pedoloony · 20 days
draw fiery biting grassy out of rage
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it means he likes you grassy
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shottacon-pinkiepie · 16 days
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they have fucked AT LEAST ONCE and it was not consensual trust me
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vofart · 7 months
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Haa sleep is for sacrificing anyways read @sensitiveheartless precious heart wrenching fic also I got time laasp it Kanda flashes white at the end not sude why
Any ways this is my fairy messy prosces
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dicentsalve · 8 months
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I couldn’t pull off this joke for a long time cause I didn’t know how to play it in English.
The play on words is that "punkt" is a point (as at the end of a sentence or in a game)
G: "You can't make such a bat, bastard. This is poker!"
Prosc forms the word "Asshole", betting on his ass.
M: Do you want to trade cards to win?
R: You can take mine too.
And Arschpunkt literally translates as a point in the ass (Asshole)
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ravenzeppeli · 3 months
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Chapter 44 - Awkward |Melone + Ghiaccio × Reader|
Warning: strong language, heavy sexual themes/situations, dark thoughts/themes, murder mention. MA.
"You need to eat more," Melone lightly commanded you, pointing at your plate. "These eggs haven't been sampled yet. Do you want me to make you something else?"
"No," you replied, giving your shoulders a shrug as you stared down at your plate, having no appetite whatsoever. "Why did Pesci really leave in such a hurry? I know you know Melone." The nervous feeling in your stomach all but dissolved your appetite, your mind drifting back to Pesci.
Fuck, you hoped that Risotto wouldn't be mad at Pesci. If Risotto or anyone else hurt Pesci you would have to hurt them. As scared as you now were of Risotto, you wouldn't let anyone push your sweet boyfriend around! Pesci was a good man, he listened to you and seemed to actually care for you. For him, you would glady risk your life to protect him. After all, he's never given you any problems. Why couldn't the others do the same?
Sticking Prosciuttos' gun to your head was foolish, but you were really scared. Admitting that you now had these fears of being killed by these men that you were supposed to trust and care for was embarrassing. You were already seen as beneath them. If you admitted to all of them that you were scared, it would be used against you. Lately, everything seemed to be used against you. Even Risotto, who you actually loved, turned on you.
You never imagined that he would stick a knife to your throat and threaten to slice your head off if you attempted to harm yourself again. What if you got mad and punched a wall? What if you cut yourself on a piece of glass? You didn't want your head to be sawed off. That knife that he was holding to your throat was dull! All you wanted was to be comforted and loved. Instead, you were tossed aside like garbage. You wouldn't just forgive this. You never wanted to see them again.
Ghiaccio picked up your fork, stabbing it into the eggs. "Pesci needed to go to the base and start on a mission that he will be going on with Prosciutto and Formaggio. They'll probably be going out of town in a week soon." Gently, he raised the fork to your mouth, a heaping load of scrambled eggs on the fork. "Open your mouth and start eating. Come on, you need to clear your plate."
"I don't need to be fed," you replied, taking the fork from his hand and taking a bite of the eggs. Chewing the salty eggs, you swallowed the bite, stabbing your fork into the small pile of eggs. "You're a good cook, Melone."
No way in hell would you let Ghiaccio feed you as if you were a child. That would be embarrassing. You could stomach down food that you didn't feel like eating. After all, Melone prepared eggs and sausage for breakfast. You shouldn't be rude and not eat his cooking. What kind of lover would you be to him? A very bad one, and Melone didn't deserve that. Neither did Ghiaccio. The least you could do was pretend to be okay for them.
A satisfied hum escaped Melones lips, his fingertips lightly caressing your cheek. "You're so sweet, aren't you? You taste as sweet as you are." His fingertips continued to caress your cheek as you took another bite of the eggs. "Taking care of yourself is very important, baby. Skipping meals is never good unless you have to skip a meal."
Chewing your food, you swallowed, sitting back in your chair as a dirty little idea creeped into your head, replacing all the negative ones. Being alone with Ghiaccio and Melone, being sandwiched between them, it made your mind wonder to the thought of them both fucking you on this dining room table. You weren't in any physical pain anymore, and sleeping in Melone's arms last night helped you get a decent night's sleep. You felt safe, despite a small part of yourself telling you that you'll never be safe.
