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kiraisrika · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel: Trace The primal Light 2/3
Finally its here!!!
Link to part 1 : xxx
Link to redesign poll ; xxx
Lets talk about Villains
In HH season 1 the big bad villain is Adam and well...lets just say he serve his purpose...not in a good way tho
I know, yes, HH tone fits with his characterization but i have more expectation for the big bad of HH. In my eyes and partly because of my own religion, i would expect him to be more of a fatherly type, and its just doesn't make sense that he enjoyed the extermination this much considering the sinners is his children. I would assume he would be the type that is forced to that pedestal because he believe its for the greater good.
- And then i have the idea, how about instead of Adam, his son is the villain? Cain, the first murderer, the father of evil its just so fitting, he is after all the first human who spilled blood on earth.
In my rewrite Cain is the Villain, the big bad, the perfect contrast to Charlie.
Cain is a sinner no doubt, but because of the forgiveness of Abel he is able to rise to heaven and "Cleansed" all and all he's a total hypocrite. He is the one who pitched the idea od extermination believing that it will protect heaven in an extent, himself.
Cain is someone who held beauty in high regard, he believes heaven is beautiful and sinners are not, it can threaten the baeuty of heaven and he cannot allow that.
He often calculate others move silently, thinking of every possibility and because of this he is an excellent fighter. His only concern can be split to 3 parts;
1. Will this benefit me?
2. Is this thing/person will get in my way?
3. Will this bite me in the back later?
He has affection, ofcourse but its so far in between.
He is everything that Charlie's not, he is selfish, hypocritical, pessimistic and manipulative.
And so, that concludes the big bad of the show what about other villains?
- Lute is what you call the villains right hand man, she truly believes that angels cannot do anything wrong, if it were it must be for "The greater Good" she don't Follow cain blindly no no no, she believed that what's he's doing is for the grester good, and so she follows him.
- Vox, unlike the original IS Alastor REAL rival.
Alastor and Lucifer isn't as involved as the original, Lucifer doesn't trust Alastor yes, because of how unexpected he is and he doesn't like the fact a man like him is near his daughter. With the surge of the internet and introduction of modern technology in hell, it safe to assume that Alastor if anything at all will atleast be wary of Vox, him being the one who have dominion over the new rise of technology means that it will overshadow his old timey Radio.
They have a real rivalry, trying to one-up each other in every way possible, Alastor is as invested in this as Vox is
OG Vox could never
- Valentino in my rewrite is more serious, he is more like a spider than angel dust is, he will not be afraid to use physical or psychological torture to torment his victims.
He gets in Angel's head alot, he will gaslight and guilt trip Angel to do his bidding, his only concern is money and power.
because he has Velvette and Vox on his side, He nearly Has every information in the pride ring and that's how he trapped his victim inside his grip.
If anything were to happen, its okay, he has control over hells information network, and he intented to use it anyway
Season 1 episode 9
As i promised you, its finally here
Episode 9 as i was saying is the prolog episode that will lay out season 2 and tease possible theories.
Season 1 ending with the hotel gaining traction, and getting more popular. But not with a slight hiccup, Cain and Abel founds out, Abel is delighted by this this can possibly be another way to control hell's overpopulation with less blood to be spilled while Cain is concerned and stressed, an unexpected variable has come in his way, and he intend to get rid of it.
In the end episode 8 he planted a bug down down to hell, to where the hotel is, trying to spy inside the hotel.
In episode 9, with the hotel gaining more popularity each time the main cast works together to handle the customers, including Sir pentious and in the end they have a celebration surprised party for Charlie because she has worked so hard.
In the party they have fun, and Sir pentious watches silently while smiling, he has finally found his comfort place a place where he shouldn't act "Evil" for the sake of attention because he was finally enough.
But suddenly a smoke emerge from the party scene, Vaggie immediately took a stance, Alastor grabbed his microphone all the cast present freezed.
It all happened too fast.
The bug appeared, lifting Pentious to the air and stabbed him with it's sting he can only say "i'm sorr-" before he was cut off with a deeper stab that choke him.
The bug disappeared, leaving the heavily injured Pentious to fall, Charlie immediately runs to catch him, but before she can even touch him his flesh, skin, everything turned into that of a rose petal.
The cinematic shot pans over the kneeling Charlie, the cast, the countless roses petal that covering the entire floor, only leaving his hat and clothes to spare.
And Vaggie recognized that all too well.
The screen cuts off and slowly a calming humming sound can be heard.
The scene switched to a man sitting down in front of a table and caressing a single rose, its all a dramatic tonal whiplash from the scene earlier, this scene seems bright, light coming in clearly through the window, showing the beautiful golden hour, cinematic shot showing besides him a single vase with 6 roses i. It.
The humming stopped, he bought the flower in front of face, revealing the man's eyes but not his identity.
"Rose petals look so much prettier when its removed from it's thorny stems don't you think?" that man say seemingly to told no one else but himself.
Then, footsteps can be heard from outside that room, and then a voice rang "Cain, are you ready yet?" revealing the man's identity.
The man's grip tightened around the rose, breaking apart the petals from it's thorny stem, and he leave petals falling softly to the table, saying "yes, wait a minute"
The camera still focuses to the petals as door closing can be heard offscreen, then the camera pans out slowly, showing the table, the chair, and the vase ontop of it, containing 6 roses left.
A single rose petal drop down to the floor and the episode ends.
Cain and Vaggie
Now with episode 9 finally out of the way lets talk about Vaggie more in depth now.
I already covered most of what i dislike about Vaggie in my part 1 post so lets get straight to the point.
I wanted Vaggie to be more involved with the narrative without Charlie and actually have a character outside of being Charlie's girlfriend.
Vaggie once named Valitas, is Cain's favourite disciple. Cain took her under his wings since childhood and train her how to fight, Valitas respected Cain alot and admired him, and Valitas is one of the few people Cain actually cares about.
So when Valitas "betrayed" Cain, Cain draw an X with her own spear to her left eye and blinded her. Cain is hurt, Vaggie is hurt.
Vaggie always had a dream of that night, or her memories of training and sparring with Cain
Despite the calming tone of the dream, she will always woke up gasping and screaming.
This will be finalized in season 2! I will talk about it in part 3!!
Oh and btw feel free to give me ideas for the guests or even Cain and Abel, because i havent settled on Their designs yet
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springfallendeer · 2 months
Adventures in the Dataverse: 000
000: Prolog
Strange digital creatures, native to the Digital World; an ever expanding universe, found within the confines of the internet.
They are vast.
They are varied.
They are feared, and they are admired.
They are hated, and they are coveted.
Some people are fascinated by them. Some, disgusted by them. Others still are completely indifferent, despite the bizarre phenomenon that has allowed these creatures to come to be at all.
They are what happens when the Digital World bleeds into reality. When data and AI alike work together to create a fully self aware entity with wants and needs all its own.
And for some reason, they are instinctively drawn to humans. Seemingly by design, which has been strongly implied by their creator.
Little is known about it. The creature that rules over all of the digital space.
The entity that lies at the center of it all, constantly gathering and interpreting data.
The seemingly supernatural being which has unlocked technological abilities otherwise thought impossible to achieve.
The Datamaster. The metaphorical mother and father of all that exists within the digital realm.
A creature so secretive and yet so deeply tied to humanity, that every action it takes can somehow be traced back to some desire to be involved with them.
Perhaps because it owes its very existence to humanity.
With no humanity, then the internet would never have been invented. Without the invention of the internet, the unknown program; or series of programs, involved in the creation of the Datamaster would never have come to be. Which meant no Digital World, and in turn no Databeasts.
Love and hate.
Trust and fear.
Desire and indifference.
All ranges of possible thought and emotion seem to exist within the Datamaster, all at the same time. Thus prompting it to do things that both fascinate and terrify humanity as a whole.
Gifts of lifesaving food and medicine, dropped directly into impoverished countries. Delivered directly from the digital realm, in the form of raw data turned organic.
The restoration of buildings and landmarks following natural disasters. Seamlessly restored to the prime state of being, as if updated by some sort of system. The only permanent consequences being the lives that might have been lost along the way.
Human life cannot be replicated.
But strange imitations of life, built upon a foundation of randomly compiled data, can be made.
Hence, the Databeasts. Made to fill the Digital World with life, and to further the Datamaster’s connection to humanity.
Those chosen to partake in the peculiar game receive an experience that can neither be bought nor replicated.
The selection process is unknown. Though some of its rules have been discovered, or at least appear to be.
People without access to the internet cannot be chosen to receive a Databeast. Those without a digital record cannot be contacted, nor can they be studied for the sake of a proper assessment.
People with an active record of violence appear to be banned from selection. This is regardless of whether or not the violence is tied to a criminal record, as Police Officers and other people in “Professions of Violence” have yet to have any reportings of selection.
Similarly, Politicians or other people of heightened power have yet to have any reported instances of selection.
In other words, people who are known to be dangerous and people who have a level of authority over a large population are incapable of being selected to play the game. Likely because providing such people access to Databeasts or to the Digital World could spell disaster.
The potential risks of having these luxuries abused could lead to a surplus of suffering in the world. Suffering that the Datamaster appears intent on avoiding, to the best of its capacity.
For this reason, multiple versions of the game actually exist.
One exists exclusively to entertain children, with a rating of 16 and under.
This child-safe version of the game is comparable to having a Tamagachi. The main focus of the game will be playing with and socializing with Databeasts. Battles take place exclusively in the Digital World, to assure that no accidental harm can befall underage players and those around them.
The minor friendly version of the game is safe, fun to play, and a step up from the typical video game; because the player can legitimately interact with their digital friend in real time, in the real world.
The second version of the game is referred to as the “Soft Adult” version.
In this version, the risks and rewards of rearing Databeasts are brought into the real world. Battles can take place either in the Digital World, or in the Physical World. They are intended to take place in designated zones, where the potential damage to unrelated civilians can be kept to a minimum.
People can get hurt. Property can be destroyed, even if only temporarily. Yet these risks are thought to be worth it, as players with access to this version of the game can literally make a living off of it.
This being because players with the “Soft Adult” version of the game now have virtually unrestricted access to the Digital World. Which allows them to do things like take pictures of real world food, convert those pictures into Data, and then upload that Data into the physical world.
Some people consider this process theft. Others consider it a means of cheating a system meant to keep the majority under the control of a minority, through strict control and regulation of resources.
Either way, many Databeast trainers find a way to make the most of their opportunity. Usually by selling goods or services that are in high demand, without most of the extra strings involved. Such as relying on a third party for a reliable supply of goods. With the only restrictions being that most controlled substances, like drugs, tobacco, and alcohol cannot be obtained through this process. 
