#protego diabolica!!
avielex · 10 months
holy water cannot help you now.
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(lore summary: jordan casts protego diabolica in a furious attempt to protect their friends but end up actually incinerating an enemy and watching the guy dissolve into ashes in front of their very eyes)
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dspd · 5 months
All y'all who just found out about the draco malfoy and the mirror of ecidyrue series from that one TikTok post about protego diabolica, come back and tell me your thoughts on Gilderoy's crush after you finish reading the whole thing.
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Bienvenido abordo Marcel Flamel. ¿Quieres conocer al más grande alquimista de la historia? Protego es tu lugar!
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reliand · 2 years
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Draco Malfoy and the Wheel of Hecate || Ch. 17 Protego Diabolica || by Starbrigid
excerpt from Book 4 of Starbrigid’s The Mirror of Ecidyrue series:
The dim figure of Harry moved from behind the glass cage, and panic spiked through Draco. "Let's see if it works!" Harry called, and Trelawney's prophecy went through Draco's mind- every choice he had ever made- everything he had ever said or done to Harry to bring him here, to his death, because Draco was his enemy, he was lying to him, holding back everything- he was going to be Harry's doom, if he loved him, and he- he-
Draco tried to call for Harry not to come, but his voice died in his throat, and his fear only made the flames blaze higher, like his fear for Harry had wrested the control away from him. He didn't want the fire to burn if it could hurt Harry, and yet it burned.
This series is just scene after scene of favorite cinematic moments. This one is dedicated to arlolovessorrow on ao3, who suggested I draw this moment after I posted my first piece of art for this fic.
This is part of an ongoing series of drawings I’m doing for the fic, which are linked below:
Book 1 || Book 2 || Book 3 || Book 4 || Book 5
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gellertsbumblebee · 2 years
OTP Pregnancy Prompt... 1.Did Albus get pregnant accidentally, or did he and Gell plan it? 2.Who is more nervous/terrified? Albus or Gell? 3.Is Gellert caring (IE when they go grocery shopping and come home, does Gell stop Albus from lifting them and say "I wont let you hold these heavy groceries, bumblebee?") 4.Is Albus going into labour unexpected (Hey, dont panic or anything, but it might be that my water just broke or something?) or it happend on the day Albus and Gell expected it to happen? Final question! 5.Is Gell in the room while his bumblebee is giving birth? Who is more terriefied? Thanks for answering!
I'm always eager to answer your questions, love! 1.Albus's pregnancy was planned, this happened a year after he and Gell married. 2.Gell is more terrified and Albus is more nervous. 3.Gellert is extremely caring towards the now expecting Albus, he won't let him lift anything heavy or exert himself in any way. 4.Albus's labour is unexpected, while he and Gell are eating one night, he clutches his belly as his water breaks and says "Hey Gell, don't panic or anything, but it might be that my water just broke or something..." Gell says "Shit, hospital now" and takes Albus in his arms, apparating to St. Mungo's with him! 5.Gell is most definitely in the room while his bumblebee is giving birth, holding his hand, kissing his tears away, comforting him, he is terrified, but Gell manages to stay strong for Albus. Albus' non active labour lasts for 40 hours, while his active labour lasts for 3 hours, Albus initially refuses to push, but starts to push after Gell says :"C'mon bumblebee, you gotta push!" After many pushes, Albus gives birth to their first daughter, Destiny Grindelwald-Dumbledore, who has the same affinity for dark magic as her dad, Gellert, does, much to Albus's dismay. After Gell cuts her cord, she is cleaned and swathed, then Allbus holds her he gasps when he sees she has blond hair like Gell and Gell gasps when he sees she has the same blue eyes as Albus. Destiny is the perfect genetic combo of him and Albus! They then head home, Albus is recovering from the birth in bed while Gellert is caring for his "Little Dark Witch,"(this will be come Gell's nickname for Destiny due to them having a shard affinity towards Dark Magic), Albus sees an orb of blue fire over her head and asks "An orb of blue fire? Isn't that one of your spells, Gellert?" To which Gell replies with "Yes, I believe it's my Protego Diabolica spell, Albus. Newlyborn and she's already used dark magic for the first time." End thanks for the ask!
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i-crave-the-forbidden · 6 months
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Its always a delight to cast Protego Diabolica and watch the summoned birds kill my enemies
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carewyncromwell · 5 months
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 “It's time to stand up -- stand up! Show me what you're made of! Hands up, hands up! Fight the fear...fight the fear! Rise up from the ground -- Gonna make you a believer!”
