#professional vacation planners
savvytravelers · 5 months
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Professional Vacation Planners
Let Savvy Travelers' professional vacation planners handle all the details, allowing you to relax and enjoy your trip!
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writersdrug · 1 month
Training for Two
Chapter 6: Pup Cup
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Summary: Simon unexpectedly runs into you... and your friends... and Tyler.
Warnings: dissociation, jealousy
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It was finally Saturday - a Saturday where you had cleared your schedule, and so had Leslie and Nina. AND Tyler. Which was maybe once every two months. So, you had made plans to get brunch with the girls, the three of you deciding to dress up a bit and get mimosas. Tyler had promised to swing by around one to take you around the city, then to spend a cozy day at his apartment.
Right now, it was girl time. The three of you had your mimosa pitcher and a shared basket of fries, delving into each other's personal drama.
"And then Marcie asked me to pick up this Saturday - today, mind you - because she forgot the two interns were finished this Thursday. Of course, I told her no, in the most professional way I could - and she had the audacity to say I needed to pick up more slack. Me!!"
Nina scoffed. Your jaw dropped open. "You've been there the longest!"
Leslie nodded. "Longer than her, too! God, I could've let her have it, right then and there-" she sighed, leaning back in her seat. "Of course, I didn't. But I made sure she knew I would not be coming in on my day off, that I had planned for weeks."
You snapped your fingers in applause, making Leslie chuckle. "Bravo to you - we love seeing women fighting women in the workplace."
"Oh, stuff it." She laughed, swatting your hands away. "Feels like an episode of 'The Office,' if you ask me. Just too bloody insane to be real."
You hummed thoughtfully, taking a sip of your mimosa. Your eyes wandered down to your purse, hanging from the side of your chair, your phone tucked away within. I wonder what Simon's up to... what does he do on his days off?
"Speaking of women in the workplace..." Leslie turns to Nina, who was scowling at her phone. "Who's got you so irate on a Saturday?"
"Idiots, that's who." She grumbled, furiously punching away at the keyboard on her screen. "It's as if the minute I take a personal vacation, everyone and their grandmother suddenly need a wedding planner." She sighed and tucked her phone back into her purse. "I'm sorry..."
You and Leslie shook your head, reassuring her that it was alright. God forbid she starts falling into the "I work so hard and get nothing in return" schpeel - which would be believable and understandable, if it wasn't for the fact that she played that card every time the three of you were together.
"Did you hear she started dog-sitting?" Leslie said, nodding in your direction.
That snapped Nina out of her own head. "You did? What does that have to do with your design work?"
You huffed. "Well, it doesn't - but, and I told you this, Leslie" - she laughed at your glare - "that I was just looking for a house-sitting gig, like what I did before I left that stupid company. Just until I got a few clients to myself, and could start my own business."
"Busy bee..." Leslie commented, and Nina nodded in agreement.
"Not nearly as you two - remember how hard it was for me and Tyler to have a weekend together? Now I'm the one waiting for him. He's even started coming with me when I take Riley for walks - just to spend more time together."
"How sweet..." Leslie cooed.
"Riley?" Nina asked.
"The dog." You answered. "She's a wonderful dog, really. Used to be military, before her... injury..."
You trailed off, staring at something between Leslie's and Nina's heads. They stared at you in confusion for a moment, until you beamed widely and started waving your hand. They turned to stare at whomever had caught your attention.
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Simon wasn't one for "get-togethers," as he heard them called. He was perfectly fine spending his leave at home, only leaving to walk Riley or get his groceries and smokes. He'd occasionally text the team and see what they were up to, but other than that - he had no problem living like a hermit.
Soap was the one to suggest the idea of the team getting lunch together, since they were all nearby for work. Of course, Gaz was never one to turn down a group outing; once he was in, Price had decided they all might as well go. ("Should be a team off the field too, right?")
So that's how Simon had been forced to come out of his cave. And no, it might not seem like he was forced... but it would be rude of him not to go, so therefore, societal standards were forcing him. That, and Soap would bitch about him being a "bawbag" for weeks if he didn't tag along.
He decided to bring Riley with him, since it had been a few weeks since she had seen everyone. She looked around as she panted, walking besides Simon through the mildly-crowded sidewalk. It was a decent Saturday afternoon, with a mix of cloud and sun hanging in the sky. Simon wore his usual jeans and a sweatshirt, along with a black surgical mask.
He needed a head start for the day. Not that he didn't enjoy spending time with his team outside of work... but people were exhausting, especially when he was forced into proximity with them. He needed a few hours to himself, in public, just to wake up his social battery. The best way to achieve that? Tea, Riley, and people-watching.
So that's how he found himself, next in line at the coffee counter of a restaraunt he’d been to a few times before. He had his hands shoved in his pockets as he held Riley's leash; her head was on a swivel, sniffing the aromas that wafted through the air, and the occasional hand of each person who passed her. Simon was thankful people were wary of his presence - it kept everyone from trying to lean down and pet Riley without his permission.
The customer in front of him moved away from the counter, and Simon stepped forward. The girl behind the cash register smiled at him, wiping her hands on her apron.
"What can I get for you, sir?"
"Jus' a tea. Medium, no sugar, no cream."
"Would you like the passionfruit tea or the mint berry mixer? Or our jasmine goddess?"
"... d'you have black tea?"
She chuckled. "Yeah, I'll get your black tea."
Simon huffed as he put his cash on the counter. Don' get why tha's funny...
He watched as she moved - rather sluggishly, he thought. Despite that her makeup did a fantastic job of hiding how tired she must have been, he could see it in her eyes and actions. The way she stood there, shoulders slightly slumped as she watched the hot water pour into Simon's cup, her arms resting heavily against the counter. He looked behind him briefly, noticing how long the line was for the cafe. Not to mention she had dine-in orders to fulfill, too... and she's alone at the coffee bar. He turned back, watching as she fought to make sure the lid was properly secured on his cup. It made him a bit nervous, how she supported nearly all of her weight onto the top. What if it crumples? What if she gets burnt? Is there a burn kit behind the shelf? Probably not-
Riley whined, snapping Simon’s attention away from the barista and down towards her. She licked her lips and stared up at him curiously.
She always knows.
He sighed, patting her flank. "Thanks, girl."
The barista returned with his tea, as well as a small cup of whipped cream with a dog biscuit poking out of it. “For your friend.” She said with a too-tight smile.
Simon stared blankly at the whipped cream cup. "I didn't order tha’.” He said bluntly.
“It’s on the house! Pup cups are free.” She said, nudging the two items towards Simon. “Don’t worry, there’s no added sugars in the whipped cream, and the treat is allergen-free.”
Why does everyone assume dogs have allergies? Simon thought to himself. He glanced at Riley for a brief moment – she looked back at him, certainly not expecting a treat, not yet. She’d hounded him enough for those goddamn biscuits all morning, the ones you’d been spoiling her with, and he had no choice but to follow the routine and gave her one. This created a cycle that sent him to the doggie-daycare once a week to pick up more, since the old woman who made them only sold them there. Without even intending to, most likely, you were taking more from his wallet than he had hired you for. Not that he minded… it was all for Riley, however, he was almost certain he’d buy a fucking parrot if you were the one convincing him.
Riley let out a garbled sound, making Simon realize he was still staring at her. And holding up the line. Shit, socializing was more taxing than he thought…
“Thanks…” he mumbled, grabbing his drink and the cup of whipped cream. He carefully directed himself and Riley through the crowd and over to the condiment shelf, setting both items down and adjusting his grip on Riley’s leash. He still had a few hours to kill; it’s a bit cramped in here, he thought as he grabbed a handful of napkins, eyeing the throng of coffee addicts and beatniks in the cafe, there’s always the bench by the fountain on Muller and 4th street, that might-
The sight of your familiar, perfect, sparkling eyes sucked the air and the thoughts from his body in a matter of a single second. That bright personality speared him like a harpoon as you waved from across the café, beckoning him over with a waggle of your fingers. His mind was trying to catch up after being knocked off of its feet, and he finally inhaled.
