#promo;; a standing ovation!
fxrina · 11 months
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tag dump
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
its me again 🤪 i was wondering if you could do aew boys reaction to you getting attacked by your tag team partner exp: you guys lost a tag match and you partner attacks you i hope i explained well🫶🏼🩷
AEW Stars React to: You Being Attacked By Your Tag Partner
Pairings: Hook X Reader, Eddie Kingston X Reader, Daniel Garcia X Reader, Darius Martin X Reader, Kenny Omega X Reader, MJF X Reader, Ricky Starks X Reader
Word Count: 1K
Supreme Speaks: thanks to @cassiesworldsworld for requesting (keep em coming)! Reader is gender-neutral in this. nothing else...I hope you all are doing well and please remember that you are loved and appreciated
Warnings: Nun, barely proofread, GIFS ARE NOT MINE
Taglist: @cassiesworldsworld @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @wwenhlimagines @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Okay, I have 3 options for this (Reader is gender-neutral applicable to anyone; your partner is of your choosing):
Either you lose via roll-up and are attacked immediately after the match (Bayley attacks Sasha Banks)
After the match, you were attacked by your tag partner who joins the enemy (Luchasaurus attacks Jungle Boy and joins with Christian Cage)
Y’all lost the match, get a standing ovation, and your partner attacks you after you guys hug (Tommaso Ciampa attacks Johnny Gargano)
Bottomline is you were attacked and now your significant other/best friend is angry
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Mans is big mad; like big big mad
You thought he was trying to whip Jack’s ass? Wait until he sees you get attacked
Man will jump over your body real quick to try to punch your former tag partner (if they are a male)
^^might get a heart attack to be honest from him leaping
Will immediately carry backstage as your former tag partner runs to the back
Is simmering with anger as you try to convince you’re okay
“I’m happy that you’re okay. I just really wanna kill that son of a bitch”
Does not take this matter lightly, especially after Jack betraying him
If you wanna get your lick back, just let him and he’ll take care of everything
Ricky Starks
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Just like Hook, he would take this shit so seriously (cause of Hobbs betraying him)
But also I feel like he would understand the former partner’s stance as he betrayed Brian Cage (ew)
Will comfort you as you have multiple emotions running through your mind
“They’re missing out on a friendship with a bombass, beautiful, fierce, strong, athletic, and great person….and you too.”
I think he would be the type to transform you (ring gear, style, promos) so you can show your former partner that you’re simply better (nail emoji)
Like I’m talking early 2000s movie montage
Ricky would definitely help you plan your revenge
Overall, I believe this man would help you get back on your feet
Darius Martin
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His heart would break for you and would be the one to sprint out to help you out of the ring and up the ramp
Darius is a very loyal person as he frequently rotates between AR Fox, Matt Sydal, his brother, and Action Andretti for tag partner
Will always offer a place on his team for you
“You know you always got me and the boys.”
Will take his thoughts to Twitter just to shit on them
I also think Darius will make it his mission to make sure that you were well taken care of; advises you to choose peace before violence
But if too much violence takes place; he’s walking out with a steel chair and zero fucks to give
Eddie Kingston
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Will again blame Claudio, Bryan, and Punk for everything (don’t let him find out they joined BCC)
I think he would take this more personally than you, especially if they joined with his enemies
Eddie is the type to ride or die for his people; so he is one of the first people to stand with you against the traitor
Is absolutely down for revenge or crazy plans
“I still got that gasoline can if you need dawg.”
Daniel Garcia
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Will immediately offer you a place in JAS (like I always say, PLEASE say NO)
But also with the way JAS is right now, he would take time to team with you; so he can also find peace
Will be smug toward your former teammate
“Listen here, Y/N is a talented person and you’re gonna wish you didn’t cross them.” Dances away
Like stated earlier, I think he would take this time to fully understand his position with his own teammates
Daniel would be your #1 cheerleader on Twitter and tag them in various posts shitting on them (like Darius)
Will give you advice on how to carry on and will try to convince you to be a sports entertainer
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Always had a feeling that it was coming, but he wouldn’t tell you and is angry with the entire situation
Has to keep in character on Twitter:
“Look, I understand that Y/N loses a lot, isn’t as good as me, and has terrible taste in tag partners but that doesn’t mean you had to dump em!”
Will lecture about how you shouldn’t really trust anyone but yourself in the business, but empathizes with you (if he can) about having friends and supportive people
Like Daniel, might take this time to reflect
Will devise a revenge plan that involves sabotaging your former tag partner’s plans/goals
“Babe, I’m the devil. I can make anything happen.”
Kenny Omega
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Like most people on this list, Kenny has experienced being on both sides of this situation; so he completely understands the feelings involved
Will offer you a spot in the Elite (that can go either way)
I think because of the fact that he has a lot going on with himself, he would let you do whatever you want
Is more emotional support than physical support at the moment
Will help further the storyline of your revenge and character development on BTE
Outta all the people on this list, he would give you the best advice
“I think you need to take some time for yourself and see what is in the future for you…and if the answer is revenge, make sure you have money aside for bail…for me.”
