, hegemonic social structures and social constructs (nor do I actively resist them per se), so I am unfazed by anything. 
I started shipping this after I watched the first movie when it came out in Nov. 2013. One of my first posts on this blog, 7 years ago, was me explaining how I came to ship this (I had made the post private, but now you can read it here. Also this other post, but I wrote it when I was a college student, so it’s a little too analytical for my tastes now. Those were my views at the time). 7 years is a long time, so my mindsets and reasonings have changed, but all the reasons I had for shipping them from before are still with me today. 
I didn’t go into the movie with the intention to ship them, but while watching it, I picked up on a lot of chemistry between them because their interactions and even storyline were infused with strong popular romantic tropes, tropes that were used in other classic Disney movies themselves. I used to watch a lot of romantic comedies so I was very familiar with common romantic tropes. Of course, having came away from the movie having noticed all these romantic notes between them, I was a little confused and thought maybe it was just me. But when I went online to search a bit to see if others saw/felt what I saw, I found out it wasn’t just me! 
So one of the reasons why this ship exists is because people picked up on the romantic tropes that colored some of Elsa and Anna’s interactions, tropes that have usually only appeared between romantic couples, in films and in real life. Even if the creators didn’t intend to and didn’t actively put the tropes there, they are there. 
If we apply the principles of Buddhism (not the religion. Many ppl mistakenly practice things as devotional worship or for superstitious reasons. But if ppl really want to know everything about the mind, how the world works, the universe, who they are, about themselves and “other” people and why people do what they do, the meaning of life, true happiness, the end of suffering and stress and conflict, and consciousness, then forget psychology [not saying it’s not useful though]. Buddhism, or rather Buddhadharma, is the true science of mind, or at least the much more effective tool), it says that there is the law of cause and effect, the universal law. Everything that is created in the universe and each phenomenon that happens is the result of the momentary coming together of causes and conditions that make that thing happen. There are many many causes and conditions and intricacies and things are interconnected and interdependent, no one person can control something to happen (certain conditions have to be there for something to happen). Something can not come from nothing. If something happens, then certain causes and conditions have been created to bring that result. A seed was planted. If we plant an apple seed, what comes out will be an apple tree (provided the right conditions were met, like water, soil, sunlight, etc.). It will never come out as a banana tree. And so we can understand the underlying principle behind how each situation and phenomenon arises, about existence itself, why each thing exists. 
Now WHY did I go off on that tangent??? LOL All of this is to say that certain causes and conditions have been created to result in the effect of many people shipping Elsa and Anna together and there being a fandom for them. (These principles and explanations might seem very simple and like kindergarten stuff, but despite that, many people can’t accept it. ESPECIALLY when it applies to heavy stuff in their regular everyday life. Or even trivial things tbh lol) The last I checked, there were people from at least 26 different countries shipping Elsa and Anna together. 
Everyone thinks they see reality exactly as it is and takes it for granted, and thus attach strongly to the notion that they’re right. But if that’s the case, then why are there so many fights over who is right? So who is actually right? Even if someone were to follow the majority consensus or some popular, ingrained, long-standing ideas / societal rules, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right. There are many cases of the blind leading the blind. People used to follow the geocentric model of the universe before they discovered heliocentrism. Ideas are always in flux and keeps changing and transforming, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes imperceptibly and sometimes conspicuously. If you ask 100 different people why they ship Elsa and Anna, you will get 100 different answers (with a lot of overlap of course) with unique spins on their reasons. Because in the world, each person sees reality through their own color-tinted glasses and filters and adherence to labels, concepts, beliefs, upbringing, etc. And then the person seeing “reality” through red-tinted glasses gets mad at the person seeing with blue-tinted glasses for not seeing the world how they see it (and gets frustrated not understanding why), and vice versa. In this scenario, what is actually best? To realize you’re seeing “reality” through color-tinted glasses, and so you should take them off and truly see reality without any filtered lenses. (This is a little off-topic, but I had to bring some Buddhism into this because first of all, dharma applies to everything lol, and secondly, Buddhism is all about dispelling confusion. There is definitely a way to see reality exactly as it is, it typically involves meditation.) 
Yes, Elsa and Anna are sisters. But I’ve never seen any pair of sisters act like them before (if there are, then that’s great!). I have a sibling myself, and we are very close, but we don’t act like how Elsa and Anna act with each other. With most siblings, I would say there’s a lot more joking around, teasing each other, sarcasm, pranks, and casual relaxed communication than the intense intimacy, deep eye-contact, and soul-bonding that Elsa and Anna share. Disney has portrayed many other sibling relationships before, but it seems like they tried something a little different with Elsa and Anna’s relationship that made it pretty easy for many people to ship them together. 
I ship Elsa and Anna together because their pure true love for each other transcends all labels, concepts, preconceived notions, and time and space. They are completely selfless when it comes to one another and that’s what true love means. They make each other better people and it empowers them to extend this selflessness toward other people. Their sacrificing themselves for each other and selflessness in action is true love exemplified. No one deserves Elsa more than Anna, and no one deserves Anna more than Elsa (speaking from my shipper heart xD). Confining and defining their love as just sisterly seems limiting and not allowing the full potential of their true, expansive, infinite love to manifest. (A sibling relationship is really beautiful, but it still has to be shaped and look a certain way, it has to fit into a particular mold and box and abide by certain conditions. Otherwise, as we have incontrovertibly seen, people will scream bloody murder and be squicked out and all hell will break loose.)  
We can even go one step further to say that the same similarly applies to people’s definitions, notions, concepts, ideas, and beliefs about love. They say this love is like this and that love is like that, this is what love should look like, this person can love this person but only if it’s like this and not like that, this is what it means to love and to be loved, etc. Again, it’s limiting, and placing restrictions on something whose essence is boundless. In Buddhism, with the realization of Enlightenment, one realizes that true love is selfless, unconditional, boundless, free, all-encompassing, nondual, timeless, compassionate, wise, nondiscriminating, infinite, universal, endlessly flowing, non-judgmental, creative, indescribable, and inconceivable. So THIS is the love that I see and ship between Elsa and Anna. I love their relationship as sisters, but their love is so grand that it cannot be contained inside that label, so it transcends and goes beyond any attempts to neatly define and characterize it.
It’s okay if incest ships startle you. Uncomfortable feelings come up whenever the ego experiences anything that challenges its worldview and everything it’s ever known and held to be true, and that prompts it to question and reconsider its mind-constructs. We have a knee-jerk reaction to grasp, hold, and attach to what we like, and to avoid, reject, and push away what we don’t like and what makes us feel uncomfortable. For what it’s worth, Buddhism tells about the cycle of life, death, and rebirth from beginningless time, so we have all lived infinite past lives and been each other’s lovers, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, enemies, grandparents, etc. at one point or another. (Deep, but intriguing!, topics for another time.)  
If you really like to ship Krist0ff and Anna, then go ahead and ship happily. First rule of Buddhist meditation: Whatever you do, ONLY DO IT, 100%. ;) And if you don’t do something, then don’t do it, 100%. And then move on to the next moment. Be in the present moment. And remember that everything is changing moment by moment. Mind is changing moment by moment. Don’t need to anticipate the next moment. Who knows where our shipper hearts will take us. 
I like to ship people based on their chemistry and characterization. Elsa and Anna have a great true love story that is theirs and theirs alone. I don’t like to ship relationships that seem contrived, thrown in there for the sake of it, not fleshed out, lacking in substance, trite, and with characters who are underwhelming or underdeveloped. 
Lol no worries, this is not annoying, I’m sorry this is so long and that I took 7 days to get back to you. I wish I could give specific examples from the movies with beautiful gifs to explain why I ship them (I’ve probably written such posts in the past. Maybe I’ll come back to edit this reply one day), but I’ve gotta skedaddle! I’d like to hear your thoughts about my reply if you actually read this, so please send me a message in the ask box again if you can. 
Also I’m a girl if that makes any difference, but yeah anyway, skedaddle time, love you all! 
Oooooh I never finished replying to someone else’s ask box message asking me why I shipped them, it’s from years ago :’(, I started typing my reasons and saved it in my drafts, but it’s incomplete. But here’s what I wrote at the time!
1. I just love everything that Elsa and Anna feel and do for each other. Elsa isolates herself from Anna to keep her safe, and Anna persists in trying to get Elsa to open up to her and goes to find her when she runs away. They’re always thinking of each other and worrying about each other. They act selflessly for one another and their unconditional love is expressed so genuinely. This kind of devotion in any relationship is rare.
2. There was a lot of chemistry between them in the movie. At the coronation ball scene, I get that the creators were trying to depict awkwardness between them since they haven’t spoken in a long time, and Anna wanted reassurance that Elsa didn’t hate her so she was nervous about getting Elsa’s attention and approval, but the scene came off as Elsa being kind of suave and flirty and Anna being flustered because her crush just complimented her. Then Anna gave Elsa a playful smile when she was dipped upside-down as if she only had eyes for Elsa.
When Anna stares admiringly at Elsa as she stands atop the staircase, it was like a scene straight out of A Cinderella Story or Enchanted where the prince stares at his true love like she took his breath away.
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Zodiac Signs and Their Traits
In Western astrology, astrological signs are the twelve 30° sectors of the ecliptic, starting at the vernal equinox (one of the intersections of the ecliptic with the celestial equator), also known as the First Point of Aries. The order of the astrological signs is Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each sector is named for a constellation it passes through. The concept of the zodiac originated in Babylonian astrology and was later influenced by Hellenistic culture. According to astrology, celestial phenomena relate to human activity on the principle of "as above, so below", so that the signs are held to represent characteristic modes of expression. Modern discoveries about the true nature of celestial objects have undermined the theoretical basis for assigning meaning to astrological signs, and empirical scientific investigation has shown that predictions and recommendations based on these systems are not accurate.: 85;424 Astrology is generally regarded as pseudoscience. The twelve sector division of the ecliptic constitutes astrology's primary frame of reference when considering the positions of celestial bodies, from a geocentric point of view, so that we may find, for instance, the Sun in 23° Aries (23° longitude), the Moon in 7° Scorpio (217° longitude), or Jupiter in 29° Pisces (359° longitude). Beyond the celestial bodies, other astrological points that are dependent on geographical location and time (namely, the Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Vertex and the houses' cusps) are also referenced within this ecliptic coordinate system. Various approaches to measuring and dividing the sky are currently used by differing systems of astrology, although the tradition of the Zodiac's names and symbols remain consistent. Western astrology measures from Equinox and Solstice points (points relating to equal, longest and shortest days of the tropical year), while Jyotiṣa or Vedic astrology measures along the equatorial plane (sidereal year). Precession results in Western astrology's zodiacal divisions not corresponding in the current era to the constellations that carry similar names, while Jyotiṣa measurements still correspond with the background constellations. In Western and Indian astrology, the emphasis is on space, and the movement of the Sun, Moon and planets in the sky through each of the zodiac signs. In Chinese astrology, by contrast, the emphasis is on time, with the zodiac operating on cycles of years, months, and hours of the day.