The fact that you've only had a threesome with Risotto and Prosciutto bothered you, considering how they now hate you and want you dead. It was supposed to be a special thing that bonded the three of you together. What happened to the love that Risotto and Prosciutto claimed that they had for you? They lied to you. They.. broke a promise to you. You didn't want to be bonded with them anymore.
"My love, I can tell when you are even even slightly bit aroused," blurted out Melone, causing your eyes to widen from embarrassment. "If you eat all of your eggs, then I'll eat your pussy. How does that sound?"
Ghiaccio cleared his throat, almost choking on the bite of sausage he just took.
"I want you both," you whispered, a nervous giggle escaping your lips. Fuck, why did you just say that?
Ghiaccio grabbed his glass of water, taking a sip, his face going beet red. Once he sat the glass down, he stood up. "Y/N, what does that mean!? What do you mean by wanting us both!?"
"We're already yours, baby," whispered Melone, his fingers trailing down your cheek, gently caressing your hair. "Ghiaccio, we need to come clean to our beloved. Share a little past truth with her."
"Fuck!" Snapped Ghiaccio, placing his hand on your shoulder. "Melone, I do not want to lose her! We've been talking about this for months, I told you that I wanted to wait a little longer to share this with her!"
Confusion was the only emotion you felt, searching your brain for any clue of what they were talking about. Damn it, you hated when Melone hid things from you! Well.. considering how you've hid things from him, you had no right to get upset with him, especially considering how good he was to you. How bad could their secret actually be?
"Why do you always talk like I'm not here? I'm literally staring right at you," you teased Ghiaccio, earning a sharp glare in response. "You wouldn't lose me, I'm technically not allowed to go anywhere." Shit, you couldn't just get up and walk out the door, go around town as you pleased.
Dating seven men meant that one of them would always be trailing you, and given everything that's happened, you didn't want to see four out of seven of your boyfriends ever again! You were going to put your foot down. You were going to piss them off and get them back! Of course, you'd be mindful of your other three boyfriends, making sure not to do anything that would upset or hurt them. Cheating or running away was definitely out of the question, so you had to get crafty.
Ghiaccio nodded his head, squinting his eyes at Melone. "Whatever. Go ahead and tell her, Melone, since you feel that it is so important that she knows of something that happened way before we met her!" The annoyance in his voice was increasing by each word, his jaw clenching from dissatisfaction.
"Please just tell me." You turned your attention towards Melone, poking your lip out a bit as you stared into his eyes, knowing that he'd immediately give in and tell you. "I'd never get mad or anything. You and Ghiaccio are good boyfriends, I don't have a right to get mad at either one of you." Damn it, you sounded too submissive! You needed to tone it down.
"We love you so much, you know that, right?" Mused Melone, causing your heart to skip a beat. "Before you, I only had sex with one woman one time, that is true. But I also have done things with Ghiaccio as well. I've tasted Ghiaccio's spirm multiple times and have enjoyed sucking him off long before the both of us got together with you." His fingers continued to caress your cheek, voice as smooth as silk.
Without thinking, you turned your head away from Melone, nodding your head as an unexpected laugh escaped your lips. Aha! See.. you knew that the two of them had chemistry!
"Why the fuck are you laughing!?" Ghiaccio suddenly screamed. "You think this is some kind of joke!? You think we're less than!?"
Immediately, your laugh vanished, your attention turning towards Ghiaccio. "No!" You cried out, standing up from your seat. "I don't think that at all! I was only laughing because I had a feeling that the two of you had chemistry! I had it figured out." You didn't technically, but you've had a tough week. You needed a win. "That's so hot that Melone sucked you off. He's good at giving head."
Ghiaccio turned away from you, shaking his head. "I - so you aren't mad!? You don't care that multiple times I've been orally intimate with Melone!" A laugh escaped your lips, causing Melone to actually cut you a small glare, warning you to stop laughing. Laughing makes Ghiaccio.. sensitive. "See, you're laughing at us! I can't believe you!"
"She's not laughing at us, Ghiaccio!" Protested Melone, standing up, pushing his chair in. "You just said orally intimate, that probably made her laugh!" You felt Melones arm snake around your waist, giving your side a small squeeze. "She loves us, Ghiaccio."
