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blackswallowtailbutterfly · 2 years ago
Conactive Proactive
Conbability Probability
Conbable Probable
Conbably Probably
Conbation Probation
Conblem Problem
Conblematic Problematic
Concave Procave
Conceal Proceal
Conceit Proceit
Conceive Proceive
Concentrate Procentrate
Concentration Procentration
Concept Procept
Conception Proception
Concern Procern
Concess Process
Concession Procession
Concessional Processional
Conclamation Proclamation
Conclaim Proclaim
Conclave Proclave
Conclivity Proclivity
Concreate Procreate
Concreation Procreation
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Concur Procur
Concure Procure
Condemn Prodemn
Condemnation Prodemnation
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Condense Prodense
Condigal Prodigal
Condigious Prodigious
Condigy Prodigy
Condo Prodo
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Congress Progress
Congression Progression
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Conhibit Prohibit
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Conjectile Projectile
Conjection Projection
Conjecture Projecture
Conjugal Projugal
Conjugation Projugation
Conjunction Projunction
Conjunctivitis Projunctivitis
Conlific Prolific
Conmenade Promenade
Conminence Prominence
Conminent Prominent
Conmise Promise
Connect Pronect
Connection Pronection
Conniption Proniption
Connive Pronive
Connoisseur Pronoisseur
Conpane Propane
Conpensity Propensity
Conportion Proportion
Conportional Proportional
Conportionate Proportionate
Conquer Proquer
Conquest Proquest
Conscribe Proscribe
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Conscription Proscription
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Conspiracy Prospiracy
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Constrictive Prostrictive
Constriction Prostriction
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Construction Prostruction
Construe Prostrue
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Contection Protection
Contein Protein
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Contestation Protestation
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Conviction Proviction
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Conwess Prowess
Conxy Proxy
Conximity Proximity
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arqbrasil · 1 year ago
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Desenho Alternativo valoriza a paisagem natural.
O Catarina Village, em Florianópolis, é um empreendimento residencial que valoriza a natureza. O projeto inclui um amplo jardim, espaços comuns luxuosos e foco em elementos sustentáveis. O empreendimento estabelece um novo padrão para projetos residenciais na região.
DesenhoAlternativo, @desenhoalternativo, @alexhanazaki, @giovanibonetti, @lfmzanoni, @procave, @taismbonetti, @marchettibonetti, #Arquitetura, #Florianópolis.
Publicado no Arqbrasil - https://arqbrasil.com.br/28369/desenho-alternativo-valoriza-a-paisagem-natural/
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penny-anna · 2 years ago
u know whenever a Certain Kind of ppl complain about '''modern art''' they always bring up the same handful of examples and it's always stuff that's like 50+ years old n its like damn at least put some effort in. if you care so much about art go to an actual art gallery!! you'll probably find something contemporary you think is a pointless waste of time.
you'll probably also find stuff you enjoy! and stuff you're indifferent to!! that's just how it is with art galleries. if everyone liked everything in them then they wouldn't be doing anything very innovative or procavative now would they.
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vivernapraia · 1 year ago
Victoria Residence, frente mar no centro, Procave pronto pra morar bem
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rodrigoisley · 3 years ago
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Em um cenário paradisíaco, o Brava Home Resort contempla uma construção consciente e tecnologicamente correta, emoldurada pela natureza nativa e por um projeto paisagístico fascinante. Conforto, segurança e infinitas possibilidades de lazer, para você apreciar em um endereço exclusivo. Um dos pontos mais belos do estado catarinense, a Praia Brava. Surpreenda-se com este empreendimento! Confira mais detalhes, agende uma visita comigo : 47-99911-9938 #imóveis #imoveis #imóveisdealtopadrão #altopadrão #altopadrao #altoluxo #luxury #balneáriocamboriú #balneariocamboriu #santacatarina #rodrigoisley #rodrigoisleyimoveis #imoveisbc #praia #ferias #férias #apartamento #apartamentos #corretordeimoveis #procave (em Balneário Camboriú) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVx1-pKJtlU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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procave-blog · 8 years ago
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Kennt Ihr schon das PROCAVE TopCool Seitenschläfer-Kissen ??? Perfekt für unsere Kuschelfreunde! Produktion 100% in Deutschland 👌 #träumwasschönes #schlafen #topcool #bett #bettwaren #sommer #procave #matratzen #matratzenschutz24 #erfurt #gesundschlafen #seitenschläfer #seitenschläferkissen #kuscheln #kuschelnimbett #kuschelbedürftig (hier: Erfurt, Germany)
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dragonsfell · 11 months ago
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There was little that Eli did to try to hide all parts of him turned angelkin. Wings were too big, ears as well which similarly found discomfort try to conceal them under headwear. Radiant eyes to see in the dark. Eli had never cared to be versed in the Weave, it was a part of him, but he did not desire to learn its talents for illusion and appearance altering.
