rachelnorris92-blog · 7 years
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Creating myself some brand guidelines :)
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Online Portfolio Development - Pro Con 2
Although it’s incomplete, here’s a short video of navigating around my website. It may look basic but there were so many things that frustrated me that shouldn’t have but I manage to overcome the problem. For example, I found out how to change the opacity of images when hovered over them, i also found out how to create new pages without having to go to a different tab, I learnt how to add more than one image to a page without everything messing up on the page. 
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amrit-randhawa · 8 years
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Mike Perry is one of the most famous contemporary illustrators. He has published books, most famously ‘hand job’ which was released in 2007. This book documents all the great hand drawn typographers and over the last 9 years the book has been a great reference point for both designers and illustrators. Perry has worked for a ton of well known clients from the guardian and volvo. His illustrative style, use of colours and motifs are unique to him and a great way for him to get share his work is through instagram. 
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Hermes Mazali has an extensive and beautiful self promotion set but I am interested in one particular piece, that being this small booklet that folds out to form a portfolio. It is regrettable that I do not have any big, full illustrations like the ones Mazali demonstrates, as I would like to be able to send examples my work out directly to studios. This is definitely something I will develop as my portfolio builds in the next few years.
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tombroadhurst · 8 years
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jackprstn · 8 years
Alan Kitching
Alan Kitching is a British print maker and typographer. His studio boasts the largest collection of letter press wood type in Europe. Kitching first caught my eye with his Five pioneers of the poster exhibition with monotype.
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tom-stones · 8 years
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Pokedstudio is an illustration and animation studio based in Cardiff but has illustration agents all over the world. It seems to be a theme with many websites the large image/sideshow of images being the main part of the page, I do think this works well and I could use my own work in this way or attempt creating a new piece of work which could be used in this way. There are lots of ways to contact this company and they are also on lots of social media so it would be useful to look into their social media presence.
Something which I do not like on this website is that it focuses only on the main page really as I do not feel like many of the other pages are as well designed as this one. 
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rachelnorris92-blog · 7 years
Making GIFs in Uni today :) 
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Online Portfolio Development - Pro Con 2 Here you can see some of the coding i’ve used for my website. It’s clear that i’ve kept to the design of my wireframe. I kept to a house style yellow, black and white, since they are the colours in my logo. I’ve used a type face called Cedarville Cursive for my name because it’s similar to my own handwriting. I still have a lot to go through yet, but so far i’m happy with the way my website is coming together.
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amrit-randhawa · 8 years
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DR.ME inspired collage, made using found materials.
This will be a piece featured within my portfolio
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This is Sofia Silva’s printed CV and portfolio. I love the use of patterns created with traditional media against a minimal, geometric design and bold tones. I’m always a fan of that contrast. Descriptions are kept to a minimum and everything is laid out clearly. I doubt potential employers want to spend too long reading through your projects, so I think it’s wise to keep things short and sweet, so no one gets bored and there’s something to talk about at interviews!
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tombroadhurst · 8 years
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jackprstn · 8 years
Aaron Draplin
American graphic designer, illustrator, founder of field notes and DDC, Aaron Draplin is one of the most talked about names in the industry right now. His whitty outgoing personality has won over many with his series of ‘Tall tales from a large man’ where Draplin travels the globe speaking to design students as well as venues such as the Walker and TEDx. His work breathes a sense of clarity with his constant attention looking back at what came before whilst completely remaining in the present and the years to come.
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tom-stones · 8 years
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Milkytea is an illustration and animation design agency in Liverpool. Their style is very apparent as you first enter their website. It is easy to see lots of social media links and seems to be easy to navigate the website.
Something which is interesting that Not many of the websites I have looked at so far is that the large image is actually a video playing showing their work. I like the idea of having an animation playing here but I do not think it would be suitable for my work, at least not yet. I don’t really like the way the website scrolls with the rest of the page moving over the top of the video, but I feel that is more personal preference.
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rachelnorris92-blog · 7 years
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Starting to come together nicely 🖤 #businesscards #black #silver #screenprint #salforduni #salford #student #manchester #designstudent #print #printroom
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Online Portfolio Development - Pro Con 2 Kat wanted to see a wire frame so we could have the go ahead for building our own website. The top image was my original layout but then I developed it on Illustrator so that it was clearer but also for professional purposes. If I was to design a website for a client, it would help that they can see a clear understanding of the structure of their website.
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