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f1blrcreatorsfest · 1 year
fest credits & acknowledgements;
an author’s note by yours truly, ames ivettel <3
"oh, wow..." was pretty much all i could say as i scrolled through the f1blrcreatorsfest23 tag on the evening of august 1st. i was in a hotel room with some of my best friends in the world, all of us piled on a single bed, my laptop balanced precariously in the air as i passed around tumblr posts like a blunt, and already, i was floored by the initial response to the fest. little did i know that my mind would continue to be blown.
not to ruin the illusion, but going into the month, i was so stressed and scared that things wouldn’t happen—literally, the day the festival launched, we were still doing prep work. fio and i had committed to a morning of Getting Life Shit Done, and while she did more important stuff, i was on after effects finishing up the launch post and rushing through the caption (and bothering her 💀). i hit post and went to touch grass, already kind of having given up on things going smoothly… and i came back to the best chaos i’ve ever seen, along with the feeling that i was completely out of my depth.
honestly, if i’d run this behemoth of an event completely by myself, i’m sure it would have flopped early. not for lack of trying, mind, but simply because running a community festival is a team game at heart; you need input from others if you want to make something big for others!
so, with that said, i’d love to give credit where credit is due. i hope you’ll join me in giving a standing ovation to these stellar individuals!
first and foremost, a massive shoutout to barbi @brawn-gp for kickstarting the idea in the first place: a racing sideblog that prompts community challenges for motorsportblr. the very foundation this fest is laid on is because of you! thank you also for running the queue for most of the month and being so meticulous with the tagging system—our blog would not be here without you!
next, thank you to kyle @princemick and riel @azrphales for your work doing posters and being active members of the exec team! as i tried to chase people down to vote on big decisions, your quick input was a sigh of relief—a sign that others wanted this fest to happen just as badly. your promo work was literally invaluable in getting this to take off and stay strong. thank you both for your work post-launch (additional planning + sideblog modding)! a special thank you to kyle for being so active in the discord server and supporting our participants, also for participating so much in the fest itself <3
another big thank you to garnet @garnetaldebaran! your suggestions were incredibly insightful and thoughtful while trying to create the fest’s schedule and events. you really came through with the organization of our first sprint, which proved so helpful when organizing the second and third. and the creations you made for the fest on top of it all? absolutely gorgeous!
to nico @userscuderia and fio @maranello, thank you for lighting the inspirational fire we needed to get ideas flowing on what we could do in addition to weekly themes! the very concept of our sprint challenges, our silly f1-themed guidelines, and our motivation for most of july are thanks to you!
finally: nami @boyfrombarbados, emma @dannysricciardo, and ginevra @leclerqued, thanks for rolling with the changes to the video editing server / joining the pitwall on the fly! your comments were great and helped us define how we wanted to shape our fest identity.
i set out, initially, to try and change the culture around f1blr—to show noncreators that there is so much talent that exists in the fanbase, and that to keep us going, pretty much all we ask for are reblogs. maybe even a nice comment or two! it’s been made pretty clear, however, that the lack of interaction and interest in supporting creators stretches far, far beyond our reach.
that said, not all hope is lost! if this fest has done anything, i think it’s encouraged people to try new things artistically and really push the boundaries of what it means to make a #f1edit. at the end of the day, isn’t that what this is all about? being on the side of art, encouraging creation, fostering support? if we can continue to push ourselves—and really enjoy the act of creating—doesn’t our spirit count for anything? 
so i’ll sign off on this by saying one last thing: stay passionate about the beauty you give to the world. it matters, regardless of the notes, the likes, and the comments; it matters, and most of all, you matter.
thank you, everyone! a gold star for each of you ⭐️
-xo ames
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syneilesis · 1 year
Unfinished Synfic #2
Obey Me! | Satan x Reader; rom-com AU
In a curious turn of events, you’ve become the caretaker of six cute kittens, and have caught the eye of an equally cute, green-eyed blond.
Notes: Yes, that's actually the title; no, I don't regret it. It's been a while since I played Obey Me. I found that I couldn't juggle more than three mobile games lol the daily log in already exhausts me haha. I still have it installed so someday I'll probably play it again.
So like, in this AU, the brothers sans Satan go to the human world for some reason and they turned into kittens because they broke the law or something. You found them all sad and pathetic and so you brought them into your home to take care of them. They got attached to you like barnacles. Satan goes up to find his brothers but gets distracted by a curious little bookshop.
You're a part-time employee at Simeon's bookstore and a full-time grad student. At first you just find this blond green-eyed customer cute; he likes mystery genres too much. But then one day, he buys Howl's Moving Castle and all of a sudden you're in love.
I still have other notes for this one, like your names for the kittens (you're unimaginative sadly), but I'm too lazy to look for my notebook lol
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single bookstore worker in possession of a great inventory of books must be in want of an extra room.
“I’m not selling them,” you said, “I just need a place to store them.”
At the mystery/thriller aisle, Simeon ticked his checklist and smiled without glancing your way.
“Where do you even get your money for all your books? As far as I know, this is your only part-time job. And you’re still a grad student.”