You looked equally surprised to see him - but he wasn't paying attention to that. He noticed your eyeliner and lipstick, how it made your features even brighter than they typically were. You'd worn your hair down, which was the first time he'd seen it like this since he hired you. Your nails were painted a soft pink, which accentuated the mimosa glass like an orange sunset across a blush sky... and your dress. Of course, it was bright and floral, just like your personality. But it was soft, too. The way it fitted so nicely around you - not too tight, perfectly settled around your shoulders and hips, making you look delicate. Simon was sure if he was to reach out and touch your arm, it would feel like he'd touched the skin of an angel.
He was too stunned to wave back, still frozen in the one spot by the counter as people flowed around him like river water around a stone. It wasn't until Riley had noticed you too and began whining that Simon finally gathered his bearings and nodded his head at you, stuffing the napkins in his pocket.
Two other heads swiveled around from your table and eyed him curiously, and for a moment, he groaned internally; you were with friends. Not horrible, but... not ideal. He didn't care to talk to anyone other than you at the moment – really, ever. Still, you were here, and that trumped all other factors. His anxieties moved to the sidelines when you were on the other end of the path. He clicked his tongue at Riley and grabbed his tea, carefully weaving through patrons and tables to get to you.
"Simon!" You chirped when he approached; you stood up and on your toes, reaching your arms to give him a side hug. He awkwardly stood there, attempting to hug you back by letting his arm curve around your upper back, careful not to spill his tea. Before he could stop himself, he took a deep, quiet breath in, nearly sighing at the smell of your perfume.
So floral and... sweet. Like the bookstore/plant nursery hybrid that he passes when he walks through town on his way for groceries.
You pulled away, and he straightened up. He was suddenly aware of the other two women staring at him.
"So sorry!" You said, turning to your friends. "Simon- this is Leslie, and Nina."
"’Ello." He said quietly, uninterested, and they each responded with their own "hi's". Leslie looked at him with a scrutinous stare, and he could feel her trying to peel him apart layer by layer. She looked like a corporate junkie, with her tight bun and high heels. Nina... she was... odd. She looked at him with her bottom lip between her teeth, eyes half-lidded... it made him uncomfortable. Both with the way she shamelessly ogled, and with how her eyes seemed to be a few unfortunate centimeters too far apart.
"And this is Riley!" You said, bending down and ruffling the dog’s fur. "How ya been, girl?"
She blinked at you as you pet her, sniffing the air between your face and hers. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as she panted, nearly smiling up at you if she could have.
"Ya gone and spoiled her." Simon commented, feeling something warm at the sight of you and Riley. "She wants me to tuck 'er in every day, now. And she's got me runnin' to the dog daycare every week for those bloody biscuits."
Leslie pursed her lips, thinking Simon was being rather rude. You laughed, sitting back down in your seat. "She wasn't spoiled enough, in my opinion. Did she drag you to Poeheko Park yet?"
"She did. Thought I's about to be mugged."
You laughed again. Simon wished he could bottle the sound and keep it in his pocket, so he could pull it out and listen to it over and over whenever he wanted.
"I don't think anyone could mug you, Simon." You said, absentmindedly stroking Riley's fur as she sat next to you.
So you thought he was strong? Invincible? Oh, that did something to him.
"What do you do, Simon?" Leslie asked, sipping her mimosa. "For work?"
Definitely corporate... he thought, from the way her question sounded slightly interrogatory.
"Military." He said bluntly.
Nina's lips curled into a smile; he chose to ignore it.
"Her too?" Leslie pointed at Riley, who sniffed her extended hand.
"She was..." Simon looked down at her, a bit pleased that Riley huffed in distaste at the 'stranger'. "Retired. And a rotten princess now, thanks to you." He turned back to you, his expression lighting up the tiniest bit.
You could sense something - what it was exactly, you couldn't put your finger on it. Simon seemed... tense. Uncomfortable. Maybe he didn't like being thrown into social settings with people he didn't know. You understood it.
"Well-" you said, trying to ignore the way Nina stared at him. "I don't want to interrupt your morning."
"You weren't." He said, still looking at you.
You sent him a glance, and laughed nervously. He continued watching you - God bless anyone who was ever in a staring contest with this man - as Riley sat next to him obediently. Fuck, she was staring at you too...
Leslie looked back and forth between the two of you for a moment, with you blushing furiously, and Simon watching you like you were prey - fortunately, she found an opportunity to come for your rescue.
"Oh, Tyler's here, luv." She said, tilting her head towards the space behind you.
You turned in your seat and smiled, just as a man came up and whisked you out of your chair. You threw your arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek, and he smiled as his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Thought you were coming by around one?" You said, pulling back to look at his face.
"I was able to pick up the kit from work earlier than I expected, so I thought I'd come by now." He briefly waved at Leslie and Nina, tucking you into his side. "Sorry girls - lookin' lovely, by the way - but I'm stealin' her a bit early today."
Nina waved her hand dismissively. "We had something planned for tomorrow too; go right ahead." Leslie nodded in agreement.
Tyler smiled. "Perfect. Glad it's not too much of a- woah..."
He turned to look – to really take in the sight of the hulking, brooding man beside you, and he was very visibly taken aback. Simon's soft stare had turned into a cold, unforgiving glare. His eyes were hardened with - something. Maybe anger, maybe authority. He stood rigid and tall, with his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt, as he bore holes into Tyler's frame.
Simon took him in: soft, brown hair, a slight tan, rough hands, yet soft features. Slight wrinkles around the eyes from smiling too much. A white shirt and jeans, with a plaid – it made sense, now where your stash had come from.
He liked the way that Tyler was a bit intimidated, as evident by the look in his eyes. What he didn't like, was... Tyler. How he held you close. How you let him hold you. And how he himself felt the urge to snatch you from Tyler's grasp and march you out of the cafe.
"Oh, sorry-" your voice brought them both out of their trance. "Tyler, this is Simon. My client."
"Ah!" Tyler smiled, relaxing a bit as he held his hand out. "Nice to meet you!"
Simon grabbed it firmly, making Tyler wince the tiniest bit as he shook his hand. "Likewise." Not in the slightest.
When he released his hand, Tyler bent down to Riley and offered his hand for a sniff. "I know we've met before, girl."
Simon felt something stir in his gut as Riley sniffed Tyler's hand. "Y' have?" He asked, his voice a bit harsh.
"He's never been in your house." You said quickly, trying to diffuse the tension in the air. "He just tags along for the walks sometimes. Keeps us company.”
Riley IS the company. Y’ don’t need an extra, luv.
"Mm." Simon said gruffly, looking down at Riley. She was sniffing Tyler's closed fist, then leaning back to stare up at Simon. She huffed in distaste.
He fought the urge to smirk. Good girl.
"What do you do, Simon?" Tyler asked, trying to be friendly.
Nina cleared her throat. He's milita-"
"Special Armed Services." Simon interrupted. "Ten years."
Tyler looked impressed. "Shit- that's tough, mate. Makes sense with how you- y'know..." he gestured to Simon's frame, then dropped his hands and cleared his throat. "Eh, nevermind."
"I's fine." Simon replied, standing a bit taller. "What d'you do?"
"Ah- heh, nothin' that impressive. Electrician."
Simon nodded, though it wasn't the answer he was hoping for. It was hard to completely emasculate a man when he did blue-collar work. And even harder when Tyler seemed to respect Simon. It was one thing to be an asshole to an asshole, but it was another to be an asshole to a decent man.
He had to reign himself in. Tyler was your boyfriend. Why was he trying to show the poor lad up after knowing him all for a minute and a half?
"Well, erm..." Leslie cut in. "Looks like you two need to get going, and we're nearly finished here." She smiled at Simon. "It was lovely meeting you!"
"Yeah mate!" Tyler said. "Nice to finally meet you!"
