#promisedyouforever answers
Here’s a rec for the pillow fort trope. @skyler10fic ‘s Netflix and Chill Tentoo and Rose series.
Gosh, thank you! I'm not sure why we don't already have that one on the list, LOL! I'm adding it now, @lizziea2 !! 😀😀😀
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dwficfinder · 4 years
Hi, I'm trying to find an AU fic where Rose is looking at diversifying Vitex and wants to invest in wine. She meets Ten, who it turns out is the owner of the vineyard she is visiting. I thought it was called something like "the Vintner." Thank you!
Hiya! I believe this may be @kelkat9‘s Vinification. Does this fit the bill?
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promisedyouforever · 5 years
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of 10 people who reblogged something from you. get to know your mutuals and followers! (≧▽≦)
Thank you, @joi-in-the-tardis!!  Let’s see...
Going to sleep snuggled up next to my husband.  (Okay, 1, 2, 3...Awwwww!!!!)  Yes, I know, but it’s true.  He’s been working the graveyard shift for a year, but now he has only has two more weeks, then we’ll both hopefully be back on a more normal schedule!
When it snows at night and everything gets so quiet compared to the usual city wall-of-loud.  The snow covers all the ugliness, and it muffles the usual noise (and people stay indoors so they aren’t making any in the first place!).  Snowflakes glint in the light from streetlights, and if you look up you can see the flakes falling on you and all around you.  It’s so incredibly serene.
Watching tv with my husband at some odd time like 8am, after he gets home from work.  Even if I’m also doing something else, it’s just the fact that he’s there.  (We just recently finished a Babylon 5 rewatch, so now we’re catching up on Lucifer...)
My kids - we have four, all of the furry variety. :)
Reading a really, really good fanfic and having all the feeeeels!
Okay, now off to plunk this in other inboxes!  Thank you again for sending this my way. :)
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strongblacklesbian · 5 years
Your name change!! ♥♥♥♥ Most awesome!!
Somehow missed this in my inbox, so sorry! 
Thank you!!! :D
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asarahworld-writes · 6 years
Hi! I'd like to let you know you've won an art prompt from us, doctorroseficreclists! I should explain that we had one original winner who never contacted us, so a spot opened up, and the random number generator chose you! :) In your reblog you said you'd like ficart - what are your specifics? (And I should warn you that with final exams coming up next week I may not be able to work on anything for a bit, but once that's done, I'll have plenty of time!!)
Hi!  I’ve just finished my own exams (and taking some time to think about this...) I’ve been going through my fic and will be contacting you with an excerpt shortly (is that an okay way for this to work?)
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paigenotblank · 5 years
Hey! I’m attempting to get back into the Doctor Who fandom, can you rec any blogs that post mostly or all Doctor x Rose or Thirteen x Rose? Thanks! :) from my dw sideblog, @a-rose-a-universe-away
Hey Cal! Sorry it took so long to answer. I was away over the weekend and this seemed like a computer answer not a mobile app answer. lol. Anyway, the following are a few of the primarily doctor x rose blogs I follow that are still active (have updated in the last month): @iamthetheoncomingshipper​ @the-wolf-in-the-police-box​ @incorrectelevenrosequotes​ @thirteenxrose​ @thetaswolf​ @badwolfxoncomingstorm​ @rosexandxtentoo​ @twoheartsandascrewdriver​ @thedoctorxrosetyler​ @petesworldadventures​ @rosetylerxthedoctor​ @hissecondheart​
The following are doctor x rose fic reclists that are focused on the doctor x rose: @tardisbibliothek​ @doctorroseficreclists​ @thedalektables​ @doctorroseprompts​
The following are multi-fandom blogs but have quality doctor x rose things often and might not be as well known as some of the early ship blogs or have been around for a while and are still very involved in the ship: @promisedyouforever​ @ialwayscomewhenyoucall​ @gingerteaonthetardis​ @sunniebelle​ @blueboxesandtrafficcones​ @hanluvr​ @lizann5869​ @bittie752​
Hope this helps @a-rose-a-universe-away​! Doctor x Rose 4ever!!
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facetiousnotfascist · 6 years
Get to know me better... a Tag Game
Rules tag 15 people you’d like to get to know better. 
(My inner monologue went something like “15! 15!!! I don’t KNOW 15 tumblr people! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!”)
