#process&control valves
ballvalveinahmedabad · 14 hours
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prabhaelectronics · 2 months
Enhancing Safety and Efficiency with Prabha Electronics’ Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief
In today's fast-paced industrial landscape, ensuring the safety and efficiency of fluid control systems is paramount. Prabha Electronics is proud to introduce the Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief, a cutting-edge solution designed to address the critical needs of modern industries.
The Importance of Reliable Fluid Control
Fluid control systems are the backbone of various industries, from manufacturing and chemical processing to oil and gas. These systems must operate flawlessly to ensure smooth production and prevent catastrophic failures. One of the key components in these systems is the valve, which regulates fluid flow and pressure. A malfunctioning valve can lead to overpressure, equipment damage, and safety hazards.
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Introducing the Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief
At Prabha Electronics, we understand the challenges faced by industries in maintaining safe and efficient fluid control. Our Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief is meticulously engineered to provide superior performance and reliability.
Key Features:
Automatic Closing Mechanism: The valve is designed to automatically close when the pressure reaches a predetermined level, preventing overpressure situations. This automatic feature ensures that the system remains within safe operating limits without the need for manual intervention.
Safety Relief Mechanism: Equipped with a robust safety relief feature, the valve safely vents excess pressure. This critical function protects both the equipment and personnel from potential hazards, ensuring a safer working environment.
High-Quality Materials: Built with premium materials, our valve offers exceptional durability and longevity. It can withstand harsh industrial conditions, providing reliable performance over extended periods.
Precision Engineering: Our valve is manufactured with precision engineering, ensuring accurate pressure regulation and consistent performance. This reliability minimizes downtime and maximizes operational efficiency.
Applications Across Industries
The Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief is versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications. Whether in chemical processing plants, oil and gas refineries, or manufacturing facilities, this valve enhances safety and efficiency. Its robust design and reliable performance make it an ideal choice for industries where fluid control is critical.
Benefits of Choosing Prabha Electronics
Enhanced Safety: The automatic closing and safety relief mechanisms significantly reduce the risk of overpressure, protecting both personnel and equipment.
Increased Efficiency: By maintaining optimal pressure levels, the valve ensures efficient system operation, reducing downtime and improving productivity.
Cost-Effective: The durability and reliability of our valve mean fewer replacements and maintenance costs, offering long-term savings.
Peace of Mind: With Prabha Electronics' Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief, you can trust that your fluid control system is equipped with the best safety features available.
In an era where safety and efficiency are paramount, Prabha Electronics' Self-Closing Valve with Safety Relief stands out as a vital component for fluid control systems. Its automatic closing mechanism, safety relief feature, and robust construction make it an essential tool for industries seeking to enhance their operations.
Contact No: 98888 54355
Visit Here: https://prabhaelectronics.co.in/
Address: Village Sundran, PO, Mubarikpur, Dera Bassi, Punjab 140201
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
Hahahah! The little healer stall sign says
Here to heal you today!
Little Healer Headcanons
Sun Wukong, MK, and Mei
(That is so damn cute to think about- lil’ Y/N all dressed up like a mage/nurse behind their stall, but only their eyes peek over the rim cause they’re short af)
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The Great Sage personally “finances” your little (probably unlicensed and illegal) stand by scaring off any cop or Karen who wanders by to try and cause trouble. He’s your number-one supporter at any given time, always on standby with a snack or hug to cheer you up.
It’s not uncommon for a client to lean over the side of your stall for a better look at what’s inside, just to find Ol’ Sun Wukong lounging on the ground.
When the king isn’t busy scaring people away by “accidentally” getting into their faces and pushing them around with a strength beyond their comprehension, he’s babying you.
Trying to, at least.
You work so very hard at your little repurposed stall, a handmade banner strung across the top, red crosses and flowers painted on the sides. It’s clear to Wukong that all you really want to do is help as many people as you can, however you can…
“But you can’t do that if you don’t take care of yourself,” he’ll remind, using legitimately good advice as an excuse to drag you off for mid-day snuggles.
The Great Sage will gently force you to practice basic self-care, even if it means dragging you back to Flower Fruit Mountain on his cloud for a hot bath and a cozy nap. Expect him to extend your “vacation” afterwards by asking for help with a few of his monkeys.
He is so, so good to you, in the worst way. A part of him knows that it’s wrong to load you with junk food and soda, but when he sees you all worn out and shaky on that wooden stool you have to stand on to see over the stall, his self-control fizzes out and the Great Sage is bolting off to “buy” you a horribly unhealthy combo meal from the nearest fast food place. (He steals it.)
And when you’re all tuckered out from a day of hard work and a belly full of sugar and grease and deep-fried fat…
Sun Wukong scoops you into his arms and starts the journey home, right back to where you belong.
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Oh, how this kid loves you. MK is always lounging around the corner of your wooden street stall whenever he gets the chance, kicking back with a copy of some Monkey King sponsored magazine or playing Monkey Mech on his phone- it’s a great chance to just lounge around and genuinely relax.
And sure, there’s some concern from his friends and family about how MK seems to suddenly be prioritizing protecting a blatantly illegal street stall over his job and work as a hero…
“Saving the city can wait! Y/N needs me to find a rare herb so they can make an antidote!”
Yeah, you definitely come very close to first in this hero’s heart. He doesn’t outright abandon the city, nor will he put you miles above his desire to protect it- but you are extremely close to being the most important thing in his world.
Just… a cute itty-bitty “sibling” that MK can’t help but to cherish. At first.
As the seasons go by, though… you start being a strange sort of living coping mechanism. An emotional crutch. As his anguish compounds and stacks higher by the day, MK starts using you as an impromptu and unlicensed therapist, trauma-dumping whenever you aren’t tending to a customer.
Being too young and naive to shut down these conversations, you can do little more than fidget and squirm while you try to soothe the worst of MK’s sorrows.
And he misinterprets these awkward consolations as genuine care on your part, which leads him to repeat the process again and again and again.
As MK slowly builds himself up, he in turn breaks you down- entirely on accident.
If he knew that the constant barrage of fears and worries were grinding you down, MK would absolutely turn the valve and shut himself off. He’d go right back to closing himself off and shutting up about everything that’s torn a hole in his heart.
But he doesn’t. You don’t know how to tell him.
So on and on he goes with these traumas, head in your lap during a slow day, right when you finally crack and start to cry.
Good thing you’ve got a hero on standby to cuddle your tears away.
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Each and every day starts with Mei prepping you for a long day at your “job”, and damn if the dragon girl can’t dote.
Special attention is given to your hair, little jeweled pins clipped into place just to give your outfit a bit of (expensive) sparkle- the motorcyclist believes with all her heart that you’ve earned it.
All your clothes are custom-made in whites and greens so that the two of you match, displaying to everyone around the bond she shares with you. Since your hands are so important to the work you do, Mei avoids giving you rings (and loose necklaces, just in case they get caught) and instead settles for thick golden bracelets (with trackers hidden inside) as a “gift”.
She tends to see you as more frail than you really are, so motorcycle rides are uncommon and uncharacteristically slow because Mei doesn’t want to rattle you.
Expect her to loudly and proudly proclaim “This is my little sibling!” whenever she gets the chance- and Mei will actively try to make this heartfelt delusion of hers a reality.
If you’re got a good home life, Mei imposes herself as an “honorary big sister” to justify all the time spent with you, painting herself as the sort of person who genuinely just wants the best for her community by looking out for everyone’s favorite healer.
But the moment she finds something solid against your guardians, this dragon girl blasts it all across social media to justify dragging you away from them- even if puts you in an awful and precarious headspace.
If you’re an orphan or stuck in a very bad home situation, Mei might just get her parents to adopt you- having a hardworking and adorable mage is not only good for the family’s reputation, but offers them a chance to expand their reach by having you lend a hand to influential and powerful individuals in their time of need.
And sometimes it feels almost like you’re being used, but they bring you back home after the work is done and allow you to rest and recuperate in front of their fireplace with a warm blanket (her mother wraps you up extra tight and kisses your forehead) and a cup of tea (her father pushes it into your hands and smoothes out your hair) before they dim the lights and bolt their lavish doors.
Really, you’re just part of the family now.
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myriaderotica · 2 months
TFP Optimus Prime and Megatron X Reader (General NSFW)
Optimus Prime
Possibly the most gentle person you can ever have sex with. His size be damned!
