prohibited-wish · 9 months
Prohibited Love AU:
Scarab sat on top of a floating comet, lost in his thoughts and heartbroken. He remembered the days when he and Prismo were deeply in love, before Prismo became the Wishmaster. But when Prismo fell asleep and woke up in his new form, he had forgotten about their love and their life together.
Scarab felt like his heart had been shattered into a million pieces, as he watched Prismo grant wishes and have parties, without any memory of their past. Scarab tried to push him away, to forget about Prismo and move on, but his heart couldn't let go.
As he floated through the endless expanse of space, Scarab couldn't help expressing his feelings towards Prismo.
'I just really miss your face,' he whispered, tears streaming down his face. 'Though, by now, I must disgust you. I had tried to be the stubbornest mule, cause I knew life was cruel. So, I guess I was foolish to trust you.'
The realization hit him hard, that he had been foolish to believe that their love would withstand the test of time and the power of being Wishmaster. But he couldn't help but hold on to that small flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, Prismo would remember him and their love.
'But I wait here just in case,' he continued whispering, his voice trembling with emotion. 'Though I know I'm being senseless. How could I have ever been so naive, and wear my heart on my sleeve, when I knew it would leave me defenseless?'
Tears kept falling from his eyes. He felt endless pain and longing for his Prismo. He knew that it was futile, that their love was lost in the past and he needed to move on, but his heart refused to let go.
'And if the world was perfect, you would be here in my embrace,' he said, his voice cracking. 'But since the world denied me one last kiss, I'll just miss your stupid face.'
Scarab closed his eyes, letting the tears flow freely. He missed Prismo's stupid face, his goofy smile, his loving embrace. But most of all, he missed the love they shared and the life they had before Prismo became the Wishmaster. 💔
Okay, don't forget to tag it as a song fic
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alba8688 · 3 months
Love hurts
Chapter 34
Word count:1632
Warnings:just Eddie being Eddie
         ~Eddie pov
March 11
So it's been a few days since Dani's last day of being a teacher and today I was gonna officially meet Dani's mom .
Meeting the parents is something new for me ...
Well she knew who I was already and shit but Dani  was gonna officially introduce me as her boyfriend.
I was anxious ,nervous all the above actually.I've never felt this nervous in my life. I don't know what to do .
My leg was bouncing like crazy ,I needed to chill or probably should have smoked a joint before coming here but I decided to be sober just for Dani.
Plus I wanted to make a good first impression.
I'm glad Wayne was coming over to dinner too ,like that I wouldn't feel so nervous and probably won't get killed by Dani's mom for hiding our relationship .Or maybe she thinks I'm just using Dani for her money ..Jesus Christ I'm making myself more nervous now.
But I would never be with Dani because of her money. I would never use her. I'm not that kind of person .
But what if her mom thinks I'm like that .
Jesus Christ Man chill!!!
What are we gonna tell her if she asks why Dani never said anything about us ?
We could  just tell her we kept it private because of her job even though it was wrong .
I mean she would understand that right?
Jesus Christ!!! I'm stressing myself out and overthinking too much.
Everything is gonna be fine .
So right now i'm sitting here in Dani's bed waiting for her to come home ,she had gone to the big house because the contractor she hired said she needed her opinion on some stuff .
So here I was now alone in The Henderson's house Nervous as fuck and nobody knew I was here.
She told me to get ready here at her house because we had to go shopping at the mall for a new outfit because her birthday was tomorrow .
This would be the first time we went out In Public and I was nervous as well because of that .
I sat here not knowing what to do so I started walking around her room when a drawing caught my attention it look like the one I had given to this girl I had the biggest crush when I was a sophomore in high school.
I turn on the lamp in her vanity to take a better look at the drawing in her wall.
Holy shit !! It was the drawing .
It was my drawing I that I drew for her !!I remember drawing it during my morning classes.I had the biggest crush in this beautiful cheerleader. She was a senior and I was a sophomore barely going through puberty .
She was the prettiest girl and nicest in
The cheerleading squad .I never understood why she hung out with those kind of people .
She would always say Goodmorning to me not knowing what she was doing to me .
One time she help me get up from the floor when one of the jocks push me to the ground. When I was in my first year of high school I was barely growing out my hair .
