#prose imène is back i guess and true to form it’s about the SUN and MOON and STARS
thedeathdeelers · 2 years
the sun, the moon, the stars
she was the sun.
at first he thought she was the sun.
she was the first spark of light after he crash landed back down on earth; like seeing a glimpse of the rising sun following a cold, seemingly never ending, dark night.
her glow only intensified once he heard her sing, that dazzling voice blinding him in one fell swoop, leaving his eyes struggling to adjust. it was beautiful the way she would shine just as brightly onstage as she did in the privacy of her own home, her voice warming him to his very core, one note at a time.
the only problem was that he could never afford to get too close — if he did, if he tried, all the dreams and illusions that were built up in his head about this new life would burn to a crisp, leaving behind smoke and a trail of shattered hopes.
she was the sun, and he was no one.
she was the moon.
when he got the chance to get to know her a little more, when he found himself inevitably starting to fall for her, he realised he had been mistaken — that maybe julie wasn’t the sun, but rather the moon.
a quiet ethereal beauty that cast light on everything in its path, guiding lost stumbling souls out of the depth of the shadows and into its brilliance. with all odds against him, against them, she had managed to pull him out of his nightmares, and help shine a light on a home that had been long forsaken by hope.
it was also an undeniable fact that she had the distinct ability to pull him in and keep him in her orbit. he always found himself gravitating towards her, her voice effortlessly pulling him in like the rising tide of the ocean’s waves, her power on him never wavering.
and unlike the sun, touching her wouldn’t destroy him; wouldn’t set him ablaze. but she was still too far out of reach, fingers outstretched as far as they can go, yet still coming up empty.
she was the moon, out of reach, and he a ghostly shadow.
she was the stars.
more time had passed, and his thoughts kept shifting; the longer he looked at her, the more he was convinced she was the stars.
twinkling in the night sky even when surrounded by darkness, refusing to give in to the shadows. obstacle after obstacle, she rises up, never letting anyone dim that light shimmering in her eyes.
he always looked at her the same way, as one would a starry night — in awe and reverence at its sheer sparkling beauty, with millions upon millions of little glittering lights coming together to paint a masterpiece.
he could never look away.
but this only solidified what he already knew — just like the stars belonged to no one, she would never be his, was never meant to be his. her place was in the heavens, where her brilliance could mesmerise any who looked her way.
she was the stars, but who was he?
it was only when his fingers reached out and traced the soft curves of her cheek, palms pressing against forbidden warm skin, did he finally realise.
did he finally understand.
she wasn’t the sun, the moon, nor the stars.
she was all of them combined,
she was his entire universe.
and maybe, just maybe, that meant he was someone.
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