~”The Fear” by the Score
a sincere thank you to @catohphm​, @jackies-ear69​, @hphm-jeniferltheman​, and @ariparri​ for brainstorming about MC’s friends’ boggarts with me!
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The year she took on the task of teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, Patricia Rakepick soon became many students’ favorite professor. Scholarly sorts like Rowan Khanna appreciated her extensive knowledge of the subject, while more avant-garde sorts like Jae Kim and Nymphadora Tonks liked her dry sense of humor. This didn’t even touch aspiring Cursebreakers Bill Weasley and Merula Snyde, both of whom Rakepick had a pointed interest in and greatly esteemed Rakepick for her skills.
There were students who didn’t take to Rakepick as well as others, though. Ben Copper could never completely relax around Rakepick, thanks in large part to how critically her eye always seemed to fall on him. Even serial rulebreaker Tulip Karasu got bad vibes from Rakepick, suspecting ulterior motives to the professor’s seemingly more kindly actions. 
And of course there was the last student Rakepick had taken a targeted liking to, and arguably the strongest liking at that -- Hogwarts’ infamous Cursebreaker, Carewyn Cromwell.
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Carewyn had distrusted Rakepick from the moment she first arrived at Hogwarts the previous year to supposedly help deal with the Cursed Vaults, and Carewyn’s opinion hadn’t softened toward Gringotts’s Head Cursebreaker anymore now that she was a professor. Even when Rakepick ended up saving Carewyn from an Imperiused Ben the previous school year, it only served to make Carewyn all the more wary of Rakepick’s intentions. After all, Carewyn couldn’t help but think, how was it that Rakepick caught up with her and Ben so fast, that night? Had she been keeping tabs on her? However concerned Rakepick had seemed for Carewyn, the Cursebreaker still left her, Bill, Charlie, Hagrid, and Torvus to deal with the Forest Vault, rather than going with them or dealing with it herself. Even now that Rakepick was a professor, she kept trying to get Carewyn, Bill, and Merula to work “with her” (read: under her leadership) to reach the next Cursed Vault. Admittedly Carewyn planned on searching for the next Vault and rescuing Jacob with or without help...but she couldn’t help but agree with Tulip that Rakepick clearly had her own motives. The Head Cursebreaker had even said herself that she intended to find the Cursed Vaults and “reveal their secrets” -- therefore Rakepick was mainly interested in retrieving the Vaults’ so-called “treasure”...something Carewyn didn’t give a damn about, in the face of finding and saving her brother.
Carewyn’s distrust of her didn’t seem to bother Rakepick in the slightest, though. If anything, the professor only seemed to expect more from Carewyn and single her out in class more because of it. 
Once Rakepick quizzed the entire class on protective wards, only to insist that Carewyn tell her the difference between Protego Diabolica and Protego Horribilis. (Carewyn correctly explained that the first was a Dark curse intended to kill any enemies who tried to cross the boundary, while the second was a strong form of the Shield Charm specifically intended to protect against Dark curses, and Rakepick awarded Slytherin ten points before moving on.) 
Another time, when Rakepick brought an entire swarm of pixies for the fifth-year class to defend themselves against, the professor insisted that Carewyn use a spell other than Immobulus, the spell they’d been actively studying, to stop them -- apparently Rakepick knew Carewyn had gotten help with the spell from her ex-Prefect, Felix Rosier, in the past and she thought that the assignment would be too easy for her on its own. (Carewyn responded to the challenge by using Impedimenta to slow down each pixie enough that she could levitate them one by one back into their cage with a Locomotion Charm before closing it -- a solution that brought a satisfied smirk to Rakepick’s face.)
It was therefore no surprise in late October when Rakepick decided to give her fifth-years a proper review on boggarts, the Cursebreaker-turned-professor had Carewyn come up to the front of the class first to deal with the creature.
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Carewyn was a bit startled despite herself.
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Rakepick’s lips turned up in a smirk.
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Carewyn frowned deeply at Rakepick.
“Of course not,” she said with a faint huff. 
She glanced over her shoulder at the rest of her class with a grimmer look, her jaw setting as she rose to her feet.
“...I should let you know, though,” she spoke very clearly despite her eyes being averted and her voice being low, “my boggart is You-Know-Who.”
A few of her classmates exchanged glances. Rakepick’s eyebrows raised.
“That is not an uncommon fear, Miss Cromwell,” said the professor.
Carewyn’s eyes narrowed a bit without looking up.
“I know,” she said curtly. Her gaze lingered on the desk she’d been sharing with Badeea. “That’s why I want to make sure everyone knows it -- I don’t want to scare them.”