Simon paused for a moment. Normally, he would love to be ripped out of a conversation like this - but now, he'd suffer through the company of a few, annoying strangers if it meant he got to talk to you. But, he obliged, sensing that Leslie wanted him gone for a reason.
"Yeah, likewise." He said, giving Riley a pat, then he looked at you. "Might need you t' watch 'er soon, but I'll email you."
"I'll keep an eye out for it." You said with a flashy smile. "See you later, Simon!"
He grunted and nodded his head, then left them all at the table. Riley stayed dutifully by his side as they made their way through the crowd of cafe patrons.
Simon tried to smell your perfume for as long as it would cling to his shirt. Soon, the scents of coffee, sugar, and teas washed it out, and the lingering warmth your scent brought him had also vanished. The bitterness came right back into his throat, coating his tongue and making him grimace under his mask and his fists clench in his pockets.
Tyler seemed like a good man, and you were happy. He had no business feeling so possessive over something that wasn't his - something that belonged to someone else. He felt like he was missing a screw - his emotions were completely out of control, and he acted compulsively when it came to you. He told himself, as he walked out of the cafe and into the busy sidewalk, that the disappointment of discovering that you were Tyler's would be a good opportunity to work on himself.
He sighed, continuing down the path to the pub. Riley huffed as she trotted next to him, and he suddenly remembered the cup of whipped cream and the dog treat – most likely still abandoned on the condiment counter of the restaurant. “Don’ worry, girl, you can have some’f Johnny’s chips.”
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destintravelagency · 2 years
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a-d-nox · 9 months
web of wyrd: goals you should set to become your best self
this is just a theory of mine because these bubbles of the matrix should represent your higher self. i feel like it could work for the outside numbers too that changes yearly... anywho - this is not to say that you can't accomplish goals/resolution not listed in your category / under your energetic number nor that your efforts not listed in your selection don't make you a better person. this is simply what i believe people with these numbers would benefit from doing and how they can gain new found confidence in themselves.
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1 - the magician
start a garden, work on passion project(s), read or write a business/self-help books, get a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, study more tarot/astrology/mediumship, complete an art project, make your own soap or candles, start taking vitamins daily, declutter, learn to cook, learn to code, get car detailed, start journaling, do a paid class or certification course, start learning a new language, learn more about heritage, learn how to do nails at home, start a side hustle, learn to knit or crochet, learn how to manage a bonsai, or go to a concert
2 - the high priestess
delve deeper into spiritual practices, eat to support hormones, learn to bake, take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), start or restructure a self-care routine, take a beach/cruise vacation, play brain games, learn to makes candles, go to a fondue experience, reset closet or revamp style, try a juice cleanse, take a cooking class, get a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, practice tarot/astrology/mediumship abilities, or take self-defense class
3 - the empress
build up your crystal collection, reset closet or revamp style, go to an art museum, see a ballet or take a ballet class, sketch daily, practice makeup looks, keep a flower garden, get jewelry cleaned or revamp jewelry collection, save for real pearl/diamond/stone jewelry, learn to make your own candy/sweets, start a budget or emergency fund, reset closet or revamp style, save for a designer piece/accessory, start a new beauty/skincare routine, take a trip to a fancy restaurant, learn how to dried your own fruits, start a garden or try to grow something new in your garden, go to a concert/orchestra, read or write a poetry book, go to a play, start wearing lingerie (sometimes it's a pick me up to know you look good for yourself), get a boudoir photoshoot done, go to a vineyard or wine tasting (for those of drinking age), or take a dance class
4 - the emperor
start a new skincare routine, go on a rock climbing retreat, start going to the gym or become a personal trainer, try an adrenaline rush activity (skydiving, bungee jumping, etc), take a wood shop class, get more into your coffee - learn about sourcing/grinding beans, start taking better care of your eyes, start a hair care routine, start an oral health routine, start meditating, or start using time blocking or following a planner
5 - the hierophant
sketch daily, go on an architectural tour, start a beauty routine, go to a history museum, learn how to make pastries/sweets/candies, get your earrings cleaned professionally or save for a quality set, learn how to make sour dough, save for real pearl/diamond/stone jewelry, take piano/organ lessons or give them, take or give singing lessons, or take a class
6 - the lovers
get car detailed, get car license, do a bicycle marathon or learn how to rider a bike, read a set number of books, buy a quality briefcase / work tote, go on a day trip, start a gym membership or soulcycle classes, build up you crystal collection and learn how to use them, upgrade your desk set up, go for hand & foot message, learn how to do nails at home, start reading the newspaper (i recommend the new yorker), take a language classes, learn a new language, take a train trip, learn how to better your communication with others, or start talk therapy
7 - the chariot
start a garden or try to grow something new in your garden, learn how to bake or learn how to bake something new, start a new beauty routine, go on a boat trip / cruise, get car detailed, try a juice cleanse, upgrade glassware, declutter, invest in home, stay at a hotel or bed & breakfast, upgrade kitchenware, go on a lake trip, go tubing, invest in pearls, invest in real estate / land, try a new restaurant, get silver jewelry cleaned professionally, shop your pantry, go on a trip, or start journaling your intentions / bullet journaling
8 - strength
go to an amusement park, work on or finish a passion project, take ballroom dancing classes, learn about tea and tea leaves, learn to read tea leaves, start playing a new game or design a new game, practice vulnerability, go to the movie theater, start a flower garden, or get a pet
9 - the hermit
get a pet, organize bookshelves, try a juice cleanse, upgrade clothing or declutter closet, start an oral health routine, start journaling more consistently, learn more about emergency preparedness, invest in emergency preparedness, learn to cook something new, invest in new dining ware (new plates/bowls, cups / glassware, silverware, etc), try a food subscriptions (home chef, hello fresh, pickle of the month club, bokksu japanese snack box, etc), take care of a bonsai, take supplements, learn to knit or crochet, start an herb garden, learn to dry your own herbs, take a one way trip to anywhere, or go on a hiking trip
10 - wheel of fortune
learn about different incenses/herbs, practice or take a class in archery, plant a tree, invest in land, learn how to dry berries, start a budget, learn how to budget, start going to a gym / exercising, expand religious/spiritual/philosophical knowledge, learn how to play a new card game, learn how to spin your own wool (then you can move to weaving, crocheting, and/or knitting), learn how to make your own clothing, buy a luxury coat, take a trip to a country or place you have never been, start an oral health routine, take an etiquette class, learn about the customs of other countries/cultures, eat more fruit, get a beehive / harvest your own honey, start taking royal jelly, take a horseback riding lesson, upgrade shoes / shoe collection, support spiritual practices / keep learning about what you believe in / trust, or start practicing a positive mindset
11 - justice
go to a ballet or an art gallery, start using or invest in an air purifier, learn how to take care of house plants, buy a house plant, take a spa day, go to a spa, reset your cosmetics (please clean your brushes and sponges), wearing lingerie (sometimes it's a pick me up to know you look good for yourself), get a boudoir photoshoot done, organize your closet, declutter your closet, start a capsule wardrobe, learn how to make pastries/sweets, invest in diamonds, propose to your lover, buy a dress that makes you feel good and take yourself on a date (fancy diner and a play/opera/ballet), go to a fashion show or exhibit, buy yourself flowers, start a flower garden, invest in a luxury chair (a chaise, reading chair, gaming card - whatever your thing is, justice person), declutter your jewelry, invest in luxury jewelry, get your jewelry professional cleaned, go to a concert, read or write a poetry, buy yourself chocolate dipped strawberries, get hair extensions (i know you want to lol), do logic puzzles, or go to an escape room
12 - the hanged man
take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), learn how to better decode angel numbers, look into / practice natural medical remedies, take a ballet class, go to a ballet, revamp your self-care routine, go on a beach vacation, try a new tea or coffee, learn more about tea or coffee, practice photography or start a photography side hustle, take a dance class, read or write a smutty/romance/fantasy book, make a fairy garden, get a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, practice your tarot/astrology/mediumship abilities, start budgeting, try a new makeup look or practice your makeup skills, go to a concert, paint something, read or write a poetry book, take a swim class, make a poppet, or practice meditation
13 - death
