#protective Gabe
maigetheplatypus57 · 9 months
I've already seen some people explain better why sally standing up to gabe doesn't negate her being a victim of abuse and I'm by no means an expert on abuse or abuse victims but I just felt the need to point out that what could've motivated sally to directly talk back to gabe like that was the fact that Percy was there.
Percy, the kid who she probably hadn't seen in a while because he was a boarding school. The kid who absolutely adores her and looks up to her, which would've motivated her to at least act (in her mind, we already know how strong she is) like the strong parental figure he needs in his life. The kid who has just been expelled and really needed her comfort, something that would've been significantly harder to give with Gabe in the same house. The kid who she's already decided at that point to send to Camp Halfblood for his own safety and wellbeing, and maybe she didn't want some of his last memories of her to be begging and pleading, instead turning it into a negotiation where she had just a little more power and be his cool strong mom (and isn't it bad enough that she had to negotiate just for gabe to not be mad for using a car that was mostly likely paid with her own god damn money?).
We don't know how Gabe and Sally act when Percy isn't home because we're seeing them from Percy's perspective. Hell, Percy only finds out that Gabe is physically abusive towards Sally near the end of the book, which means that Sally's been trying to shield him from that violence as much as possible. Maybe, if everything had gone to plan and Sally had successfully dropped off Percy at camp and returned home, maybe there would have been a worse fight with Gabe when she got back. Maybe she Is a cowering hapless victim when Percy's not there (which I don't necessarily believe but again, not an abuse expert).
But for just one night, Sally had her kid with her. A kid who needed love and reassurance and was in danger from forces he didn't even know about. A kid who she Needed to get out of the house to their cabin as soon as possible to protect him. A kid who she loved and adored, whose safety and wellbeing outweighed everything else, even her own safety. A kid that she would face down the god damn minotaur for.
So fuck man, is it really so hard to believe that she would risk one moment of defiance against her asshole husband for the son she loves?
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muzzleroars · 1 year
Do Gabe and v1 ever adopt a pet or anything? Like one day V1 brings back the cancerous rodent and just starts taking care of it? Or like a drone they found that's little gun was broken so it couldn't shoot so now it just floats around the house?
oh!!! pets!!! i talked a little about v1 adopting "succulents" in the form of weird little hell masses which are....kind of....alive? it both waters them and sprinkles them with blood because it has no clue what demons eat or if they need to eat, but they seem to do ok lol but now i'm in love with a little broken drone buzzing around their apartment...drones have much more limited ai but the terminals do say they're curious...and can you IMAGINE....gabe and v1 sitting on the couch together....a little drone resting on gabe's lap.....GUAHHH
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ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
ironic that the kindest thing gabriel did for adrien was to sacrifice himself rather than die by adrien’s cataclysm, and he not only doesn't know he did that but he also would not have done so on purpose
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wazzappp · 3 days
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small-world-au · 9 days
**Gabe approaches Dessie with a slight smile while she was unattended**
Gabe: " Hey Dessie, do you wanna learn about skibidi toilet?"
( @ask-gabriella-cruz)
*Stares at you with them big old eyes*
She holds her teddy as she nods, curious on that topic.
Until a certain emo showed up BEHIND you-
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*Scopes up Dessie*
“You are NOT tainting her freaking BRAIN!!!! This child is one of the few good things outta this generation and you will NOT ruin THAT!!!”
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gerrycoco · 1 year
Me to me: you know, we don't have to make gifs every time Shipwrecked Comedy uploads something new
Me: ...
Me: besides we have a lot to do today, we really don't have the time to be doing this right now
Me: ...
Me: okay fine... just one (for now)
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I couldn't help my self I laughed so friggin hard
*also if anyone has a moment from the DnD videos they'd like gifed I'd be happy to do so just hit me up
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dandelion-blues · 2 months
Humans are the Real Monsters
Sally died, and Percy was left at the hands of the monster, Gabe Ugliano. Iruma Sukuki was forced to work since he could remember by his lazy parents. What do the two have in common? They were both sold to the demon Sullivan!
PJO x Mairimashita! Iruma-kun crossover
CW: Abuse and Violence
Chapter 1, Part 1: A Demon's Grandsons
Percy felt tears leaking from his eyes, his breaths coming out in stuttering gasps. Percy felt despair grip at his chest, a tight weight pressing on his chest. The 12 year old curled into a ball, trying to muffle his breaths. If he heard him, who knew what he would do.
That comforting black swirled around Percy, the shadowy horrors of his imagination reaching out to him. Percy whimpered, his breathing labored. He couldn't breathe. Every breath hurt, and his throat was raw from crying, and his mouth parched with thirst.
Still, Percy did his best to stay quiet because being in the dark was much better than being out in the light with him.
But then that stench reached Percy’s nose, like the rotting corpse of his mother moldy trash and sewer rats. Percy stopped breathing, his heart stopping in his chest.
And then, light flooded his eyes, and he was leering above Percy. A monster disguised in human flesh that grinned with rotted teeth, “Tryin’ to hide from me, brain boy. Yur lucky imma make a lot of money off of yous, and I'm in good mood in all.”
