#pssst im whispering now
tomfrogisblue · 10 months
OK I'm gonna be honest tho - out of everyone having the one massive mental big enough to change the entire atmosphere of Purgatory - I was Not Really Expecting It To Be Roier.
I guess with how obvious qCellbit is with his insanity it made me forget about qRoier's.
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klovzk4 · 4 months
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authors note: lmk if i missed any tags, not proofread and not the best considering i wrote this at 3 am 😭 part 1
Glenn Rhee x afab reader, praising kink if you look closely, mentions of killing walkers. 
You’d been wandering around the city for god knows how long, it was getting dark and you just had to be lost. You’d been seeking shelter for awhile but all the shops were overrun by walkers and you were way to tired from killing them you knew you’d break if you tried killing more of them with that stupid dull pocket knife you found lying out in the open while scavenging for supplies once. Just as you were about to turn around a corner you heard something from behind, your fight or flight senses immediately went off and you quickly whipped your head around with your pocket knife ready to protect yourself, looking for where the sound could’ve come from.“pssst” you heard it again, where was it coming from, was it a walker? your thoughts got interrupted by another sound above you “over here” you looked up towards the sound and saw a person sticking their head out of a window, a person? a living person? were you seeing things? you hadn’t seen or talked to another person since, well the start of the apocalypse “who are you?” the words came out faster then you could think and in less then a second he had already replied “Im glenn, but theres no time for that. A herd is coming and if you don’t want to be dead meat you best get your ass up here” hesitating for a second you listened for the herd, which were loud as ever and you quickly you started sprinting towards the stairs and up through the glass window ‘glenn’ had been waiting for you in. When you first stepped inside you couldn’t help but feel uneasy, like something was wrong. The first moments were spent with silence, as you both stood with the window listening for the herd which was soon to be going past the building you were in. You could feel glenn basically staring a hole into the side of your head before getting up and walking over to a bag he had laying on the ground. Finally turning around to face him after a few seconds of silence you decided to speak up “why did you help me?” he stopped doing whatever he was doing and stood up from his crouched position, his back facing you. He was silent for a few seconds before turning around “i-i saw you out there and noticed the herd was going in your direction, if i hadn’t helped you i don’t know if i would be able to live with myself” he said, his tone more soft then before as he finally made eye contact with you. Your shoulders relaxed and you felt a bit more comfortable around him now that you know why he decided to help you “i-uh, thanks for, helping me out there” you say, stuttering a bit not really knowing if you’re using the right words. glenn, however, didn’t seem to mind as he walked up to you and put his hand over your shoulder, making you blush uncontrollably. “You don’t need to thank me, in fact i should thank you considering you’ve wiped out almost half the city” you chuckle, trying to hide your blush. It was no secret you were a sucker for praise and the fact that the apocalypse had left you more touch starved than ever didn’t help. Embarrassingly, glenn seemed to pick up on this which you noticed from the way his demeanour changed, becoming more smug. You decided to turn around and walk over to a  table connected to the brick wall so you could ‘sharpen your knife’ even though deep down you knew glenn wasn’t buying it. The tension was high, all you could think about was glenn and you’d just met the guy! he could be a serial killer for all you know, but he was just so.., almost as if he was reading your thoughts you could feel his hands wrapping around your waist and his chest flushing up against your back “s’this okay?” he whispered softly into your ear, making sure you were comfortable with this and he hadn’t just misread all the signs. You mustered out a little ‘mhm’ as he started finally kissing your neck and down to your shoulder.
Part 2 is finished and uploaded :3
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muse-writes · 9 months
Drabblecember 2023 day 17: Laundry fresh from the dryer
Pairing: Link (Legend of Zelda) x Mange (My s/i)
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Link whistled, and watched as his lovely werewolf girlfriend came running, tail wagging. "Whazzit?" she asked excitedly. Link smiled, and gestured at the dryer. Mange cocked her head to the side. "I don't get it…" Link opened the dryer, and held the fresh clothes against Mange's face, and watched as she melted into the warmth. "Oh… Oh I get it now…" she whispered, nuzzling against it. Link got an idea, and put on a fresh shirt, and went to the couch in the other room. Mange ran after him, and was absolutely all over him! 'Mission success!' Link thought, trying to hide his smug grin.
(pssst: @eternally-smitten this one was fun!!! i know ive said that a million times but im having so so much fun :3)
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hey @crutchie-69
a lil gift
except it has shoe in it because i have no self restraint <3
oh btw you never really gave an age for socks so hes 17 in this <3
shoe knew he wasn't lost, that much was obvious. he knew the streets like the back of his hand, and the map of the city he had memorized last winter hadn't changed as far as he knew.
so he wasn't lost.
just...in an unfamiliar situation.
he knew he was somewhere near the manhattan lodging house, and he knew it wouldn't be hard to get home once he found it, but for now he had no clue where he was, as he had gotten distracted and forgotten to look at street signs he passed.
as he looked into an alley to his left, he saw a stocky redheaded teen sitting on the stoop of a building, a cigarette hanging from his fingers, suspenders off his shoulders and pooled around his hips on the top step; he looked relaxed, but a second look told shoe he was well muscled and built like an ox, and could put up a good fight, even if he was a good deal shorter than shoe.
he looked for a minute before deciding to keep walking, when a stange voice piped up from the alley.
"oi, you! ya stare fa' that long, ya think a guy ain't gettin' s'picious?" the boy shouted, his odd way of speaking making shoe whip around to face him again. the other boy flicked the ash off his cigarette and stood up, slowly walking towards shoe.
"uh- i- sorry, i swears i didnt mean nothin, i-" shoe fumbled, still surprised.
"kiddin, bucko. ya looks a lit'tle lost, s'all." the mystery boy took a pull from his cigarette and took another step closer, his other hand in his pocket as he stepped forward again.
shoe swallowed. "i-uh, do you- I-" he stuttered. he silently cursed himself and stopped, collecting his thoughts. whenever this happened, there was always the reassuring weight of eel's hand on the small of his back, a whisper of "take ya time, love," and a kiss on his shoulder blade.
but eel wasn't here, so he took a deep breath, and tried again. the redhead looked unconcerned, just watching with dark green eyes fixed on some point to the left of shoe's face, not quite looking at him. shoe was glad. he hated it when people looked him in the eyes.
"do youse knows- uh, where i can find uhm. a newsie by the name of racetrack? i-i'm a newsie too," he rushed, gesturing to his cap and bag. the boy nodded.
"i know racer real well, we sell together sometimes." he stomped out his cigarette butt and offered a handshake to the taller boy. "names' socks, on account'a the fact my mates are asses an i wears these every day." he tugs up the leg of his pants with his other hand to show his colourful mismatched socks.
shoe shook his hand gratefully, glad to be able to name the mystery redhead. "'m shoe, ise queens' second, my- eel's the king, we're...we's best friends."
an eyebrow raises slightly, but socks has the decency to keep his trap shut.
"i can take ya to racer if ya wants...?" he offers, shifting his weight onto one foot awkwardly.
shoe nods vigorously. "please, that'd be swell. i normally know whereabouts i am vaguely, but i must'a gotten turned around." socks nods and gestures for the taller boy to follow him down the alley, past where he had been sitting before.
"so ya wanna speak to racer, huh? what gives? guy owe ya money?" socks grinned, a crooked smile with gleaming white teeth.
shoe barked a laugh. "not me personally, but i think he owes at least half'a queens' newsies a fair amount. dimes especially, damn can that kid gamble." socks looked surprised.
"a kid beat racer? the racetrack higgins, beat at the one thing he's good at, by a kid?" he whistled. "i gotta meet the lad, bring 'im over sometime."
shoe nodded, and looked around. "oh, well now i know where i am." he turned to the redhead beside him, spitting in his hand and holding it out. "think i can find m'way from here, thanks."
socks spat in his hand and gave him a firm shake and with a toss of his fiery head, he turned on his heel and left.
shoe hurried on through the alley towards the statue of horace greely where he knew race would be, stopping short when he saw two figures close together up ahead, partially hidden by the dumpster.
not wanting to sneak up on anyone, he glanced around quickly, and spotted a can.
he kicked it, hard, and the silhouettes snapped apart at the loud resounding clang.
now that the two had separated, the two figures were extremely recognizable. shoe snorted, and started walking towards them. "if ya wanted privacy, the middle of an alley ain't exactly the best place to..." his lips quirked upward as he drew nearer and saw the expressions on the two boys' faces.
"tell that to eel and y'self," spot grumbled, his ears practically glowing with how red they were. "you know how many times i seen ya 'sharin a smoke' in an alley somewheres in queens?" he made sarcastic quotations with one hand, the other still firmly on race's waist. shoe gaped, flustered, before turning to the other boy, the entire reason he was in manhattan anyway.
the latter had turned pink, fiddling with the chain of his pocket watch.
"race, ignoring the inconsiderate jabs of your personal midget here-" spot spluttered indignantly. "the reason ise is here," shoe continued, mirth gleaming in his eyes.
"eel says he has someone he wants youse to meet, so if spot an y'self could come back with me to queens that'd be swell." race nodded, still pink.
the three set off, shoe making teasing jabs the entire walk back.
anywhizzle :)))))))
hope youse likes this riff <3 lmk if i got socks' accent wrong at any point lmao
bonus: tjis is what socks looks like in my head <3
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my brain just went 'hngghghnggh hes just a little guy' and this is what came out of it <3
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kendylouwhoo · 1 year
I feel like a dirty rag that's becoming clean. Someone is squeezing me until I almost can't breath. So I remind myself to breath and relax my body... this stuff coming out it doesn't want to stay. Everything else is transmuted and we're on our way. I've been running a marathon for so long, so very fucking long, perseverance is the name. I'm learning how to turn struggle into a game. Life taps me on the sholder and tells me to have fun. How? I say, go take a run? Move your body in ways that feel good. Dance, sing, be silly a ton. How do I do this I don't understand. Slipping and slidding all over the sand. Slamming my face into the ground, it's like that dream I've had throughout my life, run and fly all around. I know I can do it. Why won't it work? Just have to keep stepping to it. Whisper in my ear, pssst. Learn how to twerk. Shake that body move those hips. Remember the games in your mind are only truth in what you want them to be. Remember where your desire meets with the Divine is where you become free. Brain feels inflamed. I wake up feeling sick. Kids scream and my nervous system is firing like a prick. Money scares, energy drain, foods almost gone. You know this my love, it's always darkest before the dawn. You're already in the dawn of your butterfly being born, these last few steps are just taking out the thorns. Like a green juice fast or any kind of detox, your body is getting rid of what's no longer you. All these feelings from the past like revisiting my whole life, things coming out that haven't seen the light. Reminding myself again and again, your doing amazing my love you already know you will win. So I say thank you for coming up, im so grateful to see you, come with me and transmute, or be on your way. Remembering how fucking good it feels to cry, have you done it today? No? Well it's time to go dance. Say goodbye to those things this is the last glance. Heart is opening yet building a web, because inside a container I feel more free. Not a box that keeps me a certain way more like a web that sways with the breeze, let's in what it wants but protects from the stuff that doesn't serve the bees. Weaving a web from all the strands of my life, I'm falling so deeply in love all the strands and strife. Where I used to run, the habit is transforming to lean in. Where I used to hide I now say, peek a boo, I love you! Where I used to look the other way, I now look deeper, what whats that I see? I'm learning more and more how to be sturdy when it's steeper. I love you, I'm proud of you, I repete every day, words that took me so long just to be able to say. It's magical and wonderful to watch the denial melting away. How often I've though and see others do too, think when they step into something new, something transformed, something great, that all their problems will just melt away. Ok for real be honest with yourself, that's not even what you want now, otherwise you would have probably reincarnated on some green pasture as a cow. We don't know what we want because we don't know what there is to see we don't know what it means to fully step into me. But I do know this, there's a threshold point. Where I go from surviving to thriving and that's where I'm about to be. How do I know? Because I already feel it inside me.
