#project mara
kitkats-and-kittens · 4 months
Idk the idea of Damian clinging to his league heritage and the rest of the Batfam doing their best to help him come to terms with the fact that his upbringing was abusive and they don’t really get how he can’t see it, because training a child as a living weapon, teaching them to kill, physically and emotionally abusing them from the age of like 4 is such an obviously fucked way to grow up.
But Damian clings to it anyway, because as much as they try to his siblings will never understand. They won’t understand the soft smiles his mother gave him when he returned from a mission, or the jokes he shared with Mara, or playing with servants children who called him Hafid instead of Damian. They won’t understand the rare times when Ra’s would tell him stories of a long forgotten past or days spent learning to cook and sew with his mother.
Because as much as they care about him, to them Damian Al Ghul represents everything bad that has ever happened to him. Damian Al Ghul is the cross he is forced to bare, as though his home is something he should consider a burden.
Because they may love him, but they can’t understand.
But idk.
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misseyres · 1 year
something about me is that i’m a sucker for ships where both people are traumatized and they find love & build a good life anyway. despite despite despite etc.
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chimerathekid · 2 months
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"Aren't you a little young to be a detective?" I still like making fake screenshots and crossover pictures
Crow Country is fun and since I did some crossover art with the Detective Grimoire guys a while back, I figured I'd do a piece for this series too. Theyre both fun and I like detectives
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mara-phelion · 6 months
alex is the type of guy to go "where my hug at" but like not to be creepy, he's just touch starved and doesn't know how to ask for affection
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hopeeater · 9 months
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Christmas Project Eden's Garden Icons
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georgiacooked · 1 year
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The next sheet in my Doctor Who character series! Round #2 of Aliens and Monsters.
Featuring The Rani, Mechanoids, The Kandyman, The Mara, Sea Devils and Alpha Centuri.
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vepaluiron · 1 year
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baldur's gate brainrot late night sketch (drawn on paper, colored digitally)
tiefling mara my beloved
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bellatrixnightshade · 4 months
"Maybe her love of color was motivated by fear of returning to her colorless world. Plain dresses, because patterns were too 'eye-catching' and nothing for a truly modest woman. Her absorption with painting her skin with sparkles and her lips bright red were silent acts of rebellion against accusations of vanity. Parties and travels were more for discovery and adventure more than people. She did love planes, truly.
Anything other than returning to that plain, colorless, asphyxiating world she used to be trapped in.
Anything, but that."
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carrusf · 19 days
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Hel *"Permission to use lethal force"*
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eerna · 6 months
i want to clarify that i think Lada is a super pretty name!! i wouldn t associate it with romanian at all if i didn t know the character herself is supposed to be romanian - hence i think it s a bit of a silly choice on the author s part. if i heard it from anyone else i d only think of the goddess!
also: Lada is indeed not a romanian name, which is why i wouldn t think of romanian at all when hearing it. i guess Ladislav sort of is? it s clearly meant to be a form of Vladislav, which would normally be shortened to Vlad. Vladislav very much is a real romanian name, but i ve never met anyone in real life called that. (Vlad is common enough however) also also: nothing about Ladislav screams dainty and feminine as the book claims -- feminine names here rarely end in anything but a in the first place okay and last addition sorry: i do think Ladislav is an actual slavic name? just not very romanian. and if it were to be feminine, it would have to be Ladislava - i really don t think a wallachian voivode would ve named his daughter something that decidedly does not end in a
OH yes I agree with you! I am Slavic (Croatian to be exact) so I feel the same naming sensibilities, Ladislav is 10000% a manly man in my mind. I don't know much about Romania specifically outside the broadest strokes considering how regional differences and cultural influences work and I appreciate your POV!
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
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Finally posting this!