Planetary Rulership
Rulership is the connection between planet and correlated sign and house. In traditional Western astrology, each sign is ruled by one and only one of the seven visible planets (note that in astrology, the Sun and Moon are termed The Lights, while the other bodies are called planets, which literally means wanderers, i.e. wandering stars as opposed to the fixed stars). The traditional rulership’s are as follows: Aries (Mars), Taurus (Venus), Gemini (Mercury), Cancer (Moon), Leo (Sun), Virgo (Mercury), Libra (Venus), Scorpio (Pluto), Sagittarius (Jupiter), Capricorn (Saturn), Aquarius (Uranus), and Pisces (Neptune). Psychologically oriented astrologers often believe that Saturn is the ruler or co-ruler of Aquarius instead of Uranus; Neptune is the ruler or co-ruler of Pisces instead of Jupiter, and that Pluto is the ruler or co-ruler of Scorpio instead of Mars. Some astrologers believe that the planetoid Chiron may be the ruler of Virgo, while other group of modern astrologers claim that Ceres is the ruler of Taurus instead. Other astrologers, still, use the former planets Pallas, Vesta, Juno and Hygiea in their delineations and rulership’s, for example Vesta to Taurus and Pallas to Virgo. Debate continues between those who consider the newly discovered planets as rulers or co-rulers of certain signs and those that do not. Some astrologers do not even use the astrological signs at all (mostly Cosmobiologists and Uranian Astrologers/Hamburg School). Therefore, they do not take into account planetary rulership’s and the essential dignities when interpreting an astrological chart. Note that, if one starts from Leo and Cancer, the traditional planetary rulers are arrayed outward in the same order from the sun as they occur in the natural solar system. The Lights ruling Leo and Cancer, Mercury ruling Virgo and Gemini, Venus ruling Libra and Taurus, Mars ruling Scorpio and Aries, Jupiter ruling Sagittarius and Pisces, Saturn ruling Capricorn and Aquarius. The result is a symmetry of traditional rulership’s across the 0° Leo/Aquarius axis. Note that modern rulership’s, which attribute Pluto as ruler of Scorpio, break this symmetry.
Dignity and detriment, exaltation and fall
A traditional belief of astrology, known as essential dignity, is the idea that the Sun, Moon and planets are more powerful and effective in some signs than others, because the basic nature of both is held to be in harmony. By contrast, they are held to find some signs to be weak or difficult to operate in because their natures are thought to be in conflict. The most important of these categories are Dignity, Detriment, Exaltation and Fall. Dignity and Detriment: A planet is strengthened or dignified if it falls within the sign that it rules. In other words, it is said to exercise Rulership of the sign. For example, the Moon in Cancer is considered "strong" (well-dignified). Seventeenth century astrologer William Lilly compared rulership to a king on his throne, with considerable dignity. If a planet is in the sign opposite that which its rules (or is dignified), it is said to be weakened or in Detriment (for example, the Moon in Capricorn). In traditional astrology, other levels of Dignity are recognized in addition to Rulership. These are known as Exaltation (see below), Triplicity, Terms or bounds, and Face or Decan, which together are known as describing a planet's Essential dignity, the quality or ability to give of one's true nature. Contemporary traditional astrologers like John Frawley or J Lee Lehman explain further on the concept of Essential Dignity. Exaltation and Fall: In addition, a planet is also strengthened when it is in its sign of Exaltation. In traditional horary astrology, Exaltation denotes a level of dignity somewhat exaggerated compared to rulership. Exaltation was considered to give the planet (or what it signified in a horary chart) dignity, with the metaphor of an honored guest – who is the centre of attention but the extent of their ability to act is limited. Examples of planets in their Exaltation are Saturn (Libra), Sun (Aries), Venus (Pisces), Moon (Taurus), Mercury (Virgo, although some disagree to this classification), Mars (Capricorn), Jupiter (Cancer). A planet in the opposite sign of its Exaltation is said to be in its Fall, and thus weakened, perhaps seemingly more so than Detriment. The Planet in fall is passively rejected or ignored by the sign that it's in. It can be likened to a mayor of a rival city trying to make suggestions to the hosting mayor for how he should run his city: The host mayor finds it difficult to trust him and cannot see how his input could have relevancy to his city. The people of the city feel the same as their ruler. The result is impasse and failure on behalf of both mayors and the city.[31] There is no agreement as to the signs in which the three extra-Saturnian planets may be considered to be exalted. In addition to essential dignity, the traditional astrologer considers Accidental dignity of planets. This is placement by house in the chart under examination. Accidental dignity is the planet's "ability to act." So, we might have, for example, Moon in Cancer, dignified by rulership, is placed in the 12th house it would have little scope to express its good nature. The 12th is a cadent house as are the 3rd, 6th and 9th and planets in these houses are considered weak or afflicted. On the other hand, Moon in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th would be more able to act as these are Angular houses. Planets in Succedent houses of the chart (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) are generally considered to be of medium ability to act. Besides Accidental Dignity, there are a range of Accidental Debilities, such as retrogradation, Under the Sun's Beams, Combust, and so forth.
Additional classifications
Each sign can be divided into three 10° sectors known as decans or decanates, though these have fallen into disuse. The first decanate is said to be most emphatically of its own nature and is ruled by the sign ruler.[34] The next decanate is sub-ruled by the planet ruling the next sign in the same triplicity. The last decanate is sub-ruled by the next in order in the same triplicity. While the element and modality of a sign are together sufficient to define it, they can be grouped to indicate their symbolism. The first four signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, form the group of personal signs. The next four signs, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio form the group of interpersonal signs. The last four signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, form the group of transpersonal signs. Dane Rudhyar presented the tropical zodiac primary factors, used in the curriculum of the RASA School of Astrology. The tropical zodiac is the zodiac of seasonal factors as opposed to the sidereal zodiac (constellation factors). The primary seasonal factors are based on the changing ratio of sunlight and darkness across the year. The first factor is whether the chosen time falls in the half of the year when daylight is increasing, or the half of the year when darkness is increasing. The second factor is whether the chosen time falls in the half of the year when there is more daylight than darkness, or the half when there is more darkness than daylight. The third factor is which of the four seasons the chosen time falls in, defined by the first two factors.
The winter season is when daylight is increasing and there is more darkness than daylight.
The spring season is when daylight is increasing and there is more daylight than darkness.
The summer season is when darkness is increasing and there is more daylight than darkness.
The autumn season is when darkness is increasing and there is more darkness than daylight.
Norse Zodiac Signs
Aries-Gladsheimr March 21-April 19
Presiding God: Odin
Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Color: Red
Day: Tuesday
Ruler: Mars
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Libra, Leo
Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 17
Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive
Aries likes: Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenges, individual sports
Aries dislikes: Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's talents
As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. They are continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition, always being the first in everything - from work to social gatherings. Thanks to its ruling planet Mars and the fact it belongs to the element of Fire (just like Leo and Sagittarius), Aries is one of the most active zodiac signs. It is in their nature to take action, sometimes before they think about it well. The Sun in such high dignity gives them excellent organizational skills, so you'll rarely meet an Aries who isn't capable of finishing several things at once, often before lunch break! Their challenges show when they get impatient, aggressive and vent anger pointing it to other people. Strong personalities born under this sign have a task to fight for their goals, embracing togetherness and teamwork through this incarnation. Aries rules the head and leads with the head, often literally walking headfirst, leaning forwards for speed and focus. Its representatives are naturally brave and rarely afraid of trial and risk. They possess youthful strength and energy, regardless of their age and quickly perform any given tasks. Aries - the Flying Ram Guided by the story of the Golden Fleece, an Aries is ready to be the hero of the day, fly away and carry many endangered, powerless people on their back. The power of the ram is carried on his back, for he is the gold itself, shiny and attractive to those ready for betrayal. The story of glory that isn't easy to carry is in these two horns, and if this animal doesn't get shorn, allowing change and giving someone a warm sweater, they won't have much to receive from the world. Each Aries has a task to share their position, power, gold, or physical strength with other people willingly, or the energy will be stopped in its natural flow, fear will take over, and the process of giving and receiving will hold balance at zero.
Sex and Love
Aries is a fire sign with the need to take initiative when it comes to romance. When they fall in love, they will express their feelings to the person they are in love with, without even giving it a considerable thought. The compatibility of an Aries with other signs of the zodiac is very complex. Aries in love may shower their loved one with affection, sometimes even an excess of it, forgetting to check the information they get in return. They are very passionate, energetic and love adventures. An Aries is a passionate lover, sometimes even an addict to pleasures of the flesh and sexual encounters. With their opposing sign being Libra, the sign of relating, tact, and diplomacy, it is the furthest point from their natural personality. This can present a problem in their romantic experience, for they don't seem to have enough patience and focus on their partner, as much as they do on the passionate approach they always nurture. They have to embrace all matters of Venus, with all of its love, tenderness, joy, peaceful satisfaction, and foreplay. Still, their partner should keep in mind that they need the adrenaline and excitement every day, and their relationship can only be strong and long lasting if their primal needs are met. An Aries might be turned to themselves for the most part, in loud respect for their own boundaries, but they are highly compatible with certain signs of the zodiac
Friends and Family
Friends - Social life of an Aries representative is always moving, warm, and filled with new encounters. They are tolerant of people they come in contact with, respectful of different personalities and the openness they can provoke with simple presence. Their circle of friends needs a wide range of strange individuals, mostly in order for them to feel like they have enough different views on personal matters they don't know how to resolve. Since people born in the sign of Aries easily enter communication, direct and honest in their approach, they will make an incredible number of connections and acquaintances in their lifetime. Still, they often cut many of them short for dishonesty and unclear intentions. Long-term friendships in their lives will come with those who are just as energetic and brave to share their insides at any time.
Family - Independent and ambitious, an Aries often knows where they want to go at a young age, separating from their family a bit early. Even as children they can be hard to control, and if they don't receive enough love and patience from their parents, all of their intimate bonds later in life could suffer. A lot of anger comes from the sign of Aries if too many restrictions come their way, and only when they come from liberal families will they nurture their bonds with an easy flow. Even when this isn't the case, they will take on family obligations when they need to be taken care of, never refusing more work as if their pool of energy is infinite.
