#prp treatment center in pakistan
topqualityproducts · 5 years
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usman-1234 · 3 years
Stem Cell Therapy: A Potential Treatment Option For Kidney Diseases
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When your kidneys quit working or performing normally or an immediate failure of a kidney role then it is called Kidney Failure.
Kidney failure is a chronic condition usually termed CKD ( Chronic Kidney Disease ). Chronic Kidney Disease causes unbearable pain and later if it stays for a long duration it drives to kidney failure.
Causes Responsible for Kidney Failure
The conditions which are responsible for Renal or Kidney failure are:
High BP (Blood Pressure)
Cardiac Disease
Generative Kidney Disease
Age factors
Coronary illness
Holding protein in the urine
Muscle cramps
Low appetite
Swelling in your feet and ankles
Too much urine or not enough urine
Trouble in taking a breath
Sleeping disorders
And when this condition becomes more severe and reaches its last stage known as Acute Kidney Failure your symptoms become more critical like:
Belly pain
Back pain
If you start getting symptoms that are mentioned above, then there is something serious for which you should consult with your doctor right away.
If your doctor suggested surgery, transplant, or dialysis then still no need to worry about it because there is an alternative treatment known as Stem Cell Therapy which naturally organically repairs, regenerates, and restores the function of your kidney by giving the best and potential results.
Stem Cell Therapy For Kidney Failure
Stem Cell Therapy is proved to be the most becoming alternative treatment for surgeries, transplants, and Dialysis, as stem cells are anti-inflammatory and most suitable for fighting against inflammation that helps in overcoming the symptoms for many chronic diseases just like CKD. Anti-inflammatory elements and medicines help to reduce inflammation to boost healing.
The results from the patients who get stem cell therapy treatment report improvements in:
Increased filtration allowing the kidneys to pass liquid more easily without any difficulty.
Helping with managing levels of creatine in the body.
Helping with regulating the degrees of minerals and salts in the body.
Diminished the progression of chronic kidney diseases.
For taking this procedure, choose the best stem cell therapy clinic for kidney failure, We suggest you go for Shifa Rejuvenation and Regenerative Clinic, as it is the first healthcare center in Pakistan dealing with stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine to treat excess diseases, including major diseases including neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases.
Shifa clinic is the certified pain management clinic and healthcare center in Pakistan that provides and deals with Umbilical Cord Stem Cells, Amniotic stem cells, and PRP injections. Their treatments are verified by the Drug Regulatory Agency Pakistan (DRAP) to provide quality treatment to its patients. Besides, it is Pakistan’s only stem cell Therapy hospital using the treatment methods regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), US.
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dmtrock-blog · 5 years
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carterjax-blog1 · 5 years
PRP treatment center in Lahore at best price, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an advanced, non-surgical hair regeneration treatment that uses growth factors from your blood to repair and stimulate damage hair.
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Specialized Technical Expertise is Vital in FUE Surgery
You may ponder in some cases why FUE is respected a propelled hair medical procedure and why it is so well known and exorbitant. Indeed, actuality is that this medical procedure requires tremendous aptitude and mastery level from a hair medical procedure. This is a purpose for its expanding cost of hair transplant in Pakistan.
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When you ask about expense of hair medical procedure from a center then they will consistently ask whether you need a FUT or FUE hair medical procedure. When you pick FUE then they offer you a high gauge. Be that as it may, when you take name of FUT then cost appears to be sensible. The principle distinctive between strip hair transplant and Peshawar FUE hair transplant isn't just its expense yet additionally the specialized ability.
You should realize that a doctor who will play out a FUE must be extra cautious as this medical procedure requires his total consideration and time. He needs to set every single join inside the punch at right point and arrangement. A little error is difficult to bear the cost of at this level. Rate of harm of join in the event of FUE is very higher as contrasted and FUT. Reason is that specialist needs to set up each follicular unit and furthermore to fix it to its situation with incredible consideration. If you pick an unpracticed individual for the activity, at that point rate of harm will be higher and thusly number of effectively collected unions will be lower. This implies you will reestablish a smaller number of hairs in a single session and you need to design another session.