He is fascinated by your softness and squishiness, but he never loses himself. Optimus is calm, controlled, and always prioritizes your safety above anything else.
The man is also very detailed and thorough, allowing his curiosity to lead his servos. He may even ask you some questions during the process. He asks about your anatomy, and (of course), if you are enjoying his actions. And you know damn well this man just marvels at your beauty.
And his voice? It is incredibly soothing, but it has the ability to change in strength when sex actually happens. 
He wants you to enjoy his time with him, but make sure to give him a surprise by rubbing on his spike or eating out his valve. Your fragile lips and body just drive him into the most blissful state of mind. Yes, it’s overwhelming, especially during the overloads, but it’s so peaceful, too. 
Optimus truly cherishes interfacing with you, and he will never leave your side throughout the rest of the night. 
Sex is a great way to let off some steam. And boy, Megatron does require a lot of it.
Of course, he knows that you are much smaller and weaker than him, so he is as careful as can be and very mindful of his power. 
His stamina is huge, so much so that you probably need to rest the following day, and Megatron is happy to let you recover in his quarters.
He can really turn up the charms in his voice and his looks.
His claws tapping down your spine can make anyone shiver and arch their back in pleasure.
He prefers to overload inside you completely. He wants to watch his transfluid drip out of you.
Throne sex is also a possibility.
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comicaurora · 1 year
Can you give us a cool example to “something truly ridiculous, power-wise?
Probability manipulation is a fun one. Enjoy your charmed life of increasingly contrived coincidences and your finishing move, "what were the odds of a meteorite landing RIGHT THERE?"
Weather control is one for the large scale. On the scale of individual fights it can be a little ephemeral, but hitting people with lightning is always fun. Commanding a chaotic process that massive will have consequences.
Gravity control is a guaranteed "oh shit" that ranges from no-effort personal flight to colony drops to antigrav-ing people into space to throwing black holes around.
Any warlock-type "channel to unspeakably powerful malevolent being" has the potential to range from very manageable small-scale stuff to actual apocalypses depending on the unspeakably powerful being in question and the person serving as the valve. These powersets are cool because they have no theoretical upper limit for how terrifying the valve person can get.
If you're unethical enough about it, casual things like telekinesis or any sort of force-field ability would let you instantly kill whoever you want.
Superspeed is a rabbit hole of horrifying implications the more you wonder how fast the speedster needs to be able to think in order to move and operate at that speed, and whether or not they can turn it off, but outside of that "get anywhere fast" is pretty busted right out the gate.
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themodernmarriage · 2 years
Orgasm Control: A List of Benefits
I get a lot of questions about the benefits for me and for my husband about the benefits of structured orgasm control as part of addressing the issue of “mismatched libidos” in heterosexual relationships. For many people, as soon as they make a start on this journey, a range of benefits become clear pretty quickly. So, in this case, I believe the requests for providing a list benefits are for people who are still in the process of deciding if this approach is for them.
The short answer is - yes, your life (and sex life) will change for the better. Give it a try.
The second short answer - yes, use a chastity cage. While it is possible to practise orgasm control without one, the benefits for you, but especially for him, of using a chastity cage are exponential. Perhaps the list of benefits below will elucidate why:
Control vs Neglect
In most heterosexual, long-term relationships, women have a significantly lower sex drive than their male partners. Men have less sex than they would ideally like. In this sense, marriage means that females control the allocation of sex. Already. However, without a deliberate structure and communication around the element of this control, the mismatched libido is interpreted by the male as ‘neglect’ or the feeling of not being desired. This can drive the male to pornography, masturbation or ‘nagging for sex’, which puts unwanted pressure on you, and is a serious turn-off.
When orgasm control is discussed and structured as part of the couple’s sexual dynamic, the male’s perception moves from being ‘neglected’ to ‘controlled’. The latter is highly arousing, and the sexual dynamics flips on its head. By controlling his sexual release, you as a couple are indicating that it has a ‘value’ far greater than when he is simply free to masturbate at will. His greatest physical reward, and the oxytocin, bonding, dopamine rush that follows becomes linked to you, not to Pornhub.
More Sex, More Orgasms (For YOU)
Orgasm control is about controlling the MALE orgasm, not yours. The worst thing you can do is be sexually inactive between release windows. Rather just call the whole thing off now - it will not work.
Rather, you can and should have frequent orgasms - and he will love giving them to you. My partner and I have sex frequently outside of his release window. I unlock him and we have standard sex - the only difference is that he is not allowed to cum. He goes slower, uses toys, users his hands and tongue - whatever he needs to do to follow the rules - and I can deliciously and *selfishly* enjoy it. Once we're done, he is locked back up until next time.
This is what he expects and desires - don't feel bad for one second. Stop thinking in the old school "Sex is about the male being satisfied" mindset. It is mindblowing for him in every way - both mentally and physically.
Reigniting the Desire
As has been said on this blog before, males are programmed to ‘move on’ emotionally after ejaculating. Orgasm leads to a spike in prolactin which is a ‘shut off valve’ for intimacy and sexual desire. Frequent masturbation is therefore a total intimacy killer. Controlling the male orgasm leads to increases in oxytocin focused on you as his key objects of desire. He is heavily sexually aroused and his desire for you will skyrocket. Now, he is fully aware that he can’t do anything about it until his scheduled release, so it translates as increased intimacy, and increased energy for other things.
No Pressure for Sex
Modern marriages are defined by women ‘feeling bad’ every time they are not up for sex. The perception of old-world society is that it is the women’s duty to provide sex whenever the male desires. With chastity and orgasm control, this is completely reversed. Sex is not the goal, and the ongoing sexual rush of the denial is what the male will savor the most.
We have PIV (penis in vagina) sex frequently. Most often this is outside of his release window, so he knows that he is not allowed to orgasm, and after I am finished, he is re-locked. It's a mind-screw and a challenge for him, but he absolutely LOVES it!
Chastity is Effortless
With him in chastity, I can do all of this without really having to do much. A bit of attention here and there, a bit of teasing and he is at a constant, positive simmer. It is about communication, structure and commitment.
Release Days are Effortless
When I do allow him an orgasm, this too can be as effortless as you could possibly imagine. On release days, his excitement is so high that bringing him to climax can take as little as a few seconds. This is about “release” - after weeks locked up he will not be able to last very long. Sometimes he will cum just by taking the cage off... In which case, job done 😂.
I usually start by having him bring me to orgasm as usual - with his tongue, hands or a toy. Now it's his turn (for once!).
First decision - do you want him to have his release while in the cage or unlocked?
Caged: it's about balls and nipples. I recommend one hand plays with his nips while the other pulls, squeezes and strokes his balls. Then begin tapping his balls at a regular rhythm, building intensity slowly. Tell him he has permission to cum... Keep tapping and in a few minutes he will come to the edge. He is to ask permission one more time before he about to cum. As he is coming, tap / slap harder until he is finished.
Unlocked: Take off the cage, grip his balls tightly and pull them away from his body, back and forth. Try to touch his nub as little as possible. At most, use a slow, infrequent stroke with a single finger from the base of his nub up the shaft to the tip. He must ask permission just as he is about to cum. At this point, tighten your grip and pull his balls away from his body and hold them there until he is finished.
Tip 1: If you do unlock him for release, always relock directly after he orgasms. This significantly reduces the "drop" he will experience after orgasm and will push him through the 2-3 grouchiness period much smoother. He loves it if I put the cage on him, but if you prefer he locks himself, straight after his release, firmly tell him that it's time to go back in the cage.
Tip 2: Feed it to him! Tell him to clean up with his tongue or at least lick it off your hand. Recycling is important 😂.
Cages Look Sexy
I think of chastity cages as jewellery which is very aesthetically pleasing. Unlocked penises flop about, lean to one side, grow and shrink unpredictably and are often pretty badly manicured. When locked in a cage, everything is so neat. Males will need to do a bit of gardening down there to make it as comfortable as possible. Everything is held in place. His nub is encased and immobilized. His balls are held tight and presented forward. He will want to wear tight underwear or swimwear for comfort purposes, which presents such a neat little package. Every time I see the cage I am reminded that he is doing this for me, and I get a little shiver down my spine. It just looks better, and I love it!
