#promotional photography atlanta
mattnben-bennmatt · 3 months
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Ben Affleck's interview w/ Premiere (2000)
Adventures in the Celebrity Trade
In which the author faces a dread beast of epic proportions (his own alter ego), perils that would destroy a lesser man (e.g., worldwide fame), and uncouth fans, all whilst shamelessly promoting his new movie
By Ben Affleck | Photography by Sam Jones
Oscar Winner Affleck talks to himself about the hazards of fame, the art of publicity, and why you should see his new movie.
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I'm promoting my movie. in doing so, it is incumbent on me to do an interview for a movie magazine. I've asked the good people at PREMIERE to let me contribute an article rather than be interviewed, in an effort at a little break from the norm. I've run the first draft past the studio whose movie I'm hawking, and they were kind enough to give me some feedback. In general, I believe they found my pithy little attempt at a first-person description of what it's like to actually do publicity and my own idiosyncratic deconstruction of said process mildly amusing. But they had some notes. With those in mind, let me say this: Every man, woman, and child on this earth must drop everything and run to their local multiplex to see Reindeer Games. Well, there might be a title change in the works, so maybe it won't be called Reindeer Games, but pay that no heed! Whatever the marketing folks decide to call the movie, it is absolutely imperative that you see it immediately, two or three times if need be. Watching this movie will make you smarter, more successful, and a (much) better lover. I implore you, for your own sake, pay to see this movie. It is, quite simply, the single greatest dramatic narrative of the modern era.
Now, on to the irrelevant part.
"Affleck, you suck!" was all I made out as a full can of beer sailed by, inches from my head. I believe that was the precise moment I knew things had changed.
It was a drive-by beer-canning—a little-publicized-but-all-too-real hazard for the working actor in L.A. It was June of 1997, somewhere around midnight. I was coming out of a record store on Sunset Strip, and in retrospect, I guess I should have seen it coming.
I hadn't been subject to public stoning by Budweiser since my high school days, in Boston. I remember thinking that in this new context, it was a fairly artless, albeit effective, form of what in acting class we used to call "a critique of the work." That was the first day it occurred to me that there is a side of fame that might be unpleasant. It was a peculiar induction—one Jason Patric has aptly characterized as "baptism by flashbulb"—to a strange club whose membership requirements are simple: People you've never met, seen, or spoken to develop opinions (occasionally quite negative and almost always judgmental) about you, your work, and whether or not you "suck." Though my holy water was alcoholic and carbonated and gunned at me by strangers, I suddenly had an affinity for how Mr. Patric must have felt.
Before Good Will Hunting and Armageddon, I did quite a few movies, but nobody saw them. In fact, the entertainment press corps in general seemed aggressively disinterested. When I went to Atlanta to promote Chasing Amy, I clearly remember that the few journalists who showed up to interview me seemed bored (with me), dejected (at having such a low-rent assignment), and desperate (during the actual interview) for a reason—any reason—to write anything. Later, the movie became a minor cult hit, and occasionally I would be confronted by a stranger or two (oddly, these interactions also tended to happen in record stores). But instead of berating me, these guys usually wanted to know, "Did you really nail that girl?" "Was she really a dyke?" and "Do you have her number?" While deeply flattering, these rare interactions didn't prepare me in the least for what I was to face down the road.
That night, I wondered if perhaps this was something that even the great ones have had to endure, but I could never quite convince myself that there was some rangy teenager standing outside Brando's house, hectoring the deaf masonry with the likes of "Why'd you pimp Kabuki-style gear in Moreau?!" Surely there is a point at which one is accorded some space, respect, and privacy. I just wasn't there yet.
The gangly kid's harangue at a thespian about his play is a fair confusion of character and actor. But the words and pictures that provoked the beer-flinger were not of a character in a film; they were representations of me in the press-specifically the tabloid press, coverage in which I had taken no part. So I decided to become the captain of my own destiny, or at least of my own image. I decided to stop avoiding or passively enduring press coverage; instead, I would start a conversation with the public by engaging the press, thus having control over the words and images representing me.
This was, to put it mildly, a blunder. I had underrated the forces at play in the creation of celebrity media and overrated my own ability to withstand and control them. As if that weren't bad enough, I also discovered that I was my own worst enemy.
It wasn't until my third or fourth interview was published that I began to suspect something. I would run into people who know me fairly well (like my mom) and they'd fix me with an uncertain and dubious stare. I began to anticipate the inevitable: "I read your thing in [insert name of rag here] . . ." Then their voices would trail off. I knew the sentiment. I'd experienced it before. Earlier in my career I'd get that. People would say, "Hey, I saw Phantoms. . . ." Though I understood the comment in the context of a movie where I played a sheriff in Colorado battling an ill-defined but vaguely menacing sewer monster, I didn't see the connection with the interviews. But when I asked my girlfriend what she thought about the mixed reviews I seemed to be getting, she let me have it. "I don't even recognize that person." "Who?" I lamely asked. "The guy in that interview, in any of your interviews . . . Interview Guy."
Sonofabitch. Interview Guy.
What I found when I read back over my own inanities was as phony a frat-boy-chucklehead as you're ever likely to encounter—and someone who, I hope, bears little resemblance to the guy typing out these words. Somehow I'd inadvertently given birth to a monster. Interview Guy liked to come off as a cross between a pseudo-intellectual college sophomore who'd just read his first chapter of Proust, a drunken motorcycle fanatic, and an all-around, aw-shucks-can-you-believe-I'm-just-a-regular-Joe ham bone.
