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institutowinnicotteano · 1 year ago
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Post: "O que são relações objetais na psicanálise e como impactam nossos relacionamentos?"
Você já parou para refletir sobre como nossas experiências passadas podem influenciar nossas interações e relacionamentos? Na psicanálise, há um conceito fundamental que explora justamente essa questão: as relações objetais.
As relações objetais referem-se aos vínculos emocionais e afetivos que estabelecemos uns com os outros ao longo da vida. Elas começam desde a nossa infância, sendo influenciadas principalmente pelas nossas relações com nossos cuidadores primários, como pais ou figuras de referência.
Durante nossos primeiros anos de vida, somos expostos a uma variedade de experiências, que nos ensinam como nos relacionar com as pessoas ao nosso redor. Essas experiências moldam nossos padrões de apego, nossas expectativas e nossas formas de lidar com o amor, intimidade e conflitos.
As relações objetais podem ter um impacto profundo em nossos relacionamentos na fase adulta. Por exemplo, se tivemos uma infância com figuras de referência que foram inconsistentes em suas demonstrações de afeto, podemos desenvolver inseguranças emocionais, medo de abandono ou dificuldades em confiar nos outros.
Além disso, as relações objetais podem influenciar a forma como nós mesmos nos relacionamos com os outros. Podemos repetir padrões aprendidos na infância, buscando figuras que reproduzam o mesmo padrão de cuidado que vivenciamos anteriormente. Também podemos enfrentar desafios em estabelecer e manter relações saudáveis, pois podemos trazer conosco comportamentos defensivos ou até mesmo evitar estreitar laços emocionais por medo de sermos machucados.
No entanto, compreender as relações objetais e sua influência em nossos relacionamentos não significa que estamos fadados a repetir padrões negativos ou nocivos. A psicanálise nos convida a uma jornada de autoconhecimento, reflexão e transformação, para que possamos nos libertar de padrões limitantes e construir relacionamentos mais plenos, sustentáveis e saudáveis.
Ao entender nossas próprias experiências de relações objetais e como elas afetam nossos relacionamentos atuais, ganhamos a oportunidade de romper ciclos destrutivos e criar conexões mais conscientes e autênticas com aqueles ao nosso redor. A terapia psicanalítica, por exemplo, pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa para explorar esses aspectos e promover um crescente desenvolvimento pessoal.
E você, já parou para refletir sobre suas próprias relações objetais? Como elas impactaram seus relacionamentos? Compartilhe suas reflexões nos comentários e vamos juntos explorar esse fascinante campo das relações objetais na psicanálise!
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funk7-m4x · 3 months ago
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The sillies
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thats-rather-rude · 1 year ago
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Blame wrestling and finals for my inactiveness. (I just don’t draw a lot.
Here’s a drawing of Felixx from Psicops and uh a doodle of me 😭
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thedowntown500 · 4 months ago
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tvrundownusa · 5 months ago
tvrundown USA 2024.08.02
Friday, August 2nd:
(exclusive): Cowboy Cartel (apple+, FBI docu-series, all 4 parts), Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (dsn+, season two intro, all 6 new shorts)
(movies): "Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie" (netflix, SpongeBob SquarePants special, ~85mins), "Rebel Moon – Chapter One: Chalice of Blood" (netflix, Zack Snyder's "A Child of Fire" recut, ~3.5 hours), "Rebel Moon – Chapter Two: Curse of Forgiveness" (netflix, "Part Two: The Scargiver" recut, ~3hrs), "Maharaj" (netflix, Indian investigation drama, 2hrs+10mins), "Modern Masters: SS Rajamouli" (netflix, filmmaker profile documentary, ~75mins), "Divinity" (Shudder, unsettling suspense, ~90mins), The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs (Shudder, in primetime)
(streaming weekly): El Encargado (hulu), Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture (hulu), Lady in the Lake (apple+), Betty la Fea: The Story Continues (APrime, next 2 eps), Too Hot to Handle (netflix, next 3 eps, season 6 finale)
(also new): "Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Mystery" (HMM, original movie, 2hrs), The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs (Shudder)
(earlier - hour 0): Bunk'd: Learning the Ropes (disney, 60mins, series finale)
(hour 1): The Serpent Queen (Starz), Lingo (CBS)
(hour 2): "Down in the Valley" (Starz, docuseries season 1 finale), Totally Funny Animals (theCW) / . / Totally Funny Kids (theCW)
(hour 3): "Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Mystery" (HMM movie, contd)
(hour 4 - latenight): PSI Cops! ([adultswim], marathon, first 8 eps, 3hrs)
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tetsuooooooooooo · 1 year ago
theyre my new jayvik
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woodsfae · 1 year ago
Babylon 5 s02e15: And Now for a Word so2 Table of Contents • previous episode
September 16, 2259! Love me a good documentary!
