#proven pest control
pestcontrolau · 8 months
Hire Recognised Businesses for Proven Pest Control in Commercial Premises!
Rats and mice can be a nightmare in Australian weather and landscapes, therefore hiring professional proven pest control services is essential for saving crops, preventing entering residences and stopping the spreading of harmful diseases.
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Poisoning or blocking pest entrance points are not permanent solutions. Recognised pest control services use cutting-edge techniques, tools and effective chemicals to get satisfactory solutions for commercial fly control, rodent, and cockroach control. 
Recognised pest management firms use qualified staff, familiar with the habits and habitats of a variety of dangerous pests, including rats, mice, flies, cockroaches, and more. These specialists can help consumers get rid of pests in the simplest way possible.
Advantages of Hiring a Professional Pest Control Service:
Every year in Australia, rats and mice cause significant food and agriculture losses while also infecting people with a variety of severe diseases such as tapeworm, leptospirosis, and food poisoning due to salmonella.
Hiring a reputable professional pest control firm may save homeowners a lot of money while also providing a safe living environment.
Furthermore, rodents attract deadly fleas and frequently bite in fright, which can pose a significant health risk. As a result, it is critical to schedule rodent and pest management as soon as possible to avoid any negative health consequences.
Rats and mice not only damage meals and crops, but they also have a habit of constantly chewing to maintain their front teeth, causing damage to building structures, plumbing, water pipes, gas pipelines, electrical cables, vital furniture and other items that they can quickly destroy. Preventing rodents from accessing the premises permanently is critical to prevent spending money on costly repairs.
These professionals have the necessary abilities, expertise, and specialised equipment to correctly detect and prevent pest infestations.
To reduce the danger of potential injury, owners should contact and arrange an appointment with a reputable pest control service as soon as they notice any symptoms on their property.
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idigitizellp21 · 1 year
Proven Treatment And Products As An Efficient Rat Killer By Ultima Search
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If you are dealing with only one or two rats, you can likely handle them yourself. However, rat populations are usually larger than you expect, especially if you’re seeing them during the day. They also multiply quickly when they have access to food and water. If you have a rat infestation, the best solution for getting rid of rats is to contact your pest control experts, Ultima Search. Having been in the industry for close to three decades, they have the most comprehensive product and service solutions to effectively manage rat and rodent issues at homes and offices.
Ultima Search professionals will handle the problem right the first time before it gets out of hand. They have the methods, equipment, and training to handle rats. And they have resources to eliminate them humanely, too, which home- or business owners may not be able to accomplish themselves.
Getting rid of rats is important to achieve quickly because rats spread disease. According to some reports, rodents spread more than 35 diseases worldwide. These diseases that rats spread directly include the plague, leptospirosis, rat bite fever, and food poisoning. Diseases spread indirectly from rats include spotted fevers, typhus, and relapsing fever.
Besides disease, rats actively cause damage. They gnaw on and chew through wiring in buildings and vehicles. Rats also chew through wood and other material they run into, material such as paper, cloth, books, and insulation. They make nests in crevices and enclosed areas, which can stifle ventilation and can attract more pests.
Check The Area For Rats
The first step that Ultima Search will undertake to get rid of rats from the affected area is to perform an inspection. The inspection is important for several reasons. Inspections confirm or reveal the pest. Accurately identifying the pest is important because methods for eliminating pests differ depending on what the pest is. A rat and a mouse, however similar they may appear, behave differently and require different techniques and tools to eliminate.
Inspections also identify where rats congregate and where they make their nests. Knowing where a rat population lives is important because they use the same paths to travel, and it’s best to put traps and bait where they commonly gather. Inspections also tend to reveal food sources and access points.
It’s fairly easy to tell if you have rats even if you don’t see the animals. Signs of a rat infestation include burrows, runways, grease marks, urine stains, rodent sounds, rodent odors (a musky scent), gnaw marks, tail drags and footprints in dusty areas, and fecal pellets.
Once a rat population is confirmed, inspectors then look for their nest. To aid them in this task, they might use a UV rodent tracker or other UV light source to find urine, which glows under UV light. If the inspector has difficulty finding the rats’ nest, they might use a rodent-fluorescent-tracking powder to track them.
The second step Ultima Search pest control professionals employ in getting rid of rats is exclusion. Killing existing rats is no good if more can invade. Exclusion involves cutting off rats’ points of entry into a building. If rats live outdoors, this alone may be enough to eliminate them from your premises. To exclude rats, all holes ½” and larger need covered or filled with mesh, hard wire cloth, metal flashing, foam, or other material. Really, all holes larger than ¼” should be filled and covered, as mice can get in these smaller holes.
After the rats’ food and access have been addressed, the next step is to sanitize the area. Garbage will need to be removed, and the landscape should be maintained. Other sanitation considerations include lifting wood piles at least 18 in. off the ground and placing tight covers on all garbage containers and dumpsters.
Long-term protection and prevention
Eliminating a rat or mouse infestation relieves the immediate problem.  But significant numbers of rats and mice are consistently present outdoors near homes—whether in urban, suburban, or rural environments.  Get in touch with Ultima Search professionals know how to set up ongoing protection to prevent rat or mouse re-infestation.
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papamango1 · 2 years
Proven Pest Control Services in Noida
Nobody likes having pests around the house. Pests can include common insects such as cockroaches, spiders, ants, flies, and mosquitoes, as well as bigger pests like rodents, wildlife, and even birds. Pest infestations can cause severe damage to property, cause health risks, and contaminate food. To prevent these issues, it is important to get professional pest control services in Noida from a reliable and experienced provider.
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elljayvee · 4 months
today's topic: that fucker RoundUp
It's time for more Don't Believe Everything You Read with me, elljayvee!
A friend encountered this the other day: 
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This contains a lot of false information and should not be spread around as true. It's scaremongering in the first half and almost entirely wrong in the second half.
I will state my credentials and biases up front: I am an inactive Penn State Master Gardener (which means I have all the education and credentials, but am not currently an active volunteer), I have a permaculture design certificate and an active permaculture garden on my property, and I'm an agriculture & food systems researcher. I also fucking hate RoundUp (aka glyphosate), which I think is very bad, especially at industrial scales. I pretty much think all agricultural inputs have serious problems at industrial scales; RoundUp isn't special. In general, and particularly for home-scale or small-scale ag use, I prefer non-chemical controls; in my own garden I use manual control for all weeds except for poison ivy and tree of heaven, for which I use 2,4-D foliar herbicide. 2,4-D is also pretty nasty stuff, but I use it because unlike RoundUp it's very widespread in my environment already -- some of my neighbors have their lawns sprayed and that's what the lawn companies use. Me spraying a stray tree of heaven once a year isn't even a drop in the 2,4-D bucket of the block. 
Let us take these pieces of Wrong Information from back to front!
Dish soap: people love dish soap in the garden. Just love it. There's mixed evidence on what it can do in the garden but it's completely ineffective against weeds -- the reason it's so popular in garden applications is that it doesn't harm plants. How is something that doesn't harm plants going to be good weed control? Answer: it isn't. It does nothing against weeds. The one thing dish soap is proven to be good at is assisting with aphid control -- the best aphid control is manual/physical control, like blasting aphids off plants with water, and dish soap assists with that and also seems to do some damage to the aphid. Any other pest control involving "soap" almost certainly means "insecticidal soap", not dish soap. 