The idea here is to set this gruesome record straight. I'll bring Interview Guy face-to-face with myself. The transparent difference will dissolve Interview Guy; the remaining image will be me. Either that or it'll be another in a long series of publicity disasters. At this point, I don't have much to lose.
INT. MY HOUSE-DAY: INTERVIEW GUY, 27, bearing a striking resemblance to Ben Affleck, but wearing Prada stretch plastic trousers, comes running into the room with a beer. He does a handstand, slams his beer, and slouches into the sofa. Ben Affleck, a.k.a. ACTUAL BEN, sits across from him. Actual Ben is not nearly as good-looking as Interview Guy and seems a little taken aback.
INTERVIEW GUY: I take Viagra and I think the kids should try it at home, the little ones! [Interview Guy runs around the room twice, then heads outside. After a beat, he comes crashing back through the door on a motorcycle. He wipes out.]
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INTERVIEW GUY: (Cont'd) [Re: motorcycle] I'll get another one. [Re: nothing in particular] Acting is a journey, right bro?
ACTUAL BEN: Not really. Most of the time it seems like a gigantic press junket, where I talk about my "arc" and decry the invasive nature of the press in my life—then go and have my woes translated into Korean and beamed via satellite to Asia. [A beat]
[There is another awkward beat.]
ACTUAL BEN: (Cont'd) Are you unable to smile or behave normally when having your picture taken? I mean, do you have a particular aversion to looking normal, or are you satisfying some innate urge to look like an idiot?
INTERVIEW GUY: Hey, man, I'm just a regl'r guy who likes to have fun-
ACTUAL BEN: Also, in your photographs you seem to clench your jaw, squint your eyes, and suck in your cheeks. Is something wrong with you physically? Do you have TMJ?
INTERVIEW GUY: [Flushing red] I . . . That's my strong, leading-man jawline and laser intensity coming through. . . . I can't help that! That's not on purpose. . . .
ACTUAL BEN: This isn't going anywhere; let's go to the questions. . . .
[Ed Note: During this segment of the interview, both Interview Guy and Actual Ben have agreed to answer a list of prepared questions. A tape recorder was placed in the room, and the following is a verbatim transcript of their answers.]
QUESTION: What is your favorite magazine?
INTERVIEW GUY: Maxim . . . no PREMIERE! This is for PREMIERE, right?
ACTUAL BEN: I don't have a favorite.
QUESTION: Who is your favorite actor?
INTERVIEW GUY: Arnold, Sly, your mom . . . just playin', guy. . . .
ACTUAL BEN: Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Benicio Del Toro, Sean Penn, Meryl Streep, Cole Hauser, Casey Affleck, Jay Lacopo, Vince Vaughn, Joaquin Phoenix, Don Cheadle, the brothers Wilson, Ed Norton, Nicolas Cage, Robert De Niro, Marlon Brando, Zeljko Ivanek, Dennis Franz, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, Frances McDormand—there are really a ton of actors I think are great and whom I admire. And I honestly believe after seeing The Talented Mr. Ripley and All the Pretty Horses that Matt Damon is one of, if not the, finest young actor around.
INTERVIEW GUY: That Ripley thing, that's a gay picture, right?
ACTUAL BEN: Well, no, it's not. . . .
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QUESTION: In the wake of the massacre at Columbine High School, there has been greater scrutiny on the level of senseless and gratuitous violence in movies. What role do you think movie violence plays in influencing real people, and what is the responsibility of filmmakers and actors?
INTERVIEW GUY: I'm so sick of that question. Some idiot kid who played too much Mortal Kombat and can't get a girlfriend decides to shoot up his school . . . that's not Sylvester Stallone's fault for making Cobra. The guy was trying to make a kickass Marion Cobretti biker picture. Forget about teaching masturbation in schools; they ought to hand out twenty bucks and a map to Korea town. You get yourself a little massage-parloring down there, you feel a lot less inclined to blow up your lunchroom!
ACTUAL BEN: I disagree.
INTERVIEW GUY: 'Course you disagree; you smoke cock.
ACTUAL BEN: No, I don't "smoke cock," I just think there is some responsibility to be had by those of us who have some impact over the content of movies and how violence is presented. Doubtless, there is blame aplenty to go around. But the exploitation of mindless violence for the sake of titillation, without any attention paid to the genuine trauma that real violence does cause, is irresponsible.
QUESTION: What qualities and/or attributes do you find attractive in a woman? What would your "ideal woman" be like?
ACTUAL BEN: I can't say I have any one "type." I have dated and been attracted to all kinds of women. I tend to be able to look past first impressions and am usually attracted to a woman whom I like and want to be around. No matter how "hot" some woman is, I'd find her very unattractive if I couldn't stand to have a conversation with her.
INTERVIEW GUY: You done, Jake-O? Okay. That's bullshit. Everybody goes by appearances. I got nothing against the homely broad, I just don't care to give her a jump, you follow me? As far as what type of chick I most like, I'd say I'm your basic, red-blooded, Claudia Schiffer-Pam Anderson type of guy. And, you know, her beaver doesn't have to be shaved but . . . I don't mind it!
