#prussia headcannons
bee-arts · 2 years
I love the in universe memes you make, they’re some of the best imo <3
Thank you! You know how people are always saying "your comments give me life!" Or someone along those lines? It's so true. Literally all my motivation comes from others enjoying my memes.
Ngl, I've been having meme block, which is like art block for memes.
I need ideas. I want your headcannons people. Your ideas. Gimme those thoughts.
Seriously, the ask box is open. I will make you memes catered to your headcannon.
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thirdlotusprince3 · 2 years
Hetalia Christmas Poll
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paperuniverse · 2 years
I need Nations Reality headcannons plz
Absolutely anon
Germany for some reason takes the place of Prussia in a lot of wars and battles in the show. Gilbert complains about this on his Twitter. Constantly
There’s an entire episode about how when Austria and Spain were married that it was a loveless marriage and they hated each other. Antonio and Roderich react by kissing on a live television interview
Netflix announces the first season will be about North America. There are ten episodes, seven about the US, one about Canada and the US, one about Mexico, and one about Canada. Mathew and Mexico themselves is pissed
Gilbert watches the episode of Germany being created. It’s full of inaccuracies. He cries anyways
The episode about the Cold War pisses everyone off, one side says it’s too gay, the other says queer baiting. It ends up getting banned in Russia
Francis made sure he was depicted as queer in the series, he threatened to do everything from sue them for defamation to breaking into their head office. It fucking worked
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I can ask for headcanons of the reaction of Spain, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Prussia, to the fact that Prussia adopted a girl who was a Latin nation that Spain conquered only because the amazing boy prussia seemed tender to her?
Antonio Fernández Carriedo (SPAIN), Ludwig Beilschmidt (GERMANY), Roderich Edelstein (AUSTRIA), Elizabeta Héderváry (HUNGARY), and  Gilbert Beilschmidt (PRUSSIA) REACTION TO PRUSSIA ADOPTED LATIN NATION FROM SPAIN
A/N: Hey there @chiless. I hope you like the final result because if I had to be honest. I don't have any knowledge of Latin History and I have never written this kind of Headcannon.
Gender: Neutral
Warning: Profanities
Antonio Fernández Carriedo - Spain
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Poor Boy was jealous when his own buddy got all chummy with you, the personification of Latin because he was the one who had taken care of you.
The first time, he would not let Prussia get close to you because he believed he was capable more of taking care of you than him since he believes he has more capability (I mean he takes care of Romano).
But that doesn't mean he would not let his own best friend interact with you because once he sees how tender Prussia is with Latin. He realizes Prussia is reliable.
When the two of you bond better, he starts to trust Prussia more to take care of you because he sees how gentle and caring he is despite Prussia being very reckless.
Sometimes, he would let Prussia be your babysitter when he is really busy, especially when he is overworking to pay the debt (but still doesn't trust him completely).
He also remembers Prussia taking care of Ludwig when he was younger so he knows Prussia can be a great brother or caretaker for you.
However, if Prussia actually did mess up and if he sees any small injury. He would actually pick a fight with Prussia despite the two of them being buddies.
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Antonio could not believe his own eyes as he was running around to look for you, the personification of Latin. But let's recap what was happening before this happened. It was Saturday in the afternoon around 2 o'clock. Antonio has a stack of files given by his boss and it has to be finished today or he will get an even larger stack of files that need to be done.
He could not help but sigh before he crouched down right in front of Latin with a sad smile on his face. As the personification and the new country, you did not understand why your older brother looked as if he was sad but trying to smile for you "My dear Hermano (Sister/brother), I am sorry that I cannot play with you for today. The boss wants me to finish all of my job. You can play outside and play with Romano," he patted your head.
Of course, hearing this makes you a little bit sad because you could not hang out with your brother. He has been really busy lately and it is as if he has no time for you. "Okay, I will play with Romano," the little you nodded before running out of the room. But you know Romano can be mean, you don't really want to be yelled at by your brother Romano so you got out of the house to play outside.
Your little feet carry you to the wilderness where you can see all the small critters and insects and have a little adventure near the house. Nevertheless, you did not realize someone was spying on you. The person following you with a sword in their hand and a grin on his face, the old man getting closer and closer to you as your back facing the dangerous man.
Before the man could swing the sword to you, a scream could be heard but it doesn't sound familiar to you. It sounds rough and deep with the heavy laughter of 'Kesesese'. "Komm weg von dem kleinen Kind!(Get away from that little kid!) Or the avesome me going to kick jour ass!" The sound surprises you as you turn around.
A man with messy white hair, pale skin and a pair of red eyes like a ruby swung his sword at the man who was behind you. The older man quickly blocked his sword but it got yeeted away. The edge of your saviour's sword was pointed at the neck of the assassin who almost killed you. "Go avay from them/her/him," Prussia said. "....Finem you will regret this," the old man ran away,
Prussia then sheath his sword back with a smirk on his face, his hand gently tousling your hair. "Be careful next time, ja? Jou must be Latin, The avesome I am Prussia. Your brother's friend. Tell your brother vhat happened earlier. I'm sure he's looking for you."