Rakepick’s confident look seemed to darken, becoming a bit grimmer as well. “You won’t have to, Miss Cromwell. The boggart will do a good enough job of that -- your classmates may as well just accept it.”
Carewyn looked up at last, her eyes narrowing a bit more, as Rakepick indicated the box to the side of her desk with a clipped nod.
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“You may begin when ready. Though I’d advise you not to keep me waiting -- I only have so much time allotted to me for this lesson.”
Carewyn pursed her lips. Walking purposefully around her and Badeea’s desk, she shot a glance back behind her. Her eyes glided over Rowan, Ben and Charlie quickly before finding Talbott; when Carewyn made eye contact with him, the Ravenclaw straightened up a bit, his hawk-like eyes narrowing a bit upon her face as he nodded.
I’m okay, his look seemed to tell her.
Carewyn inhaled quietly through her nose, giving him a very short nod in return, before she faced the wardrobe, her wand held high.
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With a shriek of the hinges, the box’s lid was thrown open, and a huge, black mass erupted out of it. The huge black cloak was accompanied by skull-white, spider-like hands and the face of a monstrous man -- one tall and pale with heartless red slits for eyes.
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A couple of people in the class inhaled sharply despite themselves, seeing the Dark Lord Voldemort standing before their classmate. Rakepick, however, spoke to them with dry reassurance.
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“Don’t you, Miss Cromwell?”
Carewyn kept her focus solely on her boggart rather than respond. Raising her wand, she pointed it right at her target and bellowed,
In an instant, Voldemort was seated at a full dining table of Mrs. Weasley’s home cooking with a red and white checkered napkin comically tied around his neck, looking completely bewildered.
Charlie laughed loudly, but louder still was Barnaby, who actually got up from his seat.
“It’s just like I said!” he said excitedly through his laughter. “It must be impossible for You-Know-Who to enjoy any good food without a nose!”
Others started to laugh too -- even Talbott had to chuckle. Carewyn bit her lip as she grinned in amusement too.
“Quite good, Miss Cromwell,” said Rakepick, very pleased. “All right, now, class, prepare yourselves -- when I call you up, you shall come forth and face your boggart. When you see your fear, think up a way to turn it into something humorous -- then cast Riddikulus to defeat it. Ready now...Mr. Lee!”
Barnaby eagerly scampered around the desk, raising his wand. 
“I’m ready for this!” he told Carewyn brightly. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since we went into the Fear Vault...”
Boggart Voldemort shifted his gaze over to Barnaby, his red eyes flashing --
The boggart had become a clown -- a rather menacing, fanged, Voldemort-looking clown, but still a clown.
“Riddikulus!” said Barnaby.
A bucket of water appeared over the demonic clown’s head, before turning over and splashing all over it -- it sputtered in confusion as all of its face paint was washed off and its curly red hair lay like flat curtains around its face.
Barnaby gave a fist pump. “Yes!”
“Good job, Barnaby,” Carewyn said, beaming proudly.
“Miss Tonks!” said Rakepick.
Tonks darted forward just as eagerly. The sopping wet clown shifted his gaze over to her -- then, with another CRACK, it had become herself, only with mousy brown hair and eyes, colorless, friendless, and insecure -- 
Tonks, without her Metamorphagus abilities.
“Riddikulus!” laughed Tonks.
Boggart Tonks had shifted into Tulip, holding up a bottle of hair dye potion and laughing as loudly as Tonks herself. The real Tulip was also laughing from her own desk.
“Disguising yourself as someone and wigging them out -- that is a good idea for a prank, Tonks!” Tulip called out with a wicked grin.
“Mr. Winger!”
Talbott leapt up onto his feet, sweeping across the room with the grace of a bird coming in for a landing.
Boggart Tulip had transformed into a black-hooded figure holding a wand alight with acid green, the Dark Mark glowing in the sky over his head -- a Death Eater set to kill him like they had his parents --
“Riddikulus!” Talbott spat out with venom.
The Death Eater’s cloak seemed to expand into strips of fabric that lashed around it in strips, wrapping the frantically wriggling figure up tightly like a mummy.
“See, Andre?” said Talbott with a cool smirk over his shoulder. “I told you long cloaks only get in your way.”
Andre crossed his arms, his face appearing rather sassy. “A stylish person knows how to wear a cloak properly...and also doesn’t consider wearing American-style cowboy hats unironically in public -- ”
“Mr. Weasley!” Rakepick cut off the two Ravenclaws’ debate at the legs.
Charlie hopped nimbly right over his desk and zipped up to the front.
The boggart had become a very official-looking desk piled high with paperwork stamped with the purple seal of the Ministry of Magic.
