#psa;; thus it has been decreed
adventures-written · 1 year
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Today we begin celebrating the powerful divine intervention on behalf of Queen Esther & Mordechai and the overturning of the wicked plot of Haman. To celebrate this defeat of evil, Jews and Christian’s around the world celebrate the festival of Purim!
This is the Hebrew month of Adar where there is an open Heaven to petition the Almighty for favor and divine intervention in our lives! Just as Mordechai discovered the wicked plot of Haman to annihilate the Jewish people, The Lord is exposing wicked plots of evil people and is turning the table’s against them.
Just as Esther called corporate 3 day fast before she approached the King, believers around the world have been fasting and praying and believing God for His miraculous divine intervention with the Psalm 64 Decree. Today and during this month the story of Esther and the defeat of Haman aligns with and converges with the Psalm 64 where the Lord SUDDENLY shoots His arrow to expose and defeat those who plot crimes and attack the innocent!
Today around the world we ask you to petition the Most High God to destroy all evil plots against the innocent and to turn the tables on the wicked.
We know that many of you have been fighting battles behind the scenes that no one knows about. And we as a Global community have been fighting against evil agendas that have oppressed the innocent. Now is the time for Complete Victory!
“The time approached for the king’s order and decree to be carried out, the day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to overpower them. But, as it turned out, the opposite took place — the Jews overpowered those who hated them. Thus, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, the Jews assembled in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Achashverosh to attack anyone who tried to do them harm; and no one was able to withstand them; because all the peoples were afraid of them.”
Esther 9:1-2 CJB
Thus says the Lord: “In a time of favor I have answered you; in a day of salvation I have helped you; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, to establish the land, to apportion the desolate heritages,”
Isaiah 49:8 ESV
“For thus says the Lord: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued, for I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children. I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh, and they shall be drunk with their own blood as with wine. Then all flesh shall know that I am the Lord your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”
Isaiah 49:25-26 ESV
“They support each other’s evil plans; they talk of hiding snares and ask, “Who would see them?” They search for ways to commit crimes, bringing their diligent search to completion when each of them has thought it through in the depth of his heart. Suddenly God shoots them down with an arrow, leaving them with wounds; their own tongues make them stumble. All who see them shake their heads. Everyone is awestruck — they acknowledge that it is God at work, they understand what he has done. The righteous will rejoice in Adonai; they will take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will exult.”
Tehillim (Psa) 64:6-11 CJB
credit to Radiant Israel
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dailychapel · 3 years
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God my Champion, embolden me with the power of Your Holy Spirit when I am tempted to fear. Please strengthen me, help me, and hold me up with Your righteous right hand. These circumstances will not prevail against me, for You champion my cause. These troubles will be like grass that withers in the heat of the sun, for Your hand of blessing rests on me. Amen.
[Psa 18:2-16 NKJV] 2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 3 I will call upon the LORD, [who is worthy] to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies. 4 The pangs of death surrounded me, And the floods of ungodliness made me afraid. 5 The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me. 6 In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry came before Him, [even] to His ears. 7 Then the earth shook and trembled; The foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken, Because He was angry. 8 Smoke went up from His nostrils, And devouring fire from His mouth; Coals were kindled by it. 9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down With darkness under His feet. 10 And He rode upon a cherub, and flew; He flew upon the wings of the wind. 11 He made darkness His secret place; His canopy around Him [was] dark waters [And] thick clouds of the skies. 12 From the brightness before Him, His thick clouds passed with hailstones and coals of fire. 13 The LORD thundered from heaven, And the Most High uttered His voice, Hailstones and coals of fire. 14 He sent out His arrows and scattered the foe, Lightnings in abundance, and He vanquished them. 15 Then the channels of the sea were seen, The foundations of the world were uncovered At Your rebuke, O LORD, At the blast of the breath of Your nostrils. 16 He sent from above, He took me; He drew me out of many waters.
