#prompt 3 apple picking
ghoulsister1 · 1 year
🎃SpookTober 31 Days Prompts🎃:
Day 3: Apple Picking🍎
Edward Leeford x Wiccan GN!Reader. AU: Victorian Era. Autumn Witchy vibes. Cosy Autumn. In Wiccan the Autumn Equinox is known as "Mabon". Fluff. Monks is still a nervous wreck but a sweetheart. SpookTober Prompt: Apple Picking🍎
☆●~Apples & Company~●☆
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October is the perfect time to pick the apples in the orchard. Basket in hand, you go forth to the orchard with hope that the strange yet handsome you met last time in London would be there as he promised.
You awoke in the early hours of the morning to the fields and hills covered in fog, the ravens calling out in the trees accompanied by the occasional soft cooing of the wood pigeons that sat upon the tree in your garden.
The house was quite cold so you wrapped a shawl around you along with your dressing gown and lit a candle to light the way, it was early morning but with the Autumnal Equinox, the early hours of morning were getting darker slowly but surely. You made your way down the stairs to the hearth in the drawing room and you were so glad you stocked up a fresh pile of logs the day before.
Putting some logs into the hearth and grabbing a match, you lit up the logs and watched as the flames flickered to life and with the logs to feed it, it wasn't long before there was a good hearty fire. You lit up the stove in the kitchen and made yourself some breakfast.
After filling your belly with warm food, you set about cleaning your altar and prepare it for Mabon. You were Wiccan, though to narrow-minded buffoons you were considered a "witch". And not the "good kind" witch oh no, the "flying on broomsticks, cursing pretty girls, stealing babies and having tea with The Devil himself" witch.
You would sigh everytime you walked by the farmer's land and the farmer's daughter would give you a nasty look. The farmer and his wife though knew you weren't a witch, they just thought of you as a lover of nature. Or whenever you walked into town and passed by the church, the priest would stare after you coldly and with an air of disdain. It was quite infuriating if you were honest but should you retaliate, you'd only give them more fuel for the fire of their claims of you being a witch.
You cleaned up your altar and prepared it for Mabon. You smiled as you placed pinecones, leaves, your crystals and some candles on your altar.
"Perfect" You Said and you dressed in some warm wear, wrapped a small velvet hood and cloak around you and picking up your wicker basket, you headed out. You were heading to the apple orchard up the road.
The sun was breaking through the clouds, orange and pale blue filling the sky. The land was still covered in a misty blanket as you walked up the road to the orchard, the small birds singing and fretting about in the bushes made you smile as you inhaled the crisp, chilly autumn air.
"I wonder if he'll be there, as he promised" You Thought smiling softly. You were referring to the man you met the last time you visited London. He was a young man, quite pale with dark hair and the most extraordinary eyes you've ever seen for one was pale blue as the sky and the other a dark brown as autumn leaves. Edward Leeford was his name.
You recalled the moment you met, how shy he was at times, though at certain times he seemed to fret over some unknown worry with extremity. But the more you talked to him, the more he seemed to become calm and little more relaxed. You recalled the memory fondly.
You smiled and fiddled with the frilly lace on your sleeves.
"So how long will you be in London?" Asked Edward almost nervously. You looked at Edward and gave a soft smile.
"Oh not long, I live in the countryside you see. I come to London only a few times. There's a town where I live which has most of the essentials necessary for living in the countryside. I only come to London to browse and shop a little, just for things I can't get in the town" You Explained.
Your heart clenched a little upon seeing Edward frown, his eyes sad and he looked away out the window.
"Must be very peaceful, living out in the countryside" Remarked Edward in a low voice. You felt sorry for him, he seemed to really enjoy your company. Suddenly an idea sprung to mind.
"Mr. Leeford if you'd like, maybe you could come visit me? I'll be going apple picking soon, I would very much like you to come along with me that day, should you want to" You Suggested.
Edward looked shocked.
"You...you want me to go apple picking with you?" Asked Edward, seeming unsure.
"Why yes!" You Replied.
"In the countryside? Just the two of us?" Asked Edward, eyeing you carefully.
"Yes of course! Why doubt my offer? You seem to enjoy talking with me and I'd hate to leave London knowing you'd probably be lonely. If you are still unsure, you can refuse. I won't hold it against you" You Explained.
"Oh no! I'd love to go apple picking with you Y/N! I was....I...no one's ever asked me to go apple picking with them.....or go to or do anything with" Replied Edward softly and sadly.
You frowned at hearing that.
"Well, I'm asking you and I'd be happy for you to join me" You Stated smiling. Edward gave you a soft smile at that.
You had kept in touch by letters and the last letter you got from him was that he'd meet there. You wonder if he meant in the orchard specifically or up the road. You weren't sure and you hoped he was there and wasn't lost.
Halfway up the road you heard the neigh of a horse. You continued onwards and soon you spotted a brown chestnut mare tied to the tree next to the entrance of the apple orchard. You smiled when you saw a man, pale and dark haired look up the road and see you. It was Edward Leeford!
"You're here!" You Cried smiling.
"Of course! Did you think I wouldn't come to the countryside?" Asked Edward smiling.
You shook your head, smiling as you made your way towards him.
"I thought you would've gotten lost. I was honestly worried when i thought that" You Admitted, approaching Edward.
"I thought I was going to get lost. Luckily, the countryside has some really helpful people here and I was able to get directions to this apple orchard" Explained Edward.
You gave a little giggle at that and smiled at him.
"Well, I'm glad you made here okay. That's a gorgeous horse. How long have you had her?" You Asked, walking over to the mare and stroking her forehead.
"Her? Oh not long. Just got her last week. She's a good horse though. Very patient if not a little finicky at times" Remarked Edward watching as you in wonder as you petted the mare and softly praised her. Usually the horse would be weary and reluctant, but with you the mare was practically melting under your touch and words.
"Does she have a name?" You Asked smiling.
"Oh uh.....Nutmeg" Answered Edward, thinking of the name just now.
You turned around and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Nutmeg?" You Reapeated.
"Is it a bad name?" Asked Edward.
"No. It's a lovely name. But when did you think of it?" You Asked knowingly.
Edward blushed under your gaze.
"Just now" Admitted Edward bashfully and you smiled at him, which made him smile back.
"Come, let's go pick some apples" You Suggested and with Edward, you both entered the orchard together.
The orchard was filled with rows of trees, all bearing the fresh apples ripe for picking. The fresh scent of the apples hung in the air, so sweet and strong.
"Are all these apples ripe?" Asked Edward.
"Should be yes. October is the perfect time for picking apples" You Answered.
"Would you get bad ones though?" Asked Edward.
"Hmmm. That depends really. I've had a few bad apples before but none from this orchard so this orchard must be very well cared for" You Explained. Edward listened to your explanation as he looked at all the apples in the trees.
"Let's start with this one" You Suggested and walked over to the tree, followed closely by Edward.
There was a low hanging branch that allowed you to reach up easily and pluck the apples from the tree. Occasionally you'd give them a little squeeze to feel how firm they are.
Edward watched as you plucked away, listening to you hum a little tune here and there. His heart felt warm strangely as he gazed upon you.
"Alright, let's move to the next one" You Announced, shaking Edward from his thoughts and he followed you to the next tree.
This tree's branch wasn't low hanging but you still had a good reach and you began plucking the apples.
"How long have you lived out here, in the countryside?" Asked Edward curiously.
"Oh, a long time really. I was born in the North actually" You Answered as you plucked an apple and dropped it into the basket.
"In Yorkshire? I see, well I could hear it actually in your accent. And the way you talk" Admitted Edward blushing.
"Oh yeah? Well, everyone says I never lost my accent no matter how long I lived here now. But yeah, I was born in the countryside in Yorkshire. You could say I really feel more at home surrounded by fields and hills" You Went On.
"Understandable I suppose" Remarked Edward.
"And you? Have lived in London long?" You Asked. Edward shifted nervously on the spot.
"Um, now I have yes. But I used to move around a lot, with my mother" Answered Edward looming away a bit.
"Move around?" You Reapeated.
"Well, me and mother had lots of money you see. From my father. And well, when the money runs out, we have to move and well it starts again" Explained Edward, embarrassed.
You frowned at hearing that.
"So, you moved around England a lot? That can't be easy I suppose" You Remarked.
"Oh no, not in England. I moved from London to France and France to Italy. I didn't like being in France. Nor Italy. But mother always forced me to go, even though I said no" Explained Edward.
"Oh dear. I'm sorry to hear that Edward. You must be happy now to be back home now though" You Said.
"Oh yes! Very much" Assured Edward happily as he smiled at you. You smiled back and the two of you continued along the orchard. Edward even picked some apples himself and he seemed to enjoy it.
"Last tree here and you can come by my house for something warm to drink" You Said smiling.
"I'd like that" Replied Edward as you both came to the tree, it was a strong sturdy tree than the rest and it's branches were very high.
"Shouldn't there be a ladder or something?" Asked Edward looking about.
"Oh no, it's gone!" You Cried.
Edward frowned but suddenly he remembered something.
"Wait here Y/N, just be ready with the basket" Said Edward and you watched in awe as Edward climbed the tree with ease. You smiled as he made it up top and started plucking apples, dropping them into the waiting basket below.
"Alright! That's a good bunch Edward! You can come down now!" You Cried. Edward smiled and slowly made his way back down to you.
Basket filled, you both saddled up Nutmeg and headed back to your place. Edward hitched Nutmeg outside and entered into your home, warm and welcoming.
"I'll just leave the basket in the kitchen, make yourself at home" You Suggested and walked to the kitchen, basket in hand.
Edward looked around the cosy cottage and stumbled upon your altar. He looked at it and at first was very concerned, thinking he entered into the home of a witch. But upon closer inspection, he saw no bones nor evil symbols. Only pinecones, leaves and little crystals.
"Ah, that's my altar. All decorated for Mabon" You Spoke, startling Edward who jumped and turned around.
"I...uh..are...I...are you a.....?" Stammered Edward.
"Am I a witch?" You Asked, raising an eyebrow at Edward.
Edward nodded, blushing. He didn't mean nor wish to offend you.
"I practice Wicca but I'm no witch. So don't worry, I won't put a curse on you or turn you into a slimey toad" You Reassured Edward, smiling warmly.
"I mean no offence to you" Edward Stammered but you understood him.
"Don't worry Edward, I know you meant no harm in asking. Come and let's have some tea" You Said.
You both sat down that evening, tea in hand.
"I enjoyed apple picking with you today" Edward Said softly smiling.
"Me too Edward. I enjoyed it more with you there" You Admitted.
You both smiled and enjoyed each other's company that evening.
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sennamybeloved · 15 days
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HELLO ALL! welcome to another year of selfshiptober. i've noticed this is pretty much the 'official' selfship tober event now, which honestly warms my heart! i love seeing what this wonderful community does with my prompts :)
this year, i'm doing things a little differently. EACH DAY HAS TWO PROMPTS ASSIGNED TO IT. the first set is SHIPPY, while the second set is SPOOKY. you may either COMBINE THE TWO PROMPTS TOGETHER or CHOOSE ONE OF THE PROMPTS. the spooky prompts are a bit on the grittier side and probably won't appeal to most, so if you'd like to only use the first set of prompts and completely ignore the second, be my guest! on the other hand, if you prefer the gritter prompts, you can only use the second set of prompts, you can do that too! if you want an extra challenge, you can create a piece that incorporates both of the day's prompts. you can also change your approach depending on how you feel that day!
there are no hard rules for this. YOU CAN START WORKING ON THIS CHALLENGE EARLY, but i encourage you to wait until october to post anything. YOU CAN ALSO CONTINUING WORKING ON IT AFTER OCTOBER ENDS! you can drag this shit out into december for all i care. just DON'T OVERWORK YOURSELF PLEASE.
without further ado, LET US PROCEED TO THE PROMPTS!
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#1. confession  |  night.
#2. blanket  |  flame.
#3. embrace  |  blood.
#4. apple picking  |  fog.
#5. all dressed up  |  blade.
#6. carnival  |  haunted.
#7. rain  |  infection.
#8. swim  |  terror.
#9. music  |  masquerade.
#10. warmth  |  claws.
#11. comfort  |  recovery.
#12. married  |  ritual.
#13. party  |  magic.
#14. date night  |  vampire.
#15. games  |  hunt.
#16. candy  |  illusion.
#17. heart  |  feast.
#18. pining  |  violent.
#19. shared hobby  |  potion.
#20. trust  |  experiment.
#21. snuggle  |  nightmare.
#22. kiss  |  scars.
#23. movie night  |  slasher.
#24. baking  |  empty.
#25. rest  |  bandages.
#26. beautiful  |  grotesque.
#27. decorations  |  cemetery.
#28. brush  |  forest.
#29. pumpkin  |  lantern.
#30. flowers  |  snow.
#31. halloween  |  death.
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TAG YOUR CREATIONS AS #SELFSHIPTOBER 2024 AND TAG ME IF YOU'D LIKE ME TO SEE! i cannot guarantee interaction as i struggle socially, but i promise i'll look at everything! HAPPY CREATING ♡
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deadghosy · 7 months
Do you know about the Welcome Home fandom? So what about Wally Darling!Reader?
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prompt: you are a greeter of the hazbin hotel! Who knew a muppet looking demon could be so colorful.
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You are so soft spoken! Like that soft voice you have can hypnotize anyone into doing anything.
“hello, welcome to the hazbin hotel. i’m your greeter.” You say with a “:D” face
You’re so colorful and you’re definitely shorter than Lucifer…i can see Lucifer picking you up like a damn doll at times as you just smile with your muppet ass smile.
You’re just TOO DAMN CUTEEE! 🦆💗 literally even husk grumbles and gives you apples by the bar for you to stop giving him those doe eyes you give him when you are needy for apples.
I feel because of your muppet look, it would bring attention to yourself as a muppets looking demon is quite rare around the pentagram city, or even hell itself as Lucifer and Charlie have a muppet or Marionette look. 
Literally you are friends with Lucifer because of it and he finds your muppet look adorable. Even with your 3 ft height. (Yes I looked up his height and damn he short as hell!😭)
You are just chilling after greeting some new sinners in the hotel as you read the news paper, Lucifer comes out of no where. Dead ass reads the newspaper trying to understand your likes and dislikes.