Excluding drugs meant to be used for purely medicinal purposes, though they cannot be sold at all or otherwise distributed to people who are not in need of them.
The Datamaster knows all. It is malevolent and well meaning, but not foolish. Therefore, it is willing to provide things like insulin or epipens to those who are in need of them. But it is not foolish enough to provide medication to people who would otherwise abuse their use.
The third version of the game is something of a mystery. Something thought to be sort of a Schrodinger's Cat; both real and imaginary, depending on whether or not access has been granted to this version of the game.
The “Full Adult” version of the game, as it is called, is said to unlock access to things that are completely off limits to all other players. Such as the ability to breed Databeasts. Either with other Databeasts, or with people.
Supposedly this version also eventually leads to the ability to craft things like drugs or alcohol, albeit with the same sort of rules that can be applied to the general game. Nothing of this sort can be distributed or sold for the sake of being misused.
Granted, the now available drugs are said to specifically belong to the cannabis variety. Though this, much like the existence of the Full Adult version, is largely considered to be a rumor. Mostly because only those who have unlocked access to this version of the game can access any of these benefits, meaning that anyone without access to it are therefore incapable of verifying its authenticity.
But that is yet another fascinating aspect of the game. The aura of mystery that surrounds every aspect of it.
From the Datamaster to the purpose of the game itself, no one really knows all of the answers. Odds are, no one ever will.
Such is the will of the Datamaster… Or is it? You wouldn’t be able to know for sure one way or the other, thanks to the astounding lack of answers.
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that-one-sketch · 1 year
I have this really cool cross over idea that has already been tried in the Fossil Fighter Amino, but hear me out. I will touch on that later.
Fossil Figher X Undertale
I got 3 things I am going to talk about here
1: How I see this working
2: The basic plot line (that's the long bit)
3: Who uses what Vivosaurs and side quests
I will touch on the AU that as been made already. It's called Fossiltale, but doesn't really feel like the name 'Fossiltale' to me. It gives me more of a 'Vivotale' due to all the characters just being in Vivosuar form rather than using the core functionality of both games. But I can understand that I didn't coin the name first, so if someone can come up with a better name for this AU, feel free to make a suggestion. I will make a poll if there are some really good ones. For now, I am going to call this AU Fossiltale Above.
1: How I see this working
Plot should be the starting part of this AU, but I want to get this out first. The humans and dinaurians live together. For those of you who have played Fossil Fighters, this means this is taking place after the First game, and before the second.
I see the two games as existing in the same time line, but maybe with some time in between. Maybe a life time or two from the first game. And a hand full before the second.
So we may hear mentions of The first game's heros and characters but never meet them. Dr. Diggings, Hunter, Rosy, Duna, to name a few.
There is a map in Fossil Fighters that I do hope I can redraw. We will see.
2: The basic plot
After Hunter saved the world from the world eating monster, Guhnash. The world welcomed a new kind of people to live among them. The dinosaur shifting race Dinaurian. They quickly formed an alliance with humans. With Dr.Diggings being their ambassador/negotiator.
As the two races worked together, the two races soon saw their world grow with a new set of impressive technology and Vivosaur discoveries.
They built great sky ships, and amazing water diving technology. Along with Dr.Diggings' time travel machine, the world was heading to a better place.
That was 20 years ago.
-The start of Fossiltale-
[Note from Sketch: If this was the title screen of Deltarune, you can choose to be Human or Dinaurian in this AU. ]
Aircrafts had started disappearing in the lower hemisphere. Some reporting a strange fog, then all contact would cut off.
Expeditions reformed to find these missing crafts. Above water, below water, as well as the waters surface near the last locations.
However most of these were spoty. As the locational trackers on the aircrafts would jump all over the place.
One evening, however. The fog was spotted from the air and reported in. A group of scientists where sent to see the fog in person.
However, it would seem the only way in was from the air, as the fog would confuse instruments that was on surface level. Leaving most to be turned around. Back from where they started.
Under the water surface was no better. As underwater volcanic activity would make it near impossible to get through.
The group had tryed to see of satellite scans could help them see beyond the fog. Maybe even how big the area was.
Not much could be seen from the scans images. But the size of the area was condeinced to 3 Islands. With one small one, a med sized mass and a large Cresent shape with a large dip near its center.
So the only way to see this new location was a death sentence. That being, fly into the fog.
Some information on this land was found through an sncient story, found at the Digadigamid on Vivosaur Island.
The legend goes as follows:
Humans and monsters once lived together on the earth. However, monsters welded magic. Making the humans feel scared and weak.
Till one day, humans found a way to revive dinosaurs. Humans found this as a way to protect themselves from monsters.
And then a war broke out when a human and monster was killed.
Humans soon found a place to seal the monsters away, on an island. They had revived a legendary Ocean Vivosaur.
With it's power put an end to the war. They had the ocean split a huge circle around a secluded batch of islands, and a great fog was crafted to keep anyone away from the monsters. To prevent them from being released. As well as keep them in.
The Monsters were never thought of again.
After the story was found, most of the scientists found it as hoopla. Nothing more than some crazy thing that could only be found in a village like the Digadigs.
However, alas, thatbwas their only lead to what could be happening on this small part of the world.
The group of scientists had given up on seeing this new place on the map. All except three.
The three gather the materials and funding. Even after being told this was a suicide mission countless times. The three set off to chart the new world.
The plane last seen flying into the foggy abyss.
-Character selection-
[Character selection includes the choose to be a human or a Dinaurian. You don't get to customize them. Your customization comes with whatever Vivosaur you end up choosing.]
[(If human)Your 5 Vivosaurs to choose from. Spinax(air), Onyx(water), Ourano(earth), Stygi(fire), and Tophis(neutral)]
[(If Dinaurian) You get asked a questionnaire based off your likes and dislikes. Dose not include favorite typing, that gets choosen from the questionnaire. Along with what range and size your Dinaurian can transform into.]
-In game-
After the plan made a rough landing on the smallest island, one of the group of three [the Dinaurian aid] hangs back to see if they can fix the craft. As its not damaged, and can still fly. While two [the player and the human aid] set out to look around. Maybe dig up some fossils and back them back to clean.
(Add a joke about none of you thinking to bring more than one Vivosaur here)
Lucky for you all, there are a lot of earth and fire type fossils there. Most of them being ones that have been discovered, only two that haven't been.
A great break through for all of you. You have found Vivosaurs that have yet to be found. However, the ship is still down, but short range commission still works for the ship and your guys radios.
The Dinaurian, chooses to stay on the ship. Keeping a log incase something happens to everyone. As well as a place to be transferred back to if anyone gets knocked out or hurt from anything in the island.
(Insert of the human aid making a joke about monsters here)
As the player character and human aid travels they meet a Flower monster going as, Flowey the Flower. They look like a white Marigold.
Flowey wants to make sure you can survive in the ruins of 'New Home'. So He shows you how to battle.
[The same battling system from Fossil Fighters Champions is here. However, there is a safe zone still. But this time, you can swap out one Vivosaur.]
[You can choose obe of the waiting Vivosaur from your green side bar. Your opponent can not see this side bar, and ether can you see theirs]
So when you knock out all of Floweys team, he sends out a level 20 and wipes the floor with your level 1-4 Vivosaurs. The human aid also dose not stand a chance.
As Flowey goes on some speal about taking your soul to be come stronger they are blasted away by Toriel and Maia.
Toriel dose a line about how bad of a creature Flowey is and helps you all. Shows you the ruins and awsners questions the human aid asks.
At some point of you leveling up and getting more Vivosaurs. The human aid asks Toriel if there is a way to leave the small island to get to the other islands. Or even if their is away out of the fog.
Toriel goes quiet and runs off. Before you go rushing the Dinaurian aid saids they have the ship up and running. But only for a little bit, as the system will go back off at some point.
So as the player and the human aid travel back to the ship, they are confronted by Toriel.
Toriel launches a fossil battle, saying something about asgore wanting your SOUL's and technology.
However Toriel is beaten. And as such let's the party leave the small island.
As the aircraft gets into the, it soon shuts off, and crashes on to the mid sized island.
The human aid requests to stay in the ship as this land is much too cold for them, and they don't have a third jacket.
The player and the Dinaurian aid travel, but end up getting lost in a sudden blizzard. The short range radio cuts off during the storm.
As you make your away through it, it seems to die down, as the player character wonders down the snowy trail. The player dose in counter some stick breaking, and strange flapping sounds.
[There are no fossils to find during this moment, and there is no way back due to the storm that is behind you]
You find a strange bridge with a large open tooth gate. The player character founds there is someone behind them and asks them to turn around and shake their hand.
A short interaction plays, and the player is introduced to Sans the Skeleton. He tells them that he is to lazy to fight a human in a fossil battle; as that's something his brother wants to do.
Hearing some snow crunching a head, Sans dose ask if the player character is willing to lose to him.
The player can't hit the option fast enough as a larger skeleton in knight attire starts an interaction.
After some small punning from Sans, and the playing finding the large skelly's name is Papyrus. The large bone man ops to leave you alone for now, as he is to frustrated to fight. But he would like to train against the player in a Fossil battle so he can be ready for the Fossil Tournament that 'Mettaton' is hosting.
With that Papyrus Neh heh heheh's away.
Sans shrugs, says something about the storm getting ready to change directions, and something about 'helping out an old friend'.
When the player character's hears the Dinaurian side down the trail from where they came from, as well as some static from the radio.
Sans is gone when the play turns to see him again.
This is alot of open time to find some neutral, water, and air types to add. [The Air typing is the harder one to find]
Also, side quest are open here. As well as some og Undertale battles. [As some are too young to have Vivosaurs, or just refuse to use them. But there is a lot of excited talk about this tournament that will happening in a few days]
[After the player is ready to move forward] the player gets stuck in a snowstorm. And Papyrus requests to battle them. He states that he wants a 'real battle' and 'not to hold back'.
Papyrus starts the battle.
[If you loose three times to Papyrus. He will let you go. (Passive route from UT.]
The player defets Papyrus, and you move on to find a water Marsh.
[More side quests here and the earth type Fossils turn rare here. Air is still rare. But there are a bunch of new water types here.]
You and the Dinaurian aid soon meet Undyne who starts with an OG Undertale battle. Making it way to hard to get away from her. With the help of the Dinaurian aid being a raptor, you both get away from her.
