#psycho pass yoshika
fictional-birthdays · 4 months
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Happy Birthday! (June 4th)
Juzo Moashi (My Hero Academia)
Fumihiko Haiduki (TSUKIPRO)
Andy Domyoji (K Project)
Mamushi Hojo (Blue Exorcist)
Crocus (One Piece)
Demonmongoo (Show By Rock!!)
Epoida (One Piece)
Champ (Animal Crossing)
Raijin (One Piece)
Reneigh (Animal Crossing)
Justice* (Pop’n Music)
Friesia (Seven Deadly Sins)
Masato Kageura (World Trigger)
Hitomi Niwa (THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls)
Pistachio (Magical Pokémon Journey)
Moni Moni (Pop’n Music)
Yoshika Okubo (Psycho-Pass)
Renji Yanagi (Prince of Tennis)
Roshi (Naruto)
Ryoichi Kamimura (Big Windup!)
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prof-kenny · 4 years
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psycho-pass Happy Birthday Rikako Ouryou 8.10 2020
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“Yoshika-san...It seems you can’t choose the life you wish. I understand how hard that is.”
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thedrag0nking · 3 years
11:43 A.M. DEC 23rd Gensokyo
With the war between two sides continue to spread all around Gensokyo, all retribution death squads killing and terrorising and the Maquis corporation and tooth and claw had stopped them in every turn but unknown to all three factions the three forces of nature had stood fourth upon the battlefield, these three have to come with four missions only and that is saving Ringo and Seiran from the lunarians, destroy all of retribution once and for all, find Seiga Kaku, and bring back the No One's Rose bsck home. These three of Koishi's greatest allies are the ever so lunatic golden dragon Hong meiling, the hell fairy of Hecatica Clownpiece, and the royal corpse Yoshika Miyako. The three now watched the battle and carnage ensue.
Yoshika and the hell fairy are excited to enter all the while Meiling is worried and hesitant however her psychopathic lunacy side now aching to get out and be free. Screaming to be released as her inner monster is wanting to kill Koishi, if anyone wants to kill Koishi and claim her title it should be hong meiling and her alone.
" Look at all this fuckin' death and bloodshed and the sweet scent of oh so fuckin' freedom! Lunarian commies killing and pillaging while we fight back, it's time to pay uncle sam the favor, he paid a lot of money into putting us in shape! "
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" Hungry.... "
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" Okay lets focus you two, stick to the plan please. This isn't a free for all, we're sent here for reason you know..? "
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" Aww quit yer' bitchin' commie what is so wrong about killing lunarian maggots! You scared of letting out that psycho bitch within ya? "
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" You can say tha..- UGH..!!! "
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Hong Meiling's neck began bleeding through her bandages from her neck again, of course she unwilling let her out, the friendly calm gatekeeper is no longer here at this moment instead it's her lunatic side, taking over for the whole mission. The mad golden dragon is here, and she is going to enjoy so much of the killing.
" ...I'll never get use to that dumb lazy bitch keeping me out of this picture. "
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" Glad you join in on the party ya mad bastard! Ready to kick some ass and chew bubblegum? And I'm all out of gum! "
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" If it means getting into Koishi and kill her? Sure, I'm going to claim that title if it's the last thing I do, not before putting her head on a spike! "
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The three jumped down entering the battle and began their vicious killing spree all in the roads of Gensokyo walking pass the Maquis troops all the while the three lunatic beings are having themselves a blast with killing so much of retribution's troops as together the three are a force to be reckoned with in this time and hour.
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randomnotesofmyown · 4 years
Psycho-Pass (7-8)
Episode 7 - Symbolism of Bletilla Striata
Ouryou visited her bedridden father. She thought to herself, "Everyone here is the same. They don't notice anything. They don't say anything. And they don't think anything. They are merely a shell of their former selves and soon they will disappear like the melting snow. This epidemic leads innocent people to their death. And yet its pathogen will never be eradicated. This is a disease called serenity, a form of death that people have wished for."
Ginoza, Kogami and Tsunemori at the park where the "artwork" was found. Ginoza decided to take Kogami off the case because he couldn't allow a detective who was not able to put aside his preconceived notions to be a part of the initial investigation. Kogami walked away. Ginoza then ordered Tsunemori to keep an eye on Kogami so he wouldn't do anything stupid.
Ginoza and the others discussed the similarities between the artwork case and the specimens case while Tsunemori watched Kogami doing his combat training.
After the training session was over, Kogami and Tsunemori started talking about the specimen case, enforcer Sasayama and the circumstances of his death. Kogami said the it looked like the culprit intended to send a message
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Tsunemori asked if any leads from the specimen case could be of use to the new case, Kogami said yes and showed Tsunemori a pixelated photo of a man named Makishima.