Right after Prussia said those, you could hear your older brother's voice from far away and you turned around to see Spain with a worried face but it turned into a relief when he saw it was Prussia. "Ah Prussia, You found my younger sibling. Thank you so much for helping me find Latin. I was so worried," Spain trudges closer before his hand shaking with Prussia's hands. "It vas no problem. The avesome me will not let any danger get close to jour sibling."
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Ludwig Beilschmidt - Germany
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At first time when he sees his older brother adopting a little country from Latin, he thinks the older brother would mess it up and it would be a bad idea because he thinks he would be a bad influence.
But he also remembers when he was younger, Prussia also had taken care of him despite Prussia being kind of a lunatic brother and sometimes endangering himself.
So he would actually volunteer to take care of Latin. Usually, he would be the one who also takes the hardest part since he is disciplined despite being awkward.
Secretly, he's proud when he sees Prussia being all soft and gentle around Latin. He knows even though Prussia is loud and obnoxious, Prussia is a caring person deep inside.
But would also scold his older brother when Prussia is being reckless, muttering to himself who is actually the older brother in the family.
Ludwig helps him by preparing the necessities he needs to adopt Latin by preparing all kinds of foods, cleaning supplies and other necessities.
His heart is melting though when he sees Latin being all giggly and having fun with Prussia. This is until Prussia tries to drag Latin into some trouble. Then he will try to stop them
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After the incident of the bad guy trying to assassinate you, the clothes were dirty from the dust and a little bit of blood since you had fallen when Prussia was blocking the guy. Seeing your condition, Prussia could not help but sigh loudly while wiping the sweat on his forehead away. "Thank God that guy is gone for good, Vho was he?" Prussia asks Spain. "I'm not sure but I think it's those humans that try to steal the country's power," Spain shrugs.
The certain albino could not help but sigh loudly at Antonio's answer because he could be right and the old man would go back at any time so they needed to go back. "Spain, since my place is near. Jou and jour little bruder (brother)/schwester(sister) can stay at my place for a bit. (Y/N) can vear my Bruder's old clothes. I still have many of them and the avesome me think it could be a great idea to hide (Y/N) in my place." "Sure, that will be a great idea. Can you take care of Latin for a while? I think it will be safe," Spain gently pats your head "Kesesese, you can trust me," Prussia winks.
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A certain tall German man walked along the street and followed the light as the sky got darker. Twisting the doorknob open and pushing it away, he places the coat on the hanger as well as the hat before putting the shoes away. "Bruder, I'm back from the meeting," It was the younger brother of Prussia who had just gotten back from the world meeting.
As he turns around, he sees a little kid in the living room with his old clothes when he was younger. He could not believe his own eyes of what he just saw right now, his eyes blinking repeatedly before he rubbed his eyes with his hands. 'A little kid in this house. Don't tell me my dummkopf Bruder had knocked up some woman and made me take care of this kid,' His face went cold as this thought swarmed inside of him.
He was going to take a deep breath and call Gilbert but he could hear the sound of Gilbird chirping nearby and Prussia with all of his glory, came from the kitchen with a half-eaten toast in his hand. "Kesesese, my bruder just got home! And jou meet the avesome latin!"Prussia exclaimed as he put the toast away. "Bruder! Don't tell me you kidnapped Spain's bruder /schwester! Spain is going to be mad!" Germany glares at his older brother. "Nein!!! I did not kidnap Latin at all! An unavesome old man vas going to kill him/her/them and zhe avesome me kick the old man ass!" Prussia explains quickly
Hearing his explanation made Ludwig's face even colder as his eyes widened and his face turned slightly blue. Nevertheless, it was gone in a second before he took a deep breath and massaged the bridge of his nose. "So let me get this straight. Someone tried to kill Spain's sibling and jou saved this kid?" Ludwig asks. "Ja, and Spain vitnessed it if you don't believe me," Prussia stuck his tongue out. "Vell it does sound make sense vhen it doesn't come from you. But since you said Spain saw the incident. I vill ask him about it and I think it's better ve buy some clothes and some foods for Latin," Germany said.
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Roderich Edelstein - Austria
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Another guy who also doesn't trust Prussia around children, he thinks Prussia is dangerous, loud, and could not take care of himself, especially children.
As a result, he would always worry about Latin's condition when he was around Prussia because he didn't want Latin to grow up to be like him.
Even if Spain tries to convince him that he can trust Prussia. he would not believe him until he could see it with his own eyes when Prussia was tender and caring towards Latin.
Just like Germany, he would also volunteer to take care of Latin because he thinks Prussia could not take care of a country even though he knows that Prussia did take care of Germany
Unlike Germany, he just hopes that Prussia won't endanger you or drag you to cause trouble because he knows Prussia tends to be irresponsible, especially when he is drunk.