Along these lines, when you are going to get ready for PRP hair treatment in Islamabad then you should attempt to pick a specialist who is exceedingly handy and experienced; else it will be a costly hair reclamation process for you.
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What is good for hair styling?
What is good for hair styling? 90% of men are awkward for this problem.
It may be the reason for Xiaobian's occupational diseases. Now I attach great importance to men's hair style. When I see a man, Xiaobian will first look at him from top to bottom. Well, this style is not bad. Hey, this one is a person who won't use styling products... What is good for men's hair styling? This question is also often heard by people. It is said that 90% of people are not using it.
The various Tips to be introduced in the following small series are very useful to everyone. Can make everyone's hair style in a better state and shape than before
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1. You use too much every time.
Here, less is more. You can use a variety of products, but the amount to pay attention to, too much will only make you have to wash and come back.
If your hair is short and you are using a product with a quality preference, that box will last for a long time. In general, it is enough that you just pick up the big finger on your index finger. How to determine if this is enough? It is almost that you rub in the palm of your hand, evenly after the palm (including the fingers), there is no trace of a small amount of mud is OK. If there are still more ingredients, it is more. If you directly wipe the head, then a lot of hair will stick together, and the overall look will look heavy.
So less is more, the right amount is the best.
2. You have not fully utilized your hair products
If you go to a physical store to buy these products, it is very likely that you will encounter a shopping guide telling you that you need to use this product to match that product, and then match it with another product. He just wants to complete his sales, so you don't have to follow exactly what he said.
High-quality hair products, whether gel-like, mud-like or oily, have far more effect than the instructions on the product packaging. For example, gel cream can be used not only in the final setting, but also when it is mixed with water. That is to say, after washing the hair, in the semi-wet state, you can use it to sort out the hairstyle style you want.
3. You didn't use the product right.
You can't because the hair you can see is mainly the bangs in front, so you should apply your hair products to this place, or consider the feelings of other hairs.
In order to fully use your product to achieve a good or balanced effect, it is best to break it down. For example, after you have made a small amount, you should start from the roots and then transition to the origin. Starting from the top, the last is Liu Hai.
If your hair is too long, the last bit of mud on the handle will be applied to the hair from top to bottom. This is a complete and perfect process.
4. You are not using water soluble products
Although both water-based and oil-based are products that stylists often use, water-based products are generally considered to be the better of the two.
It takes about three times for Shiji to wash off your hands and hair. It gives the impression that it is greasy rather than full of luster, which is obviously not a good thing. So remember to buy water-soluble products. Now you can buy a lot of water-based products. Mud, gel, and pomade can be selected to be water soluble and also achieve good styling results. So you don't have to sacrifice yourself to use stone-based products.
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alexhale33-blog · 6 years
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topqualityproducts · 6 years
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usman-1234 · 3 years
Stem Cell Therapy Post Management Care
Intro To stem Cell Therapy
Stem Cell Therapy is a well-known alternative treatment to surgeries and transplants which have the capabilities to repair, restore, and regenerate dead cells or tissues.
It is the natural, organic, and alternative approach to treating major diseases like diabetes, kidney failure, Parkinson’s, autism, and many other autoimmune and neuro diseases with transplants and surgeries Stem cells give new cells to the body after dividing and replacing functional cells that are harmed or lost due to any disease or injury and it is a painless procedure, faster healing, and recovery.
Points For Stem Cell Therapy Post Management Care
After taking stem cell therapy treatment you must keep the following mentioned steps in mind to avoid any problems. The most significant part of any stem cell therapy is adhering to your post-procedure limitations, which are included before your treatment. For the procedure to have the best possibility to produce permanent benefit, our physician strongly suggests:
No anti-inflammatory medications for at least 6 weeks
Rest for the first 24–48 hours, but do not lie sedentary
Start Physical Therapy in 4
The cells are just beginning to grow and divide, so you need to be very careful and avoid overloading, shearing, or concentration on the joint that was injected. Avoid too many frequent stairs, if feasible (for hip and knee injections), and restrict uplifting to 5-10 pounds on occasion. No running or weight lifting the first two weeks! Reduce load, compressive forces, and energy on the joints and discs. Range-of-motion and gentle stretching practices are appropriate.