[After some more side quest and a battle with Muffet as she is out for a vacation in 'Waterfall'. So mini boss battle]
Undyne starts the bridge chase, this time she riding on Futabi to keep up with the Dinaurian aid's raptor form.
When Undyne has you cornered, a stray yellow whale comes out of of the water and bites the platform.
After some goofy side quest to get out of the while named 'Bonehemoth'. You and the Dinaurian find yourselves in a dump area. And after finding some makeshift, and old, cleaning/revivel area, you find the bridge back is broken for now.
Good news though! The human Aid was able to fix the teleaporter. The player and the Dinaurian request teleaport. [When ready of course.]
After some talking, and goofy side quest with dating Papyrus later, you all get the air craft waterborn. Making all of your guys lifes easier.
As the ship drifts down tword the dump area, the Dinaurian wants to fix the bridge that connected the two spots of the middle island.
After some side questing to getting bridge stuff later. The three manage to fix the broken bridge. Much to the monsters delight.
You were all about to move on to the large Cresent shaped island, however Undyne gets on top of the ship, and demands a battle.
The player character gets on top and is about to start an true battle when someone [Papyurs] says something about battling honorably with Vivosaurs.
Reluctantly, Undyne starts a fossil battle. Saying something about wiping the floor with the player character.
After Undyne's epic battle, she saids she can help you get over to the Cresent island.
So Undyne joins your party, and comes onto the ship.
As you all travel, the party starts to ask Undyne someone questions. Undyne has a few of her own.
[Long story short, questions on SOUL's, LV, HP. The missing aircrafts and their pilots. While Undyne's questions are about Dinaurians, technology, and... anime?]
However, at some point you some in contact with a large thunderstorm. Forcing the aircraft to become a submarine for a bit.
And the ocean floor was very calm and, somehow, illuminated with soft blue glow. However, it was all short lived as underwater currents became to treacherous for the not suited water craft.
Undyne points the group off to a cave and the group finds a small cavern full of blue flowers and glowing lights. Undyne joins the player in walking around the area. Reading monster history and talking to the local monsters.
[Side quests and Fossil digging goes, the newest fossil found here, are the starter ones. These ones are considered rare in the foggy region.]
Soon enough, the player character and Undyne locate an elevator shaft. The player goes to report it in when the ground suddenly shakes. The walls open and lava starts to spew out of walls.
The player trys to seal the walls with rocks to buy time for the en habitats to ether get in the makeshift submarine, or dive into the ocean. [Most are water monsters, so they are built for it]
With most on board or in the water, the crew make their way up to the sea's surface. Where, with the help of the local monsters, managed to get past the thunder storm.
The crew of three manage to make it to the Cresent island. The local cave dwellers thank you for helping them. And leave to live in the, suddenly hot climate.
Undyne decides to leave too. And leaves with a 'thanks'. And disappears on Futabi in the oceans murky deaths.
The group turns to look at what is a head of them. The Dinaurian looks over the ship one last time, saying it dose not have enough energy to fly without a strong enough power source.
And so. The player and the Human aid travel the new area. And this Volcanically active, and metal covered plan is riddled with fire type Vivosaurs.
[Side questing some more, and og Undertale and Fossil battles]
The two soon find a Lab next to the volcano. And some how, the rock it is on is levitating.
Entering will lead to the encounter with a yellow lizard who saids they have been watching the three of you and your journey through out the Fog Regions. [That is what these islands are called. That you Asgore]
After talking to the lizard named Alphys. A boxy lookubg cleaning bot named Mettaton starts a quiz on the players knowledge of Vivosaurs, as well as the Fog Regions.
[Making sure your paying attention ;)]
After Alphys interruption on Kissy Cutie, Mettaton blasts off, leaving a hole in the Lab's roof.
The human aid asks if there is some kind of power source that is strong enough for an aircraft, in the Fog Regions.
[Long story short. Achievement: Core idea unlocked with the combined effort of the Dinaurian aid, Alphys, and mysterious notes]
Alphys, is willing to help make a mini power source for the aircraft. However, the only draw back is that you will have to run some errands for her.
[Mettaton puzzles here, fossil digging there and some items exchanges over yonder]
All Alphys is missing to make your aircraft an aircraft again is back in the dump, that is located in Waterfall. For now, the ship works for water again.
As you all ready to head back to the ship. Mettaton blocks your path in a show room and starts a Fossil battle.
[Mettaton tells you about this being his mock battle fottage for the big championship he will be hosting in a few days.]
Once defeated, Mettaton let's the player go. Thanking them for show.
Diving back underwater, the three plus Alphys head toward the dump.
[After doing a battle and item exchange quest from the mad dummy. The power core was fixed. Also shipping moment happens here for Undyne and Alphys. Though, it is a side quest]
Alphys and Undyne tell the group that if they want to leave, they will have to talk to king Asgore. However, they will have to walk to his kingdom.
[Some really long walking later, optional side quest, and Fossil digging to the castle. Most of the fossils being air, and neutral types.]
The three arrive to the kingdom of Stone Fort. (It was a fort in the beginning.) There are some trading, shops, and inns here.
[Okay so two things can happen here. 1 thing being if you completed all the side quests up to this point the player can go talk to Asgore out right. If the player has not completed the side quests, the guardsmen at the door will just tell the player a watered down verson of what Asgore would tell them, but for this, we will assume the side quests were completed]
The guard grants you access as the three show off 5 diffrent ore based medals.
The group pass a yellow hallway to into the kings chamber, that is filled with diffrent colored marigolds.
The group request to leave the islands and to tell the world of their discovery of the Fog Regions. Asgore refuses, but is willing to make a bet for how admit the group is.
If, they they becomes the champions in the Fossil Tournament. He will let all of them leave unharmed. If only one of them becomes champion, then he will the winner choose only one to leave with them.
The group seemed unsure, but in their mind. If two of them gets out, they can come back and get the other. They end up agreeing.
[After some time to do some digging, side questing [True lab, and snail race], leveling, and Vivosaur group testing]
The championship has arrived. [Its very much a reference to OG Fossil Fighters] everyone is ready for battle
[Order goes how you want it to, its more or less in the air. Everyone is here, from some random guy in Snowdin, to Undyne, but its up to how you played, is who you fight. There is no Sans battle here, and if there was, he didn't put effort in. He would also be your first opponent, if it was a neutral route(there is no Geno route in this one, due to the 2 extras). But the last battle has to be Mettaton. As this is the glamer show, where his arms fall off and he dose the 'ask the audience thing']
The player is the only one who wins out of the group, as the player had to fight the other two to get to the winners spot. (Asgore knew they had to fight each other. He felt pity and let the option of, 'take a friend with you back out')
Your friends choose to stay behind, and take a breather, while the player goes to talk to Asgore.
However, the player is stopped by Sans. He goes on about how he is the Judge and that he was watching the three of them all while they went. [Based on how you played, Sans will tell you through dialog if it was a Passive or Neutral play though]
After that Sans leaves, by walking twords the door the player needs to walk through. The talk with Asgore goes as expected.
He didn't plan on any of you leaving. That he needs your SOUL's to free his people, so they can see the beauties of the world, and the stairs they can barely see at night. [Thr fog covers the sky, its really hard to see things]
Asgore will you choose a fossil battle or a True battle. [Fossil Fighters or Undertale system]
Both are difficult. [With Asgors's Fossil battle being on the same level of BS as King Dynal at the end of the OG Fossil Fighters game]
After defeating Asgore, you are free to leave. With the others only getting there at the end of the battle.
As all three are getting ready to leave. Flowey returns. Taking both support characters in vines. Flowey goes on a rant, and force the Player to choose who they favor more. The human or the Dinaurian.
Whatever chose is made, the two fight off again Omega Flowey as he absorbs the 7 SOUL's that have been collected.
[A fossil battle against Omega Flowey and the other Aids Vivosaurs become corrupted by Omega Flowey.And you get to use the Dinaurian's Dino form, or the human aids main lead in your battle.]
After Omega Flowey is defeated, and the other side character saved. The whole undertale crew comes to help. But only helps to form the worse and hardest battle yet as Flowey trys one more time to take the SOUL's. But this time. Its everyone's SOUL.
Asriel Dreemurr challenges the three to a True Vivosaur fight.
[A battle where its still Fossil Fighters battle system but has the player forced to ride their Vivosaur around on the field to escape Asriel's attacks. And when all the Vivosaurs LP hits zero, the only Vivosaur that is still standing is the player's ]
Asriel goes on his speal, and when he downs the player and their Vivosaur, they just keep on refusing. Making Asriel lose his patience and is defeated. [The ending of UT]
When the player meets younger Asriel, they tell them their dream to be the best Fossil Fighter with their sibling, and wanting to go see them in the ruins before the fog is lifted.
[Some soft stuff happens, feel free to fill this blank]
The fog is gone and monsters can see the sun for the first time in centuries.
And the player gets a call on their long distance radio.
-- Epilog--
Monsters are living amongst humans and Dinaurians. All learning off if each other.
Vivosaurs have only gotten strong after being introduced to Monsaurs [I will touch on this in 3]
The scientists who found the monster as crazy, have no choose but to believe in monsters (even though Dinosaurs breath in their world)
[Add some side quests and seeing how everyone is doing. Even meet some human and Dinaurian characters]
The group of three have one last night together before one leaves [the one you didn't choose in the flowey fight]
The player and the other side stay there, gazing at the stairs as the end pops on screen.
[That took a whole day to write. I don't want to go back over that. Bite me. And if you made it this far. THANKS FOR READING, ALL OF THAT. No, really. Thanks! If you want to put your own spin on it, go for it!]
3: Who uses what Vivosaurs, and side quests
Perhaps you have picked up on it, but most of the base UT plot is side quest, or filler. Mainly because, that's all stuff I would love to be a love letter to thoughs who want to see their favorite characters own small plot.
Now I will touch the Monsaurs thing. In the Fog Regions, the monsters didn't have access to the technology that the humams did. They had some blue prints, rough ideas, and magic. So the Vivosaurs came out, less like projections and more like the monsters that made them.
So the Monsaurs (Vivosaurs but more magic and monster looking) will look, act, and live like their Monster owners.
The bone Brothers have Boneysaurs (not exactly like Fossil Fighters Champions Boneysaurs, but close. Maybe even their inspiration for the Boneysaurs)
Undyne's Vivosaurs are rough, and armor.
Mettaton has Robosaurs
The Royals, have more mammalian like Vivosaurs. (Not saying the ones that exist already, I mean like T-rex looking like it got fused with a goat if you wanted)
Ect. To the others.