Takeaway: Unless you're trying to control aphids, don't use dish soap in the garden. (And make sure it's dish SOAP, not a detergeant. In the US, original Dawn is the go-to.) For anything but aphid control, you're just wasting soap.
Salt: No. This is bad. It will definitely help kill some weeds, but it's a bad idea. Don't put extra salt into soil. It's bad for the soil and for the inhabitants of soil; it's bad for water. One cup of salt isn't going to kill a river or a stream or whatever but if you're worried about killing animals, let's just say that poor innocent things like amphibians and worms do not do well in hypersaline environments. Do not use table salt like this. 
Takeaway: Leave table salt out of your garden altogether. You're just wasting salt, messing up soil, and hurting animals.
Vinegar: This is completely fine. Depending on the species of weed you have, it may work very well indeed. However, household white vinegar is only about 5% acetic acid, while horticultural vinegar -- which is sold as a weed killer commercially -- is 20% acetic acid, and works MUCH better on a MUCH wider variety of weeds. It also seems to work best when it is mixed with canola oil. Horticultural vinegar is not as safe for your skin/eyes/etc. and you should follow the safety instructions on the bottle when you use it. If you would like some more information on how well vinegar works to control weeds, you may enjoy reading "Impact of Acetic Acid Concentration, Application Volume, and Adjuvants on Weed Control Efficacy" (Webber et al. 2018). 
Takeaway: Household vinegar in the garden is fine and may work for some species of weeds. Horticultural vinegar works better. Follow safety information when using it. 
Now for RoundUp (aka glyphosate). 
RoundUp will kill pollinators, bees, hives: I will include all invertebrates that seem affected by RoundUp spray in this category. There is good evidence that AT INDUSTRIAL SCALE, RoundUp negatively affects pollinators and other beneficial invertebrates, such as pest-controlling spiders. When applied to a broad area in heavy concentrations, it seems to have lethal effects (particularly in bees who ingest it or come into physical contact with it), and it also seems interfere with reproduction in some bees, wasps, and spiders.
"Is glyphosate toxic to bees? A meta-analytical review" (Battisti et al 2021) is a good meta-analysis about toxicity to various bee species. (It is paywalled, sorry -- but some of its sources are not.) This analysis found that it's easy for bees to get a fatal dose from pollen from sprayed flowers, physical contact with sprayed flowers, or ingestion of nectar from sprayed flowers. At individual garden scale, you are extremely unlikely to harm more than a few individual insects unless you're doing something very weird, like, I don't know, pouring a whole bottle of RoundUp over your patio, or specifically filling flowers with drops of RoundUp. 
Takeaway: In general, I recommend not using RoundUp in your garden. If you do use RoundUp, snip off flowers from the weeds or do not spray the flowers, to avoid pollen contamination and lower the likelihood of bees touching the RoundUp. I strongly suggest instead using manual controls, which is what I do -- I weedwhack and hand-pull weeds (again, with the exception of poison ivy and tree of heaven). 
RoundUp will kill your pets and kids and you: In general, not unless your pets, your kids, or you drink it. This is how it kills mammals: a mammal drinks it. There is some evidence of toxicity to amphibians, but again, this is at industrial scale and high concentrations, not a household preparation used on like 5 weeds in your patio. There is conflicting evidence on whether or not glyphosate is carcinogenic in humans, but the risk -- if it exists -- seems at this point to be low and probably mainly affects agricultural workers who are regularly exposed to a LOT of the stuff.
Takeaway: Secure RoundUp from pets and children. I personally keep garden chemicals in a padlocked plastic box in the garage. If you are suicidal and may drink RoundUp, call your area's suicide prevention hotline or ask someone for help. If you are an agricultural worker regularly in contact with glyphosate in the environment your best resource is probably United Farm Workers (in the US), your local farm workers' org, or La Via Campesina (which is an international farm workers' organization that has taken a stand against the widespread industrial use of glyphosate). 
If you would like to read more about RoundUp toxicity, try: "Glyphosate Poisoning" (Bradberry, Proudfoot, and Vale 2004) and "Glyphosate: A review of its global use, environmental impact, and potential health effects on humans and other species" (Richmond 2018) -- this one is particularly useful because it collates a LOT of research together in one place, so you can get to many, many other articles from it. 
General takeaways: You should take precautions if you use RoundUp not to hurt bees in your garden, but you are unlikely to hurt anything larger than invertebrates if you do use it. Do not use random weedkilling formulas involving random household items in your garden. In particular, dish soap and salt have almost no good garden uses at all and if someone tells you to use them, they are probably misinformed at best. There is a lot of complete bullcrap out there on the internet.
If you want to use organic controls for stuff in your garden, which lots of people do, a good place to start is the OMRI lists. Items on these lists are approved for organic use in the US or Canada and free to download. You can also look for information from Extension in the US about organic controls and home gardening advice; county extension is government-funded and provides a wide variety of free educational material about gardening, forestry, agriculture, etc.
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adiluv-moved · 1 year
omg omg going off your obsessed scara can you imagine how he'd react if you got with somebody???? boy would go crazy
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a continuation of this post.
796 words. modern au, obsessive fan behavior, stalking, suggestive, reader is not traveler, not edited.
superfan scaramouche who is initially ecstatic when your group's official accounts announce an upcoming tour within inazuma, hours that he could've—should've spend asleep instead being dedicated to scouring your accounts for venue announcements and pre-sale dates. he goes into a frenzy once the information drops, pulling all-nighters in order to secure tickets at every one of the concerts.
superfan scaramouche who has, as mentioned previously, seen you in person before—attending previous performances both within his home nation and travelling abroad to attend the tours that weren't. but, archons, he just can't control his excitement when it comes to you, having him acting as if it were his first concert.
the chance of seeing his favorite idol while going about his day-to-day, encountering you at all his favorite spots in the city, the possibility of something romantic... his delusional little mind just can't help but jump at it!
superfan scaramouche who personally visits each and every large hotel within inazuma city, convincing ꒰manipulating꒱ them into providing any information they have about exactly where you and your groupmates will be staying. he'll make sure that you, specifically, have the best room in the entire building—anonymously shelling out his own money for sake of upgrading you and you alone.
superfan scaramouche who lurks around your hotel in the same baggy clothing he'd used to disguise himself whilst meeting you, an ominous presence hidden in the crowd that can't help but unsettle you during attempts to go sightseeing before your first show. your nervous expressions are even more intoxicating in the snapshots he takes of you, tucked away in a corner of his room for personal viewing.
superfan scaramouche who has his delusions unceremoniously shattered when his lurking leads him into a bar, eyes wide as saucers and mouth agape as he watches you converse and—and kiss another man that approaches you! despite the stabbing feeling within his chest, he's left totally unable to act as the both of you—intoxicated—stumble out the doors, instead rushing home in tears and on the verge of a mental breakdown. he... doesn't sleep that night.
superfan scaramouche who eventually manages to convince himself that your betrayal is really nothing more than a one-night stand. after all, you certainly couldn't have been in your right mind꒰!꒱ allowing such an... insignificant pest to whisk you away. surely, you must've come to your senses by morning, felt so ashamed by your low standards that you'd come shamefully crawling back to your room.