Best Stem Cell Therapy Consultant and Treatment Provider in Pakistan
For the best guidance consider Shifa Rejuvenation Clinic for Stem Cell Therapy as it is a healthcare center in Pakistan that is using stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine for treating excess diseases including major diseases including neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases.
It is the only pain management clinic and healthcare center in Pakistan providing and dealing with Amniotic and duct stem cells, and PRP injections. Their treatments are verified by the Drug regulatory agency Pakistan (DRAP) to supply quality treatment to patients. Besides, it is Pakistan’s only stem cell Therapy hospital using the treatment methods approved and controlled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), US.
Treatments Offered By Shifa Clinic
Here are the list of treatments which are treated through stem cell therapy:
Autoimmune Diseases
Cartilage Defects
Erectile Dysfunction
Kidney Failure
Neck and Back Pain
Rheumatoid Arthritis
For more information email us at:[email protected].
Social media channels: Facebook, Instagram.
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Treatment of baldness by FUE
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At the Hair Skill center, we are experts in the treatment of baldness. We perform FUE transplants for our patients. This method of hair transplantation is highly advanced and very effective for obtaining maximum hair density.
What is FUE?
It is the extraction of the Follicular Unit Extraction, sometimes called follicular unit transplantation. It is a modern technique of hair restoration.
How Does It Work?
The follicles are then transferred to the receiving area on the patient's scalp and implanted in groups of one to four hairs, called grafts using a stereo microscope.
This is a minimally invasive manual surgical procedure that is done under local anesthesia. The recovery time is short and the risks of complications are low. This implantation technique is perfectly compatible with PRP injections. The combination of the two treatments gives more luck for a better result.
How is an FUE Hair Transplant Different?
Unlike other hair transplant techniques, the FUE does not leave any distinctive scars.
In addition, the recovery time is very short by providing band transplant surgery. Indeed, it only lasts a week. The possible results are of the highest quality and the natural and undetectable which is the most important benefit
The Results of an FUE Hair Transplant:
The completion of an FUE transplant guarantees regrowth as early as the 4th month. But the results are visible permanently after 6 months.
This technique is recommended to correct problems of rarefaction in the eyebrows or at the level of the beard. It can also be used as a means of correcting any unsightly appearance due to old hair transplant surgery.
Courtesy:  FUE Transplant Cost In Pakistan
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topqualityproducts · 6 years
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topqualityproducts · 6 years
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FUE with Micro injector in Pakistan
FUE Hair Transplant Technique in Lahore, Peshawar, Islamabad and Karachi Pakistan is a Micro Injector technique is state of the art hair transplantation.
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topqualityproducts · 6 years
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usman-1234 · 3 years
Stem Cell Therapy: The Best Alternative To Surgery For Sciatica Pain
What is Sciatica Pain?
Sciatica indicates the pain that radiates along the sciatica nerve that further continues from your lower back through hips and buttocks going down each leg. Usually, sciatica attacks only one side of your body. The fact is that the sciatica nerve is the longest in the body.
Causes of Sciatica Pain
The root causes of sciatica pain are:
Sciatica pain is a lumbar disc herniation that directly presses the nerve
Inflammation of the sciatica nerve can cause the symptoms of sciatica nerve pain 
Any tumor, muscle, internal bleeding, injury, spinal stenosis, and infection of the lumbar spine are the main cause and are responsible for sciatica pain
Sometimes it can also occur during pregnancy because of the irritation of the sciatica nerve
Symptoms of Sciatica Pain
Sciatica Pain Causes:
Pain around the infected area.
Feeling of burning and irritation in the sciatica nerve.
Numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness in the affected leg or foot.
The sensation of pain and numbness.
Feeling difficulty during cough or sneeze.
Prolonged sitting may cause severe symptoms
General Treatment of Sciatica Pain
Following your symptoms and the initial analysis, the further examination might be required:
Computerized Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) filter
Electromyography and nerve conduction contemplates – electrical driving forces in the nerves and muscles are recorded and examined through dainty needles associated with wires
Myelogram – imaging of the spine after a dye is injected
The specialist will examine and consider the most ideal treatments. Here are a few choices:
Warmth/cold treatment
Painkillers (oral/nearby application)
Steroid injections
Surgery to calm the pressure on the nerve
Stem Cell Therapy For Sciatica Pain
Stem Cell Therapy for sciatica pain is the most effective and the best alternative treatment to surgery. Stem Cells having the properties of organically repairing and regenerating dead tissues and cells. 