Percy shaked, not daring to speak or breathe. His throat and lungs hurt painfully from the strain.
The monster casted a gaze towards Percy, those eyes without a soul needle and little, and reached out with his meaty hands toward Percy.
Percy gasped and whimpered, trying to get away, but he hit the wall of the closet.
All Percy could see was the hand reaching out to him, and he was screaming in his heead for it to go away.
Except the hand reached around Percy’s already bruised throat and yanked him out of the closet, the monster breathing over him. Smelling like beer and cigarettes and rotting food.
Percy whimpered, and the monster laughed, “C'mon brat. I j’st wanna have som’ fun bef’re yous go is all.”
And the hand started tightening around Percy’s throat.
This is it! Smelly Gabe is finally going to kill him, just as he did his mom.
Still, Percy fought to live and clawed out the hand to get off his throat, his feet dangling and kicking in the air. Percy tried to scream, but all that came out was choked muffles.
Black spots dotted Percy’s vision. And Percy’s energy gained. Percy just hopes he sees his mom when he dies.
Except Gabe releases Percy, and the twelve year old crumbles like a puppet with cut strings on the dirty floor.
Percy takes in large gasping breaths, tears streaming down his face.
Percy, however, barely gets to acknowledge the fact that he lived when a jarring pain was felt on his side.
Percy curls up to himself, his body already knowing what is coming next, even as his brain is still trying to get more oxygen.
The monster kicks Percy, laughing at him as the boy whimpers in pain.
“Fucking pussy, can’ even take a lil beating!” The monster screams, but all Percy can hear is ringing in his ears.
Then, the monster crouches down and yanks Percy up from his hair. Percy’s body trembles from pain, but he still manages to glare at the monster.
The monster smiles, “Need more fur the lesson hasn’ stuck yet.”
And the monster slams Percy’s head onto the floor.
Percy blinks black spots out of his vision, his head and body throbbing from pain.
Percy doesn’t know how long the “lesson” continues on for. Everything just came down to pain.
Except, somehow, in the midst of all that pain. Percy heard screaming, and he knew it wasn’t him. Percy didn’t even have the energy to scream. And then everything became eerily silent.
There was no ratting of the ac, or the stomps from the upstairs neighbors, or the whirring of the fridge, or even the monster's sounds.
That couldn't be. The monster is never silent!
Still, Percy didn’t know how long it took him to notice, but eventually he did. When the pain finally subsided enough for him to form coherent thoughts.
Percy blinked through his hazy eyes, seeing an elderly man?
And Percy realized that he wasn’t on the floor anymore. He was being carried.
Percy tried to move, but searing pain swept through him, and he gasped in pain.
He heard someone speak, their words sounded deep and guttural, but somehow Percy found the noise comforting. Then, there was a soft touch on his forehead, and everything went away as Percy welcomed the night’s embrace.
Sullivan couldn't believe that he wasn’t just getting one grandson, but two! To think that two parents (or in one case stepparent) sold their child’s soul for money and on the same day to boot!
And so Sullivan went to collect his first grandson. A fourteen year old named Iruma Suzuki, who was in a rather troublesome situation as he was on a tuna fish boat in the middle of a large storm, with the fish doing their best to crush the boy. And so, Sullivan carted his new grandson off.
He didn’t want to scare the poor boy, but well, he really wanted Iruma-kun to accept him as his grandfather. And so, he made sure to get the best, and only the best for him, pleading for the boy to accept him and maybe just threatening him a little. Not that Sullivan would go through with the threat. Not with his last order...
Still, Iruma accepted! And boy did that boy eat! It’s a good thing too, because the boy was really thin. Luckily, he didn’t seem to have a problem eating Underworld food, and he actually seemed to really like it!
Thus, Sullivan got so into dotting on his new grandson with gifts that he almost forgot to collect his other grandson.
And so Sullivan turned to his deviguard, Opera, and his new grandson, “Alright! I’ll be right back. I just need to grab my other grandson!”
The two sputtered in surprise, though Opera-chan did their best to not show their surprise.
Then, Sullivan just casually teleported quickly away to where his other grandson, Perseus Jackson, was. And oh, that was an interesting name! Very Greek! But those Greeks gods can not have his grandson because he belongs to him now!
Sullivan will be the best, bestest grandfather ever! He won’t just leave the poor boy to fend for himself like the Greeks do! If the boy is even a Greek demigod, anyways! But either way, his new grandchild will be well taken care of!
However, as Sullivan teleported to where the boy lived, he wrinkled his nose when he came to a fifty apartment with beer bottles and cans and rotting food all over the counter tops and floors.
Then, Sullivan turned away and entered the bedroom that belonged to his youngest grandson. And all Sullivan felt was rage. A great white fire spread through his veins, his eyes darkening and his pupils dilating dangerously as his claws lengthening and sharpening and his wings unfurling, casting on ominous shadow as he saw the mortal, who was his youngest grandson’s stepfather punch and kick his grandson. His grandson, who was wheezing and gasping from pain as black and blue marked most of his exposed tan skin.
Sullivan didn’t waste a moment to yank the human off from his grandson, already reveling in his screams as his claws were already bruising the human’s throat like the dark purple ring around his grandson’s throat that he saw.