With the help of Hungary, he would also take care of Latin when Prussia was not around. He would also teach Latin how to play music just like him (but fails because we know Latin probably plays guitar from Spain).
He does know Prussia has a soft spot for a tiny country like you but he also remembers Prussia is a country that has disappeared so one day he hopes once he is gone. You won't be too brokenhearted.
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The news that Prussia would take care of Latin after saving the little country from a bad guy spread fast after Ludwig told Hungary and Austria about it. No one believed it and as a result, a certain pianist player wanted to see you by himself to confirm that Ludwig was right about Prussia taking care of Latin.
After a long hour of driving, the door of Ludwig's house busted open with Roderich standing there. His eyes immediately went to Ludwig who was sighing in annoyance, knowing he had to repair that door again after Italy and Prussia often burst them open unlike how normal people act. "Is it true, your brother adopting Latin?" Austria asks Germany. "Ja, jou did not read my message vrong. My bruder is taking care of Latin,"
Austria sat on one of the couches, crowing his arms together, eyebrows furrowed before he looked at him in a serious tone. "May I speak with Prussia alone?" Austria asks Germany "Ya, he is in his room and working out. I vill be calling him," Germany stood up and strutted downstairs, going to Prussia's bedroom to tell him that there's Austria and he wants to talk with him.
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The air between Gilbert and Roderich was intense but in an unusual way like when Gilbert annoys him just for shits and giggles. Roderich's pulse raced as he got the question, his voice quivering slightly as he asked Gilbert if the story included any of the truth. "Is it true, Prussia? Did you really save that kid from the bad man?" "Ja, it's true, I swooped in and rescued the little one from that stranger," Prussia's tone laced confidently. "Are you planning to take in the little kid, Gilbert?" Roderich questioned, his tone tinted with curiosity as he saw the toddler playing close.
Gilbert scratched his head, thinking about the question for a time. "vell, I haven't really thought about it," he said, his brow furrowing in thought. "But Latin could use a stable home, I guess." Roderich groaned and shook his head, exasperated. "You can't just suppose when it comes to raising a child, Gilbert," he reminded. "You'll need to buy necessities - education, clothes, food, and so much more."
Gilbert's face softened as he understood the seriousness of the issue. "Jou are right, Austria. It's been a long time since I had to care for someone so young. I'll have to work things out. He cast another gaze at the child, overcome in his eyes. "But I'll do whatever it takes to give Latin the best life possible."
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Elizabeta Héderváry - Hungary
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She thinks you are the most adorable country after Italy and the most precious thing in the world that must be protected at all costs so she would be your other sittter.
Very surprised when she knows that Prussia is taking care of you and being brotherly around you because she thinks Prussia is too reckless and couldn't even take care of a baby.
Always tries to hit Prussia with her pan if she even sees any small injuries on you, even If it was not Prussia's fault and blames him for not taking care of you properly.
Always tries to steal you away from Prussia and become your guardian instead of him. Even if she knows Prussia took care of Germany when he was younger, she still doesn't trust him.
Tries to bribe you too so she would be your favourite guardian instead of Prussia, especially bribing you with Hungarian or Austrian sweets (by asking Roderich).
Only trust Prussia to take care of you when there is Germany because she knows Prussia is going to drag you into some trouble and teach you bad things.
Sadly, you cannot change her mind, unlike Austria and Spain even if Prussia proves to her that he can take care of you but at least you got double sweets from her and from Prussia.
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As Prussia and Austria thought about Latin's future, their talk was unexpectedly interrupted by Hungary's powerful entry, her presence instilling dread in Prussia's heart as her eyes drilled into him with a stare that could freeze fire. She wore a long green dress with a flawless white apron and a floral hairclip on her head, and she held a pan with a no-nonsense demeanour.
Prussia was caught off guard and swore under his breath in German, his look reflecting his worry at the imminent rebuke from Hungary, while Austria gazed on, a mixture of concern and amusement playing over his features. Oh, Scheiße, vhy is Hungary pissed at me?" Prussia asks Austria "I'm not sure but maybe it's about the kid" Austria sensed the reason why she acts like this.
Hungary marched towards Gilbert, her determination apparent demanding answers with fierce passion. "Did you kidnap Latin from Spain?" she questioned, her voice full of scepticism Prussia's decline was quick and clear. "No! I would never do such a thing! "I simply saved her from a dangerous situation," he stated, his palms lifted in an innocent gesture.
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Hungary's demeanour softened as she dropped her pan, her doubts eased by (Y/N)'s explanation. She sighed and sat down next to Roderich, her eyes fixed on Prussia. "Alright," she said, her tone stern yet interested. "Explain everything. How did you manage to adopt Latin?"
Prussia took a deep breath before describing the events that led to Latin's adoption. With Roderich's help, he described his meeting with the dangerous man endangering the developing nation, as well as his later choice to provide them safety. Hungary listened closely as he talked, her attitude changing from suspicion to understanding. By the end of his explanation, she had nodded thoughtfully, realising the seriousness of the situation and the need of Prussia's actions.