"Oh my God!! Are you ok ?" I heard a voice that sounded like an Angel
"Yeah." I responded coldly trying to get up from the ground ,but I couldn't. I twisted my ankle when the stupid jerk pushed me  .
"Let me help you ."The same angel voice told me she help me up then I was met with her beautiful eyes.
Her hand was so soft and small compare to mine ,she was so beautiful,I think I was in love.
"T-thank you ." I stuttered,
She smiles at me and made sure I was ok then walked away towards the gym leaving me like an idiot in love .
End of flashback
Young Eddie was head over heels for her even though she was older than him .
Young Eddie actually thought he had a chance with her .
But then she graduated and never saw her again .
And I never knew what her name was .
I only call her my Angel because she always appeared when I needed someone the most and she was there to help me up all the time .
Dani was my Angel the girl I was deeply in love with ,that's why I felt that connection when I met her that night at The Hideout.
I wonder if she remembers me ?
After staring at the drawing for a little longer my phone rang and it was Dani .
She was crying saying that the house wasn't going to be ready for June that they found some mold in the walls and they where going to have to tear down a lot of walls on the upstairs rooms .
And they also found water damaged in the walls in the kitchen and other things .
She was devastated the house wasn't going to be ready until December or Early January of next year.
After we hung up I decided to take a shower and get ready for when Dani arrived.
Maybe I'll make her feel better knowing I'm ready and she doesn't have to come home getting after me .
I grabbed my clothes and a towel and headed to the shower im glad Dani has her own bathroom in her room because then that would have been a big problem .
I walk into the bathroom, closing the door. I didn't lock it cause I didn't think anyone would come in.
I turn on the water and wait for it to get a bit warm ,I don't like taking showers with boiling hot water not unlike Dani she likes to shower with water that's boiling and makes your skin melt .
I don't know how she does that .
I check the water making sure it was just the way I like it .
When I was satisfied with the water temperature I took off my clothes and step in the shower.
I was surprised to see all the bottles of what it seems to be shampoos and other things .
There's so many of them I don't know why she buys so many .
I mean how many shampoos and conditioners do you need ?
Especially the body soap different scents and shit .
I only had one bottle and it was 3 in 1 and I was fine with that .
I got under the water feeling the water fall on my body making me feel a bit calmer than before but I still had that nagging feeling in my chest .
It's probably because I never did this thing of meeting the parents .
It was always a one night stand and that was it nothing else never got to that level.
Girls never took me serious or wanted to been seen with the town freak.
But with Dani,she actually wanted me. She actually cares about me. She saw me for who I was and not for the town freak or satanist she love me for me.and because of her she made me change the way I view life, with her I  wanted to meet her mom i want to have dinners with her family ,i wanted to be a father for Nate ,I want to married her and grow old with her .
Eddie before meeting Dani  would have never believed what I was thinking right now .
He would have laughed in my face.
Before meeting Dani I only thought about myself and my uncle .
I wanted to get out of this awful town but I had to graduate first.
I wanted to go on a road trip to travel across the untied states all the way to California .
That was my priority but now I see myself going on that same road trip with Dani ,Nate and Ozzy .
I love that kid so much as if he was my son.
Never in a million years did I see myself with a family and now here I'am saving up money to take them on a summer vacation.
And they don't event know about it ,Jesus Christ !! What if Dani doesn't want to go or doesn't think my van is ok for a road trip for Nate to go on .
Now I'm gonna have to save to get an rv for us to travel comfortably.
I was even thinking to going to college to have a better future for Dani and Nate I want to give them everything they deserve .
I couldn't believe myself honestly.Eddie Munson wanting to go to college ,College has actually been in my head a lot lately. I wanted to be a fucking teacher, a music teacher or a drama teacher .
Dani was changing me for good.
I actually talk to uncle Wayne about this and he gave me the biggest smile and told me how proud he was of me.
Suddenly I heard the door from the room open but I didn't pay too much attention and continue showering .
The water felt good and so did the scrubbing things Dani had the exfoliating scrub for my face that was awesome .
My skin feels so soft now I know why Dani's skin is always is soft .
I was reading one of the bottles when I heard someone outside the bathroom door .
"Dani ,sweetheart are you in the shower ?"
Holy shit !! Dani's mom.