@neonsix67 suggested the first row of characters, Bill Cypher of Gravity Falls, Willow Park of The Owl House, and Hordak of She-Ra! (This is the reason I'm actively losing my mind over that guy, btw-)
@alanbradleyofficial suggested Mara to me from TRON: Uprising! (I think??? It was a verbal convo last week and I'm crap at remembering things qwq- this gal is super cool tho!)
An old pal who is not on here suggested Sun-Eater from BNHA!
Then finally, a personal choice from yours truly being Dream!Sans of Dreamtale by Jokublog! (Haha... I think Dream is a character forever relatable to my existence ij my mind-)
The first 3 were done on Procreate and the last 3 were on MedibangPaintPro btw. Procreate twas obliterated for me before I could finish, so inconsistent art style for the win!
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markerofthemidnight · 9 months
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The definitive Project: Eden’s Garden tier list.
…No, I will not accept criticism.
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Allow me to spit my theories for Project Eden’s Garden
Ok so as an ADHD man of the people who has a minor in Cult Hyperfixation tm, there’s some cult bs going on in this killing game. Hard stop my cult senses are going off. I could be wrong.
To me it is implied this wasn’t the first killing game from the mock trial and Tozu and Mara may have actually been survivors of the last killing game. Your prize might be a choice they give you: freedom or join the flock as one of the chosen for surely you see the light above everyone yes??? Or some shit like that.
Someone’s pulling the strings my dude which leads me to.
If I know how color is used in art from how many art majors I have had the honor of being acquainted with, Eva Tsunaka is probably deeply connected to them just from her color scheme in some form. She was also pretty avoidant about finding out the motive of the person that killed Cara. As if she’s hiding something. Also I will say she’s the ultimate liar but with that talent you have no clue if what she is saying is a lie or not. That takes a certain level of charisma that I’ve seen in a good number of cult leaders who know how to make anything sound convincing if they say the right thing in the right way.
As for Wolfgang Akire, I am very sus of him. Not because of anything he’s currently doing, but what he might do. Or it could be something he’s currently doing. Either way that sheep pin has got me rotating it in my head. Wolfgang’s reaction to be accused of letting everyone’s guard down just so he could kill was very interesting. It was either because he was genuinely offended or Grace may have hit far too close to a truth he could keep guarded.
As a sheep, I feel like he is very loyal to a cause he believes very strongly in which is justice in what he sees as such in his eyes. He also has a very strong talent if making a large group of people believe in what he says because that’s what everyone wants to believe is Right and True in their most vulnerable moments.
I’m not saying it’s Cult Recruiting Tactics 101 he got a PHD in buuutt…
Whether this was in the future or maybe the past, I’m just saying the see great potential in Wolfgang and somewhere along the lines he believed in their cause enough to believe this is justice. That this will cleanse the earth of crime and sin due to his strong belief that Ultimates want to BETTER the world around them.
What better way than to cleanse the world of the corruption he despises so much???
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vorobej · 2 months
nice to have a writing project that i dont gaf about being good its just fun
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(i found this random snippet of a fic i started months ago that i have no memory of and no interest in trying to figure out what it was supposed to be, so feel free to read these few lines)
“I will cause you bodily harm should you take even a single step closer.”
“But, Mara!”
Mara fixed Fabian with an icy glare, just daring him to move, her dark eye-bags prominent. “Don’t you ‘But, Mara!’ me, Fabian!” she snapped, curling one arm protectively around her display. “Go back to counting sunspots far away from my neodymium magnet!”
The annual Year 8 Science Fair was officially underway, and Mara had been working tirelessly to complete her project—“How Much Iron is in YOUR Cereal?”—the whole term. Trial and error, after trial and error, she’d finally been able to extract the metal from the breakfast cereal. This, of course, was no thanks to Fabian.
About two nights ago, Mara had stayed late at school to try puréeing the mixture of Corn Flakes™ and purified water again to get it right. Unbeknownst to her, however, Fabian Rutter was also staying late to get the final few art supplies he needed from Mrs. Burton for his poster.
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rxin3akamallory · 5 months
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