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prttydolls · 3 years
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not me. ¦¦ d.m
summary ¦¦ your inlove with someone who is inlove with another.
warnings ¦¦ angst? idk .
char info ¦¦ childhoodbestfriend!reader x draco, 3rd-4th ish?
authors note ¦¦ here face claim if u dont know who is paris.. also i hope this is good 😭 also not proof read !!
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“pssst.” draco whispered to you. you ignore him.
“y/n?” he called out quietly. tapping your side. “what? what could be soo important when im studying draco.” you huffed and turned your attention to the blonde boy.
“i wanna tell you something.” he said flatly, he looked so serious.
“can it wait? i need to study for this exam.” you plead. “that can wait- Ill let you cheat off me.” he reasons.
“ugh, fine what is it?”
“i like a girl..”
there was a sudden silence between you two., your heart softly cracking you can hear your heartbeat go faster. “uhm- who's the lucky girl?” you said with a forced smile.
“its- paris.. pansy’s sister? me and her kinda have a thing going on and i dont know how I'd act on it..” he said nervously.
paris fucking parkinson.
your heart finally cracking into two bits.
“h-how lovely..” you giggled.
“what do you think i should do?”
dont do anything with her, be with me.
“you should definitely ask her out to hogmeade!” you lied through your teeth. “hmm, sure I'd like to show off my social skills.” he smirked. “well, okayy! you can go now.” you dismissed him shooing him away from the library.
you cried in the library.
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ ✩. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
it had been a whole week.
a week since.
since you told draco to ask paris out, now they're dating...
you shouldn't have couraged him.
now you will never have a shot with the boy who you love, your bestfriend, your other half.
now in arms of another girl, that isnt you.
you see them everyday being all lovey dovey with eachother, showing off their relationship to everyone. draco realized that he hadn't spent time with you like you both used too.
his heart aches that you dont talk to him anymore, only hellos, good mornings. he felt as if a piece of him got ripped off him
“draco, your my bestfriend nothing can change that ever!”
“mhm, we will grow old together!”
8 year old you, and 8 year old promised each other. and now, that promise is broken
you always prioritize draco’s happiness, you chose to let him be and live his life without you but with his girlfriend.
at the end of the day, you cry to your mother. “mum, im inlove with someone, whose inlove with someone else.. and that someone will never be me.” you cry through the howler.
seeing both of them being happy and contented with one another makes your heart crack into millions of pieces.
that will never ever be you, all you wished that you didn't tell him to ask her out.
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𝖳𝖺𝗀𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 :: @dracoslittleangel @imabee-oralizard @f4iryluvy @lilytoyourjames @siriusblackstwin
people who voted for option b :: @mikaelariddlemalfoy @thehalfbloodedwitch @dr4cking @ayeshaikram03 @dracoslittleangel @imabee-oralizard
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bubupop · 2 years
Can we talk more about Solomon and MC? They’re so precious and so weird, i feel like you they could be the weirdest gremlin and the guy would match the energy cuz he’s a grandpa but he's a cool grandpa 😎 (He would totally give MC secret candy/money. Imagine this:
Solomon: Pssst, MC! *he gestures towards him and whispers* come~
MC, all excited: what is it?!
Solomon, very proudly, hands them like 5 grimm and a button: 😎😎😎✋
MC: … Is better than nothing I guess yea.)
Like imagine he’s just standing there in the middle of the corridor and MC just fucking bolts it and tries to yank him off his feet but fucker doesn’t even move a bit AND HE’S SO COCKY ABOUT IT TOO “Oh, MC. When did you get here? Hm, weird, I felt something smack in my back maybe a fly he he.” HE HE.
He’s so so mean and such a tease too): Also MC and Solomon definitely dance to disco music, why? Because I said so ! Cant you guys imagine them dancing to Fernando by Abba and just swinging ‘em hips and pointing up and down and everyone else is like tf, looking up and down towards where they’re pointing but they don’t see shit and are like man humans are weird tf they pointing at ??? Is this a human courting thing or something??
Also taking them both to a hike somewhere AND THEY FIND S T I C K S, you know what must happen then? Obviously they gotta look for the biggest, strongest stick !! And how do they prove it is the best stick? Easy peasy STICK “SWORD” FIGHT !!! Now everyone is just staring at the two humans being weird, again. They feel kinda left out……
Also isn’t it weird how humans just s t a r e at fire? Like the two of em are just glued to the sight of it. Ok, weirdos. But MC if you like it so much you could’ve told them they would have committed arson for you)))):
ALSO, AGAIN, YES. Just curiosity, man. Curiosity is such a humane thing and imagine exploring somewhere or something and MC and Solomon gotta go to every fucking corner to see e v e r y t h i ng. And I mean it all !!! Oh, a box?! We must see what’s inside !!
That’s it that’s my ted talk thank i 4 coming peace n love im planet earth 🤙
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
perfectly wrong | one
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summary: there were rules that had to be followed: no one could know about you two, there was no ‘getting to know each other,’ and there was absolutely no emotional attachment allowed. if this could be done, there should be no complications. but somehow, the rules always get bended.
pairing: reader x fuckboy!kth
genre: college au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 2301
chapter warnings: cussing, mature language, very slight angst, some hints of jealousy, alcohol consumption
notes: pls remember that this is set a few months after you and tae have been going at it, so it will seem like things are happening a bit fast. i’m not trying to prolong this series. also most importantly, i tend to usually write shorter chapters > shorter, but more chapters published. enjoy!
> series masterlist <
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Jungkook decided he was going to see if he could jump over your couch and land perfectly in a seated position.
"Wait, wait, wait. Absolute silence everybody." He says as he's stretched over, trying to estimate the timing and height of his jump. He had always been super athletic and competitive since you two were small, so there was really no changing his mind on this. He always had to prove something, even if that meant creating his own competition of jumping over the couch.
"It's just me and you." You watched him from the kitchen, making sure the pizza in the oven was baking properly.
"I have an audience, okay? Don't be rude, Y/N." He says as he points over to the fake audience clapping and laughing during a 'Friends' episode.
"Whatever, as long as you don't go breaking my shit, Jeon Jungkook." He was 22, but his mentality was 8. That was for damn sure.
"Siiiiiiilence." He says at a whisper, his eyes shut as he puts a finger to his mouth. He lets out a huff and a puff before he gets the courage to throw himself over the couch and land a perfect landing. "And once again, he sticks the landing!" He stands up with his hands up in the air.
"You're annoying." You laughed, getting paper plates ready for the pizza that was about to be done because you were in no mood to do any dishes tonight.
"Thank you! I'll be here again tomorrow, same time." He calls out to his fake audience.
"No the hell you're not."
"Ouch, nevermind. Someone apparently doesn't want me here." You laugh at how dramatic he is. At this point, you just let him be because that was something you always loved about your bestfriend. He embraced the kid in him and always brought good times. You had similarities, but you also had some major differences. You liked being in your comfort zone & you were labeled the innocent nerd amongst your friends. You just like to consider yourself simple, though. A 'take it day by day' kind of person. Kookie was fun, adventurous and childish at times. He was also shy, but loud at the same time? An introverted extrovert, you could say.
But you loved each other nonetheless, that's why you've clicked so well since you were young. You taught each other things & grew together.
"Here, fool." You placed the pizza in front of him with the paper plates.
"Set it up, I'll grab us the drinks. You want anything in particular?"
"That bottle of Stella Rosa, please." JK knew you loved that Stella Rosa, so he happily grabs the bottle and two wine glasses. He plops back next to you on the couch, pouring your glasses and grabbing a heaping serving of 4 slices of pizza.
You both decided you want a good laugh, so you throw on Kevin Hart's newest installment: Zero Fucks Given. It isn't long before you both are rolling on the floor, almost gasping for air at how much you're laughing at Kevin Hart's stand up. The pizza is gone, the wine is gone, and you're still feeling pretty tipsy. The whole thing sounds nice, until your head starts to wonder what Taehyung is doing and if he'll text you to come over tonight. You know he probably already has plans with another chick though, and that hits you.
Curse this fucking alcohol.
Let's get this straight - the only time you 'talk' is when he's trying to fuck.
And yes bitch, you let him do this to you. You're out that door before you can even fully slip your shoes on. Dick is just that good. It's something about Taehyung that makes you addicted. The way he gives you a stupid ass smirk when he opens his door, the way he touches your skin and gently lays his shit on you until you both become really invested in the moment. So invested that shit hits the roof. It gets messy. It gets rough. It becomes unspeakable.
You aren't friends. No one knows about you two, or that you even know the other exists. You don't know shit about each other. The only thing you know is that he's fucking other girls. He has a whole roster, you'd imagine - a starting five, at least.
He doesn't care about you, and for the most part, you don't either. At least, that's what you like to portray because it's been some months now since this whole thing started and you can't help but feel some kind of emotional tie to him. You're leaving your house between 12-2am in the morning and sleeping in his bed until 6-7am. It's a routine; a routine you've become used to. You skip out on some late night kick-its with your friends cause you anticipate a text to come through from him.
But, he doesn't care. You aren't the only female slipping into those sheets, and boy does it fucking make it hard to swallow. Reality hits hard when you think about it and you feel this huge pit in your stomach. You try to be different, you try to stand out one way or another. But it doesn't work that way. You knew what this entailed going into it, so it makes zero sense as to why you're hurting and getting jealous from time to time.
You know it still doesn't matter to him.
He's only fucking you over cause you let him. You know damn well you're not gonna change and let this go, though. You love thrill of it too much. It's the most thrill your life has had. You're not perfect and you're only human. You make mistakes, but this one definitely puts the cherry on top. Because not only do you refuse to learn, but you let it repeat itself over and over again.
"Aishhhh, my stomach hurts from laughing too much." Jungkook laid his head back and patted his belly. "But that was good though. I needed that."
