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winstonbinch · 6 months ago
Reflections on Climate Week 2024
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In the aughts, I decided to focus my attention on a single social issue - climate change. Given my passion for the outdoors, it was the most personal. The first campaign I worked on was for Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. That led to me join the Protect Our Winters (POW) board in 2013, which I was proudly part of for seven years. 
From then to now, we’ve seen wins like the signing of the IRA, the most sweeping climate legislation in US history, which is paying dividends. Clean and renewable energy investment is growing. However, as John Kerry said, the oil and gas industry is “plowing ahead as they usually do.” They are running ad campaigns and lobbying to make the case for more investment. All this even though, as Al Gore poignantly puts it, “the climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. "
Gore also points out that “100% of Americans received an extreme weather warning of some kind last year.” Record heat, floods, storms, and droughts. These events should surprise no one. Scientists predicted them a long ago. 
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Last week, I had the good fortune to see Gore, Kerry, Alice Waters, and other key leaders from NASA, the U.S. government, Climeworks, Barbados, Patagonia, Eileen Fisher, Delta, Amazon, Suntory, and speak on climate at the Axios “The Case for Climate Optimism in Energy’s Uncertain Future” event in New York City. I also attended POW and Norrona’s screening of Amie Engerbertson’s film “The Hypocrite,” a refreshingly honest take on climate activism. I also heard POW’s new CEO, Erin Sprague, talk for the first time.
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It was the best content I’ve seen at Climate Week. Optimism was a big theme. So, what is there to be optimistic about? Particularly in the aftermath of a storm like Hurricane Helene that devastated the Southeastern U.S. this past weekend.
Principally, we have many of the solutions we need today. That was a sentiment shared by several speakers. Newer technologies like carbon capture and sustainable aviation fuel are in the early stages of development, but solar, EVs, and wind are already here. 
Gore said Climate Week was also 50% bigger than a year ago. The POW and Norrona event was packed, and it was our biggest turnout yet. Standing room only. There’s momentum and engagement. This is also something to be optimistic about. 
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Jobs and the economy are genuine concerns for many Americans. Investment in clean and renewable energy also means new jobs and business growth. It needs people to power it. Machinists, electricians, engineers, and other types of skilled labor. Just like the Second Industrial Revolution before it, many can and will prosper.
So, now what? How can individuals make a difference?
Take steps to improve your personal carbon footprint. However, we need systemic change to make a difference.
Below are a few ways to help achieve this: Vote for Climate - It has not been discussed much in this election cycle, but it’s on the ballot. Systemic change like the IRA is a direct result of it. When asked his opinion on brands taking stands on climate, former POW Board Member and Patagonia CEO Ryan Gellert said, “It’s practical, not political.” I’m with him. I was drawn to POW because of its bipartisan approach. I hope that we can get past climate being seen as political. The Republican Party used to be strong on the environment, but right now, there’s only one way to vote. Ensure you’re registered and get the word out. Patagonia has put together a helpful resource for the latter. Join #TeamPOW - There’s power in numbers, community, and our collective voice. There are 175 million people in the Outdoor State, whether it be skiing and snowboarding, camping, trail running, rafting, kayaking, climbing, hiking, hunting, biking, and fishing. We can be a powerful instrument of change if we all come together. The outdoor industry is worth $1 trillion. POW has been at the forefront of the climate movement since its founding by professional snowboarder Jeremy Jones in 2007. They had a hand in getting the IRA through. Join the #TeamPOW community for free, and they will help you become a climate advocate. Take the Clean Creatives Pledge - Two years ago, my agency, GALE, took the Clean Creatives Pledge not to work with fossil fuels companies. It was a proud moment. At the time, we were the largest marketing agency to do so. It happened because one of our creatives advocated for it with our CEO. It started bottom up. It’s what our employees wanted. Our industry is under financial pressure, but that cannot continue to be an excuse to support fossil fuels. As we transitioned from serving the tobacco industry, we must do the same here and instead use our creativity to grow and support the clean and renewable energy economy. It’s the right and modern thing to do. If you work in the business, encourage your leaders to take the pledge. 
There’s reason for optimism, but it’s also a time for action. As Eileen Fisher’s CEO, Lisa Williams, said, “The stakes are too high to be silent.” I hope you’re as motivated as I am. We need everyone in the Outdoor State engaged to turn things around for Planet Earth.
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oalgar · 1 year ago
The guilt is real people.
"The Hypocrite delves into a critical discourse that is resonating with individuals across various spheres. In the context of climate advocacy, the film examines the inherent contradiction between personal actions and systemic efforts."
The Hypocrite free screening on Dec 14 by @protectourwinters.
