#pronqsie 3k celebration
pronqsie · 9 years
Tumblr media
I reached 3k followers a couple of days ago and I’m doing a lot of stuff to celebrate it. I did blogrates, I’m still doing promos and now It’s time to my first tumblr awards!
mbf me 
reblog this (likes don’t count!)
this must reach 50 notes 
hp/multifandom blogs only (multifandom with at least 80% hp)
 ends on june 5 
the winners will be announced 2 at 3 days after
each category will have 1 winner and 2 runner ups
James Potter Award (Best URL)
Sirius Black Award (Best icon)
Peter Pettigrew Award (Best theme)
Remus Lupin Award (Best posts)
Lily Evans Award (Best sidebar)
Regulus Black Award (Best navi page)
Order of Merlin, First Class  (Best general)
For winners:
A follow from me if not yet
A place on my updates tab for a month
1 solo promo upon announcement
5  solo promos for a month under request
1 photoshop prize under request (url graphic, an icon or any kind of graphic/edit/gifset but only about hp)
My friendship and love :)
For runner ups:
1  group promo upon  announcement
2 solo promos for a month under request
1 icon under request (only about hp)
My friendship and love :)
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pronqsie · 9 years
Hello, ❤️
url: 10/10
url comment: aah regulus the bae
icon: 5/10
icon comment: it’s really hard to see what your icon is :( 
theme: 8.5/10
theme comment:  i like the style but your sidebar picture is cropped :(
posts: 8.5/10
posts comment:  your blog is mainly harry potter - yey!- with some personal posts
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: /10
navi page comment:
general: 8/10
general comment/advice:  since you’re a fandom/personal blog i’d suggest you to have a tag system, also you have link options in your theme, try to use them :) 
no more, just finishing up
0 notes
pronqsie · 9 years
url: 10/10
url comment: i like it 
icon: 10/10
icon comment: i like the picture and i like the colours set
theme: 9.5/10
theme comment:  i really like your theme, it’s simple but cute 
posts: 9/10
posts comment:  you have reaaally good posts, i gave you a 9 cos you have some fandoms that i’m not into 
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: /10
navi page comment: you have tags for your posts but you don’t have a tag page :( 
general: 9/10
general comment/advice:  since you’re a multifandom blog and you’re tagging your posts i’d suggest you to have a tag page, this makes your blog more organized but really nice blog 
no more, just finishing up
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pronqsie · 9 years
url: 8/10
url comment: i really like the reference but it’s too long for my taste
icon: 8/10
icon comment: dan and emma are cuties but i’m not sure that the picture work as an icon 
theme: 8/10
theme comment:  i like the structure of the theme but i think something is missing, like a updates tab and also the links are not working 
posts: 10/10
posts comment:  your blog is mainly about harry potter and you have good posts so yey!
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: /10
navi page comment:
general: 8.5/10
general comment/advice:  try to fix your html code or maybe change your theme cos the links are not working, but nice blog + follow 
no more, just finishing up
0 notes
pronqsie · 9 years
url: 9/10
url comment: i’m not a wolfstar shipper but the url is really good
icon: /10
icon comment: not my fandom
theme: 7.5/10
theme comment:  i’m not a fan of the theme style :( 
posts: 8/10
posts comment:  you have really good marauders posts 
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: /10
navi page comment:
general: 8/10
general comment/advice:  since you’re a multifandom/personal blog i’d suggest you to have a tag system and maybe change your theme?
no more, just finishing up
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pronqsie · 9 years
❤️ Congrats on 3k!
url: 10/10
url comment: awesome!
icon: 8.5/10
icon comment:  andrew
theme: 8/10
theme comment:  ok i like some things about your theme - like the structure - but i’m not sure about the sidebar picture 
posts: 8/10
posts comment:  you’re a multifandom/personal blog with really cute posts 
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: /10
navi page comment: you’re tagging your posts - what’s great- but you don’t have exactly a navi page, i’d suggest you to have one 
general: 8/10
general comment/advice:  you have good posts, just try to keep things organized 
no more, just finishing up
0 notes
pronqsie · 9 years
❤️ Congrates on 3k!!! You deserve it :)
url: 8.5/10
url comment: i looove cos is tonks/remadora but it’s too long for my taste :(
icon: 8.5/10
icon comment: i like the picture (tonks
theme: 7.5/10
theme comment:  i’m not a fan of the structure, the sidebar style take away the attention from the posts :(
posts: 8.5/10
posts comment:  you have good fandom posts!
