dujour13 · 1 year
Oooof sensory prompt time!! How about 38?
Thanks Cassy and @wonda-ch for this sweet one 💕
38. A person’s weight as they lie on top of you
“You sure clean up nice, chief.”
“Like the new look?” Siavash gave him a tired smile.
All the invigorating energy of the transformation had worn off by now except for a fine fizzing like Carpenden bubbly in his stomach. They stood on the island’s lip overlooking the cliffs of Drezen jutting black through a sepia Worldwound haze, while up here in the Court of the Lark a dome of clear sky jeweled with stars soared overhead.
Behind them a wild, drunken chorus dissolved into laughter. The festivities would go on all night.
They had killed an Archdevil.
He felt heavy. He rolled his shoulders and experienced the unfamiliar drag of wings—wings!—which should have filled him with joyful wonder, even knowing they were the gift of a half-fiend witch. Flickering butterflies danced around his peripheral vision. He gave off a faint glow like sunlight reflected from the surface of a misty lake.
Iomedae had offered him a way out and he hadn’t taken it.
The wound ached.
He held up a hand and frowned at his fingers. “I got this scar baking apple pie,” he told Woljif, pointing out a white spot on his ring finger. “Sugar dripped on it while I was taking it out of the oven. Had to sit there with my hand in a glass of water all evening.”
“You all right chief?”
“Ah… yeah. I think.”
“It’s still you in there, huh?”
“That’s what I keep asking myself.”
Woljif gave him an appraising look that gradually turned into a sly grin. “Want me to check?”
“If I’m the same on the inside?”
“Yeah.” A little shrug, a mischievous raised eyebrow.
Siavash cracked up despite himself. “I think you’d better. Come on.”
Above the Cavalry Sculptors’ camp nestled a grassy alcove hidden by hanging moss and raspberry brambles. On the way they came across Kel Five Knives, staggering to the edge of the embankment to relieve himself onto the treant grove below.
“Hey, Kel. Think you can post a lookout for us?”
“Sure thing, comrade.”
Siavash led Woljif by the hand into the privacy of the alcove and they threw down what was left of their cloaks. Somewhere above, Aranka was singing in her sultry, laughter-filled voice.
Enveloped by night, song and flowers they stood face-to-face clasping each other’s hands, Siavash’s glow reflected like flecks of flame in Woljif’s golden eyes, and neither needed to speak; all that was behind them now—the Abyss, the transformations, the fear, the clinging to one another desperately like drowning men—words could not say; and what was ahead did not bear thinking on.
Their kisses were tender at first, but Woljif’s lips grew insistent and hungry and Siavash started to laugh into his mouth. “Please don’t tell me I taste different.”
Eyes half-closed, lips reaching for his, Woljif murmured, “Nah, good as ever.”
Slowly Siavash drew him down onto the cloaks and sweet grass and, holding him tight, rolled with a crunching of wings onto his back, pulling his slight, comforting weight atop him. It felt good to be pressed into solid earth, even if that solid earth was a magically floating island. The ridge of a horn rested against his chin. The curls under his palm felt soft, the waist underneath the leather warm.
Cynosure winked, blurring in the tears that welled in his eyes.
Tears of joyful wonder—not from the wings, from this.
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spyridonya · 2 years
🎨Sosiel and 🦋 Arueshalae with Kadee--after their respective act 4 quests!
Wrath of the Righteous - Companion Opinions
"Would Trevor still be standing before me if I didn't share such worries with the commander? How blind was I to see that Trevor and I were the tragedy of Shelyn and Dou-Bral in a fragment," The cleric chuckles softly, his dark amber eyes bittersweet, "Perhaps I was too close to see it but she was not. And for that, I am thankful in a way that not even a painting could capture."
"The commander walked among the ashes in my dreams, her expression was… sad. Kadee tried her best to hide it from me because this was what I... I needed. When there were only just ashes and that table… and my nightmare, the commander simply just… " Arueshalee closes her eyes, her fingers flexing just slightly at the memory, "She just held my hand as we returned to the real world."