Who uses what Vivosaurs is more up to the person, as their are a lot of new discoveries made in the paleo world. So I will give a rough idea on everyone's preferences on typing.
Flowey - Neutral in the beginning, Air at the end
Toriel - Fire
Papyrus - Earth and Air
Undyne - Water
Mettaton - Air and Fire
Muffet - Earth
Asgore - Neutral all the way around (and still a BS level fight)
As for Sans, if you manage to get this lazy ass to fight you. (Which I don't see happening). He will have a stacked team with a Legend Monsaur being a Fire type, while the others are Neutral.
I see the battle with Sans as a small chance of winning. As his only weak link would be that Legendary Monsaur that looks like his blaster in T-Rex form, or even Neo. (If it is Neo your choosing as the base for this Legend Monsaur. Neo is A Neutral type Vivosaur. This will make Sans impossible to defeat.)
But that is what I have in mind for Fossiltale. I will make some drawings, and small story bits. It may go nowhere, but I wanted to share this. And see what y'all think about this.
Is it dumb? Is it a good idea?
You tell me. And if you made this far. Have a good night. And thanks for reading ALL OF THAT. I know my Dyslexia hit me a lot in this post. But I am tired to go back and fix rn.
3 notes · View notes
hillbowman · 2 months
Hill Bowman
Born :
2472 BCE
First Transition, Past
2472 BCE
April / May
Copyright © September - 15th, 2018
Table of contents:
Table of contents:
Historic review:
Article publication preface:
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
Chapter 7,
Chapter 8,
Chapter 9,
Chapter 10,
Chapter 11,
Final Note
" In The Service Of…":
Long before the advent of organized astronomy ancient man had the capacity to perceive his natural and created environment.
The presumption that ancient man is less intelligent or analytical than technological Modern Man is a fallacy.
After all, how do you think we got here.
Further, the hypothesis that Humanity will be ( in the far flung future ) somehow morally better as a biological organism or individual then the man of today is also a fallacy.
The fundamentals psychological objectives of humanity as a species and man as an individual has been exactly the same since the dawn of time. Man will continue to operate on the fundamental psychological frame work we now have through out the continuum of humanity as a species.
The bulwark of human psychology is in individual and as a species is as follows…
To explore:
To claim:
To occupy:
To conquer:
To discriminate:
To wage war:
Rinse & Repeat:
This is been the Hallmark of humanity sense the dawn of time. To expect the human psychology to alter in any significant way is rubbish.
Anyone who professes that the human psychology will ultimately grow morally lives in delusion and has forgotten the fact that singular man is the apex predator on this planet.
~~Somewhere along the~~ northwestern Fringe of what would become the Persian empire within the geography of what was still considered the Sumerian city-state.
2472 BCE
Second Transition
2472 BCE
September / October
Chapter 1
First breath
~~At a local trade market~~ somewhere along the borderlands of the Persian & Assyrian empires.
History, Environment:
2450 BCE
In the land that would soon be the ruins of the Sumerian (first dynasty) which was crumbling due to constant warfare with neighboring societies. Further, overgrowth of population and reduction of raw resources due to a changing natural environment sealed the coffin on Sumer as well as Arcadia and open the door for the Assyrian and Persian Empire’s.
All the while... The first dynasty of upper Egypt was steadily cruising right along.
2334 BCE: "
Sargon the Great":
2334 BCE:
Sargon began conquering weaker city-states. Although the civilization of Ur existed as direct predecessors and Arcadia as a contemporary of The Sumerian Empire. The Arcadian Empire is considered by many modern historians to be the first Empire in human history
Story line Date:
2451 BCE
First Transition, Past
2451 BCE
April / May
Chapter 2
Some is choice, Some is fate…
~~At a local market~~ somewhere along the borderlands of the Persian & Assyrian empire...
History, Environment:
2450 BCE
In the land that would soon be the ruins of the Sumerian civilization (first dynasty) which was crumbling due to constant warfare with neighboring societies, overgrowth of population, reduction of raw resources due to a changing natural environment.
2334 BCE: "
Sargon the Great":
Sargon began conquering weaker city-states. Although the civilizations of Ur and Sumer existed as direct predecessors of The Arcadian Empire. Considered by many modern historians to be the first Empire in human history
Story line Date:
2450 BCE.
Second Transition, prior
2450 BCE.
August / September
Chapter 3.
Some things never change...
And some things change forever.
~~ Sol 4 ~~
agricultural settlement
:plot 10,184
34 longitude, 18 latitude
Historic Environment:
2086 AD.
Many people consider the date May, 5 - 2086 AD. as the inauguration of the first real, population propelled expansion of the human species in to space as in enter planetary / enter galactic space fairing species…
… Upon receiving transmission confirmation that the first Stepping Stone’ enter-planetary space vessel had achieved stable orbit and was beginning to harvest resources around the planetoid of Pluto
2086 AD.:
The end of Nations:
With the idea long in the minds of world leadership from decades back 132 countries around the face of the planet capitulate to establish the UN as international singular world government.
Storyline date:
2148 AD.
January, 22
2148 AD.
Deep Cold
Chapter 4
Man Perpetual
~~Along the southern Coast ~~ of Venice Italy.
Historic Environment:
The Era of Papal Supremacy
1492 AD.
July, 23
1492 AD.
Deep Heat,
Chapter 5
On A Tour Of Every Ghetto In America
~~Some where in the desert~~
of Central New Mexico
Historic Environment:
The era of Corpratocracy in the guise of
‘free and elected government’.
2024 AD.
June, 1
2024 AD.
Deep Heat, Prior
Chapter 6.
Title ??
Historic Environment:
Chapter 7.
Title ??
Historic Environment:
Chapter 8.
Title ??
Historic Environment:
Chapter 9.
Title ??
Historic Environment:
Chapter .
Title ??
Historic Environment:
Chapter 10.
Title ??
Historic Environment:
This page for your notes and thoughts:
ISO... Historic review and prologue
History Review:
History Biography Geography Science Games.
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Ancient Mesopotamia
History >> Ancient Mesopotamia
" " "
Ancient Mesopotamia is called the cradle of civilization. The first cities and empires formed here.
Power changed hands many times throughout the ancient history of this area. It went from the Sumer to the Akkadians to the Babylonians to the Assyrians back to the Babylonians back to the Assyrians and finally to the Persians.
5000 BC - Sumer form the first towns and cities. They use irrigation to farm large areas of land.
4000 BC - Sumer establish powerful city-states building large ziggurats at the center of their cities as temples to their gods.
3500 BC - Much of lower Mesopotamia is inhabited by numerous Sumer city-states such as Ur, Uruk, Eridu, Kish, Lagash, and Nippur.
3300 BC - The Sumerians invent the first writing. They use pictures for words and inscribe them on clay tablets (Cuniform).
3200 BC - The Sumerians begin to use the wheel on vehicles.
3000 BC - The Sumerians start to implement mathematics using a number system with the base 60.
2700 BC - The famous Sumerian King Gilgamesh rules the city-state of Ur.
2400 BC - The Sumerian language is replaced by the Akkadian language as the primary spoken language in Mesopotamia.
2330 BC - Sargon I of the Akkadians conquers most of the Sumerian city states and creates the world's first empire, the Akkadian Empire.
2250 BC - King Naram-Sin of the Akkadians expands the empire to its largest state. He will rule for 50 years.
2100 BC - After the Akkadian Empire crumbles, the Sumerians once again gain power. The city of Ur is rebuilt.
2000 BC - The Elamites capture Ur.
1900 BC - The Assyrians rise to power in northern Mesopotamia.
1792 BC - Hammurabi becomes king of Babylon. He establishes the Code of Hammurabi and Babylon soon takes over much of Mesopotamia.
1781 BC - King Shamshi-Adad of the Assyrians dies. The First Assyrian Empire is soon taken over by the Babylonians.
1750 BC - Hammurabi dies and the First Babylonian Empire begins to fall apart.
1595 BC - The Kassites take the city of Babylon.
1360 BC - The Assyrians once again rise in power.
1250 BC - The Assyrians begin to use iron weapons and chariots.
1225 BC - The Assyrians capture Babylon.
1115 BC - The Second Assyrian Empire reaches its peak under the rule of King Tiglath-Piliser I.
1077 BC - Tiglath-Piliser dies and the Assyrian Empire becomes weaker for a time.
744 BC - The Assyrian Empire becomes strong once again under the rule of Tiglath-Piliser III.
721 BC - King Sargon II takes control of Assyria. The empire grows stronger.
709 BC - Sargon II takes control of the city of Babylon.
705 BC - Sargon II dies and Sennacherib becomes king. He moves the capital to Nineveh.
668 BC - Ashurbanipal becomes the last great King of Assyria. He establishes a great library in the city of Nineveh.
626 BC - Ashurbanipal dies and Assyria begins to crumble.
616 BC - Nabopolassar takes control of Babylon back from the Assyrians and crowns himself king. The neo-Babylonian empire begins.
604 BC - Nabopolassar dies and Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon. He will rule for 43 years and bring the Babylonian Empire to its peak.
550 BC - Cyrus the Great rises to power and the Persian Empire begins.
539 BC - Cyrus the Great takes the city of Babylon and lets the Jewish people return to Israel.
522 BC - Darius I becomes King of Persia. He expands the empire and divides it up into states each ruled by a governor called a satrap.
518 BC - Darius I establishes the capital of the Persian Empire at Persepolis.
490 BC - Darius I attacks the Greeks. He is defeated at the Battle of Marathon.
480 BC - Xerxes I tries to conquer the Greeks with a huge army. He is eventually turned back in defeat.
333 BC - Alexander the Great invades the land and conquers the Persian Empire.
Learn More about Ancient Mesopotamia:
Timeline of Mesopotamia
Great Cities of Mesopotamia
The Ziggurat
Science, Inventions, and Technology
Assyrian Army
Persian Wars
Glossary and Terms
Akkadian Empire
Babylonian Empire
Assyrian Empire
Persian Empire Culture
Daily Life of Mesopotamia
Art and Artisans
Religion and Gods
Code of Hammurabi
Sumerian Writing and Cuneiform
Epic of Gilgamesh
Famous Kings of Mesopotamia
Cyrus the Great
Darius I
Nebuchadnezzar II
Works Cited
History >> Ancient Mesopotamia
Historic timeline courtesy of
History, biography, geography, science, and games
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“ “ “
Mesopotamia was an ancient land. It lay between and around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Most of it was in what is now the country of Iraq. There are some river valleys like the Nile where yearly flooding is predictable. This was not the case for Mesopotamian rivers. The currents were more violent. That meant people living there had to work harder to produce food. Also, resources like wood were rare. This meant that societies in Mesopotamia had to trade or fight with each other to get the resources they needed. Five thousand years ago, Mesopotamia was a land of city-states.