Ghiaccio kept his back turned towards you, stepping a few paces towards the front door. "Secrets fuck relationships up!"
Lately, you felt as if you could sense that Ghiaccio and Melone liked each other as more than friends, but you could have never fully imagined this. It didn't bother you. It only bothered you that you weren't able to guess that they've fooled around. Damn it, and you always thought that you were so observant! Melone loved hard. Maybe a part of him wanted to be with Ghiaccio as well.
The secret longing glances that you've noticed Melone give Ghiaccio, and you sometimes noticed that Ghiaccio would return those glances. The idea of the three of you being a couple popped into your head, your eyes meeting Melones, who was already intensely staring down at you.
"I'm not giving you two permission or anything," you began, causing Ghiaccio to immediately spin around, his eyes locking onto yours, "but if you wanted to explore the possibility of all three of us dating, I'd be very open and eager."
As soon as you finished your statement, Ghiaccio rushed over to the door, walking in heavy strides. "I need to go to the base," he called out, "Be safe and stay in the house at all times Y/N. I'll see you both later." Before either you Melone could reply, he was gone, hurrying out the door in a rush.
When the door slammed shut, you felt hot tears forming in your eyes, feeling embarrassed by Ghiaccios reaction. You didn't mean to upset him. You just assumed that he would have wanted to be with Melone as well! You were such an idiot, always fucking things up! You wanted Ghiaccio to stay with you and Melone today. He said earlier that he didn't need to go to the base!
A low sigh escaped Melones lips, "Don't be upset, baby. Ghiaccio isn't mad.. he's just being himself." Gently, his other hand snaked around your waist, pulling you into his chest. "I personally love Ghiaccio almost as much as I love you. I'm fine with whatever decision Ghiaccio makes, but if he never brings this up again, then you need to just drop it."
"Why?" You questioned, laying your head on his chest, your arms wrapping around his waist, returning the affection. You always make sure to return affection to your nice boyfriends, the ones that don't hit you and attempt to murder you deserve to be loved and treated well, even if you were still terrified of them turning on you one day.
"He may not feel the same way I do baby, and I don't want to pressure him or make him feel as if he needs to be with me," he told you, his voice low as he rested his chin on top of your head. "Are you okay with listening to me? I hope I'm not asking for too much."
"Okay," you replied, nodding your head, feeling his pointy chin on top of your head. "I don't mind listening to you, babe. You never ask for too much. Ask me more." Fuck, you really loved him so fucking much. He was so cute clinging onto you. You felt your tears start to dry, he always had a way of making you feel safe and loved. Being with him makes dealing with the others (aside from Ghiaccio and Pesci - of course) worth it.
"How much do you love me?" He questioned, his fingertips gently tracing circles on your back, sending chills down your spine. "Answer me that, then please finish your breakfast, and I'll give you my tongue for dessert."
You pulled away from Melone, pressing your lips into his. As his lips parted, you slipped your tongue in his mouth, exploring his mouth as your hand traced down his back, squeezing his firm ass. "I love you so much, baby," you whispered into his lips, "more than anything." You said that with confidence, feeling a strong, intense love for him that was only increasing with each passing day. When you were alone with him, you found yourself becoming a much softer person.
"Fuck the eggs," Melone snapped, a thick lust filling his voice as he grabbed you, tossing you over his shoulder. "I will make you a fresh batch of scrambled eggs after I show you how much I love you. Fuck, you're so sexy, I just want too - hey! Did you just pull my pants down and slip your tongue in my ass! Ooh - I'm going to fuck you good and hard baby!"
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the-illiterate-pirate · 11 months
To the LS artists who draw Prosc with an overbite, or even draw him with a gap between his front teeth. I'm making out with you sloppy style
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lasquadraarchive · 2 years
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of risotto and prosc in part 7 artstyle. And to the republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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moldyzine-yuri · 7 months
we need a prosc confessions blog . let the shippers of the nasty come around and say REAL wild shit. Cowards.
