#process driven
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starcurtain · 1 year ago
Woke: Alhaitham sold his grandmother's house and moved into the research center because he didn't like living in an empty home with so many memories.
Also woke: Alhaitham sold his grandmother's house and moved into the research center because it was the last remaining tie he had to Kaveh, and taking ownership of it ensured that Kaveh would have to communicate with him again at least one more time.
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youngpettyqueen · 9 months ago
I need to talk about Julian's whole thing with Sloan in Extreme Measures cause it does actually make me feel a certain kind of rabid
Extreme Measures is a great episode for the Julian/Miles dynamic and has a lot of great moments with them but I think an underrated element of the episode is how it very plainly shows just how much the Dominion War has changed Julian, and how his morals have shifted into a much greyer area
Julian in this episode is very callous towards Sloan even as he's literally dying. he has no issues violating Sloan's mind, and when Sloan dies, the only reason he actually cares is because the answers and secrets Sloan has will die with him. truly cannot emphasize enough just how deeply Julian fucking hates Sloan, and sheer hatred isnt something we really see all that much from Julian, especially not to the degree he was with Sloan
even with that, though, Julian has never been like that with another patient. Julian doesnt let his personal feelings get in the way of being a doctor, and always treats his patients with the utmost care and his best work. Julian was willing to find a cure for the Jem'Hadar's addiction, simply because they asked for help, even if it meant potentially making them into a much bigger threat than they already were. Julian treated Tain in Camp 371. and, sure, Julian does treat Sloan, but he does so explicitly because Sloan has information they need, not because he has any care for Sloan's life
and I think that- his willingness to violate Sloan's mind to get what they need, and how he didn't particularly care that Sloan died- is a really bleak look at just how much the war has changed Julian and how much it's shifted his moral compass. throughout the war, Julian has been ordered time and time again to compromise his morals. add to that several traumatic events- multiple of which are orchestrated by Sloan- and a slide into deep depression, and it's no wonder he gets to a point where he can do the things he does in this episode
and I dont think it hits him until much later. I think one day, long after the war has ended and theyre still rebuilding everything that was broken, Julian lays awake at night and remembers how bad it got and what he became willing to do, and it makes him sick to his stomach
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seijorhi · 19 days ago
I love all of your stories so much! I’m a new writer, can you tell me a little bit about your writing process? Do you do a lot of drafts lol?
ok i am a bad writer in that my process is 'cool, here is this one specific scene that will not leave ur head, now sit down at ur laptop and try to form a fic around it' which works like seven percent of the time lol
so yes, my wip graveyard is massive and tragic. sometimes i have really cool plot ideas that i just can't get to work, ideas i've turned over a bunch of times and just get stuck on. sometimes they're put on the back-burner because i have every intention of finishing them and other times... that doesn't happen.
i do feel kinda bad cuz sometimes i hype up my wips on here and then for whatever reason get stuck or lose interest so they either take a lifetime to publish or make a quiet exit to the graveyard lmao.
i try. that's my writing process. i sit down and i try :))
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leahjcastle · 1 year ago
how to build a character-driven story: an essential tip ⚜️ (wattpad: leahjcastle)
first, you design their personality. the traits. the essence. and from the essence, which is their point of convergence, you have all the answers.
my intention with each book was to psychologically explain why they were the way they were. it’s like building a case study.
like what kind of background story makes a man turn out rational, controlling, fearful, introspective?
or what kind of story explains one's impulses, explosive emotions, rage, passion, straightforwardness?
the events naturally surge once you have their essence clear in your head. for instance, i wanted Cade COLD. i wanted Traviz HOT. so their stories revolved around their respective essence.
start from that premise.
Cade's life was cold in every sense. socially, physically. it was a world of hierarchy, rules, expectations.
Traviz's life was hot in every sense. brimmed with emotions, with too much love and too much revolt, dance, hyperactivity.
the environment shapes who you are.
so whenever you’re writing a character-driven story, don’t obsess over plots. no. have their traits defined to a point it is natural to spot their background story (a collection of experiences that range from core memories to trauma).
my books: S.CHORIANS 💙 https://books2read.com/u/bPXR07 and RED PARALLEL ❤️ https://books2read.com/u/3JpAeQ you can read them for free on my Wattpad (link pinned on my page).
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princesscallyie · 4 months ago
That moment when you have screen and skip through your music cause your grandma’s in the car lol
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hirazuki · 2 years ago
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Mairon/Sauron (Tolkien) Cosplayer + edits: me Photo credit: stevejensen65 Wig: Arda Wigs (Grace, in “Fire Orange”) Contacts: Uniqso (Sweety Crazy Red Demon Eye) Ears: Aradani Costumes (Sun Elf Ears) Circlet: PernCirclets (on Etsy) Gorget: Crystalsidyll (on Etsy) Leather armor: LederFantasies (on Etsy) Fangs: Scarecrow (Small Deluxe Fangs) Dress base is mass-produced/store-bought; boots are my own. In the brooding silence by the light of the moon Running through yesterdays gone wrong -- Poets of the Fall
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apoptoses · 1 year ago
what if drinking cocktails at the hotel danieli bar and reading anne's journals about her own stay at the danieli in 1996 was the actual high point of my life and it's all downhill from here
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thegreatyin · 10 months ago
what would the Scoundrel or the Scientist do if someone gave them a love letter or confession?
