#psg x reader
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formulalfc · 5 months ago
Could you please bring a ramble on you being mbapps gf and a young fans asks you to get him to sign something 🫶🫶
You're making your way into training to watch your boyfriend as you'd been away on a trip for the past two weeks and were bored at home waiting for him to come back. you had nearly reached the entrance when you heard a small voice yell out, causing you to turn on your heel. you don't see him for a minute until a waving arm catches your eye, a small boy maybe 10 at a push stands behind the fence with a shirt clutched in his grasp. you smile to yourself and jog over nodding to the boy who begs you to get your boyfriend to sign his shirt, you leave him with a promise of a signed shirt from your boyfriend, making your way inside on a mission. you find kylian by the front desk, his face lighting up as you jump into his arms, laughter erupting from you as he spins you around. he's pressing kisses on your face when he feels the shirt in your hands, a look of confusion crossing his face before you explain your situation to him, already tugging him out of the entrance towards where you told the boy to wait. the boys eyes widened as he saw you dragging his idol towards him, shouting as you got closer. you watch with loving eyes as your boyfriend interacts with the boy, signing his shirt and listening to him as he talks about when he watched him play the other week.
inbox is open send me some ramble requests <3
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elfqueen006 · 5 months ago
💜Fudgecake💜 Ch.1
Stocking Anarchy x Fat!Fem!Reader
CW: fatphobia, bullying, mention of sex acts
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Not a second after opening your cupcake, the fist of a brutish jock slammed down and squished it between his meaty fingers. He mushed the cake into his mouth, exaggeratedly groaning and moaning, rolling his eyes in the back of his head. His meathead football player buddies laughed as he repeatedly grabbed from your already mushed pile of what was your cupcake, practically fisting it.
This wasn’t anything new though. For the past month, the captain of the football team, aptly named Chad, along with his gaggle of pigheads (because they sweat and flush so much they turn pink) had made pestering you their new hobby. At first, it started in the cafeteria as they would snag whatever dessert you’d brought in your packed lunch, then you ate outside on the bleachers, and now you were eating in the hall. It’s as if they resented you having any sugar in the slightest, so they made sure to come running as soon as you finished off a burger or fry.
“Aw, man! Triple decker fudge! Really coming through for me this week, aren’t ya, sugartits? By this Friday, I should be as big as you!” Chad laughed.
You were furious, pushing him on the chest which prompted a mock gasp from him.
“You’re gonna pay for that!” you declared. “As a matter of fact you’re gonna pay for every damn treat you’ve stolen from me this month!”
“Says who?”
“ME, motherfucker! I paid for that shit out of my own pocket and didn’t get to taste not ONE of them!” You flicked a finger under his nose, which you were satisfied to see brought a frown to his face, despite him smacking your hand away. “So either you pay me right now or I’m calling the cops!”
“Okay okay, relaaax, Precious,” 
That fucking nickname. Ever since that depressing ass movie came out you had to endure a bunch of unoriginal lamebrains throwing it out at you since middle school.
Chad continued, “maybe if you spent half as much on the gym as you do on dessert, you wouldn’t be having this problem.” he pinched the fat of your tummy between his fingers. Inside you were seething, but you were determined to stay on track. You promised yourself this year…nobody would get to you.
“I’m going to ask you one more time to pay me what. I’m. owed.”
Chad widened his eyes slightly and tilted his head, “What you’re owed? Oh, sure thing!”
He took you by the shoulder and smushed his hand full of your cake-mush onto your face, smearing it all across your face and rubbing it onto your lips.
“Goddammit, Y/N!” You flinched from the harsh tone in which your mother screamed at you. “How many times do I got to tell you – do. Not. Fight. BOYS!”
“Mama he shoved CAKE into my FACE!”
“And that’s worse than attempting to dunking you in a toilet?! You could’ve drowned and it’s a miracle you didn’t get pink-eye!”
You were just glad there wasn’t any piss or skidmarks in the toilet bowl. And besides, it wasn’t like you were the only one with battle scars. You scratched Chad so hard some of his acne scars bled open, and you delivered some swift kicks to his balls before he gave up on getting into an actual fight.
“Hey… Hey!” She snapped her fingers in front of your face, startling you out of your thoughts. “You wipe that smirk off your face, young lady! If we didn’t have witnesses in the hall, his mother would have pressed charges on the assumption you assaulted him!”
You made a face, “Big as he is? I wouldn’t go within an inch of him if he wasn’t practically stalking me!”
“That’s not the issue here, Y/N! Daten High School is a great school, but it’s also filled with privileged little bastards who think they shit don’t stink and that they can get away with picking on everyone, and unfortunately, that includes girls of your size…”
You flushed at the comment on your weight. Honestly, your mother wasn’t much smaller than you, but she composed herself and dressed in such a way you might think she was a millionaire. She was actually the HR manager of a small law firm, so she knew better than anyone that evidence came before accusation. So, it wasn’t hard to see things her way.
Even still…
She put her hand on your cheek and you looked up at her. “Hey…you know I’d go to war for you, but you can’t act so reckless this time around. I know these kids are cruel, but you have to roll with the punches sometimes.”
You scoffed, taking her hand off. “Roll with the punches? So am I supposed to let every damn fool in that place put their hands on me-”
“You watch your mouth!” Your mother snapped, taking a step toward you. You involuntarily shrunk under her powerful glare and looked away. 
For a moment it was so silent you could hear a pin drop, and then she sent you to your room. As soon as you got inside you slammed the door behind you and threw yourself onto your bed, crying into the pillows.
“Hey! Did you hear what happened to Chad? Precious practically tore his face off!” 
Panty looked up at the jock whose lap she was sitting on. He was talking to another one of his meathead buddies that just got off the field for practice. After skipping class, the two had fucked under the bleachers and, of course, he wanted her to stick around a bit longer. And it wasn’t like she had anything else to do so she’d obliged him. Besides, there was nothing wrong with observing hot sweaty dudes for the remainder of the period, right?
The jock guy – She didn’t catch his name. – had laughed as he caught a towel one of his teammates threw over before wiping his face, “Hell yeah! It looked like a cat got him!”
“I didn’t know Garfield had fight in him.” Panty’s guy – who’s name she also didn’t catch – chuckled as he bounced his leg slightly, giving her a steady vibration through her crotch.
“...Wh- Man, what does Garfield have to do with this?”
“Because, y’know, he’s fat.”
Whatever they were talking about sounded dumb, but it sounded like some drama as well, so she didn’t wanna be left out. “Whatcha guys talking about?” she asked.
“The captain of our football team got suspended earlier this morning.”
Chad? He was the only one she had remembered because one, he was captain of the football team. And two, it was just about as basic a douche jock name could have. They had sex a few times when he wanted to get away from his girlfriend, Barbie, but that was it. “What happened to him?”
“Precious scratched him up. She’s this fat girl from our class.” Jock guy said. 
She snickered, covering her mouth, “Precious? Like that torture porn movie about the fat black girl? Do her parents hate her or something?”
He shrugged, “It’s actually Y/N, I think. Something like that. But if you saw her, God. She’s got more junk than a garbage truck.” he chuckled, “Chad shoved a cupcake in her face and she just wailed on him.”
“He got her back though, didn’t he?” Panty’s guy said with a smirk.
The two high fived.
“Maybe I’m in the minority here, but if anyone messed with my sweets I’d start kicking some ass too.” The telltale light sardonic voice of Panty’s sister, Stocking, rang over the distant yells of the boys practicing. She was currently eating some yogurt. Ironically, she wanted the nutritional value but got it exclusively for mellow and cake-like flavor.
Panty rolled her eyes, leaning against her own guy, “I don’t know her.”
“Panty has nymphonesia. Once she gets some dick, she’ll remember me.” Stocking replied, entirely nonchalant.
“I’ll jumpstart her memory if she lets me.” Panty’s guy not-so-discreetly slipped his hand under her shirt. She giggled, giving a not-so-chaste kiss to his neck.
You returned to school, unable to shake the feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. 
Chad was suspended for the week after cameras had caught him dragging you into the bathroom. Your mother managed to “convince” them of the obvious, that he provoked you and intended to deal serious psychological harm via his bullying. So, for a solid week of school, you should’ve felt happy that you were Chad-free… 
…That didn’t mean you were bully-free.
When reaching for the soda you bought from the lunch line, it was snatched up immediately by Tracy. The co-captain of the football team, which basically meant he was the second best at throwing a bar really far.
In some pretentious show of dominance, he bit into the can’s side and slurped the contents from it as the excess liquid dribbled down his chin and off the corners of his mouth while his friends cheered him on, jocks and cheerleaders alike.
Noticing your dumbfounded expression, Tracy smirked. “What? You should be glad I’m saving you the calories, blubber butt.”
The last time you stood up for yourself you got your head dunked in the toilet, and now your main bully’s friends were subbing for him. 
You purse your lips and glanced away, thinking this would be the end of it. Maybe the problem was your standing out.
Instead of backing off however, Tracy doubled down. “What? You were talking a lot of shit when Chad was here. Where’s all that fire now?”
“Just leave me alone, dammit !” You unintentionally bit out that last part, squeezing your eyes shut. You heard their titters and chuckling beside you. Then you felt Tracy’s warm breath up against your face. 
“How’s thiiis?” whether it was intentional or not, some of his spit got on your cheek, and before you could stop yourself you’d turned to strike him across the face.
His head snapped to the side as he stumbled back. A collective gasp fell across the cafeteria. You’d stood up, as if it were second nature to prepare for a fight. Tracy felt his cheek with his free hand and faced you with a stunned expression before his lips curled into a snarl and he stormed over to you. You braced for impact when-
“Hey there, bestie!” 
In front of you stood what could only be described as an angel.
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doodles-psg-imagines · 1 year ago
How would you think Scanty would react if an angel were in love with her?
This isn’t gonna be what you wanna hear, but I think Scanty be outright disgusted.
I know, I know, it’s angsty as shit. But given how Scanty and Kneesocks are the opposites of Panty and Stocking, Scanty would probably be extremely picky about her partners. And since she hates angels already, an angel would 100% be on her list of turnoffs. She already has a terrible impression of angels thanks to the Anarchy sisters, so she’s going to assume you’re just as bad as they are just by way of association.
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sweatpea016 · 1 year ago
someone please write manuel ugarte fics plllssss 😣😣
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nebuladreamerrr · 8 months ago
Love in words| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary: Kylian wins your heart with a charming routine of leaving little love notes in French. Unbeknownst to him, you’ve been secretly learning French just to understand his sweet messages
Warnings: English is not my first language. I don't speak Dutch or French, so if there's any mistake, I would appreciate it if you let me know :)))
You couldn't help but smile when you noticed the little envelope next to the breakfast on the counter, certain that your boyfriend had prepared it before leaving for training. It was these small gestures that made you fall more deeply in love with him each day.
The past few months hadn't been easy. In fact, your relationship hadn't followed a "normal" trajectory at all. Just a year ago, you had left your beloved Netherlands to advance your modeling career. Many saw it as a leap into the unknown, predicting you would return with less than you left with. Fortunately, you proved them wrong. It was at a serene evening event under the moonlight, hosted by a brand to showcase their new perfume, where you first met your current partner.