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iloveubee · 2 years
Ok 2 day ago was kinda sad, beacuse of our situation i was so Happy on going to give the letter that i made for her, i ran to catch her Just in time but She said She coudn't take It because of the situation we are in because of the psicological healing and because my parents and her parents don't support us, so we coudn't risk It so in the end to make me feel Better She gave me a hug and i wasn't expecting It but It was the sweetest thing ever i was so suprised that i didn't prosces what happend. Then i go to my bus stop but i was really disapoitment that i coudn't give the letter and the i saw another lesbian couples kissing eatchothers and i was pretty jelous beacuse i wanted the same for me and my gf but Is not possibile now
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opgpereglin-blog · 3 days
Drijen, drenule ili dren - Sve o ljekovitoj biljci neodoljivog okusa Sigurno ste čuli za uzrečicu "Zdrav kao dren". Plod ovog šumskog drveta, kojega neki nazivaju i drijen, drijenak, dren, drenjule ili drenjine izuzetno je ljekovit, sadrži više C vitamina čak i od limuna. Gdje nabaviti sirup ili džem od drijenka? Gdje kupiti? Sva ljekovita svojstva i razne recepte te sve o drijenku pročitajte niže. Izgled i svojstva drijenka Znate li što je drijen? Radi se o pomalo zaboravljenom voću pa idemo malo pojasniti. Crveni drijen ili Cornus mas listopadni je grm ili ga možemo čak svrstati i pod nisko drvo. Najčešće raste do 8 metara visine, a na vrhu ga krasi zaobljena i gusta krošnja. Drenjine su plod drijenka. Rane odnosno mlade drenjine svijetle su crvene boje i ne preporučuju se za jelo jer još nisu sazrele do kraja i nisu ukusne. Kada su zrele, tamnocrvene su boje i ukusne za jelo. Duguljastog su oblika i vizualno jako privlačne. Naj pristupačniji proizvodi od drijenka su sirup i džem. Plodovi se beru u jesen kad poprime tamnocrvenu, bordo boju i tada imaju ugodan specifičan slatko - kiseli okus. Plod, drijena je specifičan po tome što ima mnoga ljekovita svojstva. Ona odgovaraju ljudskom organizmu i daju mu potrebne vitamine, kiseline i sve ostalo što je potrebno kako bi tijelo moglo normalno i zdravo funkcionirati. Zbog otpornosti samog drva koje može doživjeti kasnu starost i fantastičnih zdravstvenih i ljekovitih svojstva ploda – poznata nam je uzrečica koju često čujemo: „Zdrav k’o dren“ Zanimljivosti i legende Prema grčkom piscu Pausaniasu, trojanski konj bio je napravljen od drenovine. Odisejev luk, kojeg je samo on mogao upeti i kojim je gađao prosce, bio je također od drenovine. Antička koplja makedonske falange dužine 5-6 m (sarisa) bila su izrađena od drenovine, kože i metala. Uzgoj i stanište drijena Prirodno je rasprostranjen na području južne i jugoistočne Europe, te jugozapadne Azije. Raste na rubovima šuma, u šikarama ili unutar listopadnih šuma, od nizina do pretplaninskog područja oko 1500 m nadmorske visine. Preferira suha, topla i sunčana mjesta, vapnenačko tlo. Sade ga u vrtovima zbog jestivih plodova, te u parkovima kao ukrasne biljke. Stalno tjera nove izboje iz korijena i panja. Razmnožava se sjemenom i vegetativno reznicama u kasno ljeto, položenicama i korijenovim izdancima. Sporo raste no živi preko 200 godina. Drijen Postiže visinu do 8m, debljinu do skoro 0.5m i starost preko 2 stoljeća, rastući vrlo sporo. Korijen je razvijen i prodire duboko u podlogu. Plod je koštunjava bobica, dužine 14-16 mm. Ispod tamnocrvenog mesnatog dijela nalazi se tvrda koštica, dužine 11-16 mm, a širine 4-7 mm. Plod drijena Plodovi sazrijevaju u kolovozu-rujnu i treba ih sakupljati kada čim počnu dobijati crvenu boju. Od 100 kg sirovine može se dobiti 15-30 kg sjetvenog materijala. U jednom kilogramu ima oko 4.500 zrna, masa 1.000 zrna je oko 220 g. Drijen (Cornus mas), pripada u porodicu Cornaceae ili drijenovke. Poznat je još pod nazivima drenina, bila svibovina, crveni drijenak, drenak, drenić, drenjula, drinika, drinovina, rumeni dren, šupaljka. Na području cijele Hrvatske samoniklo rastu vrste Cornus mas i Cornus sangunea, dok je Cornus hungarica primjećena na području nizinske Hrvatske te na sjeveru sredozemne Hrvatske. Vrsta Cornus alba raste u gradskim sredinama iako u Hrvatskoj za sada ne postoji intenzivan nasad drijena. Drijen je listopadni grm ili niže drvo visine do 8 m zaobljene i guste krošnje. Mlade grančice su zeleno smeđe boje i blago dlakave. Listovi su jajasti i nasuprotni s dugim izvučenim vrhovima. Cvjetovi drijena su žute boje, te se pojavljuju prije listanja, sakupljeni u štitaste cvatove. Drijen cvjeta u veljači i ožujku. Stanište drijenka Zbog svoje otpornosti može rasti svuda gdje ga posadite, ali je najviše zastupljen na suhim i sunčanim te kamenitim stranama svijetlih listopadnih šuma u zajednici s drugim grmljem i šibljem. Drijen može biti rasprostranjen i na 1.