... only to be proven wrong as he catches you sneaking out during the evening, face hidden beneath an oversized hoodie as you went to go entertain that miscreant yet again. he's in far worse spirits when he returns home, tearing his room apart and destroying half of his merch collection before coming to his senses.
superfan scaramouche who comes to regard this affair of yours as a mistake, even if you aren't exactly aware of it yet. nothing but a mar, if you will, on the perfection that comprises your very being. he's well versed in the dramas of the idol industry, knows well that agencies often exert total control over the lives of their idols. living beneath a ceo's thumb must get exhausting, he decides, a justifiable line of reasoning for this... act of rebellion. it's that worm's fault, really. taking advantage of somebody sweet as you—capitalizing on your naïvety.
superfan scaramouche who, as much as he doesn't want to, believes that there's merit in alerting your supervisors to your rendezvous. actions packaged under the guise of innocent concern, he emails photos of the two of you to your manager—intently eavesdropping on the commotion coming from the hotel that night. you cry until the early hours of morning, his heart aching with each muffled sob.
still, he feels no remorse for his actions, deeming your pain a necessary form of suffering. just like icarus, who flew too close to the sun, you too must learn not to play with fire—to avoid being burnt and falling from the sky.
superfan scaramouche who approaches you during one of your ꒰far more limited꒱ moments of downtime, pointing out the saddened look in your eyes and offering comfort when you vaguely detail your grievances. although there's something familiar about him and the words of praise that slip past his lips, the amount of fans you meet on a daily basis makes it impossible to place the connection—so you instead turn a blind eye and indulge in his comfort. he allows you to weep on his shoulder until your satisfied, the fabric moistened by your tears... revisited later that day.
"shh, shh... i know it hurts now, but really... this was all for the best."
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Remember when I said how Ingo was done dirty in the Pokemon Legends Arceus game and I went on a tangent on what could've happened, yeah? Now hear me out… platonic yandere warden Ingo, the little times he gets to see you you've gotten stronger and stronger. You're clearly dedicated to your work as a Galaxy corpse member and seeing all that hard work get trampled because of something out of your control struck a nerve with him. Also if we were to take into account that one angst bit that I pitched to you some time ago where the readers team gets killed by Volo's, rest assured that Ingo wont take so kindly to any threats aimed at you. I doubt that he would let you go into town without him or his Lady, he's already lost fragments of someone really important to him, he's not about to lose another through sheer ignorance of others.
Platonic Yandere Warden Ingo is certainly interesting!
He’s almost more protective of you than when his interest is romantic. He sees how kind you are, amongst all these villagers and clan folk. You care for even the smallest person, such as himself. A light like that must be protected. You can handle yourself in a pokemon battle just fine, sure. It’s something he is very proud of! But what about people? You are so kind, you are bound to be taken advantage of. It’s only proven true when you are banished from your village by your idiot of a team leader. You were the highest rank, and did so much for the village and the Galaxy Team, only to be tossed aside like trash. He takes you in instead, and doesn’t let you go anywhere without him. He’s willing to face Irida’s ire if it means protecting you. He’ll even take being banished himself if it means keeping you safe. Thankfully it doesn’t get that far. When you are attacked by Beni, it takes everything in him not to strangle the ninja. But much to your suprise, and Beni’s, he walks right up to the ninja, and slugs him right across the jaw. “Leave, and don’t come back.” Beni only sighs, and rubs his chin, before disappearing. After that, he’s your shadow. If your village leader was willing to send an assassin after you, he’s not taking any chances. When you are welcomed back into the village, he hardly leaves your side. If he can’t be with you, he asks Lady Sneasler to keep an eye out for you as well. She likes you a lot, so it’s thankfully no trouble. People learn to leave you be when they see the man following your every step, who you have affectionately referred to as you ‘Uncle Ingo.’ You don’t see how he glares at them from behind your shoulder. Not one of them came to your defense. They are nothing but pests to him that don’t deserve your kindness. But it would upset you if anything happened, so he only sticks by you as a guard, and as a warning. The only ones that aren’t receiving his own ire is your little rival, Cyllene, and the professor, who all seemed upset at how you had been banished. Kamado, however... After seeing Kamado when you had to save the day, he only held himself back for your sake, since there were more pressing matters at the time. But now? Kamado openly avoids you. He nearly refuses to have meetings with you unless absolutely necessary, though you aren’t quite sure why. You have no idea Ingo paid him a visit late one night, easily sweeping through his pokemon, and pinning him to a wall. “If you ever do something so stupid like that again, and put them in danger, I will kill you.” Kamado stares at him with a steely gaze. “Is that a threat, Warden?” Ingo tightens his grip on the man’s neck, his Gliscor snapping its claws ominously behind him. “No. It’s a promise.” He also has near to no mercy for Volo. Summoning a legendary to smite you down, right after a battle and wearing down your poor pokemon? Ingo isn’t sure why, but he’s pretty sure that’s against a rule of some sort. So if Volo plans to forgo the rules, so will he. He will battle by your side against the legendary pokemon. He goes in to give Volo a real piece of his mind, only to be held back by you. The Warden relents, but silently decides the moment he sees Volo when he’s not with you, it’s on sight.
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ranticore · 4 months
answering asks in a big batch post
my god u guys are curious
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nah I don't think they live that long. the matriarchs maybe will take several generations of rider but for the average workers i don't believe their lifespan would be much longer than a human's. maybe an extra 10 or 20 years over the human average, in which case they would be retired (and likely grieving)
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@illbecreativelater thank you bestie... yeah absolutely, any recommendations of the pern books need to have a big "this was written in the 1960s" disclaimer attached lol. i have a real soft spot for them for the sci-fi disguised as fantasy aspect, and the plotline of people coming together to rediscover lost technology - if someone reads it purely for dragon riding i think they'd be disappointed. i find it interesting how it launched a genre but the most unique aspects of the story (aforementioned sci-fi elements) were not really replicated in other dragon riding fiction. also um obligatory plug for Said The Black Horse if you like Pern Story since that's where all the characters come from (no dragons tho)
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hfkjsg i'm kidding, I didn't think I'd put this much thought into the prehistory stuff so it's still patchy and not internally consistent. re: the mages, they did not go willingly at ALL and it was not the crime of one group - it was unable to be conclusively proven (behind closed doors) what started the "portals spewing out inorganic killing machines" problem. each had dirt on the other and they all stabbed eachother in the back over it during the ensuing tribunals (and it was because Revelation had no leverage over the others that it became the fall guy). there were only a handful of mages in reality, and one of them was fully exonerated and became the judge who gave the sentence and the ensuing punishment. the options presented to the mages were "submit or die", with submission being contingent on their future lives as underground pest control monsters.
the magic was not like dnd wizard magic. it was more esoteric - a study like alchemy which could not actually be weaponised. wizards were vulnerable to physical attack. they weren't throwing out lightning bolts or fireballs, and away from their laboratories, helpers, and equipment, they couldn't cast spells at will. they were, as it turns out, very stoppable. far from the most powerful people in the world - the ability to manipulate the fabric of reality is all well and good but if you don't have a rich patron or king giving you unlimited funding it's not like you can do much. the spell of Turn Into Monster was the last piece of magic powered by extra-dimensional sources before those sources chose to stop humouring spellcasters, and it took years to implement.
magic could not handle the new threat. they tried and failed. it was very much a "i opened a portal to the void to see if it would make my dinky little orrery spin, and something in the void stared back" situation, where that 'something' was not controllable by magical means. the events at Amphora were greater than just a stream of crawling beasts (again, where Amphora once sat there is now a vast plain of completely flat, empty land)
anyway i still need to seal up some of the gaps but essentially, wizards caused the mess collectively, were unable to stop it, and then turned viciously on one another when it became clear their magic wasn't helping and their patrons were no longer willing to support them. many of them were torn from their laboratories by the vengeful public and few survived long enough to see their new lives as wyrms.