[Jer 5:1-31 NKJV] 1 "Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem; See now and know; And seek in her open places If you can find a man, If there is [anyone] who executes judgment, Who seeks the truth, And I will pardon her. 2 Though they say, '[As] the LORD lives,' Surely they swear falsely." 3 O LORD, [are] not Your eyes on the truth? You have stricken them, But they have not grieved; You have consumed them, But they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than rock; They have refused to return. 4 Therefore I said, "Surely these [are] poor. They are foolish; For they do not know the way of the LORD, The judgment of their God. 5 I will go to the great men and speak to them, For they have known the way of the LORD, The judgment of their God." But these have altogether broken the yoke [And] burst the bonds. 6 Therefore a lion from the forest shall slay them, A wolf of the deserts shall destroy them; A leopard will watch over their cities. Everyone who goes out from there shall be torn in pieces, Because their transgressions are many; Their backslidings have increased. 7 "How shall I pardon you for this? Your children have forsaken Me And sworn by [those that are] not gods. When I had fed them to the full, Then they committed adultery And assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses. 8 They were [like] well-fed lusty stallions; Every one neighed after his neighbor's wife. 9 Shall I not punish [them] for these [things]?" says the LORD. "And shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this? 10 "Go up on her walls and destroy, But do not make a complete end. Take away her branches, For they [are] not the LORD's. 11 For the house of Israel and the house of Judah Have dealt very treacherously with Me," says the LORD. 12 They have lied about the LORD, And said, "[It is] not He. Neither will evil come upon us, Nor shall we see sword or famine. 13 And the prophets become wind, For the word [is] not in them. Thus shall it be done to them." 14 Therefore thus says the LORD God of hosts: "Because you speak this word, Behold, I will make My words in your mouth fire, And this people wood, And it shall devour them. 15 Behold, I will bring a nation against you from afar, O house of Israel," says the LORD. "It [is] a mighty nation, It [is] an ancient nation, A nation whose language you do not know, Nor can you understand what they say. 16 Their quiver [is] like an open tomb; They [are] all mighty men. 17 And they shall eat up your harvest and your bread, [Which] your sons and daughters should eat. They shall eat up your flocks and your herds; They shall eat up your vines and your fig trees; They shall destroy your fortified cities, In which you trust, with the sword. 18 "Nevertheless in those days," says the LORD, "I will not make a complete end of you. 19 "And it will be when you say, 'Why does the LORD our God do all these [things] to us?' then you shall answer them, 'Just as you have forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your land, so you shall serve aliens in a land [that is] not yours.' 20 "Declare this in the house of Jacob And proclaim it in Judah, saying, 21 'Hear this now, O foolish people, Without understanding, Who have eyes and see not, And who have ears and hear not: 22 Do you not fear Me?' says the LORD. 'Will you not tremble at My presence, Who have placed the sand as the bound of the sea, By a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass beyond it? And though its waves toss to and fro, Yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot pass over it. 23 But this people has a defiant and rebellious heart; They have revolted and departed. 24 They do not say in their heart, "Let us now fear the LORD our God, Who gives rain, both the former and the latter, in its season. He reserves for us the appointed weeks of the harvest." 25 Your iniquities have turned these [things] away, And your sins have withheld good from you. 26 'For among My people are found wicked [men]; They lie in wait as one who sets snares; They set a trap; They catch men. 27 As a cage is full of birds, So their houses [are] full of deceit. Therefore they have become great and grown rich. 28 They have grown fat, they are sleek; Yes, they surpass the deeds of the wicked; They do not plead the cause, The cause of the fatherless; Yet they prosper, And the right of the needy they do not defend. 29 Shall I not punish [them] for these [things]?' says the LORD. 'Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?' 30 "An astonishing and horrible thing Has been committed in the land: 31 The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule by their [own] power; And My people love [to have it] so. But what will you do in the end?
[1Co 4:1-21 NKJV] 1 Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. 4 For I know of nothing against myself, yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one's praise will come from God. 6 Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other. 7 For who makes you differ [from another]? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive [it], why do you boast as if you had not received [it]? 8 You are already full! You are already rich! You have reigned as kings without us--and indeed I could wish you did reign, that we also might reign with you! 9 For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. 10 We [are] fools for Christ's sake, but you [are] wise in Christ! We [are] weak, but you [are] strong! You [are] distinguished, but we [are] dishonored! 11 To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. 12 And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; 13 being defamed, we entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now. 14 I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn [you]. 15 For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet [you do] not [have] many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. 16 Therefore I urge you, imitate me. 17 For this reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church. 18 Now some are puffed up, as though I were not coming to you. 19 But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills, and I will know, not the word of those who are puffed up, but the power. 20 For the kingdom of God [is] not in word but in power. 21 What do you want? Shall I come to you with a rod, or in love and a spirit of gentleness?
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
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madewithonerib · 4 years
The Providence of GOD | Thomas Watson
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A: GOD's works of providence are the acts of HIS most      holy, wise, & powerful government of HIS creatures,      & of their actions.
     Of the work of GOD's providence CHRIST says,      MY FATHER works hitherto & I work.' John 5:17.
     GOD has rested from the works of creation, HE does      not create any new species of things.
     HE rested from all HIS works;' Genesis 2:2; & therefore      it must needs be meant of HIS works of providence:
        MY FATHER works & I work.' HIS Kingdom rules over         all;' Psalm 103:19; i.e., HIS providential Kingdom.
