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foxsoulart · 6 months ago
Prompt 21 with Soul Remembers au
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(Takes place after the main story, I suggest reading for context; otherwise, have fun)
Aloe had fallen from a tree. A freaking, deciduous tree. Gravity and a dead branch taken her by surprise and defeated her. Her; the most deadly, accurate, and skilled member of the Foot Cl- No, that wasn't right, she was now a member of the Hamato family. At least she thought so.
Regardless, she had still fallen from a tree, failed to catch herself on the way down, and ended up with many scrapes and cuts. And splinters. She'll, there were so many splinters. Aloe was pretty sure she could have spent hours alone picking them out of her fur and skin.
Donatello had told her to come to him with any injuries, no matter how small, he would never be bothered. And Aloe was pretty positive she'd never be able to hide these from them anyway.
So to Donatello she went.
"Donatello." Aloe stood in the doorway to the barn where Donnie was currently tinkering away.
Donnie had yet to look up. "Aloe Vera."
Normally she would have giggled at this, the nickname was good-naturedly given and good-naturedly received; but right now she was kinda bleeding. When his reply did not elicit the expected response, he looked up and his eyes widened in shock.
"What happened to you?" Donnie asked with brows raised.
What indeed. Despite her attempts to brush them out; leaves, dirt, and wood splinters were tangled in her fur. Her tail most of all. Because it was thick and fluffy and required consistent grooming. Blood seeped from her various cuts and scrapes. Yet to hit the floor, soaking into her fur and clothes.
"Gravity." Was her curt reply, following Donnie's prompts to sit down.
"Uh huh." He raised his brows at her response and began cleaning up her wounds.
When Donnie got to the disinfecting part, he paused, looked up at her and said:
"This is going to sting...like a lot."
"I can handle it."
And she did. By clenching her teeth and hissing through them, during the whole thing. She was very releived when he was done patching her up and declared her good to go. She gave him a bow, a habit she had yet to change, and thanked him.
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iracarterart · 1 year ago
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#SHOES #Prompt21 #collagetober23 #marianneburgerstudio @marianneburgerstudio UNIC gents’ shoes, 1932
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writtenbykat · 3 years ago
Golden Boy (Jilytober Day 21)
Prompt: Golden hour; (time of the day with perfect golden sky, sunrise, sunset. The magic hour for photography) @jilytoberfest
“Potter, I already know I don’t like to fly!” Lily protested half-heartedly. It was hard not to give in to James when he was determined about something.
“You don’t dislike flying, Evans,” James quipped without even breaking stride, “You just dislike not being the best.”
“That’s not true!”
“Tell me. Have you ever tried flying again since that first lesson with Madam Hooch in first year?”
“No,” Lily confessed reluctantly, remembering that awful first flying lesson. She’d put her hand over the broomstick and it hadn’t budged an inch. No matter how hard she concentrated and commanded “Up.” it didn’t so much as roll over in the grass. Meanwhile, James and his band of hooligans had mostly already mounted their brooms. James and Sirius hovered a few inches above the ground– and she couldn’t even get her broom to respond to her command. It was humiliating, and she’d decided then and there that she simply did not like flying at all.
“It takes practice, Evans,” James lightly chided. “Sirius and I were given brooms practically before we’d taken our first steps. I’d bet that with the right teacher and a good attitude, you’d be in the air in no time!”
She cringed at his saccharine sentiment and faux perky tone.
“Too Hufflepuff?” he guessed, taking in her expression. She laughed. It felt good to laugh with Potter. To not feel like she was being laughed at by Potter. His laugh was warm and it made his eyes sparkle, inviting others to share in his joy with him.
“Fine,” she conceded. “You may give me one flying lesson. One. And if I still don’t like flying, you’ll just accept it’s something that’s simply not for me.”
He gave her a boyish grin that made something in her stomach flutter– a reaction that happened in his presence far more often than she’d like to admit. “Okay, Evans. One lesson. Then it’s good that I picked today.”