From the moment you met him, you felt a connection. However, you rarely recount your first conversation because it embarrasses you, despite it being one of Kylian's favorite stories. To Kylian's surprise, you didn't recognize who he was, leading him to initially disbelieve you and playfully ask what profession you thought suited him. Without hesitation, you said "architect," which amused him greatly.
Luckily, it turned into a humorous anecdote, and the following week, the handsome Frenchman seized the opportunity to take you on a date where you could savor authentic French cuisine. It was during this date that your mother called you, causing you embarrassment as you excused yourself briefly to the bathroom to speak with her. Uncertain of how to ensure you didn't return with a negative impression of him, Kylian took a lipstick from your bag and wrote on a napkin, "Meeting you was a nice accident." This gesture deeply touched your heart, and since then, you've cherished that napkin, hoping to one day share it with your future children as a cherished memory.
When your relationship began, you faced a series of challenges. First, Kylian got injured. Although it wasn’t a severe injury, he was quite moody since his whole life revolved around football. Luckily, your arrival in his life cheered him up, and he used that recovery time to get to know you better. However, the main issue in your relationship was the language barrier. After moving to France, your French was not very good, and after some bad experiences with a few French people who got offended when you mispronounced words, you decided to communicate mostly in English. Additionally, Kylian didn’t know any Dutch, so your conversations often felt monotonous or a bit awkward, requiring a translator to express your different points of view.
Kylian was quite concerned when you told him about the "trauma" you developed due to those few rude individuals who belittled your efforts and preferred to ridicule you rather than help you improve. To encourage you, Kylian came up with a plan involving leaving little notes in French to motivate you to learn the language. Of course, he understood that you could easily use your phone to translate them, so the first letter he gave you was on your birthday, hoping you’d understand how much he wanted it to come from you and not from a simple translation app. Therefore, on your birthday, he left this letter along with a bouquet of blue carnations:
“Bonjour à l'amour de ma vie,
J'espère que tu as très bien dormi aujourd'hui comme la princesse que tu es. Tu n'as aucune idée de combien je suis fier d'être ton petit ami et d'avoir comme petite amie une personne si gentille et noble, quelqu'un qui se soucie des autres et qui n'a pas peur de tout risquer pour accomplir de grandes choses.
(Y/N), en seulement vingt-quatre ans, tu as accompli tant de choses, et j'espère que tu es fière de chaque réussite car je ne peux m'empêcher de sourire comme un idiot amoureux quand j'entends ton nom mentionné dans une émission de télévision ou que je vois que tu as posté une nouvelle photo sur ton profil.
Je sais que tu vas me tuer pour avoir tout écrit en français, mais j'espère qu'un jour tu liras et comprendras tout. Je ne veux pas dire que j'espère que tu seras ma femme et la mère de mes enfants parce que je suis sûr que cela arrivera; nous sommes destinés à être ensemble.
Merci de me supporter, et s'il te plaît continue de cuisiner; je ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans ta nourriture. Je t'aime tellement, mon amour, profite de ta journée.
P.S. Please, princess, don’t translate anything, and don’t ask anyone to translate it for you. I love you, my queen."
("Good morning to the love of my life.
I hope you slept very well today like the princess you are. You have no idea how proud I am to be your boyfriend and to have such a gentle, noble person as my girlfriend, someone who cares about others and isn’t afraid to risk everything to achieve great things.
(Y/N), in just twenty-four years, you have accomplished so much, and I hope you are proud of every achievement because I can’t help but smile like a love-struck fool when I hear your name mentioned on a TV show or see that you’ve posted a new picture on your profile.
I know you’re going to kill me for writing this all in French, but I hope that one day you’ll read and understand everything. I don’t want to say I hope you’ll be my wife and the mother of my children because I’m sure it will happen; we’re destined to be together.
Thank you for putting up with me, and please keep cooking; I don’t know what I’d do without your food. I love you so much, my love, enjoy your day.
P.S. Please, princess, don’t translate anything, and don’t ask anyone to translate it for you. I love you, my queen.")
When you read the letter, you couldn't help but feel a bit shocked because you didn't expect to receive a handwritten letter from Kylian, especially not one written in French. Although it frustrated you that you couldn't understand what was written, you were sure it was all kind words. From that moment on, you had a new goal: to decipher everything the letter said.
Your motivation grew with the increase in notes that Kylian left everywhere: in your car, your apartment, and even in your purse. His messages varied—some shorter, some longer—but they all had one common factor: they were all written in French.
“Mon cœur, les gars me taquinent parce que je veux aller voir Vice Versa 2 avec toi. Est-ce bizarre ? » "Sweetheart, the guys are bullying me because I want to see Inside Out 2 with you. Is that weird?"
« Hey, je n'aime pas que tu prêtes plus d'attention à mon frère qu'à moi. Rappelle-toi, j'ai une Coupe du Monde, et lui non. » "Hey, I don’t like that you pay more attention to my brother than to me. Remember, I have a World Cup, and he doesn’t."
« Pendant l'entraînement, je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de penser à toi et à comment nos enfants vont me taquiner parce que je ne parle pas néerlandais. Pourquoi tout le monde se moque de moi ? » "During training, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how our kids will bully me because I don’t speak Dutch. Why does everyone make fun of me?"
All of this motivated you to sign up for classes with a private tutor to learn the language. You often surprised her by asking about the meaning of specific words to slowly decipher the meaning of your boyfriend’s letters. When you finally succeeded, you couldn’t feel more satisfied with yourself. So, you decided to write Kylian a letter in French and slip it into his training bag, hoping to surprise him. You also had a little revenge planned.
"My love, I hope training went well, and you had a great time with the guys.
Remember to behave, and there will be a delicious meal for lunch.
Overigens, ik denk dat het tijd is dat jij ook mijn taal leert, dus ik hoop dat je veel plezier hebt. Onthoud, als je opgeeft, zal mijn vader een slechte indruk van je hebben.
Ik hou van je, mijn kleine schildpad.
(By the way, I think it’s time for you to learn my language too, so I hope you have a lot of fun. Remember, if you give up, my father will have a bad impression of you.
I love you, my little turtle.)
P.S. Don’t use the translator either."
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moonystoes · 8 months ago
Wrong Number - Elisa De Almeida
Summary: When Elisa sends a picture to the girl she was flirting with at the club...except it wasn't the right number.
Warning: ...there is a picture here loll.
A/n: I'm so sorry but this is by far the worst fic I've written, I've tried to do something new and I'm not so confident about it. I still wanted you guys to read it and all the support from the anonymous asks helped me a lot. Thank you!
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This picture is NOT Elisa, it is from @/torinha___ on instagram
The loud music was almost making Elisa dizzy. She gave a small nod to Jackie, pointing to the club seats and tip toeing there to make sure she won't bump into anyone. Elisa didn't want to admit it, but she knew she drank too much than she should've. The squad decided to go and celebrate their win against bayern Munich at a fancy bar in the south of Paris, but they completely forgot about their early afternoon training the next day.
Sakina was the only sober one, restricting alcohol from her diet because of her faith. And even if Islam permitted drinking, she'd still refuse. She loves being in control and aware of her surrounding environments, and if she gets drunk she'd lose all of the power.
Elisa awkwardly bumped into Sakina's shoulder, giving her a soft wave before settling down next to her, "oh my God we are so done for tomorrow, he will kill us."
"He will kill you, not us," she reminded Elisa, "it's okay, just stop drinking or else you'll make tomorrow worse."
"Yeah thanks Saki," Elisa gave Sakina a weak thumbs up as she twisted her body to the table, "I'll just drink water from now on."
Sakina patted Elisa's back as she turned to glance at the other girls. She hates the smell of sweat and drinks, but she loves hanging out with the girls. She can see Jackie and Eva dancing, as well as Clare twirling around... obviously too drunk to even care about how crazy she looks.
When she turned to her left, she noticed a woman staring at Elisa. She wasn't sure if she should let Elisa know about it, or just stay quiet and see if the woman will do anything. But she saw her take quick steps towards the both of them, and that caused Sakina to panic and turn the other way.
"Hey," a sultry voice hit Elisa's ear, feeling a hand squeeze her shoulder. She turned around to see who it was, and she was stunned for a minute by the beauty of the woman.
It's been a while since Elisa had gotten the attention of a girl that way. Even though she's been getting popular on social media, it feels as though her dating life has disappeared. Her last relationship ended because of the distance (her moving from montpellier to psg), and even that relationship was short anyways and ended awfully.
And when she tried dating apps, it seems as though her dates never work. Awkwardness fills both sides, and they ultimately end up ghosting each other. For a second, she tried convincing herself that it's for the best...so she can focus on football only. But now she is getting a little humiliated by all of this. Even her teammates make jokes about it (Eva laughed after Elisa opened up about her dating history, then proceeded to say she has '0 rizz').
She glanced back to the glass of water in front of her, then back to the woman in front of her. Maybe she should try this one more time, it won't hurt anyone...besides, everyone is drunk and if she embarrassed herself she'd probably forget about it anyways.
"Hey sweetheart," she smiled back, as she chugged the cold water, hoping it will make her sound less drunk than she is.
But when she glanced back at the stranger, she noticed her face was in complete shock, "oh my God, you're a girl?!"
"Haha...yeah, does that bother you?" Elisa gets this a lot in situations like this. In pure daylight, it's obvious she's just a masculine woman. But in dark clubs filled with drunk people, some visions get blurred. She just hoped that the women that try and flirt with her are actually attracted to women.
"Oh...no it doesn't," she gave a soft smile, her hand softly moving from Elisa's shoulder to the nape of her neck, delicately squeezing the tough muscle in there, "I just didn't know you were a girl and your voice caught me off guard."
Sakina was glaring at the stranger, having to see Elisa fall into the same trap everytime. She knew Elisa was desperate for some love (she does get laid apparently...well, that's what she tells Sakina), and this causes her to end up being in sticky situations with many straight women.
"My name is Sophie by the way," she raised her little champagne cup to Elisa, stepping closer to her to the point where her body was between Elisa's legs.
"Hey Sophie, I'm Elisa," She grinned at her with a wink, she lifted her right hand and placed it on Sophie's waist, "no work tomorrow?"
"Ew don't bring work here I'm trying to escape it," she fake gagged, placing the champagne glass on the table and placing her other hand on Elisa's thigh.
Usually, Elisa would freak out by the amount of physical touches she's getting. Especially by someone who she met not even a minute ago, but Sophie was an attractive woman...and that made her lose all the self respect she had and allowed her to do whatever she wants to her body.
She giggled at what she said, "Yeah me too."
"Your muscles are great, I've never seen a woman like that before," Sophie looked down as she tapped Elisa's tough quads, making sure that they're real.
Yeah because you haven't seen women in the first place,
Sakina thought as her blood started boiling, maybe she was being too much. Maybe Sophie was actually not straight and Sakina had been a bitch this whole time. But it doesn't matter, what matters is that Elisa is definitely too drunk to actually thinking appropriately.
"Yeah?" Elisa smirked at Sophie, she lifted up her sleeve and flexed her bicep, looking at Sophie's dropped jaw.
"Oh wow, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen."