Arousal on Demand
Males think about sex all the time. The vast majority of sexual thoughts and corresponding erections go completely ignored. When locked in chastity, these sexual thoughts (and erections) are contained, and are linked to you as the keyholder. This is highly arousing for the male, and will feel like direct attention from you - even though you may not even be in the same postcode. The cage works for you full-time, and is there whenever the male is aroused. Extremely powerful!
The chastity cage helps males to stick to the rules. Most males masturbate significantly more than you will ever imagine. For the vast majority, they will NEVER have gone 21 days or more without masturbating since they first discovered it in their teens. With a cage, masturbation is simply off the table. They must direct this energy elsewhere. Which leads to :
Weight Loss and Conditioning
All of this extra energy must go somewhere, and in most cases, this is directed to physical exercise and conditioning. Many women report that time in chastity has lead to significant weight loss and body sculpting in their males. Motivation and drive are seriously tangible chastity benefits that you will notice as little as 7 days in.
Oxytocin is the courting hormone. Increases in this wonder drug caused by orgasm control will often lead to a far more focused, attentive and service-oriented mentality. Whether conscious on his part or not, I notice a happier, more helpful male, with a higher attention-to-detail and eagerness to please. Use this as you see fit!
A Better Sex Life
Most importantly, chastity and orgasm denial will improve your sex life. Sex does not equate to penetration anymore, although it certainly can if you wish. Unlock him at any point in the schedule for sex of you're keen for it - it's just that outside of the release window, he will have to find a way not to orgasm. You are the focus until his release date!
Most importantly, "sex" in long-term marriages is about sexual interaction - intimacy, honesty, communication and care. This is why you are doing this in the first place. Rewire your thinking as a couple, and become a highly engaged, balanced and aligned sexual partnership.
These are just some of the many benefits that are associated with the exciting journey of male orgasm control. Drop some more in the comments and I can add to this ever-growing list.
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sweet7simple · 4 months
Mech Pregnancy, Cybertronian biology and the gestation system, and what I like to call the Gestational Protocols
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(A sparkling has two parts: The spark and the birth metal).
I have written about mech pregnancy before and that actually went really well! It got over a hundred notes, my most popular post ever.
So I thought, why stop? I love reproductive science. I love science fiction. I want to develop this more.
I spent more than five hours drawing and labeling and I am not fully pleased with it, but I am just pleased enough and tired enough to show you all what I am thinking.
If mech pregnancy, breeding, world building and/or messy hand drawings bring you joy, check below the cut!
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(When I say I drew these by hand, I mean I drew them by hand).
(Note: When I mention a CPU, I am referring to a Central Processing Unit, otherwise known as the brain module.)
The codpiece: A goddamn problem. They can transform into transportation, though, so moving a codpiece out of the way surely has to be doable for them.
The valve: It has very large and noticeable exterior energy node and the reason for this is to indicate charge. We see the portus majora, or the larger port from the outside. If we spread these folds, we'll see the portus minora, or the smaller port. The portus minora is where the interior node system begins. Within the portus minora is the valve entrance, which gives way to the valve sleeve.
The spike: It can be modified or replaced, but the design has to be such that it can collapse in on itself and fit inside of the housing. Whatever your personal preference, the plug (the head of the spike) should expand outward in some way for reasons I will explain shortly. The plug is densely populated with small interior nodes while the cord or cable (the shaft of the spike) is sparsely populated with large exterior nodes. This makes the plug more sensitive. When the cable drains of its gel (which is recycled back into the system via a pressurizer fluid reservoir), these exterior nodes sink into depressions within the interlocking segments so that they don't snag on the housing rim when depressurized.
Note: In the diagrams, I call the nodes "energy nodes". There is a reason for that, but it's not necessarily necessary to the system.
Let me explain: I wrote a story where the nodes captured energy from the friction of the spike's external nodes striking against the valve's internal nodes and then that energy was sent to the spark chamber as a backup source of power during spark merging as spark merging dispersed energy and thereby diminished the sparks.
They don't have to be energy nodes, though. Those fun little goodie spots that create so much pleasure don't have to have a dual purpose. They can just be sensory nodes connected to the sensory net, a subsystem of the neural net.
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When it comes to spark merging, I use stellar collision to visualize it. Here is a Youtube video that shows the collapse of a binary stellar system that pretty much sums up what I think happens, but on a much smaller scale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsIMDKMKUWw
The result of the spark merging, however is that a third body is generated from the collision. This third body is created from the intense heat and energy of the spark merging, and from the fragmented copies of life codes duplicated during the spark merge. This is the sparkling. When its creators' sparks retreat to their own chambers, the sparkling will attach to the creator that is receiving transfluid (I will explain shortly).
A form of gestation control includes putting a shunt on the spark chamber to disperse the foreign energy body.
2. The birthing conduit is what it says it is. Once the sparkling has created its own life code, it will descend down the conduit and join with its birth metal, or sentio metallico, in the gestation tank.
3. The gestation tank is where the birth metal is produced from the metal alloy particles carried in transfluid and the energon provided by the carrier. You can also think of it as a crucible furnace, which is used for melting metals in small quantities within a foundry. The crucible is the innermost cavity where the birth metal is made. That crucible is lined with a layer of refractory material, which withstands high heat. That refractory material is going to keep that crucible hot enough to maintain the birth metal as a liquid without melting the protoform layer between the refractory material and the outer shell of the tank.
So the layers from outermost to innermost are :
Outer shell -> protoform layer -> refractory material -> crucible
Also, I move to call the carrier creator a foundry now because I love that word so much. The Google definition for a foundry is a workshop or factory for casting metal. It just sounds so good.
"Hey, First Aid, is Ratchet your foundry?"
"No, but I get that a lot."
I can't think of an equally cool word to replace the term "sire".
4. The valve sleeve is a semi-permeable layer of elastic protoform that can stretch to a certain degree. The interior nodes are within this protoform layer and creates a bumpy texture. As already discussed the sleeve is self-lubricating. I am starting to realize that I labeled this diagram horribly, but please bear with me.
5. Calipers! They in all the sticky sexual interface stories. I just imagine them as these segmented, arm-like extensions that squeeze and relax depending on stimulation. In fanfiction, they have a habit of "cycling down" whenever stimulated. What I love about calipers is that they do set a minimum and maximum range of flexibility for the sleeve. With calipers, there is such a thing as being too small (the calipers can only tighten so much) or too big (the calipers can only loosen so much). They are synonymous to the pelvic floor muscles in a human that makes a vagina contract and relax, but they just make me think of pussy bones. You have to be careful not to break them.
6. THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART. Here is where the valve sleeve meets the gestation tank. There are two orifices: The tank cap and the lockring. The tank cap is where your mech is going to put some kind of seal as a form of gestation control. If a spike can't get into the gestation tank, then there is no birth metal. If there is no birth metal, a signal will be sent to the mech's CPU and then to the spark chamber to disperse the potential sparkling. How the tank cap is removed depends on how you want it removed. If you want a screw-in cap, then that cap will have to be removed via an invasive procedure (otherwise known as we're going to have to stick this instrument up your valve and twist the cap open and then we have to pull out the cap). If you want almost any other kind of seal or door, you can hypothetically just send a signal from the CPU to the neural net attached to the gestation system and have that seal slide out of the way into a depression within the rim of the gestation tank.
BUT THAT LOCKRING, THOUGH. This is why your spike needs to have a plug that expands to some degree.
Once that cap is out of the way, the mech's spike is going to pop through that lockring, sticking their plug directly in their partner's gestation tank. I like to call this "plugging the tank". Once that plug is in that tank, a signal is going to hit the CPU to start up GESTATIONAL PROTOCOLS. More on that at the end.
That lockring is going to cycle down just behind the plug, tight enough that the spike can't pull out without being too tight.
The purpose of this is to ensure that the gestation tank is filled up with transfluid. The lockring will only cycle open once the tank is full or once sensors within the tank indicate that the flow of transfluid has stopped for a certain amount of time (meaning that there is no more transfluid to be had, even if the tank isn't full yet).
It's a reverse knot! Instead of having a spike that knots, we get a valve that locks! I love it so.
7. The energy - or sensory - nodes are part of a positive feedback loop, meaning that "the product of a reaction leads to an increase in that reaction" (https://www.albert.io/blog/positive-negative-feedback-loops-biology/). In this case, pleasure created from stimulating those nodes (such as friction) encourages more stimulation, which creates more pleasure, which encourages more stimulation, until the loop breaks. What breaks this loop is overloading the sensory net or removing the friction.