Career and Money
This is an area of life in which an Aries shine brightest. Their working environment is the perfect place for their ambition and creativity to show, with them fighting to be as good as possible. A natural born leader, Aries will prefer to issue orders rather than receive them. Their speed of mind and vast energy to move helps them to always be one step ahead of everyone else. All they need to do in order to succeed is follow their chosen path and not give up on professional plans guided away by emotions. When faced with a challenge, an Aries will quickly assess the situation and come to a solution. Competition does not bother them and instead encourages them to shine even brighter. They can have great careers in sports and challenging environments, and enjoy their chosen path as managers, policemen, soldiers, etc. Even though Aries representatives can be wise and save some money for a rainy day, this is not often the case for the joy of spending it and taking risks is even greater. They live in the present and aren't that focused on the future, and this can make them irrational and hasty when it comes to financial decisions. Still, they seem to always find a way to earn money and compensate for what they have spent, in a natural flow of energy that needs to come back when invested wisely.
How to Attract and Aries Man
Independence is the key to understanding an Aries, for they don't like to take orders from others. In order to seduce an Aries man, you need to learn to play the game by his rules. This man often finds the chase for the subject of his desire more thrilling than the catch, and his conquering nature makes him often chase after partners he can't have. To get his attention, one must play hard to get, as if sending a message that he needs to fight for a prize and winning the one he truly wants to be with. This is a man in love with a good challenge and in a rush to become their partner's "knight in shining armor", so he needs to be let to be one from time to time. His life partner might have to yell back in a fight, building strong boundaries and earning his respect. On a bad day an Aries can be self-centered, arrogant and stubborn, but he is also courageous, adventurous, and passionate. A relationship with this man can be fun and exciting, but it easily gets someone hurt if their partner doesn't recognize the energy needed for their relationship to last.
How to Attract an Aries Woman
Aries women are fearless and natural leaders. They are energetic, charismatic, dynamic, and in love with challenges and adventures. If you want to attract the attention of an Aries woman, you must let her seduce you and appeal to her independent nature. A woman born under the Aries zodiac sign is extremely passionate and sexual, which makes her irresistible to the opposite sex. She is constantly on the move and will never allow herself to be overrun by a man, at the same time craving for love but trying to hold on to control. To attract a woman born in this sign, one has to take action but not give the impression that control has been taken over. She needs to be free to show initiative and fight for affection of her loved one, expecting the same in return. Once she falls in love, she is extremely faithful, and at times overly jealous. Dating her means giving her all the attention she needs, giving her time and constant effort to prove there is love behind the act. Confident and domineering, she doesn't just need someone to follow, but someone to be equally energetic and strong. A relationship with an Aries woman can be interesting, full of adventures and excitement, but only if one is ready to take on a less dominant role from time to time.
Compatible Signs Aries Should Consider: Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
 Taurus-Thyrmhiemr April 20-May 20
Presiding God: Skadi
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Color: Green, Pink
Day: Friday, Monday
Ruler: Venus
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Scorpio, Cancer
Lucky Numbers: 2, 6, 9, 12, 24
Strengths: Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable
Weaknesses: Stubborn, possessive, uncompromising
Taurus likes: Gardening, cooking, music, romance, high quality clothes, working with hands
Taurus dislikes: Sudden changes, complications, insecurity of any kind, synthetic fabrics
Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world, hedonism, and physical pleasures. People born with their Sun in Taurus are sensual and tactile, considering touch and taste the most important of all senses. Stable and conservative, this is one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac, ready to endure and stick to their choices until they reach the point of personal satisfaction. Taurus is an Earth sign, just like Virgo and Capricorn, and has the ability to see things from a grounded, practical and realistic perspective. They find it easy to make money and stay on same projects for years, or until they are completed. What we often see as stubbornness can be interpreted as commitment, and their ability to complete tasks whatever it takes is uncanny. This makes them excellent employees, great long-term friends and partners, always being there for people they love. Earthly note makes them overprotective, conservative, or materialistic at times, with views of the world founded on their love of money and wealth. The ruler of Taurus is Venus, the planet of love, attraction, beauty, satisfaction, creativity and gratitude. This tender nature will make Taurus an excellent cook, gardener, lover, and artist. They are loyal and don't like sudden changes, criticism or the chase of guilt people are often prone to, being somewhat dependable on other people and emotions they seem to be unable to let go of. Still, no matter their potential emotional challenge, these individuals have the ability to bring a practical voice of reason in any chaotic and unhealthy situation. Taurus – the Wandering Bull Being the one who betrayed their best friend, goddess Hera herself, this is an unfortunate being that has to wander the Earth in order to find freedom. As if something was always poking them behind their back, reminding them of happiness that once was, stinging and pushing forwards, they close up in their own worlds, lonely and separated from their core. To find love, a Taurus has to travel the world, change perspective or make a shift in their entire belief system and their system of values.
Sex and Love
One always has to be prepared to have patience for a Taurus lover. They are extremely sensual, touch, smell and all pleasurable senses being extremely important to them, but they also need time to create a safe environment and relax in their sexual encounters. When they create enough intimacy with a loved one, they become a bit gooey, sometimes even needy, and have to keep their emotions in check, holding on to practical reasoning, while embracing change and initiative of their partner at all times. For long-term relationships they often choose people from the same social environment that are able to respond to their intellectual needs, but also the expectations of their family and close friends. Holding on to traditional values and the practical side to life, this is a sign that rarely chooses a partner who won’t fulfill basic expectations of their upbringing, often showing and receiving attention through gifts and material things. If they stick to the moral code too stiffly and refuse all taboos and adventurous approaches, they could end up swimming in frustration and anger issues they don’t know how to resolve, often manifesting through the person standing in front of them. Taurus compatibility with other signs can be complicated. This is a sign of physical pleasure, hedonism and the flow of emotion that isn’t reserved for just anyone.
Friends and Family
Friends - People born in this sign are loyal and always willing to lend a hand of friendship, although they can be closed up for the outer world before they build trust for new social contacts they make. Many of their friendships begin in childhood with a tendency to last them a lifetime. Once they make a clear intimate connection to another person, they will do anything they can to nurture the relationship and make it functional even in the hard times.
Family – Home and matters of the family are very important to every Taurus. This is a person who loves kids and appreciates time spent with people who love them, respecting family routines, customs, and present in all events and gatherings. They will enjoy hosting house parties for both their family and friends, and don’t mind cooking a meal for a room full of people if they just have fun in return.
Career and Money
Taurus representatives usually love money and will work hard in order to earn it. They are reliable, hardworking, patient and thorough, as an employee or someone in a position of power. When focused on a specific project, they will firmly stick to it, no matter what happens in the world around them. Stability is the key to understand their working routine. The search for material pleasures and rewards is an actual need to build their own sense of value and achieve a satisfying luxurious, yet practical way of life. Their job is observed as a means to make it possible. Taurus is a Sun sign well organized with their finances, and all of their bills will be paid without delay. They care for their pension, taking responsibility and saving some money for a rainy day, able to make do with a really small and a really big salary just the same. Occupations that fit them are agriculture, banking, art, and anything that involves culinary skills.
How to Attract a Taurus Man
If you are in search for a strong, loyal and generous man, Taurus is the person you are looking for. He is trustworthy, patient and tender when in love, always in search for a returned emotion. He will not pick on subtle hinds and suggestive looks from those who flirt with him, being a bit slow on the uptake as if waiting for someone to ask them out. He dislikes artificiality of any kind, and values conversations filled with genuine statements, especially when it comes to compliments and love declarations. A Taurus man needs time to build trust and anyone on a chase for his heart needs to take the time earning it. As a person of very few words, he will seem impossible to penetrate at times, as if nothing can touch him. An invitation for a delicious home-cooked mean is always a safe bet when dating this man, as well as choosing a place that is comfortable and cozy, rather than popular or modern. Turned to nature and common thinking, he will see sex as something that comes when the time is right, rarely puts any pressure on his partner and feels like it is something to be enjoyed, not so much something to crave for. A part of his fixed, static character is the potential inability to forgive betrayal, and he needs to feel truly safe to settle down with one partner for good.
How to Attract a Taurus Woman
If you want to seduce a woman born with her Sun in Taurus, you will need to appeal to her sense of romance. Taurus women want to be courted and slowly seduced, even when they have already decided to enter a relationship with someone. They need things to move slowly and will rarely jump into a sexual bond quickly and without thinking long and hard about her choices. A Taurus woman longs for true love and security. It is very unlikely that she will give into her desires and instincts quickly, and if someone wishes to have her heart, they will have to spend a lot of time and energy into the game of winning her over, making her feel comfortable. Once she falls in love, she becomes affectionate, intimate, close and loyal, standing by her partner for as long as he is faithful to her. She has an eye for beautiful things and appreciates simplicity of fine things in life, so the way to approach her is through enjoyable shared moments, respect for privacy, fine food and a gentle touch. This is a woman who doesn’t like to feel rushed when dating and needs to have her time. Once she feels comfortable and secure with someone, she will happily and quickly give her heart without holding back.
Compatible Signs Taurus Should Consider: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces
 Gemini-Breidablik May 21-June 20
Presiding God: Baldr
Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Color: Light-Green, Yellow
Day: Wednesday
Ruler: Mercury
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Sagittarius, Aquarius
Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 14, 23
Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas
Weaknesses: Nervous, inconsistent, indecisive
Gemini likes: Music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town
Gemini dislikes: Being alone, being confined, repetition and routine
Expressive and quick-witted, Gemini represents two different personalities in one and you will never be sure which one you will face. They are sociable, communicative and ready for fun, with a tendency to suddenly get serious, thoughtful and restless. They are fascinated with the world itself, extremely curious, with a constant feeling that there is not enough time to experience everything they want to see. The sign of Gemini belongs to the element of Air, accompanying Libra and Aquarius, and this connects it to all aspects of the mind. It is ruled by Mercury, the planet that represents communication, writing, and movement. People born under this Sun sign often have a feeling that their other half is missing, so they are forever seeking new friends, mentors, colleagues and people to talk to. Gemini's changeable and open mind makes them excellent artists, especially writers and journalists, and their skills and flexibility make them shine in trade, driving and team sports. This is a versatile, inquisitive, fun loving sign, born with a wish to experience everything there is out there, in the world. This makes their character inspiring, and never boring. Gemini - the Caring Twins There is so much childish innocence in the nature of Gemini, telling their tale of brotherhood, love between best friends and relatives who are entirely different by character, circumstances, physical appearance or upbringing. They are in this world to mend differences and make them feel right, ready to give their life for a brother or a friend. Gemini Love and Sex Fun and always ready for an intellectual challenge, Gemini sees love first through communication and verbal contact, and find it as important as physical contact with their partner. When these two combines, obstacles all seem to fade. Inquisitive and always ready to flirt, a Gemini could spend a lot of time with different lovers until they find the right one who is able to match their intellect and energy. They need excitement, variety and passion, and when they find the right person, a lover, a friend and someone to talk to combined into one, they will be faithful and determined to always treasure their heart.