“Being stuck working in an office for the rest of my life,” Charlie explained helpfully to Carewyn, and he gave a shudder. “Still reckon Mum wants me to go that way, like Dad did...”
Carewyn offered him a sympathetic smile. “You’ll never belong in an office, Charlie.”
Charlie grinned as he faced the boggart. “Yeah -- I guess it is pretty ‘Riddikulus!’”
The desk chair was suddenly filled by Charlie’s brother Percy, who’d organized all of the paperwork perfectly -- only for his younger twin brothers Fred and George to barrel on through on their brooms and send the tall stacks of papers flying.
“Miss Haywood!”
Penny, as devil-may-care as she usually was, hesitated just a bit before running up to the front. Her face hardened with focus and determination, even as her wand hand trembled.
The boggart had transformed into a hulking, furry werewolf, its fangs dripping with blood as it growled ferociously.
Carewyn shot a quick look over at Chiara. Her face had gone very white as she shrank back in her seat.
“RIDDIKULUS!” Penny shouted as loudly as she could, even as her voice cracked.
CRACK. The werewolf became a giant stuffed toy, which flopped down to the floor face-first.
“Mr. Caplan!”
Diego had been ready a good five minutes ago -- he slid right in front of Penny with the grace of a dancer, his wand raised.
CRACK. The boggart became a wrinkled, hunched-over old woman in ragged clothes with a face shaped like Diego’s. She clearly wasn’t human, though -- she smelled horribly, like rotten eggs and petrol, she grunted and groaned like a zombie, and her eyes bulged unnaturally out of their sockets.
“That’s La Tunda!” said Rowan. “Tundas are shapeshifting creatures that make themselves look like your loved ones in order to lure you in, trap you, and then drain you of your blood.”
“Take five points to Slytherin for anticipating one of my future lessons, Miss Khanna,” Rakepick said very lightly.
Diego’s hand clenched that little bit more tightly around his wand, murmuring something very quietly under his breath before pointing his wand at the boggart.
In an instant, a flock of monarch butterflies flew out of Diego’s wand, attacking the Tunda and knocking it backward off their feet. The rest of the class laughed, though Diego gave a slightly weaker laugh himself.
“Sorry, Abuela,” he said sheepishly. “I don’t like the butterflies anymore than you do...”
“Miss Murk!” said Rakepick.
CRACK. The boggart became four people, all of whom looked very clean-cut and uptight -- the youngest of them, a girl who looked identical to the older sister standing beside her -- had Ismelda’s face.
“Riddikulus!” Ismelda cried, her mouth spread into an almost manic smirk.
CRACK. The four people were all splashed with mud, and the other three members of the family ran off in disgust and humiliation as Boggart Ismelda splashed happily in the mud puddle by herself.
“Mr. Kim!”
CRACK. The boggart became a cold, empty house with no furniture and barren cabinets with no blankets, clothes, or food.
“Riddikulus!” shouted Jae.
CRACK. The house fell apart like a movie set, revealing a bunch of TV crew shouting at each other in Korean about the poor craftsmanship.
“Miss Lobosca!”
CRACK. The boggart became a rather pretty girl with curly brown hair, curled up in a ball in the corner and her wide, terrified eyes streaming with tears.
“Get off of me!” she screamed. “Get away from me -- !”
Selina, Carewyn realized in horror.
Chiara’s face had lost all of its color, but she faced Boggart Selina with a very strained, strangely gentle expression.
“Riddikulus,” she whispered.
CRACK. Selina became Tonks, doubled over in fits of laughter from a Tickling Charm.
“All right!” she choked through her laughter. “All right, you win -- you’re better at the Tickling Charm than I am!”
The real Tonks laughed too. “Oh come on, Chiara -- no need to rub it in!”
Chiara gave both Boggart Tonks and the real Tonks a very small smile before looking up at Carewyn. Seeing the concern in her friend’s face, Chiara gave her her best reassuring smile.
“Are you -- ?” started Carewyn, but before she could finish, Rakepick had already called up that one Gryffindor boy who was terrible at Wingardium Leviosa to take his turn.
CRACK. A laughing crowd of students became a surprise birthday party.
CRACK. A mirror reflection turning invisible became an incomplete portrait being painted by an admirer.
CRACK. A demonic-looking Merula Snyde was suddenly decked out in bright pink and ribbons, crowing about loving lollypops and unicorns. (This one in particular prompted Merula to take out her wand and threaten to hex both Tulip and Carewyn in the face for how hard they were laughing.)
“Miss Khanna!” barked Rakepick, so as to put a stop to the escalating fight.
Rowan dutifully came up to the front of the room, her shoulders locked beside her head and her wand held high with determination.