After great research and study, the umbilical cord stem cells are considered to be the most suitable and effective procedure for sciatica pain by processing various benefits. The stem cells are collected at the time of the child’s birth and then stored for further use in medical treatments. Stem Cells naturally heal your damaged sciatica nerve and the surrounding soft tissues. 
So, when these cells are injected into your sciatica nerve the new stem cells take the place of dead or damaged cells that will eliminate your pain and with time, stem cells continue to grow by forming muscle or nerve tissue. This thing makes stem cells unique in this way that these cells divide again and again to deliver new cells which will take the place of any cell present in the body. This process will diminish inflammation and pain-producing symptoms.
Stem Cell Treatment Provider For Sciatica Pain in Pakistan
Shifa Regenerative & Rejuvenation Clinic is a healthcare center in Pakistan which is using stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine for treating excess diseases including major diseases including neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases.
It is the only pain management clinic and healthcare center in Pakistan providing and dealing with Amniotic and other stem cells, and PRP injections. Their treatments are verified by the Drug Regulatory Authority Pakistan (DRAP) to supply quality stem cell treatment to patients. Besides, it is Pakistan’s only stem cell therapy hospital using the treatment methods controlled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), US.
For more information visit our website or email us at:[email protected]
Our Social media channels, Facebook, Instagram.
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Laforma Specialist Clinic, Johar Town Following the Safety SOP's 🧴🧤😷 We offer the Best treatments in town. Get your personal rejuvenation at safest and best.  Vaginoplasty,  Labiaplasty,  Vaginal PRP and Fat Grafting. Advanced wide range of treatments available. Book your consultation now or call #WeCareForYou #staysafe #nonsurgical #laformaclinic #vaginoplasty #labiaplasty #vaginalprp #vaginalhealth #vaginalrejuvenation #vaginalthightening Dr. Farrukh Aslam Khalid Assistant Professor MBBS, FCPS (Plastic Surgery), BFIRST Fellow (UK), MRCPS (Glasg), EMSB (Australia) Laforma Specialist Clinic Plastic, Cosmetic, Laser & Hair Transplant Surgery Center 41-B, khyabane Firdousi, Johar Town, LahoreAdjacent to Gourmet Bakery Allah Ho Chowk. www.laformaclinic.com 0300-3446070 https://goo.gl/maps/Xc6Hs15mb9s Member AOCMF (Switzerland) Member International Society of Burn Injuries (USA) Life Member Pakistan Association of Plastic Surgeons Life Member of Pak Burn Association (at La'forma Clinic - Dr. Farrukh Aslam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDg9jQmBrg_/?igshid=c1j2uyebrwo7
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Laforma Specialist Clinic, Johar Town Following the Safety SOP's 🧴🧤😷 We offer the Best treatments in town. Have the Best Hair Fall Treatments at safest 😷. Get Hair Fall and several related issues Solved 📢 Safest PRP Treatments👩🏻‍🔬 Book a Consultation Now! 📞 Get your health examined for better survival Follow all safety measures to stay safe. #WeCareForYou #staysafe #nonsurgical #laformaclinic #hairtransplant #hairprp #hairfall #hairlosstreatment Dr. Farrukh Aslam Khalid Assistant Professor MBBS, FCPS (Plastic Surgery), BFIRST Fellow (UK), MRCPS (Glasg), EMSB (Australia) Laforma Specialist Clinic Plastic, Cosmetic, Laser & Hair Transplant Surgery Center 41-B, khyabane Firdousi, Johar Town, LahoreAdjacent to Gourmet Bakery Allah Ho Chowk. www.laformaclinic.com 0300-3446070 https://goo.gl/maps/Xc6Hs15mb9s Member AOCMF (Switzerland) Member International Society of Burn Injuries (USA) Life Member Pakistan Association of Plastic Surgeons Life Member of Pak Burn Association (at La'forma Clinic - Dr. Farrukh Aslam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCSxf-xBFAw/?igshid=10tzbf73al162
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