Sex and Love
Fun and always ready for an intellectual challenge, Gemini sees love first through communication and verbal contact, and find it as important as physical contact with their partner. When these two combines, obstacles all seem to fade. Inquisitive and always ready to flirt, a Gemini could spend a lot of time with different lovers until they find the right one who is able to match their intellect and energy. They need excitement, variety and passion, and when they find the right person, a lover, a friend and someone to talk to combined into one, they will be faithful and determined to always treasure their heart. The biggest challenge for any Gemini's love life is to find an emotion that lasts, especially as they get older and realize that they are already in a repetitive mode of superficial or disappointing bonds. Their personality doesn't allow much depth, for they are on a mission to spread information, not to dig into them and find mistakes, holes, or resolutions. They look at life from a relative perspective of movement, being the one to circle the Sun, moving forwards and backwards from Earth's point of view, never certain of their own direction. Gemini might make sharp turns, leaving those who love them behind, but there are partners that could follow in their pace, ready to build a loving foundation through time.
Friends and Family
Friends - Those born with their Sun in Gemini are very social and love to spend time with friends and family, especially its younger members. A Gemini has an abundance of social contacts and loves to chat, search for understanding, always looking for strong willed people to communicate with. Without a clear flow of words spoken, they will quickly lose interest in the entire theme of any conversation, and need to stay on the move, feeling inspired and pushed forwards by the information shared.
Family - Family is very important to a Gemini, especially their children once they build a strong emotional bond with them. Lack of stability they show to their partners with their expectations extremely high, don't reflect on family as much, and they seem to have a more modest and calm approach to those he shared a home with. Although responsibilities carried by their family life can stand to be a challenge for their nature, they will find a magical way to be in two places at once, getting everything done just as they are supposed to.
Career and Money
In constant need of intellectual stimulation, the most suitable job for a Gemini has to be challenging to their brain. They are skillful, inventive and often very smart, with a need for a dynamic working environment and a lot of social contacts met in the office. The best careers they can choose are those of traders, inventors, writers, orators, preachers and lawyers, but any career that gives them the opportunity to communicate freely while keeping them on the move and busy at all times, is an excellent choice. As if they were created for multitasking, problem solving and bringing new ideas to life, they need a workplace that won't keep them stuck in a routinely, repetitive tasks that don't allow them to shine. Deciding between practicality and pleasure can be a difficult choice for Gemini. Even though they believe that money is just a necessary evil, most of them will not spend much time thinking where to earn it or how they spent it. They need strong grounding to keep their finances in check and organized, giving them a sense of confidence and security, they often don't even know they need.
How to Attract a Gemini Man
A Gemini man is enthusiastic and full of life, never disappointing with dull moments. He is adventurous and humorous, and this makes him the perfect partner if a person is energetic and dynamic, in search for some laughter and fun. Gemini men are naturally chatty and flirtatious, and you can meet them at public gatherings, conferences, and traffic jams. Their personality is marked by dualism, making them inconsistent but clever, and amazingly attractive to others. This man is impossible to cling to and need a partner who gives him enough freedom and space, followed by mental stimulation and variety. To win his heart, one has to be fun, stimulating, adventurous, laughing at his jokes and ready to learn from him day after day. As if opposed to his eloquent nature, this isn't a man ready to discuss emotions that much and will prefer if they are shown rather than spoken of. Sex with a Gemini man can be a wonderful experience, but if his partner is unwilling to experiment, he will get bored. As in all things in life, he needs new experiences, verbal contact, and freedom of expression when it comes to sexual relationships.
How to Attract a Gemini Woman
If you want to attract a Gemini woman, you will have to be able to keep up with her dual nature. She can be passionate and gentle one moment, and aloof and distant the next. This is a result of her natural born tendency to stay safe and on a distance from other people, prepared to run off into a carefree love story that waits for her just around the corner. This is an enthusiastic, witty, intellectual and soft-spoken woman, while at the same time extremely open-minded and always ready to meet someone new. Although a Gemini woman is usually not very shy, getting in a serious and committed relationship will take time and a lot of patience. However, once she finds a man who can satisfy her sexual and intellectual desires, this woman will be the one to suggest starting a family, marriage, and growing old together, although this might happen in an unusual way. She is impressed by partners who teach her new things and have insights that she sees and ingenious. Her sex life is a story to be told, but only to those who are ready to listen, usually the one specific person she finally managed to build true intimacy with.
Compatible Signs Gemini Should Consider: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius
 Cancer-Himinbjorg June 21-July 22
Presiding god; Heimdall
Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal
Color: White
Day: Monday, Thursday
Ruler: Moon
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Capricorn, Taurus
Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 15, 20
Strengths: Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive
Weaknesses: Moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, insecure
Cancer likes: Art, home-based hobbies, relaxing near or in water, helping loved ones, a good meal with friends
Cancer dislikes: Strangers, any criticism of Mom, revealing of personal life
Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging zodiac signs to get to know. They are very emotional and sensitive, and care deeply about matters of the family and their home. Cancer is sympathetic and attached to people they keep close. Those born with their Sun in Cancer are very loyal and able to empathize with other people's pain and suffering. The sign of Cancer belongs to the element of Water, just like Scorpio and Pisces. Guided by emotion and their heart, they could have a hard time blending into the world around them. Being ruled by the Moon, phases of the lunar cycle deepen their internal mysteries and create fleeting emotional patterns that are beyond their control. As children, they don't have enough coping and defensive mechanisms for the outer world, and have to be approached with care and understanding, for that is what they give in return. Lack of patience or even love will manifest through mood swings later in life, and even selfishness, self-pity or manipulation. They are quick to help others, just as they are quick to avoid conflict, and rarely benefit from close combat of any kind, always choosing to hit someone stronger, bigger, or more powerful than they imagined. When at peace with their life choices, Cancer representatives will be happy and content to be surrounded by a loving family and harmony in their home. Cancer - the Brave Crab Sent to this Earth by something they believe in, only to mess with someone bigger than they are, this isn't an animal aware of their strength. Patriotism can make them endanger their own wellbeing, fighting for someone else's cause, as if others can become their higher power. The Crab knows where they're going, but this is often in a wrong direction, at least until they learn their lessons and start relying solely on themselves.
Sex and Love
Cancer is a very emotional sign, and feelings are the most important thing in their relationships. Gentle and caring, they will show their sensibility to the world without even thinking they might get hurt. For partners, they always choose a person who is able to understand them through non-verbal, silent contact, and a shared daily routine, and their affection won't last long with superficial, flaky or unreliable partners. The lack of initiative these individuals suffer from won't make it easy for them to build a sex life they wish for, if they don't find a partner who is able to make them feel calm, protected, and free to express. This is a dedicated sign, ready to make many unhealthy compromises only to keep their image of a family going and could choose partners who are in a way selfish of abusive. Shared responsibility and a life together with their partner make them feel secure and ready for the next step in life, no matter if it is a child, a new job, or simply a cleanup in the field of friendships and relationships that became obsolete or hurtful. In love with children, parenthood, marriage and traditional values, they can still be misguided by people they admire and trust into changing their honest approach to a modern one that doesn't fit their true personality. Compassion and understanding that a Cancer chose to send your way shouldn't ever be taken for granted, or they will show you just how bad of a match you two are in the long run.
Friends and Family
Friends - When it comes to friendships, Cancer representatives will gladly connect with new social contacts, but are extremely sensitive of people not approved by their closest surrounding. Filled with respect for people they communicate to easily, they see all contacts through their emotional prism rather than simple curiosity or status. Most of all they enjoy socializing at home, where intimate atmosphere can be made, and deep understanding shared in circumstances under their control. Intuitive and compassionate, they are sometimes impossible to understand from an extremely rational point of view.
Family - Cancer is the sign of family and these individuals care about family bonds and their home more than any other sign of the zodiac. Deeply sentimental, they tend to diligently preserve family memories, keeping them intact for years. When their personal lives are fulfilled, they make wonderful, caring parents that seem to know how they children feel even when they are miles apart.
Career and Money
When a job needs to get done, a Cancer will roll their sleeves up and finish it successfully. If they are left alone to work, they usually perform better than when surrounded by other people, loyal to their employer and focused on the task. They will have great careers as nurses, housekeepers, gardeners, politicians and decorators. For Cancer representatives, security and money are of great importance and stand for the real reason they work as much as they do. They easily earn money and aren't used to spending it all in one day. It is their goal to save, invest, and watch their investments grow daily. Resourceful and good at managing time and finances, this is a sign that is often in charge of all money in the household, keeping their partner or other family members under control.
How to Attract a Cancer Man
A Cancer man is conservative just enough to know that initiative is important, but often fails to show it before he feels safe to do so. His partners need to make the first move, but still doing it subtly to let him still feel like he is leading the way. This is a complex individual, very sensitive, shy and overly protective of his loved ones. When he prefers women, he will subconsciously search for the ideal wife and mother. A Cancer man is an emotional person, who loves to take care of other people. He wants to feel needed, and protective, receiving a lot of attention from his partner through kind words and subtle concerns and compliments to make his day. Although he can be moody, pessimistic and clingy, he is a creative and generous partner in search for someone to share a life with.
How to Attract a Cancer Woman
Cancer personality can be quite complicated, but deep inside they are home-loving and conservative people. A Cancer woman is vulnerable, emotional, and not likely to quickly fall in love. Once her trust is earned, she will be passionate and loyal. In order to seduce her, one has to be proactive and make the first move, respecting her need to be treated like a lady. She is not the right choice for someone in search for a one-night stand and needs more from her partner than just casual encounters. Romantic and ready to love, this woman needs a romantic partner who believes in love, while also in tune with her unspoken feelings. Despite her cautious nature, a Cancer woman is deeply erotic and when feeling secure to show her true personality and emotions, they will be expressed through an incredible sex life. To have lasting relationship with a Cancer woman, she needs someone faithful, respectful and honest, for doesn't forget betrayal and becomes very rigid and unpredictable when hurt.