You flinched a bit from his question, thinking about your life choices when it came to spending your savings. “Would you believe me if I said I keep an eye on sales and discounts? There are always monthly promos on this site that I frequent …”
Simeon frowned, before moving on to the romance section. “You’re buying books online?”
Oh, no. “I, ah. I mean.” What to say, what to say. “I could buy books here …”
From the bookshelves to your left, Simeon emerged, notepad under his arm, disappointment radiating from every pore of his body. You had no problems with offending people, unwittingly or otherwise, but there was something about Simeon that compelled you to avoid making him all sad and disappointed. The first time you had met him, in your interview for the part-time job, he reminded you of your grandma, all kind smile and cotton-soft voice. But that was before you discovered that he could give an impressive dressing down worthy of a ten-minute standing ovation—which you actually did, much to his chagrin.
Regardless of whether he’s kind or snarky, you just didn’t want to let him down.
Simeon sighed, already used to your impulses. “Have you even read them all?”
“Yes!” A beat. “Well, no.” Another beat. “I mean, I’m more than halfway through—”
“You should refrain from buying books for a while.”
“But think about the discounts.”
Simeon’s brows dipped and his mouth opened—most likely to give a sermon about the virtues of saving money—but whatever he was going to say was cut off by the sudden tinkling of the door chime, signalling a customer.
“I need to sort the newly arrived books; you handle this.” And with a last cursory look at the romance aisle, Simeon headed off to the storage room.
You return to your spot by the cash register, your eyes homing in on the person who entered. Tall, blond, and had a weird way of wearing his jacket. He looked at home surrounded by books, sifting through fantasy, sci-fi, romance, then lingering on the mystery section. At this point you would have asked if he needed assistance, but your preoccupation with your new batch of ordered books held you at bay. If he wanted to inquire about something, he would approach you anyway.
Minutes later, in the middle of mentally listing your storeroom options, Sherlock Holmes materialized in your line of vision.
You looked up, and all the cells in your body halted for one dazzling second.
You would’ve tilted your head and stared some more, but work came first.
“Is this all?” you asked, your finger tapping the book.
Across the counter, the customer offered a friendly smile, nodding, his striking green eyes reminding you of summer foliage. “Yeah.”
For some reason you couldn’t reciprocate the smile. “Right.”
When Simeon came back to check up on you, he found you staring at the window in a daze.
“Did something happen?”
“Not really,” you answered, voice slightly dreamy. Then you turned to Simeon, and your lips stretched into a grin. “I’m feeling productive today. I think I can solve my storage problem and my dissertation problem.”
Needless to say, you were right on the money.
One week ago, you had been dealt with a conundrum.
In front of you, blocking your way to the entrance to your apartment building, were six kittens IT STOPS HERE LOL
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rawiswhore · 5 months
Shawn Michaels, Triple H x Fem Reader- "The Good Ol' Days"
So many wrestlers during the Attitude era were Generation X'ers---babies that were born in the late 1960's and early 1970's---and many of those wrestlers came of age during the Golden Age of jiggle TV in the late 70's.
Examples of late 70's jiggle TV would be "Charlie's Angels", "Three's Company" and "Wonder Woman" starring Lynda Carter.
Not to mention, many Generation X wrestlers during the Attitude era were likely going through puberty during the heyday of jiggle TV, and you know how boys are when they go through puberty.
Plus, those jiggle TV shows featured many women in skimpy outfits bouncing around.
Speaking of Generation X, on a "Monday Night Raw" episode that aired at the beginning of 1998, you were standing in the ring with Shawn Michaels and Triple H, who as we all know during the time were playing a wrestling tagteam named D Generation X.
While you stood in the ring with them, you were wearing one of your typical very short towels covering your naked body.
Triple H and Shawn Michaels both had their long hair hanging down.
"Don't you just love that y/n is our manager?" Shawn Michaels asked the audience, and many male fans in the audience got out of their seats and cheered and applauded. "I love how she's wearing less clothes than before"
That got another standing ovation and cheer from several male fans in the audience.
"She reminds me of 'Three's Company' from my adolescence" Shawn Michaels added "How she currently dresses and bounces around".
There are probably some people think Shawn sounds like he's reciting a script with how he talks.
Some fans in the audience---both male and female---related to that and cheered for Shawn saying that.
"She's bringing me back to my days of my youth going through puberty" Shawn stated.
"Me too!" Triple H chimed in.
Some male fans in the audience who were Generation X'ers old enough to remember "Three's Company" in its prime could relate to what Shawn was saying and cheered for him saying that.
Triple H and Shawn were both staring at you with smiles on their faces, not to mention Shawn was smiling throughout his promo about you.
If only Triple H and Shawn were as horny now as they were in their youth going through puberty, but they probably are!
Meanwhile, you've been standing there with a smile on your face trying not to laugh at what Shawn is saying.
There are other male wrestlers that were Generation X'ers coming of age during "Three's Company"'s heyday---like Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho and ECW's Nova---and you wish they could talk about you like how Shawn and Triple H are discussing you, but they're in other wrestling companies now.
During your heyday in the Attitude era as well as the Ruthless Aggression era and even sometimes the New Generation era,  you kickstarted a lot of young boys' puberty and got many young adolescent boys through puberty.
