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Raphael Santiago deserves better 2k17
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What did Izzy do to Raphael (again)? I haven't watched the episode but now I'm scared xD
well she told simon about raphael’s sister and they sort of used her to threaten raphael
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2, 4, 6, 17, 19 for Tamir :)
2. Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?
Tamir joined the NCR (she doesnt like them so much, but they offer her place to sleep, supplies and repair her gear and pay for her missions), Yes Man, and the Boomers for now, she also plans to destroy the Legion (she hates them so much), and she also is hated by the Powder Gang
4. Give us a summary of their backstory.
at 4 years old, the house where Tamir lived with her parents got attacked by raiders and she run away while her parents tried to fight them, but they havent survived. lucky for her, a caravan did saw her and took the scared child with them. since then, Tamir traveled with caravans, learned medicine, and how to shoot with a shotgun at the age of 10, even acting as a guard. at some point, she gave up traveling with caravans and took up a job being a courier.
6. What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people?
she is cisgender female, aromantic and pansexual. she doesnt care what others think of the labels, thats how she is and she feels good about it
17. Which Pokemon Go team would they choose? (ex. Instinct, Valor, Mystic)
i think she would choose Valor
19. What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil)
Chaotic Good, her actions may be too impulsive or dangerous, but in the end, she means all well and it does end well
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the game with the gay player character is Dreamfall Chapters and yeaah the storyline with the straight woman hitting on him was pretty uncomfortable, especially since he had no canon male LI (not that he can't be gay without having a partner, but it sure would have been nice)
Ah thanks! Yeah I remember I was going to buy the game purely because of the fact he was gay and then I read a review about that storyline and I don’t think I ever hit “remove from cart” faster.
Once again thanks for telling me! It was gonna bug me for weeks otherwise!
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protectraphaelsantiago replied to your post: i fell into the pinterest rabbit hole and now i...
I have like 80 boards and I’m dying
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protectraphaelsantiago replied to your post “I love how bioware could make a free DLC for inquisition and last...”
I feel really silly but what DLC is that for Inquisition??
Black Emporium :)
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51, 54, 69
51. First character you’ve had a crush on?
oh my gosh, i don’t really have crushes on many video games character, but the moment i saw miranda in mass effect 2, i fell in love with her
54. A sequel you really want?
It already has 3 games, but i would be soooooooo happy if they would make a 4th game for dead space. I just love the series.
69. Your first LI?
The answer is miranda again (did i mention how much i love and adore her?)
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@protectraphaelsantiago replied to your post “im kaidan’s HORRIFIC attempt at flirting”
what did he say omg i can't remember
shepard: we’ve got oceans, beautiful women, this emotion called love. according to the old vids, we have everything they want.
kaidan: when you put it that way, there’s no reason they wouldn’t like you. i mean- us. humans. ma’am.
ashley: you don’t get much shore leave, do you, LT?
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protectraphaelsantiago replied to your post “tbh i don’t think i’m gonna watch sh.adowhunters anymore”
which is sad because back in s1 it was so great but now yeah....