When we state that the valve is self-lubricating, you can decide for yourself how it does that. The trick is making sure that the mech can can replace their own lubricant when necessary. One system is to have lubricant be a type of consequence from energon circulation.
Humans self-lubricate their vaginas in several different ways and one of them is that the vagina is somewhat permeable. Plasma (the liquid part of blood) is able to discharge from the bloodstream through the walls of the vagina.
Or perhaps your lubricant comes from the same reservoir as the transfluid for your spike. Since the valve sleeve is only somewhat permeable, the metal alloy particles in your transfluid can't get through. What does leak through is the fluid medium that the metal alloy particles reside in.
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The plug is itself not an interlocking segment because the plug, as explained, has to expand so that the lockring can tighten between the plug and the topmost interlocking segment. If the plug is smaller than the interlocking segment behind it, then the lockring will either not tighten enough or will tighten too much. Instead, the plug has an outer protoform layer that is expanded with the same pressurizer fluid that fills the spike. In the diagram above, we see the spike, the spike housing that the spike has to depressurize to fit inside of, and at least three different connections at the bottom. One of these connections bundles the wires for the sensory net and attaches to the neural net.
The bottommost connection is to the pressurizer fluid reservoir. When the spike is pressurized, the reservoir compresses and fills the matrix within the spike to give it its form and rigidity. When the spike depressurizes, the reservoir decompresses as it fills with fluid.
The connection that has a dashed line going all the way up the spike connects the transfluid reservoir to the transfluid line (signified by the dashed line) and out the plug. The transfluid reservoir is actually pressed against the outside of the valve!
So it is possible to bang a mech's valve so good that they leak transfluid all over themselves because you are more or less hitting their reservoir with every thrust. You just have to get the angle right or else you're hitting the sleeve calipers and that might not be as fun.
The Gestational Protocols:
This has turned into a very, very long post. I have been working on it for nine hours now between drawing the diagrams, writing the post, and checking with Google to make sure my science isn't horrifically, unforgivably wrong (I could be using the positive feedback loop wrong, but I don't think I am).
So let me wrap this up with the Gestational Protocols. It's like a mech heat fic, actually, except the heat is very short and starts toward the end of sticky sexual interfacing.
For this scenario, Ratchet and Drift want to produce a sparkling. Because Drift is concerned about Ratchet's health, they decide that Drift should be the foundry. Drift has his tank cap removed beforehand.
They're having a great time, creating all the good friction, lighting up their sensory net like a growing fire. Drift is charged up, Ratchet is charged up, and they're about to hit that overload.
Drift's lockring is cycled all the way open. His calipers are trying to pull Ratchet closer. When Ratchet knows he can't hold on any longer, he pushes as deep as he can go. There's a small moment of resistance when his plug meets the lockring and then he pops through. The lockring cycles down and he's stuck. There's no pulling out now.
Ratchet told Drift what to expect from the gestational protocols, but it wasn't enough. The moment Ratchet is locked in place, a signal is sent from his gestation system to his CPU: Gestational protocols initiated...
His cache memory crashes. He has no past or present or future. He has no idea there was a war lasting millions of years. He doesn't even know what a Cybertron is. Programs are halted, tasks are paused, processing units block external input. Hydraulics fall to the lowest power possible. His frame goes completely limp.
Drift no longer exists. He is now a foundry. He is the function of his gestation system. His CPU has a primary and secondary task: Primary is to maintain the protocols and secondary is to reward Drift for maintaining the protocols.
As long as he lays there and lets Ratchet fill him up, he's fulfilling his primary task. Because it's so easy to let Ratchet fill him up, his neural net rewards him with pleasure and feel-good signals. He is riding a type of euphoria that is thoughtless bliss from the tips of his pedes to the tops of his finials.
A task pops up in his CPU, but he doesn't have the processing power to interpret it. He accepts without caring. He experiences his chest plates cracking open without actually seeing it or hearing it. His system rewards him for accepting the prompt, so he still doesn't care. His spark chamber opens next and he is thrown into the intense, beautiful pleasure-agony of having his spark collide with another mech's spark.
He doesn't remember who this other mech is, but Drift loves them. They're filling Drift up so well, both his tank and his spark. He's so full. He's being such a good foundry. He's receiving all those good neural and sensory signals and he's fuzzy/fizzy with joy.
The spark merge ends after several collisions and spirals. Drift loves every moment of it, and also loves it when his spark returns to its chamber. Now his spark feels swollen and his CPU registers a foreign body. There is a potential sparkling attached to his core. Chances are very good that this potential sparkling will not disperse.
His CPU rewards him with another rush of emotional glee and pride. He's sparked! He did so well, laying there and letting himself get sparked. He's a great foundry. He's the best foundry to ever get sparked. No one has ever been or will ever be as well-behaved as he was.
A notification hits his CPU and he doesn't even try to understand it. Apparently, it's the notification for his tank being full. A second notification and his lockring relaxes. He is deliciously, fully aware of a thick spike dragging across his oversensitive interior nodes, sending one last wave of hot, crackling pleasure through his frame.
Another notification. He doesn't read it. A task pops up. He accepts lazily.
The notification was that the gestational protocols had been completed. The task was to enter a soft reboot. Drift slips into recharge feeling like his only purpose in life is to embody pleasure and creation.
He wakes up feeling swollen and sloshy.
Ratchet is smiling down at him.
"Am I...? Are we...?"
Ratchet stroked a servo across his chest plates. "It's early still. The spark might disperse. But chances are looking good. We're sparked, kid."
And that is how I imagine the Gestational Protocols going: You get your tank plugged and then nothing matters but getting filled up with a sparkling.
Thank you for reading my book-length discussion! Please feel free to interact with me.
I have been working on this for ten hours now. I should proofread, but I am not going to at this time.
EDIT: I was in the shower when I realized I forgot something important - where does the protoform's first colony of nanites come from?
@earthstellar explains here (https://www.tumblr.com/earthstellar/659541951144738816/transformers-medical-analysis-essay-what-are?source=share) what Cybertronians use nanites for, including construction and self-repair. So we can readily assume that the protoform needs a nanites colony.
I'll tell you where the new spark's nanites came from: Their foundry's valve.
Humans do the same thing. We pick up friendly bacteria from the vagina we come out of.
That is all I had to add. Remember to start your protoform off right with a healthy nanite colony.
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uselessmicrowave · 9 months
Hiii can I ask oneshot with Blitzwing (tfa) pleases himself, interacting or talking dirty between personalities in process? Bonus points if he'll use anything else but his hands---
Blitzwing, with Hothead in control at the moment, needed to blow off as much steam as he could in the littlest amount of time. Blitzwing storms into their habsuite, ready to grab the first long cylindrical thing in sight.He was so frustrated, from Lugnut's incompetence to Starscream... being Starscream, all three of the personalities could agree on this. How to go about it? A different story.
Icy knows they'll get the best quality of overload if they lay down somewhere quiet and play with their valve. Hothead couldn't care where he is, he wanted to rub one out as fast and as hard as he could.
Random has different ideas. With the faces spinning again, Random snatches a big bottle of paint off of their shelf, pushing their back against the wall and settling with their aft against the floor.
Would the paint bottle open? Maybe. Will he make a big mess, let the paint dry on himself and need help getting it all off? Probably. At least it's better than the prior two.
Blitzwing pushes the bottle inside of themself, biting their glossa and stifling a moan, squirming against the wall. This would be the perfect way to blow off some steam for them.
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mychlapci · 7 months
ngl rodimus premature ejaculation is so hot and cute and i feel like all speedsters suffer from this more or less. like, the faster they're the quicker they come and the more sensitive they are. most of them are really embarassed about it because they just can't control it.
just imagine blurr trying to spike someone, he's so fast that just getting the tip in has him tearing up and babbling and not being halfway in when he first overloads because the valve is so hot and so wet and he feels so good in there. he's rutting with so much desperation that he's hugging the other mech's torso like his life depends on it and he's not even paying attention if his partner has overloaded yet or not.
maybe the other mech (shockwave?) thinks it's so cute that blurr is that horny for just some valve that they’re praising him softly and telling him how well he's doing with that cute little spike of his, cleaching their calipers every time he moves while blurr is cumming himself half blind.
yessss that's what i'm talking about. Speedsters were built to be quick, and that unfortunately branches out to all aspects... someone like Blurr has no problem overloading the moment he pushes in his spike...