Elisa burst out laughing, she knew if she can continue with the flirting she can possibly end up in a bedroom. The way Sophie was approaching her was definitely strange, but she did love the attention. And anyone who compliments her hard work in the gym makes her feel confident and cocky.
Sakina was grabbing her head with both of her hands, she wanted to pull Sophie away and drag Elisa home. She glanced up to check up on Jackie, Eva, and Clare. And she saw them cleaning up the little table they were using.
Alhumdulillah, Sakina thanked god realizing that she will be driving them home now.
"Psst, Elisa we're going now." She tapped Elisa on the shoulder, making sure she won't touch Sophie's clingy hand.
Elisa glanced back to Sophie with an evident pout, "sorry, I gotta go...can I get your number? we can finish the conversation there."
Her hand kept delicately squeezing Sophie's waist, waiting for a response from her. Sexting wasn't something she did, but she had some experience with from the long distance relationship that didn't last 2 months.
Sophia stood there slightly speechless, contemplating whether she should actually give out her phone number to Elisa, or run away from this embarrassing day.
"Okay, give me your phone and I'll type it."
Unknown Number
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This is how it looked under the shirt 😉
You huffed as you stared at the 11:59 on your computer screen. Working is always exhausting, but the paycheck makes it enjoyable. Your eyes were slightly burning from staying on the computer for too long, and it makes you feel way older than you knew you are. You were hoping time would move quickly so you can start your lunch, but a sudden ding came from your phone.
You glanced at Jasmine, your coworker, as she gave you a shrug, "check your phone, I don't think anyone will care. I mean lunch is gonna start in 29 seconds...no 28...no actually 27."
You sighed as you pulled your phone out from your purse, but froze when you saw a notification from an unknown number. You rarely get these texts, especially after the cybersecurity course you took that left you traumatized. But something from this made you curious, for sure now as an adult you can think maturely when texting strangers. Maybe it's an important message or someone who needs help.
You pressed on the notification, and gasped. Turning off off your phone, you stared back at computer screen, moving the mouse around making sure you finish your job.
"Damn you really wanna finish all 60 seconds. 16...15...14." Jasmine laughed at your nonchalant face.
You frustratingly pulled you phone back, reading the texts again. You are an adult now! You can tell them off. What if they're a hacker and they'll get into your personal data and leak all of your pictures? You glanced back at the picture as your face flushed, damn even if it's gross and weird to send strangers pictures like this...you were guilty for finding whoever this person may be attractive.
Maybe they accidentally sent it to the wrong number,
This is Elisa from the club last night haha
Elisa? That's a girl name right? You closed your eyes, now you're definitely guilty for finding her attractive. You were so single that a nude picture from a random masculine woman is making your face turn red. You looked back at the picture, not knowing how to respond.
Wrong number
I didn't go to a club last night
Sorry x
I'm pretty sure the person would've loved that picture though
Seen 4 minutes ago
Elisa screeched as she saw those texts, throwing the phone away in the locker room. Sakina turned around horrified from the scream, "Eli, what's wrong!"
"Saki kill me," she dropped her face into her hands as she lightly sobbed. Her right leg was twitching up and down as she sat down on one of the locker room seats.
Sakina placed her hair brush in her locker as she sighed from Elisa's dramatic behavior, "oh come on...what did you do?" But when she turned to look at Elisa, her dameanor turned serious. Elisa's face was bright red, eyes filled with tears and eyebrows furrowed.
She stepped towards Elisa worriedly, looking at Elisa's phone laying on the ground. She walked towards her phone, trying to see what even happened.
"No!" Elisa jumped up and grabbed her phone, hiding it into her chest, "Saki I made a stupid mistake."
"You're scaring me, just tell me what you did." Sakin came closer to Elisa, pushing her back into sitting.
"Do you remember Sophie from yesterday?" Elisa guiltily looked down as she whispered to Sakina.
Sakina rolled her eyes, "yes...I do remember her."
Elisa sighed again, this time in frustration and humiliation, "well...I guess she gave me a fake number," she looked back at Sakina's angry face, but right when she was about to response, Elisa interrupted her, "Sakina I sent a naked picture to some random girl...or worse, fuck that could be a man!"
Sakina's jaw dropped to the ground as she heard what Elisa did, but Elisa interrupted her again, "please don't lecture me about it. I know, I swear I know."
She gave Elisa a tight smile, pulling her in a hug to comfort her, "it could be a girl, and she could be cute and sweet and would actually like you. Maybe God made this a chance for you to find your one."
Elisa took a deep breath, trying to calm down her beating heart. It's not the end of the world, she can just block that number and pretend this never happened, or she could try and talk to the stranger. Maybe sakina was right, "Yeah...you're right. I should put my trust on God for this one, and if it was a 60 year old man I will blame it on him."
Sakina slapped Elisa's shoulder sarcastically, "actually you're the one who decided to send a nude picture to a random person...maybe you're the one to blame here," Elisa covered her face again with her hands, raising her face to the sky as she was mumbling some prayer, "Besides...can I see what you sent her?" Sakina winked as she tried to take Elisa's phone, now placed between Elisa's thighs.
Elisa opened her phone and showed her the texts, but Sakina's loud laughter made her shut it down and turn away from her, "God you're so bad at texting...what type of opening is that? I think she's a girl, a guy won't text that way right?"
Elisa shrugged, opening her phone again and tapping on the chat to text. It could be a girl right? It has to be, or else she will kill herself and disappear.
What if she's a fan and leaks the picture? A thousand thoughts were in her mind, so she decided to just text the stranger a small apology.
I'm so sorry
I should've sent a message first
I'm gonna kill myself 😭😭
Haha, no it's okay!
At least it's not a 😼 picture
And you have a great back!
That's a girl... definitely, right? Elisa blushed at the compliment, hiding her face away from Sakina not wanting another lecture.
Sorry for bothering you I'm pretty sure you didn't want to see this on a Tuesday afternoon
I'm just glad it's lunch break now
Also sorry about the whole wrong number thing I'm pretty sure you're bummed about it
Yeah I thought we were getting along pretty well
I'm just confused on why she gave me a wrong number
She was the one who approached me
:((( well at least you made my lunch break better
Oh yeah?
I'm glad
Wait you're working right? Not a student 💀💀
Lollll yeah I'm 25
What about u?
What kind of work do you do?
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My desk :((
I'm a financial analyst
That sounds way fancier than it it I swear
Seen a minute ago
"Elisa what are you smiling about?" Sakina turned around suspiciously, now her hair braided.
"Oh nothing," she shrugged sakina off, turning away so Sakina can't see her face. But she sighed loudly, realizing that she needed Sakina's advice, "she's definitely a girl. And around my age, that's good, right?"
Before Sakina could leave the locker room, she stood at the door and softly said, "be safe Elisa...and no more nude pics to her, please."
Elisa huffed out in embarrassment and nodded, glancing back at her phone to text you back.
Oh wow we're sending pics now?
Why is it sad 😔
Babe you already did send pics
I tried decorating it but I gave up in a day
Oh yeah
Sorry again
Can I get a face pic :)
Only if you do
No way
Why not ☹️☹️
Cuz I just started texting you
But why do I have to
Ma'am you just sent me a picture of your bare back
I promise a face picture is nothing compared to that
Ohh god
you're never gonna forget that
You don't have to
I just wanna match a face to the body ;)
"Fuck." Elisa whispered, you were good at convincing and she knew that if you asked her for another nude picture her nïave self would have sent one again.
She looked up to the sky and closed her eyes, "please don't make her some old man that's lying."
There was also a small feeling of anxiety in her, she knew that if things got awkward she can immediately block you and move on. But what if you recognize her? Would you leak that photo to the internet? She groaned out and responded, women's football isn't even that big anyways.
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Is this from today?
No yesterday
Seen 2 minutes ago
You bit your lip, turning your seat away from Jasmine not ready for the questionnaire she'll make if she sees you like this.
Elisa is beautiful. No...she's hot and sexy and all of those words combined. You slowly faced Jasmine again, "Hey Jasmine... I need an advice."
Jasmine stopped drinking her hot tea as she glimpsed at you, "what for?"
You whined loudly as you threw your phone towards her, "this unknown number sent me a message accidentally, but turns out she's a hot girl."
Jasmine choked on her drink when she saw the selfie Elisa sent, "Oh my God! Oh my God y/n, do not fuck this up!"
You stared at her stunned, "so...you're not worried about how unsafe this is?"
Jasmine zoned out to think, but she glanced back at you, "well...don't give her personal information, and try to find more about her," she returned your phone back to you, "Ugh...smash. I can't believe how lucky you got...wait! You can put her picture on pinterest or Google search and it will tell you if she's catfishing you!"
You turned to look at the picture on your phone again, you knew Jasmine was right about that hack. But you didn't want to keep Elisa waiting. For some reason, there is a feeling in you that this isn't some random person catfishing...that Elisa is real.
You look really tan here
And cute
Elisa let out a small giggle at the cute comment. What if she means cute as in a friendly way, not attractive cute? Ughhhh everything is frustrating!
I get tan a lot for my job
And sweaty
Why am I getting worried 😭
What do you mean sweaty
I will support you no matter what elisa
You're so dirty minded
I'm just an athlete
That's it
So naughty
Seen 2 minutes ago
"Ugh!" You shut your phone off and placed your head on your desk exhaustedly, "she said 'so naughty'... that's awful."
Jasmine cackled loudly at what you said, "if it was a guy it would be cringe. But it's not, so it's hot."
Elisa sent that message while standing on her tippy toes. She knew that her flirting skills are below average. She was staring at the screen hoping for a small message, but Eva came into the room making Elisa freak out and throw her phone in the locker.
"Hey Elisa, everything okay?" She worriedly glanced at her as she brought out her phone, "I'm gonna go and film a tiktok with Jackie. You should go to the gym room or else you'd get in trouble."
Elisa stopped 'adjusting' her hair in the mirror and nodded to Eva, "oh yeah... I go there in a minute."
Eva laughed at Elisa's accent and tapped her shoulder as she left the room. Elisa closed her eyes and took a deep breath, until she heard a small ding from her phone.
Sorry lunch break is over
You're the one who sent me a nude pic
I have to go training now anyways
Talk to you later
Bye bye Elisa
Have fun xx
It was 3 pm when you waved goodbye to your coworkers, exhausted and ready to go home. You were thinking about Elisa, you knew you had to quick search that picture to make sure you weren't getting fooled.
Once you reached your little studio apartment, throwing your bag on your couch and laying there. You weren't expecting anything when you went on pinterest and placed her selfie on quick search. But to your surprise, the same selfie was on there too.
You instantly sat up on your couch, no way... I'm actually getting catfished. You tapped on the post and saw the name 'Elisa de Almeida' as the caption.
Is that her full name?
Guilt was consuming your heart, you felt as though you were 'cheating' for searching her name on Google instead of just asking her.
Whatever, you'll search later. You will just text her and get to know her that way.
You do training for what?
You turned off your phone and went to the kitchen to make a quick lunch meal, not expecting her to respond quickly. But your phone's notification was heard, and you ran to the couch to grab it. Damn, she texts fast.
For my job
What's your job :(
I told you mine
I play football
And get paid for that
Elisa was on her couch when she heard a new message from you. She had been waiting for you to start the conversation, since she had no idea on how to text women.