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something roughly along the lines of this.
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followerofmercy · 6 months ago
favorite part of writing fr gotta be cutting out a small part of my soul, putting it into a character and then building a person around it
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moe-broey · 7 months ago
Realizing. I don't make art to make something Beautiful and Breathtaking or even just kinda cool composition wise, no. I have some sort of affliction. I have to find a way to make this incredibly time-consuming endeavor as speedy as possible for the Sole Purpose of Putting Guys in Situations. That is my true calling. There's Guys in my brain and I just need to Get Them OUT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ And go go go gogogogogo go GOOOO GO NEXT THING NEXT THING I GOTTA. THE. SITUATIONS ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ It's SO important to me..... One Billion Stories........... Infinite Amount of Situations....... featuring. My guiys.........
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waru-chan8 · 1 year ago
I just heard a great take that none of us has considered yet about Lucas move to Honda. If it goes bad (as it will probably happen) he can always return to Vale's team. He has nothing to lose and if goes well he will be credited as the one who took Honda back to his glory.
It's actually a win situation for him
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chronotopes · 2 months ago
writing a notable citation about "ethical ai integration for human resources," might barf
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noburden · 5 months ago
as the youngest sibling it’s so weird to grow up thinking your older siblings are the smartest and coolest people in the world and then getting older and slowly realizing they’re not that great and you are fundamentally different from them in every way
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basofy · 2 years ago
sitting here wonderin if the companions that got no new content in the DE were because anything that you needed to know about them was already said..?
i get that there were a lot of Big revelations but man i wanted to see my guys having fun and interacting lol....
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bitchfitch · 2 years ago
i don't think the bamboo shrimp is doing too hot and they might not be around much longer. not surprising, it's been a very stressful day for them but it's still sad to see.
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ct-hardcase · 1 year ago
In terms of Inquisitor stories I'm hoping that we potentially get someday, I'm looking forward to seeing how the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother's dynamic got established. While we don't know much about them as a duo before rebels, it's been established that if they're in the same room, they're near each other (be it fighting or just in each other's presence), and they also hate the other's guts. We also know, based on their sparring together in Vader (2017) and their appearance in Rise of the Red Blade (also sparring together and/or Seventh heckling Fifth while around Iskat) that they've been at it since 19BBY and kept it up until 3BBY, which, especially considering the backstabby nature of the inquisitorius, is a long time!
I do ship them, so clearly my questions about/view of them has a bit of a romantic and/or sexual tinge to it, but even completely in the context of a platonic relationship, the question of why those two gravitate to each other fascinates me, given everything else we know about them as characters and how they interact with the other inquisitors.
There's quite a bit of evidence for this on Fifth's end—he doesn't take shit from Reva or Iskat, and the only inquisitor he shows true fealty/respect to is the Grand Inquisitor. Seventh, whether or not you take stock in the numerical rank system, doesn't outrank him, and she'll also openly confront him, so there are similarities among her, Reva, and Iskat in that none of the three of them are doormats. Notably, one could also assume Fifth's attitude skews a bit misogynistic, as he doesn't seem to have the same issues with Eighth or Tualon based on what little we get of those dynamics, but that's a different post.
We've gotten less of Seventh's dynamic with a variety of inquisitors given her comparative lack of content compared to him (not that I'm bitter), but she's clearly headstrong, smart, cruel, and isn't afraid to push others under the bus in order to gain the upper hand in a situation for revenge. Given all this, it's notable that despite their arguing, she consistently works with Fifth and spars with him (which, even Iskat notes that sparring with Seventh is sort of terrifying). Clearly, Seventh's willing to put up with him as much as he's willing to put up with her. Since she isn't that different from Reva and Iskat, all things considered, what was The Thing that did makes Seventh and Fifth tolerate, and even gravitate toward, each other?
Obviously, I have my own ideas for why (up to and including "they want to jump each other's bones about it"), but in terms of guessing what canon may do? I'd estimate that when the two first meet (and they're probably among the earliest to do so/the earlier initiates), Seventh takes Fifth's surliness less personally than the other inquisitors and makes it more into banter, keeps pushing him back. This pisses him off, but the fact that she doesn't back down draws him in, both as a rival and otherwise. Given the fact that he's dyed-in-the-wool committed to the inquisitor cause and less fazed about evildoing, her propensity for cruel and unusual violence may not bother him as much as it would the others. The two of them coming as a set may be process of elimination as much as it is being drawn to the other, honestly.
This bit also didn't really fit anywhere else, but what cements their dynamic as different to me is something I noticed while watching Rebels, where despite the fact that Seventh almost always takes point on missions (and in notable contrast to owk, he usually lets her), the two have what seems to be an unspoken agreement that Fifth is the one interacting with imperial leadership and Vader. By the end, they clearly know each other, even through pointed barbs.
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