    Now, for the clearing of this point, I shall -
��   I.] Show you that there is a providence.     2.] What that providence is; &     3.] Lay down some maxims or propositions concerning          the providence of GOD.
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I. That there is a providence.
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There is no such thing as blind fate, but there is a providence that guides & governs the world. The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD.' Proverbs 16:63.
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II. What this providence is.
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I answer, Providence is GOD's ordering all issues & events of things, after the counsel of his will, to his own glory.
[1] I call providence GOD's ordering things, to distinguish it from his decrees. GOD's decree ordains things that shall fall out, GOD's providence orders them.
[2] I call providence the ordering of things after the counsel of GOD's will.
[3] GOD orders all events of things, after the counsel of his will, to his own glory, his glory being the ultimate end of all his actings, & the centre where all the lines of providence meet. The providence of GOD is Regina mundi, the queen & governess of the world': it is the eye that sees, & the hand that turns all the wheels in the universe. GOD is not like an artificer that builds a house, & then leaves it, but like a pilot he steers the ship of the whole creation.
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III. Propositions about GOD's providence.
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[1] GOD's providence reaches to all places, persons, & occurrences. [1.] To all places. Amos I a GOD at hand, & not a GOD afar off?' Jeremiah 23:33. The diocese where Providence visits is very large; it reaches to heaven, earth, & sea. They that go down to the sea, see the wonders of GOD in the deep.' Psa 107:73, 24. Now, that the sea, which is higher than the earth, should not drown the earth, is a wonder of Providence. The prophet Jonah saw the wonders of GOD in the deep, when the very fish which devoured him & swallowed him brought him safe to shore. [2.] GOD's providence reaches to all persons, especially the persons of the godly, who in a special manner are taken notice of. GOD takes care of every saint in particular, as if he had none else to care for. He careth for you,' I Pet 5:5, i.e., the elect in a special manner. The eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him; to preserve them from death, & to keep them alive in famine.' Psa 33:18, I9. GOD by his providential care shields off dangers from his people, & sets a life-guard of angels about them. Psa 34:4. GOD's providence keeps the very bones of the saints. Psa 34:40. It bottles their tears. Psa 56:6. It strengthens the saints in their weakness. Heb 11:14. It supplies all their wants out of its alms basket. Psa 23:3. Thus Providence wonderfully supplies the wants of the elect. When the Protestants in Rochelle were besieged by the French king, GOD by his providence sent a great number of small fishes to feed them, such as were never seen before in that haven. So the raven, that unnatural creature [that will hardly feed its own young], providentially brought sustenance to the prophet Elijah. I Kings 17:7. The Virgin Mary, through bearing & bringing forth the Messiah, helped to make the world rich, yet she herself was very poor; & now, being warned of the angel to go into Egypt, Matthew 2:13, she had scarce enough to bear her charges thither; but see how GOD provides for her beforehand. By his providence he sends wise men from the east, who bring costly gifts, gold, myrrh, & frankincense, & present them to CHRIST; & now she has enough to defray her charges into Egypt. GOD's children sometimes scarce know how they are fed, except that providence feeds them. Verily YOU shalt be fed.' Psa 37:7. If GOD will give his people a kingdom when they die, he will not deny them daily bread while they live. [3.] GOD's providence reaches to all affairs & occurrences in the world. There is nothing that stirs in the world but GOD has, by his providence, the over-ruling of it. Is it the raising of a man to honour? Psa 75:5. He puts down one, & raises up another. Success & victory in battle is the result of providence. Saul had the victory, but GOD wrought the salvation. I Sam 11:13. That among all virgins brought before the king, Esther should find favour in the eyes of the king, was not without GOD's special providence; for, by this means, the LORD saved the Jews alive that were destined to destruction. Providence reaches to the least of things, to birds & ants. Providence feeds the young raven, when the dam forsakes it, & will give it no food. Psa 147:7. Providence reaches to the very hairs of our head. The hairs of your head are all numbered.' Matthew 10:00. Surely if providence reaches to our hairs, much more to our souls. Thus you have seen that GOD's providence reaches to all places, to all persons, to all occurrences & affairs. Now there are two objections against this doctrine.
Some say, There are many things done in the world which are very disorderly & irregular; & surely GOD's providence is not in these things.
Yes, the things that seem to us irregular, GOD makes use of to his own glory. Suppose you were in a smith's shop, & should see there several sorts of tools, some crooked, some bowed, others hooked, would you condemn all these things, because they do not look handsome? The smith makes use of them all for doing his work. Thus it is with the providences of GOD; they seem to us to be very crooked & strange, yet they all carry on GOD's work. I shall make this clear to you in two particular cases.