Compatible Signs Cancer Should Consider: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn
Leo-Folkvangr July 23-August 22
Presiding God: Freya
Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Color: Gold, Yellow, Orange
Day: Sunday
Ruler: Sun
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Aquarius, Gemini
Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 10, 19
Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible
Leo likes: Theater, taking holidays, being admired, expensive things, bright colors, fun with friends
Leo dislikes: Being ignored, facing difficult reality, not being treated like a king or queen
People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their "king of the jungle" status. Leo often has many friends for they are generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause, and their healthy sense of humor makes collaboration with other people even easier. Leo belongs to the element of Fire, just like Aries and Sagittarius. This makes them warmhearted, in love with life, trying to laugh and have a good time. Able to use their mind to solve even the most difficult problems, they will easily take initiative in resolving various complicated situations. Ruled by the Sun, Leo worships this fiery entity in the sky, quite literally as well as metaphorically. They are in search for self-awareness and in constant growth of ego. Aware of their desires and personality, they can easily ask for everything they need, but could just as easily unconsciously neglect the needs of other people in their chase for personal gain or status. When a Leo representative becomes too fond and attached to their achievements and the way other people see them, they become an easy target, ready to be taken down. Leo - the Lion in the Cave The story of the Lion always speaks of bravery. This is an animal fearless and impossible to challenge, hurt or destroy, their only weaknesses being fear and aggression towards those they confront. Living in a cave, a Lion always needs to have one, nesting and finding comfort in hard times. However, they should never stay there for long. With their head high, they have to face others with dignity and respect, never raising a voice, a hand, or a weapon, bravely walking through the forest they rule.
Sex and Love
This Fire sign is passionate and sincere, and its representatives show their feelings with ease and clarity. When in love, they are fun, loyal, respectful and very generous towards their loved one. They will take the role of a leader in any relationship, and strongly rely on their need for independency and initiative. This can be tiring for their partner at times, especially if they start imposing their will and organizing things that aren't theirs to organize in the first place. Each Leo needs a partner who is self-aware, reasonable and on the same intellectual level as them. Their partner also has to feel free to express and fight for themselves, or too much light from their Leo's Sun might burn their own personality down. Sex life of each Leo is an adventure, fun and very energetic. This is someone who has a clear understanding of boundaries between sex and love but might fail to see how important intimacy and emotional connection is to the quality of their sex life. Every Leo needs a partner to fight through their awareness and reach their sensitive, subconscious core, in order to find true satisfaction in a meaningful relationship.
Friends and Family
Friends - Leo is generous, faithful and a truly loyal friend, born with a certain dignity and commitment to individual values. Born with a need to help others, they will do so even if it takes a lot time and energy. Strong and reliable, this individual has the ability to appeal to almost everyone and has the energy to host celebrations and different events with people that bring out the best in them. They are rarely alone, for interactions with others give them the sense of self-esteem and awareness they need but could have trouble finding friends able to keep pace and follow the high energy they carry everywhere they go. Family - Family matters won't be the first thing Leo will think about when they wake up in the morning or lie to bed at night. Turned to themselves for the most part, they tend to become independent as soon as possible. Still, a Leo will do anything to protect their loved ones, proud of their ancestry and roots in good and bad times.
Career and Money
Leos are highly energetic and tend to always be busy, no matter the need for their employment. They are ambitious, creative and optimistic and once they dedicate to their work, they will do everything just right. The best possible situation they can find themselves in is to be their own bosses or manage others with as little control from their superiors as possible. Jobs that allow open expression of artistic talent, such as acting and entertainment, are ideal for a Leo. Management, education and politics are also a good fit, as well as anything that puts them in a leadership position which naturally suits them. Leos love to be surrounded by modern and trendy things, and although money comes easy to them, they spend it less responsibly than some other signs of the zodiac. Extremely generous, they could provide many friends with financial help, supporting them through bad times. Although this doesn't always prove to be wise, it always makes them feel good.
How to Attract a Leo Man
A Leo man wants to be treated like a king in their intimate relationship and this is not their narcissistic characteristic, but a true inner need that all people with deep self-respect have to feel. Plans with him are always big and dramatic, and showering with admiration, devotion and attention come really naturally both ways. This is a man who gives many gifts when they are in love, often expensive and posing as a statement of his effort. Any partner that wants to stay with him has to prove that they are worthy of royal treatment and ready to give enough of it back. A Leo man will love compliments, and although he appears confident, he needs a lot of praise to start feeling safe around their loved one too. However romantic and passionate, this man will rarely choose a woman that doesn't "go well" with his appearance or doesn't make him look good in the eyes of specific groups in the outer world. He is known to easily take the roll of an eternal bachelor, always on the hunt and celebrating love and life. He will put himself in the center of attention, and his partner could compete with a number of admirers, but their relationship is not in danger for as long as he is adored the way he loves to be. When treated right, he will stick around forever.
How to Attract a Leo Woman
Leo women are very warm-hearted and driven by the desire to be loved and admired, and as all people born under the Leo zodiac sign, love to be in the limelight. To seduce her, one has to treat her well, respect her, compliment her and see her fit to live a luxurious lifestyle she deserves. She appreciates romantic partners and will expect to be the center of someone's world, giving the person she loves the same royal treatment. Dating a Leo woman requires acceptance of her flaws and admiration for her qualities. She doesn't like competing for love and wants to have clarity on her role in her partner's life. A woman born under the Sun sign of Leo will always enjoy a visit to a theater, an art museum or a fancy restaurant. She wants to be showered with flowers and gifts, but as grandiose displays of affection rather than an expensive routine of her partner. She can be a bit domineering and needs to stay in control of her own life. If her partner holds her as valued and queen-like as she is, there is infinite warmth, care, and attention in her heart to respond.
Compatible Signs Leo Should Consider: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
 Virgo-Glitnir August 23 – September 22
Presiding God: Forsetti
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Color: Grey, Beige, Pale-Yellow
Day: Wednesday
Ruler: Mercury
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Pisces, Cancer
Lucky Numbers: 5, 14, 15, 23, 32
Strengths: Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical
Weaknesses: Shyness, worry, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play
Virgo likes: Animals, healthy food, books, nature, cleanliness
Virgo dislikes: Rudeness, asking for help, taking center stage
Virgos are always paying attention to the smallest details and their deep sense of humanity makes them one of the most careful signs of the zodiac. Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance, and although they are often tender, their heart might be closed for the outer world. This is a sign often misunderstood, not because they lack the ability to express, but because they won’t accept their feelings as valid, true, or even relevant when opposed to reason. The symbolism behind the name speaks well of their nature, born with a feeling they are experiencing everything for the first time. Virgo is an Earth sign, fitting perfectly between Taurus and Capricorn. This will lead to a strong character, but one that prefers conservative, well-organized things and a lot of practicality in their everyday life. These individuals have an organized life, and even when they let go to chaos, their goals and dreams still have strictly defined borders in their mind. Constantly worried that they missed a detail that will be impossible to fix, they can get stuck in details, becoming overly critical and concerned about matters that nobody else seems to care much about. Since Mercury is the ruling planet of this sign, its representatives have a well-developed sense of speech and writing, as well as all other forms of communication. Many Virgos may choose to pursue a career as writers, journalists, and typists, but their need to serve others makes them feel good as caregivers, on a clear mission to help. Virgo – the Disappointed Goddess Seeking goodness in humankind is the story of Virgo, and disappointment seems to be inevitable from their point of view. The first time they came from their cloud and jumped onto planet Earth, it felt like their mission is to use their existence for good, discovering ways of justice and purity in other people. Once they fail to find it too many times, Virgos will pull away, get lost, turn to substance abuse, or simply separate from other people to sit on the bench, criticize and judge.
Sex and Love
The sign of Virgo leads Venus to its tragic fall and speaks of one’s inability to feel worthy, beautiful, or lovable. Compatibility of Virgo with other zodiac signs is mostly based on the ability of their partner to give them all the love they need to start feeling safe and open up enough to show their soft, vulnerable heart. They will rarely have direct statements of love, but intimacy brings out all of the beauty of their emotional self-expression. A Virgo will prefer a stable relationship than having fun, casual lovers, except if they become one, using their charm and superficial communication to win hearts without ever investing their own. Methodical and intellectually dominant, each Virgo seems to have an equation in their mind that their partner has to follow. They will rarely have many sexual experiences with different people, for they need to feel important to someone and find real physical pleasure in order to give their whole self to someone. The sign of Virgo is easily attached to the symbolism of a virgin, but the truth is their quality is mutable, and their need for change often overcomes their self-imposed restrictions and moral boundaries when it comes to sex. Trust needs to be built with Virgo, slowly, steadily and patiently, and each partner they have in life has a chance to be nurtured and cared for, but only if they give enough to deserve special treatment of Virgo.
Friends and Family
Friends – Virgos are excellent advisors, always knowing how to solve a problem. This can make them helpful and extremely useful to have around, but also brings out their need to search the problem in everything and everyone around them. They will care for people they build a solid relationship with, treasuring them for years and nurturing them in every possible way. An intimate friendship with a Virgo is always earned by good deeds.
Family – People born with their Sun in Virgo are very dedicated to their family and attentive to elderly and sick people. They understand tradition and the importance of responsibility, proud of their upbringing and everything that made their mind be as dominant as it is.
Career and Money
Virgos are practical, analytical and hard-working, always knowing exactly where to look for the core of any problem. Their methodology makes them shine at jobs that require good organization, dealing with paperwork, problem solving and working with their minds and their hands. When they focus, perfection is to be expected from their work, for no other sign has such an eye for details as Virgo. In love with books and artistic expression, they make good critics, while their need to help humankind serves them best if they decide to become doctors, nurses or psychologists. Virgo stands for all practical and used things, and it is in the nature of these individuals to save money and always put something on the side. They will see irrational spending as a bad habit or a matter of being spoiled, and always hold on to practical solutions that don’t cost much. Unfortunately, this approach can sometimes make them a bit cheap and too concerned about everything they might lack tomorrow. They need to learn to indulge in some hedonism too.
How to Attract a Virgo Man
To seduce a Virgo man, one must respect his need for cleanliness and order. In most cases he enters romance slowly, carefully, and likes to take his time getting to know a person before starting anything serious. When he receives information on what to expect, his partner has to be sure to deliver nothing less. A Virgo man might put up a cool front, but don't let him fool you. He has deep and sensual needs, and only if his partner is patient enough, able to withstand his tendency to overanalyze everything, he will eventually warm up. It takes obvious and hard work to sweep a Virgo man off his feet. He needs a partner to inspire, remind him of his own talents, and will often find such a person in platonic and completely irrational spheres. In search for someone honest, patient and tidy, he is always ready to settle down with the right person for a very long time.