Never not going to be funny to me that G'Kar's actor and Talia Winter's actor have the same given name (Andrea).
This is really not the time for reporters to be harassing personnel for soundbites.
:| and a very fuck you too, Ambassador Mollari.
Love having the dockworkers back!!
"Overall I've found this to be a good working environment. I've learned a lot here. […] Yes, it's a calm, pleasant environment. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get upset here." - random Earthforce personnel, lying like a liar
Stephen Franklin channeling classic, spacephobic McCoy here.
Oh my god, seventeen-year-old Stephen Franklin either accidentally killed his friend hiding in an airlock, or watched his friend accidentally kill himself messing around in an airlock. It's ambiguous, and horrifying either way.
Good trauma story sharing. But for real, how can he even live in space after that? I'm horrified and impressed.
Dang, that's pretty bad. Almost 60 deaths total, multiple bombings, and several narrowly-averted wars. In three years.
Literally idk how G'Kar can keep his composure. The Centauri are war criming like crazy.
This documentary format is actually delightful. I am loving seeing how the actors are choosing to portray their characters being interviewed. It's so fucking fascinating.
Susan Ivanova continues to be The Best.
Garibaldi wants to be bored and to make a difference. I propose that he could make the most difference by not assaulting people or threatening them with his rank.
This reporter isn't very likeable, which makes me wonder if she's going to end up doing something impactful.
"I am a friend, in peace." and then being met with such vitriol and journalistic malfeasance! This reporter sucks!
A hell of a thirty-six hours to happen to arrive to document!
Fuck, can you imagine a space battle going on outside b5's fragile little, punctured shell and being sent to start repairs while unknown, hostile aliens are still fighting outside? Hope they get hazard pay.
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Yeah, I'd be tempted to get into a spacesuit.
Narn vs Centauri literally fighting outside B5 is a significant escalation of risk.
G'Kar backstory!! G'Kar's dad served the Centauri and as a punishment for an accident, was killed horribly over days and died in front of G'Kar. That'd drive anyone into resistance, I think! I respect B5 more for calling it a resistance in-universe, especially compared to in DS9 when they repeatedly and insistently called the Bajoran resistance terrorists doing terrorism. The Narns are increasingly impressive the more we learn about them. They went from low tech to occupied to equaling to if not surpassing the Centauri in a hundred years.
"The Narn have rewritten history enough, don't you think? [..] We have to take a stand. They are the ones who declared war, not us. We want only peace."
:| And then drop a Centauri war cruiser to blockade B5.
A commercial for PsiCorps. I have…so much to say about this. tbh, it's better propaganda than the US military recruitment videos I've seen. Hate that the PsiCops might just beam into your house! Did we already know they have teleportation? Or is that just creative license taken by the commercial?
Super uncool how, yet again, a critique of current events in the 90s being equally as relevant to 2023 current events.
Lotta hard stances being taken. Sheridan is so calm under pressure, but it's weirdly believable that he can out-yell the entire council and then go and calmly discuss the likelihood of mortal threats being mere bluffs. Aaaand awkwardly trying not to make eye contact with the camera that's in his line of sight, hah.
eeeee yikes another space battle! Third for the episode, I think.
I wonder how they clean up space debris. Surely they can't leave it to pose a hazard around the station.
Londo is leaning away from the camera a lot while he talks. Can't even buy his own bullshit.
The reporter was so mean and unethical to Delenn, and Delenn is talking to her again anyway. She's too good and her kindness is too calculated to be deterred by a dickish reporter. Plus, I bet the Minbari reporters are way meaner. Instead of being like "You do war crimes!" they'd be like "You should kill yourself so your memory can be less of a stain on your clan's honor than your life is being right now." Still, they made Delenn cry which isn't exactly a fun human experience to have for the first time on camera.
The inspiring peace lecture would be more believable if it wasn't being delivered by the military.