"Yeah it was. Thanks for coming by to watch that with me, Kook." He tilts his head over to look at you and smiles.
"Sure thing." He checks his phone and sits up. "Yoongi is blowing up the group chat." You check your phone to see multiple unread messages from none other than Min Yoongi himself.
[yoongi] 10:37pm: aye
[yoongi] 10:45pm: all of a sudden, everyone is ghost in this group chat?! you all had a lot to say not too long ago.
[yoongi] 10:52pm: even though you guys are fake as fuck, does anyone wanna come with me to the bars tonight? meet at my place so we can head out.
You and Jungkook laughed at how butthurt Yoongi was in the groupchat. Yoongi definitely was the most serious and blunt one in your group, but he still liked to party and have a good time. It was just how he was. Hoseok was always full of energy and probably the most extroverted one out of all 4 of you. He was never shy. You and Jungkook met Yoongi and Hoseok your first year in college and became inseparable ever since. You all just click with your different attributes.
[jungkook] 10:53pm: lmaoooooooo
[yoongi] 10:53pm: fuck you dude lol
[jungkook] 10:54pm: i'll come through in a sec, i'm at y/n's right now. not sure if she's gonna come though?
[y/n] 10:55pm: i'll pass, i'm tired and wined out.
[hoseok] 10:55pm: ahahahah yoongi shut up, blowing up my phone for no reason. i'm passing on tonight too. im tired from working that overtime *cries*
[yoongi] 10:56pm: you both are boring. i'm especially offended at how i didn't get an invite to your little powwow, y/n. and now you don't wanna hang out?
[hoseok] 10:57pm: she mentioned she was going to watch kevin hart's thing yesterday and offered us to swing by if we wanted to though....... selective hearing, maybe?
[y/n] 10:58pm: ^ okayyyyy and that's on period! thank you hobi <3
[hoseok] 10:59pm: anything for the baby
[yoongi] 10:59pm: lmao you're a brat, y/n. whatever, i'm still hurt by you both! kook, hurry on over so we can drink
"Fuck I regret this, I'm gonna die." Jungkook laughed as he stood up and stretched. He quickly helped you clean up before he figured it was time to go or else Yoongi would have a fit.
"I feel like it has to do with that one girl he's been talking to on and off."
"Perhaps." Jungkook shrugged before putting on his shoes. "We shall see." he sighs before giving you a tight hug. "You sure you don't wanna come out?"
"You don't even have plans tonight."
"Yes I do."
"Doing what?"
"Laying in bed." Jungkook snorted as you shook your head and shrugged. What else did he think you were trying to do? He should know you by now, at the very least.
"Alright, I'm not even going to argue. I'm off."
"Be safe, have fun, text me if you both need anything, okay?" He nods as he shuts the door, leaving you to your lonesome. You swirled the teeny tiny drop of wine leftover in your glass around before picking up your phone.
No new texts. Well, let's be specific: no new texts from taehyung.
You did forget to respond to your oldest cousin though, when he was just trying to check up on you.
[seokjin] 8:35pm: pssst y/n
[seokjin] 8:35pm: psssssssssst
[seokjin] 8:35pm: oyyyyyyyyyy
He was damn near 30 years old and hated talking on the phone so much that he decides to blow up your phone this way. But, he was the cousin you loved dearly and you had a very tight, sibling-like relationship with him. He was like the older brother you've always wanted. He watched you grow, protected you, kept you safe, supported you and cheered you on - especially when your family talked so much shit about how you and him weren't gonna get anywhere with your goals. You know, the fucking stupid ol' saying of 'chasing your passion isn't going to bring you money & wealth.' Your family was all about the titles and money, but Jin was passionate about cooking and wanted to open his own cafe. You, on the other hand, wanted to pursue your art. Jin was the biggest role model for you because he was the first to defy your family's wants and wishes. He was the black sheep of the family with a huge 'I don't give a fuck' mentality and he taught you that along the way.
Don't ever be afraid to do what you're passionate about. Fuck 'em.
[y/n] 11:13pm: hi sorry, jungkook was over and we were watching kevin hart's new thing on netflix over some wine and pizza.
[seokjin] 11:15pm: that sounds fun! sorry, i just wanted to check on you but i see you're doing okay lol
[y/n] 11:16pm: i am. :) i'll hang out with you tomorrow
[seokjin] 11:16pm: how sweet, my freeloading baby cousin is coming by
[y/n] 11:17pm: hahahah shut up! although you're not wrong, i am going to steal some food. but most importantly, i do want to hang out and see my bestest oppa <3
[seokjin] 11:18pm: awww y/n, you're so full of shit <3
[seokjin] 11:18pm: go to bed
[y/n] 11:19pm: haha love you tooooo
And so, that's what you did. You got yourself all ready for bed, believing you wouldn't be leaving your house tonight. You pampered yourself, put on a face mask and got yourself all lathered up in lotion just to lay down. You're in Jungkook's shirt that he left behind (and never looked for, so technically it's yours now) when the guys had stayed the night and some Vicky Secret panties.
You're scrolling through your Instagram feed, seeing Jungkook's newly posted story with him and Yoongi already at the bars, acting a damn fool. You laughed at the video he took of Yoongi trying to dance in a tight, awkward space on the crowded dance floor even though he was never the best at dancing. It lowkey made you wish you went out with them so you wouldn't be stuck here thinking about your feelings and how lonely these hours get.
And then you see Jimin's story from an hour ago. He knew you were friends with Yoongi, and although Yoongi wasn't fond of their group too much, he was still an avid party-goer and mingled with people there. You've only spoken to Jimin once because you had to work with him in the same group on a class assignment. You tried to keep it that way though because he was Taehyung's bestfriend. They went everywhere together, did everything together. He, too, was very popular among the ladies and across campus. I guess it was just their thing.
You assume they were at a party cause Jimin quickly flashes the camera at Taehyung, who's in front of him getting a lapdance from some chick. Jimin quickly turns the camera back to his face as he's laughing uncontrollably then abruptly cuts it off.
She's forsure going home with him tonight.
You set your phone down on the night stand and put on a show on your laptop to help you fall asleep.
Just as you're about to get some shut eye, your phone vibrates. You let it slip at first because you thought it could be one of the guys playing around, but it vibrates again, signaling another text coming through. You pick up your phone just to make sure Yoongi and Jungkook aren't in any trouble and need you to bail their asses out.
[taehyung] 12:17am: hey
[taehyung] 12:20am: come over.
You scoff at how he assumes you're still up and that you'd be coming over. You hated that. He knew he just had your ass.
track two: hit different - sza & ty dolla $ign
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elgaravel · 4 years
hiii ezra❣️from the prompt list:
“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
(pssst i played the kai follower mod YRS ago n im back playing skyrim again so ive redownloaded thanks to u 😋 also no pressure to fill !!)
Hiii jez 🥰🥰 thank you for the ask! And I'm glad I inspired you replay with him, I love him sm 🥺🤚 I hope you enjoy
Prompts from this post
Valen feels like her heart was going to burst out of her chest if Kaidan smiles any harder. His fingertips brush across the Akaviri stonework of Sky Haven Temple as he tries to burn it into his memory with an absolutely mesmerized expression. She doesn't know how long she had been staring at him but she ceased once he turned his gaze towards her and winked, his smile never faltering.
The last time she had seen him smile like this was when she translated the Dovahzul on his sword. That was equally as heartwarming but what was off-putting was the thought of wanting to see it everyday. She'd never felt that way about anyone before she met him…
"You seein' this stonework, Vay? It's incredible!"
She blinks, turning to look back at Alduin's wall. "Uh, yeah… it's pretty impressive."
Truthfully, she'd barely looked at the damn thing even when Esburn was explaining the story behind it. At the time, she'd been too preoccupied with the fact that she had found her brother alive. Now, she's resisting the urge to brush the stray strand of hair on Kaidan's cheekbone.
"You okay, Vay? Seems like your head's been in the clouds all day."
There's a glint of concern in his russet eyes but still a fond smile on his face. Valen's heart churns as she longs to reach out to him.
"Uh, yeah. Just still thinking about Laz is all." She shot him a half-hearted smile.
"Aye, damn lucky you found him alive. I'm happy for you though, I know how worried you were."
"Thanks…" Her voice is barely above a whisper as she examined the stonework in front of her so she doesn't have to make eye contact.
"I feel like that's not the only thing bothering you though."
Valen shifts in her place, readjusting her grip on the torch in her hand. "Don't worry about it, Kai."
He raises an eyebrow at that, turning to face her. "Did something happen?"
His tone and expression are soft and Valen wants to retract into herself. She knows she's being ridiculous, he'd never admonish her for her feelings but on the other hand, does he feel the same way?
All she can manage is to shake her head which just confuses him further. She's always been adamant about communicating with him.
"You know you can talk to me about anything, Vay."
The words come out before she can stop them and she feels like she's going to vomit.
"I love you."
Her heart dropped to her feet and her voice nearly failed her, and she sounded like a stuttering child. Not all how she wanted this to go. By Mara, she's stupid. She wants to run away but it feels like her feet are stone weights holding her in place. So she stares at Kaidan's chest plate, digging her nails into the wooden handle of her torch. He's stammering, looking for the right words to say, probably to let her down gently she figures.
He finally settles on, "You what?"
A nervous laugh escapes Valen's lips before she says, "Well, I figured I could at least say it for the first time with stuttering but that failed."
"It's okay if you don't feel the same, Kai. I don't this to-"
She finally looks up at him with a pleading expression. "Gods, please just let me down easy."
"I love you too, thought that was obvious."
He lets out a hearty laugh as she visibly relaxes with a confused expression.
"What, really?"
"You doubtin' me, Dragonborn? You shouldn't."
Valen can't stop the grin that stretches across her lips as she lets out a soft laugh.
"By Mara, I'd kiss you if I wasn't holding this torch right now."
"You think that's gonna stop me?"
He steps towards her, moving her arm away from them before moving his hands to cup her face; he smiles even wider when she visibly melts and closes her eyes. She looks a bit ridiculous but adorable with her arm sticking out, her eyes closed, and her lips slightly puckered, ready for his. He laughs quietly before leaning down. He presses his lips to hers and for just a moment, all feels right in the world.
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messinwitheddie · 3 years
Pssst. Messaging system is being meant nd won't let me send you this. Enjoy a Reunion fic of Red and Bun from that Ancient Bun AU we made.
The Florpus had been hell. Purple would never call it anything else. The pain it caused was unmeasurable. Once free, Red had loudly declared not only would the Pilot who had given them warning AND taken them out was getting a major promotion. But also a public Apology and recognition.
The pilot, Ort had been surprised, expecting a lashing. Truthfully Purple expected that too. Red had never been the same since... since the incident back in their Cadet days. Pirple wondered what had occurred to cause this change. His anwser came not ten minutes lost Florpus, when the security team reported 2 intruders and the security feed came up. Purple could only blinked in shock. A whisper of the past, a giggle and orange eyes flashing across his mind as the Adult vision of Ted's Twin graced the screen. 