GOD's people are sometimes low. It seems to be out of order that they who are best should be in the lowest condition; but there is much wisdom in this providence, as appears thus: 1. Perhaps the hearts of the godly were lifted up with riches, or with success; now GOD comes with a humbling providence to afflict them & fleece them. Better is the loss that makes them humble than the success that makes them proud. Again.2. If the godly were not sometimes afflicted, & suffered an eclipse in their outward comforts, how could their graces be seen, especially their faith & patience? If it were always sunshine we should see no stars; so if we should have always prosperity, it would be hard to see the acting of men's faith. Thus you see GOD's providences are wise & regular, though to us they seem very strange & crooked.
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Here is another case.
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The wicked flourish.
This seems to be very much out of order; but GOD, in HIS providence, sees good sometimes that the worst of men should be exalted; that they may do some work for GOD, though it be against their will. [Isaiah 10:0]
GOD will be in no man's debt.
HE makes use of the wicked sometimes to protect & shield HIS Church; & sometimes to refine & purify it.
Thou have ordained them for correction. [Hab 1:12]
As if the prophet had said,
    Thou have ordained the wicked to correct YOUR children.
Indeed, as Augustine says well,
    We are beholden to wicked men, who against their     wills do us good,' As the corn is beholden to the     flail to thresh off its husks, or as the iron is beholden     to the file to brighten it, so the godly are beholden to     the wicked, though it be against their will, to brighten     & refine their graces.
Now, then, if the wicked do GOD's own work, though against their will, HE will not let them be losers by it; HE will raise them in the world, & give them a full cup of earthly comforts.
Thus you see those providences are wise & regular, which to us seem strange & crooked.
But, some may say, if GOD has a hand in ordering all things that fall out, HE has a hand in the sins of men.
I answer, No, by no means, he has no hand in any man's sin.
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        GOD cannot go contrary to HIS own nature,         HE cannot do any unholy action, any more         than the sun can be said to be darkened.
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Here you must take heed of two things; as you must take heed of making GOD ignorant of men's sins, so you must take heed of making GOD to have a hand in men's sins.
       ●  Is it likely that GOD is the author of sin, & the avenger of it?
       ●  Is it a likely thing that GOD should make a law against sin,             & then have a hand in breaking HIS own law?
GOD in HIS providence permits men's sins.
HE suffered all nations to walk in their own ways. [Acts 14:16]
      GOD permitted their sin, which HE never would,       if HE could not bring good out of it.
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Had not sin been permitted, GOD's justice in punishing sin, & HIS mercy in pardoning sin, had not been so well known.
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      The LORD is pleased to permit it,       but HE has no hand in sin.
      But is it not said that GOD hardened Pharaoh's heart?       Here is more than barely permitting sin.
      GOD does not infuse evil into men, HE withdraws the       influence of HIS graces, & then the heart hardens of itself;
      even as the light being withdrawn, darkness presently       follows in the air; but it were absurd to say, that therefore       the light darkens the air; & therefore you will observe,       that Pharaoh is said to harden his own heart.       [Exodus 8:85]
      GOD is the cause of no man's sin.
It is true GOD has a hand in the action where sin is, but no hand in the sin of the action.
A man may play upon a jarring instrument, but the jarring is from itself; so here, the actions of men, so far as they are natural, are from GOD; but
            so far as they are sinful, they are from men             themselves, & GOD has no hand at all in them.
So much for the first position, that GOD's providence reaches to all places, to all persons, & to all occurrences.
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[2] A second proposition is, that providences,        which are casual & accidental to us, are        pre-determined by the LORD.
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    The falling of a tile upon one's head, the breaking out     of a fire, is casual to us, but it is ordered by a     providence of GOD.
    You have a clear instance of this in [I Kings 22:24]
    A certain man drew a bow at a venture, & smote the     king of Israel between the joints of the harness.'
    This accident was casual as to the man that drew the     bow; but it was divinely ordered by the providence of GOD.
        GOD's providence directed         the arrow to hit the mark.
    Things that seem to fall out casual, & by chance, are     the issues of GOD's decrees, & the interpretation of HIS will.
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[3] GOD's providence is greatly to be observed, but we are not to make it the rule of our actions.
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    Whoso is wise will observe these things. [Psalm 107:73]
    It is good to observe providence, but we must     not make it our rule to walk by.
    Providence is a Christian's diary, but not his BIBLE.
    Sometimes a bad cause prevails & gets ground;     but it is not to be liked because it prevails.