300 m nadmorske visine. Plod je dugoljasta koštunica crvene boje ugodnog kiselkastog okusa, a dozrijeva početkom jeseni. Bere se zreli plod i kora drveta, te se suši na suncu ili umjerenoj toplini. Uzgoj drijena Prinos samoniklog drijena u prirodi je oko 15 kg po biljci. Vrlo je otporan na bolesti i štetnike pa je idealan za ekološki uzgoj. Drijen ima veliku hortikulturnu ulogu zbog svog zanimljivog izgleda traje kroz više sezona u godini. Već u kasnu zimu i rano proljeće (od veljače do travnja), drijen će početi cvjetati ranije od ostalih biljaka, te će njegovi zlatnožuti cvjetovi pružati očaravajuću atmosferu. Krajem ljeta i početkom jeseni na mjestu cvjetova nalaze zreli crveni plodovi, koji imaju i ukrasnu vrijednost. Jesenska boja listova nije posebno zanimljiva. Drijen se može saditi samostalno, u skupinama, kao zaštita od vjetra, živica, za spriječavanje erozije te kao međa između imanja. Zbog izrazite adaptibilnosti i nezahtjevnim potrebama za rast, na manjim površinama vrste Cornus mogu postati invazivne, tako da je potrebno obratiti pozornost na njegovo širenje. Klimatski uvjeti i geografski položaj Hrvatske uvelike pogoduju uzgoju drijena. Njegova vrijednost, primjena i potencijal su veliki, te bi se svakako trebao povećati njegov uzgoj na području Hrvatske. Kalemljenje drijenka Razmnožavanje je najuspješnije kalemljenjem na spavajući pupoljak krajem srpnja i početkom kolovoza. Moguće je razmnožavati i položenicama kada pupoljci nabubre, što je krajem ožujka i početkom travnja, ali i tijekom jeseni. Pogledajte kratak video o uzgoju drijenka Jesenska boja listova nije posebno zanimljiva. Drijen se može saditi samostalno, u skupinama, kao zaštita od vjetra, živica, za spriječavanje erozije te kao međa između imanja. Zbog izrazite adaptibilnosti i nezahtjevnim potrebama za rast, na manjim površinama vrste Cornus mogu postati invazivne, tako da je potrebno obratiti pozornost na njegovo širenje. Ljekovita svojstva drijenka Plodovi drijena sadrže veliku količinu antioksidansa koji stvaraju zaštitu protiv štetnih slobodnih radikala. Oni su povezani s nižom učestalosti i razini smrtnosti uzrokovanih tumorima i srčanim bolestima. Antocijani iz plodova imaju antioksidacijska i protuupalna svojstva. Drijen još sadrži i šećere, sluzi, organske kiseline, pektine. Vrlo je bogat izvor vitamina C, te ovisno o genotipu i podrijetlu, može sadržavati i do dva puta veću količinu u odnosu na plod naranče. Zanimljiv je i podatak da drijen sadržava više vitamina C od limuna a posebno se preporuča osobama s “problematičnim” želucom i crijevima. Pored toga, u prošlosti se redovito koristio i u borbi protiv mučnine. [block id="proizvodi-za-clanke-drijenak"] Vrijednost drena i njegova ljekovita svojstva prepoznata su još u antičko doba. Tome svjedoče sačuvani zapisi iz Grčke, Rima i Perzije koji kažu da se dren koristio za ublažavanje bolova te za brži oporavak bolesnika. U prvom stoljeću dren spominje i grčki liječnik Dioskorid, autor opsežnog djela "O ljekovitim tvarima" koje je služilo liječnicima i botaničarima sve do renesanse. Plod drena sadrži veliku količinu vitamina C, prirodne šećere, organske kiseline, pektin i tanin.  