Anyhow, a very fun episode, especially considering how dark the topics were! Babylon 5 is alone in space, very puncturable, and hosting volatile political enemies bound on murder and/or war.
On to the next!
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sintetizandofilmes · 1 year ago
Ela está presa na despensa, e seus filhos sozinhos em casa com um psicop...
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getnewsbr · 2 years ago
Queda de Lula em velocidade turbo!
Plano de Alexandre de Moraes entra em prática para impeacheament de Lula e Alkimin no poder👇👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Ontem falei com um cliente que foi diretor de uma grande estatal. Ele estava me explicando sobre o texto abaixo.
Existem 3 blocos ideológicos no mundo, lutando pela hegemonia de poder.
1) Comunistas:
Estão dominando a América Latina muito rapidamente. São marxistas e narcoterroristas.
2) Globalistas:
Pertencem aos banqueiros e oligarquias. Conquistaram os EUA, França, Espanha, Portugal, Alemanha, Reino Unido e etc. Possuem quase toda a imprensa ao seu lado. Compram pessoas e instituições para servir ao seu plano.
3) Soberanistas:
São os conservadores. Liderados hoje pelo BRICS e Liga Árabe de povos conservadores. Bolsonaro, Trump, Putin, Netanyahu, Tamim Hamad...
Sabe quem está vencendo agora no Brasil?!! OS GLOBALISTAS.
Prestem atenção!
Em 2018, com a vitória fácil de Bolsonaro, os globalistas (Temer, Alckmin, Serra, Partido NOVO, PSDB e Av. Paulista...) iniciaram seu projeto de tomada de poder. Apostaram suas fichas no Governador de São Paulo, João Dória, para se tornar o novo líder da direita no Brasil, uma vez que a esquerda estava combalida. Os veículos de imprensa, dominado pelos globalistas, iniciaram um processo de destruição da imagem do Presidente Bolsonaro, ao passo que tentavam tornar Dória um grande líder. Durante a pandemia, esse processo ficou muito evidente.
Todavia, 3 anos passados, Dória não decolou. Chegou nas pesquisas com imensa rejeição, apenas 2,00% e os globalistas tiveram que adotar o plano B rapidamente. Eles escolheram o Alckmin, mas sabiam que ele não teria o mínimo de condições de concorrer com Bolsonaro, mesmo fraudando as urnas. Para o plano dar certo, precisavam de um nome que pudesse dar contraste de votos com Bolsonaro. Só existia uma pessoa que poderia demonstrar um grande número de votos e que poderia fazer com que a fraude desse certo, o LULA!
Foi aí que o grupo ordenou seus capachos do Supremo para soltar o molusco, descondená-lo, arquivar seus processos e limpar sua ficha. O molusco aceitou, mas os globalistas impuseram uma condição, ALCKMIN deveria ser o vice. O molusco e sua turma, que nunca foram burros, sabiam qual era o plano dos globalistas, mas decidiram apostar e aceitaram o vice.
O plano dos globalistas NUNCA foi o molusco presidente. Queriam alguém que fosse fiel ao stablishment e que logo iria se unir a Macron, Biden e outros "progressistas" mundiais para fazer a hegemonia do capital-social.
Povo pobre é povo que tem dívida. Quem tem dívida, busca os bancos. Quando o banco empresta, ele recebe de volta em dobro, triplo ou mais.
Não é a toa que Alexandre de Morais foi o escolhido para enfrentar Bolsonaro e colocar o plano em prática. Alexandre de Morais era a pessoa qualificada para o plano. Psicopate, com uma mente diabólica, perversa e corajosa, e sobretudo sabendo do tamanho de sua retaguarda oculta, iria cumprir o plano tranquilamente.
Alexandre de Morais é homem de confiança de Alckmin, Temer (que o indicou para o supremo) e amigo do PCC.
IEstava muito confortável.
Lula e a esquerda comunista, por sua vez, sabiam disso tudo, mas fizeram o acordo confiando em seus amigos ditadores e narco-socialistas bolivarianos, como Alberto Fernandes, Nicolas Maduro, Ortega, Guaidó, negociando, mais uma vez, o dinheiro brasileiro por proteção ao sistema comunista.
Não é coincidência que, logo após o término das eleições, ministros do supremo foram até Nova Iorque e se encontraram com João Dória. Era o momento de comemorar o êxito do plano.
Não é coincidência que após a posse, Alckmin é visto com um secretário de governo americano junto a Alexandre de Moraes.