“You’ll see,” he responded cryptically.
James gave her the basics of mounting a broom, much the same as she’d learned in their first flying lesson seven years ago. But he seemed to have unending patience, even when she’d claimed natural ineptitude when the broom failed to raise to her command again. He had her try over and over.
“Up,” she commanded the broomstick. Then, to her surprise, it shot off the ground and into her waiting grip. “I did it!” she shouted, elated, throwing her arms around James’
neck. He caught her around the waist, grinning down at her. “Uh, sorry,” she stammered, a blush rising to her cheeks as she took in their position.
“Nothing to apologize for, Evans,” he said with a sly grin.
Now that she knew the broom would respond to her commands, she felt more confident about the whole prospect of flying. Step by step, James showed her how to properly mount a broom, and where to place her hands for the most control over her movements. They hovered a few inches above the ground and landed. Then she pushed off to hover a few feet above the ground before landing again.
“Excellent!” James congratulated her. “Now, are you ready for your first real flight?” he asked.
The sun had set already, and the light was beginning to fade. “Are you sure we have time?” she asked.
With his confident answer, she swung one leg over the handle of her broom, and pushed off the ground.
“Follow me,” he instructed, and set off at a leisurely pace– slowly rising higher and higher into the sky. Before she knew it, they were level with the quidditch hoops. The wind rushed in her face, and she couldn’t help the elated whoop she let out as she sped up. It felt so freeing being up in the air. Gaining confidence, she sped higher and higher. Until she had a full view of the entirety of the Hogwarts castle.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” James asked, catching up to where she hovered in the air.
Beautiful didn’t even begin to describe it. The setting sun set the castle ablaze�� glowing gold in the fading light. The sky was a beautiful magenta backdrop and it seemed to make everything more whimsical and ethereal than ever before.
She turned to respond, and felt her breath leave her in a small startled gasp. James’ gaze wasn’t fixed on the gorgeous scene of the castle bathed in gold, but instead on her. The intensity in his eyes didn’t waver, and Lily found herself drawn towards him. The fluttering in her stomach kept pace with the rapid beating of her heart as she drew nearer, holding his gaze. The fading light of the sun cast a halo around his head and brought out the gold flecks in his hazel eyes. His eyes seemed to glisten and glimmer– as if made of magic themselves.
She was drawn out of her reverie as she reached his side, and he reached out to steady her broom. They hovered next to each other in silence for a moment; saying nothing, yet a thousand things seemed to pass between them.
“Yeah, it really is,” she finally whispered. A smile broke out across his face. Not one that she’d seen before. Not the cocky, arrogant grin of a quidditch captain, nor was it the smirk of someone who knew he’d pulled off something no one else had ever before. It
wasn’t even the boyish grin of someone simply full of joy. No this grin was shy, almost, tentative– as if unsure if he was asking too much.
She couldn’t help but grin back.
She wasn’t sure how long they sat there, just staring and grinning like idiots– but it was almost dark when she shook out of the enchanting gaze of James Potter. “It’s getting dark, we should head back,” she whispered, still grinning.
“Yeah we should,” he said– and she noted his smile didn’t dip for a second either. Slowly they made their way back down. Feeling solid ground beneath her feet again was an odd feeling after spending so long in the air.
James stored away the brooms then made his way back over to where she waited. “Thank you,” she said simply, then leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek.
An endearing blush crept across his cheek bones as he responded, “Anytime, Evans.” and took her hand in his, interlacing their fingers. She stared at it in shock for a moment, before looking up to meet his eyes with a face-splitting grin. He wore an expression to match; and so they walked back up to the castle, hand in hand, with matching idiotic grins– and she couldn’t have been happier.
Read on AO3 or FFN
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eyesofsteelandsky · 3 years ago
FFxivWrite 2021 Prompt 21: Feckless
“Fucking hells, what do you eat?”