"Shit ,shit ,shit ." I whispere yelled frantically .
I put the bottle down carefully trying not to make any noise .
Please don't come in the shower ...
My fucking luck .
I needed a fucking miracle right now .
"Dani sweetheart I'm Coming in." She said opening the door to the bathroom.
My heart started beating faster by the minute .
I think I was gonna die today of a heart attack .
Next chapter
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2022animalfarmg2 · 2 years
Forbidden Loink
What if Snowball fell in love with Mr. Jones? What do you think would happen if there was a love between animals and humans considering that it was forbidden? Do you think humans would approve of it? What about the animals? If you want to know what is going to happen and how everyone is going to react about this, read "The Forbidden Loink".
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Clara and Luiza
Forbidden Loink
I was literally expelled from the farm! Oh, Napoleon, I hate you so much! The biggest liar and the biggest manipulative animal I've already met in my whole life. Being honest, I was super angry and also sad because I would miss my great friendanimals, but the only thing that crossed my mind was: what about Mr Jones and I? 
Ok, I know you are wondering "what do you mean with 'Mr Jones and I'". Let me contextualize for you.
Two weeks before I was expelled, Mr Jones called me in his workroom and told me:
– Snowball, I asked you to come here because I need you to be my personal assistant.
– Hm, I am sorry Mr. Jones, I didn't understand… your personal assistant? For what?
– I really need someone to clean my feet, they are always very dirty because of the mud…
– Wait, let me see if I got it. You want me to come here in your room just to… clean your feet?
– Wasn't I clear? Of course I want to! And I am the lider, so that is not a favor, it is an ORDER! - he screamed.
– Well, ok… don't worry, I'll do this. I just have a few questions…
– Be objective! - he was getting nervous.
– How many times do I have to come here?
– Twice a day, at 11 a.m. and at 7 p.m.
I was about to freak out! That was gross! And imagine having to spend a lot of hours in my day just Mr. Jones and I? Oh my animalord! However, I didn't have other options, so…
– Ok. 
– Oh, and one more thing. I just called you because you are the less boring animal on this farm.
– Well, thanks, I guess. Can I go now?
– You must! And do not forget your next job, tomorrow, be here at 11 a.m., or you will have consequences! Now go! - he screamed again.
All right. This was the worst nightmare I have possibly had in my entire life.
by the next morning, 10:55 o clock, I was already in Mr. Jones' office's waiting room.
– You can come. - he told me
I didn't say anything, I was kind of scared of him. His feet were actually grosser than I thought they would be. I tried not to demonstrate my facial expression while I was cleaning them. Suddenly, he asked me:
– Tell me about your family. Do you have sisters or brothers? Where do your parents live?
Ok. What the oink was going on? He seemed to be curious for my personal life, so I answered:
– Yes, I have a brother older than me. And my parents… well… I prefer not to say a lot about them.
– Why? What happened?
– My dad has always been so mean to my mom just because he was a horse and she was a pig, so she thought he was better than her. My mommy died two years ago, but I will never forget what she used to say to me.
– What?
– "I loink you more than anything in this animal world, piggy." 
– Loink? What is that?
– "loink" is "love" in a pig language, our own way to express our love. 
– Very weird, but kind of cute.
I did not understand anything. Why was he so kind? Why was he so interested in my life? It seemed like another Mr. Jones. A good mood Mr. Jones. A caring Mr. Jones. A in loink Mr. Jones? No. Definitely not. I gotta stop reading fan fictions. 
In the next few days, everything was the same. And to be honest, as the days passed, cleaning Mr. Jones' feet was not as bad as it may be seen. Actually it was pretty good. Mr. Jones was not a monster, he was a nice person. Well, it was almost 11 p.m so I needed to go to his room.
– Hey, Snow, how are you? You can come in, please!
He was so polite to me. He just called me SNOW? Oh my animalord! I knew he was changing, and we were getting closer each time we saw each other.
– Good morning, Mr. Jones.
– You can call me only Joe!
– Well, ok, Joe.
All of the sudden while i was doing my job he just said:
– Snow, you are different from the other animals…
– Am I?
I admit that this sentence for some reason gave me some sort of piggerflies in my stomach. But why? 
– Yes! I mean… you are fun, you have a good talk, and I really like you.