Anyhoo...I was tagged by @duckydash13 and @goodtobealunatic 
Thanks for tagging me!
Relationship Status: Married for 21 years to my high school sweetheart.
Favorite colors:  I love purple! And blue...and green... Jewel tones, mostly.
Lipstick or chapstick:  Chapstick, without a doubt. At any given time I have at least two within reach. My purse (that I hardly ever carry) had 14 at last count.
Three favorite foods:  Hmmm...Pizza is definitely up there. Fried Chicken with mashed potatoes & gravy (I’m counting that as one, because they go together). Milk Chocolate.
Last song I listened to: Truth Hurts by Lizzo
Last movie I watched: Last movie in a theater was Bad Samaritan, and I LOVED IT!!! Last movie at home was...oh, hell, I think it was either The Decoy Bride or What We Did on Our Holiday.
Top 3 shows: I recently watched Broadchurch and loved it. I’m almost done with season 2 of Jessica Jones. (Sensing a theme, here?) I dunno, I don’t really watch much TV, because I’m too busy reading.
Books I’m currently reading: When it comes to actual reading, I am nearly always reading fanfic. But, I listen to a ton of audiobooks, and tonight I finished The Eyeless (from Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor Novels Volume 2) and have started the Big Finish Production of Technophobia (again).
Last thing I googled: The distance from my town to the town my daughter is going to college in, and the distance from there to the town where her potential roommate lives.
Height: 5′ 5″
Time: 11:10pm CST
Song stuck in my head: Anita Ward’s Ring my Bell (Thanks to the Wal-Mart commercial.)
What are you wearing: Super soft yoga capris and my softest shirt (dressed for bed, although I won’t go to bed for hours)
How many blankets you sleep with: Sheet, blanket, comforter (or Duvet). It doesn’t matter how hot it is, my arms have to be under a sheet at the very least.
Dream Trip: Hmmm...I dunno...we’re not really travelers, but the coolest place I’ve been recently is a family vacation out to Colorado Springs, Colorado. It’s lovely out there.
I tag @enysskullee @phan-direction @thetraciwho @promisedyouforever and anyone else who sees this and wants to answer it. No pressure. No obligation. Just all in good fun.
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kelkat9 · 7 years
promisedyouforever answered your question: I find it surprising that people push marketing...
Boxes in the basement, actually. But we’ve given so many away. Paperbacks are too expensive now. It’s online or the library, and now that the library sends books straight to the kindle…
This is my problem. I have years worth of books that no one wants so I was just curious what people who still buy paperbacks do with all of them. I couldn't even give them away at garage sale and that doesn't even include a few hardbacks I have. I hate to toss them but I'm reaching that point. It physically hurts me to throw out a book :(
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Do you take recs if I sent them? Because I have a lot
We would love them! Are you the same Nonny who asked earlier? Here is the info, in any case! 😊😊
Absoutely!! You can send a submission or an ask to us here, and/or you can send an ask to me @promisedyouforever, to @chiaroscuroverse, or to @skyler10fic! We’d love to read them!
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dwficfinder · 4 years
Hello! This fic has been nagging me for weeks now, but I can't remember the title or find it anywhere. It's ten/Rose posing as a married couple to investigate some sort of hotel or something by a lake. It's mature/explicit rated because there's a sex scene in it. I'm pretty sure it was multiple chapters :o
Hi! This sounds like Mr. & Mrs. Smith, by WhoMe. Could this be what you’re looking for?
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promisedyouforever · 6 years
25, 27 and 14 for the FF asks? :)
Ooh, okay!  Let’s see:
#25: a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
OMG, just one??!?  Wow.  Okay, I’m gonna go with the one that immediately comes to mind that many may not have read - just re-read it recently.  It’s an older one (2011), but oh, so good:  Choreography and Sound Effects, by zazie (it’s adult).  The writing is so, so entertaining, and there is No Angst (TM), just a really fun, wry-humoured, not-a-care-in-the-world “first time.”
#27: favorite fanfic author of the year
Yipes!  I don’t even know where to begin, and there’s no way I could choose only one.
@goingtothetardis , without a doubt, for EVERYTHING!
@lastbluetardis for some fantastic soulmate hurt/comfort (putting two of my favourite tropes together there) and accidental bonding, and the hurt/comfort/cave/sleepingbag trifecta... not to mention the au goodness!