[Ed. Note: There is a five-minute segment of the tape where Interview Guy runs around the room, high-fiving no one in particular and repeating porn dialogue to the tune of the theme song from Martin. Finally, he cracks open a beer and sits back down.]
QUESTION: Are movies important?
INTERVIEW GUY: I think they can be. You go see Anaconda and you know you can't take a river trip with Owen Wilson, a rapper, and the guy from Deliverance, 'cause it's gonna end badly. So that's a public-health message, in a way. Fuck, come to think of it, that was the second bad rafting experience for Jon Voight. There's a fucker you really don't want on your Outward Bound crew. . . .
QUESTION: Can you define your relationship with Gwyneth Paltrow?
INTERVIEW GUY: Well, she's my friend. She's very smart, very sweet, really just a good, decent person, and someone I both respect and admire. She's also a dynamite actress. As it happens, we just did a movie together called Bounce, which will be out in summer 2000 at a theater near you.
[Ed. Note: At this point there is a second lengthy pause on the tape and sounds of a struggle. Then nothing. It's the Blair Witch of Books on Tape. . . .]
There's a reason that the National Enquirer has the highest circulation of any paper in the country. People like it. And people like it because, despite what most actors tend to imagine the general public is fascinated by (i.e., every subtlety and nuance of their latest performance), it concerns that very thing that drives most people to the movies in the first place: sex. And not just sex but gossip-who is having it with whom, who's been jilted, who gets the kids, who's getting above their station, who threw a fit on their show and fired a bunch of people. All of it. The movie business has become a kind of ongoing soap opera. The same characters move from one story to another, augmented by bits of background titillation from newspapers and magazines, and people go to see how the latest installment in the Schwarzenegger serial will turn out. Therefore, it should be no surprise to actors that their private lives seem inexorably entwined with whatever perception people have of their performances, and vice versa. In fact, that gossip, that tabloid fodder, is an organic part of the perceptions people have when they go to the movies.
The majority of famous actors are not famous because of roles they've played. The random passerby, when asked, will tell you they've heard of a particular actor but will have difficulty naming more than one or two movies he's been in. What people do see, far more than the movies, are the television shows and magazines in which actors promote their films. This creates a strange dynamic, where celebrity becomes the goal, publicity the means, and the actual work takes a distant backseat.
If one takes for granted that the goal of an actor is to assume the identity of another person, then doing publicity as oneself seems absolutely the wrong thing to do. The less people know about you, the less apt they are to project some preconception onto your performance. There are actors who seem to understand this conundrum and have managed to deal with it in a sensible way.
There are powerful forces at work that compel an actor, after appearing in a movie or two, to whore out every last detail of their gonorrhea treatments, incestuous experiments with grandma, shock therapy, and the time they had one too many and got a five-dollar hand job in T.J. And later the same bunch that threw you to the press will tell you not to give so much away. You can't win.
So what, then, is the lesson? I really don't know. You can lie to the press (my brother, Casey, once told Interview magazine that he had a Ph.D. in eugenics from Columbia), you can bullshit a little (whereupon your friends from home tell you you've changed and you're full of shit, and you're mom is ashamed of you), you can go ahead and talk about the "touching game" you played with Uncle Ted (and then your mom really is ashamed of you). Or you can go the route of the dignified and be Sean Penn. Just watch out for the backlash—it gets ugly.
Whenever I've run this theory past the cocktail-party crowd, the response is always a Pollyannaish "What's wrong with the truth?" Or "Just be yourself!" Now, while that may be sound and novel advice, in this case it misses the mark, for two reasons. First, after you've had to distort and misrepresent yourself for every producer in town (e.g., like the time you had to pluck every emotional chord you've got to muster up some semblance of passion for your Beverly Hills 90210 crying-scene audition), you hardly know who or what the real you is anymore. Second, no one really wants to "be themselves" in public. We are reluctant to expose ourselves even to friends, much less to a jaded public with an eye for scandal and an unquenchable thirst for hubris and its attendant fall. So I, like every other sensible person thrust into (or thrusting themselves toward) the glare of the public eye, tried to project an improved version of myself. Big mistake.
Before anyone imagines that this is some kind of lamentation of a great evil in the world, let me say this: Any actor who has had any success whatsoever ought to count his lucky stars that he turns over enough bread for the Enquirer to even consider including him on the "worst dressed" list. Clearly, successful actors (and particularly those who, even for a fleeting moment, are anointed "movie stars") enjoy wealth, power, and privilege wildly beyond their station. We should take what we get and like it—I don't contest that. I do, however, find the situation of "promoting" myself and my movies curious and contradictory.
But in the end, it is probably not worth deconstructing. It's a pretty straightforward thing: Talk to somebody, brag on your movie some, and hope that a few more people go to see it because they're intrigued with what they've read. And, hey, maybe they've gotten to know the actor a little better. In that spirit, let me end where I began: Who I am, and why you should see my movie.