Elizaveta sighed with relief after she listened to Prussia's explanation, her heart warmed by the severity of the situation. She rose to her feet and smiled gently, her glance expressing an understated pledge of support. "I'll help you," she answered simply, her voice bearing a calm determination. "We'll gather everything Latin needs."
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Gilbert Beilschmidt - Prussia
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Doesn't expect he will actually adopt Latin because he doesn't really believe that he is capable of taking care of a smaller nation or himself, his younger brother always helps around taking care of him.
He does remember that he did take care of Germany when he was younger but that's only it. After he stops becoming a country, it's Germany who has taken care of him.
Afraid to mess up, he would often call Spain to help him around but he also helped Spain take care of Latin when he had free time, sometimes asking his brother's help too.
Tries his best not to curse around because he doesn't want Latin to take his negative habits by swearing and drinking until drunk. So he puts all of his beer on the highest cupboard and always tries to censor himself around you.
Tries to be the best big brother for you. Always teach you how to play swords because he used to be a Teutonic knight in the past but used a wooden sword so you would not get hurt.
Becoming your partner in crime. For example, if Germany doesn't let you each chocolate cake. He will secretly slip some cakes for you because he feels bad when you have sad puppy eyes and beg Germany for some sweets.
Also, tries to spend his time a lot together with you when he has free items and when you are bored. Sometimes, would purposely loose for you so you could be happy.
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As the sun poured its golden beams across the peaceful Saturday morning, Spain softly handed over Latin to Prussia and Germany, his face remorseful as he explained his absence in a quick text message. With a hard schedule and upcoming meetings, he reluctantly surrendered Latin's care to his brother nations, a sense of duty resting heavily on his shoulders. And as he wished them farewell, vowing to return soon.
Mi Amigo(My friend) . I am very sorry but today the meeting is very hectic and I have lots of files given by my boss. Today, I cannot take care of Latin so I hope you can take care of Latin for me. That was the message Spain had given to Prussia as the Albino read the text message and Latin who was sitting in the living room.
Prussia went silent for a minute, his mind drifting, and then a cheeky smile appeared on his face, followed by his signature "Kesesese" giggle. His eyes focused on the young Latin, recalling his brother's fondness for baking. "Hey, are you hungry?" he said, his tone playful yet warm to the younger nation "I have a delicious chocolate cake waiting for you."
The young nation's ears perked up at the mention of cake, excitement evident in her nod. Prussia leaned in closer, whispering, "Follow me," before leading the way to the kitchen with Latin in tow. As he swung open the fridge door, a smirk played on his lips. "You must be hungry," he remarked, his tone was secretive.
"I have chocolate cakes for us." With ease, he cut two large slices, one for Latin and one for himself. With a delighted grin, he returned the cake to its proper spot in the fridge, ready to enjoy the stolen cake. After serving the cake, he would eat the cake together with Latin without Germany knowing them.
Once they finished their cake, Prussia put his finger to his lips, signalling for silence, and whispered to (Y/N), "Don't tell anyone we had chocolate cake, okay? If you keep it a secret, we can play with Berlitz, Aster, and Blackie all day. Then, we can watch some cartoons." (Y/N) nodded eagerly, agreeing to the plan. As Prussia collected the plates and washed the dirty dishes to hide any evidence, (Y/N) watched on, excited for the day ahead.
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aph-canada-headcanons · 9 months
Headcannon that America has Ghostbusters for Canada’s ringtone on his phone and Canada HATES IT
Headcanon: It isn’t just the Ghostbusters song but a remix that he made with Prussia where they sing NA bros instead of Ghostbusters. He hates it with a passion but, it’s somewhat endearing… sometimes.
//also yes that is so them
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hetafice · 7 months
yandere prussia headcannons? how would he react to a darling who plans to escape by him, by acting like a good little girl
this one intrigued me. hope you enjoy.
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Gilbert is deeply perceptive so in the beginning, you would have to employ a pretty convincing act to get him to lower his guard. His time on this Earth has made him keen-eyed and intrinsically suspicious, so an act like this could take months or even years before it starts to pay off.
Depending on how your relationship started, you may have more or less luck employing this strategy. If you had originally come to him willingly, he might view any past disobedience as the two of you going through a rough patch. If he took you by force, however, he would become suspicious of a fast change of heart. 
For this method to truly work, you would have to take your time and be very very careful. Little ever escapes him. Incremental changes work best. 
Life with him would be highly structured. From the moment you wake up to the moment you close your eyes at night, your day will be planned. Gilbert is incredibly controlling, and dictating your life down to the minute is how he continues to feel in charge. You would be expected to remain sharp and productive in captivity. He would give long lists of chores and mandatory readings to be completed on a deadline. In his eyes, it’s a way of keeping you sane while justifying sequestering you from the outside world.