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Regven! How do they celebrate holidays? and If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
How do they celebrate holidays?
i don't think any of them are big on celebrating those, except regongar absolutely going ham on his birthday because he now can. (i hc him to be a scorpio :3) (i also think he would happily celebrate calistrian holidays. if there were any. glares at paizo) he asks ven if he can take over the entire tavern for his birthday, she obviously says yes, and then he just throws a massive wild party, leaving everything in shambles, beating up anyone that comes in who he doesn't like, and most importantly makes out with ven on his lap while he's obscenely groping her everywhere (i think he also would be shirtless lol) just being a fucking horny menace basically. i am totally going to write a reg birthday fic in the future.
ven doesn't celebrate her birthdays (14th of june/sarenith) at first, because she's not a person obviously. in the beginning of the game i imagine a situation like this happening with reg: "...right, ven's 23." "nah, 24 now. anyway, let's contin--" "YOU DIDN'T FUCKING TELL ME IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY????" he then pesters her (by hugging her way too tight and then picking her up and not letting her down probably) until she tells him while teary eyed lmao.
they also celebrate their wedding anniversaries though. however they don't do anything specific, the only pre requisite is taking the entire day for each other, for whatever they may want to do this year.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
i said once before that i think reg fell for her at first sight, how he immediately thanked calistria and then knew that he had to make her his. so, i think he would be overjoyed, and most importantly relieved. she does need him. she won't ever leave him.
ven would be scared shitless. i think telling her this would actually be extremely terrible because she would avoid reg at all costs and then never enter the relationship to begin with. she allowed herself to get closer to him, open up to him, all VERY gradually and slowly and most of it even subconciously, when she didn't know that she loved him/thought she ever would. if she did get this information, she would be in denial and probably would run away, abandoning the barony and him, to continue being nothing but a puppet, now hopelessly in love (and denial).
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undyingembers · 2 years
C, F, and X for Len and Daeran!! :D
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Both of them would feel very awkward at first. For various reasons, neither of them knows what to do when the other is going through a crisis, though they know deep down that they would do anything to make the other whole again.
Len's biggest worry when trying to offer comfort to Daeran is that every time anyone tries to do so, Daeran blows them off and mocks them for being so worried. Len just doesn't want to upset him. S/he does it far better than most, however. While most would keep their distance from Daeran, Len doesn't let Daeran push him/her away and will at the very least stay at his side and wait for him to open up if he wants to. Daeran comes to rely on Len so much, though. He almost always opens up to him/her eventually.
When Len is having trouble and/or in a panic, that also sends Daeran into a bit of a panic. He has absolutely no idea what to do in those situations. He has no idea how to offer comfort or help someone feel better, and before he met Len, he never really wanted to. When it first happened, he had to deal with the fact that (a) he wanted so badly to help Len and (b) he felt completely unequipped. He's getting better at this, but even so, when he is in that position, he pulls from experiences he's had being comforted by either Len or his mother and just...stays there and holds Len close, all the while chastising himself for not being able to do better.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Neither of them really gets bad at the other very often, something that surprises both of them. With how uptight Len is, Daeran fully expected his own debauched ways to have chased Len away. Len is also surprised that Daeran could stand to be around someone who demands orderliness from everything around him/her. Yet, nothing about Daeran offends Len in any way, and Len is nothing like the self-righteous assholes Daeran is used to.
The only times Len has ever gotten mad at Daeran was when it seemed that Daeran belittled or mocked his/her pain or struggles. The most obvious case is after the final Diplomatic Council meeting, when Daeran said that comment about tiefling rights, but there were other times where Len felt like s/he couldn't count on Daeran for comfort, and that hurt a lot. Even in the worst cases, Len never wants to stay mad at Daeran. What it takes for Len to forgive Daeran is an apology and some time away to cry it out.