I fucking love a disheveled top... Blurr slamming his hips in short, fast thrusts against Shockwave, cumming uncontrollably because Shockwave will not untangle his legs from around Blurr's waist until he gets his own overload... He's babbling nonsense, pleasure coming faster than his processor can process it, words spilling out of his mouth, just pure horny blabber, no real sentences, just moans and a string of please and so good and i can't–
haha, of course he can <3
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transingthoseformers · 2 months
oooo i really like the idea of cybertronians having like ports they can derive pleasure from but then ending up developing the idea of an array. I think just the idea of the progression is interesting
Once they figure out certain data ports bring about pleasure, you'd start to have new cables and devices on the market. Higher specced cables promising higher data speeds, meant to deliver more intense pleasure. Devices you can buy to plug into those ports that are programmed to release charge or push signals to stimulate those ports
Then they start to realise that maybe the ports are so sentive that even touching the pins on the other end of the cable that they plug into those ports returns some form of sensation. It's weak, unless you actively touch the connectors with something that has charge in it, but it gives them ideas.
New devices, essentially tactile sensors, are built to be plugged into this port cables. You touch the thing and you feel it!! Isnt that cool and fun. Then, perhaps, due to the location of the ports tending to be around the crotch or pelvis, the idea of having tactile sensors attached to a cable evolves into tactile sensors that you can plug directly into the ports. You end up with a panel along the codpiece that can take tactile input. Bots can touch themselves there, with their own servos or other devices, or grind their hips against each other, etc
And then why stop at panels right. At some point someone invents what is now recognised as a spike. Something that can be plugged in and is of a shape that can be held, stroked, squeezed- I feel they'd also develop different variations as the technology advances. You can have a normal spike which is just. Like that. Then there are flexible models, a bit more like a prehensile tentacle, allowing the user to move and control the appendage. This probably arises in response to regular spikes cos like now cos it allows them to wrap their tentacle spike around their partner's for eg.
For convenience, this evolves into models that dont have to be taken off after use if you dont want to. Spikes that can depressurise and retract into a housing so the housing can be left plugged in and disguised as part of the armour. Eventually some have this permanently installed instead of having it be something that is plugged in
Valves are the last thing to be invented actually. Sleeves for stimulating spikes come soon after spikes are introduced. And its only so long until someone decides, hey, i can install that into my frame. Installing a valve would be more invasive as it would require actually putting something into the frame, but the area it is installed in means its integrated directly into the cables where all those pleasure ports would have been connected.
Also just in general, other than 'regular' spikes and valves, you would have all sorts of other configurations. Anything that can act as a sensor can be plugged into those ports. Some could have invested in ridiculously complex arrays. Others could just have cables or bare contacts. Those who dont want to have permanent arrays installed can plug whatever they want in. And even if it is permanently installed, its probably fairly easy to change
Ooo? Yeah it would be interesting!
The progression process is interesting
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allbluedepths · 11 months
Thought I absolutely have to get out of my head before I can sleep:
Shanks canonically has issues controlling his conqueror’s haki, sometimes. Combine that with one of my favorite magic tropes, where excess amounts of magic can be physically and/or mentally draining to contain for extended periods of time. (Now that certainly isn’t canon, but it is a headcanon I love, haha.)
There aren’t a lot of people around that can withstand the force of Shanks’ haki uncontrolled. The best good example who’s around would be Beckman, but if Shanks is dealing with handling his haki, Beckman would be handling the crew, so he’s out.
The other option? Mihawk. Earlier on in their duels, Mihawk finds out about Shanks’ conundrum; he was spending so much energy keeping it in check that he was an absolutely shit fighter that day, and Mihawk pressed the issue long enough until Shanks spilled the details.
Mihawk’s proposed solution: use their duels, when safe/out of range of the crew, as a way to release some of that pressure valve for his haki. Gets Shanks under control, and Mihawk has a decent level of resistance to it. As time goes on, Shanks is comfortable letting more and more of it go after Mihawk proves it won’t absolutely knock him out, which does wonders for his wellbeing. (Mihawk gets hit with how beautifully terrifying Shanks can be, and then chooses to not process that for a good long while.)
An additional option that pops up later down the road: sometimes, the above happens but without a duel, if things are really bad. Beckman takes over for an afternoon, and Shanks and Mihawk take Hitsugibune out to a nearby deserted island so Shanks can absolutely let go. At that level, it’s not a great idea to involve dueling or weapons. Shanks also isn’t a fan of the crew seeing him lose that degree of control; Mihawk realizes how big of a sign that is for Shanks’ trust in him. Often ends in Shanks falling asleep on or near Mihawk with his haki still active. (It’s like a very strong mental weighted blanket, albeit Mihawk will never say that out loud.)
Additional third option: there’s very fun possibilities here for when they actually get into a relationship, but that’s its own post, haha.
(This is missing a lot of detail because I’m about to sleep, but I might expand this one into a fic soon! Out of control magic just has too many good hurt/comfort opportunities.)
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sailing-on-a-puddle · 3 months
The Pyrophone
@thalassastra and @janetm74 said on a post ages ago that they would like to see Virgil play a pyrophone. I can't make that happen because I can't draw, but here's a fic about it instead :-)
I posted this a couple of weeks ago as a WIP Wednesday and lots of you were very nice about it, so I hope you enjoy the ending. It's written in the TAG universe but there's a TOS reference in it.
Very minor warning that a pyrophone works on small controlled explosions in glass tubes. Otherwise no warnings at all.
“Good evening Mr Tracy. I'm Sophie and I'm going to be your guide this evening.”
“Hi Sophie. Please call me Scott. And this is my brother Virgil.”
Scott gestured towards Virgil, who was admiring a large model train set for sale in the museum shop area near where they were standing. 
“Hi Sophie” Virgil replied, suddenly paying attention. “Perhaps you could show us our dad’s space section first?”
“Yes of course” Sophie nodded at Virgil, turned round and started walking towards the entrance to the museum galleries. Scott and Virgil followed her. She was a petite woman, about their age with a bright red bob.
Scott was so pleased the museum had created an exhibition for Dad’s collection from his space missions. They had so many artefacts from the missions stored on Tracy Island, and Scott was keen to display them to inspire a new generation of space enthusiasts. The museum’s offer had been excellent, to display the items alongside interactive exhibits in a large space. Now they’d invited Scott to check he was happy with it before it opened.
Scott had no particular idea why Virgil had wanted to come along too, especially since it would have usually been Alan and John with the particular space interest. Virgil usually left these things to Scott but he seemed interested and Scott wasn’t about to quiz his adult brother on his reasons.
Sophie showed them the exhibit and both brothers were really pleased. Scott said as much to Sophie, who replied that was what the museum did best, bringing objects to life and explaining their current and historic relevance whilst displaying the originals.
Scott noticed that although Sophie was polite, she clearly wasn't a space enthusiast or had a particular interest in speed. He wondered why she’d been allocated this job in particular, since clearly somebody with more energy for the topic had set up the exhibition. 
He thought about saying that to Virgil, but then he knew what Virgil would say, you think she’s unenthusiastic because she’s not flirting with you.
The in-his-head Virgil was probably right.
After about an hour Scott and Virgil both agreed that they'd seen everything they needed. “Thank you so much for giving up your time this evening Sophie. Virgil and I have seen all we need to see. The exhibition is fantastic and I hope Alan can join you for opening day next week.”
 “Oh” Sophie looked confused. “Have you changed your mind?”
Scott looked at her with a blank look, and Sophie's face changed to crestfallen. “I just … I was told Mr Tracy would like to play the pyrophone and I …” Sophie trailed off and looked at the floor as Virgil walked over.
“There's more than one Mr Tracy” Virgil said with a knowing smile.
Sophie paused for a moment, then processed the meaning and her face lit up. “Oh fantastic. I just need to turn the valve on the gas pipe and run the checks. I've put in colour salts for the notes, I hope you don't mind. I rather like the colours in the tubes” she said with a slight blush.
“Even better” Virgil replied. 
Scott was still confused, but one question stood out. ‘Gas pipe?’