    We must not think the better of what is sinful, because     it is successful. This is no rule for our actions to be directed by.
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[4] Divine providence is irresistible.
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    There is no standing in the way of GOD's providence to hinder it.
    When GOD's time was come for Joseph's release, the     prison could hold him no longer.
    The king sent & loosed him. [Psalm 105:50]
    When GOD would indulge the Jews with liberty in their religion,     Cyrus, by a providence, puts forth a proclamation to encourage     the Jews to go & build their temple at Jerusalem, & worship GOD.     [Ezra 1:1, 3]
    If GOD will shield & protect Jeremiah's person in captivity,     the very king of Babylon shall nurse up the prophet, & give     charge concerning him that he wants nothing.     [Jeremiah 39:11, 12]
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[5] GOD is to be trusted when HIS providences        seem to run contrary to HIS promises.
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    GOD promised to give David the crown, to make HIM king;     but providence ran contrary to his promise.
    David was pursued by Saul, & was in danger of his life,     but all this while it was David's duty to trust GOD.
    Pray observe, that the LORD by cross providences often     brings to pass HIS promise.
    GOD promised Paul the lives of all that were with HIM in     the ship; but the providence of GOD seemed to run quite     contrary to HIS promise, for the winds blew, the ship split     & broke in pieces.
    Thus GOD fulfilled HIS promise; upon the broken pieces     of the ship they all came safe to shore.
    Trust GOD when providences seem to     run quite contrary to promises.
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[6] The providences of GOD are chequer-work,        they are intermingled.
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    In the life to come there shall be no more mixture; in hell     there will be nothing but bitter; in heaven nothing but sweet;     but in this life the providences of GOD are mixed, there is     something of the sweet in them, & something of the bitter.
    Providences are just like Israel's pillar of cloud, that conducted     them in their march, which was dark on one side & light on the other.
    In the ark were laid up the rod & manna, so are GOD's     providences to his children; there is something of the rod &     something of the manna; so that we may say with David,     I will sing of mercy & judgement.
    When Joseph was in prison there was the dark side of     the cloud; but GOD was with Joseph, there was the     light side of the cloud.
    Asher's shoes were of brass, but his feet were dipped in oil.     [Deuteronomy 33:34]
    So affliction is the shoe of brass that pinches; but there     is mercy mingled with the affliction, for there is the foot     dipped in oil.
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[7] The same action, as it comes from GOD's        providence, may be good, & as it comes        from men may be evil.
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For instance, Joseph being sold into Egypt by his brethren was evil, very wicked, for it was the fruit of their envy; but as it was an act of GOD's providence it was good; for by this means Jacob & all his family were preserved alive in Egypt. Another instance is in Shimei's cursing David. Shimei cursed David, it was wicked & sinful, for it was the fruit of his malice; but as his cursing was ordered by GOD's providence, it was an act of GOD's justice to punish David, & to humble him for his adultery & murder. As the crucifying of CHRIST came from the Jews, it was an act of hatred & malice to CHRIST; & Judas's betraying him was an act of covetousness; but as each was an act of GOD's providence, so there was good in it; for it was an act of GOD's love in giving CHRIST to die for the world. Thus I have made clear to you the doctrine of GOD's providence in these several positions.
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Let me now speak something by way of application.
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Use one: By way of exhortation in these particulars.
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[1.] Admire GOD's providence.
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The providence of GOD keeps the whole creation upon the wheels, or else it would soon be dissolved, & the very axletree would break in pieces. If GOD's providence should be withdrawn but for a while, creatures would be dissolved, & run into their first nothing. Without this wise providence of GOD there would be anxiety & confusion in the whole world, just like an army when it is routed & scattered. The providence of GOD infuses comfort & virtue into everything we enjoy. Our clothes would not warm us, our food would not nourish us, without the special providence of GOD. And does not all this deserve your admiration of providence?
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[2.] Learn quietly to submit to divine providence.
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Do not murmur at things that are ordered by divine wisdom. We may no more find fault with the works of providence than we may with the works of creation. It is a sin as much to quarrel with GOD's providence as to deny his providence. If men do not act as we would have them, they shall act as GOD would have them. His providence is his master-wheel that turns these lesser wheels, & GOD will bring his glory out of all at last. I was dumb & opened not my mouth, because YOU didst it.' Psa 39:9. It may be, we think sometimes we could order things better if we had the government of the world in our hands; but alas! should we be left to our own choice we should choose those things that are hurtful for us. David earnestly desired the life of his child, which was the fruit of his sin, but had the child lived it would have been a perpetual monument of his shame. Let us be content that GOD should rule the world; learn to acquiesce in his will, & submit to his providence. Does any affliction befall you? Remember GOD sees it is that which is fit for you, or it would not come. Your clothes cannot be so fit for you as your crosses. GOD's providence may sometimes be secret, but it is always wise; & though we may not be silent under GOD's dishonour, yet we should learn to be silent under his displeasure.