At Oso academy, more students had gone missing. 
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"Ouryou Rikako. Okubo was really crazy about her, right? Rikako seemed to show some interest in her as well. If you ask her, she might know something."
Ouryou in her bedroom reciting a quotation from Kierkegaard that her father liked, "'Because man is superior to animals, in other words, because man is the self, and the spirit, man can be in despair.'" Then, she went to give her own reflection. "Unless you know despair, you cannot know hope. My father used dismembered bodies as the subject of many of his drawings. That's because they symbolize the contradictory nature of the self. I had great respect for my father. He was aware of his obligation as an artist and continued to focus intently on using his creations to enlighten people. I think even now that he was indeed a great artist. Especially because of that, I really can't forgive him for abandoning that duty halfway through. Yesterday, my father passed away. He's been as good as dead for a while, but finally even his heart gave in. But I'm okay. I'm not sad. I' his daughter, will carry out my father's duty together with you guys. Don't you think that's wonderful? It's exciting...right, Yoshika?"
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Makishima in his house having a conversation with his guest. They talked about the benefits of stress before psycho-pass check was introduced. "For some time, it's been understood that moderate stress has beneficial effects. For example, it stimulates the immune system. As they say, it's a motivation in your life. You can even call it a reason for living. However, once Psycho-pass checks became routine, people have found their sense of stress numbed so much that patients who can't even recognize stimulation itself started appearing. Once that happens, they're the same as living corpses. Soon their autonomic nervous system stops functioning on its own and their vital functions shut down."
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Makishima continued to point out Ouryou Rikako's father also suffered from eustress deficiency and discussed his works.  "He was a genius in drawing cruel, vivid nightmares using girls' bodies as motifs. However, he himself was a man of quite strict morality. Well, it's not uncommon for there to be a disconnect between the creator and the impression their creations give. But in Rouichi's case, there was a firm ideology there. According to him, by becoming firmly aware of the cruelty that's hiding in the dark depths of the human heart, humans can foster the common sense, ability to reason, and goodwill that can control that cruelty. He defined his creation activities as enlightening people about that. However, the spread of psycho-pass assessments ended this role that he had decided for himself. People don't have to control themselves anymore. Instead, they can now maintain their mental health through machine assessments. I heard...that Rouichi welcomed this technology. Whatever the means was, his ideals of humans having a healthy and sound mind has been realized. As a result, though, his mission had ended and his life lost its meaning."
He became addicted to the stress care technology. "As a result, he became a living corpse who couldn't even sit up on the bed, huh?" Makishima's guest pondered.
"It's as if Ouryou Rouichi was killed twice. First, his talent was killed by science and technology. And then, his soul was killed by society." 
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"I hope she finds some meaning beyond revenge, though."
While Makishima and his guest made this long conversation about Ouryou Rouichi and Ouryou Rikako, the music played in the background was identified as Beethoven's 9th symphony - Ode to Joy. And there is this entry at Wikipedia describing this music as a protest anthem through the years.
Ouryou Rikako called Choe Gu-Sung. Then she packed and went to what appeared to be a lab and entered. She started creating her third artwork with Yoshika's body.
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The second artwork was found in a park.
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Ouryou Rikako was painting as Kawarazaki Kagami asked her about Okubo Yoshika. Kawarazaki walked over to Ouryou and saw her painting
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Ouryou stood up saying
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And she injected something to Kawarazaki
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The girl instantly collapsed to the floor.
When Kawarazaki came to, she found herself tied up and gagged, lying on the floor facing the naked body of Okubo Yoshika in a glass container filled with chemicals.
Ouryou appeared behind her. "A touching reunion with your childhood friend. It's an emotionally stirring scene, isn't it? It really makes me cry. I want to reenact this moving scene in a place more and more people can see it. Having such thoughts may indeed be the fate of an artist. "
A desperate gagged scream.
End of episode 7.
Episode 8 - And then, silence
Makishima and Ouryou Rikako talked about the targets she chose, the education policy at Oso Academy and where Ouryou would display her artwork next.
The agents were gathering evidence at Oso academy.
Tsunemori and Kogami discussed their take on the spiecemen case and the artwork case. Tsunemori thought the culprit would be the same person but Kogami thought otherwise. Kogami explained that in the spiecemen case, the victims's bodies were dismembered in ways to convey messages, and the locations they were found varied. But this time, both bodies were found in a park. The setup is boring. 
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Kogami concluded that they lacked something critical: originality.