Bun. Was that actually her? Did the Florpus hand them their missing third back? 
She was Tall. About their height but no Corset. No stretching. All natural. She wore loose fabrics in the style of a wrapped robe, abd a Pole arm held her up the Bladed tip pointed to the ceiling as she and her cohort leaned against the wall. Said cohort was a short Fat drone, light green skinned with Blue Beetle shell chitin covering them. Their eyes were covered by a royally woven and embroidered cloth depicting some kind of ritual. They hovered on wings hidden beneath their shell checking over this Bun. 
Purple would have written this off as an effecr of the Florpus had LOP not appeared on screen. The special SIR unit was battered and patched crudely with impure metal. Many a lost languages were chiseled into his form but it was still LOP. The SIR unit Red BUILT. and it was obvious when he turned to the camera and waved in sign. In Red's Signs. 
Purple knew. Bun and Red were Hard of Hearing due to an issue with their antenna. Bun had gotten the worse of it, but Red also had a hard time hearing. So Bun had made the Red Signs. Sign language for just them three to keep up with the rest. LOP signed a short report. 
"Subject Bun, Healthy and Alive." 
Purple wanted to cry but instead grabbed Red, who had become frozen in place, and ran down to their location. His best friend and his Husband's Twin was finally back. 
Bun hissed. She knew vaguely where the anomaly landed them. She still recognized the tech of her time, though it looked as if it progressed. But she had lost her space legs in the centuries she spent amongst Coddle Drone Behemotta's Hive. It was harder to stand now and harder to keep a grasp on her surroundings. Her darling, dear Mercí was buzzing about her, tightly curled antenna unfurling to check Bun over as the Blind medic adjusted herself. "Im fine my Shine. Are you ok?" Bun asked. The ancient language she spent so long to learn flowing freely across her tongue. Mercí tapped her head in an affirmative rhythm. A dear friend Octavius, who had gone and found His Own Hive, had made a tapping language for Bun and Mercí to better communicate. (Later Bun in her own time once more, would discover that friend had founded Hive Octave. A lost Hive of female Irkens that used art as weapons. She and Mercí would laugh and say "Octavius? A Hive Leader? He was so shy and nervous he would apologize to WALLS!")
Mercí tapped. 
"Im fine Dear. But you are swaying more. Are we on a ship?" Bun sighed.
"Of a kind it seems. Remember how I got to you and Coddle Drone?" Mercí nodded. Such a time was hard to talk about. Both had been recent acquisitions within Behemotta's Hive, and while Bun was basically worshiped for seeming tall and perfect, Mercí was excluded often. When the other smeets found out Bun was not as perfect as they thought... the two were ignored outright, their rations stolen. Or at least many TRIED. Bun was still Vicious as could be back then and LOP Haf apperantly made a habit of reporting Incidents to Coddle Drone. Behemotta never stood for such treatment of any smeet. Especially after her own swarm was born. "A Star ship then?" Mercí asked. Loudly and clearing talking rather than tapping as her antenna curled back up. 
"Yes I seem to have lost my space legs, what little I had of them!" Bun joked and Mercí shook her head with a fond smile, gently swiping at the laughing Bun. 
"Hush My Queen. No more of that. I know you'll readjust- My Queen? 
My Dear is there a problem?" Mercí asked as she heard Bun's breathing hitch, her damaged and barely functioning PAK Whirred dangerously, as it often did when she panicked. A little hiccup and a sniffle came from Bun.
Red wanted to scream when the Florpus had spat them out and he had seen an image of his missing twin in ancient garb. An illusion truely and nothing more. But the memories of Bun made him act different. He Promoted and Ort and promise public recognition for his hard work and formally apologized for his callousness. Many saw it odd.. but Red preferred that over thinking of what he had seen.. of the pain that remained. Then the security feed showed it again. 
It was Bun. Bun. Alive, well, TALL. she was dizzy and dressed weird yes but that was LOP with her. LOP which Red knew instinctively as his creation. The use of Signs, their signs, was enough to convince him this was real. 
Red cursed his legs. Cursed the tears that began to swell. Then blessed his husband for grabbing him and racing to the location. 
She turned and so much pain washed through Red. The argument before the accident. How he took every chance to spread his grief and pain across the Planet Jackers and any one of their old bullies. 
But now, Orange eyes met his and tears joined his own. 
"Bun. BUN!" Red yelled Leaping and grabbing his twin only to suddenly be Hefted up and spun around by Bun. 
They laughed. For the first time in Centuries the two laughed together again. 
Purple watched with a fond smile as his Best friend and his husband reunited, but was quickly startled when the shorter Irken bumped into him. Clawed hands gently tapped around his robe, careful not to touch skin or flesh. 
"Hello?" The Female irken asked. She was cheerful in tone even when nervous. 
"Hi." Purple said confused. The blindfolded Irken beamed. 
"Ah! You must be the one named Purple Bunny talked about!" She chirped. 
Purple mouthed the nickname and snickered. 
"Yeah. Bunny huh?" Purple snickered and the little Irken nodded. 
"Oh yes! Its cute like her. I'm Mercí! I take it the one who shouted for my Wife is her twin yes?" Mercí asked and Purple nodded. Only to be met with silence. 
Ah she was Blind. 
"Yes. Thats my Husband Red." Now Mercí snickered. 
"Oh yes Bun told me he was in love since smeethood with you." Mercí said then added thoughtfully. "Though she thought she was training age when she arrived. Queen Behemotta thought she was an adult at first! We spent years in the same smeet Group then got separated for training. But we shared a room at that point. Bun couldn't sleep alone."
"Yeah. After the Incident, Red moved in with me. He couldn't sleep without someone else there." Purple admitted, though he wasn't focused on that conversation anymore. 
Mercí had brought up something, well 2 somethings interesting. First, Red loved him since Smeethood, which sent his Cardio-Splooch soaring, he loved that Irken even more. 
Second. Bun being a Smeet when the Incident happened. She was Cadet age then. Did something happen? But Mercí mentioned Bun being tall enough to look like an adult. Bun had been of Average Irken Adult height at the time of the Incident. What did that mean?
LOP tugged on Purple's hand. Purple had forgotten how keen the SIR unit's observation codes were as he had picked up on Purple's confusion. Purple also noted LOP had a Translation program running. Why Purple had no idea. But LOP never dropped the program as he presented several medical charts to Purple. 
One was Bun's scans pre-Incident. They all looked Normal and healthy for a Cadet. Then post Incident. Save a Head injury and some PAK related trouble Bun was fine. The readings still looked like that of a young adult Irken as Cadets were. 
Then another of a different Irken, they had the same title of Cadet but their Biometrics showed slowed metabolism, naturally halted Splooch growth and a fully developed brain. 
Next to that one was a Scan of Mercí at the time of Bun's arrival. Save her Blindness and natural shortness, the two's basic biometrics were identical. 
Purple knew what this conclusion meant. And it made him feel sick. 
"LOP, later. After we celebrate I want you to expand on this for me. Please." LOP Nodded to Purple's request and stepped aside as Bun collided suddenly with Purple scooping him up alongside a laughing (Laughing! A genuine laugh from Red was rare and Purple felt more love for his husband in that moment than ever before.) Red. Purple heard Mercí giggle as feet barely missed her head. 
"Happy my Queen?" She asked. Purple figured he'd ask about that title later. 
"Very Darling! Lets all catch up! Mercí. My Shine I hope you don't mind if-" Mercí cut Bun off with a wave of her hand. 
"You are holding your twin dear. We have more time later. I can walk." Mercì assured Bun as Purple slid out of Bun's grasp with a Smile. 
"I can lead your wife Bun. Let's go back to our quarters and get some snacks." Purple suggested, loving how Red very vehemently signed to Bun, asking when she got Married. He gently offered a hand to Mercí, tapping her clothing gently. The smaller Irken smiled and took it. Purple lifted her up to his shoulder and followed the laughing twins down the hall. Much had changed. But oh so much hadn't. And for that Purple was Glad.
AWW!! Thank you for the submission!!
The years Bun spends with Behemotta (The living Colossus) takes place in pre-history Irk; guess we can call it the ancient-Irk au
What an adjustment for Bun.
Didn't sketch out the whole submission, but I did pencil a few post florpus sketches up until the point where Bun's presence is detected on the Massive.
Red needs his twin back at this point. The Florpus took a toll on both him and Purple.
Forgot Lop's design ^^. Tried to give him a kintsugi look.
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Also, Mercí is adorable! I'm so happy for Bun, she found a pretty plump healer wife!!
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Again, thank you for the submission. Hopefully this posts ^^.
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hustlinhufflepuff · 4 years
I’ll Remember (Part 2)
Warnings: some bad words, rough sex, smut
A/N: This is my first time writing smut I hope it’s okay. I’m out of school till January so I can write without feeling guilt for not doing my work! Also, I tried making the sex scene more real by including him asking for consent and respecting boundaries! @dray-cookies I hope I didn’t disappoint omg IM SCARED
Word count:  3945
The next morning comes – scratch that, the next afternoon comes and you wake up. You wipe the drool off your face as you sit up on your bed. I thought sleeping was supposed to help not getting a hangover. You get up and stumble into the bathroom and see yourself in the mirror. You were still wearing last night's outfit and your mascara was smudged. You undress yourself and get in the shower to remove the smell of alcohol and wipe off the smudged mascara. Once you get out you look in the mirror and wipe off whatever residue was on your face and brush your teeth. You exit the bathroom and your roommate has returned, “Oh, you’re up!” she said surprised. “I wouldn’t say I’m completely awake” you respond. She shrugs and continues shuffling through her chest. “What are you searching for?” you ask. “I’m looking for my picture of my family, I’ve been meaning to frame it and put it on my nightstand” she says, continuing to rummage through everything. “Ah, well you have fun with that, I’m heading to lunch” you say turning the doorknob. “Yeah, heading to lunch an hour late. “Well I didn’t you wake me up!” you say standing in the door frame. She looked back at you, “You don’t think I tried?” she said and you closed your eyes and tilted your head to say “fair enough”.
You arrived at the Great Hall and sat down, it was pretty vacant and you didn’t see anyone you wanted to sit with so you sat alone. You began eating some soup and slurping it up, “Oh God, please stop making that horrendous sound” you look up to see Draco standing across from you. He sits down in front of you and you furrow your eyebrows, “Actually, in Japan, it’s considered a compliment to the chef if you slurp your ramen” you say sitting straighter. Draco scoffs, “Are we in Japan and are you eating ramen?” he said looking at you. “Well, if you don’t like it, you can leave” you say back. He puts his hands up and pushes forward, “Whoa, calm down!! I’ll put up with it and stay.” he says. “I am calm!!” you raise your voice and slam your fist on the table. “Sorry, I’m cranky” you say, realizing you overreacted. “Well, you did drink 8 cups of beer” you roll your eyes. “You came to the party?” you say confused. “Yeah, I got there just in time to see you drink your 8th cup” he replied. “I was there for maybe half an hour until you knocked out” you blush slightly. You look up at the ceiling trying to remember last night, “I kind of remember now, I remember us talking while I was in bed” you look at him and could see he was getting uncomfortable. “Yep, we did. We just talked about basic stuff, got to go!” he said, getting up quickly and walking out the Great Hall at a fast pace. You watch him walk out, ‘Weird, he has a cute butt though’ you think to yourself, you shrug and finish up your soup. 