“ “ “
Historic foot notes from:
Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians
~~By Bennett Sherry~~
Google search: free PDF download.
‘pdf’+’Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians’
" " "
“ “ “
Most people lived in walled cities. There were dozens of city-states. Each was ruled by its own king. The city-states were often at war with each other. Over time, the city of Akkad grew stronger than the others. Around 2334 BCE, it began conquering the other cities.
“ “ “
Historic foot notes from: Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians
~~By Bennett Sherry~~
Google search: free PDF download.
‘pdf’+’Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians’
" " "
“ “ “
3000 BCE, the cities of Mesopotamia were mostly Sumerian. Sumerian was the major language of Mesopotamia until this time. It was also the world’s first written language. The Sumerians invented a writing system. It is called cuneiform. city-state is a political system. It consists of a city and the surrounding land under its control. City-states can be ruled by a government. Or, they can beruled by a king.
Bennett Sherry
“ “ “
Historic foot notes from: Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians
~~By Bennett Sherry~~
Google search: free PDF download.
‘pdf’+’Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians’
“ “ “
“ “ “
Around 3000 BCE, a new people arrived in northern Mesopotamia. They spoke a Semitic language. We call them Akkadians. The name comes from the city they built, Akkad. The Akkadians ruled history’s first empire. An empire is a political system. A strong state is at its center. That state controls weaker states around it. A bunch of different ancient empires rose in Mesopotamia because it was pretty easy to get to. By contrast, the Nile river valley was surrounded by desert and hard to reach. This is why Mesopotamia was home to the first empires. It was a bunch of separate city-states on fertile land that was easy to march an army across.…
“ “ “
Historic foot notes from:
Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians
“. “ “
~~By Bennett Sherry~~
Google search: free PDF download.
‘pdf’+’Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians’
" " "
“ “ “
The Akkadians:
One of Akkad’s kings was a man named Sargon. He was the founder of the Akkadian Empire. In 2334 BCE,
Sargon began conquering weaker city-states. Sargon had the world’s first full-time army with 5,400 soldiers. With it, he built the world’s first empire. It ran from the Persian Gulf to Turkey. The Akkadian Empire did not last long. It fell apart soon after Sargon died. Mesopotamia then returned to being a group of warring city-states. But before long, another empire arose.
“ “ “
Historic foot notes from:
Rise ofEmpires: Akkadians and Assyrians
~~By Bennett Sherry~~
Google search: free PDF download.
‘pdf’+’Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians’
" " '
“ “ “
The Assyrians:
The Assyrian Empire followed the Akkadian Empire. It was much longer-lived. It lasted from 2025 to 609 BCE. The Assyrian empire had three stages: the Old Kingdom, the Middle Empire, and the Neo-Assyrian Empire. For 1,400 years, the Assyrian Empire controlled Mesopotamia. The Assyrian Empire began with the city of Asur. This city had been ruled by Akkad. After the Akkadian empire fell, Asur conquered several nearby cities. Nineveh was one of them. It later became the Assyrian capital. By the seventh century BCE, the Assyrians ruled a huge empire. It stretched from Egypt to Iran.…
Historic foot notes from:
Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians
~~By Bennett Sherry~~
Google search: free PDF download.
‘pdf’+’Rise of Empires: Akkadians and Assyrians’
" " "
Weights, Measures, Currencies and Time increments
One 'Shell’, literally a seashell during the time of it's use, held currency value (spending power) roughly equivalent to a modern U.S. dollar throughout the duration of its use as a coin currency. Though just a humble object.
the Sea Shell was used as currency by humanity from the Dawn of man through out antiquity.
Discoveries of modern archaeology suggest that standardized currency such as the seashell have existed in almost every Society of humanity for as long as we have been able to count 10 fingers on our hands and 10 toe's on our feet.
There is some archaeological evidence suggesting standardized currency possibly predating even metallurgic smelting capabilities...
Not just barter and trade but also a standardized currency and banking structure are apparent innate necessities of the human socio-mechanistic structure. Possibly preceding the city-state of Ur, Sumer and Arcadia
At any rate; the humble seashell remained a critical component of organized trade for multiple societies beginning possibly as far back as 9000 BCE all the way through the birth of recorded civilization and written history. Only falling out of favor towards the end of the 4th century BCE.
Thus making the humble seashell the longest running coinage in continuous circulation in all of human history.
No Wonder as its inflation rate was 1/1000 of 1% per century…
" " "
Shells have been used for at leastfour millennia as a bargaining chip in China and Europe, and when metal coins became popular, they were often re-produced on them. The profile of a cowry, a shell always linked to the concept of money, appeared on the first coins of the Western world around the 5th -4th century BC.
" " "
https://benthamscience.com › chapter
Chapter - Shells as Currency - Bentham Science Publisher
" " "
" " "
Wikipedia -
Shell money
Shell money is a medium of exchange similar to coin money and other forms of commodity money, and was once commonly used in many parts of the world.
" " "
Commerce, trade, and early forms of currency can be documented for thousands of years before the first coins were minted in southwestern Turkey in the 7th century BC. Exchanges of goods and services before that time were tracked by detailed receipts and notations that took many forms. Among the earliest are represented in the show by clay balls that contain small tokens that represented numbers
" " "
The 'Talon' when first minted is bileaved to be by many historian is believed to represent the economic value of a healthy fertile Bull.
Talon :
One ‘Talon’. the ‘Talon’ was a printed gold coin of standardized weight.
equivalent to the largest coin currency value in the Roman Empire.
For example 100 gold Tallens would purchase a hundred head of prime cattle or secure you a very nice Roman Villa, with surrounding yard and Gardens...
Then next two highest exchange
of currency would be contract exchange
of materials or agreements of Allegiance...
And then of course the sword
and poison...
Time :::
in ancient instrument of telling time consisting essentially of a stick at the center of a circle with the shadow of the stick indicating the chronology of the transit of the Sun.
Lengths and Distance:::
Historic preface concluded:
0 notes
ifieldsmart · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide to Top 10 Construction Management Software
 The Ultimate Guide to Top 10 Construction Management Software
Cloud-based and AI-driven construction management software has transformed construction project outcomes through improved data accessibility, real-time collaboration, automation, risk management, document management, and reporting and analytics.
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Construction management entails coordinating and overseeing various project corners including planning, scheduling, risk reduction, collaboration, budgeting, and quality assurance. As the construction landscape continues to pose complexities and challenges, it is critical for construction managers to latch onto cloud-based construction management software to realize projects within schedule and budget, driven by high quality standards.
Traditional processes and tools related to construction management aren’t able to cut it for complex, cost, and time-driven projects. Current construction management software are cloud-based reinforced by advanced AI and ML algorithms to manage the gamut of activities to track and manage construction. A single dashboard with multiple tools pre-integrated within the platform fosters simplicity, visualization, collaboration, and performance to achieve successful construction management outcomes.  
Roadblocks observed with legacy construction management processes and tools.
Without or outdated construction management software, projects can develop complications due to:
Version control issues
Limited document accessibility
Communication setbacks
Data silos
Restricted scalability
Absence of real-time insights
Inefficient workflows
Data-security lapses
With diverse construction management software available in the market, it can be daunting to select the right one for your firm and projects. The following article is an ultimate guide to top 10 construction management software solutions that offer a spectrum of capabilities for diverse project and company needs.
Top 10 construction management software to realize project wins.
1.      iFieldSmart Technologies
iFieldSmart Technologies is an end-to-end construction management platform that supports various teams to manage construction projects from start to finish. With a strong suite of tools for project planning, collaboration, scheduling, document management, analytics, and budgeting, iFieldSmart fosters communication, transparency, and productivity across various building phases to ensure high-impact outcomes.
2.      Procore
Procore is a construction management software that helps project teams simplify tasks from bidding to closeout. With offerings like document management, real-time collaboration, mobile accessibility, scheduling and budgeting, Procore improves communication and efficiency.
3.      Autodesk BIM 360
Autodesk BIM 360 is a cloud-based construction management platform that provides end-to-end solutions for BIM workflows. It supports collaboration between stakeholders, renders real-time model and data access, issue monitoring, clash detection, and document management to augment coordination and efficiency.
4.      PlanGrid
PlanGrid as a construction management software is designed to streamline document management and field collaboration. It offers various features to access, share, and annotate documents and drawings in real-time including offline and online. PlanGrid tools refine productivity and communication to improve project coordination and reduce errors onsite.
5.      Trimble Prolog
Trimble Prolog is an all-inclusive construction management software solution that streamlines project workflows and controls. It provides various tools for managing RFIs, Submittals, schedules, budgets, and a spectrum of other features on a unified platform to manage project data and validate accountability. Trimble Prolog delivers real-time reporting and insights to support informed decision-making.   
6.      Viewpoint Vista
Viewpoint Vista is a fully-integrated construction management software platform that offers simple, yet formidable modules for project collaboration, resource management, job costing, and finance management. Using customized dashboards and reporting features, Viewpoint Vista delivers real-time visualization into project performance to elevate profitability and efficiency for contractors by simplifying resource allocation and improving operations. 
7.      Buildertrend
Buildertrend is again a cloud-based construction management platform customized for firms that specialize in residential construction. It provides tools for document management, scheduling, client management, etc. Buildertrend encourages real-time collaboration between project participants to improve transparency for the entire project lifecycle. With an intuitive interface and mobile app, it augments project efficiency and fosters client satisfaction.
8.      ConstructionSuite
ConstructionSuite built by UDA technologies is a construction management software built for SMB’s with tools like scheduling, estimating, project and client management. Its offerings include tailored templates and workflows to simplify project processes and deliver real-time project reporting and tracking for better profitability and efficiency.  
9.      Jonas Premier
Jonas Premier works as a fully integrated construction management and accounting tool with features like subcontractor management, job costing, financial reporting, and billing. A user friendly dashboard with tailored workflows improve efficiency, standardize operations, and increase project profitability for faster construction management.  
10.  Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate
Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate is an in-depth construction management software built for mid-sized to large developers and contractors. It provides modules for project management, estimation, accounts, and property management. Sage 300 delivers accurate analytics and actionable insights to standardize workflows, fuel informed decisions, and enhance the chances of project success.