When she saw the question, she frowned. She doesn't like to introduce her job to people no matter how much she's proud of herself for becoming pro. But she didn't want to lie, and maybe you wouldn't tease her or get overwhelmed and leave her.
Wait professionally??
That's so cool
I know your number is French but I know that players travel around
Where do you stay
I'm in my apartment right now
I can't believe you just play football like????
So if I search your picture online I can see what team you're in?
Yes but I'd rather me say it
Oh...too late I'm sorry 💔
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Seen 2 minutes ago
Elisa jumped up, fucking hell!
She stared at the black screen of her TV, are you going to be weirded out by her fans? Would that make you leave?
I'm sorry if I broke your privacy for this
My apologies xx
You huffed out a heavy breath, Damn it! You should've talked to her instead of doing this. Now she's probably uncomfortable with you because of this.
No it's okay
I just didn't know people can do that
Yeah haha
This is pinterest
And you can do that on Google too
That's how I know the names of the weird plants around my building
I'm really sorry if it made you weird
It's okay I guess I just wanted to lie to you and joke about my career but I forgot I'm kinda famous
Oh wowww
Were you going to lie that you're the female Messi or what
Wait if that picture was from yesterday, your fans are quick 😭
I actually prefer Ronaldo
Yeah sometimes they scare me
Ew not him
What type of fans do you have
The thirsty kind
They're nice and make cool edits of me
Sometimes violate my personal space but that's what you get when you're in public ig
Ohh I'm so sorry
Omg i just realized how scary it would've been if I were one of your fangirls and you sent me that nude pic 😭😭😭
Lolll 😂😂
I was freaking out for a while when I found out you weren't the girl
Aren't you happy that you found me though 😁😁
I am
You're pretty cute
Even when you refuse to show me how you look
Elisa :(((
I can't do it just yet
I know
I understand that
Where do you live
That's not a safe question to ask 🤨🤨
I live in Paris too
Just the unknown quiet side
That's cute
Pretty chill and tourists don't bother you
Do you live in a fancy apartment or with your family
A studio apartment
Gotta save my money to spoil my future wife
Are you gay?
Elisa please if I weren't gay I would've blocked you and moved on with life
Elisa smiled brightly when she read your message, does that mean you're interested in her?
Because I'm gay
I don't think it's hard to figure that out
But I'm glad you're comfortable with me knowing about it
It's easier when it's texting
It would've been harder in real life
I think if I saw you in real life I would scream GAY
Oh wow
I would've done the same thing
Nuh uh
Yuh uh
I would've also asked you out
If I wouldn't be shaking from anxiety
Am I your type
I don't think you understand the panic I had in my office when you sent me the pic of your face
Now I wanna see you
Elisa stop
No I'm sorry
I can send you a picture of my face
I need abs selfie
Hmm...I'm conflicted
I'm just kidding
I wanna see you so bad
Okay calm down
Don't put your hand under your panties
Do you wanna meet up
That's kinda unsafe
I could be a catfisher
But are you though?
I can't believe a catfisher can text like this 🙈🙈
You're so cute
And now that you mentioned us meeting
It makes texting you even harder
I'm on my bed now
Do you need help with something?
Depends on what you can offer
Chocolate 🍫
Oh I was expecting something else
But I'd take it
I'm gonna sleep
Good night
Good night Elisa
Dream of me
Elisa stared at the message you sent with a smirk on her face. It's been scary how fast the pace of your conversations is, but she was happy. It meant that the both of you guys are comfortable texting each other. She shut the phone off and stuffed her face into the pillow, dreaming of the one and only...'stranger'.
It's been a week and I still don't know your name
Xoxo gossip girl
I never watched that show
Please 🥺🥺🥺
You've seen my bare back and face
And locker room
And my TV
And the gym
You basically have seen everything
I was just gonna say it
It's y/n
I wanna see you 😔
You basically know my whole schedule
Yeah you're gonna go buy groceries today
Stop stalking me 😟😟
You don't have training today
You have a match
Turn off the phone and get ready
It's just 12pm??
The match is at 7
When do you have to get ready
We have to be there around 5
We're gonna be wearing suits today 🕴🕴
Show me to me rachel
Send it to me pleaseee
Who the fuck is rachel
Idk if I'll be free and send you a pic
Usually I turn off my phone before
It's a tiktok trend
I prefer instagram
Are you liking other women posts while texting me???
Give me your Instagram account and I'll like every post 😘😘
No don't say that I have pictures from when I was 14 there
Oh nvm maybe not every post
Wait why do you have posts from back then 😭😭
Your account sounds like a mess
Because I looked cunty in the pictures?? Besides my account is private and I have like 60 followers only
What about you?
What about me?
How was younger you?
I don't wanna talk about younger me
I'm pretty sure you looked so cute 🥺🥺
Wait some of your fangirls probably have pictures
Go and look on pinterest or whatever
if you don't want me to know it's okay
i was joking xx
no me too
its okay
you've seen my back i dont think baby me is that bad
go ahead
your back is not bad what are you talking about ;)
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stopp you looked so cute
Not this
Omg in my defense my ex gf at the time thought I was hot here
Pleasee I probably would be blushing too if I were her look at you 🥺🥺
Yeah young love
She was in france for the summer
Like two weeks only and she was brazilian so my dad liked her
...your dad?
Wait that sounded wrong
She used to speak with my dad portuguese and he is from portugal
So he wanted her to teach u?
Yeah but we were busy doing other things
Stop talking about your ex im gonna get jealous
Im joking
I was too scared to do anything like that
Well actually i did have my first kiss with her
But it was mostly really shy awkward football dates
Elisa im gonna block you shut the fuck up
What about you
Young love?
I had my first relationship when i was 20 💀
Ugh the audacity
What awh
You think me getting cheated on is cute
Okay whore
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Omg no please no more baby pics
But you looked cute :(((
Baby eli
seen 4 hours ago
Elisa scratched her chin as she eyed Constance, hoping she would start a conversation, "what's wrong? Eli please..." Constance giggled as she saw Elisa's face.
"Awh thank you for asking I was questioning our friendship for a second," Elisa joked, smacking picaud's shoulder, "do you remember the girl from the club?"
"the straight one?" Picaud questioned as she buttoned the suit, trying her best to look presentable.
"the straigh- she was not straight." Elisa froze, looking at picaud's reflection in the mirror.
"Bitch please even Sakina, the straightest girl I know, noticed that," She tapped Elisa's shoulder to comfort her as she cackled.
Elisa felt blood running to her cheeks, was she that drunk not to notice? Maybe that's why she gave you the wrong number. Elisa felt deep embarrassment for not realizing sooner.
"Anyways... I'm sorry about it. What were you going to say?" She starting applying gel to her roots.
"Ugh... you're going to laugh at me even more now," Elisa rolled her eyes and contiuned buttoning her dress shirt, completely ignorning the concerning glance Constance is giving her, "Okay fine! She gave me a wrong number... and I accidentally... well not accidentally, I actually meant it...sent her a nude picture. A picture of my back, and it was another girl that's gay and around our age and she also lives here in Paris. Anyways, I just want to ask her out but I keep sounding like a cat in heat on how desperate I am and i don't want to scare her."
Constance jaw was on ground listening to Elisa's ramble, "Wait what?! Elisa are you out of your mind? Why the fuck did you send a random number a picture of your back?" She dropped her arms to her sides as she gave Elisa a disappointed look. Elisa turned the other way so Picaud doesn't look at her red face, "Oh my god are you hiding from me? Look at least she's a gay girl around your age...that's good, right?"
Elisa didn't respond for a second, "Ugh everyone keeps yelling and laughing at me for what I did...but I swear she's really cute."
Pauline took a step towards Elisa and gave her a tight hug, "Can I see how she looks?"
"I don't know how she looks." Elisa shut her eyes tightly, preparing herself for the 5th lecture of this whole situation.
It was a minute of silence in the bathroom stalls, Picaud thinking of a kind and non-hurtful way to call Elisa stupid while Elisa was thinking of a way to allow you to meet her.
"Elisa you're the master of how to get catfished 101," She groaned out, pulling away from the hug to look at Elisa, "but...I'm not 100% against it. I think you should just continue letting her expose things about her. Write on your notes everything she says about her personal information and read over it...if things don't match then block her and move on."
Elisa quietly thanked God, no more yelling and shouting at her face. She nodded eagerly at what Picaud said and immediately left the bathrooms. She has to stop being distracted, there is a match happening today and you were the only thing she was thinking about.
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That's it??
I wanted to see your face :((
Sorry I have to go now
Love you
I know you're busy
Good luck
Seen 3 hours ago
The players hugged each other, too tired to speak up after the tiresome match. The team won 2 - 0 against Paris fc at parc de princes, and even with the win they knew their performance wasn't the best. It was Chawinga that scored those two, and the rest of the team was lacking a lot chemistry and communication.
Elisa tried her best, but the memory of her losing the ball to the opposing striker keeps haunting her. She knew that Twitter is definitely going to be grilling her for it, and she had made a promise to herself that searching her name on Twitter is not allowed for her mental health.
She remembered you and smiled, at least now she can text you all night without the stress of a match in her head.
Glancing around the stadium, she saw many teenage girls screaming and waving at her to try and get her attention. She gave them a soft smile and waved back, making them scream even louder. Ugh I wish I can get y/n's attention like this.
The match just finished
I'm sweaty and everyone else is screaming and singing but I wanted to text you
I know
I'm proud of you
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I watched you play in front of me and I don't think I've been more proud and attracted to anyone before
Pleaer dobr leave
Please do t
Im staying here baby I'm not going anywhere
I'm going out of the locker room
Where are you
Which section
I'm waving
Wearing a white jacket
Wait why am I looking at a bald man with a white jacket and waving 😟😟
Turn around
Elisa turned around and had eye contact with you, maintaining it for maybe too long for your comfort. She wanted to make sure it was you, pointing at her phone as she gave you a questioning glance.
Understanding her gesture, you looked down and sent her a message,
that's me :)
Elisa you're scaring me
that's why I didn't send you a picture of my face in the beginning
Can you come down
The stadium was already empty, having only the ball kids and the cleaners going around and collecting things. You started taking steps down the stairs, getting closer to Elisa as she was standing right on the edge.
"Hey! You're not allowed to get closer!" A security barged near you and placed his palm in your chest, trying to stop you from getting closer to Elisa.
"She's mine, you can leave her." Elisa placed her foot on one of the advertising boards, ready to jump and pull you away from him.
"She doesn't have the right pass, miss." He pushed you backwards, even when you were frozen in place in the first place.
"I don't fucking care what pass she has, I already told you she's mine!" Elisa was fed up with the security man, it's been a long day and having you right in front of her was exactly what she needed, and she won't allow anyone to stop it.
He turned to look at Elisa's angry face, giving her a timid nod before removing his arm from your front torso.
She sighed as she signalled for you to get closer, "sorry, I'm not usually like this."
"Hey..." You shyly gave her a soft wave, almost like it's the first time you guys have talked.
"Hi," she waved back with a lopsided smile, she couldn't believe that you were hiding this from her, "I don't understand why you didn't want me to know how you look when you look like this."
