#problematic Ace rep tournament
yusuke-of-valla · 8 months
After way too fucking long
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Final Round
Who will win? Will we decide on a definition for Problematic Ace that's less vibes based? TIME TO SEE
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Propoganda under the cut!
he works for a horrific unearthly force of knowledge. he got kidnapped three times in one season. he ended the world. his ex girlfriend is his only friend. he's addicted to others trauma. he can smite people with his mind. his boss was a stoner but also from the regency and he didn't notice. he's even biromantic.
He gets uncomfortable when someone flirts with/fangirls over him and that's like, the only time he avoids a conversation. If anything else is brought up he's glad to yell in math about it.
As for problematic, he'll backstab or run over anyone to get what he wants (to kill Annoying Twink Jesus to take his power and authority for himself) (he's gotten better about the killing and backstabbing but he's still an asshole). Also he steals junk to build into trash piles that he calls art and yells at people through a megaphone even if they're within normal conversational distance
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 1, Match 6
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propaganda under the cut:
He gets uncomfortable when someone flirts with/fangirls over him and that's like, the only time he avoids a conversation. If anything else is brought up he's glad to yell in math about it.
As for problematic, he'll backstab or run over anyone to get what he wants (to kill Annoying Twink Jesus to take his power and authority for himself) (he's gotten better about the killing and backstabbing but he's still an asshole). Also he steals junk to build into trash piles that he calls art and yells at people through a megaphone even if they're within normal conversational distance
War criminal :///
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 1, Match 5
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propaganda under the cut:
Asterion: He is entirely problematic on his own (i say this incredibly lovingly) and also as an aspec person his dialogue and arc resonated unreasonably hard w me so despite the fact that he's probably going to be submitted many times and/or you're already tired of hearing it...yeah. "but he fucks, even in some scenarios after telling you he's repulsed", the crowd may scream. to that i say "but that's not what being ace is about" and you are instantly vaporized
he made god so angry He made the sun turn people to stone. kinda problematic tbh
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yusuke-of-valla · 10 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 2, Match 3
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propaganda under the cut:
he made god so angry He made the sun turn people to stone. kinda problematic tbh
He gets uncomfortable when someone flirts with/fangirls over him and that's like, the only time he avoids a conversation. If anything else is brought up he's glad to yell in math about it.
As for problematic, he'll backstab or run over anyone to get what he wants (to kill Annoying Twink Jesus to take his power and authority for himself) (he's gotten better about the killing and backstabbing but he's still an asshole). Also he steals junk to build into trash piles that he calls art and yells at people through a megaphone even if they're within normal conversational distance
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 1, Match 8
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propaganda under the cut:
-confirmed as asexual -very cool hat -works for government surveillance :(
Mass murderer, canonical sadist and cannibal, masochist, the whole schtick. Has a whole rainbow of issues to work through and does not deal with his problems healthily.
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yusuke-of-valla · 10 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 2, Match 1
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propoganda under the cut:
For starters he is canonically ace as stated by the author Despite being the protagonist, Rex is very problematic being basically a grape with identity issues yet he managed to throw a whole city, if not the world, into chaos but hey at least he appeared on TV !
he works for a horrific unearthly force of knowledge. he got kidnapped three times in one season. he ended the world. his ex girlfriend is his only friend. he's addicted to others trauma. he can smite people with his mind. his boss was a stoner but also from the regency and he didn't notice. he's even biromantic.
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 1, Match 3
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propaganda under the cut:
i think theres a manga panel of him and dimple talking about love/romance and reigen says he doesnt really care for lust? my memory is so bad idk the specifics reigens not that problematic but you could count the fact that he pays mob 300 yen an hour i think
she's a good character and has several dimentions. but she's very overhyped as asexual rep. yes, she's confirmed to be aro and ace. no, this does not get brought up in the show. no, this does not affect her character in any way. i know that we should be thankful for any rep at all, but i really don't see the point of calling a character ace when this doesn't get mentioned or explored a single time in the source material. its just disappointing to know what could have been
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 1, Match 2
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propoganda under the cut:
he works for a horrific unearthly force of knowledge. he got kidnapped three times in one season. he ended the world. his ex girlfriend is his only friend. he's addicted to others trauma. he can smite people with his mind. his boss was a stoner but also from the regency and he didn't notice. he's even biromantic.
Ok ok hear me out: He is canonically the only one affected differently by Eros's arrows (technically they're corrupted by hatred or w/e but notably everyone else acts like an ass to everyone regardless of who they were looking at when struck and Neil mostly just gets really self-loathing and crying) Aphrodite says something to the effect of "if this is how it's affecting Neil, imagine how it will affect a normal person" (which like problematic phrasing if you go for the aroace interpretation but Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess who's the most often aroacephobic so) furthermore he keeps being conspicously absent in cases where like exeperiencing attaction to woman would be relevant (the ep where all the dudes are fighting over Medea, the ep with the Sirens) and while in the second season he does like ask girls out, it's pretty clear he's not actually into them.
The problematic part is that he's the descendant of Narcissus so there's like the corelation of not being romantically attracted to anyone and being selfish which is a pretty problematic part of this reading, also he is generally a little bitch (said lovingly). I think he cares about his friends a lot but ALSO he's a bitch.
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yusuke-of-valla · 10 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 2, Match 2
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propaganda under the cut:
i think theres a manga panel of him and dimple talking about love/romance and reigen says he doesnt really care for lust? my memory is so bad idk the specifics reigens not that problematic but you could count the fact that he pays mob 300 yen an hour i think
Asexual: Second-hand information here, but the writer said Titania is likely asexual. Also implied in-game. Titania says she couldn’t love her gf in the ways her gf wanted, no matter how hard she tried.