I'm somebody who probably has too many mirrors in his house, but doesn't much like what he sees when he looks into them. I try to be generous, try to be kind, and try to remember how lucky I've been, but I've been known to fall short in all three regards. As far as fame and fortune go, I generally believe one should understand that none of it is deserved, but try to take as much advantage of it as one can in good conscience. I like quiet and the idea of rest, but can't seem to stop moving. I like people (as someone once said), but I hate gatherings. I try to expose myself to diversity, change, and new experiences, but when alone in my car, I end up listening to the same song over and over on the CD player. I know that fame and fortune are fleeting (as Matt recently said in GQ, "the phone stopped ringing for better actors than me"), but I can't help hoping that I can do this forever. I believe in the friends and family I've known since childhood, but I've already lost touch with too many. I love company and the security of love, but most days I feel alone. If I had to choose between being held in high regard by those in the movie business or esteemed by those around me whom I admire, respect, and have known through thick and thin, I'll opt for the latter: a life where people still talk to you even if the phone rings only occasionally, and where your friends don't mind if you haven't made it onto the cover of a flashy movie magazine in quite some time. Oh: And go see the movie I made with John Frankenheimer. It's pretty good.
Ben Affleck, actor and Oscar-winning writer (Good Will Hunting), blew his deadline but only misspelled two words in this piece.
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gregceephoto1 · 2 months
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In a city as vibrant and diverse as Atlanta, finding the right photographer to capture your memories can be a daunting task. But with Greg Cee Photo, you're guaranteed exceptional service, stunning photos, and an overall wonderful experience. Whether it's a wedding, corporate event, family portrait, or a personal photoshoot, Greg Cee Photo is the perfect choice to make your moments unforgettable.
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concerthopperblog · 11 months
Sweet Oblivion Fall 2023 North American Tour: Baroness w/ Jesus Piece & Escuela Grind @ Variety Playhouse
A few months ago, Baroness announced via their socials that they would release their sixth (6th) studio album entitled, Stone. Soon thereafter, Baroness dropped their Sweet Oblivion Fall 2023 North American tour schedule onto the eager masses. As an added bonus for the fans, check out their amazing supporting artists appearing on selected dates: Jesus Piece, Escuela Grind, Portrayal of Guilt, Primitive Man, KEN Mode, Wayfarer, Chat Pile, Vile Creature, Soul Glo, Sheer Mag, Midwife, Hoaxed, Cloud Rat, Imperial Triumphant, Uniform, and Agriculture. For this tour stop at The Masquerade in Atlanta, Georgia, Jesus Piece and Escuela Grind would be the opening support. If you have followed my column here on Concerthopper.com, you may have recognized Baroness from previous reviews that I have done over the years. So, you must know as a fan that I would not miss this massive tour as Baroness promotes their new album, Stone, across North America with some talented friends.
Baroness is a mix of art/alternative/progressive metal from Philadelphia, PA. that formed in 2003. Baroness has released six (6) LPs, four (4) EPs, and several singles since forming as a band. As mentioned earlier, the album, Stone, their latest release. Currently, the band consists of John Dyer Baizley (lead vocals/rhythm guitar/keyboards/percussion), Nick Jost (bass/keyboards/additional backing vocals), Gina Gleason (lead guitar/backing vocals), and Sebastian Thomson (drums). Anytime that I witness Baroness perform live, I know that I am in for an energetic and fiery performance by the band. Tonight’s blistering performance by Baroness would be no different.
Confession time: over the years I have had the opportunity to take photos of some of my favorite artists/bands, and I have found that I have a fondness for certain artists/bands as I am doing photography during their set. Baroness is one of those acts. Whether it is Baroness’ dynamic energy as they perform blissfully on stage, the moments during their performance when bandmates turn to each other and give each other a joyous smile, the crunchy riffs from both John and Gina and the love and continuous support that they show to the crowd each night gets me every time I see them live.
Baroness The Masquerade 10/18/2023 setlist:
·         “Last Word”
·         “A Horse Named Golgotha”
·         “March to the Sea”
·         “Beneath the Rose”
·         “War, Wisdom, and Rhyme”
·         “Under the Wheel”
·         “Chlorine & Wine”
·         “Shine”
·         “Seasons”
·         “Wake Up/Fugue”
·         “The Sweetest Curse”
·         “Isak”
·         “Shock Me”
·         “The Gnashing”
 Check out Baroness over on their Official Bandcamp page or their Official Shop (merch or Stone) and some them some support!
Jesus Piece is a metalcore/hard core metal band from Philadelphia, PA that formed as a band in 2015. They have released two (2) LPs, three (3) EPs, and several singles and are currently signed to Southern Lord Records. The band features Aaron Heard (vocals), David Updike (guitars), John Distefano (guitars), and Luis Aponte (drums) with touring musician Alexander Cejas (bass). This would be my first time getting a chance to see Jesus Piece perform live. This, I feel, is the point of Baroness bringing out a horde of incredible bands that may have performed under the radar for some music fans. From the start, you could feel the anticipation building in the crowd for the start of their vicious and brutal set. When the band first walked on stage, the crowd let them know that they were ready for the impending onslaught.
Head over to Jesus Piece’s Official Bandcamp page today and give them some support.
Escuela Grind is a power-violence/grindcore/ death-grind band originally from Ithaca, NY (known as Escuela) but is now based out of Pittsfield, MA. The band was formed in 2016 and consists of Katerina Economou (vocals), Kris Morash (guitar/bass), Jason Eldridge (bass/guitars), and Jesse Fuentes (drums). Escuela Grind has released two (2) LPs and several EPs/singles since forming as a band. What can I say except – WOW! Escuela Grind came to Atlanta to lay the foundation for the evening with some fast, heavy, and in-your-face grindcore metal. Those who came early were in for a real treat getting to see Escuela Grind do their thing on stage. You could see the crowd vibing with the band as they powered through their albeit brief but memorable setlist.