How to Attract a Virgo Woman
A Virgo personality is a mix of intelligence, attention to detail, common sense, and commitment, and a woman born with her in this sign is very smart, modest, and capable. Trying to seduce this woman can seem intimidating at first, for she is likely to put on a facade of indifference. However, she is not cold but practical, realistic and cautious when it comes to starting new relationships. She will never simply give herself to someone without assessing their character and emotions shared with her from the beginning. She doesn’t, under no circumstances, fall under a category of spoiled, materialistic women. As all Earth signs she will enjoy the material world and see any gift she gets as a blessing, but still truly enjoy things only when they are extremely practical and easy to use, digest, or when in need of fixing. Attracted to intelligent but distant personalities, a Virgo woman has a strong capacity to love, but chooses to wait for sharing emotions until she is ready. Private and defensive, this is someone who needs her defense mechanisms respected but still broken by the right partner.
Compatible Signs Virgo Should Consider: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
 Libra-Noatun September 23 - October 22
Presiding God: Njord
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Color: Pink, Green
Day: Friday
Ruler: Venus
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Aries, Sagittarius
Lucky Numbers: 4, 6, 13, 15, 24
Strengths: Cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social
Weaknesses: Indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, self-pity
Libra likes: Harmony, gentleness, sharing with others, the outdoors
Libra dislikes: Violence, injustice, loudmouths, conformity
People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful, fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for them, as their mirror and someone giving them the ability to be the mirror themselves. These individuals are fascinated by balance and symmetry, they are in a constant chase for justice and equality, realizing through life that the only thing that should be truly important to themselves in their own inner core of personality. This is someone ready to do nearly anything to avoid conflict, keeping the peace whenever possible the sign of Libra is an Air sign, set between Gemini and Aquarius, giving these individuals constant mental stimuli, strong intellect and a keen mind. They will be inspired by good books, insurmountable discussions and people who have a lot to say. Each Libra representative has to be careful when talking to other people, for when they are forced to decide about something that is coming their way, or to choose sides, they suddenly realize that they might be in the wrong place and surrounded by wrong people. No partner should make them forget that they have their own opinion. Planet ruling the sign of Libra is Venus, making these people great lovers but also fond of expensive, material things. Their lives need to be enriched by music, art, and beautiful places they get a chance to visit. Libra – The Measure of Our Souls The shortest myth of them all seems to present a good analogy to the shortest constellation in the sky, you might even say that it is non-existent, presented by the pliers of Scorpio. Libra is one dot of balance in the sea of different extremes, manifested only through the fifteenth degree of this magnificent sign, an object among animals and people. There is something awfully insecure about Libra, as if they were unsure which plate to burden next, aware that things pass and teach us to be careful around other people. Whatever we do in our lifetimes, only serves to point the way for our Souls towards that “higher power” to finally measure our existence. Telling us where we went wrong or what we did right, Libras unconsciously teach us that true liberation hides in lightness.
Sex and Love
Finding a compatible partner will be the main priority in the life of people born with their Sun in Libra. Once they start a romantic relationship, maintaining peace and harmony become the most important thing and their primary goal. Their charming personality and their dedication to each relationship makes their compatibility with others satisfying, but that fallen Sun they have to heal often creates trouble in their emotional world. Libra is the sign of marriage, making its representatives open for traditional pathways of love. Even though the element of Air gives them a lot of flexibility, they will still feel the strong pull towards tradition and their desires will eventually turn to love put on paper, well-organized and serving a purpose to create a certain image for the outer world. In a way, each Libra is in search of a partner who has the ability to set clear boundaries, as if expecting to be protected by them but without their pride being endangered in the process. This is a sign deeply connected to sexuality for Scorpio rises where it ends. They search for deep, meaningful relationship and although they don’t have trouble relating with people, they aren’t really close to, the only true satisfaction in their love life comes from complete surrender of body and soul. It is the gravity of Libra to share their entire life with someone, with a challenge to be independent and aware of their core personality at the same time.
Friends and Family
Friends – Libra representatives are highly social and put their friends in the limelight, but sometimes raise their expectation bars too high, and choose friendships that make them feel superior to the person standing in front of them. Their nature makes them indecisive which is why they might show a lack of. Still, this won’t make them any less invested in their relationships when someone else takes the baton and shows interest in them. Tactful and calm, they can communicate through any problem if they want to and will often help others understand the other side of their personal conflicts and trouble with other people.
Family – Born into a family that gave them a certain weakness of the Sun, Libra can often transfer guilt between family members without even being aware of doing so. In constant search for harmony these individuals have a tendency to agree with their parents and siblings only to avoid conflict, being the one to pull back when a challenge comes their way. They need to nurture their personality and often turn to solitude only to discover their own point of view among many. If they are well built and worked on their inner sense of power, they discover ease in being a good parent and role model, ready to share everything they know with their children.
Career and Money
For each Libra, the key to a happy life is in a fine balance, meaning they will not commit to work without setting apart enough time for their private life and their loved ones, and if they do, they will feel like they need to set free from it. They can be loved leaders even though they sometimes lack the initiative needed to organize people who work for them and will work hard to deserve privileges that come their way. In search for truth and justice, they are good lawyers and judges, and can also be successful as diplomats, designers and composers if they have nurtured their artistic side from childhood. They will work well in a group and can be convincing and gifted speakers. Financial aspect of their lives is often under control, which probably wouldn’t be the case if they had an easier time deciding what they want to buy. As soon as they start questioning their financial choices, chances are they won’t even spend any money at all, simply because it was hard to make a decision of any kind. They balance between saving and spending pretty well and even though they enjoy fashion and fine clothes, they rarely let their desires for spending get the best of them.
How to Attract a Libra Man
Libra men appreciate all that is beautiful and search for a partner to inspire them with their appearance. This might sound superficial, but the fact is they need mental and visual stimuli to make decision processes easier and push them into a serious relationship to begin with. Once they have decided to be with someone, they usually make serious, long-term bonds, enduring with ease through the hard times knowing they have already made the perfect choice to begin with. A Libra man wants to discuss everything with his partner, from daily matters to big shared endeavors in life. This is a man in search for a partner with strength of will and confidence, someone to guide the way when he feels lost or insecure. Once he finds the right person, he will do anything to make them happy, turning their attention solely to their partner and often forgetting himself in the process. This man is deeply romantic in his core and in search for true love to last him a lifetime.
How to Attract a Libra Woman
To seduce a Libra woman, one has to be a good conversationalist and listener. She enjoys being taught about new things and enjoys talking about herself and her personal interests, just as much as she likes sinking deep into her partner’s life. She is charming, intelligent, and finds solutions to problems that arise along the way with certain ease. Her partner needs to keep her interested and on her toes at first, making her question her own initiative and choices, while also straightforward and surprising enough. Being ruled by Venus a Libra woman has a natural tendency to have certain mood swings, but this won’t make her any less just in her ways. Once she falls in love and shares a home with a partner, she will take care of them, make them look good, and keep their social life organized and well-adjusted to social norms they live in.
Compatible Signs Libra Should Consider: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius
 Scorpio-Landvidi October 23 - November 21
Presiding God: Vidar
Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Color: Scarlet, Red, Rust
Day: Tuesday
Ruler: Pluto, Mars
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Taurus, Cancer
Lucky Numbers: 8, 11, 18, 22
Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend
Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent
Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion
Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people
Scorpio-born are passionate and assertive people. They are determined and decisive and will research until they find out the truth. Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of the situation and also features prominently in resourcefulness. Scorpio is a Water sign and lives to experience and express emotions. Although emotions are very important for Scorpio, they manifest them differently than other water signs. In any case, you can be sure that the Scorpio will keep your secrets, whatever they may be. Pluto is the planet of transformation and regeneration, and also the ruler of this zodiac sign. Scorpios are known by their calm and cool behavior, and by their mysterious appearance. People often say that Scorpio-born are fierce, probably because they understand very well the rules of the universe. Some Scorpio-born can look older than they actually are. They are excellent leaders because they are very dedicated to what they do. Scorpios hate dishonesty and they can be very jealous and suspicious, so they need to learn how to adapt more easily to different human behaviors. Scorpios are brave and therefore they have a lot of friends.
Sex and Love
Scorpio is the most sensual sign of the zodiac. Scorpios are extremely passionate, and intimacy is very important to them. They want intelligent and honest partners. Once Scorpios fall in love, they are very dedicated and faithful. However, they enter into a relationship very carefully, because sometimes they need a lot of time to build trust and respect for partners.
Friends and Family
Honesty and fairness are the two qualities that make Scorpio a great friend. People born under the Scorpio sign are very dedicated and loyal, when it comes to working. They are quick-witted and intelligent, so they would feel better to be in the company of witty and fun-loving people. They are full of surprises and will give you everything you need, but if you let them down once - there's no return. Scorpios are very emotional, when they are in pain, it is simply impossible to make them feel better. They are very dedicated, and they take good care of their family.
Career and Money
Scorpios are fantastic in management, solving and creating. When a Scorpio sets a goal, there is no giving up. Scorpios are great in solving tasks that require a scientific and thorough approach. Their ability to focus with determination makes them very capable managers. They never mix business with friendship. Jobs such as a scientist, physician, researcher, sailor, detective, cop, business manager and psychologist are appropriate for this powerful zodiac sign. Scorpio respects other people, so expects to be respected in return. Scorpios are disciplined enough to stick to the budget, but they are also not afraid of hard work to bring themselves in a better financial position. However, they are not inclined to spend much. Money means security and a sense of control for them, which means that they are good at saving money and make decisions carefully before investing in something.
How to Attract a Scorpio Man
Learning how to attract the Scorpio man isn't easy. Scorpio men are tedious, confident, intense, sexual and very competitive. Some of the negative Scorpio traits is the fact that they are highly obsessive, compulsive and jealous people. In order to seduce the Scorpio man, you will have to make sure to keep an air of mystery around you. Games are something that appeal to men born under the Scorpio astrology sign, which means that you will have to work to keep them interested. With a Scorpio man, it's all about the challenge and about capturing something, so don't make it easy and play hard to get. Being honest and affectionate with this sign is also very important. They are attracted to confident and flirtatious women. However, there must be more than physical attraction to get him to the point where he will allow you to seduce him. He also needs an emotional attraction, because one of the most important Scorpio characteristics is the fact that he is the most intensely feeling sign of the zodiac. He longs for a sexual experience that goes beyond physical limitations, so if you want to seduce him, just bare your soul. Never try to control the Scorpio man, because he needs to be in control at all times.