start practicing or expanding homeopathic cures and remedies, learn more about meat sourcing, purchase/invest in half a cow or pig, learn how to cook and trim meats, try to be a vegetarian or a vegan for a month or longer, do a colon cleanse, read a philosophy of death book, expand your knowledge of magic, try a new period product, learn more about poisonous plants, make a frog pond, buy a scorpion/snake/snake, gift someone something unexpectedly, or declutter your space
14 - temperance
go on a hunting trip, take an archery class, read a book on religion or philosophy, start a devotional journal, read the book of your core religion or philosophy, purchase a book on dream meanings and keep a dream journal to reflect on your dreams, take a certification course or college class, take a horseback riding lesson, go on a horse drawn carriage ride, do logic puzzles, or learn how to better decode angel numbers
15 - the devil
invest in a fan or air conditioning unit, if you have the land for it - buy a cow/horse/goat, learn how to use kinetic tape, start dry brushing, invest in diamonds / diamond jewelry, propose to your significant other, invest in a luxury clock or watch, practice/learn better nail care, invest in room darkening curtains, invest in and use a happy lamp, start a lotion/cream skin routine, learn how to knit or crochet, invest in hair products (extensions, shampoo subscription, etc), start a hair routine, invest in leather fashion-ware, start a garden or try to successfully grow something new in your garden, invest in an ice maker or ice molds, or try a juice cleanse
16 - the tower
practice yoga, take an acrobatic/gymnastic class, learn about and practice homeopathic cures and remedies, take a first-aid course, learn how to bake, learn how to season and marinate your meats, get a bad haircut or shave your hair off, learn how to use a straight razor, learn knife skills, get a custom metal works done, take boxing lesson, go to a boxing match or monster truck duel, learn more about meat sourcing, purchase/invest in half a cow or pig, learn how to cook and trim meats, try to be a vegetarian or a vegan for a month or longer, take a wood shop class, start a cactus/succulent garden, buy a cactus or succulent, learn how to cook something from scratch (and be okay with failing at it multiple times), invest in pocket knife / knife set /leatherman / multitool and learn how to use it, invest in a tool kit, read or write a comic or graphic novel, take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), listen to more rock music, invest in a vinyl, go to a rock concert, maintain a pepper plant, or build a lego kit
17 - the star
learn how to make friendship bracelets, invest in a fan or air conditioning unit, take a flight lesson, use compression stockings/socks, take an architectural tour, read or write an astrology reading, get car detailed, get a club memberships, invest in an electronic device brand, collect movies, watch a new movie, invest in a camera, film a short film or practice photography, start a photography side hustle, practice shadow work, get rid of unused subscriptions, take an acting class, read or write a book on health or mental health, or read or write a book on positivity
18 - the moon
make a piece of abstract art, take a mixology course or find your signature drink (if you are of age), pay a fish, visit an aquarium, go on a fishing trip (for the dads), watch a fishery documentary, read or write a book of conspiracy theories, learn how to read a crystal ball, buy a tarot/astrology/mediumship reading, practice your tarot/astrology/mediumship abilities, invest a camera, practice photography or start a photography side hustle, read or write poetry book, attempt hydroponics, practice bluffing, take an acting class, invest in new shoes, start using a sleeping eye mask, invest in silk pillow cases, buy yourself new quality bed sheets, start using a bonnet, invest in a typewriter, practice shadow work, buy a puppy, or purchase a book on dream meanings and keep a dream journal to reflect on your dreams
19 - the sun
read an autobiographical books, take ballroom dancing lessons, start an oral health routine, try a new card game, make your own chocolates, take an artistic/creative class, get new jewelry or an engagement ring, buy yourself flowers, start a flow garden, start a herb garden, learn how to dry your own herbs, go to a race of some sort (cars, horse, etc), invest in sporting equipment, buy and maintain an ivy plant, take a pottery class, or work on your passion project / hobbies
20 - judgment
buy an ant farm, practice astral projection, learn more about emergency preparedness, invest in emergency preparedness, practice illusions and slight of hand, buy and learn about poisonous plants, read the divine comedy, do a puzzle, buy a bubby, or wearing lingerie (sometimes it's a pick me up to know you look good for yourself)
21 - the world
start a garden or try to grow something new, take or give a guitar lesson, invest in air conditioning or fan, take an architectural tour, make your own teddy bear (literally sow one), buy a pair of quality/luxury boots, keep a calendar or planner, practice sun protect / use sunblock products, convert to wooden kitchen supplies (cutting board, spoon, etc), buy a luxury carpet, make a clay house guardian, invest in a luxury clock or watch, use compression stockings/socks, collect coins, learn how to use kinetic tape, build up your crystal collection, start a budget tracker, start a lotion for dry skin routine, learn to knit/crochet, start a hair care routine, invest in an ice machine or ice making trays, learn to make ice cream, take a pottery class, invest in real estate or land, keep a zen sand garden, or invest in a sculpture
22 - the fool
take flight lessons, take a flight to anywhere, get car detailed, get an astrology reading, practice your astrology reading abilities, learn how to ride a bike or do a bike marathon, go to the movie theater, invest in a luxury clock or watch, start a club memberships, take a train ride, take motorcycle classes, do something impulsive, filming or recording something and upload it online, learn to cross stitch / knitting / crocheting, invest in a camera, practice photography, watch a new movie / tv show, invest in a new tv, or take a class
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
Sexy secretary, youthful secretary, cute secretary and etc...
But what about a secretary (like yeoseop romance) that is in her middle old twenties and after looking for different jobs... finally found one who paid well. So she doesn't wanna lose it and became a fierce, precise, persona (hot head too).
And guess what..!? She is the secretary of John fucking Price
and maybe john didn't even want a secretary. he's a busy body, likes to be hands on his own work, right? so hes not mean, but he's not nice either. expects her to mess up because all of them do whenever they come across the pretty boys kyle and johnny who tend to be in and out of his office but her eyes are GLUED to her planner, her laptop and whatever paperwork he's given her for the day.
johnny almost goes out of his way to make her flustered but she takes no shit.
Yes, Mr. MacTavish.
Ach, call me Johnny, lass.
It would be inappropriate for me to do so, Mr. MacTavish.
hey hey and then john gets used to her, trusts her to run his day without him even being around. and one day, some average sized male with blonde hair and blue eyes comes in, flashing some black wallet she couldn't even get a proper look at, asking her in his southern drawl if she knows where john's at. all spider senses are tingling here, and she's long learned to trust her gut so with her professional, practiced smile she tells him that no, he's not coming since he's on vacation.
he hands her a card, telling her to let him know when he does come back.
it's important, sugar. we are under the impression that your boss isn't a very good man.
now she's irate, the only one that gets to call her pet names is johnny.
i will call as soon as he comes back. is there anything else?
he's barely stepped out the door when she rings up john, telling him that there was an american man asking for him and his voice takes a vicious tone she's never heard before.
you tell them anything?
she stiffens her spine and tells him that no sir. told him you were out of the country.
she can hear him exhale, in relief or something, she doesn't know. but what happens next is something she didn't expect. a sleek, black car pulls up the front and a towering, broad man with a skull mask opens the back door and tells her to get in.
she's hesitant, her moms voice ringing in her ears about stranger danger and all that but his deep voice cuts derails any other train of thought she had.
now. before i make you.
who, she thinks as she meekly climbs in the back, am i working for?
who is john price??
this was a cute idea and i got carried away sorry :}
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mrghostrat · 10 months
trying to promo a new fic idea of mine on tumblr but i have..... 0 of an idea how to improve ☠️ how on earth do you go about with elevator pitches on a website like this? You pitched the idea of BNF and Streamerguys so well and naturally !!
to be fair, i have a bachelor degree in game design, and one of our early assignments had us make 25 game pitches in 2 weeks. then we had to throw 20 of them out and create 10 more. so i've got enough practise under my belt from that alone 🥵
elevator pitches are daunting, but fandom is so nice to us because we've already got the ao3 tagging system and handy trope vernacular. use them!! i try to mention my main tropes in all my fic summaries because they're such a succinct way to describe sooo much about the story (like "Enemies to Lovers")
the rest of it comes down to the actual storytelling process, and how well you can recognise your main themes and conflicts. for slower going stories (i.e. Streamer AU), the setting can also be a helpful detail to mention.
one of the hardest things about an elevator pitch is holding back information. you only want it to contain the most pivotal points, even if it feels like you're leaving out tons of important detail that people might like. when it's particularly difficult to cut a pitch down, i separate it into multiple summaries that focus on a different part of the story, and alternate which one i use when i post about it.