“Yes” Sophie said, as if the need for this was obvious. “It’s a pyrophone, your brother can’t play it without the gas to make the notes. Come on through and you can read about how it works before we hear it. I’m so excited for this, I’m learning to play but I’m struggling with the bass clef.”
Scott found himself following Virgil and Sophie through a hallway to a different room. Sophie was now talking extremely quickly in an animated fashion about shaping glass and Virgil seemed fascinated. 
There were two musical instruments in the room which resembled church organs. Both had keyboards, but the pipes were made of glass. One was stored in a huge glass case and was obviously very old. The other looked fairly new and had a stool in front of the keyboard ready to play.
Scott scanned the information board between the two instruments. It said they were both pyrophones, which made musical sounds by having small explosions within the glass tubes. The shape of the tubes and exact position of the tiny explosion made the musical sound. 
Scott looked over at Virgil, who had produced some sheet music from somewhere and was grinning with excitement. Sophie had disappeared.
“Virgil!” Scott whispered.
“Is this safe?”
“Very safe. I’ve checked all the designs and it works perfectly. Automatic cut off switches are on the instrument and the gas supply. There's fire suppressors in the room.”
“And you really want to play this thing?”
“Yes! It’s magnificent. Look at the precision involved in the engineering of the glass. The tubes will light up with colour. The sound is unique …”
“Of course it’s unique! Nobody is going to put a fire breathing musical instrument in their house are they?”
Virgil used the full force of his eyebrows to scowl at Scott and folded his arms. “We have a rocket under ours.”
No further replies were given because Sophie reappeared. The professional instinct to never argue in front of a rescuee kicked in, even though nobody needed rescuing. Scott hoped they all didn’t need rescuing soon from an instrument invented by the 1860’s incarnation of Langstrom Fischler. 
“Everything is ready” Sophie announced, beaming. 
“Thank you Sophie.” Virgil turned and sat at the instrument without looking at Scott again.  
Scott wondered how long it would take him to fly One here remotely. Then again, he could sit and catch up with his admin. He was so behind with so many things recently, so many people needed rescuing. He’d been so hopeful about the GDF’s rescue robots giving them a break but it hadn’t happened. 
Virgil was always telling him he should take a break anyway, so he sat in a comfy chair in the corner of the room, found his phone from his pocket and resolved to sort through the endless messages staff at Tracy Industries hadn’t been able to deal with.
He didn’t read them. Not that night anyway.
Virgil began to play the pyrophone and Scott admitted Virgil had been right. The Pyrophone did sound like nothing he’d heard before. It was a soft sound despite how it was being made, and when Scott looked up rainbows were being created in the tubes with the colour salts Sophie mentioned earlier. 
He put his phone down and watched and listened. Virgil was playing his own version of ‘Dangerous Game’ a song Kayo and Gordon particularly liked and played endlessly. Scott had no idea who the artist was, for which Gordon constantly reminded him that he was old and not cool. 
Virgil’s version was better. If that was not cool so be it.
Another thing Virgil had been right about was his need to have a rest. A rest didn’t mean doing paperwork. He couldn’t remember the last time he sat and listened to his brother play, or managed to watch a whole film with his family without feeling that he should be doing something else. 
A notification popped up on his phone, which he resolutely ignored. If anybody needed rescuing a holographic John would appear, so whatever it was could wait.
Virgil had moved onto a jazz tune that Scott didn’t know by name but he knew he’d heard Virgil play on the piano. 
Scott pulled up the low table near the chair, put his feet up on it, slouched down in his chair, shut his eyes and listened to the music with a warm feeling inside. Yes, Grandma would have killed him for doing that in public, but the museum was only open for him and his pyrophone-playing brother.
A scraping suddenly made him jump. Sophie had pulled up another chair, put her own feet on the table and was holding out a bucket of popcorn for him. He smiled and took a handful.
Not quite popcorn with an action movie, but wow he needed this. 
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
100 Feet and A World Away Lore Post
I said before if I won the first round of the TMNT AU Competition I'd put up a lore post of my separated (kinda) AU called "100 Feet and A World Away," which is really more of a reward for myself because now I get to ramble about my babies.
This is an AU I've been building in my head for some time and do eventually want to write a fic about. When? I do not know I have soooo many things I'm in the middle of right now but! hopefully! eventually!
So for now here's just some lore because I can't contain myself, I have to talk about this eventually haha. Like releasing a pressure valve.
without further ado
100 Feet and A World Away (a separated (kinda) AU) (aka the Shape of Water AU)
cw: dehumanization, child abuse (not by a parental figure), brief dismemberment (caused by Donnie, not TO him)
quick note: in this AU the age gap between April and the boys is bigger than in canon because it just made things logistically easier; April is 20 and the boys are their S1 ages (15/14/13)
everything up through Lou Jitsu escaping with the boys from Draxum's lab happens as in canon
a few years later (when the boys are about 5/4/3), Splinter goes out to get supplies, leaving the boys in what he thinks (hopes) is a safe place (he doesn't have a lot of choices). He comes back to find the boys have disappeared.
he won't know what happened to them for 10 years
they were spotted by a human sanitation worker, who called animal control, who were like "what the hell is this" and got a Shady Military-affiliated Corporation involved. The boys are taken to a lab to be studied and, once their sturdiness and combat potential are observed, trained to be used for combat by the US Military.
the boys didn't go quietly, at least not Raph and Donnie, who viciously bit and tried to run; they were shocked and sedated. Leo, who had Mikey, saw this and decided to comply because he didn't want them to hurt his little brother. Mikey was too young to understand what was happening so his reaction was mostly just to cry.
Splinter had told the boys never to talk to humans, and the boys take this to heart, hushing up and never speaking to the humans even once they're taken to the lab. As a result, the humans know they have large brains but still assume they only have the intelligence of an ape at best. They treat them like animals, really the comparison I keep thinking of is the raptors in Jurassic World lol: something scary but with the hopes that they will eventually act like attack dogs.
to be clear revealing they could talk wouldn't have helped them much so it's for the best
the boys are given serial numbers when they arrive at the lab but the scientists call them by numbers as a shorthand based on the order they were processed in:
Mikey is Turtle 1
Leo is Turtle 2
Raph is Turtle 3
Donnie is Turtle 4
because Raph and Donnie acted aggressively, the scientists were afraid they would attack each other as well as Leo and Mikey, so they decided to isolate the two of them. On the flip side, because Leo and Mikey were more docile and Leo kept holding onto Mikey, they decided to keep the two of them together. An experiment in isolation vs socialization
as a result, the boys have not seen each other for the last decade, with the exception of two Incidents that I won't be detailing in this post (gotta keep a few secrets lol)
the boys are put through harsh training in an attempt to "tame" them and train them to attack/kill soldiers as ordered. they're also run through tests to determine things like their mental capacity and problem solving skills. there's no like medical testing/experimentation on them in this AU though it's mostly like if they do bad they get shocked and also the scientists/trainers don't really have compunctions against hitting them or muzzling them.
when not in training they live in their own zoo-like enclosures inside sterile rooms, much like the one in Shape of Water which is part of why the AU is the Shape of Water AU lol
April is an aspiring investigative journalist who just saw her first success uncovering some shady dealings in a supposedly non-profit organization
she receives a tip about something strange happening in an otherwise normal lab and testing facility just outside NYC's city limits
she's expecting to find illegal animal testing or bioweapons research
instead she finds Turtle Four
has been isolated this whole time and as a result is more than a little feral, but not so much that he can't talk. he just has absolutely no sense of social etiquette (my inspiration is the bit in Rat Flu where he says "Make him say yessssah" and HEY BOY IT'S ME THE PS5-)
also he's still autistic but he hasn't learned to mask at all so he acts in a way the humans find weird and unsettling
thinks the humans around him are all idiots and he's so much smarter and better than them. basically his canon superiority complex has ratcheted up to 100 because he has no respect for these guys at all
makes regular escape attempts so lab security just keeps adding more and more obstacles (like an electric fence around his enclosure and steel doors to the room)
probably could have escaped by now but he always doubles back for his brothers and that's how he always gets caught by The Hunter
not as good with tech as his canon counterpart but only because he hasn't been allowed to read or study anything while he's been stuck here, so he only knows as much as he's pieced together messing with things in his enclosure and observing the humans. he's learned a LOT even this way (which is why he knows he's a genius!) but his thirst for knowledge is immense and he wants to get out so he can read books! break things and put them back together! use the internet!