He was what the Celestial has made him now, regardless if he had wanted to be made. Still he kept to tenets taught to him from the ancient order of monks who had served dragons.
If one such being was meant to do good, choice or not (yet he would have made the choice), Eli watches, ponders to himself that this must have been where the calling summoned him. The winds had first lead him to Harry, which was one of the more particular of folk that he has met across Faerûn.
It pains him too, he thinks; failing to keep his ears from twitching. The shadow that cast its over him in Barovia never left; he avoided reflections in water but the sounds of helpless still rang out loud.
❝ I may have more a procavity for settling problems and dealing swift justice to evil with fists. ❞ Eli didn't use to be that way, but things change and he has learnt two valuable things about Toril; martial law and violence went along way.
The aasimar smiles, good natured laugh following suit, ❝ I have nowhere near the eloquence of witty sorts. ❞ He means like bards and policiticans. Or wizards. Katya's memory will always scare him, still ruffles his features which his wings do ruffle a bit at the mere thought of her.
❝ Still, it's preferable to causing a row in the middle of the square. ❞
@dragonsfell from here
Even now, after so, so many years, there's a part of him that yearns to use the pain he witnesses. To take this unrest and try to mold it, to wield what would look like justice and shape it into personal power. And just as he has done for so many years, he tells himself that he will not. Not for personal gain.
Instead he regards this unusual traveling companion, whose nature is clear and who helped Harry nevertheless, for all the young dragon still wonders why, sometimes. It does not change that he is grateful, and that for now their paths align.
It does not change either how the grimness in Eli's tone is so sharply unusual, and once again Harry thinks about deities. About the temples he visited in his youth, before he knew better, and the kindness of common people dedicating their lives to serve or help in the name of good.
The kindness of people like Eli as well, for all he's far from common.
And then he thinks about the envoys of deities that are far from that kindness. Like he should be, as much as he refuses, for all his nature loves giving him timely reminders.
"It pains me to witness their suffering." He replies at last, tone quiet the smallest smile in his half-elven features there and gone at Eli's mention that he's listening. He knows it true. "And it pains me too to know it's not something that can be solved with ease. That these are complex matters, and yet they are justified in their claims."
Complex issues or not... well, Eli is a celestial, and Harry has been raised at court.
"Let us see if we can learn the exact why of it all." He suggests, for all he's already walking in that direction.
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mia-lambeth · 5 years ago
Text to ProCav
Mia: Hi Professor, Did you need me to babysit tonight? I just have to finish off an essay and then I can come right over. I have some cookies for Ellie and some pie for you.
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schoenerwohnentipps · 6 years ago
Wer (richtig) schläft, der ist
Aktuelle Studien betonen immer wieder die Notwendigkeit eines erholsamen und ausreichenden Schlafes für Körper und Geist.
Die Schlafhygiene spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für einen geruhsamen Schlaf:
Die Schlafzimmertemperatur sollte konstant bei 18 Grad gehalten werden. Außerdem sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass das Schlafzimmer morgens direkt nach dem Aufstehen gelüftet wird und dabei gleichzeitig Bettlaken und Toppen aufgeschüttet werden.
Einmal pro Woche sollten Bettlaken, Bett-und Kissenbezüge gewaschen werden, und die Matratze abgesaugt werden. Der Schlafanzug sollte ebenfalls regelmäßig gewechselt werden.
Der Matratzenschutz und das Unterbett sollten einmal monatlich gereinigt werden.
Pollen-Allergiker sollten ihre Anziehsachen nicht im Schlafzimmer, sondern in einem gesonderten Raum ausziehen und sich vor dem Zubettgehen die Haare waschen.
Personen, die öfters unter Rückenschmerzen leiden, sollten in eine qualitativ hochwertige Matratze investieren. Am besten eignen sich Matratzen, die nicht zu weich sind und sich der individuellen Körperform anpassen.
Eine wärmende Matratzenauflage ist ebenfalls sinnvoll um Rückenschmerzen akut zu behandeln und vorzubeugen. Wer erholt schlafen will, der ist übrigens mit Artikeln der Marke PROCAVE perfekt beraten. Diese können auf Matratratzenschutz24 bestellt werden.
Neben der Schlafhygiene entscheidet auch die Schlafroutine darüber, ob wir uns morgens fit und ausgeschlafen sind:
Die letzte richtige Mahlzeit sollte einige Stunden vor dem Zubettgehen zu sich genommen werden, damit der Körper zur Ruhe kommen kann und nicht noch mit der Verdauung beschäftigt ist. Es ist auch sinnvoll jeden Tag zur gleichen Uhrzeit ins Bett zu gehen, damit der Körper einem festen Rhythmus folgt.