#protectraphaelsantiago#replies#the 'romantic asexual raphael who has feelings for izzy' is what tipped me off the scale tbh#it started with luke hardly having any s2 screentime then jocelyn's death and then the r.zzy thing just tipped me over the edge
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seawater, siren, tempest, voyage, shipwreck
(I’m writing this ask again, because I’m stupid and I undid it lol)
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?So, okay, first of all: I’m not watching scary movies. Never. I’m too delicate for it lol. So when I watched Blair Witch Project being 8, I thought I’d piss my pants at night. It was something for me back then.siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?Mage, if something! This or give me a bow and I’ll be hunting! But with mage I love the idea of being chosen and having powers, but still must get skills and work on your gift. tempest: your favourite Pokemon? Okay, so, don’t kill me, but I was never huge on liking Pokemons. I watched it, yes, but it was everything. My brother is this addicted one. But I always liked Slowpoke. He was lit.voyage: what are your favourite names?I replied this one here :3 shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.OMG DO I HAVE ONE! I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED IT ILU. I have a lot of them but maybe I won’t describe all of them lol. My favorite is probably Francis, I started thinking about his story when I was at middle school, and it developed from there. He is bitter, sarcastic, definitely not straight (he has a crush on his big sister’s friend who is oblivious but it doesn’t matter, he’s an asshole), but deep down, he’s a sweetheart, wanting to fit in, even when he doesn’t show it and always says that he doesn’t care. He breathes astronomy, he even draws his own sky map, for real, he’s so talented. He has 3 siblings, but he likes only one of them, and his mother is weird. I should also say he has freckles, wears glasses and has fabulous, curling hair!Ohh omg I don’t believe James wasn’t the one I told about. Ugh. If someone wants to talk out their and mine OC’s, come to messages! I’ll be delighted. Ocean asks
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1, 2, 12, 18, 19 for asexual meme
@protectraphaelsantiago ♥
1. When did you know that you were asexual?
I wanna say “I somehow always knew.” but that’s only half true. I was in denial for years, and I had an ex who tried manipulating me, because he didn’t want me to be ‘not interested in sex’.
So, I think, I am definitely sure for one year and a half now. So, since I was 20.
But the signs were always there.
2. How do you define asexuality for yourself?
I don’t feel drawn to people sexually. I find them cute, or stylish, or amazingly talented, but the thought of getting sexually intimate with them never occurs to me. Sex is not how I show my trust or my love. Personally, I am also not interested in having sex at all, but I know some aces are and that’s a-okay!
It took me long enough to hear that voice inside of me, shouting “No!”, while my brain thought I had to say “Yes.” It took me long enough to listen to that voice and understand:
If I don’t want to do sexual stuff with a person, I shouldn’t feel pressured to do so, and I definitely shouldn’t give in, just because we’re in a relationship.
Relationships without sex can exist and work perfectly and are 100% valid.
But yeah, my 15-years-old self didn’t know that, neither did my 18-years-old-self. Now I know, and I’ll never let anyone tell me otherwise.
Another thing I noticed: I don’t get sexual jokes anymore, now that I’m being fully out and getting accepted by my friends. My brain stopped to pretend to understand the joke, when all it actually did, was searching for a pattern in my surroundings and copying that.
12. Hugs or kisses?
Both are dope with the right people. Kisses are as intimate as I feel comfortable getting, besides sleeping in the same bad. And gods, I love cuddling and real hugs, I get them way too rarely.
18. Best thing someone has said to you about your identity?
Besides accepting comments from a person, who actually doesn’t think I should have had ‘good’ sex - whatever that means, tbh - to know if I like it, or that I’m missing out or any of these ‘well-meant’ things?
Probably every time, one of my friends made an ace joke that was like super cute. c: Oh, and the one time a friend told me, I can write sex scenes so well, completely hitting the right tone and all - despite, or maybe exactly because, I’m ace. That flattered my artistic soul.
Also, when a friend said, Raphael Santiago and I would definitely be super good friends. That kind counts, right? :D
19. Character you see as asexual?
Jughead Jones | Riverdale - no matter how much the writers try to destroy that headcanon
Katniss Everdeen | The Hunger Games
Yuuri Katsuki | Yuri!!! On Ice
Iridium | ‘The Icarus Project’ by Jackie Kessler & Caitlin Kittredge - I’d say, she’s aro too
Charlie Weasley | Harry Potter - he as well, is very much aro too
James Bond | James Bond, DanielCraig!Verse - Yes, I went there, but hear me out: In my humble opinion he uses sex merely as a tool, but he isn��t interested in it, actually. He has learned to act aroused and all, because he needs it for his job, but he was never attracted to people that way.
Alice Abernathy | Resident Evil movie!verse
Jessica Rabbit | Who Censored Roger Rabbit?
oh, and, of course, for the sake of completeness, the best at the end:
Raphael Santiago | Shadowhunters - CANON, GUYS, HE’S CANON ACE
#protectraphaelsantiago#asks#asexuality#asexual representation#thank you so much for these questions!!!