has built up an entire imagined scenario of how things will be once he finally does break himself and his brothers out of there and I'm sure that everything will go exactly how he's expecting and there will be no hiccups at all :)
no longer has any attachment to the name Donatello and thinks of himself as Turtle Four, though he does remember being called Purple too
thinks their dad has abandoned them and doesn't really have any hope that he's looking for them
has a lot of scars on his body from his many many escape attempts and punishments, but most noticeably a scar along his jaw on the left side of his face
has been with Mikey this whole time so is still much more socialized, lucid, and "human" acting compared to Donnie
has poured all his energy since coming here into being Mikey's Big Brother and making sure things are safe and comfortable for him, being upbeat and positive for his sake, trying to make him laugh and keep him happy to the best of his ability, and generally just doing his normal canon thing but pushed to 11
this façade is the only thing keeping him going and god help him if it cracks
the scientists realized early on that it's easier to get Leo to comply if they threaten/hurt Mikey so Leo is scared of going out of line and just a big ball of guilt 24/7
due to An Incident he has a scar on the right side of his face that matches Donnie, and he doesn't particularly trust Donnie as a result. wishes he would stop his escape attempts because it makes the scientists cranky and they take it out on him and Mikey
still insists their dad is coming for them, if only to keep Mikey's hopes alive
inwardly pretty sure they're going to die here
is the only one who has seen Raph since their initial separation and refuses to talk about it
I'll Keep These Feelings Inside And Then I'll Die
still fully associates with the name Leo
fully aware that Leo's putting on act for his sake, but if being a Big Brother is what he needs to keep going then he'll be the Little Brother he needs
knows it's unhealthy but what are they supposed to do?
feels guilt for being used as leverage against Leo
fascinated by humans even though he knows they hurt him regularly
once he saw a scientist doodling and his mind expanded by 1000%. the scientist drew him eventually and he's wanted so bad to do art ever since
the previous bullet point sounds like it's leading to a wholesome interaction but it is not, I'm sorry I mislead you
not as sure that their dad will save them as he lets Leo think he is; he has faith that their dad loves them and is still looking for them but also thinks Donnie is right that they should be helping themselves so they can get back to him
generally has more faith in their brothers than Leo does
can destroy you but chooses not to
still fully associates with the name Mikey
has gone full savage; it's a defense mechanism
his memories are still there, but they're so deep in his mind he currently only accesses them as vague feelings and sensations
still knows his family by scent, if not by sight
gentle giant when he's surrounded by Familiar Smells, very very aggressive when surrounded by Unfamiliar Smells
he's so dangerous the scientists don't interact with him much, which doesn't help the situation
thinks of himself as "it," when he thinks of himself at all
uncovering the real Raph would take a safe place and time and patience and he isn't getting any of that here!
was just trying to live her life man
dating Sunita but presently bummed that Sunita has rejected her suggestion that they move in together (it's because Sunita hasn't broken the whole "I'm actually a slime monster" news to her yet and isn't sure how, but April doesn't know that so she just thinks Sunita isn't as serious as she is)
when she meets Donnie he scares the absolute shit out of her at first
her first instinct is to get away from this whole mess ASAP, but then she realizes Donnie is just a kid and she can't just leave him in there
then he reveals he has 3 brothers and no he is NOT leaving without them
what has she gotten herself into...
is undoubtedly and irrevocably Big Sis April by the end
never once stopped looking
finally found a lead that seemed legit but would need a human to help him get inside
found out about a young intrepid reporter looking for tips........
and that's all I'll say now ;)
The Hunter
basically the evil Robert Muldoon (from Jurassic Park)
I haven't named him yet sorry
his job is to catch the turtles if they escape, and he also participates in their training
fully aware that the turtles are more intelligent than they let on, thinks this just makes them more exciting to hunt
Donnie is basically his archnemesis (having a 14-year-old archnemesis is kind of cringe though bro)
will hurt them and doesn't feel bad about it
is missing a finger thanks to Donnie (I did say this was a Shape of Water inspired AU lol)
This was probably a little thin in places so if you are interested and have questions ask me! Wheeeeeeee~
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unsanitarystation · 4 months
nevermind im back-
Different mechs have such different responses to needing to piss on their partners in heat.
You've got those who are driven very strongly by a sense of control and territory who have it go off as a dominance thing. Prowl with his boys is one of those who will piss on Everything. He physically needs to know everything, especially his mates, smell like him. No one else can lay a finger on them. He will bite and snarl and spray waste fluid everywhere. Nothing in the room is safe. He can and will mark the furniture as well.
He will pin his mates down and piss on them. Audial fins and horns are his favourite things to go for when he bites down and wrestles his mates into position. The first thing he goes for is the hips. He grinds his array against his mates' as he voids his tank, getting it into all the seams between panels and sensitive cabling. Then he will wrestle with his mates more to get their fronts, backs, then sits on their faces and makes them lick him clean.
If he gets his way, he will get a chance to do the spiking and fill his mates full of piss before pumping them full of his transfluid too. Pushing his spike into a valve full of his own hot fluids drives him crazy.
Then you've also got mechs who are really just full of piss and really not much else. Sure their mate gets marked in the process but like yea thats whats supposed to happen and it doesnt have to be done intentionally. Like Rodimus would just be filled to the brim with waste fluids and it would feel good. He'd feel so full and stuffed and the moment he's touched he can't hold it and he's just voiding anyway. He's a whimpering mess laying in a pool of his own waste as he's begging to be fragged stupid. When he's finally impaled on that spike he's coating that thing in his piss.
He's just constantly leaking. His frame is producing the waste and he lets it out. Every thrust into him is an obscenely wet squelch through too much lubricant and fresh waste fluids that trickle out of him.
He practically screams when his mate puts his mouth on his valve, licking and swallowing the mix of transfluid and slick and piss. In his heat-addled processor, where he wants everything to smell like his piss, I dont think theres anything more arousing than his mate drinking it, putting that waste inside him- His mate will be coated inside and out with his scent. What more could he ask for
hghrgh yes exactly... It's a control thing for Prowl. His hab-suite, his office, his two mates belong to him and he needs to make sure everyone can tell.
Roddy on the other hand would just be a mess. He can't control his waste tank and doesn't care to try. He'll pee constantly as he's getting fucked, pussy spraying every few minutes...
I wonder about other bots.
I think it would be a control thing for Drift as well, but he'd be so ashamed of it, feeling predatory for wanting to claim Ratchet... he'll end up sneaking out of the berth at night to secretely piss over the furniture to inject his scent all over. Of course Ratchet notices quickly and coaches him through heat cycles 101, feeding him plenty of energon so he doesn't burn out and lets him mark him whenever he can. I think Ratchet would be begrudgingly accepting of his urges while in heat. He'll be sluggish and feverish, letting piss flow freely out of him as he rolls in the bed. He really likes to pee on Drift's face. It's a pussy eating kind of week when Ratchet is cycling.
Oh, you know Minimus has some strong ideas about marking. Turbofox instincts drive him crazy while his own pride restrains him from giving his body what it needs. He'd probably try to plug himself up. And when he cannot handle it, he'll secretely, shamefully leak into his chair...
Megatron would either never let anyone know when he's cycling, or he'd make a show out of it, use it as an intimidation tactic by pissing on his soldiers to let them know they belong to him... of course, on the lost light he can't quite afford to do that, but I think it would be kind of funny if he tried to mark the bridge and the captain's chair. it would make Rodimus sooo mad.
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cozzzynook · 5 months
Cybertronians used to have heat cycles until the Functionalists got rid of it by editing people's coding until they no longer had them.
However some places on Cybertron like Nyon were not under Functionalist control and people still had heat cycles. Except they were dormant because everyone was starving and it wasn't safe to have one.
Then during the war and the destruction of Nyon. No one with a heat cycle was left except for one. Rodimus had never had a heat cycle before because of growing up in Nyon and then the war. That was until the Lost Light when it suddenly started and he became extremely horny. Begging to be filled with sparklings and creating a nest for himself and acting really affectionate and clingy.
This mech is going through it.
He knows what a heat cycle is because he’d seen it a few times as a sparkling wandering the streets of Nyon. But he himself never experienced it.
He experiences the frame weakness and slight exhaustion he suffers among a few other things from the pains and hunger he suffered while living on Nyon but the actual heat cycle itself was something he never suffered.