“Lu-Lu?” You said softly as Lucifer awkwardly smiles and does finger guns at you. “Oh what a coincidence? What are you doing here..?” He says awkwardly as he sweatdrops at his attempt to start a conversation with you. “I live here?” You said raising a brow sitting down the newspaper.
“Oh I do too! What a very crazy thing?!” He says pointing his finger at himself as he poofs away in embarrassment as you just sat there…..*cue in pure confusion*
Alastor would not hate you because you are colorful, lemme be realistic. You two would be mutuals. Not like “oh I hate you but you are cool” type shit. I mean you two are the people who wave at each other but never approach each other because you don’t know if they like you fr. 🥲
One time a sinner had shoulder bumped you on purpose thinking you wasn’t gonna do anything…BUT NAH! YOU GRABBED THAT MF BY HIS NECK AS A SHADOW COVERS YOUR FACE, only leaving your eyes showing as you kick they ass out. You ain’t dealin' with no bullshit at this establishment. And for your friend’s sake.
Angel likes to play with makeup with your face since it’s calling out for his makeup kit. Literally he does blue eyeshadow on you.
I headcannon you wear blue eyeshadow just like how Wally’s eyelid is blue up there. Dead ass it would be cute if it was just blue eye shadow and you had a natural blush on your cheeks. You are quite beautiful reader💗😘
Since Angel is a drag queen, he would also try to make you wear drag queen makeup only for you to sneeze at how much product he used…yeah he never used it on your face.
You’re beautiful natural anyway…just don’t sneeze in his face. Ever again.
You definitely look like you listen to 1970-80’s jazz music as you dance in the lobby with Alastor nodding along happy. Just two jazz buddies liking jazz.
I can imagine Charlie trying to hold you back from eating the fruit gift basket for the guests…you’re only aiming for the damn apples as your mouth was drooling for it.
Imagine Vox has you on his channel because he brided you with apples. He stalked you through your tv you had that has rainbows and apples on it-
Well anyways Alastor “recused” you because you just sat there “begging” to be saved is what he saved when you munched on an apple confused by why Alastor came to take you away from Vox.
If you and Lucifer hung out doing hobbies together, which he suggested. You’re panting a portrait as he makes a duck based off of you….he can’t help but show affection of making you a duck version of yourself.
Niffty and you definitely get along well as hell! As you two have the same fashion taste as you both will dance to the genre of music you guys like.
With you being the greeter, you always have a soft smile and a soft approach to make the guest and residents feel safe in the hotel.
Sir Pentious will absolutely admire you…like a friend crush. He just wants to be your friend but you are too pure to approach as he thinks he won’t be cool enough to be your friend.
Imagine Valentino seeing you shopping and he tried to approach you only for a red smoke to cover you as you blinked confused to see an overprotective Lucifer smiling at you as you had teleported to the hotel. But with Lucifer, you could see his real feelings as you felt confused.
After a few months you and Pentious became friends because of one of his egg boiz named Frank said his “boss” wants to be friends with you. You giggled and nodded as you and sir Pentious do trust exercises together when Charlie host them.
Husk had dilated eyes and purr at you because you scratched under his chin which made him snap out of his cat daze and slap your hand as you giggle with a soft gaze.
I headcannon Velvette to be your girl who makes your outfits in primary colors. Like that or just cute aesthetic kid core fits. 💗‼️
I can see how reader always gives balloons to sinners who had trouble reliving their childhood. So they give balloons out to the sinners who had childhood trauma. You are a greeter, and a hell of a good one. 🦆💗
Imagine how Wally! Reader has those safety pins that say “Welcome!” And it’s so cute because you made them a t hand and Lucifer saw his you had effort in it so he made you more to give out to the guests.
I feel like Valentino will try to get you under his contract so he can use your pretty look since you seem like a femboy….but really you’re just a little guy who likes apples and his friends.
But the hazbin crew literally cockblock him to the point he just stops doing he was trying to do to you.
I can see Lucifer trying to impress you at times as he never has a friend that had a cute appearance like you so your blank eye stare always catches him off as you just stand there smiling so adorably.
I headcannon waking up to find an apple by your night stand as a note reads “hope you like the apple, my angel!”- Lu-Lu. You just blinked at the apple completely ignoring the note and eating the apple as you smile at the taste.
“…yummy apppleee….” You say until you open your eyes looking at the note. “Wait what.”
You had gave Lucifer back an apple basket with rubber ducks that had painted apples not it for your appreciation of the apples he gave you 
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moonstruckme · 6 days
Hey Mae!! Congrats on 7k!! I couldn’t possibly think of anyone more deserving than you<3
Can I request a little apple pie with tasm!Peter and the prompt dark lipstick smeared on a cheek?
Congratulations again and I also hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday!!
Thank you angel <3
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 350 words
You hear a whistle on the wind. It’s faint, almost impossible to pick out over the constant thrum and chatter the city, but you have practice. You turn down the next empty alley you find. 
There’s the soft thump of something hitting the ground soon after. 
“Hi Peter,” you say, turning around with a smile. 
Your boyfriend’s in his suit. He lets his head loll to the side as he walks towards you, some mix of exasperation and fondness. “Why are you walking home down dark alleys?” 
“Because I knew you’d come talk to me.” 
“Wha—” Peter lifts up his hands, helpless. “Are you always just walking down alleys on the off chance I’ll come talk to you?” 
“No,” you laugh, stepping toward him so you can put your hands on his shoulders. The material of his suit is slippery under your fingers. “Peter, I knew you were there. You’re not as subtle as you think.” 
“Really?” He sounds a bit disappointed. “Stealth is sort of part of the thing…” 
“You’re very stealthy. I’m just more wily than most of the supervillains you fight.” 
“I don’t generally fight supervillains.” 
“Don’t you?” 
“No.” He brings his arms around your waist, and tingles dance up your spine as his hand flattens over your lower back. You sense his smile underneath the mask. “Definitely not tonight. Tonight I fight creeps who come after my girl on her way home.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Were you planning on someone coming after me?” 
“No.” He laughs. You feel the puff of hair on your face as he drops his forehead to yours. “No. I just wanted to make sure no one did.” 
“Awe.” You tilt your head up, smearing a kiss over his cheek. “My hero.” 
Peter squeezes your waist. “Did you just get lipstick on my mask?” he asks you.
“Yup.” You grin. “It looks great.” 
“You’re really not doing a lot for my street cred tonight, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, I think you’ll be alright.” You press your lips to the same spot again, darkening the mark. “This way all your supervillains know you’re taken.”
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sageispunk · 1 year
What U Need (18+)
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Kinktober prompt: exhibitionism (day 3)
pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
summary: Teasing Joel underneath a table in a bar sometimes leads to getting ruined on the side of the road.
"Your hands trailed along the zipper of his jeans, fingers teasing his cock over the fabric long enough to make Joel Miller begin to fall apart right in front of you. Right here, in the middle of this bar."
wordcount: 2.5K+
warnings: no Y/N, preestablished relationship, age gap (early 20s + mid-40s), no-outbreak + no sarah, reader’s feeling a bit feral in a bar, joel doesn’t talk much at first, intoxication, teasing, exhibition/public play (no panties in public), over-clothes touching, cursing (obv), degrading language (he calls reader a “dumb fucking slut” at one point), unprotected p-in-v sex (WRAP B4 U TAP), foreplay, angry/horny joel, kinda desperate reader tbh, groping, joel gets a bit rough, the word “daddy” is used several times, dom/sub vibes, praise kink, CREAMPIE, reader has hair that can be gripped/pulled
A/N: follow my sideblog @sageispunklibrary and turn on notifs to be updated when i post!! 🩷
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You were on your third– no, fourth cocktail since arriving at the bar with Joel about thirty minutes ago. Your body was so warm that you could feel your dress clinging to your skin from the light moisture. You looked across the table at Joel, who was silently people-watching as he nursed his second glass of whiskey. He looked so sexy tonight, dressed in a black crew neck shirt that was tight enough to show off the outlines of his chest and beefy biceps. He also wore the necklace you recently bought him for his birthday, a simple thin gold chain that you found that same night was nice to look at while he was propped up above you, pounding your pussy into oblivion.
The memory of that night began to play in your mind, making your body heat up even more. Your feet subconsciously moved around under the table as your thighs clenched, one of them bumping into Joel’s, bringing his attention back to you. “Y’okay there, darlin’?”
You looked into his dark chocolate eyes, and responded. “Mhm, just a little warm, is all…”
He could tell there was more but decided to leave it be, to your surprise. You could feel your frustration growing the longer you sat still in your seat. Then his phone vibrated on the table. He picked it up and let out a deep sigh as he began to type out a reply. “Work?” You asked, already knowing the answer. The only other option would’ve been Tommy, and Tommy would’ve just called.
Joel grunted out a ‘yea’ and set the phone back down. The lack of conversation had you feeling needy, not having seen him all day because of work, and even now at 10 o’clock, work was still getting in the way. You watched as he picked up the glass and knocked back the rest of his drink, the way his adam’s apple bobbed as the liquid slid down his throat had your brain feeling fuzzy.
You cleared your throat, deciding to down the rest of the margarita. Joel noticed you were finished too, and slid out of the booth. “Heading over, y’want another?” You nodded, making brief eye contact before your eyes nervously looked elsewhere. He lingered back for half a second, wondering what was making you act so strange, but decided to just head to the counter.
After Joel left, your neediness, horniness, whatever it was–it skyrocketed. Some part of you wanted to get up and drag him into the restroom so he could fuck your brains out in a filthy stall, but you knew he’d probably never go for it. Joel wasn’t a prude, far from it, but public sex wasn’t something the two of you ever got into.
Tonight though, you were feeling frisky and wanted to take some risks. Your booth was tucked away in a darker part of the bar, not many people were near you so you weren’t worried about being caught doing anything lewd. You briefly glanced around to be completely sure no one was watching, before slyly bringing your hands under the table, sliding your damp lace thong down your soft legs. Once you had the small fabric bunched up in your hands, you had to bite your bottom lip to keep a poker face. Excitement rushed through your system–paired with the alcohol, you were beginning to feel invincible.
A few moments later, Joel came back, both of your drinks in hand. As he slid back into the booth, he noticed the flustered look on your face and cocked his eyebrow a little. “Here ya go, baby.” His eyes were trained on your face as he handed it to you, the look in his eye a bit dark, calculating.
It turned you on, having no panties on in public, but even more that Joel didn’t know yet. However, you didn’t think this far ahead and you really wanted him to know as soon as possible, just to see what he might do. “Thank you, Joel..” You made doe eyes at him, taking in the way he shifted in his seat, obviously beginning to feel the effects of the brown liquor. “I missed you today, I feel like I don’t get to see you much because you’ve been working so much,” There was a slight pout in your voice, and it drew him in.
“Oh baby, I’m sorry,” His deep Texan accent paired with the petname sent a shiver down your spine, all the way to your lower belly. He leaned into the table more, face coming in closer and you could see the way his gaze kept moving back and forth between your eyes and your lips. “How can I make it up to ya?”
You mirrored his actions, leaning in on your left elbow with the side of your face in your palm, leaving only a few inches between both your faces. “Mm, I dunno, let me think..” You took this as your opportunity to sneakily find his hands under the table with your right hand, transferring the fabric to his hold. You innocently smiled at the confusion on his face while he pulled back to look at what you gave him.
“Wait don’t–” You chuckled as he almost brought the panties back over the table. Joel narrowed his eyes at you, trying to figure out what the hell you were trying to pull on him. Your eyes focused on his face, enjoying each expression on his face as he realized what he was holding.
He whispered your name, in a shocked but slightly dark tone, watching as you sat back in your seat with a big grin on your face. “What the hell do y’think you’re doin?!” He kept his voice down but the harshness remained. You could feel your seat getting wetter, your slick dripping down your thighs onto the faux leather.
With a shrug and another sip of your drink, you responded. “Just wanted to show you how much I’ve been missing you, is all.”
He was more taken aback than you expected. “By takin’ your panties off in the middle of a bar, like a fuckin’ slut??”
You leaned back in, faux innocence dripping from your lips. “I’m sorry daddy, do you not like it?” As soon as that word left your mouth, Joel’s eyes got darker, almost black. You had him. Your right hand snuck back under the table, finding its way to his crotch, where lo-and-behold sat a warm, throbbing, rock-hard cock in a tight pair of jeans. “If you don’t like it, I can put them back on. Might get caught though…” You slowly moved your hand up and down his bulge, finding pleasure in the way he struggled to keep his eyes open and stern.
“Seems you like it when I act like a slut, based on how hard your cock is for me right now.” You gave a gentle squeeze and smiled when he groaned, eyes fluttering shut and mumbling quietly. “Jesus Christ.”
Your hands trailed along the zipper of his jeans, fingers teasing his cock over the fabric long enough to make Joel Miller begin to fall apart right in front of you. Right here, in the middle of this bar.
“Alright, that’s enough.” He snapped out of it, eyes coming back up to meet yours with nothing but need in them. “Get the fuck up. Now.” You removed your hand, a bit thrown at the harshness of his voice but ultimately turned on and ready to do anything he asked of you. He threw back the rest of his whiskey and pulled out his wallet, as you sipped the remnants of your drink.
Joel threw down a wad of cash on the table before looking at you with a look that said “don’t make me repeat myself.” You stood, careful to keep your way-too-short dress below your ass, a gasp leaving your mouth at the wetness you left behind on the leather. As you took a napkin to wipe it up, Joel quickly stood up and roughly grabbed your arm to pull you in front of him, an effort to hide his huge boner from the other patrons. “Come on, sweetheart.” He gritted in your ear, letting you sort of guide him out the bar and to his truck.
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For the past five minutes, Joel had been yelling your ear off. He was mad, mad that you would pull that shit in his favorite bar. Where everyone there knows him and his quiet but handy reputation. He was mad that you would risk fucking that all up ‘just for some dick.’
Like he doesn’t know the hold his dick has on you.