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[3.] You are Christians, believe that all GOD's       providence shall conspire for your good at last.
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The providences of GOD are sometimes dark, & our eyes dim, & we can hardly tell what to make of them; but when we cannot unriddle providence, let us believe that it will work together for the good of the elect. Romans 8:88. The wheels in a clock seem to move contrary one to the other, but they help forward the motion of the clock, & make the larum strike: so the providences of GOD seem to be cross wheels; but for all that, they shall carry on the good of the elect. The pricking of a vein is in itself evil & hurtful; but as it prevents a fever, & tends to the health of the patient, it is good; so affliction in itself is not joyous, but grievous; but the LORD turns it to the good of his saints. Poverty shall starve their sins, & afflictions shall prepare them for a kingdom. Therefore, Christians, believe that GOD loves you, & that he will make the most cross providences to promote his glory & your good.
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[4.] Let it be an antidote against immoderate fear, that       nothing comes to pass but what is ordained by       GOD's decree, & ordered by HIS providence.
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We sometimes fear what the issue of things will be, when men grow high in their actings; but let us not make things worse by our fear. Men are limited in their power, & cannot go one hair's breadth further than GOD's providence permits. He might let Sennacherib's army march towards Jerusalem, but he shall not shoot one arrow against it. Then the angel of the LORD went forth & smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred & fourscore & five thousand.' Isaiah 37:76. When Israel was encompassed between Pharaoh & the Red Sea, no question, some of their hearts began to tremble, & they looked upon themselves as dead men; but Providence so ordered it, that the sea was a safe passage to Israel, & a sepulchre to Pharaoh & all his host.
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[5.] Let the merciful providence of GOD cause thankfulness.
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We are kept alive by a wonderful-working Providence.
Providence makes our clothes to warm us, & our meat to nourish us.
We are fed every day out of the alms-basket of GOD's providence.
That we are in health, that we have an estate, is not our diligence, but GOD's providence.
Thou shalt remember the LORD YOUR GOD, for HE it is that gives thee power to get wealth. [Deuteronomy 8:18]
Especially if we go a step higher, we may see cause for thankfulness, that we were born & bred in a GOSPEL land, & that we live in such a place where the Sun of Righteousness shines, which is a signal providence.
Why might we not have been born in such places where Paganism prevails?
That CHRIST should make himself known to us, & touch our hearts with HIS SPIRIT, when he passes by others; whence is this but from the miraculous providence of GOD, which is the effect of HIS free grace?
Use two: Comfort in respect of the Church of GOD.
GOD's providence reaches in a more special manner to HIS Church.
Sing you unto her, A vineyard of red wine. [Isaiah 27:7]
GOD waters this vineyard with HIS blessings, & watches over it by HIS providence.
I the LORD keep it night & day.
Such as think totally to ruin the Church, must do it in a time when it is neither day nor night, for the LORD keeps it by HIS providence night & day.
What a miraculous conduct of Providence had Israel!
GOD led them by a pillar of fire, gave them manna from Heaven, & water from the rock.
GOD by HIS providence preserves HIS Church in the midst of enemies; a spark kept alive in the ocean, or a flock of sheep among wolves.
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GOD saves HIS Church strangely.
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    [1.] By giving unexpected mercies to HIS Church,           when she looked for nothing but ruin.
          When the LORD turned the captivity of Zion,           we were like them that dream.' [Psalm 126:6]
          How strangely did GOD raise up Queen Esther           to preserve alive the Jews, when Haman had           got a bloody warrant signed for their execution!
    [2.] Strangely, by saving in that very way in which           we think HE will destroy.
          GOD works sometimes by contraries.
          HE raises HIS Church by bringing it low.
          The blood of the martyrs has watered the Church,           & made it more fruitful. [Exodus 1:12]
          The more they afflicted them the more they multiplied.
          The Church is like that plant which Gregory Nazianzen           speaks of, it lives by dying, & grows by cutting.
    [3.] Strangely, in that HE makes the enemy to do HIS work.
          When the people of Ammon & Moab & Mount Seir came           against Judah, GOD set the enemy one against another.
          The children of Ammon & Moab stood up against them           of Mount Seir to slay them; & when they had made an           end of the inhabitants of Seir,
          every one helped to destroy another.' [2 Chronicles 20:03]
          In the powder treason HE made the traitors to be their           own betrayers. GOD can do HIS work by the enemy's hand.