Future of construction management software with AI and ML promises unprecedented advancements
AI algorithms are sent to optimize planning, resource allocation, and scheduling to reduce costs and delays. Machine Learning (ML) will continue to improve predictive analytics, preempt potential issues, and recommend real-time solutions. IoT integration will foster smart construction tracking, improve safety, and productivity. Automation within robotics and drones will transform tasks including material handling and site surveying. Ultimately, AI and ML will transform the construction sector to drive efficiency and sustainability for expedited, safe, and cost-effective project handovers.
The construction industry will continue to evolve at every building stage and present challenges for participants including architects, contractors, sub-contractors, project managers, and owners who would need a simple, yet influential construction management software. From the above content piece, it would become clear for you to select an appropriate construction management software that would make the required difference and deliver projects on time, budget enriched by high-quality standards. 
Visit: www.ifieldsmart.com
0 notes
blogchaindeveloper · 6 months
Skills required to become an AI developer
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The employment environment is changing due to the exponential expansion of automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. It is predicted that automation will affect almost 800 million professionals globally by 2030, requiring a change in job duties. Exciting opportunities are emerging in this disruptive period, especially in AI engineering. The abilities, credentials, and employment opportunities needed to succeed in this field will be discussed in this article. In this changing environment, we'll also discuss the significance of AI certification and AI prompt engineer certification. 
Recognizing the Function of an AI Developer
First, understanding developers' more significant responsibilities is essential to thoroughly appreciate an AI developer's work. Developers are IT specialists who create computer software using a variety of programming languages, such as R, Java, and Python. They are also known as programmers or software engineers. While AI developers strongly emphasize AI, they share many duties with traditional developers. 
Integrating AI capability into software applications is the primary duty of an AI developer. This position focuses on the smooth integration and application of AI logic and algorithms into IT project deliverables, as described by The Enterprisers Project. 
The Increased Need for AI Programmers 
It's easy to see why there's an explosion in demand for AI engineers. Applications ranging from chatbots and driverless cars to virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri are driven by artificial intelligence. The need for qualified AI specialists is growing due to businesses and organizations' eagerness to realize AI's enormous potential. 
By 2025, the worldwide AI market is expected to have grown to an astounding $190.61 billion, and future estimates point to even more significant development. Though worries about AI taking jobs are still present, AI is expected to create many more new job opportunities than it will take away from existing ones. 
See also: How Do Peer-to-Peer Networks Operate and What Are They? 
Principal Duties of an AI Developer 
Depending on the role, an AI developer's precise tasks may change; however, the following is a rough rundown of what they usually do, as provided by reputed coding school Le Wagon: 
Address business challenges using AI software.
Design, develop, implement, and monitor AI systems.
Explain AI systems effectively to project managers and stakeholders.
Develop data ingestion and data transformation architecture.
Stay well-informed about the latest AI technologies.
Train team members in the implementation of AI systems.
Programming languages like Python, Java, and Scala, deep learning platforms, cloud computing platforms, and AI products like IBM Watson are just a few of the tools and resources that AI professionals rely on. 
Languages for Programming AI Development 
Programming language proficiency is essential for the creation of AI. The following languages were listed by Ideamotive as some of the top choices for AI development in 2024: 
Julia's Educational Needs 
A bachelor's degree is required for entry-level jobs; ideally, it should be in a related field like computer science, artificial intelligence, robotics, or engineering. A master's degree can significantly improve one's professional prospects and offer insightful knowledge of the sector, even though it may not always be required. 
Success-Oriented Skills 
A few essential abilities are necessary to succeed as an AI developer. It is crucial to be proficient in programming languages such as Python, R, and Java. Being familiar with cloud computing is also very beneficial. Beyond technical expertise, logical reasoning, excellent problem-solving abilities, and successful teamwork are all highly valued by AI developers. Soft skills, such as strong work ethics, leadership, and effective communication, are just as critical. 
Getting Accomplished in AI Developer Interviews 
Hiring an AI developer requires more than just knowing how to code. Demonstrating your creativity, problem-solving skills, and original thought process during interviews is critical. Being current on the newest AI trends and offering samples of your prior work can help you stand out. Standard interview advice is equally relevant, such as rehearsing answers to possible inquiries, learning about the business, posing appropriate questions, and following up after the interview. 
AI Developer Pay 
The salary ranges for AI developers vary depending on criteria, including experience, education, geography, and work duties. The national average for AI developer salaries is approximately $126,472, while the median wage is roughly $97,783 in the US. Typically, salaries fall between $100,000 and $150,000. 
Progressing in the Domain 
Improvement in the field of AI development depends on the acquisition of practical experience and ongoing skill improvement. AI developers must keep up with the newest advancements in AI and constantly improve their programming skills. Obtaining pertinent certifications and engaging in training courses are concrete ways to show that you are dedicated to continuing your education in the industry. 
Employers Are Currently Seeking AI Developers 
AI programmers are in great demand in a variety of sectors. Though job titles may differ, AI development abilities are essential for many AI-related occupations. AI developers are in high demand from the following industries: Information Technology, Retail, Sports/Entertainment, Education, Business and Financial Services, Government/Military, Health Care, and Food/Hospitality. 
A Promising Future for AI Jobs 
The future of AI-related careers seems incredibly bright. The employment of computer and information technology professionals is expected to rise by 13% between 2020 and 2030, indicating the field's strong growth. Surprisingly, AI is expected to generate 12 million new jobs by 2025, more than compensating for the possibility of job losses and bolstering the world economy. 
How AI Certification Can Help You Advance Your Artificial Intelligence Career 
AI certification—particularly the specialized AI prompt Engineer certification—is significant in today's quickly changing technological environment. Having the appropriate credentials is essential in a world where artificial intelligence propels innovation throughout all industries. Certifications for AI chatbots and developers show a professional's proficiency in creating, developing, and deploying AI solutions. These certificates give you a competitive edge in the employment market, where AI abilities are highly sought after and validate your expertise.
Possessing an AI certification or being a certified chatbot expert can lead to new job options as businesses depend increasingly on chatbots and intelligent systems. In addition, certification tests in artificial intelligence guarantee that practitioners remain current on the most recent developments in the field, which supports their ongoing growth and significance.
The road to becoming an AI developer requires a solid technical background, a strong educational foundation, and a commitment to staying current in a changing field. AI developers are crucial to determining the direction of technology and business as the need for AI grows. Pursuing AI certification is a significant step in advancing your career in the exciting field of artificial intelligence rather than just a business decision. 
Blockchain Council is a recognized association of subject matter experts and enthusiasts for AI and fast engineer certifications. They aim to improve the world by promoting blockchain research and development, use cases, products, and knowledge. For those who want to become certified Prompt Engineers and become experts in AI, Blockchain Council is an excellent resource for putting oneself at the forefront of technological progress.
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johnypage95 · 9 months
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monstrousmediagroup · 10 months
The top 11 programming languages for creating artificial intelligence
AI is one of the most transformational technologies, changing industries and our daily lives. AI permeates virtual assistants and self-driving cars! Ever wondered what powers these smart systems? A programming language is the answer. These powerful tools let web developers omaha design unique AI solutions that think, learn, and decide like people. This blog post will cover the top 11 AI programming languages to help you choose. Put on your coding gear, and let's explore AI programming languages!
The Importance of Programming Languages in AI
AI development relies on programming languages to realize concepts. Developers write code and devise algorithms for intelligent systems using these languages. Each programming language has its own characteristics and capabilities, so choose the ideal one for your AI needs.
AI programming languages must efficiently process sophisticated mathematical calculations and data. AI analyzes large volumes of data, so a fast language is essential.
AI-specific libraries and frameworks are also crucial. Many programming languages have robust ecosystems with pre-built tools and resources to create AI algorithms quickly.
Top 11 Programming Languages for AI Development
Computing languages are essential to the development of artificial intelligence (AI), which has changed the world. Choosing an AI programming language can be difficult with so many options. To assist you choose, these are the top 11 AI programming languages:
1. Python: AI applications employ Python for its simplicity and comprehensive frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
2. Java: Java is used to construct intelligent systems due to its scalability and cross-platform compatibility.
3. R: Famous among statisticians and data scientists for its statistical capabilities, R is ideal for machine learning.
4. Julia: Julia is designed for numerical computing and provides AI algorithms with high-performance computing.
5. Lisp: One of the oldest AI programming languages, Lisp supports symbolic processing and complex reasoning systems.
6. Prolog: Logic-based programming helps Prolog represent knowledge and solve complicated issues via rule-based inference.
7. C++: AI projects that need performance optimization generally choose C++ due to its speed and efficiency.
8. MATLAB: Popular in academia and research, MATLAB facilitates algorithm building with built-in scientific computation functions.
9. Go (Golang): Developed by Google developers for concurrency support, Go allows AI applications to efficiently parallelize computation.
10. Scala: Combining object-oriented omaha web design and functional programming, Scala delivers concise code for large-scale data processing.
Strong static typing in Haskell makes secure code writing possible without losing efficiency.
To conclude, programming languages are vital to the rapid development of artificial intelligence. The correct programming language can boost AI project efficiency and success.
AI developers employ the top 11 programming languages in this article. Unique features and capabilities make each language appropriate for AI applications. There are languages for every purpose, from Python's simplicity to Java's scalability.
Whether you're an experienced developer or new to AI development, you should stay current on programming language trends. New AI development tools and frameworks will emerge as technology advances rapidly.
NO programming language is best for all AI projects. The choice depends on project needs, team expertise, and resources. Before choosing, thoroughly consider each choice.
As we enter an era of intelligent robots and data-driven solutions, understanding one or more of these top programming languages will lead to intriguing AI prospects.
Choose your weapon of code wisely, embrace innovation, and start creating innovative AI apps!
Each programming language has advantages for artificial intelligence development projects based on requirements or preferences. Whether you value simplicity, performance, or specialized libraries, a language is right for you.
Which language should you choose for AI development?
Choose a language for AI development. Many prospective AI developers ask this. There is no single solution because it depends on the project's needs and preferences. But I can give you an outline of some prominent AI programming languages.
Python's simplicity and rich library support make it a popular AI language. TensorFlow and PyTorch are popular machine learning tools. Another common choice for large-scale enterprise-level AI systems is Java, which is scalable and stable.
R may be excellent for statistical analysis or data processing. Built-in capabilities make it excellent for datasets. JavaScript can be used with TensorFlow.js or Brain.js to construct AI-powered online apps for fans of dynamic languages.
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Future of AI and Programming Languages
As artificial intelligence advances exponentially, programming languages become increasingly important in molding its future. AI systems' capability and efficiency depend on their programming languages.