Anyways he shouted at you, driving about 15 over on the same dark road the two of you took to go home everyday. It didn’t bother you, really. You knew there was a chance he’d be pissed off, you were prepared. What was bothering you was the fact that you still hadn’t cum. You thought maybe he’d be mad and you would have the best angry sex of your life, right in the truck outside the bar, but nope.
“Are you even fuckin’ listening t’me?” His voice cut through your thoughts again, and you looked over, not even having to answer because he could read the look on your face. “Of course not, all you care about is your fuckin’ pussy. You probably can’t comprehend a goddamn thing I’m saying right now, can ya? Dumb fucking slut.”
The words he spit out at you had an unreal effect on you. The degradation had you sopping wet, surely soaking his seat. You tried not to squirm too much but you were in desperate need of some friction, you needed something or someone to touch you. Taking a deep sigh, you chose to not respond to him, focusing more on ways to achieve an orgasm without touch. Your thighs trembled slightly as they squeezed together, giving your clit a little extra stimulation. A breathy moan escaped your throat, catching Joel’s attention once again.
He didn’t comment this time, just glanced over at you with a look you couldn’t place. You saw him shake his head from your peripheral, but you paid him no mind, continuing your squeezing and looking out the dark window. Suddenly, the truck was pulling off onto some dark backroad that you’ve never gone on. Joel parked off on the side and cut the car off.
“What–” He cut you off. “Get out.”
You unbuckled, a bit confused but following orders nonetheless. Once you were out of the vehicle, you walked around the back where he stood. “Joel, what are we–” He grabbed you by your hair, pulling your face close to his, so that you could see him better.
“Since you can’t control yourself, we’re just gonna have to do this here.” His lips were so close to yours, you wanted so badly to move closer to feel them on your own, but his grip on you was tight. He tilted your head back with the fist in your hair, exposing your throat to him, other hand placed firmly on your jaw. When you felt his hot, wet tongue lick a stripe along your neck, you thought you would combust.
“Joooeellll…” You cried out, almost overstimulated by the way he was licking and sucking on your favorite spots. He groaned into your skin, the sound sending a pang to your lower stomach. God, he needs you as much as you need him.
You brought one hand down to his cock–still hard as a rock in his jeans–groping and squeezing the bulge, pulling more deep groans out of him. He took a break from his conquest on your neck and chest, turning you around to face the tailgate of his truck. “Fuck, darlin’...you’ve been wanting this all night, huh?”
You shook your head. “All day, daddy.”
“Say it again.” He ground into your ass with his cock, and you pushed back, wishing he would just take them off.
“I’ve been thinking about you fucking me all day, daddy. I want your cock so bad, I need it in me please, just fuck me please…” You rambled, desperately needing him to ruin you.
You heard his zipper open, then the shuffle of his jeans down his legs, and you felt as though you’d been lost in the desert for weeks and finally, you’ve come across a cold spring of water. “One more time for me, baby.”
“Please fuck me daddy.” You cried out, not caring if anyone could hear you, even though it was unlikely in this rural area. As soon as the last word left your mouth, Joel pushed you forward slightly, causing your dress to finally roll up to your waist, and slid right inside of you, the both of you groaning in unison. He pulled back out slowly, drawing a long wail of his name out of your throat, before he quickly thrusted back inside of your warmth. His long, thick cock stretched you out and filled you up to the brim, reaching your favorite spot with each thrust. “Fuck, baby, goddamn this pussy is so fucking wet f’me…” Joel groaned praise into your ear, one hand still in your hair and the other now gripping your hip.
You used the little energy you had left to meet his rhythm, throwing your ass back to him, occasionally receiving a hard slap or two. “Joellll, baby, fuck!” Those three words made up your only vocabulary for a couple minutes, until he got you right there, at the edge.
“I’m so close, daddy.”
“I know baby, I can feel it, let go f’me okay. Cum for me sweetheart, you got it.” The degradation from only a few moments ago paired with the sweet things he was now panting in your ear had you about to explode. One of your hands gripped onto the tailgate and the other went straight to your clit, rubbing as fast as you could.
All you could hear was your own breathy moans, paired with Joel’s deep groans and the sloppy, gushing, wet unity of your two bodies.
Your entire body tightened up as you tipped over the edge, finally getting that release that you’ve needed all day. You screamed out in total bliss, your eyesight leaving you for a few moments. Right behind you, Joel let out a longggg groan, crying out to you. “Fuck, baby I’m cumming.”
“Cum for me, daddy, fuckkkk..” You felt him pulsing inside you, filling you up until it was leaking out around his cock. His hips slowed and stuttered, eventually slowing way down, his upper body resting on your back. “Jesus Christ,” Joel panted, leaving a couple kisses on your back.
You chuckled, all of a sudden feeling very, very tired and blissed out. Joel left one last kiss on the back of your neck before slowly pulling out, trying not to overstimulate you, with his cum spilling right after. “Oh, fuck,” you shivered.
You turned around and threw your arms over his shoulders as he pulled his jeans back up, sloppily pulling him in for a kiss, needing to feel his soft lips on yours. He obliged you for a few moments, before pulling back and grabbing something out of his back pocket.
Your panties.
“C’mon baby, let’s put these back on and head home.”
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AAAAAAH finally published, i know it's past midnight now its a little late (not if we count the west coast tho hehe). but my second post (and my first joel fic)!! so excited to share this with you guys, i rlly hope u enjoy it!! please like and reblog (and leave plenty of comments) if u do. feel free to send requests/suggestions!! <333
i do not give permission for anyone to copy, translate, or repost any of my works. 18+ ONLY -- i am not responsible for the content you consume.
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jude-duarte-wannabe · 26 days
welcome to the bakery
currently playing; the bakery by melanie martinez "pack it, box it, flip it, top it... the bakery, i'm tryna make some more"
this was inspired by @bunnys-kisses so go check out their page, such incredible stuff <3
when you request, please make sure to let me know if it's from my smut prompts or my soft ones [soft request prompts are still in the works]
hey lovely, how can i help? may i take your order? what do you feel like today? personally i'm in need of some iced tea and all you have to do is pick a dessert, drink and server of your choosing please, please, please don't forget to indicate who you want me to write about!! also please keep in mind that i haven't written anything in a while so it might take a bit for me to back into the groove of it. <3
the bakeries i currently have open are: formula one, resident evil, bridgerton and criminal minds, just for now.[but i am open to any other fandoms you might have in mind! please do not hesitate to ask!!]
the servers i'm currently writing for include; charles leclerc, carlos sainz, lewis hamiltion, pierre gasly, esteban ocon, oscar piastri, leon kennedy, carlos oliveria, chris redfield, anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, spencer reid, aaron hotchner and luke alvez.
i do also accept polyam relationships! [pairing + reader] but only three people just to make it manageable on my end!
all orders can be made to the inbox for @jude-duarte-wannabe and i'll get your order together when i can also let me know if you want your order to...
be extra hot; real smutty or have sweetener; extra fluffy
let me know if want to be added to my taglist by commenting <3 followed by the person.
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the bakery menu;
pound cake; "i can be rough and i don't want to hurt you"
churro's; "does my sweet boy need comforting"
cheese scone; "let your brother find out, i don't fucking care"
mille-feuille; "that's it, shit, such a good fucking girl"
cinnamon buns; "no promises"
gingerbread; "i mean i would totally make out with her/him but like platonically, you know"
baguette; "give me a minute, i really need to tickle the shit out of you"
pretzel; "i was never meant to fall for you"
cornbread; "you taste really good"
strawberry shortcake; "he's so cute, i really want to bite him"
soda bread; "wait a second... am i your lockscreen'
focaccia; "i could beat the shit out of you" "i know"
choux pastry; "i can't believe i ever loved you"
pumpkin muffin; "shut up... my girls asleep"
dinner roll; "holy shit, you still love him/her"
cakepop; "goodnight to my future wife, fuck the rest of you"
pull apart bread; "i love you"
souffle; "i'll be gentle"
powdered doughnuts; "marry me"
s'more; "the accent got to you, didn't it"
waffles; "you spill a single fucking drop and we're starting again"
shortbread biscuits; "if he pisses me off again, i'm fucking his girl"
red velvet cupcake; "does he know that i cum deep inside his little angel'
pancakes; "no, we can't, not here"
coffee cake; "i need to breed you"
french toast; "i don't think it'll fit"
crepes; "go back to sleep, you don't need to be awake for this sweetcheeks"
sweet pastry; "i'm trying to get you pregnant, now shut up and let me concentrate"
butter tart; "stop, don't fake it"
sugar pie; "stop wriggling"
zebra cake; "i'll make it fit"
carrot cake; "dirty girl"
date scone; "i'm going to make you a mama and your going to make me a daddy"
cookie; "do you feel that, how fucking deep i am"
brownie; "no fucking touching"
cheesecake; "don't yell at me"
pumpkin pie; "are you nibbling on me"
chocolate cake; "i'll use protection, i promise"
spice pie; "i wonder if your brother know that i cum inside you"
apple crumble; "i can't do this while you cat/dog is watching"
sausage roll; "i hate being your secret"
blueberry slice; "but what if somebody see's"
mushroom pie; "that looks like it hurt"
apple tart; "what do you mean you want me to choke you"
lemon slice; "i forget how small you are sometimes"
swiss roll; "your glasses are fogging up"
truffle; "send me an audio of you moaning"
oaty slice; "you smell like me"
cream puff; "this ends when your pregnant"
custard slice; "no hiding your face"
victoria sponge; "you wanna hold my hand"
english muffin; "i could die between these legs"
bagel; "where you going, this ain't over"
banana bread; "i can't believe you broke my bed"
hot cross buns; "i'll pay for the damages"
apple turnover; "can you keep it down"
fudge; "what do you mean noise complaint"
peach cake; "i've never done this"
tiramisu; "how could you be so stupid"
crumb cake; "nobody has to know"
custard tart; "you gonna let me cum inside"
date pudding; "your going to let me rawdog you, oh fuck"
mince pie; "so fucking dumb"
angel food cake; "did you just squirt, since when could you do that"
savory scroll; "stop stressing, i'm not going to post it"
chocolate chip cookie; "did you just call me pretty boy"
croissant; "don't you dare"
elcairs; "don't, leave them on"
chocolate mousse; "i'm sorry"
boston cream pie; "fuck it's dripping down your legs"
and to drink;
coffee; somnophilia kink
tea; semi public
juice; breeding kink
mocha; daddy kink
peppermint tea; mommy kink
vodka shot; rough sex
sparkling water; gentle sex
oat milk; one night stand
soy milk; friends with benefits
coconut milk; friends to lovers
almond milk; grumpy x sunshine
energy drink; doggy style
turmeric latte; fake dating
cold brew; possessive
espresso shot; dirty talking
chamomile tea; choking kink
glass of water; aftercare
herbal tea; soft but only for you
milkshake; size kink
pina colada; pregnancy
matcha latte; mixed with smau
cider; body worship
mai tai; loss of virginity
margarita; unprotected sex
chai; biting or hickeys [please let me know which]
earl grey; big cock
tonic water; age gap
soda; protected sex
root beer; caught in the act
americano; oral sex
whiskey; degrading language
vitamin water; dom/sub dynamics
irish coffee; drunk sex
lemon water; secret relationship
dark roast; sub character
hot chocolate; sub reader
iced tea; accentally leaking relationship
flat white; brothers best friend
iced latte; best friends brother
iced mocha latte; plus sized reader
smoothie; belly bulge
doppio coffee; wall sex
green tea; spiting kink
cortado; belly kisses
affogato; a bet
lemon ginger tea; single mom/dad
berry smoothie; accidental pregnancy
sunshine smoothies; fake dating
cappuccino; secret baby
rice milk; baby fever
cashew milk; somebody flirts with your bf/gf
iced chai; forehead kisses
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juuuulez · 18 days
bearblr promptober + kinktober 2024
this october i’ll be doing half of each! on alternating days, i’ll be posting the corresponding bearblr prompt (created by the almighty @carmenberzattosgf), and then a kinktober drabble of my own choosing.
here’s the lineup, fics will be updated and linked next month! kinktober is (obviously) smut, and prompts marked with 🍂 indicate non-smut/fluff.
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🍂 bearblr #1: scary movie -> sydney adamu
💌 incomplete
kinktober #2: nipple play -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #3: apple picking -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #4: throat fucking -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
bearblr #5: vampire -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
kinktober #6: cockwarming + under the desk -> keys mckey
💌 incomplete
bearblr #7: orgasm control -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #8: hate fuck + semi-public sex -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
kinktober #9: body worship + on film -> veronica fisher
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #10: rain soaked -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
kinktober #11: spanking -> lip gallagher
💌 incomplete
kinktober #12: threesome -> lip + carmy
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #13: hot cocoa + baking -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
bearblr #14: somnophilia -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
kinktober #15: edging -> keys mckey
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #16: bonfire -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
bearblr #17: dumbification -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #18: candlelight -> michael berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #19: possessed -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #20: slow morning -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #21: orgasm denial -> steve harrington
💌 incomplete
kinktober #22: squirting + competitive -> lip + carmy
💌 incomplete
bearblr #23: dacryphillia -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #24: haunted house -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
bearblr #25: size kink -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #26: breeding + overstim -> lip gallagher
💌 incomplete
kinktober #27: wet dream -> carmen berzatto (solo)
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #28: sick day -> michael berzatto
💌 incomplete
kinktober #29: dry humping + high sex -> lip gallagher
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #30: sweaters (sharing clothes) -> carmen berzatto
💌 incomplete
🍂 bearblr #31: trick or treat -> richie jerimovich
💌 incomplete
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bylerween · 1 year
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Announcing the daily themes for Bylerween!
Each day has three themes: one horror theme, one in-show theme, and one fluff theme. Feel free to use inspiration from just one, two, or all three themes for each day!