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Dark age/renaissance/industrial revolution: yes kind of! Even the generations of people directly following the original settling of Siren were forced to live essentially stone-age lives despite being fully aware of technology like LEDs or rocket engines. The mineral composition of Siren made metals really hard to come by, and without an established Industrial Sector they struggled to produce things like medicine (the ol' 'how will you make insulin' question again) and they were shit outta luck for microchips or computers. they could farm, they could make primitive refineries, but it was increasingly clear that if they wanted to reproduce the conveniences of modern Earth life, it would have to be developed again from scratch using only the materials available on Siren. And the more decrepit the original settlement ruins became, the harder it was to access knowledge of the old world, and for a while many societies on Siren were subsistence farmers/hunters only. this dark age birthed many superstitions and myths that persist today, and the theory of 'predecessors' who were like gods who'd come to Siren to populate it with their creations. normally i wouldn't believe stuff like this could happen but tbh i've seen people go full anti-vax in real time and it only takes a few generations of that for entire belief systems to spring up and warp the truth.
the renaissance era is Qedivar's time, it's when the University is at its peak and the study of the natural world and its phenomena has become more science than superstition, it is an era of rapidly expanding knowledge. Industrial Revolution has not taken place however it's not far off on the horizon; the most 'modern' cast of characters I have is a whaling crew in a metal-hulled, coal-powered ship.
which forms of government were most prevalent during the existance of Sirenian civilization? which forms exist currently?: the first Sirenian government was a military dictatorship formed in secret with the first rebels at the helm, which dissolved once its stated goals had been met and the settlement had been destroyed. after that there was an attempt at republicanism but ultimately different groups drifted apart instead of staying all in one place, forming small scattered enclaves around the western continent, usually ruled by whoever chose to go out there and start farming. these developed into villages. pelagic villages in some regions are still ruled by a patriarch (gender neutral) selected by a council of elders based on who has the most experience. there have been as many forms of government over the years across the planet as you can imagine, probably. notably, most of the Eastern continent is ruled by whoever is currently the president of the University. for most prevalent I'd say some form of council, elected or not. but on the eastern coast of the Eastern continent there exists Siren's only bloodline monarchy as well, and that still persists into the renaissance era.
was there any sort of access to advanced knowledge that helped them during the social/cultural/technological development? Not particularly; although people went to Siren specifically to make a settlement and live there, it was never intended to be permanent. when permanently settling other planets (for example, the ship that brought people to Siren originated on another planet, Ceti, and not Earth) the effort would usually be far more robust and massive databanks would provide people with knowledge. the settlement had 3D printers to produce clothing and day to day objects when needed, but they were sabotaged by the last non-allied unmodified humans when it became clear their cause was lost. they also had basic wikipedia level databanks which were stored within their own servers (i.e no cloud backups or anything and no connection to anything outside Siren), which were subject to flood damage and also more sabotage via crowbar, in an attempt to hide from future access what had been done within the genetic lab. parts of the databanks were later able to be accessed (it's how Qedivar got all that information about Ishmael) but as mentioned above, the knowledge was scarce and all but useless. it'd be like a caveman finding a manual for how to turn on a wifi router, but there's no wifi, no router, and no materials to make any of those things.
some of the harpy visors contained the photo albums (3D and immersive videos included) of the pilots who once wore them, which provided a glimpse into Earth or Ceti. they also had digital maps which greatly aided in navigating Siren; there was never any era of exploration, as the geography of the planet was known from the start.
had things like feudalism/class inequality/slavery still emerged, regardless? yes but in small and isolated areas, as the population density of Siren overall is extremely low and it was difficult for anyone to concentrate enough power in one place to enact widespread feudalism or start up a formal slave trade. the monarchy described above does engage in feudalism, for example. class inequality is very pronounced in places like the University but classes are not defined by wealth, rather by scholarly ability. in the west coastal areas of the Eastern continent it is common to simply not have any relationship with your blood relatives on the basis of that relation; that is, even if you know who your parents are (a very rare occurrence). this makes it difficult to concentrate class power via bloodline, and why the monarchy is wildly different and kind of an unthinkable novelty to everyone outside it lol.
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silverloreley · 11 months
For some reason I can't make any happy headcanon about Descendants, so hear another dark one (although someone else may have the same one already, in which case I'd love to discuss it) (Caution Advised, that's going to get VERY dark at some points):
Isle of Leftovers, Mal calls it in the first book, canonically the awful living conditions of the Isle are due not much to the uncleanliness of the inhabitants but the fact everything they have comes from trash.
Now, cities like Rome, Palermo or Napoli (naming Italian ones because that's where I live), very real cities in real life, have problems with garbage. Trash means pests (rats, boars, maggots, you name it), it means bad smell, it means dirt, it means assorted problems, not least the hygienic ones. How to solve the problem of accumulation, then?
Fires. In real, actual cities, what happens are dumpster fires.
Now, let's be honest, Italy has its issues, but it's not the Isle of the Lost, there are options, but the issue is that those options are not taken. I digressed. What I mean is that the simplest and quickest way to get rid of excess trash is just setting it on fire and wait until it goes out.
Two main issues with that:
Fires spread, that's a fact, which means, depending on where and how the fires are set, there's a huge chance that the buildings nearby can catch fire too. It means the chance of death by fire is very high. What's more, it's a fact that in living situations such as the ones we see on the Isle of the Lost, half the isle could burn down before the fires can be stopped. And no one can actually escape. (A ficwriter with more stomach than I could explore the chance a fire out of control could have killed the entire population of the Isle without the outside knowing until it was too late... or worse, with my headcanon the original Villains can't die, that all the new population was killed and the Villains were left with their kids' burnt corpses in a city of ruins...)
Fires mean extra pollution, aka the quality of air alone gets way, way worse than it'd be on its own, which is all saying with what we said above. We know from Uma's book that the ever-existing cloud over the Isle is mostly made of that smoke. It's a scientifically proven fact that the smoke from garbage is toxic and likely to prompt the formation of cancer. This means every inhabitant of the Isle of the Lost is at very high risk of cancer or lung issues at the very least. Let that sink in. (Let's not think that maybe we can accept Carlos' death in canon with a sudden development of a previously undetected cancer, let's not think that with better food and air the cancerous cells could grow too, let's not think that, among the Core Four he was the only one fully human with Mal not being human at all, Jay having djinn blood, Evie witch heritage, and even Uma is not all human, that's to be discussed about Gil and Harry, but stil...)