Dren se koristi kao narodni lijek koji pomaže kod brojnih tegoba, a najpoznatiji je kao prirodno sredstvo koje pomaže kod: bolesti grla bolesti bubrega slabokrvnosti proljeva groznice rana hemeroida menstrualnih bolova povišenog šećera viška vode u organizmu oslabljenog imuniteta tinitusa Na slici niže možete vidjeti mene na našoj maloj plantaži drijenka. Plodovi drena jedu se svježi, smrznuti ili sušeni. Od plodova se mogu raditi sokovi, čajevi, tinkture i likeri. Čajevi se mogu pripremati i od kore, cvijeta ili listova drena. Ulje, zamjena za kavu i čaj od drijena Plod i kora se piju kao čaj, kao lijek protiv bolesti crijeva i groznice, protiv proljeva. Od zrelih plodova priprema se ukusan pekmez, voćni sok i vino.
Od plodova drijena peče se rakija. Od sjemenki drijena može se dobiti vrlo mala količina jestivog ulja. Pržene, a zatim i mljevene sjemenke mogu se koristiti kao zamjena za kavu. Čaj od drena Koru, plodove, cvjetove ili listove drena osušite na suhom i toplom mjestu. Kuhajte 5 - 10 grama osušene kore, plodova, cvjetova ili listova 5 minuta u 2 decilitre vode.  Nakon što čaj odstoji 20 minuta, procijedite ga i odmah popijte.  Preporučuje se piti jednu šalicu nezaslađenog čaja tri puta dnevno. Čaj mogu piti i djeca. Ako vaše dijete ima proljev ili lakše crijevne tegobe, skuhajte mu blaži čaj od drena za ublažavanje probavnih tegoba i brži oporavak od bolesti. Čaj od drena pomaže kod: crijevnih tegoba groznice bolesti grla slabokrvnosti slabog imuniteta čišćenja organizma Postoje različiti načini pripreme sirupa od drijena. Potrebni sastojci su 1 kilogram zrelih plodova, 1,5 litre vode i 1 limun. Da biste plodove mogli samljeti u blenderu, prvo ih očistite od koštica. Ili  možete jednostavno protisnuti plodove kroz sito i gazu. Dobivenoj smjesi dodajte vodu i ocijeđeni limun te sve promiješajte. Po želji sok zasladite šećerom, medom ili stevijom. Sok je idealan kao lagano osvježenje, ali i za podizanje energije i jačanje imuniteta. Sirup i džem od drijenka naručite Ovdje. Sirup od drijena pomaže kod: čišćenja organizma izbacivanja viška vode iz tijela slabokrvnosti bolesti crijeva snižavanja temperature oporavka organizma od proljeva ili povraćanja jačanja imuniteta groznice Tinktura od drena Za tinkturu od drena potrebna vam je 1 litra jačeg alkohola ili rakije (minimalno 50%) te svježi plodovi ili cvjetovi drena. Za jaču tinkturu plodovima ili cvjetovima drena napunite pola, a za slabiju - trećinu staklenke, te zatim dodaje alkohol. Promiješate čistom žlicom te spremite na suho i toplo mjesto.  Staklenku morate svaki dan protresti. Proces pripreme tinkture može trajati od 3 tjedna pa sve do 6 mjeseci. Kada procijenite da je tinktura gotova, mješavinu procijedite i spremite u novu staklenku. Ako ne želite ili ne smijete koristiti alkohol, tinkturu možete uliti u vrući čaj ili u neku drugu vruću tekućinu pa će alkohol ispariti. Preporučeno doziranje je 10 do 15 kapi tinkture dnevno, u jednom navratu. Nakon 4 tjedna uzimanja tinkture potrebno je napraviti pauzu. Tinktura od drena pomaže kod: grlobolje slabokrvnosti bolesti bubrega proljeva hemeroida dijabetesa bržeg zacjeljivanja rana Oblozi od drena Tinkturu drena možete iskoristiti i za obloge. Nekoliko kapi tinkture nakapajte na vatu ili gazu i pričvrstite zavojem. Prije toga kožu možete namazati tankim slojem vazelina. Na taj ćete je način zaštititi od eventualnih alergija i isušivanja zbog alkohola. Oblog ostavite 2 do 4 sata. Oblozi od drena pomažu kod: bržeg zacjeljivanja rana ekcema osipa infekcija kože Kratak video o drijenku Drijenak recepti - sirup i džem 1. Dren očistimo od peteljki i operemo.Stavimo u lonac, napunimo vode toliko da dren bude pokriven i stavimo kuhati.Kuha se 15 minuta nakon što voda zakuha. 