The only time Daeran really got mad at Len was when Len didn't mercifully kill him when he was trapped in his soulless state. Leonosa knew that what Daeran valued more than anything else are his freedom and his ability to live his life. Being stuck in that wretched state was the worst experience he had ever had. With anyone else, Daeran usually has no trouble letting the other person know exactly what he thinks of them when he's angry. With Lenarius, though, he's very quiet. Len knows something's off, but Daeran won't tell him what. For Daeran, though, it's very frustrating because Len is just right all the time, even if Daeran doesn't always agree with his decisions. Daeran knows that Len is very smart and capable and knows the right thing to do most of the time. Sometimes doing right goes up against what Daeran wants. Daeran actually doesn't mean to be difficult; he just doesn't know what to do. He still loves Leonosa. He just doesn't know how to deal...
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Oh, they are very affectionate, even if neither of them will admit it. Len has to maintain proper composure at all times and puts up a very formal and somewhat distant demeanor. But s/he loves being close to Daeran. S/he is one of those weird people who is touch averse, but has physical touch as a love language. S/he cannot stand anyone getting into his/her space, but s/he loves the feeling of his/her lover's warmth and affection around him/her.
Daeran would tell you that he does not care about others enough to really be affectionate with them. That is nonsense. He loves kissing and being in Len's arms. It's just so comforting having him/her there, having those long and skillful fingers stroke his hair. No matter what happens, they always end up cuddled up to one another.
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
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@prolifeisnochoice, @angrygoatwoman Aaa, I didn't even plan to combine those prompts, but it just kind of happened. Well, but therefore I wrote something longer than just a tiny scene. Thank you two so much! 💕 ~ ❛ and where do you think you’re going. ❜ ❛ shut up and kiss me already. ❜ (nsfw, explicit, rough kissing, anal sex, dirty talk) “All I say is that this time those negotiations won’t go the way you planned them in this overly convinced mind of yours.” His voice had become tense with barely disguised annoyance. “But who am I to correct the almighty Primarch of the Wounded Lands, King of Mendev and shining example of complete flawlessness?”
Daeran turned for the door, reaching for the doorknob, obviously done with the discussion. A spike of rage stabbed into his chest and mixed with the faintest hint of guilt.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
From one moment to the next, he went closer, striding across the marble floor like a wild cat hunting its prey. His hands gripped Daeran’s shoulders, easily spinning him away from the door, and pressing him not-too-gently against the wall beside it.
“Suddenly too fond of my company again?” His voice was tripping with poison.
“We are not done here. Not until I say so." Salvadore stated firmly and regretted it the very moment the words left his mouth and caused Daeran’s expression to harden.
“Yes, we are, Salvadore,” he replied, eyes unfeeling in cold mockery.
Flinching internally, he released his hold on him and took half a step back.
Inside his chest, his heart was beating rapidly against his ribcage as if it tried to break loose.
I’m sorry.
He didn’t say it out loud. But something in his eyes seemed to give him away because Daeran stayed where he was.
His face softened again and he shook his head with a sigh. “Now look at me, getting all worked up over this nonsense.”
Salvadore reached out, cupping his cheek. “This was unnecessary and misplaced. Don’t walk away from me. Please.”
“I’m right here, am I not?” A slight smirk was back on his lips.
“Maybe you had a point regarding the negotiations. We could try a less direct approach. I will start by sending a letter to Nevarin and ask for an extensive report about …”
Daeran made an irritated sound. “Will you shut up and kiss me already?”
Before he got a chance to answer or react, he found the tables turned, Daeran’s hands in the fabric of his clothes and himself moved in determined firmness and pressed against the very same wall he had just used as trap as well.
He opened his mouth, but his words were cut off by a fierce kiss. With his left hand closed tightly around the collar of his shirt, Daeran pressed harder against his body to hold him in place while his right was already boldly busy opening the buttons of his pants. Simultaneously, he brought his mouth to his neck. “Well, and now that you are done being all annoying …” Salvadore bit back a groan as Daeran sucked on the sensitive skin. – Before he grinned in satisfaction about the result. Sinking his hand into his golden hair, he brought his face back up to claim his lips again, teasing with his tongue. Daeran immediately took the opportunity to deepen their kiss, and send pleasant shivers down his spine, lingering to tingle in his groin. His cock hardened against this insolent hand that rubbed and teased it through the fabric of his pants.
Gods, his mouth tasted incredible. He pushed him backwards and Daeran followed, now without resistance, humming agreeably against his mouth.