I have a talent to make myself sad, don't I?
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captainkurosolaire · 3 months
Unsheathe, Heart
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Abscission cascaded cherry-blossoms dropping onto piles; translating change, twinkles of stars; wishes of hope shot through enchanted lavender-night skies. A resonator soul was undergoing, these stories. An unlikely-dark figure cloaked of shadow, clutched a helpless flower remaining stalwart in fetal position, blows suffering in defense. Ire disappoint encompass the feature of an Eastern Handler. His Blade served dysfunctional, flawed, it wouldn't slice in the direction appointed any-longer. All because of a woman who interfered with its cruel-temperament.
Another violent penalty-kick unleashed to punish insubordination, sending the compromised once-formidable, Death-Dealer on his back, only further fury surfaced from the Don, revelation's showed leather-gloves clasping delicately a Sakurasou willing to give life for it, forsake steel to wield that?!!' Intolerable... Blasphemy! Jewelry digit's of wealth, reached and grasped a hilt-blade, time for execution...
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Unconfined-steel slid outside its cover. The Esteemed One, uttered his grievances, "I your Maker, failed. As-such, I'll dismantle that worthless dishonored stain you've come to become!!!" Plunging an attempted horizontal strike for impaling the prone, Seeker. Sole-boots of the feline, still managing his fight intersected pausing the steel-between feet, preventing his death for a momentarily-time, only glancing strands of raven-locks befell; rolling off dexterously his shoulders, to a kip-up. Spitting a loose tooth towards his aggressor. Golden-star-orbs enclosed-in those of Ancient heritage... Truesight, reigned. The Don's relentless attack followed, but this pest continued dodges until they reached a wall. In a quick-turn of his movement, he'd stuff the flower's stem between his mouth, romantically; death in life were one-of-body. Then springboard-kick off the wall, landing behind his enemy. A deathly-slash vertically attempted to cleave cat-folk's head from shoulder, those pesky-eyes, foresaw! Rozan the Star, felt sharpness ache throughout himself but his trained-experience plunged it down, utilizing that ability, gravely could-be costly. He tucked and leaped a headbutt to the jaw of his Handler came, in that disruption. Honzo knew too well, danger of being too close against this level-of-assassin. Wind of death on his nape, he leapt back fearfully. The Lion Shadow revealed his intentions to have these motion's play-out, controlling the battle. Fetching with agility his discarded Uchigatana. Both men knew the next strike; would be the other's fatal departure. ...There's a moment, An Instance... When a depleted, beaten-spirit can utilize a legendary stance... If the conditions are met, dire. Divergence of soul's twisted corridors are realigned. Selected individual's who acquire this of our Realm... Historically analog throughout fabled-legends. God-slayers, Proven mythical rulers, They. Slice. Destiny. This Flower... This Breathe... Her... Broke-throughout his remaining conscious, into a singular flush.. Serenity.
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Both took sword-stance. Eyes closed, feet prepared their flight.
[Limit-Break] <"Thousand Shadow-Petals; Sing!"> Written to soul-engraving Hingashi lettering, fate was slashed. The opposing men, were now across each in an instant. As if Light itself, sound, was erased. The Sun Shadow dropped to a knee seemingly defeated. Yet drew his sword-back to embroidered scabbard. Don Honzo, Manufacturer of Black Miracles hues watered, "Ninety-Eight Shadows will hear this..." "...Peace was just a w-wish." Coherently was allowed to say his omen-prophecy, before a thousand-miniature slices, cuts, revealed from the invisible, rupturing through his body in a torrent. A magnificent brutal-display, slain by grim-petals. True Power is when weak and strong; kiss. Wielding the magenta flower betwixt fingers. Time to report this contract, fulfilled.
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[Prev:Chapter]: I Blade - Choose ~ ♪"If We Being Real"♪
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superconductivebean · 5 months
#962: victor rookwood hc post - 1?
Not sure I've lots about that one. A follow-up to the latest hc post.
Once again raising my head from the Brainrot fog to share some character headcanons with the world. Brainrot is a fic I’m working on.
Tags: @thriftstorebabayaga @limonnitsa @catohphm
Cut because tw I'd gotten a little too gnarly to my liking by the end.
Salacious around young (ages 19-22) women of higher classes;
Reeks of whiskey, sweat and cologne. Not terribly so, but enough for his presence to quite literally fill the room;
After killing his father on a lively duel and taking the Ashwinders for himself, got stuck in the perpetual decline of power, as he saw it;
Brainrot: His father was a deviously clever and a vicious crime lord. The name -- Ashwinders -- came from the way the pest multiply. In its early days the Ashwinders were setting fire to hearths around the coasts of Continental Europe in order to get children, magical or not, to follow them, learn from them, and spread their agenda not knowing what it entailed;
Brainrot: Rookwood Sr. minded the Statute very much, as well as many others among the traders and the poor. But the methods he chose were… questionable. Some called them a commendable effort, especially the destitute, but in the grand scheme of things, Rookwood Sr. was either raising an army, no less, or he was an idealistic mind unable to be understood by the contemporary;
Brainrot: The truth leaned powerwards. Rookwood minded the Statute because it was an obstacle. He could act in the open in the south but couldn't in the north, and that was the problem. He and his beneficiaries were constantly getting in serious legal troubles along the northern -- Normandy, Dutch, German, Danish, British, Irish, Swedish, Norwegian -- coasts;
Brainrot: Everyone he managed to snatch, recruit, get, and forced into the ranks was an expandable force, constantly tested. Blood pacts, dark sacrifices, grim rituals; Rookwood gang was less than pleasant place with little hopes of ever escaping its bloody horrors;
Brainrot: Victor didn't know them very well not he was ever let in. He only knew that his father was a powerful Dark Wizard, raised himself a following whom he was meticulously defending, and had literal tons of accumulated wealth he wasn't very keen on sharing;
Brainrot: Fast-forward to Victor's adult years: Victor cultivated an insatiable hunger for power. Unlike his father, he isn't politically savvy, but he knows ruthlessness can open many doors without the need to find any keys for any locks;
When Victor killed his father, he had proven that to himself. The scion and an only heir to the family's line, he took all there was to the gang to himself, changing its course to something more vile and violent on an outward;
Victor doesn't think a discrete approach matters so much as his father used to think. To him, it is a necessity, not a credo, how else would people see where his intent lies and how unequivocally pointless would be to resist it;
He is a force to be reckoned with;
But the more one has, the harder it is to control. He'd cut the beast's tail bit by bit and sew it back* many times until he'd realise he made a grave mistake, and it'd already too late to turn back.
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peach-the-owl · 7 months
First post of NPC month! Woooooo!!! Let’s hope I can keep the ball rolling 😅
Avantica & Child!Reader
For anyone familiar with the Little Nightmares games, reader is somewhat similar to Six from the first game
Ability gained: +1 to Strength
Fire spread fast across the village, you paid little mind to the distant screams while you stare down the parasite that thought it a good idea to cross you… well more like former parasite, as the man’s corpse still stares at you with terror in its dulled eyes while you wiped the blood off your mouth. You weren’t the cause of the fire, as much as you would’ve liked to, no, someone else decided to cause havoc to the village and you were sure you’d take advantage of the opportunity. A shadow looms behind you, slowly you turn to face its owner, not a shred of fear present on your face.