Show Escuela Grind some love, head over to their Official Bandcamp page today to check out their merchandise and music.
You can read some of my previous reviews featuring Baroness that were published by Concerthopper over the years by following these links: “Baroness: One Sunday in East Atlanta” (2015), “The Gold & Grey Tour: Baroness & War on Women – Buckhead Theatre” (2019), and “The Omens Tour: Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage, Baroness, & Suicide Silence: Live at Coca-Cola Roxy!” (2022).
You still have time to catch the Sweet Oblivion Tour before it ends on December 1st in their hometown of Philadelphia, PA at Union Transfer.
October 24, 2023 - Sunshine Theatre Albuquerque, NM w/ Primitive Man & Midwife.
October 25, 2023 - Nile Theater Mesa, AZ w/ Primitive Man & Midwife.
October 27, 2023 - The Observatory Santa Ana, CA w/ Primitive Man, Midwife, & Agriculture.
October 28, 2023 - The Bellwether Los Angeles, CA w/ Primitive Man, Midwife, & Agriculture.
October 29, 2023 - The UC Theatre Taube Family Music Hall Berkeley, CA w/ Primitive Man, Midwife, & Agriculture.
October 31, 2023 - Hawthorne Theatre Portland, OR w/ KEN Mode and Hoaxed.
November 3, 2023 - The Crocodile Seattle, WA w/ KEN Mode.
November 4, 2023 - Rickshaw Theatre Vancouver, B.C. w/ KEN Mode.
November 6, 2023 - Union Hall Edmonton, AB w/ KEN Mode.
November 7, 2023 - Palace Theatre Calgary, AB w/ KEN Mode.
November 9, 2023 - The Depot Salt Lake City, UT w/ Wayfarer.
November 11, 2023 - Summit Denver, CO w/ Wayfarer.
November 12, 2023 - The Waiting Room Lounge Omaha, NE w/ Wayfarer.
November 14, 2023 - First Avenue Minneapolis, MN w/ Chat Pile.
November 15, 2023 - The Vic Theatre Chicago, IL w/ Chat Pile.
November 17, 2023 - The KING of CLUBS Columbus, OH w/ Vile Creature.
November 18, 2023 - Saint Andrew’s Hall Detroit, MI w/ Vile Creature & Cloud Rat.
November 19, 2023 - The Danforth Music Hall Toronto, ON w/ Vile Creature.
November 20, 2023 - Theatre Beanfield Montreal, Canada w/ Vile Creature.
November 22, 2023 - Empire Live Albany, NY w/ Soul Glo.
November 24, 2023 - Agora Theatre and Ballroom Cleveland, OH w/ Soul Glo & Cloud Rat.
November 25, 2023 - Roxian Theatre Pittsburgh, PA w/ Soul Glo.
November 26, 2023 - Town Ballroom Buffalo, NY w/ Soul Glo.
November 28, 2023 - Royale Boston, MA w/ Sheer Mag & Imperial Triumphant.
November 29, 2023 - Webster Hall New York, NY w/ Sheer Mag & Imperial Triumphant.
December 1, 2023 - Union Transfer Philadelphia, PA w/ Sheer Mag & Uniform.
 Curious about Concerthopper? You can find more music-related articles, interviews, various photo galleries, indie music reviews, our ‘Bars & Bites’ section, our exclusive “She Said, She Said” column, or become a Concerthopper at www.concerthopper.com. Sign up for our monthly newsletter by following this link: The Setlist! Please ‘Like’ our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date in 2022, on all music-related events/festivals such as North American Tour: 1000 Mods & The Well Live at Bogg’s Social & Supply (Atlanta), This Wild Life live at Montage Music Hall, Double Trouble Live II: Cradle of Filth & Devil Driver live at The Ranch Concert Hall & Saloon (Fort Myers), Blackout Tour Part 1: From Ashes to New w/ The Word Alive, Catch Your Breath, and Ekoh @ Rapids Theatre, Kiss of Death Tour ’23: In This Moment & Ice Nine Kills w/ Avatar and New Years Day Live at Hertz Arena, It Still Moves Anniversary Show: My Morning Jacket @ Fox Theatre, 10 Years of Wage War: House of Blues (Orlando), and Nth America Tour: Wolfmother @ The Eastern by following us on all social media formats: Concerthopper on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  You can also follow my concert hopping on Facebook and Instagram for even more photos not available on Concerthopper.com.
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
The Benefits of Using Event Photography to Record and Promote Your Business Events
Event Photography is fast emerging as an extremely useful tool to help record and promote your business events. In an overcrowded and highly competitive market environment, innovative strategies are required to spur sales, ignite publicity, and grab maximum attention.
Businesses are increasingly realizing the importance of holding special commercial events such as celebration parties for their sales distributors and in-house sales teams, award ceremonies for those who achieve sales targets, new product launch parties, special exhibitions, shows and conferences, motivational or educational seminars for the employees, and other promotional and marketing events.
Holding such an event is a huge exercise in public relations and if it is conducted well, it can garner great word-of-mouth publicity for the business as well as get noticed by the local media. This is where an event photographer can play a key role. An event photographer is a professional in his field, who knows Atlanta Photo Booth exactly how to capture the most prominent moments and the most important PR pictures of the day.