You jokingly slapped her shoulder away, biting your lip in embarrassment.
"No, seriously!" Elisa had a wide grin, suddenly the win they had today didn't matter. It was you that made her happy. She placed her hands on your cheeks, pulling you in so that your foreheads are touching.
"You played so good, Eli," you whispered to her, you knew looking at her eyes will make you melt into the ground, so you kept your eyes down at her lips, "I'm proud of you."
"Thank you, I don't think people on the internet are going to agree though," You wrapped your arms around her broad shoulders to pull her more into you. It was slightly harder because of the board between you, but you managed through.
Elisa pulled away from your hug and bent down, making you confused on what she was trying to do. She placed both of her arms around your waist and carried you, turning around to the other side so you can both hug without anything seperating you.
"I don't care what they say on twitter, I am José Mourinho and I think you're a fast, strong, and a hot player," you spoke in a deep voice pointed your finger at her, making her laugh as she pulled you in again in a tight hug.
"Let me take you out," she murmured under your ear, "I need to take you on a date."
Your face was a blushing mess, it was hard to say no to her. Even when she looked attractive on the selfies, seeing her in real life was something else, "I want to go out with you too, but we're going too fast. We've only been texting for one week."
"Everything was going fast when I started our conversation with that picture, I think we will be fine." Elisa hoped she didn't sound desperate, but she cannot let you go, she will never forgive herself.
You laughed at what she said, placing your hands on her back to feel the muscles from the picture, "okay, let's go somewhere,"
She pulled away slightly to look at your face with a pink blush around her face. Bending down, she gave your right cheek a kiss and hugged you again, "ugh I can't believe you're real!"
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alotofpockets · 5 months ago
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Compliments from the keeper | Mary Earps x Lionesses & Man United! Reader
Where Mary's compliments to the team bring up emotions you were trying to push aside
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.2k
England camp had started a few days ago, and the familiar rhythm of training was in full motion. It was great to be back with all the girls. You always loved international break, and getting to represent your country, but what made it extra special was getting to play with the girls you had been playing with for years.
Some of the girls you had met when you were just a kid, playing in the junior leagues. Others you had met along the way. Either way, each and everyone of the players in the squad, you considered a part of your family.
You were lucky enough to have quite a few Lionesses in your club team. Together with your United teammates, you made the trip to St. George’s Park. The night before you left, you packed your bags with your girlfriend, Mary. You had been together for years, as well as playing together at United for quite some time, so the little routine you had created before leaving for national camp had become the standard long ago.
Meaning that while you went over the list to see if you had packed everything, Mary would sneak snacks into your luggage, while she thought you didn’t notice. She had been doing the same thing for three years, still thinking that you had no idea, but you never failed to notice the proud smirk on her face when she had plopped down another candy bar in your bag.
When you arrived with your United teammates, you all quickly mingled once you arrived. You hugged and caught up with all of your teammates, and instantly were brought back to the environment you loved being in so much. Playing the sport you love, with people you have been playing with since you were just a teenager.
The first few days were all about settling in. Physical, gym sessions, tactical meetings, and light training. Today, however, was the first full training the team would do, and you couldn’t feel more ready.
The session was intense, but it gave you a kind of rush. Knowing that you were preparing for big matches ahead. At the end of the session, the coaches were setting up for a 5v5, in your eyes one of the best parts about training. Everyone’s competitive side came out during the match, and you loved the intensity that brought to the game.
For the first round, you were placed on a team with Mary, Leah, Tooney, and Hempo. When Leah blocked a shot from the opponents, Mary was quick to compliment her. “Nice block!” The keeper was big on complimenting when something was done right, wanting to put people up for performing well.
5v5 was quick football, so as soon as Leah blocked the shot, it was your turn to attack. With some quick passes between your team, the ball made its way to Hempo on top. Her shot hit the back of the net, and behind you you heard Mary again. “Beautiful shot!”
Mary’s continued praise was making your brain go back to the thoughts you’d been trying to push to the back of your mind, now your mind was filled again with the thought of Mary leaving for PSG next season. You were able to push away the thoughts again, but only until you were at the end of her compliment. “Yes, just like that!” She complimented after you headed the ball away to block another shot.
You tried to blink away the tears that were forming in your eyes, but you weren’t able to. While these girls were your family, you hated crying in front of them, so you stepped to the side. The team probably thought you were taking a breather at first, but when you fully walked off the pitch they knew something was wrong.
Some players were calling after you, including the voice of your girlfriend, but you kept walking. Tears were now streaming down your face. When you made it back to the locker room, you sat down in Mary’s cubby, somehow being surrounded by her stuff helped you calm down a little.
You were still wiping away your tears when Mary walked in, “Ah there you are-” She stopped mid-sentence when she saw your tear stained face and glossy eyes. “What’s wrong, baby?” She sat down beside you and you let yourself fall into her body.
Just when you thought you had cried all your tears, they started again when Mary wrapped her arm around you. “I just stopped crying.” You chuckle lightly. “Well, clearly it’s still getting to you, so it’s okay to cry some more.” She pressed a soft kiss to your head. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“It’s stupid.” Mary is quick to make you look up at her with her finger under your chin to lift up your head. “Hey, no. Nothing that upsets you can be stupid, okay?” You nod softly before taking a deep breath.
“It’s just that you were complimenting everyone, and that is something you always do whether it’s with England or with United. I’ve grown so used to that, and always hearing your voice behind me on the pitch. Hearing it here made me realise that while that will still be at England, I won’t hear that anymore at United next season.”
“Oh baby, see that’s not stupid at all.” You wipe away your tears once more. “It is, because I'm making your move about me when it really isn't.”
Mary lifts her hand to wipe away another tear off of your cheek. “Well, it might be my move, but it affects the both of us, my love. You gave every right to have emotions about it.”
She takes your hands in hers. “I know it's going to be a big change, and while I won't be playing behind you at United, I will always be with you and support you. You better believe that I'll have all the matches on and will be yelling my compliments through the tv or my phone.”
You smile at the idea of Mary in her new apartment or the PSG training grounds yelling her positive comments out loud without a care in the world who heard it.
“There's that smile I love.” She pulled you back into her side. “I know it's going to take some adjusting, but we'll call every day, and visit each other as much as we can.”
Talking about your feelings with Mary has made you feel a lot better. She was right, it was going to take some time to get used to it, but your relationship was strong and you were always great at communicating together.
You had sat in silence for a bit, Mary’s arms still around you, when your teammates started entering the locker room. “Hey, are you alright?” Leah squeezed your knee lightly. “Yeah, I'm good.” You answered with a smile. The team was relieved when they heard the positive answer and went about their routine.
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httpsdana · 6 months ago
or maybe prompt 70 because i just saw you already did prompt 37 with jude(?)
Family Love~Xavi Simons
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*Pictures are from Pinterest*
I ended up writing both requests because ik some xavi girlies need to be fed. enjoy <3
request from here
master list -> part 2
players/drivers I write for
70-"you really love her, don't you?"
Xavi and y/n were visiting his parents in the Netherlands, since it has been a while since they visited them.
y/n was helping Xavi's mom, Peggy, with the food in the kitchen, having a chat and catching up with each other.
"I hope Xavi isn't giving you a hard time" Peggy said, her voice hinting that part of her was joking and the other was serious.
"oh no. he's the sweetest" y/n said, smiling to herself at the thought of her boyfriend.
"he's treating you well right? i wouldn't want you to be treated badly, even if it was my son" she said, her tone worried.
"he treats me like a queen. i wouldn't want to be with anyone else" she replied, making Peggy smile.
"that's great. he really loves you, you know" she said, making y/n smile.
"yeah I know. and I love him so much too" she replied.
As they continued their chat, Xavi stepped into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around y/n's waist from behind.
"I missed you" he mumbled into her neck, pecking her shoulder softly. She chuckled silently, her head turning to kiss the top of his head.
"me too. but I'm making food with your mom right now so don't distract me" she warned him, making him pout
"mom can I steal my girlfriend for a bit?" he said, a bit too sweetly.
"yeah of course we're almost done anyway" his mom said, making him smile widely.
Before y/n had the chance to say anything, Xavi has already pulled her out of the kitchen, walking her to the bedroom they were sharing.
"why'd you do that" y/n said, a sly smile on her face.
Xavi dropped down on the bed, pulling her down with him. He laid on top of her, his head buried in her neck
"I missed you" he murmured into her neck, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist, like he's afraid of letting her go.
y/n smiled, running her hand over his perfect braids, which she had done to him before coming to his parents house.
"l missed you too baby" she mumbled, pressing a kiss on the top of his head.
Their moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. It opened slightly, his dad peeking his head inside.
"hey you two. dinner is ready" he said with a smile.
"we'll be there in a second" y/n replied, while he nodded, stepping out of the room.
Xavi looked up at y/n, a pout on his face as his grip tightened.
"I don't wanna go" he mumbled, his lips pressing on her jaw
"well I'm hungry so I'm not staying here" she said, already getting up. He groaned, letting her get up as he flipped over, his face buried in the pillow.
"come on love. we can take a nap after dinner" she said, grabbing his hands to pull him up.
He stood up lazily, looking down at y/n with a loving gaze that never seems to leave his eyes when looking at his girlfriend.
"can i, at least get a kiss? I know you won't let me even hold your hand down there" he said, the pout never leaving his face.
y/n chuckled, grabbing his face and pulling him down to press a kiss on his lips. Before he had the chance to deepen the kiss, she pulled away, giving him a look.
She grabbed his hand, pulling him with her down to the dinning room.
Dinner was nice, Xavi was speaking with his parents about his upcoming matches, while y/n just listened to him, their hands holding each other under the table.
Soon after dinner, y/n and Xavi had helped his mom cleaning the dishes, Xavi too excited to go have a nap, when suddenly, his sister Kenza entered the kitchen.
"y/n. we haven't done anything together yet. do you have anything now?" she asked, her voice soft and excited.
y/n looked at Xavi, who gave her a look telling her to not go with his sister, but y/n had promised his sister she would hang out with her.
"no I have nothing. we can hang out for a bit" she said, making the 10 year old girl smile widely before giving y/n a hug and running to her room.
"sorry love. I promised her to hang out and I didn't have any time all day" she said, walking over to her boyfriend who was pouting.
He wouldn't look at her, turning his head to look away from her. She smiled at his childness, grabbing his face to make him look at her. His pout was still there, refusing to give in.
y/n leaned in, kissing his pout a few times. He couldn't help the smile that curled up his face, but then he masked it up with a fake angry look.
"I'm still mad" he said, crossing his arms over his chest. y/n chuckled, pulling him down by his neck, giving him a long loving kiss.
"I'll make it up to you I promise" she mumbled against his lips, making him smile.
He nodded, letting her leave to meet his younger sister in her room
"so what're we doing?" y/n asked, sitting down next to Kenza on her bed.
"Last time Xavi got here, he got me a small make up kit, I was thinking we can do each other's make up?" she said, her tone excited and a wide grin on her face.
y/n nodded enthusiastically, following the little girl to her small mirror
"I can also get my make up bag? I've got some new cool stuff I haven't tried yet" y/n said, making the girl nod her head while clapping her hands.
y/n rushed to her room, getting her make up bag from her suitcase.