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Day 1, October 26:
Ghosts & Hauntings
Trapped in the Upside Down
Haunted House
Day 2, October 27:
Slashers, Gore & Body Horror
Demogorgon & Flesh Monster
Halloween Party
Day 3, October 28:
Demons, Devils & Exorcisms
Will’s S2 Possession
Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard
Day 4, October 29:
Psychological Horror
Attacked by Vecna
Sweater Weather
Day 5, October 30:
Came Back Wrong
Carnival Night
Day 6, October 31:
Supernatural Creatures
Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02)
Trick or Treating
Day 7, November 1:
Witches, Wizards & Necromancers
Renaissance Festival
Rules and guidelines for posting can be found in our intro post here.
Extra prompts and ideas for these themes are under the Read More cut! Also, look below to see which themes are Double Date Night themes. For Double Date Nights themes, we encourage other ships to be featured along with Byler (but it's not required)!
amazing art by @light-lanterne!!
Here are some additional ideas that you can use as inspiration for each day's themes! You don't need to follow these prompts at all, but feel free to jump off of these ideas.
Day 1 - Ghosts & Hauntings, Trapped in the UD, Haunted House:
Ghosts & Hauntings - Mike and Will move into their first home together... but it's haunted. Ghost!Will haunts Mike, or Ghost!Mike haunts Will. Ghost movie AU. Young Mike and Will hide from a scary ghost in the closet or under the bed. A midnight stroll through a graveyard goes wrong.
Trapped in the UD - “It’s like home, but it’s so dark. It’s so dark and empty. And it’s cold!” Mike, Will, or both are trapped in the Upside Down this Halloween.
Haunted House - Creaking floors, spiderwebs, skeletons, and spiders! Mike and Will break into the scary, abandoned house down the street, only to run away when there's a creepy noise coming from the attic. Did Mike and Will get part time jobs as monster actors at the Hawkins Haunted House this October, or are they just going to the Haunted House as guests? Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
Day 2 - Slashers, Gore & Body Horror, Demogorgon & the Flesh Monster, Halloween Party
Slashers, Gore & Body Horror - Slasher movie AU’s. Serial killer Byler, cannibalism Byler, or Frankenstein Byler.
Demogorgon & Flesh Monster - Looking back at our S1 and S3 monsters! The demogorgon or flesh monster are on the prowl and looking for victims this Halloween.
Halloween Party - What costumes are Mike and Will wearing to the party? Who has a few drinks, gets a little extra silly, and starts some drama? What feelings bubble up at the party? Loud music and dancing, spilled drinks, drunken confessions, and kissing in the dark corner of the room. Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
Day 3 - Demons, Devils & Exorcisms, Will’s S2 Possession, Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard
Demons, Devils & Exorcism - Will and Mike make a deal with the devil. Demon x Exorcist enemies to lovers AU. Exorcism movie AU.
Will’s S2 Possession - Looking back the scenes of Will saying ominous things, not remembering the names of his loved ones, Mike sitting by Will’s bedside in the hospital, and the shed scene. What if Mike had been possessed instead of Will? What if Mike and Will were already dating in S2 when Will was possessed?
Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard - Picking out the biggest pumpkin at the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, baking pumpkin treats, and wearing ugly pumpkin sweaters. Getting lost in the apple orchard, climbing trees together, picking apples, drinking apple cider. Riding the hay bale and sneaking kisses.
Day 4 - Psychological Horror, Attacked by Vecna, Sweater Weather
Psychological Horror - Ramp up the horror, terror, paranoia, and fear! Psychological horror movie AU.
Attacked by Venca - Looking back at our S4 villain, and the horror filled visions he uses to attack his prey. Vecna returns on Halloween this year.
Sweater Weather - Everyone wants to cuddle up once the weather gets colder! Mike and Will start wearing their cozy sweaters and flannels. Falling leaves, hot cocoa, bonfire nights, smores, and camping.
Day 5 - Came Back Wrong, Flayed!Mike & Flayed!Will, Carnival Night
Came Back Wrong - Resurrecting your beloved childhood friend and sweetheart from death comes with a price... they're not the same now as they were before. A call back to good ol' Phineas Gage.
Flayed!Mike & Flayed!Will - Rethinking S3 if Mike or Will were flayed. Suspicions are raised and fear mounts: Mike or Will aren't quite acting like themselves and it's a fight to rescue them from their gruesome fate!
Carnival Night - Will and Mike play carnival games and go on rides. Bobbing for apples, getting lost in the corn maze, face painting, and feasting on carnival food. Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
Day 6 - Supernatural Creatures, Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02), Trick or Treating
Supernatural Creatures - Vampires, and werewolves, and monsters, oh my! Mike and Will encounter a supernatural creature this Halloween, but is it friend or foe? Will as a werewolf, Mike as a vampire, Will as a goblin, Mike as a centaur? The options are endless! Monster x Monster Hunter AU.
Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02) - A look back on our beloved Halloween episode. Mike is complaining about Max, Will sees the Mind Flayer looming in the sky, and Mike takes Will home. Crazy together, right?
Trick or Treating - Mike and Will take Holly out trick or treating. Adult Mike and Will hand out candy. The early years of Mike and Will trick or treating with the party, TP-ing a bully’s house, and swapping candy afterward at home.
Day 7 - Witches, Wizards & Necromancy, D&D, Renaissance Festival
Witches, Wizards & Necromancy - Witch covens, a trickster wizard, or a necromancer raising zombies from the dead! A witch hunter falls in love with a witch, or Zombie Boy comes back to life.
D&D - Paladin Mike and Will the Wise celebrate the spooky season! Redecorate the Will the Wise costume with some Halloween vibes, or alter Will's S4 painting of the party to give it a spooky twist.
Renaissance Festival - Dressing up as knights, fairies, wizards, and more! The knights are jousting, everyone is eating a turkey leg, and Mike and Will are playing ax throwing games. Entertainers are juggling swords, fire eating, and putting on raunchy comedy skits. Are Mike and Will attending as guests, or working at the Renaissance Festival this fall? Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
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schrodinger-swriter · 7 months
Prompt 13 from the Fluff Prompts list with Lucifer Morningstar please :3
Prompt 13 with Lucifer
Hooray! My first post with the prompt list! I hope you enjoy, Anon! C:
This ended up a little on the longer side as it's only one number! Definitely did not intend that but I don't see the point in chopping the post in half!
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Taking a bath with Lucifer:
If you ask him to take a bath with you he's going to be more than ecstatic. He might even seem a little too eager. Do the red cheeks on his face look... larger? More splotchy? He's blushing a lot, he never thought you'd offer something like this..! Of course, everything is innocent, it's just the fact you want to wind down and relax with him.. in your birthday suits that gets him. He's even more of a mess if this is the first time he sees you nude, but he does try to act smooth and unbothered. He'd have one of those gigantic fancy bathtubs so there's more than enough room, if you don't want to have your back to his chest.
Massages your scalp when he's washing your hair. He makes ducks with the soap bubbles, he smiles a bit when you laugh at the sight. Definitely more playful, he would make shapes in the soap bubbles.. soap bears, throw the bubbles, stuff like that. Genuinely has some of the best smelling soaps, and he has a variety. He also has some of the softest robes that you two can slip into after the fact. White with gold trim. An apple emblem sewn onto the chest of course.
Very gentle when scrubbing your back and picking possible tangles out of your hair.
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deathbecomesthem · 2 months
No pressure, but is this prompt something you’d do??♥️
You both unknowingly book the same haunted Airbnb and find out you're stuck together for the night.
This has been a long time coming. Eddie Munson x gn!reader - +18 ONLY. I don't know what I can tell you about this fic without giving away the plot. 3.2K words.
This is prompt #14 on the Stranger Prompts list that @bettyfrommars @somnambulic-thing and @allthingsjoeq put together in February. I hope you enjoy this.
Prompt: You both unknowingly book the same haunted Airbnb and find out you're stuck together for the night. 
The cabin is exactly what you need. It’s just what the doctor, your psychiatrist,  ordered. A clean break from the city for 3 nights out in the mountains. There’s cell service, but it’s patchy. You found that out on the first night, having to walk all the way to the edge of the property to call in to the office and let them know you’d officially be unavailable for any emergencies while you were out of town. After that first night you find yourself checking that useless brick in your pocket less and less often. 
You didn’t pick the cabin because of its reputation. The reviews are immaculate, and not just from the people that come out here hoping for a close encounter with the resident spirit. Your assumption is, especially now that you’ve spent one night here, that the haunting is a ploy to get more people to rent the property. It doesn’t matter to you if there truly is a ghost sharing the cabin with you, as long as it doesn’t leave the toilet seat up.
Right now, you’re lying in the bedroom at the back of the cabin under a heavy crocheted blanket. It smells like cedar and leaves. You left the window open last night, and the autumn air is carrying the scent of decaying leaves into your room. It’s cold on the tip of your nose, but the rest of your body is held in the comfortable warmth of the big bed. With the window open, you can see the night fading away as the sun begins to make its sleepy journey back to the daytime. You decide to follow its lead and start the day.
Coffee tastes better on the back porch; or maybe you’re able to take the time to actually enjoy it without the distraction of everyday life. Either way, you sit on the old wooden rocking chair that faces out into the woods and hold the hot brew up to your still cold nose. Richly scented steam warms your face. You let your mind wander back to the office for a moment to wonder what this Friday morning looks like without your presence looming over your employees. Like a mini vacation for them, having the boss away. Good for them, it’s the least they deserve for putting up with you every day.
The last dregs in the oversized coffee mug are as cold as the air out behind the cabin, and you decide it’s time to relocate. Throw on some warmer clothes and spend some time exploring the property. Last night you were delighted to stumble upon a barn that held a goat. You made friends with the beast for a while, stroking its rough fur and looking into its rectangular eyes. You think you might go see him again today, bring him one of the apples you hauled in with you. You’ll need to make the 20-minute trek to the small grocer in town to get more than just the cheese, fruit, wine, and coffee you brought in with you. 
You’re thinking about making a nice pasta for dinner, assuming there’s anything at the tiny shop that could be ground together to make a pesto, so you don’t notice that anything has changed right away. You walk past the pair of boots sitting on the rug at the entrance of the cabin. You walk into the kitchen, not realizing the overhead light is turned on even though you never flipped the switch this morning. You set your coffee mug on the counter next to the jar of crushed tomatoes that wasn’t there half an hour ago. Your brain doesn’t even register the quiet sound of running water coming from the bathroom just down the hall. You’re too busy mapping the path you’ll take up the winding mountain road. You’re already planning the conversation you’ll have with the local that stands behind the counter of the store. Your fingers are practicing the movements of chopping basil and crushing pine nuts (or possibly cashews or walnuts depending on the inventory of the store). 
Your lips move in preparatory conversation, “hi there” - “lovely weather” - “just in town for a couple of days up in one of the cabins on Bear Ridge” - “do you have any olive oil?” when a new sound, louder and harder than the tap, stops you in your tracks. A door closed. Not a car door outside, but a door in this cabin. A door just down the hallway from where you’re standing. That sound pulls you right back into the present, which allows your mind to finally see all the things that it missed. 
Someone else is in this cabin.
Eddie booked the cabin, as he does every year, before the travel season really starts up. It’s necessary, his journey into the forested mountain. It’s different now than it was that first time, more about finding something that’s been lost than holding on to something. He is pulled to that place, the cedar of its walls hold the memories he lets himself forget the rest of the year. 
It’s a pretty ride on roads that devolve from asphalt to gravel to dirt the closer he gets to his destination. Dust flies up from his truck tires and into his open windows. He wonders when the last time was these roads saw rain. Too long, from the look of the drooping pines that line the path he’s traveling on. That’s fine, it suits his mood to see nature thirst. He’s thirsty too, his own spirit is bent and dying. He can only hope his time spent alone out here will keep him going for a while longer. 
He’s tired, though, and the sight of the cabin creeping up on him makes him feel like he’s being held. It’s what he needs, even if it’s not what he wants, to be called back to the memories. The mid-morning sun sits between the trees and the wooden structure. It welcomes him to the only home he knows how to return to. Eddie throws the truck into park just as he reaches the set of stairs that lead up to the wrap around porch. He sits in the cab for a minute, looking at the front door. He sighs, exhaling out the heaviness of life into the cab of his truck, and leaves it there.
He kicks off his boots and swings his bag off his shoulder just as he steps inside. It smells like cedar and coffee. Familiar scents that make the fine hair on his arms prickle. He begins his routine, putting away the food he brought with him - eggplant, pasta sauce, a block of parmesan and fresh mozzarella, eggs, breadcrumbs, tabasco, whole wheat bread, onion, pepper, garlic, crushed tomatoes, and Irish butter. Staples. These are the things he always brings with him. He makes his way down the hallway to the bedroom at the far end. It’s not the one he stayed in that first time, though he pauses outside of the door of that room to look into it. Dust particles hang in the air, and he’s not surprised to see the sheer curtain move in the breeze of the open window. He smiles to himself and moves down to the blue room where he’ll keep his things for the next three days.
“Hello?’ your jump at the sound of your own voice, and scold yourself internally. You clear your throat, “is someone here?”
You think maybe the owner of the cabin has maybe come by for some reason, the thought that someone would come all the out here to harm you in some way is too ludicrous to entertain. Of course, maybe it’s the ghost. Would a ghost wear black boots and buy Newman’s Own marinara? Unlikely. You take a few tentative steps down the hallway, listening hard for any sound that might clue you into who might be lurking in the shadows.
“Uh, hello?” a man’s voice calls back to you from one of the bedrooms. It sounds as unsure as your own. “Who’s there?”
He steps out of the room at the end of the hall across from your own. He’s tall, with a mound of gray curls at the top of his head. He’s dressed in black from head to toe. There’s a scar on his cheek that travels down his neck. This is the man your mother warned you about, the kind that kids in dark alleys with a knife. There should be alarm bells ringing in your head, but the lines at the corners of his eyes are soft. 
“Yeah, hello. Can I help you with something?” You ask the man at the end of the hall. You watch his facial expression. His brows pinch in confusion, you think, and he shakes his head.
“I don’t know, Sweetheart. I wasn’t expecting any visitors on my secluded vacation. Not sure what you can help me with.” He’s walking towards you while he speaks. A kind of saunter, possibly to hide some sort of pain. 
“Well, this is my secluded vacation, and I also wasn’t expecting any visitors. Are you telling me you booked this place?” 