SO to try and wrap this up, here's a checklist for things you can use when making a pitch/summary, and some examples:
the main relationship trope/tag (i.e. enemies->lovers, childhood friends, fake relationship, new neighbours, professional rivals, online relationship, celebrity/fan, secretly pining)
the primary conflict, or the catalyst for the story (i.e. aziraphale signs up for the paris trip, not realising his worst enemy is going too // crowley and aziraphale are mad for each other but legally can't date or crowley will lose his job // crowley wants to take a clipping of a rare rose but priest aziraphale wont let him into his garden)
a pre-existing work it's referencing (i.e. movies and tv show plots you're using, like The Office, Harry Potter, Love Actually etc)
the setting (incl locations, time period, character employment) (i.e. two shops on the same street, school field trip to paris, wedding planner, Through The Ages, coffee shop, actors, authors, musicians etc)
any other trope/tag for flavour if you need to flesh it out (i.e. coming out, meet cute, summer vacation, crowley is good with kids, angst with a happy ending)
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cyber-cry-baby · 1 year
Miasma pt. 11 "Test subject"
Caustic x fem reader Words: ~1300 Warnings: none Previous chapter | Next chapter
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You had thoroughly enjoyed your short vacation. Now, you were standing in your apartment, slowly and deliberately unpacking your suitcase. You were calculating every moment and pondering your week's schedule. The upcoming days weren't too busy, so you had time to make a move.
Outside, it was getting dark. You had been traveling all day. You felt the weight of tiredness, but you didn't want to go to bed. You had noticed something about yourself - perhaps you weren't as much of a planner as you thought; you acted more on emotion. And now, you felt like you should do something.
You grabbed your key card and headed out the door. The hallways were quiet. You walked to the elevator and stepped in. The elevator descended, seemingly taking an eternity. Eventually, it stopped on the floor where the workspaces were located. Instead of heading to your own workspace, you took confident steps towards the laboratory, hoping that a certain someone would be there. You pressed the buzzer and startled.
You had to say something, and you didn't know what. Maybe Alexander was intentionally avoiding you after what happened. Suddenly you heard static from the speaker.
"H-hello, it's Y/N…” you stammered, your voice trembling slightly. Oh no, you hadn't planned this out at all. To your surprise, the door opened, and you slipped inside. You walked cautiously further into the laboratory. You felt a flutter of butterflies in your stomach when you saw Alexander standing there, leaning on his desk with a coffee cup in hand. He looked like he had been awake for nights on end, yet he looked really good.
"May I inquire about your requirements?" Alexander retorted, his tone so icy that you flinched. You hoped you weren't back to square one. You reminded yourself that you had had heated arguments before, and Alexander had told you numerous times to leave him alone. The fact that he had let you into his lab like this was significant in itself.
"I just wanted to see you”, slipped out of your mouth unexpectedly. You did mean it, but maybe you didn't want to express it so directly. Alexander looked surprised - that same expression you had seen when you were, well, a bit drunk together. You wondered how that cold and distant man could suddenly appear so innocent and bewildered. It almost made you smile. However, Alexander quickly regained his usual serious demeanor.
"I must ask… that we maintain a... professional distance from now on. We're… simply colleagues”, Alexander stated coldly.
"And if you don't have work-related matters right now, I kindly ask you to leave."
Alexander's formal speech style suddenly tightened your chest. That night when you were drunk, you caught a glimpse of the more relaxed and almost normal side of him. Now he had decided to put back on his mask.
"Are you serious?" slipped from your lips again. You felt like an idiot, mainly because tears were threatening to well up in your eyes. You were disappointed by his words. Only now did you realize how much you had a crush on this person. Alexander furrowed his brows. He probably didn't want an angry girl crying and yelling in his lab, especially considering he knew how fiery and confrontational you could be.
"I apologize for my behavior… while under the influence of substances…”, Alexander said, coughing in embarrassment. You couldn't believe your ears, or well, what could you actually expect. You were so foolish to develop feelings for that monster. Holding back tears, you were considering turning around and running out, but suddenly you felt the desire to challenge him again. Nevertheless, you still needed more information for the Syndicate. There would be no point in rushing out now that you were here.
"Well, I don't regret a single second of it”, you said as calmly as you could. You weren't sure if you meant it anymore.
"If you allow, I need to continue my work." Alexander ignored your words and placed his coffee cup on the table.
"Alright, but tomorrow evening some of us are going to the firing range and then to the Lounge. Could you possibly consider coming?" you said so quietly that you could barely hear your own voice.
"Well, I'd like to introduce you to my new abundance of toxins”, he said, and you almost heard a smile in his voice. You were satisfied with the outcome and nodded, turning to leave.
"But don't expect... anything."
You couldn't shake off Alexander's words from yesterday.
‘Don't expect anything.’
You sensed a hint of hesitation in his voice. You were definitely overthinking stuff. You desperately wanted to find something between the lines.
Just stop it already! Figure out if you hate or like him. You mentally scolded yourself as you slipped on your boots.
You all gathered at the firing range. Octavio gave you a high-five, and Ramya stretched her arms beside you.
"Ajay, Loba, Kairi..." Elliott counted the present legends. You kept hoping that Alexander would show up, but it was hard to imagine him joining the planned group activities. On the other hand, he had been spending time in the Lounge just like anyone else.
"Let's pair up… me and Y/N!" Octavio said, doing restless X-jumps. You felt honored that someone wanted to pick you first. After dividing into pairs, you took your positions. As a duo, you started hunting each other. You laid on top of a sandy rock, listening to footsteps. Maybe you and Octavio had slightly different approaches in games, but those differences could support each other in teamwork.
"Nice kill, compadre”, Octavio cheered as you shot someone from a distance. You were surprised at how good you had become at aiming. You exchanged high-fives again.
"We're unstoppable!"
A siren wailed, signaling the end of the round.
"Damn, you guys rock”, Anita wiped sweat from her forehead. You sat at the edge of a rock and took a sip from your water bottle.
"Tavi can't claim ya, Y/N; it's my turn!" Ajay sat next to you and playfully nudged your arm. You smiled at her, and soon you were ready for another round.
A while later, you found yourself standing alone in a crevice of the rock. You were nervous even though this was just a practice and not a real game. Being competitive, you still wanted to win. You moved forward silently. Amidst the quiet, you heard a rustle behind you. You turned around and saw Alexander's figure standing before you. You let out a sound that could be classified as a scream and raised your weapon. You heard his low laughter from behind his mask. He seemed amused by how much he startled you.
"The rabbit's cries bring the wolves”, Alexander took a step toward you with heavy boots.
"Willing test subjects are always welcome", Alexander pulled something out and apparently pressed a button, causing thick gas to spread around you. How could you let this happen again? You could've just shot him already.
And you would have, if the gas hadn't suddenly paralyzed you completely.
The next thing you knew, you were lying on the hard ground, struggling to open your heavy eyelids.
"No time to nap, chica!" Octavio's voice exclaimed.
You saw Alexander standing a bit farther away without his mask, jotting something down.