After you took a short nap and became rehydrated, you didn’t feel so hungover. You kept thinking about why Draco felt so uncomfortable around you, he wasn’t that normally. Okay, let me think back to last night you think as you close your eyes. 1. I got carried by my teammates and the party started. 2. I started drinking while waiting for Draco. 3. I sang loudly and danced terribly after my 4th drink 4. I got sad because Draco hadn’t shown up and started drinking my 6th drink 5. After my 7th I began dancing again. 6. Got tired, started my 8th drink and Draco came! 7. I got tired and he helped me to my dorm. 8. We talked about…. shit… this is the part I can’t remember… Come on, brain! Think!! Okay, we talked about the game and he said he got distracted and that’s why he lost! He got distracted by… ME! He got distracted by ME! I remember now! He told me I was pretty and kissed me goodnight!
 Your roommate poked you, “You okay?” she asks. You open your eyes, “Yes, why?” you respond, sitting up on your bed. “You were just making weird faces, I didn’t know what was happening” she shrugged. “Oh, yeah.. just thinking about things..” you say, fiddling with your hands. “Okay..” she said, skeptical of you, “Did you think about dinner? Cause I want dinner”. “Yes, let’s go!” you agree putting your shoes on.
As you sit next to your friend, you look behind you and see Draco sitting behind you at the Slytherin table. “Pssst” you whisper, his head snapped back to look at you. “What?” he whispered back. “We need to talk after dinner!” you raised your voice a little. “Why?” he raised his eyebrows. “Hey, Draco! What are you doing talking to a Huffle-punk” one of his friend sneered. “Shut up before I make you” Draco turned his head around and his voice became deeper and angry. His friend pressed his lips together and continued picking at his plate. “Why?” he repeated as he turned his torso to face you. “You’ll find out if you come with me” you smile. He frowns, upset that he has to wait to know.
He walks out the Great Hall with you, “Where are we going?” he asked. “The corridor, no one's ever there” you say, leading him. As you close the door behind you, you look Draco in the eyes and take a deep breath. “I know what you said last night”. Draco scoffed, “Really? What was that?” he crossed his arms. “You called me pretty!” you exclaimed. Draco’s face turned pink, “Uh, no I didn’t” his voice was shaky. “Draco, your reaction just admitted to me that you did” you look at him, “that's why you left earlier today right?” you say. 
You can see Draco becoming shyer, he shook his head. “Stop lying, or..or.. I’ll do this!” you grab his face and stand on your toes and kiss him. You pull away and see an even pinker Draco, with your lipstick tinting his lips. “I, uh, yes, sorry, I” he was stumbling over his word as he spoke. You tapped his cheeks softly, “Draco!”. “Right, yes, sorry for lying. I did in fact call you pretty, but I wouldn’t have lied had I known you’d kiss me” he smiled and scratched the back of his head. “I know we haven’t known each other very along but… I feel like you care… you know? Like care about me.” he said softly. You grabbed his hand, “I’m glad you feel that way, I do care about you and I know you care about me, you’ve proved it by defending me.” you smiled and looked down to hide your flushed face. He smiled, “I do” he gently pushed your chin up to look at him. He kissed you and you rested your arms on his shoulders. You pulled away and just stared into his eyes, “We should probably leave” you state and Draco nods and you both walk out the door.
“What will people think when they realize I’ve gone soft for you?” Draco looks at you. “Probably blame you for losing the last game” you chuckle. “I’m serious, y/n. I don’t want people to think I’m weak.” he said. “They won’t, you’ve protected me. If anything, they’ll be even more scared to mess with you or me” Draco smiled at your response, “Yeah! You’re always right, y/n” he said as he held your hand. You walk towards the Hufflepuff dorms, the few people in the halls gave you two looks but Draco gave them a mean glare. 
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow?” you suggest. “I can’t wait,” Draco started going in for a kiss, “No, Mr. Malfoy.” Snape said, walking out of his classroom with a stack of papers. “Way to kill the mood” you say a little annoyed. “Bye sweetheart” he said letting go of your hands as he headed toward the Slytherin rooms. You tap the barrel 5 times and walk into the common room. You run towards your room, squealing, which got some strange looks from the people who were in the common room. “LILI” you exclaim as you burst through the door. “Y/N” she says with the same intensity as you. She was writing a paper and you jumped on the bed. “y/n, you almost made me spill all the ink!” she says placing her school supplies on her nightstand. “I’m sorry but I just have to tell someone!” you say. “Alright, what is it?” she asked. “Draco and I kissed!” her jaw dropped. “No!” she said. “Yes!” you jumped up and hugged her. “I knew you liked him!” she pushed you off her because you were hugging her for so long. “Like, present tense” you correct her and she rolls her eyes. “Well, I’m happy for you both. You’ll be good for him” she smiled at you. “Now, let me work” her smile disappeared as she continued writing her paper. 
You rushed to breakfast that Monday morning, waking up before your roommate to get ready. You took longer than her to get ready, she was naturally pretty and could literally walk out the door in her pajamas and look good. When you both got to breakfast you kept staring at Draco. “y/n!” a friend snapped her fingers in your face. “Yeah, yeah”  you say, moving your eyes off of Draco to your friend. “What’s up with you this morning? You seem a bit distracted” she asks. “It’s because her and Draco kissed last night” your roommate answers for you. “No way!” “Get it, y/n” “Nice!” the people around you commented. “DRACO? DRACO MALFOY?” one of them yelled from a few seats done, everyone glared at him, including the Slytherins within hearing range, which meant Draco heard. 
Draco looked at the boy who yelled his name and stood up to confront it. “Yes?” he said placing his hands onto the table and bending slightly to be at eye-level. “What could you possibly want, you mu– must be stupid” Draco stopped himself from saying “mudblood” to the poor boy. At this point the entire cafeteria was staring at the encounter. “No.. I was just going to ask.. Is it true?” the boy asked scared he’d say the wrong thing. Draco raised his eyebrows, “Is what true?” he questioned. “That..that..that” he stuttered. “Out with it already!” Draco demanded. “IS IT TRUE THAT YOU’RE DATING Y/N?” the boy yelled, shutting his eyes, scared of Draco's reaction. The people listening in began whispering among themselves. Draco sighed as he looked at you, he took a deep breath and stood up tall, “Why yes, I am. I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” he replied and walked away. Everyone continued talking about, his friends at his table were either giggling or staring at him in confusion. 
You walked by Draco’s side as you both walked to Care for Magical creatures. “I’m proud of you” you say to him. “For what?” he asks. “You didn't call him a.. mudblood” you whispered the last word so no one would hear. “Oh, that. Yes, I’m trying to watch my language for you” he responds nonchalantly. “Aww” you coo. You stood next to him once you got to class, you held hands. “This ‘ere is a fire crab” Hagrid held the creature in his hands showing around to the class. “Isn’t she a beaut?” he asked the class. Draco shook his head and you giggled. “These babies are endangered, meaning there aren’t many of them out ‘ere.” he informed the class, and the class gave disappointed ‘aws’ when he shared that information. “Their shells are highly valuable, which means people care more about the money than protecting this wonderful species” he said holding the crab up. 
“Alright, she is kind of cute” you whispered to Draco. “A little” he agreed. 2 girls in front of you turned around, annoyed that your conversation was distracting them. They didn’t expect for Draco to be there and give them a scowl. They quickly turned around and focused their attention on Hagrid. “Not to worry, I got another female and 2 males, they’ll make babies!” he said, excited. 
Class was over and you walked with Draco to your next class, he had a free period and wanted to spend all his time with you. “You’re taking Muggle Studies?!” he asks, confused. “Yes, I find their world so fascinating” you tell him. He scoffs, “What could be so great in the Muggle world?”. “They have things called smart phones and it can do all sorts of things! Like send a message to someone else’s in a second! Without being close!” you exclaim. “Psh, we can use owls for that!” he says. “Yeah, but it’d be nice to talk to you after curfew.” you tell him as you're standing outside of the classroom. 
“Do you think Professor Burbage would mind if I sat in for a lesson” he asks. “Of course not! Yay!” you clap and pull him into the classroom. “Today, we’ll be discussing how muggles travel the world!” Professor Burbage spins the globe on her desk. You begin writing notes, ‘Muggle Travel’. Draco looks over your shoulder confused but doesn’t comment as he doesn’t want to bring attention to himself in a class he wasn’t even supposed to be in. Plus, he thought you looked pretty when you were focused. “Now, people can travel by cars but it can take hours, even days to arrive at their destination!” the class gasps. “But, they use planes too!” she continues. “Planes look like this,” she shows a model airplane. “They’re huge! And people fly from one place to another much quicker this way!” you scribble down your notes. Draco lays back into his seat, actually interested by the new information. “Professor, why would they use their cars and not the plane?” you ask after she acknowledges your raised hand. 
“Well, my sweet child, muggles also use money and have jobs that pay better than others. Some families just can’t afford to pay for a plane for multiple tickets and driving a car costs less” you write that down but raise your non dominant hand to continue your question. “Yes, y/l/n?” “How much does a car cost?” you look up from writing. “Cars can cost a lot of money, you have to buy a car which can either be cheap or expensive, and if you buy a cheap care you’ll have to fix the car which would cause you to spend more money and then in order to drive the car you have to put a thing called ‘gas’ inside of it” she displays her figure car and a ‘gas station’ and shows the class how it works.  
“Muggles are weird,” Draco says as you leave the class. “You’re weird” you tease him. “However, I can see how you find them interesting,” he says disregarding your remark. “Ooo, do you think you’ll enroll,” you nudge him. “I would but I’d be too far behind,” he responds. “I can help you get caught up!” you offer. “Seriously? Alright, I’ll get it added to my schedule.” he shrugs. “I’ll see you after dinner!” 
“Okay, okay, we can start studying, I don’t want anyone to see what we’re studying, can we go into corridor?” he asks. “Fine,” you groan. He grins because you agreed to it. “Okay, first chapter, why do we hide the existence of magic?” You read aloud. You and Draco go over the chapter, “so, every time anyone sees it, we just use obliviate?” he asks, you nod. “Yes, that's how we're still a secret, obviously wizards have messed up in the past and exposed magic but they’ve controlled the problem” you say closing the book. “Okay, 1 chapter down, 3 more to go, woo-hoo!” you cheer. “We still have 30 minutes until curfew..” Draco states. “We could stay in here, together?” he suggests. “Yeah! I’d love that, love,” you say, reaching out to hold his hand. 