“I’m telling you I’ve booked this place for the same three days every year for the past 20 years. So, yeah. I booked this place. Are you telling me you booked this place?” He stops when he’s within arm’s length of you, close enough to smell the sweat and aftershave on his skin. Up close, you can see that he’s maybe even a little older than you initially thought. 60 at least.
“Well, shit,” you sigh. You tell him your name and extend your hand, “this is some bullshit, maybe I should try to get a hold of the property owner to see what he can do-” you trail off, remembering your lack of cell service, “-which would be a great idea if my cell phone worked out here.”
You look at the man in front of you for some kind of suggestion, anything. You should want him to say, oh no, what a stupid thing to have happened. I’ll go get my shit and get out of here, but you don’t. It’s something in his eyes that makes you hope he’ll choose to stay, even though the idea opposes all reason. 
“Well, sweetheart, I don’t bring a cell phone with me out here. Sorry about that. How about we both stay -” he holds up a hand, as if to hold back the rejection you have no intention of offering, “- I’m a quiet guy. I’ll keep to myself. I bet we can get the guy that owns this place to refund us both when we get to a working phone.”
“Well, look at you. I only just met you, and you’re speaking my language.” You give him a big smile, “I’m always looking for a good deal.”
The old man, you can’t help but think of him as that, is named Eddie. Edward Francis Munson. He’s from Hawkins, Indiana, but he’s been living in Boston for a long time. Eddie is happy to keep the promise he made, to keep to himself and move around the cabin like a ghost, but not you. You keep finding yourself next to him. Sitting across from him in the small living room, looking over the top of your well-worn copy of The Poisonwood Bible and hoping to catch his eye. Your feet take you into the kitchen while he’s bent over the stove top, asking him what he’s working on. While he’s on the porch, you’re sitting on the stairs to watch the tree line and see what he sees. 
“Do you have any kids?” The question, like all of your questions thus far, escapes your lips before you can consider that it may be a rude one.
“No kids, no. There was a time…” you crane your neck to look back at him from your spot on the wooden stairs that lead to the yard from the back porch, “yeah, no kids.”
A pitfall you didn’t see, that’s what that question is. Silence erupts in the space between you, loud enough to make you feel like you’re drowning. You can hear the peepers song through the open window, and are thankful for it. You’re ready to apologize, or crack a joke. You don’t do well when conversation ceases, it’s always been that way. You open your mouth and Eddie waves his hand. He waves away the tension and turns his lips up in a half smile. You can imagine it on the unwrinkled features of his youthful face.
“Well, no kids. Alright. What about a dog?” 
Eddie’s laugh fills you with warmth. The question caught him off guard, and tickled him in that way that happens when you’re all bunched up over something sad. The sound of his laughter feels like home. Like a place you used to know. You can feel a smile on your own lips, you’ve caught onto his joy and made it your own.
“No, no dog. It wouldn’t be fair,” he’s wiping the moisture of the corner of his eyes, “I’m not home much. I do have a cat. Scout. He’s more like the neighbor’s cat at this point.”
Every answer he offers sits on the edge of a profound sadness. You can see now that this man is haunted. You begin to wonder if your intrusion on his alone time is wrong. Maybe you should leave him with his ghosts. Or not, you think he might end up following them off into the darkness. 
“Well, cats are good. I’m glad you have one. I’m more of a dog person myself, I love that unconditional love and devotion. I accept nothing less from canines. And men.” You’re back to facing the tree line, and don’t see Eddie’s reaction to that. The way his smile fades even more, and the tear of laughter at the corner of his eye breaches his lash line and overflows with the added weight of his sadness. 
Eddie gets to work on dinner while you’re perched on a high back stool at the counter that separates the cooking area from the main living room. He’s humming something familiar, but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is. The sound is too lovely for you to stop it and ask him what it is. 
Eddie’s movements in the kitchen are reminiscent of a dance. You can almost imagine he once had a partner that knew how to do the moves alongside him. He’s dicing onions and peppers and you’re transfixed by the movement of the blade. You take a drink of wine and find yourself on your feet and moving around the counter without even having decided to do it. You open the fridge and get to work.
You find yourself humming along Eddie’s song until you’re singing the words quietly under your breath as you whisk eggs in a shallow bowl. Eggplant parmigiana. That’s your favorite meal, and you’re pleased to see that Eddie knows how to make sauce that doesn’t come from a jar. He even brought Cento tomatoes. A kindred spirit.
The dance continues through dredging and frying. Through slicing thick pieces of bread and mincing garlic. No words spoken, apart from the lyrics of that song you can’t quite recall, yet you somehow know all the words. Just like the dance you never learned the steps to, and yet the movements feel like second nature. You know this, you think to yourself, not fully understanding what that means.
And when the pasta is drained and the garlic bread is toasty, Eddie pours you another glass of wine while you grab plates from the cabinet to the right of the sink. You think nothing of it when you wrap your arm around his waist and hold it there while you pull open the silverware drawer, and he doesn’t remark on it. You’re just moving around him as if you’ve done it a million times, a simple dance of dinner time with this man.
“Sit, I’ll bring over the dishes,” Eddie says to you, rooster potholders adorning his hands. So you sit, a satisfied smile resting on your lips. You look down at your foot, expecting to see your kitten, Scout, rubbing against your leg. His cat's way of begging for a scrap of something. Where is that little beast, you wonder, and the smile you’ve been wearing starts to slip along with your calm.
“That song is driving me crazy,” you say, hoping your voice sounds steadier than it feels. “I don’t know how I know all the words.”
Eddie sets the pan of still bubbling eggplant onto the center of the table. He sighs and looks into your eyes. Left to right, he’s not looking at you as much as searching you. You can see the younger man when you look into his eyes like this, and suddenly you know him. 
“Why do you think that is?” Eddie asks you, still looking into your eyes. 
“Because you wrote it for me,” you answer him. 
He sighs, a sound of relief and acceptance, and dishes out the meal he made for you. Your favorite meal. It’s wonderful to be like this with him, it feels like you’ve been gone for an eternity. You’re so thankful for his presence, that he came here to find you.
“Eddie, I missed you,” you tell him. 
“I missed you too. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere ever again,” he tells you, reaching across the table to hold your hand. You eat that way, hand in hand, running your fingers over the tattoo on his knuckles. Your initials, of course, faded with the passing of the years.
You didn’t bother to clean up after dinner. Eddie was too tired. You helped him down the hallway. You helped him undress and get under the covers. You climbed into the bed with him and found that spot at his side - your spot - and curled into him. 
You hum your song to him until he’s finally asleep, and follow him into a dream. You’re at the beach with him, it’s the first truly hot summer day of 1995. It smells like coconut sunscreen and salt water. The sand under your feet is hot, and the sun is beating down on your skin. You can see Eddie standing at the water’s edge, his hand outstretched in an invitation. 
You wake, not to the sound of bird call, but the sound of an engine revving outside the cabin. You leave the bed and the cold body resting beneath the covers. It’s not important, not when you know exactly what you’ll find when you open the front door. 
Eddie’s sitting on the back of his old Goldwing, looking like she was just driven off the lot. His black hair is tied loosely at the nape of his neck in a ponytail, and his hand is out to you again. You run down the steps and climb onto the back of the bike, eagerly wrapping your arms around his center. You breathe in the smell of his leather.
“Eddie, where are we going?” You ask him.
“Sweetheart, I have no idea, but we’re going together this time.”
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sagesolsticewrites · 7 months
No ones written for Curtis yet !! (Masters of the air) if you wanted and didn’t have any ideas, what about they meet at a pub - he’s loud she’s quiet but he charms his way in ? Something sweet to take away episode threes pain
Thank you so much for requesting, I’ve been having so much fun with these Masters of the Air requests! Our boy Curt deserves some love, too! 🥺 And… what Episode Three? I have no memory of Episode Three, all that happened in Ep 3 was our boys had a big mission and then they all 👀👀👀 made it home safe 😇
(Reminder that requests are open! Feel free to check out some of my favorite prompt lists in my pinned post 😊)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
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To the Rescue
You thank the bartender with a smile before turning towards your usual spot along the wall, martini safely clutched in your hands. The pub was positively crawling with soldiers— which was exactly the reason your friends had dragged you out of the apartment tonight.
“You need to get out more!” They insisted as they wrestled your hair into something slightly more stylish, Dot digging through her wardrobe for something suitable for you to wear.
“There’ll be plenty of very handsome soldiers there,” she had said, producing the soft blue dress you had subsequently been forced into, “It’ll be good for you to meet someone!”
You settle against the wall, resisting the urge to yank out the pins digging into your scalp, instead taking a sip of your martini as you scan the crowd.
Your friends had seemingly already chosen their targets for tonight— you spot Ruthie chatting to a blonde Brit over by the bar, and Dot had already managed to drag some poor soldier onto the dance floor with her and her two left feet.
Despite what your friends thought, you were perfectly happy being a wallflower. You enjoyed people watching— just as entertaining as normal conversation without the stress of having to contribute, you had once joked.
The theory was proven as you scanned over the crowd, picking up snippets of conversation, stories, jokes… usually coming from a particularly boisterous soldier speaking loud enough to be heard throughout the whole bar with a distinctive accent— New York or somewhere thereabouts, you guessed.
“Hey there, honey.”
Every part of you cringes inwardly at the voice interrupting your thoughts. British, you note immediately, with that hint of bravado that signaled he didn’t much care for your parts of the conversation— he was just looking to show off for his friends.
You couldn’t very well ignore him, though, and you try to hide your exasperation as best you can.
“Can I help you?”
“Well, I couldn’t help but notice that you seemed a bit lonely over here, figured you could use some company. Maybe a drink, maybe a dance…” the Brit grins, and you take notice of the pins decorating both his and his friends’ jackets— RAF boys. Ugh.
“I’m perfectly fine, thank you,” you assure them with the politest smile you can muster.
“Aw, come on,” one of his buddies speaks up, “Just one dance?”
At the clear refusal of that request, the other man that was with them chimes in.
“Or how about I buy you a drink? Seems like you could use a fresh one,” he says, nodding towards the martini glass in your hand— the one that was still nearly full.
“Thank you, but I’m alright, really…”
You attempt to edge away from them, mind racing for a way to politely let them down so they’d leave you alone.
Just then, a thick New York drawl breaks through the unsuccessful attempts at flirting, a welcome relief from the unfamiliar English accents.
“There you are, sweetheart,” the soldier says loudly, leading you away from the RAF boys, “Been lookin’ for you everywhere!”
One arm slung over your shoulder, he leans down to whisper in your ear “Trust me, okay?”
Speaking loudly enough to be heard by the other soldiers, he began leading you to a secluded booth in the corner, “I got us a table over here…”
As you slide into the booth, he turns to the RAF boys with a fierce warning glare and a subtle cracking of his knuckles, unseen by you.
The Brits scramble to find other targets, and the soldier — you still haven’t gotten his name — returns his attention to you.
“I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t overstep,��� he says, “You just, uh… seemed like you weren’t havin’ too good of a time over there.”
“No, it’s fine,” you assure him softly, shaking your head, “Thank you, um…”
He seems to realize what you’re waiting for, and sweeps into a bow as he introduces himself.
“Lieutenant Curtis Biddick, at your service,” he says, a cheeky grin lighting up his face. “But everyone calls me Curt,” he adds, straightening up.
There’s a moment of awkward silence as you smile and nod in acknowledgement, and then realize that you have absolutely no idea what to say now.
“…Well,” the soldier— Curt— says, once it becomes clear you’re not going to say anything, “I’ll leave you be, but if those guys bother you again just gimme a holler, yeah? I’ll sort ‘em out.”
“Wait!” You say as he turns to go, the loudest you’ve spoken all evening.
You pray the flush in your cheeks isn’t too visible in the dim light of the pub as he turns back and you say hesitantly, “You can… stay, if you like.”
You gesture to the empty space of the booth, but add hurriedly, “Or if you don’t want to— I’m sure you’d rather—”
“I’d like that very much,” he says with a smile, cutting off your nervous rambling.
He slides into the booth across from you rather than next to you, to your surprise, giving you enough space to feel comfortable.
“So, are you ever gonna tell me your name, or am I just gonna keep calling you sweetheart all night?” He asks, adding a wink to make sure you know he’s teasing.
You tell him, just barely loud enough to be heard over the band, and he grins, testing out the pronunciation. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.”
Like with most compliments, you’re not sure how to respond until—
“I don’t normally look like this,” you find yourself saying and oh of all the times you had to actually start talking, why did it have to be now? “I mean— my friends decided to doll me up for tonight, but I’m not normally—” You trail off as your mouth finally takes the hint to stop talking now and silently pray for the ground to swallow you.
“Hey, I should ask them for some tips,” is all Curt says, though, and you find yourself fighting off a smile as he rambles on about “wanting to find something for myself, it feels like everyone’s doin’ the same thing these days…”
The way he sighs forlornly, staring out at the sea of uniforms identical to his, is what breaks you, and the two of you collapse into peals of laughter.
You hear your name being called, and turn to see Ruthie — apparently having abandoned the blonde Brit— flagging you down, until she realizes you have company.
“Oh— sorry!” She says, before gesturing to where your other friend seems to have gotten a bit too deep in her cups, “I’m gonna take Dot home. You take your time, though!” She adds, nodding towards Curt encouragingly in her usual unsubtle manner.
You wave her off and tell her to be safe, blushing furiously at the expression on Curt’s face— he looks entirely too amused by Ruthie’s reaction.
“She gonna be okay?” He asks first, though, nodding towards where Ruthie’s leading Dot out the door.
As you assure him your friends will be perfectly fine, he nods, seeming to consider you for a moment.
“You don’t get out much, do you?”
You nearly choke mid-sip of your martini, surprised at his bluntness.
“What gave it away?” You manage to quip once you’ve recovered, waving off his concern.
“Your friend there,” he nods to the door, “I’ve seen my fair share of girls excited that their friend snagged a soldier, but… never that excited.” He concludes with a laugh.
“I guess I’ve always found all this,” you gesture to the room around you: the dancing, the laughter and occasional shouts from the soldiers, the music, “a bit much? I’ve never really been one for parties or bars or… any kind of socializing, really. Ruthie and Dot were plenty eager to get me out of the apartment for once, though.”