She started first by Kenza's make up, putting on her face some of her make up. The little girl had suggested a make up look with a bold eyeshadow and y/n couldn't say no to her excitement.
The two girls sat in the room, laughing at some stories said by both of them about Xavi. y/n adored Kenza, she was like a little sister she never had. And y/n was like the older sister Kenza never had.
As y/n was applying some powder on the girl's face, Xavi walked by the room, hearing the laughter of his favorite girls.
He stood at the door, seeing how y/n was smiling at his sister, doing her make up and enjoying her time with her. It made him smile widely, seeing how his girlfriend was like his sister's best friend.
He leaned against the door frame, a wide grin on his face as he admired his beautiful girls.
Meanwhile, his dad came and stood by him, looking at the girls laughing before turning to look at Xavi
"you really love her, don't you?" he said, looking at the girls again
"more than anything" he mumbled, never tearing his gaze away from them.
"she's a keeper. don't let her go" his dad said, putting his hand on his son's shoulder
Xavi smiled, turning to look at his dad
"never" he said, before looking back at his girlfriend.
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fanficgirlysmhh · 8 months ago
Insta jealousy
Summary; When a flirty influencer's obsession with Kylian Mbappe gets out of hand, his girlfriend (y/n) uses a viral Instagram reel to teach him a lesson
Pairing; Kylian Mbappe x reader
Word count; 1281
Warnings: fluff, jealousy, relationship
The tension had been building for weeks. Every day seemed to bring another post or interview from Brenda, the influencer who couldn’t stop talking about how much she adored Kylian Mbappe. Yesterday, she’d taken it a step further, openly declaring in an interview that she loved Mbappe and wanted him to follow her on Instagram. To your dismay, Kylian had obliged. Now, they followed each other, and Brenda liked and commented cheekily on every one of his photos, completely ignoring the pictures of you two together.
You were trying to stay calm, but it was getting harder every day. Fans were tagging you in Brenda’s videos, filling Kylian’s Instagram with questions about your relationship status. You knew you needed to do something before you exploded.
One evening, as Kylian scrolled through his phone, chuckling at something Brenda had posted, you decided you couldn’t take it anymore. "Really, Kylian? You think this is funny?"
He looked up, surprised. "What are you talking about, y/n?"
You crossed your arms, the frustration bubbling up. "Brenda. She’s everywhere, always talking about you, and now you're encouraging her by liking and commenting on her posts."
Kylian sighed, putting his phone down. "It's just harmless fun. She’s just a fan."
"A fan who wants more than just an autograph," you shot back. "And it’s not just her. Her followers, your followers, they all keep tagging me, asking if we’ve broken up. It’s humiliating."
He frowned, the humor fading from his eyes. "I didn’t realize it was bothering you that much."
"Well, it is," you said, the tears of frustration welling up. "I feel like I'm competing for your attention."
Kylian stood, walking over to you. "You don’t have to compete for anything. You're the one I love."
"Then show it," you whispered, the fight draining out of you. "Because right now, it doesn’t feel that way."
Kylian pulled you into a hug, his arms wrapping around you tightly. "I’m sorry, y/n. I’ll fix this. I didn’t mean to make you feel like this."
You nodded against his chest, but the seed of an idea had already taken root. You would make him see what it felt like. The next day, you called your friends and set your plan in motion.
That afternoon, you and your friends gathered in your living room, ready to film the Instagram reel. You’d found a filter that showed pictures of footballers, allowing you to rate their hotness on a scale of 1-10.
"Alright, ladies," you said, starting the recording. "Let’s rank the hottest footballers."
The first picture that popped up was Jude Bellingham. "Ooh, Jude is definitely a 9," one of your friends said, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Those eyes are killer," another friend agreed, giving Jude a high score.
Next up was Erling Haaland. "Haaland’s got that Viking look. Solid 8," you said, laughing as your friends nodded in agreement.
When a picture of Hugo Lloris appeared, your friends went wild. "a total 10!" one of them shouted.
You smiled, ready for the next photo. "And in second place," you said, glancing at the camera with a smirk as a picture of Marcus Rashford appeared, “is someone I’ve had the biggest crush on forever. He’s just... perfect. Definite 9.5.”
Your friends gasped and giggled. "Ooh, tell us more!" one of them teased.
"Maybe later," you said, winking at the camera.
That evening, Kylian came home, his face a mix of confusion and irritation. He held up his phone, the reel paused on the screen. "Y/n, what is this?"
You shrugged nonchalantly, though your heart was racing. "Just a fun reel with my friends. Why? Did it bother you?"
Kylian narrowed his eyes, a hint of jealousy flickering in them. "You didn’t even put me on the list, and you ranked guys who look like me. And what's this about a long-standing crush on Rashford?"
You crossed your arms, trying to maintain your cool. "Why does it bother you? You find it cute when Brenda fawns over you in every interview, and you even follow her back and like her pictures.“
Before Kylian could respond, his phone buzzed again. He glanced at it, his eyes widening slightly. "Rashford... he commented on your reel."
Your heart skipped a beat. "What did he say?"
Kylian read aloud, "‘Always knew I had a secret admirer! Thanks for the love, y/n.’” He looked up, his jealousy now unmistakable. “And he put a winking emoji.”
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Well, can you blame him?”
Kylian didn’t seem amused. Instead, he quickly typed a reply, "‘Back off, mate. She's taken.’”
You raised an eyebrow, amused by his protectiveness. "Feeling a bit jealous, are we?"
Kylian sighed, pulling you into a hug. "I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I thought it was just harmless fun. But seeing you talk about other guys... yeah, it made me jealous."
You looked up at him, your resolve wavering. "I just wanted you to see how it feels."
He sighed, pulling you closer. "I’m sorry. I didn't think about how it would affect you. You know you're the only one I care about, right?"
You melted into his embrace, feeling the tension ease away. "I know. I guess I just needed a little reminder."
Kylian kissed the top of your head, holding you tight. "I promise, I'll be more mindful. And for the record, you’re way hotter than any influencer out there."
You laughed, feeling the last of your jealousy slip away. "And you’re way hotter than Haaland."
Kylian chuckled, lifting your chin to look into your eyes. "Good to know. Now, how about we take a break from social media and spend some quality time together?"
You nodded, smiling up at him. "Sounds perfect."
As the evening wore on, you and Kylian put the drama behind you
The next morning, as you cuddled with Kylian on the couch, you had an idea. Grabbing your phone, you set it up to record another reel. Kylian watched curiously as you began.
"Hey everyone," you said with a grin. "After yesterday's fun, I realized I missed someone very important. So today, I'm going to rank the hottest footballer, and honestly, there's no competition. The number one spot goes to..."
You turned the camera to Kylian, who smiled sheepishly. "Kylian Mbappe," you said proudly. "No one even comes close."
Kylian laughed, pulling you into his lap. "You're just saying that because you have to."
You shook your head, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "No, I'm saying it because it's true."
As you posted the reel, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Within minutes, comments started pouring in, and fans were tagging Brenda, mocking her obsession and praising your sweet relationship.
Kylian glanced at the screen and then back at you, his expression softening. "Thank you," he said quietly.
You smiled, leaning your head against his. "Always, Kylian. You're the only one for me."
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formulalfc · 10 months ago
hiii! congrats on reaching 800 followers bby!! but i'm not surprised cause you're so talented and nice! I was wodering if you could write with the lyrics "if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once" with kylian mbappe x famous reader maybe?
thank you! i love you so much!! xxx
thank you so much my love :( that's so sweet of you to say, sending you so much love rn!! <3
throughout your time as a model, you had been constantly put down for the choices you made in your personal life, especially those you dated. when you met kylian at a runway you were walking in you weren't looking for someone to fall in love with, recently off the back of some whirlwind 2-week romance that had you splashed on the front page of every magazine. but you guys started talking, sharing a common love of football which soon turned into dates and flying halfway around the world in between jobs to see each other. you tried not to look at what the media was saying but some things managed to slip through the cracks and you saw what they were saying about you. but then kylian would walk in the room, telling you a silly story about one of his teammates, and suddenly it was all worth it.
inbox is open send me some ramble requests <3
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elfqueen006 · 4 months ago
Stocking Anarchy x Fat!Fem!Reader
CW: fatphobia, mentions of bullying
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~Creme Brulee~
You stared at the girl in front of you, temporarily awestruck by her beauty. Her ivory skin was brought out by her gothic state of dress. It’s very frilly and feminine. Underneath she wears blue striped stockings underneath that contrasts with her dark appearance. Her hair is so long it goes down to her waist.
She clears her throat, bringing you back to reality. She smiles, “Should I pull up a chair or are you fine by yourself today?”
Dumbly, you blink at her. The girls’ smile grows tight the longer you stare. And finally, looking between her and the crowd behind her – their expressions ranging from disgusted to shocked – you realize she's giving you out from the asskicking Tracy was about to unleash on you.
“Yeah.” you blurt out. “Yeah, sit anywhere.” You then pat the chair beside you. “As a matter of fact, sit next to me…if you want!”
“Thanks!” she chirps.
Going around the table, the angelic goth girl sits beside you. You began to eat, or at least try to. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the narrowed gazes of Tracy and pig heads and the tooth picks before they walked away. You let out a sigh you didn’t know you were holding and turned to look at the angel girl. You hadn't expected her cheerful demeanor to disappear as soon as you made eye contact. Her bright blue eyes were absolutely haunting when paired with her cold expression.
“Um… thanks for–”
“Don’t mention it. Ever.” She cut you off, taking out what looked to be a lunchbox and taking off the top. Inside was a cup of creme brulee. “I just hate to see good food go to waste. I heard what you did to that jerk off, Chad. You’ve got some guts.” she mused.
Your cheeks flushed slightly, “Thanks–”
She waved a hand, “Don’t let it go to your head.”
You felt whatever hopes you had crashed against the table as she spoke. But oddly enough, you felt you needed it. If she hadn’t been so blunt, you might’ve thought you had a chance of making an actual friend.
How corny right?
But if she was being direct on not wanting you to be chummy with her and yet protecting you from Tracy that could only mean one other thing…
Sighing, you pushed your plate aside and placed your elbows on the table, resting your head upon your threaded fingers. “So what do you want?”
Angel girl was in the middle of eating her creme brulee when she paused and looked your way. “Excuse me?”
“What. Do. You. Want?” You repeated, “My lunch money? What?”
She scoffed, “I’m eating creme brulee.”
“And. You don’t have anything I want. And if you do, it’s nothing I can’t get myself.” She punctuated this as she stuck her spoon in her mouth, savoring the desserts’ taste with a hum.
Okay, dammit. You actually wanted to pay her back in some way since she had basically rescued you by social intervention. But her supercilious attitude was really starting to get on your nerves.
“Then why did you step in like that?” you asked.
She shrugged, “Like I said, you have guts. Most of the students here would bend over and sharpen a pencil in their ass if I told them to.”
“But when whatshisface came along you held your own.”
“I wasn’t trying to start anything…”
“You didn’t, but you were aiming to finish it. And sure, you had no chance in hell of fighting that guy alone but you didn’t lose your nerve.”
“So I impressed you?” you snapped. “Is that why you came over, because you wanted to see a good fight?”