Most of your fanbase during your heyday consisted of horny teenage boys, like 60% of divas from the Attitude era and Ruthless Aggression era (Sable, Debra, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler, Sunny, Kelly Kelly, etc.).
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sparkliingdust · 8 months
Would've loved her win for Best Pop Vocal Album if she did more than announce her next project and make everyone watching redirect their attention to her store to make more money and her social media instead of letting the celebration go on for all the first time winners, many who are Black women. She didn't even acknowledge the album she won for or the journey of Midnights. She used the initial Midnights announcement as a promo for the tour, then used the award as promo for another album. She had to mention she won her 13th award after Miley mentioned she just won her first after working in the industry for 22 years, and at least 17 years since her debut. Other artists would've killed to walk up there to get some proof of all their hard work like Victoria winning Best New Artist.
Like, read the room. She's used to standing in stadiums of fans giving her a standing ovation for 12 minutes, she can't see this was a room of her peers who are also there to be acknowledged too.
Would've loved her win for Grammy Award for Album of the Year if she showed a semblance of humility in saying anything about the music industry, UMG stopping artists from re-recording their masters, anything to the women in the category with her....instead of just talking about how she's not just happy at award shows but happy all the time - when so many artists talked about how hard they worked to get up there for the first time. She also dragged Lana up there when she repeatedly said no after losing in the category, and wanted to get up there so fast Lana got caught in-between chairs.
This is why I left the fandom over the holidays and was so happy to explore other artists and work 'cause the girl is in a 'how can i stay on top no matter what' era.
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jules-has-notes · 11 months
The Sing-Off, s.4 ep.7 — Finale
And then there were three. But in the spirit of the holiday season, the show brought back all ten groups for one last hurrah. Most of this episode feels more like an old school variety show than a competition, but the individual performances from the three finalists are all excellent.
Group opener
It can be easy in the modern world to discount the impact that art has on people's lives. But in times of difficulty, we often turn to music for comfort and inspiration. If this version of Michael Jackson's classic anthem doesn't stir something inside you, I don't know what else to say.
title: Man in the Mirror
original performer: Michael Jackson
written by: Glen Ballard & Siedah Garrett
arranged by: The Sing-Off arrangers
air date: 23 December 2013
My favorite bits:
the gradual layering and building of complexity throughout the arrangement
featuring a few more soloists than previous opening numbers
the eliminated groups entering the upper stage-side boxes and from the audience aisles just in time for the big key change
alternating Emoni's gorgeous riffs and Austin's high "woo"s over the full chorus
ending the season as it began, with everyone together, and a well deserved standing ovation
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Austin from Home Free was sick in the final days of the competition, and ended up whistling his vocal parts during rehearsals to preserve his singing voice for filming.
VoicePlay recorded their own version of this song eight years later, which ended up being their send-off video for J.None.
Order of performances
Nick Lachey & Jewel — "It Had To Be You"
AcoUstiKats — "Jingle Bell Rock" bumper
Ten & Shawn Stockman — "Joyful, Joyful" from Sister Act 2
Street Corner Renaissance — "White Christmas" bumper
The Filharmonic — "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" bumper
Pentatonix — "I Need Your Love" by Calvin Harris, feat. Ellie Goulding
Calle Sol — "Feliz Navidad" bumper
Home Free — "I Want Crazy" by Hunter Hayes
98 Degrees — "I'll Be Home For Christmas" by Bing Crosby
Princeton Footnotes — "Deck the Halls" bumper
Vocal Rush & Ben Folds — "Peace on Earth / Little Drummer Boy" by David Bowie & Bing Crosby
Element — "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" bumper
VoicePlay — "Jingle Bells" bumper
Ten — "Love On Top" by Beyoncé
Home Free & Jewel — "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" from Meet Me In St. Louis
a cappella 101 tutorial
five eliminated groups with Pat Benetar & Neil Giraldo — "We Belong"
Vocal Rush — "Roar" by Katy Perry
VoicePlay performance
[h/t to voiceplay_randomnness on IG for archiving this clip]
Give these guys forty seconds and a chance to riff on a classic song, and they'll give you three different musical genres that will all have you grooving in your seat.
title: Jingle Bells (commercial bumper)
original song: traditional American carol, first published as "The One Horse Open Sleigh" (1857)
written by: James Lord Pierpont
arranged by: VoicePlay
air date: 23 December 2013
My favorite bits:
staying true to their name by playing with the beats and harmonies
their outfits — The wardrobe department clearly had so much fun dressing them for every episode, and this is no exception.
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VoicePlay have never recorded a traditional version of this song, but they've done two mashups that include it – "Bollywood Jingle Bells" on their 2012 holiday album "Peppermint Winter", and "Mission: Jingle Bells" as a promotional tie-in for the home media release of "Mission Impossible: Fallout" in 2018.
A Cappella 101 segment
Nick and the other judges may have poked fun at Ben for his vocabulary, but music does have a lot of specific technical terminology and jargon. (Props to Chris Rupp for actually offering one serious answer among the jokes.) A little wordplay never hurt anybody, though.
Tour announcement
I couldn't find a clip from the broadcast episode, but this promo video seems pretty legitimate.