To be honest, I had no idea how to answer this. It was a shock for me.
– Thanks, you are very nice too… 
– I just made a decision! You don't need to clean my feet anymore, but if you want to, you can still give me some visits… you know? Just to talk, like friends. Or more than that…
What. in. the. piggy. world. I has reactionless. I mean, what the oink he just said?! He kept getting near to me, and then, he said
– Snow, I loink you!
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean, what? He's Mr. Jones,, and I'm… im just another pig of HIS farm. I decided to follow what my heart had been wishing from the beginning, so I smiled, came even closer to him, and kissed him. Yes, I kissed him. Everything was so unexpected, but it was just perfect. 
I came back to the pigsty wondering what would happen next, and how other animals would react. I needed to talk to them, so, I decided to make a big announce in the next day, telling everyone that I loink him!
The next morning I woke up feeling like a pig floating in the mud, and as rainbows were coming out from my little tale in circular forms. I was just thinking about the perfect way to announce it to everyone my loink for Mr. Jones, and decided to summon a big reunion with everyone, including my one and only lover, so that we could open up our relationship together. 
I asked the birds to help me get everyone united at the stable by 12 p.m. My heart was missing a beat each time the clock got closer. 11:30. 11:40. 11:50. And finally, it was time. Everyone was there looking at me confused as I got together strengths to speak up. I took a breath, and then I started:
– Hey everyone, I have a huge announcement to make. I got you all together today so I could open up my heart to all of you. So let's get this over with, right? Since I was born, I have always been taught by Old Major that humans were our biggest enemies and we should always keep our distance from them. But in these last few weeks, I've realized that this isn't true. Not all humans are the same, just like animals, and some of them are incredible! So, i'm here to announce that Mr. Jones is one of these incredible humans. He's caring, and loving, and such a good friend. For me, even a little more. Mr. Jones and I are officially in a relationship! 
The whole stable went quiet. I could only see the shock expressions on their faces. Was this the right decision to make? Suddenly, the silent was broken when we all heard something coming from the back. 
– That's right, I loink Snowball! - Mr. Jones said.
Every single one of them gasped, in complete shock. I was shaking, however, I was very relieved at the same time. Joe smiled at me, and I reciprocated. I didn’t know what I should do next, but I decided to just leave and go to the refectory. 
When I was leaving, I saw Joe behind me, and he said:
– I’m very proud of you. I mean, of us. 
I smiled at him and I hugged him. 
I woke up the next day because of a noise that I heard coming from outside. It was a really loud shout saying "Out Snowball! Out Snowball! Out Snowball!". I didn’t understand anything, so I opened the door and said:
– What is going on guys? Why are you screaming that?
– Don’t try to hide yourself! We all know you are a liar, you've been sabotaging our windmill since the first day we built it. - Squealer said.
– What are you talking about?
– Yeah, Snow, this was real damage. - started Boxer - I would never expect this coming from you. I’m sorry, but you can’t be part of this farm anymore.
– I obviously didn’t do any of that! I wouldn’t try to prejudice you guys, you are literally my family! Who told you this?
– Napoleon - Mollie said - He affirmed that every night, when everyone was sleeping, you came here and destroyed a bit of our windmill.
– I pigpromise you! I didn’t do this! Please, believe me.
– I’m sorry, but we can’t have a liar in our team. You are officially expelled from the farm - Said Napoleon.
I couldn't believe in what I was hearing. I really didn’t do this. I was almost crying, in completely shock, when I heard Napoleon whispering in my ear:
–It was clear that animals had no relations with humans. You broke this rule. Besides, I never liked you. Bye, have a good life with your great lover Mr. Jones.
Oh my animalord! I hated Napoleon so much! I tried to shout to everyone that Napoleon was manipulating all the animals and that I had never done that. But no one listened to me. Boxer and Clover were pushing me toward the farm's exit, looking at me disappointed.
And here I am. Crying as I recount my last days in this place that brought me so much joy, and the main one, my true love. And through this experience, I can conclude: don't believe in love, and stop reading fanfics, real life is a four-headed monster.
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cuguriras · 7 years
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Please go read #prohibitedlove 😍😍😍😍 Written by Cleo G 😎 All comments are appreciated 👧👧👧
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