You both scoot closer to each other, and start kissing, “I love your lips y/n” he pulls away to tell you but quickly returns to kissing you. He begins kissing your neck, you raise your head so he could kiss you everywhere. “I love your kisses Draco” you say with your fingers intertwined in his hair. 
He lifts you up from your seat onto his lap. He kisses your neck from behind, you giggle and squirm because it tickles. He rubs his hand up and down your arms, “you’re so beautiful y/n” he whispers in your ear, “and when you wear your skirts, it just makes it hard to resist,” he whispers. “Resist from what?” you whisper back. “Resist from kissing you and touching you everywhere” he answers. “Then stop resisting” you say getting up and sitting in his lap facing hip. He grabs your face and kisses you roughly, he kisses your neck and begins working on giving you a love bite. “You need a mark on your neck so everyone knows that you’re mine” you simply let out a small moan. “Say it, say that you’re mine!” he says as his hands slide under and he squeezes you ass. “Yes! Oh, yes, I’m all yours” you throw your head back enjoying how he’s rubbing his hand up and down your thighs. “Good girl” he calls you. That name made your pussy start getting wet, and you could feel how hard he was. 
He tugs at your top, beginning to unbutton it. He unclasps your bra and begins kissing your breast. You run your fingers through his hair as you grind against his crotch. “Fuck, don’t tease me baby girl” he says. “It’s yours if you want it, Draco” you tell him. “Please, call me sir,” he asks. “Mmm, yes sir” you respond. “Get up”  he commands you. He pulls his pants and briefs down, his hard cock quickly rose and smacked his stomach. 
“Have you ever given a blowjob?” he asks. You shake your head no, “Well, here’s your chance, kneel in front of me, baby girl” you do as you're told and put your hand around his thick cock. It’s pulsing, you put your mouth on the head and moans, “Fuck yes” he moans out as he watches you. You put it further in your mouth, “Oo, careful with your teeth, sweetie” he asks. You continue going deeper, until it hits the back of your throat. There was still another two inches that never made it in your mouth, “Is it okay if I’m rough with you?” he whispers and you nod with his cock still in your mouth. He grabs your hair and pulls in and out of your mouth, going deeper than you thought it could. You push against his thighs after two minutes, he pulls out and wipes the tears off your face. “You look so beautiful getting face fucked by me, princess.” he smiles down at you and you smile back with your mascara smudged everywhere. “Thank you… sir” he kisses the top off your head. “Want to be a good girl and take those panties off for me?” you nod and take them off you tug at your skirt but Draco grabs your hand, “Leave it” he says, “get on my lap, baby girl” he spreads his legs. You get on top and his cock is against his stomach, “You tell me if you want me to stop, okay?” he whispers and you nod in agreement. “Raise up a little baby” you hover over his lap as he grabs his cock to put into your entrance. His tip was ready to enter, he looks into your eyes, “Sit down on it” he tells you and you slowly slide down. It hurts at first but your pussy was so wet it lubricated it. “Fuuuck, you’re so tight” he groans. You whimper when he's completely inside of you. “What’s wrong sweetie?” he pauses to ask. “Nothing, you’re just so big” he smirks, “fuck me” you tell him. He wraps his hand around your neck, “I tell you what to do, not the other way around, got it?” you nod at him. “Good, now, just feel my cock inside of you for a minute, do you like how it feels?” you nod. 
He puts his hand in front of your vagina, he only put his thumb through your lips and he began to rub your clit. You moan loudly, he stuffs your mouth with your panties, “Quiet or someone will hear us” you nod and he takes the panties out of your mouth. He continues rubbing your clit and you bury your face into his shoulder to muffle your moans. He stops rubbing, you sit up and take a deep breath. “Oh my God” you say out of breath. He sucks the thumb that he used to get you off, “you taste so good princess, if we had more time I’d eat you out, but that’s for another day. We only have 10 minutes so I’m going to fuck you hard, okay?” you nod. He stands up, carrying you with him. He pushes you against the wall and pounds against you, you moan loudly. He takes his tie and stuffs it in your mouth, he continues fucking you, “You’re so wet, all for me” you nod and look at him. “Fuck yes, look at me while I fuck you” he grabs your neck and chokes you, you smack his hand and shake your head. He stops choking you and just keeps his hand wrapped around your neck. 
Your legs start shaking and he notices, he makes space to put his hand in between you two and begins rubbing your clit again. Your legs were wrapped around his waist but you wrapped them tighter. “Do you like it baby girl? Tell me if you do, don’t be shy” he rubs faster, “Yes, I do,” you moan, throwing your head back against the wall. “Yes what?” he says aggressively. “Yes, sir” you start panting “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” you say at a higher volume. “Cum on my cock, baby, cum!” he encourages. You cum all over him, “fuck, you’re so fucking hot I’m going to cum” he thrusts deep and stays there, “I’m cumming” he moans into your ear.
He puts you down, you spit the tie into his hand, you’re both sweating. He licks the cuffs of his shirt and wipes the smudged mascara. He helps you put your panties and bra back on. He pulls his pants up as you button your shirt. “We should go now,” he says, taking your hand. You walk with him, your legs sore from him. “I’m skipping flying class tomorrow,” you tell Draco. He laughs, I’ll skip with you if that’s alright?” you nod.
“Goodnight sweetie, clean up and get some rest” he kisses the top of your head, “you too babe” you say as you split ways. You try to walk normally past everyone, you look down to hide any left over makeup. You walk into your dorm and Lili looks up at you, “Oh, hey!” she waves. “Ohhh, heyyyy” she says when she looks at your messed up hair, smudged mascara and how you walk. Your face turns pink and you go clean up in the bathroom. Goddamn Draco, that was good.
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crystalwillow · 4 years
The Birth
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Tagging: @kiteplayschoices @brycelahelalover @obsessedheehee @eleanorbloom @fuseboxmusebox @vibrantlyjaz @kaavyaethanramsey @queencarb @schnitzelbutterfingers​ @ramseysno1rookie​ @caseyvalentineramsey @ethanramseyswhore @whippedforethanfreakingramsey
Casey was being ran to the maternity ward. "Where's Ethan?" she asked, "Someone's gone to find him" A nurse told her. "I need him here. I need him!" she cried out as she was helped on to the bed "Please. I need my husband!" she pleaded with the nurse who reassured her they were doing everything they could to get him there as quickly as possible. About an hour had passed and Casey was now a little more comfortable in a hospital gown as she laid on the bed, breathing in gas and air as she cried from the sudden bursts of pain "OOOOOOOOWWWWWW" she cried as the door flew open and someone rushed in "Casey! Sweetheart!" Ethan exclaimed as he ran towards her bed, dropping the hospital bag on the floor. "I'm sorry I took so long. I was stuck with a patient and then I had to rush home to get the bag and-" He rambled as he panted heavily from running "You're here n- agh!" Casey grimaced as she got another contraction. "It huuuurrrrrtttssss" she whined before breathing in the gas and air again.
Ethan sat in the chair and tried to help his wife through it. 2 hours later and Casey was still in labor, panting harder and harder as the minutes ticked by. "why don't you come up onto the bed darling? Kneeling on the floor can't be comfortable" Ethan said softly. "Because the bed isn't comfortable either and I'm stuck, you moron!" Casey yelled at him. "Should I get you a nurse?" he asked. "should I get you a nurse? YES GET ME A FUCKING NURSE YOU BASTARD! THESE CHILDREN ARE COMING OUT NOW AND I'M STUCK DOWN HERE!" She yelled further whilst mocking the way he asked his question. "Very well." He said and stepped outside the room "NURSE! THE CHILDREN ARE COMING!!!!" He yelled in a pitch that nobody had heard before. It even snapped Casey out of the fact she was giving birth on a hospital floor. He stepped back in the room and smiled. "They're here" he stated as he made his way over to her and started helping her up. The nurses ran into the room, immediately helping Ethan get Casey up and onto the bed. "This is all your fault Ethan. I told you to stop being so beautiful and good looking. I wanted to walk away. THIS IS YOUR FAULT DAMN IT!" she yells as she laid back on the bed just as another contraction came. Ethan chuckled as he took her hand "I can't help that I got my fathers good looking genes" he remarked sassily with a smirk. Casey looked at him and managed a brief laugh, "you're too cocky for your own goOOOOOOD. FUCKING HEELLLLLLLLLA!" she shouted as she gripped Ethan's hand with a death grip, turning his knuckles white. "ow. Casey, ow. You're hurting my hand. Ow ow ow" Ethan complained "SHUT IT. IM IN MORE PAIN RIGHT NOW!" Casey continued shouting at him.
After a further agonizing 3 hours 57 minutes, Casey was about to give her final push to deliver baby number 3. Ethan had stepped up and was doing his best to guide his wife professionally through the final stretch, as he wanted to be the one to deliver the last child. "That's it sweetie. On the next contraction I'm going to need you to give one final push with everything you have in you okay?" he said as he stroked her knee. The contraction came and Casey pushed as hard as she could, and with that the baby came out. Ethan cut the cord and a nurse took care of the rest. Casey relaxed back and cried into her arm as the final baby started to cry whilst it was being weighed and cleaned up. Ethan hugged her tight. Kissing her temple, eyes glossing over as a proud feeling spread through his chest. "You done amazing sweetie. Absolutely amazing. You delivered us a gift, you should get some sleep" he whispered soothingly. She hugged him back "I want to hold them first. Please?" she asked as she sniffled, calming down from the crying. 3 nurses brough them over, "Congratulations Casey. You've given birth to 3 healthy babies. 2 boys and a girl" one of them smiled as they carefully passed over 2 babies laying them on her chest and passed baby number 3 to Ethan "Congratulations to you as well Ethan" the nurse smiled "thank you" Ethan smiled back as he sat in the chair next to Casey's bed and the nurses left the room to give them privacy. "I love you little one. I'm going to do everything I can to be the best father I can be. If anyone ever breaks your heart, I'll make sure they're sorry. Nothing or nobody will hurt you" Ethan mumbled to the small newborn in his arms as he gently cradled it. Casey looked at him and smiled "You're already an amazing father babe" she whispered. Ethan looked at her and smiled back "Thank you." is all he could managed to get out before tears streamed down his face as he smiled at his wife and 2 other perfect children laying on her chest. The feeling he had been searching for his whole life was finally being felt. As he sat in the chair and sighed contently he whispered to himself "I finally feel complete."