Whatever Rowan or anyone else had been expecting, it wasn’t what the boggart became. Instead, it transformed into the spitting image of Carewyn.
The class looked from the fake Carewyn to the real one, incredibly taken back. Rowan faltered.
“Carewyn?” she said.
Boggart Carewyn, however, didn’t answer. Instead she merely turned on her heel and started to walk away.
“Carewyn!” said Rowan.
Forgetting herself, she reached out as if to grab Boggart Carewyn’s shoulder, only for her hand to get knocked out of the way. A fake Charlie Weasley had appeared out of nowhere wrapped his arm around Boggart Carewyn’s shoulder and was steering her away.
“Come on, Carey -- let’s go play Quidditch!”
Rowan flinched. Out of nowhere also appeared a fake Bill, wrapping his other arm around Carewyn and continuing to steer her away.
“Now, Charlie, don’t forget, Carey and I still have to deal with the Vaults -- ”
“Hey, Cursebreaker!” a fake Andre’s voice called out in the distance. “Still up for a midnight broom ride tonight?”
“Carewyn!” called another voice in the distance that almost sounded like Barnaby’s. “Carewyn, you just gotta see this new Mooncalf at the Magical Creature Preserve -- ”
“Carewyn, I just finished listening to the CD you sent me over break -- ” said a voice vaguely like Chiara’s. 
“I don’t suppose you have any time to give this a read, Carewyn?” said a voice like Talbott’s.
Soon the voices were all piling up on each other. One kind of like Liz’s -- one kind of like Tonks’s -- kind of like Orion Amari’s -- one like Rosmerta’s, and Hagrid’s, and Rakepick’s --
Rowan’s dark eyes had become very wide behind her glasses. She’d gone very quiet and her wand hand had fallen slack at her side. Carewyn looked from the boggart to Rowan, her concern giving way to alarm, as she dashed forward -- Rakepick, however, stopped her, sweeping in front of Rowan first.
“Step back and collect yourself, Miss Khanna,” she said brusquely. “I don’t need Miss Cromwell throwing herself in front of you to protect you.”
Rowan blinked rapidly, awareness and then shame flooding her face, as Rakepick tossed her hair to look over her shoulder.
“Mr. Copper!” the professor said sharply. “You next!”
Ben looked as if he wanted nothing less than to leave his desk. Still, knowing he had no choice, he swallowed back the lump in his throat and -- raising his wand -- stumbled forward.
Boggart Carewyn -- still flanked by the fake Charlie and Bill -- turned to look over her shoulder at Ben, her blue eyes oddly blank and penetrating. Then, in a moment, the shapes all seemed to contort together, morphing and twisting --
The boggart disappeared completely. The entire class stiffened, staring at the spot where the creature had been. The silence dragged. Then, suddenly...
A voice filled the room. It was a cold male voice that dripped through everyone’s ears with the softness of silk and the frigidness of icy water -- a voice that made Ben crumple in on himself like a piece of paper.
“No,” he whispered.
Attack. Again. Attack.
“No -- no, no -- ”
The boggart Carewyn had reappeared -- but this time, she wasn’t the least bit nonchalant. This time she was crumpled up on the ground, her eyes very wide as spells from nowhere rained down on her, cutting at her face and clothes and blasting her wand out of her hand.
The real Carewyn moved forward. “Ben -- !”
Once again, though, Rakepick stopped her, this time by actually taking hold of her arm.
“You can’t save your friends from their own demons, Miss Cromwell,” she said very lowly.
Do it, said the voice filling the room. Finish her. Kill h --
“DEPULSO!” Ben screamed.
The boggart Carewyn was blasted backwards. It seemed to flicker, for an instant becoming Merula, and then the clown, and then the werewolf, before hitting the wall. Ben, however, had not lowered his wand -- his brown eyes were wide with terror as he pointed it at the boggart again.
The stunning spell knocked the boggart right back into the open trunk with so much force that it lost consciousness. Then Ben pointed his wand at the trunk and cast “Colloportus!” to lock it. 
Breathing hard, Ben looked up at Rakepick, who was frowning deeply as she released Carewyn, crossing her arms. 
“I don’t believe I said anything about locking that boggart back in its cabinet, Mr. Copper,” said the professor very coldly.
Ben bowed his head in shame.
“...No, professor,” he said very quietly.
“And yet you did it,” Rakepick challenged him.
Ben swallowed. “I...didn’t know how to make the Imperius Curse funny, professor.”
Rakepick’s eyes narrowed as her eyebrows rose. “Your lack of creativity doesn’t excuse not following the assignment.”
