senexrecruitment · 21 days
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(via A Career in Project Management) Our Latest blog for job hunters in the STEM sector. Why manufacturing is a superb option for people seeking a career in Project Management 
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m8w · 1 year
Sometimes I will post here 😺
The live performance I am creating as I post this.. 2018 April selfie…
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cxs-workshops · 4 months
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Commander Gaudi & Professor Avery ✨
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Everybody obsessed with Logan from the Project ME trailer... and here I am. I only have eyes for Avery (but all my tries failed to draw him, sadge) and for her...
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8eve8 · 1 year
Ursula/Everglade? Logan's mom? Both? 🤔
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My first attempt to draw her... my new muse 🥰
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rose-demica · 1 year
Project ME! Update, we have been given access to a chat bot to learn more about the realm and the game world.
So far we have a picnic date planned, and maybe a sail down the river?
(I kinda got her stuck in a loop myself atm... whoops).
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primsycoldbottles · 2 years
3.8k words worth of note-taking abt the british raj period . going to die a hellish death bc im not even DONE i still a 1/4 of the research page to finish tmrw night x.x
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rerereverie · 8 months
Made a blue rose for our art projectm it was inspired by ado.
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warehouse-fujiki · 6 months
ヴィンテージジーンズをはじめ、様々なデニムジャンルで活躍するベルベルジンの藤原裕がデザインを担当、Warehouseが生産をする「Johnmung Denim Project」。
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その第4弾の製作が決定!4月27日(土)より、高知のセレクトショップ「JEANS FACTORY」などで新作の予約販売を開始します。
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今回のコンセプトはそれから万次郎が手掛けたセットアップの誕生から100年が経った「1980年代」。ジーンズは成熟して完全な量産体制が確立され「工業製品」となっていた時代だ。早く大量に生産されることが重視された結果、それまでのジーンズにあった「セルビッチ」が無くなっていくなか、Johnmung Denim というブランドが存続していたなら、彼らは創業者の想いを受け継ぎ、万次郎が��ち帰った「セルビッチデニム」をコツコツとつくり続けていたであろう。あのファーストモデルから、デザインや縫製の変化はあっても…
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「Johnmung Denim Project」とは…
高知県土佐清水市が生んだ偉人、ジョン万次郎は、鎖国中の江戸時代末期に、14歳のとき漁に出て遭難、漂流した後アメリカの捕鯨船に救われ、そのままアメリカ東海岸で英語教育を受けた事で知られている。その後ゴールドラッシュに参加し、洋服やネクタイを着用し、帰国後に通訳として再度渡米したさいには英語辞書やカメラに加え、ミシンを持ち帰った。そして、仲間とともに帰国したさいにデニム生地も持ち帰っていることから、1870年代当時にジーンズを作ることができた唯一の日本人であることが明らかになった。こうして「Johnmung Denim Projectm」はスタートした。ファーストモデルは、デニムのブラウス、ウエストオーバーオールともに、ジーンズ黎明期につくられたものをイメージ。万次郎が一台のミシンで縫った、極めて牧歌的なつくりであった。
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このような経緯で展開する2024年のJohnmung Denim Projectです。
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1980sJohnmung Denim Jacket
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1980s Johnmung Jeans 
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Waist Length 28.30.32
土佐清水観光協会 0880-82-3155
BerBerJin webstore 
WAREHOUSE 03-5457-7899
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thegratitudelisting · 7 months
I uninstalled Grindr, but I don't know.
669 times?
I don't want to hook up.
All I ever wanted was to know if people wanted me.
If I was attracted enough.
To be chosen.
This is the reason why I'm sad all the time.
I fucking look for validation outside of myself.
And I never thought I could feel this worse all over again.
It feels like everything is in a loop.
If I genuinely want to be happy, perhaps I need to fuckingly change my environment.
But no matter what I do, I still feel the same.
Stuck in the same habits.
Listening to Taylor Swift.
Scared of people's opinions.
Constantly worrying about money.
Not keeping with my goals.
I mean, I see the PROBLEM now.
And it's always a decision away to remove it from my life.
I'm grateful for everything.
Just because I'm complaining doesn't mean I'm ungrateful.
I'm complaining because I know I can do better.
But I'm not doing it.
I'm complaining because I wish things were easier done.
Somehow, when I think of something.
Like change, for example.
I was hoping. I can do it in a blink of an eye.
But I can't.
It's against Nature.
And it's also unfair for people who put in the work.
Out of all this chaos in my life, I know I'm doing one thing "write."
See what I did there.
I'm open for my fuck ups.
I'm open to my thoughts.
I'm open for my fucking failures.
I recognize them.
And every time I put them into words, I just felt seen and validated.
So thank you self for doing this habit of writing down your thoughts.
I love em.
And someday everything's going to make sense.
Let's continue what you're already doing and you can do this!
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thatdykepunkslut · 7 months
ProjectM visualizer on steam fucking rules however it is like 90% seizure inducing presets (thankfully I'm not epileptic) and seems to open on a random one every time instead of saving the last used or even having a way to favorite any of the like hundreds it comes with.
idk if this is a skill issue (probably) or actually the program's fault
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m8w · 1 year
Images from 2022 February from video feed captures.
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cxs-workshops · 4 months
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I just recently caught up on updates with ProjectME, I’m curious and look forward to whatever direction it decides to take. Hoping for the best 🤞🏼 I’ve been so invested in this project, can’t wait to see where it goes!
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y2fear · 7 months
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Projectmates: Own the Project - Connected World
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red11111-blog · 8 months
I make new friends.
As part of project I went to beach with class members. Together we go and make glass for project. Project requires we make statue to walk and so we did. Joyous success. Even with the ones who make it difficult we make success. Joyous success. I am pleased with most projectmates.
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sarambcreates · 1 year
1 Through a Lens: Briefing and initial thoughts
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In the briefing today we were given the requirements of this projectm, which is focused around animation. There is a lot of flexibility, and the only requirements are that it is a moving image, between 10 and 20 seconds, and has to have sound. The sound part made me question the issues regarding copyright, and after asking I was told that we could use a copyrighted song, but that had to stay within an academic environment and so we would not be able to post it (with sound) online etc. While this is not too much of a hinderence for me, I will initally try to avoid using copyrighted music. We were also taught some terms surrounding animation and context.
After this briefing we were given a task for the next workshop, which is to compile sounds that we like so to edit these sounds in the next workshop. The sounds I liked the most were all to do with nature, especially cave exploring and water. They give a very calming feeling and also very flowy visual, which is something interesting to explore in an animation project. While this is what is inspiring me at the moment there is still a lot of room to choose what to make my animation about, and so there are no ties to this concept yet.
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