Even with the advantages of her people, Fulcinia’s ability to haul Brem’s unconscious form was being taxed by the time she’d pulled her from the elevator deeper into the ancient Allagan lab. There was a pang of regret she wasn’t going to get to watch Citrio get put down herself, but the opportunity he’d gifted her was too much to pass up. Hopefully his need to solve all his problems with violence would chew through enough time. For as much as he hated the savages, he wasn’t much better than they were. The kind of man that would be muzzled and leashed when she had her way.
The Garlean’s hand slams forward into the teleportation matrix once she reaches it, instantly relocating her and her ‘volunteer’ to the platform beneath the Splinter Core’s containment chamber. Rushing from the edges of the floating platform, she grunts through hefting the massive sea wolf into a pod, punching in commands to seal her inside.��“So sorry, ‘Captain’, but a retirement living among your barbaric people isn’t what I had in mind.” Holding down a part of the console interface near the pod, she lets her voice ring out into the chamber. “Recognize restoration of Fulcinia lux Protus as facility prefect. Voice and biometric authorization.”
A chime rings through the chamber before a deep voice finally responds. “Fulcinia lux Protus identity confirmed. Restoration of facility prefect status complete. All glory to Allag!”
“Excellent, first order of business, being activation sequence of the Splinter Core. Prepare volunteer’s enhancement core to be restored.” The woman turns her eyes upon Brem through the transparent covering over her, grin stretched out over her lips. “Won’t be tossing me overboard after all.”
The chime returns, and shortly after the same deep voice again. “Core activation sequence initiated. WARNING! Initiation of Splinter Core empowerment while containment compromised not recommended. Termination of experiment suggested.”
“Override safeties, and keep your suggestions to your damn self! Start the process already!”
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myhusbandsasemni · 4 years ago
Whumptober Day 21: Infection (Souka Ichimaru)
@doubi-ixi​ @thethistlegirl​ @linariouswrites​
Cute dragon under cut
I don’t feel so well
Souka knew he had an infection. He recognized the symptoms. He was shivering from his fever as he laid in the barred hole he had been thrown into a week ago. No one had been in to dress the wound in his back. Or the burns on his arms. He had been drinking the water that dripped down from above, ignoring the brackish flavor. He had done his best to stay clean, but he had obviously failed. The lack of any food didn’t help any.
Souka turned his head to gag. There was nothing in his stomach to heave up anymore. He hadn’t had the energy to crawl to the pool of water for hours. His thin arms shook as he tried again to drag himself over. He got a few more inches. He could work with that. Over the next few hours he managed to drag himself to the pool. It took him a few minutes to get the energy to drink it and not just drown in it. He curled in on himself as the water settled uneasily in his stomach. Still, he did feel a tiny bit better. He forced himself to drink as much as he could as often as he could. He would make it through this if he just stayed hydrated. He could wait it out. The Adventurers would come for him soon. He could feel them in his heart.
When Souka closed his eyes, he thought he could hear voices. Souka ignored them. If they were real, they would come and make sure he knew. They didn’t. Probably hallucinations then. Souka didn’t listen to what they were trying to say. This wasn’t the first time, or even the twentieth time, he had dealt with sickness causing hallucinations. You kind of just grew used to it. Figured out how to know when something was real and when your brain was making things up. 
Souka slept on and off, drinking water every time he woke up and splashing some of it on his face and shoulders. He brushed wet hair out of his eyes as he looked up through the small grate above. The light, what little there was, was a bluish color. The color never changed, nor the brightness. It reminded Souka of being underwater. You even got the rippling effect on the walls from the light bouncing on the pool. Souka closed his eyes when the movement of light made him feel sick. He shivered again. 
There was a creaking sound and more whispers. Souka opened his eyes when he noticed the light change. He turned his head to the grate to see it had been pried back. Someone dropped down into the hole and put a hand in his hair. Souka closed his eyes and leaned into the comfort. 