“Well I, for one,” Curt says with a crooked grin, “am very glad they did.”
You meet his gaze for a moment before smiling down at your lap, “So am I.”
The two of you continue talking through the night— Curt dominates the conversation, but in a way that you don’t mind; he fills what would normally be an awkward silence for you with jokes and stories, all the while leaving enough space for you to chime in when you feel like it.
The pub empties as the night goes on, and before too long it’s only the two of you and a handful of other people remaining.
You glance at your watch, wincing as you realize how late it’s gotten.
Curt takes note, already moving to stand as if he had meant to be heading back at this hour and asking with a smile:
“Can I walk you home?”
The easy conversation continues on the short walk to your building, and you find yourself on the front walk with Curt, dreading the moment he walks away.
“Wait— I—” you interrupt as he opens his mouth to bid you goodnight, digging in your small clutch for any scrap of paper you can find.
Producing a torn piece of what apparently used to be a grocery list and a small pen, you scribble down your address, holding it out to him.
“Write to me?”
A bright grin transforms his face as he tucks it away in his breast pocket, next to his heart, “I’d love to.”
The two of you simply… stand there in the moonlight, grinning at each other.
Your gaze scans over him, taking in the hat sitting at a jaunty angle on his head, his slightly crooked tie, the equally crooked grin of this boy who took you under his wing for the night.
Summoning all your courage, you rock up onto your toes to press a quick kiss on his cheek.
As your turn to sprint into your building, though, something stops you.
Or more specifically, someone.
Curt reaches out and grabs your hand, pulling you back towards him. You’re the closest you’ve been to him all night, barely a breath in between the two of you.
He scans your face, gaze dipping down to your lips then back up, searching for permission.
At your almost imperceptible nod, he dips down and captures your lips in a surprisingly gentle kiss.
Warmth blooms in your chest, spreading through you down to your toes in the brief eternity his lips are on yours.
He pulls away, remaining close enough that your noses brush as his thumb caresses your cheek.
“Sweetheart, when I get back to base,” he begins softly, “I am writing you the cheesiest, corniest love letter you’ve ever seen.”
His laughter is infectious, and you hope your giggles hide the flush on your face at the mention of love.
“I look forward to it,” you simply say, barely able to speak around the grin on your face.
With one last gentle kiss planted on your cheek, he bids you goodnight, and you float into your apartment, waiting impatiently for a love letter from Curtis Biddick.
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168 notes · View notes
satorusugurugurl · 2 months
Congratulations on your milestone! You are so awesome! I'm always so happy I found your blog. Thank you so much for all you share with us <3
If it isn't taken, could you do Gojo and berry picking (hope I remembered that right!) I just know he loves berries with that sweet tooth of his!
Also this was my first ask/request so apologies if I did it wrong! 😊
Strawberry Fields
Summary: Marie’s Summer Fest prompt: Berry Picking
Pairing: Escort!Gojo Satoru x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: language pure sweet fluff!
Word Count: 2,254
A/N: hi sweetie!! Thank you so much for your request! I'm happy you found my blood and so glad to have you here! The way you requested was perfect! OMG escort!gojo returns in a sweet drabble! I was struggling with this prompt when it hit me today! I legit cried writing this and now all I want is to eat berries! 😩🍓 (read My Wedding Date is an Escort for context!)
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“Whoa!” you exclaimed excitedly as your boyfriend opened his car door for you. “A berry farm?!”
The excitement in your eyes was well worth the forty-minute drive! Satoru put on his sunglasses before handing you your own. “My pretty girlfriend wanted to make a strawberry shortcake for our anniversary. I wanted you to have the best of selections.”
It was hard to believe it had been a year since you hired Gojo to be your wedding date. I’m being known as to you you would fall in love with the former escort. Both of you fell fast and hard. And despite the quick pace of your relationship, it had been the best one you had ever been in. Satoru had to help you find your confidence and, in a sense, brought you back to life after your bad breakup with Toji. You had gone from not needing to be with anyone to not being able to imagine your life without Satoru.
He was your other half, and you were so happy with him.
“Of course, I want to make it, but we could’ve just gone. Gojo’s face looked almost disgusted. As if you had insulted him personally, his jaw dropped, and his eyes widened behind dark blue round glasses. It was practically comical.
“After a year of us being together, one would assume you would know how to expect the best of the best. I will go above and beyond for you, sweetheart, no matter what it’s about.”
“You’re so silly, but I love you regardless,” you press your lips against his cheek. “Thank you for doing this. I'm so sorry if I insulted you,” you tease as he puffs out his cheeks.
“Yeah, you should be sorry!” he interlaced your fingers with his own, rolling his eyes overdramatically. “Store-bought berries, my ass.”
The field Satoru had brought you to was the best of the best. You knew the best bakeries purchased different berries from this farm specifically. From what you had heard, the berries were as sweet as candy and amazing to cook with. And Satoru had given you the chance to cook firsthand!! Your chest and stomach buzzed excitedly as your boyfriend grabbed a woven basket from one of the attendants before heading further down the dirt trail toward the rows of berry bushes.
The strawberries were bright, ruby red, contrasting against the green leaves. They varied in different shapes and sizes, but each had your mouth watering as you melted down on the ground, examining each berry and trying to pick the best ones for your dessert. Watching you examine produce was something Gojo had fallen in love with the last year. It was so simple and mundane, but he loved how you were intrigued by different fruits and vegetables. Your eyes roam over them, searching for any signs of bruising or rot. You were a pro.
At first, watching you go through the different apples and cucumbers at the store was more interesting. He honestly didn’t know why you did what you did. Growing up, he was a rich kid, so he never had a chance to go grocery shopping with his parents. Food was usually provided at his estate, and he never really got to watch anyone cooking until he met you. You were so talented in the kitchen, and your passion for baking made him fall even more in love with you.
He couldn't wait to marry you.
“Find any good ones?” He asked, crouching beside you as you cut some plump red berries off the vines.
Satoru watched you closely as you rubbed the berry off your shirt before placing it in his hand. “What's this?” he questioned cocking a pristine, white brow at you.
“A taste test!” without any other words, Satoru watched as you took a big bite of your berry, humming the taste.
Satoru usually liked his strawberries in different forms. Ice cream, covered in whipped cream, dipped in chocolate, or cake form. But from seeing how your cheeks slightly flushed at the taste that flooded your mouth. He decided to give his berry a shot. Gojo bit into the plump., his eyes going wide behind his sunglasses as he chewed the sugary sweetness and his mouth.
“It’s good, right?! It tastes just like candy.”
“Mhmm!” Satoru took another bite of his berry, swallowing the sweet, tangy fruit. It’s so good! I can see why people say these are the best strawberries in town!”
You grinned back at your boyfriend, heading further down the row of bushes, cutting and picking the best strawberries you could find, dropping them into the basket your boyfriend held for you. Your mind was reeling with different recipes you could make with all the berries you were collecting: strawberry shortcakes, crêpes, and parfaits. Hell, Satoru had just bought you an ice cream maker so you could try making some ice cream! The possibilities were endless.
You had gone down two rows of berry bushes, picking out the best ones. It wasn’t until you reached the other end of the second row that you turned to look into the basket to admire the collection you had been picking. Only when you looked in the basket were the berries gone.
Where did your berries go?! Snatching the basket out of your boyfriend’s hands, you flipped it over, searching for any hole or malfunction that might have caused your berries to be missing. When you noticed no hole in the basket, you quickly turned around, looking over your shoulder at the ground, searching for any berries that might have fallen out. Only there was nothing but your footprints and other patrons lining the rows.
“That’s so weird! Toru, did you notice if I’ve been missing the basket? I know I had to put about fifteen strawberries in there.” You sat on your knees, scratching your head before sighing. “Or maybe it's the summer heat gett—” When you looked up at your boyfriend, you found the answer to your question.
Satoru hadn’t even realized what he was doing until he saw the look on your face. When you picked the berries and dropped them into the basket, he reached for them, admiring their beauty. But when he picked them up, it reminded him of the sugary taste that had accompanied the strawberry you had given him. So, before he knew it, the berries you were dropping in the basket soon found their way into his mouth.
When you sit back on the heels of your feet, looking at your boyfriend crouched next to you, you catch him red-handed, or in this case, red-lipped. He was happily munching on one of the strawberries between his teeth, and the green stem stuck out of his mouth as he nibbled the sweet fruit. Red began to stay in the outside corners of his mouth as he spit the stem of the strawberry out. Both of you have sat there across from each other. Your boyfriend’s mouth was smeared with red remains of strawberry juice, and the basket between you was still empty, like when you started ten minutes prior.
“You’re eating all our berries.”
“Oh,” He hummed before plucking a berry off one of the bushes, wiping it off on his shirt before pushing the end of the fruit against your bottom lip. “Sorry, I should’ve offered, here’s one!”
Without arguing, you took the berry between your teeth, biting down on it. The sugary taste rolled over your tongue, leaving you sinking back into the dirt, humming happily at the taste. It was so decadent, leaving you wanting more, that it was easy to see how your boyfriend had managed to eat the basket you were slowly filling up.
“Shit, these are so good.”
“Yeah, they are! Super good!”
You snapped out of the trance the siren, like berries, had you under. “But! These are for our dessert tonight, remember? We can’t eat all the berries we pick. I need some to make our strawberry shortcake.” Satoru nodded in understanding while he picked another berry off the bush and popped it in his mouth.
“Right, of course, the dessert!”
“Toru!” you giggle at his antics. “Stop eating them all, baby.”
You had to give it to your loving boyfriend. He did give it his all, trying to resist temptation and eat all the berries you dropped into your basket. But by some miracle, he did not eat them all; a few went missing when your back was turned. But you were luckily able to fill up your entire basket with strawberries. You have wanted to go through the raspberry in the blueberry rows next, but the thought of your boyfriend stuffing himself full of berries before dinner had you just reaching for the prepackaged one the farm sold.
With your berries in hand, you and Satoru return to the car as the sun sets. You were about to reach for the door handle when you noticed your boyfriend had stopped. He was standing a few feet away from the car with sunglasses, pushing his bangs out of his face as his cerulean eyes twinkled in the fiery hue of the setting. There’s a look in his eyes that you can’t quite read as he turns to face you, jabbing his fun towards the setting sun with a broad, dazzling grin.
“What do you say we stay here and watch the Sunset before heading home?”
“I like the sound of that.”
Satoru worked quickly, grabbing the blanket he kept in his car and unfolding it on the grass. As you leaned back, you both plopped onto the fuzzy dark blue blanket with your basket of berries between you, watching the thunderheads form in the distance, a kaleidoscope of pinks, oranges, and lilacs. The sky was vibrant, a beautiful evening for your one-year anniversary with the man who had changed your life for the best.
You sighed contently, popping a strawberry in your mouth before you leaned into your boyfriend, resting your head on his shoulder as he ate one of the strawberries himself. Satoru’s arms sneaked around your waist, holding you close to his side as he fed you another strawberry, his eyes on the horizon. The day had been perfect—a fantastic first anniversary. Life didn’t get much better than this.
You peered up at Satoru, smiling shyly. “Yeah, Toru?” The white-haired man popped another strawberry into his mouth, chewing down on it as his eyes left the setting sun to focus solely on you.
“I love you. Happy anniversary.”
“I love you too Toru, happy anniversary baby.” You reached the basket before you, finding most of the berries gone. “Oh my god,” you laughed out loud. Did we seriously eat all of the berries!?”
With a glance into the basket, you watched your boyfriend grimace at the sight of the missing berries. “Oh shit, I guess we did.” He pulled the basket onto his lap, digging through it as if looking this way would help him find other berries at the bottom.
“Looks like we still need to stop at the store to pick up some berries so I can make strawberry shortcakes to celebrate our anniversary.”
“Oh wait! I think this one is going to be perfect.”
“Toru, I can't make strawberry shortcake with just one bar—” the rest of the words leave you as you turn your attention towards your boyfriend, who isn’t holding a bar in his hand but a navy blue box in the palm of his hand. You gasp, watching as he turns and places himself down on one knee. “O-Oh, my god! Oh my god!”
“Baby, I love you so much. This last year has been the greatest year of my entire life, I love you so damn much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Your boyfriend opened the box with shaky hands, revealing a gorgeous engagement ring that twinkled in the setting sun's light. “I want more days like this. Picking berries with you out in the countryside, watching you pick vegetables out at the store, and just being with you is all I want. I promise to take care of you for as long as I live. You’ll never have to want anything in your life. Will you marry me?”
The tears streamed down your cheeks as you sniffled and nodded your head, holding your left hand out to him. “Yes! Oh my god, yes!” Satoru fuck the urge to fist pump; instead, he very calmly put the engagement ring on your finger. “Oh my god! Toru, it's so pretty!” you squealed, throwing yourself on top of Gojo, smothering him with kisses as you pulled your hand back to look lovingly at your ring.
Gojo, they’re on the blanket, hands running down your back as he focuses his attention not on the fields of bright, multicolored berries or the vibrant setting sun. His attention is focused on the most beautiful thing in the entire universe: you, his former client, best friend, and future wife, who is his everlasting summer day.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree @luvsymai
Summer Fest Tag List:
MWDIE Tag List:
@arminloverlol @jamzywiththejam28 @gojoful @maskedpacific @ahseyy @kash77 @sadmonke @ari-maccha @sugurubabe @hyori2 @bluechocolatemint @itsinherited @dellappatca @therealestpussyeater @dead-at-tokyo @nvrgojover @drakenswifeyy @nealeart @yunho-leeknow @fire-child-kira @faeryminnyx @tqd4455 @harmonyflora @volkins181-blog @noukstmblr @lovley212 @stinkinstuffie @desihopelessromantic @witchbybirth @sonicsolos @lilbiguy @supsiii @rentheannihilator @bloopsstuff @pepepepepopopopo @pandoness @sw33cadav3r @rixo-19 19 @meguvmii @sxnkuna @mmeerraa @lemonintrovert01 @bunny-lily @kibananya @kamastar39 @rjreins @lzaj19 @tiredflame132 @manyno @oliiper @rengokushair @simp-plague @matchalatte06 @haesify @majanggeum @solarrexplosion @tbzzluvr @username23345 @demonboyssss @sakui1 @strychnynegirl
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twst-stupid-ocs · 1 month
“Guess whose birthday it is!! Party at my dorm tonight! Woo-hoo!!”