Não é coincidência que a GRANDE IMPRENSA já iniciou o processo de destruição da imagem do Lula, pavimentando o caminho para o impeachment.
Também não será nenhuma coincidência os globalistas buscarem, agora, legitimar os movimentos dos patriotas.
Pois, para o plano deles dar certo de vez, só falta uma coisa:
POVO NA RUA PEDINDO A CABEÇA DO "LADRÃO", e a imprensa irá endossar a narrativa de que "o país está instável, a economia está definhando e o lulopetismo não está cumprindo com suas promessas", com a finalidade de derrubar o larápio o quanto antes. Alckmin, por sua vez, já está se colocando como homem moderado. Vai aparecer na televisão falando sobre apaziguar o país e vai, até, defender pautas da direita.
Podem esperar…
Os globalistas possuem dinheiro, mas não possuem o povo.
E eles precisam do povo.
E agora, com o afastamento do presidente Bolsonaro, irão tentar dominar esse povo a qualquer custo. Fiquem bem atentos a pessoas jamais vistas, de repente, querendo se apoderar do movimento e se colocando como liderança de tudo.
Irá acontecer!
Prestem bem atenção nos próximos acontecimentos e observem os detalhes.
Lula vai cair, com certeza. Mas de pouco adiantará se o Alckmin ficar no poder, pois ele também representa um bloco de oligarquias mundiais que querem estabelecer a Nova Ordem Mundial.
São quase tão fedidos quanto os comunistas.
A diferença é que os comunistas/socialistas bolivarianos odeiam as religiões e se relacionam umbilicalmente com o narcotráfico, enquanto os globalistas não estão nem aí para as religiões, desde que o nosso dinheiro continue a jorrar para as suas contas.
O Deus deles é o dinheiro, enquanto o Deus do comunista é o poder. E o NOSSO DEUS é JESUS CRISTO!
Fiquem atentos, estudem, busquem conhecimento e resistam, até que um verdadeiro cristão volte ao poder.
Assistam ao documentário no Youtube: "As eleições do fim do mundo" e entendam com quem estamos lidando.
"Por falta de conhecimento, meu povo pereceu."
Oséias 4:6
[31/3 13:39
👆 Este artigo, embora sem autoria, é muito claro e de linguagem acessível. Precisa viralizar e percorrer o 4 cantos do Brasil e do mundo.
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elxctrs · 2 years ago
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chasquea la lengua, haciéndose ver como una panoli integral "pues--sonará raro pero me gusta simplemente ir a una cafetería, ponerme a charlar con un/a desconocido/a integral y si la cosa va bien y no me da aires de psicopate, puede que demos un paseo y nos cambiemos los números. o, por el contrario, ayudar a quien esté perdidamente ebrio en un antro" lo segundo ya no es tan común y es posible que explicación suene ambigua "pero bueno, aunque no terminen siendo citas de regalarme una rosa, si es una experiencia interesante"
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comentario femenino provoca ligera risita, hombros se alzan apenas mientras camina, en búsqueda de rostro que no conoce, por lo cual considera que tarea será casi imposible. “pues creo que esto es algo diferente a las citas de app, en ese caso sí es como tú dices... al menos las pocas que he tenido.” habían sido cuando vivía en francia, y en verdad no había sacado nada demasiado bueno de esas experiencias. “entonces, ¿cómo tienes citas?” curiosea, ya que ahora casi todos se manejaban con aplicaciones, a excepción de ambiente universitario, donde se concretaban por conocerse... o eso supone.
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onceuponafunko · 6 years ago
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PsiCop Alfred Bester Babylon 5 Custom Funko
I remember when they first announced that Walter Koenig would be playing a role on Babylon 5 I thought “oh that’s just a gimmick”.  Little did I know I’d come to think of him more with this character than I did with Star Trek.  I now always think Chekov is up to something.  He uses a Galen Erso funko from Rogue One with some of his uniform details carved off and then clay added to reshape.  His head is Anders from Workaholics.
I will take commissions to replicate this funko, please contact privately to discuss price as the market for the figures in which I make these out of can change wildly.  Ask me about my etsy shop.