Deep learning will shape AI. Deep learning systems can analyze massive data sets, find patterns, and make accurate predictions. Python is a popular deep learning programming language due to its simplicity, rich libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch, and strong community support.
A new AI trend is natural language processing (NLP), which helps computers understand human language. Java's Apache OpenNLP and Stanford NLP Library make it popular for NLP applications.
In our fast-changing digital age, artificial intelligence has transformed many sectors. AI is changing how we live and work by analyzing massive quantities of data and making smart decisions. Every successful AI project starts with a good programming language.
We examined the top 11 AI programming languages in this article. Each language has strengths and capabilities for distinct AI development areas.
Python's simplicity, versatility, and substantial machine learning and natural language processing packages make it a popular choice. Java followed with its stability and scalability, making it ideal for enterprise AI applications.
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what-is-ai · 1 year
What Is AI In Modern World
In another example, EU co-funded KConnect is developing multi-lingual text and search services that help people find the most relevant medical information available. Some AI technologies have been around for more than 50 years, but advances in computing power, the availability of enormous quantities of data and new algorithms have led to major AI breakthroughs in recent years. In a matter of seconds, generative artificial intelligence can produce new content, such as text, images, video, and code, in response to a user-given prompt. Theory-of-mind AI are fully-adaptive and have an extensive ability to learn and retain past experiences. These types of AI include advanced chat-bots that could pass the Turing Test, fooling a person into believing the AI was a human being what is ai.
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Strong AI, also known as artificial general intelligence , describes programming that can replicate the cognitive abilities of the human brain. When presented with an unfamiliar task, a strong AI system can use fuzzy logic to apply knowledge from one domain to another and find a solution autonomously. In theory, a strong AI program should be able to pass both a Turing test and the Chinese Room argument. This aspect of AI programming focuses on acquiring data and creating rules for how to turn it into actionable information.
Some areas of medicine and science are already taking advantage of AI, with doctors using the technology to help spot breast cancers, and scientists using it to develop new antibiotics. As well as data, AI relies on algorithms - lists of rules which must be followed in the correct order to complete a task. She’s interested in understanding how our relationship with technology is changing, and how we live online.
AI programs do not need to what does ai stand for sleep or take breaks, providing 24/7 service. Indeed, advances in AI techniques have not only helped fuel an explosion in efficiency, but opened the door to entirely new business opportunities for some larger enterprises. Prior to the current wave of AI, it would have been hard to imagine using computer software to connect riders to taxis, but Uber has become a Fortune 500 company by doing just that. This aspect of AI programming is designed to continually fine-tune algorithms and ensure they provide the most accurate results possible. A superintelligence is a hypothetical agent that would possess intelligence far surpassing that of the brightest and most gifted human mind. "Neats" hope that intelligent behavior is described using simple, elegant principles .
Deep learning is a form of machine learning, and machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence.
Historically, specialized languages, such as Lisp, Prolog, and others, had been used.
AI used for Gaming – AI is also being used in video games, apart from this AI is used in speech recognition, computer vision, robotics finance, weather forecast, the health industry, data science analysis.
In a machine learning-based solution for teaching a robot how to do that task, for instance, the robot could watch how humans steer or go around the bend.
Recommendation algorithms that suggest what you might like next are popular AI implementations, as are chatbots that appear on websites or in the form of smart speakers (e.g., Alexa or Siri).
Before machine learning, if you wanted a computer to detect an object, you would have to describe it in tedious detail. For example, if you wanted computer vision to identify a stop sign, you’d have to write code that describes the color, shape, and specific features on the face of the sign. “There are ways in which robots use models like Newtonian mechanics, for instance, to figure how to move, to figure how to not fall, to figure out how to grab an object without dropping it,” says Rus. But defining artificial intelligence can get complicated, especially when other terms like “robotics” and “machine learning” get thrown into the mix. To help you understand how these different fields and terms are related to one another, we’ve put together a quick guide.
For instance, In the 1950s, scientists viewed chess and checkers as great challenges for artificial intelligence. Computers are already tackling much more complicated problems, including detecting cancer, driving cars, processing voice commands, generating text, and writing computer code. At the time, scientists optimistically believed we would soon have thinking machines doing any work a human could do. Now, nearly seven decades later, advances in computer science and what is ai robotics have helped us automate many of the tasks that previously required the physical and cognitive labor of humans. But true artificial intelligence, as McCarthy conceived it, continues to elude us. Computer algorithms are good at taking large amounts of information and synthesizing it, whereas people are good at looking through a few things at a time.
Self-driving cars
These vehicles use machine-learning algorithms to combine data from sensors and cameras to perceive their surroundings and determine the best course of action. Andrew Ng, founder of the Google Brain Deep Learning project, feeds a neural network using deep learning algorithms 10 million YouTube videos as a training set. The neural network learned to recognize a cat without being told what a cat is, ushering in the breakthrough era for neural networks and deep learning funding. For one, it’s crucial to carefully select the initial data used to train these models to avoid including toxic or biased content. Next, rather than deploying an off-the-shelf generative-AI model, organizations could consider using smaller, specialized models.
With the advent of modern computers, scientists could test their ideas about machine intelligence. One method for determining whether a computer has intelligence was devised by the British mathematician and World War II code-breaker Alan Turing. The Turing test focused on a computer's ability to fool interrogators into believing its responses to their questions were made by a human being. As cities and states roll out algorithms to help them provide services like policing and traffic management, they are also racing to come up with policies for using this new technology. It has been argued AI will become so powerful that humanity may irreversibly lose control of it.
Advances in deep learning have pushed AI into many complicated and critical domains, including medicine, self-driving cars, and education. When paired with AI technologies, automation tools can expand the volume and types of tasks performed. An example is robotic process automation , a type of software that automates repetitive, rules-based data processing tasks traditionally done by humans.
What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?
Additionally, there are many online communities, forums, and social media groups dedicated to AI where you can engage with other AI enthusiasts and experts. AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries and fields, such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and education. However, it also raises important ethical and societal questions, such as the impact on employment and privacy, and the responsible development and use of AI technology.
Robots are often used to perform tasks that are difficult for humans to perform or perform consistently. For example, robots are used in car production assembly lines or by NASA to move large objects in space. Researchers also use machine learning to build robots that can interact in social settings. Machine vision captures and analyzes visual information using a camera, analog-to-digital conversion and digital signal processing. It is often compared to human eyesight, but machine vision isn't bound by biology and can be programmed to see through walls, for example. It is used in a range of applications from signature identification to medical image analysis.
However, people can't guarantee to solve arbitrary problems in these domains either. AI is not limited by time of day, the need for breaks, or other human encumbrances. When running in the cloud, AI and machine learning can be “always on,” continuously working on its assigned tasks.
Nvidia has pursued a more cloud-agnostic approach by selling AI infrastructure and foundational models optimized for text, images and medical data available across all cloud providers. Hundreds of other players are offering models customized for various industries and use cases as well. The modern field of artificial intelligence is widely cited as starting this year during a summer conference at Dartmouth College. Also in attendance were Allen Newell, a computer scientist, and Herbert A. Simon, an economist, political scientist and cognitive psychologist. The two presented their groundbreaking Logic Theorist, a computer program capable of proving certain mathematical theorems and referred to as the first AI program. It can assess students and adapt to their needs, helping them work at their own pace.
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top-apps · 1 year
The Evolution of Programming Languages and Their Impact on Software Development
The world of software development has undergone a remarkable transformation since its inception. At the heart of this evolution are programming languages, the essential tools that allow developers to create, innovate, and shape the digital landscape. From the earliest assembly languages to the high-level languages of today, each stage of programming language development has left an indelible mark on the way software is conceived, written, and executed. In this article, we explore the journey of programming languages and their profound impact on software development, with a special focus on how they are utilized by custom software companies in Poland.
The Early Days: Assembly Languages
In the nascent days of computing, programmers interacted directly with hardware using assembly languages. These low-level languages were specific to each computer architecture and required a deep understanding of the underlying hardware. While efficient for certain tasks, assembly languages were incredibly time-consuming and limited in scope. Software development was arduous, and the process was far from user-friendly.
The Rise of High-Level Languages
The 1950s and 1960s marked the birth of high-level programming languages, designed to be more human-readable and abstracted from hardware details. FORTRAN, COBOL, and Lisp were among the first high-level languages to gain prominence. They provided a more intuitive way to write code, making software development accessible to a broader audience. This era set the stage for a revolution in programming languages and their impact on software development.
The 1970s and 1980s: Innovation and Diversity
The 1970s saw the emergence of C, a powerful and versatile programming language that played a pivotal role in shaping the software landscape. C's portability and ability to interact closely with hardware made it a favorite among developers. This decade also introduced object-oriented programming (OOP) languages like Smalltalk and C++, marking a shift towards modular, reusable code.
The 1980s saw further diversification, with languages like Pascal, Ada, and Prolog catering to specific domains and applications. The proliferation of languages opened up new possibilities for software development companies to tailor their solutions to various industry requirements.
The Internet Era: Java, Python, and More
The rise of the internet in the 1990s brought about new challenges and opportunities. Java, with its "write once, run anywhere" philosophy, addressed platform compatibility issues. Python emerged as a versatile language known for its simplicity and readability. The dynamic nature of scripting languages like Python facilitated rapid development, making them ideal for web applications.
Custom Software Development Companies in Poland: A Modern Perspective
In the contemporary software development landscape, Poland has emerged as a hub for innovation and technology. Custom software development companies in Poland leverage the diversity of programming languages to create tailored solutions for businesses worldwide. With a skilled workforce proficient in languages like Java, Python, C#, and more, these companies offer end-to-end development services, from conceptualization to deployment.
Polish software developers harness the power of high-level languages to build scalable web applications, mobile apps, and enterprise software solutions. Their expertise in languages like Python enables the creation of machine learning and AI-powered applications, driving innovation in diverse sectors.
The evolution of programming languages has been instrumental in shaping the software development industry. From the humble beginnings of assembly languages to the versatile high-level languages of today, each phase has propelled software development forward. Custom software development companies in Poland exemplify the impact of this evolution, utilizing a wide array of languages to craft innovative solutions tailored to modern business needs. As technology continues to advance, the journey of programming languages and their influence on software development remains an ongoing and captivating story.
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Embrace Cloud Technology for Your Application or Risk Falling Behind
Smaller and mid-sized hotels often struggle when deciding on their IT infrastructure, particularly with regards to selecting appropriate software. Options like Hotel Software, Back Office Accounting, and ePOS for restaurants are all potential choices for businesses, but questions remain even after selecting a software provider like Sage, Micros, or Prologic First.