The girl blinked at you, a hint of surprise passing across her large eyes. A very small part of you felt guilty and extremely embarrassed of your outburst. This part of you was so embarrassed it wanted to prostrate itself against her and beg for forgiveness. The larger, more stubborn part of you hated that, however, and wanted you to tell her off.
For a moment or so you held each others’ stare before she made a small noise akin to a snicker.
“I don’t need your help and I don’t want your attention. If you want to see a fat bitch fight, put on some sumo wrestling.”
Angel girl then stood, packing her box dessert up as she mused. “Then you won’t have any problems on your own when Chad gets back from suspension.”
Shit. She was right. When it got back to Chad that Tracy couldn’t psyche you out he’d definitely be an issue.
The apparent fear on your face made her smile grow and she turned to walk away. “Have a good rest of your week. You’re gonna need it.”
“Really? She blew you off?”
Panty gave her little sister an incredulous look as she recounted the events at lunch period.
“Yeah. Guess that’s what you get for extending sympathy. Everyone’s suddenly so proud.” Stocking said, pulling the tongue from Honekoneko before letting it snap back in its face.
Currently they were riding on the highway with their jeep, See-Through. Panty had not really had a need for hand eye coordination, so only a glance back at the road while she talked with Stocking assured her they wouldn’t crash on their way to the church.
“Sheesh, whatever happened to fat bitches sticking together?” Panty scoffed, “I’m honestly surprised she didn’t jump at the opportunity to make you friendship bracelets and scale each other on your weight loss journey…”
Stocking shrugged, “I don’t really blame her. She didn’t ask for my help.” And I didn’t have to give it to her…
Due to the Anarchy sisters revered beauty, it wasn’t a secret that they were practically worshiped at Daten High School. Everybody wanted them and wanted to be them, even if they hated them. She supposed that with you being new to the scene, you hadn’t gotten the memo that they were many ticks above your social status.
But that was fine… it was almost kind of refreshing.
They soon arrived at the church, hopping out on opposite sides. Panty rested her hands behind her head and looked up at the sky. “How much do you bet she’ll get her ass kicked by the cheerleaders tomorrow morning?”
“The cheerleaders are gonna do that?”
“It’s arranged by that Barbie chick. I can book us some front row seats on the shoulders of jocks and a donut hole for you if you’re down?”
Stocking snorted, “Sure whatever, I could use the entertainment. Maybe this time I can properly get to see a fat bitch fight.”
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kylianspsg · 9 months ago
A moment of silence for mbappé’s nose please
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doodles-psg-imagines · 2 months ago
Wow. I last posted on this thing nearly a year ago. So I think I'll put up an update for now since it's been a year since the catastrophe that led me to disassociate from this blog.
A year ago, I kept receiving anon asks in spite of me staying outright in multiple places that I was on hiatus. I decided to shut off anon asks in an attempt to deter this, and changed the ask button to read "asks closed" to try and deter this -- but alas, it was to my detriment. I continued to receive asks from people in spite of my hiatus. It disheartened me that people could explicitly see that asks were closed, and sent them in anyway. After this, I decided to turn off asks altogether and made a very public post on why I did so. I felt terrible about it, but I felt solace in the fact that it would bring me peace and let me rest.
Boy, oh, boy. Was I ever so wrong.
Over the next several days, I received an astounding amount of DMs from people requesting that I write this or that. And it absolutely appalled me. A few people even had the gall to say "Hey, this isn't a request," and then immediately follow up with a request for a fanfic or headcanons.
Thanks to the blatant disrespect for not just my hiatus, but my personal boundaries as well, I snapped. I unleashed hell upon all ten -- yes, TEN DMs over three or four days -- of these people and intended to try and cool my head before doing something publicly. Unfortunately I double-fractured my ankle less than two hours later and never got around to it.
To the people who are mentioned in this post, you ALL know who you are. I am absolutely, positively disgusted with the way that you treated me. I understand being obsessed with a fandom or character. Believe me. But you not only crossed my boundary line, you threw up on it and had the gall to act butthurt when I got upset.
Reader insert authors are not content factories. They are human beings who take time out of their day to write things for other people because they want to do it. After that catastrophe, I have all the more respect for them. Because I refuse to do this anymore.
This blog is officially closed. I will not be accepting any kinds of requests, doing any kinds of DMs, or engaging with people on it for any reason.
I am truly, deeply sorry to the people who sent in requests before then and may never get to see their asks answered. To the only one of the ten DMers that gave me a genuine apology, I am glad you did and I still accept it. I will think about finishing the 18 drafts in my inbox, but I make zero promises about returning. I've had a long time to think about this, and I refuse to put up with something like this again.
Peace out.
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kylianspinkyring · 2 years ago
kylian talking you through it
notes: idkkkkk its just straight smut ngl no plot whatsoever
warnings: smut, smut, all of the above
“oh” he groaned lowly. “fuck.”
kylian had the nasty tendency of jumping between languages whilst he was buried in you, face contorted and skin slick with sweat.
the dragged out ‘fuck’s’ would overlap crudely with his pretty french words, some so dirty-sounding it had you scratching your head after at what he’d meant.
he’d be reluctant to tell you their meaning, shaking off your innocent questioning with a breathless laugh as he tucked himself into your side like he hadn’t just expressed his french wish to put a baby inside you.
that wish always seemed to creep up again, like it did now. your mouth fell slack against his when he pushed himself into you, both quiet for a moment, letting your mixed sighs and hitched breaths fill the air.
“so good” he choked, looking down and letting his eyes devour the sight of him slowly disappearing into you, before looking up again and cupping your face.
“so, so good” he rambled on, his lazy thrusts falling into perfect rhythm with every ‘so’ when you tapped his thigh lightly, giving him the green light to finally move.
your mouth rests against his, both too weakened by the other’s feel to even bother moving your lips. “l-like that” you whined, hooking your arms around his neck when the subtle sting was washed away by a warm, pulsating feel only he could ease out of you.
“watch” his words are cut short by a particularly loud groan he attempts to swallow back. “watch it go in.”
he always loved when you watched his movements, said you had this look in your eye that he’d think about during training whenever he zoned out. it was a loving look, twisted with something else that had him taking cold showers and getting strange looks from his teammates in an attempt to wash away the excitement.
he lifts your left leg over his shoulder, hitting a deeper spot that he knew would send you into a frenzy.
“fuck, fuck- fuck!” you repeated, words coming in a messy heap as kylian’s hands traced upwards, between your breasts, before curling around your throat and squeezing lightly, planting a feather-light kiss on the corner of your mouth. “good?” he coos.
you nodded desperately, until another light squeeze prompted you to use your words. “yes- s’good. oh-fuck!”
good didn’t cut it. his delicate words contrasted so harshly with the quickening snaps of his hips, hands now travelling down your stomach and gently pressing against your clit. sometimes gently, sometimes a little harder, all the while erupting different sounds from you that had kylian wanting to forever have them on repeat.
“i love-” another moan that was swallowed by his mouth. “i love you.” you cried, eyes fluttering shut when you felt his lips move up your neck, his light stubble making you shiver into him.
he let your leg drop, wrapping it around his torso as he laid into you, his weight heavy against yours. “say it again” his lower hip movements slowed, rocking into you softly. “for me.”
you said it again and again, lost count, in fact. the warmth pooling in your lower stomach was making you dizzy, your only strength showing in how you clenched around him, low moans dragging out into higher, breathless ones.
“dont stop-yes!” you threw your head back on one particular thrust, feeling tears fill your eyes from the aching pleasure that made your fingers involuntarily grapple at his shoulders as if to steady yourself.
kylian noticed, his hands immediately cupping your cheeks, thumbs swiping away at the wetness. “bébé” he swallowed between ragged breaths. “dis-moi d'arrêter” he pecked your lips  “et j'arrêterai.”
your head shook furiously, fucking yourself up into him, craving the friction and the lewd sounds of your juices mixing together as words seemed to have fallen off the edge - an edge you were now craving.
“allez bébé.” he lifted you from the bed, one hand wrapped around your lower back with the other pressed between your shoulder blades. head lulling against his shoulder, your words were fragmented as he bounced you against him - both just as tired and flustered as the other.
“nearly t-there amour, ‘can feel it” he grappled with your hair, tugging it back so he had full access to your neck, lips dragging up your throat. “don’t clench-fuck! just let go for me-there you g-”
you bit down on his shoulder when a loud yelp suddenly escaped your lips, already too fucked out and breathless to stop the incoherent mumbles and moans that only seemed to grow louder as kylian’s fingers worked at the nerves between your legs.  
“i got you amour, hold onto me, thats it!-like that” he cooed, his gentle words a harsh contrast to his quickening movements and ragged inhales as her walls pulsated around him, all dewy and hazy to see him unravelling over her quivering figure.
he brought his fingers up to her lips, running his pads over them before slowly slotting them into her mouth, the wetness of her tongue sending shocks to the tip of his cock-
“putain! gonna c-” kylian couldnt even finish his sentence, fingers dragging out of her glistening mouth and reaching for her hand, fingers interlocking as he dropped them against the mattress again.
you whispered loving words into his ear, your other hand lightly raking up his spine after his movements had stilled and he’d collapsed against you, forming the other half of what could only be described as a sweaty mess in need of a shower.
he didnt speak for a moment, instead milking out the last of your orgasms and leaving kisses on your shoulders as little ‘i love you’s’ since words always failed him in his post-bliss state.
sleep overtook them in minutes after he’d fallen back to your side, reaching out for you with grabby hands, needing to hold you in the minutes before despite your bodies being slick with sweat. kylian was too tired to shower and you were to tired to fight it, ‘tomorrow’ he said with a peck on your temple, then just like that you both fell into a deep snooze.
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footballfanficwriter · 9 months ago
The last dance
Summary:Kylian's last game for PSG
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The stadium buzzed with anticipation as we settled into our seats, awaiting the final match of the season. The atmosphere was electric, but there was a bittersweet edge to it, knowing that this is the last time we are watching Kylian in his PSG jersey. Beside me, Raphael fidgeted with excitement, his eyes shining with anticipation.
"Mommy, do you think Daddy will play well today?" Raphael asked, his voice filled with hope.
I smiled down at him, ruffling his hair gently. "Of course, sweetheart. Your daddy always gives his best."
As the match unfolded, every play felt like a moment frozen in time. Kylian moved across the field with his trademark speed and skill, but the goal remained elusive. The tension in the stadium grew with each passing minute, and as the final whistle blew, there was a collective sense of disappointment.
Kylian was called for a post-match interview, his expression a mix of resignation and gratitude. The interviewer approached him, holding out the microphone.
"Kylian, a tough game today, and unfortunately, no goals for you. How are you feeling about your last match with PSG?" the interviewer asked.
Kylian sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's always tough when you don't get the result you want, especially in your last game with the club. But I'm grateful for the memories and the support of the fans."
The interviewer nodded sympathetically. "You've had an incredible career at PSG. What are some of your fondest memories from your time here?"
Kylian smiled, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "There are so many moments that I'll cherish forever. Winning titles, playing alongside incredible teammates, and feeling the love of the fans. PSG will always hold a special place in my heart."