When they reached the sofa at the other end of the room, Salvadore pushed Daeran down onto the cushions and braced himself on top of him, so he was forced to lie back against the soft fabric. Slowly his left hand wandered down to teasingly open each button he found on the way, one at a time. Daeran let out a low groan and wiggled impatiently, trying to squirm out of his own shirt and baring his chest for his appreciative gaze.
Eventually, it slipped to the floor, and Daeran’s legs wrapped around him to pull him closer while he shifted his hips up to teasingly grind against his groin with his own hardening cock and sending heat flaring across his whole body.
Salvadore breathed his name helplessly and left a line of kisses along his neck, causing his husband to tilt his head to the side to allow him more access to his heated skin.
A stealthy hand slipped down the back of his unbuttoned pants, cupping his ass and squeezing firmly. Salvadore answered with a small bite and then sucked hard enough to leave his mark before he sat up to allow each of them to quickly strip free from their remaining clothes.
When he turned around to him again, it was impossible not to take a moment and admire the view of Daeran’s gold-tanned skin, those lithe muscles, and long, graceful limbs.
“Don’t move,” he whispered to his ear, and forced himself to his feet and to cross the lounge to the drawer with the lube.
On his way back to the sofa, he grinned. His husband lay splayed out, heavily aroused and flushed as he watched him with hungry eyes. Before climbing back over his warm body, he opened the cap on the half full bottle of lube and poured some onto his fingers. Instinctively, Daeran spread his legs on the sofa, baring himself fully for him to enjoy the view. His cock was steel hard and rested on his belly, his balls tight with arousal and his hole seemed to beg for his attention.
"You bored me all day with lengthy council meetings and tedious discussions, it’s about time the pleasant part begins.”
Salvadore gave him a glare, not breaking eye contact once as he sat down on the sofa again and immediately pushed two fingers past his entrance and deep into his body.
“Better, Your Grace?”
With satisfaction, he noted the soft gasp from Daeran’s lips. He tried to give a response but he found his prostate with practiced ease and the words turned into a helpless moan.
“I should have filled your little hole sooner to keep you entertained.”
Was there a hint of embarrassment on those pretty features?
“Quite presumptuous of you to call that entertaining.” The bored tone would have sounded almost convincing. But a slight breathlessness and the eager twitching of his cock gave away the truth.
He scissored his fingers apart, stretching Daeran open beneath him and coaxed a mewling moan past his lips. With a victorious grin, he added a third finger and continued to circle this sweet spot in him until he leaked precum onto his belly.
“You’re dripping.”
“Stop teasing.”
“Or what? Will you cum already? Go ahead, I don’t mind.”
Relentlessly, he brushed his fingers across his prostate.
“You will clench around me all the harder when I thrust into your overstimulated body.”
“Salvadore …”
“Unfortunately,” He leaned closer to kiss his irresistible lips. “I don’t want to wait any longer either.”
With this, he pulled his fingers out of him and brought himself into position. Daeran’s hands wandered over his back, encouraging him when he lined himself up against his slippery entrance.
Led by his hungry desire, he reconnected their lips and Daeran kissed back with the same fierce passion, slipping his tongue into his mouth and moaning quietly as he thrust in with one solid move. He didn’t give him a chance to adjust before pulling almost all the way out again and pounding back in. 
Daeran’s fingers sunk into his skin, probably leaving bruises, while ecstasy was written across every line of his face. Salvadore drank the sight in together with every delicious noise that fell from his mouth while he fucked him in a slow, controlled rhythm. It didn’t take long and Daeran pushed back to meet him in growing urgency.
Your wish is my command, he thought, and gave into the need to move faster.
Lost in a symphony of pleasure, he pressed a kiss to Daeran’s throat while moving his hand down to wrap his fingers around his cock.
Another moan left his throat and encouraged him to stroke him in time with his thrusts. The sweet bliss of the tightness around him erased any coherent thought. Dear gods, he felt incomparable. He couldn’t take his gaze from his lust-strained face or his green vivid eyes, now foggy from the pleasure he gave him.