          GOD made the Egyptians send away the people of Israel           laden with jewels. [Exodus 12:26]
              The Church is the apple of GOD's eye, &               the eyelid of HIS providence daily covers               & defends it.
          Use three:
          See here, that which may make us long for the time           when the great mystery of GOD's providence shall           be fully unfolded to us.
          Now we scarce know what to make of GOD's providence,           & are ready to censure what we do not understand;           but in Heaven we shall see how all HIS providences           [sickness, losses, sufferings] contributed to our salvation.
          Here we see but some dark pieces of GOD's providence,           & it is impossible to judge of HIS works by pieces; but           when we come to heaven, & see the full body & portrait           of HIS providence drawn out into its lively colours, it will           be glorious to behold.
          Then we shall see how all GOD's providences            helped to fulfil HIS promises.
          There is no providence but we shall see            a wonder or a mercy in it.
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cryptodictation · 4 years
EU car registrations drop less than half in March due to coronavirus | Economy
Entrance to a dealer in Colmenar Viejo.SANTI BURGOS / EL PAÍS
The registrations of cars (passenger cars and SUVs) in the EU plummeted 55.1% in the month of March, from 1.26 million vehicles to 567,308, as reported on Friday by the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA , for its acronym in English). The decline was greater in large markets, which in turn are the most affected by the advance of the coronavirus, with falls of 85% in Italy, 72% in France or 69% in Spain. With the advance of the covid-19 pandemic, the vast majority of European dealerships have been closed for the second half of the month, making it possible to forecast an even worse April.
As reported by the European manufacturers association, which describes the drop in registrations as “dramatic”, “with the containment measures in force in most markets since mid-month, the vast majority of dealerships were closed for the second half of March ”. Thus, just under 600,000 units were sold, compared to 1.26 million in the same period of the previous year.
If the photograph is enlarged to include the entire continent, not just the 27 EU countries, the image does not change too much. Incorporating those from the United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, 853,077 cars were registered, a reduction of 51.8% compared to 1.77 million a year earlier.
Thus, the data for the first quarter show very negative comparisons compared to the same period in 2019. In the EU, 2.48 million cars were put on the street in the first three months, compared to 3.33 in the first section of 2019 , 25.6% less. The March collapse of 55% has been added to the falls of 7.5% and 7.4% registered in the first two months.
There was a drop in registrations in all European markets, with Italy leading the way. The country that suffered the most deaths from the pandemic and the one that registered the first cases registered 28,326 cars in March, 85.4% less than in March 2019, with which the quarterly figures show a drop of 35%, the highest of the continent. France is behind, with a reduction in March of 72.2%, to 62,668 units, and 34.1% in the quarter. Next, Spain, with a monthly reduction of 69.3% and a quarterly reduction of 31%. In the United Kingdom, one of the countries that later decreed the confinement of its population, sales fell 44.4% to 254,684 units, while Germany lost 37.7% in March.
The country with the lowest drop is Finland, with 0.9%, while the one that has maintained more relaxed confinement measures, Sweden, reduced its registrations in March by 8.6%. Only Cyprus and Lithuania grew slightly in the first quarter of the year.
The brands do not show positive data either. Volkswagen, the best-selling brand, placed 98,219 passenger cars and SUVs on the street, 47.5% less. It was followed by Mercedes-Benz, with 55,473 units (-36.8%) and BMW, with 55,041 units (-40.5%). Audi, with 51,398 units (-43.8%) and Yoyota, with 48,254 units (-36.6%), completed the top five positions.
Opening plans
In addition to the dealerships, which have remained closed, the drop in demand has also caused the paralysis of almost all production plants, which little by little, as the countries contain the outbreak, begin to plan openings. For example, the workers on the first shift of the Renault factory in Seville, where the gearboxes are manufactured, have returned to work this Friday within the schedule set by the management to recover activity after the application of a temporary employment regulation file (ERTE) due to the coronavirus crisis, among security measures such as the use of face masks and temperature taking.
The PSA Group plant in Vigo has also drawn up a protocol for preventive measures with a view to gradually restarting its activity, which has not yet a defined date. The protocol includes thermal imaging cameras at the entrances to take the temperature of the 7,000 employees, or the distribution of masks. The protocol has been described as “rigorous and demanding” by its head of human resources, Pedro María Rodríguez.
In addition, the factory management has agreed to include in the temporary employment regulation (ERTE) file that negotiates with the unions also permanent staff with part-time contracts, according to company sources. Until now, it only contemplated including full-time permanent staff.