"There, there”, Ajay handed you a water bottle, and you managed to drink while keeping an eye on Alexander.
"You were a bit harsh on the girl”, Anita chuckled at Alexander, who only grunted in response. Everyone assumed anyone could have fallen for Caustic's trap, but you knew it was personal. Specifically for you. You were indeed dealing with work matters now, you as the guinea pig and Alexander as the experimenter.
No matter what, you couldn't get maybe any closer to that man. Unless you managed to get him under the influence of alcohol in the Lounge again.
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otiumgoa · 1 year
Book 4 Star Luxury Boutique Resort in Goa | Otium Resort Goa
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Otium Resort is a stunning 4-star luxury boutique resort located in the heart of Goa, India. This beautiful property offers an ideal blend of comfort and luxury, making it a perfect destination for leisure trips. The resort boasts well-appointed rooms, modern amenities, and top-notch services, ensuring a memorable stay for its guests. Otium Resort is an excellent choice for corporate events, romantic getaways, and for business travelers, offering well-equipped meeting rooms and conference facilities. With its beautiful outdoor spaces, state-of-the-art amenities, and professional event planners, the resort can cater to all your corporate needs. With its luxurious rooms, serene ambiance, and personalized services, the resort offers the perfect setting for a romantic vacation. Overall, Otium Resort is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience in Goa.
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edenweddingplanner · 5 days
At Backwater Ripples, turn every moment into a memorable experience. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful getaway, planning a corporate event, envisioning a dream wedding, or celebrating life’s milestones, this resort is designed to cater to diverse occasions, making it the perfect venue for corporate events, vacations, social gatherings, weddings, birthday parties, and more.
I am Mejo.K. John proud owner of Eden wedding planners. Eden Wedding Planners have an impressive 34 years of wedding planning experience. We possess an in-depth understanding of the art of creating unforgettable moments. Our wealth of knowledge extends specifically to organizing events at Backwater Ripples, where we’ve mastered the art of making the best use of this beautiful resort for any occasion – be it weddings, parties, or even corporate functions.
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besthotelsingoa · 5 days
5 Reasons Why You Should Plan Your Dream Wedding in Goa
Goa, with its pristine beaches, scenic landscapes, and relaxed atmosphere, has become one of the most sought-after wedding destinations in India. Whether you're dreaming of a cozy seaside wedding or a grand celebration, Goa has something to offer for every couple. From stunning beach views to world-class venues, here are five reasons why you should plan your wedding in Goa, especially at one of the top hotels in Morjim Goa.
1. Picturesque Beach Venues
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One of the biggest reasons couples choose Goa for their wedding is the breathtaking beach venues. Imagine walking down the aisle with the soft sounds of the ocean waves and a sunset backdrop. The beaches in North Goa offer an ideal setting for beachside ceremonies. The hotels in Morjim Goa, for instance, provide a beautiful, tranquil environment perfect for your special day. With golden sands, glistening waters, and swaying palms, the natural beauty of Goa adds a magical touch to any wedding ceremony.
If you’re considering other locations, the hotels in North Goa Calangute also provide excellent venues. The charm of Calangute Beach, one of the most popular beaches in Goa, ensures that your wedding photos will be stunning, capturing every romantic moment. Planning your wedding at one of the hotels near Calangute Beach will allow your guests to enjoy the best of Goa’s beaches while also celebrating your love.
2. Intimate and Private Ceremonies
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Weddings in Goa are perfect for couples who want an intimate celebration with close family and friends. Many North Goa hotels near the beach offer exclusive options, where you can rent out the entire property for your event. By doing so, you can ensure that your special day is completely private, allowing you to celebrate without any interruptions or distractions.
Take, for example, hotels in Morjim Goa like ours, which allow couples to book the whole venue for a truly private and unique experience. With a venue exclusively for you and your loved ones, you can enjoy the entire property, creating a personalized and intimate environment for your wedding day.
3. World-Class Hospitality and Services
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When planning a destination wedding, hospitality and services play a crucial role in making your celebration unforgettable. Goa is home to several renowned hotels and resorts that offer exceptional wedding packages tailored to your preferences. At hotels in North Goa Calangute or Morjim, you’ll find a dedicated team of professionals ready to help plan every detail of your big day, from decorations to catering.
Goan hotels and resorts pride themselves on providing world-class services, ensuring that your guests are comfortable, and your wedding runs smoothly. These venues often come with seasoned event planners, experienced in coordinating every element of destination weddings, so you can focus on enjoying your big day.
4. Versatile Spaces for All Types of Celebrations
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Goa's resorts and hotels provide versatile spaces to accommodate both small, intimate gatherings and larger, more extravagant celebrations. Whether you envision an intimate beachfront ceremony with just a few guests or a grand celebration with hundreds of loved ones, Goa’s wedding venues can cater to your needs. Hotels near Calangute Beach and North Goa hotels near the beach are known for offering flexible wedding packages, so you can customize the space according to your vision.
At hotels in Morjim Goa, for example, you can find beautiful, sea-facing venues perfect for ceremonies or receptions, capable of hosting up to 150 guests. These spaces can be decorated to fit your style, from traditional Indian themes to modern, minimalist décor. The stunning views and the versatility of the venues make for an unforgettable celebration.
5. A Memorable Experience for Guests
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Finally, a wedding in Goa offers an unforgettable experience not just for you but for your guests as well. Your friends and family can turn your wedding into a vacation, enjoying everything Goa has to offer – from its beaches and vibrant nightlife to its rich culture and delicious cuisine. By choosing hotels in Morjim Goa or hotels near Calangute Beach, your guests will have easy access to some of the best attractions in Goa. Many venues offer luxurious accommodations, so your guests can enjoy a comfortable stay while celebrating your big day.
Additionally, Goa's friendly and relaxed vibe allows everyone to feel at ease, creating a warm and enjoyable atmosphere that enhances the wedding experience for all.
Planning your wedding in Goa ensures a perfect blend of romance, adventure, and luxury. The natural beauty, versatility of venues, and exceptional services make Goa a top choice for destination weddings. If you’re dreaming of a seaside wedding with a personalized touch, our property at Red Thread Hotels is the perfect choice. As one of the best hotels in Morjim Goa, we offer exclusive access to stunning sea-facing venues, luxurious accommodations, and world-class services to make your wedding truly unforgettable. Whether you're planning a grand celebration or an intimate gathering, Red Thread Hotels is the ideal location for your dream Goa wedding.
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savvytravelers · 5 months
Dream Vacation Advisors
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The Perfect Partner In Planning Your Ideal Vacation
Embarking on a dream vacation entails meticulous planning and attention to detail. Amidst the myriad of options available, finding the perfect balance between excitement and relaxation can be overwhelming. However, with the guidance of the perfect partner in travel planning, the journey from envisioning your ideal vacation to experiencing it becomes seamless and stress-free.
At Savvy Travelers, we understand the importance of having a trusted ally by your side as you embark on your travel adventures. Our team of experienced travel advisors serves as your ultimate resource, dedicated to ensuring that every aspect of your vacation is tailored to your preferences and desires.
Here’s why partnering with Savvy Travelers is the key to planning your ideal vacation:
Personalized Expertise
Our travel advisors possess extensive destination knowledge and insider insights, acquired through firsthand experiences and continuous training.
We take the time to understand your unique preferences, crafting customized itineraries that cater to your individual interests and needs.
Time-saving Convenience
Planning a vacation can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Our travel advisors streamline the process by handling all the logistics, from booking accommodations to arranging transportation and activities.
With our expertise and industry connections, we ensure that you get the best value for your investment without sacrificing quality or convenience.
Tailored Recommendations
Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, our travel advisors listen attentively to your desires and match you with the perfect vacation experience.
We offer tailored recommendations for accommodations, activities, and dining options, ensuring that every moment of your vacation exceeds your expectations.
Seamless Support
From the moment you reach out to us until long after you’ve returned home, our travel advisors are here to provide support and assistance every step of the way.