Problematic: -Lies to gf about true feelings for two years -Verbally abused a friend so bad that they attempted to abandon emotion -Kills a lot of evil team, many who are sympathetic characters -Just kinda rude in general
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 1, Match 4
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propaganda under the cut:
Asexual: Second-hand information here, but the writer said Titania is likely asexual. Also implied in-game. Titania says she couldn’t love her gf in the ways her gf wanted, no matter how hard she tried.
Problematic: -Lies to gf about true feelings for two years -Verbally abused a friend so bad that they attempted to abandon emotion -Kills a lot of evil team, many who are sympathetic characters -Just kinda rude in general Peridot:
Implied to be ace given her disinterest in fusion. Problematic ace rep because she's the embodiment of the "asexual who's cold and emotionless because they're ace." At one point asks Garnet why she fuses because "there's no practical purpose."
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yusuke-of-valla · 10 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 2, Match 4
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propaganda under the cut:
-confirmed as asexual -very cool hat -works for government surveillance :(
It is consistently implied that Jughead considers food more important than all else, doesn't really care for women, and has no interest in sex. He was confirmed as ace by the author The thing that makes him like, very mildly problematic is that it sometimes ends up making him act more misogynistic, especially in the older comics. I also think that, once again in a lot of the older material, the fact that the jokes about Jughead being ace were mostly "haha he eats and doesn't care about girls 🤪", but I still love and relate to him, so I don't think he's problematic in terms of being ace representation, more in terms of how he was portrayed previously. Also Riverdale exists and that's enough to make me mad
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 1, Match 7
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propaganda under the cut:
Hua Cheng:
Ace: Only loved one man his entire life, never had sex for 800 years or wanted to anyway, was willing to never if his love didn't love him back. Thinking along the lines of demisexual. Problematic: Ghost king, killed 33 gods for disrespecting his god, known for being a terror to heaven, general asshole towards anyone who isn't who he loved. Spent 800 years semi-stalking as best he could his love, lied about who he was, made 10,000 statues of his love and horny wall art.
It is consistently implied that Jughead considers food more important than all else, doesn't really care for women, and has no interest in sex. He was confirmed as ace by the author The thing that makes him like, very mildly problematic is that it sometimes ends up making him act more misogynistic, especially in the older comics. I also think that, once again in a lot of the older material, the fact that the jokes about Jughead being ace were mostly "haha he eats and doesn't care about girls 🤪", but I still love and relate to him, so I don't think he's problematic in terms of being ace representation, more in terms of how he was portrayed previously. Also Riverdale exists and that's enough to make me mad
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 1, Match 1
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Note: the definition of "problematic" and "rep" is up to you. Propoganda under the cut:
For starters he is canonically ace as stated by the author Despite being the protagonist, Rex is very problematic being basically a grape with identity issues yet he managed to throw a whole city, if not the world, into chaos but hey at least he appeared on TV ! Chizuru: She canonically doesn’t get horny and is jealous of another character for being loud about her love so I believe she’s aroace. As for being problematic, she egged on a twenty year old man to start dating a seventeen year old girl (tbf they were being blackmailed but you still shouldn’t do that).
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yusuke-of-valla · 1 year
Now accepting submissions for the Problematic Asexual Rep Tournament
Got a character who's ace AND problematic? Submit them here!
The only requirement is you have to be able to make a strong case for a character being asexual if it's not stated canonically for whatever reason.
Other than that the meanings of "problematic" and "rep" are up to you, go ham we're having fun here
Here is the form, if I get enough characters I'll run it
Pls reblog :P
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yusuke-of-valla · 9 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament Round 3, Match 1
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Propoganda under the cut
he works for a horrific unearthly force of knowledge. he got kidnapped three times in one season. he ended the world. his ex girlfriend is his only friend. he's addicted to others trauma. he can smite people with his mind. his boss was a stoner but also from the regency and he didn't notice. he's even biromantic.
Asexual: Second-hand information here, but the writer said Titania is likely asexual. Also implied in-game. Titania says she couldn’t love her gf in the ways her gf wanted, no matter how hard she tried.
Problematic: -Lies to gf about true feelings for two years -Verbally abused a friend so bad that they attempted to abandon emotion -Kills a lot of evil team, many who are sympathetic characters -Just kinda rude in general
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yusuke-of-valla · 9 months
Problematic Ace Rep Tournament, Round 3, Match 2
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Propoganda under the cut
He gets uncomfortable when someone flirts with/fangirls over him and that's like, the only time he avoids a conversation. If anything else is brought up he's glad to yell in math about it.
As for problematic, he'll backstab or run over anyone to get what he wants (to kill Annoying Twink Jesus to take his power and authority for himself) (he's gotten better about the killing and backstabbing but he's still an asshole). Also he steals junk to build into trash piles that he calls art and yells at people through a megaphone even if they're within normal conversational distance
It is consistently implied that Jughead considers food more important than all else, doesn't really care for women, and has no interest in sex. He was confirmed as ace by the author The thing that makes him like, very mildly problematic is that it sometimes ends up making him act more misogynistic, especially in the older comics. I also think that, once again in a lot of the older material, the fact that the jokes about Jughead being ace were mostly "haha he eats and doesn't care about girls 🤪", but I still love and relate to him, so I don't think he's problematic in terms of being ace representation, more in terms of how he was portrayed previously. Also Riverdale exists and that's enough to make me mad
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