And, oh, his poor grandson was just whimpering and trembling, not even noticing that his attacker stopped.
Sullivan might be a demon, but even he knew children were species and needed to be protected, and this mortal just beat his grandson like he was worth nothing!
Sullivan’s magic exploded from him. The world went still and silent other than Lord Sullivan, and this human called Gabe Ugliano, as time was completely stopped around them.
“You dare harm what is mine!” Sullivan growled at the human, not caring for when his ears started bleeding when the human heard his demonic voice.
Here's another crossover! It seems that both Iruma and Percy will be receiving more care in the demon realms than the human realm.
These fledglings were hurt by the world, and now they'll receive the care and love they deserve.
Next Part
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puredoesnotmeankind · 5 months
And if I say Cas and Gabe already have feeings for each other? And that Cas fell first (not that they know) and Gabe fell harder (kinda knows but it has them crying throwing up pulling out their hair sobbing)?
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sloyla · 6 months
Once again thinking about all of the Adrien-Felix dialogues in the orginal Felix episode (the script) we were robbed of
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 8 months
Angels bonding via preening... finding a lifetime partner through singing, dancing... Learning instruments to accentuate their voices as they coo choruses of love.... ooough ;_;
Indeed (likes birds a normal amount)
when you enter heaven this is all you see (real and true)
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car-toons · 2 years
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Is it legal for me to go murder Gabriel Agreste?
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autism-alley · 7 months
Honestly another thing that annoys me about Gabe's death in the show is that the downplayed nature of the abuse makes his fate, for lack of a better word, inappropriate. Gabe being an explicitly physically and emotionally abusive bastard was what warranted him dying in the book. Yes, he is still financially abusive in the show, but he's more of a pathetic slob than a monster. Contemptable, sure, but hardly worth killing. At best, his death is a tasteless gag. At worst, it's disproportionate retribution.
fr like. after the first episode i was like well what the hell are they gonna do at the end of the series? from episode one it was always gonna be either don’t kill off the loser and commit to erasing a woman and her child’s story of surviving abuse, or do kill off the loser and have it be a completely unjustified killing (not only bc of the reduced abuse but bc they outright state sally divorced him!! book sally had no other alternative divorce financially was Not on the table!!). he might have been killed by his own hand in-universe, but the writers made that call, purposefully, to condemn his actions so severely they warrant death. i’ve seen people who don’t even believe his death was warranted in the books just out of the principle all killing is wrong—my opinion is firstly it’s fiction but secondly it sends a pretty clear fucking message that you don’t get to be an abusive fuck and walk away scott-free. self-defense and justice have a right to serve consequences, and sometimes those consequences are your wife with righteous blood lust and a desperate need for education funds
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heaven-said · 2 months
{{ it's dadbriel night dskhsdkjds }}
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wazzappp · 3 months
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Thought about them to hard and started feeling a. Lot. Of feelings so take a very messy ‘make me feel better’ sketch of Robbie Protecting His Brother From Everything
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veeva-i0i · 11 months
Good News everyone! I actually started on that Sam and Gabriel Soulmate fic that has been living in my mind rent-free. It will at least include the following (which I am totally NOT normal about);
Sam dating Jess, truly and deeply loving her despite them not being soulmates. He carries an immense guilt about her death, knowing that it was his fault that someone else would never get to meet and love their soulmate;
Sam knowing that somewhere out there, he does have a soulmate. People without soulmates don't have any dreams. His soulmate never showing up, meant that somehow they were hiding. And really, the older Sam got the more he started to understand why. He wouldn't want to be his own soulmate either.
Their shared dreamscape consisting of different rooms, for years it was only Sam's rooms that were visible to him (including a fast forest, an English literature classroom (later turned into a college classroom), and a library). The dreamscape changes once he meets the cute janitor while on a case, new rooms seemingly appearing out of nowhere. It lights a spark of hope in Sam, but it doesn't quite connect all the dots in his mind.
Mystery spot puts some more dominoes in place, it gives some more hints as to why Sam feels these tugs of attraction and want towards the trickster, despite the whole 'killing your brother over and over again', though the push to tumble those dominoes doesn't come quite yet.
After Mystery spot, the fic will follow a different timeline, one where they discover who Gabe is quicker. Dean will absolutely tear Gabriel a new one for keeping his brother in the dark about their soulmate bond.
Gabriel leaving behind one of his wing-feathers after that confrontation, a small bit of grace clinging onto it that put Sam at ease.
Sam getting said feather tattooed on his forearm (because I go absolutely FERAL for tattooed Sam) the first time Gabriel fakes his death to save the brothers. He stops showing up in their shared dreams and the feather loses its grace. Sam can only assume the worst.
Let's be real, Gabriel is still alive. The man is just doing what he's best at; running away from his problems. He's terrified of the idea of having a soulmate, of them being a hunter. Angels mate for life and he wasn't ready for the commitment, so he ran instead.
And there's just so much more going around in my brain for this fic. I just can't be normal about THEM.
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shortmexicangirl · 1 year
adrienette picnic scene oh my GOD
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