“Souka, can you hear me?” 
Laurance’s voice. Souka fought the tears that rose up in his throat. Souka nodded. Laurance’s strong arms curled under him and picked him up in a practiced movement. Laurance held Souka up through the hole and a new pair of arms took him. This one was Rin. Rin’s soft hair brushed Souka’s face as he held Souka close while the girls helped Laurance up. 
“He’s got a fever,” Rin said quietly, hand on Souka’s forehead and then his neck.”Infection, I think.”
Souka turned his head toward a cold hand. This was Anisha’s hand. She pressed a kiss to his sweaty forehead and murmured something that he couldn’t understand. The small group opened a portal back home and disappeared inside. 
Souka didn’t remember much of the next couple of days, but he knew it must have been a close call quite a few times. He kept hearing Ichimaru’s voice telling him to wake up, that it wasn’t his time. And Souka always woke to find himself in a warm bed, comfortably dizzy from pain medication, and full. There was always someone waiting there for him to wake up. And he always gave them his best smile.
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lidiaknoguera · 4 years ago
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Sleep 🌙 #watercolor #acuarelas🎨 #21oct #inktober #inktober2020 #prompt21 #sleep #ilustracion #ilustration #watercolorilustration #watercolordaily https://www.instagram.com/p/CGmKD19gd1V/?igshid=4zrnb1j6owo
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capucebrise · 5 years ago
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#Inktober52 #Prompt21 #Robot #Bender is such mood !!🥃🚬🤖 #Futurama #BenderBendingRodriguez #alcohol #alcoholic #smoke #smoker #cigar #cartoon #character #mood #fun #funny #sketch #art #doodle #fanart #artist #challenge #inktober #inktober2020 #droid #space #ink #color #quick (à Orléans, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu4CtdJBx3/?igshid=ijfi1qvnr231
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angelheartcottage · 5 years ago
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I love this wall of books in my front room. I believe every home should decorate with books. An additional four & a half shelves of books continue downstairs. I’m definitely a bibliophile. Wish someone would invent book-page air freshener. #prompt21 #checkoutabook #pspicturehome #books #bookaholic #booklover #book #shelves #love #myhome #happiness #joy https://www.instagram.com/p/CAdoclGjrWO/?igshid=yxqq8qw2f4g9
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sodorart · 7 years ago
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Inktober 2017 Prompt 21: Furious
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sherlockkinkmeme · 8 years ago
Prompt #21
BBC, Sherlock/John
BBC Sherlock Johnlock where Sherlock is in love with John but doesn't tell him because he's afraid to lose him. John is blind to Sherlock's feelings but everyone else in their life knows. Sherlock's feelings get revealed to John either by accident by someone like Lestrade, Mrs Hudson, or Molly or maybe on purpose by Sally. Essentially an accidental forced love confession. Sherlock avoids John when he finds out John knows because he thinks John hates him. If you add smut please make it Toplock.            
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thoughtsaboutshows · 3 years ago
21. “Our kids are gonna be *mwah*!”
a decade or so after they rise from the dead….
After Sabrina and Nick had both been returned and balance was restored, Ambrose’s first thought was to throw a party.  Dorian’s had been sitting unused since Hilda’s wedding and he thought it the perfect place.  After the soirée it never really closed back up again and Ambrose Spellman took it upon himself to officially reopen it.  The coven could definitely use a place to let loose a bit given the insanity of the previous year.
He still ran the bar even years later, so when Sabrina and Nick returned from their trip abroad it was one of the first places she’d wanted to go.  It looked almost exactly the same as it had a decade or so ago when Nick brought her for the first time.  The only noticeable difference was the lack of the eccentric and blonde Dorian, but Ambrose more than made up for his playfulness with every drink he slung.
“Any reason this is the first place you wanted to come to, Spellman?”  Nick asked her as he tugged her down the familiar alley by the hand, pausing to kiss it when her mischievous face lit up.