The interviewer leaned in, eager for more. "And what's next for you, Kylian? Any hints on where you might be headed?"
Kylian chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'm keeping my options open for now. I want to make sure I make the best decision for myself and my family."
The interviewer nodded, scribbling notes on his notepad. "Understandable. And what message do you have for the fans who have supported you throughout your time at PSG?"
Kylian's expression softened, his gaze turning towards the camera. "I just want to say thank you. Thank you for your unwavering support, your passion, and your love. You've been with me through the highs and the lows, and I'll always be grateful for that."
As the interview ended, Kylian made his way towards us in the stands. His steps seemed heavier than usual, and I could see the sadness etched in his expression. When he reached us, he pulled Raphael into a tight hug, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"I'm sorry, Raphael. Daddy couldn't score today," Kylian said, his voice choked with emotion.
Raphael hugged him back, his small arms wrapping around Kylian's neck. "It's okay, Daddy. You're still the best football player in the world."
Kylian smiled through his tears, his heart swelling with love for our son. "Thank you, Raphael. You always know how to make Daddy feel better."
Then, Kylian turned to me, his eyes searching mine. He reached out and pulled me into his arms, holding me close.
"I wish I could have done more on the pitch today, especially for you and Raphael," he whispered, his voice heavy with regret. "I'm sorry."
I hugged him back tightly, feeling the weight of his words. "It's okay, Kylian. We're proud of you, no matter what."
"I just feel like if I had done more it would've been better"
"All that matter is that you gave your best"
"Thank you" he says kissing me
"You're welcome"
As we stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the noise of the crowd fading into the background, I felt a surge of love for this man who had given his all, both on and off the pitch. In that moment, surrounded by the echoes of the match and the warmth of Kylian's embrace, I knew that our bond was unbreakable.
We made our way out of the stadium, hand in hand, our love shining brighter than ever before. And as we looked towards the future, I knew that no matter where life took us next, our love would always be our greatest strength.
The next day, headlines and articles flooded the internet, highlighting Kylian's departure from PSG. Comments poured in from fans and pundits alike, praising his contributions to the club and speculating on his next move. But amidst the frenzy, there was one image that captured the hearts of fans around the world.
A photo of Kylian, Raphael, and me leaving the stadium together, hand in hand, appeared on social media. The image captured a moment of raw emotion and love, and people couldn't help but be moved by it.
Instagram comments poured in, expressing admiration for Kylian and our family. "A true legend on and off the pitch," one comment read. "Wishing you all the best in your next adventure," another said. The overwhelming outpouring of support was a testament to the impact Kylian had made, both as a footballer and as a person.
As we read through the comments together, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support of fans around the world. And as we looked towards the future, I knew that no matter where life took us next, our love would always be our greatest strength.
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nebuladreamerrr · 10 months ago
“Where is mom?”| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary:  After a day filled with the profound exertion of bringing your second child into the world, a moment of tender anticipation arrives: it's time for your eldest to meet her new sibling.
Warnings: English is not my first language
After enduring six grueling hours of labor, you finally welcomed little Jules into the world—a spitting image of his father. As the nurse reassured you of his perfect health after all the tests performed to check both his heart and hearing, your thoughts drifted to your daughter, Manon, and how she might be feeling on this momentous day.
"Are you okay, my love?" Kylian's concerned voice interrupted your reverie as he made skin-to-skin contact on the couch in the room with Jules.
"Do you think Manon is okay?" you whispered, trying not to disturb the baby sleeping in your husband's arms.
"Honey, everything will be fine. You know she's with my mother, and if she was sick or something had happened, she would have contacted us," Kylian reassured, his voice gentle and soothing.
"Yes, Kylian, but she's not used to changes, and today has been anything but routine. Could you text your mother and ask her to come today instead of waiting until tomorrow to meet the baby? And to bring Manon with her, please," you pleaded, concern evident in your tone.
"Of course, my love. But try to relax and rest. I'm sure she's fine and just eager to cuddle us," Kylian said, gently laying Jules in his cot before enveloping you in a comforting embrace.
Your concern for Manon might have seemed excessive to some, but your motherly instinct told you otherwise. You knew your daughter well, and despite the joyous occasion, something deep down told you she wasn't having a good day. It had been a challenging few months for your family, especially for her. Manon was accustomed to being the center of attention, the youngest grandchild and only daughter of doting parents. Kylian, in particular, showered her with affection, earning her the title of "daddy's girl." Even on days when he had to travel for matches, he made sure she knew she was always his little girl. They had a ritual: before each pre-match training, he recorded himself telling her a story, allowing you to play it for her at bedtime. Often, she fell asleep hugging the mobile phone that displayed her father's face.
When you found out you were pregnant again, you couldn't help but worry about Manon's reaction. However, she surprised you by being thrilled at the news. Her excitement grew when she found out she was going to have a baby brother, and her joy was more than evident at the baby shower, where she participated enthusiastically as the one who popped the balloon revealing the gender of her baby brother.
But not everything had been smooth sailing in the past few months. Manon quickly grasped the concept of becoming a big sister. You couldn't blame her; you knew you and Kylian had indulged her, but how could you resist? So it wasn't surprising when she cried inconsolably as Kylian explained that she would have to stop sleeping in your double bed because the baby would need a lot of nighttime care. If she slept with you, she wouldn't get much rest.
Similarly, there was something you hadn't told Kylian in any depth because what little he knew had broken his heart, and had ended with him clinging to you as you both wept inconsolably, apologizing to her for having to leave home. But your little girl wasn't coping well with having to leave France next year, and you couldn't blame her. She had only just started kindergarten this year and had managed to make many friends at her little school. In addition, this year she had managed to start going to a ballet academy where she felt like a real princess in every class. You completely understood her frustration and understood how everything she knew would quickly cease to exist. There would be no more afternoons in the park, no more afternoons playing with Navas' children, and even your little girl would have to get used to another teacher and other doctors. But you knew that this was the best thing for Kylian and that he deserved to fulfill his dream. So you tried to convince your little girl, assuring her that she could still talk to her friends on your mobile, and you would keep in touch with their mothers so that, as soon as you returned to France for a holiday, your little girl could see her friends.
So when Fayza got that call, she couldn't have been happier. It was customary for her granddaughter to stay at Fayza’s home, but it had been exhausting trying to distract her when her little mind was elsewhere. Fayza had done her best to make the day entertaining, but it had started on a rough note. When your water broke at five in the morning, Kylian took you to the hospital, and they had to make a quick stop at Fayza's house to drop off your daughter. Fayza had prayed that her granddaughter would fall asleep quickly, as she had on many previous occasions, but it wasn't meant to be. Manon stayed awake all day, and by seven in the morning, Fayza had given up trying to coax her to sleep.
She had tried to make the day better by preparing her granddaughter's favorite breakfast, little Mickey Mouse waffles, accompanied by a good session of her favorite cartoons, but the plan failed when she barely took a bite. No matter what Fayza tried to cheer her up, the day wasn't working: not playing princesses, not a Disney movie marathon, not an afternoon with her uncle Ethan, who decided not to go out with his friends to try to improve his niece's mood. But when the clock struck five in the afternoon, the little girl couldn't take it any longer and cried inconsolably missing her mother.
Your daughter was very attached to her father, mostly because he was the father figure she saw the least of in her day-to-day life. As long as Manon felt you were close, everything was under control, but that day you were far away from her. Ethan quickly tried to calm her crying by singing her a little song while holding her in his arms and moving around the house. That calmed her for a moment, but both Ethan and Fayza knew that if the little girl did not see her mother that day, none of the household would be able to sleep that night.
Fayza tried to encourage Kylian about her little girl's state of mind by commenting that if they needed quiet and rest, it might not be advisable to take her to the hospital. However, Kylian played it down, thinking that her mother was simply worrying too much.
With a smile, Fayza turned to Manon and said, "Honey, put your coat on, we're going to see Mommy.”
Your little girl quickly buttoned up her coat and rushed out to the car. During the car ride, Fayza tried to explain to Manon that the hospital room would contain not only her parents, but also her little brother, but she barely paid attention when she sensed that they had arrived at the hospital. Strategically, Fayza quickly sent Ethan to buy a bouquet for you, knowing that when she unbuckled her granddaughter's car seat, she would jump out regardless of whether she was carrying a gift for her mother or not.
So when they asked where the room you were in was, Manon bolted for the lift and led the group as she walked down the corridors of the hospital looking at the different room numbers until she saw it: "Room 350".
She quickly opened the door and, catching a glimpse of your figure, couldn't help but burst into tears as she threw herself onto your hospital gurney, waiting for you to take her in your arms.
"My baby girl," you said as you looked worriedly at your daughter's reaction. You knew that her behavior had nothing to do with how she had been treated at her grandmother's house, where you knew she had been treated like a princess. But even though your maternal instinct had sensed it, you didn't know it was that bad.
Manon's constant crying caused little Jules to burst into tears as she woke him up from his warm sleep, which made your daughter cry even harder.
"Kylian, I think I'm going to go outside with Manon to soothe her. You can stay here while you introduce Jules to your parents," you said, making an effort to get up.
"Honey, you've just given birth. It's not advisable to stand for too long," said Kylian as he stopped you from getting up.
"Well, you're going to explain to me how we reassure our daughter because logically she needs a moment alone," you replied sharply. You hated talking to Kylian like that, but you felt that no one understood how much pain your princess was going through. You knew that with a few sweet lullabies, you could calm Jules down, but your daughter wouldn't be soothed so quickly.
With a short sigh, Kylian exclaimed, "I'm going in the next room with Jules and my family while you try to calm her down, okay? But don't make any sudden moves, please, I beg you. I'll be right back, sweetheart," he said, placing a small kiss on your daughter's head.
When the room fell silent, you couldn't help but ask your daughter why she felt that way and what was going on in her little head. Although many might think it was jealousy, it was quite the opposite. The little girl could not understand that you would not abandon her. So many things were changing in her daily life that she could only expect more changes. When she noticed the absence of both of you, she was frightened. She was used to Kylian's absence, but you had never been gone so long. Even when you were sick, she would lie on your breast while you watched a princess movie and wait for you to recover enough until you had the energy to play again.
After a long time of cuddling and stroking her hair, your little girl managed to calm down, but she stirred restlessly in your arms when she noticed someone opening the door to the room. However, she calmed down again when she noticed it was her father.
"How is my little princess?" exclaimed Kylian before lifting her nimbly into his arms as he gave you a look that begged you to tell him what had happened.
As she gave your daughter little kisses and caresses, you told him what had happened. "She was afraid that we were gone and that we would disappear from her life.
After hearing that, your husband's heart couldn't break more. "My love, that will never happen. Dad and mom love you so much and we will always be by your side. We could never abandon you," he said as he left delicate kisses on her little head.
"You promise?" your daughter asked with teary eyes. 
"Of course, sweetheart," he replied. 
After an hour of cuddling and enjoying a few moments with your firstborn, you decided it was time for her to meet her baby brother.
"Manon, would you like to meet Jules?" you asked cautiously.
Surprisingly, her reaction was a huge smile as she nodded her head repeatedly. Quickly, Kylian allowed his family back into the room as they relinquished Jules so that Manon could hold him in her arms with the help of her parents.
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