Casey smiled at him and started crying too. The Ethan she met all those years ago, was no longer the Ethan next to her today. Of course she knew that part of him still existed and he used it when necessary but the man that sat next to her today, was forthcoming with his kindness and approachable. He was smiling and crying tears of joy and not pain. Ethan rose to his feet and placed the baby in it's cot, then done the same with the other two before sitting on the bed next to Casey, taking her hand. He sniffled and dabbed his eyes with his white coat, then laid his head into her chest and hugging her tight, lost for words. But Casey could feel the rawness in his emotion and communicated back to him through her own. They stayed like that for a while. "I love you" Casey finally spoke as she played with Ethan's hair but got no response. She moved his hair back to look at his face and saw he was fast asleep. "such an angel" she whispers as she kissed his temple, closing her own eyes and falling asleep, holding his hand.
About an hour later a nurse entered the room quietly and stumbled upon the scene of Ethan asleep on Casey's chest. She poked her head out back into the corridor "pssst. Sarah. Come look at this" she whispered to a nearby nurse who walked round and poked her head into the door. "awwwww. They really are perfect for each other." She whispered with a smile before returning to work. The nurse entered and placed a gentle hand on his arm "Dr. Ramsey" she spoke quietly. "shhhh" he mumbled, and the nurse smiled to herself "Dr. Ramsey" she repeated in the same tone and both Ethan and Casey stirred, opening their eyes and looking at the nurse "Hmmm?" Casey hummed as Ethan snuggled to her chest falling back to sleep. She smiled at Casey, "could you let him know that some results he was waiting on have come back. They're urgent." Casey smiled and nodded at the nurse, who thanked her and left the room. "Ethan honey." She spoke quietly "whaaaat?" he grumbled like an annoyed teenager. "Urgent results you were waiting on have come back. They're looking for you" She continued stroking his hair as she told him. "nnnnngh. I don't wanna leave you" he further groaned as he sat up stretching, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and giving a yawn. He looked over at his 3 newborns "did we decide names?" he asked. Clearly trying to avoid having to go and get the results "Ethan." Casey warned, "Fineeeee. We'll name them when I come back. I'm going!" he exclaimed defeatedly. Casey gave him a kiss then once he was gone snuggle back down in the bed going back to sleep. Late that afternoon when Ethan had a break he came back to see Casey and brought flowers and a card, along with a bottle of her favourite water and a sandwich. He smiled as he entered and looked at his wife, as she was feeding one of the babies. "Hey" she smiled as he sat next to her in the chair, getting comfortable. "I've been thinking of a name for our little girl" he said. Casey looked at him giving him a looked that told him to continue. "Lillian Rose Ramsey" he said, and Casey choked up as she looked into his eyes "Rose?" she smiles through tears. He nods "She should carry your grandma's name in hers" he says softly, kissing a tear off her cheek. "What about the boys?" she asked. "Jacob and-" he ponders "Ethan Jr" Casey said confidently. Ethan breath seemed to leave his body as he looked at Casey with wide eyes, "I'm serious" she said. "Okay. Lillian, Jacob and Ethan Jr" he confirmed with a smile.
Casey and the triplets spent the night at the hospital and the next morning Tia and Sienna helped Casey to the atrium to meet Ethan. When they got there, the rest of their friends were there with presents and a cake. Jackie stepped forward and gave Casey a hug, which was happily returned. "You look less tired than I expected" Jackie joked as they sat down. Casey chuckled, "I feel pretty disgusting." The group talked for a while whilst they waited for Ethan, they were getting ready to call him when he walked over in his uniform, bags under his eyes that are darkest than the circles round a pandas eyes. "Holy crap you look scary" Bryce blurted without thinking before the words left his mouth, earning a slap round the head and scowl from Tia. "thank you. Lahela. I know" he said, low spirited. "Have you been at work all night?" Casey said as she stepped forward. He smiled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. "ETHAN JONAH RAMSEY!" she exclaimed "I'm absent for one night and you work yourself to this state. Why?" she placed a hand one his shoulder. "we should get you to the on-call room Dr. Ramsey" Sienna said, face full of worry. "I need to get Cas-" he started "No! you cannot drive like this! Bryce, Jackie & Elijah make sure he gets to the on-call room and take turns keeping an eye on him. I'll go and wait for him in the nearest park" she said. "I'll help you!" Tia chirped and together they made their way to the nearest park, with Casey settling on a bench next to a food and drink van before Tia bided her farewell and headed back to the hospital. Soon it was getting dark and colder so Casey called Jackie. It took a couple of rings but soonshe picked up
"hey Casey"
"Hey J. Is he up yet?"
"No. He's still out cold. Snoring rather loudly too"
"Snoring? Jackie, he never snores. I'm the noisy sleeper"
"yes. Are his airways okay? He's not in an awkward position is he?"
"no. no.. he's okay as far as that stuff goes."
"okay. Well keep an eye on him for me."
"will do. And we've sent Bryce to come and take you home"
"Cool. Thank you. See you later"
Casey sighed and hung up, muttering under her breath as she waited for Bryce to arrive and take her home. About 45 minutes later, she was home and waving goodbye to Bryce as he pulled out of her driveway, settling in for her first night as a mother at home. The next morning there was a knock at the door and Casey walked to it "this is absurd. I have my key" Ethan complained as the door opened "Someone order a well-rested husband" Sienna beamed at Casey who hugged her tightly. "Thank you. So much." She sighed happily, "No problem. I can't stay though. Duty calls!" Sienna chirped happily as she ran back to her car. And with a quick wave she was gone, Casey and Ethan going back inside. Casey got back to cleaning whilst Ethan went upstairs and grabbed a shower. Later the two adjusted to parenthood together and by the end of the night they collapsed on the couch and fell asleep cuddled up, exhausted but knowing they wouldn't change this for anything in the world.
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parkersvibes · 5 years
Since you’re doing requests maybe something with Peter Parker x Stark!reader? (Not anything about tony dying tho let’s pretend he’s still alive lmao)
peter x stark!reader
read part two here !!
a/n: alright so this was my first ever request omg. so i’m gonna do a little headcannon yanno? i wasn’t sure what you wanted,,, and i kinda wanted to write everything. AH IM SO NERVOUS IVE NEVER POSTED MY WRITING ONLINE SO IM SORRY
meeting peter
• well being a stark meant that once you hit the end of 8th grade,,, pep and tony wanted you to experience a “normal” life.
• bye bye home schooling with happy who made sure you did your homework
• cap was history, bruce was math and science, nat was english/russian and pretty much any language. BUCKY WAS GYM AND LEMME TELL YOU HE IS A MEAN GYM TEACHER. (plus all your training in general smh)
• i mean it wasnt bad. you inherited your dads wits soooo
• anyway
• they enrolled you into high school
• welcome midtown high
• the thing is,,, tony pulled a few strings and had your last name changed to “smith” or something basic like that because he knew how mean other kids could be
• even with that, you were on high alert.
• you didnt need people to whisper about you being a “new kid” so it was nice to not have to worry ab being “starks kid”
• anyway,,, freshman year right
• first day
• everyone is a bit awkward
• y/n stark is an angsty shit so she sits in the back of homeroom
• she is joined by another angSTY TEEN
• *introducing* MICHELLE JONES. the one and only mj
• *mutual staring and agreeing that you werent gonna talk but knew you were on the same boat*
• this stuff was so easy,, you learned about cells at the age of 6 and did your own dissections by 8
• so literally 10 seconds before the bell rings,,, in comes running a scrawny boy with brown hair
• and guess who didnt have a lab partner
• “s-s- sorry. i go-got lost”
• bio teacher dismissed him
• he made it his mission to get you to smile at least ONCE every class period
• “he-hey, i’m park- peter. peter parker”
• “y/n st- smith”
• “cool”
• “mhm”
• “so you come here often”
• *insert a wtf look from you*
• “OH MY GOD. that’s not what i meant, ofc you come here i mean it’s school. well it is the first day but i guess-“
• you smile,,, “well todays my first day so i WILL be coming here often.”
• a friendship being born
• he didnt buy the rbf and asshole exterior
• “pssst”
• “yes peter?”
• “why didnt the fish go online”
• “why pete?”
• “because he didnt want to get caught in the interNET”
• giggling at his LAME JOKES
• him feeling proud that he made you smile
• eventually asking you to eat lunch with him and meeting ned
• after that being even better friends and hanging out with ned and may at peters. working with legos and watching star wars
• you making excuses as to why you could never hang out at your house
• “woah, the kid actually talks to people her age”
• “now y/n, it’s okay if you arent fitting in. when i was a ki-“
• your dad being worried that you weren’t happy
• “dad i’m okay, i’m just not ready for them to know”
• you didnt want peter and ned to change how they see you
• oh my god this is so long imsorry
• i think im gonna make this into parts
tagging some of my favs/people who encouraged me to write in the first place ❤️: @starksparker @stuckonspidey @sunshinehollandd @keepingupwiththeparkers @hey-marlie @spyder-bites @keepingupwiththeparkers
read part two here !!
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strayboys · 6 years
thank you for 1.5k!
who's the best fandom? sk tumblr!
honestly i'm just using this "milestone" as an excuse to ramble about my friends
we all know that i don't have actual talent to actually create something for this so...
@arqueritefrost DIAMOND WE'VE BEEN TALKING FOR MONTHS AND LIKE YESSSSS remember when you analyzed that stray kids poem i wrote eEK ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for killing me with pictures of jisunggggg!
@9equals1 mAYAAAAAAAAAA you're so sweet and amazing and fAMOUS wowza we've come so far together and i will continue to promo your blog 😂 person: "hi i'm new to sk" me: oH MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW MAYA
@kim-squishmin hey remember when you lEFT for a while and i was devastated?! gxdzgxjcjvhchchchcjv MY FAVORITE PART OF THE DAY WILL ALWAYS BE DAWN
@kimwuujin you'll forever be channieskitchen to me, stevie 😂 even tho i even gave you your url thERE'S NO REPLACING CHANNIE'S KITCHEN- okay but craziness aside you better keep making content, we need to be fed lmao ❤️ i love ya!
@straykidseuu pppppauline hey i think you're my only friend on tumblr that has a p- name like me lol anyway I REMEMBER WHEN YOU JOINED TUMBLR YOU'RE SO SWEET AHHH
@s0ftminho guys maria is a marshmallow and that's the tea eNOUGH SAID (no but seriously i love you, okay?)
@astraykidsdaydream STAY AMAZING- if anyone tells you that you're not perfect i will kick them in the face with my soccer cleats on *wink* xfchbjjbjbcgchvh thank you for being mutuals with meeeeeeeee!
@presentstraykidsfan roseeeeeeeeeeeeeee omg remind me to show you this gif of hwall biting a rose it's adorable- anyway *hugs you* your excitement is everything, never let that spark fade!
@bundlesandbeanies ELIZAAAAAAABETH you lil blog stalker *wink* your latest url is so cuteeeee- THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ME, AND FOR ALL OF SK TUMBLR ❤️
@awoojinstan SAIKAAAA haha what would you do if woojin followed you on tumblr? 😂 sunshine can't exist without you!