Him going into a heat cycle is a slow and agonizing process even before he realizes just what it is.
He figured the adventures and lack of taking care of his health for so long was finally catching up to him. The extra extra tiredness. His frame feeling weaker than usual accompanied by the new occurrence of his hips spreading and his tanks puffing along with his energon pouches feeling far too sensitive inside his chassis. He put the crew up to vote if they wanted to keep going to planets or set the ship to cruise. Of course they picked cruise and he was very very grateful for it.
None of them knew it was because he was concerned for his health or the fact that he was beginning to suffer from his spark condition that he kept hidden. His spark would flutter and make venting hard at times. He would have to lay down to subside the pain usually only this time the pain was more like pleasure and he was finding himself more and more charged by the klik.
He decided he didn’t want to be alone on the ship where bots could find him like this so of course telling the crew they were going on a planet that was sunny and had a large ocean and a few places that were like resorts but it was a self serve type of resort did he feel a form of relief that was quickly lost the moment Drift and Ratchet wrapped an arm around his neck cables and waist making him melt on the spot.
His attempts at hiding how charged he currently was is poor at best and his attempts at making an excuse to slip away are terrible even to him.
He doesn’t go to a room where others can hear him, he slips into a cave where the waters crash against the rock drowning his screams of pleasure as he’s wrist deep in his drenched, squelching, fluid pooling valve that cycles and clamps down looking for a spike that he desperately needs.
Does he realize he is in heat.
Of course after a few unsatisfying overloads does he leave to go recharge in his room only for Drift and Ratchet to ask where he’s been and he blushes saying he wanted to be alone.
Its such a lie to all of them and before they can question him Megatron and Minimus appear grabbing him making his voice box short out in a loud telling moan that makes Drift and Ratchet bug eyed.
Rodimus wets himself on the spot when Megatron drapes him over his shoulder with ease and takes him back to Megatron and Minimus’s room where they purr and knead on his tanks and chassis.
“You could’ve told us you were in heat Rodimus,” Mwgatron’s voice has never so arousing.
“We would like to help you,” Minimus states with a vox so filled with charge his old accent is prevalent and Rodimus opens his legs wide snapping his modesty panel open to reveal a soaked needy valve just begging to be stuffed.
“How - how”
His thoughts are so hard but the two conjunx know what he’s asking.
“Because we can smell it on you,” Minimus simply says burying his faceplates into Rodimus’s node, licking like a starved mecha.
“We’re old enough to remember what heats are. We may not have them but in the areas we came from, our homes, in the lower districts no one bothered to care about, we still had mechs and femmes that used to enter heat.”
Megatron was so slick and skillful Rodimus didn’t even know he’d unclasped his chassis and that his energon pouches were out. Heavy, exposed, leaking and sore with his nozzles darker than he remembers.
“So fertile,” Minimus murmured into his valve as he ate him out.
“You taste so fertile and good. You’re completely Ready for our transfluid to fill you,” Minimus sucked a long stream of fluid from Rodimus’s valve and tipped his head back as he sat up making Rodimus whine.
“Would you like a taste dear?”
“Why of course my love,” Megatron pulled Minimus to him with one servo, while plunging his whole fist inside Rodimus’s unprepared valve making the mecha static and gasp frame twitching and shaking as his spinal struts struggled to keep him from lock shaking as his valve stretched wide open and clamped down only a tad more satisfied.
Megatrons tongue slid inside Minimus mouth and he drank every drop of fluid the mech managed to hold that his own throat tube wasn’t greedily hogging for himself.
“By primus you are born to be bred captain.”
Rodimus didn’t have a clue who said it but not a nano klik after hearing it, he’s not really sure time has become irrelevant, he’s feeling two large spikes slide into his overheating valve that clamps down onto them finally satisfied after what felt like vorns of aching mistreatment and he cries out spilling slick and tank fluids the two just know means he’s not gonna leave this berth without welcoming a new age of sparklings.
Its not long before other bots hear them loudly fragging inside the suite not to mention feel the vibrations of them harshly pounding into Rodimus’s poor valve and forge tanks that greedily take every drop of fluid they can offer him.
By the time they’re finished its been a full two weeks of constant fragging and Rodimus already looks heavy with a new spark.
Of course, Rodimus is too fucked out to be embarrassed by the state he’s in as they go back on the ship.
By the time he wakes the crew have already learned about their captain going into heat and that its something they all could do at one point.
By the time Rodimus is coherent and awake for longer than a few kliks he sees Ratchet and Drift talking with Megatron and Minimus. All four look to be discussing something of serious importance and he tries to get up he does. But his tanks are too heavy and makes him whimper as he falls back into berth making all four rush over to him.
Turns out Perceptor was working with Ratchet to undo the coding locks so bots could have a sparkling if they so desired.
Rodimus explains all he remembers on the subject as a sparkling in Nyon and it helps the two a great deal in making reproductive precautions and aides for fertility.
The most experience Ratchet gets however is joining Drift, Megatron and Minimus in doing up close and personal research with Rodimus.
His forge tank is completely willing and accepting of the four and takes all the transfluid it can get because his time with Minimus and Megatron surely did leave him sparked.
When he only gets bigger as time goes on its an easy guess as to why and Rodimus isn’t really upset about it.
But when he gets so much bigger than all the other bots who are sparked and he’s carrying even after other bots emerge their sparklings even when he himself was sparked before them, is it revealed he’s carrying multiple sparklings that belong to not only Megatron and Minimus but Drift and Ratchet as well.
He swells so much to the point of him being the subject of every optic until he can’t walk on his own anymore and becomes berth bound.
Its then he learns Ratchet, Drift, Minimus and Megatron made a deal to share him and keep him as their mate and broodmare.
Yeah he’s pissed but its not much he can do when he needs their transfluid and help to function since he’s so heavy with healthy sparklings.
Their healthy sparklings they fragged into him.
Sooo he figures allowing his carrier instincts that make him clingy and affectionate can be overlooked since they did this to him.
And okay it backfires because they kinda like it and maybe its not so bad being the one they choose to be their broodmare when he gets pede and back rubs all he wants a permanent cuddle bot till his fluids break.
He’s mad all over again when the sparklings emerge with big helms and healthy bodies that stretch him out to the point he fears his valve may never go back.
He’s especially mad when he learns a lot of mechs don’t have heats but a thing called ruts.
A heat made a mech want to be spiked and sparked, a rut made a bot want to spike and another sparked.
It was just his luck all four mechs who claimed him had ruts and fell into them at the same time not long after he’d given birth.
He was beyond pissed and clingy when he ended up sparked again not even a full year after emergence.
Much to his chagrin, they really meant it when they said he’d be their broodmare.
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orkbutch · 5 months
here from twitter because my curiousity is killing me. how does kelly's robo dick work. what are the mechanics at play here. can they switch their dick's out? where does the cum come from? i have so many questions 😭
Kelly doesnt know (and neither do I). They got drunk and took a bunch of ket, and one of the few body modders in Dead Australia who can do complex bio-mechanical hybrid modifications made and installed their cock.
What Kelly knows is this:
- its all his own skin sowed over a biomech hybrid cock that probably has synthetic meat within it; his motorbike is also a biomech hybrid (a Hog) and he figures his cock is similar technology. He can't switch it out; the machine goes deep within his body, filling the cavity where his uterus and ovaries were.
- his blood is inside the machine cock and helps it run; turning the cock on and off partly involves opening and closing a blood valve.
- the cum is not piss, but might have a little piss in the mix. It doesn't smell piss like, it smells slightly metallic and sweetish.
- He can control the size but hes given his dick stretch marks from pushing that, and he Can tear it. (He has torn open the original surgery scar that runs along the bottom and needed it resown, but he got that done at a Hog mechanic, so the scar is pretty rough and keloided now. He made it too big.)
What I know that Kelly doesn't know:
- the cum is blood that is processed within the mechanics of the cock sitting around his navel, where his uterus was, to separate the plasma and mix it with water and various other chemicals from within his body to make a creamy white substance. Its a little like the body drawing from your blood supply to make breast milk, except its a machine doing it and there isnt lactose involved. Mostly protein, water and fat I'd imagine. Some remaining iron and blood cells may make a warmer cream-white.
The actual mechanics of bio-mechanical hybrid technology in Hog Boyz is not at all science based and is silly fun. Don't worry about it :)
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