Being stretched open by his large cock, the steady rubbing pressure against his prostate together with the firm grip around his length got too much quite quickly for his beloved, too intense to hold back, and he felt him tense around him.
Salvadore didn’t stop, only brought him closer to the edge, until, with a high little sound, he spilled over his fingers. Not slowing down in the slightest, he continued to stroke him until he trembled from the sensation, his cock too sensitive to be touched any longer – even less rubbed with harsh firmness.
“Sal … ah” The way his body clenched in response was incredible. Still, Salvadore showed some mercy and let go of his spent cock. Nonetheless, he kept pounding into him in a fast, merciless pace. His own orgasm was building rapidly too and as much as a part wanted to expand those feelings, he didn’t resist when the sensations spiked and allowed the them to overtake his senses. With Daeran’s name on his lips, he came deep inside of him, thrusting eagerly through his high until the sharp, all-consuming bliss subsided.
For some long moments neither of them moved. They just lay there, chest against naked chest, panting.
Eventually, he pulled out of Daeran’s well-used hole, making him wince in slight pain. He had been rough. – Rough enough to leave him sore in this intimate place.
Salvadore stroke back a strand of golden hair in a tender gesture.
“You are utterly irresistible.”
A glow seemed to adorn those beautiful features and melted into the satisfied exhaustion in his luminescent eyes.
“I’m well aware, my love. Let’s take a bath. I’m feeling sticky.”
Salvadore hummed in agreement and sat up to give him room to do the same.
Daeran stood up, not caring to grab some of his clothes from the floor. If the servants would see him wandering through the house in all his naked glory, well it wouldn’t be a first.
Salvadore got at least partly dressed again.
“Are you coming?” Daeran waited for him at the door.
“No healing spell?”
“What for? I’m fine.”
Salvadore smirked. “Of course you are. Or just fond of feeling me with every step.”
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cassynite · 1 year
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
5 Facts About Me
Tagged by @arcandoria !
These posts are always so funny because as soon as I’m asked to talk about myself suddenly I’m the most boring person ever
1. I took 5 years of Japanese Language Studies in college! I used to be able to speak conversationally and volunteered as a translator in the press-lounge at Anime Expo in LA quite a few years ago! Now, I’ve forgotten most of it because I don’t use it anymore... it’s such a sad feeling.
2. I’m flexitarian / pescatarian! I don’t eat pork or beef, and absolutely love seafood especially shellfish. Food is a big part of my life and I love to cook and the appeal of traveling for me is trying out new foods and food experiences. I will try everything at least once.
3. Rollercoaster/themepark enthusiast too! Aside from food, the real reason I travel is to go to different themeparks and ride every coaster I can. I just love SPEED and feeling things humans were never meant to physically experience safely. My #1 coaster is Velocicoaster, my #2 is Copperhead Strike, and my #3 is either El Toro or Twisted Timbers.
4. I play entirely too much Pathfinder (aside from the Owlcat games). I GM 3 games and play in 2. It’s a lot of work but it’s fulfilling! I love creating unique experiences catered especially for my players.
5. I have done over twenty escape rooms and have never failed one. I’m at the point where I’m afraid to do any more of them because I don’t want to break my streak...
Thanks for the tag! No pressure tagging @trevervaenic @camelliagwerm @turbulentpumpkin43 @prolifeisnochoice @spyridonya @dragonflytehanu
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dragonologist-phd · 2 years
For Lilith, 🕷️ during act 4 when she's sneaking around and 👑 in the Midnight Fane!
@prolifeisnochoice​ now featuring Lilith’s half of the answer!
🕷️ Wenduag: (this one is Wenduag POV, but funnily enough I have another short fic here that’s basically Lilith’s POV at this point!)
I will be waiting for her, and you will stab her in the back. You can do that, can’t you?
The question from Savamelekh is expected. It’s only natural he should want to know if Wenduag’s loyalties are true. If she would spill the blood of her current mistress, should it mean greater power for herself.
Would she?
Wenduag’s answer is ready on her lips.
Of course.