2. Kada je kuhano, procijedimo kroz gazu. 3. Na svaku litru dobivene tekućine ide 80 dag šećera.Šećer dodajemo odmah u tekućinu i stavimo da se kuha.Dok se kuha, skidati pjenu. Gotovo je kada se prestane pjeniti. 4. Napuniti vruće u vruće flaše(zagrijane na 130°) i ostaviti u vrućoj pećnici da se ohlade. Domaći pekmez od drijena Starinski, tradicionalni recept za pekmez od drijena pravi se u omjeru 1 kg drijena na 300 - 500 g šećera, ovisno o ukusu. Možete koristiti smeđi šećer kako bi dobili blaži, kiseliji okus. Sastojci 1 kg drijena 300 - 500 g šećera (ili smeđeg šećera za blaži okus) 2 vrećice limunske kiseline Priprema Prvi korak je oprati zrele plodove drijena te ih zatim zagrijati na laganoj vatri (20 - 25 minuta) kako bi omekšale i odvojile se od koštica.
Po potrebi dodati malo vode i pasirati. Nakon procesa pasiranja, drijenu dodajte šećer pa zagrijavajte uz neprestano miješanje. Pred kraj kuhanja dodajte limunsku kiselinu i kratko prokuhajte. Vruću smjesu ulijte u posude ili staklenke. Zatvorite poklopcem i ohladite. Pekmez od drijena bez šećera Pekmez od drijena možete pripremiti i bez dodatka šećera. Mi smo dodali klinčić i malo limunovog soka kako bi stvorili jaku aromu i okus. Svakako se poigrajte sa začinima, možda se iznenadite odabirom i okusom. Sastojci 1 kg drijena 100 ml vode 1 vrećica mljevenog klinčića 2 žlice cimeta 2 vanilin šećera Priprema Operite plodove drijena i zagrijavanjem na laganoj vatri miješajte dok plodovi ne omekšaju i ne odvoje se od koštica. Dodajte malo vode i propasirajte. U lonac s propasiranim drijenom stavite začine. Mutiti drvenom žlicom do željene gustoće. Staviti u staklenke i zatvoriti poklopcem te odložiti na tamno i hladno mjesto. Pekmez od drijena bez konzervansa Ova vrsta pripreme pekmeza od drijena je bez ikakvih dodataka te se koristi isključivo smeđi šećer i plodovi drijena. Proces je dugotrajan, ali sigurni smo da se isplati s obzirom na to da je rezultat ukusan, gusti pekmez bez ikakvih umjetnih dodataka i aditiva. Sastojci 1 kg drijena 1 kg smeđeg šećera Priprema Operite plodove drijena i pasiranjem odvojite od koštica. U lonac s propasiranim plodovima dodati jednaku količinu smeđeg šećera. Miješajte otprilike 2 sata kako bi se dobila jednolična masa. Pekmez od drijena bez kuhanja Za razliku od drugih pekmeza koji ne zahtijevaju kuhanje, a čija je priprema jednostavna i brza, priprema pekmeza od drijena bez termičke obrade je jedna od najtežih zimnica kada je u pitanju priprema. Možda mislite da nećete morati stajati uz štednjak, ali višesatno miješanje je ovdje svakako uključeno. Kao što je to poznato kod zimnice, svaki trud se isplati, pa će vas tako i ova priprema višestruko nagraditi ukusnim pekmezom koji će svi obožavati. Sastojci 1 kg drijena 1 kg šećera u prahu 1 vanilin šećer Priprema Operite drijenak i rukama zgnječiti radi lakšeg pasiranja. U lonac s propasiranim drijenkom dodajte 1 kg šećera i 1 vrećicu vanilin šećera. Miješajte neprekidno (oko 2 - 3 sata) kako bi dobilu gustu smjesu. Stavite u staklenke i zatvorite. Gdje kupiti sirup i džem od drijena [block id="proizvodi-za-clanke-drijenak"] Ukoliko još niste probajte naše proizvode Bazge! Saznajte više o crnoj bazgi kliknite ovdje.