An amateur photographer or someone who is not experienced in handling business event photography cannot deliver the same results that a seasoned professional can. Many event photographers are now using state of the art photography equipment for video recording of an events as well as taking still pictures of the occasion.
These pictures and videos can become a valuable part of the company's archives. It can help in future reference regarding how to improve upon any areas of weakness in past events. Furthermore, framed souvenir pictures can be presented to the associates and dealers who were featured in those photographs. This in itself can be a very thoughtful and creative gesture on part of the management to create a familial bonding with all its important business associates and employees.
An even more important use of employing professional event photography for your business events is that the pictures and videos can be used as a part of the Press Release package, and circulated to local area media organizations. If the presentation is impressive, the chances of getting a positive response from the media will improve dramatically. This goal cannot be achieved with a shoddy or amateur presentation of the event.
For these reasons, good event photographers are in high demand nowadays, and smart businesses are putting their services to effective use for recording and promoting their various business events.
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etherarts1 · 1 year
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What is the role of product photography in E-commerce?
 Billions of people today shop online, whether it is fashion items or household products; only some people want to buy stuff offline. When everyone is buying online, how can you put your product on the frontline of their device screens so it sells?
Simple, you create engaging and appealing product images. One key deciding factor of online purchases is how good product images are. This is why eCommerce product photography is of such importance. If you are one of those sellers still using amateur product images instead of hiring professional product photography services, we have created this post for you.
Here we'll discuss how crucial is the role of eCommerce product photography in ensuring your success as an online seller.
What is eCommerce product photography?
 To begin with, you must understand what eCommerce product photography is and how it differs from other types.
E-commerce product photography is about creating product pictures visually to make them look convincing and detailed enough to provide enough information and context about the product. This presents most information through product images to potential customers so they do not need to look for other products. With eCommerce Photography Atlanta, you can boost your conversion rate and create a quality and reliable brand image.
The impact of eCommerce product photography on online sellers can be understood from the statistics. According to Justuno, over 93% of online shoppers agree that visual appearance is the key deciding factor for purchasing. Furthermore, a BigCommerce survey revealed that 78% of American online shoppers want products brought to life with quality images.
Therefore, there is enough evidence to support that quality product images are essential for the success of online stores. It is why you must invest in eCommerce product photography.
 Images are essential for branding
 Product images are not just for listing on various eCommerce platforms but also contribute to your brand value. As an online seller, you must invest in your brand presence across platforms, including social media. To promote your products on such websites, you will need high-quality images worthy of sharing.
 When you create high-quality and appealing product images, it contributes to your brand. Customers notice everything about product images, from the color and quality to the subject and text. If there is consistency, then it shows that your brand can be trusted as you provide a transparent representation of the product. You want to avoid taking shortcuts in establishing customer relationships as a brand. You must invest in building long-term connections; product images are vital to achieving this goal.
 Increases conversion rate with visual appeal
The compelling product images you create with eCommerce product photography are vital in influencing customer behavior and driving conversions in e-commerce. High-quality product images that are well-composed, well-lit, and attractively showcase the product can captivate the potential buyer's attention.
It is essential to create a visual appeal to engage customers, encourage them to explore the product further and stay on the product page for longer. The increased engagement directly translates into a higher likelihood of conversion. An eCommerce product photographer helps create an emotional connection by offering proper visualization. This is most likely to lead to a sale. High-quality product images also build trust and inspire confidence in purchasing decisions by reducing uncertainty. One of the most challenging hurdles for online conversion is customers' uncertainty about the product's appearance, size, or quality.
By creating visually appealing and informative product images, you overcome all these challenges that ultimately lead to a higher conversion.
Social proof and influencer marketing
This is the age of social media, and it also influences how people are shopping. It is expected that around 5% of all eCommerce sales are through social media. This is why most customers look for social proof before purchasing online. It has become a norm for any service, so you must create a positive image on social media platforms.
By incorporating product images in social media posts, influencer collaborations, or user-generated content, e-commerce businesses can leverage the power of social proof to increase conversions. Professional product photography plays an essential role in helping boost your presence on social media. When you have visually appealing product images, real people endorse your product which reinforces the trust and confidence of the potential customers, encouraging them to make a purchase.
In summary, eCommerce product photography is integral to selling on the internet. Product photography helps attract attention, build trust, create a brand identity, and increase conversion rates regardless of your industry or niche.
At Ether Arts, we provide value-for-money services for sellers looking for professional product photography services to significantly improve the overall shopping experience and drive business growth in the competitive e-commerce landscape.
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popnpixels · 1 year
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COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ATLANTA GA Our commercial photographer Atlanta GA is an advertising photography service used to promote and market your products and services and help businesses or organizations become profitable https://www.popnpixels.com/photography-service-atlanta
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joyffree · 1 year
Title: Hayden Series: Breakaway Hockey Book One Author: S.R. Grey Genre: Sports Romance/Romantic Comedy Release Date: April 20, 2023 Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs Cover Model: Chase Roback Photographer: Wander Aguiar Photography
Bad-boy hockey player Hayden Harrington always lands on his feet. Or skates, in this case.
After a scandalous fling with the coach’s daughter comes to light, this good-looking hotshot forward is swiftly traded to the Atlanta Thunder—an up-and-coming new hockey team.
It’s not all bad, though.
Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions
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sheasellsatlanta · 2 years
Benefits of hiring real estate providers
The truth is that real estate agencies do much more than accompany prospective purchasers on home visits, although most consumers now believe that this is all they do. On the other side, there is fierce rivalry in the real estate market nowadays. Due to this circumstance, Luxury Atlanta Real Estate now provides more unique and inventive real estate services. You can learn about the tasks carried out in this industry through this page and other essential details. 
Real estate services: what are they?
A real estate agency's clients may request various services, collectively called real estate services. Real estate brokers handle everything. There are real estate companies that operate everything; they provide their clients with a comprehensive service. Transactions between the parties engaged in the sale or renting of a property are facilitated by real estate agents. They are also responsible for guiding each user on the best homes.
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The agency will be responsible for promoting its clients' properties using various channels, including social media, real estate portals, real estate fairs, etc. Real estate marketing, real estate photography, and real estate video are among the skills required for this. In conclusion, Real Estate Brokerages in Atlanta can claim that real estate firms that handle everything will do at least the following duties:
Visits' accompaniment.
Guidance on the terms of the purchase or lease.
Legal counsel.
Management of documents.
Examine the housing market.
Examine houses.
Discuss mortgage terms with banks.
Management of marketing.
How can a real estate agency offer its services?
Need help figuring out how to market your real estate services? Atlanta Luxury Real Estate leaves you with a few tips to ensure that management is a total success:
To purchase or rent a property
Portals for real estate. Going to real estate platforms is an excellent idea for selling real estate, as people prefer to use them frequently.
Real estate-related social media sites. Create a professional profile where you can publish pertinent content and, at the same time, advertise your agency's listings on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Establish a quality.Real estate website where you may display your available properties visually appealingly.
Create a zone. Distribute flyers and other advertising materials, such as the real estate dossier or cards, and set aside a space for each real estate agent.
To draw additional properties
Provide free speeches and workshops on marketing. As a result, the owners will come to learn, and many of them will choose your agency's services.
Create a mailboxto connect with property owners seeking to sell or rent.
Email marketing for real estate. Use your website and social media platforms as well. To send users information, encourage them to join your mailing list.
Telesales for real estate. Knowing how to conduct yourself during a recruitment call is crucial; failing to do so could give the interviewer a negative impression of the company. You can phone the numbers shown on the property purchase and rental announcements or utilise the numbers from your client portfolio.
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Join our team if you’d like to promote some of the biggest and best nightclubs and after hours venues in Las Vegas history. Great pay start today. 702-509-6452 #lasvegas #vegas #losangeles #nevada #lasvegasstrip #newyork #california #miami #vegasbaby #love #usa #sincity #vegasbound #vegaslife #travel #atlanta #vegaspromoter #vegasstrip #chicago #music #vegasnightlife #photography #texas #raiders #henderson #florida #instagood #fashion #casino #vegasstrong (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjKOxJGOvqX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gregceephoto1 · 3 months
Get To Know About the Modelling Photography
The model photoshoot is a major component of the fashion business, acting as the primary means of displaying apparel and accessories. With the growth of social media and e-commerce, the demand for high-quality photoshoots has skyrocketed, with companies and designers looking to distinguish out in a fiercely competitive industry.
According to a poll, 67% of online buyers believe product photos are highly significant when making a purchase choice. In the fashion business, where aesthetics and visual appeal are key, the value of a photoshoot cannot be emphasized. Stunning modelling photography in Atlanta may help a company attract new consumers, enhance social media engagement, and ultimately boost revenue.
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However, organizing and carrying out a great photoshoot may be difficult, particularly for individuals new to the fashion industry.
Modelling photography in Atlanta shoots is commonly utilized in the fashion business when a model poses for a photographer either in a studio or at a designated shoot site. Model photography assignments often involve a real model sitting for the camera, but they can also refer to a photographer photographing promoted items for a magazine. Model photography assignments usually require a photographer and a shooting location. Models pose for the camera as directed by the photographer or photo shoot organizer.  A model photoshoot is a professional photography session in which models pose for shots to promote their apparel, products, or modeling ability. These can take place inside or outdoors, and they need meticulous preparation, organization, and execution to ensure that the final photographs match both the photographer's and the client's expectations.
A model photography shoot is also a popular technique in which a photographer takes images of a model for her portfolio. This often implies that a model pays a photographer to capture his or her head and body photos, or that an agency organizes the model photography session on behalf of the model.
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To achieve success in model photography assignments, a model should keep a few business tips in mind:
Always show up on time for model photography sessions. There's nothing worse than making a photographer and the rest of the team wait.
Try to make the photographer's life easier. Pay close attention to directions and always try your best to comply with the photographer's goals for the picture shoot.
If you are a model who has been recruited for modelling photography in Atlanta assignment, keep in mind that the entire team is counting on you to provide the greatest results. While all participants play a vital role in model photography sessions, the model is ultimately accountable for the shoot's success. So, always perform your work properly and make sure the model picture shoot goes as easily and swiftly as possible.
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datascraping001 · 11 months
Photographers Email List
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Enhancing Your Photography Business with Photographers Email List. In today's competitive photography market, connecting with the right audience can make all the difference. Photographers need to be able to reach potential clients and collaborate with other professionals in the industry. That's where a comprehensive Photographers Email List becomes an invaluable tool for any photography business.
At Datascrapingservices.com, we understand the significance of accurate and up-to-date data in today's fast-paced world. Our Photographers Email List service is designed to provide photographers and photography-related businesses with a reliable source of contact information for photographers across various specialties and regions.