Amie Engerbretson has long been earning her turns in the Little Cottonwood Canyon (I guess so must @leecohen_pics to take this fave photo)
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recreation-law · 1 month ago
Avalanche shoves driver & truck off road
Don't understand #Avalanches, understand this, an Avalanche on Loveland Pass, CO shoved a man & his pickup truck off the road I've lived here 40 years and have seen I-70 with cars buried twice! https://rec-law.us/sast8zyy
@COAvalancheInfo #SkiAreaLaw #ClimateChange #ProtectOurWinters #SaveYourSeason #RecLaw #RecreationLaw
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livsansoz · 3 years ago
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Let it all begin again and let it snow! I’m ready! « Yesterday I ate a whole pizza » 📷 @antipodeszeb . . . #BlackCrows #Mentis #Birdie #Freebird #GetOutStayOut #Freedom #MountainsAreAwesome #SkiIsLife #SeaToSummit #PetalGram #ATKbindings #NoPlaceTooFar #MountainVersatility #SkiTouring #ProtectOurWinters #MyBagPackofHappiness @blackcrows_skis https://www.instagram.com/p/CW8xnP9oHrY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sgowtham · 4 years ago
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The golden hour #PureMichigan #Yoop #KeweenawPeninsula #Keweenaw #ProtectOurWinters (at Michigan Tech Nordic Ski Trails And Recreational Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKXMOLFsj_/?igshid=xv5j38rrh0ed
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fishforward · 4 years ago
Winter fun ~~~ #winter #sledding #sled #snow #play #fun #getoutside #protectourwinters https://www.instagram.com/p/CLhsSSNBWeE/?igshid=8mweqewh3cf1
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freedomsurfco · 5 years ago
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MAXIM CRAFT SUITS SPRING-SUMMER 2020 @maximcraftsuits @3katoshohey 歴史と高い品質を持つマキシム・クラフトスーツ。 最もシンプルな3ミリバックジップスーツはフルオーダーで47,000円よりお買い求めいただけます。 VANSインターナショナルチームのスーツもこちらで制作されておりワールドワイドにブランド展開されています。 加藤翔平プロも着用しています。 春夏物新作ウェットスーツのカタログが届き始めています。 5月下旬までは冬用セミドライスーツが必要です。 現在は納期も早いのでいつでもご相談ください。 今朝も案外波のサイズが残って波乗り楽しめています。 一緒に波乗りしましょう。 #wintersurfing #home #seaofjapan #niigata #nagaoka #protectourwinters #freedomsurfco (フリーダム サーフカンパニー) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9qRjE3DKkf/?igshid=1s0pcgdoeehm
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twelveby · 5 years ago
First day of the 2020 season in Mott Canyon Double Black Diamond steep runs. Full video on YouTube #youtube #youtuber #vlogger #vlog #snowboarding #snowboard #heavenly #mottcanyon #steeps #steepanddeep #freshsnow #pow #protectourwinters #summersucks #winterrules #winterrules☃❄️🌨 #doublediamonds #doubleblackdiamond #explore #fun #laketahoe #tahoe #tahoesnow #southtahoe #tahoesouth (at Mott Canyon, Heavenly Ski Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/B605Hqgh0Vn/?igshid=1wmcd3cy66528
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nfl2sevensummits · 6 years ago
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Jacked up about my new Suunto 9 watch to help me up Mt Everest next April and all the features it has. Don’t know what it doesn’t do 😀#suuntosummit #visitfinland #protectourwinters #visityllas #climbing (at Ketchum, Idaho) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mYOgjAUa-/?igshid=1vbk13tlbk890
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fernandovenegas · 6 years ago
Happy Earth Day, wherever you are! . . #earthday #protectourwinters #giveaflake (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkodNEg2il/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ivbwxhkfwzxn
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hereandeverywhere · 3 years ago
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. Elemental, 1 of 3 :: @buffofficial x @protectourwinters . #jessagilbertart . This past winter I collaborated with Buff and Protect Our Winters to create a 3 piece collection that showcased the beauty and elegance of adventures outside. Inspired from personal time outdoors, I sought to share the joy and curiousity experienced on my splitboard adventures around BC. The printed canvas, lightweight fabric 100% recycled PET bottles, are good to go wherever the trails (or lack there of) take you. . I love collaborating, and couldn’t be happier to partner with @buffofficial and @protectourwinters as they help educate and usher in sustainable change. If you don’t already know... check them out. . #getoutoftownvibe #protectourwinters (at British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdn57vmreOS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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livsansoz · 4 years ago
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Playing with the shadows 😋 . . . KI #GetOutStayOut #Freedom #BlackCrows #Birdie #Freebird #MountainsAreAwesome #SkiIsLife #SeaToSummit #PetzlGram #ATKbindings #NoPlaceTooFar #ScarpaSpa #ItsAVuarnetDay #MountainVersatility #SkiTouring #PortesDuSoleil #Haibiker #ProtectOurWinters #MyBagPackofHappiness @blackcrows_skis @haibikefrance @portesdusoleil 📷 @mouflacket (à Portes du Soleil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNkmtoLJ_-c/?igshid=17vdcys4nth6k
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peas67 · 4 years ago
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Taconics #rideawaythestigma @therideformentalhealth The fundraising deadline is quickly approaching for The Ride for Mental Health (July 31). #rideyourbike #endalz #ridecannondale #cannondalewomen #crushit4climate #protectourwinters #midhudsonbicycleclub #taconics #harlemvalley #skratch #tidehincapie #skratchlabs #everyrideisepic #rei #outride https://www.instagram.com/p/CRPKteaA2g_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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danyx · 3 years ago
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Le feste in bici. #1maggio #gattinara #mtb #sfide #pow #challenge #protectourwinters #@odlo @protectourwinters (presso Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdBjweFM1ARfn7odrYUZSPR6ccys-XDm-_HUc80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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emgeemann · 6 years ago
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It’s Election Day 📨 Vote like winter depends on it, because it does! ❄️ @protectourwinters has great voter resources with helpful last-minute info. Thoroughly enjoyed my first 2 days on snow at @killingtonmtn and celebrating Mark D’s bday. Remember: We (and the next generations) need snow to snowboard... Vote for politicians that believe in science, and who will take active measures to combat climate change. The future depends on it. #protectourwinters #VOTE #YESonSnow #rethinkyourride #beast365 (at Killington, Vermont) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp2DsE7BoX3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k73pezgd9pmz
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tinasartlife · 3 years ago
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Keep an eye out for more news on this rad show!! #polarbare #cadetspace #protectourwinters #outdoorretailer (at Reno, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWMtSWsJdiU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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