Group performance
If there was one consistent theme for the whole season, it could be expressed by one line from this song: "We belong together." Dozens of talented singers coming together to create beautiful harmonies and rhythms are sure to brighten someone's day. This performance certainly puts a smile on my face.
title: We Belong
original performer: Pat Benetar
written by: David Eric Lowen & Dan Navarro
arranged by: The Sing-Off arrangers
air date: 23 December 2013
My favorite bits:
all five groups starting with traditional a cappella phonations that replicate instrumental sounds
building to a powerful backing chorus
the percussive stomping and clapping in the final section
everybody leaning in for hugs at the end
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VoicePlay were a little starstruck performing with one of the biggest pop stars of their childhoods.
Several of the competitors joked on social media during the broadcast about Neil Giraldo bringing an instrument into an explicitly a cappella show.
And the winner is…
Congratulations, Home Free!
With VoicePlay mostly being in the boxes or in the middle of big groups for this episode, we didn't get a great look at their full outfits, which is a shame. Luckily, they uploaded a bunch of backstage photos to their Facebook page.
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VoicePlay's stalwart sound guy Paul and his mom were in the audience for the finale.
Vocal Rush's videographer shot some wandering videos of the post-finale party with competitors and crew members, as well as some friends and family. VoicePlay can be seen mostly in the background of the second video.
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
I hope you guys don't get upset by my opinion because I know this is a support place for Florence, I support her too but I'm going to express my pov after Chris's interview. Harry and Chris are coming out of the fake "spitgate" in the best way in the media while Olivia and Florence can't close the chapter in a positive way (I don't care about O reputation) and I know Florence is already working in other bigger and better projects but now it seems that it was only F&O that created drama on set. I think Flo should say something I know she turned the page and she doesn't want to talk about the DWD drama but her silence and how she behaved in Venice is leaving the door open for speculation; I think she should say something maybe not give details that could create more rumors but say something generic that leaves Olivia alone as the drama queen because after Chris's interview with Esquire the narrative is the whole set was peaceful no one saw drama then Why didn't Florence promote the movie if everything was fine on set? I don't know but Florence's version here has to be known sooner or later. I always supported Florence, DWD unfortunately was a missed opportunity to enjoy Harry's work and interaction with one of the best actresses of the moment although I confess that I did not agree with Flo's behavior in Venice that was the only thing I did not like form her and the condescending way in which she spoke of Harry in her Marie Clare interview she was a bit ott. I think WB accepted that she did not promote the film that was a way to respect and understand her decision, but her staylist Miss Flo t-shirts, her body language on the red carpet and leaving in the middle of the standing ovation was unnecessary and rude 😌(i'm sounding like a shipper i'm not proud of that lol), it was like throwing more gasoline on the fire and the Venice Film festival was her only promotional commitment with the movie imo there was no need for so much shade that day, this just my opinion and I hope you don't take it the wrong way, I have nothing against Flo I actually can understand her frustration with H&O because she had expectations with that film for her career and it ended up in a pathetic media circus, but why not say it? I don't think it's fair that the perception remains that she created drama with Olivia when we all know that it was Olivia's self promo decisions that caused Flo to distance herself from the project why not say it? The industry journalist supports her, the film fans support her even Twitter trolls support her, I don't know but I think Florence should close the chapter and not leave her name attached to Olivia as set troublemakers when Florence has never had a bad reputation on set. I want the entire cast to be away from the DWD mess but Florence must speak and express what bothered her nothing bad is going to happen to her career, why so much silence? .
I get exactly what you mean! With the door still being open Olivia will attach to that drama because that’s what she does
But with Flo, I think her interview she did with Variety and saying she won’t comment on dwd was quiet loud (but that’s me!!)
whatever happened with flo and Olivia was probably behind closed doors and like you said her frustration with holivia stunt; flo is the type of person to let her work speak not make a stunt to promote it!
I think maybe flo is pissed with how everything in promo went? And didn’t want anything to do with it- personally with Venice I think the way flo acted was probably to piss Olivia off and ruin the film! A film festival is big deal and let’s be honest I think they all want to forget that night! I mean flo turned up with a cocktail during the press conference when though she said she would be there in the night!
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daphnebowen · 1 year
season four notes episode 1
omg… season four came out over a week ago now??? and I’m still crying.
some things I would like to talk about, episode one edition:
“Troy and Gabriella have been silent in the group chat” literally my friends 💀
oh two months earlier phew
STOP WHY DID RICKYS DAD HAVE TO MAKE IT AWKWARD- “I’m dating her. She’s my girlfriend.”
the way Richard said “yeah, I always buckle up, look both ways- oHh 😮 yOu MeAn-“ yes Richard you are in high school now please be for real
the hug when Ricky climbed in thru the window and Gina ran over to him- AHHHH 😍
okay, but “maybe this time” is actually one of my favorite songs from the whole freaking series. Their chemistry is OFF THE CHARTS!! and when the flashbacks happened? 🫢 had me DEAD.
how Gina is all “bye Ricky 🤭🥰” blushing and giggling she can’t believe rina is real NEITHER CAN I GIRL NEITHER CAN I!!