Wenduag takes her time returning to the Nexus after. Lilith will have noticed her absence, and she will need an excuse good enough to fool those Aeon eyes. Besides…the Abyss calls to Wenduag just as strongly as Savamelekh had. This is a place where power- real power- is respected. And this place, that power, all of it could be Wenduag’s for the taking. All it would take in return…is Lilith.
(Would she?)
Admittedly, it would be difficult to dispose of Lilith- far more difficult than it had been to dispose of Lann. But that is only because Lilith is far more cunning, far more dangerous. Any move made against her must be a killing blow, must wipe her out before she has the chance to return the strike tenfold. If Wenduag is to emerge from that fight alive, she will need to be more swift, more clever, more vicious than she ever has been before.
(Would she?)
Or…Wenduag could always turn on Savamelekh, instead. Lilith possesses just as much power as he- possibly more.
And then Wenduag could keep Lilith for herself. She could reach for power without sacrificing the soft, smoldering touch of her mistress. It’s greed on Wenduag’s part. Pure and simple greed, nothing more. Lilith is a prize of a lover, and why should Wenduag relinquish that so easily? The two of them are strong together. They could stay strong…together.
Wenduag hisses in sickened frustration, and she banishes the thought from her mind. What she needs now is not this sentimental vision of a future that will never be within her reach. No, she needs to find the strongest alcohol the Abyss can offer and cause the kind of chaos that will cover up her traitorous ambitions.
(Would she?)
She would. She would. And she will, if she needs to. But maybe she won’t.
Time will tell.
👑 Galfrey:
“You are hereby relieved of duty.”
The words hang heavy in the air between Lilith and Galfrey. Something flashes in Lilith’s face, and for a brief moment Galfrey fears the woman will go for her weapon. It would not be a surprise if she did; Galfrey knows of Lilith’s fierceness, and she has prepared for it. Her own army stands dutifully behind her, ready to intervene if need be.
Lilith’s gaze sweeps over those forces now, but Galfrey cannot warrant a guess as to what she is thinking. Is she calculating her chances of success, should she attack? Is she regretting anything about this at all? Galfrey hasn’t the faintest clue; she has never known Lilith well enough to predict anything about her, it would seem.
The woman has performed well as Knight-Commander, even Galfrey cannot deny that. She has turned Drezen into a well-oiled machine, has wrought destruction upon the demonic armies, all with cold precision and efficiency. But her command has brough with it very real concerns, as well- the Wardstones lay shattered in Kenabres, the source of Lilith’s massive power remains mysterious, and devils lounge boldly in the Commander’s council chamber.
The risk had seemed worthwhile, once, but now? Now Galfrey has received word that her soldiers, once proud Crusaders, are lining up to sell their souls to Hell at Lilith’s encouragement. Now Lilith has placed herself in a seat of power where she can harvest the loyalty- or at least the fear- of Galfrey’s own citizens.
But it is Galfrey who is Queen. And she will not allow this to go on a moment longer.
Lilith does not attack, in the end. She does manage to retain her title; given her success as a leader and her apparent cooperation, Galfrey has no reason to refuse her that. It will hardly matter, anyway, not when she is a plane away.
But before Lilith departs to the Abyss, she turns back to meet Galfrey’s eyes.
“You’ve made a mistake today, my Queen.”
She disappears through the portal without another word, but the chill in Galfrey’s bones lingers long after she has gone.
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rangedreign · 1 year
🎶Shuffle Tag!🎶
Shuffle your library, list ten songs, tag people
-anyone else- "tagged" by @prolifeisnochoice
from my takeko/daeran/sometimes aru playlist because i want people to know it exists
1. For Your Entertainment - Adam Lambert 💛
2. Misery x CPR - Maroon 5 x Cupcakke 💛
3. The Heroine - Unwoman 💛
4. Nerves - Icon For Hire 💖💛
5. Not A Common Man - Matt Smith 💛
6. Dinner & Diatribes - Hozier 💛
7. Stupid Shit - Girlicious 💖💛
8. Love Me More - Mitski 💛
9. Tik Tok - Ke$ha 💖💛
10. Who Is She? - I Monster 💙
i tag anyone who wants to do this, and no one specific bc i'm shy lol
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enby-hawke · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely @shretl
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes my name Jonzen is a combo of my dad Jon and my mom Zenaida
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night
3. Do you have kids?
nah. Maybe I'll adopt but none are coming out of me
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
noooooo > w>
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
their energy and vibe
6. What's your eye color?
dark brown/black
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
The ending that fits the story
8. Any special talents?
Many. I can draw, write, sing, and I am known to be intelligent at times
9. Where were you born?
Cebu, Phillippines
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, art, videogames, bitching
11. Have you any pets?
four two cats two dogs
12. What sports do you play/have played?
None. Wait does DDR count?