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jasmine tea, mint tea and iced coffee
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I’d go back to my country because I miss my family *sad face emoji*
Mint Tea : How do you relax?
Iced Coffee : Do you like reading? If so, what’s your favorite book?
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11, 12, 13, 30, 47 for Vaughn, hold on I'll pick a few for the other one
11. They’re biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?
tbh it may be the fact that he is so naive, people tend to use him alot, and he knows that....lucky for him, Hancock teaches him how to be more aware of people, even that it takes some time lmao
12. What are they most insecure about?
he has a very low self esteem, and when some people say they dont believe that he can do something or he isnt good for anything, he does believe it
13. What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders)
none tbh.....except....BUGS! he just runs if he sees a bloatfly or a mosquito....he would prefer to fight a deathclaw with a power fist (he done it many times) than to fight a bloatfly
30. Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?
he is a big flirt tbh, but kinda hard to fall in love...now he found love in both Hancock and Nick ;)
47. What’s their favorite radio station and song? (post-apocalypse)
DC Radio!! and the song Wanderer!!
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13, 14, 16, 18
This is about Evie Ryder!
13. If your Ryder could give one gift to their LI (if there is one!), what would they give? Honestly? So cliche, but another bottle of whiskey. She’d go to Vetra about it and deal with the insane amount of teasing and probably offer far too much in repayment (not that Vetra would accept it of course) but it would all be worth it for the look on his face and bringing back the memories of that first date together. To each other they are more than their titles, and that means so much.
14. How does your Ryder feel about the fight between Kallo and Gil? She thinks it’s so damn stupid. They both clearly care about the ship, and if they could just see how stupid they were being and how amazing it would be if they worked together and not against each other and just ugh come on guys really
16. Does your Ryder like the other Pathfinders? For the most part, yes. She’s closest with Avitus, because they both lost someone they loved to get to where they were, and they both feel vastly unqualified for the position. It took him a bit to warm up to her, but now they’re very close. She feels awkward around Hayjer because she had a direct hand in making them Pathfinder. She doesn’t regret her choice, not truly, but she definitely feels the responsibility. As for Sarissa... she can appreciate the logic but doesn’t necessarily approve of her choice. But she definitely supports her efforts to be the Pathfinder that the Asari deserve.
18. What is the hardest thing your Ryder had to do in their life? Choosing between Pathfinder Raeka and the Krogan scouts. She had made many hard choices in her life, in both galaxies, but none of them haunted her like making that split second decision. Evie gets very attached very quickly, especially in times of trial, and to choose between the final original Pathfinder and personal subordinates of Drack was almost too much. If Drack hadn’t been there, advocating for his men and pushing her to make a decision, she may have lingered too long. There are many things that keep her up at night, and that haunt her dreams, but this one gets special attention because the repercussions were so instantaneous and staggering.
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protectraphaelsantiago replied to your post “I am personally going to break into Bioware and slap every Andromeda...”
I don't know what this is about but can I help
If anyone wants to help here’s a gofundme for the price of a whole Albacore Tuna (I need to raise at least £2000/$2500). I’m covering travel costs myself. I’ll film the whole thing and if you donate then I’ll send you a dvd of it as well as my mixtape (All Star by Smash Mouth playing on loop and bass boosted)
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protectraphaelsantiago replied to your post “sooo im accidentally romancing jaal? i’ve been picking the dialogue...”
that's kinda hilarious. who were you going for originally?
VETRA……. i’m pretty torn between the two of them and i’m planning to romance both eventually but i thought it’d be vetra first, but so far the only two flirt dialogues with vetra were only vaguely flirty, while jaal’s dialogues were so sweet
so it sort of happened and i find myself unable to resist the jaal romance, which means a change of plans lmaooo
(i love them both though, they’re both so tall and beautiful)
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