In the event of any unforeseen issues or disruptions during your vacation, we act as your advocates, ensuring that your concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.
Exclusive Access
As a Savvy Traveler, you gain access to exclusive perks, discounts, and amenities that are only available through our trusted partnerships with cruise lines and travel providers. We leverage these partnerships to create unforgettable experiences for you, whether it’s a private shore excursion or a special onboard event.
In conclusion, when it comes to planning your ideal vacation, partnering with Savvy Travelers is the perfect choice. With our personalized expertise, time-saving convenience, tailored recommendations, seamless support, and exclusive access, we ensure that every aspect of your journey is nothing short of exceptional. Contact us today and let us turn your travel dreams into reality. Welcome aboard!
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priyakm · 5 days
Resorts in Ganpatipule
Greenleaf The Resort and Spa, nestled on a hilltop with breathtaking views of the Arabian Sea and the unspoiled beach coves below, stands as one of the finest hotels in Ganpatipule. This luxurious and stylish property is designed to provide a comfortable and convenient stay in Ratnagiri, offering an unparalleled travel experience that sets it apart from other resorts and hotels in the region.
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Greenleaf The Resort and Spa boasts 70 spacious and well-designed rooms and suites, each thoughtfully crafted to ensure a premium stay for guests. Whether you're visiting for leisure or business, the resort's blend of modern amenities and serene surroundings creates a haven where you can unwind and rejuvenate.
As one of the best hotels in Ganpatipule, Greenleaf The Resort and Spa offers an ideal mix of business and leisure facilities. The resort features state-of-the-art banqueting facilities, making it a top choice for families and corporations looking to combine work and relaxation. The resort's three banquet halls—The Pearl, The Emerald, and The Ruby—are equipped to host a variety of events, from corporate meetings to lavish weddings, ensuring that every occasion is a success.
Dining at Greenleaf is a culinary journey through diverse cuisines, with four exceptional restaurants to choose from. Konkan Spice, the flagship restaurant, offers a taste of the Konkan region with its mouth-watering seafood and coconut-based preparations. Zaika, the multi-cuisine restaurant, serves up world-class dishes from Maharashtrian, Punjabi, Chinese, South Indian, Thai, and Italian cuisines, making it a delight for food lovers. Spirits Lounge Bar provides a relaxed setting to unwind with handcrafted cocktails or international spirits while Whispering Palms, the outdoor garden restaurant, offers al fresco dining surrounded by lush greenery.
For those seeking relaxation, the resort's two swimming pools provide the perfect spot to soak up the sun and take in the stunning views. The on-site spa offers a range of rejuvenating treatments that promise to pamper the body and refresh the spirit, ensuring that guests feel revitalized. Additionally, the resort's tennis courts and children's play area cater to the needs of both adults and young guests, making it an ideal destination for families.
Greenleaf The Resort and Spa is more than just a place to stay; it’s a destination where luxury meets nature and where every detail is designed to enhance your experience. Whether you're planning a corporate retreat, a family vacation, or a special event, Greenleaf offers everything you need for a memorable stay. The resort's team of professional event managers and party planners is on hand to turn your dream event into reality, making Greenleaf the go-to choice for those seeking a truly exceptional hotel experience in Ganpatipule.
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travelwithmicotrip · 8 days
Your Gateway to Unforgettable Travel Experiences
Are you ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime? Look no further than Mico Trip, your trusted travel agency dedicated to creating memorable journeys tailored to your unique preferences. Whether you're a thrill-seeker chasing adventure or a laid-back traveler searching for relaxation, we offer customized travel solutions that turn your dream vacations into reality.
Why Choose Mico Trip?
At Mico Trip, we don’t just plan trips; we craft experiences. Here’s why we are the perfect partner for your next getaway:
1. Personalized Itineraries
No two travelers are the same, and neither are our travel packages. Whether you’re interested in a family vacation, a romantic escape, or a solo adventure, our experienced travel planners customize every detail to fit your needs and interests.
2. Affordable Luxury
At Mico Trip, luxury travel doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. We offer affordable deals without compromising on quality. With our vast network of airline, hotel, and excursion partners, we ensure that you get the best value for your money.
3. Expert Travel Guides
Our travel consultants are seasoned professionals who bring their local expertise and insider knowledge to every destination. We guide you through every step of your journey, from selecting the best travel dates to recommending hidden gems at your destination.
4. 24/7 Customer Support
Your satisfaction is our top priority. That’s why Mico Trip provides round-the-clock support before, during, and after your trip. Need assistance with last-minute changes or travel tips while on the road? We’re just a phone call away.
5. Eco-friendly Travel Options
We are committed to sustainability and offer eco-friendly travel options that allow you to explore the world while minimizing your environmental footprint. Choose from eco-conscious hotels, low-impact tours, and more.
Destinations to Inspire Your Wanderlust
At Mico Trip, we believe the world is yours to explore. From the sun-kissed beaches of Bali to the snow-capped peaks of the Swiss Alps, our destination offerings span the globe. Looking for cultural immersion in Japan, a wildlife safari in Kenya, or a romantic cruise through the Greek Isles? We have it all.
Some of our popular destinations include:
Europe: Explore iconic cities like Paris, Rome, and Amsterdam.
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Join the Mico Trip Community
When you book with Mico Trip, you become part of a community of like-minded travelers who share a passion for discovery. Stay connected with us on social media for travel inspiration, tips, exclusive deals, and updates on new destinations and packages.
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Ready to Start Your Journey?
Your next adventure is just a click away. Visit our website www.micotrip.com or give us a call at number to start planning your dream vacation today!
Mico Trip—Where every journey is a story waiting to be told.
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bmp-wedding · 16 days
Discover the Best Destination Wedding Planners in Delhi for Your Dream Celebration
Destination weddings have become increasingly popular for couples looking to celebrate their special day in a picturesque and unique location. Whether you’re dreaming of a beachside ceremony, a historic castle, or a serene mountain retreat, a destination wedding offers the perfect backdrop for a memorable celebration. However, planning a wedding in a remote location can be complex and challenging. That’s where expert destination wedding planners come in. In Delhi, BMP Weddings stands out as one of the best choices for organizing your dream destination wedding.
Why Choose a Destination Wedding?
A destination wedding provides a magical and personalized experience that is often more intimate and unforgettable. Here’s why opting for a destination wedding might be the perfect choice for you:
Unique Settings: Destination weddings allow you to choose a location that reflects your personal style and preferences. From exotic beaches to grand historical sites, the possibilities are endless for creating a wedding that is truly one-of-a-kind.
Memorable Experience: A destination wedding offers not only a beautiful setting but also an opportunity for your guests to enjoy a mini-vacation. The combination of a stunning location and a festive atmosphere creates lasting memories for both you and your guests.
Intimate Celebrations: Many destination weddings tend to be smaller and more intimate, allowing you to focus on spending quality time with your closest family and friends. This setting often leads to a more personal and meaningful celebration.
Cultural Flair: Hosting your wedding in a different locale often introduces you to new cultural experiences and traditions. This can add a unique and special touch to your wedding ceremony and reception.
Why Hire a Professional Destination Wedding Planner?
Planning a destination wedding involves coordinating various elements across different locations, which can be overwhelming without the right expertise. Here’s why a professional destination wedding planner is essential:
Local Knowledge: A destination wedding planner has in-depth knowledge of various locations and can recommend the best venues, vendors, and local services that align with your vision and budget.
Logistical Expertise: From travel arrangements and accommodations to coordinating with local vendors and handling permits, a destination wedding planner manages all the logistical details to ensure a smooth planning process.
Vendor Coordination: A seasoned planner has established relationships with local vendors, ensuring that you receive high-quality services and products. They handle negotiations and oversee vendor contracts, saving you time and stress.
On-Site Management: On the wedding day, a destination wedding planner is on-site to manage the event and address any issues that arise. This ensures that everything runs smoothly, allowing you to relax and enjoy your special day.