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Scroll to the end for a qna
!!Likes do nothing, Reblog instead!!
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Set home: you wanna hang out with moi? Sure! I have cake!
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Home idle 1: everybody was so nice today! I had so much fun.
Home idle 2: I got sooo many gifts! Most of them from the leeches and Kalim. This is why you gotta have rich friends!
Home idle 3: the most unreal part of this? Probably that Crowley actually got me a gift, biggest surprise of the century.
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Home login: yooo!! Dude! Come over here man, let’s dance the night away!
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Home tap 1: Floyd got me this really pretty necklace with my name on it. It’s really sweet of him.
Home tap 2: you know, back home my mom would make me banana bread with homemade chocolate spread on every birthday of mine, I miss that.
Home tap 3: being trapped in another world on my birthday is probably my second craziest birthday, not the first though. Nothing beats that Tokyo trip.
Home tap 4: last year, my baby sister Mira gave me an apple she found at the store that she said looked pretty. We made apple pie with it.
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Groovification: locked
Tap home groovy: locked
Home transition groovy: locked
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Duo magic:-
Vesper: You got me a gift? Aww babe, you got a crush on me?
Floyd: mmmaybe~ happy birthday shrimpy!!
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August 19th baby! Aka Vespers B-Day!
This drawing took years off my life I swear😭
Anywaayyss~ since it’s my baby boys birthday I decided to open a qna for this month.
It’ll start from, well, today. And end of the 30th of September . So you guys have a whole week to send in any questions you guys want from the ones down below!!
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Rules for this: pick one (or more) questions from these prompts I found and send them in my inbox! I’ll answer each of them as Vesper and that’s that!!
You can send as much questions as you want (and even questions that aren’t on the lists ^^)
★ first list ☼ second list
۵ third list ♚ fourth list
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comments are more than appreciated. but reblogs help the content reach more people so please reblog if you want to like<3 likes do nothing. Seriously, don’t like, reblog.
Tag list 🔖: @dibbledoodle @catboiie16 @siphoklansan @twistedchatterbox @midnightmah07 @drdepper
If you wanna be added to my tag list just tell me^^
54 notes · View notes
koostarcandy · 2 years
hold on
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summary: a night where jungkook just wants to give, give and give and he wants you to realize that you can take it all.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, tw! mentions of sickness, oc is sick and koo just wants to take care of her :((
a/n: because im terribly sick and i need a koo :] okty for reading byeeeee <3 inspired by new years day :)))
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jungkook squeezes your hand when you wrap your arms around him. he glances at your zoned out state in the rear view mirror, your sunken eyes visible through the helmet's protective glass. you force your eyes into crescents when you lock gazes, wrapping your arms around him even more tighter. you gesture at the bright green light, prompting him to get home as quickly as possible.
he had mentioned your voice being croakier and your frequent intake of warm fluids. you blamed it on the change of weather, ignoring the fact you were working overtime again. he pointed out your headaches overstaying their welcome, noticing the painkillers from the medicine box disappearing quickly. for instance, this morning, you stifled coughs and said your incessant sneezing was because of the temperature of the aircon. you kissed him goodbye and promised to be back on time for samgyeopsal and soju night.
there was a faint inkling of your monthly tradition not happening but jungkook pushed it aside, putting it on his never-ending worry for your vulnerability to common colds and sore throats. he expected the phone call from you to remind him to stock up on apples and bananas, not you sniffling and asking him quietly if he could pick you up. legitimately dropping everything he had at the moment, firm yet gentle voice telling you to hold on.
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"feeling feverish, darling? should i get out our winnie blanket?"
you smile at him referring to your favourite childhood blanket as his own too, lifting your head to look at his concerned face. you nod, not trusting your voice at the moment. jungkook gets the big blanket in minutes, tucking you in almost immediately. after his nimble fingers finish wrapping you up, you lean your forehead to his chest, tired eyes closing at the sudden lull of warmth.
"soup, my love? it'll soothe your throat and your cold," he asks after a while of quiet cuddling. you shake your head and clear your throat, "just give me the fever reducer and i'll just sleep it off, koo."
his gentle features turn stoic slowly, miffed at the fact you're pushing away your sickness like an irritating strand of hair. jungkook reluctantly pulls away from you, kissing your forehead and promising to be back in a few. you figure he's gone to get the pill like you asked, closing your eyes to give yourself a bit of shutdown for a while.
your beloved walks back to you fast asleep, finally. you're adorable in the way you're wrapped, your overworked body getting some rest after a long time. jungkook puts the soup he made in a flask, keeping the warm water and tablet aside. he slips under the covers with you, lips brushing against your heated forehead. cradling your head to his chest, he too follows you slowly into dreamland.
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"koo, it's unnecessary, i really don't-"
"shush, you're beginning to sound like a frog and not the kermit way."
jungkook doesn't understand why you're practically pushing him away when he tries to take care of you. he eventually gets you to finish the soup and the toasted bread you requested for. carefully taking the tablet out of it's plastic packaging and pouring the right amount of water, he finds your back turned towards him, suddenly interested in your wallpaper.
knowing that gentle words won't get him anywhere, he shifts you so you're facing him and sitting up, fingers swiping lazily while playing subway surfers. jungkook pauses the game, practically shoving the warm glass tumbler into your hand. silently popping the tablet and chugging the warm water, you hand the glass back, waiting until his focus is back on you again.
"its getting late, you can go back home, you know that, right?"
"i'm still not leaving," he looks at you, "no matter how many times you try to subtly hint it."
"you don't have to do this," you hold his large hands for comfort.
"but i want to," he says resolutely, "i want to make sure you get better and see that you do nothing while being this sick."
jungkook leans his forehead on yours, eyes closing and letting out a sigh of relief when he feels the decreasing heat from you. he kisses your nose, pulling you into his lap.
"i know that you had to do all this on your own but that's not happening anymore, i won't let that happen."
he lifts your chin so you're looking at his galaxy-like eyes, "let me take care of you, please. you did the same and more when i was in your place and now it's my turn. hold onto me, sweetheart." he cups your cheek, his soft lips pressing kisses on your head, "i love you so much, angel."
you want to verbalize your thoughts, tell him that it means so much to you that he's willingly taking care of you. that it's heartwarming he'd rather stay at home with you instead of going out for abit of weekend fun. you're falling deeper for him and you trust him enough to catch you.
you hope and pray that he doesn't become someone you have to walk past in a busy street, heart hurting when he's far gone. you hope you're always there when he turns to you when he's at his happiest and that your arms are always open when the path he takes becomes too long. you find it extremely hard to tell this to him so you hope it permeates into him when you say,
"i love you and i'll always hold on for you."
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @junsai-tree ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @jinsquishes ; @cherishoshi ; @fragmentof-indifference ; @indgio ; @jjkeverlast ; @parkdatjimin
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Hard Learned Lesson
Hello everyone!
*cough* so... you all ready for some... angst? ;3
Timeline wise this is in the spring of the first year the guys got the farm! So their first spring in FarmTale <3
First Drabble (Thank @spotaus for the one who started this madness with the original prompt) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
No beta or edits :3 We just going. Again. Angst incoming!
Nightmare huffs as he looks bored at his stupid math work. He doesn't get it! The teacher jsut... doesn't explain it like when Dusty does. Dust knows how to tell him things that make sense!
Nightmare doesn't like this school he has to be in.
He doesn't like being away from his dads- caretakers- his four. He prefers to be with them and have them decide when it is time to learn and how.
Nightmare knows he can trust them. they are safe.
At least he doesn't have to be here for long... Just a day each week. And just until they figure out his school level or something.
The teacher smiles at him and speaks softly "Hey there night night."
Nightmare glares wiht all his might at her "Nightmare." his name is nightmare! Only his dads- his four are allowed to call him night night or nighty or nightlight!! That is their right! Not hers!
The teacher giggles and smiles at him "I am sorry. Nightmare. How is your math going?"
Nightmare frowns as he looks at the numbers and the drawings of apples. something about adding stuff together and taking a few away or something. He knows he used to be able to do this but how he did it he can't quite remember or figure out.
Ngihtamre shrugs and plays a bit iwht his pencil.
The teacher nods as she crouches next to him "Still hard?"
Nightmare shrugs and mutters softly "Dusty could explain..."
He doesn't like most adults who are here. Most of them imply that his four did stuff wrong or are doing wrong. Nightmare doesn't agree. They did everything right! THey came back so they can't do wrong. This lady is nice. she makes sure her voice is quiet and lets him stay inside when the other louder kids go play outside. She doesn't mind him reading his book instead of drawing.
the nice teacher smiles and nods "I am sure your dad is a great teacher. He seemed like the smart type."
Nightmare nods before catching up with what she said and freezing. He keeps messing up in his head and calling them dads... would that be weird? He doesn't want to be weird.
she smiles and takes a seat next to him "How about we try to do the problems together? We can try to work through them then?"
Nightmare shrugs again. Not really caring that much. He just needs to wait a bit longer and one of them will pick him up and they will go home and snuggle. Killer found a new movie to watch. Probably more cowboys! Nightmare likes them okay but loves to just lay wiht Killer when watching as Killer loves those a lot.
his teacher smiles at him and takes out a pencil. "OKay. the first problem. it is a bit of complex adding with the higher numbers but it works the same as the smaller numbers and-"
a loud knock on the door.
The door opens and one of the older ladies walks in. Nightmare doesn't like her. she is strict and always looks at his dads disapproving. As if they did smething wrong. She is also the one who says it is just a matter of time before Nightmare will like being here. Nightmare knows better and makes sure to tell the interview guy each time he wants to have classes with dusty again.
his nice teacher frowns as she looks up "Is something wrong miss March?"
The older lady huffs but speaks up "Someone came to pick him up. somekind of emergency."
Nightmare frowns and glances over. it are two humans who both look rather official. He immediantly leans behind the nice teacher and mutters "Dusty said to never go with others." One of the rules. Never ever leave this building unless it was with any of them. One of them is usually the whole day in the building with him.
The nice teacher looks unsure "March. I know for a fact those man are not part of the group that was allowed to pick him up."
March waves at one of the man and he shows an official looking document with somekind of symbol on it. Nightmare doesn't like this and inches clsoer to his teacher.
SHe reaches for the paper but the man pulls it away and tugs it away "It is sensitive information. It is a matter of great importance that we leave right this minute."
Ngihtmare doesn't like this. this is bad. These man are lying. he just knows it. Nightmare knows liars and he doesn't like them and these two are lying!
Nightmare looks at the nice lady "I don't want to go. I wanne wait for dad." he is scared. please.
The nice teacher smiles at him before looking at the other three adults "I am sorry. but he doesn't feel comfortable. I am sure we can just wait here for one of his fathers to show up. I will stay late with him to wait." she offers immediantly and Nightmare feels a bit better.
March glares at her "April! Stop that. These man are very important. They say it is an family emergency."
April! That was her name! April looks unsure between them and then Nightmare "I still think..."
MArch sighs loudly "You are a kindergarden teacher. You don't think." she smiles at the two man "I am so sorry for her. I will make sure to give her a talking to. You two make sure the little man gets to where he needs to go!" she grabs Arpil's arm and pulls her along.
April protests loudly "Wait! Miss March! I really don't think this is a good idea!"
Ngihtmare plans to follow her but one of the man gets in the way. he smiles andit doesn't feel good. it feels dangerous. He knows those type of faces. He used to see them daily. Ngihtmare feels his fight or flight response start to appear as he glances around.
The man speaks ina soft and quiet voice "Hey there. I know this is very scary but we have somewhere very important to be okay? We need to be quick. come now."
Nightmare shakes his skull as he glances around. Panic in his soul and magic. Where is Dusty? Or Crossy? Kills? 'Ror? where are his four? One is always near?
Unless these man knew... unless there are more people and some of them are distracting them!
THe man grabs his arm and pulls him along. Nightmare is once again reminded that he is weak. Weak and powerless and useless as he can't even defend himself!
The leave the building and a van is parked nearby. More panic as he is pushed in and the door clsoes.
Cross feels numb as he watches Killer tear the two ladies a new one "What the fuck you mean you let strangers take him!?"
Miss March, the personal assistant of the owner of this whole fucking thing looks insulted "Well! I will have you know that I tried to stop it but that April, the naive idiot girl, decided to trust strangers!"
Said girl, woman honestly even if she is still young sits on a chair in tears. She had been the one to call them in a panic. April looks up wiht a glare and read eyes from crying "I told you not to trust them! I told you not to let them take him but you pulled me away and when i got back to where he was before he wasn't there and and and-" she sobs as she hugs herself, she stares at them begging "I am sorry. I swear i tried! I tried to stay wiht him but Miss march she-"
March hisses at her "shut up you stupid dimwit!"
Killer is seething as he glares at March "Where. is. our. child!?"
MArch stammers and tries to explain that some man came in about some emergency. Killer growls "so instead of verifying that they were speaking the truth you just trust the first person to walk in and way a piece of paper around?"
Cross stares at April. he still can't feel anything. just dread. He walks to her side and stares at her "What did they look like?"
April blinks as she looks at Cross with tears in her eyes. Cross just doesn't care. He needs to find him. Now. a glance shows that Horror and Dsut are talking with police man. Dust is beside himself and keeps trying to pull his hood further over his skull. clearly nearing an actual breakdown.
Cross can fix this. He just needs to get Nightmare back.
April sobs as she rubs her eyes. She thinks for a moment before giving an as detailed description as possible.
Arpil frowns as she pauses "there... there was this symbol on the paper. Wait. let me draw it." she opens her folder and grabs a bright blue glitter pen and starts drawing it. Cross knows a police officer joined him and is taking notes himself.
She shows the symbol "It looks likes this. Some werid snake around a sword. It looked a bit like the medical symbol and stuff but it doesn't quite like it." she frowns.