Okay but the secret relationship thing is giving me trauma already~ this is not gonna go well
i hate Gina’s mom already
mack annoys the crap out of me
dani slayed that song
JEALOUS RICKY IS BREAKING MY HEART I JUST WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY but at the same time he needs to calm down
”high school musicale??”
when they’re “secretly” holding hands PLEASE
when Ashlyn and Maddox are giving each other relationship advice omg like how RICKY AND GINA DID THE SAME?!?!?! Come ONNNN madlyn ENDGAME
Ricky and Gina looking at each other just confirms what we’ve been knowing since season one
Emmy really wants to spill the tea about her mom huh 😂
okay but Ashlyn being on her phone during the pep rally is soooo high school and soooo annoying I would snatch that phone and throw it away (not really, but wtv)
mark and spark?????? I have a million questions. Like why is there 617 freaking episodes???? about a dog. and his owner. What??
“Woke” is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY I got second hand embarrassment from that 💀 Matt sato is giving
when everyone but Ricky gives Dani a standing ovation 😶
ashlyn is allergic to shrubs?? And she just came back from summer camp?? In the woods? Help?
the fact that they call Monique “mo” is absolutely adorable SHE LOOKS SO PRETTY FIGHT ME
rickys face when Ashlyn is talking about the “single” Gina who has had a crush on Mack since childhood has me dead on the floor 💀 ASHLYN WHY YOU GOTTA DO THAT TO MY MAN RICKY
i really want Ricky and Gina to be Troy and Gabriella it’s gotta happen right?? I mean the promos and trailer had that picture from opening night all over it…
miss Jenn is the freaking best! Although I have a feeling this movie business is gonna get in the way of her high school musical three dreams… Quinn is already moving into her office and throwing out her plants like help??
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vilkka · 2 years
So! I did it! I watched Infinity pool! yes, fuck it, finally!
What can I say? Damn, this is not the strangest film of Brandon Cronenberg, all the same, "Antivirus" is still for me the strangest and creepiest of his creations!
The cast of the film is amazing. This is a cute little girl, but in fact, the crazy bitch Gaby (Mia Gott) is just terrifying, she gives me goosebumps ...
Well Alex.. this is another brilliant work, damn it is an amazing ability to get used to the role so realistically! Oh Damn Alex what are you doing? Looking at him in this film, I forgot that this is Alexander Skarsgard, my favorite actor, I was completely immersed in the film, and did not think about anything.
Yes, of course, a copious amount of gifs and photos and a promo video from the film spoiled my viewing experience, because at some points I already knew what was going to happen and that intensity in the film did not completely embrace me, but the film is truly fucking amazing
Brendon Cronenberg low bow and a kiss to his hands for this masterpiece, Alex and Gaby - a standing ovation! Damn it! Yes, I'm sure that anyone who watches this movie will say that this is a fucking fucking movie! It is worth watching, it is interesting to discuss it, this film is definitely in the file cabinet of my favorites. Bravo!
P.S. yes, I know that sometimes I swear a lot, but damn, I'm sorry, I'll go wash my mouth with soap 🤘
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tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again, when you look at Venice or even the full dwd promo/filming as a whole, Florence was one of the most professional there. Harry, Olivia and Chris were all far more unprofessional than Florence. Olivia and harry are pretty self explanatory, we don’t need to beat a dead horse but let’s not forget that Chris Pine was meant to be doing promo on Fallon (it was one of the talk shows anyway) and pulled out at the last minute after the Venice mess and failed to turn up at any premieres after Venice. I think people forget that big production companies (like Warner Brothers - who was/is financial bother and could only promote 3 movie last year) will want their biggest stars to promote their movies and the fact Florence got out of promo without actually being busy filming something else, is pretty remarkable. They probably came to an agreement that she only done Venice in exchange for her to not speak out again Olivia. There has been multiple rumours that the drama was far worse than reported and it would have ended Olivia’s career if it got out there.
My dad works a lot with WB so I can confirm if they want to pull your ass there, they will. But yeah, in all seriousness idk why people get mad with her whole aperol spritz entrance when it has been announced she won't be attending the presscon. She doesn't need to look somber. She did what she was legally contracted to do. Also when the standing ovation thing became an issue, I remember my dad commenting it's weird because quite a few actors do leave during the standing ovation but what went wrong here is the rest followed suit rather than letting Flo leave quietly.
And even if you put Flo out of the equation, I got secondhand embarrassment from Harry and Olivia separately and together. Harry sounded like a whole dumbass. Those two made it worst by the cold shoulders in the red carpet.
As for Chris Pine, idk why people ignore that the rest of the big cast gave the film the barest minimum they could muster, especially when you see their energy on other film promos. If there's drama with Flo, why is the director the only person giving interviews. Harry is still the lead actor but not one single interview wholly dedicated to promoting the film? How is Flo the sole scapegoat here.