@chiaroscuroverse & @fleurdeneuf for their amazingly touching Love Always, The Doctor (au) and their awesome NinexRose smut that’s also so much more - Looking Glass (this was actually last year but I’m counting it anyway).  Also @chiaroscuroverse‘s Civil Twilight (NinexRose adult) - ♥.♥!  And much more...
I’m leaving out a whole lot of other absolutely fantastic writers, I KNOW, but I need to stop now or I’ll spend all day answering this.  (I’m not kidding!)
#14: a fic you didn’t expect to write
Oh, my!  Well... I am appalled to realize (just now) that I have not posted any fic in 2018.  Wow.  I need to do something about that.  I’ve been spending a lot of time on coding and art, and I do miss the writing.
I think the one thing I really never expected to write is Christmas on Doomsday.  I’m not a big Christmas person, though I do enjoy the season, and I never thought I’d actually write something along these lines.  BUT, last winter break I found myself doing just that, never dreaming it would come to anything... Ha!
Thank you for the ask!! ♥
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Hi there! I know you have a whump list already, but I want to read some of the fics but I'm not sure if some of them have smut as they're all rated adult. I'm extremely uncomfortable with smut but I love whump so it would be appreciated if you could update and mark the ones with smut if possible. Hope that's not too much to ask.
Hello! I’ve gone through our current whump list and specified which have explicit sex and which don’t. There are four on the list right now that fit the bill for you, and one is an entire series, LN29′s Step by Step. Should’ve done this sooner -- I hope it’s helpful!
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dwficfinder · 4 years
Hi, I'm trying to find a 10/Rose story (maybe a series) that I read at least 5 years ago. The TARDIS saved Rose's life when she was sick or hurt but it caused Rose's life/immune system to be dependent on the TARDIS - if she lives outside the TARDIS too long, she will die. At one point the TARDIS was damaged and Rose started getting sick. They also somehow ended up on Gallifrey for a while, and the Doctor got involved in Time Lord stuff and Rose worried he didn't really want her around anymore.
Hiya! I’m not sure this is it, but could it be Time is Still A-Flying, by @chocolatequeennk? It’s series 3 with Rose, and they’re separated from the Tardis during Blink, which starts around Chapter 32...?
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dwficfinder · 4 years
Okay this is a real long shot and I don't think it was on any of the main FF sites (could be wrong). It was very huge myth level story telling and my clearest memory of the fic is the doctor and rose being ancient and staring out at this planet/town with all their descendents at the end of the fic, maybe from a cave or mountain? Maybe about to chose to die? Even if this fic is gone if someone knows what it was I would be so grateful it's felt like a fever dream for years. I think it was long too
Hi, Nonny! I’m afraid this one doesn’t ring a bell at all. Can anyone else out there help? ~pyf
Aha! @ennairea suggested Disheveled by Rabid1st, and @sublimateradiate seconded that! I think this is the one you’re looking for. It’s now on Ao3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/1104035
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dwficfinder · 4 years
Hi I am looking for a fic that takes place during season 3. I can't remember how exactly, but Rose is still with the Doctor. I specifically remember the episode 42 and the aftermath where the Doctor and Rose avoid anything hot and basically have PTSD and won't go anywhere warm and I'm pretty sure Martha ends up dealing with this and figuring out how to help. I can't remember if it was a rewrite of all of series 3 or just part of it but if anyone knows what fic this is, that would be awesome!
Hiya, Nonny. I’m afraid this doesn’t ring a bell.
Can anyone else help? ~pyf
@ ennairea and @doctorrosetennant and have pinpointed this as a part of With Starlight in Their Wake, by Wintermoth. The episode 42 begins at Chapter 26.
Thanks, you two! ~pyf
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dwficfinder · 4 years
Hi, im looking for a fic I read the 1st chapter of aaaages ago. The doctor and Rose were both 'fobwatched' and they started a family together, eventually they both open their watches or remember in some way but they think the other is still fobwatched and try to keep playing along. That's all I can remember. Thanks 😊
My apologies, folks. Things are so, so behind! I’m queuing up a bunch of these today to try to help some readers out here.
Can anyone help this Nonny? ~pyf
@rosienoble (sorry tumblr won’t @-mention you!) suggested Chameleons, by Daniel_Without_a_D. This is a wip, but it looks like it has what you were looking for, Nonny - thank you, rosie! ~pyf
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