“I just thought we could let loose a little.”  She shrugged and twirled herself with his hand.  “We’ve been gone for so long and I figured it’d be fun.”
“Does this mean you’ll dance with me?”  He asked as he bit his bottom lip and raised his eyebrows.  When she giggled and nodded he tugged her by the hand and pulled her closer.  She stumbled and braced herself on his chest, crinkling her nose as an oomph fell from her lips.  “You know, I fell even more in love with you on that dance floor.”
“Well then.”  Sabrina swallowed thickly as she blushed, nearly breathless.  Somehow even ten years together didn’t lessen Nicholas Scratch’s ability to take her breath away.  Sabrina swallowed again, locking eyes with him and diving headfirst into the darkness of them.  She leaned forward, brushing their noses and nearly kissing him before letting her words kiss his lips instead.  “What are we waiting for?”
He very nearly closed the sliver of space between them but she turned away at the last minute and pulled back with a giggle and a wink.
“Meet you on that dance floor, Scratch.”  She sent him a delicate wave before skipping off towards the door, settling at the bar and leaning her chin on her hand when he finally made it in.
“You said the dance floor.” He mocked annoyance but the twinkle in his eye gave way to a joke.
“I wanted a drink.” Sabrina nodded as she held out her arm and Nick stepped into it, snaking her arm around his waist and turning to kiss his side.
“Oh for Hecate’s sake, the two of you just spent nearly a year on the road together.”  Ambrose was in front of him then, black vest across his chest and towel thrown over his shoulder.  “Would it kill you to not be glued to each other’s sides?”
“Yes.”  Sabrina answered sing-songy with a tilted head.  Nick just chucked and gripped the bridge of his nose, learning long ago not to get in the middle of a Spellman Cousin tiff.  If he was honest though he thought separating from Sabrina would kill him. It had in fact done just that years ago, but that despair was so far back in his memory Ambrose’s jokes didn’t stir up the darkness like it once would.
“When did you get back?” Ambrose turned to ask Nick, choosing to focus on that instead of annoying Sabrina.  Nick and his cousin had been visiting the different covens in Asia, bringing back recommendations for revising the Order of Hecate for the last year.
“About ten minutes ago.”  Nick answered with a smile and ran his hand down Sabrina’s back.  “This one insisted we come straight here.”  Nick leaned in close to Ambrose and looked both ways as if revealing a secret before whispering.  “I think she missed you.”
“I knew it!”  Ambrose howled with laughter as Sabrina rolled her eyes and shoved Nick’s hand off her shoulder.
“So what if I did?”  Sabrina raised her chin in the air.  “I guarantee you missed me too.”
“Yes but I’d at least stop home to shower first before seeing you again, dear cousin.”  Ambrose narrowed his eyes playfully as he leaned on the counter.
“We teleported.”  Sabrina argued.  “It’s not like we smell like airplane.”
“You smell like sex with Nick.” Ambrose’s grin was wide as Sabrina’s eyes nearly busted open, remembering their dalliance in a shop bathroom right before they came home.
“You realize it’s weird that you know that right?”  She sputtered, blocking out the memory of the feast of feasts as she whipped her head around to get support from Nick, who was pressing his lips together to avoid laughing.  “You know what? To heaven with both of you.  Agatha?”  She called down the bar a ways and the dark haired girl walked over to take her order.  When she returned with a tequila shot and a bottle of champagne, Sabrina grabbed it and shoved her way to the dance floor.
Ambrose and Nick nodded at each other, the former returning with a single of bourbon before Nick sighed and told Ambrose all about their trip.  He stuck with the one drink, knowing his body still rebuked him when he had more than that, but still smiled when he found Sabrina a bit later dancing with Roz.
“Hey, babe!”  Sabrina yelled, the sweet scent of Prosecco falling off her tongue.  She spun into his arms again and he held her steady, even though she was anything but.
