wigglebox · 1 year
i don’t often share my personal art on here just fanart but i’ve had an original art twitter and instagram for this stuff, however i’m making the decision today to just merge the two. 
i like the name wigglebox a lot and i have my signature i put on my art have my initials and my Wigglebox name and I just don’t want to separate it, you know?
I’m currently [while taking commissions and doing bang art] trying to build up pieces for a portfolio so i can make a jump into freelance work, but i don’t want to keep the art unposted bc i put a lot of work into it
so if you see original art from time to time, just letting y’all know what’s what!
i know they don’t get as much attention or aren’t as cared about bc it’s not fanart and i’m not seen as a non-fanart artist but i’m still going to be posting them to here anyway! 
thank you for understanding!  
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officialdanrad · 8 years
hey y’all, sorry i keep neglecting this blog. i do love it. i’m going to reblog some things and put stuff in a queue! <3 
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wigglebox · 5 years
HELLO! It’s the week SPN comes back! I’m very emotional and keep swinging from sadness to happiness back to sadness. This is the first show I’ve ever watched to its complete end (I stopped watching Glee and I stopped watching House). 
I’m back on Tumblr after a vacation to Twitter for a while (boy that was a trip) so to anyone new who followed me here’s how I usually operate during show season:
I liveblog on here, I use #spnspoilers #spnlb as spoiler tags on new episodes. I’ll use them for a day.
I’m a very show-positive, Destiel-postive person. Please don’t come into my ask box trying to get me to be otherwise. If you ever feel yourself getting into the negativity and don’t want to, then come talk to me! I know sometimes it can be overwhelming for people when their dash is full of unfounded negativity. But don’t come into my askbox making fun of me for being positive. It makes my show watching experience very fun, and less stressful. 
I’m not a metablog, but sometimes I will spout out spec and will reblog meta I agree with. I tag them #spn spec and #spn meta if you want to avoid those. 
A few of my drawings went reblog/liked crazy over the summer and to those who followed me for that, I have shifted to more writing now. My AO3 is here. I haven’t felt the need to draw in a long while, so if you’re hoping for a lot of fanart, I’m sorry! 
Anything I reblog that’s not SPN related is tagged #not spn 
All in all, I try to keep my dash and my own blog as positive as possible. If I feel like someone gets too negative, I will unfollow -- it’s no hard feelings, it’s just not something I want to see (blocking or blacklisting doesn’t do much to deter my curiosity).
If you don’t think you’d want to follow me during this, I won’t feel bad if you unfollow me! I just want people to know what’s up on my blog since this hiatus I wasn’t around as much. 
Bring on Season 15! 
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wigglebox · 5 years
Starting at 9 a.m. today I will have some of my older smutty fics scheduled to post. A new one every day at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. (and hopefully there will be a new one to post this week as well)
I’m doing this because we have a week without an episode and a whole lot of sad and sometimes people just want a break. 
If you have any smutty or fluffy or just downright cute stories you want to also post, post them! or let me know and I’ll add them to my queue! This also goes for cute fluffy or smutty pictures meta edits or manips as well. Just some fun fandom contributions -- we all contribute something to the spn family! 
This isn’t to negate the emotional impact of 1503, but sometimes we just need to breathe <3 
Everything that is scheduled is tagged ‘jen self reblog’ and ‘smoofy week’ 
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wigglebox · 5 years
okay i have scheduled past smutty fics of mine to post during the course of the week starting tomorrow. two different ones will post a day (thursday has three because i found one that related to another that i had completely forgotten about)
one will post at 9 a.m. and another will post at 3 p.m. i won’t keep reblogging them
this isn’t being done as a self-serving sort of deal, i don’t often reblog my fics past the 24 hour posting mark because i guess i’m afraid of being too annoying or whatever (and i don’t think of myself as, like, you know, tolkein or anything).
i’m more or less doing this because we have two weeks without a SPN episode ahead of us and other than reblogging shitposts, this is my contribution to try and offer an island of happy between all the sad gifsets. we all can contribute to fandom life and this is what i have to offer. 
let’s have a week of porn and floof. 