Carewyn was outraged.
“Ben used quite a bit of creativity,” she defended her friend fiercely. “He knew he couldn’t defeat his boggart with laughter like the others did, but he still came up a way to defend himself and everyone else from it. If that isn’t ‘Defense Against the Dark Arts,’ I don’t know what is.”
“If you truly knew all that Defense Against the Dark Arts encompasses, then you would not be a student sitting in my classroom, Miss Cromwell,” Rakepick reminded her very coolly. “Ten points from Gryffindor, Mr. Copper, for putting an end to our lesson early by stunning and re-trapping our boggart without direction. Mr. Copper and Miss Khanna, you shall face your boggarts again next week with Messrs. Hayden and Egwu and Misses Ali, Tuttle, and Snyde -- and in that class, I expect a proper demonstration of Riddikulus.”
Merula shot a scornful look over at Ben as he sat back down next to Charlie, who patted his shoulder reassuringly. Rowan slunk back down into her seat too, her head bowed in shame. 
“...Yes, ma’am.”
Carewyn looked from Ben to Rowan, her blue eyes rippling with pain. Then, shooting a venomous look at Rakepick, she -- rather than returning to her seat next to Badeea at the front of the class -- switched seats so as to sit down next to Rowan in the second row.
Rowan looked up at Carewyn, startled. The red-haired Prefect didn’t look at her, instead keeping her hard gaze up on Rakepick at the front of the classroom, but she lightly pressed her shoulder up against her friend’s.
That boggart isn’t true, Carewyn prayed Rowan would understand. I won’t leave you -- please don’t believe that...
Rowan, however, couldn’t meet Carewyn’s eye. Instead she shifted away and started to quickly pack her books into her bag.
Carewyn’s heart clenched.
“Rowan -- ”
“Miss Cromwell,” said Rakepick curtly. “A quick word, after class.”
Carewyn looked up from the desk to glare at Rakepick. Then, glancing at Rowan reluctantly, she rose from her seat and approached Rakepick in front of her desk. 
Once the rest of the class had filed out, Rakepick spoke again.
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“I’m sure you think I was quite unfair to your friends just now,” she said seriously. “Undoubtedly because you yourself probably feel some trace of responsibility, for the forms their boggarts took in the first place.”
Carewyn’s eyes flashed, but she tried not to let the pain show on her face. She did not want Rakepick to have any inkling of just how spot-on her guess was.
“But you will not always be able to protect them from harm, Miss Cromwell,” said Rakepick. “On the contrary -- it is likely you will be forced by circumstance to solely focus on your own survival. Ben Copper’s attack of you this last spring is more than enough proof of that.”
“And yet you still act like Ben was a villain in that whole affair,” Carewyn challenged her. “Even after seeing visible proof that his greatest fear was being controlled by the Imperius Curse, like when he attacked me, you still take pot shots at him.”
“I’m not the only one in your circle who harbors doubts about Mr. Copper’s story,” Rakepick said very quietly. “Just as I’m certain you’re not the only person in my class that harbors doubts about me.”
Justifiably so, Carewyn thought resentfully, and her eyes narrowed.
“However much you may doubt my intentions, Miss Cromwell,” said Rakepick, “I am here to instruct you and your class in how best to defend yourselves. And however much potential you possess, both as a leader and a protector, I do not want you sacrificing yourself for people incapable of doing the same. You deserve allies strong enough to protect you just as much as you protect them -- ”
“I don’t want my friends to sacrifice themselves for me, Rakepick,” Carewyn snapped. “And I will not have you advise me on which people deserve my loyalty -- only I have the right to do that.”
Carewyn turned on her heel and prepared to leave. Rakepick didn’t stop her, but once Carewyn reached the door, the professor made the Prefect pause when she spoke again.
“I know you intend to go to Knockturn Alley. Mr. Kim is an admirable choice of back-up -- but if you intend to get there, you’ll need a fireplace connected to the Floo Network: something not easy to find, inside the castle walls. Meet me outside Dumbledore’s office on Monday, and I can get you inside.”
Carewyn cocked her eyebrow suspiciously. “And get both Jae and me caught on our way back to Dumbledore’s office and be banned from Hogsmeade for the rest of our school careers? No, thank you.”
“I have no interest in you being hindered from finding the Cursed Vaults, Miss Cromwell,” Rakepick said lightly. “Nor do I have any interest in Mr. Kim being prevented from moving as he pleases -- he does Gryffindor house proud, and as I said, his knowledge of Knockturn Alley makes him useful.”
Rakepick’s Niffler, Sickleworth, scampered up her arm to curl up on her shoulder. Rakepick scratched under his neck idly.