BMP Weddings: Your Premier Destination Wedding Planners in Delhi
Among the top destination wedding planners in Delhi, BMP Weddings is renowned for its expertise and exceptional service. Here’s why BMP Weddings is a standout choice for your destination wedding:
Tailored Experiences: BMP Weddings specializes in creating personalized destination weddings that reflect your unique style and preferences. They work closely with you to design a wedding that matches your vision and exceeds your expectations.
Comprehensive Services: BMP Weddings offers a full suite of destination wedding planning services, including venue selection, vendor management, travel arrangements, and on-site coordination. Their comprehensive approach ensures every detail is meticulously handled.
Creative Solutions: The team at BMP Weddings is known for their innovative and creative solutions, providing fresh ideas and unique touches that make your wedding stand out. They focus on delivering a memorable and distinctive experience for you and your guests.
Exceptional Client Service: BMP Weddings prides itself on offering exceptional client service, providing support and guidance throughout the planning process. Their dedicated team ensures a stress-free and enjoyable experience, allowing you to focus on celebrating your special day.
A destination wedding offers a unique and enchanting way to celebrate your marriage, creating unforgettable memories in a breathtaking location. Hiring a professional destination wedding planner is essential for ensuring that every aspect of your wedding is expertly managed and executed. In Delhi, BMP Weddings is a premier choice for planning your dream destination wedding, offering personalized service, local expertise, and exceptional creativity.
If you’re ready to embark on the journey of planning a destination wedding, consider partnering with BMP Weddings. Their expertise and dedication will help you create a stunning and seamless celebration that reflects your vision and provides a truly memorable experience for you and your guests.
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praveentraveller · 28 days
Top 10 Travel Agencies for Your Next Dream Vacation
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Introduction: Planning a vacation is an exciting endeavor, but with so many options out there, it can also be a bit overwhelming. That’s where travel agencies in vellore come in. They simplify the process, offering expertise, convenience, and sometimes even better deals than you can find on your own. But with so many agencies to choose from, which ones should you trust with your next dream vacation? Here’s a list of the top 10 travel agencies that can turn your travel dreams into reality.
1. Expedia - The All-in-One Travel Solution Expedia is a household name for a reason. This online travel agency offers everything from flights and hotels to car rentals and vacation packages. Their user-friendly platform allows you to book and manage your trip with ease. Plus, their customer support is always there if you need assistance along the way.
2. Booking.com - Best for Hotel Stays When it comes to finding the perfect accommodation, Booking.com is hard to beat. With millions of listings worldwide, you’re sure to find a place that suits your style and budget. They also offer flight bookings and car rentals, but their real strength lies in their extensive range of hotel options.
3. Travel Leaders - Personalized Service with a Global Reach Travel Leaders is a network of professional travel advisors who specialize in creating customized travel experiences. Whether you’re planning a luxury getaway or a family vacation, their advisors work with you to design a trip that fits your needs. Their expertise and attention to detail make them a go-to choice for travelers seeking a more personalized touch.
4. Trafalgar - Expertly Guided Tours If you prefer to explore new destinations with the guidance of an expert, Trafalgar is the agency for you. They offer a wide variety of guided tours across the globe, from Europe to Africa to Asia. With Trafalgar, you can enjoy immersive experiences without the hassle of planning every detail yourself.
5. Kayak - Best for Flexible Travelers Kayak is a powerful travel search engine that helps you find the best deals on flights, hotels, and car rentals. They aggregate results from multiple sources, making it easier to compare options. For travelers with flexible schedules, their “Explore” feature lets you see where you can go within your budget, perfect for spontaneous adventures.
6. American Express Travel - Luxury Travel and Exclusive Perks If you’re looking for a premium travel experience, American Express Travel has you covered. They offer exclusive perks like room upgrades, dining credits, and more at luxury hotels and resorts. Their personalized service ensures that every aspect of your trip is handled with the utmost care and attention.
7. Intrepid Travel - Sustainable and Adventure Travel For those who crave adventure and want to travel responsibly, Intrepid Travel is an excellent choice. They focus on small group tours that emphasize local culture and sustainability. Whether you’re hiking in the Himalayas or exploring the markets of Marrakech, Intrepid ensures your travels are both memorable and ethical.
8. CheapOair - Budget-Friendly Travel CheapOair lives up to its name by offering some of the most competitive prices on flights, hotels, and car rentals. Their website is easy to navigate, and they frequently offer promo codes and discounts. If you’re looking to save on your next trip without sacrificing quality, CheapOair is a solid option.
9. Globus - Seamless Group Travel Globus specializes in group travel, offering pre-packaged tours that take the stress out of planning. Their itineraries are well-crafted, covering must-see sights and hidden gems alike. Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or a larger group, Globus handles all the logistics so you can focus on enjoying your trip.
10. TripAdvisor - The Community-Powered Travel Planner TripAdvisor isn’t just for reading reviews—it’s also a powerful travel booking platform. Their massive user base means you have access to millions of reviews and photos from fellow travelers, helping you make informed decisions. They offer a wide range of services, from hotels and flights to vacation rentals and experiences.
Conclusion: Choosing the right travel agency can make all the difference in planning a successful vacation. Whether you’re looking for luxury, adventure, or budget-friendly options, these top 10 travel agencies have something to offer every type of traveler. So, as you start planning your next dream vacation, consider letting one of these trusted agencies take the reins—you’ll be glad you did.
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weddingvenuemeerut · 30 days
Explore the Best Swimming Pool in Meerut at UV Club
A Premier Destination for Swimming Enthusiasts
In Uttar Pradesh, Meerut is known as a buzzing city that has numerous places for relaxation but UV Club is one among them that offers very luxurious and refreshing swimming. Right next to NH-58 Bypass Road, at only 60 km from Delhi; UV Club brings together class with comfort making it highly regarded by people living in this city or those visiting it.
State-of-the-Art Swimming Facilities
The swimming pool in meerut of the UV Club is a sanctuary for every individual who loves swimming, irrespective of age. The pool on the property is
always clean and safe, which allows everyone to enjoy themselves. This means it is a perfect ground for both advanced swimmers who want to perfect their strokes and novices who want just a better sensation.
There is much greenery in this area, making it quiet and providing tranquility. There are also designated areas around water bodies, where family members or friends can sit comfortably and enjoy the calm scenery together that would make it an ideal place for either talking with one another or just thinking.
Perfect for Events and Gatherings
Unlike other swimming facilities in Meerut, UV Club stands out because of its versatility. The club, however, involves so much more than just swimming in a pool; it is also for hosting remarkable functions. Because of its vast party lawns and completely air-conditioned rooms therefore it can be a fitting Wedding Venue in meerut, corporate gatherings and personal parties as well. In addition, the swimming pool provides an extra aspect during these occasions where guests can be refreshed by swimming.
This area can become full of life by many different events like children’s birthday parties or cocktail evenings. Therefore, your event at UV Club will remain unforgettable because of the vibrancy portrayed by the swimming pool space.
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Excellent Services and Accessibility
UV Club boasts high-quality amenities for anyone who pays it a visit. The swimming pool area is operated in a professional way starting from the lifeguards that can save lives and all they need to do is pay attention to party-goers’ requests.
Located along NH-58 Bypass Road, this club can be visited within Meerut or those coming from surrounding towns such as Delhi. The parking area ensures there are no inconveniences when visiting.
A Family-Friendly Destination
UV Club is meant to be an area that is friendly for all families. The swimming pool section has been fitted with security features, thus providing an environment that is safe for kids. Moreover, the club has various forms of leisure activities and dining opportunities so that every family member can have fun.
To sum up, UV Club at Meerut combines luxury, convenience and safety which is ideal for swimmers and event planners and a family vacation.  Whether you want to take a dip in for fun or hold a big occasion, the swimming pool in meerut at UV Club is just right for it. All you have to do is plan your day here and enjoy the amazing hospitality and adventures.
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