Common questions that hotel owners ask themselves include whether to install software locally or host it on the cloud, whether hosting costs money, what to do if they lose their internet connection, and whether the cloud is reliable and secure. The answers to these questions have changed significantly in the past few years.
Today, hosted applications are the future of IT infrastructure. With the increased availability of 3G and 4G dongles for backup connections, losing access to software due to hardware failure is less likely than experiencing cloud infrastructure downtime.
Regarding data security, it is true that even large companies like EBay, Sony, and Apple are at risk of being hacked. However, these companies are targeted due to their high profile. In reality, no one is truly safe from hackers, whether they are working for thrills or are paid by rival businesses.
While there is a monthly cost of £80 to £100 for a virtual private server (VPS), consolidation of local servers to a single site has allowed businesses to save on hardware maintenance and backups.
Ultimately, the decision between in-house or hosted IT solutions depends on whether the business has an in-house IT department to handle system maintenance and upgrades. Alternatively, businesses can take advantage of the shift towards cloud-based solutions and leave behind traditional on-site client services. Cloud-based hotel management software overcomes the challenges outlined above and offers customizable and detailed reports. For a 30-day free trial, click here.
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jtpoint · 2 years
Why is Python best for AI?
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The next big thing in technology is artificial intelligence. Several applications have already been developed based on it. Therefore, numerous businesses and researchers have expressed interest in it. However, the most important question is: what programming language can be used to create these AI applications? A number of programming languages can be used to create AI applications, including Lisp, Prolog, C++, Java, and Python. Python is one of the most popular programming languages among them.
There are a number of benefits to Python as a programming language, including the ability for developers to create sophisticated AI systems and its popularity among businesses; the reasons are as follows…..Read more……
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mainsmgmt · 2 years
Animas z vibe
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For a list of compatible devices, please visit /dexcom-international-compatibility † The Dexcom G6 CGM transmitter can only be paired with one medical device (either a Dexcom Receiver or t:slim X2 insulin pump) and one compatible smart device (phone or tablet) at the same time. For more information, contact us on 1300 851 056. * Available for in-warranty customers as well as those not covered under their original pump warranty for a limited time. Predictive low-glucose suspend reduces hypoglycaemia in adults, adolescents, and children with type 1 diabetes in an at-home randomized crossover study: Results of the PROLOG trial. Tested up to 1 metre for 30 minutes (IPX7 rating).Ĥ. Forlenza GP, Li Z, Buckingham BA, Pinsker JE, et al. Updates only available for insulin pumps within warranty.ģ. Additional feature updates are subject to future regulatory approvals.
A full list of features can be found in the respective user guides here /resources/ġ.
Interface and features vary depending on the t:slim X2 insulin pump software version you are using. Profiles can be named individually so it’s easy to know which one to use! Plus, the t:slim X2 insulin pump is watertight, 3 so there is no need to worry about it accidentally getting wet.Ĭreate up to 6 different personal profiles, and within each profile, create up to 16 different time segments that allow individual basal rates, insulin-to-carb ratios, correction factors, and target blood glucose levels. The touchscreen is made of high grade, shatter-resistant glass. The t:slim X2 insulin pump is also ultra-strong – the aluminium case is durable and light. The t:slim X2 insulin pump’s rechargeable battery can be charged from a wall outlet, the car, a power pack or a computer without interrupting insulin delivery. All thanks to our Micro-delivery® technology and an innovative, flat insulin cartridge design. The beauty of the t:slim X2 insulin pump is that it has a slim and sleek design yet it can hold a surprisingly large amount of insulin – up to 300 units. Touchscreen technology makes the t:slim X2 insulin pump simple to learn and simple to use. The t:slim X2 insulin pump was designed to be user friendly. More information on all the features available on this pump version is available in the t:slim X2 Insulin Pump with Basal-IQ Technology Brochure here.
¶įrom the Basal-IQ technology update you can expect all the same features from the t:slim X2 insulin pump such as remote feature updates, slim design, rechargeable battery, durability and micro-delivery technology. The t:slim X2 insulin pump with Basal-IQ technology is compatible with the Dexcom G6 CGM System. The Basal-IQ feature helps reduce the frequency and duration of low-glucose events 4 by predicting glucose levels 30 minutes ahead and suspending insulin if they are expected to drop below 4.4 mmol/L, or if a CGM reading falls below 3.9 mmol/L. Basal-IQ Technology Software Update is available for existing users!
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blogchaindeveloper · 1 year
Skills required to become an AI developer
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The employment environment is changing due to the exponential expansion of automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. It is estimated that automation may affect 800 million professionals globally by 2030, requiring a change in job duties.
Exciting opportunities are emerging in this disruptive period, especially in the field of AI engineering. The abilities, credentials, and employment opportunities required to succeed in this field will be discussed in this article. In this changing environment, we'll also talk about the significance of AI certification and AI prompt engineer certification.
Recognizing the Function of an AI Developer
It is essential to first understand the larger responsibilities of developers in order to fully appreciate the work of an AI developer. Developers are IT specialists who create computer software using a variety of programming languages, such as R, Java, and Python. They are also known as programmers or software engineers. While an AI developer places a distinct emphasis on AI, they share many of these duties with traditional developers.
Integrating AI capability into software applications is the main duty of an AI developer. This position focuses on the smooth integration and application of AI logic and algorithms into IT project deliverables, as described by The Enterprisers Project.
The Increased Need for AI Programmers
It's easy to see why there's a sudden explosion in demand for AI engineers. Applications ranging from catboats and driverless cars to virtual assistants like Alexa and Sire are driven by artificial intelligence. The need for qualified AI specialists is growing as a result of businesses and organizations' eagerness to realize AI's enormous potential.
By 2025, the worldwide AI market is expected to have grown to an astounding $190.61 billion, and future estimates point to even greater development. Though worries about AI taking jobs are still present, it is expected that AI will create many more new job opportunities than it will take away from existing ones.
See also: How Do Peer-to-Peer Networks Operate and What Are They?
Principal Duties of an AI Developer
Depending on the role, an AI developer's precise tasks may change, however the following is a rough rundown of what they usually do, as provided by reputed coding school Le Wagon:
Use AI tools to solve business problems.
Create, develop, deploy, and keep an eye on AI systems.
Effectively communicate AI systems to stakeholders and project managers.
Create architecture for data transformation and ingestion.
Keep up with the most recent developments in AI technology.
Educate team members on how to use AI technology.
Programming languages like Python, Java, and Scale, deep learning platforms, cloud computing platforms, and AI products like IBM Watson are just a few of the tools and resources that AI professionals rely on.
Languages for Programming AI Development
For the creation of AI, programming language proficiency is essential. The following languages were listed by Ideamotive as some of the top choices for AI development in 2021:
Logical Prolog
Script Java
In Scale
Qualifications for Education
A bachelor's degree is usually required for entry-level jobs; ideally, it should be in a related field like computer science, artificial intelligence, robotics, or engineering. A master's degree can greatly improve one's professional prospects and offer insightful knowledge of the sector, even though it may not always be required.
Success-Oriented Skills
A few essential abilities are necessary to succeed as an AI developer. It is crucial to be proficient in programming languages such as Python, R, and Java. Being familiar with cloud computing is also very beneficial. Beyond technical expertise, logical reasoning, excellent problem-solving abilities, and successful teamwork are all highly valued by AI developers. Soft skills, such as strong work ethics, leadership, and effective communication, are just as important.
Getting Accomplished in AI Developer Interviews
Becoming hired as an AI developer certification requires more than just knowing how to code. It's critical to demonstrate your creativity, problem-solving skills, and original thought process during interviews. Being up to date on the newest AI trends and offering samples of your prior work can help you stand out from the competition. Common interview advice, such rehearsing answers to possible inquiries, learning a lot about the business, posing relevant questions, and following up after the interview, is equally relevant.
AI Development Pay
The salary ranges for AI developers vary depending on criteria including experience, education, geography, and work duties. As of right now, the national average for AI developer salaries is approximately $126,472, while the median salary is approximately $97,783 in the US. Typically, salaries fall between $100,000 and $150,000.
Progressing in the Domain
Improvement in the field of AI development depends on the acquisition of practical experience and ongoing skill improvement. AI developers need to keep up with the newest advancements in AI and constantly improve their programming skills. Obtaining pertinent certifications and engaging in training courses are concrete ways to show that you are dedicated to continuing your education in the industry.
Employers Are Currently Seeking AI Developers
AI programmers are in great demand in a variety of sectors. AI development abilities are essential for many AI-related occupations, even though job titles may differ. AI developers are in high demand from the following industries: Information Technology, Retail, Sports/Entertainment, Education, Business and Financial Services, Government/Military, Health Care, and Food/Hospitality.
A Promising Future for AI Jobs
The future of AI-related careers seems incredibly bright. The employment of computer and information technology professionals is expected to rise by 13% between 2020 and 2030, indicating the field's strong growth. Surprisingly, AI is expected to generate 12 million new jobs by 2025, more than compensating the possibility of job losses and bolstering the world economy.
How AI Certification Can Help You Advance Your Artificial Intelligence Career
In today's quickly changing technological environment, AI certification—particularly the specialized AI prompt Engineer certification—is quite significant. Having the appropriate credentials is essential in a world when artificial intelligence is propelling innovation throughout all industries. Certifications for AI chat bots and developers show a professional's proficiency in creating, developing, and deploying AI solutions. These certificates give you a competitive edge in the employment market where AI abilities are highly sought after, in addition to validating your expertise. Possessing an AI certification or being a certified Chabot expert can lead to new job options, as businesses depend more and more on chat bots and intelligent systems. In addition, certification tests in artificial intelligence guarantee that practitioners remain current on the most recent developments in the field, which supports their ongoing development and significance.
To sum up, the road to becoming an AI developer requires a strong technical background, a strong educational foundation, and a commitment to staying current in a field that is changing quickly. AI developers are crucial to determining the direction of technology and business as the need for AI grows. Choosing to pursue AI certification is a significant step in advancing your career in the exciting field of artificial intelligence rather than just a business decision. Blockchain Council is a recognized association of subject matter experts and enthusiasts for AI and fast engineer certifications. Their goal is to improve the world by promoting blockchain research and development, use cases, products, and knowledge. For those who want to become certified Prompt Engineers and become experts in AI, Blockchain Council is a great resource for putting oneself at the forefront of technological progress.
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