“My interest is in you succeeding in your undertaking, Miss Cromwell,” she said levelly. “Your success will bring both of us closer to the Cursed Vaults -- so it’s only right that I ensure that outcome by giving you the means to succeed.”
Carewyn crossed her arms, the suspicion not shifting from her face. Then, after a long moment, she said,
“...Fine. Jae and I will meet you outside Dumbledore’s office on Monday. But we have our own way back into school -- so don’t bother tipping Filch off to when a pair of shady-looking students might be popping up back through Dumbledore’s fireplace.”
Rakepick smiled wryly as Carewyn left the room, closing the door with a sharp snap behind her.
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ask-sebastian · 10 months
You could hear a muffled moan from a dark corner of the room. It was a choking and pain-filled sound. The pickle crawled out from under the wardrobe, looking all torn and broken. Its remaining green skin glistened under the dim light of your wands. The slimy half was watching you.
And suddenly, without warning, another nerve-wrecking shriek escaped the demonic vegetable, echoing through the room. It was a shriek filled with despair, as if the burden of losing its other half was too heavy to bear.
The pickle was relentless and now thirsting for vengeance. It seemed to possess an otherworldly determination to get to you now.
Once again, the lights began to flicker erratically, and the bed curtains flapped eerily in a sudden draught. Just for a brief moment, you could see a large creature above the green menace amongst the dark and its large, dark arm was reaching for you. 
You could hear strange noises from all around you, followed by a demonic growl and scratching. The scorched and severed bits and pieces of the pickle began to twitch, as if they were coming back to life. A low growling sound emanated from the surviving pickle half, sending shivers down your spines.
The remaining chunks of its green flesh slowly started creeping towards you, leaving behind trails of slimy juice. Even the tiny pieces of green pulp that sploshed on William's pants and shoes were slowly starting to crawl up his leg.
“Yes, destroyed…I see that,” Sebastian murmured, shaken but awed by the brutal resplendency of the aftermath. His heart was still pounding in his ears as he moved the wandlight around him and took in the carnage. It was as impressive as it was traumatising.
He irritably spat out a bit of slime and grunted in response to @ask-elland-n-will’s inquiry into his well-being. Sebastian was alive, though he doubted he would ever be close to right after such an experience. Of course, it was debatable whether Sebastian was ever all right, but it was neither the time nor the place. Sebastian edged closer to Will, tightening their small protective circle as he kept his eyes and ears trained for any sudden movements or suspicious sloshing, but there was no rest for the weary. 
Without warning, another savage screech pierced the air. Magic roared around them in waves, each one stronger than the next, whipping the air into a violent vortex around them. Sebastian braced his feet and instinctively threw an arm up to protect himself, but the force of the tempest shook the room and threw him off balance. 
Sebastian stumbled to a knee and through the shaky wandlight, a dark, nebulous mass coalesced into a demonic form above the pickle. Ever more agitated, his mind raced with horror, anger, and disbelief. The sickening sound of wet scraping had his eyes darting wildly around at the resurrected bits slithering closer, then to Will–covered in eviscerated pickle that began to slowly reanimate. Dread swelled within him, and he questioned for the first time whether they would survive. 
At that moment, something in Sebastian snapped. Perhaps it was simply self-preservation, but the meticulously bricked walls around a festering well of pain and rage–untapped since that day in the catacombs–fractured. 
In the space between heartbeats, it cracked wide open. 
Darkness surged unbidden through his magic. Sebastian surrendered to it as it burned across his veins and overwhelmed any lingering sense of panic or uncertainty. He found his balance and stood, growling as he turned toward the demon. A dark sneer twisted his lips as he raised his wand and gave it a calculated flourish.
“Protego Diabolica.”
A ring of illuminated black fire scorched a circle around the two wizards. Shrill shrieks echoed on the swirling wind and the animated bits crawling over them fell to the floor. Flames erupted into a shield, the shadows dancing across Sebastian’s face as he watched the demon through the fire, smiling coldly as he listened to the pickled minions within the circle crackle and dissolve into ash.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Could you do newt Scamander(from fantastic beasts, and where to find them) where he sees his boyfriend  is killed by being set on fire and in front of newt from an enemy wizard, and he’s in tears, but what he doesn’t know is that his boyfriend as per Phoenix, so his boyfriend, is born through the ashes and his fiery wings coming out of his back
Newt thought they escaped. That the enemy wizard had gotten lost in the tunnels as he heard Y/N's steps right behind him. Newt came into a giant chasm as he turned to see Y/N running towards them as he was almost out of the tunnels, but before he could, a voice shouted out, “Protego Diabolica!” Newt watched as Y/N was consumed in a ring of blue fire as it drew closer and began to burn Y/N's skin off as Newt watched in tears as his boyfriend turned to him before he was consumed by the infernos. The enemy wizard looks as Newt fell to his knees in so much pain that he sneered and left him alone as Newt beat the ashes with his fists as he cried harder. He was so distraught that he didn't notice a fiery glow of energy as Y/N rose out of the charred remains of black ash and had beautifully colored Phoenix wings as Newt looked up and gasped.