In Gilbert’s eyes, to love is to discipline. He may treat you harshly or ask a lot of you; but that isn’t meant to be a punishment -- rather it’s a way to fast-track your development. He is not the type to spoil or coddle anyone, regardless of how close he is to them. With that being said though, if you adapt to the countless rules and chores he outlined, he may allow you to deviate from whatever structured schedule he has outlined for you.
He’s a deeply intelligent man, but also incredibly prideful. Should he not be blinded by his own hubris, he would’ve noticed any subtle cues indicating your behaviour was off. However, his pride would make him think that you were just naturally adapting to your new way of life. He’ll see through most flattery and seduction unless it’s cloaked in the language of devotion. If you frame your obedience as part of a natural progression or seem completely willing he’ll relax his vigilance.
Should your ruse fool him long enough for you to escape, he would be furious. After establishing so many safeguards to ensure cooperation, and monitoring your behaviour, he would think any escape impossible. Trust that he would use every resource in his wheelhouse to get you back. 
If you manage to evade him long enough he might enlist the help of his closest companions. Asking someone for assistance would hurt his pride, but he would absolutely call in a trusted comrade to get you back. Should he manage to catch you, the consequences would be dire. You would be reconditioned until he felt you were truly obedient this time.
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Im sorry if this is weird but i knd of love the way you write Prussia, could we have some nsfw hcs with him please? 😅 Its okay if not
I am barking, you can have whatever you want, this man makes me s i c k,
NSFW Prussia Headcannons
Listen, I know so many people have framed him as some flirtatous womanizer, at least in the past in the fandom, but this man has never had sex in his life, and I'm not afraid to say it
He's a very religious man, and even though the Order of the Tectonic Knights has been disbanded for a few hundred years, breaking some of the vows he made then seemed to just feel wrong, including his vow of Chastity
Something about you makes him lose his cool and his thinking though, especially when you get him alone
The first time you two had sex, he was a lot more nervous than he was letting on (that's not saying much considering he was practically sweating bullets)
His cocky persona melted away when you pressed yourself into him, and was instead replaced by a deep red blush and quiet, shaky, and breathy whines
Generally, the rest of the noises he makes follow the same pattern of being hushed, though occasionally you might be able to get him to make a louder, deep sounding moan, of which he's always embarrassed over and will cover his mouth to stifle any more
While I don't think he'd be too kinky at first, as he gets more accustomed to everything, he'd be open to trying just about anything with you (though he does blush anytime you bring something up unexpectedly)
Position wise, I think his favorite would be anything where you're in control, like cowgirl for instance, he views sex as a stress reliever, so it's nice to let you take control and drive for a little bit
He loves touching you during though, mainly your waist and chest
After sex, he's not especially cuddly, opting for a little bit of space to cool off, though once he's ready to, he'll be laying down back in bed with you, his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him
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natsuki-bakery · 2 months
Can we get an inbox check please?
Here it is !
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Requests are : OPEN [ 21/35 ]
Currently working on : it's an obscure character but could you please do three rentry graphics of lalli hotakainen from stand still stay silent? if not i understand
it's an obscure character but could you please do three rentry graphics of lalli hotakainen from stand still stay silent? if not i understand 😭
Can you do regressor Light Yagami head cannons?
haiii! could you do cg america headcanons?? thank uuu! (⁀ᗢ⁀)
Can you do Dante DMC caregiver head cannons? Hi there! I was wondering if I could request a oneshot for Genshin impact? Caregiver Venti looking after Aether who’s regressed super small into babyspace if you are up to it. Thank you! Hihi hello!! Could I mayhaps request some little/age regressor Sanemi Shinazugawa hcs? TYSM!! < 3 Hi do you write about the webtoon school bus graveyard? Have a nice day! hii! could u do russia rentry graphics ?? thxxx ^_^ okok im VERY excited now sorry stranger things is my hyperfixation !! could you do byclair (lucas sinclair/will byers) graphics? maybe with a strawberry theme? could you make me an agere wallpaper that’s Ralsei themed (from deltarune!) if that’s out of your boundaries, maybe an Omori one with Kel instead? HI FRIEND!! (i’m so sorry if your uncomfy with nicknames , i say that as a joke! /srs ) if you take hetalia requests, would it be okay to request a prussia or north italy rentry/tumblr layout? thank you sosososoossos freaking much AHHH😭😭❤️💕 Can you do something with Prussia x Ukraine? :0 hii!!! just a question, do you take requests for metalocalypse?? thanks!! ^_^
hello!!! solid snake and otacon requester here, they're perfect tysm for them, keep up the good work<33
Hiii! Could I please ask for John Mactavish from Call of Duty Modern Warfare II caregiver headcanons? (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
hi! i thiiink (?!) reqs are open, please ignore this if they aren't >< but i was wondering if i could request dio or diego cg hcs? there ain't nothing of them, thank you if you do this o^^o
Taiwan from hetalia as a rentry layout? thank you so much ahhhh😭❤️❤️
I also crave a Misa little Headcanons one please
Ahh I see the Sunday hcs so is it ok if I ask for welt yang cg headcanons.. if not it's ok, I don't kind--!