Also the Nissan plant in Los Corrales de Buelna (Cantabria) will resume industrial activity on April 27, with a small percentage of staff that will operate two smelter lines to meet the few orders expected to arrive by that date.
The American Ford, meanwhile, has reported that “probably” will resume activity in Germany on May 4.
Due to the exceptional circumstances, EL PAÍS is offering all its digital content for free. Information regarding the coronavirus will remain open as long as the severity of the crisis persists.
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from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/04/17/eu-car-registrations-drop-less-than-half-in-march-due-to-coronavirus-economy/
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; So some stuff has happened and I need to just say upfront.
I ship plantcest.
If that's a problem with you, please unfollow/block and get the heck outta here.
Don't be a dick to people who are just being a safe space.
And instead of jumping to conclusions, why don't we talk like adults? Oh, I forgot, this whole thing is like high school. Grow up kids :)
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; Hey guys. Just poking in here to say I'm going to be working on my blog this week updating rules and such. I might go 'private' for a bit, which would just mean I'm only going to interact with those I currently am mutuals with (this includes muns with side blogs that I've interacted with). This will be temporary until I feel comfy again.
Ask box will always be open to anyone, but won't necessarily result in threads with people I don't follow.
I may also drop some threads/clear stuff out to start fresh. Anything I have muse for I'll keep. But I'm always open to new plots and things so just because something is dropped does not mean I don't want to do anything with you!
Anyway, I'll update more as I get rules and stuff down.
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; So some IRL stuff is happening that might make me a bit scarce or focused on smaller things for a bit. I did finish all of my drafts and queued them up. I have some ask prompts to tackle, but I am not sure if I will manage to get through them before my activity comes and goes. 
That being said, please feel free to send in prompts or poke the muses as those will be the things that have my attention the most when I can get on.
All my drafts are in the queue and should post 4 drafts per day and then 4 other items (art, prompts, etc). I queued 8 things/day for the next week or so in total. I didn’t want to just spam with my drafts and I also wanted to ensure I had some spacing between their postings. They are in no particular order so I apologize if something you wanted is towards the end of the queue.
I can’t discuss what’s going on, but don’t worry I’m safe. Just super stressed out.
Hoping to try and be on either way, but this is a just in case measure I decided to take.
As always, have fun and poke the beans if you so wish! <3
I will probably schedule this post for the day crowed too.
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; I was going to be here to try and work on my drafts but I’m not sure now. There’s some hate bouncing around because people can’t be adults or talk apparently. I’m not sure what I wanna do so I’m just gunna keep being quiet until the hate dies down or I make a new blog or whatever.
Discord is available to mutuals and I’m always lurking on mobile anyway if anyone wants to talk.
Hiatus status officially active. Should make some anons happy.
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adventures-written · 1 year
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Just a friendly reminder that my Knives does NOT like any other version of himself or Vash. Stampede Vash, fine, perfect. Another Stampede version of him? Perhaps we could work together.
Manga Knives, Manga Vash, 98 Knives, 98 Vash....
All of them he dislikes no matter where they are in their series and feels they are inferior to the Stampede counterparts. ESPECIALLY end manga!Knives/Vash.
So you have been warned if you approach him as such cause he will not be happy. x’D
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; I went through my inbox and cleared everything out (except for one positivity thing) to start fresh. So please feel free to send things to the ask box.
I’m going to try and get myself organized tonight with drafts and figure out what I want to keep and what I want to drop. Always open to new plots if things get dropped. I will likely be queueing everything as, with how busy work is, I likely won’t be able to get on as frequently as I would like to.
Just a small update as to where I’m sitting at with coming back right now.
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; Life’s gotten pretty hectic so my semi-hiatus activity might actually become a reality. I will be slow with replies, but I’m always lurking so poke the DMs! Sorry for the short notice, but there’s a lot of moving parts over the next few weeks so I’m not sure how much I will get on! I hope you’ll still be here when things calm down vwv
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; I’m not getting notifications for Reblogs! So if you respond to a thread for now, can you please @ me so I hopefully don’t miss it! I caught 3 threads so far that I wasn’t getting notifications for!
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; A quick PSA
If you wanna send me 1 promot, cool. If ypu wanna send me 10 prompts? Also cool! Send as many as you want cause prompts are my favorite thing and I love getting creative with them! There is never a limit!
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; How do personal blogs think it’s OK to reblog RPs? That’s grounds for an instant block friend. DO NOT REBLOG MY RPs UNLESS YOU ARE APART OF THEM!
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; Before I forget, this week is gunna be another weird one where I may or may not be on a whole lot. I will probably be quite tired most days too. Hoping these issues get resolved soon...
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