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pedoloony · 5 days
hi every one this blog is dry. please accept this offering of mine . i took it from my twitter cus my phone's dead and i didnt send it to myself anywhere that wouldn't destroy the image quality too bad so sad. dear lord this sucks anyways im not tagging this anywhere on any of the main bf di tags cause im shy and idk how tumblr works still
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i really like drawing my rocky gijinka im gonna start drawing my rocky gijinka an unhealthy amount
but anyways back on the topic of this drawing. fine. okay. call me predictable for drawing them int he little bunny suit. fuck YOU!!!! they (rocky in specific) just looked CUTE IN IT. i like to draw them looking CUTE. thank you
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this drawing's like months old now btw ⤴️
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almostgloriousmaker · 2 years
RC Trucks Electric_ The Top 5 Models For Serious Off-Road Performance
From its practical applications to its potential future developments, it is a field that is worth exploring in greater detail rc truck electric.
RC Trucks Electric: The Top 5 Models For Serious Off-Road Performance
If you're an RC truck electric enthusiast looking for serious off-road performance, you need to know which models are the best. Fortunately, we've done the research and compiled a list of the top five RC truck electric models for your high-octane adventures.
1. Traxxas Slash 4x4
The Traxxas Slash 4x4 is a fan favorite for RC truck electric enthusiasts. It has a robust chassis, high-torque motor, and waterproof electronics that make it the perfect choice for off-road action. The Slash 4x4 also comes with specialized suspension arms for increased ground clearance and improved traction.
2. Redcat Racing Everest-10 Rock Crawler
For those looking for an RC truck electric that can handle the toughest terrain, the Redcat Racing Everest-10 Rock Crawler is the perfect choice. With its powerful brushed motor and oversized tires, this truck is designed to take on challenging terrain with ease. The Everest-10 also features four-wheel drive and aluminum upper and lower suspension links.
3. ECX Barrage Gen2 1/10th Scale Truck
The ECX Barrage Gen2 1/10th Scale Truck is a great choice for off-road adventurers. It has a waterproof electronics system, adjustable suspension, and powerful brushless motor. Additionally, the Barrage Gen2 has a unique all-wheel drive system for added traction and stability.
4. Team Associated ProSC 4x4
The Team Associated ProSC 4x4 is a great option for serious off-roaders. It has a high-torque brushless motor, all-wheel drive, and adjustable suspension. The ProSC 4x4 also comes with a sealed receiver box, waterproof electronics, and a high-capacity battery for extended run times.
5. Arrma Granite 4x4 Mega
The Arrma Granite 4x4 Mega is the perfect choice for serious off-roaders. It features a heavy-duty steel chassis, waterproof electronics, and a powerful brushless motor. The Granite 4x4 Mega also has adjustable suspension, all-wheel drive, and a high-capacity battery for long run times.
When it comes to RC truck electrics, these are the top five models for serious off-road performance. Whether you're looking for a truck that can tackle the toughest terrain or one that can provide hours of fun, these models have you covered.
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srilanka1234 · 2 years
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pruchuttorecipes · 5 years
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Tagliatelle with Prosciutto and Peas. To capture the full flavor of pricey prosc… Tagliatelle with Prosciutto and Peas. To capture the full flavor of pricey prosciutto di Parma in our pasta dish, we first infuse a portion of it into the cream for our sauce and then finish the dish with raw strips that retain their aromatic intensity and supple texture.
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rattopoikakinkku · 3 years
Prosciutto is both a sweet dom and a mean dom. He'll ask you which one you're in the mood for before domming you cuz he enjoys both and wants you to have a good time
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