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jiminkookjeon · 2 months
지민 (Jimin) Official MV (youtu.be/Av9DvtlJ9_M)
지민 #Jimin_Who #Jimin_MUSE
Son come-back était juste extra,😳époustouflant🤯 j'étais tellement choqué que je suis resté figé😯 j'ai regardé son MV encore et encore sans jamais me lasser 🤭il est extraordinaire ce garçon,ce mec est né pour nous détruire🙌 mais dans le bon sens du terme🥰 la danse 💃déjà lui c'est le king mais là c'est d'un autre niveau👑 la cinématographie, les plans, les images, les ongles tout était parfait 👌 les couleurs, la vibe 🔥 mon dieu sa voix, mais sa voix😳 franchement un grand bravo standing ovations pour lui 👏👏je suis estomaqué 😍j'ai même pas les mots pour décrire à quel point j'ai aimé sa musique non franchement quel gâchis qu'il soit au service militaire il aurait pu faire la promo de sa musique, de son album, mais on aurait tellement mangé, on aurait graille sans laisser de miettes😁 je l'aime c'est tout ce que j'ai à dire 💖en tout cas continuer de streaming son album sur toutes les plateformes et envoyer lui beaucoup d'amour il mérite. The king is back 👑
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Mais regardez-moi ça n'est-il pas magnifique n'est-il pas beau n'est-il pas parfait l'incarnation même de la beauté non franchement je comprends pourquoi il en fait des jaloux ❤️
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
End of Year Travels…Part Deux.
January 1st, 2008
Happy 2008! It’s been a while since we whetted your appetite with the first part of the blog so we thought it was time for the second instalment. Let’s face it, what more do you need to help beat the post New Year hangover than our witty ramblings?
Previously on the los camp blog… (ha, I’m really enjoying going all out over this two-parter thing!)
We supported Broken Social Scene, and the venue was rather beautiful but the fact we had to get up at half five in the morning really really sucked…
…to be continued…
…this was to fly to Japan but the airline was rubbish so it didn’t make up for it. Myself and Aleks kept getting knocked in the head by some slag of a air hostess who i found rather patronizing and the film selection was appalling. [Ellen’s still bitter her screen didn’t work properly…] However the fact we found ourselves in Japan made up for it, even if it took us four years to fly there and we lost a day or something.
Japan was a incredibly surreal and bizarre experience, we’ve heard enough stories to realize that fans there are a little excitable but I did not think this would apply to us. We were most surprised when we showed up in the hotel and there were two girls waiting to have their photo taken with us [post flight – urgh that was NOT a good time, I’m surprised they recognised us], and were also present when we returned from dinner for more photos. It was a rather humbling experience of “Our you sure you want our photo again, we are not The Enemy.”
I feel there should be a separate note about the food in Japan, we ate out for dinner the nights we were there and it was a never ending conveyor belt of food, it just kept coming and coming…. and it was so good you couldn’t not have a little bit of everything. It was not so much fun for the vegetarians amongst us due to their rather healthy obsession with fish and chicken, but luckily they had a equal obsession with Tofu. I still have no idea what the hell that is made out of. We also tried sake, and it was….kinda disgusting. [Plum wine is tasty though, and at the end you get to eat the plum; which is quite exciting…if you’re easily excitable. I am.]
We played at British Anthems with a couple of bands we like such as Blood Red Shoes and the Pipettes (who we didn’t get to see because of promo). The audiences behavior was completely different to anything I have ever seen before, it would make a really boring anthropological study. They remained incredibly quiet between bands, all polite and courteous, and then when we started they went absolutely mental. We played in front of 2500 people (which is a lot for us) and it was one of the best gigs we have ever done. They clapped for everything, you kind of felt like you could do that thing where it looks like you were taking your thumb off and you would get a four hour standing ovation. It was maybe the highlight of our tedious little lives. We also did a signing and got given a bag of presents including a guitar lighter (which Tom nabbed and made into a bass) and some xmas cards. [There were also lots of requests for ‘cuddles’, and you know, any excuse to molest people and we’re there so that was quite endearing. Maybe our hugging reputation preceded us. ]
We did a meet and greet in HMV which was very bizarre, we all stood in a line and just shook peoples hands. We also gave out some more renegade hugs [even though it was against ‘HMV rules’ or something, but hey punk rock, innit] It was incredibly surreal and my hand shakes began to feel false by the end. We also went and saw The Pipettes DJ at some tiny little club which had adopted a London theme (they had flags) and Aleks was not happy with the playing of “Gotta Get Thru This” by Daniel Bedingfield. She found his sentiments insincere. [It was a low point…I think I left shortly after that. But I did get to walk through the ‘love hotel district’ on the way home which I didn’t realise at the time. No one tried it on. Ollie was luckier, he got chased down the street by a keen lady of the night. We think it’s because he has a lovely young face that women want to corrupt him.]
That whole night was like some weird indie disco wedding, it was all “Oh look its him out of the Klaxons” or “That’s the guy from The Enemy. This is weird.” Fun was mostly had by dancing to Girls Aloud. Also the guitar tech from The Enemy tried to start on Neil, we are still not too sure as to why… We also did some Karaoke with Blood Red Shoes, who sang Total Eclipse of the Heart with Gareth. Tom chose “Build me up Buttercup,” whilst myself and Neil did Weezer’s “The good Life.” Ollie indulged in Phil Collins (that self righteous one about the poor people and how we need to notice him and how he is so worthy and a idiot.) I think the finest moment was Harriet, Aleks and myself attempting “Wuthering Heights,” i think we all realized that perhaps we needed to know more then the chorus to make the song some kind of success. But it was nice to fulfill a cliche.