“Hey, you.”  Nick’s hand left her waist but only to brush her cheek.  “Still mad at me?”
“Oh I wasn’t mad at you.”  Sabrina shook her head and ran a hand through his hair.
“You weren’t.”  Nick stated as he furrowed his brow.
“No silly.”  Sabrina brushed at the wrinkles he was making.  “I was annoyed at Ambrose for bringing up once again that he had an orgy with my boyfriend.”
“I wasn’t your boyfriend yet.”  Nick tilted his head to the side as his hands ran down the length of her back and settled at her waist.  She bit her bottom lip and swung her arms around his neck.
“True.  But you wanted to be.”  She teased and dragged her nail across his cheek.
“Obviously.”  Nick nearly growled as he brushed their noses together.  “You were then and are now and will always be the most stunning little witch I’ve ever met.”
Sabrina just kissed him then, letting the feel of his lips fill her up and set her skin ablaze.  She was drunk on it, much like the sparkle of the champagne that was running through her veins.
“Nick.”  She whispered, kissing him firmly again.  She looked up at him, ready to bell him how much she loved him or that she didn’t want this life with anyone else.  Instead she caught sight of how the chandelier brightened the pinpricks of brown in his eyes and how the mess of his curly hair fell just right.  Other words spilled out of her lips and before she could stop herself she was talking.  “Damn, Our kids are gonna be just-.”  She paused and kissed him hard, hoping the point got across.
“Our kids?”  Nick said, brushing the hair out of her face that was sticking to her forehead.  “You got something to tell me?”  The laughter she saw hiding behind his smile told her he knew she wasn’t pregnant, but he also wouldn’t be scared if she was.
“Not yet, Scratch.” Sabrina poked his nose before kissing under his chin.  “Maybe someday.”
“Someday.”  Nick repeated and put his hand on the small of her back and raised his eyebrows.  “For now? Dance with me.”
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eyesofsteelandsky · 4 years ago
FFxivWrite2020 Prompt 21: Foibles
Tempest was confused by a sudden change in company, but the large xaela that had insisted he show her a new drink at the bar was a familiar and quite welcoming face. She was pretty sure she’d just seen C’tolemy’s eye twitching so perhaps it was so he could go take care of that. Baby feet in the forehead and all, something she’d been through before. Ayanga was keeping her attention mostly focused on the task at hand, but she did steal glance back at the fuming miqo’te glaring daggers her way.
“Baby moods gettin’ too him. The baby gets all angry and then you end up being full of angry because you’re already full of baby, and the baby’s full of angry.” The musing out loud lead to a few quiet blinks from those in earshot, but no one was interested in wading into a battle of wits with the blue haired woman. “Not like I said nothing mean or anything. Jus’ that maybe he should work on his pronuncification some.”
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myhusbandsasemni · 5 years ago
Whumptober21-Laced Drink:Laurance-Funny
Laurance took a sip of his fat free eggnog. He had to cut back as he tended to act slightly drunk on the normal kind, so he always frowned at the weird stuff. This one tasted fine though. That was until he started acting up a bit, laughing and feeling warm. He would grin at Kiera teasingly and planted kiss after kiss on Anisha’s lips. It wasn’t long before he realized that Kiera had cut his drink with true eggnog, the brand that affected his demon side the most. Laurance thanked her with a slightly tipsy kiss to the cheek.
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bluecrownedbullets · 12 years ago
Prompt #21
Open Prompt: A pinky promise between any characters.