“My my, well aren’t you just the savage little monster.” The woman smirks at you.
“I’m not a monster,” you state blankly, “I’m a kid.”
“No child I’ve ever seen can rip a mans throat out with their teeth so easily.” She points out before adding. “Nor has anyone ever been so calm in my presents. Do I not scare you?” You raise an eyebrow at this.
“Should I be?” You answer her question with your own. Her smirk only grows at this.
“I think you and I are going to get along real nicely…”
You did what you do best below deck, pest control, chasing down any pests and reaching into the smaller nooks and crannies to get at them. It was easy work for you by now, having been stuck with Avantica for about a year and half now, going along with her delusions of power. You didn’t care much for the patron she worshiped, this Uk’otoa creature not really striking your interest despite her obsessive ramblings over it, sure you’ve been play along, but that doesn’t mean you had to like it. The cellar door opens and several sets of footsteps are heard making their way down, you hear Avantica’s voice amongst them and you knew what this meant, she wanted to make an example to whoever these, possibly newcomers were. You’re theory that they were newcomers was proven correct, you’ve never seen a group so colourful and odd before, but curious of them as you were you sat back and waited for your cue, perfect timing too as that familiar gnawing in your gut makes itself known.
“If I may be so kind to ask, why bring us down here?” The half-orc questions
“Some have come to me with… ill intent. I wish to show that I myself, as well as my crew are not people to be trifled with.” Avantica explains, giving you the small signal to make yourself known. You step forward, close enough so this group could see you but keep enough distance away from them to stay out of their reach. You stare them all down, taking in the shocked expressions, sizing each of them up. The blue one steps towards you, her first mistake.
“Oh my gosh, hi! Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She asks, looking at you concerned, she misjudges and underestimates you, her second mistake.
“I’m hungry…” You say blankly, noticing the goblin stepping closer as well.
“Here! It’s a bit crumbly, but I have this pastry you can eat.” She says cheerily reaching towards you, her third and biggest mistake.
“That won’t be good enough.” You say, tone never shifting away from being emotionless. “You’ll do just fine.” She barely processes what you said before you bite into her shoulder, she screams in shock and pain the others with her prying you off of her, but not before you rip off a decent piece of her flesh. The tiefling stumbles back, clutching at where you bit her, a look of horror on her face as you stare back at her while swallowing the fresh meat, wiping some blood away with your wrist. There’s a surge of energy that courses through you then out of you, you look yourself over for a second before looking beside you at the darkened and slightly unstable silhouette of yourself, guess with a lack of a deity this new ability couldn’t reach its fullest potential, not that you cared so long as it still does it’s job.
“What did I tell you,” Avantica laughs, “not to be trifled with.”
Ability gained: Invoke Duplicity
Evening approached which meant you were free to roam the ship without the crew getting in the way, though with the gnawing coming back, this being the fastest it’s ever re-emerged, you wished at least one forgetful soul stuck around. But then again you had some new treats, and a new skill, to play with…
The ship creaked as it swayed with the waves, the eerie silence otherwise didn’t sit well with Beau as she sits up from her sleeping area and surveys the room. Something about the atmosphere felt off as she gets up, the floor boards creaking under her as she shifts and moves around. She carefully steps as quietly as possible to the door, poking her head out into the hall, where upon sensing no immediate danger she fully steps out of the room. The boat sways subtly against the waves almost like it’s trying to lull her back to sleep, the harsh creak of the floorboards pulling out of such a mindset. To her left the hall was dark and empty, to her right what little moonlight shone down the hall was partially blocked by a figure standing as still as a statue.
“Damn kid…” Beau mutters under her breath, wanting nothing to do with whatever they were doing. She stares at the silhouette feeling them stare back at her. “What do you want, you little freak.” She hisses through clenched teeth, that’s when you let your little illusion drop, the duplicate’s silhouette shattering into pieces as you approach.
“I’m not a freak,” you say, as monotonous as ever, “I’m worse.” You manage to step back and avoid the strike Beau throws, using the moment to grab her arm and bite into it. She shouts in pain, reeling her arm away from you and quickly clutching tightly to the wound, but you already got what you needed, feeling a surge of energy rush through you, jabbing it out at her sending her to her knees. You disappear into the darkness down the hall as the others from her group stir to investigate.
Ability gained: Stunning Strike
“How lucky you are.” Avantica chuckles ominously. “You finally get to relieve your sea legs for a bit.” She was, of course, referring to your mission on Urukayxl. You knew the only reason she even wanted you there was to gain power for her advantage, at least that’s how she worded it. She was never one to tiptoe around her true intentions with you, your purpose, the reason she decided to keep you alive was solely to benefit herself, and you fully knew about it. On the other hand, you yourself had secret intentions you kept quiet about, just waiting patiently for the perfect moment, and if you were being honest, since the arrival of this Mighty Nein group you’ve felt that perfect moment drawing closer and closer.
“Can’t wait to get started.” You say as blandly as ever.
“Good. Now why don’t you go inform our new recruits we’ll be arriving soon.” You nod and turn to make your leave. “One more thing,” she quickly adds, “while you’re at it, if you could tell their ‘captain’ I’d like word with him.” Again, you nod in acknowledgement and leave her quarters to find said group…
“How exactly do we plan on dealing with that psycho child around?” Beau paces the room, unconsciously touching the scar you’d left her.
“With Avantica watching us like a hawk, can’t say there’s much we can do.” Fjord sighs, glancing over at Jester who, while was doing better, still shivered at the thought of their first encounter with you. “We’ll just need to tread carefully.”
“Who’s treading carefully?” You ask suddenly appearing behind him, causing the half-orc to jump away from you with a yelp of surprise. You look at him unfazed. “You’re not planning against the captain, are you?” You give a slight tilt to your head in minor curiosity.
“W-what? No! We were just saying how it’s best to tread carefully… around the crew. You know, s-so we don’t get in anyone’s way. Right guys?” They mumble rather unconvincing responses but you could honestly care less what they were doing.
“Captain says we’ll be arriving soon, and for captain Tusktooth to see her.” You deliver the message and leave before any of them have a chance to respond. You make your way down the hall when you hear someone approach from behind making you pause to turn towards them. “Can I h help you?” You stare down the goblin woman.
“I got my eye on you, kid. So you best watch your back if you try hurting anymore of my friends.” She threatens, you simply give her a hollow stare.
“Okay.” You start, a familiar gnawing beginning to form, it has been a few day since your last… episode. She turns to leave, her mistake. “Maybe you should be more concerned watching your own back.” She whips around at this but you’ve already disappeared from your original position, watching as the goblin panics while looking every which way. You felt the gnawing grow ever so slightly but held off on the urge, you’d have your chance soon. Urukayxl was going to be quite the interesting trip…
Haha! Cliffhanger! I’m so evil 😈 In all seriousness I will, eventually, get to making a part 2. Anyways, hope you still enjoyed, let me know what you think 😁
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pestcontrolau · 11 months
Proven Pest Control Methods: What Really Works?
Pest infestations can be a homeowner's nightmare, and in Australia, where the climate is conducive to various pests, effective and proven pest control is crucial. In this guide, we explore proven pest control methods that truly work to keep your home pest-free in the Australian context.