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"To Toma Kouzaburo, murdering people was just about preparing materials. Up to that point, it's the same in the current murder case. But from that point, the ways they worked on the bodies are totally different. I get a totally different picture of the culprit. He's highly intelligent and is assigned to a job with a high income by Sibyl's judgment. But he's quite young, or he's someone whose mental age is young. Considering the bodies didn't show many indignities of a sexual nature, we can guess that he wasn't abused as a child." Kogami ended his profiling of the culprit and then requested to go out, Tsunemori said she would have to come along.
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Kogami and Tsunemori headed to Tokorozawa Correction and Rehabilitation Center (所沢矯正保謢センタ-) to talk to an artist inmate. He showed the inmate photos of recent artworks. The inmate commented that they looked like works done by Ouryou Rouichi. The two agents had no clue who Ouryou Rouichi was. The inmate showed them one of the artwork by Ouryou Rouichi that he had in his collection.
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And added that they sold for good money because they contained firm fundamental themes.
Kogami thanked the inmate for his help and turned to Tsunemori, asking if the name Ouryou brought up anything. Tsunemori found that a student at Oso academy had the same family name. 
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Kogami headed straight to the Oso Academy, located Ouryou and pointed a dominator at her.
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The teacher who tagged along Kogami tried to stop him from firing and Ouryou seized the opportunity to run. She escaped.
The agents inspected Ouryou's drawings. Kagami's friend saw it and identified her friend.
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The agents gathered at the control room, checking footages to locate Ouryou Rikako. Ginoza asked how Kogami found out about this suspect. "The culprit this time decided where to exhibit bodies based solely on whether or not it catches people's attention."
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The retrieval of footage with Ouryou Rikako done, and Kogami spotted one image of the girl that was on her own, unaccompanied by others.
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After hearing the reply that the camera was at the garbage disposal facility behind the dorm, Kogami headed to that location immediately. The other agents followed him.
It was completely dark inside. Then someone switched the lights on and they saw another artwork.
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In the teacher's room, Makishima replayed the recording of Kogami's deduction and was impressed. Makishima's colleague approached, addressed him as Mr. Shibata, and asked if he was interested in music as well. Another colleague rushed in and told everyone in the room that students' bodies were found. Everyone ran out of the room, leaving Makishima alone. He tempered with the CCTV recordings.
Kogami realized it. Yet he managed to reconstruct the audio part of the damaged footage.
Ouryou was still on the run. She asked Choe Gu-sung if the route she was on was the right one. No reply. She looked back, and found no one. Then she got a call from Makishima. "Just in case, I'd like to ask you a question before this is all over. Ouryou Rikako, do you yourself realize how you came to disappoint me? " Ouryou had no clue. "Well...if you don't realize it, then I guess you can't even reflect on it. As I suspected, it seems that I can't expect any more growth from you. It's unfortunate. At first, I thought you had a bright future. " Ouryou asked what Makishima meant by that. "I think this is a line by Tamora, the Queen of Goths. 'So should I rob my sweet sons of their fee. No, let them satisfy their lust on thee.'" Ouryou's mobile phone network died.
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"'The hunt is up, the morn is bright and grey. The fields are fragrant and the woods are green. Uncouple here and let us make a bay.'" Makishima continued quoting the Queen of Goths. 
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"'They told me, here, at dead time of the night, a thousand fiends, a thousand hissing snakes, ten thousand swelling toads, as many urchins, would make sure fearful and confused cries.'"
Ouryou hid in the dark, relieved at the sight that the thing (electric hound) walked past without noticing her. She stepped right into a trap.  
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"'Listen, fair madam: let it be your glory to see her tears; but be your heart to them as unrelenting flint to drops of rain.'"
Rikako tapped open her father's photo on her phone. An electric hound found her.
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"'So, now go tell, and if thy tongue can speak, who 'twas that cut thy tongue and ravish'd thee. Write down thy mind, bewray thy meaning so. And if thy stumps will let thee play the scribe.'"
As Ouryou was being pursued and injured by the hound, Makishima's guest hummed the tune of Ode to Joy.
Makishima's guest appeared in front of Ouryou Rikako
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The man said coldly that "you don't have to worry about that." Then he fired.
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After Rikako died, Makishima made a request that information about Kogami be gathered, adding that Kogami's insight and ability to grasp were quite interesting.
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End of episode 8.
Comment: Episode seven: It seems Makishima's view was that the technology had become all-encompassing in every aspect of human life that humans no longer have to make decisions on their own, that since everything had been taken care of, humans got reduced to living things only. And he wanted to rebel against that system, he wanted to see how humans cope without that system, maybe that's why Ode to Joy was used as the background music when Makishima made that long speech about Ouryou Rouichi's art and how he lost his life's meaning to science and technology.