DO YOU HAVE ANY YOU WANT ME TO ADD TO THE QUEUE? PLEASE SEND THEM TO MEEEEEEEEEEE. It also doesn’t have to be just fics! It can be artwork or manips or edits as well. 
Not trying to denounce the grief of 1503, but two weeks of angst and sadness may be a lot for some people
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wigglebox · 5 years
Y’all I also finally watched Stranger Things so amidst ass the SDCC stuff I will be putting things in my queue. tag #st and #strangerthings and #st3 if you don’t want spoilers! 
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wigglebox · 6 years
a heads up to y’all i have some jeffree star stuff queued up because i’ve been binging his videos and i mean -- i remember him from ye olden 2006 myspace days so 
idk i really liked the make up approval videos and the shane dawson series. 
but i know he rubs a lot of people the wrong way and people have strong opinons on his racist videos in the past and how he is now so if you want to blacklist it please blacklist #jstar 
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wigglebox · 6 years
Tags update
I’m introducing a new tag that I see other people do on their blogs! I’m adding a #not spn #notspn (both with a space and without because sometimes I’m on my phone and it’s just easier or just blogging too fast)
I’ll be reblogging a lot more SPN content but there will be an occasional not spn post but I want people who follow me only for SPN stuff to only see that :) 
Just an update! 
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wigglebox · 6 years
Other Social Media
Hello! I plan on staying on Tumblr as long as I can because it was my first real like -- fandom experience with anything. BUT here are some other places you can find me! 
Youtube, which I will start uploading to soon! 
I will reblog with a pillowfort link onec I get my code. I signed up just before they had a problem with the site. 
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wigglebox · 6 years
hello! as i’ve stated before i’m not leaving tumblr any time soon because i’m just not really enthusiastic about any other platform for a fandom but, if i wake up tomorrow and tumblr is on fire then there’s where you can find me:
twitter (f if you follow me, message me if you’re a mutual since we don’t always have the same url)
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wigglebox · 6 years
Jen’s Summer of Writing!
Hello! I’ve taken on some writing projects this summer, along with a desire to read a lot more. 
I’m currently finishing up my DeanCas mini bang, and starting to write my big bang! I’m also hoping to scratch out some short original stories.
I’m not taking a hiatus from tumblr but you might not see me on here as much as you have. I feel like when show goes into summer hibernation it’s a good time to be untethered and work on things I’ve been neglecting as I latch onto this site to read meta and crack theories. 
I’m also going to limit my time on here not only to lessen distraction, also because I know some people weren’t happy with the finale (I personally loved it!). Last time I saw a response like this I had lost my art motivation and still haven’t really been able to get it back. I don’t want that to happen with my writing. 
You might see a lot of queued posts from me, I will be on every day but limiting my time here as I try to crank out a good story for you all! 
You can also follow my writing blog where I go to light a fire under my ass. 
You can also check my twitter! 
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wigglebox · 6 years
I’m posting Infinity War things
It’s been two weekends, so I’m going to start posting it. 
I held off for a while with a lot of things in draft, so I’ll be posting them now!
You can tag #infinity war spoilers 
thank you guys! 
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wigglebox · 7 years
halloooo! i think i forgot to mention it here but i do have a writing/reading blog i retreat to for inspiration while i’m writing (which i’m currently doing)
you can follow it here if you’d like! 
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wigglebox · 7 years
Btw I’m chilling or at my writing blog while I work on my mini bang for deancas but I will be back tomorrow for scoobynatural you don’t understand how excited i am for that
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wigglebox · 7 years
hey guys! i’ll still be doing color prompts (you can still send them in <3) i just had a busy day yesterday since I’m going on a trip Friday but I’ll be chipping away at them! 
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wigglebox · 7 years
hello! i am in NC for some family stuff so i will continue color stuff when i get back!
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