We also saw various bits where Lost in Translation was filmed which the Japanese must love being asked about. [We also spent most of our days in a office doing promo. So although it sounds like we saw a lot of Tokyo, we didn’t. We mostly saw the inside of a office. We made our mark on it however with Neil leaking permanent marker on a white couch and Ellen’s spillage of pink nail varnish on a white carpet. We also got to hold those MTV news microphones, and for one photo session they put on our album and told us to dance on a table. Yep. Oh and they gave us a long pink tube to play with for one of the photo shoots which entertained us for a long time. Probably too long. You could tell they regretted giving it to us by the end.]
Overall I think we would like to go back to Japan so when people asked us what we thought of Japan we could say something more than “The toilets are electronic! They are warm when you sit on them! It’s amazing!” I hope this was not the longest most boring and pointless piece of writing you have ever read. If you have read “If no one speaks of remarkable things,” then it isn’t. Because that book sucked. This xmas Aleks is going to Russia to meet relatives and hopefully buy me things. I intend to see some musicals. Everyone else is going to enjoy some time off so we can all come back refreshed for next years tours. [we’ve gotta learn how to play those songs on the album at some point…]
Lots of love, Ellen and Aleks x
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publictaknews · 2 years
Shark Tank: Vinita Singh, Piyush Bansal shocked as pitcher Shreyan reveals age
The sharks of Shark Tank were in shock recently when they came across a pitcher who just turned 18. Shreyan Daga, owner of a skill development company, not only impressed him with his entrepreneurial journey but also got a standing ovation from Aman Gupta. , Read also: Shark Tank: Piyush Bansal offers blank check to pitcher for safe disposal of sanitary pads, Aman Gupta reacts Sharing the promo,…
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chanelfunnell · 2 years
Anon, M is defo trained in UK armed forces.. she has toned arms compared to tiny forehand and it's visible in the chemise as well as in her last off shoulder LBD at Monday's Army Cyber sonething Dinner. laughing on the camera .She has ended her promising profi sport career in her 20.
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I can't find the tidbits about 3 children but it is not in the article called Games of Thrones - Queen Margot book. It is definitely a book's interview from 2015. She did not cover NHL games for last 3 years so I assume she has had a child and needs a babysitting like Elina or it is difficult for a woman just drag a baby across the ocean and North America from one rink to another rink. Road trips are very time consuming for any beat reporter if you ask them. She has covered 3 EURO games in UK but she lives in UK. Definitely she is over 30, at least like Sid the Kid.
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She does a lot of hands on charity but never tons of photos..She has had apparently an agreement in NYC years back she would not be photographed at the events and she did not pose. You have old photos from the red carpet so I assume she has had a lot of gowns to donate which is nice for struggling girls for promo balls. Her exbf was from Santa Barbara but she was based in NYC a decade ago, friends in Chicago and across USA. She has hosted St Martin's Dinner for army last year in Chicago where is also big Czech community but all her photos three years back are located in UK, a paddle board at Balmoral, cycling, horses, London. If you want to be private you are and it is easy to be in the press or on social media if you wish. There are couple of videos, one having fun from Kaner's curls for Sport Relief which is old, 2016. One new one on UK newspaper's website just saying Happy New Year and she is sweet like Mitch Marner looking super young but she's like Crosby or Ovechkin and defo well fit or trained because you do not keep muscles from office work as IT or pilates she follows on IN, sliding on the rope from the chopper or jumping with full gear into the swimming pool like any marine. Like Marner she is more than a baby face. Edges and angles and stride on one leg and one elbow, these quick changes need very strong muscles and flexible ankles. Possibly a former ceremonial role with an idiot big mouth as a real commander who blabbed out to UK press about marines but she is definitely trained well. It is bs you keep muscle tone after 15 years and office work over 30. It is like beggars belief that Sidney Crosby does not move a finger since his draft and early 20s. She is not definitely in her 20s, she can't be just 20+ based on Vancouver and ramblings by Mrs Troll. She's like enigma, gossiped about often, very popular, selling well anything with golden touch but she is never ever seen properly. Her last public appearance was in the end of September in Liverpool and she got standing ovations otherwise any royal anthem and a king is boed but it's based on her hands on charity work. Kathy is above these things such as Red Wings WAGs to shop for toys and pop into children's hospital because it is not a dress up photo shoot with promotion and food and fun. M is definitely Kathy's age.
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I am not posting her clothes company's iN for more reasons, just answer provided. There is NYC only, she has spent October in USA at UK aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth with golf charity in LF charity tournament in NYC for US Marines and not very much beside boring list of her charity work in UK. She Ioves visibly coffee, a documentary done about coffee and a promo reel on You Tube but boring like she is online. Promo for her dating site is funny though and she's witty in her commentary. Apparently big circus was around finals in 2019 and her legs in the short dress but it was last time perhaps what she was busy in ice hockey.
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contriite · 3 years
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