Episode eight: Makishima spent a great part of episode eight quoting Tamora, a villain from Shakespeare's Titus Androinicus. I googled and found that this villain was very consumed with the thought to revenge against Titus Abdroinicus, the general who captured her. And she made elaborate plans to carry out her revenge on everyone mattered to Titus. So it seems a major theme on Makishima's mind was revenge. And as with Mido, when Makishima got bored with Rikako, he discarded her without mercy. And he's guest, a hunter with two electric hounds, hunted Rikako down, injured her, and then killed her with a shot to the head. Merciless, manipulative, vengeful, with utter disregard of life, such are the components of Makishima's personality.
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finamento · 4 years
"Yoshika, parece que não pode escolher a vida que deseja, eu entendo essa dor. Nesta era, o Sistema determina nossas habilidades e a única escolha é viver de acordo e ficarmos satisfeitos com a felicidade imposta. Somos incapazes de realizar nossos sonhos." Psycho pass.
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randomnotesofmyown · 4 years
Psycho Pass (5-6)
Episode 5 - Nobody knows your face Tsunemori assumed the avatar of Lemonade Candy and apologized to Spooky Boogie. Spooky Boogie rejected the apology and, after making clear that she would act as an agent for the police again, she booted Lemonade Candy out of her chat room.
Back into the real world of her office, Tsunemori still hadn't the faintest idea who was behind Spooky Boogie.
Kogami asked Karanomori the IT technician if the conversation was recorded.
Masaoka said he did not understand stuff like avatar and virtual worlds.
Tsunemori replied with a long answer, "Isn't using the net just like using knives for cooking or using paper to write things down? It has nothing to do with good or bad. It's like, it's there so we accept it and use it."
Masaoka commended Tsunemori was good at explaining things like a teacher. The he asked the young agent if she knew about Rousseau and his work, A Discourse of Inequality.
Tsunemori wanted to look it up, Masaoka replied that it was not necessary. He memorized it. And then, he gave an example: "Suppose there are two hunters in a forest, should they hunt for rabbits separately? Or, should they work together and go after bigger prey?" "The latter of course. That's the basics of game theory. You work together to catch bigger prey." Replied Tsunemori. "That's right. Humans are social by nature. Languages, letters, currencies, telephones, all the communication tools that exist in the world are there in order to strengthen that social nature. Do you think the net has the same effect, missy?" Tsunemori hesitantly replied yes. Kogami spotted the difference in the choice of words Spooky Boogie used to refer to the police. In the past, she rarely used the word police, but that morning when she rejected Tsunemori's apology, she used it. Kogami concluded that the Spooky Boogie Tsunemori talked to in the morning was a different person.  The agents tracked the access route and found the location where the culprit was operating Talisman. They went to the apartment and found themselves in a trap. 
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The only person injured from the explosion was Ginoza.  As they waited outside while firefighters dealt with the fire after the explosion, Ginoza got a call from Kogami, and was told that another victim was found. Sugawara Shoko, 20, the actual person behind Spooky Boogie was killed in the same way as Hayama. Estimated time of death was before dawn. 
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"Did you use Spooky Boogie, Sugawara Shoko, as a decoy?" "No." "Did you force her to cooperate?" "No." "Did you leak information on her to the enemy?" "No." 
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"Then what exactly is your fault?" "That's...But she actually got..." "Yeah, if we had caught the culprit last night, Sugawara Shoko wouldn't have died. The responsibility for that lies with all of us. For now, just think about fulfilling your responsibilities. Let's catch this guy."
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Karanomori found another suspicious avatar, Rainy Blue. The actual person behind it was a 14 year old who died six months ago. But the avatar remained active after his death.  Tsunemori noted the exceptional acting abilities of the culprit as he was operating three avatars simultaneously. "Not only are these hijacked avatars not incurring suspicion, they're more popular than when their real owners operated them." "Why is it that tens of thousands of users don't notice they're fake?" asked Ginoza. Kogami, "Because it's not a matter of real or fake. These avatars are idols on the net. In other words, icons. Icons cannot exist solely through their own will. Neither Hayama nor Sugawara established their status on their own. They were able to become Talisman and Spooky Boogie because their fans idolized them based on their own distorted perceptions. The idols' true feelings and their true colors are not the same as the ideals their character represents. It's not surprising that a fan could do a better job then the real owners in playing the idol fans expect to see." The agents narrowed down to one person by analyzing the activity pattern of zealous fans who stopped visiting the respective communfields of the three avatars when their real owners died.