How to Attract a Scorpio Woman
The Scorpio personality is both complex and fascinating. Scorpio women are secretive, sexy, magnetic, but they also appear aloof and calm. The Scorpio woman has a great capacity for kindness and a desire to do good in the world. If you want to seduce her, you have to be patient and willing to let her take the reins of the relationship. Be a good listener and pay full attention when she is speaking. Dating with a Scorpio woman can be really entertaining, but do not let her wild side fool you into thinking that she will be an easy conquest. Don't expect a sexual encounter with the Scorpio woman on the first date. Earning her love requires a lot of time and patience, but once she falls in love, she will give everything to the relationship. The woman born under the Scorpio zodiac sign can be very possessive but also completely devoted partners. Be honest and avoid getting into arguments with her, because she is not the type to forgive and forget easily. The woman born under the Scorpio star sign is curious, so in order to keep her happy, you will need to find new ways to satisfy her curiosity. If you can allow her to retain her pride, she will respect you for it and will fall in love with you quickly.
Compatible Signs Scorpio Should Consider: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces
 Sagittarius-Ydnlir November 22 - December 21
Presiding God: Ullr
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Color: Blue
Day: Thursday
Ruler: Jupiter
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Gemini, Aries
Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, 9, 12, 21
Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor
Weaknesses: Promises more than can deliver, very impatient, will say anything no matter how undiplomatic
Sagittarius likes: Freedom, travel, philosophy, being outdoors
Sagittarius dislikes: Clingy people, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, details
Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. Their open mind and philosophical view motivate them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life. Sagittarius is extrovert, optimistic and enthusiastic, and likes changes. Sagittarius-born are able to transform their thoughts into concrete actions and they will do anything to achieve their goals. Like the other fire signs, Sagittarius needs to be constantly in touch with the world to experience as much as possible. The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the largest planet of the zodiac. Their enthusiasm has no bounds, and therefore people born under the Sagittarius sign possess a great sense of humor and an intense curiosity. Freedom is their greatest treasure, because only then they can freely travel and explore different cultures and philosophies. Because of their honesty, Sagittarius-born are often impatient and tactless when they need to say or do something, so it's important to learn to express themselves in a tolerant and socially acceptable way.
Sex and Love
People born under the sign of Sagittarius are very playful and humorous, which means that they will enjoy having fun with their partners. Partners who are equally open, will certainly suit the passionate, expressive Sagittarius who is willing to try almost anything. For this sign there is always a thin line between love and sex. Their love for change and diversity can bring a lot of different faces in their bedroom. But when they are truly in love, their very loyal, faithful and dedicated. They want their partners to be intellectual, sensitive and expressive.
Friends and Family
Sagittarius is very fun and always surrounded by friends. Sagittarius-born love to laugh and enjoy the diversity of life and culture, so they will easily acquire many friends around the world. They are generous and not one of those who lecture. When it comes to family, Sagittarius is dedicated and willing to do almost anything.
Career and Money
When Sagittarius-born visualize something in their minds, they will do everything they can to achieve this. They always know what to say in a given situation and they are great salespeople. Sagittarius favors different tasks and dynamic atmosphere. Jobs such as a travel agent, photographer, researcher, artist, ambassador, importer and exporter suit this free-spirited person. The fun-loving Sagittarius enjoys making and spending money. Considered to be the happiest sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius does not care much where it will earn the following money. They take risks and are very optimistic. They believe that the universe will provide everything they need.
How to Attract a Sagittarius Man
Sagittarius men are fun-loving people and eternal travelers, who are interested in religion, philosophy and the meaning of everything. The man born under the Sagittarius astrology sign loves adventures and sees all the possibilities in life. He wants to explore each and every one of them to determine where is the truth. Some of the best Sagittarius traits are his frankness, courage, and optimism. He is a restless wanderer, so the best you can do to keep his attention is to share in his quest, appreciate his wisdom and respect his opinions. Some of the negative Sagittarius characteristics include his carelessness and impatience. The Sagittarius man can also be tactless, superficial, and over-confident at times. He needs freedom and doesn't like clingy women. If you want to seduce him, you will have to learn when to hold on and when to let go. The Sagittarius man is a logical thinker and an enthusiastic listener, who will listen carefully to everything you have to say, before processing the information and coming to his own conclusions.
How to Attract a Sagittarius Woman
Sagittarius women are wild, independent, fun, friendly and outgoing. They enjoy expressing themselves in a sexual manner and they are determined to live life to the fullest. A Sagittarius personality is vibrant, inquisitive, and exciting. The woman born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign is an honest woman, who always speaks her mind and values freedom and independence. If you want to seduce the Sagittarius woman, you should ask her out on a date outdoors. She loves adventures and long conversations. Dating a woman born under the Sagittarius star sign requires an adventurous spirit, because she sees everything as a challenge and can't stand boredom. However, although she is wild, do not expect her to fall in love with you immediately. Once the Sagittarius woman does fall in love, she will be a loyal and caring partner. If you give her a reason to think a relationship with you is going to be difficult, she will simply walk out the door. The Sagittarius woman usually has multiple love affairs throughout her life, due to the fact that she will not settle for a relationship that makes her unhappy. In order to date the Sagittarius woman, you will need to possess a free spirit and love of travel. She sees life as one big adventure and expects her partner to be adventurous, spontaneous and romantic.
Compatible Signs Sagittarius Should Consider: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius
 Capricorn-Alfheimr December 22 - January 19
Presiding God: Freyr
Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Color: Brown, Black
Day: Saturday
Ruler: Saturn
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Taurus, Cancer
Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 13, 22
Strengths: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers
Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst
Capricorn likes: Family, tradition, music, understated status, quality craftsmanship
Capricorn dislikes: Almost everything at some point
Capricorn is a sign that represents time and responsibility, and its representatives are traditional and often very serious by nature. These individuals possess an inner state of independence that enables significant progress both in their personal and professional lives. They are masters of self-control and have the ability to lead the way, make solid and realistic plans, and manage many people who work for them at any time. They will learn from their mistakes and get to the top based solely on their experience and expertise. Belonging to the element of Earth, like Taurus and Virgo, this is the last sign in the trio of practicality and grounding. Not only do they focus on the material world, but they have the ability to use the most out of it. Unfortunately, this element also makes them stiff and sometimes too stubborn to move from one perspective or point in a relationship. They have a hard time accepting differences of other people that are too far from their character, and out of fear might try to impose their traditional values aggressively. Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn, and this planet represents restrictions of all kinds. Its influence makes these people practical and responsible, but also cold, distant and unforgiving, prone to the feeling of guilt and turned to the past. They need to learn to forgive in order to make their own life lighter and more positive. Capricorn – the Goat of Fear A goat with the tail of a fish is created to face fear and create panic. It is the sign of decisions made to be protected from monsters in our minds, lives, and immediate physical surrounding. Always ready to transform into something that scares those scary things off, Capricorn speaks of each natural chain reaction of fear, where one scary thing leads to many others, rising up as defensive mechanisms that only make things worse. Immersed in their secrecy, they face the world just as they are – brave enough to never run away, but constantly afraid of their inner monsters.
Sex and Love
It is not easy to win over the attention and the heart of a Capricorn, but once their walls break and their heart melts they stay committed for a lifetime. Their relationships with other signs can be challenging due to their difficult character, but any shared feeling that comes from such a deep emotional place is a reward for their partner’s efforts. Shown sensitivity comes through acts rather than words, and years are often needed for them to open enough to chat about their actual emotional problems. Turned to their personal goals, whatever they might be, Capricorns can lack compassion and emotion when relating to their loved ones. The certain ease of a “normal” life is something they will give with full devotion, and their partner will be able to rely on them, use them as a steppingstone for any personal endeavor, and have a lasting bond with a constant tendency of growth. Still, this isn’t someone willing to compromise much, and seems to have the need to create a problem only to resolve it or feel bad that it was never resolved before.
Friends and Family
Friends - Capricorn is intelligent, stable and reliable, and this makes its representatives loyal and extremely good friends, standing in one’s life as pillars on their way to their dreams. They need to be surrounded by people who don’t ask too many nosey questions, know where boundaries are set, but also warm, open-hearted and loyal enough to follow their lead. They will not collect too many friends in this lifetime but turn to those who make them feel at peace, intelligent and honest at all times.
Family – This is a sign with full understanding for family traditions. Capricorns feel connected to every single thing from their past and their childhood, and loves bringing out these memories whenever a season of holidays or birthdays is near. This is a sign of a typical conflict one has over dominance in their household, with their father being and extremely important figure in the way this person built their self-image over the years. As parents they tend to be strict but fair, readily taking on responsibilities that come with a child.
Career and Money
Capricorns will set high standards for themselves, but their honesty, dedication and perseverance will lead them to their goals. They value loyalty and hard work over all other things and keep associates with these qualities close even when they might be intellectually inferior. Concentrated and resourceful, this is someone who gets the job done, doesn’t mind long hours, and commits to the final product completely. They shine in jobs that include management, finance, programming and calculations. Deeply rooted in tradition, the state, and the system they live in, a Capricorn needs all of their paperwork in perfect order, their documents clean, and their file impeccable. Money will be truly valued in lives of these individuals, and they won’t have much trouble managing it and saving some for a rainy day, for as long as their debts don’t swallow their actual abilities. Hard workers with a higher cause, they will do anything they can to set free from a loan or a mortgage of any time, but also know that true success will only come in the long run.
How to Attract a Capricorn Man
Capricorn men are determined and ambitious people, who want to reach the top to get the rewards. He prefers reality over uncatchable dreams but isn’t afraid to set some of their more realistic dreams in motion. His need for control is strong, and he could be judgmental towards his partners, expecting them to be something they really aren’t. His nature is wrapped up around accomplishment and responsibility and he often doesn't set romantic relationships on the top of his priority list. A Capricorn man wants to take charge and be the one to make the rules from the beginning. He is in search for a practical, grounded partner, and almost always ends up with an emotional one who has a hard time controlling their heart. When starting a relationship, he will think about ways to respect the norm but also show his feelings, expecting the person in front of him to feel comfortable and attractive enough no matter the amount of affection he gives.
How to Attract a Capricorn Woman?