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lukaszborowka · 3 years ago
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I made the mistake too accept a stranger from a game into my personal Facebook. He started too talk and bother me much soo I blocked him. After that he hacked my notebook. The person u are looking at is the one stalking and BOTHER ME (a 24 years young girl who live with parents) VERY MUCH !!!! I think this is his Facebook link : https://www.facebook.com/lukaszborowka . with the name: Łukasz Borówka . I made this YouTube channel soo maybe it will get too his friends and family or someone who knows him or better THE POLICE cause there is a crime going on here !!!! and they will make this mentally sick stalker STOP bothering me!! That piece of shiit is STALKING AND BOTHERING ME VERY MUCH FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR ! PLZ if u know this sick person, PLZ HELP ME ! I am a young girl who lives with parents and that mentally retarded is stalking me virtually and bothering me VERY MUCH . I HOPE THE WOMANS PROTECTION CAN HELP ME ! THERE IS A CRIME GOING ON HERE, I NEED SOMEONE TOO HELP ME. He is a hacker too cause he stolen my Facebook. One day I tryed too enter my FB and it was saying wrong password, soo strange cause I used the same pw for more than many years !!! After, I saw he added a man phone, a man I never saw before. I don't know how or for what he is using my personal FB. He hacked my notebook and he is in every game I play. I usted too play Game of Thrones, and he told everybody I was a bad person soo people get away from me, and only him would talk with me. I am telling u all this soo u all have a idea how mentally sick this person is and how he needs help from a head docter URGENTLY !!!! He bought many accounts that players was selling soo he could bother me. He wasted soo many money too just bother me. That is why I quit GoT, it wasn't fun anymore. Now I play 'League of Legends' and 'VALORANT', and guess what, he is there bothering my game. I did report, and submit tickets too moderation of games too tell all the cheating and stalking and bothering me, but I heard mods don't report our reports, or they don't care, and I'm sure it true, cause I sended like hundreds and no answer. I play games in my free time cause I don't work yet. He says he loves me and he wants too marry me and he DO NOT take a NO for a answer. In game he starts too try to hug me. There is a psicopate stalking me. I need help from the POLICE plz. I'm a girl who needs the Law of Woman Protection !!! Anyone who knows his man in photo, plz tell all his friends and family and police that he is stalking and bothering me very very very much !!! I want peace when I play my games !!! I am only here saying all this because I CAN NOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE !!!!! If u are reading this and have a heart, please help me. thanks for your time. This is his Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/anonymouskuntz/  PLZ EVERYBODY report that psicopate stalker !!! He is a criminal stalking and bothering very much a young girl, and he have stolen my Facebook !! He is making my life hell ! This is what the piece of shiit does for living:  https://thecybermaster.com/   Guys, this maniac is a lier. He says ‘We are anonymous hackers’ but that is not true. It is only him, the maniac working behing that site. I know this because he creates many accounts too stalk and bother me in games. Plz, call the police, put this stalker, psycopate, ugly piece of shiit at jail !!!! Share this message everywhere soo police can arrest him. 
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gattsuru · 2 years ago
From a ‘serial’ perspective, it was also unusual in managing to actually finish a long story arc, despite the best efforts of the networks.  Twin Peaks infamously ended its second season on a massive cliffhanger right before cancellation, and the less said about the X-Files meta-plot the better.  The general problems of long-form seasonal plots floundering wouldn’t hit their nadir until Lost (2004-2010) and Heroes (2006-2010), but that’s mostly because no one was very seriously trying.  Even single-season ongoing plot stories often suffered from the media format, dating back to the finale for The Prisoner (1968).  The closest scifi contemporary, outside of the highly controversial Star Trek DS9, was Farscape or maybe Stargate.  Outside of genre works, you had a handful of sitcom dramas that barely had per-episode plots.
((Although B5 is far from perfect -- it almost had to wrap up at the end of Season Four, and as a result Season Five and Crusade feel very expansion-packy, almost the Homeworld:Cataclysm to B5′s Homeworld.  In turn, Season One feels a little formulaic to set up a number of twists, but it doesn’t change that it’s formulaic.))
Of course, that’s just an argument for Babylon 5 in contrast to other scifi from its era, which... well, isn’t necessary damning with faint praise, since Stargate and Star Trek DS9 were still pretty good.  It’s at least grading on a scale.  But there’s two other saving graces.