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Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Holistic Approach: Integrated pest control near me combines various strategies, including preventive measures, biological control, and targeted pesticide use to manage pests effectively.
Sustainability: It emphasizes long-term pest prevention and minimizes the use of harmful chemicals, making it an eco-friendly choice.
Professional Pest Inspections
Early Detection: Regular inspections by professional pest control services can help identify pest issues before they become severe.
Customized Solutions: Professionals tailor their treatments to the specific pests and conditions, ensuring efficient control.
Biological Pest Control
Natural Predators: Encourage the presence of natural predators like ladybugs, birds, or beneficial insects to keep pest populations in check.
Biological Agents: Release biological agents like nematodes or parasitoid wasps to control specific pests without harming the environment.
Chemical Treatments
Selective Use: When necessary, targeted and environmentally friendly chemicals can be used, following strict regulations and safety precautions.
Residual Pest Control: Residual sprays can help in long-term pest control for specific infestations.
Hygiene and Sanitation
Preventive Measures: Maintaining cleanliness and proper sanitation can deter pests from infesting your home in the first place.
Eliminating Attractants: Remove food and water sources that can lure pests into your living spaces.
Exclusion and Sealing
Prevent Entry: Identify and seal entry points for pests, such as cracks, gaps, and openings in walls, doors, and windows.
Mesh and Screens: Use mesh and screens on doors and windows to prevent insects from entering your home.
Effective pest control in Australia requires a multifaceted approach that combines prevention, early detection, and targeted solutions.
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pagesofscales · 1 year
Glue Traps and Why They Suck
⚠️ CW: Animal Cruelty and Death ⚠️
I saw a terrible video a few hours ago. Throughout the video, five or six mice and a snake were stuck to a glue trap and died a very slow, painful death over the course of a few days. It was horrible to watch but what was worse to see were all the comments cheering for it.
Glue traps are an incredibly inhumane type of pest control. They work by using a very sticky glue that traps animals such as rats, mice, snakes, bugs, and other small critters. The animals don't die immediately. Instead, they suffer and die a painful death of starvation and exhaustion. There have even been cases of them chewing through their own limbs in an attempt to escape.
These traps also end up trapping many animals other than the intended targets. There have been cases of harmless snakes being caught in traps intended for spiders, birds being caught in traps intended for insects, and even some threatened and endangered species being caught.
With all these awful consequences, you'd think that the traps would have to at least work well. Nope. Glue traps have been proven to have little to no affect on infestations as they don't target and address the source of the problem. People have also reported being bitten by some of the animals stuck to the trap while trying to dispose of the traps.
If you do have a problem with infestations or pests, there are so many better options out there. You can call a local professional to relocate animals, use humane traps that don't kill the animal, or even those that offer a quick death. I'm against killing animals as a general rule but at least a quick death would be better than these cruel and inhumane contraptions.
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himemiya-kun · 1 year
Blue Sea*The Shining, Truthful Atlantis (Chapter 3)
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Chapter 3: Under the Surface
• Eichi Tenshouin
• Tori Himemiya
• Yuzuru Fushimi
Eichi: It would have been nice if you had consulted me. As the student council president two generations ago, I can at least give my support to Tori.
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Tori: I was thinking of talking to you about it.
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Yuzuru: Fufu. The election is not going so well. Therefore, Young Master must’ve been ashamed to let Eichi-sama know about such a pathetic situation.
Eichi: If that’s the case, why didn't you consult me? But, surprisingly, Tori doesn't always rely on me.
Yuzuru: Even though you don’t like to borrow the power of a tiger. However, I think the smell of water is similar between Eichi-sama and Young Master.
Tori: Shut up! Yumenosaki isn’t important right now!
It’s okay. I'll take care of that properly. What's more important right now is the atlantis?
Eichi: Project-ATLANTIS.
Tori: That's right! You were talking about that, weren't you?
Yuzuru: It seems that the main topic tends to get sidetracked.
Eichi: Reality isn't as linear as a story. I have no choice but to extend my hand here and there, even if it's in a roundabout way, and use deductive methods instead of inductive methods to bring them to the surface.
The real image.
Anyway. There’s that. Project-ATLANTIS is—
Yuzuru: This is the third time today Eichi-sama has said, “anyway”.
Eichi: Don’t do a strange count.
Project-ATLANTIS is a plan that came about as part of the “big trend” to create ES branch offices nationwide.
Although it is expressed as a branch office, it serves a similar purpose as a front-line base to suppress anti-ES organisations that have arisen all over the country.
Yuzuru: It is necessary for us to have something like that.
In the case of a centralised organisation like ES, the more you go to the countryside, the less authority you will have.
We need a terminal, so to speak, to control every corner of the country.
But why ATLANTIS? It’s not a very auspicious name.
Tori: Really? What is atlantis? I remember seeing it occasionally in manga—
Yuzuru: I'm worried because Young Master is quoting a lot of manga these days.
Eichi: If you like manga, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Even a nerd can become a true human being, which is proven by Keito.
Reading manga makes you stupid. Playing games makes you stupid. Such a thing is nothing more than assumptions that have emerged from discriminatory feelings towards otaku, a race different from one’s own.
There is no scientific basis for it. Anyway—
Yuzuru: The fourth time.
Eichi: How much is the salary for that job? …The number of ES branches and related companies are expected to increase like bamboo shoots after the rain.
Project-ATLANTIS is treated as a trunk for the branches and leaves of ES that will spread all over the country.
Plant five large trees all over the country, including ES. By focusing on those five trees, ES will grow branches and leaves around the nation.
At the same time, exterminating the pests that undermine it, which is the anti-ES organisation.
Yuzuru: It's just a front-line base… And it's just like the colonisation plan Eichi-sama had mentioned.
Eichi: Yes. In the future, the next generation of idols will be born from the colony.
From now on, idols will be harvested from the fields. There are five huge plantations in Japan, including ES.
But. At one of these five central places, there are a few things.
For several reasons, there are some areas where the construction of the branch offices is slow.
That land has long been an untouchable area for people in our idol industry.
In that land, a big figure who once founded the idol industry and ruled over it for many years, known as the “Godfather”, had his eyes on it.
It seems that this man, who was called God, was trying to build the prototype of ES on that land.
The name of that phantom, primitive ES is ATLANTIS.
You said it was an unfavourable name, Yuzuru. I admit, it’s quite strange.
For a “planned site of utopia” that God was keeping an eye on, a great disaster happened with terrible wolves remaining.
The land, along with the dreams and ideals of the gods, was swept away by the great waves and submerged.
Just like the mythical Atlantis, a super-civilisation destroyed by a calamity.
The disaster happened more than 20 years ago, and we weren't even born yet, so we can only understand it through knowledge.
Right now, I’m reaching out to a land that can only be thought of as being cursed. No, I will establish a utopia that even God couldn’t realise.
Make ATLANTIS, which ended in a dream, a reality.
Hence, the plan is called Project-ATLANTIS.