Capricorn women are ambitious, persistent, responsible and reliable. She only wants to find someone to make her smile and can’t wait to open up and feel the real pull of emotion that makes her warmup to the possibilities that lie in the future. It will take some time for her to lower her guard and feel safe and comfortable enough to show just how sensitive and caring she can be when she is in love. She wants her partners responsible, calm, and hard-working, and needs to know that she is taken care of if something bad happens in the future. A Capricorn woman needs to feel comfortable with people she dates and needs time to decide what she wants out of each relationship. Born in a Sun sign that exalts Mars, her instincts and initiative are strong, and this makes her a passionate lover always in charge of her own life no matter the outer circumstances.
Compatible Signs Capricorn Should Consider: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces
Aquarius-Valaskjalf January 20 - February 18
Presiding God: Valli
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Color: Light-Blue, Silver
Day: Saturday
Ruler: Uranus, Saturn
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius
Lucky Numbers: 4, 7, 11, 22, 29
Strengths: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian
Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof
Aquarius likes: Fun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation, a good listener
Aquarius dislikes: Limitations, broken promises, being lonely, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them
Aquarius-born are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic. However, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. They are able to see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems. Although they can easily adapt to the energy that surrounds them, Aquarius-born have a deep need to be some time alone and away from everything, in order to restore power. People born under the Aquarius sign, look at the world as a place full of possibilities. Aquarius is an air sign, and as such, uses his mind at every opportunity. If there is no mental stimulation, they are bored and lack a motivation to achieve the best result. The ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus has a timid, abrupt and sometimes aggressive nature, but it also gives Aquarius visionary quality. They are capable of perceiving the future and they know exactly what they want to be doing five or ten years from now. Uranus also gave them the power of quick and easy transformation, so they are known as thinkers, progressives and humanists. They feel good in a group or a community, so they constantly strive to be surrounded by other people. The biggest problem for Aquarius-born is the feeling that they are limited or constrained. Because of the desire for freedom and equality for all, they will always strive to ensure freedom of speech and movement. Aquarius-born have a reputation for being cold and insensitive persons, but this is just their defense mechanism against premature intimacy. They need to learn to trust others and express their emotions in a healthy way.
Sex and Love
Intellectual stimulation is by far the greatest aphrodisiac for Aquarius. There's nothing that can attract an Aquarius more than an interesting conversation with a person. Openness, communication, imagination and willingness to risk are the qualities that fit well in the perspective of life of this zodiac sign. Their compatibility with other signs can be complex, Integrity and honesty are essential for anyone who wants a long-term relationship with this dynamic person. In love, they are loyal, committed and not at all possessive - they give independence to their partners and consider them as equals.
Friends and Family
Although Aquarius-born are communicative, they need time to get close to people. Considering that they are highly sensitive people, closeness to them means vulnerability. Their immediacy behavior combined with their strong views, makes them a challenge to meet. Aquarius will do anything for a loved one to the point of self-sacrifice if necessary. Their friends should possess these three qualities: creativity, intellect and integrity. When it comes to family, their expectations are nothing less. Although they have a sense of duty to relatives, they will not maintain close ties if the same expectations as in friendship are not fulfilled.
Career and Money
Aquarius-born bring enthusiasm to the job and have a remarkable ability of exploitation of their imagination for business purposes. Career which enables a development and demonstration of the concept will suit this zodiac sign. Their high intellect combined with their willingness to share their talents, inspires many who work in their environment. Aquarius is a visionary type who likes to engage in activities that aim to make humanity better. When it comes to money, this zodiac sign has a talent to maintain a balance between spending and saving money. Most people born under the sign of Aquarius are well adapted to their feel for style and they are not afraid to show it. It is not uncommon to see an Aquarius boldly dressed in brightly colored suits. Careers such as acting, writing, teaching, photography or piloting, are suitable for this sign. The best environment for them is one that gives them the freedom to solve the problem without strict guidelines. Aquarius is an unconventional type and if given the opportunity to express their talent, can achieve remarkable success.
How to Attract an Aquarius Man
You should learn about all the positive and negative Aquarius traits if you want to seduce man born under this zodiac sign. Aquarius men are unpredictable, intelligent, social, independent and excellent communicators. Some of the negative Aquarius characteristics include unreliability, stubbornness, indecision, and inflexibility. If you want to seduce the man born under the Aquarius astrology sign, you will have to be cool about it. If you ever come on too strong emotionally for this man, he will never even think about taking you to bed. The Aquarius man can often live inside his own mind, so he needs a companion to talk about the progressive thoughts he creates. So, if you want to seduce him, you should be friends first. Most of their romances tend to start out as friendships which gradually evolve into something more serious. This means that the Aquarius men will never enter into a romantic relationship with someone who isn't already a friend. Be patient and keep things on a platonic basis until you're ready to make your first big move. Respect his need for freedom, his individuality, and his desire to make a difference in the world.
How to Attract an Aquarius Woman
Aquarius personality is independent, mysterious, free-spirited and eccentric. Aquarius women have a unique sense of humor and a practical outlook in life. However, inconsistency is a constant problem for women born under the Aquarius zodiac sign. The Aquarius woman longs for romance and good conversation, although she may seem like a cold and aloof person. She is an excellent sex partner, but only if she is convinced that you are interested in more than just a one-night stand. If you want to seduce a woman born under the Aquarius star sign, you will have to appeal to the multiple different sides of her personality. Aquarius women are drawn to people who stand out from the crowd, so if you want to attract her attention it's important to come across as a bit different from everyone else, she knows. The Aquarius woman is a highly imaginative sex partner, who wants to try out new things on a regular basis. However, make sure to let her know that she is more than just a sex partner to you. The worst mistake you can make when trying to seduce the Aquarius woman is to be too demanding and pushy. Give her lots of freedom, because she is a very independent woman and won't tolerate any kind of control. In order to attract her attention, show her that you're the cool and calm type. The Aquarius woman feels uncomfortable with people who openly express their feelings, so avoid emotionally charged issues and appeal to her intellect instead.
Compatible Signs Aquarius Should Consider: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
 Pisces-Sokkvabekkr February 19 - March 20
Presiding God: Saga
Element: Water
Quality: Mutable
Color: Mauve, Lilac, Purple, Violet, Sea green
Day: Thursday
Ruler: Neptune, Jupiter
Greatest Overall Compatibility: Virgo, Taurus
Lucky Numbers: 3, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24
Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical
Weaknesses: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr
Pisces likes: Being alone, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, spiritual themes
Pisces dislikes: Know-it-all, being criticized, the past coming back to haunt, cruelty of any kind
Pisces are very friendly, so they often find themselves in a company of very different people. Pisces are selfless, they are always willing to help others, without hoping to get anything back. Pisces is a Water sign and as such this zodiac sign is characterized by empathy and expressed emotional capacity. Their ruling planet is Neptune, so Pisces are more intuitive than others and have an artistic talent. Neptune is connected to music, so Pisces reveal music preferences in the earliest stages of life. They are generous, compassionate and extremely faithful and caring. People born under the Pisces sign have an intuitive understanding of the life cycle and thus achieve the best emotional relationship with other beings. Pisces-born are known by their wisdom, but under the influence of Uranus, Pisces sometimes can take the role of a martyr, in order to catch the attention. Pisces are never judgmental and always forgiving. They are also known to be most tolerant of all the zodiac signs.
Sex and Love
Deep in their hearts, Pisces-born are incorrigible romantics. They are very loyal, gentle and unconditionally generous to their partners. Pisces are passionate lovers who have a need to feel a real connection with their partners. Short-term relationships and adventures are not peculiar to this zodiac sign. In love and relationship, they are blindly loyal and very caring.
Friends and Family
Gentle and caring, Pisces can be the best friends that may exist. In fact, they often put the needs of their friends in front of their needs. They are loyal, devoted, compassionate and whenever there is some problem in the family or among friends, they will do their best to resolve it. Deeply intuitive, Pisces can sense if something is wrong, even before it happens. Pisces are expressive and they will not hesitate to express their feelings to the people around them. They expect others to be open to them as they are. Communication with loved ones is very important for them.
Career and Money
Intuitive and often dreamy, Pisces feel best in a position where their creative skills will come to the fore, even better if it's for charity. Occupations that fit Pisces are attorney, architect, veterinarian, musician, social worker and game designer. Inspired by the need to make changes in the lives of others, they are willing to help even if that means to go beyond the boundaries. This zodiac sign is compassionate, hard-working, dedicated and reliable. Pisces-born can be great at solving problems. For the most part, Pisces don’t give money too much thought. They are usually more focused on their dreams and goals, but they will try to make enough money to achieve their goals. In this area, there can be two sides of the Pisces - on one hand, they will spend a lot of money with little thought, while on the other hand they can become quite stingy. Yet, in the end, there will always be enough money for a normal life.
How to Attract a Pisces Man
Romance rules the world of the Pisces men. The man born under the Pisces astrology sign lives to please and love. The best way to seduce a Pisces man is to open up to him completely. Some of the best Pisces traits are his sensitivity, compassion, and kindness. He is a gentle person who will figure out what you want and then serve it up as often as possible. He is always looking for ways to help others and knows exactly what you want almost before you do. His desire to please leaves him susceptible to manipulation and lies. He will use his wild imagination to please you. The Pisces man loves to laugh, so if he finds you funny and easy to be around, you are on a good way to seduce him. He seems calm on the outside, but on the inside, you will find a different person, as the Pisces man battles between strong emotions. Encourage him to open up and release those feelings. One of the greatest Pisces characteristics is the ability to tune into other emotions. So, if you are dating a Pisces man, you can look forward to an emotionally fulfilling relationship.
How to Attract a Pisces Woman
Pisces women are known as kind, imaginative, compassionate, selfless and extremely sensitive individuals. If you want to attract the woman born under the Pisces zodiac signs, you need to be romantic and to have a good sense of humor. It is also important to be a good listener. The Pisces personality is compassionate and full of unconditional love. Once you have captured her attention, she will be quick to open up to you. A sex with the Pisces woman will be explosive and you will never be bored with her in the bedroom. The woman born under the Pisces star sign enjoys lively discussions about spiritual things and the supernatural. She is intuitive and will quickly figure out if all you are looking for is just sex. She wants to be treated with respect and you will never be able to seduce her fully during the first few dates. If you're honest and if you open up to her, she will immediately feel more connected with you. The Pisces woman is very sensitive by nature, so she is not quick to forgive and forget. If her heart has been wounded in the past, she will have a hard time opening herself back up to the thought of a new romantic relationship.
Compatible Signs Pisces Should Consider: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn
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