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: /10
navi page comment:
general: 8.5/10
general comment/advice:  since you’re a fandom/personal blog i’d suggest you to have a tag system, this makes your blog more organized 
no more, just finishing up
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pronqsie · 9 years
url: 10/10
url comment: it’s cute, i like it
icon: 10/10
icon comment: i like the picture and i like the colours set
theme: 10/10
theme comment:  it’s reaaaaally cute!
posts: 9/10
posts comment:  nice posts!
updates tab: 10/10
updates tab comment: i love the flags and fits with your theme!
navi page: /10
navi page comment:
general: 9/10
general comment/advice:  since you’re a multifandom blog i’d suggest you to have a tag system, this makes your blog more organized and easier to track! + follow 
no more, just finishing up
0 notes
pronqsie · 9 years
congratulations on 3k! ♥
url: 10/10
url comment: amaaaazing!
icon: /10
icon comment: not my fandom
theme: 7.5/10
theme comment:  i’m not a fan of the theme style :( 
posts: 10/10
posts comment:  your posts are amazing!!
updates tab: 8.5/10
updates tab comment:  it’s cute 
navi page: 9/10
navi page comment:  your navi page is really organized and cute!
general: 9/10
general comment/advice:  i really like your blog!
no more, just finishing up
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pronqsie · 9 years
url: 10/10
url comment: awesome!
icon: 7/10
icon comment: not my kind of icon
theme: 9.5/10
theme comment:  i really like your theme, very cute!
posts: 9/10
posts comment:  you have really good posts! 
updates tab: 8.5/10
updates tab comment: i like the picture that you used in your tab but i’m not a fan of the tab style 
navi page: /10
navi page comment: you don’t have a navi page but you have a search option in your theme what it’s good but i think i prefer a navi page 
general: 8.5/10
general comment/advice:  your blog is really good! i’d suggest you to have navi page, it’s easier to people track your blog and know what you post
no more, just finishing up
0 notes
pronqsie · 9 years
♥ xx
url: 10/10
url comment:  i like it 
icon: 8.5/10
icon comment: i like the picture but i don’t like the pink background
theme: 8.5/10
theme comment:  it’s really simple but i like it 
posts: 8.5/10
posts comment:  you have really good posts, i just gave a 8.5 because i’m not in some of your fandoms
updates tab: 10/10
updates tab comment: fits with your theme, i like it 
navi page: 9/10
navi page comment:  you have a major tag for your fandoms and this is great but maybe you could have more specific tags?
general: 8.5/10
general comment/advice:  your blog is really cute and you have good posts, congrats!
no more, just finishing up
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pronqsie · 9 years
I'm on mobile so let's pretend
aww thank you so much, you’re adorable
url: /10
url comment: i don’t get it :(
icon: /10
icon comment: not my fandom
theme: 10/10
theme comment:  i really like your theme, it’s beautiful!
posts: 9/10
posts comment:  you have amaaaaazing posts, i just gave you a 9 because i’m not in some of your fandoms 
updates tab: 10/10
updates tab comment: it’s cute and fits with your theme
navi page: /10
navi page comment:  i see that you have two navi pages, one with your “major tags” and one with only mythology tags , idk i found it a little confusing :( 
general: 9/10
general comment/advice:  you have an amazing blog! my suggestion would be put all your tags in one navi page rather than split into two pages
no more, just finishing up
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pronqsie · 9 years
url: 10/10
url comment:  awesome!
icon: 8.5/10
icon comment: i like the picture but i don’t like the colours set
theme: 9/10
theme comment:  i like the style, it’s cute
posts: 8.5/10
posts comment:  you have really good posts 
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: 10/10
navi page comment: i love the style of your page! the pictures are so cute!!!
general: 8.5/10
general comment/advice:  you have a nice blog with really good posts, i’d suggest you to have a updates tab, i think it’s the only thing missing in your theme 
no more, just finishing up
0 notes
pronqsie · 9 years
url: 10/10
url comment: amazing url!
icon: 10/10
icon comment: i like the picture and i like the colours set
theme: 7/10
theme comment:  i’m not a fan of the theme style :(
posts: 8.5/10
posts comment:  you have good posts! and you’re mainly about hp so yeey
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: /10
navi page comment:
general: 8.5/10
general comment/advice:  you have a great url and icon and really good posts, my suggestion is maybe change your theme 
no more, just finishing up
0 notes
pronqsie · 9 years
♥ and congrats for your 3k followers. you deserve it!!:)
hey Sou! thank you so much darling!
url: 8/10
url comment: i like the reference
icon: 8/10
icon comment: it’s my fandom and i know your love for murphy but i’m not a fan of that picture :(
theme: 8/10
theme comment:  i like the style 
posts: 10/10
posts comment:  your posts are mainly about harry potter and the 100, two things that i love so yeeeey!
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: 8.5/10
navi page comment:  you have good tags and the page is cute
general: 9/10
general comment/advice:  Sou, you know that you’re a cutie and I love you
no more, just finishing up
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pronqsie · 9 years
♥ (ur url is a++ wow)
aw thank you!
url: 9/10
url comment: it’s cute, i like it 
icon: /10
icon comment:  not my fandom
theme: 8/10
theme comment:  i think i like the style but i’m not sure about the background and the sidebar picture
posts: 8/10
posts comment:  your blog has personal/art/photography and some fandom, it’s cute
updates tab: /10
updates tab comment:
navi page: /10
navi page comment:
general: 8/10
general comment/advice:  since you’re a multifandom/personal/art blog i’d suggest you to have a tag system, this makes your blog more organized and easier to track
no more, just finishing up
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