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Tori: …
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chappythegardener · 1 year
From Garden to Table: 10 Proven Methods to Grow Fresh Greens
Growing greens in your garden can provide a fresh and nutritious addition to your meals. Here are ten gardening methods to help you successfully grow greens: Traditional Garden Beds: Prepare well-draining, nutrient-rich soil. Sow seeds or transplant seedlings according to the recommended spacing. Ensure adequate sunlight, typically 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Water consistently to keep the soil evenly moist. Container Gardening: Use containers with good drainage. Choose potting soil specifically designed for containers. Select compact varieties of greens suitable for containers. Place containers in a sunny location and water regularly. Raised Beds: Build raised beds filled with a mix of garden soil and compost. Create a well-defined growing area for greens. Raised beds offer better drainage and are easier to manage. Vertical Gardening: Utilize vertical space with wall-mounted planters or trellises. Grow vining greens like peas and beans vertically. Ensure adequate support for climbing varieties. Hydroponics: Grow greens without soil in nutrient-rich water. Invest in a hydroponic system designed for leafy greens. Monitor water quality and nutrient levels regularly. Aeroponics: Suspends plants in an air or mist environment. Use a nutrient-rich mist to nourish the roots. Requires precise control of the nutrient solution and misting frequency. Indoor Gardening: Grow greens indoors in containers or hydroponic systems. Provide adequate lighting using grow lights if natural sunlight is limited. Maintain consistent temperature and humidity levels. Companion Planting: Plant greens alongside companion plants like herbs or flowers. Companion plants can deter pests or attract beneficial insects. Succession Planting: Sow greens in stages to ensure a continuous harvest. Plant new seeds or seedlings every few weeks. Extend the growing season and avoid overwhelming harvests. Square Foot Gardening: Divide garden beds into square-foot sections. Plant a specific number of greens per square foot. This method maximizes space and simplifies planning. Remember to tailor your chosen method to your gardening space, climate, and the specific greens you want to grow. Regularly monitor your plants for signs of pests or nutrient deficiencies, and adjust your care routine accordingly. With the right approach, you can enjoy a consistent supply of fresh and delicious greens from your garden. Read the full article
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amit2800515 · 1 year
Unlock the Healing Power of Nature with Our Medicinal Garden Kit
Introduction to Medicinal Gardens
In today's fast-paced world, many people are turning to holistic and natural remedies to improve their health and well- being. One such solution is the medicinal garden, where you can grow your own healing plants and herbs right in your backyard. The concept of medicinal gardens has been around for centuries, and it is a practice that is gaining popularity once again. In this article, we will explore the benefits of growing your own medicinal plants, and how our Medicinal Garden Kit can help you unlock the healing power of nature.
Benefits of Growing Your Own Medicinal Plants
There are numerous benefits to growing your own medicinal plants. First and foremost, it gives you complete control over the quality and purity of the herbs you consume. When you grow your own plants, you can ensure that they are free from harmful pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals commonly found in commercially available herbs. This means that you can have peace of mind knowing that you are using the highest quality ingredients for your herbal remedies.
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Additionally, growing your own medicinal plants allows you to connect with nature in a meaningful way. Gardening has been proven to have numerous mental and physical health benefits, including reduced stress levels and improved overall well-being. By tending to your medicinal garden, you can experience the joy of nurturing life and witness the beauty of nature firsthand.
Overview of Our Medicinal Garden Kit
Our Medicinal Garden Kit is designed to make it easy for anyone to start their own medicinal garden. The kit includes everything you need to get started, including a variety of medicinal plant seeds, organic soil, plant markers, and detailed instructions. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a complete beginner, our kit will provide you with all the tools and resources you need to succeed.
Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Medicinal Garden
Setting up your medicinal garden is a straightforward process that can be broken down into a few simple steps. First, choose a suitable location for your garden. Medicinal plants typically thrive in areas with plenty of sunlight, so make sure to select a spot that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.
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Once you have chosen a location, prepare the soil by removing any weeds or debris and loosening it with a garden fork. Next, plant your seeds according to the instructions provided in our kit. Be sure to water the seeds regularly and provide adequate drainage to prevent overwatering.
As your plants begin to grow, it's important to provide them with proper care. This includes regular watering, fertilizing with organic plant food, and pruning to promote healthy growth. Monitor your plants for any signs of pests or diseases, and take appropriate action to prevent or treat them.
Choosing the Right Plants for Your Medicinal Garden
When choosing plants for your medicinal garden, it's important to consider your specific needs and preferences. Some popular medicinal plants include lavender, chamomile, echinacea, and peppermint. These plants have a wide range of health benefits, from promoting relaxation to boosting the immune system.
Research each plant's requirements and determine if they are suitable for your climate and growing conditions. Consider factors such as soil type, temperature, and sunlight exposure. By selecting the right plants for your garden, you can ensure their success and maximize their healing potential.
Caring for Your Medicinal Plants
Proper care is essential for the health and vitality of your medicinal plants. Regular watering is crucial, as most medicinal plants prefer moist but well-drained soil. Be sure to water deeply, allowing the water to penetrate the roots.
Fertilizing is also important to provide your plants with the necessary nutrients. Organic plant food or compost can be applied every few weeks to promote healthy growth. Pruning is another essential task, as it helps maintain the shape of the plants and encourages new growth.
Additionally, keep an eye out for pests and diseases that may affect your plants. Common pests include aphids, slugs, and whiteflies. Natural solutions such as neem oil or insecticidal soap can be used to control these pests without harmful chemicals.
Harvesting and Using Your Medicinal Herbs
Once your medicinal plants have reached maturity, it's time to harvest them and enjoy their healing benefits. Harvesting should be done in the morning when the essential oils are at their peak. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to cut the stems just above a leaf node.
After harvesting, you can use your medicinal herbs in a variety of ways. Some herbs can be used fresh, while others are best dried for long-term storage. Drying can be done by hanging the herbs upside down in a well-ventilated area or using a dehydrator.
To use your herbs, you can make teas, tinctures, salves, or infused oils. Each method has its own benefits and uses, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you. Remember to store your herbs in a cool, dry place to maintain their potency.
Additional Resources for Learning About Herbal Medicine
If you're interested in deepening your knowledge about herbal medicine, there are many resources available to help you on your journey. Books, online courses, and workshops can provide valuable insights into the world of herbal healing.
Additionally, joining a local herb society or attending herb-related events can connect you with like-minded individuals and experts in the field.
Testimonials from Customers Who Have Used Our Medicinal Garden Kit
"This Medicinal Garden Kit has been a game-changer for me. I've always wanted to grow my own herbs, but I didn't know where to start. The kit had everything I needed, and the instructions were easy to follow. I now have a thriving garden full of healing plants that I can use to make my own remedies. Thank you!" - Sarah M.
"I can't recommend this kit enough. I've always been interested in herbal medicine, and this kit allowed me to start my own garden with confidence. The quality of the seeds and soil is excellent, and the plants are growing beautifully. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to connect with nature and take control of my health." - John D.
Conclusion: Start Your Healing Journey with Our Medicinal Garden Kit
In conclusion, growing your own medicinal plants is a rewarding and empowering experience. With our Medicinal Garden Kit, you can unlock the healing power of nature and take control of your health. From choosing the right plants to caring for them and harvesting their healing herbs, our kit provides all the resources you need to succeed. So why wait? Start your healing journey today and create your own medicinal garden with our kit. Your body and mind will thank you.
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