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The agents split into two teams. Kogami's team came face to face with the suspect.
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Mido escaped despite being badly wounded. He got home and vowed to the three avatars that he would protect them at any cost. However, those avatars, controlled by Makishima, made an announcement. 
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"You can play any character, and yet, in the end, it turned out that you yourself are nobody. Your core personality is null. It's empty. You don't have a face of your own. Since you lacked a face, you were simply able to wear any kind of mask. It's about time to say goodbye, Mido Masatake. The hunting dogs that bring death have arrived. "  
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Mido was killed right at the scene.
Ginoza praised Tsunemori for her performance and sent her a personnel file of his former partner, an inspector who got demoted to an enforcer. 
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"28 years old. Former inspector."
End of episode 5
Episode 6 - Return of the Psychotic Prince
Flashback of what happened before Kogami's psycho pass went haywire. Enforcer Sasayama got butchered.
Ginoza discussed with Bureau chief about inspector Tsunemori. 
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The subject shifted to Ginoza. The chief commented, "A causal relationship between genes and crime coefficients still hasn't been scientifically proven. However, that also means that it hasn't been scientifically disproven."
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Tsunemori asked Kagari about what happened that got Kogami demoted. He mentioned that an enforcer who worked under Kogami got killed in the same gruesome manner as the other victims. Tsunemori then asked other agents about that case. 
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Karanomori said in that specimen case, plastination (a process used to create biological specimens) was used to commit grotesque murder. 
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Tsunemori met with her friends, briefly talked about her work and that troublemaker colleague. One of her friends asked as a thought
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A call from Ginoza, Tsunemori left for work.
Cut to a boarding girls' school, a student named Kuzuhara Satsuki had been missing for some time. Two students were discussing it, and one of the girls was about to say something about a teacher when a immensely popular student Ouryou Rikako appeared.
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"I'm a little afraid of her. Her eyes...are sometimes blank. It seems as if they're staring into a different dimension."
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Ouryou greeted the two girls and invited them to join her art club. Before walking off, Ouryou added that she might be absorbed in thought at times, "but it's not like I'm looking into a different dimension. I'm not an alien, you know."
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Ouryou was drawing a picture when another student entered.
Ouryou asked that student, Yoshika, about her stepfather.
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Cut to the Public Safety, Ginoza was interrogating Kanehara. He asked Kanehara where he obtained the memory card that turned drones into killing machines.
Back in the office, Ginoza told his colleagues his deduction
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But what puzzled him was how the sender knew Kanehara would kill in the first place. Kogami, "Pops figured out Kanehara just by checking the records of the staff's periodic checkups. There was someone else who could do the same thing. That periodic checkup record wasn't confidential, either. It was Kanehara and Mido who had the motive. That must have been enough reason for him." "Kogami?" "The intent and means to kill...creating a crime by bringing those two otherwise separate things together. That's his goal."
At a park, workers of the Public Cleaning Bureau found something strange about a fountain and made a phone call request that the fountain hologram be turned off for inspection. 
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Ouryou was drawing another picture. 
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Makishima sat and watched behind her.
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The two talked about the death of Lavinia in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus.
End of episode 6
Comment Episode five discussed the social nature of humans and the role the internet plays to strengthen or maybe weaken that trait as well as the things that make net celebrities popular. Mido, a lonesome man who seek fame, managed to play three avatars better than their respective original owners. By the end of the episode, however, Makishima determined that Mido was a hollow man without his own face and voice. Bored with Mido, Makishima discarded him like he was worthless.
Episode six explored whether genes have control over a person's characteristics or traits; and it depicted Makishima as a person who liked gruesome stuffs, entrenched in a negative worldview and could exert huge influence on anyone he found interesting. 
Makishima reminded me of Johan. They were both very intelligent, with a deep understanding of humans, very focused on the inevitable end of life, and manipulative. In other word, Makishima was a monster, like Johan.
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fictional-birthdays · 7 years
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Happy Birthday! (June 4th)
Yugi Muto (Yu-Gi-Oh!) 
Friesia (Nanatsu no Taizai)
Roushi (Naruto)
Hayate Yagami (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
Andy Domyoji (K Project)
Yoshika Okubo (Psycho-Pass) 
Renji Yanagi (Prince of Tennis)
Epoida (One Piece) 
Hitomi Niwa (Cinderella Girls)
Kiara Sessyoin (Fate/Extra)
Mamushi Hojo (Blue Exorcist)
Maki Sonomura (Persona)
Donnel (Fire Emblem Awakening)
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