“Y/N! He cried. You're okay!” Newt stood up and ran towards his boyfriend and hugged him.
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shadow-schemer · 3 months
me: I will not use any of the Dark Arts for anything even if it gives me my needed edge
also me, in the Forbidden Forest Explorations and Boss Battle Raids: CRUCIO
(i know Protego Diabolica is also a Dark Art but it's different when I do it because the MC actually says the spell compared to the Unforgivable Curses when an echo of Voldemort says the spell in my stead /excuses/ /excuses/)
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Protego Diabolica is a roleplay forum site based around the Wizarding World in North America. We have a mix of both canon and original lore created by admin/players. Canon characters are available as well as special races and abilities such as werewolves, vampires, animagus and more!
Join our Discord https://discord.gg/n5evs8jTTT for plotting and general chat as well as voice but *not required.*
The site itself runs on a 3.2.2 rating. *We ask that those wanting to join are 16+. * Any questions message me or add me on Discord! Mooni#0488
Ilvermorny Professors
MACUSA Agents / Staff
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avielex · 11 months
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Hehe lore crumb
lore in the tags
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Bienvenido Auritz Grindelwald! Un misterioso sujeto que sin duda nos tiene muy entretenidos con sus roles. ¿Quieres conocerlo? solo en nuestro foro <3
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lostdrarryfics · 2 years
Hi! Honestly, I can’t remember much of the fic. I’m certain it was drarry, but the thing I remember most is that Harry began studying dark magic in secret (it isn’t Evitative), and at the battle in the Department of Mysteries, Harry casts Protego Diabolica. I’m sorry, it isn’t much to go on, but I’d be so happy if you could find it!
We believe you are looking for Draco Malfoy and the Wheel of Hecate (172k, T) by starbrigid!
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missnight0wl · 2 years
What do you think the relationship between Durmstrand and Mahoutokoro would be? I personally feel that Karkaroff would be a little scared of the headmaster. If the man's favourite spell is Protego Diabolica out of ALL OF THE SPELLS OUT THERE then he must be pretty darn good at it. But imagine that the headmaster might really like that spell because it's really good at roasting marshmallows and it gives them that extra subtle flavour of doom, destruction and fatal conviction. Would be quite the plot twist. So no one from those schools would really get along. Except for some students ofc. And the herbology professors.
They don't care. They send each other seeds, bulbs and have been pen pals for a couple of years now.
I mean… First of all, I’m sorry, but I just can’t take the information about the Mahoutokoro Headmaster and Protego Diabolica seriously or even accept it, really. It’s obviously Jam City being super lazy about making a connection between Jacob’s accident and Mahoutokoro (which basically means the Wizard in White in this game). Like, it doesn’t even make sense. Protego Diabolica is a defensive spell at the end of the day and its use is VERY specific. How often the Headmaster needed to use it to separate himself from people whose loyalty was questionable? Once? Twice? And it became his favourite? Right… Seriously, most people would have no use of Protego Diabolica. It’s better to spend time mastering Fiendfyre as it’s meant to simply destroy, therefore: it’s more useful.
Unless Protego Diabolica is REALLY good for roasting marshmallows...
But even that aside, I don’t think the spell is particularly relevant here, not per se. What is more important is that the Mahoutokoro Headmaster was able to master a very powerful charm, implying that he’s quite powerful in general. Admittedly, it doesn’t have to be the case. Obliviate is a rather difficult spell as well, but Lockhart mastered it perfectly. Does it mean he was a powerful wizard? Well… But I’m digressing. Let’s assume that the Mahoutokoro Headmaster is indeed quite powerful. Then, I agree that Karkaroff would be pretty scared of him as Karkaroff never seemed to be very powerful, in my opinion. And if I remember correctly, he was a bit cowardly.
Now, when we consider the other side of this relationship, the Mahoutokoro Headmaster would probably dislike Karkaroff for being a former Death Eater. Heck, he’d think it’s disgraceful that Karkaroff is a headmaster at all.
Also, the herbology professors sound lovely. Good for them.
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ifeelgeek · 1 year
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