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Could I please get an Ash Ketchum (Pokémon) caregiver headcannons please ? (Thank you!! :D)
Can you please do Saturn from Solarballs caregiver and regressor (flip) headcanons pls?
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Master List I: Cardverse and Demon AU's
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Cardverse Scenario where the white Queen is taken
Yandere Spade King America X Reader 
Yandere Russia Into the Cardverse Drabble ( A solid intro if I ever decided to write a full fanfic for this AU) 
Yandere Carverse France Headcanons 
Yandere Carverse America Headcannons 
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Preview Poem about Demon Matthew (Mild but edges on Spicy)
Yandere Demon America Headcanons  
Yandere Demon Canada Headcanons 
Yandere Demon England Headcanons  
Yandere Demon Russia Headcanons 
Demon Games: England, France, and Russia  
Demon Games: Germany, Japan, Italy  
Demon Games: America  
Demon Games: Prussia 
Demon Games: Spain
Demon Games: Canada
Spicy Yandere! Demon America  
Yandere Demon America, England, Russia w/Ghost Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/Strong Escapee S/O 
Yandere Demon America with a Priestess S/O 
Yandere Demon America w/ a Yandere S/O 
Yandere Demon N.Italy 
Yandere Demon Germany w/ a Sassy S/O 
Demon America w/ S/O that won his Bloody Money Game 
Demon America w/ Jealous S/O  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins pt.2 (Spicy) 
Yandere! Demon China Headcannons 
Yandere Demon Russia w/Nun S/O 
Yandere Demon America w/ S/O who has awful parents  
Yandere Demon America w/ Demon Princess  
Yandere Demon Russia and France w/ Royal S/O  
Yandere Demon America w/ Smart human 
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere Demoness S/O that captures him  
Yandere Demon England with Empath Darling  
Yandere Demon America w/ Ancient Monster Darling 
Yandere Demon England, Russia, and Japan with Helper Ghost Darling   
Yandere Demon America w/ Angel Darling  
Birthday Drabble Demon America Club 27  
Yandere Demon America w/Dark Witch Darling 
Yandere Demon America: Family life with S/O
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Canada that love the same S/O 
Yandere Demon America & Russia w/ Supernatural Hunter Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Witch Darling pt.2  
Yandere Demon America x Right Hand Demon Darling  
Yandere America X Male Reader X Russia Captive  
Yandere Demon America x Dumbass reader 
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
Yandere Demon Russia with an unfazed human 
Yandere Demon America x Dark Witch Darling p.3  
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Russia  
Yandere Demon America with Chaos Lord p.2
Yandere Demon Germany & Russia with a Chaos lord 
(I'm sure you're tired as hell from seeing the word 'Yandere' aren't you? America vs Russia as demons 
Yandere Demon America X Doomguy reader 
Yandere Demon America with a Succubus reader 
Yandere Alpha Germany and Japan with a traumatized darling 
Yandere Demon America x Chaos Lord 
Yandere Demon America with an escapee human 
Yandere Demon Germany with chaos lord darling 
Demon America w/ Pervy Sage like S/O  
Yandere Demon America with a Heathen Goddess darling 
Yandere Demon Belarus 
Yandere demon America with a Nephilim Darling 
Yandere Demon America and Japan with an Oni darling 
Demon King America with an experimental dragon darling 
Yandere America with Platonic Yandere Demonness 
Yandere Demon Kings Lands 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader : Someone tries to assassinate you 
Yandere England and Russia with a Western Dragon Shapeshifter darling 
Yandere Demon Germany with a human S/O that won his game
Yandere Demon America with a Half Human / Half Demon Darling 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right-Hand Woman p.2 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right Hand Woman P.3
Canada: The Floating Maple Leaves Gameplay
Canada SFW Headcannons
Demon America with a Fem! S/O and a box of Chocolate
Children in the Demon Au
Demon King’s China and Japan’s children 
Demon King England Children 
Demon King Germany’s Children
Demon King Russia’s Kids 
Angel AU 
Yandere! Angel Russia and England falling in love with a demon darling 
Yandere! Angel America & Germany in Luv with a demon 
Yandere Angel France and Japan in love with a demon

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eeeppygirly56 · 3 months
Missing fandoms
When I say I miss old fandoms, I don’t mean being able to ship minors x adults; no, not that, but when people were cringe-worthy and fun when people didn’t care about people shipping rare pairs, which yes, some fandoms hated, but it wasn’t big. I don’t miss racism, transphobia, etc. in the old fandom space I was in. Like Hetalia, I don’t miss people being racist and making Prussia into a victim in WW2 fanfics or hell villainizing Cuba and Scotland so wild. I don’t miss the stupid cosplayers who did the Yatzee salute. I don’t miss usuk I literally disliked the ship and couldn’t see them together. Black butler for transphobia, because once people realized Grell was trans, transphobia became popular. So much more; no regrets, but I'm happy that in modern fandoms you can point out racism without being told you're ruining things. That's one thing I like, and seeing trans headcannons be acceptable, like tell me why Ciel is so transmasc and intersex gay. Back then, I literally got insulted for headcannoning Ciel as mixed.