The police man frowns and starts to talk about this gang named the Viper and how they kidnap children. often political reasons.
Cross however already checked out as he starts thinking. the speed limit is about 30 kilometres an hour in these type of areas. This happened not longer than 20 minutes ago.
If they were pushing their luck and driving hard they couldn't have driven harder than 50 an hour. which means they are at this point about at maximum about 15 to 20 kilometres away.
If they are already known with the police? They won't risk being out long. They know when Cross and the others would be away because they were held up getting food and snacks. Meaning it was planned. Meaning they knew that they would immediantly get the news out.
Cross hums and glances towards the door. They are hiding somewhere nearby. They can't risk being in a car and being searched. This universe has cops that actually care and want to help people. If they are already on their shitlist?
a circle of 25 kilometres. That is what Cross thinks they should be within for now until they will feel brave to search for a spot to... to... do whatever they had planned for Nightmare.
Cross slowly backs away from the othrs. He mutters to Horror that he is going to catch some air. Horror shoots him a worried look but Dust is actively shaking and tears are leaving his sockets so Horror is quick to try and calm him.
Cross feels the air grow more and more static. he steps out of the building and glances up. Very dark clouds, black and purple and some flashes of lightning.
Cross looks around the area around the building. police cars are everywhere but none of them notice Cross. Cross looks at his own arm and can only see himself because he knows what to look for. a slight difference in depth compared to the area around him. His camouflage his active.
He will need that.
He glances around againa nd finds the cops looking at tire tracks. he gets near and studies them.
He hates what his universe made him. He hates what XGaster has made him. BUt... Cross can admit... It has its benefits. He memorises the pattern of the track in the dirt and considers how deep the track is. Yeah. Somekind of van. A small one but heavy. So probably a two seater and the loading area in the back. Most likely no windows or Nightmare could have waved to get someones attention.
Cross has an area. And a general idea on what to look for.
Time. To. Hunt.
Something smashes into pieces and Nightmare shakes as he keeps hiding his skull wiht his arms. Not able to ban out the voices.
"What do you mean you don't know who to contact?!"
another shouting voice "It means I don't know! We have had no one react to our messages and codes about him! Our hackers didn't find anything on those four! No schooling. No past lives. No past adresses. Nothing!"
the first voice "Of course not! One of them was tugged away from eye sight to even get that child! Find out who he was with and we know who will pay raw gold to get that little freak back!"
Ngihtmare shivers at that word. He isn't a freak... he isn't... Crossy always says he is special and perfect. that means he isn't a freak.
another voice "What if this was all a waste?"
the first voice "Then we find some other weird fucker that wants a monster child. There is always some sick fuck that likes toys like that."
Ngihtamre is shaking. he wants his dads. He wants to cuddle with his dad and eat food with his dad and watch tv and...
He sobs.
A loud groan "And of course that stupid thing is a whining crybaby and it won't shut up!"
a new voice. much more worried "euh... guys? Remember those clouds i was talking about?"
more groans and the tired voice of before answers "Dude. not now. we are having a crisis here."
THe newest guy continues "No you don't get it... the clouds? Those are completely black... there is no sunlight coming through."
silence before rushing steps and more curses and awed noises.
a moment of silence for another person speaks up "The radios are out...so is the phone service and well... any service..."
A flash and immediatnly loud thunder. Nightmare isn't afraid however... as that was Dusty's storm. He can feel it. the familiar static and magic that circles and seems to hug him. If Dusty's storm has already found him... That must mean Dust is close right? Or that dust now knows his location right?
Nightmare isn't sure how they are getting more powers. but they are so cool...
more sounds of annoyance and grumbles as the humans all take seats. grumbles about how they can't keep looking for a buyer now and that they will be forced to wait or risk being seen.
Nightmare looks around his small cage. he is stuck in somekind of animal cage in a dark room without any window. but he still feels and hears the lightning and thunder. he knows the flashes happen as he feels his own magic notice them. the immediant thunder after it.
They are right in the middle with the lightning right above them.
another crack and flash and suddenly loud shouts as the light under the door turns off. Seems like everything is broken now.
Loud annoyances and grumbles as they wlak around. shouting at each other. Nightmare rolls back up and waits.
He just... he just has to have faith! They found him once... surely they can find him again right? Surely... they want him still right?
Cross runs through the forest. letting the static in the air guide him as he follows the tracks. Cross isnt'sure if the storm is leading him or if he is leading the storm at this point.
It doesn't matter.
The effect is the same.
Dust's storm and him move togehter. the lightning and static move in unison with Cross as he rushes through the forest. Everything grows quiet and still around him as he moves. unseen and more one with the world around him than seperate at this point.
It doesn't matter.
Because he found it.
He spots the van first and sees the house it is parked by after. He watches for a moment and the bright purple magic flashes quickly and loudly. flash after flash after flash.
It should be bothersome to him.
It isn't.
Cross moves silently as he reaches the van first. he pulls the door open with one harsh tug and takes the actual backdoor with the tug. he drops it to the ground and looks into the van. Nobody but there are small marks of someone having clawed as the floor.
Cross moves silently and smoothly into the van and studies the marks. He knows those marks. Nightmare tends to try and push Killer away and if they don't help him clip his claws before they get too long Nightmare tends to accidentally scratch Killer.
The scratches are never deep and never take longer than a few minutes to heal. Nightmare still feels bad about it even if Killer doesnt even feel it.
Cross follows the marks with one of his own fingers. He was right.
Cross leaves the van just as quietly as he entered it and walks towards the door. Not marching. More like gliding. Silent. Smooth. Quickly.
He gets to the door and pusehs his knife in between the side and the door. One quick push and the lock breaks and the door swings open. THe hallway is dark.
He hears movement deeper in the building.
Cross moves silent as a shadow. leaving no trail or tracks in his wake.
he moves through the hall and leaves the door open. purple flashes behind him and Cross can't help but notice that his shadow looks weird. almost as if his shadow itself is melting into the other shadows and stuff... weird...
He follows the hall and gets to the living room. He just pushes the door open and sees about seven humans all looking around trying to locate stuff wiht flashlights. one of the flashlights shines over him and the human screams bloody murder. the others turn and scream and yell themselves. something about a demon.
Cross doesn't care. He is here for two reasons. one. get his baby back. two? Make sure these sorry excuses never get the chance to take their baby away ever again.
Cross stares before rushing one of the humans. he has them by the head and throws them into the wall. the wall cracks and the human drops motionless to the floor. Cross slowly turns to the others.
The raise their weapons but Cros has already jumped another. He pushes the human to the floor and grabs them by the head. he smashes the head against the floor once and hears the tiles break just as the skull caves in on itself and the human goes motionless instantly.
Cross rises back to his full length.
One of the humans shakes as they raise their weapon "fuck... fuck!" and starts firing.
Cross doens't know why he doesn't move. Maybe it is... because he kidna knew. the bullets seem to all, just move through him. as if he isn't all the way there yet is. untouchable until cross wants to touch something.
more panicked cursing as Cross holds out an arm. and his own weapon materialises. he goes for his one large sword and gets to work.
It isn't even a fight.
Cross would think calling this a fight would be an insult to actual fights he had.
play fights and spars with killer are more challenging.
Having a verbal debate with Killer is more challenging! and Killer hardly even gives arguments!
Cross dematerialises his sword and stalks around the house. He doens't hear anymore movement of people walking around.
a soft sob.
Cross is by the storage closet in seconds and pulls the door open.
Cross wants to thank his lucky stars he has night vision because he doesn't even need a flash of lightning to see their baby. Cross is on his knees by the cage in seconds as he pushes a hand through the bars and rubs the tiny cheeks to clean the tears. only for fresh tears to appear and Nightmare to grab his hands.
Nightmare sobs "dad... I was scared."
Cross mutters soft praises and reassurances all at once as he just sits by his baby "it is okay nighty. I am here. I am not going anywhere okay? We will just wait here. Your other dads are on their way okay? we will go home and lay in the nest and read stories. You have been so brave and I am so sorry you had to wait for so long." More tears keep appearing and Cross keeps rubbing them away gently.
Cross will stay right there for as long as they need.
flashing police lights and Cross feels himself growl when his phone buzzes. He opens the chat and sees a message from Killer.
'horror texted me to say he sees a broken open car and the police are nervous. Make sure the police can break nightmare out. Stay near but invisible. I know it sucks but please!!'
Cross doesn't like it but he can already feel himself start to disappear from view. He whispers to Nightmare "I am staying right here with you okay? Some people will walk in and they are police man. They will bring you to Dusty and Horror okay?"
Nightmare sniffs and sobs as he looks desperate at Cross. Seemingly not at all bothered by Cross using his weird invisibility. Nightmare keeps staring at him and sniffs "promise? You won't leave?"
Cross smiles and rubs the tiny cheek "I will stay right here with you. Forever." like fuck anyone is going to get any of them to leave their baby. He is theirs and no one elses. Everyone can gets lost and disappear for all Cross cares. He has what he needs with his new family.
Nightmare nods and sits their shaking. his tiny hands not letting go of Cross's hand and Cross keeps holding both tiny hands wiht one of his as he rubs the tiny cheek with his other. The discomfort of how he needs to wiggle his way through the bars not even fully registering as he waits.
Loud shouts of police and slow steps. dead silence as they find the slaughter that Cross left behind. more rushed steps and a panicked voice "Kid?! Kid please be okay! Yell out! We are here to help! please we are worried and your dads are worried too!"
Nightmare sobs and looks at the door. He can't seem to find words and just whines. The sound feels like a shot right through Cross's soul as he keeps holding the tiny hands.
Rushed steps and someone with lights and red and blue reflectives steps in. The officer sighs in relieve "oh thank the heavens you are okay." he takes a step closer but Nightmare obviously flinches and tugs himself in a corner. more sobs and shaking leaves him.
Nightmare mutters sound so loud in the silent room "want dad... dad... where is dad?" more sobbing and his breathing comes out in short pants. slight panic starts to appear on his face.
The officer takes out his walkie talkie "Get one of those skeletons in here..." a moment of silence "I don't care! Lead them in then to make sure they don't touch anything! This child just went through actual hell and deserves someone he can trust." after which he raises both hands. making it clear he isn't hiding anything.
It doesn't help as Ngihtmare keeps breathing quicker and more whines. Cross tries to reassure him but it only helps so much. Cross has no doubt the cage isn't helping either but that would mean that cross would have to open the cage and the other would see that and Cross doubts even Killer can lie their way out fo that one and-
Running steps and a moment later Dust pushes past the officer. He stands frozen before he throws himself at the cage and just rips it open. He has Ngihtmare in his arms wihtin seconds and just. stays rolled up on the floor. shaking.
Cross sees the Nightmare immediantly starts breathing easier as he pushes clsoe to dust. more sobs "dad... .dad... i was scared"
Dust mutters soft apologises and love messages to Nightmare. How he is sorry he wasn't there. and that he swears he will be better and that he and the others all love him so much and that they were terrified and that they won't let anyone hurt him and how much they love him.
Cross just hugs the two for a moment. using his invisibility to give them some comfort. Dust leans into the touch and mutters a thanks for saving him.
the police officer reassurace him it is just their job but Cross knows Dust had aimed it at him.
It makes him feel warm inside. knowing he did soemthing to save their baby. to protect his family. warm and loved.
Cross follows Dust and the police officer out as Dust staggers outside. Still hugging Nightmare close and clearly trying to hide him from the world.
Once outside Horror steps over and easily lifts Dust and Nightmare. Hiding both in his arms as he mutters his own apologises to Nightmare and how scared they had been.
Cross can't help but notice that the sky is no longer thundering and while still cloudy and dark all the lightning had disappeared.
Cross then feels his phone buzz again and he checks the message. it is killer. sending him a message that as soon as he can he needs to reunite with him in the police car he is riding with. Make sure to be sneaky.
Cross watches his two mates not mates mates friends fush over nightmare as the police people get to work.
Cross leaves the scene of the crime and follows the road to reunite wiht killer.
He sees a few other cop cars making their way over to the location and eaisly enough spots Killer in one. Killer stares outside and Cross manages to land silently on the car roof.
As Killer ordered Cross manages to wiggle his way into the moving cop car. Killer nudges him in the side and Cross feels his camouflage finally disappear, as it disappears he feels the exhaustian start to creep up.
Killer grins at the humans in front "Again thank you for giving us both a ride!"
The police man blinks confused but as he looks up he stares at both Cross and killer. Killer keeps smiling and the police man ends up nodding "Well... of course! Heavens knows that I would be beside myself if I lost my little girl. My daughter is my whole world and if anything happened to her..." he shakes his head "of course we would all try to reunite you four with your boy as soon as possible!"
Killer continues talking to the human. Cross zones out as he suddenly feels so very tired...
For now? None of it matters to Cross. Let Killer figure out how to manipulate and lie to the humans.
Cross feels tired and just wants to see their mate with thier child. Safely reunite with their other mate.
Nothing else matters right now.
Cross still remains vigilant. He can rest later... Once they are home again. Once they are all safe again.
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dunyun-rings · 1 year
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I finally put together my drawing prompt list for October! I made this for myself but I would love to see others join in, even if it’s just a few of the days. My goal is to design a fairy character for each prompt 🍁
Text version of the list is under the cut
Faetober Prompt List:
1. Turning Over a New Leaf
2. Candle-lit Reading
3. Black Cat’s Folly
4. Changing Colors
5. Barn Owl Overlook
6. Cornfield Baker
7. Stable-master of Rats
8. Apple Spice Wine
9. Secret Berry-picking
10. Dandelion Wishes
11. Queen of Gourds
12. Hiding with Rabbits
13. Lonely Cobwebs
14. Amber Foliage
15. Frolic of Death
16. Rainy Days
17. Bullfrog Rodeo
18. Fungal Underbrush
19. Dancing with Cicadas
20. Insect Funeral Director
21. Frozen Dew
22. Stirring the Stew
23. Blue Moon
24. Moth Masquerade
25. Angel of Death
26. Sickly Sweet Rot
27. Pomegranate Kisses
28. Foggy Mirror
29. The Last Harvest
30. Haunted by Crows
31. Attending the Séance
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