The first is that it touches a lot of story notes that remain otherwise explored up to today.  Yes, some of the big arcs and individual episodes are worn (good vs evil, the war eternal) or even trite or stupid (is this Moon is a Harsh Mistress or Gundam? the unnecessary Jehovah’s Witness metaphor).  Questions like what we owe our progenitors or descendants, what extent of compromise with sin is acceptable or survivable, what it actually means to shatter the cycle of violence, not so much.  Even to the extent Season Five struggles a lot, it struggles because it’s trying to explore the “And then what” that drives the Scouring of the Shire and very few other pieces.
The bigger one’s that the character notes pay off, amazingly well, over time.  JMS deserves some credit for setting them up, such Vir isn’t just or even mostly comic relief, or G’Kar’s entire arc makes sense, but he as often is responsible for a lot of very heavy-handed stinkers.  There are a lot of actors that aren’t ‘good’ in the traditional sense -- for long-term characters I’ll highlight Richard Biggs as Franklin and Bill Mumy’s Lennier never really feeling 'right’ in their big, difficult moments, with Biggs in particularly having a rough comparison given his contrast in DS9′s Siddhig as Bashir.
For the most part, though, they Work.  It’s hard to explain the best without spoiling large portions of the show, but there’s reason Lando, G’Kar, Ivanova, Garibaldi, and get such a cult following even today.  Even some rarely featured characters have similar impact: Bester and most of the psicop characters hit hardest, for better or worse, and the Zathras go without saying.
Also I keep seeing people saying that B5 deserves credit as a pioneer in television sci fi, and I dunno. This feels like a received truth among B5 fans, but it is not yet strongly in evidence. So far (and I emphasize so far) the show I’m watching has some interesting ideas, but feels like a pretty generic sci fi setting. I look forward to the big cosmic good vs evil shit, but it’s possible for season 1 to suck and for seasons 2-5 to be where all the groundbreaking stuff comes in.
And there are things that no matter how ambitious you are in execution that people still get to criticize you for, like bad acting or wooden, as-you-know type expository dialogue. Both of those aren’t the norm, but they have cropped up in several episodes and made me kind of cringe.
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sk8lostsoul · 4 years ago
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@broken-heart1108 @janethfuentes07 @siente-escribe @graciasadiossoyateo @maxdreamark @dennyaleja @psicopics @imnotsochristian @blackmoon-sarah @unatalalessa 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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tvrundownusa · 6 months ago
tvrundown USA 2024.07.07
Sunday, July 7th:
(streaming weekly): Mayor of Kingstown (Para+), Orphan Black: Echoes (AMC+), Mission: Yozakura Family (hulu)
(streaming twice/week): Miss Night and Day (netflix)
[NatGeo's Shark Week ends]: "Cannibal Sharks: Shark vs. Shark" (NatGeo), Shark Attack 360 (NatGeo), "Attack of the Red Sea Sharks" (NatGeo|hulu|dsn+)
[Discovery's Shark Week begins]: "Belly of the Beast: Bigger and Bloodier" (DSC|MAX), "Jaws vs Leviathan" (DSC|MAX), "Makozilla" (DSC|MAX), "Sydney Harbor Shark Invasion" (DSC|MAX, latenight)
(original made-for-TV movies): "Couples Retreat Murder" (LIFE, 2hrs+)
(hour 1): "Professor T" (PBS), The Great Food Truck Race (FOOD, 2hrs), "I Am…" (theCW, "Evel Knievel", earlier, 2hrs)
(hour 2): Grantchester (PBS), The Lazarus Project (TNT), Hotel Cocaine (MGM+), House of the Dragon (HBO), Uncensored (TVOne, "Kandi Burruss"), The Food That Built America (HIST), The Great Food Truck Race (FOOD, contd)
(hour 3): D.I. Ray (PBS), Orphan Black: Echoes (AMC|BBCAm), The Icons That Built America (HIST)
(hour 4 - latenight): Psi Cops ([adultswim], animated comedy, series premiere, 30mins)
[preempted, on hiatus, returns in two weeks: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) ]
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tiremascriancasdasala · 3 years ago
SUBSTANTIVO psicop psiq estado mórbido caracterizado pelo abatimento mental e físico que pode ser manifestação de vários problemas psiquiátricos, hoje considerado mais como uma das fases da psicose maníaco-depressiva estado de grande tristeza e desencanto geral; depressão "a morte do pai mergulhou-o em profunda melancolia" p.ext. sentimento de vaga e doce tristeza que compraz e favorece o devaneio e a meditação "a melancolia foi tema comum entre os pré-românticos e os românticos"
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