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mysebacielblog · 8 months
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@bitchthings Honestly there’s no such thing as dumb questions because I was legit going to make a part 3 just for her!
Headcannons on Who Knows Sebaciel is a thing Part III:
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Lizzy: Oh Lizzy. Poor Little Lizzy. I feel like she doesn’t know Until Now. These new chapters will be interesting because up until now Ciel has been “different” and actively avoiding her. Now that she knows that he’s not her “Ciel”, I believe she is going to come to her own conclusions about him whether based on reality or not. She might have thought of him as “Aromantic”. Such words didn’t really exist in popularity at the time but People like the King of Prussia existed. Both him and Ciel have similar comparable archetypes, like Queer coding, distaste for femininity and romance, but also weirdly enough Tall Solider Fetish. There is also the fact that Mr. “I Can’t Smile” is always cackling into giggling fits around his butler. It must sting. And why does his lips look kissed? Could it just be her imagination? I don’t think she has all the pieces just yet, but Soon.
Francis Midford: NOPE. Obviously no. Otherwise she would be next in line behind Bard to Beat up Sebastian (and die horribly). Her Flesh and blood?! With a Commoner?! A Peasant not of High Society!?? Forget he’s gay and barely of age THE AUDACITY to exchange glances at a Servant man! What would the papers say?!? Pearl clutching!!!!
Sphere Music Hall Starlight Four: Strangely Enough, Yes. It’s not uncommon in a boys school to get bored and hook up, but also gossip. They’ve seen how close they seemingly are, and they’ve seen it All before. It’s not New. What kind of teacher scoops up a student in his arms for a scrape? They might even know how bad they have it more than even Ciel and Sebastian know.
Edward Midford: Vaguely through rumors, since he’s so connected to the Starlight Four. He hates Ciel’s guts but he Has to protect the family reputation by disputing the rumors. At least for Lizzy’s Sake.
Nina Hopkins: No, because She’s too busy wildly inappropriately sexualizing her customers to realize some of her weird daydreams are correct. How many times has Sebastian strutted in to order matching outfits?
Wolfram Gelzer : No. In some ways he’s as innocent and curious as Sieglinde. There must’ve been questions during the green witch arc on what the heck was going on that entire time, but the Culture shock and the Language difference didn’t answer any questions he might have had about the odd pair.
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Ciel 2: Oh this will be INTERESTING. Some twins/siblings instinctively know each other’s type(?) So if this is true Ciel 2 might sense the Attraction Our Ciel feels, and might even reveal his affections or make fun of his twin. And he knows that Sebastian is a Demon too. He’s going to mess with them so much. This is going to get messy.
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jointhearumanati · 10 days
🇩🇪 Prussia is Vegetarian he has always loved animals and eating them upsets him especially bird meat he's fine with dairy however as it doesn't involve killing the animal
🇩🇪 Prussia has been trying to Convince Germany to let him have Ducks despite already having a cat (Prussiacat named Fritz), a dog(White German shepherd named Max), and Gilbird despite having absolutely nowhere to put any ducks they already have 4 dogs 2 cats and a Bird
🇪🇸 Spain owns 4 turtles named Maria, Diego, Fernando, and Roberto and a cat named Alejandro(Spaincat)
🇮🇹 The Italy brothers have cats named Gino and Giovanni who are from the same Litter
🇨🇦 Canada is also vegetarian for the same reasons as Prussia America even makes him special Veggie burgers during one of his famous cookout parties and France makes sure he makes special food just for him England is also very supportive he tried to make vegan recipes and burned the kitchen down again
🇺🇲🇨🇦 The twins bought 2 brother maine coon cats and named them Hero and Pancake America also has a Female Golden Retriever named Amelia he's been thinking about getting another dog and naming it Liberty
🇬🇧🇫🇷 Britain bought a Scottish fold and named him Oliver he's been thinking about getting another cat and naming it Crumpet France tried to tease him about becoming a sad single cat dad as if he doesn't spend more money on his doll face Persian Beau than he does on rent or groceries his cat has a real Diamond collar and a super expensive carrier and gormet food he cooks himself
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a-dorky-american · 1 year
Since Easter is approaching, let's talk about some GerMerica Easter headcannons!