@strayedtoofar CHOCOLATE 😂 hehe who's charlotte i only know chocolate- ever since you first joined tumblr you've been s w e e t- never change! actually you probably can't change you're inherently sweet just like chocolate!
@mosquitofelix jOCY MY JOY okay throwback when you were my anon and i stupidly couldn't figure out who you were for the longest time eeeek 🌤️ bUT I DID IT after i got 10000 hints 😂 remember that you are the epitome of joy!
@bangg-chan hehehe you probably weren't expecting this tag bUT FUN FACT i'm always checking up on you ❤️ actually that makes me your stalker, doesn't it? oOPS 🌤️
@bam-feels TAWNY MY DUDE fxvhvhhchcvh who's a cool mutual? it's got to be you! it seems like we've known each other for a long time ahhhhh how quickly time has passed o.o i love you very much eek ❤️
@hey-im-anxiety okay i think you're my #1 blog stalker, like tumblr usually has you in the top three 😂 STAY SAFE AND STAY STRAY- don't forget to sing along to hellevator when you're in an elevator! bahaha
@stk0t9 omg i highkey used to count your likes as stamps of approval- if maddy likes something then it's a successful post (why am i not exaggerating 😂) don't forget to smile!
@jikseu-felix hmmm how did we meet? oH WAIT OKAY SO I FOLLOWED YOU ON JOSHPUP FOR SVT CONTENT BUT THEN YOU MADE AN SK SIDE BLOG- ahhh 😂 anyway- let's keep being mutuals! i appreciate youuuu! 🌤️❤️
@realstraykids oh lOOK it's that famous friend i have?! thank you for putting up with meee aH you deserve a medal of valor lmao anyway you're like an ambassador of sk tumblr 👏 ❤️
@hey-hey-chan k is for kute- dzxghvhvgcch what have i done?! 🌤️ kUTE IS A WORD EVERYONE... anyway r is for rainbow, i is for intellectual, & s is for sERIOUSLY AMAZING
@etherealstraykids q u e e n. you're going to reply to this and say "i'm no queen" but nope sorry i've decreed that you're a queen 👑
@woojinschicken omg i remember sending you an ask about how great your url is... ITS PERFECTION REMAINS
@straykidsthetype EEEY, E! 😂 i love you, your content, and the love you bring to the fandom! tumblr would be different without you ahhhh the hORROR
@heavenly-freckles first things first your url is perfection bc his freckles are heavenly- I LOVE YOU OKAY SERIOUSLY you have a great future ahead of you according to my phoebe senses ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@bbyhyunjin *whispers* did you know that you're the definition of compassionate?! not to mention that you have the cutest url ever now that i think about it eeeeeek
@maaatryoshka last but dEFINITELY not least we have erin, aka one of the first stray kids blogs i ever followed- TCXHVHIFUXYVJSRO YOU'RE SO NICE TO ME EVEN THO I CAN BE PRETTY ANNOYING THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME 🌤️
pssst- do not watch titan on netflix it's a waste of your life i regret watching it
(there's some others who i wanted to tag but uhm altho i may know a lot of sk blogs, i am definitely not popular with all the actually popular blogs- like they're old money & i'm new money lol rip phoebe hopefully i don't die like gatsby)
TO EVERYONE: we've grown so close in a small amount of time- here's to a bright future! remember to love you, the people around you, and of course, our silly nine boys.
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wetnwildzspace · 3 years
Tumblr media
You wanna know what really prevents me from comitting suicide and wake up to a brand new day each day and no matter what reignights my piolet light? Shhhh Come here A lil coser Just a lil closer Thats it; thats it; cum on; cum on Now lemme whisper a lil sumn sumn in yo ear Pssst Guess What? You: What?? Shhh Not so god damn loud what the fuck do you think we are wispering for? You: Yeah, ok fine whatever; just hurry the fuck up already Fuck you bitch and suck my dick But first Did you know that the first person Jews meet when they die is the same son of a bitch they killed? Think about it Thats right you know whom im talking about You: Jesus Christ Dat Motherfucking Jesus Christ Now aint Karma about a Bitch [no longer whispering] See I told you they all was going to hell Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha You see doesnt that just make you wanna Lily Allen like Avril Lavigne and Motherfucking Smile I know i Lindsay Lohan and Cant Stop Wont Stop Thinking About It Tege<giggle> (at Santa Monica, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca81idxr7yQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gizkasparadise · 7 years
I´ll take the 500 word passage challenge - feel free to comment whatever you want! The selection comes from "And I´m Here, chapter 6": "And then he breaks. Power unleashes around him like a newly broken dam, the Force and his body becoming one in the same as Kylo clenches his fingers in the air" (...) Kylo runs forward through the water, and before Rey knows what is happening he has his arms around her, gripping her so tightly to him that her body rises from the muddy sand beneath their feet.
so i want to preface this one by saying that “fire, fire” was my favorite chapter of fanfic to write...uh, pretty much ever and i had just way too much fun doing all the Extra As Fuck action scenes-- of which this one is the most Extra. a little long so i’m gonna post commentary under The Cut!
And then he breaks. god me and my emphatic italics this is a writing tic that i am trying v hard to quit/phase out
Power unleashes around him like a newly broken dam for some reason i always use dam or river metaphors with force powers idk, the Force and his body becoming one in the same as Kylo clenches his fingers in the air. At the motion, the distant part of the Finalizer, Snoke’s wing, begins to shake. get fucked, snoke! It’s not enough. He needs it to be enough. 
Kylo throws up his opposite arm, mimicking the motion of the other. He makes as though grabbing, and then there’s the unmistakable scream of metal echoing throughout the beach of Lehon. yeah this pose was totes inspired by Toph metalbending in avatar the last airbender. GRAB THAT METAL
For a moment, everything goes still. And were he more aware of his present, Kylo would see the halting ground fight around him, how Resistance and First Order forces alike stare at him with unmitigated awe and fear. How the flying units begin to stall and make wider distances away from the star destroyer. everyone on that beach is pretty much stopping in unified “What. The. Fuck.” at this
But he isn’t. Instead, he keeps his eyes trained on the sky. He doesn’t let go of the grip he has on the metal, on the Force. He lets out a groan, tearing again, and this time everyone can see it:
Snoke’s wing is ripping apart from The Finalizer. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!
Kylo hunches over, eyes trained dead at the sky as he focuses, as he brings the power of his legacy to fruition in that one moment. He draws back one of his arms, elbow to his ear as though about to let loose an arrow, and the ship breaks apart further--a clear, blue “v” of sky between it and the main body of the ship. so i wanted something that demonstrated that kylo is a power house in the force because he’s spent the majority of this series either restraining himself or not knowing he’s even force sensitive. since rey had most of the action/fighting scenes and finn got shatterpoint, i figured this was one way to show that he’s still a force (ba dum tish) to be reckoned with
Nothing’s been done like this. It shouldn’t be possible. nope. snoke is sitting in his robe just like 8|
But it is.  Because he wills it to be so. Because there is a light he can’t afford to let die out. pssst that light is rey but also himself
Kylo brings back his other arm, and he feels something warm trail down from his nose. The coppery taste of blood hits his lips, but he doesn’t care. you know powers are getting #SRS when there’s a bloody nose okay He is one with his power, and his power is the whole of the Force. nod to the concept of the Unifying Force, which was what i wanted to sort of build kylo toward using
He screams from the strain of it, but he waves both his arms down.
And sends Snoke’s personal wing crashing down to the planet’s surface. BOOM
They’re falling. Some invisible Force knocks Rey away from Snoke, sending her sprawling on the steps below him.
“What is it this time?!” She swears.
Snoke lets out a wheeze of a laugh, the sound bone-chilling.
“My apprentice,” he whispers, smiling with bloodied teeth. “Has finally grown into his own.” he’s so full of shit he did not believe this was possible for 2 minutes
Rey tries to stand, but is knocked back down. “Kylo?” She demands. because who else is going to actually break a star destroyer???
But Snoke gives her nothing. Instead his head falls back, the blowback of Rey breaking his Force Horror and Finn’s shot apparently enough to send him into shock. i wanted him to be kind of a Squishy Wizard in this fic, which i think is supported by canon. not physically strong but super good at the Mind Fuckery
“Rey, pretty sure this is the way toward the ground!” Finn says. hey rey pay attention!!!
She looks at him, tries to get her heart to slow down enough to think. “Then we’d better make a harness.”
“Got any ideas?”
She thinks about the barrier. Winces. “One.” she is so damn tired at this point and now she has to make a protective hamster ball around them with the Force
The room shakes again, and this time Rey feels the air rushing in as one of the walls suddenly isn’t there anymore. It’s as if someone grabbed hold of the metal, bunched it in his fist, and teared.
...Her eyes widen when she remembers where she’s seen that before. It was years ago, when she was trapped in an X-wing and her evacuation had malfunctioned. It was when Kylo had torn her from her ship and saved her life. i thought this callback was really important as we moved toward the end of the series. it’s kind of the catalyst that started the whole thing off / it was also when kylo For Realsies realized he loved her and wouldn’t accept her dying in the war
“Force,” she swears in disbelief, but she is brought back from her revelation by Finn slinging one of her arms over his shoulders.
“Force later, survival now -” he demands, before they’re both tossed to the other side of the room. he is the best friend in the whole world and is just like 100% done with all their bullshit by this point. LET’S LIVE TO REMINISCE, REY
Rey grabs his hand, and summons what is left of her near non-existent energy into a final barrier.
Kylo drops to his knees as he fights to keep hold of the wing. He aims for the shallow depths of the shoreline, for a softer landing. He tastes more blood in his mouth, but he ignores it.
He holds onto the falling wing with everything he has, expanding with the Force to give it a barrier while he also slows its descent. In the back part of his mind, he feels a presence. An anchor that allows him to keep summoning more and more power. force bond but also ghost!anakin!
Kylo’s nose is bleeding, his eyes are bloodshot, and his ears are ringing when the hunk of star destroyer hits the ocean just outside the beach.
His body is moving before his mind tells it to, wading through the clear, syrupy blue water that is about waist high. It’s not deep enough to drown in, but he thinks about the vision in Dagobah’s cave and he has never felt more fear in his life when a single word rips from his throat. this is a callback to a chapter in Stars Don’t Come Down where he had the Cave Vision of Rey drowning / him finding her face down in the water. This is something that Could Have Happened if kylo didn’t get his shit together (which he fortunately did)
There’s a moment of silence, of too long stillness that makes him think what if-
But then he sees Finn, jumping out from wreckage and into the water. And after him, he sees another figure, jumping out of the caved out-wall.
Kylo runs forward through the water, and before Rey knows what is happening he has his arms around her, gripping her so tightly to him that her body rises from the muddy sand beneath their feet. HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god im a sucker for desperate hugs i think that shows up in almost all my ship!fic
thank you for requesting :D :D
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