The benefits of having a curated Photographers Email List are numerous. Firstly, it provides a direct channel for communication, enabling photographers to connect with potential clients for bookings, inquiries, and collaborations. This direct line of communication can significantly enhance business opportunities and facilitate a broader network within the photography community. Moreover, a well-segmented and organized Photographers Email List allows for targeted marketing strategies. Photographers can tailor their promotional efforts, showcasing their expertise and services to the right audience. Whether you specialize in wedding photography, fashion photography, or any other niche, having access to a targeted email list can amplify your marketing ROI.
Our team at datascrapingservices.com is dedicated to delivering accurate and reliable data that aligns with your business objectives. We take pride in offering a seamless experience, making the acquisition of the Photographers Email List a hassle-free process. In conclusion, a well-curated Photographers Email List is a powerful tool for photographers and photography-related businesses. It streamlines communication, amplifies marketing efforts, and expands networking opportunities within the photography industry.
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To learn more about our Photographers Email List service and how it can empower your photography business, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Let's take the first step toward enhancing your photography business with targeted and accurate data. Discover how our Photographers Email List can elevate your photography business to new heights and help you forge lasting relationships within the photography community.
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frenck-kiss-gang · 7 years
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Top tank !!!French kiss gang available any sizes ✌️✌️✌️& listen to “ Dangerous Game “💋👠 pic featuring @kira.marie2 ✌️✌️via #spotify #frenchkissgang #producer #singing #photography #musica #dj #bestsong #newmusic #newbeats #singers #branding #release #remix #techno #rockmusic #dance #pop #clubmusic #bloggers #jazz #hiphop #karaoke #bilboardawards #piano #playlist #promoter #filmaker #melbourne #atlanta
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nearmidnightannex · 3 years
Lil Nas X as Jimi Hendrix (sort of) in VMan
I mean ....
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The pop-rap superstar tells musician Kevin Abstract how his in-your-face performances help him live just as unapologetically
August 23, 2021
Lil Nas X’s road to fame wasn’t paved with gold—it was lined with jewel-encrusted cowboy hats, addictive TikTok challenges, and satanic strip-teases. From his first “yee-haw”, the rapper’s ascendance has been a pop culture anomaly...and the world hasn’t been quite the same since...
[...] [KEVIN ABSTRACT]: I think this is the perfect [segue] into the single “Montero.” The song was really about owning every part of yourself. It was liberating for a lot of people. Beyond that, artistically speaking, one thing that stood out to me was how you conceptualized the visual. I remember after the video came out, you released these screenshots of your notes, where you wrote the whole treatment out. What did it feel like when that vision for the video came to your head? Did you think maybe I am going too far or did you lean completely into the idea.
[LIL NAS X]: My mind is always like, “You can’t really create that. That’s not really realistic,” but I always tell myself to just write it down anyway, and if I change my mind, I change my mind. Although, I almost never change my mind (Laughs). For me, it’s always crazy to see it come to life, because it’s never exactly how you pictured it in your head...because nobody can actually see what’s in your head. But it always comes out better than I expected. I’m learning to trust myself and my vision. I think the [“Montero”] video was just the start.
KA: You were raised Christian, so how did your family respond to the “Montero” video?
LNX: My dad texted me the next morning. He was like, “I got through it.” Almost as if it was a bad movie or something. Even that was great [to me]. The rest of my family, I don’t think everyone’s going to be 100 percent honest with me about how they felt. But a lot of them were understanding, to say the least. And I understand from their perspective as well, growing up learning about certain groups of people and it conflicts with what you believe. Or rather what’s been pushed into your head over and over. I can’t really be to upset with you about what’s been forced into your head. So even if [they were] upset, I would understand, you know?
KA: Definitely.
LNX: And I’m not saying I would coddle them, but yeah, I understand....
And also:
MONTERO @LilNasX·Aug 23 life has come full circle, i officially work at taco bell again.
August 25, 2021 TEXT: LUANA HARUMI
VMAN 47’s cover star Lil Nas X has been appointed the new “chief impact officer” for Taco Bell. The newly-created honorary role combines music and philanthropy and will also focus on the release of the Grammy-winning artist’s upcoming album, Montero.
The partnership will offer exclusive experiences to fans and customers along with “menu innovations,” starting with a cameo in the campaign to promote the return of Taco Bell’s breakfast menu to around 90% of restaurants nationwide by mid-September.
The musician’s history with the fast-food chain dates back to nearly five years ago when he worked at a Taco Bell in the Atlanta area in high school. He recently referenced the job in the music video for “Sun Goes Down,” and on Monday he announced the new role with a tweet saying that “life has come full circle.”
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brayjermelle-blog · 5 years
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#atlanta photography service offering #promotional #photography sessions #follow #mediumllc (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz9M9jcA71a/?igshid=1g1s5d8fswdky
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ebonyaesthetics · 5 years
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Queen 👸🏾 😍Yellow is one of my favorite colors on my skin. 😍🥰🥰💛💛💛➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ For Promotion infos onto the page? --- SEND A DM➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ __ Model @chantailleelise___ #atlanta #jamaica #black #yellow #naturalhair #fitness #vacation #travel #miami #la #newyork #beauty #picoftheday #photooftheday #photography #jewelry #fashion #zulu #waisttrainer #waistbeads #waist
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