America wakes Germany up with a breakfast- in-bed consisting of bacon, eggs, potatoes, and fluffy bunny-shaped pancakes 🥞
The two will sometimes plan out a Easter Egg Treasure Hunt, where he and America will travel across the city and find eggs in various locations. One is the seeker and one is dropping subtle hints as to where the egg is hidden. However, the treasure hunt always ends at the park, where there is a picnics set up for the pair to enjoy lunch. 🧺
(Okay, bit of context for this next one, I personally headcannon Germany growing up in a religious household (I mean, hello? Prussia was the Teutonic Knights at one point) and both him and Prussia just comes across as religious type of guys to me. For America, I haven't decided if he gives off Protestant vibes or Agnostic vibes, as I am genuinely torn between the two lmao)
Germany will more often than not attend the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Mass without America (as America is not Catholic and he doesn't want to make him feel awkward), but every once in a while, America will go to church with Germany. Although, everytime he does attend mass, he always forgets that the Easter Vigil last until 11:30 p.m. or until midnight and he's always dozing off, so Germany has to nudge him awake at times during the readings and psalms. He's kind of the same for the Sunday Mass, but the coffee served at church afterwards always makes up for it all. ⛪
America LOVES chocolate, so Germany always buys him a crap ton of chocolate bunnies! 🍫🐇
They usually eat steak, green beans, corn, and mashed potatoes for Easter dinner while they watch Bambi. It's just a silly little Easter tradition they have. 🦌
After a long day of Mass, looking for Easter eggs, picnics, and stuffing their faces with chocolate, the two watch the National Geographic Classic National Park documentary. 🏞️
Aaaaand that's about all I can think of for now! Feel free to reblog these headcannons to your heart's delight or, heck, share your own GerMerica headcannons! ❤️
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Headcannon yours truly came up with during break and I figured you would like it
England just like France loves masquerade parties and England gets very creative with his masks and tuxedos with the help of Norway and Romania and sometimes those three show up to masquerades as a trio with a themed mask and tuxedo (France does the trio thing too with Prussia and Spain)
I thought I answered this but I guess not?
But yes! He may not admit it, but Arthur loves dressing up every now and then. He probably makes his own masks and outfits always trying to one-up Francis (and also take his breath away). And I love the magic trio dressing up together and the BFT dressing up together.
Not that it really matters that they dress up together because Francis and Arthur end up sneaking off together to make out fight over who was better.
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hetalia-fannn · 2 years
The Allies + Canada and The Axis + Prussia and Romano go visit Disneyland together headcannons?
Visiting Disneyland Headcanons
The Allies + Canada:
America and Russia pretty much race with each other to who will get in the entrance first
America is the loudest and most excited one to see all the places
Canada and France especially meet with princesses who have French origins
Meanwhile, England gets lost in the whole park
China goes to Mulan's since she is his fav disney princess
Canada and America try every foods & drinks possible and they end up throwing up later
Russia gets scared of one of the mascots
France wants him and England to recreate the kissing scene in the princess and the frog and England literally curses him after this
They take selfies together and at last they leave with all of them being extremely tired
The Axis + Prussia and Romano:
Japan with his camera, taking pictures of everything he sees
Prussia steals one of the costumes and pretends to be one of the mascots, funny enough they don't see it's basically him
Germany thinks Prussia is lost so he tries to find him
Italy bros on their way to get all of the cotton candy
Romano has a radar that whenever Germany is too close to Italy he immediately pulls him off
Japan goes to big hero six; it's his fav disney movie
Romano fights with one of the mascots
Even the Allies hear his cursing
Later on they discover the one Romano fought with was Prussia and Romano chases him to exit at the end of the day
This was all I could come up with, hope you'll like it!^^'
edit: just fixed typos--
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iggyartsblog · 1 year
I cant get this spuk headcannon out of my head so I'm gonna share it here.
So, bla bla bla Spanish armada. Alot of drinking, fighting, sex and just indulging in eachothers presence and feeling joy with pissing of the other country. Then the war finished, and they never saw eachother again, they didn't even say goodbye.
The two had almost forgotten what had happened between them, until a few decades later. France had dragged England to meet his friends in Paris, Spain and prussia, but didn't tell him who they were and didn't tell Spain that he England was coming.
When the two saw eachother, they were the happiest they had been in a long while. Spain ran up to hug England, wich England accepted, and they chatted excitedly to eachother about where they've been and how life was after the war. France and prussia looked on in horror and concern, it was completely unnatural for either of them to be acting the way they were. When questioned by France, England just brushed him off:
"Oh, it was nothing"
His words deeply confused Spain, as clearly the war meant something to him, if it hadn't he wouldn't be acting that way. The two of them calmed down, England keeping his distance after that.
A few years later, the anglo-spanish war of 1625 began. Everything seemed the same: the open sea, the ships, the guns. But something was different. Spain had seized the same ship, had found the same English captain, had the same sword fight on the masts. But the energy was gone. The spark that made him want to keep fighting England had vanished. Everything he loved about England had completely depleted, he was a new man. A new, boring, militant man. Spain had admitted defeat and left the ship, never facing England for the rest of the war, his heart couldn't take it. The war lasted 5 years from there.
From that day on, a small hatred had grew for the English man. And every war since had stemed from a place of hate. However, ever so often he found that lost fragment of wildness peering through England's dull exterior. And when that happened, he let himself grow closer to him, hoping that he will be able to feel as good as he felt with him all those years ago.
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