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eyesofsteelandsky · 5 years ago
FFxivWrite 2019 Prompt 21: Crunch
An increasingly rare relaxed sigh falls out of Brem’s lips as she lazily makes her way down the stairs to the home’s bottom floor lounge. Honoring the tradition of her rare days off that weren’t specifically set aside for some sort of non-work engagement, half undressed roegadyn had one arm tucked around a massive bowl of snacks and a bottle hanging from her other hand. No grand plans, no duty to rush off to, just her and an indulgent afternoon of doing absolutely nothing. The house to herself and the peace and quiet that brought along with it. At least, that’s what she has in mind until a pair of fuzzy red ears catch her attention as she rounds the corner on the landing. Making her way over to her mate’s curled up form on the couch, the giant leans in to lay a brief kiss onto her forehead, though instead of catching the normal reply of a happy feline noise or chasing after a proper kiss, there was just a pained grunt and a further furrowing of the smaller woman’s brow.
“Someone had themselves a night last night, I take it?” The delighted tease in the sea wolf’s voice only deepened the agony in the catte’s grunting. Instead of lingering to torment Delesta any more directly, she makes her way over to claim a bit of couch a few fulms away from the curled up, hung-over miqo’te and sets her bowl full of fried pigskins and bottle of cold juice on the table in front of her, though retreating with handful of the crisp treat. The first is swiftly popped into her mouth with a satisfying crunch. Satisfying to the roegadyn at least. By the time she’s done with the initial handful there’s a pair of red and blue eyes glaring daggers at her through slitred lids.
“Do y’ fuckin’ mind? M’ head already be feelin’ full o’ glass.” There’s a hint of growl in the red-head’s voice as she continued to offer her withering disapproval of her lover’s choice of snack. The complain shoots a grin back onto the sea wolf’s lips, leaving her eyeing the piece still caught between a couple of fingers.
“Maybe next time you should try your glass of rum without the splash of rum, and you won’t have a morning like this. But.. I can see you’re in pain.. I’ll stick to my juice.” Del, of course, has absolutely no faith in the roe’s good behavior when it comes to mildly pestering her favorite miqo’tes. As such, her eyes stay locked on the sea wolf for the next quarter bell. At least, until there’s a shift in the sun and the light pouring in through the windows drove a dagger into the back of her eye. Given the time spent waiting and the new irritation, she flops over onto her other side to bury her face against a cushion to get back to a proper black out. Soon enough she’s nestled back into the half-sleeping, half-suffering hang-over state she was in before the roe came down the stairs, aiming to ride it out a few bells longer...
The impish grin set upon the roe’s lips as her lover flips back over almost looks too wide to let her actually continue chewing  that mouthful of fried pork skin, but the cacophony of crunching continues to roll on. Despite the tornado of glass sharps whipping around the inside of her head for doing so, the miqo’te is on her feet in nearly an instant, stalking over towards the giant with seething purpose.
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myhusbandsasemni · 5 years ago
Whumptober21-Laced Drink:Laurance
Laurance stood straight and like an aristocrat. He was undercover with Rin at a party. They were on the trail of some rather excitable cultists and were just about ready to capture the villains. They had found the evidence they needed and were just looking for a chance to leave. 
Laurance slid around the table and stood next to Rin at the bar. They didn’t drink alcohol so they were sipping on juice cut with all kinds of flavors. Rin passed him a cup with a sharp toothed smile. He was extremely pleased with how well everything had worked out. “Here,” Laurance’s best friend said. “This one’s really really good.”
Laurance smiled and tipped the cup back at the same time as Rin. It was good though he was a little startled when his tongue went slightly numb.
“Rin, what’s in this?”
“I don’t know. Is your tongue numb too?”
That was when Laurance noticed a small knot of people watching the two adventurers. “Rin,” Laurance said as his toes started to feel numb. “We need to get out of here.”
“Yeah,” Rin breathed, ears folding back a little.” 
The two males cut across the ballroom and the small knot of people dispersed with intent.
“Were can wego?” Rin asked, words starting slur.
Laurance shook his head. He couldn’t think clearly enough to say. His knees gave out just before Rin’s did. Laurance felt people surround him as he fell the rest of the way to the floor. He stared into space as hands grabbed him roughly and bound his arms and legs. They’d been caught.
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