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Art and English
15. Dream job?
Artist and writer. Trying to fake it til I make it.
Tagging @the-cryptographer@envy-kitty@mahalzevran@fensyl@louminescence@marhikit@cairamelcoffee@cullenvhenan@mahalzevran@alexiealducsdrawings@periwinkle-hawke@prolifeisnochoice@la-bruja@dauntless-necromancer@covenscribe@dreadfutures
No pressure if you don't want to <3
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dujour13 · 2 years
hmm how about siavash and sosiel?
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This one was popular. Thank you @celestialkindliness and @prolifeisnochoice too 💕
Even if Woljif wasn’t in the picture, I’m afraid not, much as I love Sosiel and his romance arc.
Sosiel had a naïve crush for a short time, but it was not reciprocated. At least Siavash was the sort of person to actually think that terrible poem was nice. Sosiel wasn’t in actual love, just blinded by the inner beauty he saw in Siavash, the joyful, musically talented, good-hearted Andoren champion. Underneath that I think he and Siavash both sensed that they were incompatible.
Sosiel’s ability to see beauty and capture it on canvas is something Siavash admires enormously. It’s not just rose-tinted glasses: Sosiel exerts a tremendous conscious will to see what’s beautiful in everyone.
He also admires the effort he puts into keeping hope alive for his brother. To Siavash, beauty and hope are worthy burdens for Sosiel’s strong shoulders.
On the other hand, his temper puts Siavash off, but that’s not the main thing. The problem is just that Sosiel is too steadfast a soul to keep the lark interested for very long. (An uncharitable part of me wants to say that Sosiel has no chance because he’s not a rescue project. Siavash does kind of fall in love with his own saviorhood. Something he has to question when it comes to Woljif.)
And Sosiel is wise enough to know he needs someone more constant.
After the poem disaster they have a little talk and there’s no heartbreak or jealousy, just sincere happiness when Siavash chooses Woljif. How can a priest of the goddess of love not approve?
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spyridonya · 2 years
Ooooh what about either "silent fury" or "collapse"?
Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase - Silent Fury (ten sentences)
Trigger Warnings: Fantasy racism
"Can you absolutely believe that the Queen herself is using a bleeding fucking tiefling for this crusade of hers?" The shine of silver hair and beautifully crafted features of the aasimar doesn't match the gutter slang of his voice who sips grog as if were ambrosia.
Fye watches from his seat on the bar as the aasimar with several of his comrades of various heritages sharing the common slang of the streets of Kenarbas talk; they're not so much rowdy, really not overly vulgar, and seem to know the commander is generous with the freedom of speech within Drezen, which the silver hair aasimar continues to enjoy, "A tiefling, as if you can't find a tiefling without taking a shit, no matter how pretty you dress her up -- I don't like it."
His comrades softly agree, they also drinking their grog and enjoying their time from the front, but their relatively softer voices only make the aasimar's voice punctuate all the louder, "I hate to think the queen has been fool and all, but don't you louts think maybe that her majesty has been fooled by Baphomet with this one?"
The aasimar goes on about the commander and the Queen, but what catches Fye's eye is someone at the bar slowly putting his goblet of honey wine down... just as Fye notices the dish he's cleaning has an incredibly stubborn stain that distracts him.
Pity that.
The silver hair aasimar has this knack to speak loudly, so loudly that anyone who happens to need verbal components could cast their spell in relative peace, and as such he doesn't notice the other aasimar with the ethereal light in his eyes dance to his fingertips as they make precise gestures.