Des Weiteren sollten alle Bildschirme (Fernseher, Smartphone, Tablet) konsequent aus dem Schlafzimmer verbannt werden. Das in den Bildschirmen enthaltene Blaulicht verlängert nicht nur die Einschlafphase, sondern verhindert auch, dass der Körper in die Tiefschlafphase fällt.
Beherzigen Sie alle diese Ratschläge, werden Sie seelenruhig schlummern und beim Weckerklingeln energiegeladen aus dem Bett springen.
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ironbullsmissingeye · 7 years ago
About five foot nine, dirty blonde hair, the type just long enough to not look stupid if you shaved one side of your head, hazel eyes, tan skin. Quirky and strange, with the eating patterns of a two year old and the music taste that has people reeling in confusion becauee, "Does Swedish folk metal even exist?" Self proclaimed nerd and gamer geek. Book enthuiast. An artist and singer. A performer with stagefright. Cursing at the slighest procavation. A writer and poet. A dark sense of humor.
Liza Trevelyan sounds like she might be a good match for you. She's spunky and takes no shit. She prefers to explore caves more than anywhere is, and loves to read about blood magic. Haven't eaten anything healthy in her entire life. Laughs at her own jokes, even when they're not funny.Maybe Kallak Brosca, he likes to read. He's fairly cultured for some who didn't grow up on the surface but he has a uncontrollable thirst for knowledge. He swear a lot...more than he should...sometimes he does it just for fun. Has a sense of humour that you don't realise he's made fun of you until your sat at home 2 hours later and you realise "that bastard..."
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hubertuskielcefirma · 4 years ago
Koń → pasze, suplementy, cukierki → pasze → Marstall: Marstall ProCaval -sieczka 25kg
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ProCaval - Marstall 25kg w kategorii Marstall / pasze objętościowe, sieczki / pasze / pasze, suplementy, cukierki / Koń. Cena 140.00 PLN Hubertus Kielce - sklep z akcesoriami jeździeckimi, sklep online. Kaski jeździeckie KED. Szaliki dla jeźdźców. Buty dla jeźdzców - czapsy. Baty do lonżowania. Ostrogi. Rękawiczki dla jeźdzców letnie. Bryczesy damskie. Koszulki dla jeźdźców. Kurtki dla jeźdźców. Koszulki konkursowe jeździeckie. Kamizelki ochronne dla jeźdźców. Akcesoria dla jeźdźca. Wodze dla konia. Patenty dla koni. Akcesoria do siodeł konne. Czapraki konne. Podkładki pod siodło dla koni. Derki padokowe dla konia. Kantary dla koni. Pas do lonżowania dla konia. Wcierki dla konia. Ochraniacze błotne dla konia. Ochraniacze stajenne dla konia. Gadżety dla konia. Ochrona przed owadami - derki siatkowe dla koni. Podkowa dla konia. Lizawki konne. Narzędzia stajenne dla koni. Hubertus ul. ks. Piotra Ściegiennego 81/2 25-114 Kielce Tel. 413 011 471
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ormondfotografia · 5 years ago
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Campanha para o Brava Mall/ PROCAVE shopping. Praia Brava Itajaí . AGÊNCIA @escalametra #advertising #photographylovers — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/381d13Q
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marcelaschmidtdesign · 6 years ago
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Encomendas para o Brava Mall, o novo shopping da Praia Brava em Itajaí. Um empreendimento PROCAVE. Essas duas artes serão para os banheiros do piso superior, que funcionarão como identificação. Além dessas teremos mais 5 artes que serão feitas diretamente na parede, aguardem!!! Obrigada dna @miriamalmeida786 ❤️ @procaveoficial @bravamall #itajai #praiabrava #arte #art #retrato #marcelaschmidtdesign (em Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsquprXlf9H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zj9wg7hgsc0j
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ourriyame · 5 years ago
Procaves, Pro AV, Pro Audio, Pro Video:- Everything one does for ourselves or our benefactors, should be aligned to the ultimate value they expect.People don’t invest in  Technology , but in  Experiences. Everything one does for ourselves or our benefactors, should be aligned to the ultimate value they expect.  Taking this experience to the higher level is what we could help you with. We will take that extra step for you to know and be aware how you can Raise The Experience.
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vivernapraia · 2 years ago
Casa Trancoso Estaleiro by Procave
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reviewzeitschrift · 6 years ago
Hier ist die Liste von 5 Besten Kopfkissen . 01. MaxxGoods orthopädisches HWS Nackenstützkissen 02. ZOLLNER Allergiker Kopfkissen 03. sleepling 2er Set 191115 Basic 100 Kopfkissen 04. UTTU Höhenverstellbares Memory Foam Kopfkissen 05. PROCAVE Dinkelkissen
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