The scream that escapes from the silver hair aasimar makes Fye flinch and lift his gaze from the plate, just in time to see the silver hair aasimar darting from his now upturned chair to a door, any door, and making his companions look around wildly. 
The other aasimar, however, simply walks to Fye with an empty goblet in hand, to which Fye gives a slow, amused smile, and says in a low voice, "Can't take them bad mouthing about your cousin, huh?"
Daeran gives the younger man a tight smile that doesn't reach his eyes, setting his goblet down with an unspoken request for more.
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🍓 for Ven!!!
ven has a base wisdom score of fucking 5. think it’s obvious that wis is her worst stat besides strength (8 i think? been a while) just. i feel like that is information that should be known.
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undyingembers · 2 years
OH man I loved Pillars. 3, 4, and 8 for the deadfire meme! I'm curious to hear what Amali thought of her companions :D
3. How about a favourite companion? Or a favourite NPC?
Other than Tekēhu, who was her love interest...Amali got along very well with Aloth in Pillars I. The two hit it off very well, both of them having tremendous respect for each other's intelligence. Aloth admires Amali's blunt honesty and wishes he could be just as upfront as she is. They were a great support for each other during their lowest moments, and it is not an exaggeration that the two of them are best friends, and only friends. I knew from the off that that's all they would ever be.
As for favorite NPC...I'm not sure. She loved some of her more unusual crew members in Deadfire. Handsome Elias and Copperhead come to mind.
4. Was there a companion or an NPC that they just couldn’t stand? What was it about them that irritated your Watcher?
Other than Durance, who Amali stayed far away from whenever she could? She never got along with religious types of any sort, particularly not ones that had low opinions of women. Also, while she adored Eder in Pillars I and still does to an extent, his racial comments got a bit much in Pillars II.
Oh, there were so many people she absolutely couldn't stand in Pillars I, powerful assholes who used their authority to commit atrocities on the people they had power over: Raedric, Lord Harond, Caedman Azo, the nobleman in Defiance Bay who has a theatre troupe kill for sport, the gods. She is also not very fond of liars, which is highly ironic given her close friendship with Aloth. It takes a lot for Amali to dislike someone, but injustice, cruelty, and dishonesty are her biggest buttons.
8. Did your Watcher find romance, or close companionship, in the Deadfire? If so, who did they get close to, and how did that relationship develop?
Amali romanced Tekēhu. It was highly unexpected at first. Amali was a poor artist from Old Valia who changed her fortune after her adventures, and he was given every privilege growing up in the Deadfire. Tekēhu's art are works of passion and beauty. Amali's paintings and sketches are detail-oriented and focus on the dark and gritty. He was told that he was destined for greatness; she was told that she was worth nothing.
At first, Amali didn't think much of Tekēhu. Though she respects confidence, arrogance she can't really stand, and she had strong reservations about taking in him in her group. She didn't know how he would be able to handle himself in dangerous situations. Amali thought that she would take him on her missions through the Gullet and then replace him with Xoti once she was done with her missions. However, Tekēhu showed a surprising amount of compassion and maturity when faced with the ugly side of Neketaka. She held his hand and helped him through this, and a sort of bond formed ever since. It turns out that they are both passionate and forward-thinking people.
Amali's romance with Tekēhu was also very healing. Amali has a lot of self-esteem issues surrounding how she grew up as a death godlike in Old Valia. Tekēhu thinks that she is just larger than life, the most amazing person on Eora, and he tells her so every day. He is absolutely confident that she can be the sun that can outshine him, that he can be safe in her shadow, free from the cares and burdens placed on him.
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
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Tagged by @dujour13. Thank you so much! 💕 Tagging ... @turbulentpumpkin43, @outeremissary, @bearvanhelsing, @dragonologist-phd, @angrygoatwoman, @spyridonya, @prolifeisnochoice, @dragonflytehanu, @uboot
Guessing wildly, I have no real idea who alreay got tagged / who already did it. 😅 Empty template under the cut
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seasbird · 7 years
is it too late to give an i follow you because? i follow you because your art is 10000% The Best and i've loved everything you've created so far
it’s never too late!!! thank you so much, i really appreciate it :’) aaaaa
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